Comprehensive Review in LEA
Comprehensive Review in LEA
Comprehensive Review in LEA
P’s IN
Basic Concepts
Police – “Politeia” G, government of a city
“Politia” R, same meaning above
“Polizei” Gr, Safe keepers (territory)
“Police” F, persons to enforce law
**borrowed by the English and Americans to
refer to LAW ENFORCER.
** constable, patrol, F in origin
Liberation Period
1945 - The MPD was reconstituted and placed
under American control. Col. Marcus Ellis Jones be-
came the Chief of Police of the MPD.
Most Recent
Police administration
Refers to the processes used in the organiztion
Classical Approach
Functional Units
Bureau – the largest organic functional unit within a large
department. It comprises of numbers of divisions.
Division – a primary subdivision of a bureau.
Section – functional unit within a division that is necessary
for specialization.
Unit – functional group within a section; or the smallest
functional group with in an organization.
Decentralized organization
crime control
Decentralized organization
Note: Nature of
(Management and Operations)
- The Peel Principle
- Koban System, COPS, Community-Oriented
• Proactive measure (assurance of omnipresence)
Police Visibility
Specialized Patrol Methods
10 million smell cell of dogs
Horse (mounted) Patrol
German Shepherds
• Marine (water) Patrol
Canine (K-9) Assisted Patrol
Special Terrain Patrol
TV Patrol (Surveillance Cam)
Police Com – backbone of “police tactics”
Walkie talkie – slang for HHR
Horn – oldest communication device
Cuneiform – first form of writing
dyad –most basic form of interpersonal comm
Telegraph – first electronic medium of comm (W. Cook)
10 Codes – 10-4 (positive); 10-20 (loc); 10-35 (red alert); 10-74 (negative)
the responsibility of the C/PNP and other chiefs of the different units or
headquarters within their area of jurisdiction to achieve the
objectives or mission of the police organization.
According to coverage
Local Plan
Regional Plan
National Plan
Police Action Plan on the Strategy DREAMS
P-O-L-I-C-E 2000
Master Plan Sandigan-Milenyo (Anti-Crime Master Plan)
Master Plan Sandugo (Internal Security Operations)
Master Plan Banat (Anti-Illegal Drugs Master Plan)
Master Plan Sang-ingat (Security Operations Master Plan)
Master Plan Saklolo (Disaster Management Master Plan)
Sangyaman (Protection and Preservation of Environment, Cul-
tural Properties, and Natural Resources Master Plan)
Functional Plans - include the framework for the operation of the major func-
tional units in the organization, such as patrol and investigations.
Oplan Salikop – CIDG Strategic Plan against Organized Crime Groups (OCG)
OPLAN BANTAY DALAMPASIGAN that sets forth the operational guidelines on the
heightened security measures and sea borne security patrols.
NAPOLCOM MC No. 95-03 – “Institutionalization of the Doctrine of Command
Responsibility at all levels of Command in the PNP
EO No. 226 - “Institutionalization of the Doctrine of Command Responsibility in
all Government offices
P-REVENTION and suppression of crime through COPS
O-RDER, maintenance, peacekeeping and internal
L-AW enforcement without fear or favor
I-MAGE, credibility and commonly support
C-OORDINATION with other government agencies and
non-government agencies organizations and
international securities
E-FFICIENCY and effectiveness in the development and man-
agement of human and material resources
D-ISPERSAL of policeman from the headquarters to the street
and enhancement of crime prevention program
R-ESTORATION of trust and confidence of the people on their
police and gain community support
E-LIMINATION of street and neighborhood crimes and improvement
of public safety
A-RREST of all criminal elements common or organized in
coordination with the pillars of the CJS and other law
enforcement agencies
M-APPING up and removal of scalawags from the pole of ranks
S-TRENGTHENING the management and capability of the PNP to
undertake/support the dreams operations and activities
National Intelligence – the total product of intelligence developed by all
governmental agencies that cover the broad aspects of national
policy and security.
