Field Study I 1 2
Field Study I 1 2
Field Study I 1 2
To ensure that the students who will undergo practice teaching are mentally and physically ready,
they must submit the following requirements to the practicum coordinator in an electronic copy
through email before deployment; however, if the situation warrants, a hard copy of the
requirements must be submitted.
For FS 1 & 2
▪ Certificate of Enrollment
▪ Medical Certificate
- A pregnant student must secure a medical certificate certified and endorsed as fit to
undergo practice teaching by a licensed obstetrician-gynecologist.
▪ Notarized Parent's Consent
▪ TEIs must require FSSs and PTs to secure a Certificate of Readiness for Teaching Internship
from the TEIs' Health Clinic and Guidance and Counseling Office, certifying their physical and
emotional fitness to undergo the internship.
Planning of Activities for the 1st August 16, 2022 All practicum coordinators
semester 2022-2023
(9am via gmeet)
Action Research Title Proposal October 3-7, 2022 FS Supervisors & Advisers
Action Research Outline November 21-25, 2022 All Coordinators & Supervisors
a. assign the FSSs/PTs to a qualified CT in coordination with the school or designated PH;
b. conduct a regular conference with the CT with regards to the performance of the FSSs/PTss;
c. coordinate with the PS of the FSSs/PTs; and
d. ensure that FSSs/PTs is not allowed to substitute for teachers on leave.
a.a. conduct an orientation to the FSSs/PTss on the rules and regulations of the school;
a.b. orient FSSs/PTs to the school environment (personnel, policies, and
a.c. monitor pre-service teaching performance, including observations whenever possible;
a.d. communicate with the CT and PS about the progress and concerns of FSSs/PTss;
a.e. arrange a schedule for FSSs/PTss to participate in professional development workshops
and programs in the school whenever possible;
a.f. as much as possible, be present during the final demonstration of the FSSs/PTss along with
the CT, PS and the PC; and
a.g. coordinate with the PS should there be issues and problems concerning the FSSs/PTss.
a.a. introduce the FSSs/PTss to students and inform them of the FSSs/PTs's teaching
a.b. orient FSSs/PTs to classroom rules and procedures, including emergency procedures;
a.c. guide FSSs/PTs in planning, providing instruction and evaluating instruction to meet the
needs of all students, including students with linguistic and cultural differences and students who
have special learning needs;
a.d. orient and teach the FSSs/PTss of the format of the lesson plan that their school is using
since the FSSs/PTss may have a different format of a lesson plan from their institution;
a.e. coordinate with the PS should some problems and issues concerning the FSSs/PTs;
a.f. inform the PS of the progress of the FSSs/PTs;
a.g. observe the FSSs/PTss daily and provide formative evaluations of FSSs/PTs during
collaborative conferences;
a.h. participate in an online classroom demonstration with the PS so that they can share
feedback, compliments and constructive criticisms for the improvement of the FSSs/PTs's
a.i. attend the final observation and give ratings of the FSSs/PTss along with the CT, PS, PC and
a.j. collaborate with the FSSs/PTs regularly to share information, knowledge, and expertise;
a.k. provide constructive feedback with specific suggestions for improving teaching
a.l. assist the FSSs/PTs in using self-reflection to support professional growth;
a.m. model effective teaching methods and strategies;
a.n. support FSSs/PTs in assuming full responsibilities of the teaching role;
a.o. check and approve the FSSs/PTs's daily, weekly and unit plans if needed;
a.p. include the FSSs/PTs in all class and school activities whenever possible; and
a.q. give fair and reasonable scores on the rating sheets of the FSSs/PTss during classroom
observations and final demonstrations.
a. review applications for admission to student teaching to verify that students have met the
requirements and all grades are complete;
b. receive and review evaluation of the performance of FSSs/PTss from PC, CT, and PS;
c. coordinate with PC in the conduct of pinning ceremony for the FSSs/PTss prior to the
d. coordinate with PC and PS in the deployment of FSSs/PTss;
e. coordinate with PC in monitoring issues and concerns of the PS and FSSs/PTs in their
cooperating schools; and
f. facilitate a conference with the PH and PC on the misconduct of the FSSs/PTss.
