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Republic of the Philippines


Pablo Borbon Main II, Batangas City
College of Engineering, Architecture & Fine Arts
Tel. No. (043) 425-0139 loc. 118





“Diode Application (Rectifier, Clipper, and Clamper Circuit)”






MARCH 1, 2021
I. Objectives

1. To demonstrate application of the junction diodes.

2. To investigate the use of diode in its application such as rectifier, clipper and

clapper circuits.

II. Materials and Equipments

1. Adjustable DC Power Supply

2. Function generator

3. Resistors

4. 1N4001 Silicon Diode

5. Breadboard

6. Connecting wires (size #22)

7. Multimeter

● A multimeter, also known as a volt-ohm meter, is a handheld tester used to measure

electrical voltage, current (amperage), resistance, and other values.

8. Oscilloscope

● The oscilloscope is one of the most useful test instruments used for electronic
circuit design, electronics manufacture, test, service, and repair.

9. Simulation Software (Multisim or online software)

● Multisim is industry-standard SPICE simulation and circuit design software for

analog, digital, and power electronics in education and research.

III. Introduction

Most of the electronic circuits like amplifiers, modulators and many others have a
particular range of voltages at which they have to accept the input signals. Any of the signals that
have an amplitude greater than this particular range may cause distortions in the output of the
electronic circuits and may even lead to damage of the circuit components.
In view of the fact that most of the electronic devices work on a single positive supply, the
input voltage range would also be on the positive side. Since the natural signals like audio signals,
sinusoidal waveforms and many others contain both positive and negative cycles with varying
amplitude in their duration.

These waveforms and other signals have to be modified in such a way that the single supply
electronic circuits can be able to operate on them.

The clipping of a waveform is the most common technique that applies to the input signals
to adapt them so that they may lie within the operating range of the electronic circuits. The clipping
of waveforms can be done by eliminating the portions of the waveform which crosses the input
range of the circuit.

Clippers can be broadly classified into two basic types of circuits. They are: series clippers
and shunt or parallel clippers. Series clipper circuit contains a power diode in series with the load
connected at the end of the circuit. The shunt clipper contains a diode in parallel with the resistive

The half – wave rectifier circuit is similar to a series clipper circuit. If the diode in series
clipper circuit is in forward bias condition, the output waveform at the load follows the input
waveform. When the diode is in reverse bias and it is unable to conduct current, the output of the
circuit is nearly zero volts.

The direction of the connected diode determines the polarity of the clipped output
waveform. If the diode symbol points toward the source and is connected to the positive terminal
of the supply, the circuit will be a positive series clipper, resembling that it clips off the positive
alternation or cycle of the input sinusoidal waveform.

If the diode symbol points toward the connected load, then the circuit will be a negative
series clipper, resembling that it clips off the negative alternation or cycle of the input sinusoidal

The series clipper diode has an output voltage of VLoad = VInput, when the diode is
conducting, and when it is not conducting the input voltage applied by the supply will be dropped
and has an output voltage of VLoad = 0 Volts.

In contrast to the series clipper circuit, a shunt clipper circuit provides the output when the
diode is connected in reverse bias and when it is not conducting. When the diode is non –
conducting, the shunt combination diode acts as an open circuit and both the series resistor and
load resistor acts as a voltage divider. The output voltage will be calculated as

VLoad = VInput {RLoad / (RLoad + RSeries)}

When the diode is conducting, it acts as a short circuit and the output voltage across the
load will be VLoad = 0 Volts. The series limiting resistor is connected in series with the supply to
prevent the diode from short circuits.

In this case, the output voltage of the circuit should be ±0.7 volts. It depends on the polarity
of the shunt clipper which is determined by the direction of diode connection.

IV. Procedures

a. (Half-Wave Rectifier)

1. Construct the circuit in Figure 1.1 using 1N4001 diode or any equivalent.

2. Apply 5Vp with frequency of 1 KHz sinusoidal input to circuit using function generator.

3. Obtain the output waveform using an oscilloscope.

4. Measure the Vp,Vave, and the PIV using a multimeter.

5. Calculate Vp, Vave, and PIV using eq. 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.

6. Compare values in a.5 and a.6.

b. (Full-Wave Rectifier)

1. Construct the circuit in Figure 1.2 using 1N4001 diode or any equivalent.

2. Apply 7Vp with frequency of 1 KHz sinusoidal input to circuit using function


3. Obtain the output waveform using an oscilloscope.

4. Measure the Vp,Vave, and the PIV using a multimeter.

5. Calculate Vp, Vave, and PIV using eq. 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6.

6. Compare values in b.5 and b.6.

c. Clipper

1. Construct the circuit in Figure 1.3 using 1N4001 diode or any equivalent.

2. Apply 15 Vpp with frequency of 1 KHz sinusoidal input to circuit using function


3. Obtain and compare the input and output waveform using the oscilloscope.

4. Repeat the process by applying 15 Vpp with frequency of 1 KHz triangular and

rectangular wave input.

