Quiz Assignment Un SDG Sanchez

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Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


Student Name: _Evone Sotil Sanchez_______________ Student Number: _21-1-00968_____

Date Submitted: _November 7, 2022________________
Title of the Activity: _Quiz – Assignment – UN SDG_____



The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of all the 193 countries belonging to the United Nations,
is an urgent call for action by all the countries to transform the world and make a global positive effect
through their partnership with one another. The goals include inclusivity for all even with diverse beliefs
and traditional roots. The goal is set to be achieved by 2030 and is still being implemented in each
country. The purpose of this paper is to see the connection of the 17 SDGs to the subject of
Environmental Conservation in Tourism and see how it relates to protecting the environment as well as
all life forms in the world.

Goal 1: No Poverty

Poverty is the root of all of why these goals are being implemented
to be done so. Poverty is not just about putting an end to it, because
truthfully speaking, poverty is an out of hands problem in our society. To
connect it toward Environmental Conservation, sometimes, due to
poverty, people tend to go past the line of limits, like cutting trees to sell,
exploiting lands to build stilt houses, living in the bay of any bodies of
water to protect themselves from any harm and disasters caused
naturally, throwing trash into where they can just throw it, living in the side
of the road to those who cannot afford to have a home, all because they
had zero access to basic services such as property, natural resources to
economic and financial stability. This is why we must build resilience
towards those who needed it the most to reduce their exposure to being vulnerable to climate-related
events and even man-made fault events. By protecting people who are experiencing necessities in life,
we can lessen the number of people ravaging their life in a place where it should be considered a place
or sanctuary for the environment such as soil fields and water areas. We cannot deny that people live to
survive by all means possible even if it would take them to overuse and use resources that are not and
cannot be used for the humanities' needs. And this cause overwhelming problems, the poor can cause
soil erosion, land degradation, and even deforestation, but at the same time, the natural calamities and
these events affect them by having lesser access to food and water which is the highest degree of need

QF-PQM-035 (03.05.2022) Rev.05


Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


to survive. To eradicate poverty is to let these poor people have a proper education and job, and to create
a plan that will maximize all their actual needs in a plan that will be adequate for all types of genders and
social levels in life. Protecting the poor is also protecting the environment, if they have access to a better
life, then it means that they could have better access to life, and forget about clinging their life to the
environment that may suffer due to overuse and overpopulation.

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Our nature is the direct source of our food income that people need
in their everyday life to live. To eliminate hunger is like to eliminate poverty,
it is hard and challenging because according to Action Against Hunger’s
statistics, almost 828 million people still go hungry around the world, and
those are a lot of people to feed. Over the years, people tend to see less
on protecting nature just to satisfy their needs, and over the years people
multiply faster than in the previous century making a different pattern for
consumption. People nowadays as I can say only consume foods that they
want and throw away what they do not want, resulting in a lot of waste,
and where does this waste go? Some may use it as fertilizer, but mostly
these wasted foods only go to garbage and trash. Food security is at risk
due to humans' neglect to understand that their unbalanced cooperation to protect nature will surely and
soon, affects them as well. Droughts, landslides, floods, water, and land pollution, and soil erosion are
just a few of the many effects of unsustained due to the uncalled-for wrongdoings of humans.
Environmental Conservation enlightens us on how a simple throwing of food that we do not want is one
of the most needed keys to the survival of others. This helps us see how we should be grateful for what
is given to us and to make sure that we should be available to see upon the world that our mistakes can
create a greater effect, especially in the environment.

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Good health is a requirement for us to stay focused and do

everyday tasks, and our well-being is definitely the one requiring us to live
a healthy life. With an environment that is sustainable, clean, and
sanitized enough for us to contain, the lessen risks and harm brought by
deaths, injuries, diseases, disabilities, psychosocial problems, and other
indirect effects with damage to health. We cannot deny that we need an
environment where we can be free to breathe fresh air without worrying
about getting a virus. For example, the previous “Paeng” Typhoon,
flooded hundreds of homes and cities in the Philippines, why? Because
of how fewer trees and fields of forests we have now we should be the
ones to protect and lessen the effect of typhoon which results in damaged
homes and a shortage of food and water. With that, people experience hunger and stress about how they
would continue life, creating an unhealthy living on them for weeks. That risks them to live life healthily
and peacefully affecting their physical, mental and social well-being. Problems brought by either natural
or man-made cause natural disasters are the faults of humans with the years passing by. It's scary

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Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


knowing how at risk we are today experiencing volcanic eruptions almost every month, typhoons every
2 weeks, and breathing polluted air every day due to toxic releases in the air by companies and factories
than the smoke from vehicles. The environment is greatly affected by these human-made problems, and
it definitely causes us to. To eliminate this means adopting the opposite side of each problem, patronizing
factories that go on the greener side, avoiding vehicles that create black smoke or use electrically
functioning ones, or better yet walking or using a bicycle when going to nearby places and lastly reducing
pollution by creating a healthier environment by learning how to reduce, reuse and recycle and this is
how Environmental Conservation plays a long-lasting role to save humanity.