2. Practicum Coordinator
The Practicum Coordinator shall;
a. conduct orientation meetings so that expectations of both parties are made clear to all
b. coordinate with the PH regarding the activities and practice teaching needs of the
c. orient the FSSs/PTs of their offline classwork and arrange schedules for observations;
d. observe instruction and confer with a FSSs/PTs, providing verbal and written feedback
about teaching performance;
e. regularly cooperate with the PH and CT regarding the performance of the FSSs/PTs;
g. submit written reports whenever requested by the PH regarding the following:
• progress/performance of FSSs/PTss;
m. evaluate the performance of the FSSs/PTs and submit a report of grades to the PC.
a. demonstrate through their teaching the competence in the performance standards of the
teacher education program;
b. confer and collaborate with the CT daily to review performance and to plan instruction and other
classroom activities;
c. develop written instructional plans under the direct supervision of the CT;
e. maintain a daily lesson plan, complete with activities and actual plans;
h. attend all school activities, including grade or department meetings, faculty meetings,
professional development workshops and programs, and parent/teacher conferences whenever
i. submit lesson plans approved by the CT to the PS one week before the lesson discussion
according to the scheduled date.
j. prepare a portfolio that contains artifacts selected in consultation with the professionals
who have guided them through the student teaching experience.
l. uphold all rules and regulations that govern practice teaching, confidentiality, social media,
and conduct. Failure to do so will result in the termination of practice teaching.
• code of ethics
A. Write down the information asked and answer the succeeding questions based
on your class observation.
Name of Teacher: Lester G. Cosinero
Yes, in order to aligned the discussion and follow the follow the learning
outcomes given by the curriculum.
3. Does he or she consider the learner's prior knowledge in designing a
lesson plan?
Yes, he considered prior knowledge to her and his learning in designing a lesson
plan in able to promote conducive and effective learning.
Yes, he used varied strategy to promote effective learning and discover the
ability and skills of each student, some of his strategy is that performance task,
self-pace learning enable them to learned in their own ways and the last one is
learner centered which is he want to their learners explore society since his
subject is economics which delve about the recent problem about the economy.
5. Does he or she conduct research in planning for his or her lessons?
Yes, since the Department of Education promoting quality education they provide
the Most Essential Learning (MELCs). Out from that MELCs there is already
reference that will support from the lesson so the teachers will provide another
example by searching in internet and other platform and using other books and
printed materials. Indeed that was the thing that my Cooperating Teacher doing.
B. Check ( ) the box that corresponds to your class observation. Write your
remarks in the rightmost column.
Indicators Observed Remarks
5. Utilizes appropriate
strategies in the
delivery of the
subject matter
6. Integrates
technology tools
specific to the
subject matter to be
Other Comments:
I observed that some of the student are able to participate during the discussion and it
simply define that the teacher able to handle the class properly, but we can’t deny the
fact that some learners can’t easily understand when teachers will not use the
vernacular dialect.
A. Based on what you have observed in class, explain the importance of the different
kinds of knowledge.
1. Content knowledge
2. Pedagogical knowledge
3. Curricular knowledge
The teacher provides numerous activities that will enhance and use the various
senses, such as showing picture for the visual sense and playing music for the
auditory sense, among other things. This is something I noticed about the teachers
teaching strategies. In order for the student to learn about the topic if they have such
C. What do you think were the strategies used by the teacher to enrich his or her
pedagogical knowledge?
D. What do you think were the strategies used by the teacher to augment his or
her curricular knowledge?
I think the strategies used by the teacher to augment curricular is through their own
learning of the teachers in other words is prior knowledge as an additional
information to the topic to be more understandable to the students.
