L5R5E Techniques

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 Legend of the Five Rings  Techniques (CB) 1# /#16

Code Shorthand meaning Code Shorthand meaning SR2 Kata Use Action
BS Bonus Successes A Air Ring Iaijutsu At·Mv TN2 MA·Melee  (stance) R 1–2 using one sheathed razor
SF Shortfall E Earth Ring Cut: edged weapon to draw and attack, doing Deadliness + BS
crossing damage

SR School Rank F Fire Ring

Blade   draw and ready a second sheathed razor-edged
Sil Silhouette W Water Ring
ª Acting character V Void Ring
Iaijutsu At TN3 MA·Melee  (stance) R 1 using one sheathed razor
º Opponent/target’s  Any Ring Cut: Rising edged weapon to ready & strike in a 1 handed grip. If you
 1 opportunity + One or more Blade   succeed, do Deadliness + BS damage. Compromised targets
 2 opportunity + 2 or more opportunity cannot defend.

S: __ Success and __ needed F: __ Failure and __ neede  draw and ready a second razor-edged weapon
 PhD  PhD SuD  SuD Iron Forest OS On MA·Melee using spear or polearm:

Style  + area in range counts as dangerous terrain for one

 PhR  PhR SuR  SuR
target per . When targets attempt to move
HR Honor Rank (Honor/10)↓ GR Glory Rank (Glory/10)↓
closer, TN4 Fitness (A2 W5) to advance.
At Attack Action Sc Scheme Action
Open Hand OS On MA·Unarmed using a snaring weapon:

Mv Move Action Su Support Action Style  + one target of yours must switch to stance you
At·Mv Attack & Move At/Mv Attack OR Move choose, and is immobilized. Sil ≥ 3 resist with TN3
SR1 Kata Use Action Fitness to ignore this.
Hawk’s OS MA·Ranged:
Pelting Hail OS On MA·Ranged:

Precision  + +1 band maximum range to maximum of 6. Style  + 1 target within R0-2 of primary target per 
suffers Base Damage as strife.
Soaring At TN2 MA·Melee R2—3 to hurl weapon in 1h grip, doing base
Slice  + BS  PhD
Rushing OS On MA·Melee using a blunt weapon:

+ +1 max range
Avalanche F  If Shortfall ≥ 2, do (Fitnessª)  PhD

 next attack −1 TN before end of your next turn Style  S  If target prone, Damage +(Fitnessª)
Striking as OS On MA·Any (A):
Spinning OS On MA·Melee or MA·Unarmed, and have a second readied
Air  + Reserve 1 die from rolled dice per , to be used Blades weapon:

in place of rolling a die of same type in your next Style  + Spent Vigilanceº  to use second weapon against
turn. one target of first weapon, doing base  PhD. If
they are dazed, +SR damage
Striking as OS On MA·Any (E)

Earth  + Armor's  PhR +1 ×  until end of your next turn Tactical OS On initiative checks

Assessment  learn one of their advantages (their choice) and

Striking as OS On MA·Any (F)

 either Resistance (Your choice)

Fire  + Target's next crit before end of your next turn

 Choose a character: they do not apply any
Severity +1 × 
disadvantages until after their first turn.

Striking as OS On MA·Any (W)

 Choose one character and one of their known
Water  + Target's Armor's  PhR −1 ×  until end of your next advantages, They apply it on all checks until the
turn end of their first turn

Warrior's Su once per scene, spend 1 VP to heal HR Wounds  Pick a piece of terrain in scene. Until the start of
Resolve  your first turn, it is also Obscuring.
SR2 Kata Use Action Veiled OS On MA·Melee or MA·Unarmed using 1-h grip weapon:

Coiling OS MA·Melee or MA·Unarmed:

Menace S:+ Choose 1 unaware or disoriented target of your
Serpent + Choose one opponent’s ready weapon per ; it Style  action to suffer Critical with Severity equal to
Style  cannot be used for attacks until after your next Deadliness + spent
 Lord At TN {Sil} Fitness (Void) targeting 1 Sil ≥ 3 creature R 0-1.

+ One rarget of your action per Hida’s Grip  S: Target Immobilized & you assist all allies who
Crescent OS On Guard action:
 attack it, until beginning of your next turn

Moon Style  When you or guarded are target of R 1-2 attack,  Target TN (SRª) Fitness
  may strike targeting them with 1 readied  Lord Su TN2 Tactics (Void) Targeting Allies in reach of readied
MA·Melee or MA·Unarmed weapon Shiba's weapon.

Valor  S: If enemies can target you, cannot target your

targets with attacks nor schemes for SR rounds

S  Attach and Scheme vs you TN +1 until your next

 Legend of the Five Rings  Techniques (CB) 2# /#16
SR3 Kata Use Action SR5 Kata Use Action
Battle in the OS On Initiative for duel using Void
Pin the Fan At·Mv TN(Vigilanceº + Range Band) MA·Ranged 1T R(weapon)

Mind   Pick two rings, opponent picks one, which he  S: Damage (2×Base) + BS

may not take as his stance

S: If incapacitated suffers a Critical Strike of (2×
+ Choose a techniqu category, opponent picks 1 Deadliness)+BS Severity
per  to inform you of within that category. Soul Sunder Su TN4 Meditation (V) to attune your blade to your
Crimson Atk TN4 MA (Earth) R(weapon)
ancestor spirits. Becomes sacred until end of your next
Leaves Strike 1 target suffers (Your Earth + BS)  PhD, Target TN3 turn, and Deadliness + BS vs Otherworldly

  Fitness (A2 W5 ) or lose weapon, which travels 3 + +1 round duration per 

range bands  Otherworldly beings cannot target you with

Flowing At·Mv TN3 Martial Arts (W) R 0–2 inflicting W  PhD & Attacks until your next turn.