Goal 4: Quality Education

Education as they say is a gift that can never be taken away from
us. But we all know that education has its own limits for those people who
have limited access. In my previous answer in Goal 3, Paeng is a recent
typhoon that rampaged through the Philippines just this last week of
October to the first week of November, many school infrastructures were
destroyed creating a disruption in students' education. Like us in Cavite,
we have been suspended for a week to give time for those affected hit
areas like Noveleta and Kawit. These results in a week off to catch up with
lessons and postponed activities such as examinations. As you can see,
the environment itself can sometimes affect the lives of people, some
people experience little to no access to education as they live in
undeveloped places, while those living on the urban side, suffer from the neglect to protect the
environment. These calls for the attention to have formal knowledge, to study Environmental
Conservation, to let the public knows what actions should be done to be ready in case the same event
will occur so that we can avoid the damage that a natural disaster can do to people accessing education
and to people who doesn’t have access to properly learn in an actual institution.

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Gender equality calls for empowering both males and females

toward a society where they can share equal and fair treatment. With how
the world works now, women's empowerment becomes a fighting ground
that many people support now. Women as they have equal opportunities
with men as well, like having ownership and control of land property, and
natural resources in accordance with the law creating a positive approach
to enhance the understanding towards women. Women before neglected
to voice out their thoughts and ideas, but now, women have greater
access to the share. One of these is Greta Thunberg, a 19 years old
female environmental activist known for challenging leaders around the
world to act up upon climate change by letting them know what rules are
subjected to take an action. This shows that women, even at a young age, can understand how the
environment changes because Environmental Conservation is present on their understanding. Women
can create a lasting understanding of conservation that will goal to protect it. Gender equality creates a

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Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


barrier-free of effective sustainable development and livelihoods that will essential to the well-being of
the community. Women can educate, be in charge and take an action itself for the environment.

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Water is a critical need for the survival of people. Access to clean

water and sanitation is a challenge for every country knowing how the
environment contributes to its availability knowing how risky it will be when
the environment is overused. Our water greatly comes from all of our
natural resources, without them, we cannot survive to live for days. This
is why, clean water also comes with sanitation and hygiene to access a
greener and unsoiled environment to live in. We do not conserve water
just to have one for tomorrow, but we conserve water to have more for
future generations. Environmental Conservation opens up our minds
towards minimizing the use, and maximizing only what we are allowed to
use, avoiding those protected areas to avoid shortage and risk of losing
access. Clean water results in high-quality standards which can be ensured by preserving and restoring
ecosystems that are related to water and their biodiversity mostly bodies of water and greenery such as
forests and fields that also contribute to the food cycle. In short, clean water and sanitation are connected
to Environmental Conservation as it promotes educational perspective to help and maintain the current
state of the world.

Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Burning fossil fuels is a way to produce energy that produces

electricity, but it is not environmentally friendly, and definitely not
affordable for families and societies experiencing poverty. Nowadays,
activists with a goal to protect the environment encourages people to use
renewable energy resources, why? Because according to the United
Nations Environment Programme, one of the greatest factors affecting
climate change is due to burning of fossil fuels which takes up 75 percent
of global greenhouse gas emissions, that then is an alarming rate for
people to see and wake up within finding comfortability to live life, we
cannot see and recognize how it affects our surrounding. My family,
starting just this year, has been using solar-powered electricity all
throughout our home, though it is just in the morning since we cannot yet afford a battery powered solar
ones, my father yet still continuously tries to afford one with a battery one so that we can use it at night,
in that case, we can lessen our electrical use in Meralco, and pursue a greener way to provide electricity
in our house which is way more affordable and accessible knowing how many appliances we have
working in our house. Though having a solar panel really is costly, it still yet helped us reduce to waste
of electricity. That simple action could take up a larger step than we could ever imagine. In simple words,
Environmental Conservation also connects to affordable and clean energy that will sustain life and
eradicate the waste of unused electricity wherein people can have the choices to use solar, wind,

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Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


hydropower, geothermal, biofuels, natural gas, coal, petroleum, and uranium to sustain the energy that
creates electricity that lights up and powers up every home and country.

