LG - KLINGER Transparent Glass Installation
LG - KLINGER Transparent Glass Installation
LG - KLINGER Transparent Glass Installation
Thermal shock considerably affects the life and performance of the glasses.
If a complete plant is being commissioned, thermal shock is generally not
too great for the gauge, as long as the gauge cocks are left in the open
If the gauge has been isolated for maintenance, while the rest of the plant is
under temperature and pressure, then the following procedure is
recommended to bring the gauge back into service
1.1 With the top and bottom valves shut, open the drain cock
and then crack the top valve to allow a small flow of steam
to pass through the gauge until working temperature is
1.3 Open the top valve fully and allow the gauge to fill with
1.5 During the commissioning period, the covers and their Item Part list
joints could settle, and it is essential therefore to follow up 1 Centre piece
all clamping nuts to maintain the required torque (for 2 Cover
correct order and torque see tightening procedure).
3 Transparent glass type B
Also joints and gland should be tightened on gauge cocks
or valves (see appropriate maintenance sheet for correct 4 Sealing joint
procedure). 5 Cushion joint
6 Bolt
7 Nut
8 Mica
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Further information
For further information, please send an E-mail to the following address: instruments@tc-fluidcontrol.com
The characteristics of the products described on this page may be modified without notice, in the interests of regular
improvement. In addition, the technical data reproduced here is provided for information only.
Ref: 76NOT021-An-01/2001
2.1 Any leaks which appear during service should immediately be stopped by following up at the
appropriate point.
A. Gauge see 1.5
B. Cocks or valves see appropriate maintenance sheet
2.2 Changing glass
- Isolate the gauge from the source of pressure,
- Relieve the gauge from internal pressure,
- Isolate and remove ancillary equipment (see appropriate maintenance sheet),
- Remove the clamping nuts,
- Remove the bolts from the gauge (supporting covers and internals),
- Remove the covers, glasses, joints and Micas, part 8 (if provided) from the centre piece,
- Clean joint faces of centre piece and cover, taking care not to damage joint face of centre piece,
- With new glass, joint and Micas (if provided) re-assemble bolts from center bolt as shown in
Tightening procedure overleaf,
- Follow the commissionning procedure (points 1.1 to 1.5) to bring the gauge back into service.
2.3 Removing level gauge
This procedure varies depending on which cocks/valves are fitted. Please refer to appropriate cock/valve maintenance
No refurbishing should be necessary other than the replacement of glasses, joints and Micas (refer to 2.2).
4.1 Use only original KLINGER replacement parts,
4.2 Cleanliness is most essential when assembling and points listed under 2.2 must be observed,
4.3 Draughts may cause thermal shock, resulting in glass breakages. If there are windows, lift doors, etc..., in the vicinity
it is advisable that the gauge should be screened off.
4.4 Glass corrosion - if the glasses become opaque or the liquid level definition deteriorates, the glasses should be
examined, cleaned and if worn, replaced at once.
4.5 Micas can only be fitted to Transparent Level Gauges - they must never be fitted to Reflex Level Gauges. When
Micas (8) are fitted, they should be positioned between sealing joint (4) and gauge glass (3).
It is recommended that one complete set of glasses, joints and Micas be kept for spares and a new set ordered as soon
as these are used.
5.1 When ordering spares, please quote :
- type and size of gauge, e.g. ST70 2 - IX as stated on gauge type plate.
- construction of the level gauge components as stated on gauge plate, e.g. FS/H, M/H or M.
5.2 When ordering glasses, please quote transparent glasses type B + size :
5.3 When ordering gaskets or Micas, please quote glasses type B + size of glass on which they are fitted :
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Further information
For further information, please send an E-mail to the following address: instruments@tc-fluidcontrol.com
The characteristics of the products described on this page may be modified without notice, in the interests of regular
improvement. In addition, the technical data reproduced here is provided for information only.
Ref: 76NOT021-An-01/2001