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
I believe that all the things that we experience is something that will help us to
grow as an educator and that experience will be the key to success. Indeed,
experience is the most essential part to be prepared in the field that why I am
happy that we have this kind of preparation since it will prepare me for my future
3. I feel that
I feel grateful to myself because I able to surpass all the challenges in the my
college journey, I know God is with me all the time who always there to provide
the essential graces for me to overcome all the hindrances that comes on my
way. I will not stop dreaming until I will reach my bright future.
I will be responsible teacher like what our cooperating teacher deed to his
student, when a teacher give his full best then he will be respected to his/her
Lesson 2 Research-based Instruction and Principles of Teaching and
1. Does the school promote research culture among the teachers? How?
Yes, I observed that the teacher has its own capabilities on how they deliver
information to the class, it only means that the school culture is being practice
even up to this time.
The teacher is aware because the things that I observed to every classroom has
its own unique design and some of the classroom that I observed is technology
oriented or with TV accessibility specifically grade 9 classrooms, that is useful for
the discussion. It is obvious that the school uses pedagogical approaches.
I observed that the teachers are doing research about the topic that they discuss
and show the different sources to prove that is from reliable information.
I believe that the teachers have updated the latest curriculum that serves as the
basis for their teaching. Indeed, teacher uses varied approaches to suit their
capability to provide an effective teaching.
B. Check ( ) the box that corresponds to your class observation. You may write your
Cooperative learning
Reinforcing effort and giving praise
Learners centered strategy
Summarizing and note-taking
Homework and practice
Setting objective and providing feedback
Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have
observed in class.
It affects their learning to widen the learnings of the students and make the
learning experience more memorable. Indeed, it is usually help the student to be
more knowledgeable since the information was based on facts and it can help us
to be more focus on fact-based information.
The things that they want to do to improve their research skills is to find the key
word of the matter that is need to be discuss so that it would be easy for them to
access the reliable sources.
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
I believe that I do my part as a teacher, the students will their part to listen and
participate every task that the students need to do. This is my belief that teaching
pedagogy was the most essential since it can developed the skills of the student
and beside that you could impose authority to your student so that they will be
more attentive and cooperative.
3. I feel that
A. Familiarize yourself with ICT facilities and tools for teaching and learning. Check
if the following items are available. Provide a description for each in the rightmost
Computer hard drives and The teacher had its own drive to
save the documents that is needed
storage devices (e.g.,
especially for confidential
compact disc, flash
drive/USB, portable drive)
Yes, the school have standard when it comes to ICT subject, the student are not
allowed to enter to the lab if it’s their schedule.
2. Are the teachers aware of the school's ICT policies and standards?
4. Does the school provide the necessary ICT tools and digital technologies
Aid teaching and learning activities?
5. Are the students provided with equal opportunity to use the computers and
other digital technologies?
C. Check ( ) the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class. Write
Domain 3: Pedagogy
Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have
observed in class.
1. What are the problems or challenges in integrating ICT in teaching and
2. What are the challenges encountered by students in using ICT tools and
other forms for digital technologies?
In my perspective ICT tool shortages and certain student lack of skill upon using
ICT. This reason can be the problem that the student can’t do their part with
regards to using ICT.
The domain of ICT competency standard for teachers, the teachers need to
enhance the domain of organization and administration and the domain of teacher
professional learning. Having said that, this are the domain need to be improve.
4. How will you promote the positive use of ICT to your students?
ICT tools place a vital role in developing a world of technology since we are
moving to the world where there is the presence of technology, first and foremost
educate the student about the benefits of ICT.
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
I feel that, the teacher are really have hard time to find the suitable strategies that
will be more effective enable the learners will gained enough knowledge to mold
them holistically and physically ready for the next topic.
When I become a teacher, I will ensure that to adopt and apply the different
strategies that will help my student to think credible and understand the
discussion easily by the adopting and using positive use of information and
communication technology tools.
A. For each given domain, write down the literacy strategies used by the
Observation Strategies
1. Oral Language The teacher let the student to read what was
written on the board and their notebooks.
6. Fluency N/A
7. Spelling N/A
11. Reading Comprehension The teacher let the student to read during the
12. Listening Comprehension The teacher let the student to listen the
discussion then write a reflection right after.
