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The Problems and Its Setting


Anxiety is the mind and body's reaction to stressful, dangerous, or unfamiliar

situations. It's the sense of uneasiness, distress, or dread you feel before a significant

event. According to The American Psychological Association (APA) defines anxiety as

“an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes

like increased blood pressure.” Furthermore it is basic human feeling that consists of fear

and uncertainty that leads to blocking the normal thought processes. Many individuals

experience problems during their studies, work, relationship, parenting, friendship and etc

feel anxious when taking exams, finances, love life, and behavior for making significant

life decisions.

Anxiety causes students to consistently fail. Anxiety in distance learners stems

mainly from their life experiences, and expectations/ assumptions they make as a result.

The distance learners tend to fear failure, yet conversely can have high, even unrealistic

expectations of themselves. They may have had negative experiences of educations in the

past, and assume that distance learning education may provide the same disempowering

learning environment as those experiences by many schools. In contrast to traditional

classroom instruction, various studies have been conducted to assess students' attitudes,

dropouts and academic performance in distance education. Compared with classroom

education, there are many factors identified in distance education of poor results and high

dropout rate; boring courses, economic difficulties, lack of feedback and encouragement,
Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 2

isolation, lack of motivation, dissatisfaction with requirements or regulations, and

changes in career goals. The fear of interaction with other people triggering self-

consciousness, feelings of being negatively judged and evaluated, inferiority,

embarrassment, humiliation, and depression which leads to avoidance from gathered

activities where different types of people are present. Anxiety becomes a major concern

among distance learners when they realize that they will have to give an oral presentation

while using modern technologies such as multimedia presentations etc. these past

month’s some of criminology students posting and sharing their feelings through social

media, but they are actually suffering from anxiety that somehow lead to depression.

Therefore, this study aims to find out the factors that lead to the anxiety of criminology

students particularly, the problems encountered by the students, so we can seek for

professional help. Always check up on your friends, families or love ones. Little things


The Settings of the Study

Cabanatuan City is being known for “Tricycle Capital of The Philippines” and

remained Nueva Ecija capital until 1965 when the government created Palayan City as

new Provincial Capital.

PHINMA Araullo University are known for pioneering school of Criminology

and largest producer of Licensed Criminologists in Region 3, PHINMA Araullo

University Criminology Program Continues to provide quality and accessible education

that everyone deserve.

Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 3

For a better understanding of the setting of this study, Figure 1 shows the map where the

study will be completed. The will shown below is the PHINMA Araullo University.
Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 4

Figure 1.

Map of setting of the Study

Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 5

Conceptual Framework

The study will aim to assess the factors that lead to anxiety of criminology

students. Where this studies conducted stating that there where factors that lead to


Some if the factors that affecting anxiety of college students was Academic stress,

Financial Support and discrimination. Most of the parents of the students are losing their

jobs, giving discriminations and setting their student/child to reach and achieve their goal

on time. College student was the most affected by the action of their parents because of

that; they overthink so much that gives them anxiety.

Anxiety are one of the types of a problem that well known trained professionals,

counsellor and specially the Psychiatrist. But while the college students are inside the

school campus they can go to their respective advisers and instructors to get some help if

they want.

To further discussion of Conceptual Framework of the study, figure 2 presents the

research paradigm as well as the Input, Process and the Output. Input deals with

identifying the profile of the respondents, factors the leads to anxiety of college students.

More over process refers with the method were using by the researchers in gathering data

of the study that includes survey form of questionnaire, checklist or through google form,

collection of data, interpretation and presentation of data.

Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 6


-Identifying profile -conducting survey

of the respondents. questionnaire or
- The factors that
lead to the anxiety -Collection of data
of criminology from the respondents.
- The course of
student in PHINMA -Statistical treatment action that could be
Araullo University. of data prepared in order to
address the factors.
- Refers to anxiety -Tabulation of that lead to anxiety
affects the collected data.
students in terms of -Analysis of collected
academics. data.

-Evaluation of data.

-Interpretation of
collected data.

