KOE 074 - Unit5

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Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology,

Greater Noida

Biomass, OTEC, Wave and Tidal Energy

Unit: 5

Renewable Energy Resources Mr. Manish Kumar

(KOE 074)
Assistant Professor
B Tech 7th Semester ECE Department

Manish Kumar RER (KOE-074) Unit- 5 1

Faculty Introduction

I received my Master of Technology from DBIT Banglore and

Bachelor of Technology from Bharath Institute of Science and
Technology, Bharath University, Chennai. Presently I am working as
an Assistant Professor in Electronics & Communication Engineering
department of Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater
Noida, India. My research interest includes Antennas, VLSI and
Embedded System. I published National & International Journals in
repute. I attended various training programmes in the area of interest.
I am a Life member of International Association of Engineers
(IAENG). I attended various training programs in the area of
Mechatronics (Pneumatics, Electro pneumatics & PLC) & Embedded

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Evaluation Scheme

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•Generating energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions

from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air pollution.
•Diversifying energy supply and reducing dependence on
imported fuels.
•Creating economic development and jobs in manufacturing,
installation, and more.
•Using more renewable energy can lower the prices of and
demand for natural gas and coal by increasing competition and
diversifying our energy supplies. And an increased reliance on
renewable energy can help protect consumers when fossil fuel
prices spike.

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Course Objective

In this course students will learn about

KOE 074.1 Conventional and Non conventional energy resources
Solar energy and solar radiations, and they will also learn about
KOE 074.2
wind energy and its applications.
Resources of geothermal energy and MHD power plant and
KOE 074.3
momentum theory
Working and performance of different energy conversion
KOE 074.4
KOE 074.5 Wave energy and tidal energy resources

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Course Outcome

After completion of this course students will be able to:


Understand Conventional and Non conventional energy
KOE 074.1
Learn about Solar energy and solar radiations, and they will
KOE 074.2
also learn about wind energy and its applications.
Know about Resources of geothermal energy and MHD
KOE 074.3
power plant and momentum theory
Learn about Working and performance of different energy
KOE 074.4
conversion systems.
Get information about wave energy and tidal energy
KOE 074.5
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Programme Outcome

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics,

science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization
for the solution of complex engineering problems.

2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyse

complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions
using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering

3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex

engineering problems and design system components or processes that
meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public
health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental

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Programme Outcome

4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research based

knowledge and research methods including design of experiments,
analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to
provide valid conclusions.

5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,

resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction
and modeling to complex engineering activities, with an understanding
of the limitations.

6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the

contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural
issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional
engineering practice.
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Programme Outcome

7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the

professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental
contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable

8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and

responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and

as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary

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Programme Outcome

10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering

activities with the engineering community and with the society at large,
such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and
design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and
receive clear instructions.

11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and

understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply
these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage
projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation
and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the
broadest context of technological change.

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CO-PO Mapping

Mapping of Course Outcomes and Program Outcomes:

No Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 KOE 074.1 3 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2
2 KOE 074.2 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1
3 KOE 074.3 3 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 3
4 KOE 074.4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 3 3
5 KOE 074.5 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 1
AVG 3 2.6 2.4 2.4 1.6 2.4 1.2 1.6 2 1.6 2.4 2

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Program Specific Outcomes

On successful completion of graduation degree the Electronics and

Communication graduates will be able to:

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science

and electronics & communication engineering to work effectively in the
industry based on same or related area.

2. Design/development of solutions: Use their skills to work in modern

electronics & communication engineering tolls, software and equipments
to design solutions for complex problems in the related field that meet the
specified needs of the society.

3. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual and as

a member or leader of a team by qualifying through examinations like
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CO-PSO Mapping

Mapping of Course Outcomes Program Specific Outcomes :

S.No Course
Outcome PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
1 KOE 074.1 2 2 3

2 KOE 074.2 3 1 2

3 KOE 074.3 2 2 2

4 KOE 074.4 2 3 2

5 KOE 074.5 3 3 2

AVG 2.4 2.2 2.2

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Program Educational Objectives

PEO-1 To have excellent scientific and engineering breadth so as to

comprehend, analyze, design and solve real- life problems using state-of-
the-art technology.

