DA - Anhydrous Milk Fat (AMF) and Butter Oil en
DA - Anhydrous Milk Fat (AMF) and Butter Oil en
DA - Anhydrous Milk Fat (AMF) and Butter Oil en
1. Introduction
GEA Westfalia Separator Group has been manufacturing separators for more than
100 years and decanters since 1959 for the most diverse processes in the dairy
industry. These separators and decanters are often the heart of the process.
The industrialisation of milk production on the one Many years of experience in the design of separators
hand and the demand for dairy products in developing and decanters as well as fundamental knowledge of
countries on the other, where the population is the technologies involved are the cornerstones of
constantly expanding, but where there is insufficient the expertise and know-how of GEA Westfalia
supply, have opened up entirely new dimensions for Separator Group. The supply of complete plants for
butter oil. In particular, its storage quality, in addition the production of AMF is a logical consequence of
to its wide range of applications in business-to-business this development.
activities in the food industries, has resulted in the
development of new technologies which permit As a result of its special experience gained in the dairy
economic, safe and fully automatic production. industry, GEA Westfalia Separator Group is able to
offer turnkey process lines and installation concepts
The product, anhydrous milk fat (AMF), butter oil or dry for producing butter oil with a capacity of 500 to
butter fat, which is known in Asia and Africa under the 18,000 kg / h. Depending on the customer’s specific
name “Ghee”, is widely used for the recombination of requirement, the process can be designed as a batch
milk and milk products, as a frying fat and as a raw or continuous process.
material for other food factories, for example in the
baking industry.
2. Product
For the sake of simplicity, only the production of AMF (AMF = Anhydrous Milk Fat)
is described here, whereby the general collective term “butter oil” is used as a rule
for the end product.
Definition of product Water-free milk fat Water-free butter fat Dry butter fat (butter oil)
(anhydrous milk fat) AMF (anhydrous butter oil) made from cream or
made from top quality made from cream or butter of any age.
milk, cream or butter and butter of any age.
to which no neutralising
substances are added.
Milk fat 99.8 % minimum 99.8 % minimum 99.3 % minimum
Water 0.1 % maximum 0.1 % maximum 0.5 % maximum
Free fatty acids 0.3 % maximum 0.3 % maximum 0.3 % maximum
Copper 0.05 p.p.m. maximum 0.05 p.p.m. maximum 0.05 p.p.m. maximum
Iron 0.2 p.p.m. maximum 0.2 p.p.m. maximum 0.2 p.p.m. maximum
Peroxide 0.2 milliequivalent O2 / kg fat 0.3 milliequivalent O2 / kg fat 0.8 milliequivalent O2 / kg fat
Coliforms Negative / g Negative / g Negative / g
Taste and texture Pure and mild No pronounced impure or No pronounced impure or
(at 20 – 25 °C) in any other way imperfect in any other way imperfect
taste or aroma taste or aroma
Neutralising substances None Traces Traces
Moreover, valuable serum is a by-product of the Furthermore, the butter oil can be further processed
butter oil process. This serum can be used in particular to recover individual milk fat fractions from it so that
in the field of baby food, special products or even as even more special fields of application can be
a source of protein such as the basis for the production exploited due to the fact that there is a precisely
of phospholipids by means of the DPL process. defined melting point. (More details in chapter
fractionation on page 33).
2.2 Fields of application for AMF 2.3 Definition of fat as raw material
This water-free milk fat is used in various applications As a substance of biological origin, milk fat is a
world-wide. AMF is used as a base material for complex mixture of several components which differ
recombination of milk, due to it’s long shelf life it can only slightly in terms of their characteristics.
be stored quite a long time in comparison to normal Triglycerides are the main component in milk fat.
liquid milk. Another usage is for frying of different
foodstuffs or for cooking in general. A third intended Triglycerides are esters of the three-valent alcohol
use of AMF is in industrial preparations of chocolate, glycerine with monocarboxylic acids.
ice cream or in the baking industry. The most
important advantage of the product is the long shelf A uniform designation of fats is not always
life along with very favourable storage requirements. encountered in literature. The designations fats,
Due to increasing global population growth, butter oil lipids, lipines or fatty oils are used for the same group
is becoming a kind of strategic food raw material. of substances.
Ghee, which is also known as clarified butter, is one of For this reason, it is necessary to define some concepts.
the most important fats in many regions, including Lipids is the term used to describe the entire group
applications in the Indian, Pakistani and African cuisines. of substances.
It is made by heating unsalted butter in vats in which
the water is evaporated and the protein is precipitated. In general, we distinguish between the following:
• Simple lipids
• Compound lipids (also known as lipoids ) and
• Lipid derivatives.
Simple lipids are esters of fatty acids with alcohols.