-Presentation of data.


Figure 2

Paradigm of the Study

Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 7


This study attempts to determine the factors that lead to the anxiety of

Criminology Students in Araullo University.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following sub-problems:

1. How may the profile of the respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender: and

1.3 Year level

2. What are the factors that lead to the anxiety of criminology student in Araullo


3. How the anxiety affects the criminology students in terms of academics?

4. What course of action that could be prepared in order to address the factors that

lead to anxiety?


The researcher believes that the result of this study will provide its worth and

have significance to the following individuals, groups, and other organizations.

Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 8

University or Educational Institution: The result of this study will give better

understanding concerning the factors of anxiety of college students. By being aware

about the situation so they can provides programs or activities for the students to improve

their mental well being.

Teachers: The result of this study will give motivation and pay attention to those

students who are suffering from anxiety.

Family: The result of this study will be aware of the factors leading their

child/children to anxiety and learn, how to help or give support while someone is

experiencing it.

Students: The result of this study will be knowledgeable about the factors that

lead to anxiety of college students and learn how to control and deal with it.

Future Researchers: The result and findings of the study are beneficial to neither

present researchers of future research. This study may be one of the basis that a new

theory in learning will rise.


The study assessed the factors that lead to anxiety of college students. Conduct at

PHINMA Araullo University main campus located at Maharlika Highway, Brgy. Bitas,

Cabanatuan City Nueva Ecija. The respondents of the study were two hundred (200) all

levels of criminology college students gathered. Fifty (50) selected first students, fifty

(50) second year, Fifty (50) third year, and Fifty (50) fourth year college students of
Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 9

criminology departments. A questionnaire checklist was the main tool in data gathering

and descriptive-survey method of the research design was use in conducting this study.

The study was conducted for a period of two (2) semesters, from August to

January (2023)

Definition of terms

For better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined


Anxiety- it refers to common emotion when dealing with daily stress and problems.

Consciousness- it refers to awareness of one's individual as well as other people's


Depression- it refers to a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how

you feel, the way you think and how you act.

Discrimination- it refers to the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups

based on characteristics such as race, gender, age or sexual orientation. 

Disempowering- it refers to making you feel as though you have no power to influence

your life or to make changes.

Dissatisfaction- It refers to imply a sense of dislike for, or unhappiness in, one's

Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 10

Dread- It refers to not wanting something to happen out of fear

Embarrassment- It refers to a feeling of discomfort that often doesn't last very long.

Experience- It refers to the observing, encountering, or undergoing of things generally as

they occur in the course of time: to learn from experience; the range of human


Humiliation- It refers to the embarrassment and shame you feel when someone makes

you appear stupid, or when you make a mistake in public.

Inferiority- It refers to being less good than someone or something.

Interpretation- It refers to act of explaining, reframing, or otherwise showing your own

understanding of something.

Modern Technologies- It refers to the modern products, services and infrastructure that

are designed and built using scientific knowledge and engineering.

Motivation-It is what helps you lose extra weight, for instance, or pushes you to get that

promotion at work. In short, motivation causes you to act in a way that gets you closer to

your goals

Overthinking- It when you constantly think about the same thing or focus on it.

Psychiatrist-a doctor who focuses on the identification and management of mental


Self-conscientiousness- It refers to the feeling uncomfortable frightened or ashamed

around other people or while they are watching you.

Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 11

Stress- It refers to a sensation of strain, either bodily or emotional. Any circumstance or

idea that gives you cause for anger, hate, or anxiety can trigger it.