B. Write down the numeracy strategies used by the cooperating teacher during your
Subjects Strategies
2. Mathematics N/A
3. Science N/A
6. Computer/ICT N/A
Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have
observed in class.
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 5 Strategies for Developing Critical and Creative Thinking as well
as Higher-Order Thinking Skills
A. Ask the cooperating teacher to show his or her lesson plan to you. Review the
1. Creating
2. Evaluating
3. Analyzing
B. Indicate whether the following HOTS strategies are applied during your class
observation by checking the appropriate box. Write your remarks in the last
when communicating
organizers to connect
5. Uses problem-solving to
6. Promotes collaborative
7. Encourages students to
8. Promotes inquiry-based
9. Uses educational
promotes HOTS
Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have
observed in class.
3. How important is creative and critical thinking in the 21st century workplace?
4. What are the things that teachers need to improve on to enrich the students'
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 6 Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English in Teaching and Learning
teacher's guide and learning materials for mother tongue, Filipino, and English?
2. Are the teacher's guide and learning materials translated in mother tongue?
3. Are there sufficient references for the teaching of mother tongue, Filipino, and
C. Conduct an observation of teachers in mother tongue, Filipino and English
classes. Identify the strategies used to motivate or arouse the interest of learners
Remarks column.
2. Phonological Awareness
4. Alphabet Knowledge
6. Fluency
7. Spelling
9. Grammar Awareness
and Structure
10. Vocabulary
11. Reading Comprehension
12. Listening
A. Based on what you have observed in class, identify the benefits of using mother
1. Mother tongue
2. Filipino
3. English
B. Based on what you have observed in class, identify the strategies to improve the
teacher's ability to help students understand mother tongue, Filipino, and English.
C. Explain how mother tongue can enrich cultural awareness of both teachers and
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
7 Classroom Communication Strategies
A. Identify the verbal and nonverbal forms of communication used by teachers and
B. Check ( ) the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class. Write
Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have
observed in class.
1. How important are the verbal and non-verbal forms of communication to the
3. What forms of communication do the teachers and the students need to improve
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
The Learning
LESSON 1 Learner Safety and Security
Check ( ) the box that corresponds to the learning environment of the class you
have observed.
8. encourages students to
explore and learn on their own
Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have
observed in class.
students' learning?
3. How does Maslow's theory explain the importance of security and safety in
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 2 Fair Learning Environment
Check ( ) the box that corresponds to your class observation and answer the
succeeding questions.
Yes No
The teacher provides students opportunities to make mistakes.
The teacher extends the lesson so that all students benefit from
Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have
observed in class.
2. How does a fair learning environment affect the way children learn?
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 3 Management of Classroom Structure and Activities
A. In the box below, draw the room layout of the class you have observed.
2. What were the things that you considered when you arranged the classroom?
3. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of physical
Based on what you have observed in class and the teacher's responses on the
1. Do you think that the classroom structure is consistent with the teacher's
2. How does the classroom setup affect the students' performance and learning?
3. If you were the teacher, what kind of classroom structure would you adopt to
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 4 Support for Learner Participation
Check ( ) the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class.
Yes No
Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have
observed in class.
1. How does the teacher encourage the students to participate actively in class?
2. What do you think is the best classroom setup to encourage the students to
3. What strategies should the teacher use to make the students participate in class?
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 5 Promotion of Purposive Learning
Determine if the environment supports purposive learning by checking ( ) the
Yes No
Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have
observed in class.
1. Does the teacher support purposive learning? If yes, how? If no, how can the
teacher support purposive learning?
2. How else can purposive learning be promoted in the classroom?
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 6 Management of Learner Behavior
Preliminary Activity
Observe the teacher. Check the item that best describes the learning environment.
Yes No Remarks
2. Do you think that the management style that the teacher is using in class
3. If you were the teacher, what management style would best maximize students'
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
Diversity of
LESSON 1 Learner's Gender, Needs, Strengths, Interests, and
A. Interview the following internal school stakeholders on how they promote a
School principal
Department head
Cooperating teacher
Guidance counselor
B. Discuss how the following steps create a progressive, student-centered
2. Integrate technology.
C. List down 10 strengths and weaknesses of the students from the class you have
2. .