MI Euglobolin layer
= Water
Lipoid layer (lecithin)
= Euglobolin
Crystallized layer layer
Liquid fat nucleus
= Lipoid layer ( lecithin )
+ MI Membranlipase
= Crystalliszed triglyceride layer
1 Triglyceride molecules
= Liquid fat nucleus
1 2 Phosphatide molecules
3 MI = Membranlipase
Euglobulin molecules
4 ( 1Microsomes
) = Triglyceride molecules
( 4 ) = Microsomes
2.3.1 Milk fat as a complex system The term oil is also used to describe liquid hydrocarbon
The milk fat consists of different lipid groups. These mixtures. In order to make a distinction, liquid lipids
include fats as esters of the monocarboxylic acids with are described as fatty oils. We also speak of essential
glycerine and waxes as esters of monocarboxylic acids oils, such as rose oil and orange oil, which are used as
with high molecular alcohols. Compound lipids scents. Fats can be recognised by the fact that they
contain alcohol and monocarboxylic acids as well as leave a permanent mark on paper, whereas the marks
other components. These include the phospholipids of essential oils evaporate after a certain amount of
and glucolipids. Lipid derivatives are substances time. They produce water-soluble soaps with potassium
which are obtained from simple and compound lipids lye. On the other hand, crude oil components do not
in the course of chemical processes and which feature react and remain insoluble in water. When heated to
the general characteristics of the lipids. more than 300 °C, fats give off acrolein, which is a
pungent substance which irritates the eyes. Various
Depending on the particular origin, we distinguish designations are used for milk lipids, e.g. milk fat,
between animal and vegetable fats. However, a useful butter fat, whey fat or cheese fat, and the designation
method is to classify food fats into vegetable fats, is based on the particular product which is contained
animal deposit fats and milk fats. The distinction in the fat or from which it is isolated. Although milk
drawn between milk fat and animal deposit fats is the starting substance for all products, this distinction
emphasises the particularly nutritional value as milk may be appropriate. The designations are used for
fat is the only natural fat which is formed in the milk describing the possible effect which the processing
glands and used exclusively for nourishing the young. method may exert on the characteristics and the
The term oils is used to describe simple lipids which composition of the milk fat in the products, as there
are liquid at room temperature. As however solid fats are differences in the composition in comparison with
liquefy when their temperature is raised, the term oil the fat contained in raw milk. Pure fat is a mixture of
is not justified. Every fat can be an oil, and every oil triglycerides. Fig. 2 gives an overview of the different
can be a fat. components in the milk fat complex.
Lipid groups
Milk fat occurs in milk in the form of small fat globules The components of the milk fat are contained in
with a diameter of 3 – 6 µm, and forms an emulsion various phases, namely the fat globule and the
with water of the type oil-in-water. In order to stabilise envelope; there are also traces in the milk serum.
the emulsion, the fat globule is surrounded with an
adsorbent envelope consisting of phospholipids and Table 2 sets out the components of milk fat and their
proteins. The envelope contains fat escort substances. quantities in the individual phases of milk.
The data concerning the content of individual Saponification is the process whereby esters are split
phospholipids are calculated in the form of lecithin by alkalis into alcohol components and the alkali salts
on the basis of phosphorous content. of monocarboxylic acid.
The milk fat components are also classified on the basis Milk fat components are classified into saponifiable
of a typical reaction for esters, namely saponification. substances and non-saponifiable substances (table 3).
Milk fat
Saponifiable substances Non-saponifiable substances
Triglycerides Cholesterol
Mono- and diglycerides Lanosterin
Lecithin Fat-soluble vitamins
Cephalin Squalene
Free fatty acids
Although free fatty acids are not subject to unsaturated fatty acids. As the chain length increases,
saponification according to the above definition, they the melting points and density rise, whereas
bind alkalis and are considered to belong to the dissociation and acid strength decline. Unlike all
saponifiable components of milk fat. other fatty acids of milk fat, butyric acid is completely
soluble in water, and capronic acid is partially soluble
Under certain conditions, the non-saponifiable in water. Both acids can thus be titrated with bases in
substances do not react with the alkalis. During the aqueous solution. This property is the basis for
saponification process, substances which are soluble determining a fat coefficient, namely the Reichert-
in water and insoluble in essential oils are obtained Meißl coefficient. The lower molecular fatty acids,
from the saponifiable components. The aqueous soap including the caprinic acids, are volatile with steam.
solution which is obtained is extracted under specific The number of fatty acids which are volatile in steam
conditions with diethyl ether (ethoxyethane). but insoluble in water produce another fat coefficient,
namely the Polenske coefficient. All fatty acids are
The non-saponifiable components of the milk fat are soluble in the typical organic solvents alcohol, ether,
the dried ether extract obtained from boiling the 0.5 N petroleum ether and benzene. They are thus also
aqueous soap solution containing KOH for one hour. detected with the fat determining methods which are
The content is 0.30 – 0.45 percent of total fat. based on extraction.
As illustrated by the table, triglycerides make up Free low molecular fatty acids have the greatest effect
99 percent of the mass of the milk fat. Their on the taste and aroma of milk fat. The lower volatile
characteristics primarily determine the reaction of the fatty acids have an unpleasant rancid and sweaty taste
milk fat and the characteristics of fatty products. and aroma which are still perceptible in concentrations
of 0.009 mg acid per 1 kg fat. Every violation of this
2.3.2 Fatty acids and properties etc. limit concentration has a negative effect on the taste
Saturated fatty acids of the milk fat, and thus diminishes the quality of the
The saturated fatty acids contained in milk fat are product. In quantities below the limit concentration,
significant for the following: the low molecular fatty acids however contribute to
• Melting behaviour and thus consistency the aroma of certain dairy products. Fatty acids with
• Characterisation of the milk fat more than 12 carbon atoms are virtually without taste
• Taste and aroma and without aroma. The chemical reactions
concentrate on the functional carboxyl group and,
Saturated fatty acids with up to eight carbon atoms under special conditions, also on the carbon chain.
