Public Administration Unit-14 Ecological Approach-Fred. W. Riggs
Public Administration Unit-14 Ecological Approach-Fred. W. Riggs
Public Administration Unit-14 Ecological Approach-Fred. W. Riggs
14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4
Objectives Introduction , Meaning of Ecological Approach Fred W. Riggs' Views Ideal Models 13.4.1 Fused Model 14.4.2 Diffracted Model
14.4:3 Prisniatic Modcl
14.6 Sala Model Model ' 14.7 ~aznar-Canteen 14.8 Theory of Prismatic Society: Reformulated 1.4.9 Criticism 14.10Letussurnup . 1.4.1 l Key Words , 14.12 Some Useful Books 14.13 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises .
In thts unit, we shall discuss the meaning ;md importalice of'ecological np'proiicli and the views of Fred W. Riggs on tlie influence of cnvironmenial t'iictors o n r~cimiiiistrative system with particular reference to transitioni~l or developing societies. After going through this unit, you wo,uld be able to: describe tlie me:lning and importance of ecologici~lnpprouch lo [lie ~lndersti~tidinp 01' , administrative syste~rl. ' * explain tlic enviranmental influences-sociiil. economic and poli[icalim the ndministrotive system wjth.pilrticulilr reference lo tl.i~nsitionnl societies', 'and explain the views of Riggs on iidnii11istra[ivcsys~ctn oftr;cnsitional socie~ics likc It't~li;~.
In recent years modern Governments hiivc experienced a great chungc in rbcir funcrions und rcsponsihi lilies. In the cl1;11ipc.dcoritext. tlie role ofQPublic Adrninistrationl~ns hecome ill1 the more crucial in fulfilling the goals of the government. Consequently, administrative tllcories :\lid morlels liuve become all [lie 111orci~llp(~rti~llt 1 0 tlle ~~t~derst:~tldi~fg 01' it. The ccologicnl.approach tc;'the stildy of adininistratioti has been suggested when Western . orgtinisation theories hitve been found inadequate for the study of the problems of administration in the Third World Countries,
Al'icr the 'Second Wodd W L ~m:rny S co~~ntries in Asia, Africa and Latin Arnerjc.:~were liberated from colonial rule. Thcy were filced with thd t ~ ~ of s knation-building and socioccc)noniic transfor~iptiov to fitll'il their people's aspirations. The Wcs?ern scholars. who acted as consulttiri~a1 0 niitny of these countries found thi~twestern orgiil~i~:~tin~~itl morlcls . fai.led to explain tlle reulity'i~l Third World Societies. This realisation resulted in the develbpment of new concepts 2nd approilches inclbdinp the ccologiciil the. In this itnil we shan discuss the views of Fred W. Riggs on ecological approach to the study of Public Administration. It would beAiielpful to you if you readagain unit 5 on C6inparative Public Administration before ieading this unit. In Unit 5 we have mamined biiefly the ecological approach.
14.2 MEANING _ .
'Administration does not fun&on in isolation from its environment. It influences it nnd is influenced by it. The understanding of the dynamics.of this process of interaction between the two is necessary for. the l~nderstanding of the adniinistrntion. The approach adopted is known as the ecological approach. Ecology is a term borrowed from Biology. It is concerned with the science dealing with the inter-relationship of organisms and their enviionment. It is a study of the interplay of living organisms and their physical ant1 sdcial environment. It is concerned with the question of how a balance involving organisnls and environrnent is rtchieved for survival. In Biology, it is established that ;I particular plant requires fir its growth a particular climate. soil, humidity, temperature, etc. A plant that can grow well in a particular ciimate cannot do so under a different climate. Likewise the growth o r develo p ment bf each society is conditioned by its own history, economic structure,, values, political system, etc. The characteristics of its social systetn and its physical , environment shape the ideas and ins~itut,iosis. Just as a plant canraot grow in a different environment; so also all institution cannot thrive in a dirferent social setting. Thus to ullderstiind the ecology of PublicAdministratior~.i.e. the inaeractibn of administration and its environnient,it is necessary to have an ilnderstanding of the society and the various * fi~ctors affecting its functioning.
