Ferroelectric Devices 2nd Edition
Ferroelectric Devices 2nd Edition
Ferroelectric Devices 2nd Edition
Second Edition
Kenji Uchino
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Device Applications .............................................................................207 Servo Displacement Transducers ...........................................207 Pulse-Drive Motors ................................................................208
7.8 Ultrasonic Motors ............................................................................................ 212
7.8.1 Ultrasonic Motors (USM) .................................................................... 212
7.8.2 Classification and Principles of Ultrasonic Motors ............................. 214 Standing-Wave Type .............................................................. 214 Propagating-Wave Type ......................................................... 215
7.8.3 Standing Wave–Type Motors ............................................................... 216 Rotary Motors........................................................................ 216 Linear Motors ........................................................................ 218
7.8.4 Propagating Wave–Type Motors .......................................................... 219 Linear Motors ........................................................................ 219 Rotary Motors ....................................................................... 220 Comparison of the Various Ultrasonic Motors ..................... 223
7.8.5 Smooth Impact Drive Mechanism (SIDM) .........................................224
7.9 Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting .....................................................................224
7.9.1 Piezoelectric Passive Damping to Energy Harvesting .........................224
7.9.2 High-Energy Harvesting (~W) ............................................................. 225
7.9.3 Low-Energy Harvesting (~mW) ........................................................... 227
References ................................................................................................................ 232
Even for traditional devices, such as capacitors, piezoelectric speakers, clocks, and transformers,
old data have been updated with an eye to the future.
This edition is a more complete book; in addition to the chapter summaries, example problems,
and chapter problems,
have been newly inserted in every chapter. Over the years, all of these had accumulated in my
notebook, courtesy of students’ feedback and comments. These three additions will help the
reader correctly understand the essence of this book. Furthermore, due to strong requests by junior
instructors, model solutions have been added for the check point and chapter problems in a separate
solutions manual. I usually use check points for quizzes, example problems for homework, and
chapter problems for mid-term and final exams. I hope this will make it easier for the instructor to
prepare exam and homework problems.
Most errors in mathematical formulas, English expressions, and typos have been completely
revised and fixed in this edition.
This book was written for graduate students, undergraduate junior and senior levels, and industry
engineers studying or working in the fields of electronic materials, optical materials and communi-
cations, precision machinery, and robotics. Although this book is designed as a course with thirty
75-min lectures, readers can learn by themselves aided by the examples and problems.
For those who seek more detailed information on smart piezoelectric actuators and sensors,
Micromechatronics by K. Uchino and the late Jayne R. Giniewicz, published by CRC/Dekker in
2003, is recommended. Further, FEM and Micromechatronics with ATILA Software, published by
CRC Press in 2008, is a perfect manual for practical device designing.
Even though I am the sole author of this book, it includes the contributions of many others.
I express my gratitude to my ICAT center faculty members who have generously given me their
advice and help during the writing, particularly Professor Uma Belegundu at Lock Haven University,
who worked out all the problems. Specific acknowledgment and condolences are also dedicated to
my former student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Professor Jayne Giniewicz, who reviewed
and criticized the entire manuscript and made linguistic corrections, but passed away unexpectedly
at a very young age. Finally, my wife Michiko’s constant assistance is greatly appreciated with my
deepest love.
Critical review and corrections to this book will be highly appreciated. Send your feedback
directly to Kenji Uchino at 134 Materials Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA 16802-4800; fax: 814-863-6734; e-mail: KenjiUchino@PSU.EDU.
Kenji Uchino
Q3 Describe the sound velocity v in a material with mass density ρ and elastic compliance sE.
Q4 Calculate the capacitance C of a capacitor with area S and electrode gap t filled with a material
of relative permittivity ε.
Q5 Calculate the polarization P of a material with dipole density N (m−3) of dipole moment
qu (C m).
Q6 Describe the Curie–Weiss law of relative permittivity ε, using a Curie–Weiss temperature T0
and a Curie–Weiss constant C.
Q7 Describe the light velocity in a material with a refractive index n (c: light velocity in
Q8 Indicate the work function in the following energy band of a metal:
Vacuum level
Fermi level
of metal Outside
Q9 There is a voltage supply with an internal impedance Z 0. Indicate the external impedance Z1
to obtain the maximum output power.
Q10 Calculate the induced polarization P under an external stress X in a piezoelectric with a piezo-
electric constant d.
(Correct rate more than 60% of the full score is expected)
Q1 X = cx, x = sX
Q2 X4 = 2X23 = 2φ (rad)
Vacuum level
Fermi level
of metal
Q9 Z1 = Z 0
On Z1, the current and voltage are given as V/(Z 0 + Z1) and [Z1/(Z 0 + Z1)]V, leading to the
Power = V 2 Z1/(Z 0 + Z1)2 = V 2/(Z 0 / Z1 + Z1 )2 ≤ (1/4)V 2/Z 0
The maximum is obtained when Z0 / Z1 = Z1 . Hence, Z1 = Z 0.
V Z1
ε = n2 (1.1)
is valid only when the applied electric field has a frequency on the order of THz or higher. Permanent
dipole reorientation can follow only frequencies from megahertz (MHz) to GHz (106 –109 cycle/s).
This is why ferroelectric materials with permanent dipoles cannot be used for microwave dielectric
materials; their permittivity is typically high at low frequencies (kHz), but decreases significantly
with increasing applied electric field frequency. Frequency dependence of the total polarizability (or
permittivity) is depicted in Figure 1.2.
Various Effects in Materials
Photovoltaic Refractive
Light Photostriction ___
effect index
Compared with air-filled capacitors, dielectric capacitors can store more electric charge due to
the dielectric polarization P as shown in Figure 1.3. The physical quantity corresponding to the
stored electric charge per unit area is called the electric displacement D, and is related to the electric
field E by the following expression:
D = ε0 E + P = εε 0 E. (1.2)
ε0 is the vacuum permittivity (=8.854 × 10 −12 F/m)
ε is the material’s relative permittivity (also simply called permittivity or dielectric constant, and
in general is a tensor property)
E=0 E
+ – +
polarization –
polarization + – + + – +
– +
– + – + – + – + –+ – +
Dipole + –
reorientation – +
+ – – + – + – + – + – +
+ –
–σf – – – – – –
+ + + + +σb
– – – – –
E + + + + +
– – – – –
+σf + + + + + +
σt = σb + σf
Depending on the crystal structure, the centers of the positive and negative charges may not
coincide even without the application of an external electric field. Such crystals are said to possess
a spontaneous polarization. When the spontaneous polarization of the dielectric is reversed by an
electric field, it is called ferroelectric.
Not every dielectric is a ferroelectric. Crystals can be classified into 32 point groups according to
their crystallographic symmetry, and these point groups can be divided into two classes, one with a
center of symmetry and the other without as indicated in Table 1.2. There are 21 point groups which
do not have a center of symmetry. In crystals belonging to 20 of these point groups [point group
(432) being the sole exception], positive and negative charges are generated on the crystal surfaces
when appropriate stresses are applied. These materials are known as piezoelectrics.
Pyroelectricity is the phenomenon in which, due to the temperature dependence of the sponta-
neous polarization, a change in temperature of the crystal produces electric charges on the surface
of the crystal corresponding to the change of spontaneous polarization. Among the pyroelectric
crystals, those whose spontaneous polarization can be reversed by an electric field (not exceeding
the breakdown limit of the crystal) are called ferroelectrics. There is some experimental ambigu-
ity in this definition. In establishing ferroelectricity, it is necessary to apply an electric field to a
pyroelectric material and experimentally ascertain the polarization reversal.
Crystallographic Classification according to Crystal Centrosymmetry
and Polarity
Crystal System
(11) m3m m3 6/mmm 6/m 4/mmm 4/m 3m 3 mmm 2/m 1
(22) 432 622 422
23 6 4 32 222
Noncentro 43m 6m2 42m
Polar 2
(pyroelectric) 6mm 6 4mm 4 3m 3 mm2 1
(10) m
FIGURE 1.4 Some possible eigen lattice vibration modes in a perovskite crystal. (a) Initial symmetric cubic,
(b) symmetrically elongated, (c) coherently shifted centre cations, and (d) antipolarized shift of the centre
+ + + Equipotential
– – –
+ pi
ri –
+ + +
– – – Dielectric material
FIGURE 1.5 Concept of the local field. Eloc is given by E loc = E0 + ∑ i [3(pi ⋅ ri )ri − ri2 pi ]/4πε 0 ri5 .
are distorted without generating dipole moments (acoustic mode). On the other hand, when
Figure 1.4c or d is stabilized, dipole moments are generated (optical mode). The final stabilized
states Figure 1.4c and d correspond to ferroelectric and antiferroelectric states, respectively. If
this particular mode becomes stabilized, with decreasing temperature, the vibration mode fre-
quency decreases (soft phonon mode), and finally at a certain phase transition temperature this
frequency becomes zero.
It follows that, at any individual A ion site, there exists a local field from the surrounding polar-
ization P, even if there is no external field. The concept of the local field is shown schematically in
Figure 1.5. It can be shown that
This local field is the driving force for the ion shift. Here γ is called the Lorentz factor. For an
isotropic cubic system, it is known that γ = 1.1 ε0 is the permittivity of vacuum and is equal to 8.854 ×
10 −12 F/m. If the ionic polarizability of ion A is α, then the dipole moment of the unit cell of this
crystal is
Furthermore, when the A ions are displaced from their nonpolar equilibrium positions, the elastic
energy also increases. If the displacement is u, and the force constants are k and k¢, then the increase
of the elastic energy per unit volume can be expressed as
Wdip Welas
(a) (b)
FIGURE 1.6 Energy explanation of the origin of spontaneous polarization. (a) Dipole interaction:
Wdip = – (Nag2/9e 02 )P2. (b) Elastic energy: Welas = (k ¢/2Nq2 )P2 + (k/4N3 q4 )P4. (c) Total energy: Wtot = Wdip + Welas.
Here, k¢ (>0) is the higher order force constant. It should be noted that in pyroelectrics, k¢ plays
an important role in determining the magnitude of the dipole moment. By rewriting Equation 1.7
P = Nqu, (1.8)
where q is the electric charge, and combining with Equation 1.6, the total energy can be expressed
as follows (see Figure 1.6):
Wtot = Wdip + Welas
From this, one can see that if the coefficient of the harmonic term of the elastic energy is equal to or
greater than the coefficient of the dipole–dipole coupling, then P = 0; the A ions are stable and remain at
the nonpolar equilibrium positions. Otherwise, a shift from the equilibrium position (P2 = [(2Nαγ 2/9ε02)
− (k/Nq2)]/[k¢/N 3q4]) is stable. Spontaneous polarization can occur more easily in perovskite type crys-
tal structure (e.g., barium titanate, BT) due to a higher value of Lorenz factor γ (=10)2 than that of other
crystal structures. Note also that the polarizability is sensitive to temperature, leading to the phase tran-
sition. Suppose that the ionic polarizability of ion A, α, increases with decreasing temperature, even if
[(k/2Nq2) − (Nαγ 2/9ε02)] > 0 (paraelectric) at a high temperature, this value may become negative with
decreasing temperature, leading to a ferroelectric phase transition. Considering a first approximation,
a linear relation of the α with temperature, that is, the well-known Curie–Weiss law:
can be derived. This equation will be discussed again in detail in Section 2.2.2.