in their molecules are liquid at room temperature. At
room temperature, the higher molecular acids are The ability to bind bases is used to determine specific
white, crystalline compounds. quantities for calculating the degree of acidity in
butter fat. The carbon chain is stable with respect to
The melting points increase in line with rising relative oxidation effects to which it is exposed under the
molecular mass. The fatty acids with an odd number normal processing and storage conditions of milk and
of carbon atoms have a lower melting point than fatty dairy products. The stability is comparable to that of
acids with one carbon atom less. If the melting points alkanes. Pyrolysis phenomena do not occur. However,
of the even-number fatty acids and the odd-number enzymes formed by the catalytic influence of fungi
fatty acids are set out separately against the number may be less efficient than saturated fatty acids due to
of carbon atoms, we achieve two almost parallel the air oxygen of ß-oxidation.
curves. The abnormally high melting points of the
acids of C1 to C5 can be explained by the association ß-oxidation is defined as the process whereby fatty
to dimers as a result of hydrogen bridge binding. The acids oxidise to methylketone which has one carbon
chain length also has an effect on the other physical atom less at carbon atom 3 via a ß-keto acid as
characteristics. The effect of the chain length is intermediate product.
greater with the saturated fatty acids than with the
2.3.3 Nomenclature and classification 0.035 percent of raw milk and their share in the total
The group of fat-like substances, lipoids, includes lipids is relatively low at 0.2 – 1 percent, but as a main
phospholipids, glycolipids and wax (Fig.
3). component in the fat globule outer membrane, they
Phospholipids are the main group. They make up are crucial for the stability of the milk emulsion.
Fat-like substances
Glycerophospholipids Cerebrosides
Sphingolipids Gangliosides
3. Process Overview
3.1 General overview As a result of the flexible process and automation
General process overview for the production of AMF process structure, cream as well as sweet cream and
from raw milk. Two variants are possible, either the sour cream butter can be used as basic materials for
direct route via raw milk skimming after which making AMF.
further processing / concentration of the cream takes
place, right part of the drawing, or production is from The central objective of the AMF process is to break
butter when it can no longer be sold as butter as stored down the oil-in-water emulsion and separate all non-
goods or similar, left part of drawing. milk-fat components.
An NaOH treatment can also be integrated, thus various materials and qualities; these process
enabling the content of free fatty acids to be reduced. parameters and variables automatically adjust all
Various process parameters and variables can be regulations and function procedures to meet the
entered in the installation control facility for the needs of the specific product.
3.2 Standard process Cream with a fat content of approximately 40 percent
The basic process for the production of AMF comprises is fed into this installation, and is initially heated to
a concept with three separators and the respective a temperature of 55 to 60 °C in a plate heat exchanger.
further process components. This process can be seen This temperature is necessary to ensure that the
in the overview. cream to be concentrated in the separator bowl has a
4 5 6
1 2 8
Heavy phase
Heavy phase
minimum viscosity and that there is a maximum the phase inversion process. The separated serum is
density difference at the same time between the pumped from the separator to the butter milk tank after
concentrated cream phase and the serum phase. A cooling and heat recovery. This means the still warm
cream concentrator then concentrates the cream to serum is used for heat recovery, which also has a positive
up to 75 percent fat. This concentrate is now sent to influence on the energy efficiency of the entire system.
4 5 6
10 12
14 14 17
As is the case in the process of making butter, the In the downstream oil concentrator, the emulsion and
initial objective is to break down and separate the fat serum, as the heavy phase, are separated from the light
globule membrane in order to achieve phase inversion. oil phase and recycled back into the cream concentration
The membranes of the fat globules can be broken stage. On the other hand, the light oil phase with a
down by means of mechanical energy. The fat release concentration up to 99 percent is heated to a
process and the associated phase conversion process temperature of approximately 90 °C and washed after
take place by splitting the intact fat globules by the addition of water. In the oil polisher the wash water
mechanical means in a homogeniser. The following is separated and the remaining water content is
aspects are extremely important for effective phase reduced in a vacuum evaporator. In this process stage,
conversion: concentrating the cream in the feed to the recovered butter oil has an oil content of at least
the homogeniser, the design of the homogeniser, the 99.8 percent, and thus meets the requirements for the
homogenisation pressure and special recirculation of highest quality category. Before the AMF is transferred
the phase-inverted medium. to storage it is cooled down to approximately 50 °C.
3.2.1 Cream concentration highly viscous cream is forwarded directly via the
Cream concentration is carried out with specially shortest route possible into the so-called high-fat tank
adapted milk separators that are rated for the which serves as a buffer upstream of the homogeniser
concentration of a viscous cream. The preheated cream and phase inversion. The separated serum is conveyed
is conveyed from the plate heat exchanger directly into into a storage tank after heat recovery and final
the separator feed. Concentration takes place in the cooling. Figure 6 shows the bowl section of the cream
separator from 35 – 42 percent to 72 – 75 percent fat. concentrator. The internal rising channels mean a low
This fat content must be reached as minimum so that fat content is achieved in the serum despite the highly
the downstream process stages are optimal. The concentrated cream.