Military Intelligence – it is used in the preparation of military policies,
plans and programs. It includes the strategic and combat intelligence.
Strategic Intelligence – that knowledge pertaining to the capabilities and
probable courses of action of foreign nations.
Combat Intelligence – is required by the commander in order to determine
the best use of his available firepower and maneuver forces, to accomplish
his mission, and to maintain the security of his command.
Counter Intelligence – an integral part of all intelligence operations and as
such can’t be separated from combat and strategic intelligence. Its objective
is to safeguard information against espionage, material and installations
against sabotage, and personnel against subversive
Technical Intelligence – concerns foreign technical developments, which have a practi-
cal military application and the physical characteristics, performance,
capabilities, and limitations of material and installation, used by and for foreign.
Area of Operation – those aspects of the operational environment exclusive of
the military/police forces involved. It concerns weather economics, politics, sociology,
hydrographic (study of seas, lakes, etc.) and characteristics of the environment of an area
in which military/police operations are taking place or planned.
Capabilities – form a police/military standpoint, enemy capabilities are courses of ac-
tion which the enemy can adopt and which, if adopted, will influenced the
accomplishment of the friendly mission, either favorable or not. From a broader national
standpoint, capabilities of a nation are the available, workable, courses of action to ac-
complish national objectives.
Vulnerabilities – A nation’s vulnerabilities are the weaknesses, which make it suscepti-
ble to any action, which reduces its war, potential, and or its will to fight.
One of the first recorded formalized intelligence efforts, with format,
can also be found in the Holy Bible Numbers 13:17
“And Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan and said unto
them, get you up this way southward, and go up into the mountain;
and see the lands, what it is; and the people that dwell therein,
whether they are strong or weak, few or many; and what the land they
dwelt in, whether in tents, or in strongholds; and what land is;
whether it be fat or lean, whether there be wood therein, or not. And
be of good courage and bring of the fruit of the land.” The scriptures
also named the twelve intelligence agents whom the Lord directed
Moses to sent into the land of Canaan and records that “all those men
were heads of the children of Israel.”
Sun –Tzu
A Chinese philosopher, creator of the “The Art of
“Information must be obtained from men who
knew the enemy situation.”
“Know thy enemy and know yourself, you need not
fear the results of a hundred battles”
“If you know yourself and not the enemy, for every
victory, you are a fool who will meet defeat in ev-
ery battle.”
Alexander the Great
He was known to be the sagacious master of the Hindustan. He em-
ployed more than 4,000 agents for the sole purpose of bringing him
the truth that his throne might rest upon it.
Genghis Khan
With the rise of Nationalism and development of modern armies, intelligence be-
came apparent to large states. In England, Sir Francis Walsingham, under Queen
Elizabeth, organized the first National Intelligence Service. He employed spies on
the staff of the Admiral in Command of the Spanish Army and able to obtain in-
formation regarding Spanish Army as to their ships, equipment, forces and stores.
He protected Queen Elizabeth I from countless assassins.
Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “One Spy in the right place is worth
20,000 men in the field”. He organized two Bureaus of Interest: Bu-
reau of Intelligence – which consolidate all incoming information re-
garding the enemy for presentation to the emperor and to obtain in-
formation as desired, and Topographic Bureau – which maintains a
large map which covers the latest information regarding both enemy
and friendly forces. He maintained Military Intelligence and Secret Po-
litical Police Service all over Europe. His main arm was “Spy against
spy” concept.
Frederick the Great
• Karl Schulmeister
He was Napoleon’s eye, Napoleon’s military secret, born on August 5, 1770. He be-
gan his career in offensive espionage under a cover role. He was able to infiltrate the
Austrian General Staff.
• Wilhelm Stieber
He incorporated intelligence in the General Staff Support System. He further device
military censorship and organized military propaganda. He introduced military cen-
sorship and organized military propaganda. He works as a census taker and devel-
oped informal gathering of data.
