Cdin 4

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LESSON 1: HISTORY OF TRANSPORTATION During the primitive era, there was a

clear evidence of the migration of people over

wide stretches of ocean long before 3000 BC.
TRANSPORTATION is the act or process of
moving people or things from one place to
another. It is also the conveyance of goods and
persons from one place to another, and the
various means by which such movement is
accomplished, is an integral part of human



 BAREFOOT The Romans brought road building to its

 SLED | SLEDGES highest point of perfection in ancient times. The
 WHEEL Roman road network reached a total of about
50,000 mi. (80,000 km.), with "feeder" roads
branching out from the main highways.
The domestication of animals greatly
JOHN L. MC ADAM perfected the
increased the potential power available for
macadamized road in England about 1815.
transportation. Pack animals were introduced
Realizing that dry native soil and stones would
as conveyances mainly to save labor. A man can
support any weight. Mc Adam made the surface
tend several pack animals moving together,
of his roads completely watertight
each of which (except dogs) can carry more
than he usually can.

 Reindeer
 BICYCLE - One of ancestors of the
 Dog
modern bicycle was the HOB HORSE or
 Donkey
DANDY HORSE, which could be seen on
 Elephant
the English macadamized roads after
 Horse
1818. The wheels of these machines
 Camel
were of wood, with tires of iron, and
 Yak
the riders pushed themselves along
with their feet on the ground.

 PNEUMATIC TIRES - These tire Later on, air transportation and modern
appeared in late 19th century and water transportation were also developed. In
invented by a Scot, JOHN BOYD land transportation, the Light Rail Transit (LRT)
DUNLOP. These are tires that are and the Metro Rail Transit (MRT) were also
inflated by air. introduced.
LENOIR made motorized carriages by
his possible the introduction of TRAFFIC Etymology & Definition
invention in the 1860's of the INTERNAL
COMBUSTION ENGINE. This is the first
commercially successful internal
combustion engine.
 NICOLAUS OTTO and GOTTLIEB - The word traffic originates from GRECO-
DAIMLER pioneered the manufacture of ROMAN word "TRAFICO" with reference to the
GAS ENGINES. This is called as OTTO movement of people that dates back from the
ENGINE and is considered as the dawns of history: from the domesticated horse-
modern internal combustion engine. drawn wheels to horseless carriage.
DAMLIER, on the other hand, became a
successful automobile manufacturer.  TRAFRIGA
 RUDOLF DIESEL, a German engineer,
The GREEK originally called the system
then developed an internal combustion
"TRAFRIGA" after the early horse-drawn
engine which is similar with the gasoline
chariots with spoked wheels.
engine but requires no electrical
ignition system or carburetor and uses  COMMERCIUM
other form of liquid fuel known as
DIESEL FUEL. In LATIN, the word traffic is denominated as
"COMMERCIUM" with reference to the
movement and control of goods in transit from
un-wheeled axle to horseless carriage.
In 1908, HENRY FORD introduced the
MODEL T, which was proved so popular that by In ARABIC, the word traffic is denominated
1914, Ford had adopted mass production as "TRAFIQ" with reference to distribution
methods to meet the demand. which means people and vehicle coming and
From Ford Era, the demand of vehicles
became great for the transportation of goods,  TRAFFICO/TRAFFICARE
products, communications and people. Hence
the manufacturing of other models of In ITALIAN, the word traffic is denominated
automobiles, trucks, buses. as "TRAFFICO OR TRAFFICARE" which means "to
trade or to carry on trade.

TRANSPORTATION - The carrying or conveying 1. TRAFFIC INCIDENTS - these are events that
of goods and persons from one place to disrupt the normal flow of traffic, usually by
another. physical impedance in the travel lanes.
These include: vehicular crashes,
TRAFFIC - The movement of goods and persons breakdowns, and debris in travel lanes.
from one place to another 2. WORK ZONES - these are construction
activities on the roadway that result in
physical changes to the highway
3. WEATHER - these refers to the
Traffic congestion is a state wherein
environmental conditions that can lead to
transport is slowed, and more vehicles are
changes in driver behavior that affect traffic
queueing on a given road. It usually relates to
an excess of vehicles on a portion of roadway at
a particular time resulting in speeds that are
slower than normal or "free flow" speeds.


