EA Ahmed Kimo Wako Bottled Water

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Environmental Audit Report

Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water

Zone: West Arsi
Woeda: Adaba
Proponent: Ato Ahmed Kimo
Tele: 0911-442404

Consultant: Sinke Development Consultants PLC

Email: workudevt.consultants@gmail.com
Tele: +251-911-407065
Addis Ababa
Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing


I. Lists of Tables and Figures .................................................................................................................................. 3

II. List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................................... 4
III.Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 5
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
2. Audit Team ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
3. Background ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
4. Environmental Audit Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 General Environmental Audit Objectives ....................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Specific Environmental Audit Objectives.................................................................................................. 10
5. Audit Scope .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
6. Audit Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 11
6.1 Start-up Meeting ................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.2 Collecting Evidences ............................................................................................................................................ 13
6.3 Site Inspection ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
6.4 Verification of Gathered Data ........................................................................................................................... 14
6.5 Evaluation of Audit Findings ............................................................................................................................ 14
6.5.1 Environmental Policies and Strategies ..................................................................................................... 15
6.1.2 Sectoral Policies and Strategies .................................................................................................................. 16
6.1.3 Legislative instrument .................................................................................................................................... 17
6.6 Wrap-Up Meeting .................................................................................................................................................. 22
7. Environmental and Social Audit Findings ....................................................................................................... 23
7.1 Compound Inspection .......................................................................................................................................... 23
7.2 Records and Documentation ............................................................................................................................. 24
7.3 Material Storage System .................................................................................................................................... 24
7.3.1 Chemical Store ................................................................................................................................................. 24
7.3.2 Material Store ................................................................................................................................................... 25
7.3.3 Product Storage System ................................................................................................................................ 25
7.4 Production Process ............................................................................................................................................... 26
7.5 Waste Management System of the Company............................................................................................... 28
7.6 Liquid Waste Management ................................................................................................................................ 28
7.8 Air Emission Control Mechanism ..................................................................................................................... 30
7.9 Strength of Environmental Unit ........................................................................................................................ 30
7.10 Emergency Response Preparedness of the Company ............................................................................. 30
7.11 Industry Public Relationship ........................................................................................................................... 31
7.12 Occupational Health and Safety ................................................................................................................... 31
7.12.1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ..................................................................................................... 31
7.12.2 Appropriate Signs Displayed ..................................................................................................................... 31
7.12.3 Lavatories and Showers .............................................................................................................................. 32
7.12.4 Fire Protection ................................................................................................................................................ 32
7.12.5 First Aid ............................................................................................................................................................ 33
12.12.6 Cafeteria Service .................................................................................................................................................. 33
7.12.7 Insect Killer ..................................................................................................................................................... 33
7.8. Summary of Audit Finding .............................................................................................................................. 34
9. Recommendation ................................................................................................................................................... 36
Annex 1: Terms of Reference /TOR/ .................................................................................................................... 38
Annex 2: Audit Checklist.......................................................................................................................................... 40
Annex 4. Proponent’s Business License ........................................................................................................................ 46
Annex 5: Consulting Firm’s Business License .................................................................................................. 47

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

I. Lists of Tables and Figures

Lists of Tables

Table 2.1: List of Company Personnel Contacted During Environmental Auditing” ... 8
Table 8.1: “Summary of Audit Findings” ................................................... 35

List of Figures

Fig 6.1: Orientation and Observation .................................................................. 13

Fig 7.1: Storage of Hazardous Chemicals” ............................................................ 25
Fig 7.2: “ Raw Water .......................................................................................... 25
Fig 7.3: “Left to Right: Photographic Record of Lab Center, Raw Water Tanker,
Active Carbone, Multi-Media Tanker, Filler” ........................................................ 27
Fig 7.4: “Left to Right: Photographic Record of Production, Packaging, and Final
Production Store” .............................................................................................. 28
Fig 7.5: From Left to Right: Overflow Water, Water Drainage, and Largo used for
Chain Lubricating”.............................................................................................. 29
Fig 7.6: Scrapes of Bottles, PVC Pipes Stored in Designated Solid Waste Storage
Site” .................................................................................................................. 30
Fig 7.7: Used Tires etc Left ................................................................................. 30
Fig 7.8: “Warning Signs Displayed at All Sensitive ................................................ 32
Fig 7.9: “ Lavatory Facility” ................................................................................. 32
Fig 7.10 : “First Aid Kit” ...................................................................................... 33
Fig 7.11: “Cafeteria Service” ............................................................................... 33
Fig 7.12: Insect Killer .......................................................................................... 34

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

II. List of Abbreviations

 AKW-GBW- Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

 EA- Environmental Audit
 EPFCCA- Environmental Protection, Forest and Climate Change Authority
 ESMP-Environmental & Social Management Plan
 L-Litter
 PPE-Personal Protective Equipment

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

III. Executive Summary

Drinking water is a basic necessity. We should drink at least two liters a day.
But the way we satisfy this basic need should be in an environmentally friendly
manner such as tap water and bottled water. Some research findings reveal
that the per capita consumption of bottled mineral water in Ethiopia has grown
continuously during the past couple of years due to the increase in number of
bottled water manufacturers.

Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing-AKW-GBW is one of

the company manufacturing bottled water from the Shahe spring water located
at a distance of 5km meter from the premises of the company. It is located in
West Arsi-Zone, Adaba Woreda, Kebele 02. The company installed a fully
automatic technology capable of producing 12,000 bottles of water per hour.