2. How will you determine the strengths and weaknesses of your students?
4. How are you going to use the learners' needs and interests in creating a more
effective instruction?
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 2 Learners' Linguistic, Cultural, Socio-economic, and Religious
A. Ask your cooperating teacher for a copy of his or her School Form 1 (School
Register). Paste a copy of the School Form 1 in the box below and answer the
following questions.
B. List down 10 strategies your cooperating teacher can use to address the
Strategy 1:________________________________________________________
Strategy 2: _______________________________________________________
Strategy 3: _______________________________________________________
Strategy 4: _______________________________________________________
Strategy 5: _______________________________________________________
Strategy 6: _______________________________________________________
Strategy 7: _______________________________________________________
Strategy 8: _______________________________________________________
Strategy 9: _______________________________________________________
1. Does the number of boys and girls affect the classroom instruction? How?
2. Does the religious background of the students affect the preparation of the
lesson? How?
3. Does the mother tongue of most of the students affect the medium of instruction?
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 3 Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness, and Talents
A. Interview the following internal school stakeholders on how they deal with
students with disability and gifted learners.
B. Sit in a class with exceptional learners. Observe how the teacher uses different
strategies in teaching exceptional learners. List down five observations.
Observation 1:
Observation 2:
Observation 3:
Observation 4:
Observation 5:
C. Watch the film, Every Child is Special. After watching the movie, write a reflection
about the film.
1. How do the answers of the school principal, classroom adviser, and guidance
counselor on dealing with exceptional learners differ from each other?
3. What have you realized after watching the film Every Child is Special?
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 4 Learners in Difficult Circumstances
A. Interview the students on the difficulties they encounter while enrolled in school.
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________
6. _________________________________________________________________
7. _________________________________________________________________
8. _________________________________________________________________
9. _________________________________________________________________
10. ________________________________________________________________
B. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask how he or she considers the different
C. Create a poster-slogan promoting a diverse and responsive classroom.
1. Based on this lesson, what is the most heroic task of the teacher?
2. Among the different difficult circumstances given by the students, which is the
B. In your own opinion, what is the best strategy to use when teaching a student
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
4. When I become a teacher, I will
LESSON 5: Learners from Indigenous Groups
A. Based on the class that you have observed, list down 10 students who belong to
IP groups. Fill in the information below.
Name Grade and IP Group Province
B. Evaluate the school's programs for IPs by checking ( ) the box that corresponds
Read carefully and answer the following questions.
1. Why is it necessary to create the IPED Curriculum Framework?
3. Based on the list you made in the previous activity, most of the students belong
to what particular indigenous group? Why do you think so?
Complete the following:
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
and Planning
LESSON 1 Planning and Management of the Teaching and Learning
A. Check whether the following teaching and learning tools are present in the
1. Lesson Plan
2. K to 12 Curriculum Guide
4. Reference Materials
5. Instructional Materials
B. Ask the cooperating teacher to show his or her lesson plan to you. Analyze the
lesson plan by checking the appropriate box.
Grade Level
Standards Yes No
A. Check ( ) the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class. You
of students
observed in class?
learning ability?
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 2 Aligning Learning Outcomes with Learning Competencies
A. Answer the following questions:
3. Are the teachers using the K to 12 curriculum guide in planning their lessons?
B. From the lesson plans of five cooperating teachers, provide five examples of
C. Check if the learning outcomes used by the cooperating teachers in their lesson
plans are aligned with the appropriate learning competency from the K to 12
curriculum guide. Write down some of the learning outcomes and learning
competencies then check the appropriate box that corresponds to your findings.