RECURRING TRAFFIC CONGESTION This refers to the day-to-day variability
in demand that leads to some days with
Recurring type of congestion happens
higher traffic volumes than others.
when there are more vehicles in the roadway,
2. SPECIAL EVENTS - These are special
virtually every day.
case of demand fluctuations where
This is apparent in the morning and traffic flow in the vicinity of the event
evening commutes to appointments and will be radically different from "typical"
employment turns highways and major roads patterns.
into grid locks.


Non-recurring type of congestion includes the intermittent disruption of
happens when there are temporary disruptions traffic flow by control devices such as
that take away part of the roadway from use. railroad grade crossings and poorly
timed signals that also contribute to
This includes incidents ranging from a congestion and travel time variability.
flat tire to an overturned hazardous material 2. PHYSICAL BOTTLENECKS - These are
truck, work zones, and weather concerns. localized disruptions of vehicular traffic
on a street, road, or highway where the
width of the roadway goes from wide to
bringing traffic in all directions to a
complete "standstill."


 The FREE FLOW PHASE - it is characterized
by a positive correlation between the flow 1. KEEP RIGHT
rate or vehicles per unit time, and vehicle
density or vehicles per unit distance. When  Every person operating a motor vehicle
or an animal-drawn vehicle on a
the density reaches the maximum density
for the free flow, the transition to the highway shall pass to the right when
meeting persons or vehicles coming
congestion will occur.
toward him. (RA 4136, Sec 37)
 The SYNCHRONIZED FLOW PHASE in this  On a highway having two more lanes
phase the speed of vehicles drops for the movement of traffic in one
direction the driver of a slow moving
significantly, but there is no noticeable
change in the flow rate is observed. vehicle shall drive to the right, while the
driver of a fast moving motor vehicle to
 The WIDE MOVING JAM PHASE this phase the left.
 In cases of an incoming emergency
spontaneously occurs through synchronized
flow. At this stage, both flow rate and motor vehicle, the non-emergency
vehicle shall immediately drive to the
velocity drops significantly, and they
become relatively uniform than right to enable the former to overtake
the latter. (PNP, 2009, p.28)
synchronized flow.

● One must yield to emergency vehicles,

pedestrians, trains, vehicles with right of way,
The Traffic Flow Theories seek to vehicles ahead, large vehicles, uphill traffic,
describe in a precise mathematical way traffic with momentum, straight traffic, and
interactions between the vehicles and their traffic signs.
operators (the mobile components) and the
infrastructure (the immobile component). ● A driver must not do the following acts:

- cutting off other motorists

 TRAFFIC JAM is a situation in which a long - rude gestures

line of vehicles on a road have stopped - tailgating
moving or are moving very slowly.
 GRIDLOCK is a form of traffic congestion - annoying blowing of horn
where continuous queues of vehicles block
- obstructions
an entire network of intersecting streets,
3. PROHIBITED PARKING ● The overtaking vehicle is the burden vehicle.
The driver signals his intention, maneuvers at
No driver shall park a vehicle, or permit it to his own risk overtake, and passes the other
stand, whether attended or unattended, upon a vehicle safely when a lane is clear
highway in any of the following places:
● No overtaking is allowed at any railway grade
- within an intersection; crossing, not at any intersection of highway
- on a crosswalk; unless such intersection or crossing is controlled
by traffic signal, or unless permitted to do so by
- within six meters of the intersection of curb a watchman or a peace officer.
● In an expressway with a fast and slow lane or
- within four meters of a driveway entrance to a in any divided roadway, a driver may overtake
fire station; on either lane.

- within four meters of a fire hydrant; ● No overtaking is allowed in any “no-passing or

overtaking zone.”
- in front of a private driveway;

- on the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or

parked; 5. THE BUS STOP RULE

- at the curb or edge of the highway; and ● At major bus stops or controlled stations,
loading and unloading will only be allowed at
- at any place where official signs have been
designated areas between the markers “Start of
displayed prohibiting parking.
Loading/Unloading Area” and “End of
4. IF IN DOUBT, DO NOT OVERTAKE Loading/Unloading Area.”