It is obligatory for companies engaged in production of some kind to comply to

environmental and social legislations, standards and policies of the country. As
a result, this environmental audit (EA) is carried out based on the audit outline
and content of the Regional Government of Oromia, Environment, Forest and
Climate Change Authority requiring existing industries to undertake
environmental audit and submit reports every year with a letter dated

In order to evaluate the impact of the activities of AKW-GBW, an assessment of

the location in terms of compatibility and the production processes and
material storage mechanism of the company, documentation of environmental

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

and occupational health and safety issues, waste management practices of the
company is undertaken.

Accordingly, standard questionnaire is administered to the management and

key staff to obtain information during company inspection as well as
examination of records and documents of the company. For further
information, please see Annex 2.

This Audit finding indicated that the operation of AKW-GBW has little negative
impact on the environment, but there are some issues of concern to be taken
into account such as installing covered drainage structure for over flow water,
constructing a separate drainage channel (from the over flow water) for
hazardous wastes used for lubrication such as “Largo”, posting company
Tapela at the main gate, putting quick wins to easily access various sections of
the administrative office as well as engaging the company cafeteria service for
its staffs, keeping log books /appropriate documents/ with regards to its
environmental and occupational health and safety operation.

1. Introduction

Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing (AKW-GBW -) is established in

West Arsi-Zone, Adaba Woreda, Kebele 02 in the year 2002 to manufacture
bottled water with an average production capacity of 12,000 bottles of water
per hour with 2L, 1.5L, 1L and 1/4L of bottles.

The company uses spring water as a source of raw material which is located at
about 5km away from Adaba Town in Bucha Kebele. Then, the raw water is
stored in a 110m3 /90,000 litter/ raw water tanker then drains to the
treatment room such as sand tank for purification, then goes to active carbon
tanker followed by filler tanker, nano and ozone mixer whereby the pure water
is stored in a clean water tanker as depicted in Fig 7.1.

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

Using Life-Cycle Assessment Model, the production process is thoroughly

monitored so as to evaluate cases of environmental and occupational health
and safety problems if any.

As a consequence of the realization of some impact of various companies such

as AKW-BW, the government of Ethiopia has put in place appropriate
measures through its Environmental Protection Authority /currently known as
Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission/ which is responsible
for ensuring that all businesses and organizations in the country comply with
environmental laws that protect the environment and public health.

Accordingly, the Regional Government of Oromia, Environment, Forest and

Climate Change Authority required existing industries to undertake
environmental audit and submit reports every year with a letter dated

In essence therefore, Environmental Audit Report (EAR) of AKW-BW designed

to protect the environment with specific objectives of:
 Evaluating its compliance with environmental legislation and company policies
 Measuring performance against the approved environmental management plan
of the company
 Examine health and safety management practices of the company for both
employees and the local community
 Examine significant risks including chemical use, waste management, risk of
soil and ground water contamination, and fire and explosion risks

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

2. Audit Team

The audit team consisted of a team leader and technical specialist from the
environmentalist and social science professionals.

Worku Abebe, is the General Manager and Consulting Team leader of this
Environmental Audit.

Mr. Abiy Mulat is part of the Technical team of this Environmental Audit work
having MSC degree in Environmental Science with outstanding work
experience in undertaking environmental impact assessment studies including
environmental audit function.

The technical team also comprises Mr. Dawit Hailemichael, BA degree in social
science. Both the technical audit members have professional license from
“Environment, Forest ad Climate Change Commission” as Environmental and
Social Impact Assessment, senior Professional analysts and are a staff of the
consulting firm, working as consultants since 2018 to date.

The audit team also conducted discussion and interviews with the
undermentioned company employees:
Table 2.1: List of Company Personnel Contacted During Environmental Auditing”
No Full Name Position
1 Zeleke Gebisa Administration Head
2 Feyisa Usman Production Manager
3 Rihobot Mitiku Quality Manager
4 Kemal Dheko Lab Technocian

3. Background
Amed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing (AKW-GBW) is located
in West Arsi-Zone, Adaba Woreda, Kebele 02. It is established in the year 2002

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

E.C. with an investment capital outlay of 19,420,958.36 birr to manufacture

bottled water with a production capacity of 12,000 bottles of water with various
sizes such as 2L, 1.L, 1L AND 1/4l bottles. It has created job opportunity for
about 111 full time employees and 23 casual workers.

The company has developed the spring water located in West Arsi Zone, Adaba
Woreda, Bucha Kebele at about 5km south of Adaba Town at Tefera & Halila
Mountain Hill. The Town of Adaba is located at about 345 KM south of Addis
Ababa, and 95 Km from the Town of Shashemene (Zonal Town). It can be
accessed either through Assela and/or Shashemene with a newly constructed
asphalt road. The spring water is located

The company is situated in 5000 m2 land surrounded by local road in the

north and west and public land in the south and east. The company comprises
well-furnished administrative offices, product-processing center and lab center,
final product warehouse. Its compound is cement concert coated flour and
greenish compound. It has also a separate solid waste segregation and storage

4. Environmental Audit Objectives

In accordance to “Environmental Impact Assessment Procedural Guideline:

Series 1 November, 2003, Addis Ababa”, Audit is defined as “The process
through which how well compliance with policy objectives and regulatory
requirements is met and the fidelity of the implementation of conditions
attached to an approved environmental impact assessment report is examined”
Therefore, the general and specific objectives of this Environmental Audit is
presented as follow:-

Prepared By: Sinke Development Consultants PLC 9

Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

4.1 General Environmental Audit Objectives

The general objective of this Environmental Audit is to review and assess the
activities of AKW-GBW and its impacts on the environment and community
against the approved Environmental Impact Assessment Report of the
Company and its compliance to the national Environmental and Social laws,
regulations and policies.