PEO-2 To lead a successful career in industries or to pursue higher

studies or to understand entrepreneurial endeavors.

PEO-3 To effectively bridge the gap between industry and academics

through effective communication skill, professional attitude and a desire
to learn.

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Question Paper Tamplet

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Question Paper Tamplet

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Prerequisite and Recap

• Prerequisite -
Course will be accessible to most students who have completed
their first three years of study at an Undergraduate level.

• Recap –
1. Thermoelectric Conversion
2. Thermionic Conversion
3. Wind Energy

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Brief introduction about the subject with video

• Ocean thermal energy conversion is a potential source of

renewable energy that creates no emissions. It is fuel free. It has a
low environmental impact, can supply pure water for both drinking
and agriculture purposes.

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• Introduction- Biomass Energy
• Biomass Energy Conversion-
1. Direct combustion
2. Thermo chemical conversion
3. Biochemical conversion
• Advantage and Disadvantage of Biomass Energy
• Application of Biomass Energy
• Daily Quiz 1
• Biogas- Generation and principle
• Factors affecting biogas production
• Classification of Biogas Plants
• Advantage, Disadvantage and Application of Biogas
• Weekly Assignment 1
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• OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy)
• Working of OTEC
• Types of OTEC-
1. Open cycle OTEC
2. Closed cycle OTEC
3. Hybrid cycle OTEC
• Advantage and Disadvantage of OTEC
• Application of OTEC
• Tidal Energy
• Working and parts of TPP
• Daily Quiz 2
• Single Basin System and Double basin System
• Advantage, Disadvantage of Tidal Energy
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• Introduction to Wave Energy
• Advantage and Disadvantage of wave energy
• Introduction to Waste Recycling
• Types of Recycling Material
• Weekly Assignment 2
• Advantage and Disadvantage
• Summary
• MCQ’s
• Previous year Question papers
• Expected Questions for University exam

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Unit Objective

Duration Unit Mapping

Name of Unit
(Lectures) Objective with CO

Able to learn
Biomass, OTEC, Wave and 8 about
CO 1
Tidal Energy classification of

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Topic Objective

Duration Topic Mapping

Name of Topic
(Lectures) Objective with CO
In this unit
student will
be able to
Biomass Energy 3 CO 5
s Energy

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Introduction- Biomass Energy (CO5)

• India is a land of village where the energy required for domestic purpose
such as cooking is met from dried woods, twigs and leaves of plants and
other dried organic matter such as cow dung.

• This organic matter called as biomass is available freely as waste.

• Energy obtained from biomass is called as Biomass Energy.

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Biomass Sources

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Biomass Energy

• Biomass is considered as form of solar energy as it is used indirectly to

grow these plants by photosynthesis.

• It is a renewable energy source because we can always grow more trees

and crops, and waste will always exist.

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Photosynthesis Process

• Biomass is produced in the photosynthesis process which converts the

solar energy into biomass energy.

• It is the process by which green plants and certain other organisms

transform light energy into chemical energy.

• During photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used

to convert water, carbon dioxide and minerals into oxygen and energy-
rich organic compounds.
• 6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy C6H12O6 + 6O2

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Photosynthesis Process

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Biomass Energy Conversion (CO5)

• The various process used for conversion of biomass into energy or bio
fuels can be classified as follows:

1. Direct combustion
2. Thermo chemical conversion
3. Biochemical conversion

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Biomass Energy Conversion

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1. Direct combustion
• It is a thermochemical technique in which the biomass is burned in open
air or in the presence of excess air.

• The complete combustion of biomass into ash is called incineration.

• Generally, direct combustion is carried out inside a furnace, steam

turbine, or boiler at a temperature range of 800–1000°C.

• This heat energy in the product gases or in the form of steam can be used
for various applications like space heating or cooling,power generation,
process heating in industries or any other application.

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2. Thermochemical Conversion
• The thermo chemical reaction can convert the organic biomass into more
valuable and convenient form of products as gaseous and liquid
fuels,residue and by-products etc.

• These processes can be carried out in following ways:

1. Gasification
2. Pyrolysis

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• Biomass gasification involves burning of biomass in a limited supply of air

to give a combustible gas consisting of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide,
hydrogen, methane, water, nitrogen, along with contaminants like small
char particles, ash and tars.

