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Respiration in Plants

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Respiration in Plants (d) All are formed inside mitochondria

9. End products of aerobic respiration

1. Incomplete oxidation of glucose into
(a) sugar and oxygen
pyruvic acid with several intermediate
(b) water and energy
steps is known as
(c) carbon dioxide, water and energy
(a) TCA-pathway
(d) carbon dioxide and energy
(b) glycolysis
(c) HMS-pathway
10. At a temperature above 35ºC
(d) Krebs cycle
(a) rate of photosynthesis will decline
earlier than that of respiration
2. NADP+ is reduced to NADPH in
(b) rate of respiration will decline earlier
(a) HMP
than that of photosynthesis
(b) Calvin Cycle
(c) there is no fixed pattern
(c) glycolysis
(d) both decline simultaneously
(d) EMP
11. Oxidative phosphorylation is
3. R.Q. is
production of
(a) C/N
(a) ATP in photosynthesis
(b) N/C
(b) NADPH in photosynthesis
(c) CO2/O2
(c) ATP in respiration
(d) O2/CO2
(d) NADH in respiration
4. End product of glycolysis is
12. When one glucose molecule is completely
(a) acetyl CoA
(b) pyruvic Acid oxidised , it changes
(c) glucose 1-phosphate (a) 36 ADP molecules into 36 ATP molecules
(d) fructose 1-phosphate (b) 38 ADP molecules into 38 ATP molecules
(c) 30 ADP molecules into 30 ATP molecules
5. R.Q. is ratio of (d) 32 ADP molecules into 32 ATP molecules
(a) CO2 produced to substrate consumed
(b) CO2 produced to O2 consumed 13. Apparatus to measure rate of
(c) oxygen consumed to water produced respiration and R.Q. is
(d) oxygen consumed to CO2 produced (a) Auxanometer
(b) Potometer
6. EMP can produce a total of (c) Respirometer
(a) 6 ATP (d) Manometer
(b) 8 ATP
(c) 24 ATP 14. Terminal cytochrome of respiratory
(d) 38 ATP chain which donates electrons to oxygen
7. Connecting link between glycolysis (a) Cyt. b
and Krebs cycle is/before entering Krebs (b) Cyt. c
cycle pyruvate is changed to (c) Cyt. a1
(a) oxaloacetate (d) Cyt. a3
(b) PEP
(c) pyruvate 15. End product of citric acid/Krebs
(d) acetyl CoA cycle is
(a) citric acid
8. Out of 36 ATP molecules produced per (b) lactic acid
glucose molecule during respiration (c) pyruvic acid
(a) 2 are produced outside glycolysis and 34 (d) CO2 + H2O
during respiratory chain
(b) 2 are produced outside mitochondria 16. Out of 38 ATP molecules produced
and 34 inside mitochondria per glucose, 32 ATP molecules are
(c) 2 during glycolysis and 34 during Krebs formed from NADH/FADH2 in
cycle (a) respiratory chain
(b) Krebs cycle
(c) oxidative decarboxylation
(d) EMP 25. Oxidative phosphorylation involves
simultaneous oxidation and
17. Life without air would be phosphorylation to finally form
(a) reductional (a) pyruvate
(b) free from oxidative damage (b) NADP
(c) impossible (c) DPN
(d) anaerobic (d) ATP

18. Maximum amount of energy/ATP is 26. The enzymes hexokinase which

liberated on oxidation of catalyses glucose to glucose-6-phosphate
(a) fats in glycolysis is inhibited by glucose-6-
(b) proteins phosphate. This is an example of
(c) starch (a) competitive inhibition
(d) vitamins (b) non-competitive inhibition
(c) feedback allosteric inhibition
19. ATP is injected in cyanide poisoning (d) positive feedback.
because it is
(a) necessary for cellular functions 27. Krebs cycle occurs in
(b) necessary for Na+ – K+ pump (a) mitochondria
(c) Na+ – K+ pump operates at the cell (b) cytoplasm
membranes (c) chloroplasts
(d) ATP breaks down cyanide (d) ribosomes