Check Yuur Progress 1 Note: i) Use the space below for your answer. ii) Check your answer with those givep at the end of the unit. i), What do you understand by Ecological Approach?
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The ecological approach to the study ~FBublicAdministrationwas initiated by J.M. Caus, Robert A. Dahl arid Robert A. Merton long before Fred W. Riggs. But it was Riggs who made a significant contribution to this approach: Fred W. Riggs, a distinguished American scholar and consultant to many developing countries, developed the ecolopical concept based on his studies in Thailand, Philipprnes and India. In his study of the administrative systems of developing societies Riggs nnalysed the relittionship between the administration and the economic, social. technological, political and comrnunicntion factors from a wide perspective. He has explained with il1ustratio:is how environmentnl tonditiotis influent: administrative systems on the basis of his 5tudies in Thailand and Philippines. Riggs raised the basic quesrions about the relevarice of Western organisation theories to the , developing countries. He pointed out that each~society has certain unique characteristics which influence .the working OF its sub-systems. He found that most of the Webtern theories look "inside" rhe system. The "outside" refers to the general socio-economic environment. As you are aware the socio-economic environment in Western developed countries 1s not the same as that in the Third World Countries. That is why, as observed by Riggs, the theories o r models developed for the former seem inapplicable to the latter. The findings of Riggs, therefore. are considered a significant contributiori to the understanding of administrative systemsalnthe Third World Countria, Sdsed on them he has broadened the analytical frame for the examination of the administrative systems in Third World Countries.
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The concept of ecological approach adopts a systen~s approach to the understanding of the refer< to the method of treating the phenomena as an phenomena. The systems app~~oach
integrated whole consisting of interdependent parts. In spite of concentrating.on one aspect of the society, the ecological approach takes the wholistic view of the organisation. This is fhe reason why Riggs has categorised the broad systems at the macro level and attempted to apply those categories to the m~cro-sub-systems such as administration. He took the global systems as a frame of reference for his catcgorisation and develop~d three ideal models viz., Fused, Prismatic and Diffracted to explain the change in the transitional societies. The ideal models of Riggs are hypothetical assumptions aimed at analysing pre-historic, developing and developed societies. The process of trimsition of a ray through a prism is taken symbolically to explain the process of transformat~on of a society. The starting point of the ray is taken as fused, the process of vibration of the ray within the prism is called prismatic and finally the process where by the ray coriles out ot'tlle prism to project a rainbow is called diffraction. Likewise, various social systems in the early stages of the process of development would be fused; prisrni~ticin the tri~nsitionulstnge :tnd finitlly diffracted'at the end, as explained by Riggs.
Riggs created titodels 1111 [lie basis of structural und functional :ipproaches. Accordingly, in a , f ~ ~ s socie~y cd d single structure ci~r.:;:!s out various functions. In contrast, in a diffracted society separate structures are c ~ ~ ; L I to Lcilrry " ~ out specific functions. But between these two there exist u number of societies in which the characteristics of both fused and diffracted societies are found side by side. Such societies are called prismatic societies. However, Riggs aiipl~;tsisesthat no society can be exclusively called either fused.or diffracted, all societies arc generally prismatic in nature. The clinracter of a society be it fused or diffracted depends on the n:lture of its various structures and the functions carried out by them.
The econorni,. :;ystem is based on market rnech;mism. 7hc inl'lucncc ol'nli~rkct has hoth direct and illdirect effects on the other Facets of the society. Riggs called it 'mnrketise~l . society'. Various associations discharge various functions. Communications and t e c h ~ ~ o l o are high[:, ycloped and governments give top priority to the innintcnanceof cordial puhlic relauon:,. C:...;rnments would be responsive to the needk of the people and protect human rights. People would bring pressure on the governmenr to get thtir things donc nnd control its behaviour to a great extent. Government officers have no cocrcivc.and absolute powc1:s. The public pays attention and gives respect to the laws of the nation o n their own. Thisi facilitates the implementation of the laws and the discharge of its responsibilities by the . government without any difficulty. There would be a general consensus arnong thc'peoplc on all basic ispe'cts of social life.
