El1 Task5

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PROCESSING 1 & 3 (pp. 111-112)

1. What are the implications of the data gathered during the preliminary activity?
These are the following implications of the data gathered during the preliminary
 The school implement a mentoring program for its teacher.
 The school conduct professional meetings to discuss learning issues and
 The school support the continuing education and development of its teacher.
 There is an existing collaboration between the teachers and higher education
institution by having an open forum to share effective learning strategies to
augment their teaching practices for the betterment of the teacher, student,
and school.
2. How can the school promote stronger collaboration among its teacher?

School promote stronger collaboration among its teacher by allowing them to

share effective learning strategies. This procedure enables our teachers to
identify and communicate with their colleagues about their most successful
strategies. Every teacher uses a portion of their allotted professional
development time to discuss an approach they are utilizing in their subject area
that might be useful across all subject areas.

REFLECTION 2 & 4 (pp. 112)

1. I believe that in order to enhance the teachers' instructional strategies,
collaboration is crucial. For the curriculum's implementation to be improved, they
must share their experiences, information, and expertise between the school or
teachers and higher education institutions by organizing a professional meeting,
for example.
2. When I become a teacher, I'll make sure that my colleagues and I work together
to improve our instructional practices in order to help our schools and students
succeed. Additionally, working with other educators will enable me to shape
society's mind.


B. Check whether the school has the following learning resources.
Library /
Basic Science Laboratories /
Internet Facilities /
ICT Laboratory /
Technology and Livelihood Laboratory /
Audio visual Room /
Gymnasium /
Clinic /
Guidance Office /
Speech Laboratory /
Auditorium /
Faculty Room /

C. Observe the classroom environment.

Criteria For Observation Observed Not Observation/Comments
1. Classroom are /
conducive for learning.
2. Classrooms have /
enough lighting and
3. Classrooms are free of /
any hazard.
4. Classrooms are not /
5. Classrooms are clean. /

REFLECTION 1 & 3 (118)

1. I realized that both teachers and students value the use of teaching and learning.
These materials help the teacher for a better interpretation and appreciation of
the concepts, contents, as well as, the subject matter. It will also guarantee that
the teachers stay current with pertinent knowledge and aid in their professional
growth. TLMs, on the other hand, support students' active learning, the
acquisition of new abilities, and the development of positive attitudes and values.
In conclusion, TLMs promote student learning and teacher instruction.

2. I feel that this topic “Utilizing Teaching and Learning Resources and ICT” is
beneficial to me as a future teacher since it will enable me to address the needs,
learning preferences, and attitudes of my students. Additionally, it will prepare me
to perform effectively as a future teacher in the crucial task of making the lesson
plan entertaining in order to provide the students a clear understanding of the

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