4.2 Specific Environmental Audit Objectives

The Specific Environmental Audit Objectives are:

 Ensuring compliance, not only with laws, regulations and standards, but also
with company policies and the requirements of the Environmental Management
Plan of the company
 Enabling environmental problems and risks to be anticipated and responses
 Minimizing human exposure to risks from environmental health and safety
problems associated with its operations
 Assure management that potential exposure to compliance problems is known
and being reduced to acceptable levels;
 Verify adequacy of environmental management and organizational structure;

5. Audit Scope

This Environmental Audit is done in accordance to the Government of Ormia

Region, Environment, Forest and Climate Change Authorities Audit outline.
Hence it covers the review of overall operation of AKW-GBW in line with the
Companies approved ESMP and the national environmental and social policies

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

and standards of the country. In so doing, the audit scope covers the following

 Review of company documents with regards to its environmental and

occupational health and safety concerns
 Preparing environmental audit questionnaire thereby conduct interviews
of concerned company managers and associated personnel
 Conducting actual observation through site inspection to verify the
existing environmental management practice such as air quality, soil
quality waste management system
 Reviewing the company’s material storage and handling practices like
raw material store, hazardous material store, final product store, etc
 Reviewing the whole production process of the company to identify how
the company’s occupational and safety management is practiced such as
the provision and practical use of PPE, the existence of first aid,
emergency plan, fire protection mechanism etc.

 The scope of this environmental audit also comprises the company’s

undertaking in the last one years of its operation i.e 2020/2021

6. Audit Methodology

Audit information was obtained and verified through the use of various
techniques such as document reviews, interviews using audit checklists, and
field observations.

 First: interviews were conducted with AKW-GBW Manager and related

company personnel. These interviews helped to determine the interaction
between various AKW-GBW organizational units and to assess general
understanding of environmental management systems and adherence to
procedural requirements.

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

 Second: "documents pertaining to the approved environmental and social

management plan are reviewed to verify the formality of the system and
to confirm interview information.
 Third: direct observations of personnel, production processes, and
procedures further verified and supported data obtained through
interviews and document reviews.
 Finally, audit checklists were developed and used to facilitate the audit
techniques, to evaluate the application of the approved Environmental
and Social Management Plan of the Company and to identify areas of
deficiency and areas of excellence.

6.1 Start-up Meeting

The main objectives of the start-up meeting is to ensure that everyone involved
in the environmental audit understands how the audit is going to be carried
out and what is to be achieved. Hence, the Audit Team made clear that the
audit is an opportunity for both the auditor and auditee as a plat form for
learning and improvement and will be carried out in an open, cooperative and
transparent manner.

Accordingly, an initial briefing meeting has been conducted at the premises of

the company by the team of the Consulting Firm and various units of AKW-BW
Manufacturing and its associated personnel on 02/12/2021. Both
environmental impacts such as soil pollution, water pollution, air pollution,
solid and liquid waste management practices as well as social issues which are
related to employment, OHS, etc are described and discussed in detail
culminated by collected the necessary data and physical observations.

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

Fig 6.1: Orientation and Observation”

6.2 Collecting Evidences

The Audit Team has deployed a semi-structured Audit Interview

Checklist/TOR/ which comprises:

 The existence of institutional workplace environmental policy if any

 Companies Production Process Flow
 Environmental and occupational health and safety practices
 Measures practiced by the company to comply with the approved environmental and
social management plan of the company to ensure pollution control such as quality of
air, water, soil, as well as waste management practices
 Ensuring the proper management of hazardous materials such as chemicals, fuels etc

Accordingly, evidences of the company’s current practices of environmental and

social concerns are taken in both hard and soft copy using interviews, photos
and video records as attached as annex 2 at the end of this report.

6.3 Site Inspection

The actual site inspection has been conducted on Dec 2, 2021. During the
actual field visit, the whole production process right from raw materials
sourcing, storage through to the final product storage facilities has been
observed by the Audit Team. Photos and videos of the whole production
process has been taken and documented.

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

During this phase, the company Manager and some of the respective company
personnel have taken full responsibility in briefing the whole production
process. During site inspection, all environmental and occupation health and
safety issues such as personal protective equipment provision and usage by
company workers, waste management practices of the company such as solid
and liquid wastes, hazardous materials storage facilities like H2O2 (Hydrogen
Per Oxide, NAOCL HCL, Largo NAOH (Caustic Soda) fuel, chemicals etc. has
been dealt in detail.

