Netlab Submission Instructions
Netlab Submission Instructions
Netlab Submission Instructions
1. Undock the virtual machine for which you will take the screenshot. To do that, click on
the down arrow next to virtual machine name and then click on the “Undock” menu
2. By doing this, you will get your machine in a separate browser window.
3. Please take the screenshots of the undocked active lab windows for the steps
mentioned in the third column of the table below. These steps are the ones listed in the
Netlab Manuals. You can reach Netlab Manuals at or BlueQuill. Note
that you should complete a subset of the sections for some network labs. Please refer to
the table below.
CompTIA Network+® Lab Series
Network Concepts
Week Netlab Name Screenshot Steps
Lab 1: The OSI Model Section 2.1, Step 7b
Section 3.1, Step 8
Section 4.1, Step 11
Section 5.1, Step 2
(Page 30)
Section 6.1, Step 5
Lab 4: IPv4 vs IPv6 – Calculating, Configuring and Testing -
Only Sections 1, 2, and 3
Lab 3: TCP/IP Utilities Section 6.1, Step 9
Only Section 6
2 Lab 12: TCP/IP Protocols - The Core Protocols Section 1.2, Step 7
Section 2.1, Step 2
Section 3.2, Step 8
Section 4.1, Step 6
Section 4.2, Step 5
Lab 7: Remote Access - RDP Section 2.1, Step 9
Section 3.1, Step 10
Lab 4: IPv4 vs IPv6 – Calculating, Configuring and Testing Section 5.1, Step 9
Only Sections 4 and 5
4 Lab 5: TCP/IP Protocols – Other Key Protocols Section 1.2, Step 20
Section 2.1, Step 6
Section 3.1, Step 14
5 No Netlab Assignments -
Lab 3: TCP/IP Utilities Section 2.1, Step 5
Only Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Section 3.1, Step 5
Section 4.1, Step 13
6 Section 5.1, Step 8
Lab 9: Network Troubleshooting Section 1.1, Step 9
Section 2.1, Step 29
Section 3.1, Step 6
Linux+ Lab Series (LX0-101)
Week Netlab Name Screenshot Steps
7 Lab 1b: Ubuntu Desktop Linux Installation Section 2, Step 14
Lab 3: Displaying Hardware Lab 3: Displaying Hardware Section 1, Step 8
Section 2, Step 2
Section 3, Step 2
Lab 6: Booting and Restarting the System Section 2, Step 21
Only Sections 2, 4, and 5 Section 4, Step 5
Section 5, Step 9
Lab 2: Installing Packages and Shared Libraries on Fedora Section 1, Step 6
and Ubuntu Section 2, Step 10
Section 3, Step 11
Section 4, Step 7
Lab 7a: Using the BASH Shell Section 1, Step 15
Section 2, Step 5
Section 3, Step 9
Section 4, Step 5
Lab 7b: Using the BASH Shell Section 1, Step 18
Section 2, Step 9
Lab 8: Monitoring Processes Section 1, Step 17
Section 2, Step 9
9 Section 3, Step 1
Section 4, Step 3
Section 5, Step 4
Section 6, Step 4
Section 7, Step 2
Lab 4: Adding a New Partition Section 4, Step 1
Section 4, Step 4.f
Section 5, Step 2
Section 6, Step 1.h
Lab 9: Working with Files Section 2, Step 3
Section 3, Step 3
Section 4, Step 13
Section 5, Step 6
Section 6, Step 5
Section 7, Step 3
Linux+ Lab Series (LX0-102)
Week Netlab Name Screenshot Steps
Lab 11b: BASH Scripting Section 1, Step 12
Section 2, Step 8
Lab 3: User and Group Accounts Section 1, Step 6
Section 2, Step 4
Section 3, Step 9
11 Section 4, Step 1
Lab 5: crontab and at Section 1, Step 8
Section 2, Step 2
Section 3, Step 7
Section 4, Step 3
Section 5, Step 5
12 Lab 4a: System Administration Tasks Section 1, Step 8
Section 2, Step 8
Lab 4b: System Administration Tasks Section 1, Step 7
Section 2, Step 7
Use the above table to find lab and step numbers. For instance, if you generated the
screenshot of the 21th step in Lab #3, the screenshot should be renamed as
Lab3_Step21.(jpg or png)
5. After taking all screenshots for the lab(s) of the week, compress all files in a single zip
file by using native operating system or third-party utilities. Naming notation of the
compressed file should be as follows
6. If you prefer to use PicPick, you have the option to capture directly into Microsoft Word.
In this case, please write a title on top of each image in the format of Lab#_Step#.
7. Upload the compressed file by using the Submit tool in BlueQuill Learning Management
2. Press Alt + PrtScn on your keyboard.
3. The screenshot is automatically saved in your Pictures folder in your home folder with a
file name that begins with a “Screenshot” and includes the date and time it was taken.
Other versions of Linux
It is up to the distribution to include a screenshot function and how to make it. So please
make a web search to find the method specific to your Linux distribution.