Cream 40 %
Cream 75 %
Skim milk
3.2.2 Phase inversion The following calculation contains a key statement
In its normal state, milk fat forms a stable emulsion for the production of AMF.
with water of the oil-in-water variety. To stabilise the
emulsion, the fat is enveloped in an adsorptive Assumption:
covering of phospholipids and proteins. Existing fat globule size d1 = 3 µm
Desired fat globule size d2 = 1 µm
The break-down of this emulsion and separation of
all non-milk-fat components is the aim of AMF Calculation of the volume:
d3 · π 33 · π 27 · π
V1 = 1 = =
6 6 6
It is possible to break down the membrane by means
d3 · π 13 · π 1·π
of mechanical energy or a chemical reaction. V2 = 2 = =
6 6 6
Mechanical energy (e.g. homogenisation) is used to
break open the membranes. Smaller fat globules are V1 = n · V2
formed by the newly created membranes, which
themselves were created by the fragmentation of the n = 27
original membranes and from the proteins in the milk
serum. Surface calculation:
O1 = d21 · π = 32 · π = 9 · π
Reduction of the fat globules is also employed, for O2 = d22 · π = 12 · π = 1 · π
example, in the processing of drinking milk, in order O1 = n · O2
to prevent the so-called “creaming” effect. n = 9
Twenty-seven fat globules with a diameter of 1 µm The homogenising valve shown below upstream of
can be formed from one fat globule with a diameter the homogeniser is a fat-in-water emulsion,
of 3 µm. Theoretically, the surface of a fat globule with downstream a water-in-fat emulsion.
a diameter of 3 µm can only cover 9 fat globules with
a diameter of 1 µm. Therefore, for 18 further fat
globules of the same size, the required membranous
material is not available.
Water in fat
Fat in water
1 Inlet
2 Outlet
This includes the points shown below:
100 78 %
78 % fat fat
74 %
74 % fat fat
8080 70 %
70 % fat fat
• High fat
Phase inversion (%)
• Temperature
• Pressure
Increased efficiency through:
2020 • High fat concentration
20 60 100 140
20 60 100 140 • Temperature
Homogenisation pressure (bar) • Pressure
Homogenization pressure (bar)
Complete phase inversion is therefore not possible and proteins, are largely responsible for a stable
with this process. Furthermore, a relatively stable emulsion. If one of the three fractions is removed, or
emulsion layer is formed from the existing amount of is changed to such an extent that it can no longer be
cream and part of the serum; this impedes separation used as a building block for the membranes, then the
as a third layer between the oil and serum phases. formation of intact fat globules is prevented and the
formation of emulsion is not possible.
Special measures are necessary if the reversible
process of formation of new, intact fat globules is to When all the above-mentioned parameters are applied
be minimised. to phase inversion, they result in a degree of inversion
of 80 – 95 percent.
The following applies for minimising the emulsion
content: the three fractions, namely fat, phospholipids
1 4
3.2.3 Oil concentration This becomes clear when one looks at the cross-
Following phase inversion, further concentration of section of the bowl of an oil separator. The rising
the fat is by means of the next separation step, the oil channels are towards the outer edge in order to
concentration takes place. In contrast to the first achieve the longest possible path for the oil and,
concentration step, this step is no longer carried out with accordingly, a high level of purity.
the classic milk separator but with a special oil separator.
The oil must be as free from proteins as possible to
In contrast to a skimming separator, the configuration avoid renewed emulsification in further processing.
of the disc stack is fundamentally different. This is The fat content of the serum plays only a secondary
firstly due to the changed volume streams, the fat role in this process step.
phase now accounts for the greatest portion, and
secondly the focus is now on the purity of the oil.
In this step, the product is concentrated from approx. comparable with that of a butter milk from the classic
72 – 75 percent fat to approx. 99 percent fat. The butter churning process. The serum is fed into the
emulsion phase referenced above and the serum are balance tank upstream of the cream concentrator. By
separated as heavy phase. The emulsion in particular this means, the fat is separated from the serum again
is separated by a special bowl design. Depending on during cream concentration. The serum skimmed in
the proportion of free fat produced by the phase this way is discharged from the process as a mixed
inversion, the fat content of the serum is between phase, which means only one serum stream is
15 – 25 percent. Due to the previous step of phase produced here. Before the next separation step, the
inversion, the serum of this separator contains a very concentrated oil is heated to the corresponding
high content of phospholipids and lecithin which is process temperature of approx. 90 °C.
3.2.4 Oil polishing the codex. The drawing below shows the oil
The concentrate and heated oil is "polished" in a final composition without polishing in the upper section
separation stage. This step guarantees the high level and the composition with polishing in the lower
of purity of the AMF demanded in accordance with section.
Solids 0.01 0.01
% %
100 100 % % %
90 90
80 80 1 1 1
70 70
60 60 0.5 0.5 0.5
50 50
40 40
30 30 0.1 0.1 0.1
20 20
10 10
With polishing
5 5
1 1
To achieve further "purification" of the oil, a defined 3.2.5 Oil drying / vacuum dryer
quantity of hot water is added to the concentrated oil. The 90 °C hot oil is fed to a vacuum dryer after
This water dilutes the concentration of the oil and polishing. The product inlet is designed to ensure as
consequently also the content of the lactose and ash large a surface as possible and consequently good
still present. evaporation of the water out of the oil. An installed
condensator and vacuum pump reduce the pressure
The water added is separated immediately again in in the vessel to approx. -0.9 bar, so that the water is
the so-called polishing separator. The oil purified and evaporated at a temperature of below 100 °C. The same
concentrated in this way is concentrated to approx. pump sucks in the vapours produced. Before they are
99 percent fat. The separated serum-water mixture discharged from the closed system, flash cooling takes
contains the still separated milk constituents and a place. Possible residual fat components, which are
very low fat content in addition to the water added. removed with the vapours, are separated in a skimming
To assure a water content smaller than 0.1 percent in tank and thus do not burden the waste water systems.
the oil, the oil is conveyed to the last process step
before it can be cooled and packaged. The oil is separated from the lower section of the
evaporator unit and transferred / pumped to the
cooling stage.
3.2.6 FFA reduction The final concentration of tocopherol in the butter
FFA (= Free Fatty Acids) in the end product oil result oil must be less than 200 ppm. GEA Westfalia
as a rule in a loss of quality. Furthermore, IDF Separator Group has the know-how for preparing
standards place a maximum limit on the FFA content and adding substances of this nature.