Water Strike  bleeding. Also, Target TN4 Fitness (E2, F5) or add  Immediately perform a strike using the weapon
 the weapon’s base damage.
Striking as OS On MA·Any (V):

 Remove Dazed, Disoriented, Immobilized, or Void   You Immediately switch to a different stance of
Prone from self. choice

Heartpiercing At·Mv TN4 MA·Any  (Fire) by weapon to critical strike with F &  once/round, Perform another action of a type
Strike  (Deadliness + Bonus) Severity. Resist is TN3 Fitness.(Water not yet performed this turn
1, Air 4)

 move 1 range band before attacking

Thunderclap At TN3 MA·Melee or MA·Unarmed (A) to inflict Base
Strike damage, and must resist using TN3 Fitness (E4 F1)
or move 2 bands away from you.
SR4 Kata Use Action
Breath of OS On MA·Any A

the Wind + Target makes a TN3 Fitness (E4 F1) or

Style suffer disoriented. Increase TN by  spent
Crashing OS On MA·Any (W):

Wave Style  + Target makes TN3 Fitness (Earth 2, Fire 4) or

 suffer Bleeding. Increase TN by  spent
Disappearing OS On MA·Any (Fire):

World Style  + Target makes TN3 Fitness (Earth 2, Fire 4) or

 suffer Dazed & Shortfall Fatigue. Increase TN by
 spent
 Iron in the OS On MA·Any (E):

Mountains + 1 target must TN3 Fitness (Air 4, Water 4) or

Style  Prone & shorfall Fatigue. TN+1 per 

 Legend of the Five Rings  Techniques (CB) 3# /#16

Kihō General
Duration: Scene, new Kihō activated, or turned off Cannot reactivate one while it’s active, cannot end and reactivate a given kihō on the same turn
SR 1 Use Activation Enhancement BTrig Burst
 Air Fist  At TN1 MA·Unarmed (A) R  Unarmed Range 0–(A) 2 BS inflict A  PhD; each target needs TN4 Fitness
0⋯1, Target 1 Character (E) or pushed 1+SF bands away from you
 The Great Sc·Su TN1 Theology (A) Scheme Checks targeting you +(Command) TN 2 BS All characters at range 0⋯3 suffer Silenced and
Silence  cannot hear until your next turn.
 Cleansing Spirit Su TN1 Theology (E) 1 −E TN to resist poison, disease, Mahō, Defiled 2 BS target removes one of: Afflicted, Bleeding,
 target being R0⋯1 terrain, and effects of Otherworldly tainted Dazed, Disoriented, Dying, Fatigued, or
beings Intoxicated
 Earth Needs Su TN1 Meditation (E) gain See R0⋯E. +E Vigilance 3 BS know all living creatures & objects within Earth +
No Eyes  awareness. Bonus Successes range bands
 Earthen Fist  At TN1 MA·Unarmed (E) MA·Unarmed Punch/Kick base damage + E. +1 2 BS E  PhD, needs TN4 Fitness (A2 W5) or
R0⋯1; T 1 being  PhR suffer prone
 Breaking Blow  At TN1 MA·Unarmed (F) MA·Unarmed Success, choose 1 armor or 2 BS
Object gains Damaged.

 R0–1 T 1 object weapon; target picks either 2 Fatigue or Item 4 BS Object destroyed
 Flame Fist  At TN1 MA·Unarmed (Fire) Deadliness Unarmed + Fire, does SuD 2 BS Target needs TN4 Fitness (A5 2) or Dazed
R0⋯1 Target 1 character
 The Body is an Mv·Su TN3 Meditation (F) When you defend vs Attack, Attacker takes 2 BS Before you defend against the target, reduce
Anvil  R0⋯2 T 1 character the damage by F.
 Ki Protection  Su TN2 Medicine (W) R0⋯ Calming Breath heals 2 fatigue, not 1.
2 BS T removes (Medicine+BS) Fatigue. Target cannot
 1, T 1 character After Action, VP to remove (Medicine) Fatigue benefit from this Kihō again this scene.
from character at range 0⋯1
 Water Fist  At TN1 MA·Unarmed (W) Punch/Kick ignore (2×Wª)  PhR
S (W) PhD
R 0⋯3 T 1 character on VP to punch/kick via a shared surface at R0⋯3
same surface as you
 Way of the Mv·Su TN1 Meditation (W) Walk on water as if it’s solid ground 2 BS remove Immobilized & Prone, then switch to any
Seafoam stance & move ≤2 Range Bands
SR 2 Use Activation Enhancement BTrig Burst
 Way of the At/Su TN4 MA·Unarmed (Earth) After At or Su Action, or defend against 2 BS Each non-prone suffers Eª  PhD. Each prone
Earthquake  any targets R0⋯1 damage, choose 1 character R0⋯2 who needs suffers Eª+BS  PhD & immobilized
TN4 Fitness (A2 W5) or suffer prone and
Eª  PhD)
 Riding the Mv·Su TN2 Meditation (A) When moving, +1 range band, and may move 1 BS Immediately Move 1+BS range bands,vertically
Clouds  vertically and ignore terrain.
and/or horizontally.
Falling counts as range 1
 Channel the At TN2 MA·Unarmed (F) Pass all checks to resist extreme weather with 3 TN4 Fitness (A5 W2) or F  PhD & Burning
Fire Dragon  R0⋯2 (F) bonus. Immune to supernatural & physical
fire, and VP to heal as much as the damage.
 Feezing the At TN2 MA·Unarmed (W) After they defend vs your punch/kick, inflict 2 BS
W SuD & Immobilized

Lifeblood  R0⋯1 T 1 Character target’s choice of 3 Fatigue or Immobilized 4 BS Critical Severity (W + Medicine)
 Legend of the Five Rings  Techniques (CB) 4# /#16
SR 3 Use Activation Enhancement BTrig Burst
 Way of the Mv·Su TN3 Meditation (A) When attacked, reduce damage by 2 per  2 BS +(Meditation) TN to attack you until your next
Willow  kept turn.
 Grasp the Earth Su TN2 Meditation (E) All Criticals Taken − Severity.
3 BS Until next turn, all damage taken reduced to 1,
Dragon   May VP to inflict Fitnessª Fatigue & attacker prone
 Way of the At TN3 MA·Unarmed (F) R  On Attack, VP each burning or dazed target 3 BS inflict F+Fitness SuD, Need TN5 Fitness (A6
Falling Star  0–2 takes Severity (F) critical. 3) or suffer Burning & Dazed
 Ride the Su TN3 Meditation (W) Kihō, Mahō, Invocations targeting you all + 2 BS Remove all conditions from Supernatural sources
Water Dragon  (Meditation) TN. Can pass some supernatural
wards & barriers at GM’s option
 Still the Su TN4 Meditation (V) T When targeted by check using chosen element, Imbalance in chosen element rest of scene
Elements  all terrain to R0⋯3 choose choose (meditation) / and change them to
1 of A, E, F, W blanks
SR 4 Use Activation Enhancement BTrig Burst
 Death Touch  Atk TN3 MA·Unarmed (V) R0⋯1 T 1 Punch/Kick Success, target must VP to 3 BS
T Dazed & Disoriented & needs TN4
 Character defend Fitness or Unconscious.