● The driver of a vehicle shall not drive to the ● Incoming buses outside the designated area
left side of the centerline of a highway in must observe “Closed Door Policy.”
overtaking or passing another vehicle
proceeding in the same direction, unless such
left side is clearly visible, and is free of 6. RULES TO PREVENT OR UNTANGLE TRAFFIC
oncoming traffic for a sufficient distance ahead JAMS
to permit such overtaking or passing to be
made in safety. ● Keep opposing lanes and intersections open.
● There shall be no overtaking in heavy, slow or
● The vehicle being overtaken is the privileged stopped traffic.
vehicle. The driver keeps his lane, reduces or
maintain speed and allows the overtaking ● The vehicles should merge alternately,
vehicle to pass. He shall not increase the speed whenever there is a road construction.
until completely passes by the overtaking 7. OBSERVE TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT
vehicle. MEASURES
ones allowed to traverse the 1st and 2nd yellow SCHEME - traversing EDSA during rush hour
lanes or the first two lanes near the sidewalk. (period between 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and
On the other hand, private cars and provincial 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.) on weekdays in an effort
buses should drive within the 3rd lane. That to lessen the volume of traffic in Metro Manila’s
means, they will be apprehended once they main thoroughfare.
enter the yellow lanes except when they need
to make a turn.

● TRUCK BAN - From 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. and

from 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. every day except
Sundays and Holidays, no cargo truck shall be
allowed to travel or pass along major roads
except for the alternate roads provided for

● CARGO TRUCKS are motor vehicles, intended

for carrying cargo and having license plates of
the following classifications: “S”,”T”, “TC”, “TH”,
“TRLB”, “HHB”, and “TRJ,” whether loaded or ● ODD-EVEN SCHEME - it is a type of number
empty, having a gross capacity weight of more coding scheme, wherein it works to prevent
than 4,500 kilos. private vehicles with less than three passengers
that crosses the restricted thoroughfares during
● COUNTER FLOW–REVERSIBLE LANE - also morning and afternoon rush hours on specific
known as zipper lane, it allows for motorists to days. Particularly those vehicles that have a
do a ‘zipper merge’. In this case, drivers can use plate that ends with odd numbers were banned
both traffic lanes of a road until reaching the on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, while
defined merge area, which should now those vehicles that have a plate that ends with
converge into a single lane. even number are banned during Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays. (REPEALED)

● ODD-EVEN SCHEME - private vehicles that

crosses the restricted thoroughfares during
morning and afternoon rush hours (7- 10am and
5-8pm) on specific days. (MMDA Resolution No.
22-14, effective Aug. 15, 2022)
street only allows vehicles to move in one
direction down the road. ‘No-entry’ signs are
used to prevent vehicles travelling the wrong
way along the road, and sometimes road
junctions are redesigned to make it difficult to
turn against the flow of traffic.
8. THE PHILOSOPHY OF PINOY DRIVER vehicles an opportunity to see the crossing
pedestrians so they can stop too.
● This phrase means being considerate to
fellow drivers. For example, in a Rotonda, it is ● Never pass vehicles stopped at a crosswalk.
always a first come first serve rule; vehicles There may be people crossing that you can’t
around the rotunda have the right-of-way over see.
vehicles which are just about to enter.
Motorists should observe equity of the lead ● Never drive under the influence of alcohol
and/or drugs.

9. ON PEDESTRIAN RULE ● Observe the speed limit, especially around

people on the street.
To be Done by Pedestrians
● Maintain a slower speed limit in school zones
● Be predictable. Follow the rules of the road and in neighborhoods where children are
and obey signs and signals. present.

● Walk on sidewalks whenever they are ● Be extra cautious when backing up—
available. pedestrians can move into your path.

● If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic and 10. SAFETY FIRST

as far from traffic as possible.