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Our environment, as I have mentioned above, is a direct resource

of our needs, and those needs even want, are produced by people working
their best in their jobs. Meaning, in our environment, we do not just protect
it to consume it right afterward, we also work for it to have consistent
economic growth in our world. Every job connects to the needs of raw
materials such as water, food, soil, energy, wood, minerals, and many
more, and those came from the environment. Imagine having a world
without those? Then people may not have any reason to possibly live
because they cannot have a job since there is no work needed to be done
which is sustained by the environment itself. This means that
Environmental Conservation helps to create decent works for people to
contribute to the growth of the economy which will play a vital role to help the economy recognize its
needs to help the society to balance. Work creates a higher employment rate, eliminating barriers
between poor and rich which reduce gaps in countries mostly in their wages. Many Filipinos fly through
another country to have a better income knowing how low the income rate is in the Philippines, this is an
alarming situation that speaks up that our country has lesser job opportunities to offer people knowing
how small and overpopulated our country is.

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

For an industry to work, it needed innovative and reliable

infrastructures. With the ongoing debate and battle all throughout the
world, the industry itself sometimes recognizes itself to change and
choose an industry environment that goes into the greener side of the
world. For example, in the industry of Tourism, some hotels have now
been called ecolodges due to their implementation of sustainable usage
of energy, water, and services. Some build their infrastructures with
materials friendly to the environment, or some resorts promote the usage
of tents and tables or stilt houses to avoid cutting off trees which helps to
conserve the environment, mostly the green fields. In the industry itself
with the hospitality related, many restaurants chose to use eco-friendly
utensils or plates or cups that people can still reuse. In short, Environmental Conservation helps every
striving industry to be aware of their limits towards what and how much to consume to not lose our ability
to avail what we have.

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Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Inequality plays through laws, beliefs, policies, and practices all

throughout a community nation. Those who have lesser access to the
environment can be discriminated against, while those who have greater
access sometimes use their power to overuse it. People with greater
access sometimes overlook their use, wasting food, water, and electricity
just because they can afford it, or produce more carbon dioxide as they
can use any vehicles that they want. While those people with lesser
access choose to use what they should not, touch what they can, and
consume what they don't. But Environmental Conservation opens up eyes
for people to see that every one of us should not be limited nor be given
much attention to gain access just because we have the money to afford
it. This means that conservation can help to recognize people despite their standing in life to create
sustainable goals that will benefit equity for all.

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

In our previous debate, we were asked whether we position

ourselves between modernizing or preserving the authenticity of a place.
Both teams give their reasonable reasons, and I just wanted to relate and
emphasize the point here. Cities are known for their modernized and
urbanized quality of life, there are buildings for companies that offer
hundreds of employments, there are hospitals with better technologies,
schools with greater learning facilities, and even malls with larger
offerings for wants and needs. Though that contributed to the economic
growth, we cannot deny that those built infrastructures on the same land
it was standing, in are greater prone to natural disasters such as typhoons
causing floods. This is why the debate, taught me that in connection
towards Environmental Conservation, we as a human being should still be present to conserve and
preserve the environment. Think of a plan like how many buildings are allowed to be built so there are
rooms to breathe for fresh and greener areas, that will balance the environment and the economy as
well, creating a sustainable lifestyle but still choosing to increase opportunities for people to have reason
to live and prosper. All it needs is a plan that should be properly executed with laws, policies, and
regulations to follow.

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Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Consumption and production should have a barrier to capacitate

people's demands that only answers what is really needed and avoid too
much consuming of wants. People should be responsible enough to know
that consumption plays a vital role to sustain our everyday needs to live
like water, food, and energy. Irresponsible consumption results in waste
of production because once we choose to throw and overuse one thing,
that means we also lose the chance to use it properly knowing many
people have not had the exact same chance as we had. This means
Environmental Conservation itself speaks loudly that whenever we
consume something, that means we maximize all products and raw
materials used in it. Maximizing what we only have minimizes the chance
of overspending, which is why I think it is important that people should be taught how important every
hard work a worker puts in their job just to create our needs for our daily consumption, and for them to
realize how tiring and disappointing it is to see that people only see what is in front of them and not what
and who is behind it.

