Field Study I 1 2

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Course Title Field Study 1- Observations of Teaching-Learning in
Actual School Environment
Course Description: This is the first experiential course, which will immerse a
future teacher in an actual classroom situation and learning
environment where direct observation of teaching learning
episodes that focuses on the application of education
theories learned in content and pedagogy courses will be
made. Observations on learner’s behavior, motivation,
teacher’s strategies of teaching, classroom management,
assessment in learning among others shall be given
emphasis. A portfolio shall be required in the course.

Course credit 3 units

Contact hours 3 hours/Week
Pre-requisite All professional and major/s specialization subjects
Grading System

Criteria/ Weight Rater

Attendance 30% Cooperating
Reflective Journal 30% College
Professional 40% College
Portfolio Supervisor
Total 100%
Qualification Requirements

To ensure that the students who will undergo practice teaching are mentally and physically ready,
they must submit the following requirements to the practicum coordinator in an electronic copy
through email before deployment; however, if the situation warrants, a hard copy of the
requirements must be submitted.

For FS 1 & 2

▪ Certificate of Enrollment

▪ Medical Certificate
- A pregnant student must secure a medical certificate certified and endorsed as fit to
undergo practice teaching by a licensed obstetrician-gynecologist.
▪ Notarized Parent's Consent

▪ TEIs must require FSSs and PTs to secure a Certificate of Readiness for Teaching Internship
from the TEIs' Health Clinic and Guidance and Counseling Office, certifying their physical and
emotional fitness to undergo the internship.

Field Study Calendar of Activities

Activities Schedule Person in charge/involve

Planning of Activities for the 1st August 16, 2022 All practicum coordinators
semester 2022-2023
(9am via gmeet)

FS supervisors’ meeting August 19, 2022 Practicum coordinators & FS

(Meeting for activities to be supervisors
(9am via gmeet)
conducted for the 1st semester)

MOA Signing (Sept 7, 2022 @9:00am) All Practicum Coordinators

Sending of communication (Sept. 9, 2022) All Practicum Coordinators

letter to DepEd Division office

Sending of communication September 12-13, 2022 All FS Supervisors

letter per School District/
Cooperating Schools

Conduct of Pre-deployment FS September 12, 2022 @9:00am All Practicum Coordinators

Orientation to Field Study
Students (FSSs)
AR Orientation

Afternoon 1:30pm Research Coordinator

FS Deployment September 14- November 16, All FS Supervisors

2022 (12hrs/week)

Action Research observation September 14-30, 2022 FS Supervisors


Action Research Title Proposal October 3-7, 2022 FS Supervisors & Advisers

FS exit conference November 16, 2022 All Coordinators & FS


Action Research Outline November 21-25, 2022 All Coordinators & Supervisors

Submission of FS Portfolio December 2, 2022 All FS Supervisors

Pinning Ceremony December 13, 2022 All Coordinators & Supervisors


A. Role of Cooperating School (Teacher Education Department)

1. Cooperating School

1.1. Program Head (PH)

The duties and responsibilities of principals are:

a. assign the FSSs/PTs to a qualified CT in coordination with the school or designated PH;
b. conduct a regular conference with the CT with regards to the performance of the FSSs/PTss;
c. coordinate with the PS of the FSSs/PTs; and
d. ensure that FSSs/PTs is not allowed to substitute for teachers on leave.

Specifically, they shall:

a.a. conduct an orientation to the FSSs/PTss on the rules and regulations of the school;
a.b. orient FSSs/PTs to the school environment (personnel, policies, and
a.c. monitor pre-service teaching performance, including observations whenever possible;
a.d. communicate with the CT and PS about the progress and concerns of FSSs/PTss;
a.e. arrange a schedule for FSSs/PTss to participate in professional development workshops
and programs in the school whenever possible;
a.f. as much as possible, be present during the final demonstration of the FSSs/PTss along with
the CT, PS and the PC; and
a.g. coordinate with the PS should there be issues and problems concerning the FSSs/PTss.

3.2. Cooperating Teachers

The Cooperating Teacher (CT) shall;

a.a. introduce the FSSs/PTss to students and inform them of the FSSs/PTs's teaching
a.b. orient FSSs/PTs to classroom rules and procedures, including emergency procedures;
a.c. guide FSSs/PTs in planning, providing instruction and evaluating instruction to meet the
needs of all students, including students with linguistic and cultural differences and students who
have special learning needs;
a.d. orient and teach the FSSs/PTss of the format of the lesson plan that their school is using
since the FSSs/PTss may have a different format of a lesson plan from their institution;
a.e. coordinate with the PS should some problems and issues concerning the FSSs/PTs;
a.f. inform the PS of the progress of the FSSs/PTs;
a.g. observe the FSSs/PTss daily and provide formative evaluations of FSSs/PTs during
collaborative conferences;
a.h. participate in an online classroom demonstration with the PS so that they can share
feedback, compliments and constructive criticisms for the improvement of the FSSs/PTs's
a.i. attend the final observation and give ratings of the FSSs/PTss along with the CT, PS, PC and
a.j. collaborate with the FSSs/PTs regularly to share information, knowledge, and expertise;
a.k. provide constructive feedback with specific suggestions for improving teaching
a.l. assist the FSSs/PTs in using self-reflection to support professional growth;
a.m. model effective teaching methods and strategies;
a.n. support FSSs/PTs in assuming full responsibilities of the teaching role;
a.o. check and approve the FSSs/PTs's daily, weekly and unit plans if needed;
a.p. include the FSSs/PTs in all class and school activities whenever possible; and
a.q. give fair and reasonable scores on the rating sheets of the FSSs/PTss during classroom
observations and final demonstrations.


1. Program Head

The TEI Program Head shall:

a. ensure that the PS deploy FSSs/PTs to their respective CT;

b. provide a flexible incentive system to personnel (CT and/or PH) involved in practice
teaching as stipulated in the Learning Continuity Plan (LCP); and
c. approve the virtual pinning ceremony for the FSSs/PTss;
d. conduct observation on the final demonstration of the FSSs/PTss.
1. Program Coordinator
The Program Coordinator shall:

a. review applications for admission to student teaching to verify that students have met the
requirements and all grades are complete;
b. receive and review evaluation of the performance of FSSs/PTss from PC, CT, and PS;
c. coordinate with PC in the conduct of pinning ceremony for the FSSs/PTss prior to the
d. coordinate with PC and PS in the deployment of FSSs/PTss;
e. coordinate with PC in monitoring issues and concerns of the PS and FSSs/PTs in their
cooperating schools; and
f. facilitate a conference with the PH and PC on the misconduct of the FSSs/PTss.

2. Practicum Coordinator
The Practicum Coordinator shall;

a.a. arrange school placements;

a.b. conduct a pre-deployment orientation with the FSSs/PTs to review roles and
a.c. receive and review evaluation of FSSs/PTss from CT and PS;
a.d. coordinate with PS in monitoring issues and concerns of the FSSs/PTss in their cooperating
schools; and
a.e. attend and observe the final demonstration of FSSs/PTss.
3. College Supervisors

The College Supervisors shall;

a. conduct orientation meetings so that expectations of both parties are made clear to all
b. coordinate with the PH regarding the activities and practice teaching needs of the
c. orient the FSSs/PTs of their offline classwork and arrange schedules for observations;
d. observe instruction and confer with a FSSs/PTs, providing verbal and written feedback
about teaching performance;
e. regularly cooperate with the PH and CT regarding the performance of the FSSs/PTs;
g. submit written reports whenever requested by the PH regarding the following:

• progress/performance of FSSs/PTss;

• problems/difficulties met by the FSSs/PTss; and

• solutions/actions taken to solve the problem.

h. facilitate the conduct of a virtual pinning ceremony for the FSSs/PTs prior to the

k. facilitate the awarding of tokens and certificates to cooperating teachers;

l. facilitate the conduct of post-conference; and

m. evaluate the performance of the FSSs/PTs and submit a report of grades to the PC.