● Keep alert at all times; don’t be distracted by

electronic devices that take your eyes (and ears)
off the road. What is TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT?
● Whenever possible, cross streets at - TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT is the
crosswalks or intersections, where drivers organization, arrangement, guidance
expect pedestrians. Look for cars in all and control of both stationary and
directions, including those turning left or right. moving traffic, including pedestrians,
bicyclists and all types of vehicles; to
To be Done by Drivers
provide for the safe, orderly and
● Be aware of pedestrians everywhere, at all efficient movement of persons and
times. Safety is a shared responsibility. goods, and to protect and enhance the
quality of the local environment near
● Observe extra caution when driving in hard-to the traffic facilities.
see conditions, such as nighttime or bad

● Slow down and be prepared to stop when 1. TRAFFIC INFORMATION

turning or otherwise entering a crosswalk. - It offers up-to-date information for road
users, both before and during travel.
● Give way to pedestrians in crosswalks and The information provided covers topics
stop well back from the crosswalk to give other such as weather forecast and road
conditions, road maintenance, traffic 5. MONITORING SYSTEMS
incidents, traffic situation and - Monitoring systems include automatic
alternative modes of travel. speed and intersection control,
monitoring transports of hazardous
2. TRAFFIC CONTROL materials and automatic lane-use
- It is the supervision of the movement of monitoring. It allows detection and
people, goods, or vehicles to ensure classification of the vehicles in selected
efficiency and safety. Traffic is areas by using data from sensors.
controlled per intersection, road section
or the entire road network. Traffic
control is divided into fixed and variable - Driver support systems comprise IT and
traffic control. communications technology applications,
providing assistance to the driver. These include
3. INCIDENT MANAGEMENT collision prevention, support for lane keeping
- Incident management concerns the and navigation systems. For instance, the
detection, handling and elimination of systems can help the driver to maintain a set
traffic incidents, such as accidents, and speed, maintain a certain time interval to the
restoring traffic flow as safely and vehicle ahead; prevent a collision by giving a
quickly as possible in cooperation with warning to the driver and braking the car; and
various authorities. It aims to reduce help the driver to park.
the duration and impacts of traffic
incidents and improves the safety of 7. FLEET MANAGEMENT
motorists, crash victims and emergency
- Fleet management covers the planning,
monitoring, control and assessment of the
movement and operations of a vehicle fleet and
its drivers. Transport management involves the
- Demand management is used to affect
management of transport chain operations and
choices in the destination, time, mode
information flows.
of transport or route of travel or
transport. Means of achieving this
include regulating access or parking,
arranging park-and-ride facilities, The TRAFFIC LAWS
supporting carpooling, promoting public
(Legal Bases in Traffic Management)
transport and pedestrian and bicycle
traffic, providing traffic information and
using peak-hour tolls and other road
use charges. It also encourages a shift RA. No. 4136
from single-occupant vehicle (SOV) trips
The Land Transportation and Traffic Code
to non-SOV modes or by shifting trips
out of peak periods. It is an act that compiles the laws in
relation to land transportation and traffic rules
in the Philippines, particularly the registration RA. No. 8750
and operation of motor vehicles and the
licensing of its owners, dealers, conductors, and The Seat Belts Use Act of 1999
drivers. It is the law that requires mandatory
It laid the groundwork for all the traffic compliance of public and private motorists to
use seat belt devices in line with the policy of
regulations we have today.
the State in pursuing a more proactive and
preventive approach in securing the safety of
What is MOTOR VEHICLE? passengers and drivers from vehicular
Any vehicle propelled by any power
other than muscular power using the public
highways, but except road rollers, trolley cars,
street-sweepers, sprinklers, lawn mowers, What is SEAT BELT DEVICE?