20. Fermentation products of Yeast are 28.Fermentation is anerobic production of

(a) H2O + CO2
(b) methyl alcohol + CO2 (a) protein and acetic acid
(c) methyl alcohol + Water (b) alcohol, lactic acid or similar compounds
(d) ethyl alcohol + CO2 (c) ethers and acetones
(d) alcohol and lipoproteins
21. Respiratory substrate yielding
maximum number of ATP molecule is 29. The mechanism of ATP formation
(a) ketogenic amino acids both in chloroplast and mitochondria is
(b) glucose explained by
(c) amylose (a) relay pump theory of Godlewski
(d) glycogen (b) Munch‘s pressure/ mass flow model
(c) chemiosmotic theory of Mitchell
22. In animal cells, the first stage of (d) Cholondy-Went‘s Model
glucose breakdown is
(a) Krebs cycle 30. In Krebs cycle FAD participates as
(b) glycolysis electron acceptor during the conversion
(c) oxidative phosphorylation of
(d) E.T.C. (a) succinyl CoA to Succinic acid
(b) alfa keto glutarate to Succinyl CoA
23. Which of the following is essential (c) succinic acid to Fumaric acid
for conversion of pyruvic acid into (d) fumaric acid to Malic acid
acetyl Co-A?
(a) LAA 31. Site of respiration in bacteria is
(b) NAD (a) episome
(c) TPP (b) ribosome
(d) All of these (c) mesosome
(d) microsome
24. Respiratory quotient (R.Q.) for fatty
acid is 32. Maximum usable energy per mol of
(a) > 1 glucose metabolised will be generated
(b) < 1 during
(c) 1 (a) aerobic respiration by germinating seeds
(d) 0 (b) production of methanol by enteric
(c) fermentation into ethanol by yeast
(d) glycolysis in the skeletal muscle of a (d) molecular oxygen
sprinter performing a hundred metre dash
40. Chemiosmotic theory of ATP
33. Net gain of ATP molecules during synthesis in the chloroplasts and
aerobic respiration is mitochondria is based on:
(a) 36 molecules (a) membrane potential
(b) 38 molecules (b) accumulation of Na ions
(c) 40 molecules (c) accumulation of K ions
(d) 48 molecules (d) proton gradient

34. How many ATP molecules are 41. During the stage in the complete
produced by aerobic oxidation of one oxidation of glucose are the greatest
molecule of glucose? number of ATP molecules formed from
(a) 2 ADP
(b) 4 (a) glycolysis
(c) 38 (b) krebs cycle
(d) 34 (c) conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl Co-A
(d) electron transport chain
35. In alcoholic fermentation
(a) oxygen is the electron acceptor 42. How many ATP molecules could
(b) triose phosphate is the electron donor maximally be generated from one
while acetaldehyde is the electron acceptor molecule of glucose, if the complete
(c) triose phosphate is the electron donor oxidation of one mole of glucose to CO2
while pyruvic acid is the electron acceptor and H2O yields 686 kcal and the useful
(d) there is no electron donor chemical energy available in the high
energy phosphate bond of one mole of
36. During anaerobic digestion of ATP is 12 kcal?
organic waste, such as in producing (a) Thirty
biogas, which one of the following is left (b) Fifty -seven
undegraded? (c) One
(a) Cellulose (d) Two
(b) Lipids
(c) Lignin 43. The bacterium (Clostridium
(d) Hemi-cellulose botulinum) that causes botulism is
(a) an obligate anaerobe
37. During the stage in the complete (b) an facultative aerobe
oxidation of glucose are the greatest (c) an obligate aerobe
number of ATP molecules formed from (d) a facultative anaerobe
(a) glycolysis 44. All enzymes of TCA cycle are located
(b) krebs cycle in the mitochondrial matrix except one
(c) conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl Co-A which is located in inner mitochondrial
(d) electron transport chain membranes in eukaryotes and in cytosol
in prokaryotes. This enzyme is
38. In which one of the following do the
(a) isocitratedehydrogenase
two names refer to one and the same
(b) malate dehydrogenase
(a) Tricarboxylic acid cycle and urea cycle (c) succinate dehydrogenase
(b) Krebs cycle and Calvin cycle (d) lactate dehydrogenase.
(c) Tricarboxylic acid cycle and citric acid
45. The overall goal of glycolysis, krebs
(d) Citric acid cycle and Calvin cycle
cycle and the electron transport system
39. In glycolysis, during oxidation is the formation of
electrons are removed by (a) ATP in one large oxidation reaction
(a) ATP (b) sugars
(b) glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (c) nucleic acids
(c) NAD+ (d) ATP in small stepwise units.
46. The energy-releasing process in (c) The cycle starts with condensation of
which the substrate is oxidised without acetyl group (acetyl CoA) with pyruvic acid to
an external electron acceptor is called yield citric acid
(a) fermentation (d) There are three points in the cycle where
(b) photorespiration NAD+ is reduced to NADH+ H+.
(c) aerobic respiration
52. By which of the following complex,
(d) glycolysis
proton is pumped to reach ATP synthase to
participate in ATP synthesis?
47. In germinating seeds fatty acids are (a) Cytochrome b6f
degraded exclusively in the (b) Cytochrome a - a3
(c) Cytochrome c oxidase
(a) proplastids
(d) Cytochrome bc
(b) glyoxysomes
(c) peroxisomes 54. Decarboxylation of pyruvic acid results
(d) mitochondria in the formation of 
(a) Water 
(b) Acetyl CoA 
48. The chemiosmotic coupling
(c) Glucose 
hypothesis of oxidative phosphorylation (d) PGA
proposes that adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) is formed because: 55. In which one of the following processes
(a) high energy bonds are formed in CO2 is not released?
mitochondrial proteins (a) Aerobic respiration in plants
(b) ADP is pumped out of the matrix into (b) Aerobic respiration in animals
the intermembrane space (c) Lactate fermentation
(c) a proton gradient forms across the inner (d) Alcoholic fermentation
(d) there is a change in the permeability of 56. Terminal cytochrome of respiratory chain
the inner mitochondrial membrane toward which donates electrons to oxygen is
(a) Cyt b
adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
(b) Cyt a 1
(c) Cyt c
49. Aerobic respiratory pathway is (d) Cyt a 3
appropriately termed:
(a) parabolic 57.Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in
(a) Mitochondria
(b) amphibolic
(b) Chloroplast
(c) anabolic
(c) Cytoplasm
(d) catabolic (d) Golgi bodies