(figure 1). If the FFA content is to be reduced, e.g.
because the initial values are too high, this can be 3.3 Beta serum secondary skimming
achieved by physical and chemical means. During centrifugal separation of the product, most of
the free phospholipids migrate into the serum. For
Free fatty acids are short-chain fats, such as butyric this reason, it is necessary to calculate the content of
acids, caproic acids and carminic acids. There are phospholipids in order to determine the yield of the
problems of taste (rancidity) and/or aroma if the "heavy phase" from a butter oil process. Pasteurised
above are present in sufficient concentrations. cream is normally used. The main difference with
respect to the standard process is to be seen in the
Free fatty acids result from the process whereby lipase fact that a serum phase is recycled, as the phospholipids
enzymes adhere to the fat globule membrane and break are released from the fat globule membranes during
down free fat over a period. It is necessary to consider the phase inversion process.
that the activity of the enzyme is very slow at low
temperatures. Its maximum activity is at about 37 °C. In contrast to the standard process described under
Above 50 °C, its activity is minimal, and its activity stops point 3.2, separate skimming of the serum separator
completely at higher temperatures (> 60 °C) (4). from the oil concentrator takes place here. The serum
Assuming that there may be a relatively high FFA from the oil separator is collected in a buffer tank and
content in the initial product, namely cream and butter, fed from there to the so-called beta serum skimmer.
it may be necessary to take special measures in order The fat separated here is sent directly into the actual
to remove the free fatty acids from the product. AMF process, into the high fat tank.
A saponification process can be used to reduce the This process variant combines two big advantages,
FFA content. Addition of lye (product-pH-value > 11) first a separate cooling after secondary skimming and
causes the free fatty acids to "saponify". hence also separate availability of the beta serum that
exhibits a particularly high content of phospholipids
The resulting flocculate can then be separated out in and is therefore an ideal basis for special products.
the polishing separator. The phase produced must be Second, the separate secondary skimming relieves the
removed completely from the process. strain on the actual cream concentrator with the result
that a smaller machine type can be used for the same
3.2.7 Peroxide numbers oil capacity or, in the case of existing plants, a higher
The quality of the butter oil is also determined by the oil capacity can be achieved by retrofitting secondary
peroxide number which expresses the milliequivalents skimming.
of oxygen O2 bound by peroxide in one kilogram of
oil. Oxidation of fat that has already occurred cannot The alpha serum is not admixed with the beta serum
be reduced as a rule; however, it can be suppressed in this process and therefore has a very small content
or kept constant for a certain length of time. This is of phospholipids in comparison to the standard
achieved by the addition of so-called antioxidants. process. By this means, the use of the serum can be
compared with the possibilities of a skim milk; it
Antioxidants are additives which prevent an increase must however be noted that the fat content is slightly
in the peroxide number of the oil, and to some extent higher compared to a skim milk since a certain
reduce the peroxide values already present. Tocopherol proportion of the fat passes into the serum phase
can for instance be used. when concentrating the cream.
4 5 6
1 2 8
Heavy phase
11 11
4 5
10 12
14 14 17
4 15
4 5 6
1 2 8
Alpha serum
3.4 Alpha and beta serum secondary skimming further reduction of the serum fat content is realized.
In the process with alpha and beta serum secondary The cream produced is fed to the balance tank of the
skimming, there is separate skimming of the alpha cream concentrator and in this way the fat is processed
serum in addition to the skimming of the serum under to butter oil. The serum is in turn used as in the
3.3. For this purpose, the serum from the cream standard process to heat the cream.
concentrator is collected in a balance tank from where
it is fed to a further skimming separator so that a
11 11
4 5
10 12
14 14
3.5 Process with butter installation. Basically, an installation for processing
With butter as the initial product, the emulsion of water cream is also suitable for the separation of melted butter.
in oil is already present. Partial phase inversion will have
taken place during the churning process. The initial If only butter is to be processed, the following pant
product is of decisive importance for the design of the concept is to be recommended:
12 12
7 2
10 17
13 13
When sweet cream butter with a pH of around 6.5 is Phase inversion by means of a homogeniser is
to be processed and no "chemical agents" (e.g. citric required to minimise the emulsion phase. The oil
acid) are allowed to be used for denaturing the concentrator achieves separation of 99 percent fat.
proteins, the emulsion layer has to be taken into The heavy phase, a mixture of butter milk and
account. residual emulsion particles, is fed to a skimming
Centrifugation and destruction of this layer can only
be carried out by specially designed separators and The oil phase (light phase) is heated to about 90 °C
phase inversion. The operating method of the and then separated again in a further separator.
separator has a decisive influence on the process, the Before the oil is fed to the polishing separator, wash
required additional equipment and the efficiency of water is added to improve the quality of the oil.
the installation. For processing sweet cream butter, it
is necessary to use a separator which allows The further process steps are comparable with those
concentration to 99.5 percent fat. The emulsion has of the processes already described. Since no cream
to be discharged with the serum phase. concentrator is present, secondary skimming of the
serum phase after the oil concentrator is highly
The melted butter, e.g. melted with the BXA, is recommended. When sour cream butter with a pH of
generally pumped directly into the high fat tank. The 4.6 to 4.5 and with an increased protein content is to
butter blocks are taken from cold storage at, for be processed, a decanter can be used. Separate
instance -20 °C, and are melted in the melting system. concentration of the solids is possible.