Check Your Progress L Note: i) Use the space below for your answers. ii) Check )/our answers with thpse given at the end of ihe unit. i) How did Riggs develop his ideal modeis?
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. . . ............................... . . ................................................................................................. How doesthe diffracted model differ from the fused model? . ........................................................................ ........................................................
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.The intermediate society between two extremes, i.e., fused and diffracted, is called prismatic society. In his analysis Riggs used fused and diff~acted models as tools to explain the ,'prismatic phenomena of developing countries, According to ~ i g g sthe , prismatic society h a ' three important characteristic features, viz., a) heterogeneity, b) formalism, and c) ;overlapping. .
14.5.1 Heterogeneity
The existence of a high degree of heterogeneity is the main characteristic feature of a ~rismatic society. Heterogeneity refers to 'the simultaneous presence, side by side, of quite different kinds of systems, practices and view-points'. Owing to the parallel co-existence of diametrically opposite view-points and practices, the social change in a prismatic society would be inconsistent, incomplete and unresponsive. The heterogeneity also influences the administrative system. class, western There are in a prismatic society urban Teas with a 'sophisticated', ~ntellectual style offices and modem gadgets of administration. There also exist a well developed communications system, sky-scrapers, airconditioners, the existence of specialised agencies to discharge various social, political, economic and technical services. On the other hand, in the rural areas, people lead a highly traditional life with no facilities for modem living like telephones, refrigerators, etc. The village 'elders' combine various political, administrative, social, economic and religious roles. Heterogeniety exists in a prismatic society in all wales of life presenting a paradoxical picture, In the field of education, society pays a great emphasis on the western type of education while upholding traditional G u N ~ u ~ Hospitals ~s. with all modem facilities giving allopathic treatment co-exist with Ayurvedic, Unani, Homeopathic and Naturopathic centres. Such a co-existence of contrasting systems pulling the society in different directions makes it difficult to make generalisations.
In the prismatic societies political and administrative offices enjoy enormous influence, poker and prestige and help in making money. Although equal opportunities exist for all, only some people are privileged enough and hope to get the jobs in higher echelons. Those who fail to get jobs would waste no time in forming 'pressure groups' against the government and start agitations on some pretext or other. Though elected through democratic processes, the government would not be in a position to control the people. The ; people in power tend to make all efforts to protect their interests and stick to power. Thus, there cquld always be 'misunderstanding and misrepresentation of facts giving rise to lensions and instability in the society.
The problem becomes much complicated in a poly-communal society where different communiti .i try to pull the society in different directions in furtherance of their own sectional icterests. This is evident in almost all the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Lack of integration thus forms the basic feature of a prisrnatiq society.
All these disparities. differentiations in almost all aspects of life not only influence the working of the administrative system and condition its behiviour but also create a number of problems for the administration. The ruling class would normally try to protect the interests of 'haves' and ignore the interests of 'have nots', which, accarding to Riggs, would create \ conditions conducive to the outbreak of a revolution in society.
14.5.2 Formalism
~ormalisrn refers to 'the extent to which a discrepancy exists between the prescriptive and the descriptive, between formal and-effective power, between t j e impression given by the Constitution, laws and rygulatjbns, organisation charts and stat~stics and the actual practices and facts of government and society'. In.other'words, it means the degree of difference between the formally prescribed and effectively practised norms and realities and the existence of gap between the 'stated objectives' and 'real performance'. The greater the. difference between the formal and the actual, the more will the formalism be in a system. The fused and diffracted societies have relatively a high degree of realism in comparison with a prismatic society where there is a high degree of formalism.