58. Which of the metabolites is common to

50. In which of the following types of
respiration mediated breakdown of fats,
respiration, the amount of energy released is
carbohydrates and proteins?
comparatively more  (a) Acetyl CoA
(a) Aerobic respiration  (b) Pyruvic acid
(b) Anaerobic respiration  (c) Glucose 6 phosphate
(c) Equal energy is released in both A and B  (d) Fructose 1, 6 bisphosphate
(d) None of these in correct
59. At a temperature above 35ºC
51. Which statement is wrong for Krebs’ (a) rate of photosynthesis will decline earlier
cycle? than that of respiration
(a) There is one point in the cycle where (b) rate of respiration will decline earlier than
FAD+ is reduced to FADH2 . that of photosynthesis
(b) During conversion of succinyl CoA to (c) there is no fixed pattern
succinic acid, a molecule of GTP is (d) both decline simultaneously.
60. The energy releasing metabolic process 67. The correct sequence of electron acceptor
in which substrate is oxidised without an in ATP synthesis is
external electron acceptor is called (a) Cyt. c, b, a, a 3
(a) glycolysis (b) Cyt. b, c, a 3 , a
(b) aerobic respiration (c) Cyt. a, a, b, c
(c) fermentation (d) Cyt. b, c, a, a 3
(d) photorespiration
68. The 1992 Nobel Prize for medicine was
61. When amount of CO2 taken from awarded to Edmond H. Fischer and Edwin J.
atmosphere (in photosynthesis) becomes Krebs for their work concerning
equal to the amount of CO2 released in (a) isolation of the gene for a human disease
atmosphere (in respiration), this is called  (b) reversible protein phosphorylation as a
(a) Final point  biological regulation mechanism
(b) Compensation point  (c) human genome project
(c) Balance point  (d) drug designing involving inhibition of
(d) Equal distribution DNA synthesis of the pathogen.