• Alfred Redl
He was one of the most brilliant intelligent agents. Though a homosexual, he be-
came Chief of the Austro – Hungarian Secret Service. He became a double agent of
Brahma Kautilya
• Central Intelligence Agency - The agency was created under the US National Security Act of
1947. It was the Central Intelligence group established during the time of President Truman in
January 1946. The CIA was under the National Security Council.
• Committee for State Security - Russia - The Intelligence agency known as the KGB - Komitet
Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (KGB)
• Mossad – Israel
• 1900 – Europe powers developed modern staff systems and place intelligence on the same level with
personnel, operations and logistics. Intelligence then functioned in time of peace and war. Intelli-
gence during this period, concentrated on information about the armed forces of the enemy and their
capabilities. AIRCRAFT was introduced as a method of conducting aerial reconnaissance. WIRE-
GENCE rapidly expanded during this period.
• GERMAN INTELLIGENCE – gained a high reputation for offensive effectiveness throughout Eu-
rope but declined at the outset of the war.
• BRITISH INTELLIGENCE – succeeded greatly by means of censorship and its CODE ROOM
combined with skillful use of COVERT agents.
• GERMAN INTELLIGENCE – started the war with the world’s best organized intelli-
gence service through advance preparation of intelligence accompanied by troop move-
ments. GERMAN INTELLIGENCE WEAKENED by the attitude of the Officer Group
wherein they subordinated intelligence to operation and did not regard intelligence as-
signment worthy of a soldier.
• JAPANESE INTELLIGENCE – failed because it was not provided with sufficient num-
ber of trained personnel to assemble and evaluate the mass of materials which were col-
lected although Japanese Intelligence was involved in short war and defensive in nature.
• BRITISH INTELLIGENCE – the delay in the use of German V-BOMB against them
was their main achievement during this time.
• In 1942 – a female special agent was able to transmit vital information concerning the
activities and installations of the main research station at Penemuenda. Its intelligence
failed in the defeat of GENERAL MONTGOMERY’S forces at ANNHEIM.
US INTELLIGENCE – In 1941, The US Strategic Service was established to research and analyze
military, political and economic information as it affected the security of the country. US JOINT
CHIEFS OF STAFFS – was organized to act in support of the army and the navy in the collection
and analysis of strategic information and to be responsible for the planning and operation of special
services. US greatest contribution to intelligence was the development of the AMPHIBIOUS WAR-
FARE where coordination of many types of intelligence activities was required to provide adequate
knowledge of the successful operation of a complex military force transported over water with the
objective of establishing itself on an enemy – held shore against opposition. US successes in WW II
were based on personnel drawn from CIVILIAN POPULACE, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL
CHINESE INTELLIGENCE – In 1932, TAI LI – organized the China’s Secret Police to conduct es-
pionage and counterespionage against Japanese Spies and Chinese communist.
SOVIET INTELLIGENCE – AMTORG was organized for the purpose of purchasing all kinds of
materials for the Soviet Union.
SMERSH or “DEATH TO SPIES” was organized during the war as counterintelligence concerned
with disaffection among Soviet troops and anti-communism in any form. Its five major divisions are:
Administration, Operation, Investigation, Prosecution, and Personnel.
POST WAR PERIOD: The superpowers
Intelligence Defined
• Webster defines intelligence as the capacity for understanding and for other forms of
adaptive intellect of behavior; the mind in operation; the power of meeting any situation,
especially a novel situation, successfully by proper behavior adjustments; the ability to
apprehend the interrelationships of presented facts in such a way as to guide action to-
wards goal; knowledge of an event, circumstances, etc., received or imparted; the gather-
ing or distribution of information; the staff of persons engaged in obtaining such informa-
Intelligence – organizations, methods and personnel of competing intelli-
gence system
Interdependence - Intelligence is artificially subdivided into component ele-
ments to insure complete coverage, eliminate duplication and to reduce the
overall task or manageable sizes. Nevertheless, each subdivision remains as
essential part of unity; contributes proportionately to the end result; possesses
a precise interrelationship; and interacts with each other so as to achieve a bal-
anced and harmonious whole.