• The gas is cleaned to make it suitable for use in boilers, engines and
turbines to produce heat and power (CHP)

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• Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of materials at elevated
temperatures in an inert atmosphere. It involves a change of chemical

• It is the heating of biomass in a closed vessel at temperatures in the

range 500oC-900oC in absence of O2/air or with steam. It produces solid,
liquid and gases.

• The pyrolysis process can use all type of organic materials including
plastic and rubeers.

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3. Biochemical Conversion
• In biochemical processes the bacteria and micro organisms are used to
transform the raw biomass into useful energy like methane and ethane
gas. Following organic treatments are given to the biomass:

1. Fermentation of biomass (Aerobic digestion)

2. Anaerobic digestion of biomass

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• Fermentation is a process of decomposition of complex molecules of
organic compound under the influence of micro-organism(ferment) such
as yeast, bacteria, enzymes etc.

• The example of fermentation process is the conversion of grains and

sugar crops into ethanol and CO2 in presence of yeast.

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Anaerobic digestion
• Anaerobic digestion is a sequence of processes by which
microorganisms break down biodegradable material in the absence
of oxygen.

• The process is used for industrial or domestic purposes to manage waste

or to produce fuels. Much of the fermentation used industrially to
produce food and drink products, as well as home fermentation, uses
anaerobic digestion.

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Advantages of Biomass
• Methane gas can be used to run engines and generator and electricity
can generate.

• The biomass can be grown in near by seas and lakes. The lands can be
spread for food crops.

• I.C. Engines can be run on biogas produced from biomass.

• Biomass can be used for plastics and pharmaceutical products.

• Use of biomass keeps surroundings clean and healthy without insects

and pests.

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Disadvantages of Biomass

• Biomass contains 50-90% water and it is heavy. Hence transportation if

needed is very difficult.

• Direct combustion of biomass produces smokes and smells.

• Calorific value of biomass if burnt in the raw form is very less.

• Biogas plants need lots of care and maintenance for its successful

• It is economical if raw biomass such as cow dung is not freely available.

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Application of Biomass

• Waste organic biomass can be directly used as domestic fuels.

• Biogas is used as domestic fuels in gas stoves like LPG.

• Biogas can be used to run the

• engines, boilers and turbines.

• Methane gas produced from biogas plants can be used to run the gas
engines and farm machineries.

• It is used for heating the water.

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Biogas (CO5)
• Biogas contains 55-65% methane, 30-40% CO2, and the remainders
are impurities like H2S, H2, N2 gases.

• Cattle dung can produce 0.037 m3 of biogas per kg of cow dung. The
calorific value of gas is 21000 to 23000 kJ/kg or about 38000 kJ/m3 of
• The material from which biogas is produced retains its value as
fertilizer or as animal feed which can be used after certain processing.

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Biogas Generation
• Biogas can be produced by digestion pyrolysis or hydro gasification.
Digestion is a biological process that occurs in absence of O2 and in
presence of anaerobic organisms at atmospheric pressure and
temperatures of 35oC-70oC.

• The container in which the digestion takes place is called digester.

• When organic matter undergoes fermentation, the anaerobic bacteria

extracts oxygen by decomposing the biomass at low temperatures up to
65oC in the presence of moisture. (80-95%), the gas so produced is called

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Principle of biogas production (CO5)
• Biogas production takes place in three stages:

1. Hydrolysis: In this stage, matters with heavy molecular weight are

disintegrated into lower molecular weight. This process takes place
by hydrolytic bacteria.
2. Acid Formation: In this stage, organic matters are converted into
acetates and H2. This conversion takes place by acetogenes. Then H2
and C are converted into acetate by acetogenes.
3. Methane Gas Formation: In this stage, acetates and simple CO2 are
converted into CH4. This is carried out by methanogenes.