62. The overall goal of glycolysis, Krebs’ cycle 69. Apparatus to measure rate of respiration
and the electron transport system is the and R.Q. is
formation of (a) auxanometer
(a) ATP in one large oxidation reaction (b) respirometer
(b) nucleic acids (c) manometer
(c) sugars (d) photometer
(d) ATP in small stepwise units
70. The end product of fermentation are
63. In an organism utilising carbohydrates (a) O2 and C2H5OH
as its source of energy anaerobically, the (b) CO2 and acetaldehyde
R.Q. is likely. (c) CO2 and O2
(a) 0.7  (d) CO2 and C2H5OH
(b) 0.9 
(c) 1.0 
(d) Infinity 71. Which statement is wrong for Krebs'
cycle ?
64.Pyruvate kinase enzyme catalyses (1) There is one point in the cycle where
(a) second irreversible step of glycolysis FAD+ is reduced to FADH2
(b) first irreversible step of glycolysis (2) During conversion of succinyl CoA to
(c) fourth irreversible step of glycolysis succinic acid, a molecule of GTP is
(d) third irreversible step of glycolysis synthesised
(3) The cycle starts with condensation of
acetyl group (acetyl CoA) with pyruvic acid to
65. The correct sequence of the three yield citric acid
processes of aerobic respiration is  (4) There are three points in the cycle where
(a) Glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle, oxidative NAD+ is reduced to NADH+ H+
(b) Glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation and 72. Which of these statements is incorrect?
Kreb’s cycle  (1) Enzymes of TCA cycle are present in
(c) Kreb’s cycle, glycolysis and oxidative mitochondrial matrix
phosphorylation  (2) Glycolysis occurs in cytosol
(d) oxidative phosphorylation, Kreb’s cycle, (3) Oxidative phosphorylation takes place in
glycolysis outer mitochondrial membrane
(4) Glycolysis operates as long as it is
66. Net gain of ATP molecules, during supplied with NAD that can pick up
aerobic respiration, is hydrogen atoms
(a) 36 molecules
(b) 38 molecules 73. What is the role of NAD+ in cellular
(c) 40 molecules respiration?
(d) 48 molecules (1) It functions as an enzyme.
(2) It functions as an electron carrier.
(3) It is the final electron acceptor for
anaerobic respiration.
(4) It is a nucleotide source for ATP synthesis

74. Respiratory Quotient (RQ) value of

tripalmitin is
(1) 0.9
(2) 0.7
(3) 0.07
(4) 0.09

75. Conversion of glucose to glucose-6-

phosphate, the first irreversible reaction of
glycolysis, is catalyzed by
(1) Aldolase
(2) Hexokinase
(3) Enolase
(4) Phosphofructokinase

76. The number of substrate level

phosphorylations in one turn of citric acid
cycle is
(1) Two
(2) Three
(3) Zero
(4) One

