مقاومه مواد محاضرات د.فرات
مقاومه مواد محاضرات د.فرات
مقاومه مواد محاضرات د.فرات
Mechatronics Department
2nd Year
Dr. Furat Ibrahim Hussein Al-Najjar
Mechanics of Materials,
Eight Edition,
Pearson, 2011.
Why Mechanics of Materials? SAFETY and COST !!
Anyone concerned with the strength and physical performance of
natural/man-made structures should study Mechanics of Materials
Mechanics of materials is a branch of applied mechanics that
studies the behavior of solid bodies subjected to various types
of external loading and the resulting internal effects of stresses
and strains in a solid body that is subjected to an external
The main objective of the study of mechanics of
materials is to provide us with the means of
analyzing and designing various machines and
load bearing structures.
• Results:
A 40 kN Cx 40 kN C y 30 kN
4 500 10 6 m 2 2.52 102 m 25.2 mm
Compressive stress
When a section is subjected to two equal
and opposite push forces, as a result the
body tends to shorten.
Transverse Lateral
generally in 0 < ν < 0.5
Example 3.2: A load of 5 kN is to be raised with the help of a steel wire. Find the
minimum diameter of the steel wire, if the stress not exceeds 100 MPa.
Example 3.5: Determine the stress in each section of the bar shown in the figure
below when subjected to an axial tensile load of 20 kN. The central section is 30
mm square cross-section; the other portions are of circular section, their diameters
being indicated. What will be the total extension of the bar. Take E for the bar
material as E = 210 GN/m2.
Example 3.6: The 8 kg lamb is supported by two rods AB
and BC as shown in the figure. If it AB has a diameter of l0
mm and BC has a diameter of 8 mm. determine the average
normal stress in each rod.
Example 3.7: A steel bar of cross section 500 mm2 is acted upon by the forces
shown in the figure below. Determine the total elongation of the bar. For steel,
consider E = 200 GPa.
Example 3.8: The bar in the figure below has a constant width of 35 mm and
thickness of 10 mm. Determine the maximum average normal stress in the bar when
it is subjected to the loading shown.
Example 3.9: The pinned members shown below carry
the loads P and 2P. All bars have cross-sectional area A.
Determine the stresses in bars AB and AF.
Example 3.10: A steel bar ABCD 4 m long is subjected to forces P1, P2, P3 and P4
as shown in the figure below. Find the elongation of the bar. Take E for the steel as
200 Gpa.
Example 3.13: A compound bar ABC 1.5 m long is
made of two parts aluminum and steel, the cross
sectional area of Al is twice of the st. bar. The rod
is subjected to an axial tensile load 200 kN. If the
elongations of Al and st. are equal, find the lengths Example 3.14: A steel bar 2 m long and
of the two parts of the compound bar. Take E for 40 mm in diameter is subjected to an
the steel as 200 GPa and for the Al as one third of axial pull of 80 kN. Find the length of
E for steel. the 20 mm diameter bore, which be
centrally carried out, so that the total
elongation should increases by 20%
under the same pull. Take E for the bar
material as 200 Gpa.
Example 3.15: A circular steel road
ABCD of different cross sections is loaded
as shown in the figure. Find the maximum
load induced in the rod and its deformation.
Take E as 200 GPa. Quiz: A bar of steel, having a rectangular
cross-section 7.5 cm by 2.5 cm, carries an axial
tensile load of 180 kN. Estimate the decrease in
the length of the sides of the cross-section if
Young’s modulus, E, is 200 GN/m2 and
Poisson’s ratio, ν, is 0.3.
Quiz: The piston of a hydraulic ram is 40 cm diameter, and the
piston rod 6 cm diameter. The oil pressure is 1 MN/m2. Estimate the
stress in the piston rod and the elongation of a length of 1 m of the rod
when the piston is under pressure from the piston-rod side. Take Young's
modulus as E = 200 GN/m2.
Deformation of a body due to its weight
For a slice of length dx and area A the applied
Load is:
Derive this
P = Force applied on bar (N)
L = Length of the bar (m)
d1 = Diameter of the bigger end of the bar (m), and
d2 = Diameter of the smaller end of the bar (m)
Derive this
Stresses in Composite Bars
Derive this
Example 3.17: A bar ABC, rigidly fixed
at A and 1 mm above the lower support, is
subjected to an axial load of 50 kN at B as
Example 3.16: A round tapered alloy bar 4 m long shown in the figure. If the cross sectional
is subjected to load as shown in the figure below. area of the section AB is 100 mm2 and
Find the change in the length of the bar. Take E for that of section BC is 200 mm2. Find the
the bar material as 120 GPa. reactions at both ends of the bar. Also,
find the stresses in both sections. Take E=
200 GPa.
Example 3.18: A reinforced circular section
of 50000 mm2 cross sectional area carries
six reinforcing bars. Each bar has a diameter
of 0.4 in.. Find the safe load, the column can
carry if the concrete is not to be stressed
more than 35 bar. Take modular ratio for Example 3.19: An alloy bar of 1m length has
steel and concrete as 18. square section throughout, which tapers from
one end of 10 mm x 10 mm to the other end
of 20 mm x 20 mm. Find the change in its
length due to an axial tensile load of 30 kN.