4 BS Minion target slain

SR 5 Use Activation Enhancement BTrig Burst
 Way of the At TN3 Meditation (V) Any characters MA·Unarmed attacks Damage & Severity 2 BS Each suffers Critical of Deadliness =
Edgeless Sword  R0⋯1 both +(V+MA·Unarmed) (V+MA·Unarmed)
 Touch the Su TN4 Medtation (V) spend  on any ring’s options 2 BS Gain 1 VP, maximum once per scene
Void Dragon 

Use Action
 Skulk OS On Initiative (A) or Attack (A)

  If in obscuring terrain, crowd, or otherwise

concealed, 1 character loses sight of you
 Deadly At TN3 MA·Any (A) using readied concealable weapon in
Sting  T 1 character R(weapon) to apply poison then inflict
(Deadliness+BS) PhD

 Move 1 band

+ Suffers Critical Severity (2+ spent)

 Noxious At Use 2 doses of poison, then TN2 Medicine (A)
Cloud  targeting each character R0⋯2 to inflict 3 PhD ignoring
their resistance & Poison as if delivered by wound

 Move 1 band

+ R0⋯2 becomes Obscuring & Dangerous

+ inflict a critical strike of Severity 2 on one target

per .
 Silencing At TN4 MA·Any (A) 1 character R(Weapon) to inflict
Stroke  (base) PhD & Silenced. Others beyond R2 do not notice
for 1+BS rounds.

+ Inflict Critical of (Deadliness+ spent)

 Legend of the Five Rings  Techniques (CB) 5# /#16
Invocations Invocations
SR 1 Use Activation&Additional Opportunities SR 1 Use Activation&Additional Opportunities
 Blessed Su TN2 Theology (A) R 0–3 1 position. Obscures anyone  Grasp of Atk TN2 Theology (Earth) R 0–2 one target character suffers
Wind  in R 0–2 of position from attacks for 1+ Bonus Earth   SuD = Earth, resist TN4 Fitness (Air 2, Water 5) or
Successes rounds

 Duration = scene  Failed resist also immobilized

 By the Sc TN2 Theology (A) R 0–2 Targeting each concealed   PhD instead of  SuD

Light of the object and hidden character not hidden by magic;  Damage 0

Moon  success they are outlined to you only.

+ +1 target per

+ 1 magically concealed object per 

 Damage has sacred weapon quality.
+ +1 person at R0-1 per  also able to see  Jade Strike At TN2 Theology (Earth) R0⋯3 1 character. If otherworld
targets   creature, suffers critical severity E + BS. Non-tainted
 Cloak of Sc·Su
TN (Sil) Theology (A) R0⋯1 to make target invisible
suffer no effects

Night  + +1 target per , of same or lower Sil  target silenced and cannot use Mahō until end of
 Nature’s Su TN1 Theology (A) targeting self, to allow speaking to your next turn
Touch  animals (without Otherworld nor Tainted keywords), for  Jurōjin's Su TN1 Theology (E) R0⋯1 one target -2 TN (to min 1)
the duration of Scene.
Balm  to resist poison and disease, cannot become intoxicated.
 You can also understand them
Duration scene

S: Acts favorably to you, fulfilling one request  Also resists Maho, Defiled, and Otherworld
that doesn't endanger it.
effects at −2 TN 

 Can talk to otherworldly beings.  Duration 24 hours

 Tempest At TN3 Theology (A) R 2–3 targets each character in  cured of current poisons and dying condition;
of Air  range doing SuD = A; must TN4 Fitness (Earth 5, Fire disease symptoms suppressed until end of scene
2) or disoriented
 Tetsubō of Su TN1 Theology (E) R0⋯1. Creates tetsubō of stone, Vs
 Target failure also pushes 1 range band out Earth  prone, damage + Earth. Duration until leaves your grip
from caster or scene

 Token of Sc TN2 Theology (A) R0⋯1 1 position. Flawless illusion  Some other melee weapon, adding durable

Memory  of one inanimate object of Sil 0 + Bonus Successes or  immediately perform guard action with it

less. Resist with TN4 [Artisan, Smithing, Design] (E5,  has Sacred Quality
F2) using Scholar skill approach. Duration scene
 Wall of Su TN2 Theology (E) targeting 2 positions at R0⋯2.
+ +1 object in range per
Earth  Creates wall R1 thick R3 tall. Anyone there Needs TN2
 Can appear to be an immobile creature or Fitness (A1 W3) or Eª  PhD & prone.

 Choose one quality: Dangerous, entangling, or
 Objects can actually be used as if real. obscuring

 Yari of Air Su TN2 Theology (A) R0 Summons a yari (spear) made of + +1 maximum range

  wind into your hand, until end of round dropped, or  Summon outpost fortifiction instead of wall

 Summon fortress fortifiction instead of wall

 Any weapon of choice, instead of Yari

 Summon fortress fortifiction instead of
 Immediately perform a Guard action with it
 Summon a pair of weapons  Biting Su TN2 Theology (F) R0⋯1 target weapon increases base
 Armor of Su TN2 Theology (E) targeting self. Creates armor:  PhR Steel  damage by Fire, for 1 plus bonus successes rounds.

Earth  Earth + Bonus Successes, Cumbersome, Wargear.  Duration Scene

Duration E rounds
 After this action, if readied, perform a strike
x Duration scene
action with it.

 Durable
+ +1 Deadliness per each until end of scene
 Sacred  Extinguish  Su TN3 Theology (F) R 0–3 targeting ≤3 mundane fires in
 Caress of Su TN2 Theology (E) targeting one damaged or  range, extinguishing them. Each fire extinguished heals 1
Earth  destroyed item R0⋯1, mending it, removint damaged or Fatigue.
 Fukurojin’s Su TN1 Theology (F) R Self, to add a kept = to
 Item gains durable until scene ends. Wit  social rolls. Duration 1+BS rounds.

 Courage Su TN2 Theology (E) R 0–2 E Targets, each  Also target 1 character within R0⋯2
of Seven Composure increases by Eª until end of scene

Thunders  + Each target −1 Strife

 Each friendly in range targeted

 Each target's Endurance + Eª

 Legend of the Five Rings  Techniques (CB) 6# /#16
Invocations Invocations
SR 1 Use Activation&Additional Opportunities SR 1 Use Activation&Additional Opportunities
 Haze of Sc TN (Highest Vigilance) Theology (F) R0⋯2 up to Fire  Path to Su TN2 Theology (W) R0⋯2 Targreting 1 character (self
Battle β targets suffer 1+ bonus successes strife, and resist with Inner Peace  allowed), heals your W + BS in wounds.

a TN3 Meditation (Air 5, Water 1) or become enraged

  Remove one of: Bleeding, Dazed, Disoriented

+ +1 maximum range per

 Remove BS Strife
+ Resist TN +1 per
 Reflections Sc TN2 Theology (W) R0⋯1 targeting 1 item, learning all
 TN −1 on next attack action before end of your of P’an Ku  properties it possesses, including name, mundane
next turn qualities, magical properties, curses, and sealed
 Katana of Su TN1 Theology (Fire) Summons katana of fire in hand; It techniques.