77. Which of the following statements of

(1) Oxidation-reducation reactions produce
proton gradient in respiration
(2) During aerobic respiration, role of oxygen
is limited to the terminal stage
(3) In ETC (Electron Transport Chain), one
molecule of NADH + H+ gives rise to 2 ATP
molecules, and one FADH2 gives rise to 3
ATP molecules
(4) ATP is synthesized through complex V
Solution: (c)
Historically it was believed that 38 ATP is
Solutions produced from 38 ADP. But the current
estimate is that about 30 molecules of ATP
are formed when glucose is completely
1. oxidised to CO2.
Solution: (b) 13.
Glycolysis involves the process of partial Solution: (c)
oxidation of glucose or similar hexose sugar Respirometer is an instrument for
into two molecules of pyruvic acid through measuring respiratory quotient as well as
a series of ten enzyme mediated reactions. rate of respiration.
It occurs in cytoplasm. 14. Solution: (d)
2. Terminal cytochorome is cyt a3. cyt a3
Solution: (a) posseses two copper centers. It helps in
Complete degradation of a molecule of transfer of electrons to oxygen.
glucose produces 12 molecules of NADPH2 15.
by HMP. Solution: (d)
3. Solution: (c) The two molecules of pyruvate are
Respiratory Quotient completely degraded in Krebs cycle to form
4. Solution: (b) two molecules of ATP, 8 NADH2, 2 FADH2,
The end product of glycolysis is pyruvic CO2 and water.
acid which is a three carbon compound. 16. Solution: (a)
5. Solution: (b)
Complete degradation of a molecule of
Ratio of the volume of CO2 produced to the glucose yields 38 ATP molecules.
volume of O2 consumed in respiration over 17. Solution: (d)
a period of time is known as respiratory In Anaerobic respiration, oxygen is not
quotient. used in the breakdown of respiratory
6. Solution: (b) substrate.
The net gain of energy is equal to 8 ATP in 18. Solution: (a)
EMP pathway. Fats are used as respiratory substrates by
7. Solution: (d) a number of organisms because they
The end product of glycolysis is pyruvate. contain more energy as compared to
It enters mitochondria and is oxidatively carbohydrates.
decarboxylated to acetyl CoA before 19.
entering into Krebs cycle. Solution: (a)
8. ATP is injected in cyanide poisoning
Solution: (b) because it is necessary for cellular
2 ATP are produced during glycolysis in functions. ATP makes energy available at a
cytoplasm. 34 ATP are produced by Krebs spot away from the area of release of energy
cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, ETC. so it helps in maintaining cellular
9. Solution: (c) functions.
Aerobic respiration is an enzymatically 20. Solution: (d)
controlled release of energy in a stepwise
End products of fermentation are ethyl
catabolic process of complete oxidation of alcohol, lactic acid and CO2.
organic substrate into CO2 and H2O with O2 21. Solution: (b)
acting as terminal oxidant. Firstly, amylose and glycogen are
10. converted to glucose. Deamination of
Solution: (a) ketogenic amino acids occur and these
The optimum temperature of enter respiratory catabolism as
photosynthesis is 10º–25ºC for C3 plants intermediates.
and 30º–45ºC for C4 plants. 22. Solution: (b)
11. Solution: (b) Glycolysis is the first step of respiration
Oxidative phosphorylation is the synthesis which occurs without requirement of O2
of energy rich ATP molecules with the help and is common to both aerobic and
of energy liberated during oxidation of anaerobic modes of respiration.
reduced co-enzymes produced in 23.
respiration. Solution: (d)
molecules During aerobic oxidation of pyruvic acid,
12. first of all there is activation of pyruvic acid
in which NAD and coenzyme react with alfa-ketoglutarate to succinyl CoA, NAD+
pyruvic acid and oxidative decarboxylation and CoA are required. Conversion of
takes place leading to the formation of fumaric acid to malic acid involves simple
acetyl Co-A. In this process, Lipoic acid hydration. FAD participates in conversion
amide (LAA), thyamine pyrophosphate (TPP) of succinic acid to fumaric acid.
and NAD are essential to perform this 31.
reaction. Solution: (c)
24. Mesosome. Mesosomes are the
Solution (d) invaginations of the plasma membrane that
Respiratory quotient (R.Q.) is defined as can form into vesicles. They are found to be
the ratio of the molecules of carbon dioxide present in both gram-positive and
given out to the number of oxygen gramnegative bacteria. Mesosomes may play
molecules taken in during respiration. Its arole in cell wall formation during cell
value for fatty acids is always less than division and/or chromosome replication
unity. and distribution and/or electron transfer
25. Solution: (d) systems of respiration.
Oxidative phosphorylation is the synthesis 32.
of energy rich ATP from ADP and inorganic Solution: (a)
phosphate, that is connected to oxidation of The energy yield during aerobic respiration
reduced coenzymes produced in cellular (36 ATP) is 18 times of that during
respiration. anaerobic respiration (2 ATP).
26. Solution: (c) 33.
Competitive inhibition is the reversible Solution: (a)
inhibition of enzyme activity due to 38 molecules of ATP produced during
presence of substrate analogues. Non aerobic respiration. Of these 2 ATP are
competitive inhibition is the reduction of used in link reaction. Hence net gain is of
enzyme activity by a factor that has no real 36 ATP.
structural similarity with the substrate. 34. Solution: (c)
Allosteric inhibition is reversible 38 ATP molecules are produced by aerobic
noncompetitive inhibition occurring in case oxidation of glucose.
of allosteric enzymes. Herein the inhibitors 35. Solution: (b)
are the products or intermediates of In alcohol fermentation triose phosphate is
reactions catalyzed by the enzymes. Hence the electron donor while acetaldehyde is