The product temperature in the buffer tank, depending
on the design of the plant, is between 45 and 65 °C. In any case, a separator (polishing separator) has to
The temperature of the product is raised to 70 – 75 °C be installed downstream to increase the fat
in a plate heat exchanger. concentration to 99.5 percent.
The amount of salted butter used as a raw material all parts of the installation which come into contact
for the production of butter oil in recent years has with the product are made of special corrosion-proof
risen steadily. The salt content is removed together materials.
with the butter milk during centrifugal separation.
The salt concentration in the butter milk increases to Sour cream butter is produced from biologically
approx. 10 percent if the original salt content of the acidified cream. The pH value of the butter is between
butter was 2 percent for example. Further processing 4.5 and 5.2 depending on the country of origin.
of the salted butter milk is limited.
Processing of sour cream butter into butter oil is
The emulsion phase in salted sweet cream butter can generally the least expensive method. This is however
also be "broken" by the addition of citric acid. At the only partly true when the pH is between 4.7 and 5.2.
same time, the protein in the butter is denatured. The
treated raw material then behaves in the same way as When sour cream butter is processed, a third liquid
sour cream butter. phase (emulsion phase) is not present, as has already
been stated. The most important criterion for the
The melted butter is brought to a pH of 4.5 – 4.6 by design of the plant is that the separable solids
the addition of acid. At this pH, not only the free (denatured protein because of the low pH value) can
protein is denatured; in addition, due to the alteration amount to as much as 2 percent absolute. In general,
in the intact fat-globule membrane protein, the the value is between 1.3 and 1.5 percent DS.
membrane is broken open and the emulsion is
destroyed. An easily decantible sediment is then For processing from sour cream butter, it is particularly
obtained in addition to a clear water and oil phase. important to ensure that the melting process in the
In contrast to "real" sour cream butter, this sediment melting system is gentle, as localised overheating will
content is significantly lower. One reason is that the relatively quickly lead to protein burning. The product
fat-free dry matter (part of which consists of protein) leaving the butter melting system at a temperature of
is less in the case of sweet cream butter than is the 45 – 55 °C is heated in the plate heat exchanger to
case with sour cream butter. 70 – 75 °C, and is then pumped to the three-phase
decanter. The oil is concentrated in the decanter to
Acid is added, and the product is heated to a 95 – 98 percent, and is heated to approximately
temperature of 70 – 75 °C; an adequate reaction time 90 – 95 °C; it is then brought to a concentration of 99.5
is then allowed. percent in the oil polishing separator. The residual
moisture content is reduced to less than 0.1 percent
The oil is then concentrated in the oil concentrator to by evaporation in the vacuum evaporator. The serum
approx. 99 percent. The oil is heated to approximately phase generally has a fat content of less than 0.8
90 °C in the plate heat exchanger, and it is then percent; accordingly, if we consider the amount
concentrated to 99.5 percent in the oil polishing obtained (10 – 12 percent of the amount of raw
separator. It is necessary to add wash water upstream product), fat recovery is only worthwhile if daily
of the separator so that residual salt particles in quantities are high. The decantible solids are
solution can be washed out. concentrated in the decanter to 20 – 45 percent DS as
required, and are then fed from the decanter discharge
Care must be taken to ensure that the pH does not to the tank. The solids consist mainly of denatured
rise again when the wash water is added. The wash protein. In addition, a fat in DS of 2 – 5 percent must
water should thus be adjusted to a pH of 4.5 – 4.6 with be expected. The oil-enriched heavy phase from the
acid before it is added to the product. oil polisher is recycled back into the process.
The final value of the oil of 99.8 percent is adjusted It is necessary to add water upstream of the oil
in the downstream vacuum evaporator. For processing polishing separator in order to ensure optimum
salted butter, it is extremely important to ensure that "washing out" of the residual protein, and also at the
same time to stabilise the separation zone in the bowl A suitably prepared wash water (pH > 11) is added to
of the oil polishing separator in the required position. the flow of oil upstream of the oil polishing separator.
The free fatty acids come into contact with the basic
For further utilisation, the denatured protein water, are saponified and are simultaneously washed
discharged by the decanter can be converted into a out. The wash water with the free fatty acids is separated
stable soluble state. from the oil in the oil polishing separator. The oil
leaving the oil polisher then meets IDF standards with
As already mentioned, when butter with high initial respect to FFA values for anhydrous butter oil.
FFA values is processed, butter oil can still be obtained
by saponification of the short-chain fatty acids, Before "Wash water with caustic" is added, the oil must
followed by separation of the resulting flocculate. have a concentration of more than 99 percent fat.
3.6 Special processes / special solutions The previously used oil concentrator is used as a
In addition to the processes described, special polisher in the second step and the intermediate
solutions are required in some areas to meet all product from the first step is upgraded and achieves
demands. AMF quality.
3.6.1 Batch process The further steps can be compared with those of the
If only small quantities of cream have to be processed, original process.
a system comprising two separators can be used.
Besides the cream separator, only one instead of two 3.6.2 Ghee production
oil separators is used. If Ghee is to be produced, the proteins must remain
as long as possible in the product in contrast to AMF,
To be able to produce AMF with this system, the plant and be treated thermally in such a way that the
must be passed through twice. In the first step / batch, desired taste is attained.
the cream is concentrated, phase inversion is carried
out and the oil is concentrated. The classic method is to heat and boil butter or cream
with fire in so-called boiling pans until all the water
This intermediate product is stored in a large buffer has evaporated and the protein simultaneously
tank. Once this is full, the process is interrupted "burns" and denatures.
and prepared for the second batch / step, without
processing fresh cream. The sediment is subsequently separated and the fat
phase used as ghee.