3. Role of Pre-Service Teachers

The Pre-service Teachers shall:

a. demonstrate through their teaching the competence in the performance standards of the
teacher education program;

b. confer and collaborate with the CT daily to review performance and to plan instruction and other
classroom activities;

c. develop written instructional plans under the direct supervision of the CT;

d. plan, implement, and evaluate instruction daily;

e. maintain a daily lesson plan, complete with activities and actual plans;

f. submit weekly CA signed by the CT;

g. communicate and confer with the PS regularly;

h. attend all school activities, including grade or department meetings, faculty meetings,
professional development workshops and programs, and parent/teacher conferences whenever

i. submit lesson plans approved by the CT to the PS one week before the lesson discussion
according to the scheduled date.

j. prepare a portfolio that contains artifacts selected in consultation with the professionals
who have guided them through the student teaching experience.

k. conduct classroom-based action research;

l. uphold all rules and regulations that govern practice teaching, confidentiality, social media,
and conduct. Failure to do so will result in the termination of practice teaching.

m. project a good image as a FSSs/PTs at all times by observing:

• code of ethics

• proper dress code

Content Knowledge
and Pedagogy
LESSON 1 Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Its Application across
the Curriculum

A. Write down the information asked and answer the succeeding questions based
on your class observation.
Name of Teacher: Lester G. Cosinero

Date and Time of Observation: Morning

 Gem: 7:30-8:30 am
 Aquamarine: 9:45-10:45 am
 Pearl: 11:45-11:45 am
 2:00-3:00 pm
Educational Background:  Graduated (AB CLASS) Bachelor of Arts
(Classical) Major in Philosophy
 Earned Education Units @ North Davao
College, Values Education

Assigned Grade and Section:  Grade 9 Gem (Class Adviser)

 Grade 9 Aquamarine (Subject Teacher)
 Grade 9 Sapphire (Subject Teacher)
 Grade 9 Silver (Subject Teacher)

Assigned Subject/s:  Araling Panlipunan

 Edukasyon sa Pagkakatao

Relevant Trainings Attended:  Division Capacity Building and Induction

 Two Days District Level Seminar Workshop
on Action Research
 Two Days Capacity Building of the National
Drug Education Program
 Crew Leaders Training Course (BSP)
 Basic Training Course for Troop Leaders
1. Are the teacher's background and qualifications aligned with the subject's
he or she is assigned to teach?


2. Does he or she use the K to 12 curriculum guide in preparing a lesson


Yes, in order to aligned the discussion and follow the follow the learning
outcomes given by the curriculum.
3. Does he or she consider the learner's prior knowledge in designing a
lesson plan?
Yes, he considered prior knowledge to her and his learning in designing a lesson
plan in able to promote conducive and effective learning.

4. Does he or she use varied teaching strategies to deliver the subject


Yes, he used varied strategy to promote effective learning and discover the
ability and skills of each student, some of his strategy is that performance task,
self-pace learning enable them to learned in their own ways and the last one is
learner centered which is he want to their learners explore society since his
subject is economics which delve about the recent problem about the economy.
5. Does he or she conduct research in planning for his or her lessons?

Yes, since the Department of Education promoting quality education they provide
the Most Essential Learning (MELCs). Out from that MELCs there is already
reference that will support from the lesson so the teachers will provide another
example by searching in internet and other platform and using other books and
printed materials. Indeed that was the thing that my Cooperating Teacher doing.
B. Check ( ) the box that corresponds to your class observation. Write your
remarks in the rightmost column.

Indicators Observed Remarks

1. Explains the I observed that most of the time the

subject matter teacher was trying to explain the
essentials related to the subject
a. Clearly
✔ matter.
b. Accurately
c. Comprehensively

2. Relates the subject It is good to see how the teacher

matter with emphasize the clarity of the subject
previous lessons matter by assessing the prior
that have been knowledge of the student by giving
taught or future some example before proceeding
lessons to be for the new topic.
3. Presents facts, I observed that the teacher used
theories, and different theories that will prove that
concepts to support his discussion was aligned and
the validity of reliable.

4. Manifests I observed that the teacher manifest

understanding of the understanding of the learners in
the learners' relation to the subject matter which
background in is very good because it promote
relation to the effective learning.
subject matter

5. Utilizes appropriate
strategies in the
delivery of the
subject matter

6. Integrates
technology tools
specific to the
subject matter to be

7. Promotes inquiry- I observed that teacher used

based learning to different strategies that will promote
develop higher to discover the higher thinking skills
order thinking skills of the student, and it was aligned to
and/or 21st century the discussion of the topic.

8. Uses appropriate I observed that teacher use to

languages to make appropriate dialect that will help
subject matter learners to understand the topic,
delivery more usually teacher consider the
comprehensible weakness of the student to
understand their inability.

9. Shows skills in the I observed that the teacher rely

use of information promote conducive and effective
and learning by the help in using
communications information, and communication
technologies (ICT) technology (ICT)
to facilitate teaching
and learning

10. Uses effective I observed also that teacher

verbal and non- integrate verbal and none verbal
verbal forms of communication to implement
communication inclusive education that somehow it
strategies to promote meaningful learning.
promote meaningful

Other Comments:

I observed that some of the student are able to participate during the discussion and it
simply define that the teacher able to handle the class properly, but we can’t deny the
fact that some learners can’t easily understand when teachers will not use the
vernacular dialect.


A. Based on what you have observed in class, explain the importance of the different

kinds of knowledge.

1. Content knowledge

Pedagogical context knowledge plays an important role in the teaching and

learning process it is because it affects how we interpret the goals we are
expected to reach with our students. Indeed, teachers involves competence in
delivering the conceptual approach, relational approach understanding and
adaptive of the subject matter. Hence, the mastery of subject by a teacher greatly
determines the quality of teaching and subsequent learning.

2. Pedagogical knowledge

Pedagogical learning it refers to the specialized knowledge of teachers for

creating effective teaching and learning environments for all the student. Hence,
it is important that pedagogical knowledge can enhance the quality of teaching in
the classroom and it can improve the teaching style and strategies of the

3. Curricular knowledge

Curricular knowledge able to identify the learning outcomes, because it facilitates

the organization, presentation and adjustment of the content of the curriculum,
before teaching the topics and subjects pertinent to diverse interest and
capabilities of the students.
B. What do you think were the strategies used by the teacher to enrich his or her
mastery of the subject matter?

The teacher provides numerous activities that will enhance and use the various
senses, such as showing picture for the visual sense and playing music for the
auditory sense, among other things. This is something I noticed about the teachers
teaching strategies. In order for the student to learn about the topic if they have such

C. What do you think were the strategies used by the teacher to enrich his or her
pedagogical knowledge?

Teacher tends to integrate learning through technology for them to prepare

information in the class in the short period of and it is easy to show by just one click
to show info unlike to technology it be hard and bored specially for this kind of new
generation learners.

D. What do you think were the strategies used by the teacher to augment his or
her curricular knowledge?

I think the strategies used by the teacher to augment curricular is through their own
learning of the teachers in other words is prior knowledge as an additional
information to the topic to be more understandable to the students.


Complete the following:

1. I realized that

I realized that as a future educator it is my responsibility to deliver the information

to my students with eligible knowledge and to be effective to them, through that
factors I can consider myself as an effective teacher. Having a will founder
information it can shape me to deliver my class discussion with effective and
efficient discussion.

2. I believe that

I believe that all the things that we experience is something that will help us to
grow as an educator and that experience will be the key to success. Indeed,
experience is the most essential part to be prepared in the field that why I am
happy that we have this kind of preparation since it will prepare me for my future

3. I feel that

I feel grateful to myself because I able to surpass all the challenges in the my
college journey, I know God is with me all the time who always there to provide
the essential graces for me to overcome all the hindrances that comes on my
way. I will not stop dreaming until I will reach my bright future.

4. When I become a teacher, I will

I will be responsible teacher like what our cooperating teacher deed to his
student, when a teacher give his full best then he will be respected to his/her
Lesson 2 Research-based Instruction and Principles of Teaching and


A. Answer the following questions based on your class observation.

1. Does the school promote research culture among the teachers? How?

Yes, I observed that the teacher has its own capabilities on how they deliver
information to the class, it only means that the school culture is being practice
even up to this time.

2. Do the teachers undertake research activities to enhance their pedagogical

content knowledge? What are these activities?
The activities that is inclined is called “Guess the pic” the teachers showing some
of the picture that is related to the topic, and the students will evaluate what is the
name or what is in the picture.

3. Are the teachers aware of the standards, principles, and pedagogical

approaches behind the K-12 curriculum?

The teacher is aware because the things that I observed to every classroom has
its own unique design and some of the classroom that I observed is technology
oriented or with TV accessibility specifically grade 9 classrooms, that is useful for
the discussion. It is obvious that the school uses pedagogical approaches.

4. Do the teachers integrate research findings, empirical evidence, and

theories to support validity of content to be taught? How?

I observed that the teachers are doing research about the topic that they discuss
and show the different sources to prove that is from reliable information.

5. Do the teachers use varied teaching approaches based on K-12 curriculum

principles? How?

I believe that the teachers have updated the latest curriculum that serves as the
basis for their teaching. Indeed, teacher uses varied approaches to suit their
capability to provide an effective teaching.

B. Check ( ) the box that corresponds to your class observation. You may write your

comments in the Remarks column.