Take E for the alloy as 120 GPa.
Stresses and strains in statically indeterminate structures
A statically indeterminate system means
that the reactions and internal forces
cannot be analyzed and determined by
the application of the equilibrium
equations of static alone.
1 kip =
4448.2216 N =
4.4482216 kN
Example 3.25: The two vertical rods Example 3.26: As shown in the figure
attached to the light rigid bar in the figure below, a rigid beam with negligible
below are identical except for length. weight is pinned at one end and attached
Before the load W was attached, the bar to two vertical rods. The beam was
was horizontal and the rods were stress- initially horizontal before the load W =
free. Determine the load in each rod if W 22 ton was applied. Find the vertical
= 6600 lb. movement of W.
Stresses in Nuts and Bolts
Whenever a nut is tightened, the bolt will Compressive
be subjected to tension whereas the washer stresses
and the body of the nut will be subjected
to compression.
Stresses ΔT
Thermal Deformation
Thermal Strain
Example 3.30: Determine the values of the stress in portions AC and CB of the steel bar shown
in the figure below when the temperature of the bar is -50oF, knowing that a close fit exists at
both of the rigid supports when the temperature is 75oF. Use the values E = 29 x 106 psi and α =
6.5 x 10-6/oF for steel.
Example 3.31: A bar made up of aluminum and steel is held between two supports as shown in
the figure below. The bars are stress free at a temperature of 38oC. What will be the stresses in
the two bars when the temperature is 21oC, if (a) the supports are unyielding, (b) the supports
come nearer to each other by 0.1 mm. Take Est=200 GPa, Eal= 75GPa, αst = 11.7 x 10-6/oC and
αal = 23.4 x 10-6 /oC.
Example 3.32: A flat steel bar of 200mm x 20mm x 8mm is placed between two aluminum bars
of 200mm x 20mm x 6mm so as to form a composite bar as shown below. All the three bars are
fastened together at room temperature. Find the stresses in each bar when the temperature of the
whole assembly is raised by 50 oC. Assume: Est=200 GPa, Eal= 80 GPa, αst = 12 x 10-6/oC
and αal = 24 x 10-6 /oC.
Example 3.33: A bar made up of Example 3.34: A rigid slab weighting 600 kN is
aluminum and steel is held between two placed upon two bronze rods and one steel rod
unyielding supports as shown in the each of 6000 mm2 area at temperature of 15oC as
figure below. An axial load of 200 kN is shown below. Find the temperature at which the
applied at B at 320 K. Find the stresses stress in steel rod will be zero. Take Est=200 GPa,
in each material when the temperature Ebr= 80 GPa, αst = 12 x 10-6/oC and αbt = 18 x
is 370 K. Take Est=210 GPa, Eal= 70 10-6 /oC.
GPa, αst = 12 x 10-6/K and αal = 24 x
10-6 /K.
Example 3.35: A steel rod of 20 mm Example 3.36: As shown in figure below, there is
diameter passes centrally through a tight a gap between the aluminum bar and the rigid
fitting copper tube of external diameter of slab that is supported by two copper bars. At
40 mm. The tube is closed with the help 10°C, Δ = 0.18 mm. Neglecting the mass of the
of rigid washers and nuts threaded on the slab, calculate the stress in each rod when the
rod. The nuts are tightened till the temperature in the assembly is increased to 95°C.
compressive load on the nut is 50 kN as For each copper bar, A= 500 mm2, E = 120 GPa,
shown in the figure below. Determine the and α = 16.8 μm/(m·°C). For the aluminum bar, A
stresses in the rod and the tube, when the = 400 mm2, E = 70 GPa, and α = 23.1
temperature of the assembly falls by 50 μm/(m·°C).
K. Take Est=200 GPa, ECu= 100 GPa,
αst = 12 x 10-6/K and αcu = 18 x 10-6 /K.
Example 3.37: A rigid bar of negligible weight is supported as shown in in figure below. If W =
80 kN, compute the temperature change that will cause the stress in the steel rod to be 55 MPa.
Assume the coefficients of linear expansion are 11.7 μm/(m·°C) for steel and 18.9 μm / (m·°C)
for bronze.
Shear Stresses and Strains
When a body is subjected to two and equal opposite
forces, acting tangentially across a resisting section, as
a result the body tends to shear off across the section
due to the internal exist forces in the plane of the
section. These elementary internal forces are called
Shearing Forces.
shear stress
Shearing stresses
shafts, structures, bolts, pins, and rivets
For different loading situations, we draw the FBD and determine the average shearing
stress in each plane and or the portion of bolt located between single or more planes.
Derive this
Example 3.38: What force is required Example 3.39: Compute the shearing
to punch a 20 mm diameter hole in a stress in the pin at B for the member
plate of 25 mm thickness? The shear supported as shown in Figure. The pin
strength is 350 MPa. diameter is 20 mm.