0.061 å
Ti4+ O2–
Ba2+ 0.036 å
Ti4+ 0.12 å
The dipole moment is calculated by taking the product of the charge magnitude and its
displacement. The total dipole moment in a unit cell is calculated by summing the Ba2+, Ti4+,
O2− related dipoles (notice the fractional contribution of each atom, i.e., 1/8 for corner atoms and
1/2 for face-centered atoms)
= 0.674 × 10 −10 e m
_ 29
= 1.08 × 10 C m, (P1.1.1)
The spontaneous polarization is defined as the polarization (total dipole moment) per unit
= 0.17C/m 2. (P1.1.3)
– + – + – + – +
δ1 δ2 δ1 δ2
(a) (b)
FIGURE 1.8 Microscopic explanation of the (a) piezoelectric strain and (b) electrostriction.
Generally speaking, the word electrostriction is used in a general sense to describe elec-
tric-field-induced strain, and hence frequently also implies the “converse piezoelectric effect.”
However, in solid-state theory, the converse piezoelectric effect is defined as a primary elec-
tromechanical coupling effect, that is, the strain is proportional to the electric field, while elec-
trostriction is a secondary coupling in which the strain is proportional to the square of the electric
field. Thus, strictly speaking, they should be distinguished. However, the piezoelectricity of a
ferroelectric, which has a centrosymmetric prototype (high temperature) phase, is considered to
originate from the electrostrictive interaction, and hence the two effects are related. The above
phenomena hold strictly under the assumptions that the object material is a monodomain single
crystal and that its state does not change under the application of an electric field. In a practi-
cal piezoelectric ceramic, additional strains accompanied by the reorientation of ferroelectric
domains are also important.
Why a strain is induced by an electric field is explained herewith.3 For simplicity, let us consider
an ionic crystal such as NaCl. Figure 1.8a and b shows a one-dimensional (1-D) rigid-ion spring
model of the crystal lattice. The springs represent equivalently the cohesive force resulting from
the electrostatic Coulomb energy and the quantum mechanical repulsive energy. Figure 1.8b shows
the centrosymmetric case, whereas Figure 1.8a shows the more general noncentrosymmetric case.
In Figure 1.8b, the springs joining the ions are all the same, whereas in Figure 1.8a, the springs
joining the ions are different for the longer and shorter ionic distances; in other words, hard
and soft springs existing alternately are important. Next, consider the state of the crystal lattice
Figure 1.8a under an applied electric field. The cations are drawn in the direction of the electric
field and the anions in the opposite direction, leading to the relative change in the interionic
distance. Depending on the direction of the electric field, the soft spring expands or contracts
more than the contraction or expansion of the hard spring, causing a strain x (a unit cell length
change) in proportion to the electric field E. This is the converse piezoelectric effect. When
expressed as
x = dE, (1.11)
(k) × displacement (Δ) holds). In most cases, the springs possess anharmonicity (F = k1Δ − k2Δ2),
that is, they are somewhat easy to extend but hard to contract. Such subtle differences in the dis-
placement causes a change in the lattice parameter, producing a strain which is independent of the
direction of the applied electric field (+E or −E), and hence is an even function of the electric field.
This is called the electrostrictive effect and can be expressed as
x = ME 2 , (1.12)
P = dX . (1.13)
Strain ΔI/I
×10–3 ×10–3
4 1
Strain ΔI/I
3 0.75
2 0.5
1 0.25
FIGURE 1.9 Typical strain curves for a piezoelectric PZT-based ceramic (a) and an electrostrictive
PMN-based ceramic (b).
(a) Calculate the induced strain under an applied electric field of E3 = 10 × 105 V/m. Then,
calculate the generative stress under a completely clamped condition.
(b) Calculate the induced electric field under an applied stress of X3 = 3 × 107 N/m2. The
induced field does not coincide with the above-mentioned 10 × 105 V/m. Explain the rea-
son, taking account of electromechanical coupling factor k.
We will introduce the tensor quantities in Chapter 2. However, try to solve the problems by
neglecting the subscripts at the moment, in order to make the reader understand the concept of
electromechanical coupling factor k.
x = dE, (P1.2.1)
P = dX , (P1.2.2)
(a) x3 = d3 E3 = (590 × 10 12
C/N)(10 × 10 5 V/m)
= 5.9 × 10 4. (P1.2.4)
_ _12
X3 = x3 /s33 = 5.9 × 10 4/ 20 × 10 m 2 /N
E3 = P3 /ε 0 ε 3 = (1.77 × 10 −2 C/m 2 )/(3400 × 8.854 × 10 12
The induced field is only 59% of the field in the case of (a); this is explainable by the electrome-
chanical coupling factor k. When electric energy is supplied to a piezoelectric sample and some
part is transduced into mechanical energy, the electromechanical coupling factor k is defined by
= d 2/sε 0 ε. (P1.2.8)
On the other hand, when mechanical energy is supplied to the sample and some part is trans-
duced into electrical energy, k is also defined (notice the same result) by
= d 2 /sε 0 ε. (P1.2.9)
k33 = d33
/s33ε 0 ε 3
= 0.58. (P1.2.10)
The reason why the induced field in (b) is about k2 of the 10 × 105 V/m of (a) is this transduction
ratio; that is, each energy transduction ratio accompanying the E → M and M → E processes
is k2. Thus (last electrical energy)/(initial electrical energy) = k 4, leading to (last induced field)/
(initial applied field) = k2.
ε = n2 . (1.14)
When an external electric field is applied to the crystal, ion displacement is induced, deforming the
shape of the electron cloud, and consequently the refractive index is changed. This phenomenon is
called the electro-optic effect.
Generally, the refractive index is treated as a symmetrical second-rank tensor quantity and is
represented geometrically by the optical indicatrix which is described by
x 2 y2 z2
+ 2 + 2 = 1, (1.15)
n1 n2 n3
where n1, n2, and n3 are the principal refractive indices. With the application of an electric field, the
change in refractive index is given by a Taylor expansion expression in terms of E:
Here n(E) and n(0) are the refractive indices at E and zero field, respectively, and rijk is the pri-
mary electro-optic coefficient (Pockels effect) and Rijkl is the secondary coefficient (Kerr effect).
Remember that the expansion is not based on nij, but on 1/n2ij.
Considering the paraelectric phase of a perovskite crystal (m3 m) as an example, the Kerr coef-
ficients are represented in the following matrix:
so that the refractive indicatrix under an electric field applied along the z-direction is expressed as
x 2 + y2 z2
+ 2
= 1. (1.17)
⎡ ⎛ n2 ⎞ ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ n2 ⎞ ⎤
n ⎢1 − ⎜ 0 ⎟ R12 Ez2 ⎥
0 n ⎢1 − ⎜ 0 ⎟ R11Ez2 ⎥
⎣⎢ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎦⎥
The refractive index change under an external electric field is explained intuitively as follows. When
an electric field Ez is applied to a cubic perovskite crystal, the crystal is elongated along the z-axis
and contracted along both the x- and y-axes. Consequently, the material’s density or compactness
will be decreased along the z-axis and densified along the x- and y-axes, leading to a decrease in
the refractive index nz and an increase of the indices nx and ny, as shown in Figure 1.10 (sphere
becomes a doughnut-shape). Note that the refractive index is proportional to the electron density
or ion compactness along the polarized light electric field direction which is perpendicular to the
light propagation direction. Taking into account the above description, R11 and R12 in Equation 1.16
should be positive and negative, respectively, in this perovskite structure.
When light is transmitted along the y-direction, the phase retardation Γy between the ordinary
(polarized along the x orientation) and extraordinary waves (polarized along the z orientation) is
given by (refer to Figure 1.11)
FIGURE 1.10 Refractive indicatrix change of a cubit crystal with electric field (Kerr effect) (left). An origi-
nal sphere becomes a doughnut shape. Perovskite unit cell change with electric field (right).
Unpolarized light
+ L
45° ne
n0 d
Electro-optic crystal
FIGURE 1.11 Optical phase retardation through an electro-optic crystal. Notice the crossed polarizer
d is the electrode gap
L is the optical path length
Placing the crystal between crossed polarizers arranged at an angle of 45° (one +45° and the other
−45°) with respect to the z-axis, the output light intensity is modulated as a function of applied
voltage according to
This is the principle behind the operation of a light shutter/valve, and the voltage required for the
first intensity maximum (i.e., Γy = π) is an important characteristic called the half-wave voltage. The
detailed derivation process is given in Example Problem 1.3.
x 2 + y2 z2
+ 2
= 1. (P1.3.1)
⎡ ⎛ n2 ⎞ ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ n2 ⎞ ⎤
n ⎢1 − ⎜ 0 ⎟ R12 E2z ⎥
0 n ⎢1 − ⎜ 0 ⎟ R11E2z ⎥
⎣⎢ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎣⎢ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎥⎦
The output light intensity is reduced twice, once at the inlet and once again at the outlet crystal
surfaces by a factor of (1 − Re)2.
Also you should notice that the incident light (after passing through the first polarizer) has
ordinary and extraordinary light components of equal magnitudes, because of 45° cant angle of
the polarizer.
In a cubic structure, the refractive index change under an external electric field along z-axis is
expressed by the following two equations:
λ z = λ 0 /nz , (P1.3.6)
λ x = λ 0 /nx , (P1.3.7)
where λ0 is the vacuum wavelength of the incident light, and the waves existing in the crystal
with an optical pathlength of L are L/λz and L/λx, respectively, the phase difference between
these waves (retardation Γy) is given by
Γ y = 2π(L /λ x − L /λ z ) = (2π /λ 0 )L Δn
⎛ ⎡⎛ 2π ⎞ ⎤⎞
⎜ sin ⎢⎜ ⎟ y − ωt ⎥⎟
⎛ ex ⎞ ⎜ ⎣⎝ λ 0 ⎠ ⎦⎟
⎜⎝ e ⎟⎠ = l0 ⎜ . (P1.3.9)
⎡⎛ 2π ⎞ ⎤⎟
⎜ sin ⎢ ⎟
⎜⎝ ⎜ ⎟ y − ωt ⎥ ⎟
⎣⎝ λ 0 ⎠ ⎦⎠
Note here that the 45° arrangement generates the same electric field amplitude along x- and
z-directions, and that the relationship I = e2/2, i.e., the intensity is an average of e2 in terms of
time. Third, the output light from the PLZT can be described as
⎛ ⎡⎛ 2π ⎞ ⎤ ⎞
⎜ sin ⎢⎜ ⎟ y − ωt + φ⎥ ⎟
⎛ ex ⎞ ⎜ ⎣⎝ λ 0 ⎠ ⎦ ⎟
⎜⎝ e ⎟⎠ = (1 − Re ) l0 ⎜
. (P1.3.10)
⎡ ⎤⎟
⎜ sin ⎢⎛ 2π ⎞ y − ωt + φ − Γ y ⎥⎟
⎜⎝ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟
⎣⎝ λ 0 ⎠ ⎦⎠
Remember to consider two reflections on the front and backside of the PLZT sample. Also,
basically the extraordinary ray speed corresponding to output ez is faster than the ordinary ray
speed (ex), leading to the phase delay of Γy in ez when we consider the optical pathlength L.
Fourth, through the polarizer arranged at the −45° orientation, the electric field component in
this direction e−45cant is represented (taking into account the electric field vector projection on this
−45° orientation) by
ex / 2 − ez / 2 = (1 − Re) {sin[(2π /λ 0 )y − ωt + φ] − sin[(2π /λ 0 )y − ωt + φ − Γ y ]}
= (1 − Re) [(1 − cos Γ y ) sin[(2π /λ 0 )y − ωt + φ]
+ sin Γ y cos[(2π /λ 0 )y − ωt + φ]. (P1.3.11)
Thus, finally, the output intensity through the 2nd polarizer (−45° cant) is obtained from the
relation I = e−45cant /2:
⎛ 1 − cos Γ y ⎞
= (1 − Re)2 I 0 ⎜ ⎟⎠ .