Indicators Observed Not Remarks

1. Administers
The teacher creates pretest questions
diagnostic exam to
that will test the student knowledge, for
assess the students'
the teacher to be knowledgeable of
prior knowledge
what are the things that he/she focus to

2. Prepares a lesson It is necessary to prepare lesson plans.

based on the
students' needs

3. Relates the topic to As a teacher we must be kind and

students' interest to polite to the students, to create good
motivate learners relationship.

4. Contextualizes the The teacher must master everything,

content of the what is in the topic.
lesson according to

5. Articulates a clear The objectives must be attained after

set of learning the discussion.

6. Provides varied Activities will be their great learning

activities to support experience to be more effective and
learning objectives memorable.

7. Draws on relevant Draw a necessary matter about the

bodies of knowledge
to make the lesson subject.
more relevant

8. Reflects on teaching It will help the teacher to evaluate itself

methodology and of what are the things to do that
strategies used for reflects his or her performance, if it is
effectiveness effective or not.

9. Examines the The teacher is conducting quizzes to

students' previous evaluate student of what they learn
performance to after class.
modify learning
objectives and
content of the
lesson, including the
teaching strategy

10. Aligns assessment This is attached to the lesson plan.

tasks and
activities with the
learning objectives

C. What are the research-based instructional strategies applied by the

cooperating teacher? Write your answers in the space below.

 Cooperative learning
 Reinforcing effort and giving praise
 Learners centered strategy
 Summarizing and note-taking
 Homework and practice
 Setting objective and providing feedback

Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have

observed in class.

1. How do research-based instructional strategies enrich the pedagogical

content knowledge of teachers?

The researcher based instructional strategies enriches the quality of learning to

the student sense technology is one of the latest best way to catch the student
attention. Based on my observation research-based instructional strategies
enrich the pedagogical content knowledge the teacher are more advanced and
master the subject matter aligned to the research based that has been applied.

2. How do research-based instructional strategies affect the students'


It affects their learning to widen the learnings of the students and make the
learning experience more memorable. Indeed, it is usually help the student to be
more knowledgeable since the information was based on facts and it can help us
to be more focus on fact-based information.

3. What do teachers need to do to improve their research skills?

The things that they want to do to improve their research skills is to find the key
word of the matter that is need to be discuss so that it would be easy for them to
access the reliable sources.

Complete the following:

1. I realized that

I realized that in the reality of teaching, it is essential to make the class

meaningful and memorable. Aside from that as a teacher you will not use only
one source for giving your discussion instead you need to have a wide sources
so that you could reach level of greatness in the field of teaching.

2. I believe that

I believe that I do my part as a teacher, the students will their part to listen and
participate every task that the students need to do. This is my belief that teaching
pedagogy was the most essential since it can developed the skills of the student
and beside that you could impose authority to your student so that they will be
more attentive and cooperative.

3. I feel that

I feel that as a teacher, I will do my part in terms of student struggles, mental

health, physical health and their emotional state, because at the end of the day, I
prepare to learn instead of pressuring them because at last they are my
4. When I become a teacher, I will

When I become a teacher, I will to my best to apply research-based instruction

and I will use different principle and variety of method, since having a varied
technique and method in teaching can help me to grow and not only that it can
help me master the class in terms of teaching.
Lesson 3 Positive Use of Information and Communications Technology


A. Familiarize yourself with ICT facilities and tools for teaching and learning. Check

if the following items are available. Provide a description for each in the rightmost


ICT Facilities and Tools Available Not Description

Computer Lab/Computer The computer last is important
since it serve as the center for
teaching the computer use to the
whole class.

Audio-Visual Room I observed that audio visual room is

essential since it aims to provide a
variety of approaches because on
this room, the student have a
conducive learning environment.

Laptop/desktop I observed that each teacher have

their own laptop which is helpful for
them to provide the best teaching
they could give.

Printer I observed that each teacher have

their own printer but there are
printer that designated for teacher
and located at the faculty room.

Scanner I observed that their scanner are

part of the printer.

LCD projector I observed them that they have

LCD projector especially when a
classroom don’t have any TV.

Audio equipment The school have an availability

namely: speaker, sound system
and microphone.

LCD/LED TV They have LED TV but not all

classroom have LED TV.

Internet access The school have internet connect

but for teachers only.

Computer hard drives and The teacher had its own drive to
save the documents that is needed
storage devices (e.g.,
especially for confidential
compact disc, flash
drive/USB, portable drive)

Tablets, mobile phones, or The students had their own phones

but not the school who provides.
other mobile devices

B. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask the following questions.

1. Does the school have specific ICT policies and standards?

Yes, the school have standard when it comes to ICT subject, the student are not
allowed to enter to the lab if it’s their schedule.
2. Are the teachers aware of the school's ICT policies and standards?

Yes, the teacher knows about the policies and standard.

3. Does the school provide ICT training for teachers?

Yes, the school provides IT teachers for the IT subject.

4. Does the school provide the necessary ICT tools and digital technologies
Aid teaching and learning activities?


5. Are the students provided with equal opportunity to use the computers and
other digital technologies?


6. Are the teachers knowledgeable on how to operate a laptop/computer and

other digital technologies for teaching and learning?

C. Check ( ) the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class. Write

your remarks in the last column.

Competencies Observed Not Remarks


Domain I: Understanding ICT in Education

Demonstrates awareness of policies The school

demonstrates the
affecting ICT in education
awareness of

Complies with ICT policies as they The school complies

with ICT policies they
affect teaching-learning
affect teaching

Contextualizes ICT policies to the The contextualize

ICT policies to the
learning environment

Domain 2: Curriculum and Assessment

Demonstrates an understanding of The school

demonstrate an
concepts, principles, and theories of
understanding of
ICT systems as they apply to teaching-
concepts, principles
learning and strategies of ICT
system as they apply
to teaching learning.

Evaluates digital and non-digital The school evaluates

digital and non-digital
learning resources in response to
learning resources in
students' diverse needs
response to student’s
diverse needs.

Develops digital learning resources to The school develop

digital learning
enhance teaching-learning
resources teaching

Uses ICT as a tool to develop 21st The school uses ICT

as a tool to develop
century skills: Information, Media and
21st century skills.
Technology Skills, Learning and

Innovation Skills, Life and Career

Skills, and Effective Communications


Domain 3: Pedagogy

Applies relevant technology tools for The school applies

relevant technology
classroom activities
tools for classroom

Uses ICT knowledge to solve complex The school uses ICT

knowledge to solve
problems and support student
complex problem and
collaborative activities
support student
Models collaborative knowledge The school models
construction in face-to-face and virtual
construction in face-
to-face and virtual

Domain 4: Technology Tools

Demonstrates competence in the The demonstrate

competence in the
technical operations of technology
technical operations
tools and systems as they apply to
of technology tools
teaching and learning and system as they
apply to teaching and

Uses technology tools to create new The school uses

technology tools to
learning opportunities to support
create new learning
communities of learners
opportunities to
support communities
of learners.

Demonstrates proficiency in the use of The school

technology tools to support teaching
proficiency in the use
and learning
of technology tools to
support teaching and

Domain 5: Organization and Administration

Manages technology-assisted The school manages
instruction in an inclusive classroom
instructions in an
inclusive classroom

Exhibits leadership in shared decision- The school exhibits

leadership in shared
making using technology tools
decisions making
using technology.

Domain 6: Teacher Professional Learning

Explores existing and emerging The school explore

existing and
technologies to acquire additional
content and pedagogical knowledge
technologies to
acquire additional
content and

Utilizes technology tools in creating The school utilizes

technology tools in
communities of practice
creating communities
of practice.

Collaborates with peers, colleagues, The school

collaborates with
and stakeholders to access information
peers, colleagues
in support of professional learning.
and stakeholders to
access information in
support of
professional learning.

Domain 7: Teacher Disposition

Demonstrates social, ethical, and legal The school

demonstrate social,
responsibilities in the use of technology
ethical and legal
tools and resources
responsibilities in the
use of technology
tools and resources.

Shows positive attitude towards the The school shows

positive attitude
use of technology tools
towards the use of
technology tools.

Source: Commission on Higher Education. 2017. CHED Memorandum Order No.

75, series of 2017: Policies, Standards, and Guidelines for Bachelor of
Secondary Education Program, pp. 71-73.


Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have

observed in class.
1. What are the problems or challenges in integrating ICT in teaching and

Based, on my observation, one of the problem or obstacle of using ICT in

teaching and learning is the absence of ICT resources in the classroom. Although
there are ICT tools, they are not always readily available.

2. What are the challenges encountered by students in using ICT tools and
other forms for digital technologies?

In my perspective ICT tool shortages and certain student lack of skill upon using
ICT. This reason can be the problem that the student can’t do their part with
regards to using ICT.