6.4 Verification of Gathered Data

The Audit Team has conducted both field and desk-based data collection
methods. This audit assesses AKW-GBW’s Management and respective
personnel’s level of understanding of the production process in association with
the level of environmental and social impacts it poses. Hence, face-to-face
discussions with members of staff about the production process, and their
roles and responsibilities, as well as whether or not operators follow
environmental friendly working procedures in their day-to-day jobs has been
verified during the field visit whereby the EA Team tried to confirm the
accuracy of system descriptions, and the plausibility and adequacy of risk
assessments, control measures and operational procedures. Paperwork
(methods and procedures, records and results) has also been examined as per
the evaluation criteria set for this purpose.

6.5 Evaluation of Audit Findings

The criteria set to conduct environmental audit refers to check systems against
procedures, standards and legal requirements. The assigned audit team has
audited the mine site of the Company to come up with improvement
recommendations. The audit activity, mainly emphasized on compliance of the
company with pollution control, labour, health and water proclamations.

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

Relevant articles from each proclamation have been identified and compared
against the current practice of the factory.

6.5.1 Environmental Policies and Strategies

Ethiopia has different levels of policies and legislative frameworks that cover
various aspects of environmental management and sustainable development
issues. This includes the Constitution, which provides the foundation for all
policies and legislations, the National Environmental Policy (NEP), that
provides the framework for environmental legislations and sectoral policies that
deal with specific sectoral environmental issues. The Constitution

The Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia provides the

overriding principles and legal provisions for all legislative frameworks in the
country. The concept of sustainable development and the environmental rights
of the people are enshrined in the Constitution by the following articles that
stipulate the right of people in Ethiopia.

Article 44: Environmental Rights

 All persons have the right to live in a clean and healthy environment.

Theses Constitutional provisions have served as the guiding principles for all
activities that are related to policy formulation, strategy development and the
formulation of legislative and institutional framework for environmental
protection. The Environmental Policy of Ethiopia (EPE)

The Environmental Policy of Ethiopia (EPE) contains sectoral policies that may
ensure the promotion of sustainable industrial development in the country.
More specifically, Article 3.8 of EPE provides policy directions for the control of

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

hazardous materials and pollution control from industrial waste. This sectoral
policy emphasizes the importance of pollution prevention and minimization as
the primary approach for pollution control. To this effect,

Article 3.8 states (EPA 1997,15):

To adhere to the precautionary principle of minimizing and where possible
preventing discharges of substances and to disallow the discharges when they
are likely to be hazardous.

Article 3.8, more specifically (EPA 1997, 16) states:

To promote waste minimization process, including the efficient recycling of
materials wherever possible.

In addition to the policy direction stipulated under article 3.8, the sectoral
policies on mineral resources, on energy resources and water resources have
policy provisions that promote preventive environmental management more
Article 3.4f (EPA 1997, 10) states:
To involve water resources users, particularly women and animal herders, in the
planning, design, implementation and follow up in their localities of water
policies, programmes and projects so as to carry them out without affecting the
ecological balance.

6.1.2 Sectoral Policies and Strategies National Health Policy and Strategy

The health Policy and strategy of the government is based on the belief that
health policy cannot be considered in isolation from policies addressing
population dynamics, food availability, acceptable living conditions and other
requisite essentials for health improvement and shall therefore develop effective
inter-sectoral for a comprehensive betterment of life. Article 2 of the General
policy states the ‘development of the preventive and promotive components of

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

health care’ as one of the basic policy component. The promotion of

occupational health and safety (Article 2.2.2) and the development of
environmental health (Article 2.2.3) are identified as priority policy areas for
the health sector.

Article 3.4 of the policy states that inter-sectoral collaboration shall be emphasized in
‘developing safe disposal of human, household, agriculture, and industrial wastes
and encouragement of recycling’ Ethiopian Water Resources Management Policy

The Federal Government of the Democratic Republic of Ethiopia issued a
comprehensive and integrated water resources management policy in 1998.
The policy document outlines the following as the general policy objective:
 Development of the water resources of the country, for economic and social
benefit of the people, on equitable and sustainable basis.
 Allocation and apportionment of water based on comprehensive and integrated
plans and optimum allocation principle that incorporate efficiency of use, equity of
access, and sustainability of the recourses.
 Conserving, protecting and enhancing water resources and the overall aquatic
environment on sustainable basis.

6.1.3 Legislative instrument

The Federal Government of Ethiopia is in the process of passing a number of

proclamations that are aimed at providing the legislative instruments for the
implementation of the national environmental policy objectives and strategies.
The council of representatives of FDRE enacted the following environmental
protection proclamations. Proclamation of Environmental Pollution Control (No. 300/2002)

This proclamation contains general provisions on pollution control,

environmental standards, powers and duties of environmental inspectors,
rights to appeal and offences and penalties. The pollution control component

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

includes provisions on management of hazardous wastes, chemicals and

radioactive substances, management of municipal wastes and protection of the
ozone layer. The proclamation has provision on forfeiture, cancellation and
restoration. More specifically:

Article 3.1 No person shall pollute or cause any other person to pollute the
environment by violating the relevant environmental standard.

Article 3.3 Any person engaged in any field of activity, which is likely to cause
pollution or any other environmental hazard shall, when the authority or the relevant
regional environmental agency so decide, install a sound technology that avoids or
reduces, to the required minimum, the generation of waste and, when feasible, apply
methods for the recycling of waste.