Continuity - Intelligence must be continuous. It is necessary that coverage be
continuous so that the shape of what happens today could be studied in the
light of what happened before, which in turn would enable us to predict the
shape of things to come.
Communication - Intelligence adequate to their needs must be communicated
to all the decision makers in manner that they will understand and form that
will permit its most effective use.
Usefulness - Intelligence is useless if it remains in the minds, or in the files of
its collectors or its producers. The story must be told and it must be told well.
The story must be convincing and to be convincing it must not only be plausi-
ble or factual but its significance must be shown.
Selection - Intelligence should be essential and pertinent to the purpose at
hand. Intelligence involves the plowing through a maze of information, con-
sidering innumerable number of means or of picking the most promising of a
multitude of leads. The requirement of decision-making covers very nearly the
entire span of human knowledge. Unless there is selection of only the most es-
sential and the pertinent, intelligence will go off in all directions in one mon-
umental waste of effort.
• Timeliness - Intelligence must be communicated to the de-
cision maker at the appropriate time to permit its most ef-
fective use. This is one of the most important and most ob-
vious, for Intelligence that is too soon or too late are
equally useless. Timeliness is one principle that comple-
ments all the others.
Strategic Intelligence – it is an intelligence activity which is primarily long range in nature with
little practical immediate operation value.
Line Intelligence – it is an intelligence activity that has the immediate nature and value necessary
for more effective police planning and operation.
National Intelligence - it is the integrated product of intelligence developed by all the govern-
mental branches, departments concerning the broad aspect of national security and policy. It is
concerned to more than one department or agency and it is not produced by single entity. It is
used to coordinate all the activities of the government in developing and executing integrated and
national policies and plans.
Counter-Intelligence – phase of intelligence covering the activity devoted in destroying the ef-
fectiveness of hostile foreign activities and to the protection of info against espionage, subversion
and sabotage.
Undercover Work – is an investigative process in which disguises and pretext cover and decep-
tion are used to gain the confidence of criminal suspects for the purpose of determining the nature
and extent of any criminal activities that maybe contemplating or perpetuating.
Functional Classification
of Police Intelligence
• Biographical Intelligence – deals with individual’s personalities who have actual pos-
session of power.
• Armed Force Intelligence – deals with the armed forces of the nation. It includes the
position of the armed forces, the constitutional and legal basis of its creation and actual
role, the organizational structure and territorial disposition, and the military manpower
recruitment and Order of Battle
• Security Intelligence – means that the total sum of efforts to counsel the national policies, diplo-
matic decisions, military data, and any other information of a secret nature affecting the security of
the nation form unauthorized persons. It is an effort to deny information to unauthorized persons by
restricting to those who are explicitly authorized to possess it.
• Counter-Intelligence - counter intelligence is the organized effort to protect specific data that might
be of value to the opponent’s own intelligence organization. Some of its functions are: Censorship –
of the following: correspondence, broadcast, telecast, telephone conversations, telegrams and cables,
etc., prevention of the dissemination of any information that might aid an opponent; maintenance of
files of suspect; surveillance of suspects; mail reading, wire tapping and recording; infiltration of the
enemy intelligence organized to procure information about its method, personal, specific operations
and interest.
Counter Imagery Intel (IMINT) - includes action taken to determine
enemy SIGINT and related enemy weaknesses, capabilities and ac-
tivities. These actions include surveillance radar, photo thermal and
infrared systems. Successful counter – IMINT operations rely heav-
ily on pattern and movement analysis and evaluation of the enemy.