it is also called end product inhibition or the electron acceptor.
feedback inhibition. 36.
27. Solution: (c)
Solution: (a) Lignin is a complex polymer of
The enzyme involved in Krebs cycle are phenylpropane units, which are crosslinked
localized in the mitochondrial matrix. to each other with a variety of different
chemical bonds.
28. 37. Solution: (d)
Solution: (b) ATP molecules from ADP are generated
Fermentation is referred to as the maximum in electron transport chain.
decomposition of organic compounds, 38. Solution: (c)
anaerobically by enzymes yielding alcohol, TCA cycle is so called because the first
organic acids; gases etc. stable product formed is a tricarboxylic
29. Solution: (c) acid molecule that is citric acid. Hence the
According to the chemiosmotic theory the name citric acid cycle. It is also called the
energy liberated during electron transport Krebs cycle.
performs the osmotic work of accumulating 39.
H+ ions, conserving energy in building a Solution: (c)
proton gradient, which is used to build ATP ATP is the energy currency in all cells.
from ADP and inorganic phosphate. Glyceraldehyde 3 - phosphate is reduced
30. during glycolysis. Molecular oxygen is the
Solution: (c) terminal electron acceptor in ETS.
In the conversion of succinyl Co A to 40. Chemiosmotic theory of ATP
succinic acid, energy liberated during synthesis in the chloroplasts and
hydrolysis of succinyl CoA is used in mitochondria is based on: [2005]
synthesis of GTP. For the conversion of Solution: (d)
The enzyme responsible for oxidative 15Glycolysis takes place in all body cells and
phosphorylation is ATP synthase. ATP is of two types- (a) Anaerobic
synthase is located in the F1 component of glycolysisFromglycogen or glucose to lactic
F0 – F1 or elementary particles. ATP acid in
synthase becomes active in ATP formation muscles. (b) Aerobic glycolysis- From
only where there is a proton gradient glycogen or glucose to pyruvic acid (all cells
having higher concentration of H+ or of body)
protons on the F0 side as compared to F1 47.
side. Increased proton concentration is Solution: (b)
produced in the outer chamber of outer In germinating seeds, fatty acids are
surface of inner mitochondrial memberane degraded exclusively in the glyoxysomes.
by the pushing of protons with the help of Glyoxylate cycle occurs in tissues rich in
energy liberated by passage of electrons fats, such as those of germinating seeds;
from one carrier to another. the enzymes involved in the cycle, which
41. Solution: (d) have not been found in mammals, are
ATP molecules from ADP are generated contained in organelles called glyoxysomes.
maximum in electron transport chain. 48.
42. Solution: (c)
Solution: (b) Chemiosmotic theory postulated by the
12 kcal of energy present in one molecule British biochemist Peter Mitchell (1920- 22)
of ATP & on oxidation of one mole of to explain the formation of ATP in the
glucose into CO2 and H2O energy released mitochondrial electron transport chain. As
in 686 kcal. So no. of ATP which can store electrons are transferred along the electron
this energy would be = 57.1 = 57 ATPs. carrier system in the inner mitochondrial
43. membrane, hydrogen ions (protons) are
Solution: (a) actively transported into the space between
Clostridium botulinum is an obligate anaerobe i.e. the inner and outer mitochondrial
it normally lives in the absence of oxygen. membranes, which thus contains a higher
Facultative anaerobes are those who concentration of protons than the matrix.
generally live in oxygen but may live without This creates an electrochemical gradient
oxygen in suitable medium. Obligate aerobes across the inner membrane, through which
can only live in the presence of oxygen while protons move back into the matrix.
facultative aerobes generally live in oxygen 49. Solution: (b)
but can also live without oxygen. All energy-releasing pathways whether
44. aerobic (requiring oxygen) or anaerobic (not
Solution: (c) requiring oxygen) begin with a pathway
Succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, also called glycolysis, which occurs in the
known in mitochondria as Complex II, cytoplasm (cytosol). Aerobic respiratory
provides a link between the citric acid cycle pathway is appropriately termed
and the membrane-bound amphibolic. Aerobic respiration is the main
electrontransport system. The membrane energy-releasing pathway leading to ATP
extrinsic, water-soluble domain, known as formation. It occurs in the mitochondria.
succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), contains Aerobic respiration yields thirty-six ATP.
the fumarate/succinate active site with a 50.
covalently bound FAD group and three (a) Aerobic respiration is a chemical reaction
iron-sulfur clusters: [2Fe-2S]2 +/1+, [4Fe- that transfers energy to cells. The waste
4S]2+/1+ and [3Fe-4S]1 +/0. The enzyme products of aerobic respiration are carbon
catalyzes the interconversion of fumarate dioxide and water. A major advantage of
and succinate, and is closely related to aerobic respiration is the amount of energy it
fumarate reductase releases. Without oxygen, organisms can
45. Solution: (d) split glucose into just two molecules of
Glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron pyruvate. This releases only enough energy
transport system, they all give ATP which is to make two ATP molecules. With oxygen,
the main energy currency of our body. organisms can break down glucose all the
Glycosis takes place in cytoplasm, Krebs way to carbon dioxide. This releases enough
cycle also in cytoplasm and ETS takes energy to produce up to 38 ATP molecules.
place in the mitochondria. Thus, aerobic respiration releases much
46. more energy than anaerobic respiration.