5. Repeat the process c.1 to c.4 in figure 1.4.

6. Compare the output waveforms from figure 1.3 and 1.4.

d. Clamper

1. Construct the circuit in Figure 1.3 using 1N4001 diode or any equivalent.

2. Apply 10 Vpp with frequency of 1 KHz sinusoidal input to circuit using function


3. Obtain and compare the input and output waveform using the oscilloscope.

4. Repeat the process by applying 10 Vpp with frequency of 1 KHz triangular and

rectangular wave input.

5. Reverse the diode by flipping it horizontally. Repeat the process d.1 to d.4 in

6. Compare the output waveforms.

V. Results and Analysis

Figure 1 Half-Wave Rectifier Result Simulation

The illustration shows that the output waveform of the halfwave circuit is almost 5V, a
value that is roughly the input, and the positive half cycle is considered while the negative half
cycle is equated to zero. The measured value of voltage from connecting a multimeter in parallel
with the resistor using the AC mode displayed 1.315 V, a result than has little difference with the
calculated value achieved through computations that is 1.3687 V.
Figure 2 Full Wave Rectifier Result Simulation

The figure shows that the output waveform, unlike the half-wave rectifier circuit, have the
positive half cycle inverted and found along the negative half cycle, therefore, has an output
waveform that has no flat lines compared to the half-wave circuit, and is almost 6V which is close
to the input voltage. The measured value of voltage from connectin a multimeter in parallel with
the resistor using the DC mode displayed -3.409 which is different from the calculated value that
is 3.0558V.
Figure 3(a) Clipper Simulation

Figure 3.1 (a) Clipper Sine Waveform Input Result Simulation

Figure 3.1 (b) Clipper Sine Waveform Output Result Simulation

Figure 3.2 (a) Clipper Triangular Waveform Input Result Simulation

Figure 3.2 (b) Clipper Triangular Waveform Output Result Simulation

Figure 3.3 (a) Clipper Rectangular Waveform Input Result Simulation

Figure 3.3 (b) Clipper RectangularWaveform Output Result Simulation

Figure 3(b) Biased Clipper Simulation

Figure 3.4 (a) Biased Clipper Sine Waveform Input Result Simulation

Figure 3.4 (b) Biased Clipper Sine Waveform Output Result Simulation
Figure 3.5 (a) Biased Clipper Triangular Waveform Input Result Simulation

Figure 3.5 (b) Biased Clipper Triangular Waveform Output Result Simulation
Figure 3.6 (a) Biased Clipper Rectangular Waveform Input Result Simulation

Figure 3.6 (b) Biased Clipper Rectangular Waveform Output Result Simulation

All the figures in 3 entails that the output waveforms of both the normal clipper and a
biased clipper are evidently smaller than the input like a portion of its signal voltage is removed.
For the normal clipper setup, the output waveform is between the -13 V and 5 V from the 15V
input. However, upon zooming in, the approximate output voltage is seen be a value of 2V.

On the other hand, for the biased clipper setup, the output waveform also conveyed
between 13V and 5V from the 15V input results and upon zooming in, the approximate output
voltage is seen to be a value before 5V. For the appearances of the waveform, only the output
rectangular waveform conveys a noise at every end of its wave at the normal clipper setup while
the output of the triangular waveform for the biased clipper almost looked like a combination of
the rectangular and the sine wave-form.

Figure 4 (a) Forward-Biased Simulation

Figure 4.1 (a) Forward-Biased Clamper Sine Waveform Input Result Simulation
Figure 4.1 (b) Forward-Biased Clamper Sine Waveform Output Result Simulation

Figure 4.2 (a) Forward-Biased Clamper Triangular Waveform Input Result Simulation
Figure 4.2 (a) Forward-Biased Clamper Triangular Waveform Output Result Simulation

Figure 4.3 (a) Forward-Biased Clamper Rectangular Waveform Input Result Simulation
Figure 4.3 (b) Forward-Biased Clamper Rectangular Waveform Input Result Simulation

Figure 4 (b) Reversed-Biased Simulation

Figure 4.4 (a) Reversed -Biased Clamper Sine Waveform Input Result Simulation

Figure 4.4 (b) Reversed -Biased Clamper Sine Waveform Output Result Simulation
Figure 4.5 (a) Reversed -Biased Clamper Triangular Waveform Input Result Simulation

Figure 4.5 (b) Reversed -Biased Clamper Triangular Waveform Output Result Simulation
Figure 4.6 (a) Reversed -Biased Clamper Rectangular Waveform Input Result Simulation

Figure 4.6 (b) Reversed -Biased Clamper Sine Waveform Output Result Simulation

Figure 4 entails that the output waveforms of both the circuit configuration for a clamper
circuit exhibit a behavior in which the output waveform is either shifted upwards downward,
otherwise, it is shifted upwards while the shape of the general waveform remains constant.
The circuit given in this consists of a function generator, a 1kn resistor, and an 1N4001.
Considering the presence of the diode, it is expected to produce a DC output from the given AC
supply. Based from the output waveform acquired in the experiment, the output is almost 5V.
Added to there, it also. Conveyed that only the positive cycle is significant and considered While
the negative half cycle is equated to zero. This only proved the diode’s work in the circuit in which
it prevents the half of the alternating current to pass through, producing a pulsating DC output.