⎝ 2
Figure 1.12 shows the output intensity I as a function of applied voltage Vz, which exhibits maxi-
mum and minimum successively. The half-wave voltage, which is defined as the voltage required
to exhibit the first maximum in the transmitted light intensity, is given from the condition, cos Γy
= −1 or Γy = π. When we use a sample with Kerr (secondary) electro-optic effect, Γy is expressed
by Equation P1.3.8, and the half-wave voltage can be obtained as
Vz,λ /2 = d . (P1.3.13)
Ln03 ( R11 − R12 )
The intensity maxima can be sequentially obtained on increasing the applied voltage. Notice that
these half-wave, one-and-a-half-wave, two-and-a-half-wave voltages are not arranged linearly,
due to the nonlinear electro-optic effect.
This is a demo with two polarizers by changing the angle between two. The reader is expected to
understand the polarized light characteristics (Figure 1.13).
(1–Re)2 I0
FIGURE 1.12 Variation in the light intensity of a Kerr-effect electro-optic shutter with applied voltage.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
FIGURE 1.13 Demo with a pair of optical polarizers by changing the angle. (a) 0°, (b) 30°, (c) 60°, and
(d) 90° angles.
(a) (b)
FIGURE 1.14 Demo with a pair of optical polarizers by changing the angle, sandwiching a Scotch tape.
(a) 0°, (b) 90°, and (c) 45° angles.
Scotch tape is different from other manufacturers’ products. A Scotch tape is sandwiched by a
pair of polarizers. Dark and bright conditions are reversed in comparison with Lab Demo 1.1,
as demonstrated in Figure 1.14a and b. When the analyzer (second polarizer) is arranged along
the tape extended direction, no interference is observed. This is the basis for understanding the
birefringence and retardation of the inserted optical material between a pair of polarizers.
Scotch tape is manufactured by stretching the tape, so that the refractive index along the tape is
different from that of the width direction. This birefringence and the optical pathlength (tape thick-
ness) generate accidentally the retardation Γy of π (refer to Equation P1.3.8). This situation exhibits
the above-mentioned “Scotch tape” magic. By inserting an electro-optic PLZT (replacing Scotch
tape) and inducing the birefringence with electric field, a similar dark and bright conversion can
be introduced in a PLZT light valve.
ε = C /(T − T0 ), (1.20)
T > TC T < TC
FIGURE 1.15 Crystal structures of BaTiO3: Higher than TC (left) and lower than TC (right).
Permittivity ε
Spontaneous PS
(c) Pyrosensor
(Curie temp.)
FIGURE 1.16 Temperature dependence of the spontaneous polarization and permittivity in a ferroelectric
material. (a)–(f) indicate the temperature ranges for each application.
C is the Curie–Weiss constant
T0 is the Curie–Weiss temperature
xS = QPS2 , (1.21)
and xS decreases almost linearly with increasing temperature. In the case of BaTiO3, it exhibits the
piezoelectric effect in the ferroelectric phase, while in the paraelectric phase, it is nonpiezoelectric
and exhibits only the electrostrictive effect.
If the above consideration is rephrased from the application viewpoints, the Curie temperature
for capacitor materials is designed to set around RT; TC for memory materials around 100°C higher
than RT; TC for pyrosensors just above RT; TC for piezoelectric transducers typically much higher
than RT, higher than 200°C; TC for electro-optic and electrostrictive devices are lower than RT to
use their paraelectric state. In other words, we will design practical materials with their Curie points
suitable for each application.
With decreasing temperature from RT, however, BT undergoes a series of complicated phase
transitions. Figure 1.17 illustrates these successive phase transitions.
1.5.2 PZT
PZT solid solution systems were discovered in 1954 by Japanese researchers, Gen Shirane, Etsuro
Sawaguchi et al. However, the enormous piezoelectric properties were discovered by B. Jaffe, Clevite
Corporation, and Clevite took the most important PZT patent for transducer applications. Because
Ps Ps Ps
Dielectric constant
5,000 εa
–150 –100 –50 0 50 100 150
Temperature (°C)
of this strong basic patent, Japanese ceramic companies were encouraged actually to develop ter-
nary systems to overcome the performance, and more importantly, to escape from the Clevite’s
patent; that is, PZT + a complex perovskite such as Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 (Matsushita Panasonic),
Pb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3 (NEC), and Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 (Toshiba), which are the basic compositions in recent
years. The performance details are discussed in Chapter 7.
z Hydrogen
Portable communication devices such as cordless, portable, and car telephones have become
popular worldwide. The reader is requested to identify what kind of ferroelectric and dielectric
components are used in a cellular phone. An old design phone is dismantled to see reasonably
large components (Figure 1.19).
Chip monolithic ceramic capacitors
Microwave oscillators
Microwave filters
Chip monolithic LC filters
Ceramic resonators
High-frequency surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters
Ceramic filters
Piezoelectric receivers
Piezoelectric speakers
Recent designs include ferroelectric memory, piezoactuators for camera autozoom/focus
Chapter Essentials
1. Category:
Dielectrics > Piezoelectrics > Pyroelectrics > Ferroelectrics
2. Ferroelectric materials are very promising for a variety of applications:
High-permittivity capacitors
Ferroelectric memories
Pyroelectric sensors, electrocaloric fridges
Piezoelectric/electrostrictive transducers, piezoelectric energy harvesting
Electro-optic devices
PTC thermistors
3. Origin of spontaneous polarization:
Dipole coupling with the local field—driving force of ionic displacement
Elastic anharmonic term—impeding ionic displacement
4. Field-induced strains:
Piezoelectric strain—x = dE in an asymmetric crystal
Strain associated with polarization reorientations
Electrostriction—x = ME2 in a symmetric crystal
Piezostriction: the difference of the harmonic term of the two equivalent springs
Electrostriction: anharmonicity of the equivalent springs
5. Electro-optic effect: refractive index change with an external electric field. The secondary
Kerr effect is frequently used. Devices making use of this effect require a pair of crossed
polarizers arranged at a 45° angle with respect to the electric field direction.
Half-wave voltage: minimum voltage required for an electro-optic crystal to exhibit the first
maximum light intensity.
Check Point
1. There are three microscopic origins of polarization: electronic polarization, ionic polariza-
tion, and [— (a)]. Fill in the blank.
2. The local field is the driving force for the spontaneous polarization. How is γ called, which
enhances the applied electric field E.
3. (T/F) Taking into account a famous relation between the relative permittivity ε and the
refractive index n: ε = n2, we can obtain n = 4 for the crystal with ε = 16 (at 1 kHz). Is this
argument true or false?
4. The randomly oriented light passed through a polarizer. When we neglect the light absorp-
tion by the polarizer, what percentage of the light intensity can we obtain from the polar-
izer in comparison with the input intensity?
5. (T/F) The definition of Pockels electro-optic coefficient r1jk is given by an expansion expres-
sion: 1/nij ( E ) − 1/nij (0) = Σrijk Ek . True or False ?
6. (T/F) The Curie temperature of a capacitor ferroelectric material should be around RT.
True or False?
7. (T/F) The Curie temperature of a piezoelectric transducer material should be 100°C lower
than RT. True or False?
8. (T/F) The Curie temperature of a pyroelectric sensor material should be 200°C higher than
RT. True or False?
9. Provide a name of a representative polymer piezoelectric.
10. Provide a full expression of PZT.
Chapter Problems
1.1 Consider a 1-D infinite chain of two kinds of ions +q and −q, arranged alternately over
a distance a. Calculate the Coulombic potential energy at one +q ion, and obtain the
Madelung energy (Figure 1.20).
+q –q
Integrate-circuit complexity
per die
1010 1965 Actual data 4G
109 MOS Arrays MOS Logic 1975 actual data 512M
128M ItaniumTM
108 1975 Projection 64M Pentium4â
Memory 16M PentiumIIIâ
107 4M
Microprocessor 1M PentiumIIâ
106 256K Pentiumâ
105 1386TM
4K 80286
104 16K 8086
103 4004
1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
FIGURE 1.21 Gordon Moore’s Law. (Courtesy of Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA, http://www.intel.com/
(a) In order to realize the above requirements (1) and (2), what sort of ferroelectric
devices should be developed? Consider these “Needs-pull” development strategies.
(b) What other ferroelectric applications can be considered, relating to “integrated-
circuit complexity?”
1.4 Expanding Lab Demo 1.3, collect more detailed information on practical designs of
multilayer capacitors (how small size?), SAW filters (what frequency?), speakers and
microphones (operation frequency range difference among speakers and microphones),
memories (flush or ferroelectric memories?), and piezoactuators in the recent cel-
lular phones. Note that the development of phone camera modules is remarkable in
1. C. Kittel: Introduction to Solid State Physics, 6th edn., Chap. 13, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1986).
2. W. Kinase, Y. Uemura and M. Kikuchi: J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 30, 441 (1969).
3. K. Uchino and S. Nomura: Bull. Jpn. Appl. Phys., 52, 575 (1983); K. Uchino, S. Nomura, L. E. Cross, R.
E. Newnham and S. J. Jang: Electrostrictive effect in perovskites and its transducer applications, J. Mater.
Sci., 16, 569 (1981).
4. K. Uchino: Electrostrictive actuators: materials and applications, Bull. Am. Ceram. Soc., 65(4), 647
5. Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA, http://www.intel.com/technology/mooreslaw/
Y = AX . (2.1)
When X is a p-rank tensor, and Y is a q-rank tensor, A is supposed to be expressed by using a (p + q)-
rank tensor:
A p-rank tensor Xlm…p is represented based on an (x, y, z) coordinate system. When this tensor is
described in an (x′, y′, z′) coordinate system, a new tensor X′ can be represented as
Xij′ … p = ∑a a
lm − p
il jm … a pq Xlm…q , (2.3)
where aij is called transformation matrix, which is a unitary matrix without an imaginary part,
satisfying the following relation (inverse matrix º transposed matrix):
⎛ a11 a12 a13 ⎞ ⎛ a11 a21 a31 ⎞
⎜a a22 a23 ⎟ = ⎜ a12 a22 a32 ⎟ . (2.4)
⎜ 21 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ a31 a32 a33 ⎠ ⎝ a13 a23 a33 ⎠
For centrosymmetry, since x → −x, y → −y, z → −z, the transformation matrix is written as
⎛ −1 0 0⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜0 −1 0⎟ (2.5)
⎜0 −1 ⎟⎠
⎝ 0
⎛ cos θ sin θ 0⎞
⎜ − sin θ cos θ 0⎟ . (2.6)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0 0 1⎠
J = σE . (2.7)
Since both the electric field and the current density are first-rank tensor (i.e., vector) quantities,
the conductivity should have a second-rank tensor representation (i.e., with two suffixes); this is
described as
Ji = ∑σ E .
ij j (2.9)
x = dE. (2.10)
Since E and x are first-rank and second-rank tensors, respectively, d should have a third-rank tensor
form represented as
X jk = ∑d i
ijk Ei . (2.11)
Generally speaking, if two physical properties are represented using tensors of p-rank and q-rank,
the quantity which combines the two properties in a linear relation is also represented by a tensor
of (p + q)-rank.
Ei = ∑a E .
ij j (2.15)
⎛ J1′ ⎞ ⎛ E1′ ⎞
⎜ J ′ ⎟ = σ′ ⎜ E ′ ⎟ . (2.16)
⎜ 2⎟ ⎜ 2⎟
⎝ J 3′ ⎠ ⎝ E3′ ⎠
⎛ J1 ⎞ ⎛ a11 a12 a13 ⎞ ⎛ a11 a12 a13 ⎞ ⎛ E1 ⎞
⎜ J ⎟ =⎜ a a22 a23 ⎟ σ′ ⎜ a21 a22 a23 ⎟ ⎜ E2 ⎟ .
⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜ 21 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎝ J 3 ⎠ ⎝ a31 a32 a33 ⎠ ⎝ a31 a32 a33 ⎠ ⎝ E3 ⎠
σ′ij = ∑a a σ .
k ,l
ik jl kl (2.18)
When the crystal has a twofold axis along the z-axis, the electric conductivity should have the same
tensor form in terms of the transformation (Equation 2.6 for θ = 180°):
⎛ −1 0 0⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜0 −1 0⎟
⎜0 1 ⎟⎠
⎝ 0
⎛ σ11
′ σ12
′ σ13
′ ⎞ ⎛ −1 0 0⎞ ⎛ σ11 σ12 σ13 ⎞ ⎛ −1 0 0⎞
⎜ σ′ σ′22 σ′23 ⎟ = ⎜ 0 −1 0⎟ ⎜ σ 21 σ 22 σ 23 ⎟ ⎜ 0 −1 0⎟
⎜ 21 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎝ σ′31 σ′′32 σ′33 ⎠ ⎝ 0 0 1⎠ ⎝ σ31 σ32 σ33 ⎠ ⎝ 0 0 1⎠
Since this crystal has twofold symmetry, σ′ ≡ σ must be held for this 180° rotation transformation.
Thus, following equivalency should be derived:
σ11, σ 22 , σ33 ≠ 0
σ12 = σ 21. (2.21)
It is very important to note that most physical constants have a symmetric tensor form. (The proof
involves thermodynamical considerations that are beyond the scope of this textbook. Refer to Ref. [1].)
For a third-rank tensor such as the piezoelectric tensor, the transformation due to a change in
coordinate system is represented by
′ =
dijk ∑a a
l ,m,n
il a d
jm kn lmn . (2.22)
When the crystal has a fourfold axis along z-axis, for example, the transformation matrix is given
(Equation 2.6 for θ = 90°) by
⎛0 1 0⎞
⎜ −1 0 0⎟ .
⎜ ⎟
⎝0 0 1⎠
Considering the tensor symmetry with m and n such that d123 = d132 and d213 = d231 (each matrix of
the ith layer of the d tensor is symmetrical), we can obtain (Refer to Example Problem 2.1)
= d312 = d321 = 0
d333 ≠ 0
d311 = d322
⎛ 0 0 −d123 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
2nd layer (i = 2) ⎜ 0 0 d131 ⎟
⎜ 0 ⎠⎟
⎝ −d123 d131
⎛ d311 0 0 ⎞
3rd layer (i = 3) ⎜ 0 d311 0 ⎟. (2.24)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0 0 d333 ⎠
′ =
dijk ∑a a
l , m, n
il a d
jm kn lmn .
When a crystal has a fourfold axis along z-axis (point group 4), the transformation matrix is
given by
⎛0 1 0⎞
⎜ −1 0 0⎟ .
⎜ ⎟
⎜⎝ 0 0 1⎟⎠
⎛ −1 0 0⎞ ⎛1 0 0⎞
⎜0 1 0⎟ and ⎜ 0 −1 0⎟ .
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜⎝ 0 0 1⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 0 0 1⎟⎠
1. Taking into account the tensor symmetry in terms of the second and third suffixes such that
d123 = d132 and d213 = d231 (each matrix of the ith layer of the d tensor is symmetrical), we have
18 independent dijks. Notice initially a12 = 1, a21 = −1, a33 = 1, which means that the second
suffix is automatically determined (2, 1, or 3) when the first suffix is given (1, 2, or 3).
′ =
d111 ∑a a
l ,m ,n
a d
1l 1m 1n 1mn
′ =
d122 ∑a a
l ,m ,n
a d
1l 2m 2n 1mn
= a12 a21a21d211
′ = a12 a33a33d233
′ = a12 a21a33d213
′ = a21a21a21d111
′ = a21a33a33d133
′ = a21a21a33d113
′ = a21a33a12 d132
′ = a21a12 a21d121
′ = a33a21a21d311
′ = a33a33a33d333
′ = a33a21a33d313
′ = a33a33a12 d332
= d312 = d321 = 0
d333 ≠ 0
d311 = d322
2. We consider d113 and d123 for the transformation matrix; a11 = −1, a22 = 1, a33 = 1.
′ = a11a11a33d113
′ = a11a22 a33d123
⎛ ⎛1⎞ ⎛1⎞ ⎞
⎜ d11 ⎜ 2 ⎟ d16 ⎜ 2 ⎟ d15 ⎟
⎜ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎟
⎜⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛1⎞ ⎟
1st layer (i = 1) ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ d16 d12 ⎜ ⎟ d14 ⎟
⎜⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝2⎠ ⎟
⎜⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛1⎞ ⎟
⎜⎜ ⎜ ⎟ d15 ⎜ 2 ⎟ d14 d12 ⎟⎟
⎝⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎠
⎛ ⎛1⎞ ⎛1⎞ ⎞
⎜ d21 ⎜ 2 ⎟ d26 ⎜ 2 ⎟ d25 ⎟
⎜ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎟
⎜⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛1⎞ ⎟
2nd layer (i = 2) ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ d26 d22 ⎜ 2 ⎟ d24 ⎟
⎜⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎟
⎜⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛1⎞ ⎟
⎜⎜ ⎜ ⎟ d25 ⎜ 2 ⎟ d24 d23 ⎟⎟
⎝⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎠
⎛ ⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ 1⎞ ⎞
⎜ d31 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ d36 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ d35 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ 1⎞ ⎟
3rd layer (i = 3) ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ d36 d32 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ d34 ⎟ . (2.25)
⎝ 2⎠
⎜ ⎟
⎜⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ 1⎞ ⎟
⎜ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ d35 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ d34 d33 ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
The last two suffixes in the tensor notation correspond to those of the strain components; therefore,
for consistency, we make the following change in the notation for the strain components:
⎛ ⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ 1⎞ ⎞
⎜ x2 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ x6 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ x5 ⎟
⎛ x11 x12 x31 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟
⎜x ⎜⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ 1⎞ ⎟
x22 x23 ⎟ = ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ x6 x2 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ x4 ⎟ . (2.26)
⎜ 12 ⎟ ⎝ 2⎠
⎝ x31 x23 x33 ⎠ ⎜ ⎟
⎜⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ 1⎞ ⎟
⎜ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ x5 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ x4 x3 ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
The reason for the (1/2)s in the substitution (Equation 2.26) is due to the cancellation with (1/2)s in
Equation 2.25. Then, we have
Xj = ∑d E
ij i (i = 1,2,3; j = 1,2,...,6) (2.27)
⎛ x1 ⎞ ⎛ d11 d21 d31 ⎞
⎜ x ⎟ ⎜d d22 d32 ⎟
⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜ 12 ⎟ ⎛ E1 ⎞
⎜ x3 ⎟ ⎜ d13 d23 d33 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ x ⎟ = ⎜d E2 . (2.28)
d24 d34 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ 4 ⎟ ⎜ 14 ⎟ ⎝ E3 ⎠
⎜ x5 ⎟ ⎜ d15 d25 d35 ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ x6 ⎠ ⎝ d16 d26 d36 ⎠
The matrix notation has the advantage of compactness over the tensor notation, and it makes it easy
to display the coefficients on a plane diagram (i.e., on a paper. 3-D dijk expression can be described
by a 3-D holographic book in the future.). However, it must be remembered that in spite of their
form, the dij’s do not transform like the components of a second-rank tensor. An example of a piezo-
electric matrix for the point group 4 can be written (from Equation 2.24) as
⎛ 0 0 0 d14 d15 0⎞
⎜ 0 0 0 d15 − d14 0⎟ . (2.30)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ d31 d31 d33 0 0 0⎠
X kl = ∑d i
ikl Ei + ∑M
i, j
ijkl Ei E j
= ∑g i
ikl i P ∑+ ∑Q i, j
ijkl i PPj , (2.31)
dikl and gikl are called the piezoelectric coefficients
Mijkl and Qijkl the electrostrictive coefficients
Since the E and x are first-rank and second-rank tensors, respectively, d should be a third-rank
tensor. However, EiEj and PiPj are not tensors, precisely speaking, but we treat a combination of
(E12, E22, E32, E2E3, E3E1, E1E2) as if these are equivalent to a second-rank tensor. Note that these
six components are not independent at all. This is a smart way to convert the nonlinear behavior
(electrostriction) to a linear algebra problem.
Using a similar reduction of the notation for the electrostrictive coefficients Mijkl, we get the fol-
lowing equation corresponding to Equation 2.31:
Tables 2.1 and 2.2 summarize the matrices d and M for all crystallographic point groups.1
Since x5 = 2x31 = tan θ = θ and 1° = π /180 rad, x5 = 0.017. Typical strain in a piezoelectric ceramic
is around 0.1% or 0.001, leading to the shear angle 0.1°.
Note that shear deformation is not accompanied with a volume change, different from the
longitudinal deformation. In order to further understand the shear deformation, try Example
Problem 2.3.
Symbol meanings
Zero component
Nonzero component
Equal component
Equal with opposite signs
–2 times of the connected point
Point group 1, 2/m, mmm, 4/m, 4/mmm, m3, m3m, 3, 3m, 6/m, 6/mmm.
All components are zero.
II. Noncentrosymmetric point group
Point group 1
(3) (5)
Point group 4 Point group 4
(4) (4)
(1) (3)
Point group 42m
2 || x1
Point group 432 Point group 43m, 23
(0) (1)
All components are zero
Point group 3 Point group 32
(6) (2)
Point group 3m Point group 3m
m x2
m x1
orientation (4) (4)
Point group 6 Point group 6mm
(4) (3)
Point group 622 Point group 6
(1) (2)
Point group 6m2 Point group 6m2
m x1
m x2
orientation (1) (1)
3¢ 3
1¢ –X
2, 2¢
Symbol meanings
Zero component
Nonzero component
Equal components
Point group 1, 1
Twofold axis || x2 Monoclinic
Standard Point group 2, m, 2/m
orientation Twofold axis || x3
(20) (20)
Point group 222, mm2, mmm
Point group 4, 4, 4/m Point group 4mm, 42m, 422, 4/mmm
(10) (7)
Point group 3, 3 Point group 3m, 32, 3m
(12) (8)
Point group 6, 6, 6/m Hexagonal Point group 6m2, 6mm, 622, 6/mmm
(8) (6)
(4) (3)
⎛X 0 0⎞
⎜0 0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜⎝ 0 0 − X ⎟⎠
Using the transformation matrix A (i.e., θ = −45° rotation along 2′ axis in Figure 2.2)
⎛ cos θ 0 sin θ ⎞
⎜ 0 1 0 ⎟ , calculate AXA−1, and verify that the above stress is equivalent to a pure
⎜ ⎟
⎜⎝ − sin θ 0 cos θ⎟⎠
shear stress in the original (nonprime) coordinates.
Using θ = −45°, we can obtain the transformed stress representation:
⎛ 1 1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
0 − 0 −
⎜ 2 2⎟⎛X 0 0⎞ ⎜ 2 2⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
AXA = ⎜ 0 1 0 ⎟⎜ 0 0 0⎟ ⎜ 0 1 0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 1 1 ⎟ ⎜⎝ 0 0 − X ⎟⎠ ⎜ 1 1 ⎟
⎜ 0 ⎟ ⎜− 0 ⎟
⎝ 2 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 2 ⎠
⎛0 0 X⎞
=⎜ 0 0 0⎟ . (P2.3.1)
⎜ ⎟
⎜⎝ X 0 0⎟⎠
The off-diagonal components X13 and X31 have the same magnitude X, and represent a pure
shear stress. Note that a shear stress is equivalent to a combination of extension and contraction
stresses. Only an extensional stress applied along a diagonal direction 1′ may exhibit an appar-
ently similar diagonal distortion of the crystal. However, precisely speaking, without the external
contraction along the 3′ direction, this is not exactly equivalent to the pure shear deformation,
with a volume expansion. The contraction occurs in this case only from the Poisson’s ratio of the
⎛ 0 0 0 0 d15 0⎞
⎜ 0 0 0 d15 0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜⎝ d d31 d31 0 0 0⎟⎠
a. Calculate the induced strain under an electric field applied along the crystal c-axis (E3).
b. Calculate the induced strain under an electric field applied along the crystal a-axis (E1).