bulldozers, graders, fork-lifts, amphibian trucks, It is any strap, webbing or similar device
and cranes if not used on public highways, in the form of pelvic restraint or lap belt, upper
vehicles which run only on rails or tracks, and torso restraint or shoulder strap or a
tractors, trailers and traction engines of all kinds combination thereof designed to secure a
used exclusively for agricultural purposes. person in a motor vehicle in order to mitigate
the results of any accident, including all
necessary buckles and other fasteners, and all
SALIENT FEATURES hardware designed for installing such seat belt
device in a motor vehicle.
 All motor vehicles to be registered in a
national registry.
 There are registration requirements and
fees for every motor vehicle owner.
 Every motor vehicle owner must apply  It prohibits infants, toddlers, and
for a professional and nonprofessional children under six years old from sitting
license. in front of any running motor vehicle.
 There are penalty fees for failing to  It also requires car manufacturers to
comply with the commission’s ensure that all their vehicles are
registration and licensing requirements. equipped with the proper seat belt
 It created the LAND TRANSPORTATION provisions.
COMMISSION (LTC) with the task of  The seat belts should also meet the
administering the provisions of the RA standards of the Bureau of Product
4136. Standards of the Department of Trade
 The LTC is the predecessor of both the and Industry (DTI) in consultation with
Land Transportation Office (LTO) and the LTO of the Department of
the Land Transportation Franchising Transportation and Communications
and Regulatory Board (LTFRB). (DOTC).
Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Act of 2013
It penalizes the acts of driving under the TEST) – this is the first test where the
influence of alcohol, dangerous drugs, and apprehending officer will stand about 1
other intoxicating substances, and makes foot away from the suspected driver
provision on educating the public of the and checks if it shows involuntary eye
standards of safe driving and the benefits that jerking while they are looking towards
may be derived from it through institutional the moving objects from side to side.
programs and appropriate public information.
2. WALK-AND-RUN TEST – this is the 2nd
test where the suspected driver needs
WHAT IS DUI? to walk heel-to-toe in a straight line for
8 to 9 steps. They should turn at the
DUI or Driving Under Influence of
end and go back to his/her starting
alcohol is the act of operating a motor vehicle
point without showing any signs of
while the driver’s blood alcohol concentration
difficulty. This test is done to check the
level has, after being subjected to a breath
ability of the driver in maintaining
analyzer test, reached the level of intoxication
balance and following directions.
or driving under the influence of dangerous
drugs and other similar substances after being
3. ONE-LEG STAND TEST – this 3rd test will
found positive in a confirmatory test.
require the driver to stand with their
one leg 6 inches from the ground for a
good thirty seconds. This test is also
SALIENT FEATURES done to check the driver’s coordination
and balance and at the same with the
It enables law enforcers to use a device
walk-and-turn test, it also checks if the
called breath analyzers and to conduct a
driver can still follow directions.
sobriety test on drivers who they believe is
under alcohol intoxication or dangerous drugs.
They have the power to flag the suspected WHAT IS BREATHALYZER?
driver down and subject him or her to a series
of sobriety tests. A short for breath analyzer is a device
that measures or estimates blood alcohol
If the suspected driver failed the test, content (BAC).
he or she needs to undergo a breathalyzer test.
If the driver refused to undergo these two tests,
they will be penalized. Their driver’s license will
be confiscated and will automatically be
revoked as stated in the act.
RA NO. 10054 It prohibits any person to drive a two-
wheeled motorcycle with a child on board on
Motorcycle Helmet Act of 2009 public roads where there is heavy volume of
It is the primary law that mandates all vehicles, there is a high density of fast-moving
motorcycle riders to wear standard protective vehicles or where a speed limit of more than
helmets and provides for the specific penalties 60/kph is imposed.
for its violation.

