Mercedes 722.4 Transmission Late Upshift

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Late Upshift

(Sometimes) =
Normal Mercedes by J. Weldon Barnett

Figure 1 Figure 2

n September of 1989 Mercedes durability.
introduced the Upshift Delay Mercedes
System and it was used through used two different
1996. On occasion, Mercedes has used ways to control
the term Shift Point Retard System for the Upshift Delay
this system. For this article we will use System. The first
the most common term: the Upshift method we’ll dis-
Delay System. During these years, cuss works closely
most but not all gasoline-powered mod- with the governor
els with the six-bolt pan 722.3, 722.4, system; we’ll refer
and 722.5 transmissions were equipped to this system as
with it. Diesel-powered vehicles don’t the Governor Type
use it because they don’t have catalytic Upshift Delay
converters. System. A second
The Upshift Delay System was system that we’ll
Figure 3: Upshift Delay Relay
used to delay the shifts when the discuss in depth in
engine and catalytic converter tempera- a later article oper- acters; we’ve included those characters
ture are cold. The purpose of the late ates based on engine vacuum levels. at the end of the component name (fig-
upshift is to improve engine perfor- ures 1, 2 and 3).
mance and help the catalytic converter System Components • Upshift Delay Solenoid, Y3/2
reach “light-off temperature” quickly These are the components used • Upshift Delay Relay, K29
to lower emissions. A system that isn’t for the Governor Type Upshift Delay • Solenoid Bracket/Manifold
working correctly may have excessive System. The electrical components
emissions levels, experience incorrect are identified in wiring diagrams, In the typical system, the Constant
shift timing, perform poorly, and suffer parts books, and shop manuals by the Injection System Electronic Control
from a loss of engine and transmission Mercedes-assigned identification char- Module (CIS-E) N3 controls the cold

18 GEARS August 2006

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Late Upshift (Sometimes) = Normal Mercedes
upshift timing on most vehicles. On operates when the engine coolant tem- The voltage goes though the coil
some vehicles the Engine System perature is between 32º and 89ºF. windings in the relay and then to
Control Unit (ESCU) N16 does the job ground, energizing the relay. The mag-
of the CIS-E. The control module mon- Basic System Operation netic field in the coil pulls the switch
itors the Engine Coolant Temperature Follow along on the typical wir- arm closed. The energized relay sup-
Sensor (CTS) B11/2, Vehicle Speed ing diagram in figure 4. On startup, the plies current through the relay contacts
Sensor (VSS) B6, and the time elapsed Constant Injection System Electronic to the Upshift Delay Solenoid and then
since the engine started. Control Module receives the Engine to ground, completing the circuit.
Coolant Temperature Sensor B11/2 sig- The single wire Upshift Delay
Multiple Programming nal as being cold and sends 12 volts Solenoid assembly is almost the same
Mercedes has at least two types of to the normally-open Upshift Delay as the kickdown solenoid at the back of
computer programs for the Governor Relay. the transmission (figure 5). The Upshift
Type system. Both computer programs
will only allow the Upshift Delay
System to operate at light-to-medium
throttle. At wide open throttle, the trans-
mission will shift at the correct road
speed for wide open throttle. Neither
system will delay a shift if the engine
coolant temperature is below 32ºF.
If the engine coolant temperature
is between 59º and 85ºF the first type
program will delay the 2-3 shift for up
to 80 seconds or up to 31 MPH. If the
engine coolant temperature is between
32º and 59ºF it will follow the same
strategy except the delay will be shorter.
When the engine coolant temperature is
above 85ºF the control module doesn’t
delay the shift.
In vehicles with a 2.3L engine built
after February 1990 and use the second
type system, the upshift delay only Figure 4: Upshift Delay Wiring Diagram

Figure 5 Legend, Solenoid and Manifold/Bracket Parts

1. Manifold Governor Seat Assembly
Pressure Test Plug 10. Manifold to Fitting Seal
13 2. Test Plug Aluminum 11. Tubing to Fitting O-ring
Sealing Washer 12. Manifold to Case
12 3. Manifold/Bracket Governor Circuit Fitting
4. Solenoid Coil 13. Manifold to Case
11 14 5. Small Solenoid O-ring Aluminum Sealing
6. Medium Solenoid Washer
10 15 O-ring 14. Banjo Fitting Sealing
7. Large Solenoid O-ring Washer, Second
8. Large Solenoid Washer not shown
Aluminum Washer 15. Exhaust Banjo Fitting
9. Solenoid Needle and to Case

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 5: Solenoid Assembly Parts

20 GEARS August 2006

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Late Upshift (Sometimes) = Normal Mercedes

Solenoid Exhaust
to Case

to Solenoid

Figure 6: Backside of Manifold Figure 7: Governor Pressure Test Location

Figure 8: 2.3L Configuration Figure 9: 2.6L Configuration

When the solenoid is ener-

gized, the needle lifts off the
seat, exhausting governor
flow back to the pan.
Delay Solenoid bolts into the Solenoid lifts off the seat,
Bracket/Manifold, which bolts onto the exhausting gover-
left front side of the transmission. The nor flow back to
Solenoid Bracket/Manifold has two the pan. With this
metal tubes: large, controlled
• One tube has a fitting that con- governor leak,
nects the governor pressure port on the governor pressure Figure 10: 722.362 Configuration
case to the solenoid incoming passage. won’t increase
• The second tube connects to enough to stroke the shift valves, so the tips to help you get started in the right
the exhaust port of the solenoid to an transmission won’t upshift to the next direction.
exhaust port on the case leading back gear. On a wide open throttle takeoff,
into the pan (figures 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10). the unit will shift at the wide open 1. If the shifts are late or the transmis-
The Upshift Delay Solenoid is nor- throttle shift points. sion won’t shift at all:
mally closed. With the solenoid closed • Disconnect the wire from the
the transmission works normally. When Diagnostic Tips solenoid and see if the trans-
the solenoid is energized, the needle Here are some helpful diagnostic mission shifts.

22 GEARS August 2006

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Figure 11: Inspect Small O-ring Figure 12: End View of Solenoid Needle, It Must Not Leak

noid when the engine first Here are some handy part numbers
By far the most common starts. Work quickly; you only you might need:
(perceived) problem is have 80 seconds to check it • Small O-ring: 001-997-3548
before the system turns the • Middle O-ring: 008-997-3048
that normal cold opera- power off normally. • Large O-ring: 008-997-3148
tion may be different • Check the solenoid needle; it • Large washer: 115-304-0160
may be stuck.
than a new owner or In a future article, we’ll cover the
technician might expect. By far the most common (per- second Mercedes upshift delay system:
ceived) problem is that normal cold the Vacuum Type Upshift Delay System.
• Check the small solenoid operation may be different than a new We’ll cover similar information on the
O-ring for being damaged, owner or technician might expect. This Vacuum Type system as we did on the
flat, undersized, or missing can lead them to believe there’s a Governor Type system. As you’ll see,
(figure 11). problem when the system is operating these systems are both similar in basic
• Check the solenoid needle (fig- normally. The second most common operation, but the vacuum system has
ure 12); is it blocked open? problem is the O-rings on the solenoid completely different components, very
• Check the governor pressure. don’t get changed and the shifts are interesting shifting characteristics, and
always late or the unit won’t shift at all. can experience mystery failures.
2. If the shifts are never late: A less common problem occurs when
• Check engine coolant level. there’s dirt holding the solenoid needle
• Check the power to the sole- open.

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GEARS August 2006 23

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