Uneasiness- Think there is an issue or threat, which causes you to feel anxious, worried,

or ashamed.
Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 12


Review of related literature

Foreign literature

According to AlKandari (2020) Most students studying at higher education

institutions face many challenges that give them a negative feeling and lead them to have

anxiety. The most important factor that affects students is the academic challenges which

are related to their persistence or retention in the institutions. Some of these academic

factors include difficulty of studying new language, midterm and final exams, and

curriculum. Some other students also face anxiety related to different reasons such as

being ill or disabled students. Also, some students feel discrimination which affects them

negatively. International students also face culture shock anxiety which affects their

persistence in the institutions. Students should learn managing this feeling to prevent

their mental health from unwanted symptoms which may negatively affect their

psychological behaviors. Also, students should understand how to improve their thinking

and mind to adapt to the different challenges they face in their academic life. More

importantly the university and college leadership should consider the importance of

providing students with academic environment that encourage students’ learning and

persistence at the institution and protect them from an unwanted anxiety feeling which

probably may change students’ behaviors and attitudes negatively after graduation.

According to Muhammad et. al (2019) This study was conducted to investigate

anxiety factors of distance learning students related to Allama Iqbal Open University.

Students feel more anxious with distance learning due to distance and are unable to
Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 13

discuss and share problems with teachers on a daily basis. The majority of students had

problems faced at admission, lack of time to prepare homework, poor quality of books,

poor communication with tutors, poor feedback from tutors, poor communication with

local offices, and difficulty in completing assignments. Issues related to due dates,

understanding of assignments, assessments, comments from tutors, high anxiety levels,

training to work, location exam centres and job schedules. Lack of interaction with

classmates, lack of knowledge and understanding of paper samples, exam schedules and

exam centre locations. Behaviour of examiners in examination centres regarding

dissertation grading, detailed grading sheets and degrees, degree equivalence and scope.

All of these factors underlie student anxiety in distance learning and affect academic


Mackolil et.al (2020) noted that anxiety and stigma associated with COVID-19

infection spread proliferate, with anxiety, fear of contracting the virus, frustration,

irritability, and sleeplessness as effects of long-term lockdown during the pandemic.

Misinformation and sharing of fake news through social media are other factors that

cause anxiety and stigma among people causing uncertainty to add to an individual's

sense of unease, hopelessness and loss of initiative. People who have active symptoms of

anxiety hesitate to disclose or seek help as they anticipate stigma from the society, which

makes the fear of contracting the pandemic more destructive than the virus itself.

According to Muhammad A. et al, (2019) students feel more anxiety in distance

learning approach because due to distance they are unable to discuss or share problems

with instructors on daily basis. It is concluded on this study that the majority of the

students felt anxiety due to lack of time given to prepare assignments, poor quality of
Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 14

books, lack of communication with tutors, poor feedback from the tutors, lack of

communication with the teachers, due dates of assignments, understanding of

assignments, assessment, tutor remarks and their anxiety level was high, performing a job

side by side with education, location of exam centre, and issues faced regarding

assignments schedule. All these factors are cause of students’ anxiety in distance

learning and affect their academic performance. Nevertheless, the results highlighted that

factor, like books distribution, assignments, course tutorials and student support services

were found to create anxiety among the students of the said university. The overall mean

values for all factors of anxiety were slightly higher in male students as compared to

female students as per this study A significant effect of anxiety on the academic

performance of distance learners was found. Present research found a significant effect of

anxiety on the academic performance among distance learning students of the university

recommended that University may support students in managing their academic anxiety

through counselling and behavioral techniques.

According to Remus Runcan (2021)Anxiety is one of the most complex

nervous disorder affecting adolescents; Only half of the studies on anxiety concern

anxiety in adolescents; The most studied forms of anxiety disorders are social

anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder; Both social anxiety disorder and

generalized anxiety disorder are frequently associated with Internet use and social

networking site use (particularly Facebook use); Geographically, most studies on anxiety

in adolescents were carried out by researchers from North America (U.S.A. and Canada),

followed by Europe (England, Ireland, Italy, Scotland, and the Netherlands), Asia (India,

Iran, Israel, and Philippines), Africa (Kenya), and Australia.

Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 15

Local literature

Psychological Association of the Philippines emerged ways on how people

experiencing from anxiety will cope up at this time New Normal a.) Focus on what you

can control, b.) You don’t need to know every single thing all the time, c.) Set a Routine,

d.) Maintain good health, e.) Set aside time for hobbies, f.) Reach out to a trusted friend,

g.) Help out. Wherein these ways on how to overcome anxiety amid this New Normal set

as reminders to everyone to still become physical well-being and mentally stable in this

situation that we are in. (Loyzaga, 2020)

According to Dr. Joan Rifareal of Philippine Psychiatric Association,

mental health during the distance learning consists of interplay of lots of factors like

biological, psychological, social and even spiritual. She also stated that mild anxiety is a

normal part of life. She shared that one of her patients look positively on her perspectives

in life. The patient states that experiencing anxiety made her more productive to push

herself to study hard to be better for the exams and recitations. But most of the student’s

states that they are really having a hard time on examination and heavy school works.

Feeling burnt out by classes, workloads, struggling with the new system of education due

to lack of resources, feeling of isolation and even what is happening to their families and

relationships. (Magsambol, 2020)

As the Distance Learning began, Philippine Psychiatric Association (PPA)

saw signs in students and to their parents of having mental anxiety as consultations

continued to rise. Parents being overburdened as they teach their children while having

their works at home. And students experiencing anxiety wherein some of them can’t
Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 16

afford to buy laptops or gadgets that they may use while having new normal classes since

their parents have no jobs at all. These uncertainties lead to the mental health problems

during this Pandemic. Parents can set their daily routine in order to manage their time

wisely especially those who are working at home. While students can also continue to

call HOPE lines to raise their concerns about the burden that they were experiencing

amidst the new normal classes. (Crisostomo, 2020).

When a student reached its college level, for many, it means lots of stress and

mild anxiety. It requires a lot of time and effort to finish tasks, activities on the given

period of time. Somehow, there are tools and ways that we can use to survive college my

managing the time, stress and anxiety. These tools will help us develop a work ethic that

helps us to do things done with just mild anxiety. Start by making a schedule that works

for you, so you won’t miss any of your activities and can plan when you will start doing

it without upholding other errands. Prioritize tasks within a smaller time frame and don’t

just stick with the deadline. Work as early as possible, but also prioritize your health and

well-being. When making schedule, always think of your personal goals in life and don’t

try too much at once. Do not overwork and pressure yourself too much. Beside all of

these anxiety, always prioritize your health, take time to relax and put things on your

perspective. No matter what strategies you develop to manage your stress, you always

need to have self-discipline. (Betancourt, 2020).

The Department of Health issued tips on how to manage anxiety which includes

Spirituality wherein people can commit themselves to God. Stress and Anxiety

Debriefing that can help people to feel better when they talked about their stressful and

difficult situations. Engaging in sports to relieve the anxiety of the people and to help
Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 17

clear their minds. Self-awareness wherein people experiencing anxiety can develop their

attentions on their own thoughts and emotions. Time management so that they can use

their time wisely and effectively. Siesta or taking nap can also manage the anxiety of an

individual so that the can relax their mind and bod to become more productive. Socially

wherein it can help lessen the burden of people having anxiety and lastly, smile, because

it calms down a person and making others happy. (Pineda, 2018)

Foreign studies

According to Muhammad N. et. al (2019) The University students suffer to some

levels of study anxiety. Base on the previous studies, researchers found that many sources

of anxiety among students such mathematic anxiety, language anxiety, family anxiety,

library anxiety, exam anxiety, presentation anxiety, and social anxiety. Student cannot

perform well if they are having a problem regarding anxiety. Campus environment as part

of social anxiety has universal access to increase study anxiety among students. The

prevalence of study anxiety has been acknowledged by students and educators. However,

no current researches exist to identify the study anxiety sources among university

students. In this paper, we present a survey aimed to identify of study anxiety sources

among university students. The survey involves 770 students of University Malaysia

Pahang. The respondents have answered the survey questionnaire about experiences,

feeling and thoughts related with anxieties during study process. The results, we have

identified the five potential of study anxiety sources among university students.