Lesson 1:
Lesson 2:
Lesson 3:
Lesson 4:
Lesson 5:
D. Check the alignment of the leaming outcomes with the teaching and learning
strategies used by the corresponding teachers in their lesson plans. Write down
the learning outcomes and teaching strategies and then check the box that
Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies Aligned
E. Check the alignment of the learning outcomes with the assessment tools used by
the cooperating teachers in their lesson plans. Write down the learning outcomes
and assessment tools, then check the box that corresponds to your findings.
Learning Outcomes Assessment Tools Aligned
1. Are the teachers aware of the function of the K to 12 curriculum guide? Explain
your answer.
2. Are the teachers using the curriculum guide in planning their lesson? Explain you
4. Are the learning outcomes of the teachers aligned with the learning competency?
5. Are the learning strategies of the teachers aligned with the learning outcomes?
6. Are the assessment tools of the teachers aligned with the learning outcomes?
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 3 Relevance and Responsiveness of Learning Programs
A. Before starting your observation, it is important to read the annual plan (if private)
or school improvement plan (if public) of the school where you are assigned.
Write a request letter to the principal noted by your student teaching supervisor.
B. Based on the annual plan or the school improvement plan, what learning
C. Request an interview with the teachers and the principal. Ask the following
3. Are the stakeholders involved in planning the different learning programs? If yes,
4. How does each learning program contribute to the development of the curriculum
5. How does the school monitor and evaluate the implementation of each learning
4. How does the learning programs support the philosophy of the school?
E. Identify the extra- and co-curricular programs being implemented in the school.
1. How do the different learning programs support the development of the students?
2. How does each learning program support the goals and objectives of the
3. How does the school monitor and evaluate the implementation of each learning
4. What are the challenges and problems in the implementation of each learning
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 4 Enriching Teaching Practices through Professional
A. Ask permission from any school to gather the following data and answer the
succeeding questions.
Total Enrolment
1. Does the school implement a mentoring program for its teachers? How?
2. Does the school conduct professional meetings to discuss learning issues and
3. Does the school support the continuing education and development of its
teachers? How?
5. What are the different collaboration activities available or done by the teachers to
6. Is there an existing academic collaboration between the school/teachers and
1. Is sharing of good teaching practices part of the meeting? What types of good
2. How do teachers discuss issues and problems related to teaching and learning?
4. Do the teachers include in their agenda how the result of learning assessment
1. What are the implications of the data gathered during the preliminary activity?
2. How can the school utilize the data to develop better professional collaboration
3. How can the school promote stronger collaboration among its teachers?
4. How does the school support and sustain a culture of excellence among teachers
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 5 Utilizing Teaching and Learning Resources and ICT
Categories Examples
Audiovisual Materials
Assessment Tools
Learning Objects
Visual Materials
Audio Materials
ICT-based Materials
Internet Facilities
ICT Laboratory
Audiovisual Room
Guidance Office
Speech Laboratory
Faculty Room
1. Classrooms are
2. Classrooms have
any hazard.
5. Classrooms are clean.
D. Analyze the lesson plans of the cooperating teachers. Examine how technology
2. How are these teaching and learning resources utilized in teaching and learning?
3. How do these teaching and learning resources help attain learning outcomes?
4. How do these teaching and learning resources improve the quality of students
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
Assessment & Learning
LESSON 1 Design, Selection, Organization, and Utilization of Assessment
A. Define the meaning of assessment by completing this acronym with a word that
is related to assessment.
B. Compare diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments by completing this
Venn diagram.
Diagnostic Formative
List down five assessment strategies and categorize the type of each
assessment strategy.
