Group 5: Japanese Culture
Group 5: Japanese Culture
Group 5: Japanese Culture
- Japan, pronounced in Japanese
as “Nippon” or “Nihon”, is a Pacific
Ocean island nation off the coast
of mainland Asia.
- It is comprised of
approximately 6,900 islands.
The most prominent and
populous islands are
Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku
and Kyushu, making up 97%
of the country.
It was first
introduced to the
country in 1872
and has grown in
popularity ever
“Family Structure”
The traditional family unit in Japan is called “Kazoku,”
comprising of a mother, father and their children.
Traditionally, the Kazoku often live with their elderly parents.
However, more recently, three generation household numbers
have fallen in favor of more modern arrangements.
1920 Japanese Family Modern Japanese Family
Across the nation, the Japanese are
primarily fish eaters.
Japan is the number one fish
importer in the world, consuming
around 12% of the world’s caught
The most well-known
Japanese dish is probably
sushi, a dish that includes
fresh fish, seaweed and
lightly-seasoned rice.
Japanese also eat beef,
poultry and pork as part of
their daily diets.