Article 3.4 Any person who cause any pollution shall be required to clean up or pay
the cost of cleaning up the polluted environment in such a manner and within such a
period as shall be determined by the Authority or by the relevant regional
environmental agency. Proclamation on Environmental Impact Assessment (No. 299/2002)

This proclamation requires all licensing agencies have to ensure that EPA or
the respective Regional Environmental Agency has authorized their
implementation prior to issuing any type of license for projects. The EIA
proclamation includes provisions on:
Categories of EIA requirements, duties and responsibilities of the project
proponent and the competent authority, procedures on EIA report and its
approval, conditions of offense and the ensuing penalties and conditions of
public participation in the EIA process.

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing Proclamation on Public Health (No. 200/2000)

The proclamation contains general provisions on water control, occupational
health control and use of machinery, waste handling and disposal. It also
contains provisions on penalty and obligation to cooperate. More specifically:

Article 10.3. It is prohibited to discharge untreated liquid waste generated from

septic tank, seepage pits, and industries into water bodies, or water convergences.

Article 11.1. Any person shall ensure the availability of occupational health service to
his employees.

Article11.2 The use of any machinery or instrument, which generates excessive

noise, is prohibited. Any person who uses such machinery or instrument shall install
noise reducing apparatus or instrument.

Article 12.2 No person shall dispose solid, liquid or any other waste in a manner,
which contaminates the environment, or affect the health of the society. Labour Proclamation

The proclamation 377/2003 is promulgated in the recent time after revision of

the previous labour law proclamation No. 42/1993. However, in terms of safety
and health, it is similar if not identical to its predecessor and it contains inter
alia labour conditions, occupational safety, health and work environment. It
enunciates the obligation of employers and employees. This is stated in article
92 and 93. More specifically:

Article 92. an employer shall take the necessary measure to safeguard the health and
safety of the workers; he shall in particular:

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

Article 92.2 Take appropriate steps to ensure that workers are properly instructed
and notified concerning the hazards of their respective occupations and precautions
necessary to avoid accident and injury to health; ensure that directives are given and
also assign safety officer; establish an occupational safety and health committee …

Article 92. 3 Provide workers with protective equipment, clothing and other materials
and instruct them of its use.

Article 92.6 ensures that the work place and premises do not cause danger to health
and safety of the workers.

Article 92. 8 Implement the directive issued by the appropriate authority in

accordance with this Proclamation. Proclamation on Water Resource management

As it is stated in the preamble of the proclamation, the Proclamation deals with

water resource management, protection and utilization, which ultimately is to
the highest social and economic benefit of the people of the land. It contains
Articles among others:

Article 7 Preference Among Uses – domestic use shall have priority over and
above any other water uses.

Article 11 necessity of permits …no person shall perform the following

activities without having obtained a permit from the supervising body:
a) Supply water, whether for his own use or for others;
b) Release or discharge waste into water resources unless otherwise provided for
in the regulation to be issued for the implementation of this proclamation.

Thus, the information gathered and data collected together with the overall
findings of this Audit report has been reviewed in line with the approved
Environmental and Social Management Plan of the Company vs the
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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

environmental management practices of its facility. The key rules in discussing

the findings are: -
 The exact nature of the environmental parameters such as qualities of air,
noise, soil and water as well as occupational health and safety practices of the
company against the approved ESMP.
 Identifying the existing level of compliance and gaps if any thereby
communicating the extent of the environmental and social impacts identified.
 Triangulating data collected from the company’s environmental procedural
practices through document review, face-to face discussion as well as the actual
field observation so that identify any environmental gaps/impacts if any.
 Providing constructive environmental and social management recommendations
to be followed by the company to fill the gaps.

Therefore, the Environmental and Health and Safety performance of the Farm
has been evaluated using the under mentioned parameters:

Table 6.1: The Performance Indicator Score Point with Brief Description ”
Indicator Score Description
Full Compliance 3 The project is fully in compliance with /EHS-PR/ and local environmental,
FC health and safety policies and guidelines.
Partial Compliance 2 The project is not in full compliance with /EHS-PR/ but has systems,
PC processes or mitigation measure in place which are working towards
addressing the deficiencies.
Non-compliance: 1 The project is not in compliance with /EHS-PR/ and the systems, processes
NC and mitigation measures in place are not working towards addressing the

Number of compliance to EHS-PR per indicator point will be added thereby the
its percentage against the total point will be computed as: -

 >75% Full Compliance

 51%-74% Partially Compliance
 Below 50% Non-Compliance

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

The scoring ranges from point 3 to 1 with 3 being the highest score which is
full compliance and 0 being non-compliance to EHS-PR. Accordingly, the risk
vs the confidence level of the company will be assessed as the table below.

Risk Medium PC PC NC
High Medium Low
Level of Confidence

In nut shell, the EHS-PR evaluation result of the company is presented in

Section 8 of this report.

6.6 Wrap-Up Meeting

At the end of data collection phase and evaluation of findings including

outcome of impact evaluation of the company process on the environment and
human health, the Audit Team has conducted exit meeting with AKW-GBW
Manager and respective personnel to discuss major audit findings and

As Audit Tram, we observed that AKW-GBW management, supervisors and

staff exhibited a high degree of understanding and acceptance of the
importance of environmental protection and a positive attitude toward the
environmental aspects of their job responsibilities. This outlook is highlighted
by the company Manager's active participation and assistance in this audit
and by the fully cooperative, helpful, and positive attitude of AKW-GBW
personnel toward audit team members.