1. What will happen if the teacher uses the same assessment strategy every day?
2. Which of the three assessment strategies has been used more often in class?
3. In your own opinion, which of the three assessment strategies is the most
4. How does assessment improve the students' learning and the teachers'
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 2 Monitoring and Evaluation of Learner Progress and
Observation 1: ____________________________________________________
Observation 2: ____________________________________________________
Observation 3: ____________________________________________________
Observation 1: ____________________________________________________
Observation 2: ____________________________________________________
Observation 3: ____________________________________________________
3. Examination
Observation 1: ____________________________________________________
Observation 2: ____________________________________________________
Observation 3: ____________________________________________________
4. Homework
Observation 1: ____________________________________________________
Observation 2: ____________________________________________________
Observation 3: ____________________________________________________
With Honors
C. Based on your inventory of the learners' achievement per section, write five tips
on how your cooperating teacher can evaluate and recognize the students'
Tip 1: ___________________________________________________________
Tip 2: ___________________________________________________________
Tip 3: ___________________________________________________________
Tip 4: ___________________________________________________________
Tip 5: ___________________________________________________________
4. If you are going to handle an advisory class, how are you going to make your
5. Which of the tips in evaluating and recognizing students' achievement is the
best? Why?
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 3 Feedback to Improve Learning
B. Paste a sample of student activity or quiz. Highlight the feedback given by the
4. The teacher anticipates the four questions. (What can the students
do? What can't the student do? How does the student's work
compare with that of others? How can the student do better?)
6. The teacher gives feedback to keep the students "on target" for
18. The teacher uses the phrase "I noticed..." in acknowledging the
student's effort.
1. When is the right time to provide constructive feedback: during or after the
students' performance?
2. How does giving feedback help in the instructional decisions of the teacher?
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 4 Communication of Learners' Needs, Progress, and
Achievement to the Key Stakeholders
A. Observe how your cooperating teacher communicates the students' needs and
progress to their parents when conducting a PTC and card distribution. Write a
Date: _______________________
B. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask for some useful tips on how he or she
Tip 1: ___________________________________________________________
Tip 2: ___________________________________________________________
Tip 3: ___________________________________________________________
C. Of the three useful tips given by your cooperating teacher, what is the most
experience and cite the contributions you have made to make the recognition
program successful.
Other comments and observations:
2. If you will conduct a PTC, what will you include in your agenda?
3. How will you communicate the failing grade of a student to the parent?
4. What will you suggest to the parent of a student who got a failing mark twice in
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 5 Use of Assessment Data to Enhance Teaching and Learning
Practices and Programs
A. Observe how your cooperating teacher uses the data from student assessments
to improve classroom instruction. List five best practices of using the student
assessment data.
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________
B. Interview the school principal. Ask five ways by which the teachers can use
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________
1. Which of the five best practices of using the assessment data to improve
2. Which of the five ways of using assessment data to improve school programs
3. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask him/her about his or her thoughts on the
previous school year and what he or she has done to improve this year.
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
Community Linkages
and Professional
LESSON 1 Establishment of Learning Environments That Are Responsive
to Community Contexts
Address: ________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________
Religion: ___________________________________________________________
Race/Ethnicity: _____________________________________________________
Religions: ___________________________________________________________
5. What are the activities conducted by the school to raise cultural sensitivity and
8. Are the teachers aware of the background of the community where the school is
9. How does the school promote contextualization and localization to its teachers?
4. How will you use the data you have gathered from the preliminary activity?
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 2 Engagement of Parents and the Wider Community in the
Educative Process
A. Interview the principal. Ask the following questions:
1. Are teachers and parents aware of the DepEd Order No. 54, series of 2009?
4. What are usual issues and concerns raised by stakeholders during PTA
5. Are the issues and concerns raised during PTS meeting's properly addressed?
6. Does the school engage parents and members of the community in the
following format.
Call to Order:
C. Ask help from your cooperating teacher. Identify school programs/activities that
1. What are the benefits of engaging parents and members of community in the
2. Identify strategies that promote positive relationship with parents and members of
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
4. When I become a teacher, I will
LESSON 3 Professional Ethics
2. Does the faculty manual reflect the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?
3. Are there provisions in the manual regarding disciplinary actions or sanctions for
4. Does the school provide trainings or re-orientation for teachers regarding the
summary of each article. Write down your answer on the left column.