⎛ x1 ⎞ ⎛ 0 0 d31 ⎞
⎜x ⎟ ⎜ 0 0 d31 ⎟
⎜ 2⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎛ E1 ⎞
⎜ x3 ⎟ ⎜ 0 0 d33 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜x ⎟ = ⎜ 0 d15 0⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
E2 (P2.4.1)
⎜ 4⎟ ⎜ ⎝ E3 ⎠
⎜ x5 ⎟ ⎜ d15 0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ x6 ⎠ ⎝ 0 0 0⎠
x1 = x2 = d31E3 , x3 = d33 E3
a. When E3 is applied, elongation in the c direction (x3 = d33E3, d33 > 0) and contraction in
the a and b directions (x1 = x2 = d31E3, d31 < 0) are induced. The ratio |d31/d33| corresponds to
Poisson’s ratio σ.
b. When E1 is applied, shear strain x5 (=2x31) = d15E1 is induced. Figure 2.3a illustrates a case
of d15 > 0 and x5 > 0. The deformation can be intuitively understood by the polarization
cant under the electric field.
(a) (b)
FIGURE 2.3 (a) Piezoelectric shear strain in the point group tetragonal 4mm, and (b) [111] axis electrostric-
tive strain in the point group cubic m3m.
in a matrix representation. Calculate the induced strain under an electric field applied along the
[111] direction (based on a cubic perovskite coordinate).
The electric field along the [111] direction, E[111], is represented as ( E[111] / 3, E[111] / 3, E[111] / 3) .
Substituting E1 = E2 = E3 = E[111] / 3 into Equation P2.5.1, we obtain
The distortion is illustrated in Figure 2.3b. The strain x induced along an arbitrary direction is
given by
where li is a direction cosine with respect to the i-axis. Therefore, the strain induced along the
[111] direction, x[111]//, is given by
= ⎡⎣ x1 + x2 + x3 + 2 (x4 /2 + x5 /2 + x6 /2 )⎤⎦ /3
On the other hand, the strain induced perpendicular to the [111] direction, x[111]⊥, is calculated in
a similar fashion as
Figure 2.3b shows the distortion schematically. It is important to note that the volumetric strain
(ΔV/V) given by
Note that this volumetric strain is the same for (ΔV/V) under an electric field E1:
F (P ) = a1P + a2 P 2 + a3 P 3 + a4 P 4 + a5 P 5 + a6 P 6 +
We assume that the free energy of the crystal should not change with polarization reversal (P → −P).
Otherwise, the charge or permittivity in the capacitance would be changed according to the capaci-
tor orientation/upside down, which may cause serious practical problems in electronic equipment.
From F(P) = F(−P), the series should not contain terms in odd powers of P. Thus, the expansion
series includes only even powers of P:
F (P ) = a2P 2 + a4 P 4 + a6 P 6 +
Temperature expansion
Next, we take into account the expansion series in terms of P and temperature:
From S = − (∂F ∂T ) = −b1, and that a constant entropy is meaningless, we take b1 = 0. The term
b2T 2 is a higher order term to be neglected. Thus we adopt only c1TP2. Note that a possible term TP
is omitted from the reason F(P) = F(−P) again. It is important to understand that the product TP2 of
the two parameters (P2 and T) explain the coupling effect; that is, T change causes P change to keep
the same free energy (this effect is called “pyroelectric” effect), or E application causes T change
(this is called “electrocaloric” effect). By combining a2P2 and c1TP2, we introduce
(1/4)β = a4
(1/6)γ = a6 .
Stress expansion
Now we introduce the stress expansion series:
+ d1 X + d2 X 2 + + e1P 2 X + [α(T ) = (T − T0 )/ ε 0C ]
From x = − (∂F ∂X ) = −d1, and that constant strain is meaningless, we take d1 = 0 (strain origin).
P2 X is the fundamental electromechanical coupling (i.e., electrostrictive coupling), which explains
the polarization generation under stress, or strain generation under electric field. This argument is
valid only when the spontaneous polarization exists in piezoelectric phase, and the polarization
disappears in paraelectric phase. It is not valid in quartz, where the piezoelectric phase does not
have the spontaneous polarization (actually, quartz is not a ferroelectric). Odd power of stress X can
remain in the free energy, because the crystal orientation/upside down does not change the sign
of X (X is a tensor, not a vector; negative X means compressive stress). Introducing new notations
d2 = −(1/2)s (elastic stiffness), and e1 = −Q (electrostrictive coefficient), we finally obtain
− (1/2 )sX 2 − QP 2 X .
The above free energy, G1, is particularly called elastic Gibbs energy.
The coefficients α, β, and γ depend, in general, on the temperature, but as discussed in the previous
section, only α is assumed to be temperature dependent in the following calculation. The phenom-
enological formulation should be applied for the whole temperature range over which the material
is in the paraelectric and ferroelectric states.
Because the spontaneous polarization should be zero in the paraelectric state, the free energy
should be zero in the paraelectric phase at any temperature above its Curie temperature (or the phase
transition temperature). To stabilize the ferroelectric state, the free energy for a certain polariza-
tion P should be lower than “zero.” Otherwise, the paraelectric state should be realized. Thus, at
least, the coefficient α of the P2 term must be negative for the polarized state to be stable; while in
the paraelectric state it must be positive passing through zero at some temperature T0 (Curie–Weiss
temperature). From this concept, we get a linear relation
α = (T – T0 )/ε 0C , (2.34)
C is taken as a positive constant called the Curie–Weiss constant
T0 is equal to or lower than the actual transition temperature TC (Curie temperature)
ε0 is the vacuum permittivity
(∂F/∂P ) = E = αP + βP 3 + γP 5 . (2.35)
P(α + βP 2 + γP 4 ) = 0, (2.36)
Second-order transition
When β is positive, γ is often neglected because nothing special is added by this term. There are not
many examples which show this “second-order” transition, but this description provides intuitive
ideas on the phase transition because of its mathematical simplicity. Triglycine sulphate (TGS) is an
example of a ferroelectric exhibiting the second-order transition.
The polarization for zero applied field is obtained from Equation 2.35 as
T0 − T
PS = ± . (2.38)
The phase transition occurs at TC = T0 and the polarization goes continuously to zero at this tempera-
ture; this is called a second-order transition.
The relative permittivity ε is calculated as
Permittivity ε Permittivity ε
Physical properties
Physical properties
Spontaneous Inverse Spontaneous
PS permittivity PS Inverse
1/ε permittivity
Tc Temperature To Tc Temperature
(a) (Curie temp.) (b) (Curie temp.)
FIGURE 2.4 Phase transitions in a ferroelectric: (a) second-order and (b) first-order.
Figure 2.4a shows the variations of PS and ε with temperature. It is notable that the permittivity
becomes infinite at the transition temperature, and that the slope of the inverse permittivity in the
ferroelectric phase is 2 times of that in the paraelectric phase.
First-order transition
When β is negative in Equation 2.33 and γ is taken positive, the transition becomes first order. The
equilibrium condition for E = 0 in Equation 2.42 leads to either PS = 0 or Equation 2.43:
Is PS2 = [ −β − β 2 − 4γ (T − T0 )/ε 0C ]/2γ not another root for solving Equation 2.42?
Since (T − T0) < 0 and γ > 0, β 2 − 4γ (T − T0 )/ε 0C > β 2 = −β (or β ). Note that β < 0. Thus,
[ −β − β 2 − 4γ (T − T0 )/ε 0C ]/2γ < 0 , which is contradictory with Ps2. The spontaneous polarization
should be positive or negative, but still be a real number, never be an imaginary number.
The transition temperature TC is obtained from the condition that the free energies of the parael-
ectric and ferroelectric phases are equal: i.e., F = 0:
Therefore, we can derive the Curie temperature (Refer to Example Problem 2.6):
Note that the Curie temperature TC is slightly higher than the Curie–Weiss temperature T0, and that
a discrete jump of PS appears at TC. Also, the permittivity exhibits a finite maximum at TC for a
first-order transition (Figure 2.4b). BT is an example of a ferroelectric that undergoes a first-order
phase transition.
Figure 2.4b also shows the variation of ε with temperature. The slope of the inverse permittivity
in the ferroelectric phase is 8 times of that in the paraelectric phase (refer to Chapter Problem 2.2).
The extrapolated temperature of the inverse permittivity in the paraelectric phase provides the
Curie–Weiss temperature T0, while the extrapolated temperature of the inverse permittivity in the
ferroelectric phase gives the temperature T1, which are discussed below.
TC < T < T1
T = TC
T = TC
T < TC
T0 < T < TC
P T < T0
(a) (b)
FIGURE 2.5 Free energy curves plotted for the second- (a) and first-order (b) phase transitions at various
The free energy curves are plotted for the second- and first-order phase transitions at various
temperatures in Figure 2.5. In the case of β > 0, the phase transition is not associated with a latent
heat, but with a jump of the specific heat; thus, this is called a second-order transition. On the other
hand, in the case of β < 0, the transition exhibits a latent heat, and is called a first-order transi-
tion, where the permittivity shows a maximum and a discontinuity of the spontaneous polarization
appears at TC. When T > T1, there is only one free energy minimum; when TC < T < T1, there are
three potential minima. P = 0 is the lowest energy solution for TC < T < T1, while P = ±PS exhibit
the lowest potential for T0 < T < TC; when T < T0, there are double minima of the free energy, which
correspond to stable spontaneous polarizations. Due to the potential gap between three potential
minima, we observe significant temperature hysteresis of the phase transition between the cycles of
rising and falling temperature.
TC = T0 + (3/16)(β2 ε 0C /γ ),
for a first-order phase transition, where the Landau free energy is expanded as
α = (T – T0 )/ε 0C.
The potential minima are obtained from
(∂F/∂P ) = E = αP + βP 3 + γP 5 = 0. (P2.6.1)
This equation is valid for any temperature below and above Curie temperature. There are
generally three minima including P = 0 (F = 0). At the Curie temperature, the free energy at
the nonzero polarization must be equal to the free energy of the paraelectric state; that is, zero
(F = 0). Thus we obtain another condition:
Equations P2.6.1 and P2.6.2 are reduced for nonzero polarizations to
α + βP 2 + γ P 4 = 0, (P2.6.3)
Note that Equation P2.6.3 is valid for all temperatures below TC, but Equation P2.6.4 is only valid
at T = TC. Eliminating the P terms from these two equations [3(P2.6.4) – (P2.6.3)]
−3α + γ × 16α 2 / β2 = 0.
P, X, T are the polarization, stress, and temperature, respectively
s and Q are called the elastic compliance and the electrostrictive coefficient, respectively
Case I: X = 0
When the external stress is zero, the following equations are derived
E = αP + βP 3 + γP 5 (2.49)
x = QP 2 (2.50)
If the external electric field is equal to zero (E = 0), two different states are derived P = 0 and
P 2 = (−β + β2 − 4αγ )/2 γ .
Electrostriction: x = Qε 20 ε 2 E 2 . (2.53)
The previously mentioned electrostrictive coefficient M in Equation 2.32 is related to the elec-
trostrictive Q coefficient through
M = Qε 20 ε 2 . (2.54)
We see from Equation 2.57 that piezoelectricity is equivalent to the electrostrictive phenomenon
biased by the spontaneous polarization. The temperature dependences of the spontaneous strain
and the piezoelectric constant are plotted in Figure 2.6.