Fire  is a katana doing  SuD instead of physical. Duration,  learn broad strokes of origin.

until dropped or end of scene.

 target a character; learn one invocation, kihō,
 Can be any kind of melee or ranged weapon
supernatural ability, or item.
 You may immediately perform a strike action  The Mv TN2 Theology (W) R 0–1 target one character near
with the weapon
Rushing Wave large water source. Target may immediately move viaa
 Create a pair of weapons instead of a single   wave 1+BS range bands in conflict. 

For a narrative or downtime, double speed for the
 After attacking with it, target TN3 Fitness (Air scene.
5, Water 2) or become burning.
 Matsu’s Sc TN (Vigilance) Theology (F) R0⋯2. Creates an illusion,
Battlecry  which only the target can see, of a hellsh scene. Inflicts
1+BS strfe, and target needs TN3 Meditation (F) or
suffer Enraged

 The  At
TN1 Theology (F) R 0–2 targeting each in range
Cleansing Fire  character. They become dazed, and TN3 Fitness (A5,
 W1) or take Fª + their shortfall  SuD and suffer
 The Fires At TN3 Theology (F) R 1⋯3 up to F characters
from within  targeted. Each target suffers  SuD of Fª + BS.

 + +1 Max range per 

next turn
 Bō of Su TN1 Theology (W) Summons Bō of Water in hand
Water  from nearby pool; It is a Staff at first; each round you
may change it to a different melee weapon. Duration,
until dropped or end of scene.

 Can be any kind of melee or ranged weapon

 You may immediately perform a strike action

with the weapon

 +1 Max Range

 –1 Minimum range.
 Dominion Mv·Sc TN2 Theology (W) R 0–1 targeting a position with
of Suijin  water. Show a view from a seond body of water within
R 0–6 of the first target.

 Can hear muffled noises, too

 Only you can see the vision.

 Location seen is any distance away, but must

be familiar.

 Clouds, Snow, and Ice may be used

 You and Water others may pass through from

one to the other. One way per casting.
 Inari’s Su TN2 Theology (W) R1 target position summons a
Blessing  meal for Water + Bonus Successes people

DT: Heals your Water to each partaker

+ Feeds (Water + Bonus Successes) ×  spent

(min )
 Legend of the Five Rings  Techniques (CB) #7/#16
Invocations Invocations
SR 2 Use Activation&Additional Opportunities SR 2 Use Activation&Additional Opportunities
 Call upon Mv TN4 Theology (A) Targeting self to move on swirling  Armor of Su TN2 Theology (F) R0⋯1 T 1 suit of armor. Augments
Wind  air column fo the rest of scene.
radiance armor; targets other than wearer at range 0⋯1 at
+ +1 additional willing character at R 0–2 per  beginning of their turn suffer Burning & Dazed. Duration
 Essence Su TN3 Theology (A) targeting self.to become 1+BS rounds

of Air β insubstantial. You remain at ground level, double  +Wargear

movement speed, ignore terrain, cannot cast, remain 

subject to invocations and supernatural effects. Lasts  Fires of Su TN2 Theology (F) R 0–3 targeting 1 character to
until end of scene or dismissed. When used without Purity β surround the target to (your F) range bands as
target's permission forfeit 3 honor
dangerous terrain, for 1+BS rounds.

 Also transparent. It takes a TN3 Meditation  Duration Scene

(F1, E4) to pinpoint you. S &  Target resistances +(your Fire)

 Mask of Sc·Su TN3 Theology (A) Targeting self, to make oneself look  Wall of At·Su TN4 Theology (F) R 2⋯4 Targeting 2 positions to
the Wind  like another person.
Fire  create a wall between them of dangerous terrain (R1
Observers can detect mask with TN4 Sentiment (E5, thick, R3 high) for 1+BS rounds. Any in it at start are
F2), spending  to see you through it.
dazed, and need TN2 Fitness (A3, W1) or Fª  
 Alter voice as well. Another detection check may SuD, plus burning.

be made against your voice

 Wall is one of: Entangling, Obscuring
+ duration +1 additional scene per   Dance of Mv·Su TN3 Theology (W) R1⋯3 position with a source of
 Secrets Sc TN3 Theology (A) targeting a position at range 0. Seasons  water, to transform the water there - to ice, steam,
on the Wind  Allows scrying eavesdropping on A range bands of vapor, mist, snow) at R0⋯1. Does not affect water inside
 position for 24 hours or until a new location is chosen. living beings.

Actually listening takes an action

+ +1 target position per 

 Smell scents in the area

+ Encase 1 target per ; target needs TN3 Fitness
 Ends if discovered, preventing IDing the user
(Earth 2, Fire 5) or immobilized & disoriented.
 +24 hours duration  Heart of Su TN3 Theology (W) R0⋯2 target 1 character to give
Summon Su TN2 Theology (A) targeting a position R0⋯4, creating the Water (W)  SuR, and heal 1 wound per round at end of
Fog  a R0⋯1 fog obscuring terrain.
Dragon   round, both for 1+BS rounds. No one can be target more
 Target a character, fog follows them
than once per scene.

+ +1 band radius
 +1  PhR until your next turn

 Ice storm instead of fog; area is also Dangerous.  When target successfully resists kihō, mahō, or
 Bind the At TN3 Theology (E) R 0–2 Targeting 1 otherworld invocation, the user must also resist its effect or
Shadow  character, resist with TN4 Fitness (A3, W6) or suffer suffer it.
immobilized & silenced for your E in rounds.
 Stride the Su TN2 Theology (W) R 0–2 1 Character to move freely
+ Resistance Checks TN +1 per 
Waves  on water; following currents if desired, in or on the
 Duration scene
water, ignoring terrain whilein water, and does not
 Duration year
suffocate if underwater.
 duration century   Su TN2 Theology (W) R0⋯1 targeting W targets, one
 Embrace Su TN2 Theology (Earth) R self. Stick to surfaces, made of Sympathetic of whom must be under a persistent invocation effect;
of Kenro-Ji- earth or stone, even virtical ones, for 1+BS rounds, or Energies   the effect then spreads to the rest of them, for the
Jin   one minute in narrative.
duration of the original invocation.