Accordingly, the Audit Team has presented its observation and findings as as
per the audit checklist attached in Annex 2 as well as Annex 3 ( Wrap-up

Prepared By: Sinke Development Consultants PLC 22

Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

Meeting minutes) of this report to the management summarizing its findings

possible impact evaluation results.

Finally, this Environmental Audit Report has been prepared for use of the
management of the company and approving authority: in this case- West Arsi
Zone EPFCCA hopping that the wrap-up meeting (in case needed) will be
conducted after the review and comment of this report by approving authority.

7. Environmental and Social Audit Findings

This Environmental Audit investigates environmental and social management

process practiced by the proposed company in line with its approved ESMP
thereby identified the non-compliance impacts with recommended actions to
be followed as described in detail herein under.

7.1 Compound Inspection

AKW-GBW is a well-furnished and cement concrete coated floor compound. It

has a very attractive outlook having a G+1 administrative building, production
processing warehouse, raw material tanker capable of containing 90,000
Litters of raw water, a designated place to store solid waste, greenery area and
fenced with hallow block.

There is also a drainage structure built for overflow water though need to be
covered by concert structure and/or PVC pipes to protect its possibility of being

The company has also built good outlook cafeteria though not currently serving
its employees.

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

Last but not least, the company’s solid wastes are well managed except some
reservation such as used tires, scraps of pallets which are left here and there
which spoils the company’s attractive outlook. It also need to post company
Tapela at the main gate to easily being identified for all including the visitors

7.2 Records and Documentation

One of the methodologies adopted during this Environmental Audit is

document review. Accordingly, the Audit Team has reviewed various
documents such as the Company’s approved ESIA report, personnel files,
disciplinary procedures, etc to mention a few. Thus we confirmed that the
company has:

Legal Permits

AKW-GBW has legal Business License as a “Manufacturer of bottled water” by

Oromia Regional State-Trade Bureau dated 09/06/2002 E.C. with Business
License No: OR/02/01/01/000000122/2002.

7.3 Material Storage System

The company uses spring water as a main source of its products, plastic
bottles with caps and packaging plastics. All have a separate store. The overall
storage system of AKW-GBW is examined with due consideration of the raw
materials usually raw water tanker as well as finished products such as bottled
water as described here-in under below.

7.3.1 Chemical Store

There are hazardous substances used by the company such as H2O2 (Hydrogen
Per Oxide (for disinfectant), NAOCL and HCL (for lab re-agent preparation),
Largo (for lubrication NAOH (Caustic Soda) etc. These hazardous wastes are
stores in a separate and locked warehouse located at the floor of the building
as shown below:

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

Fig 7.1: Storage of Hazardous Chemicals”

7.3.2 Material Store

The raw water which is coming from the spring is stored in a raw water tanker
capable of containing 90,000 Litter as depicted in Picture Fig 7.2.

Fig 7.2: “ Raw Water Tanker”

7.3.3 Product Storage System

As per our observation, products are stored is a separate warehouse on a clean

(free of obstacles to air flow) as depicted in Fig 7.3

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

7.4 Production Process

The first step for setting up a water purification plant is the analysis of source
of water. After the chemical analysis, the specifications of the purification plant
are set. In the purification plant, source water is stored in the feed water tank,
passes through the sand filter for preliminary water filtration. Water then
passes through the dosing Pump-I where chlorine is added to kill the germs in
the water. After the chlorination, water passes through carbon filter. It helps in
the maintenance of proper odor and taste of the water. It also removes chlorine
from water. Water is then passes from dosing pump-II, where Sodium Meta
Bisulphate is added. It helps in dechlorination of water. Water is filtered next
and passes through dosing pump-III, where anti scallant is added. It prevents
scaling of membrane from calcium, magnesium and biological growth. Water
then passes through reverse osmosis module. This stage of the process makes
water clear from all the contaminations and minute particles. Water then
passes through dosing pump-IV, where minerals are added for taste
development. After this stage, water undergoes Ultra Violet treatment to avoid
any contamination from bacteria and other microorganisms. The water then
passes through Ozonator to further kill the germs and microorganisms. Water
then passes through automatic washing, filling and capping plant. Here water
is filled into bottles. After filling bottles are taken into the ware house or
shipped to the retailers.

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

Fig 7.3: “Left to Right: Photographic Record of Lab Center, Raw Water Tanker, Active Carbone, Multi-Media Tanker, Filler”

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

Fig 7.4: “Left to Right: Photographic Record of Production, Packaging, and Final Production Store”

7.5 Waste Management System of the Company

Solid wastes might originate from scrapes of plastic bottles, during power
interruption and packaging materials. And, liquid waste might come from
overflow of the production.

7.6 Liquid Waste Management

Since the spring water source is directly connected to the raw water tanker
through 90mm HDPE pipe water, sufficient amount of water is poured to the
raw water tanker then processed to the production center as explained above.
However, around 6 Litter water per second will be released as overflow of water

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

from the raw water tanker. In this case, it will be drained to adjacent irrigable
land using open drainage structure. However, the over flow water is mixed with
hazardous liquids such as Largos which should not be the case.

Thus overflow water should drain separately to protect it from the possibility of
being contaminated and polluted which in turn has the possibility of polluting
the environs.