Solution: (d)
51. were to be respired they would first be
(c) The cycle starts with condensation of degraded to acetyl CoA and enter the
acetyl group (acetyl CoA) with pyruvic acid to pathway. Glycerol would enter the pathway
yield citric acid after being converted to 3-
phosphoglyceraldehyde (PGAL). The proteins
52. are degraded by proteases to individual
amino acids (after deamination) and
(a) Cytchrome b6f , proton is pumped to depending on their structure enter the
reach ATPs. pathway within the Krebs’ cycle or as
pyruvate or acetyl CoA. Thus, acetyl CoA is
54. the common metabolite of all the three
(carbohydrates, proteins and fats).
(b) Pyruvate decarboxylation is an
oxidative decarboxylation reaction, or an 59.
oxidation reaction where a carboxylate group
(b) The plants can perform photosynthesis
is removed. This reaction converts  pyruvate
on a range of temperature, while some
which was produced through glycolysis to
acetyl CoA to be used in the Citric Acid cryophytes can do photosynthesis at 35°C.
Cycle. Usually the plants can perform
photosynthesis between 10°C 40° C. The
optimum temperature ranges between 25°C
55. 30° C. At high temperature the enzymes are
(c) Anaerobic respiration or fermentation can denatured and hence the photosynthetic rate
be of two types, i.e., lactate fermentation and declines
ethanol fermentation. Lactate fermentation 60.
produces lactic acid only as pyruvic acid
produced in glycolysis is directly reduced by (c) Fermentation is a metabolic process that
NADH to form lactic acid and no CO2, is produces chemical changes in organic
produced. Alcoholic (ethanol) fermentation substrates through the action of enzymes. In
biochemistry, it is narrowly defined as the
involves conversion of pyruvate to
extraction of energy from carbohydrates in
acetaldehyde, hence, CO2, is released.
the absence of oxygen.
(d) The EST system contains various electron 61.
carries such as cytochromes. The correct (b) The compensation point is where light
sequence of electron carrier/acceptor in ATP intensity is at the point where the rate of
synthesis is cyt-b, cyt-c1, cyt-c(a and cyt- photosynthesis is equal to the rate of
a3). Cyt-a3 is the terminal cytochrome, it respiration. At light intensities below
posses two copper centers, which help in this point, more respiration occurs. At
transfer of electron to oxygen. higher light intensities, more photosynthesis
(a) In eukaryotes, oxidative phosphorylation 62.
(d) Respiration is an energy liberating
occurs in mitochondria, while
enzymatically controlled multistep catabolic
photophosphorylation occurs in chloroplasts
process of step wise breakdown of organic
to produce ATP. Oxidative substances (hexose sugar) inside the living
phosphorylation involves the reduction of cells. Aerobic respiration includes the 3
O2 to H2O with electrons donated by NADH major process, glycolysis, Krebs' cycle and
and FADH2 in all aerobic organisms electrons transport chain. The substrate is
completely broken down to form CO2 and
water. A large amount of energy is released
(a) Carbohydrates are usually first converted stepwise in the form of ATP.
into glucose before they are used for
respiration. Fats are broken down into 63.
glycerol and fatty acids first. If fatty acids
(d) Infinity (b) Respirometer is an  instrument  used
64. for measuring R.Q and rate of respiration.
The most common respirometer is Ganong's
(d) Pyruvate kinase is the enzyme involved in respirometer.
the last step of glycolysis. It catalyzes the
transfer of a phosphate group from
phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to adenosine 70.
diphosphate (ADP), yielding one molecule (d) When oxygen is not available (anaerobic
of pyruvate and one molecule of ATP. condition) yeast and some other microbes
65. convert pyruvic acid into ethyl alcohol. It is a
two step process. In the first step pyruvic
(a) Glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle, oxidative acid is decarboxylated to yield acetaldehyde
phosphorylation. and CO2.
(a) There is net gain of 38 ATP molecules
during aerobic respiration of one molecule of
The TCA cycle is a central pathway that
glucose. But in most eukaryotic cells, 2 provides a unifying point for many
molecules of ATP are required for metabolites, which feed in at various points.
transporting the NADH produced in It takes place over eight different steps:
glycolysis into the mitochondrion for further
oxidation. Hence, net gain of ATP here is 36 Step 1:  Acetyl CoA (two carbon molecule)
molecules. joins with oxaloacetate (4 carbon molecule)
to form citrate (6 carbon molecule).
(d) Last step of aerobic respiration is Step 2: Citrate is converted to isocitrate (an
isomer of citrate)
oxidation of reduced co-enzymes, i.e.,
NADH2, and FADH2, by molecular oxygen
Step 3: Isocitrate is oxidised to alpha-
through FAD, CoQ (ubiquinone), Cyt. b, Cyt. ketoglutarate (a five carbon molecule) which
c,, Cyt. c, Cyt. a and Cyt a. Two hydrogen results in the release of carbon dioxide. One
atoms or electrons move from NADH2, and NADH molecule is formed.
travel through this ETS chain and finally The enzyme responsible for catalysing this
combine with half molecule of O2, to form step is isocitrate dehydrogenase. This is a
water. During this electron transport FAD rate limiting step as isocitrate dehydrogenase
and Fe of different cytochromes are is an allosterically controlled enzyme.
successively reduced and oxidised and at
certain points, enough energy is released Step 4: Alpha-ketoglutarate is oxidised to
which is used to bind ADP with Pi to form form a 4 carbon molecule. This binds to
ATP. coenzyme A forming succinyl CoA. A second
molecule of NADH is produced, alongside a
68. second molecule of carbon dioxide.