Collection – organization of raw data and information into usable form; grouping similar
items of information so that they will be readily accessible.
Recording – is the reduction of info into writing or some other form of graphical representa-
tion and the arranging or this info into writing or some form of graphical representation
and the arranging of this into groups of related items. Police log book and Journal, Intel-
work Sheet - Intel Files, Situation Maps - Rouges Gallery, Modus Operandi Files Evalu-
ation – examination of raw information to determine intelligence value, pertinence of the
information, reliability of the source and agency, and its credibility or truth of informa-
Evaluation is the determination of the pertinence of the info to the operation, reliability of
the source of or agency and the accuracy of the info.
A - Completely reli- 1 - Confirmed by
able other
B - Usually reliable 2 - Probably true
C - Fairly reliable 3 - Possibly true
D - Not usually reli- 4 - Doubtfully true
able 5 - Improbable
E - Unreliable 6 - Truth cannot be
F - Reliability cannot judged
be judged
As to Source of Info
T- Direct Observation by Comdr/Chf of Unit
U- Report by DPA or Resident Agent
V- Report by PNP/AFP Troops
W- Interrogation of Captured Enemy
X- Observation of gov’t/civilian employee
Y – Observation from populace
Z- Documentary
Dissemination & Use of Information
Concept of Surveillance
Surveillance is a form of clandestine investigation
which consists of keeping persons, place or other
targets under physical observation in order to obtain
evidence or information pertinent to an investigation.
Surveillance of persons is called Tailing or Shadowing, Sur-
veillance of place is called Casing or Reconnaissance, and
Surveillance of other things, events, & activities is called
In Surveillance, the following are considered:
Pre-Surveillance Conference – a conference
held among the team members, the police
intelligence unit before surveillance is conducted.
Surveillance Plan – a plan established the as
required according to type of personnel, and the
general and specific instructions for surveillance.
• Area Target Study – refers to the area of
operation (AOR) of surveillance activities.
Surveillant – a person who conducts surveillance with includes only
Stakeout or Plant – is the observation of places or areas from a fixed
Tailing or Shadowing – it is the observation of a person’s movement.
Undercover Man – it refers to a person trained to observe and penetrate certain
organization suspected of illegal activities and later reports the
observation and information’s that proper operational action can be made
Liason Program – the assignment of trained intelligence personnel to
other agencies in order to obtain information of police intelligence value.
(Agencies like the press, credit agencies, labor unions, telephone companies)
Safehouse – is a place, building, enclosed mobile, or an apartment,
where police undercover men meet for debriefing or reporting purposes.
• Drop – any person is a convenient, secure and unsuspecting place
where police undercover men meet his action agent for debriefing
or reporting purposes.
• Convoy – an accomplice or associate of the subject used to avoid
or elude surveillant.
• Decoy – a cover supporting the surveillant who can become a
convoy whenever surveillant is burned.
• Contact – any persons whom the subject picks or deals
with while he is under observation & identifies the observer.
• Made – when subject under surveillance becomes aware
that he is under observation and identifies the observer.
• Lost – when the surveillant does not know the whereabouts of his
subject or the subject had eluded the surveillance.
• Techniques of Approach – the purpose is to gain the cooperation of the source and
induce him to answer questions which will follows.
• The “Open Techniques” – the interrogator is open and direct in his approach and
makes no attempts to conceal the purpose of the interrogator. It is best employed when
the interrogee is cooperative. It is frequently used at the tactical level where time is a
major interrogator.
• The “Common Interest” Technique – the interrogator must exert effort to impress
the interrogee of their common interest. The interrogator must look for he point out
the real advantages the interrogee will receive if he cooperates
• Record File (we know all technique) – the interrogator prepare a file on the source
listing all known information (record should be padded to make it appear to be very
extensive). The information must contain the life history of he interrogee to include
his activities and known associates (Party- bio-data of the interrogee is important).