Example 3.40: A 200-mm-diameter pulley is Example 3.41: Two blocks of wood, width w
prevented from rotating relative to 60-mm- and thickness t, are glued together along the
diameter shaft by a 70-mm-long key, as joint inclined at the angle θ as shown in the
shown in the figure. If a torque T = 2.2 kN·m figure. Using the free-body diagram concept
is applied to the shaft, determine the width b in Fig. 1-4a, show that the shearing stress on
if the allowable shearing stress in the key is the glued joint is τ = P sin 2θ / 2A, where A is
60 MPa. the cross-sectional area.
Example 3.42: Referring to the figure, Quiz: Two 1.75 in. thick rubber pads are
compute the maximum force P that can be
bonded to three steel plates to form the shear
applied by the machine operator, if the
mount. Find the displacement of the middle
shearing stress in the pin at B and the axial
plate when the 1200 lb load is applied.
stress in the control rod at C are limited to
Consider the deformation of rubber only. Use
4000 psi and 5000 psi, respectively. The
E = 500 psi and ν = 0:48 for rubber.
diameters are 0.25 inch for the pin, and 0.5
inch for the control rod. Assume single shear
for the pin at B.
Working Stress and Factor of Safety
When designing machine parts, it is desirable to keep the stress lower than the maximum or
ultimate stress at which failure of the material takes place. This stress is known as the
working stress or design stress. It is also known as safe or allowable stress.
working stress = design stress = safe stress = allowable stress
FS Typical values range from 1.5 (for relatively low consequence, static load cases) to 10 (for
shock load and high safety risk applications).
Shearing Force (SF) and Bending Moment (BM) Diagrams
SF and BM diagrams are useful as they
give clear picture of the distribution of
SF’s and BM’s along a beam.
Shearing Force and Bending Moment Diagrams
2. If there is no load between two points, then the SF do not change (SF line is
horizontal). But, the BM changes linearly (BM line is inclined straight).
3. If there is uniformly distributed load between two points, then SF changes linearly
(SF line is inclined straight). But the BM changes according to the parabolic law (BM
line is parabola).
4. If there is a uniformly varying load between two points then the SF changes
according to the parabola law (SF line is parabola). But the BM changes according to
cubic law.
Cantilever Beams Cantilever Automatic
Welding Machine
Cantilever with
a point load at
5) Cantilever Beams
its free end Cantilever with
a uniformly
distributed load
Cantilever with a
gradually varying
Example 4.5: Draw SFD and BMD for a cantilever beam of span 1.5 m
carrying point loads as shown in the figure below..
Example 4.6: Draw SFD and BMD for the following loaded cantilever
Example 4.7: Draw SFD and BMD
for the following loaded cantilever
*In a bending beam, a point or a location at which no bending occurs. In a bending moment
diagram, it is the point at which the bending moment curve intersects with the zero line.
Quiz: The dead-weight loading along the
centerline of the airplane wing is shown in the figure.
If the wing is fixed to the fuselage at A, determine:
1) the reactions at A.
2) draw the shear and moment diagram for the wing.
3) the maximum +ve and -Ve BM.
4) the point of contraflexure.
Before applying M
► The N.A. of a section always passes through its centroid. Thus to locate
and draw the NA of a section we should find out the centroid of the
section and then draw a line passing through this centroid and normal to
the plane of bending.
► If the section of a beam is symmetrical, its center of gravity and hence
NA will lie at the middle of its depth.
Flexure Formula
► The flexure formula, shows that the stresses are directly proportional to
the bending moment M and inversely proportional to the moment of inertia I
of the cross section.
► Also, the stresses vary linearly with the distance y from the neutral axis.
Stresses calculated from the flexure formula are called bending stresses or
flexural stresses:
► If the bending moment in
the beam is positive (+), the
bending stresses will be
positive (tension) over the
part where y is negative, that
is, over the lower part of the
beam. The stresses in the
upper part of the beam will be
negative (compression).
Example 5.3: A SSB, 2 inch wide by 4 inch high and 12 ft long is subjected to a
concentrated load of 2000 lb at a point 3 ft from one of the supports. Determine:
1) the maximum stress and,
2) the stress in a layer located 0.5 in from the top of the beam at midspan.
Example 5.4: A cantilever beam, 50 mm wide by 150 mm high and 6 m long, carries a load
that varies uniformly from zero at the free end to 1000 N/m at the wall. (a) Compute the
magnitude and location of the maximum flexural stress. (b) Determine the type and magnitude
of the stress in a layer 20 mm from the top of the beam at a section 2 m from the free end.
Derive this
Example 6.2: A solid steel circular shaft has to transmit 100 kW at 160 rpm. Taking
allowable shear stress at 70 MPa. Find the suitable diameter of the shaft. The maximum
torque transmitted which exceeds the mean by 20%.
Example 6.3: What is the minimum diameter of a solid steel shaft that will not twist
through more than 3° in a 6 m length when subjected to a torque of 12 kN·m? What
maximum shearing stress is developed? Use G = 83 GPa.