PCG Functions
PCG Functions
PCG Functions
country’s vanguard against the entry of unsafe foreign vessels into the country through
its Port State Control.
At present, the Philippine Coast Guard has seven (7) PSC Centers and fifteen (15) PSC
Divisions all throughout the archipelago. The PSC Center in Manila has the bulk of all
inspections based on frequency of foreign ship calls.
Pursuant to RA 9993, the Philippine Coast Guard is mandated to enforce regulations in
accordance with all relevant maritime international conventions, treaties or instruments
of which the government is signatory and national laws.
MARITIME SAFETY or MARSAF function is designed to help prevent or minimize
unnecessary loss of lives and properties at sea.
The seaworthiness of every vessel leaving the port is ensured through the intensified
Mandatory Pre-departure Inspection which include the compliance of vessels to safety
standards and prevention of vessels from sailing for failure to comply with the
standards; conduct of random Emergency Readiness Evaluation and Operational
Readiness Evaluation in the ports; conduct of regular vessel safety inspections, and
publication of Notice to Mariners (NOTAM), and the implementation and enforcement of
navigational rules and designation of sea lanes, among others.
Further, the PCG is also responsible in issuing permits and supervises all marine
salvage operations. It is mandated to destroy or tow floating hazards to navigation such
as, but not limited to illegal fish traps and vessels.
Moreover, navigational safety is ensured by operating and/or maintaining and servicing
565 lighthouses and more than 44 navigational buoys around the country which guide
and ensures safe voyage to mariners.
The Philippines is a signatory to IMO Conventions on Marine Pollution of 1973 and 1978
(MARPOL 73/78). The Philippine Coast Guard under RA 9993 is the sole agency
responsible for the Philippine implementation of the Conventions with regards to oil
pollution, prevention, mitigation and control through the conduct of marine pollution
monitoring and control, enhancement of PCG capability and oil spill response operations
and enforcement of all marine environmental laws and regulations.
The Philippine Coast Guard, in accordance with the Convention of Safety of Life at Sea
(SOLAS), is the national maritime search and rescue service of the country.
Maritime Law Enforcement