The “we know all” s used in conjunction with the record file. During the approach, the
interrogator may ask the interrogee about a subject, if he refuses to cooperate, the in-
terrogator may provide the answer in order to impress him that the interrogator knows
him very well (all is known).
Exasperation – Techniques (Harassment) – effectively employed against hostile type in-
terrogee. The interrogator must be alert because the interrogee may fabricate information
to gain relief from irritation (monotype). Subject Interrogee is placed in a longer period
of interrogation without rest or sleep. The interrogator permits the source to go to sleep
and subsequently awaken for another series of questioning (this is done repeatedly). Af-
ter many repetitions, the interrogee will be exasperated and will finally cooperate hoping
that he can be allowed to rest or sleep. Ask a question, listen to a reply and then ask the
same question repeatedly (use a tape recorder if possible). The purpose is to bore the in-
terrogee thoroughly until he begins to answer questions freely to end the harassment.
Opposite Personality Technique – also known as “Mutt and Jeff”, “Threat and
Rescue”, “Bud Guy – God Guy’, “Sweet and Sour”, “Sugar and Vinegar”, “Devil and
Angel”. Use of two (2) interrogators playing opposite roles.
Egotist Techniques (Pride and Ego) – usually successful when employed against an in-
terrogee who has displayed a weakness or a feeling of insecurity. You may reverse the
technique by complimenting the interrogee in hopes of getting him to admit certain in-
formation to gain credit. Described him as the best person, superior or comrade.
“Silent” Technique – employed against nervous or the confident
type of interrogee. Look out the interrogee squarely in the eye
with sarcastic smile (force him to break eye contact first). He may
ask questions but the interrogator must not answer. Patience is
needed until the interrogator is ready to break silence.
“Question Barrage” Technique (Rapid Fire Questioning) – in-
tended to confuse the interrogee and put him into a defensive posi-
tion. The interrogee become frustrated and confused, he will likely
reveal more than he intended, thus creating opening for further
(WITH R.A 5487)
PNPSOSIA – PNP Supervisory Office for Security and Investigation Agen-
cies – responsible for the issuance of implementing orders
regarding the rules & regulations affecting security agencies
At present
PNPSAG/SD – PNP Security Agency Guards/ Supervi-
sion Division – for national and
PNP FE/SAGS – PNP Firearm and Explosives/ Security
Guard Services – for local - it directs the Chief of PNP
to issue rules and regulations concerning the implement-
ing rules of
R.A. 5487 - 2003 Revised Rules and Regulations Im-
plementing R.A. 5487 as amended.
Different factors that to be considered in providing the amount of
Criticality- the importance of the product or services that the company is
giving or producing.
Vulnerability – how susceptible the establishment for the particular sabo-
tage, espionage, etc.
Different factors that to be considered in providing security in the
establishment. Size, shape and location, Number and character of
people, and Kind of product
• Espionage- an act of gathering information
• Espion – French word- that means spy
This is used to estimate or determine the best
possible means of sabotage.
• Spy – is the agent of Espionage. They are very dangerous because of
their skill in deception and undercover works.
Enemy agent
Traitorous person
Irresponsible person
Types of Sabotage
Mechanical Sabotage
Psychological Sabotage
Mechanical Sabotage – is an act wherein they used the object or
substance within the area of an establishment.
Types of Mechanical Sabotage
Contamination – is a type where they used foreign materials to apply in
the establishment.
Breakage – destroying the vital parts of a machine.
Substitution – Substitution or changing of formula to another, which will
cause damage or destructions.
Omission – this is committed by means of a doing by an individual, which
can cause destruction inside of the company or establishment
Abrasive – a special type of contamination, by using a type of material
that will grind metals.
Explosives – substances that are easily exploded by means of heat, fric-
tion, jarring or sparks. They are highly dangerous because of its damaging
• Subversive activities- are dealing with the weakness of a person.