3. In what domain/s of ICT competency standards for teachers do teachers

need improvement? Why?

The domain of ICT competency standard for teachers, the teachers need to
enhance the domain of organization and administration and the domain of teacher
professional learning. Having said that, this are the domain need to be improve.

4. How will you promote the positive use of ICT to your students?

ICT tools place a vital role in developing a world of technology since we are
moving to the world where there is the presence of technology, first and foremost
educate the student about the benefits of ICT.

Complete the following:

1. I realized that

I realized that, using positive use of information and communication technology is

very helpful. As an educator using different ICT tools in delivering the lesson to
the learners has a very high positive impact it is because they are easily interact
when teachers use some of those ICT tools.

2. I believe that

I believe that, using different types of information and communication technology

tools will help both student and teachers will easily absorbed the topic because it
will give good interaction and excitement to the student and they will really
appreciated and value the effort of the teacher.

3. I feel that

I feel that, the teacher are really have hard time to find the suitable strategies that
will be more effective enable the learners will gained enough knowledge to mold
them holistically and physically ready for the next topic.

4. When I become a teacher, I will

When I become a teacher, I will ensure that to adopt and apply the different
strategies that will help my student to think credible and understand the
discussion easily by the adopting and using positive use of information and
communication technology tools.

Lesson 4 Strategies for Promoting Literacy and Numeracy


A. For each given domain, write down the literacy strategies used by the

cooperating teacher during your class observation.

Observation Strategies

1. Oral Language The teacher let the student to read what was
written on the board and their notebooks.

2. Phonological Awareness N/A

3. Book and Print Knowledge N/A

4. Alphabet Knowledge N/A

5. Phonics and Word Recognition N/A

6. Fluency N/A

7. Spelling N/A

8. Writing and Composition For writing and composition, my cooperating

teacher give the rubrics for their guide upon
answering the given task.

9. Grammar Awareness and N/A


10. Vocabulary Development N/A

11. Reading Comprehension The teacher let the student to read during the

12. Listening Comprehension The teacher let the student to listen the
discussion then write a reflection right after.

Source: Department of Education. 2016. K-12 Curriculum Guide for English.

B. Write down the numeracy strategies used by the cooperating teacher during your

class observation in the following subjects.

Subjects Strategies

1. Language (English/Filipino/mother N/A


2. Mathematics N/A

3. Science N/A

4. History/Araling Panlipunan/Social During the discussion especially in the

Studies economics subject our teacher uses
strategies that could make the problem
easier to be solved.
5. Values Education/Conduct Education N/A

6. Computer/ICT N/A

7. Music, Arts, Physical Education, and N/A

Health (MAPEH)

8. Technology and Livelihood Education N/A


Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have

observed in class.

1. How can literacy affect one's life?

2. How important is numeracy in our daily life?
3. How can literacy and numeracy improve the learner's academic
4. In the absence of digital technologies and printed materials, what do
you think are the strategies you can use to promote literacy and


Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that



3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 5 Strategies for Developing Critical and Creative Thinking as well
as Higher-Order Thinking Skills


A. Ask the cooperating teacher to show his or her lesson plan to you. Review the

objectives of each lesson in the lesson plans. Provide examples of educational

objectives based on the following HOTS:

1. Creating

2. Evaluating

3. Analyzing
B. Indicate whether the following HOTS strategies are applied during your class

observation by checking the appropriate box. Write your remarks in the last


HOTS Strategies Observed Not Remarks

1. Teaches the concepts of


2. Promotes the use of HOTS

when communicating

3. Encourages question and

answer during discussion

4. Uses visuals and graphic

organizers to connect


5. Uses problem-solving to

foster critical thinking

6. Promotes collaborative

learning to generate new

7. Encourages students to

elaborate their answers

8. Promotes inquiry-based

learning to validate ideas

9. Uses educational

objectives that foster HOTS

10. Uses assessment that

promotes HOTS


Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have

observed in class.

1. In what part of the instructional plan can teachers apply HOTS?


2. How can HOTS improve the students' learning?




3. How important is creative and critical thinking in the 21st century workplace?



4. What are the things that teachers need to improve on to enrich the students'





Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 6 Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English in Teaching and Learning


A. Conduct a survey of languages used by students and teachers at home and


Language/s used at home Language/s used at school



B. Answer the following questions:

1. Do the teachers of kindergarten and elementary students have a copy of the

teacher's guide and learning materials for mother tongue, Filipino, and English?


2. Are the teacher's guide and learning materials translated in mother tongue?



3. Are there sufficient references for the teaching of mother tongue, Filipino, and




4. Are teachers well-informed on and trained in the teaching of mother tongue,

Filipino, and English?



5. Do the teachers speak or understand the identified regional language of



6. Do the learners speak or understand the language of instruction used by

teachers in the implementation of MTB-MLE?



7. Do the learners have access to learning resources and materials?


C. Conduct an observation of teachers in mother tongue, Filipino and English

classes. Identify the strategies used to motivate or arouse the interest of learners

in the following language literacy domains. Write your observations in the

Remarks column.

Domains Strategies Remarks

1. Oral Language

2. Phonological Awareness

3. Book and Print


4. Alphabet Knowledge

5. Phonics and Word


6. Fluency

7. Spelling

8. Writing and Composition

9. Grammar Awareness

and Structure

10. Vocabulary

11. Reading Comprehension

12. Listening



A. Based on what you have observed in class, identify the benefits of using mother

tongue, Filipino, and English as MOIs.

1. Mother tongue




2. Filipino




3. English




B. Based on what you have observed in class, identify the strategies to improve the

teacher's ability to help students understand mother tongue, Filipino, and English.



C. Explain how mother tongue can enrich cultural awareness of both teachers and






Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that



4. When I become a teacher, I will


7 Classroom Communication Strategies


A. Identify the verbal and nonverbal forms of communication used by teachers and

students in the classroom.

Verbal Nonverbal Remarks



B. Check ( ) the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class. Write

your remarks in the last column.

Communication Strategies for Observed Not Remarks

Teachers Observed
Communicates with a friendly tone
Thinks before speaking to avoid
utterance of irrelevant words

Speaks clearly and articulately

delivers the message he or she is
trying to convey

Speaks with confidence

Demonstrates ability to produce

intelligent and fluent discourse

Demonstrates skills in written


Demonstrates proficiency in oral


Manifests positive attitude towards


Other comments and observations:










Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have

observed in class.

1. How important are the verbal and non-verbal forms of communication to the



2. How do verbal and non-verbal forms of communication affect the students'




3. What forms of communication do the teachers and the students need to improve




Complete the following:

1. I realized that


2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



The Learning
LESSON 1 Learner Safety and Security

Check ( ) the box that corresponds to the learning environment of the class you
have observed.

The learning environment... Yes No Remarks

1. is clean and orderly

2. has policies that ensure the

safety and security of students

3. has space where students can


4. displays work of students

5. allows students to freely

express their thoughts and

6. gives students an opportunity

to take part in the formulation
of classroom rules and policies

7. has teachers who are calm

and respectful

8. encourages students to
explore and learn on their own

9. gives students opportunities to

correct mistakes

10. encourages students to

resolve conflicts peacefully

Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have
observed in class.

1. What features of the learning environment have significantly contributed to the

students' learning?




2. In your opinion, how can the school's learning environment be improved?




3. How does Maslow's theory explain the importance of security and safety in

ensuring that learning will take place?





Complete the following:

1. I realized that


2. I believe that



3. I feel that



4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 2 Fair Learning Environment


Check ( ) the box that corresponds to your class observation and answer the
succeeding questions.

Yes No
The teacher provides students opportunities to make mistakes.

The teacher knows the students well.

The teacher provides a wide range of options from which

students can choose from in order to engage in an activity.

The students are allowed to engage in a variety of experiences to

learn a new concept or skill.

The students are encouraged to express themselves.

The teacher extends the lesson so that all students benefit from

The teacher utilizes various ways of determining how students


1. What can you say about the learning environment?




2. How can the teacher further promote a fair learning environment?





Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have
observed in class.

1. What could have contributed to the presence or absence of a fair learning




2. How does a fair learning environment affect the way children learn?




Complete the following:

1. I realized that



2. I believe that



3. I feel that



4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 3 Management of Classroom Structure and Activities


A. In the box below, draw the room layout of the class you have observed.

B. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask the following questions:

1. What can you say about the physical structure of your classroom?


2. What were the things that you considered when you arranged the classroom?




3. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of physical






Based on what you have observed in class and the teacher's responses on the

interview, answer the following questions:

1. Do you think that the classroom structure is consistent with the teacher's

objectives? Why? Why not?