Though the liwi, rules and regulitions prescribe the style of functioning for the government , officials, there are wide deviations in their actual behaviour. The officers sometimes stick to formalistic behaviour is the rules and sorrietirnes overlook and even yiolate them.'~his ., caused .by the lack of pressure on the government towards the,proatamrne objectives, the , weakness:bf the social power to influence'the bureaucratic performance and a great degree ; of permissiveness for arbitrary administration. Thus,;the behavioyr of the government , .: officials and bureaucrats would be highly.unpredictable, inconsistent and depends on the 1 situational variables, The reason for such a type of behaviour may be ascribed either to the . natural inclination of the employees towards collecting easy nioney.or t'o the existence of 1 ances for maladministration. Thus, generally formalisp in administratiop paves the,way . r corruption in'.society. . ..
Formalism exists in all aspects of social life. Generally, the laws relating to social and cultilral aspects of fife are not respected and adhered to. They exist only in the record rooms of the government, and the government also is not serious about their implementation. To quote a few instances in India, prohibition laws are respected more in breach than in . observance thereof. The town planning regulations are more violated than observed. Such hypocrisy in social life is, generally, found to be the rule rather than an exception in almost all the developing countries. While explaining the dimensions of formaliqm Kiggs also considered Constitutional formalism. Constitutional formalism refers to the gap between the Constitutional provisions and their actual implementation. This can be found in India. For instance, according to the Constitutional practice, the Chief Ministers are to be eleccted bv the members of the majority party in the State Assembly. The Council of Ministers are to be chosen by the Chief Minister. But in practice, in most cases the central party leadership plays a decisive role in their selection. The Constitution legally vests the governance in the hands of the elected represenratives of the people but in practice the real governmental power and influence may be wielded by some individuals or groups of people outside the Parliament. The Constitution entrusts law making responsibility to legislators but in reality they spend only a little time on law making. They may be engaged more in power politics than in the discharging of their legislative responsibility. This helps the bureaucracy, in the prismatic societies, to play a major role in law-making. The bureaucrats may even form groups or align themselves with various politicql leaders owing to the presence of factions within the ruling party or the Councii of Ministers. Thus formalism exists in all aspects of social life in a prismatic society.
14.5.3 Overlapping
'Overlappipg' refers to 'the extent to which formally differentiated structures of a diffracted society co-exist with undifferentiated structures of a fused type'. In administrative systems administrative behaviour tends to be influenced by non-administrative criteria, i.e., by political, social, religious or other considerations. In a fused society, traditional structures perform almost all kinds of functions and the problem of overlapping does not arise, because in such a society whatever is formal is also effective. However, in a prismztic society, although 'new or modem' social structures are created, in essence the old or undifferentiated structures continue to dominate the social system. Though formal recognition is given to new nonns and values which are generally associated with a diffracted structure, in reality they are paid only lip-sympathy and are overlooked widely in favour of traditional values associated with undiffrac'ted societies. Thus, in a prismatic society, the Parliament, the! Government offices, market, schools, etc., perform various administrative, political, and economic functions. In reality, their behaviour is influenced by certain traditional organisations like fam'ily, religion, caste, etc.
Check bur itogress 3 Note: i) Use the space below for your answer. ii) Check your answer with tho~e given at the endof the unit. Does the Indian social reality represent the characteristics of prismatic society? i) Explain with illustrations.
In a diffracted society its counterpart is called 'Bureau' or 'Office' and in a fused society 'Chamber'. Each of them has distinctive features of its own.