• Economic sabotage- activities of the business establishment against the
• Objectives of Subversive activities:
• to determine the authority; to under weaken the organization;
to take over the organization.
• Parts of Subversive activities:
• Rumor mongering
• Propaganda
• Legal Action
• Arm threats – used of force
• Murder, Kidnapping, corruption of a certain employee or employees
• Riot- refers to the unlawful assembly that resulted to violent disturbance of
Causes of riot: Panic, Strike
so that they can notice and familiarize, they can im-
Size, shape and location
Protective advantage
Perimeter barriers- is a system of protection designed to restricted
areas by unauthorized person.
Purposes of perimeter barrier:
Outline the perimeter of the area to be protected.
Create a physical and psychological deterrent to unauthorized entry.
Delay intrusion, thus facilitating apprehension of intruders
Assist in a more efficient and economical employment of guards
Facilitate and improve the control of pedestrian and vehicular traf-
Openings in perimeter barriers.
The number necessary to handle peak loads of pedestrian and vehicular
Gates- locks (seals) and seals
Frequent inspection by guards
Key control
Other openings
Air and water intake
Exhaust tunnels
Electrical and common tunnels
Clear zones- exterior – 20 feet
Interior- 50 feet
If minimum clear zones is not possible
raise height of fence
add more lights
increase patrol
Types of physical barriers
◦ Natural barriers- mountain, rivers, seas and terrain
◦ Building walls
◦ Bodies of water
Types of fencing
full view- chain-link, barbwire
Security Planning:
Security Planning- is a corporate and executive responsibility. It involves
knowing the objectives of security and the means and methods to reach
those objectives or goals must then be evolved. In short, security planning
is a decision-making process.
Contents of Security planning:
The situation- this part of security planning explains the historical back-
ground of the organization of its security picture
The mission- this part of security will cover what the plan is all about and
what it intends to do, This mission is further subdivided into:
◦ Purpose
◦ Goals
◦ Objectives
Execution- this part of security plan will explains and outline the concept of
the security project
Administrative and Logistics- This part of the security plan involves listing
of security equipment
Command and signal- this last portion of the security plan pertains to the
channel of communication needed, when implementing to the project until
in full view.
Security Survey- is the process of conducting an exhaustive physical exam-
ination and thorough inspection of all operational systems and procedures
of a facility.
Purposes of Security Survey
To determine existing state of security
To locate weaknesses in defenses
To determine degree of protection required.
To produce recommendations, establishing a total security program
Persons responsible to conduct security survey
Staff security personnel
Qualified security specialist
A Security Survey is known by a number of different terms such as;
Risk analysis
Risk assessment
Key step in a risk assessment process;
to determine value, impact and cost of any asset should it be lost due to nat-
ural or man-made forces.
To determine the degree of probability that natural or man-made forces will
strike at any given facility.
Information necessary in conducting a survey:
A plot plan of the area to be surveyed
A map of the city or locality in which the facility is located, this becomes
very important if the facility consist of more than one location.
The number of employees working on each shift by category
The operational flow plans of the facility if they are available in writing
Maps and description of guard tours and stations if available
Guard orders and the facility’s security manuals if there are such
Locations of the nearest fire department and police headquarters
Security Inspection- is a process of conducting physical ex-
amination to determine compliance with established security
policies and procedures as a result of a security survey.
Comparison made between Security Survey and Security
Security Survey.
Defensive type process/service
Detailed study of the existing security measures
Conducted to determine the level of security required consis-
tent with the mission
Broader in scope
Non-recurring type of service
Security Inspection.
• Defensive type service
• Limited check of the security measures already adopted
• Conducted to determine the degree of compliance with directed security
• Limited in scope
Recurring type of service
Types of Guard Forces
Company guard- proprietary or in house security, and they are di-
rectly under the payroll of the company.