Fig 7.5: From Left to Right: Overflow Water, Water Drainage, and Largo used for Chain Lubricating”

7.7 Solid Waste Management

Scrapes of plastic bottles originate as solid wastes during blowing the bottles as
a result of power interruption. Therefore, such solid wastes will be collected
and stored in a separate open area temporarily for sale to other companies for
recycling. However, storing such plastic materials in open area might pollute
the environs. Hence, shed should be constructed for such scraps to store in
safe manner.

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

Fig 7.6: Scrapes of Bottles, PVC Pipes Stored in Designated Solid Waste Storage Site” Fig 7.7: Used Tires etc Left Outside”

7.8 Air Emission Control Mechanism

We have observed that the company built air ventilation system. Hence, the air
is very regulated.

7.9 Strength of Environmental Unit

The company assigned safety officer who is responsible for environmental,

occupational and safety concerns.

7.10 Emergency Response Preparedness of the Company

The Environmental Audit team has learned that the company is not practicing
any form of emergence response mechanism. Hence, we recommend the action
plan for emergency situations is prepared by the Human Resource Department
and/or the Production Department.

The emergency plan should define emergency situations and all scenarios
which can happen within company facilities and even outside of production
sites as well as the actions of each individual in emergency situations. On top

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

of this, the company needs to deploy muster point whereby company workers
assemble to protect themselves in case of any emergency.

7.11 Industry Public Relationship

As per the Audit Teams observation, AKW-GBW has good relationship with the
local community. On one hand, it creates huge job opportunity for the local
people, allows local people to get pure water source for irrigation purpose.

7.12 Occupational Health and Safety

This Environmental Audit section of the “Occupational Health and Safety”

considers the actual observation on the provision and effective utilization of
PPE, putting in place safeguards on machineries, putting appropriate signs,
fire protection as well as work methods trainings as described herein under.

7.12.1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

As per the Company Manager’s explanation, the company has provided PPE for
all its concerned employees like working wears, gloves and face masks. From
our observation, we proofed that all workers were wearing face masks, and
hand gloves and working wears.

7.12.2 Appropriate Signs Displayed

Signage must be in accordance with international standards and be well known

to and easily understood by workers, visitors, and the general public as
appropriate. According, we observed that the company has posted appropriates
such warning signs as mentioned below:
 “No entrance to lab Room without authorized person”
 No entrance to water treatment center without authorized person”
 “High Voltage”
 “Fire Hazard”

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

On top of this, all authorized staffs will undergo bacterial free checking before
entering a purification center.

Fig 7.8: “Warning Signs Displayed at All Sensitive Sites”

7.12.3 Lavatories and Showers

Adequate lavatory facilities (toilets and washing areas) are available with
adequate supplies of running water and soap.

Fig 7.9: “ Lavatory Facility”

7.12.4 Fire Protection

The company has already installed fire extinguisher in its premises.

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

7.12.5 First Aid

We observed that there is first aid kit in the premises of the company.

Fig 7.10 : “First Aid Kit”

12.12.6 Cafeteria Service

The company has built cafeteria integrated in the main administrative building.
However, still the cafeteria is providing its intended service for the staffs due to lak of
interested bidders though the company auctioned to outsource its service to outsiders.
Currently coffee service is the only activities undertaken so far.

Fig 7.11: “Cafeteria Service”

7.12.7 Insect Killer

The company has installed insect killer

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

Fig 7.12: Insect Killer

7.8. Summary of Audit Finding

Some of the non-compliance audit findings are:-

 Releasing overflow water in open drainage channel

 Mixing hazardous liquid waste such as Langos with overflow water
 Lack of well documented safety records such as safety related training logbook
on Occupational safety and health provided by the company as well as incident
logbook whereby they can register any incidents such as staff injuries, if any
 Lack of Emergence Response Procedures
 Solid waste specially scraps of pallets, used tires etc are kept elsewhere outside
the designated solid waste storage site
 The Company does not have Tapela and quick-wins

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

In nut shell, the Environmental Audit Findings are summarized as depicted in

Table 8.1 below:-

Table 8.1: “Summary of Audit Findings”

Focal Area Audit Area Indicators Score Status Recommendation for

1. Environm Institutional Awareness PC OSH training is Awareness training should
ental workplace Training given to employees be documented
Sustainab environment
ility policy
Planning. Structures to Environmental FC The safety officer is
address unit in place responsible to deal
environmental environmental
issues issues
No of accidents NC Nil so far Incident log book should
Incidents and
be in place
Raw materials FC Spring water
and final products development is in
Storage System
place with
appropriate tanker
at the
2. Pollution Waste Initiatives to PC Selling scrap Some solid wastes like
Control management segregate, bottles for recycling used tires scraps of pallets
interventions reducing, reusing, companies are left outside
and recycling of
Waste water PC Lubricating agents
emission such as Largo is
drained with
overflow water
which is risk to the
Air pollution Initiatives to FC No air pollution
control reduce Air Provision of PPE
measures pollution
Noise pollution Noise pollution FC Is within
control acceptable level
since the company
deployed the latest
3. Occupatio Workers safety PPE PC PPE is provided like
nal Health mask, gloves and
and Safety working wears
Appropriate Signs FC Is available at
Displayed designated sites
Lavatories and FC Available with
Showers adequate water and
sanitary facility

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

Fire Protection FC Fire extinguisher is

First Aid FC Is available Safety officer is
Medical care FC Free of charge

NC No procedure is in Need to deploy a well-

Emergency place documented procedure
Response with appropriate training
Preparedness of for all staffs and deploy
the Company Muster point
No of Total % Point
Indicator Points
Scores Points
FC 9 3 27 73%
PC 4 2 8 22%
NC 2 1 2 5%
Total Score 37 100%

As shown above, the company’s EHS performance aggregate score is in 5%,

22% and 73% non-compliance, partial and full compliance. Therefore, its
overall rating is high confidence with low risk which means the company is
performing environmentally safe with slightly some limitations.