 Duration Scene
 May choose a condition instead of a persistent
S  Can pass through earth as if it was water, and invocation effect
gain (E)  SuR against (E ) invocations, E
Kihō, and E Mahō

 Effects also apply to metal, and (E). Physican

Resistance vs metal
 Symbol of Su TN3 Theology (E) R0⋯1 Target position to create
Earth  sacred symbol at position. Otherworld creatures suffer
(Eª)  SuD & needs TN4 Fitness (Air 2, Water 5) or
prone. Duration 1 + BS rounds.

 Duration Scene

 Duration 24 hours
 Legend of the Five Rings  Techniques (CB) 8# /#16
Invocations, Use Activation&Additional Opportunities Invocations, Use Activation&Additional Opportunities
SR 3 SR 3
 Grasp of At/
TN4 Theology (A) R 3–5 targeting 1 Character, to  Armor of Su TN2 Theology (F) R0⋯1 targeting 1 suit of armor to
the Air Su move them A+BS (maximum 6) range bands, ignoring Radience  surround the armor with radiance; those within R0⋯1 of
Dragon  intervening terrain. 
 armor suffer burning & dazed. Duration 1 + BS rounds

As attack, target TN4 Fitness (Fire 2, Earth 5) or fall from  Armor gains Wargear

  Duration scene

As Support, gently set them down.

+ +1 Maximum Range

+ +1 Maximum Range
 Your next attack TN −1 until end of your next turn.
+ +1 range band on height of fall  Breath of At TN4 Theology (F) R 0–3 Targeting 1 character to
 Know the At·Sc TN4 Theology (A) R0⋯1 Target 1 character, to peer the Fire influct (F + 2 × BS)  SuD & burning. Each character within
Mind β into their mind and find information. Resist is TN4 Dragon  range 0-1 needs a TN3 Fitness (A4, W1) or suffer
Meditation (Earth 5, Fire 2); shortfall is number of (Fª)  SuD.
telepathically truthfully answered questions. Casting  Fury of At TN5 Theology (F) R 0–4 Targeting 1 character
Failure, or successful resist, they ask you one.
Osano-Wo  outdoors; TN −1 if stormy. Target suffers (F + 3 × BS)  
S &  Pick One piece of information found, target TN3  SuD, severity 10 if a critical triggered

Meditation (Earth 4, Fire 1) or forget it.

 target & all characters in R 0−2 of them need
S &  leave a false memory; target TN3 Meditation  TN3 Meditation (Air 5, Water 2) or dazed and
(Earth 4, Fire 1) realize it's fake. take (Fª × 3) strife.

 Vapor of At TN4 Theology (A) T 1 character R2⋯3. Creates illusion + Increase invocations’ severity by 2 per 
Nightmares  of their worst fear; resist TN4 Meditation (E5 F2).  Ravenous Su TN3 Theology (F) R0⋯1 targeting position with
 Failure to resist causes caster’s A+BS, and if Swarms   flamable object (which is destroyed in casting), to
compromised, must unmask and engage with the illusion summon (F + Silhouette of object) fiery motes. (SR)
(Attack, avoid, hurl harsh words. Duration A rounds.
Motes can be spent on attack actions for +1 BS each.
 If target fails the resis, also disoriented
After any successful Fire invocation, an additional mote
 duration scene shows. Unused motes dissapate at scene end. Random
 Earth At TN3 Theology (E) R1⋯3 targeting 1 character, doing flamable objects may be set ablaze as you pass.

Becomes Sky  E+BS SuD, and needs TN3 Fitness (A1, W4) or  Motes only burn things if you will them to

 prone; if already prone, double damage instead.  You may spend up to SR motes to reduce
 Essence Su TN3 Theology (Earth) R 0–2 target position to remove damage from attack actions by motes spent
of Jade β defiled quality ff Earth range bands for 1 + BS rounds
 Hands of Mo TN5 Theology (W) R1⋯4 target self plus (W)
 Duration scene
the Tides   additional characters to exchange positions of targets.
 +1  PhR
Each person must move to where another was. Each
 terrain gaains hallowed (earth) for duration
takes 2 Strife

 Shadowlands & tainted creatures in area TN +2 + choose a new stance for one target per 
on all
 Strike the At TN4 Theology (W) R 0–3 targeting W
 Choose a character instead, effect moves with Tsunami   characters.while having a source of water (1 L or more),
to do W + BS  SuD, and targets need a TN3 Fitness
 All damage inflicted in area is Sacred quality (Earth 1, Fire 4) or be moved by caster up to shortfall
 Power of Su TN4 Theology (E) R0⋯2 target 1 character to increase range bands.

the Earth their resilience by your E + BS for 1 + BS rounds. No  Failed resistance also causes bleeding.
Dragon  target may benefit from this twice in a scene.

 duration scene
  Su TN3 Theology (E) R 0–3 target one position, to slow
Stagnation  time to range 1 of point. Each character inside has
β initiative 1, can move no more than 1 band. Persists for
1 + BS rounds

 Duration Scene

 duration 24 hours (only 6 pass inside)

+ Area effected +1 band.

 Legend of the Five Rings  Techniques (CB) 9# /#16
Invocations, Use Activation&Additional Opportunities Invocations, Use Activation&Additional Opportunities
SR 4 SR 4
 False Realm Sc TN3 Theology (A) target 1 position R0⋯4, to create  Wings of Su TN4 Theology (F) R Self to fly on fiery wings. May
of the Fox illusory terrain extending A bands. Realizing it from the Phoenix  move vertically, ignore terrain, igniting flamables below
Spirits  outside TN4 Survival (E5 F2). Entry reveals (but you at ranges 0−3, for 1+BS rounds. Ground beneath
does not dispel) the illusory nature. Lasts A+BS your path at altiitudes 0−3 becomes dangerous, those
rounds/minutes within dazed, and need TN2 Fitness (A3 W1) or
 Rise, Air  Su TN6 Theology (A) R3⋯5 target 1 position to manifest suffer burning and take Fª  SuD.

an Air Kami which obeys for 2+BS rounds. After that, it + May carry (unharmed) 1 additional character at
may stay or go as it sees fit; it only attacks the caster range 0−2 per .

if provoked by them. Initiative is right after caster’s

 duration scene
 Arrives in a cyclone; each character within R 2  Rise, Water  Su TN6 Theology (W) R 0–3 target position with large
of it TN4 Fitness (Fire 2, Earth 5) or take (your  quantity of Water, to manifest a Water Kami, who
Air)  SuD and pushed 2 yards out. obeys for 12+ BS rounds, taking its turn immediately
 Earthquake  At TN5 Theology (E) R0⋯3 each other character; End of following you. After that, it may stay or go as it sees
 each turn, targets need TN5 Fitness (A3, W6) or fit; it only attacks the caster if provoked by them.