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Factors affecting biogas production
• The rate of production of biogas depends on the following factors:

1) Temperature & Pressure

2) Solid concentration & Loading rate
3) Retention period
4) pH value
5) Nutrients composition
6) Toxic substances
7) Digester size & shape
8) Stirring agitation of the content of digestion

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Classification of Biogas Plants (CO5)
• Biogas plants are mainly classified as:

1. Continuous and batch type(as per the process)

a) Single stage process
b) Double stage process
2. The dome and drum type
3. Different variation in the drum type

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Single Stage Continuous Plant

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Double Stage Continuous Plant

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Continuous type Biogas Plant
• The main features of continuous plant are as follows:

1. It will produce gas continuously.

2. It require small digestion chambers.
3. It needs smaller period of digestion.
4. It has less problem compared to batch type and it is easier in

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Batch type Biogas Plant
• The main features of Batch type plant are:

1. The gas production is intermittent, depending upon the clearing of the


2. It needs several digesters or chambers for continuous gas production,

these are fed alternately.

3. Batch plants are good for long fibrous materials.

4. This plant needs addition of fermented slurry to start the digestion


5. This plant is expensive and has problems comparatively, the continuous

plant will have less problems and will be easy for operation.

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Dome and Drum type Biogas Plants
• There are numerous models of biogas plants. But mainly two types are-

1. Floating Drum type Biogas Plant ( KVIC )

2. Fixed Dome type Biogas Plant
a) Janta Biogas Plant
b) Deenbandhu Biogas Plant
c) China Biogas Plant

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Floating Drum Biogas Plant

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Floating Drum Biogas Plant
• Floating-drum plants consist of a digester and a moving gasholder.

• The gasholder floats either direct on the fermentation slurry or in a water

jacket of its own.

• The gas collects in the gas drum, which thereby rises.

• If gas is drawn off, it falls again. The gas drum is prevented from tilting by
a guide frame.

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• High gas yield.

• No problem of gas leakage.

• Works under constant pressure naturally.

• Noproblem of mixing of biogas with external air, thus no danger of


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• It has higher cost.

• Heat is lost through metal gas holder.

• Requires painting of drums to avoid corrosion at least twice a year.

• Requires maintenance of pipes and joints.

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Fixed-Dome Type Biogas Plant

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Fixed-Dome Type Biogas Plant
• A fixed-dome plant consists of an enclosed digester with a fixed, non-
movable gas space. The gas is stored in the upper part of the digester.

• When gas production commences, the slurry is displaced into the

compensating tank.

• Gas pressure increases with the volume of gas stored; therefore the
volume of the digester should not exceed 20 m³. If there is little gas in
the holder, the gas pressure is low.

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• Cost of plant is less compare to floating drum type plant.

• Loss of heat is negligible since these are constructed underground.

• No corrosion problems as in fixed dome type. It is maintenance


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• Needs skilled labour to operate.

• Gas production per m3 of digester volume is less.

• Gas is produced at variable pressure.

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Advantages of Biogas
• Cost of equipment used for making biogas is less and equipment used are
very simple.

• Biogas can be used for lighting, running the engines, farm’s machine
and cooking gas in the kitchen.

• Biogas is the best medium for cooking food.

• Organic feed stocks used in the plants are easily available at all
places. Biogas plant gives efficiency as much as 60%.

• Distribution of gas has no problems of any gas leakage and fire.

• Waste product obtained from digester is best quality of fertilizer and gives
best yields.
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Disadvantages of biogas

• Biogas produced from biogas plant has to be used at near by places only.
It can’t be transported over long distances.

• Biogas can’t be filled in the bottles. Biogas plant

requires more area.

• It can be established in urban area where availability of land is limited.

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Application of biogas
• Biogas is used as cooking fuel.

• Biogas is mental light gas burner for lighting purpose. Biogas is used
for water heating.

• It is used as fuel in I.C. Engine.

• It is used as fuel to run agricultural machineries.

• It is used to run diesel engine generator set to produce electricity.

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Daily Quiz
1. The aerobic digestion of sewage is used to produce __________
a) Biomass
b) Bio fuels
c) Synthetic fuels
d) Metal articles
2. Biomass is useful to produce __________
a) Chemicals
b) Fibres
c) Biochemicals
d) Transportation fuels
3. Which one of the following is an example of starch crops biomass feed
a) Sugar cane
b) Wheat straw
c) Corn stover
d) Orchard prunings
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Weekly Assignment 1
1. Explain the process of production of biogas from biomass. Describe
Deenbandhu Biogas plant. CO5

2. Explain the process of gasification of solid biomass. What is the

general composition of the gas produced and what is its heating
value? What are its applications?CO5

3. Write the advantages and disadvantages for floating drum and fixed
dome type biogas plant.CO5

4. Explain availability, conversion theory of Biogas plant and Energy

conversion from biomass.CO5

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Topic Objective
Duration Topic Mapping
Name of Topic
(Lectures) Objective with CO

In this unit
Ocean Thermal Energy student will be
3 able to learn CO 5
Conversion aboutOcean
Thermal Energy

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OTEC - Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (CO5)
• Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is a process that can produce
electricity by using the temperature difference between deep cold ocean
water and warm tropical surface water.