9. Recommendation

AKW-GBW management and staff exhibited a high degree of understanding

and acceptance of the importance of environmental protection and a positive
attitude towards occupational health and safety issues. This outlook is
highlighted by company Manager's active participation and assistance in this
audit and by the fully cooperative, helpful, and positive attitude of company
personnel toward audit team members.

While findings from this audit are relatively few in number, the substance of
the management and compliance deficiencies identified need to be taken care
of as per the following recommendation:

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

 Solid wastes such used tires, scrapes pallets, etc. need to be stored in
designated solid waste collection site like the one used for preform, iron bar,
cups etc.
 Log books should be available to register incidents/accidents as well as
occupational safety and health training
 There should be Emergence Response Procedures
 Liquids wastes coming out from hazardous chemicals such as largos used as
lubricating agent of the chains should be treated using chambers and
sediments and by no means drains directly into the overflow water as it affects
both the soil and water
 Overflow water is draining in open channels but should flow in PVC pipes
and/or the existing drainage structure should be covered cement concrete to
protect it from being contaminated
 The company need to post company name “Tapela” in front of the main gate
 Posting quick wins such as indication of Administrative office, secretary office
etc should be posted in visible locations
 Cafeteria is built but need to engage into its intended purpose serving the
company staffs

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

Annex 1: Terms of Reference /TOR/

This TOR is prepared by Sinke Development Consultants PLC to undertake Environmental &
social Compliance audit and Social Audit of Ahmed Kimo Wako Bottled Water.
1. Objectives of the EA:
1.1 General
The general objective of this Environmental & social Compliance audit is to review and assess
the activities of the company and its impacts on the environment and community against the
approved Environmental & social management plan of the Company and its compliance to the
national Environmental & social laws, regulations and policies.
1.2 Specific Objectives
 To review the project Environmental & social Compliance audit and social management plan.
 To evaluate how project activities and processes conform to the approved Environmental & social
Compliance audit and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and Environmental & social Compliance
audit legislations.
2. Audit Scope
Appraise all the project activities, including the production process, management practices of the
Environmental & social Compliance and occupational health and safety issues taking into
consideration Environmental & social Compliance with regulatory frameworks, Environmental
standards, and applicable policies health and safety measures. In doing so, the audit scope covers
the following undertakings:-
 Review of company documents with regards to its Environmental & social management practices
and occupational health and safety undertakings
 Preparing Environmental & social Compliance audit questionnaire thereby conduct interviews of
concerned company managers and associated personnel
 Conducting actual observation through site inspection to verify the existing Environmental &
social management practice such as air quality, soil quality, waste management system etc
 Reviewing the company’s material storage and handling practices like storage of raw materials-
and, product store, etc
 Reviewing the whole production process of the company to identify how the company’s
occupational and safety management is practiced such as the provision and practical use of PPE,
the existence of first aid, emergency plan, fire protection mechanism etc

3 Audit Methodology

Key informant interviews, document reviews, and field observations are the key methodologies
used to undertake this Environmental & social Compliance audit.
 Conduct key informant interview to determine the interaction between various organizational
units and to assess general understanding of Environmental & social Compliance management
systems and adherence to procedural requirements.
 Document Review pertaining to the company’s undertaking with respect to the approved
Environmental & social management plan

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

 Observation of production processes and procedures further verified and supported data
obtained through interviews and document reviews.
4. Deliverable

The draft audit report will be submitted to West Arsi Zone EFCCA as a consolidated
Environmental & social Compliance audit report which is the approving authority and to the
client and approving authority.

5. Timeframe for the ESA: The audit is expected to be undertaken within seven days/excluding
time for review and approval by approving authority/ ranging from Dec 3rd 2021 to Dec 10th
6. Implementation Time Table
No Key Tasks Deadline Responsible Body
1 Data Collection
1.1  Kick of meeting/inception meeting/ Day One
 Document Review including company Consulting Team
ESIA report
 Conduct Key Informant Interview
 Undertake Field Observation
2 Data Analysis and Reporting
2.1 Analyzing the data against the applicable polices Day 2-3 (2-days) Technical Team and Company
and standards /Assessment Criteria/ Manager
2.2 Prepare EA report and make a briefing to the Day 4-5 (2-days)
company management/Wrap-up meeting/
2.3 Prepare the initial draft and submit Environmental Day 6
Consulting Company Manager
Audit Report to WAZ-EFCCA which is the
approving authority to check and approve
2.4 After getting the approval of the audit document, Day 7
duplication of the final audit report and submit to Consulting Company Manager
the Client and Approving authority

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

Annex 2: Audit Checklist

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

Annex 3: Summary Minute

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Environmental Audit Report of Ahmed Kimo Wako (Geda) Bottled Water Manufacturing

Annex 4. Proponent’s Business License

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Annex 5: Consulting Firm’s Business License

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