2×E  SuD & prone. Duration E rounds

 Split it into 1+ smaller kami; Resilience is 12/
 Duration Scene or decision to end it.
 (round up)

  PhD instead of supernatural

 Kami attempts to swallow anyone in pool; they
+ Chasm beneath a character; they and anyone in need TN4 Fitness ((Earth 2, Fire 4.) R –
0-1 of them fall 1 band per 
 Suijin’s At TN4 Theology (W) R 1–3 targeting 1 character to do
+ Destroy one building or fortification in range per Embrace   W + 2 × BS  SuD. If target would suffer a critical,
; Characters inside TN3 Fitness (A1, suffocation begins, instead, lasting W+BS rounds.

W3) to escape, or take Severity 10 critical. Releasing the target from suffocation is a Su Action
 Rise Earth  Su TN6 Theology (E) R0⋯3 targing a position with patrch
 of dirt, clay, or stone, to manifest an Earth Kami, who
obeys for 3 + BS rounds, taking its turn immediately
following you. After that, it may stay or go as it sees
fit; it only attacks the caster if provoked by them.

+ Earth Kami's Endurace +2 per 

 Earth Kami's fists Sacred weapons

 Kami creates shockwave upon arrival;

Characters in R0⋯2 need TN4 Fitness (A2,
W5) or damage ( PhD or SuD) equal to your
Earth & go prone
 Rise, Flame  Su TN6 Theology (F) R 0–3 target position with flamable
 material, to manifest a Fire Kami, who obeys for 1 + BS
rounds, taking its turn immediately following you. After
that, it may stay or go as it sees fit; it only attacks the
caster if provoked by them.

 arrives with a piller of flame; All R 0−2

characters need TN4 Fitness (A5, W2) or
Dazed & Burning

+ Kami consumes a large flamable object per

each; Endurance +(Sil of object)

 When wunds exceed resilience, it detnates; All

in R 0−3 of it need TN3 Fitness (A6, W2)
or suffer (2×Fª)  SuD, & burning and Dazed
 Legend of the Five Rings  Techniques (CB) 10
# /#16
Invocations, Use Activation&Additional Opportunities
SR 5
 Wrath of At TN5 Theology (A) R2⋯4 targeting each character in
Kaze-no-kami range. Targets TN4 Fitness (Earth 6, Fire 3) or suffer
 your Aª SuD & disoriented. Duration is A rounds.

 within hurricane, you can fly

 May end it early.

+ Failing resist results in being hurled 1 range band

per  and take fall damage of same range.
 Tomb of At TN6 Theology (E) R0⋯1 target 1 character to
Jade  transform a tainted creature into Jade. Each round,
reduce each tainted ring by 1. Effect continues for 
E + BS rounds. If any ring reduced to zero, permanent
transform to jade (unless resulting statue damaged).

Non-tainted are unaffected by this spell

 Duration Scene

 May release creature from statue later, as an


+ otherworldly target suffers a condition per 

of: Dazed, Disoriented, or prone.
 The Soul's Su TN4 Theology (F) R Self to form a blade of pure
Blade  energy in hand, either Katana or Naginata. Damage is
supernatural, but ignores all forms of resistance.
Duration is while held, until end of scene.

 Any kind of weapon instead of Katana or


 Immediately make a strike with it

 Create a pair, instead of 1

 One chosen character may also wield the


 Your next attack TN −1 until end of your next


 After Attack with it, target needs TN4 Fitness

(A5, W2) or suffer dazed.
 Ever- Su TN4 Theology (W) R self, to transform into another
Changing natural creature of silhouette 2. Use it's rings, derivative
Waves  attributes, abilities, and physical and social advantages,
but own mental and spiritual adavantages, and skill
ranks, until you decide to end it or go unconscious. Do
not remove wounds nor strife when reverting; over limit
is critical of severity 5.

S+ ±1 silhouette allowed (to min 0 or maximum 6)

S Sentient species allowed

 Otherworld creatures allowed

 Legend of the Five Rings  Techniques (CB) #11/#16
Shūji Shūji
SR1 Use Action SR1 Use Action
 Cadence  OS On Social Skills (A) checks
 Shallow OS On a Social (W) check targeting a character

  Convey secret message altering the meaning of Waters   Learn 1 material item or worldly experience the
outward statements to one character who also target desires

possesses this technique

 Learn the target's Ninjō
 Convey secret message altering the meaning of  Well of OS
On a Courtesy (W) to present a gift to a target
outward statements to one character who does Desire  ¢ character

not possesses this technique  To refuse your gift, target must forfeit glory
 Rustling OS
On Social Skills (A) checks to start/spread rumors
equal to your water ring. If they desire it, they
of Leaves  ¢ + TN +2 to trace the rumor back to you also take strife equal to rarity. If they accept it,
 Whispers Sc TN (lowest Vigilanceº) Courtesy (A) targeting each TN −(rarity) min 1 on your next social against
of Court  character in scene to create a rumor that spreads wildly. them.
If target's Vigilance ≤ Bonus successes, they give it  Courtier's Su Spend 1 VP to recover from strife. Heal HR strife.
credence. RP = Air + Bonus Successes.
Resolve 
 Learn one other rumor spreading in the current
 Ancestry OS
On Scholar (E) or Social (E) targeting a cahracter

Unearthed  ¢  Know one sworn oath the family took in the

 past, and whether it was upheld/bent/broken

 One secret of the chaaracter's family that they

want forgotten

 Know something even the target doesn't know.

 Honest Su TN2 Courtesy (E) to appraise disadvantage; target may
Assessment  ignore it until end of scene.