RA NO. 10913
SALIENT FEATURES Anti-Distracted Driving Act (ADDA)
It indicates that the helmets to be used Law that prohibits a person who is
by motorcycle riders are those that comply with driving a motor vehicle from holding and using
the guidelines regarding the specifications of mobile communication devices and electronic
standard protective motorcycle helmets, issued entertainment gadgets.
by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).

In addition to this provision, the law

mandates that only those standard protective OTHER FEATURES
motorcycle helmets bearing the Philippine
Standards (PS) or Import Commodity Clearance 1. The prohibition applies while the motor
vehicle is in motion or temporarily
(ICC) mark shall be sold in the market.
stopped on a traffic light or an
2. This law covers both public and private
RA NO. 8749 3. It also covers wheeled agricultural
machineries, construction equipment,
Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 and other forms of conveyances such as
bicycles, pedicabs, trolleys, “habal-
It is a comprehensive air quality
habal”, “kuligligs”, wagons, carriages,
management policy and program which aims to
and carts that may either be human-
achieve and maintain healthy air for all Filipinos.
powered or pulled by an animal as long
Its important feature is the as the same are operated or driven in
implementation of emission standards for public throroughfares, highways or
motor vehicles. streets.


Children’s Safety on Motorcycles Act of 2015 WHAT IS TRAFFIC ENGINEERING?

TRAFFIC ENGINEERING is a branch of approaches Of an intersection.
civil engineering that uses engineering They are the STOP sign and
techniques to achieve the safe and efficient GIVE WAY sign. These are also
movement Of people and goods. It addresses known as PRIORITY SIGNS.
the planning, design and operation of roads,
railway tracks, bridges, streets and highways,
their networks, adjacent land uses and
interaction with other modes of transportation
and their terminals, and other traffic structures
like traffic signs and traffic lights.
B. SPEED SERIES – used to limit
the speed of the vehicle on
The Traffic Control Devices the road.

 Traffic Signs
 Traffic Signals
 Road Markings

SERIES – contains number of
signs that affect specific
1. The TRAFFIC SIGNS — they provide local vehicle maneuvers.
information to drivers. It is made from
reflective material in high-contrast colors,
they are highly visible in headlights at night.
Signs may use — words and symbols to
communicate meaning. The shape of a
traffic sign communicates important
information about the sign's message as
require the driver to obey the D. STOP SIGNS AND PARKING
signs for the safety of other road SIGNS - It includes parking
users. These signs are also called signs which indicate not only
— MANDATORY SIGNS because parking prohibitions or
they inform users of a law, and restrictions, but also indicate
drivers must obey these signs. places where parking is
permitted, the type Of
A. RIGHT OF WAY SERIES vehicle to be parked,
This includes two unique signs duration for parking etc.
that assign the right of way to
the selected
information to the driver about
the impending road condition.

SIGNS - It indicates no entry indicates approaching
for either all vehicles or curve road structures.
specific traffic units. It also B. ROAD WIDTH SIGNS –
indicates movements that indicates approaching
are not allowed on the road with structures.
particular segment of the C. ROAD OBSTACLE SIGNS
road. – indicates approaching
road having obstacles.
- This focuses on low
clearance signs which
are installed on
structures where the
vertical above the road
pavement is 4.4 m. or
less to warn motorists Of
the restricted height of
the approaching
for pedestrians
indicates road closures, signs
restricting vehicles carrying III. INFORMATIVE SIGNS - These
hazardous cargo or signs provide information to the
substances, signs indicating driver about the facilities
vehicle weight, and height available ahead, and the route
limitations etc. and distance to reach the specific
destinations, These are also called
GUIDE SIGNS, they are provided
to assist the drivers to reach their
desired destinations.

II. WARNING SIGNS - These signs These are used to
are for safety and inform users of identify numbered
hazards. It is also know as highways. They have
designs that are
distinctive and unique.
They are written black

SIGNS - These are used
to indicate information
These are used to and directions for
tourists. They are
indicate the direction to
the critical destination written on white letters
with a brown
points, and to mark
important intersections. background.
Distances in kilometers
are sometimes marked
to the right side of the


are important for the driver to
have an advanced information to
C. SERVICE GUIDE SIGNS - ensure that they can position
their vehicles in the correct lanes
They give information to
the driver regarding while driving on an expressway.
various services such as
food, fuel, medical A. EXPRESSWAY APPROACH
SIGNS - These are signs
assistance etc. They are
written with white installed in advance or at
the nearest intersection or
letters on a blue
background. interchange leading to the
B. EXPRESSWAY Or facilities Of the
This includes lane
direction, toll charges, and
prohibited on expressways F. EXPRESSWAY
These special signs are
normally seen exclusively
for expressways.


these are signs placed in
advance of an exit.


used to emphasize to the
approaching driver a marked
change in the direction of travel
and the presence of an


DIRECTION SIGNS – These MARKER - It indicates to
are signs posted overhead the approaching driver the
before the exit ramp of the only direction allowed at
interchange. the end of the road.
MARKER – it warns the
driver ahead that the road
is about to change
SIGNS - These signs the driver about narrowing
include advance width clearance.
information for service D. OBSTRUCTION MARKERS
center, truck parking – It warns the driver about
services and Other services road closure ahead.

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