• OTEC is an energy technology that converts solar radiation to electric

power .

• OTEC utilizes the world’s largest solar radiation collector.

• The ocean contains enough energy power all of the world’s electrical

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OTEC - Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
• Oceans cover more than 70% of Earth's surface, making them the
world's largest solar collectors.

• OTEC is a renewable energy technology that converts solar radiation into

electric power by use of world oceans.

• OTEC process uses temperature difference between cold deep water (5

℃) & warm surface water (27 ℃) to power a turbine to generate

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Working of OTEC
• This plant works on the principle of a closed Rankine Cycle.

• Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) uses the temperature

difference between the surface and deep layers to generate electricity.

• Warm Water is used to evaporate working fluid like Ammonia

or halocarbon Refrigerant.

• Evaporated Fluid expands in a low pressure turbine, which is coupled

with a turbo alternator to produce electricity.

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Working of OTEC

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Types of Conversion (CO5)
• There are three types of electricity conversion systems:

1. Closed or Anderson OTEC Cycle Power Plant

2. Open or Claude OTEC Cycle Power Plant

3. Hybrid Cycle OTEC Power Plant.

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Closed or Anderson OTEC Cycle

• In the closed-cycle OTEC system, warm sea water vaporizes a working

fluid, such as ammonia, flowing through a heat exchanger (evaporator).
• The vapor expands at moderate pressures and turns a turbine
coupled to a generator that produces electricity.
• The vapor is then condensed in heat exchanger (condenser) using cold
seawater pumped from the ocean's depths through a cold- water pipe.
• The condensed working fluid is pumped back to the evaporator to
repeat the cycle.
• Working fluid remains in a closed system and circulates

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Closed or Anderson OTEC Cycle

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Open or Claude OTEC Cycle

• In an open-cycle OTEC, the sea water is itself used to generate heat

without any kind of intermediate fluid.
• Open-cycle OTEC uses the tropical oceans' warm surface water to make
• The open cycle consists of the following steps:
1. Flash evaporation of a fraction of the warm seawater by reduction
of pressure below the saturation value corresponding to its
2. Expansion of the vapor through a turbine to generate power
3. Heat transfer to the cold seawater thermal sink resulting in
condensation of the working fluid.

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Open or Claude OTEC Cycle

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Advantages of OTEC
• Power developed is continuous and it is independent of weather.

• There is a small variation in power output from season to season .

• The system uses conventional power plants needing only small changes in

• It can produce simultaneously the desalinated water and nutrients for


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Disadvantages of OTEC
• Capital cost is very high.

• Efficiency of energy conversion is very low.

• Needs very large sized turbines due to use of low pressure of steam
having high specific volume in case of open cycle.

• It uses expensive power working fluids in case of closed cycle.

• Cost of electric power generation per kWh is very high.

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OTEC Application

• Electricity Production

• Desalinated Water

• Refrigeration and Air conditioning

• Mineral Extraction

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Tidal Energy

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Tidal Energy (CO5)

• Tidal power, also called TIDAL ENERGY, is a form of HYDROPOWER which

converts the energy of tides into the useful form of power, mainly in

• Tides are the waves caused due to gravitational pull of the moon and

• Ocean tides are the periodic rise and fall of ocean water level occurs
twice in each lunar day.

• During one lunar day the ocean water level rises twice and fall twice.

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Tidal Energy
• Time interval between a consecutive low tide and high tide is 6.207 hrs.

• Tidal range is the difference between the consecutive high tide and low

• During high tide, the water flow into the dam and during low tide water
flow out which result in moving the turbine.

• Although not yet widely used, tidal power has potential for future
electricity generation. Tides are more predictable than wind energy
and solar power.