2. How does the classroom setup affect the students' performance and learning?



3. If you were the teacher, what kind of classroom structure would you adopt to

maximize the students' learning?





Complete the following:

1. I realized that



2. I believe that



3. I feel that



4. When I become a teacher, I will


LESSON 4 Support for Learner Participation

Check ( ) the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class.

Yes No

1. The teacher tells the students of his or her expectations after

every activity.

2. The teacher recognizes the effort made by the students who


3. The classroom is arranged in a way that the students can see

and communicate with each other.

4. The teacher moves around the room as he or she discusses

the lesson.

5. The teacher makes use of various teaching strategies to elicit

the students' participation.

6. The students are given the opportunity to discuss their

thoughts, ideas, and opinions with the whole class or some


Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have

observed in class.

1. How does the teacher encourage the students to participate actively in class?



2. What do you think is the best classroom setup to encourage the students to

engage in the activity?




3. What strategies should the teacher use to make the students participate in class?





Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that



4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 5 Promotion of Purposive Learning

Determine if the environment supports purposive learning by checking ( ) the

box that corresponds to what you have observed in class.

Yes No

1. The learning environment promotes respect by giving the

students opportunities to listen to each other.

2. The students are provided with avenues to observe and

practice a skill.

3. All experiences are considered learning experiences.

4. The students are given opportunities to collaborate with each


5. The teacher uses other strategies aside from lecture to help

the students understand the lesson.


Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have

observed in class.

1. Does the teacher support purposive learning? If yes, how? If no, how can the
teacher support purposive learning?


2. How else can purposive learning be promoted in the classroom?





Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 6 Management of Learner Behavior


Preliminary Activity

Observe the teacher. Check the item that best describes the learning environment.

Yes No Remarks

1. Does the teacher expect the students to

respond according to how the lesson was

2. Does the teacher provide the students with

opportunities to engage in activities of their

3. Does the teacher provide immediate

feedback like praises or grades?

4. Is the classroom environment arranged so

that the students can easily collaborate?

5. Is the classroom environment arranged so

that the students can freely explore their

6. Does the teacher provide the students with

opportunities to succeed?

7. Does the teacher immediately correct the

mistakes made by the students?

8. Does the teacher guide the students to

discover their own mistakes?
9. Does the teacher allow the students to
commit mistakes until they are able to
correct these errors on their own?

10. Is the student-teacher relationship cordial?

11. Can the students freely express their

thoughts and ideas in class?

12. Does the teacher listen to the students'



Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What kind of classroom management does the teacher practice? Why?




2. Do you think that the management style that the teacher is using in class

contributes to the students' learning? Why? Why not?




3. If you were the teacher, what management style would best maximize students'





Write your reflection by completing the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



Diversity of
LESSON 1 Learner's Gender, Needs, Strengths, Interests, and

A. Interview the following internal school stakeholders on how they promote a

gender sensitive school/classroom. Write their responses on the lines provided


School principal




Department head




Cooperating teacher




Guidance counselor



B. Discuss how the following steps create a progressive, student-centered


1. Create ongoing projects.




2. Integrate technology.




3. Replace homework with engaging in-class activities.




4. Eliminate rules and consequences.




5. Involve students in evaluation.



C. List down 10 strengths and weaknesses of the students from the class you have


Student Name Strengths Weaknesses


2. .









Other comments and observations:







Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. Based on your interviews with internal school stakeholders on how to promote a

gender-sensitive school/classroom, which of the answers is the best? Why?




2. How will you determine the strengths and weaknesses of your students?




3. Which among the steps on creating progressive, student-centered classroom is

the best step? Why?




4. How are you going to use the learners' needs and interests in creating a more

effective instruction?




Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 2 Learners' Linguistic, Cultural, Socio-economic, and Religious


A. Ask your cooperating teacher for a copy of his or her School Form 1 (School

Register). Paste a copy of the School Form 1 in the box below and answer the

following questions.

1. What is the grade and section that you have observed?____________________


2. How many boys and girls are there?___________________________________


3. What is the religion of the majority of the students?________________________


4. What is the common mother tongue of the students?______________________


5. Does the class have a student who belongs to an ethnic group?_____________


B. List down 10 strategies your cooperating teacher can use to address the

individual differences (linguistic, cultural, socio-economic, and religious

backgrounds) of the students.

Strategy 1:________________________________________________________

Strategy 2: _______________________________________________________

Strategy 3: _______________________________________________________
Strategy 4: _______________________________________________________

Strategy 5: _______________________________________________________

Strategy 6: _______________________________________________________

Strategy 7: _______________________________________________________

Strategy 8: _______________________________________________________

Strategy 9: _______________________________________________________

Strategy 10: ______________________________________________________

C. Ask the cooperating teacher about how he or she gives importance to

differentiated instruction in his or her classes.




Other comments and observations:








Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. Does the number of boys and girls affect the classroom instruction? How?




2. Does the religious background of the students affect the preparation of the

lesson? How?




3. Does the mother tongue of most of the students affect the medium of instruction?





4. Do the socio-economic differences of the students affect their learning? How?




5. Are contextualization, localization, and indigenization of the curricula being done

to fit the cultural background of the students?





Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 3 Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness, and Talents


A. Interview the following internal school stakeholders on how they deal with
students with disability and gifted learners.

How do you deal with learners with disability and

Internal Stakeholders

Name of the School


Name of the Classroom


Name of the Guidance


B. Sit in a class with exceptional learners. Observe how the teacher uses different
strategies in teaching exceptional learners. List down five observations.
Observation 1:



Observation 2:



Observation 3:


Observation 4:


Observation 5:


C. Watch the film, Every Child is Special. After watching the movie, write a reflection
about the film.















Other comments and observations:





Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. How do the answers of the school principal, classroom adviser, and guidance
counselor on dealing with exceptional learners differ from each other?



2. Based on your five observations on how a teacher uses a strategy in teaching

learners with disability and giftedness, which strategy is the best? Why?



3. What have you realized after watching the film Every Child is Special?



4. Write a slogan to promote inclusive learning in the Philippines.





Complete the following:

1. I realized that



2. I believe that



3. I feel that



4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 4 Learners in Difficult Circumstances

A. Interview the students on the difficulties they encounter while enrolled in school.

List down 10 difficulties on the lines provided.

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________

7. _________________________________________________________________

8. _________________________________________________________________

9. _________________________________________________________________

10. ________________________________________________________________

B. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask how he or she considers the different

difficult circumstances faced by the students in preparing lessons and strategies.



C. Create a poster-slogan promoting a diverse and responsive classroom.


A. Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. Based on this lesson, what is the most heroic task of the teacher?



2. Among the different difficult circumstances given by the students, which is the

most complicated? Why?




B. In your own opinion, what is the best strategy to use when teaching a student

with chronic disorder?





Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that


4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 5: Learners from Indigenous Groups


A. Based on the class that you have observed, list down 10 students who belong to
IP groups. Fill in the information below.
Name Grade and IP Group Province


B. Evaluate the school's programs for IPs by checking ( ) the box that corresponds

to what you have observed in class.

DepEd Mandates Yes No
1 Ensures the provision of universal and equitable access of all
IPs to quality and relevant basic education services towards
functional literacy for all.

2 Adopts appropriate basic education pedagogy, content, and

assessment through the integration of IKSPs in all learning
areas and process.

3 Provides adequate and culturally appropriate learning

resources and environment to IP learners.

4 Strengthens the hiring, deployment, and continuous

development of teachers and learning facilitators in the
implementation of the IP Education Program.

5 Establishes and strengthens appropriate multi-level units

responsible for planning, implementing, and monitoring IP
education interventions,

6 Expands and strengthens institutional and civil society linkages

to ensure proper coordination, knowledge-sharing, and
sustainability of the IP Education Program.

7 Implements stronger affirmative action to eradicate all forms of

discrimination against IPs in the Philippine educational system.

C. Interview the cooperating teacher. List down five culturally-responsive teaching

strategies he or she are using for students from Indigenous Groups.

Teaching Strategy 1: __________________________________________________

Teaching Strategy 2: __________________________________________________

Teaching Strategy 3: __________________________________________________

Teaching Strategy 4: __________________________________________________

Teaching Strategy 5: __________________________________________________

Other comments and observations:





Read carefully and answer the following questions.
1. Why is it necessary to create the IPED Curriculum Framework?



2. What school program would you recommend to the school administrators to

address the needs of IPs?



3. Based on the list you made in the previous activity, most of the students belong
to what particular indigenous group? Why do you think so?



Complete the following:
1. I realized that



2. I believe that




3. I feel that



4. When I become a teacher, I will



and Planning
LESSON 1 Planning and Management of the Teaching and Learning


A. Check whether the following teaching and learning tools are present in the

classroom that you have observed.