Subsequently, they are; exam, presentation, mathematic, language, and social anxiety.
Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 18

Based on the results, for further research, we will design intervention and conduct a

treatment to reduce anxiety in improving student’s academic performance.

the study of Shibli et. al. (2015) entitled, “The Effects of Anxiety on Achievement

and Performance: A College Study”, they interviewed 150 students selected on the bases

of low performance and high performance during the current year and were asked to

express their personal experiences during the recent examinations to assess the

relationship of anxiety with the academic achievements. The responses reveal no

significant relationship between anxiety and academic achievements

According to Geeta Jain Manisha Singhai (2018) The main source of stress for the

students is the inadequacy of right support. There is a standard evaluation procedure

which does not give enough scope to the students to experiment and push the boundaries

to excel. There are many personal and social factors that lead to stress among students.

Lack of clarity and unavailability of right career counsellors lead to directionless goals,

and even after graduating, students are clueless with their careers and are insecure

regarding a 64 Prestige e-Journal of Management and Research Volume 4 Issue 2

(October, 2017) and Volume 5 Issue 1(April, 2018) ISSN 2350-1316 job. The pressure of

the studies in terms of academics, extra-curricular activities, assignments etc. has

increased beyond comparison. Parents expect their children to be a part of rat race and

outshine their competitors, to enhance their own social status in the society.

According to Katherine H. Bisson (2017) This research study sought to better

understand the association among anxiety, depression and academic performance, as well

as examined the possibility of social support as a moderator in relation to these variables.

Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 19

The researchers gathered data through a survey method, collecting information on the

students’ anxiety and depression symptoms, GPA, and perceived social support.

Analyzing this data, it was found that the sample mean on both anxiety and depression

was between the normal and mild range. For social support, the findings showed that 9

(9.7%) students had low support, 30 (32.2%) moderate support, and 54 (58.1%) high

support. The variables found to have statistical significance on academic performance

were gender a score.

Alborzkouh, P et al. (2020) conducted a study to review the effectiveness of

anxiety and stress management training on the academic life and mental well-being of the

students of Shahed University. Quasi-experimental was used as a method with a pretest-

posttest plan and control group. a total of 40 students of Shahed University of Tehran

were selected by a convenience sampling method and were organized into two groups,

the experimental group received stress and anxiety management skills training for ten

sessions, and the control group did not receive any intervention. Both groups were

pretested by using an academic vitality inventory and an 84-question psychological well-

being inventory. It was concluded from this research that teaching the methods for

dealing with stress and anxiety was an effective strategy to help students exposed to high

stress and pressure, and this was due to its high efficiency, especially when it was held in

groups, had a small cost, and it was accepted by the individuals.

Local studies

Simbulan (2020), At the early beginning of life, anxiety is being encountered. It

appears to be a universal condition which everyone young or old, married or unmarried,

Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 20

Filipino or foreigner, poor or rich, learned or not learned – experiences or develops. In

other words, it affects all kinds of people from different walks of life. There are many

events in life that can cause stress. It could be generic, physical, chemical, psychological,

cultural, ecological or occupational in nature. In addition, effective coping is necessary in

managing anxiety such that it is an integral part of the stress experience. And in order to

do these successfully, an individual must deal with the situation or problem, deal with the

feelings, use available support and reduce the psychological arousal of stress and anxiety

by appropriate activities such as relaxation, exercise and others.

The causes, levels of anxiety, and coping mechanisms vary. The study of Social

Work course is basically a rigorous one as it is designed to prepare students for the actual

demands in the world of work, specifically on social issues and problems and on

community organizing. This study sought to determine the causes of anxiety, the effects

of anxiety, and the anxiety coping mechanisms of Bachelor of Science in Social Work

students in the Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City. It tested some assumptions using

the descriptive survey method with 54 respondents. Quizzes/examinations, school

requirements/projects and recitations were the most common stressors. Sleepless nights

were the common effects of anxiety. There was disparity on the causes and effects of

anxiety between the male and female respondents. Praying to God was the common

anxiety coping mechanism. No disparity was observed between the male and female

coping mechanisms.