 + +1 disadvantage per each

 TN −2 on target's next skill check using Ring of

the Disadvantage
 Stonewall OS
Social Skill (E) Martial Skill (E) targeting a character

Tactics  ¢ + TN +1 per each on any of target's checks before

your next turn that don't target you.
 The OS On any Social (E) targeting a character

Weight of  Learn one way the target fears failing as a

Duty  samurai

 Learn the Target's Giri

  OS On a social skill (F) targeting one or more characters

Sensational + Target's Vigilance effectively –1 per each  vs

Distraction  others, and your vigilance as +1 per each  vs
 you, until end of scene.
 Stirring OS On a Social Skill (F) targeting one or more characters

the Embers  + Choose a target and one of their known

 advantages per each ; when it applies, target
may reroll 3d instead of 2d.
 Truth OS On a Scholar (F) check to assess a character's story

Burns + If there's a single statement upon which it hinges,

Through Lies  you know which one and how to verify it or
 disprove it.
 All in Jest OS On a Commerce (W), Courtesy (W), or Performance
  (W)

+ Regain 1 honor per each that you forefeit to say

something rude or appeal to base desires.
 Legend of the Five Rings  Techniques (CB) 12
# /#16
Shūji Shūji
SR2 Use Action Additional Opportunities SR2 Use Action Additional Opportunities
 Artisan's OS On Artisan (A), Perdormance (A), Games (A) to  Lady D.T. Steed & TN2 Survival (V) to reach destination in ½ the
Appraisal  assess art or performances
Shinjo's time. Allows 1 companion.

 Choose a ring, learn value, linked ad's and disads Speed   SR companions
except curses
 Lord Act once per session, TN1 Command (V) R0–(SR) to hit all
 ifcreator/performer npc, learn their disposition Akodo's hostiles in range, giving them Dazed.

 Feigned Mv·Sc TN (Vigilanceº) Performance (A) target 1 character Roar  + 1 ally per  makes immediate strike targeting
opening  observing you during skirmish or battle; S next attack on a dazed character.
target TN −(1+BS) before end of your next turn
 Lord Act once per session, TN2 Skullduggery (V) to reveal/create
+ One additional target per each; must be lower Bayushi's an informant about topic of your choice.

vigilance than primary target

Whispers   Informant has (your SR) ranks in skill, and can
 In mass battle, Attack targeting your cohort TN  assist to end of scene.
+1 per each  Lord Act once/session, TN2 Meditation (V) to get a brief vision
 Pray on Sc TN1 Courtesy (A) Targeting a Compromised character. Togashi's or hear Togashi providing a hint.

the Weak Target must either

Insight   First check to overcome TN −(SR)
 • immediately unmask (via method of their choice)

• Forfeit Aª+BS Glory

 Civility Sc TN (Vigilanceº) Command (E) or Courtesy (E)
Foremost  targeting 1 character; claim protection of another by right
of honor, forcing the target to forfeit (Eº +BS) and
suffer as much strife to Attack or Scheme target that
person, until end of scene or target attacks or schemes.

+ +1 target with vigilance no higher than primary's.

 Fanning OS On Social Skill (F) targeting ≥1 characters:

the Flames  + 1 target per  gains Dazed

 + 1 target per  gains Enraged

 Lightning At·M once per scene, TN3 Command (F) Target any
Raid  v characters in scene or 1 cohort.

S: in skirmish: to add your F+BS to their Initiatives.

S: in Mass Combat: enemy leader's cohort suffers F+BS


 Skirmish: immediately perform a strike action

 Mass Combat: immediately perform assault action

against enemy leader’s cohort.
 Slippery Mv·Su TN2 Command (W) Targeting any friendlies in skirmish
Maneuvers  or your cohort in mass combat.

 Skirmish: Nominate a terrain item; all targets may move 1

range band towards it. If in it, all Enemy attacks
TN +1

Mass Combat: Move to occupy nominated location if

empty. It counts as obscuring for your foes.

 Each target leverages the terrain so attacks

against them TN +2 instead of TN +1
  Sc·Su TN1 Commerce (W) to reveal a gift procured earlier. It
Tributaries may have a rarity of (1 + BS), and must still be paid for
of Trade  normally.

+ –25% cost per  to max -75%

 Lady Act TN (Highest Vigilance) Courtesy (V) Targets ≤ SR.
Doji's Targets cannot attack you for 1+BS rounds or you attack

Decree  + +1 target with status lower than first per 

 Targets cannot perform schemes, either.

 Legend of the Five Rings  Techniques (CB) 13
# /#16
Shūji Shūji
SR3 Use Action Additional Opportunities SR4 Use Action Additional Opportunities
 The Wind OS
On Courtesy (A) or Performance (A) targeting  Wolf’s Sc TN (Highest Vigilanceº) Courtesy (A) or Perform (A)
Blows Both ¢ another character:
Proposal  targeting any number of characters in scene; everyone
Ways   Next time they receive a glory reward this treat your honor as 10 + 10 × BS different than it actually
scene, increase it by 1 per .
is, to max 100 or minimum 0. Anything that calls your
+ Next time they forfeit or stake glory this scene, honor into question allows a TN4 Sentiment (F2, 5)
increase amount by 1 per  to determine your actual honor. Duration scene.

  Su TN4 Command (E) targeting any number of characters  learn if one other in-scene character's honor is
Touchstone in Intrigue, duel, or skirmish, to increase compsure by higher or lower than your actual honor
of Courage  Eª unitl end of scene. 
  Pillar of Sc·Su TN (Highest Strifeº) Command (E) Targeting up to (E 
 TN4 Command (E) targeting your chohort in Mass Calm  × SR) characters to deéscalate the conflict one category
Battle to raise your army's discipline by E + BS until end (if all leaders targeted).

of scene.
Mass Battle → Skirmish → Duel → Intrigue

 In intrigue, duel, or skirmish, each target removes + 1 further level per each.
strife equal to Eª.
 Bravado  Sc TN (Highest Vº) Games (F) or Perfomance (F)
 In mass battle, remove panic equal to E.  targeting any number of characters in scene, to have
 Dazzling OS On Artisan (F), Games (F), or Performance (F):
them believe your glory is 10 + 10 × BS different, to
Performance  + Next glory reward this scene, +1 increase. If maximum 100 and minimum 0, than actual, for the scene.
 higher status is in scene, +1 per , instead. If you do anything that calls Glory into question, can be
 Rallying Su TN2 Command (F) or Performance (Fire) targeting any resisted with TN4 Sentiment (A W).

Cry  number of characters in scene or one cohort in mass  Learn if the glory value of one character in scene
battle, to add one kept =, until the end of your is higher or lower than your actual glory.
next turn.
 Regal Sc TN (Highest Vigilanceº) Games (F) or Perfomance (F)
+ In skirmish, each enemy suffers +1 strife per 
Bearing  targeting any number of characters in scene, to have
+ In mass battle, the enemy army suffers 1 panic them believe your Status is 10 + 10 × BS different, to
per  maximum 100 and minimum 0, than actual, for the scene.
 Ebb & Sc/Su TN (Vigilanceº) Courtesy (W), Command (W), or If you do anything that calls Status into question, can be
Flow  Games (W)
resisted with TN4 Sentiment (A W).