The Spanish word, 'Sala', has a variety of meanings like a government office, religious used in East Asian conference, a room, a pavilion, etc. The word, 'Sala', is also g~nerally countries more or less with the same meaning. Sala has certain features of both the diffracted 'bureau' and the fused 'chamber'. However, the 'bureau' features of Sala do not well represent its basic character. The heterogeneous value system and the traditional and modem methods of the prismatic society are reflected in its administrative rationality and efficiency found in the Bureau is absent in Sala. In a prismatic society, family welfare, nepotism and favouritism play a significant role in the positions and in the performing of certain making of appointments to various adrnir~istratite administrative functions. In a diffriicted society, the considerations of kinship are kept out of ~ n administrative e behaviour and the exercise of,governmental power. In a fused society the politico-administrative system has a patrimonial character, and therefore, attaches importance to kinship or family. In a prismatic society, on the other hand, apart from the super-imposition of new formal structures on family and kinship, it disregards the universalisation of laws. Though patrimonialism is officially prescribed, in reality it is widely practised and it is retlected in all administrative practices. The 'Sala' officer gives priority to personal increase in power and wealth rather than social welfare. His behaviour and performance are influenced by parochialism, and as a result, the rules and regulations are not made uiliversally applicable. A few people get more benefits from the governmental programmes than the others, resulting in the ignoring of the interests of a large number of people. Further, the poly-communalism also creates certain administrative problems. Theoretically speaking, the government officers have to implement the laws impartially. But a government official may be found to be more loyal to the members of his own community than to the government. As a result, a dominant minority community may gain a high proportion of representation in the matter of recruitment etc., thereby creating dissatisfaction among the [urger numbers of peopre. To present such a situation asld to protect the interests of other rinorities, the 'quota' or 'reservation' system may be adopted to provide some sort of p qmrtional representation to all communities in the administration. However, such an arrangement might lead to compartmentalisation and mutual hostility among various communities, which might further aggravate the tensions prevailing among the different communities working in various governmental agencies. This situation, howeer, is not peculiar to developing countries alone. The 'Whiteman-Negro' relations in Southern America, for instance, illustrates it. Thougti family, community and caste play decisive roles in a prismatic society, there is a simultaneous growth of new groups in the society. Riggs called them 'clects'. A 'Clect' is a typical prismatic group, 'which makes use of modem, associational methods or organisation, but retains diffuse and particularistic goals of a transitional type'. Thus the clect combines the features of 'sect' of the fused society and 'club' of the diffracted society. 'Clects' represent exclusively the people of a particular community or group, and government officials belonging to that category serve only the members of their respective 'clects' effectively by ignoring others. Sometimes the sala-orone of its agencies develop close rcllations with particular clects or starts functioning like a clect. As a result, the clect maintqins close links with a particular group and functions primarily in interest, and pays lip-service to achievement and universalistic norms. In a pnsrnatic society the traditional behaviour pattern coexists with 'new' sets of norms. As a result of overlapping of the 'formal' and the 'effective' standard of conduct, the prismatic society's social interactions are characterised by a lack of consensus on the norms of. behaviour.
Sala officials may enter service by virtue of higher educational qualifications or through success in competitive examinations but in respect of their promotion and career
development, they depend largely on ascriptive ties, and also on the basis of seniorily or on the influence of senior officers. These officers may claim to be guided by modern n o ~ m s in their behaviour, while actually being indifferent or rejecting all inconvenrent norms in their day-to-day functioning. The public also follows the example of Sala officials in respect of observance of rules and regulations. But when their personal issues are involved they would either try t o b r e ~ k the rules or plead for exemption rn the~r favour. While referring to overlapping In the powcr structure of a prisrnatic society. Riggs observes structure overlapping that it consists of a 'highly centralwed and concentrated author~ty control system that is highly localised and dispersed. There exists a separation of 'authority'. (officially sanctioned or legitimate power) from 'control' (real, but unofficially permitted or illegitimate power). In practice, the de jure 'authorrty' succumbs to the de facto 'controls'. The authority of the Sala overlaps the society's control structures which are based on polycommunalism, clects and poly-nornativism. A number,of structures at times behave in a peculiaifashion and many a time even act against the very purpose for which they have been created. Sometimes, structures lacking primary orientation towards administration carry out administrative functions