Case II: X ≠ 0
When a hydrostatic pressure p (X = −p) is applied, the inverse permittivity is changed in proportion
to p:
Physical properties
Spontaneous constant d
strain xs
TC (Curie temp.)
FIGURE 2.6 Temperature dependence of the spontaneous strain and the piezoelectric constant.
Therefore, the pressure dependence of the Curie–Weiss temperature T0 or the transition temperature
TC is derived as follows:
In general, the ferroelectric Curie temperature is decreased with increasing hydrostatic pressure
(i.e., Qh > 0). More precisely, there is a 50°C temperature decrease per 1 GPa hydrostatic pressure
increase in perovskite ferroelectrics.
Let us use the relationship
PS = d33 /2 ε 0 ε 3Q33
= 320 × 10 −12 ⎡⎣C/N ⎤⎦ / 2 × 8.854 × 10 −12 ⎡⎣ F/m ⎤⎦ × 800 × 0.11 ⎣⎡m 4 C −2 ⎦⎤ }
= 0.21 ⎡⎣C/m 2 ⎤⎦ (P2.7.2)
where only the coefficient α is dependent on temperature, α = (T − T0)/ε0 C. Obtain the dielectric
constant, spontaneous polarization, spontaneous strain, and piezoelectric constant as a function
of temperature.
When an external stress is zero, we can deduce the three characteristic equations:
E = αP + βP 3 (P2.8.4)
x = QP 2 (P2.8.5)
By setting E = 0 initially, we obtain the following two stable states: PS2 = 0 or −α/β.
d = 2ε 0 εQPS
= Q ε 0C β (T0 − T )
−1/ 2
. (P2.8.11)
Note here that both the permittivity and spontaneous polarization are temperature dependent,
and only the electrostrictive coefficient Q is temperature independent. By the way, the elec-
trostrictive coefficient M in Equation 2.54 is also strongly dependent on temperature.
ΔP = dX . (2.60)
On the contrary, since an electrostrictive material does not have a spontaneous polarization, it does
not generate any charge under stress, but does exhibit a change in permittivity (see Equation 2.58):
This is the converse electrostrictive effect. The converse electrostrictive effect, the stress depen-
dence of the permittivity, is used in stress sensors.4 A bimorph structure which subtracts the static
capacitances of two dielectric ceramic plates can provide superior stress sensitivity and temperature
stability. The capacitance changes of the top and bottom plates have opposite signs for uniaxial
stress and same sign for temperature change. The response speed is limited by the capacitance
measuring frequency to about 1 kHz. Unlike piezoelectric sensors, electrostrictive sensors are effec-
tive in the low frequency range, especially DC. The sensor applications of piezoelectrics will be
discussed in Section 7.2.
3 ×10–2
Q33 (m4/C2)
–Q13 (m4/C2)
Curie point
FIGURE 2.7 Temperature dependence of the electrostrictive constants Q33 and Q31 measured in a single
crystal Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3.
FIGURE 2.8 Schematic arrangement of the spontaneous dipoles in (a) nonpolar, (b) polar, and (c) antipolar
Polarization Polarization
Electric field
Electric field Ec
(a) Paraelectric
FIGURE 2.9 Polarization vs. electric field hysteresis curves in (a) paraelectric, (b) ferroelectric, and (c) anti-
ferroelectric materials.
Figure 2.9 shows the relationship between E (applied electric field) and P (induced polarization)
in paraelectric, ferroelectric, and antiferroelectric phases. In a paraelectric phase the P–E relation is
linear; in a ferroelectric phase there appears a hysteresis caused by the transition of the spontaneous
polarization between the positive and negative directions; in an antiferroelectric phase, at low electric
field, the induced polarization is proportional to E, and when E exceeds a certain value Ecrit, the crystal
becomes ferroelectric (electric field-induced phase transition), and the polarization shows hysteresis
with respect to E. After removal of the electric field, the crystal returns to its antipolar state, and hence,
no spontaneous polarization can be observed as a whole. This is called a double hysteresis curve.
x = Q Pa2 + Pb2 /2.) (2.62)
However, since antiferroelectricity originates from the coupling between the sublattices, it is appro-
priate to consider the sublattice coupling also for the electrostrictive effect. The coupling term for
the electrostriction Ω is introduced in the following form:
( ) ( )
G1 = (1/4)α Pa2 + Pb2 + (1/8)β Pa4 + Pb4 + (1/12) γ Pa6 + Pb6 ( )
+ (1/2)ηPa Pb − (1/2 )χ T p2 + (1/2)Qh ( Pa2 + Pb2 + 2Ω Pa Pb ) p , (2.63)
in which hydrostatic pressure p is employed, and χT is the isothermal compressibility, Qh (=Q11 + 2Q12)
and Ω are the electrostrictive constants. Introducing the transformations PF = (Pa + Pb)/2 and PA =
(Pa − Pb)/2 leads to the following expression:
G1 = (1/2)α PF2 + PA2 ) + (1/4)β (P F
+ PA4 + 6PF2 PA2 )
( )
+ (1/6 ) γ PF6 + PA6 + 15 PF4 PA2 + 15PF2 PA4 + (1/2)η PF2 − PA2 ( )
− (1/2 )χ T p2 + Qh⎡ PF2 + PA2 + Ω PF2 − PA2
⎣ )⎤⎦ p . (2.64)
Note that the macroscopic E for an antiferroelectric polarization configuration should be zero
(Equation 2.66). Hence, the induced volume change in the paraelectric phase can be related to the
induced ferroelectric polarization by the following formula:
Below the phase transition temperature (this temperature for antiferroelectrics is called Neel tempera-
ture) the spontaneous volume strain and the spontaneous antiferroelectric polarization are related as
( ΔV /V )S = Qh (1 − Ω)PA,S
. (2.69)
Even if the perovskite cystal shows Qh > 0, the spontaneous volume strain can be positive or negative
depending on the value of Ω (Ω < 1 or Ω > 1), that is, if the intersublattice coupling is stronger than the
intrasublattice coupling (i.e., Ω > 1), a volume contraction is observed at the Neel point. This is quite
different from ferroelectrics, which always show a volume expansion at the Curie point. Figure 2.10
illustrates the spontaneous strains in a crystal schematically for Ω > 0. When Pa and Pb are in the par-
allel configuration (ferroelectric phase), the Ω term acts to increase the strain xS; when they are in the
antiparallel configuration (antiferroelctric phase), the Ω term acts to decrease the strain.
This phenomenological theory explains well the experimental results for the antiferroelectric
perovskite crystal PbZrO3 and others.8 Figure 2.11 shows the strain in the antiferroelectric ceramic
Pb0.99 Nb0.02[(Zr0.6Sn0.4)0.94 Ti0.06]0.98O3 as a function of an applied electric field.9 The large change
in the strain associated with the field-induced transition from the antiferroelectric to ferroelectric
phase can be estimated to be
( ΔV/V ) = Qh (1 + Ω)PF,S
+ Qh (1 − Ω)PA,S
= 2Qh ΩPF,S
. (2.70)
Here, we assume that the magnitudes of Pa and Pb do not change drastically through the phase
transition; that is, PF,S ≈ PA,S.
x = Q Pa2 x = Q Pb2
FIGURE 2.10 Intuitive explanation of the sublattice coupling with respect to electrostriction (for Ω > 0).
Ferroelectric arrangement: X = Q(1 + Ω) (Pa + Pb)2/4. Antiferroelectric arrangement: X = Q(1 – Ω) (Pa + Pb)2/4.
Ferroelectric phase
Strain (×10–4)
–4 –2 0 2 4
Electric field
Antiferroelectric phase (kV/mm)
3 c
–2 –1 0 1 2
E (kV/mm)
x1 –1
FIGURE 2.12 Electric field-induced strain in a piezoelectric ceramic PLZT 7/62/38. From a to e, the maxi-
mum electric field increases.
7/62/38 of the well-known piezoelectric ceramics (Pb,La)(Zr,Ti)O3 (PLZT). In a cycle with a small
maximum electric field, the field-induced strain curve appears nearly linear, and can be called the
“inverse piezoelectric effect.” However, with the increase of the maximum electric field, the hys-
teresis becomes larger, and finally transforms to a symmetric butterfly shape when the electric field
exceeds a certain critical value (this is called coercive field). This is caused by the change of polar-
ity in ferroelectric domains under applied electric field, inducing a different state of polarization.
Strictly speaking, this PLZT includes two stages to be taken into account:
Figure 2.13 shows the domain reorientation observed in BaTiO3 single crystals under an exter-
nal field. The 90° domain walls disappear independent of each other with increasing electric field
–700 V
–700 V
–700 V
700 V
700 V
700 V
FIGURE 2.13 Domain reorientation process in a BaTiO3 single crystal. E direction: ® (leftward on the
figure). Around 300 V a most complicated domain pattern happens (a), which corresponds to the domain rever-
sal at the coercive electric field. Increasing the field (b) and (c), monodomain state is realized.
Strain x
4 3
1. E = 0 2. E = Ec 1
Field E
3. E = Emax
4. E = Ec
5. E = 0
FIGURE 2.14 Schematic depiction of the strain change in a ferroelectric ceramic associated with the
polarization reorientation.
finally to become a monodomain state throughout the entire crystal. However, in a polycrystalline
specimen, the domain wall motion is suppressed by the grain boundary, and a purely monodomain
state cannot be achieved.
Figure 2.14 shows schematically the domain reorientation in a polycrystalline body. Suppose a
sample is initially poled along the negative direction, and an external electric field is applied in the
positive direction, the crystal should shrink at first with an increase of the field because the field is
opposite in direction to the remnant polarization. Then, the deformation reaches a minimum at a
certain field EC (coercive field), where the polarization reversal begins in each grain. Above EC the
crystal starts to expand until E = Emax. Near Emax, all the reversible polarizations have been reversed,
and the crystal displays “piezoelectric” behavior once again with small hysteresis. In the process
of decreasing the electric field, there is no need for polarization reversal except in some unstable
domains with internal stresses. Until the field is reduced to zero, the strain decreases monotonically.
The final state at E = 0 is equivalent to the initial state but with the polarization direction reversed.
It can be said that the crystal is poled in the positive direction. It is interesting to point out that the
ratio σ of the transverse contraction strain to the longitudinal expansion strain (Poisson’s ratio) has
similar values for the perovskite-type piezoelectric ceramics, and is about 0.3.
The polarization direction of BT at the low temperature is in the [111] or its equivalent axis of
a perovskite cell. Let us consider three typical directions [111], [111̄], and [11̄1̄] as illustrated in
Figure 2.15. The domain wall plane must be normal to one of the following and their equivalent
3 (111)
Thus, the angle between two of the non-180° domain walls is calculated as follows:
2. (022)/(220), (022)/(220)
(022)⋅ (220) = 4 or − 4
= 2 2 ⋅ 2 2 cos θ, θ = 60° or 120°.