Teaching Tools Present None

1. Lesson Plan

2. K to 12 Curriculum Guide

3. Teacher's Manual or Textbook

4. Reference Materials

5. Instructional Materials

Other teaching tools present:




B. Ask the cooperating teacher to show his or her lesson plan to you. Analyze the
lesson plan by checking the appropriate box.

Grade Level


Standards Yes No

1. The objectives are measurable and developmentally

appropriate for the grade level of the students

2. The content is appropriate for the grade level of the


3. The instructional materials needed for the lesson are


4. The sequence of instruction (instructional procedure) is

easy to follow and logical.

5. The sequence of instruction follows an appropriate

instructional design or learning theory.

6. Creative learning experiences are used in the lesson.

7. Differentiated learning is used in the selection of

learning activities.

8. Assessment of learning is included in the instructional


Other comments and observations:



A. Check ( ) the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class. You

may write further remarks in the last column.

Developmentally Appropriate Not

Teaching Practices Observed
Observed Remarks

1. Uses different teaching strategies

2. Promotes positive classroom


3. Respects the learning styles and

abilities of the learners

4. Differentiates learning activities

5. Promotes active learning

6. Uses different instructional materials

7. Uses effective motivation strategy

8. Presents the objective of the lessons


9. Recalls prerequisite knowledge and

experiences of the learners before

proceeding to the lesson

10. Presents lesson in meaningful way

that is easy to understand

11. Provides clear examples to explain


12. Provides opportunity for students to

practice/apply what they learned

13. Processes questions and difficulties

of students

14. Uses learning strategies that

develops creativity and critical


15. Provides helpful feedback to help

students understand the lesson

16. Encourages students to do their best

in accomplishing each learning task

17. Promotes positive learning behavior

and values in the lesson

18. Observes professionalism in

handling students behavior

19. Shows enthusiasm and interest in

every aspect of teaching

20. Uses appropriate assessment tools

to measure learning outcomes

Other comments and observations:




Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What developmentally appropriate learning principles and strategies are

observed in class?




2. What are the things that need to be improved by the teacher?




3. How do the developmentally appropriate teaching practices improve the students'

learning ability?




Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 2 Aligning Learning Outcomes with Learning Competencies

A. Answer the following questions:

1. Does the school have a copy of the whole K to 12 curriculum guide?


2. Is the curriculum guide available to all teachers?


3. Are the teachers using the K to 12 curriculum guide in planning their lessons?


4. Are the teachers aware of the differences between content standards,

performance standards, and learning competencies?


B. From the lesson plans of five cooperating teachers, provide five examples of

learning outcomes based on each of the three learning domains.



C. Check if the learning outcomes used by the cooperating teachers in their lesson

plans are aligned with the appropriate learning competency from the K to 12

curriculum guide. Write down some of the learning outcomes and learning

competencies then check the appropriate box that corresponds to your findings.

Learning Outcomes Learning Competency (Based on K Not

to 12) Aligned

Lesson 1:

Lesson 2:

Lesson 3:

Lesson 4:

Lesson 5:
D. Check the alignment of the leaming outcomes with the teaching and learning

strategies used by the corresponding teachers in their lesson plans. Write down

the learning outcomes and teaching strategies and then check the box that

corresponds to your findings

Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies Aligned

E. Check the alignment of the learning outcomes with the assessment tools used by

the cooperating teachers in their lesson plans. Write down the learning outcomes

and assessment tools, then check the box that corresponds to your findings.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Tools Aligned

Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. Are the teachers aware of the function of the K to 12 curriculum guide? Explain

your answer.




2. Are the teachers using the curriculum guide in planning their lesson? Explain you





3. What types of learning outcomes are emphasized in every lesson (knowledge,

skills, and values)?




4. Are the learning outcomes of the teachers aligned with the learning competency?




5. Are the learning strategies of the teachers aligned with the learning outcomes?




6. Are the assessment tools of the teachers aligned with the learning outcomes?





Complete the following:

1. I realized that



2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 3 Relevance and Responsiveness of Learning Programs

A. Before starting your observation, it is important to read the annual plan (if private)

or school improvement plan (if public) of the school where you are assigned.

Write a request letter to the principal noted by your student teaching supervisor.

B. Based on the annual plan or the school improvement plan, what learning

programs are provided for the students?

Learning Programs Months Implemented

C. Request an interview with the teachers and the principal. Ask the following


1. How does the school plan for each learning program?



2. Who are involved in planning?




3. Are the stakeholders involved in planning the different learning programs? If yes,

how are they involved?




4. How does each learning program contribute to the development of the curriculum





5. How does the school monitor and evaluate the implementation of each learning





D. If the school is private, gather the following data and information:

1. What type of curriculum is implemented?



2. What are the special features of the school's curriculum?




3. What learning programs are implemented to support the curriculum?




4. How does the learning programs support the philosophy of the school?




E. Identify the extra- and co-curricular programs being implemented in the school.





Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. How do the different learning programs support the development of the students?


2. How does each learning program support the goals and objectives of the





3. How does the school monitor and evaluate the implementation of each learning





4. What are the challenges and problems in the implementation of each learning






Complete the following:

1. I realized that



2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 4 Enriching Teaching Practices through Professional


A. Ask permission from any school to gather the following data and answer the

succeeding questions.

Total Enrolment

Enrolment per Grade Level

Number of Sections Per Grade Level

Average Class Size

Total Number of Teachers

Number of Teachers with MA units

Number of Teachers with MA

Number of Teachers with Doctorate


Number of Master Teachers

Average Year of Service for


1. Does the school implement a mentoring program for its teachers? How?



2. Does the school conduct professional meetings to discuss learning issues and





3. Does the school support the continuing education and development of its

teachers? How?




4. How do expert teachers help other teachers in improving their teaching





5. What are the different collaboration activities available or done by the teachers to

improve their teaching practices?



6. Is there an existing academic collaboration between the school/teachers and

higher education institutions? If yes, what forms of collaboration are done?




B. Ask permission to attend a faculty meeting or a professional meeting in the

school. Answer the following questions:

1. Is sharing of good teaching practices part of the meeting? What types of good

teaching practices are shared?




2. How do teachers discuss issues and problems related to teaching and learning?




3. How do teachers observe professionalism during the meeting?



4. Do the teachers include in their agenda how the result of learning assessment

should be utilized to improve instruction?




C. Identify the different continuing education and development programs offered to

teachers to understand the instructional demands of the K to 12 curriculum.


Read the questions carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What are the implications of the data gathered during the preliminary activity?




2. How can the school utilize the data to develop better professional collaboration

among teachers to improve their teaching practices?




3. How can the school promote stronger collaboration among its teachers?




4. How does the school support and sustain a culture of excellence among teachers

and other staff?




Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 5 Utilizing Teaching and Learning Resources and ICT


A. Identify different teaching and learning resources available in the school.

Categories Examples


Audiovisual Materials

Assessment Tools

Learning Objects

Visual Materials
Audio Materials

ICT-based Materials

B. Check whether the school has the following learning resources:


Basic Science Laboratories

Internet Facilities

ICT Laboratory

Technology and Livelihood Education


Audiovisual Room


Guidance Office

Speech Laboratory


Faculty Room

C. Observe the classroom environment.

Criteria for Observation Observed Not Observation/Comments


1. Classrooms are

conducive for learning.

2. Classrooms have

enough lighting and


3. Classrooms are free of

any hazard.

4. Classrooms are not

5. Classrooms are clean.

D. Analyze the lesson plans of the cooperating teachers. Examine how technology

is used to support the implementation of particular learning outcomes. Provide an


Learning Outcomes Topics Instructional Materials

E. Observe how technology is used to enhance teaching and learning process.

Learning Outcomes Instructional Observation

Materials Used

Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. Are there enough teaching and learning resources available in school?




2. How are these teaching and learning resources utilized in teaching and learning?



3. How do these teaching and learning resources help attain learning outcomes?




4. How do these teaching and learning resources improve the quality of students





5. What teaching and learning resources are lacking in the school?





Complete the following:

1. I realized that



2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



Assessment & Learning
LESSON 1 Design, Selection, Organization, and Utilization of Assessment


A. Define the meaning of assessment by completing this acronym with a word that

is related to assessment.










B. Compare diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments by completing this

Venn diagram.

Diagnostic Formative


C. Observe the assessment strategies used by your cooperating teacher in class.

List down five assessment strategies and categorize the type of each

assessment strategy.

Assessment Type of Assessment





D. Interview the cooperating teacher on how he or she uses the results of

diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments.

1. Results of diagnostic assessments




2. Results of formative assessments




3. Results of summative assessments




Other comments and observations:






Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What will happen if the teacher uses the same assessment strategy every day?