along with other concrete structures responsible for it. Such overlapping influences the relationship between politicians and administration. Riggs has termed the prismatic society an 'unbalanced polity' in which bureaucrats dominate the politico-administrative system, despite the political leaders' Constitutional powers. As a result, the Saia officials play a more dominant role in decision-making processes in a prismatic society than the officials in a diffracted society. Owing to such a concentration of powers in the hands of bureaucrats, there would be lack of response to the people's needs and wishes: In such a situation the strengthening of the EublicAdministration in developing societies is likely to impede political development. He has further pointed our that such a weak political system marked by leadership failure to control the bureaucracy would lead the rendering of the legislature, political parties, voluntary associations and public opinion ineffective. The strength and weakness of any political leader in power varies with his ability to reward and punish the administrators. A weak political leader may fail to recognise the services of an efficient official and reward him suitably for achieving the organisational goals, and at ' the same time an inefficient qfficial may escape punishment for his failures. As a result, a talented Sala official tends to spend most of his time for increasing his power and for the promotion of personal interests and in the process inefficient officials may go scot free. since the perforrriance of the government depends on the level of output of the Sala official, Riggs says,.there is a close link between bureaucratic behaviour: and .administrative output; the more powerful a bureaucrat is the less effective he is as an administrator. As a resuit, the Sala is characterised by nepotism in recruitment; institutionalised corruption and ineffi~ien~y'in the administration of l&s on account of its being governed by the motives of gahing-power for protecting its own interest. cheek ~ { u r ~rogr$s4 ? fiote: . j) ' Use.the space below for your answer. - '. ' " b " ; ii) Check your answer with those given at the end of Be unit. "' -'*
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Riggs called the economic hub-system of prismatic cconomy-'Bazaar Canteen Model'. In a difl'racted society. the economic systcm operates depending on market factors of supply and tlemand and economic considerations alone govern the market. In a fused society, religious, social or familiar factors guide the economy, a kind of barter exchange system exists in such uconomies ilnd question of price very rarely arises The prismatic society has the characteristics of both market economy and traditional economy. Under such circumstances, it is not possible to determine cornmon price for a commodity or service. In the bazaar canteen model. .a small section of people enjoy all benefits with control over economic institutions and exploit a large number of people. Bargaining, rebates and bribes ~ t are c common features of this model. There is discrimination and favouritism at all levels, price of the services is determined by the reliltionship between public official and people, price varies from place to place, time to timc and person to person. The price of any commodity or service depends on family contacts, kinship, individual relationship, bargaining power and politics. Such a state of afFairs encourages b'lack marketing, hoarding, . adulteratiort, inflation etc. 'Market factors' in prismatic society are developed without , proportionate increase in the capital, the busirtessmcn try td extend their influence to political and administrative spheres to achieve their personill ends. Exploitation, poverty and social injustice, therefore, become the major features of the bazaar canteen model.
Riggs, realising the limitations :jf 'one dimensional qpproach' of his models reformulated' them in his later work 'Prismatic Society Revisited( 1975). As mentioned'earlier, his models of fused. prismatic and diffracted were built on the variations in the levels of differentiation. 'In his new formulations, Riggs h'as introduced the second dimension of levels of integhtion among the societies that are characterised as differentiated and prismittic. Riggs by introducing two dimensional approach of riifferentii~tion and integration arranged the societies on the scale of integralion and mill-integration. The diffracted and prismatic tnodels are further subdivided on the basis of degrees of integration. Accordingly, diffracted societies are rcconceptualised as eo..diffracted, artho-diffracted and neo-diffracted. Prismatic societies also are, reconceptualised as co-prismatic, artho-prismatic and neo- . prismiitic. . The new formulation of two dimensional appro:tch means that a diffracted model refers to a. society that is differentiated and intcgratcd and prismatic model refers to a society that is differentiated but mal-integrated. The prefixes attached to both . . models suggest different relationships between differentiation and integration. Riggs used the refbrmulated tnodcls to explait1 ~ h social e tensions in developed societies like America. In his opinion thc social tensions in developed nations like urban crisis, racid violence, student uprising are a result of mahdjustments in the differentiation and integration. More stable and peaceful conditions in underdeveloped countries may be an indication of less gap in thc differentiation and integration in prismatic societies. These reformulations of Riggs are more uscful to understand the specificities of developing and i developed societies.