In the following step, the previously concentrated oil
is subjected to the same process steps as the raw
product before. The cream heater from the first step
is utilized to heat the oil to 90 °C.
2 8
1 5
To make this process more efficient and faster, simple Intermediate steps such as sedimentation are
separators in combination with hydrocyclones can be dispensed withe so that existing cooking pans can be
used. After melting the butter and evaporating the used substantially more efficiently.
water, the prepared product is separated from the
solids in a clarifier and the upstream cyclone and
achieves a high level of purity in the process.
3.6.3 Pre-clarification with decanter thus increases the load on the oil concentrator during
For making butter oil, the decanter is used as a the oil separation process, as large quantities of
machine for pre-concentrating products with a high denatured solids occur as a result of the low pH value.
solids content. So-called Nizo butter is processed into
butter oil in Europe. Special cultures are added to the Therefore the decanter offers a system that can easily
butter during the buttermaking process. This reduces handle the high amount of solids. An oil concentration
the pH value to approx. 5.2. Aroma cultures are added of 95 – 98 percent is achieved. The solids can be
in order to achieve the required taste. The process of concentrated to approx. 20 – 45 percent DS.
adding the cultures increases the solids content and
4 3 5 8
6 2 7
3.6.4 Fractionation The stearin phase is collected in the hopper of the
The liquid AMF is pumped from the storage tank where separator and is transferred by a positive displacement
the product is stored for further processing in the pump through a heating device where all fat is melted
crystallization tanks where the defined cooling and again. After this heating stage the liquid fat phase is
crystallization takes place. To ensure that the complete transferred into the stearin storage tank.
fat is liquid a heat exchanger pre-heats the AMF. If
necessary this pre-heater can also be used for heating
(95 °C) of the oil. In this case, further sections for
defined heating and heat recovery would be necessary.
2 7
9 5 9
1 8
4 6
4. Machines Used for Making Butter Oil
4.1 Cream concentrator the sediment holding space (8) and are periodically
The 40 percent cream to be concentrated is fed through ejected through ports (9). The solids ejection process
the central feed tube (1) with a certain flow velocity is initiated automatically. The solids holding space has
into the inlet chamber (7) which rotates at the same a double conical design, and the discharge system is
speed as the bowl. The energy of flow in the stationary equipped with very fast discharge valves. These keep
feed tube is converted into pressure energy in the product losses as low as possible during discharge of
optimally widened inlet chamber (principle of the the separator. At the end of production, the separator
GEA Westfalia Separator softstream system). The feed is chemically cleaned automatically (CIP = cleaning-
to the disc stack (6) is throttled, thus ensuring that in-place). The cream centripetal pump (5) and the
there is always liquid in the lower part of the central centripetal pump for the heavy phase (4) must be
distributor bore. Other throttles are arranged after the precisely adjusted to the throughput conditions of the
first throttle in such a way that there is an uninterrupted cream concentrator.
flow of liquid right into the disc stack. Vacuum (flow
interruption) and shear forces are thus avoided. The The special design features of cream concentrators
softstream system guarantees optimum separation are directed towards the following:
efficiency and a high level of concentration. The cream • Attainment of a high cream fat content
is separated into skim milk and cream in the disc stack. • Maximum separating efficiency to achieve the lowest
Both components are conveyed foam-free and under residual fat content in the discharging heavy phase
pressure by means of centripetal pumps (4 and 5) to • Fast and precise partial solids ejection from the
the outlets (2 and 3). The separated solids collect in bowl in order to minimise fat losses
3 4
8 9
4.2 Homogeniser The homogenisation technology in the AMF process
In today’s milk industry, the homogeniser is an is based on the use of pressure on liquids to break
essential component for safe production of many down the fat membrane and achieve phase reversal.
products. The equipment has been continuously
adapted to requirements, be it in terms of hygienic The product runs through the high pressure pump, is
standards, automation requirements or even for compressed and then depressurised again in the
assessment of the cleaning capacity. homogenisation valve. The associated mechanical
energy input brings about the desired product
The aim of high-pressure homogenisation is to break properties.
up the fat globule membrane of the concentrated but
still dispersed fat phase. This releases free fat in a The NanoVALVETM homogenisation valve system, see
targeted manner, which incorporates the previously figure 19, makes it possible to achieve a constant
continuously present aqueous phase, including the homogenisation effect with a reduced low level
membrane residue, into a new dispersed phase (phase operating pressure. The effect can be achieved with
inversion). The associated viscosity reduction also an operating pressure reduced by up to 30 percent.
simplifies the subsequent separation of the now With low homogenisation pressures, the energy
dispersed water protein phase. saving potential is particularly high.
In the case of an emulsion such as consumer milk or Based on the homogenisation pressure setting, the
dairy products, with the presence of surface active required volume-specific energy can be applied
material, the oil or fat phase is broken down into the independently of the throughput, thus generating the
smallest of particles and then stabilised against desired physical properties of the product.
renewed coalescence.
4.3 Oil concentrator and oil polisher The heavy liquid phase flows outwards and is
For oil concentration and oil polishing, the separating conveyed by centripetal pump (4) under pressure to
zone inside the centrifuge bowl is displaced to the outlet (2).
periphery of the disc stack because of the high oil
concentration. For this reason, the product to be The separated solids are instantly ejected at periodic
treated is guided into rising channels located towards intervals through ports (9) by movement of the
the periphery of the disc stack. hydraulically operated sliding piston (10).