Sc: pick one advantage of target

 Learn if the Status value of one character in
Su: Pick one disadvantage of the target
scene is higher or lower than your actual Status.
S: invert the chosen trait for the scene.
A Su? TN5 Command (V) targeting any number of characters
+ One additional trait
Samurai’s or a single cohort.
+ One additional target of no higher Vigilance than Fate 
the primary target
 All Arts Su TN4 Martial (V), Games (V) or Performance (V) to
Are One  immediately intuit how to wield a new weapon, play a
new game, use a new instrument, or perform a new
song, dance, or play, without a TN increase.

 Choose a ring. Reduce your next check in that

ring before the end of your next conflict turn by
1; before end of scene in narrative scene.
Ⓜ Su TN2 Command (F) or Performance (F) & boast of
Osano-Wo’s deed you intend for +3 Composure and +3 Endurance
Boast  until deed done or scene ends. If not done by end of
scene, take 3 Fatigue & 3 Strife.

All others who know this technique and have not used it
this scene may immediately perform it out of turn.
 Legend of the Five Rings  Techniques (CB) 14
# /#16
SR5 Shūji Use Action
 Bend OS On Social (A) check targeting another character:

with the  Pick advantage/disadvantage; target believes you

Storm  have it and that you don't know he knows. If
you act in a way inconsistent, they resist with
TN5 Sentiment (F3, E6) to discern it's unreal.
Duration is until resisted or incontrovertible
evidence is provided.
 Bouyant Sc TN (Highest Vigilanceº) Courtesy (W) to enter or leave
Arrival  a conversation gracefully, forfeiting no honor nor glory.
 The Sc once per session, During Duel or skirmish, TN5 Command
Immoveable (E) targeting all characters in scene, to become a
Hand of debate between you and the other principles for 1+BS
Peace  rounds; if not resolved by end, return to prior conflict.

 May perform this during a mass battle or other

non-intrigue conflict forms
 Sear the OS When making a Social (F) targeting 1 or more
Wound  characters:

+ Choose a known disadvantage of one target per

, which shall apply to all their checks until the
end of scene.
 Rouse OS When making a Social (V) or Theology (V) targeting
the Soul  ≥1 characters:

β + Remove 1 condition per  of: Afflicted,

Enraged, Exhausted, Intoxicated, unconscious.
 Legend of the Five Rings  Techniques (CB) 15
# /#16
SR1 Use Action
Cleansing D.T.
TN3 Theology (V), target's 5 characters tto remove
Rite  ¢ spiritual contamination & afflicted conditions. Cannot
remove shadowlands taint.

+ +1 target per each

+ Target area of range ≤  spent removing


 Become aware of presence of otherworldly

being, but not in which target, nor how many
Commune Su/DT TN1 Theology () to do one of:

with the • Sense the Kami - Detect uses of magic and major
Spirits   spirits to range of Ring + Bonus Successes

• Spiritual Knowledge: Learn 1 fact known by the kami

• Elemental gift: Small amount of element delivered.

S:+ One additional boon per each.

 TN −1 on next chec to interact with kami of

same element in same location.
Divination  DT TN2 Theology (V), targeting one character, pick one
 skill group as omen; next check of that kind adds a kept
=: Artisan {Azure Dragon}, Scholar {Black
Tortoise}’, Martial {White Tiger}, Social (Vermillion Bird),
or Trade {Weaver & the Cowherd} check. Maximum once
per session per target.

Fail GM picks one, instead

F &  You pick one, too.

Tea DT Once per session, TN2 Performance (V) targeting self &
Ceremony (culture) other characters, with no more than one
 assistant, to remove 3+BS strife,

 -1 TN on each target’s next check

+ each target removes 1+(1 per ) fatigue

S: each target gains 1 void point

Threshold DT TN2 Theology () R 0–1, bars particular type of entity
Barrier  for 1+Bonus Successes hours; for them to pass is TN3
Meditation (Void), which also notifies the ritualist. Type
blocked is by ring used.

A Ethereal Otherworldy (Spirits, Ghosts, Incorporeal


 E Living tainted beings

F Undead with corporeal forms

W Wild Animals

V Humans

 Protect a sealed area of maximum range = Bonus


 Made aware of any of that type who passed

through within the last 24 hours.
Jade DT TN4 Theology (Earth) R0⋯1 position. Position traps a
Labyrinth  single shadowlands/tainted creature, doing BS Sacred  
β SuD. Attacks upon it while in the radius gain Sacred
quality. It must TN3 Theology (W) or be immobilized
and take shortfall in sacred  SuD.

+ One additional position per  within R 0–3, but

still only one creature total may be so held.
 Legend of the Five Rings  Techniques (CB) 16
# /#16
Use Action
 Incite At·Sc TN(Vigilanceº) Theology (any) Target 1 Character R0⋯
Haunting  1 to Curse target with Afflicted.

If SF≥2, target aware of attempt

+ +1 maximum range per 

+ +1 target per 
 Grip of At TN(Vigilance) Theology (W) Target 1 living being R0⋯2
Anguish  does W+(# Tainted Rings) SuD

+ +1 maximum range per 

+ +1 target per 

 1 target needs TN3 Fitness (E1 F4) or

suffer one of: dazed, disoriented, silenced

 1 target needs TN3 Fitness (E1 F4) or

suffer one of: Bleeding, Immobilized, or Lightly
 Mark of Su TN2 Theology (E) targeting up to E corpses to
Desecration convert them to zombie peasants and R0⋯1 from each
 becomes defiled

+ +1 Target per 

+ Each Zombie +1 Endurance per 

 once per round, 1 zombie my use your skills

instead of its own

+ One former warrior rises as Bushi Skeleton

instead of zombie peasant
 Sinful At·Sc TN(Vigilance) Theology (W) Target 1 Afflicted
Whispers  character R0⋯4 to force them to honestly answer your
questions (and consider it unremakable) for A rounds

 Target doesn’t remember what your asked

 Give target an order; they take 2 Strife each

sceen where they fail to act upon it. If
compromised, must immediately unmask and act
upon it until end of scene.
 Unholy Su TN(Vigilance) Theology (F) Target 1 character R0⋯3 to
Fervor  to curse them with Enraged. Target’s Tainted
Disadvantages become advatanges to any checks in its
ring. Both end with the scene.

 Each target +Fª Strife

+ +1 target per 

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