"You would find many criticisms on the ecological approach of Riggs. Mainly the criticisms are on the grounds of: Difficulties in using the language: Lack of charlge orientation; Absence of quantitative indicators; Negative orientation of the concepts; and Ethnocentricism I
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DiMiculties in using the language: Riggs liberiillj, coined new words to explain his concepts,ln addition, he also gave different meanings to a number of words already in use. There is no hann In coining new words when the existing vocabulary fails to cpnvey the meaning and clarify the cdncepts. There is also nothing wrong if one interprets a term in his .own way for the effective expression of his views. But a free use of new words, and of , words already hiving different meanings may create confusion instead of'clarifying the concepts. Riggs in his enthusiasm to give a scientific character to his models, borrowed rnost of his tcnninology from Physical Sciences. But the use of certain new words borrowed from Physical Sciences .:r analyse aclminisrration cannot make it a science. Lack of change orientation: Hahn-Been Lce doubts the utility of the prismatic and Sala models in view of the developn~ent administration's focus on social change. Lee feels that Riggs' models are not helpful to the analysis of the process of social change and development. He considers Riggs' n~odels ;is equilibrium models. Equilibrium models would help in preserving the system but not in introducing any change in the system. Lee thus i.oncludes that the models of Riggs are not useful when the objective of the administration is to change the system r:lther than maintain it.
Absence of quantitative indicators: In applying Riggs's particular societies, the problem of nieasurement arises. In the absence of a measuring scale, the identification of prismatic or diffracted societies becomcs very difficult. The reitder, following Riggs's analysis, lnay tend to associate prismatic conditions with every situation he knows. Similarly, when the fused and diffracted societies are imaginary, Daya Krishna says, all the societies are to be classifietl as prismatic at various levels-low, rniddle or high. But when scales to measure the levels of 'prismatisni: are lacking,such a classil:ication will have no reievance. The filct is that Riggs's models are nlostly based orcertain assumptions. But in the absence of ;my empirical evidence the validity of such assumptions is questionitble. Negative Orientation of Concepts: Riggs did not give as much importance to the posittve as a character of s prismatic society as to its negative character. He projected fom~alism nbgative aspect and highlighted its bad effects only. But it is also true that sometimes the people might stand to gain if the rules and regulations are not strictly followed. Fur instance, administration may move fast if certain rules are not strictly observed. In countries like India, if there is proper leadership, formalism becomes dysfunctional in most or in all circumstances and represents a 'nor)-ecological' view point. To counter-balance the Riggsian concept of negative fqrmalism, Valson has presented-a new concept of positive formalism.
It is undeniable that fonnalism is bound to be present in any situation where an attempt is made to achieve a higher level of performance. This can be interpreted as the desire of the people to reach a new higher level of performance. All institutions and individuals can
improve their performance when the goals set and when the norms fixed are of a higher order. Instead of considering formahsm as a gap between good intentions and the struggle to achieve it, it is described as a negative characteristic. Ethnocentricism: The categorisation of the societies into fused, prismatic and diffracted ones a based on the values inherent in a capitalht'system. The ctiaracteristics of the diffracted model are entirely those of a capitalist system. Riggs's analysis clearly establishes the superiority of the diffracted model over the other models. To that extent, this approach suffers from ethnocentricism:
Check Youp: Progress 5 ffote: i) &$the space below fopyour answer. your answer with tfiase given at the end of the unit. ii) ~ h & k ~ s ' approach is non-ecological"Discuss, i) " ~ i ~ecological
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Classical organisationih theories nini,lly emphnsisc orp;~nis:~tional stiuctures and principles. and b'ehavioural theories concentrate on human behnviour in the organisation. But ecological theories emphasise the interaction of adrninistrt~tionwith its environdent. Both in content and in analysis, Riggs's ecological approach extends the horizons; and assumes an integrated approach to the administrative system.'His approach and modcls help us in examining the administrative process in developing countries. A l t h o ~ ~ in. g l practice ~ his administrative models are difficult to find, they help us in appreciating the realities. The Sala model provides an opportunity to unalyse and understand the administrittive system in developing countries. It also facilitates to further such studies that are based on empirical and ecologic+ approaches.