The study explored the academic anxiety and coping mechanisms of three

hundred eighty-two (382) college students from public and private universities in Central

Luzon, Philippines using descriptive research design. Results showed that major
Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 21

contributors to the respondents' anxiety were from teachers, completion of requirements

and peers who commit cheating. They felt academically stressed, anxiety attacks and

experience sleeping problems low self-confidence and moodiness. Respondents coped

with anxiety through spirituality, one of the prominent traits of Filipinos. The study

highlights the need to comply with the mental health protocol and to create avenues to

attain well-being for students with varying interests.

Dy, M. et al. (2015) Conducted a study determined the stressors, anxieties and

stress responses of Filipino college students in relation to sex, course and academic

classification. There were 258 respondents for the study. Of the respondents, 68% were

females and 32% were males. According to their degree, 42% belonged to the soft

sciences and 58% to the hard sciences. In terms of academic classification, 10% were

freshmen, 36% sophomores, 33% juniors and 21% seniors. The top five overall stressors

and anxieties of the respondents were academic difficulty of subject matter, workload due

to subjects, time management because of subjects, responsibilities due to being on one's

own, and time management because of both subjects and organizations. The most

frequently occurring stress and Anxiety responses were affective stress responses

followed by cognitive responses. For both male and female respondents, the top stressors

were academics, workload due to subjects and time management concerns. Overall, the

males reacted to stress and anxiety through affective responses and females through

cognitive responses. Students enrolled in the hard and soft sciences both considered

academics, workload due to subjects and time management concerns as their top

stressors. Those in the soft sciences reacted with cognitive stress responses while those in

the hard sciences reacted with affective stress responses. Generally, all students,
Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 22

regardless of their academic classification pointed out that academics, workload due to

subjects, and time management were their main stressors. They all reacted to stress and

experiencing anxiety with affective stress responses. These patterns can be monitored to

maintain the psychological and physical well-being of adolescent students. Further

studies can consider bigger samples in various universities and other socio-demographic

variables which are related to stress and anxiety perceptions.

Patnaik, C. et al. (2014) Stress and mild anxiety has been associated with every

human life and is there to stay for all times to come. Right from birth every individual is

undoubtedly exposed to various stressful situations. However, stress and a mild anxiety is

not always bad. Some stress is always necessary to motivate and stimulate us. Hence,

stress and anxiety not mild anxiety of certain level is very beneficial. Stress and anxiety is

a fact of every human life and mostly experienced by the IT professionals. It has become

a great matter of concern for the employees of IT organizations. The individuals working

in the information technology field face more stress and anxiety because they have to

update their knowledge continuously. In the present paper an attempt is made by the

authors to understand the research gap in stress management in IT sector employees.

Thus, it is necessary that the management of IT organizations to take remedial measure to

overcome the negative effect of stress and anxiety on their employees.

Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 23


Method of Research and procedure

This chapter presents the methodology of the study. Including research design,

respondents of the study, sampling procedure, research instrument, procedure of data

gathering and statistical treatment of data.

Research design

The research design used by the researchers will be a descriptive method of

research by using questionnaire checklist to know how the factors that leads to anxiety of

criminology students. Descriptive methods defined as the fact-finding with adequate

interpretation and the true meaning of the data collected are reported from the point of

view and the basic assumption of the research. Descriptive method of research is useful

in conducting research that will aimed to identify the characteristics, frequencies, trends,

correlations and categories. Descriptive methods will use in this study considering it is

the most appreciating method in conducting the research.

The descriptive phenomenological type method used will be survey method,

wherein it includes analyzing and recording of answer of the respondents through survey

forms or questionnaire. Surveys were used to collect the feedback from the respondents.


The respondents of the study were a total of two hundred (200) criminology

college students, gathered from different college year levels. fifty (50) for selected first
Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 24

(1) year students, fifty (50) for second (2) year students, fifty (50) for third (3) year

students, and fifty (50) for fourth (4) year students. The researcher chose all college year

levels. So it would be fair and equal to information from each of one without being bias.