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Types of Tides

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Working of Tidal Power Plant (CO5)
• During high tide, when the level of water in the sea is high, sea-water
flows into the reservoir of the barrage and turns the turbines. The
turbines then turn the generator shaft to produce electricity.

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Working of Tidal Power Plant
• During low tide, the sea-water stored in the barrage reservoir is allowed
to flow out into the sea.
• This flowing water also turns the turbines and generates electricity.
• Thus, as the sea-water flows in and out of the tidal barrage during high
and low tides, the turbines rotate continuously to generate electricity.

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Main parts of TPP (CO5)
• A tidal power plant consists of three main parts:

1. The first being the barrage itself, holding the water back during high
2. The second part is the sluice gate that let water through the third
3. The third part consist turbine and generator, resulting in electricity

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Main parts of TPP

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Main parts of TPP
• A tidal barrage is a dam-like structure used to capture the energy from
masses of water moving in and out of a bay or river due to tidal forces.

• The sluice gates are left open during high tide and closed during low tide
to create a water level differential, creating a potential difference that
powers the turbine when the water is released.

• Tidal stream generators are very similar to wind turbines except their
below the water surface instead of above or on land.
The turbine and generator converts the movement of water coming from
change in tide, the kinetic energy, into electricity.

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Tidal Power Plants (CO5)
• Basically there are two types of tidal power plants-

1. Single Basin System

2. Double basin system

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1. Single Basin System
• This scheme has one barrage and one water storage basin, one way
• The incoming tide is allowed to fill the basin through sluice ways during
the tide and the impounded water is used to generate electricity by
letting the water flow from basin to the sea through the turbines during
single basin schemes is intermittent generation power.

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2. Double Basin System
• In the double basin scheme, there are two basins on the landward side
with the powerhouse located at the interconnecting waterway between
the two basins.

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Advantages of Tidal Energy

• Tides are easily predictable

• Inexpensive to maintain
• Reliable and renewable source of energy
• High energy density than other renewable energy forms
• It produces no greenhouse gases or other waste
• Vertical-axis turbines and offshore turbines are inexpensive to build and
have less environmental impact
• Tidal turbines are 80% efficient, which is higher than solar or wind energy
• Barrages reduce the damage of high tidal surges on the land

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Disadvantages of Tidal Energy

• Initial construction cost is very high

• Formation of silt behind the barrage.
• Effect on animals and plants living near tidal stations.
• Very few suitable sites for constructing barrages.
• Disturbs migration of living creatures in the ocean.
• Water cannot be replenished, and hence dirt gets settled within the
• It produces power for only about 10 h of the day when the tide is moving
in and out.

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Wave Energy (CO5)
• Wave energy (or wave power) is the transport and capture of energy by
ocean surface waves.
• The energy captured is then used for all different kinds of useful work,
including electricity generation, water desalination, and pumping of
• Wave energy is also a type of renewable energy and is the largest
estimated global resource form of ocean energy
• The power developed is estimated by formula-
P = 0.55 H 2 t
H = Wave Height
t = Time Period
P = Power

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Advantages & Disadvantages
of Wave Energy

• Advantage -
1. Energy is freely available.
2. No pollution Problem

• Disadvantage-
1. Capital cost is high
2. Environmental Effects
3. Power output fluctuates due to large variation in height and frequency
of waves.

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Waste Recycling Plants

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Waste Management & Waste Recycling (CO5)
• Waste management (or waste disposal) include the activities and actions
required to manage waste from its inception to its final disposal.

• This includes the collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste,

together with monitoring and regulation of the waste management

• Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials

and objects.
Eg – Waste paper can be converted into low quality paper or into paper

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Types of Recycling Materials
• Inorganic Material-
1. They are generally derived from non-living sources, such as rocks or
minerals, and encompass such categories as glass, ceramics, and
2. Eg- plastic, paper, textiles, metals, glass, electronics

• Biodegradable Material-
1. Includes any organic matter in waste which can be broken down into
carbon dioxide, water, methane
2. Or simple organic molecules by micro-organisms and other living
things by composting, aerobic digestion or any similar processes.
3. Eg- Food, Plants, Sewage, Human waste, etc.

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Daily Quiz
1. The ocean thermal energy conversion(OTEC) is uses ___________
a) Energy difference
b) Potential difference
c) Temperature difference
d) Kinetic difference
2. _____ proposed closed cycle approach?