2. Which of the three assessment strategies has been used more often in class?

Why do you think so?




3. In your own opinion, which of the three assessment strategies is the most

important? Explain your answer.




4. How does assessment improve the students' learning and the teachers'





Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 2 Monitoring and Evaluation of Learner Progress and


A. Observe how your cooperating teacher monitors the following:

1. Seatwork

Observation 1: ____________________________________________________


Observation 2: ____________________________________________________


Observation 3: ____________________________________________________


2. Students' comprehension during discussion

Observation 1: ____________________________________________________


Observation 2: ____________________________________________________


Observation 3: ____________________________________________________

3. Examination

Observation 1: ____________________________________________________


Observation 2: ____________________________________________________


Observation 3: ____________________________________________________


4. Homework

Observation 1: ____________________________________________________


Observation 2: ____________________________________________________


Observation 3: ____________________________________________________


B. Complete the table below by making an inventory of academic excellence


School Name: __________________________________________________________

Grading Period: __________________________ School Year: ___________________

Section A Section B Section C Section D Section E

With Highest Honors

With High Honors

With Honors


C. Based on your inventory of the learners' achievement per section, write five tips

on how your cooperating teacher can evaluate and recognize the students'


Tip 1: ___________________________________________________________


Tip 2: ___________________________________________________________


Tip 3: ___________________________________________________________


Tip 4: ___________________________________________________________


Tip 5: ___________________________________________________________


Other comments and observations:




Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. Which of your observations in monitoring seatwork is the best? Why?




2. Which of your observations in monitoring students' comprehension during class

discussion is the best? Why?




3. Which of your observations in monitoring examination is the best? Why?




4. If you are going to handle an advisory class, how are you going to make your

class awarding unique?



5. Which of the tips in evaluating and recognizing students' achievement is the

best? Why?





Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 3 Feedback to Improve Learning


A. Discuss the importance of giving constructive feedback to improve the students'

learning Write your answer on the space below.




B. Paste a sample of student activity or quiz. Highlight the feedback given by the


C. Check YES if the statement for giving feedback to students is observed.

Otherwise, check NO (adapted from Reynolds 2018).

Giving Student Feedback YES NO

1. The student feedback is educative in nature..

2. The student feedback is given in a timely manner.

3. The teacher is sensitive to the individual needs of the students.

4. The teacher anticipates the four questions. (What can the students
do? What can't the student do? How does the student's work
compare with that of others? How can the student do better?)

5. The student feedback is a reference for a skill or specific


6. The teacher gives feedback to keep the students "on target" for

7. The teacher hosts a one-on-one conference.

8. The student feedback is given verbally, non-verbally or in written


9. The teacher concentrates on one ability.

10. The teacher alternates due dates for students/classes.

11. The teacher educates the students on how to give feedback to

each other.

12. The teacher asks another adult to give student feedback.

13. The students take down notes on teacher's verbal feedback.

14. The teacher uses a notebook to keep track of student progress.

15. The teacher returns tests, papers, or comment cards at the
beginning of class.

16. The teacher uses Post-It notes in giving written feedback.

17. The teacher gives genuine praise.

18. The teacher uses the phrase "I noticed..." in acknowledging the
student's effort.

19. The teacher provides a model or an example.

20. The teacher invites students to give YOU feedback.

Other comments and observations:





Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. When is the right time to provide constructive feedback: during or after the

students' performance?




2. How does giving feedback help in the instructional decisions of the teacher?



3. What is the best practice of your cooperating teacher in giving feedback?




Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 4 Communication of Learners' Needs, Progress, and
Achievement to the Key Stakeholders

A. Observe how your cooperating teacher communicates the students' needs and

progress to their parents when conducting a PTC and card distribution. Write a

narrative report of the PTC on the space provided.


Grade and Section: ________________ Grading Period: ___________________

Date: _______________________











B. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask for some useful tips on how he or she

communicates the students' needs to the parents.

Tip 1: ___________________________________________________________


Tip 2: ___________________________________________________________


Tip 3: ___________________________________________________________


C. Of the three useful tips given by your cooperating teacher, what is the most

important? Explain and write your answer below.




D. Help in the preparation of a school-based recognition program. Write your

experience and cite the contributions you have made to make the recognition

program successful.






Other comments and observations:








Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. Why is PTC important?




2. If you will conduct a PTC, what will you include in your agenda?




3. How will you communicate the failing grade of a student to the parent?




4. What will you suggest to the parent of a student who got a failing mark twice in

the same subject?





Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 5 Use of Assessment Data to Enhance Teaching and Learning
Practices and Programs

A. Observe how your cooperating teacher uses the data from student assessments

to improve classroom instruction. List five best practices of using the student

assessment data.

1. ______________________________________________________________


2. ______________________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________________


4. ______________________________________________________________


5. ______________________________________________________________


B. Interview the school principal. Ask five ways by which the teachers can use

assessment data to improve school programs.

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________________


4. ______________________________________________________________


5. ______________________________________________________________


Other comments and observations:





Read carefully and answer the following questions,

1. Which of the five best practices of using the assessment data to improve

classroom instruction shown by your cooperating teacher is the most important?




2. Which of the five ways of using assessment data to improve school programs

mentioned by the principal is the best? Why?




3. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask him/her about his or her thoughts on the

previous school year and what he or she has done to improve this year.





Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that



4. When I become a teacher, I will



Community Linkages
and Professional
LESSON 1 Establishment of Learning Environments That Are Responsive
to Community Contexts


A. Conduct a survey in school. Gather the following information.

Name of School: ________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________

● Provide a brief historical background and demographic profile of the school.

Complete the following information.

Date Established: _____________________________________________________

Total Number of Students: ______________________________________________

Total Number of Teachers: ______________________________________________

Race/Ethnicity of Students and Teachers: ________________________________

Religion: ___________________________________________________________

● Describe the physical and psychological environment of the school:






● Provide a brief historical background and demographic profile of the community.

Complete the following information:

Date Established: _____________________________________________________

Estimated Total Population: __________________________________________

Race/Ethnicity: _____________________________________________________

Major Source of Income: ________________________________________________

Religions: ___________________________________________________________

● Describe the physical and psychological environment of the community:







● Identify cultural and traditional practices/beliefs within the community.








B. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask the following questions:

1. Does the school have active school-community partnership?


2. Who are involved in the school-community partnership?



3. Does the school engage members of the community in school activities?



4. What are the school programs/projects supported by the community?



5. What are the activities conducted by the school to raise cultural sensitivity and


6. Does the school have community extension programs?



7. What are the programs/projects extended by the school to the community?



8. Are the teachers aware of the background of the community where the school is


9. How does the school promote contextualization and localization to its teachers?


10. Are the lessons contextualized?




Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. How does community affect the learning environment?




2. How important is curriculum contextualization and localization of lessons and

learning materials?



3. What strategies are you going to use in order create a culturally-responsive

learning environment?



4. How will you use the data you have gathered from the preliminary activity?




Complete the following:

1. I realized that



2. I believe that



3. I feel that



4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 2 Engagement of Parents and the Wider Community in the
Educative Process

A. Interview the principal. Ask the following questions:

1. Are teachers and parents aware of the DepEd Order No. 54, series of 2009?



2. Does the school have an active PTA?



3. How often does the PTA meet?



4. What are usual issues and concerns raised by stakeholders during PTA




5. Are the issues and concerns raised during PTS meeting's properly addressed?


6. Does the school engage parents and members of the community in the

implementation of school programs?



7. Do parents and members of the community provide full support to school

programs and activities?



8. Describe the relationship of teachers with parents and members of the




B. Request permission to observe a PTA meeting. Ask permission to record the

proceedings. Prepare highlights of proceedings from the meeting using the

following format.

Name of School: _______________________________________________________

Title of the Meeting: ____________________________________________________

Venue of the Meeting: ____________________________________________________

Date of the Meeting: ____________________________________________________

Time of the Meeting: ____________________________________________________









Call to Order:

Agenda Discussion Action Taken/Agreement

Other comments and observations:




C. Ask help from your cooperating teacher. Identify school programs/activities that

need support from parents and community members.

School Programs/Activities Date Venue


Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What are the benefits of engaging parents and members of community in the

implementation of school programs?




2. Identify strategies that promote positive relationship with parents and members of

the community including mechanism to ensure their full support to school




3. What have you learned from observing a PTA meeting?





Complete the following:

1. I realized that





2. I believe that




3. I feel that



4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 3 Professional Ethics


A. Answer the following questions:

1. Does the school have a faculty manual?


2. Does the faculty manual reflect the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?


3. Are there provisions in the manual regarding disciplinary actions or sanctions for

misbehavior, misconduct, or unethical practices of teachers?