In the following subsections, the Uchida–Ikeda theory which treats domain reorientation in
ceramics quantitatively, and the relationship between the crystal structure and the coercive field
are introduced.
this sample, a polarization P3 will be induced, also the strains x1, x2, and x3, where x1 = x2 = −σx3
(σ: Poisson’s ratio). Let the spontaneous polarization and the principal strain of the individual crys-
tallites be PS and SS, respectively. For uniaxial crystals such as those with tetragonal and rhombohedral
symmetries, the principal strain SS is given in the direction of P3:
A remark should be made here on the distinction between the principal strain and the spontaneous
strain (there was some confusion even in the original papers). Taking BaTiO3 as an example, the
principal strain is SS = 0.01, but the spontaneous strains should be defined as
x3,S = (c /a0 ) − 1,
where a 0 is the lattice parameter of the paraelectric phase, and have the values 0.0075 and −0.0025,
First, letting θ be the angle between the direction of the spontaneous polarization PS of a micro-
scopic volume Δv in a ceramic and the direction of the electric field E3, then the polarization P3 is
given by
P3 = PS cos θ dv
∫ dv = P cos θ,
S (2.74)
where cos θ is the average value of cos θ in all the microscopic volumes of the ceramic. The
average strain is also calculated from the orientation of the strain ellipsoid:
This model, in which the microscopic regions with spontaneous strain change only their orienta-
tions, accompanied by no volume change, provides σ = 0.5 and
x1 = x2 = − x3 /2. (2.76)
0.003 0.424
0.4 0.002 0.368
0.3 0
cos2 θ – 1/3
0 1 2 3
0.2 Rhombohedral
1 π 2
sin–1 sin–1 √
√3 4 3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
( )
FIGURE 2.16 Relation between θ90 and cos2 θ − 1/3 , where θ90 is a critical angle relating to the non-180°
( )
domain reorientation and cos2 θ − 1/3 is proportional to the field-induced strain.
Induced strain
80 20
40 10
0 0
–40 –20 0 20 40 –40 –20 0 20 40
(a) Electric field E3 (kV/cm) (b) Electric field E3 (kV/cm)
FIGURE 2.17 Transverse strain x1 vs. field in Pb(Zr0.57Ti0.43)O3, (a) and the calculated θ90 –E3 relation (b).
The measurement was done at 30°C.
θ90 and E3 figures reveals the relationship between θ90 and E3 (Figure 2.17b). It is apparent that
pronounced hysteresis also appears in the θ90 vs. E3 curve.
Furthermore, by finding the polarization P3 and the field-induced strain x3 (or x1) as a function
of the electric field E3, it is possible to estimate the volume in which a 180° reversal or a 90° rota-
tion occurred. This is because the 180° domain reversal does not contribute to the induced strain,
only the 90° rotation does, whereas the 180° domain reversal contributes mainly to the polarization.
It is shown schematically in Figure 2.18 that with the application of an electric field the 180° reversal
occurs rapidly whereas the 90° rotation occurs slowly.12 It is notable that at G in the figure, there
remains some polarization while the induced strain is zero, at H the polarizations from the 180° and
90° reorientations cancel each other and become zero, but the strain is not at its minimum. Generally
in such a case, a plot of the induced strain x3 vs. polarization P3 shows large hysteresis, exemplified
in a tetragonal PLZT (Figure 2.19).13 However, for materials whose polarization is dominated by
non-180° domain rotations, the hysteresis in the x vs. P plot should hardly be observed. Such is the
case for the low temperature phase of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3, which is shown in Figure 2.20b.14
Electric field
K J I H G (F, A)B C D E
FIGURE 2.18 Electric field dependence of the domain volume fraction of 180° reversal (a) and of 90° reori-
entation (b). Notice the deviation of the zero fraction points, I and G, between 180° and 90°.
x3 × 103
Pn = P3/P3 max
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
P3 (C/m2)
–0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2
0.1 P3–E3
–1 1×106 –1
(a) (b)
FIGURE 2.20 (a) P3–E3, x1–E3, (b) P3–x1 relations in a rhombohedral crystal of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3
at −110°C.
Finally, the saturation values of polarization and strain of a ceramic under high electric field are
Principal Strain, Spontaneous Polarization, Reoriented Volume Fraction, and Coercive
Field in Tetragonal and Rhombohedral PLZT Ceramics
Spontaneous Oriented Coercive
Crystal PLZT Principal Polarization Volume Field Calculated
Symmetry Specimen Strain Ss (%) (mC/cm2) Fraction (%) Ec (kV/cm) Ec (kV/cm)
Tetragonal 25/50/50 2.4 71 22 18 17.8
25/52/48 2.2 72 28 14.7 18.8
5/50/50 2.16 65 18 16.3 13
5/52/48 1.96 64.5 23 14.8 13.7
5/54/46 1.68 65 30 11.7 13
Rhombohedral 25/58/42 0.732 56.5 86.5 8.2 7
25/60/40 0.74 58.5 78.5 7.6 5.4
6/65/35 0.65 45 85 5.6 5.9
6.25/60/40 0.61 49 85 5.7 4.8
in which Y is the Young’s modulus, and α is a factor which takes into account the difference in
domain orientation between neighboring grains, and has values of 0.1 and 0.074 for the tetragonal
and rhombohedral systems, respectively.
ψ ( P, T ) = U − ST
Φ0 N TkN ⎡ ⎛ P + PS ⎞ ⎤
= ⎡1 − ( P /PS )2 ⎤ + ⎢ P ln ⎜ ⎟ + PS ln(1 − ( P /PS )2 ⎥ (2.78)
4V ⎣ ⎦ 2VP
S ⎣ ⎝ PS − P ⎠ ⎦
Internal energy
Ti P0
0 Ti position
(a) (b)
FIGURE 2.21 (a) PbTiO3 crystal lattice model. There are two potential minima for the Ti ion position.
(b) Double well model, showing the two potential minima. (From Smith, R.C. et al., J. Intell. Mater. Syst.
Struct., 14, 719, 2003. With permission. Smith, R.C., Smart Material Systems: Model Development, SIAM,
Philadelphia, PA, 2005.)
⎧ η
⎪ ( P ± PR )2 , P ≥ PI
⎪ 2
ψ(P) = ⎨ . (2.79)
⎡ 2 ⎤
⎪ η ( PI − PR ) ⎢ P − PR ⎥ , P < PI
⎪⎩ 2 ⎣ PI ⎦
G( E, P, T ) = ψ ( P, T ) − EP (Ferroelectric). (2.80)
The Gibbs energy curves for various electric fields are depicted in Figure 2.22.
In order to introduce the temperature fluctuation of the polarization more explicitly, Boltzmann
probability is introduced (refer to Figure 2.23):
Ψ(P) = G(0, P)
G(E1, P) G(E2, P)
FIGURE 2.22 Gibbs energy curves for various electric field E levels. (From Smith, R.C. et al., J. Intell.
Mater. Syst. Struct., 14, 719, 2003. With permission. Smith, R.C., Smart Material Systems: Model Development,
SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 2005.)
G = Ψ – EP
FIGURE 2.23 Introduction of Boltzmann probability to realize the rounded hysteresis curve in the polar-
ization and electric field relation. (From Smith, R.C. et al., J. Intell. Mater. Syst. Struct., 14, 719, 2003. With
permission. Smith, R.C., Smart Material Systems: Model Development, SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 2005.)
d x+ d x−
= − p+− x+ + p−+ x− , = − p−+ x− + p+− x+ (2.82)
dt dt
P = x+ P+ + x− P− , (2.83)
P+ =
∫ Pμ(G)dP.
Figure 2.24 demonstrates the P–E hysteresis curves for PZT 5A piezoelectric. Notice that the hys-
teresis curves starting from any intermediate external parameter E exhibit a reasonable agreement
with the experimental curves.
0.3 Model
Polarization (C/m2)
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
Electric field (MV/m)
FIGURE 2.24 Hysteresis curves obtained from the mesoscopic approach in comparison with the experimen-
tal data: polarization vs. electric field in piezoelectric PZT 5A. (From Smith, R.C. et al., J. Intell. Mater. Syst.
Struct., 14, 719, 2003. With permission. Smith, R.C., Smart Material Systems: Model Development, SIAM,
Philadelphia, PA, 2005.)
5 : Rhombo. :Tetr.
15 d*33
d33 d33 1.4
–d31 Single crystal
0 PZN–4.5% PT
1.0 1.2 (001)
k33, –k31
0.5 k33 1.0 Single crystal
–k*31 PZN–8% PT Single crystal Single crystal
–k31 (001) PZN PMN–24% PT
0 (001) (001)
Strain (%)
sEij (×10–10 m2/N)
1 0.6
sE33 sE33
0 0.4
εT3 (×103)
FIGURE 2.25 (a) Piezoelectric properties in the Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3–PbTiO3 system (From Kuwata, J. et al.,
Ferroelectrics, 37, 579, 1981.) and (b) the electric field-induced strain curve. (From Park, S.E. and Shrout T.R.,
Mat. Res. Innovt., 1, 20, 1997. With permission.)
E1 PS eff
Strain d33
E2 d15 PS
FIGURE 2.26 Basic concept of the piezoelectric enhancement in a perovskite ferroelectric. Note the fact
d15 >> d33 > |d31|.
polarization direction, the field component parallel to the PS generates the extension and contraction
strains via d33 and d31, and the component perpendicular to the PS generate the shear strain via d15.
Because d15 is much larger than d33 or d31 in perovskite ferroelectrics, this large shear strain exhibits
a drastic enhancement in the effective strain magnitude, as illustrated in Figure 2.26.
Another epoch-making paper was published in 1998; a series of theoretical calculations made on
perovskite-type ferroelectric crystals suggested that large d and k values in similar magnitudes to
PZN–PT can also be expected in PZT. Crystal orientation dependence of piezoelectric properties
was phenomenologically calculated for compositions around the MPB of PZT (see Figure 2.27).21
The maximum longitudinal piezoelectric constant d33eff (4–5 times enhancement) and electrome-
chanical coupling factor keff
3 (more than 90%) in the rhombohedral composition were found to be
at around 57° angle, canted from the spontaneous polarization direction [111], which corresponds
roughly to the perovskite [100] axis. Figure 2.28 illustrates the domain configuration difference
between the [111]-oriented film (monodomain-like with PS along the 1-axis) and the [100]-oriented
film (uniformly distributed domain pattern with PS along the 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-axes). This is a trig-
ger report on “domain engineering.”22 This paper also predicted the superior design of the PZT
epitaxially grown thick/thin films (in addition to single crystal forms); that is, the rhombohedral
composition film of [100] orientation shows lower EC, sharper polarization reversal, and more linear
induction of strain, in comparison with the film of [111] orientation (Figure 2.29).
(100) (010)
FIGURE 2.27 Crystal orientation dependence of the effective piezoelectric constant d eff
3 in PZT single crystal-
like samples. (a) PZT 40/60 tetragonal composition and (b) PZT 60/40 rhombohedral composition. (From Du,
X.H. et al., J. Appl. Phys. Lett., 72, 2421, 1998.)
2 4 1 3
71o 2 4
3 7 E3
8 8 6
5 6 7 5
(a) (b)
FIGURE 2.28 Domain configuration models for a rhombohedral PZT films/single crystals with (a) [111]
plate and (b) [100] plate forms. (From Du, X.H. et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 36, 5580, 1997.)
P ε33 = 296
Pr = 50 μC/cm2 P ε33 = 530
Pr = 50 μC/cm2
0 E E
d33 = 71 (pC/N) d33 = 189 (pC/N)
0 0
(a) (b)
FIGURE 2.29 Polarization and strain curves predicted for a rhombohedral PZT films/single crystals with
(a) [111] plate and (b) [100] plate forms. (From Du, X.H. et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 36, 5580, 1997.)
Figure 2.30 shows the comparison between the theoretical and experimental results for the
piezoelectric d31 and e31 constants in epitaxially grown PZT thin films.23 Note that the maximum e31
constant can be obtained in the rhombohedral phase near the MPB, and in [100] specimen (rather
than in [111] specimen). Damjanovic et al. reported similar supporting results.24
Before poling, because of a uniform crystalline distribution, the dielectric constant should have
an intermediate value between εmin and εmax, and the piezoelectric constant should be zero.
Rhomb. Tetra.