Articles Summary
Article III: The Teacher and The
Article IX: The Teachers and
C. Review the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. Identify which of the ethical
the following:
D. Observe the teachers. Describe how they act professionally within the school
2. How does the Code of Ethics influence the personal life of a teacher?
B. Write an essay about the characteristics of an ideal teacher.
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 4 School Policies and Procedures
3. Who were involved in the crafting of the school policies and procedures?
4. Are the provisions of these policies and procedures in accordance with DepEd
5. Does the school conduct consultation with parents prior to the approval and
7. Are the teachers aware all of the school policies and procedures?
8. Do school officials, teachers, and staff adhere to the school policies and
9. Are students and parents aware of the school policies?
10. Does the school conduct annual orientation on the school policies?
B. Request help from your cooperating teacher. Explain the procedure on how
C. Request a copy of the school policies and procedures. Identify the important
provisions specified in the policies.
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________
6. _________________________________________________________________
7. _________________________________________________________________
8. _________________________________________________________________
9. _________________________________________________________________
10. _________________________________________________________________
2. What is the most important aspect to consider when developing a school policy?
4. In the event that a problem occurs in the absence of school policy, what should a
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
Personal Growth
and Professional
LESSON 1 Philosophy of Teaching
Observe a teacher for two weeks. Please write your observations on the following:
1. Classroom Layout
2. Teaching Methodology
3. Assessment
4. Materials
Other comments and observations:
1. What do you think is the teaching philosophy of the teacher that you have
Complete following:
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 2 Dignity of Teaching as a Profession
Observe a class. List down the personal and professional qualities of the
cooperating teacher, which, you think, contribute to the development of the students.
1. Personal qualities
2. Professional qualities
1. What do you think are the best qualities of the teacher that you have observed?
2. How can the teacher continue to grow personally and professionally?
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 3 Professional Links With Colleagues
A. Ask the cooperating teacher if you can volunteer as shadow teacher for a day.
List down ways on how the teacher collaborates with other teachers.
3. What do you think are the advantages of collaborating with colleagues? What are
the disadvantages?
1. Do you think that linking with colleagues is important in teaching? Why? Why
3. If you were the teacher, how will you collaborate with your colleagues?
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 4 Professional Reflection and Learning to Improve Practice
2. Do you think it is necessary to evaluate one's own practices? Why? Why not?
3. If given a choice, what do you think is the best way that you can do to help
2. What can you say about the way the teacher reflects on her own practices?
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
LESSON 5 Professional Development Goals
2. What do you do to address the areas that you need to improve on or develop?
Read carefully and answer the following questions based on the interview you
1. Do you think the teacher was able to address her learning goals? Why? Why
domain or strand should the teacher address as her learning goal? Explain your
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
Cooperating Teacher’s Profile
Pre-service Teacher’s Curriculum Vitae
Sample Class List
Seat Plan
(If applicable)
Appendix A: Journal 1
Appendix B
Rubric for Reflection/Journal Entries
Performance 5 4 3 2 1
1 – Needs Improvement (75-79) The pre-service teacher is introduced to the elements and/or demonstrates only a basic level of
knowledge and understanding. S/He has yet to acquire skills for effective classroom teaching.
2 – Developing (80-84) The pre-service teacher demonstrates an increased knowledge and understanding of the
elements. S/He is able to demonstrate, with assistance, the significant elements in a classroom
teaching or field setting. S/He is able to evaluate, with assistance, the success of teaching
performance. S/he has still to improve on this element to improve teaching performance.
3 – Satisfactory (85-89) The pre-service teacher demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the elements
but commits mistakes in some aspects. S/He is able to exhibit this element satisfactorily to
perform a classroom teaching with self-confidence but still has to exert more effort to improve
teaching skills.
4 – Proficient ( 90-94) The pre-service teacher is able to demonstrate a substantial knowledge and understanding of the
element and has the competent ability to apply the elements in a field setting.
5 – Advanced/Excellent
(95-100) The pre-service teacher demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the
element. S/He can consistently apply the elements for an effective classroom teaching. S/He can
also skillfully integrate the elements into an overall lesson. S/He can critically evaluate student
learning and teaching effectiveness in order to guide subsequent instruction.
APPENDIX C: Rubric for Student Teaching Portfolio
Performance 5 3 1