4. Does the school provide trainings or re-orientation for teachers regarding the

Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?


B. Request a copy of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. Provide a

summary of each article. Write down your answer on the left column.

Articles Summary

Article II: The Teacher and The

Article III: The Teacher and The


Article IV: A Teacher and The


Article V: The Teachers and The


Article VI: The Teacher and

Higher Authorities in the


Article VII: School Officials,

Teachers, and Other Personnel

Article VIII: The Teachers and

Article IX: The Teachers and


Article X: The Teacher and


Article XI: The Teacher as a


C. Review the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. Identify which of the ethical

standards promotes the enhancement of the teachers' competency in terms of

the following:



D. Observe the teachers. Describe how they act professionally within the school

premises. Write down your observation below.


A. Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What is the importance of the Code of Ethics to teachers?



2. How does the Code of Ethics influence the personal life of a teacher?



3. How does the Code of Ethics influence a teacher's competence?



4. In what aspect does the teacher need improvement?



5. How will you promote the Code of Ethics to fellow teachers?


B. Write an essay about the characteristics of an ideal teacher.


Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that



3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 4 School Policies and Procedures


A. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask the following questions:

1. Does the school have policies and procedures?


2. When did the school establish these policies and procedures?


3. Who were involved in the crafting of the school policies and procedures?


4. Are the provisions of these policies and procedures in accordance with DepEd



5. Does the school conduct consultation with parents prior to the approval and

implementation of the school policies and procedures?


6. Does the school implement the school policies and procedures?


7. Are the teachers aware all of the school policies and procedures?


8. Do school officials, teachers, and staff adhere to the school policies and


9. Are students and parents aware of the school policies?


10. Does the school conduct annual orientation on the school policies?


B. Request help from your cooperating teacher. Explain the procedure on how

school policies are developed.

C. Request a copy of the school policies and procedures. Identify the important
provisions specified in the policies.

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________

7. _________________________________________________________________

8. _________________________________________________________________

9. _________________________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________________________

Other comments and observations:





Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What is the importance of school policies and procedures to teachers and





2. What is the most important aspect to consider when developing a school policy?



3. What is the importance of stakeholders' consultation when formulating a policy?




4. In the event that a problem occurs in the absence of school policy, what should a

teacher do to address the problem?




5. What are the things that the school needs to improve?





Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that



3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



Personal Growth
and Professional
LESSON 1 Philosophy of Teaching


Observe a teacher for two weeks. Please write your observations on the following:

1. Classroom Layout




2. Teaching Methodology




3. Assessment




4. Materials



Other comments and observations:





Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What do you think is the teaching philosophy of the teacher that you have





2. Cite the reasons for your answer in the previous question.




3. How does the teacher's philosophy of teaching impact the learners?




Complete following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 2 Dignity of Teaching as a Profession


Observe a class. List down the personal and professional qualities of the

cooperating teacher, which, you think, contribute to the development of the students.

1. Personal qualities




2. Professional qualities





Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What do you think are the best qualities of the teacher that you have observed?




2. How can the teacher continue to grow personally and professionally?





Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 3 Professional Links With Colleagues


A. Ask the cooperating teacher if you can volunteer as shadow teacher for a day.

List down ways on how the teacher collaborates with other teachers.




B. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask the following questions:

1. In what ways do you collaborate with your colleagues?




2. Why do you need to collaborate with your colleagues?




3. What do you think are the advantages of collaborating with colleagues? What are

the disadvantages?




Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. Do you think that linking with colleagues is important in teaching? Why? Why





2. How does collaborating with other teachers impact the students?




3. If you were the teacher, how will you collaborate with your colleagues?





Complete the following:

1. I realized that



2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 4 Professional Reflection and Learning to Improve Practice


A. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask the following questions:

1. How do you evaluate your practices in the classroom?




2. Do you think it is necessary to evaluate one's own practices? Why? Why not?




3. If given a choice, what do you think is the best way that you can do to help

improve your own practices?




Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. How does the teacher reflect on her own practices?




2. What can you say about the way the teacher reflects on her own practices?




3. How do you think reflective practice can be further reinforced in schools?





Complete the following:

1. I realized that



2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



LESSON 5 Professional Development Goals


A. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask the following questions:

1. As a teacher, in what areas do you think you should improve on?




2. What do you do to address the areas that you need to improve on or develop?





Read carefully and answer the following questions based on the interview you

1. Do you think the teacher was able to address her learning goals? Why? Why



2. Based on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers, what particular

domain or strand should the teacher address as her learning goal? Explain your





Complete the following:

1. I realized that




2. I believe that




3. I feel that




4. When I become a teacher, I will



Cooperating Teacher’s Profile
Pre-service Teacher’s Curriculum Vitae
Sample Class List

Seat Plan
(If applicable)

Appendix A: Journal 1
Appendix B
Rubric for Reflection/Journal Entries

Performance 5 4 3 2 1

(Excellent) (Proficient) (Satisfactory) (Developing) (Needs


Reflection Presents Presents very Presents some Presents few Presents no

journal comprehensive clear description of description of description of
includes PSTs description of description of worthwhile worthwhile worthwhile
worthwhile worthwhile experiences, experiences, experiences,
experiences, experiences, explains sound explains sound does not
experiences, explains sound explains sound judgment on judgment on explain sound
judgments, judgment on judgment on personal personal judgment on
performance personal strengths personal strengths and strengths and personal
and other and weaknesses strengths and weaknesses weaknesses. strengths and
insights gained anchored on weaknesses anchored on weaknesses.
in the course theories learned. anchored on few theories
some theories learned.

1- Needs Improvement (75-79)

2- Developing (80-84)
3- Satisfactory (85-89)
4- Proficient (90-94)
5- Excellent (95-100)

Interpretations of Performance Levels/Ratings

1 – Needs Improvement (75-79) The pre-service teacher is introduced to the elements and/or demonstrates only a basic level of
knowledge and understanding. S/He has yet to acquire skills for effective classroom teaching.

2 – Developing (80-84) The pre-service teacher demonstrates an increased knowledge and understanding of the
elements. S/He is able to demonstrate, with assistance, the significant elements in a classroom
teaching or field setting. S/He is able to evaluate, with assistance, the success of teaching
performance. S/he has still to improve on this element to improve teaching performance.

3 – Satisfactory (85-89) The pre-service teacher demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the elements
but commits mistakes in some aspects. S/He is able to exhibit this element satisfactorily to
perform a classroom teaching with self-confidence but still has to exert more effort to improve
teaching skills.

4 – Proficient ( 90-94) The pre-service teacher is able to demonstrate a substantial knowledge and understanding of the
element and has the competent ability to apply the elements in a field setting.

5 – Advanced/Excellent
(95-100) The pre-service teacher demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the
element. S/He can consistently apply the elements for an effective classroom teaching. S/He can
also skillfully integrate the elements into an overall lesson. S/He can critically evaluate student
learning and teaching effectiveness in order to guide subsequent instruction.
APPENDIX C: Rubric for Student Teaching Portfolio

Performance 5 3 1

Criteria (Good) (Fair) (Poor)

Components include: cover/title

page, table of contents, main
contents, references and  More than 2
 All components are  1 to 2 components
appendices, etc. components are
present. are missing.

 At least 5  More than 5

 Follows the components does components does
Organization sequence not follow the not follow the
prescribed in sequence sequence
(x4) organizing the prescribed in prescribed in
contents of the organizing the organizing the
portfolio. contents of the contents of the
portfolio. portfolio.

Mechanics  The mechanics

 At least 5  More than 5
required are
mechanics are not mechanics are not
(x4) completely
followed. followed.

Promptness  Submitted on or  Submitted five

 Submitted two days
before the days after the
after the prescribed
(x2) prescribed prescribed
deadline. deadline.
APPENDIX D: Daily Time Record
APPENDIX E: Documentation
I. Format and Style
A. Margin: 1 inch (2.54 cm) for top, bottom, and right and 1.5 inch (3.81 cm) for the left.
B. Spacing: 1.5 between all lines of every entries; double space after every line in the title,
headings, footnotes, quotations, figure captions, and all parts of tables
C. Paper: 8.5 x 13 white paper, sub. 20
D. Font/Type: Arial 12 pt.
E. Line alignment: Justified
F. Page numbering: For the preliminary pages, use small Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv); use
Arabic numerals for the rest of the manuscript. Paging should be placed at the upper right
hand corner.
G. In case of any dividers inserted, you can use any format.
H. For documentation, always put caption at the bottom of every photo.
I. For PST’s and CT’s Profile, always use a formal,2x2 size picture. Profile should be essay
format with 3 paragraphs (introduction, body, conclusion)
J. Do not put pages on dividers

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