Ankle Foot Injuries
Ankle Foot Injuries
Ankle Foot Injuries
85% of all ankle sprains involve some plantar flexion of the ankle and
inversion of the foot.
The remaining 15% consist of eversion mechanisms which are often the
result of an outside force such as being fallen on from the outside.
The syndesmosis ligament is often also injured
with an eversion force. If the tibia and fibula
spread on the talus, the ankle mortise is
disrupted and the ankle can become very
unstable. It is also not unusual to see an
associated fibula fracture with an eversion
mechanism. (see x-rays below) Assessment of a
syndesmosis sprain will be difficult for the
initial 24 to 48 hours. If the ankle is quite
swollen and edematous assessment of a
syndesmosis sprain may be difficult until the
pain and swelling have isolated to individual
areas or x-rays show some spreading of the
ankle mortise.
Ankle Ecchymosis
Maison - Neuve type fracture.
Distal Fibula fracture with
associated medial deltoid ligament
disruption. This injury is frequently
the result of the foot being planted
with a valgus load applied to the
Notice the disruption of the medial
deltoid ligament and the widening
between the medial malleolus and
the talus. This is indicative of a
ruptured deltoid ligament.
Os Trigonum
This fracture requires surgical fixation of the fibula using a
screw and plate system. The plate should be removed prior
to return to competitive athletic activity as it will cause
stress areas in the bone at each end of the plate. Recovery
time (return to athletic activity) for a generally healthy
patient with this type of fracture will be in the 6 month
Name the Injury
Talar Dome - AVN
Talar Dome - AVN
A. Mechanism of Injury
1. strain of plantar fascia-usually at medial insertion
into calcaneus
2. middle strip of plantar fascia sometimes involved
3. lateral strip almost never involved
B. Possible Responsible Factors
1. shoes
2. artificial turf
3. severe pronation
4. excessive weight
5. leg length discrepancy
6. tight bed sheets
A. Mechanism of Injury
1. direct or microtrauma to an interdigital nerve
2. 90% of neuromas involve the 3rd common digital
nerve approximately 10% involve the 2nd common
interdigital nerve - 3 & 4 metatarsals
B. Possible Responsible Factors
1. poorly cushioned and or tight shoes, high heels
2. pronation - nerve gets pinched between the heads of
the 3rd and 4th metatarsals and the base of the proximal
phalanx of the 3rd & 4th toes
3. hard surfaces
4. leg length discrepancy
Calcaneal Apophysitis (Severs Disease) (pump bumps)
A. Mechanism of Injury
A. Mechanism of Injury
C. Structures involved
1. sesamoids
2. joint capsule
3. flexor brevis
4. plantar 1st metatarsal head
Treatment Sesamoiditis
Sesamoid fracture
1. cast for 3 weeks - BK
2. post-op shoe
Surgical excision of affected sesamoid in resistant cases very often will
not heal. If hallux valgus present should correct at time of surgery,
because weakening of flexor apparatus will increase deformity. This is a
last resort in most cases as it changes the bio mechanical forces on the
flexor tendons and if a single sesamoid is left in place, the weight
bearing mechanics of the foot are greatly altered.
Turf Toe
A. Mechanism of Injury
2. flexor apparatus
3. possibly sesamoids
D. Treatment
1. rest, ice, elevation, compression
2. possible immobilization and non weight bearing
3. shoe modifications - spring steel splint
4. activity is resumed within the limits of pain
Starting with flat foot walking, then normal gait, then jogging,
then straight ahead running at full speed, next running from
stance, last performing cutting maneuvers.
5. taping the toe to prevent injury from recurring
6. anti-inflammatories
7. surgery - for capsular repair in non responsive cases
Misc. Aggravations
3. Treatment
a. deep & wide toe box
b. débride hyperkeratotic tissue regularly
c. Vaseline
d. padding - Spenco 2nd skin
- moleskin
Ingrown Nails
a. pedal nails
b. nail bed
c. distal phalanx - possible formation of subungual
3. Treatment
a. drain hematoma as soon as possible
b. if nail partially avulsed - remove nail completely &
débride the nail bed
- start soaks & topical antibiotics
c. if chronic, hypertrophied nail
- keep nail débrided back & thinned as much as possible
- complete avulsion of nail plate with destruction of
Plantar Verruca (Warts)
a. hyperhidrosis
b. abrasions to plantar surface of the foot
c. exposure to verruca virus
- showers- locker rooms - brothers & sisters
d. age - most commonly seen in teen years
Specific Structure Involved
3. Treatment
A. Mechanism of injury
Sight evaluation
a) swelling?
b) deformities?
c) discoloration?
Palpation evaluation
examine ligaments
Research has shown that in a hospital based E.R. of every 6 ankles approved
for x-ray under the O.A.R. (Ottawa Ankle Rules), 5 have no radiographic
findings. Steill, I.G., JAMA, 269:1127-1132, 1993.
•Clinical ankle exam
If the patient needs x-rays, they will usually present with lateral fibular
malleolus pain in the distal 6 cm, medial tibial malleolus pain in the distal 6 cm
or pain to palpation over the proximal tip of the 5th metatarsal or the
The inability to bear weight may indicate a lesion to the dome of the Talus or
other associated trauma to the other structures of the ankle which may require
x-ray study.
Squeeze test - check malleolus (2)
Check tibia and fibula
7. Functional tests
a) walking - check gait
b) toe raises
1) both feet
2) one foot
c) jump and land on both feet and then on one foot
Homan's Sign - patient is supine on the table, the knee is fully extended and the foot is
dorsi flexed. Reproduction of pain with localized edema is considered a positive test for
deep venous thrombophlebitis.
That’s All