Group 5: Japanese Culture

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- Japan, pronounced in Japanese
as “Nippon” or “Nihon”, is a Pacific
Ocean island nation off the coast
of mainland Asia.

- It is comprised of
approximately 6,900 islands.
The most prominent and
populous islands are
Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku
and Kyushu, making up 97%
of the country. 

- Within these islands, there are 47

prefectures with a total population
of 127 million (11th in the world).

- 73% of the country is

mountainous, however, a
majority of people live on the
coastlines, making it one of the
most densely populated
countries in the world.
- The national language is - Modern Japanese developed
Japanese, which is the during the Edo period, between
primary spoken language 1603 and 1868.
across the country.
- The “Kojiki,” was written in the early 8th
- Old Japanese, or “Kanbun”, century and was written primarily in
originated from China ancient Chinese characters. 
and the earliest Japanese
Modern Japanese consists of three alphabets:
Kanji (logographic Chinese characters)

Hiragana (a phonetic Japanese alphabet)

Katakana (a phonetic alphabet used for

foreign words)
There are two main religions in Japan:



 Arecent poll found that 39% of Japanese people

identify as Buddhist, 3.9% as Shinto and 2.3% as
- In Japan, the largest holiday
is the New Year’s celebration.

During spring and summer, celebrations for the

gods of the land and sea, or Matsuri, take

Each town holds its own Matsuri, and these

celebrations are widely attended by all.
Sports play a significant role in
Japanese culture.

Sumo, judo and karate are

traditional Japanese sports and
baseball, soccer and rugby have
been adopted from other cultures.
Sumo is the national sport
of Japan and to this day is
primarily practiced only in

Modern sumo was formed

during the Edo era and
little has changed since
Baseball - is the
sport in the

It was first
introduced to the
country in 1872
and has grown in
popularity ever
“Family Structure”
The traditional family unit in Japan is called “Kazoku,”
comprising of a mother, father and their children.
Traditionally, the Kazoku often live with their elderly parents.
However, more recently, three generation household numbers
have fallen in favor of more modern arrangements.
1920 Japanese Family Modern Japanese Family
Across the nation, the Japanese are
primarily fish eaters.
Japan is the number one fish
importer in the world, consuming
around 12% of the world’s caught
The most well-known
Japanese dish is probably
sushi, a dish that includes
fresh fish, seaweed and
lightly-seasoned rice.
Japanese also eat beef,
poultry and pork as part of
their daily diets.

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