Selected college students per year will be respondents in the study because students are

more inclined to have factor that leads to anxiety. For that reason, the researcher believed

that the chosen respondents such as selected college year levels will be able to provide

the data needed in the conduct of this study.

Sampling Procedure

A Pure random sampling will be used in selecting samples, wherein it provides

each individual in population randomized selected. It s said to be one of the most

convenient and simple sample selection technique. The researchers believed that using

this sampling technique in the conduct of this study are reliability and unbiased

conclusions were made.

Research Instrument

The main instrument used in conducting this study will be questionnaire checklist

which produces with the help of the panellist and research adviser. Questionnaire

checklist will formulated by set of printed paper with choice of answer. Questionnaire

checklists are self-constructed by the researchers with their own knowledge that consist

of items that the respondents will be answered.

The instrument will be composed of two (2) parts checklists where it involves the

profile of respondents, factors that lead to anxiety, anxiety affects the student in

academics. Part I will be questionnaire that deals with the profile of the respondents in
Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 25

terms of name, age, gender and year levels. Part II will be composed of 1o items checklist

that assessed the factors that leads to anxiety of a criminology student. Part III will be

composed of 7 items checklist that deals with the effects of the anxiety from criminology

students. The result on each checklist items in Part II and Part III of questionnaire will be

evaluated according likers scale with verbal interpretation using Strongly agree, Disagree,

neither agree nor disagree, agree, strongly agree.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher asked for the approval of this study with the help of

recommendations and criticisms from the panellist during the title proposal.

The researcher adviser allow float questionnaire checklist. The researchers

produce questionnaire checklist to be presented to their adviser for correction,

suggestions and comments. Then it will be presented to the panel for validity for final

revision. As the researchers finished their revised questionnaire checklist, the research

will produce letter of request to their adviser for the approval to collect and gather data

from the respondents. The approval letter will also presented to the dean of College of

Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) department as part of the study to get permission.

The researchers will orient each of their respondents about their questionnaire that

they will be answering for them to be informing about the aim and purpose of this study.

The researcher will personally deliver hand by hand the questionnaire to their

respondents, so that the researcher can guide their respondents if they have some question

or clarifications to the questionnaire. After all the target respondents answered the

questionnaire checklist form the researchers will collected it and undergo to computation
Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 26

and interpret the data by summarizing then the researchers will made a conclusion about

and finding and results of the questionnaire.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers summarized and analyzed the response of the respondents upon

the gathering of the questionnaire.

1. Socio-Demographic of the respondents

The data on the questionnaire checklist that deals with socio-demographic of the
respondents used frequency and percentage distribution of response. The data gathered
were computed, discussed, and analyzed for the significant findings (Parreno, and et al.,

Frequency Distribution – it is statistical procedure that involves the possible

measures of variable on listing and done by categorizing and tabulating the frequency.

Percentage – Utilized by the researchers to get the proportion as part of the whole

. Formula:

% = f x 100

Where: % = Percentage frequency

f = Frequency

n = total of the respondents

2. For the description of the respondents knowing the factors that leads to anxiety of
selected college criminology students. The following will be the formula:

Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 27


Where: WM = weighted mean

TWF = total weight formula

N = total number of the respondents

Scale Numerical Equivalent Verbal Interpretation

4 3.26-4.00 Strongly agree

3 2.51-3.25 Agree

2 1-76-2.50 Disagree

1 1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree

3. For the measures or remedies to prevent the students from anxiety, the following
statistical formula will be:



Where: WM = weighted mean

TWF = total weight formula

N = total number of the respondents

Scale Numerical Equivalent Verbal Interpretation

4 3.26-4.00 Strongly agree

3 2.51-3.25 Agree

2 1-76-2.50 Disagree
Factors that lead to anxiety in …. 28

1 1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree

4. This statistical treatment will utilized and discuss the potential advantages.
Ranking is the replacement of an item in category of more or less with the same
item. That simply said that there will be one higher than the other.

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