Chinese Civilisation Notes

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The River Valley Civilizations: Chinese

I. Tick the correct answer:

1. The Chinese worshipped a God called
Ans. Shang Ti
2. The reign of which dynasty in known as the classical period of China?
Ans. Chou Dynasty
3. The Chinese were the first to cultivate?
Ans. Tea
4. Which of the following was not invented by the Chinese?
Ans. Solar calendar
5. The Chinese civilization flourished around
Ans. 1800 BCE.

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. The Great Wall of China is named as one the Seven Wonders of the World.
2. The Chinese used both Solar and lunar calendar.
3. The Chinese civilization flourished along the banks of the river Hwang Ho.
4. After King, Noblemen were the important people in the kingdom.
5. Silk was first produced in China.

III. Match column A with column B:

1. Pagoda - Stupa style temple
2. Hwang Ho - Sorrow of China
3. Seismograph - Records earthquake
4. Shang Ti - Ruler above
5. Chinaware - Glazed pottery of porcelain

IV. Answer the following:

Q1. Which philosophical systems were followed by the Chinese people?
Ans: Taoism and Confucianism were the most popular religions and
philosophical systems founded by Lao-tze and Confucius respectively.

Q2. Mention some of the dynasties that

ruled China.
Ans: The dynasties that ruled China were
• Shang dynasty
• Chou dynasty and
• Han dynasty
Q3. Describe the contribution of the Chinese civilization in various fields.
• The Chinese were the first to grow tea and produce silk from silkworm.
• They were also the first to make porcelain and to produce paper.
• They made the seismograph and recorded earthquakes.
• They also invented the mariner's compass, gun powder, the umbrella
and kites.

Q4. What is Great Wall of China? Describe its features.

• The Great Wall of China is a fine example of engineering skills of
ancient Chinese.
• It the highest and the longest wall in the world.
• It extends over 21,196 kms and is eight meters high and seven meters
wide. There are 16,000 towers across the length of the wall.
• Each tower is built at an interval of 150 meters and is 14 feet high. It is
one of the seven wonders of the Ancient world.

Q5. Describe the society of the Chinese people.

• The King was all powerful and the noblemen were next in importance.
• They helped the king during wars. Under them were the merchants,
craftsmen, farmers and slaves.
• Elders and ancestors were respected.
• The head of the family was respected. Women worked within the
house only. They considered their family as a sacred unit.

V. Picture study
1. Identify the
picture. Ans: Great
Wall of China.

2. How can we say that people of ancient China displayed their engineering
Ans: The people of ancient China displayed their engineering skills by
building the Great wall of China, which extends over 21,196 kms and is
eight meters high and seven meters wide.

3. Why it is named as one of the Seven Wonders of the World?

Ans: It is named as one of the seven wonders of the world because of its
length and it is so strong that it stands till present time.

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