3. The oceanic tides are due to __________.

4. Warm surface sea water is pumped through a ____________ to

vaporise the fluid.

5. The Claude cycle is also called as __________.

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Weekly Assignment 2
1. What are the main types of OTEC power plants.Describe their
working in brief. CO5

2. What is Wave Energy? How can it be tapped? Also write advantage of

wave energy. CO5

3. How can tidal power be utilized for the benefit of mankind. Write the
advantage of tidal Energy. CO5

4. What do you mean by recycling? Write down its advantage & types of
materials. CO5

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Advantages of Recycling

• Reduces consumption of new raw material.

• Reduces the cost of land and handling of waste materials.

• Reduces emission as compared to development of products from new


• Recycling minimises the pollution.

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Disadvantages of Recycling

• Cost of transportation and handling of waste material is high.

• Only certain materials can be recycled economically.

• Products from recycled waste are not durable.

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Faculty Video Links, Youtube & NPTEL Video
Links and Online Courses Details
• Youtube/other Video Links
1. Working of OTEC –

2. Working of Closed Cycle OTEC –


3. Working of Open Cycle OTEC –


4. Tidal Energy -

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1. Which of the following is the best form of energy that can be used at any time.
a) Wind energy
b) Solar energy
c) Tidal energy
d) Heat energy
2. Tidal power is practically _________
a) Exhaustible
b) Inexhaustible
c) Not possible
d) Complicated
3. OTEC stands for
a)Oil and thermal energy conversion
b) Ocean thermal energy conversion
c) Oil and temperature conversion
d) Over thermal energy conversion

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4. The aerobic digestion of sewage is used to produce __________
a) Biomass
b) Bio fuels
c) Synthetic fuels
d) Metal articles
5. The bio ethanol is subjected to rectification to remove ___________
a) Sugar
b) Enzymes
c) Yeast
d) Impurities
6. The ocean thermal energy conversion(OTEC) is uses ___________
a) Energy difference
b) Potential difference
c) Temperature difference
d) Kinetic difference

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7. Closed cycle systems use the fluid having ___________
a) High boiling points
b) Low boiling points
c) High viscosity
d) low viscosity
8. The term biomass most often refers to ___________
a) Inorganic matter
b) Organic matter
c) Chemicals
d) Ammonium compounds
9. Warm surface sea water is pumped through a ____________ to
vaporise the fluid.
Ans- Heat exchanger
10. The Claude cycle is also called as __________
Ans- Open cycle

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University Question Paper

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University Question Paper

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Old Question Papers
Previous University Papers can be studied from following links-

1. https://aktu.ac.in/question-bank.html
2. https://abesit.in/library/question-paper-bank/

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Expected Questions for University Exam
1. Explain availability, conversion theory of Biogas plant and Energy
conversion from biomass. Explain availability, conversion theory of
Biogas plant and Energy conversion from biomass.
2. Write the advantages and disadvantages for floating drum and fixed
dome type biogas plant.
3. Explain the Deenbandhu bio gas plant with the help of neat sketch.
4. Explain the Janta bio gas plant with the help of neat sketch.
5. Explain the principle, working & Efficiency of OTEC power plant. What
are the environmental effects of OTEC.
6. Explain with the sketch the various method of tidal power generation.

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Recap of Unit
• Ocean thermal energy conversion is a potential source of renewable
energy that creates no emissions. It is fuel free. It has a low
environmental impact, can supply pure water for both drinking and
agriculture purposes.

• It is predicted that in the year 2040, the world will consume 820
quadrillion Btu of energy. Amount of solar energy absorbed by oceans is
4000 times presently consumed by humans. We would need less than 1%
of that renewable energy to satisfy our desires.

• It is clear that there is a strong need to integrate more renewable energy

sources into the grid of the future. These kind of energy sources, will be
helpful in reducing the pollution caused by conventional resources

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• https://www.bioenergyconsult.com/biomass-gasification/
• https://www.bioenergyconsult.com/biomass-pyrolysis/
• https://energy2.wordpress.com/2008/06/23/applications-of-ocean-
• https://ask.learncbse.in/t/explain-the-working-of-tidal-energy-power-
• https://www.azocleantech.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=350

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