Agency guard- they are hired by an agency, and they are paid by con-
• Government Guard Forces- they are considered as government em-
ployees and paid by the government
Security Guard Forces- maybe define as a group of forces of men
selected, trained and organized into a functional group for the pur-
pose of protecting operational processes from those disruption
which impede efficiency or halt operations at a particular plant, fa-
cility, institution or special activity.
The Essential Qualities of Security Guards:
• Judgment
Physical Fitness
provided for signaling, alerting or alarming workers at any lo-
cation through out the installation as occasion demands. These
include the use of telephone and radio.
PROTECTIVE ALARM SYSTEM- provide an electrical
and mechanical means of detecting and announcing proximity
of intrusion which endanger the security of a restricted area, a
facility of an installation, or its components.
• Kinds of Lock:
• Warded lock- old type where the key is open and be seen through
• Disc tumbler lock- used in car doors, desk, drawers, etc.
• Pin tumbler lock –widely used I doors of offices and houses irregular in
shape and the key
• Lever lock- used in locker
• Combination lock- has 3 deals which must be aligned in proper order be-
fore the lock will be open
• Code-operated lock- this opens by pressing a series of numbers buttons in
proper sequence
• Card-operated lock- coded cards whether notched, embossed or embedded
with magnetic-fuels are inserted to open
• Padlock- a pad and a lock combination
Private Detective – is refers to any person who is not a mem-
ber of a regular police agency or the Armed Forces of the
Philippines who does detective work for hire, reward, or
Persons – as used in this act, shall include not only natural
persons but also judicial persons such as corporation, partner-
ship, company or association duly registered with the Securi-
ties and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Bureau of Com-
Private Detective Agency – refers to any organization or cor-
poration who is not a member as regular police agency or of
the AFP.
Watchmen/Security Agency – Any persons, associations,
partnership or corporation who recruits training, masters, fur-
nishes, and solicits individuals or business firms, private or
government owned corporation, engaging his services those of
its watchmen either residential or business premises, or both
for hire or compensation thru subscription shall be known as
watchmen or security agency.
License or License Certificate – a document issued to a per-
son by competent authority allowing such person to established
direct, manage, or operate detective or intelligence and private
watchmen/security agency.
Advantages of an Agency Guard Services;
More economical
Security administrative problems are reduced
Problems related to recruiting, pre-employment inves-
tigation and training are eliminated
Absenteeism and vacation leaves are eliminated
Security personnel are separated from co-employees
Incase of emergencies, extra guards are easily avail-
Incase of company strike, the agency guards will be
on duty to carry out their assigned duties.
• Disadvantages of Agency Guard Services;
• Lack of training
Low caliber employees
• No company loyalty
Project poor image
Large turn-over
Not familiar with plans
• Advantages of a company Guard Forces:
• Generally higher caliber as they can receive higher wage
• Generally they provide better services
• Can be trained to handle of the more complex security duties
• Less turn-over
• Are more familiar with facilities they protect
• Tend to be more loyal to the company
• Disadvantages of Company Guard Forces:
• Cost more
• Maybe required to join guard force
• Problem of ensuring availability of back-up personnel
Control of authorized entry:
Screening of personnel
Identification of personnel
Identification of visitors
Control of truck/vehicle
Control of packages
Container control
What is the purpose of Key Control?
To control the issue, use and storage of keys and reserve key
To control reproduction of duplicate keys
to control lock rotation and or replacement
To maintain record on all of the above
To ensures proper supervisions of key control measures by re-
sponsible persons.
The following areas needs to be inspected, to determine the
degree of protection to be applied in the establishment
• Perimeter
Building Security
Key Control
• Protective lighting
• Communication and alarm system
• Personnel identification and control
Vehicular identification and control
• Safety for personnel
Adequacy of existing guard forces
• SURVEY REPORTS – itemizes the condition which are con-
ducive to breaches of security, records the preventive measures currently in
effect, and when required--- makes specific practical and reasonable rec-
ommendations to bring the physical security to the desired standard.