The product flowing into the centrifuge is separated This patented discharge system, the GEA Westfalia
into an oil phase and serum phase in the disc stack Separator hydrostop, allows for fast and accurate
(7). At the same time, the solids are removed and removal of solids
collect in the sediment holding space (8). The oil
phase flows inwards and is conveyed foam-free and
under pressure to the outlet (3) by means of the
centripetal pump (5).
2 4
4.4 Vacuum unit
The necessary vacuum is produced by means of a
liquid-ring vacuum pump. A surface condenser is
installed upstream of the vacuum pump in order to
reduce the amount of vapour and also the pump
capacity. Fat mist, which is drawn off from the
vacuum tank with the vapour, crystallises in the
vacuum pump and can be drawn off in the downstream
fat trap.
4.5 Serum separator and centripetal pump combination are particularly
Proven standard skimming separators are used for important. Skimming separators have to solve
reduction of the fat in the serum. Precise knowledge different tasks in relation to the raw product used and
concerning the butter oil process is required for the system concept.
optimizing the machine. Adaptations in the disc stack
4.7 Three-phase decanter series the layer thickness of the heavy phase is
This decanter has been designed for this application. externally adjustable via regulating tubes; this
The solid-wall bowl (5) has a cylindrical section for changes the liquid level in the bowl. The light liquid
efficient separation and clarification of the liquids phase (3) moves in the direction of the bowl axis and
and a conical section (6) for drying the solids. Due to is discharged under pressure via centripetal pump (9).
the centrifugal forces, the solids are flung onto the The heavy liquid phase (2) moves in the direction of
bowl wall and are transported by the scroll (7) to the the bowl shell and is gravity discharged through
solids discharge. The liquid phases are separated in regulating tubes (8). The separating decanter is
the separation zone. For the decanter dairyMaster CF available in steep or flat cone design.
A GEA Westfalia Separator summationdrive with • Automatic adaptation of the differential speed by
intelligent kinematics ensures high differential means of frequency-controlled motor
speeds and torques which enables processing of high • Good accessibility to all drive parts
solid capacities. • Changing the differential speed without replacing
• Full torque up to the maximum differential speed; the complete gear
this allows processing high solid capacities
• High efficiency of the drive since the variable The throughput capacity of the decanter depends on
speed motor feeds in energy and does not brake the separating and clarifying characteristics of the feed
product, on the concentration of solids in the product
and on the maximum permissible solids content of the
clarified liquid. It can be adapted to a large extent to
the conditions and requirements of the plant.
6 5 7 8 9
4.8 Butter melting system Tubular screens can be installed downstream of the
Butter blocks with a product temperature of down to pumps for safety reasons.
-20 °C are fed to a block cutter via the block feed
device. An adjustable block conveyor in the feed shaft The melting system must be started up with product.
ahead of the cutter drum ensures a constant product If water is used for the start-up phase and if product
feed into the melting tank. The rotating cutter drum to be melted is then added, a very stable emulsion
cuts the butter block evenly into butter pieces each forms relatively quickly in the melting tank; this
weighing 2 – 4 g. poses problems for continuous production.
The cut pieces of butter fall into the enclosed melting Product temperatures also depend on the type of
tank. The melting tank holds approx. 1500 l product butter used.
at a temperature of 45 – 65 °C. The product circulation
pump conveys 2 to 4 times the quantity in relation to The hourly capacity of the system can be regulated
the butter feed quantity through the plate heat smoothly
exchanger back to the melting tank. The product
temperature achieved in the plate heat exchanger is
between 65 – 75 °C. A product discharge pump conveys
the melted product to the butter oil system. The built-
in agitator ensures adequate turbulence in the melting
tank. Any pieces of paper are retained by the sieve in
the tank.
4.9. Control of AMF lines
Control and monitoring of separators and the
complete process lines for producing AMF are
continuously increasing in importance. For this
reason, GEA Westfalia Separator Group has, in recent
years, increasingly moved from compact control units
for decentralised tasks towards central control room
systems. These are programmable controllers, PLCs,
and process visualisation and process operation, HMI.
4.10. Planning and system concepts be pre-assembled as a complete system in the factory.
In addition to the detailed design and planning of At the customer's premises, it is then only necessary
individual components for butter oil systems, there to lay a few connection pipes and cables and make
is also a high demand for concepts for delivery of connections to the peripherals. These systems
complete systems. Starting with the PID/piping drastically reduce the on-site assembly time and
schematic, developed and coordinated for each minimise the error rate. A plug and play system is
system via an installation plan, GEA Westfalia delivered. When designing the modules, individual
Separator Group also offers creation of complete customer requirements are taken into consideration.
three-dimensional drawings of the entire system,
with all valves, measurement devices and other In addition, for larger systems, various process steps
components. can be pre-assembled in logical units, which
significantly reduces the installation effort on-site.
This offers an ideal basis for installing this kind of system
with on-site assembly at its place of installation, and the The completely prefabricated systems are tested on
required components are supplied as individual parts. the in-house test bench, a process which can be
performed together with the customer. In addition,
Such systems, which include the complete internal operator training can be provided at this stage, which
piping, wiring and pneumatic installation, can also means a reduction in the commissioning time.
5. Bibliography
1. Das große Molkerei-Lexikon
(The large dairy encyclopaedia)
M.E. Schulz
4. Codex alimentarius
Codex Stan A-2-1973
The information contained in this brochure merely serves as a non-binding description of our products and is without guarantee. Binding information, in particular relating to capacity data and suitability for specific applications, can only be provided within the framework of concrete
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