On the other hand, the measured value acquired from the simulation is the Wave, the value
that a voltmeter would display on a half-wave rectifier output, and its numerical value is 1.315V.
Complaining it to the calculated value which is 1. 3687V, discrepancies are obviously
demonstrated. This probably oared due to the Ven of the 1N 4001 diode which is not exact 0.7V.
Nevertheless, the difference is considered small and they almost conveyed the same results.

For the Vp and PIV, the calculated value of Vp is 4.3 but the team could not figure out how
it would be obtained in Multisim While, PIV is just equal to the input which is 5V.


Observing the given circuit, it is noticeable that the polarity of the connection from the
rectifier to the output is reversed-in comparison to a connectional wiring of a full wave rectifier-
which is also noted when the output waveform is stocked, sharing a negative output. The
magnitude and frequency of the waveform remains constant however the positive ‘nt cycle is
inverted and is found alongside the negative half cycle.

Using 1.1 V as the forward voltage of the 1N4001 diode, we can see little discrepancies
between the absolute values of both the measured and calculated data or values. However, we can
see that in regards to the output, the data measured and calculated, disagree wherein the output is
negative when measured and positive otherwise.


The circuit given in this portion consists of two resistors and one diode. The function
generator also has an AC Voltage signal with varying output wave-forms. For the normal clipper
setup, the output wave-form is between the -13V and 5V from the input of 15V. however, upon
zooming in using the graph in the multisim, the approximate output voltage is seen to be a value
before 2V.

On the other hand, for the biased clipper setup that has the addition of a voltage source 2V
connected in series with the diode, the output waveform is also perceived, between -15V and 5V
from the 15V input. However, upon zooming in through the graph, the approximate output voltage
is shown to a value before 3V.

From the data gathered and the interpretations mentioned above the output waveforms of
both normal clipper and biased clipper setup are the evidently smaller than the input voltage
supply; like some portion of their signal voltages are removed. The only difference is that, the
biased clipper produces much greater output voltage than the normal clipper setup. It is more
specific than the latter.

It is observed that the half-wave circuit is also considered as a clipper circuit because one
of the half cycles are equated to zero, hence depending on the resulting signal voltage, either the
positive or negative half-cycle.


Following the procedure, a clamper circuit which is comprised of an AC power source, a

capacitor, a diode, and a resistor is constructed.

The simulation in which the experiment is conducted maybe separated in two groups; a)
simulation in which the diode is forward biased during the positive half-cycle and b) simulation in
which the diode is reversed biased during the positive half-cycle.

Upon observing the characteristics of both input and output wave-form of all simulations,
the following observations were shown.

For the simulations performed under the same group – whether it be group a or group b –
the behaviors demonstrated were the same even if the input wave-form is changed. For example,
in group a, where the diode is forward biased, a triangular input wave would yield the same
behavioral result with that of a sinusoidal wave or a rectangular wave input, and the same is true
for group , where a sinusoidal input wave would yield the same behavioral result with that of a
triangular or rectangular input wave or vice-versa.

Furthermore, in group a where the diode is forward biased and the capacitor is charged, the
output waveforms is shifted downwards along the y-axis comparison to the input wave-form.

And accordingly, in group b where the diode is reversed biased during the positive half-
cycle, the output waveform, is shifted upwards along the y-axis in comparison to the input-wave
VI. Conclusions

The following are the conclusions formulated by the simulations conducted and data

This laboratory experiment taught us many things about certain circuits, but more than that,
it taught us how to problem solve. By following charts, equations, and lecture examples we were
able to get through the experiment with a deep understanding of the material that had to be covered
throughout the course of this experiment. As a conclusion, we can conclude that half-wave and
full-wave rectifier circuits can be built. It can measure and record their output voltages and curves
systematically. Half and full-wave rectifiers are used to convert AC into DC voltage. This is
primary function of the rectifier in industrial applications. Therefore, it is importance to carried
out this experiment to increase the understanding on rectifier in industries. This experiment
simulates shifting of the current flow. For clamping circuit at least three components are required.
Sometimes an independent dc supply is also required to cause an additional shift. The important
points regarding this are the shape of the waveform will be the same, but its level is shifted either
upward or downward. It must also be noted that same reading will be obtained in the ac voltmeter
for the input voltage and the clamped output voltage.

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