(b) The 1992 Nobel prize for medicine was Step 5: Succinyl CoA is then converted
awarded to edmond H. fischer and Edwin J. to succinate (4 carbon molecule) and
Krebs for their work concerning reversible one GTP molecule is produced.
protein phosphorylation as biological Step 6: Succinate is converted
regulation mechanism. The winners of 1992 into fumarate (4 carbon molecule) and a
Noble prize in Physiology and Medicine molecule of FADH₂ is produced.
discovered a 'life switch' that turns on and
off a variety of biological functions of the cell, Step 7: Fumarate is converted
including the breakdown of fats and the to malate (another 4 carbon molecule).
generation of chemical energy. The prize -
winning discovery is known as 'reversible Step 8: Malate is then converted into
protein phosphorylation'. oxaloacetate. The third molecule of NADH is
69. 72
Oxidative phosphorylation takes place in the
inner mitochondrial membrane, in contrast
with most of the reactions of the citric acid
cycle and fatty acid oxidation, which take
place in the matrix.
NAD+ is an electron carrier which will pick
up electrons during the course of cellular
respiration. When NAD+ picks up an
electron, it becomes reduced, and becomes
NADH. NADH carries electrons all the way to
the Electron Transport Chain, where it will
then drop off the electrons.

Amount of released
Respiratory Quotient =
Amount of consumned

102CO 2
RQ =
145CO 2
= 0.7

Respiratory quotient, also known as

the respiratory ratio (RQ), is defined as the
volume of carbon dioxide released over the
volume of oxygen absorbed
during respiration. It is a dimensionless
number used in a calculation for basal
metabolic rate when estimated from carbon
dioxide production to oxygen absorption.

Hexokinase catalyse the conversion of
Glucose to Glucose-6 phosphate. It is the
first step of activation phase of glycolysis.
(4) One
77 (3) In ETC (Electron Transport Chain),
one molecule of NADH + H+ gives rise to 2
ATP molecules, and one FADH2 gives rise to
3 ATP molecules

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