Goal 13: Climate Action

Environmental Conservation itself speaks for Climate Action. Our

world is becoming overpopulated and it scares us that every living life has
its needs, and those needs that we want are always founded to have a
way to generate and create a path for comfort. With the growing wants
and needs, the more time we spend on working towards a change, yet
those change is disturbing the environment that we know. Lands before
are now turned into houses, roads, buildings, and even sometimes
recreational places for people to enjoy. Though I am not opposed to
betterment, yet, I do not support unbalanced satisfaction of wants rather
than needs. What people want, is what people get, and climate change is
one of its consequences. With overconsumption of water and energy, our
world keeps getting hotter and the ozone layer keeps getting thinner exposing us to various risks and
harms that we are now slowly experiencing like drought, continuous typhoons, tropical cyclones, and
natural based disasters. In short, Environmental Conservation leads to the awareness of people to know
why they should access renewable, recyclable, and reusable matters because surely a hundred years
from now, this climate change, will surely change the world. So, taking action right now might make a
change for the better future.

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Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


Goal 14: Life below Water

Seventy percent of our world is made up of water from the ocean,

and below these waters, are where our marine resources come from.
Foods and energy resources almost spun around mostly under the water.
But sometimes, pollution of garbage, overfishing, and dynamite fishing
causing damaged reefs can kill any living life in the ocean just for the
luxury of life overpowering the security rate of it. This is why in this goal; I
can say that Environmental Conservation can change to see a better
approach to develop a plan that will still be economically and ecologically
friendly for all living life and those consuming the products of marine life.
When Life below Water are given the chance to be properly managed,
extinction and endangerment would not be a problem. Yes, all living life in
water are one of our great source of income, but to connect it with Environmental Conservation, we
should see and knows that by protecting our waters, we also give ourselves a longer time to live.

Goal 15: Life on Land

Many forests, green fields, soils, and lands have now been turned
into infrastructures disturbing the lives of fauna and flora. Many of these
lives on land are the main resources of our daily needs to survive including
but not limited to food, water, energy, and raw materials turned into
products and services. But these are now at risk due to continuous floods
from tropical cyclones and typhoons, landslides, deforestation,
degradation of natural habitat, and drought all because of the continuous
climate change and emitting of dangerous toxins into the air and water.
These are just a few too many reasons why our land is kept to be
protected to ensure that the future generation has something to expect
for. The connection of Environmental Conservation is seen in the
progressive reason to protect the lands where we live by reducing human activities that affect its state. It
means that through conservation we will continuously see actions to provide a sustainable livelihood that
will benefit not just us, humans, who demand our wants and needs from nature but also to protect both
the interest of those living on these lands, by making sure they have a habitat to be called home where
they can naturally hunt and live their life.

QF-PQM-035 (03.05.2022) Rev.05


Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Our environment is the common source of jobs that made up the

economic growth. It creates strong connections between people and the
government, resulting in peace and justice. Many institutional goals are
now subjective to protect and conserve the environment enforcing the
contribution to follow rules and laws given by the government to assess
what, where and how citizens of each nation can agree to work with other
countries to protect our environment. Many activists open up their mission
and vision by aligning and getting the support of the public and the
government itself to spread public awareness in a timely manner knowing
how to threaten and endanger our environment. In connection to
Environmental Conservation, as a part of this country, we sought
understanding towards understanding so we can be at peace and seek justice for those living lives and
established strong institutions that will seek purpose for a better future.

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

In my perspective, the environment itself makes people see and

realize things the same way as others. We all know that we only have one
planet to live on, one planet to protect, and one planet to survive on. With
this planet, we cannot play cards to risk what we have knowing that we
have nowhere to go, so the best plan we have is to protect and conserve
what we currently have, and let those spread and circulate around the
world to help us and the future generation to come. A partnership is a hard
subject to establish knowing how many organizations and societies have
different beliefs and actions playing out in their minds which can disregard
cooperation within each other. But I think the role of Environmental
Conservation is to have the same outlook and path to take by letting the
public see clearly what is at stake and what matters right now. Stronger partnerships that connect people
from a small number of people in a society to a larger part of an organization help to vitalize environmental
sustainability that will ensure the minimization of products and materials and maximize what is only
allowed to be given to conserve and preserve what we still wanted to see a hundred years from now. In
conclusion, a partnership with everyone creates a larger impact to impose a more sustainable usage of
every naturally made product and material we wanted to consume. A partnership with the same goal has
a greater chance to be leveled and achieve. This means that when we have Environmental Conservation
together with all the goals under these 17 goals, then we have a greater chance to implement and partake
in the said goals that will mitigate and generate all climate and environment-related problems.

QF-PQM-035 (03.05.2022) Rev.05


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