500 6
PZT(100) 5.6
400 (001)//
d 33 (pC/N)
31 C/m
300 4.8
200 (111)//
Random orientation
100 Ceramic 3.6
0 80/20 70/30 60/40 50/50 40/60
0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6
(a) PZ % PT PT (b) Zr/Ti content
FIGURE 2.30 Comparison between the theoretical (a) and experimental results (b) for the piezoelectric d31
and e31 constants in epitaxially grown PZT thin films. (From Kalpat, S. and Uchino, K., J. Appl. Phys., 90,
2703, 2001.)
constant dmax = 200
εmax = 500
(100) (100)
(a) (b)
FIGURE 2.31 Crystal orientation dependencies of the (a) dielectric and (b) piezoelectric constants of a
tetragonal PZT.
Electric poling orients the polarization along the z-axis, thus, the permittivity approaches
εz, leading to a decrease in permittivity after poling. To the contrary, the piezoelectric constant
should increase monotonically with increasing poling field, finally exhibiting a saturation of d33
above a certain poling field (close to the coercive field).
Using an optical microscope, learn how to identify the domain configuration and polarization
directions on a single crystal ferroelectric, such as BaTiO3. Figure 2.32a shows an optical micro-
scope setup, and (b) an example domain picture in a BT single crystal. This BT sample has a square
plate with the perovskite [100] axis parallel to the crystal edges. Taking into account the models
discussed in Example Problem 2.9, identify the domain configuration at room temperature.
BT has tetragonal symmetry at room temperature. The polarization directions should be along
the single crystal edge orientations (i.e., six equivalent polarization directions). Thus, 45° cant
stripe patterns correspond to 90° domain walls between up-down PS and left-rightward PS as
700 V
–700 V
FIGURE 2.32 (a) Optical microscope setup and (b) example domain picture in a BT single crystal.
schematically illustrated on Figure 2.32b. The head-to-tail configuration is required to satisfy the
charge neutrality (i.e., Gauss law, div P = 0), and the upward PS is from the electric field direction
(upward in the picture).
Chapter Essentials
1. Tensor representation: when two physical properties are represented using tensors of
p-rank and q-rank, the quantity which combines the two properties in a linear relation is
also represented by a tensor of (p + q)-rank.
2. A physical property measured along two different directions must be equal if these two
directions are crystallographically equivalent. This consideration reduces the number of
the independent tensor components representing the above property.
' =
d ijk ∑a a
l ,m,n
il jm akn dlmn (a , a
il jm , akn : transformation matrices)
d 'ijk = dijk
x = s E X + dE
P = dX +ε0ε X E
Check Point
−(1/2)sX 2 − QP 2 X .
Why do not we include the “odd-number” power terms of P? Answer simply.
2. (T/F) The phenomenology suggests that the permittivity of a ferroelectric material exhibits
the maximum at its Curie temperature. True or False?
3. (T/F) The phenomenology suggests that the piezoelectric constant of a ferroelectric mate-
rial exhibits the maximum at its Curie temperature. True or False?
4. (T/F) The phenomenology suggests that the Curie–Weiss temperature of a ferroelectric
material is always higher than (or equal to) the Curie temperature. True or False?
5. How is the piezoelectric coefficient d related to the electrostrictive coefficient Q, spontane-
ous polarization PS, and relative permittivity ε in the phenomenology? Provide a simplest
6. In a polycrystalline PZT, we observed PS = 27 μC/cm2. Estimate the single crystal value
roughly with the Uchida–Ikeda model.
7. (T/F) The following two force configurations are equivalent mathematically. True or False?
(Figure 2.33)
8. The piezoelectric dijk tensor is a third-rank tensor. How many independent components are
there in general?
9. Provide three independent piezoelectric tensor components for a 4 mm crystal using a
reduced notation dij.
10. A typical PZT shows d15 = 600 × 10−12 m/V. When an electric field 1 kV/mm is applied to this
PZT perpendicular (1-axis) to the polarization direction (3-axis), calculate the angle change of
this ceramic sample between 1- and 3-axes in degree angle. 0.0003°, 0.003°, 0.03°, 0.3°, or 3°?
Chapter Problems
⎛ 1 3 ⎞
⎜ −2 2
⎜ ⎟ ⎛1 0 0⎞
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 0 −1 0 ⎟ , respectively.
3 1
⎜ 2 − 0 ⎟ and
2 ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎝0 0 −1⎠
⎜ 0 0 1 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
2. The measured values of the dij for right-handed quartz are
⎛ −2.3 2.3 0 −0.67 0 0⎞
⎜ 0 0 0 0 0.67 4.6⎟ × 10 −12 [C/N ] .
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0 0 0 0 0 0⎠
a. When a compressive stress of 1 kgf/cm2 is applied along the 1-axis of a quartz crystal,
find the polarization generated. (kgf = kilogram force= 9.8 N)
b. When an electric field of 100 V/cm is applied along the 1-axis, find the strains
Let us initially use the following equation for 180° rotation (with respect to the a-axis):
d 'ijk = ∑a a
l ,m,n
il a d
jm kn lmn (a , a
il jm , akn : transformation matrices)
Considering that a11 = 1, a22 = −1, a33 = −1, we obtain the following relationship:
⎛ d111 0 0⎞
⎜ ⎟
1st layer (i = 1) ⎜ 0 d122 d123 ⎟
⎜ 0 d133 ⎟⎠
⎝ d123
⎛ 0 d212 d231 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
2nd layer (i = 2 ) ⎜ d212 0 0⎟
⎜ d231 0 ⎟⎠
⎝ 0
⎛ 0 d312 d331 ⎞
3rd layer (i = 3) ⎜d 0 0⎟ .
⎜ 312 ⎟
⎝ d331 0 0⎠
' =
d111 ∑a a
l ,m,n
a d
1l 1m 1n lmn
= ∑a a
a d
11 1m 1n 1mn + ∑a
a a d
12 1m 1n 2mn
≡ d111
' =
d122 ∑a a
a d
11 2m 2n 1mn + ∑a
a a d
12 2 m 2 n 2 mn
( )
= (−1/2 ) − 3 /2 d111 + (−1/2 ) d122 + 2( 3 /2)( − 3 /2) (−1/2 )d212
2 3
≡ d122 .
Continuing the calculations for d123, d133, d212, d231, d312, and d331 (total 8 components), we
can obtain all the necessary equations for deriving the final matrix form.
2.2 In the case of a first-order phase transition, the Landau free energy is expanded as in
Example Problem 2.6. Calculate the inverse permittivity in the vicinity of the Curie
temperature, and verify that the slope (∂(1/ε)/∂Τ) just below TC is 8 times larger than the
slope just above TC.
In the first-order phase transition, PS satisfies the following equation in the temperature
range of T < TC:
α + βPS2 + γPS4 = 0.
= −4α − 2βPS2.
⎡⎛ 3 ⎞ (β)2 ⎞ TC − T ⎤
+(β2 / γ ) − (β /γ ) β2 − 4 γ ⎢⎜ ⎟ ⎟− εC ⎥
⎣⎢⎝ 16 ⎠ γ ⎠ 0 ⎦⎥
Considering (TC − T) << 1, obtain the approximation of this equation. Two additional
hints: (1) 1 − x ≈ 1 − (x / 2 ) , and (2) β = −β when β < 0 .
2.3 In Figure 2.5, we introduced a critical temperature T1, above which the free energy will
diminish the potential minima related to the spontaneous polarization. Verify the dif-
ference between the temperature T1 and Curie–Weiss T0 temperatures expressed by
TC = T0 + (1/4 )(β2ε0C / γ )
for a first-order phase transition, where the Landau free energy is expanded as
α = (T − T0 )/ε0C.
The potential minima are obtained from the first derivative of the free energy = 0:
(∂F /∂P ) = E = αP + βP 3 + γP 5 = 0.
This equation is valid for any temperature below and above Curie temperature. If we
take the second derivative of the free energy, its sign, positive or negative, corresponds
to the minimum or the maximum of the free energy. Since the free energy curve will
lose the maximum or minimum at T = T1, we obtain another condition:
This equation is only valid at the temperature T1. From these two equations
α + βP 2 + γP 4 = 0 → γ P 4 = −α − βP 2
2.4 BT exhibits tetragonal crystal symmetry at room temperature and the distortion from
the cubic structure is not very large (c/a = 1.01). Calculate all the possible angles between
the two non-180° domain walls.
- -
Polarization vectors are of the following six types: [100], [100], [010], [010], [001],
and [001].
1. J. F. Nye: Physical Properties of Crystals, p. 123, 140, Oxford University Press, London (1972).
2. A. F. Devonshire: Adv. Phys., 3, 85 (1954).
3. H. F. Kay: Rep. Prog. Phys., 43, 230 (1955).
4. K. Uchino, S. Nomura, L. E. Cross, S. J. Jang, and R. E. Newnham: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 20, L367 (1981);
K. Uchino: Proc. Study Committee on Barium Titanate, XXXI-171-1067 (1983).
5. J. Kuwata, K. Uchino, and S. Nomura: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 19, 2099 (1980).
6. C. Kittel: Phys. Rev., 82, 729 (1951).
7. K. Uchino: Solid State Phys., 17, 371 (1982).
8. K. Uchino, L. E. Cross, R. E. Newnham, and S. Nomura: J. Appl. Phys., 52, 1455 (1981).
9. K. Uchino: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 24(Suppl. 24-2), 460 (1985).
10. N. Uchida and T. Ikeda: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 6, 1079 (1967).
11. N. Uchida: Rev. Electr. Commun. Lab., 16, 403 (1968).
12. N. Uchida and T. Ikeda: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 4, 867 (1965).
13. N. A. Schmidt: Ferroelectrics, 31, 105 (1981).
14. J. Kuwata, K. Uchino, and S. Nomura: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 19, 2099 (1980).
15. P. Gerthsen and G. Kruger: Ferroelectrics, 11, 489 (1976).
16. R.C. Smith, S. Seelecke, Z. Ounaies, and J. Smith: J. Intell. Mater. Syst. Struct., 14(11), 719 (2003); R.C.
Smith: Smart Material Systems: Model Development, SIAM, Philadelphia, PA (2005).
17. J. Kuwata, K. Uchino, and S. Nomura: Ferroelectrics, 37, 579 (1981).
18. J. Kuwata, K. Uchino, and S. Nomura: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 21, 1298 (1982).
19. K. Yanagiwawa, H. Kanai, and Y. Yamashita: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 34, 536 (1995).
20. S. E. Park and T. R. Shrout: Mat. Res. Innovt., 1, 20 (1997).
21. X. H. Du, J. Zheng, U. Belegundu, and K. Uchino: J. Appl. Phys. Lett., 72, 2421 (1998).
22. X. H. Du, U. Belegundu, and K. Uchino: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 36(9A), 5580–5587 (1997).
23. S. Kalpat and K. Uchino: J. Appl. Phys., 90(6), 2703–2710 (2001).
24. D. Damjanovic, D. V. Taylor, and N. Setter: Proc. Mater. Res. Soc., Symp. VIII (1999).
K. H. Hellwege et al.: Landolt–Bornstein, Group III, Vol. 11, Springer-Verlag, New York (1979).
Figure 3.1 shows the composition dependence of the permittivity and the electromechanical
coupling factor kp for the PZT system.1
If we do not have this sort of comprehensive experimental data, how can we estimate the val-
ues for the solid solutions? In general, physical properties of a solid solution between A and B,
(1 − x)A − xB, can be estimated by a phenomenological theory.2,3 Expanding the theories in
Chapter 2, the Gibbs elastic energy of a solid solution is assumed to be a linear combination of the
Gibbs elastic energy of each component:
1600 0.40
800 0.20
400 0.10
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 PbZrO2
PbTiO2 100 80 60 40 20 0
Composition (mol%)
FIGURE 3.1 Composition dependence of the permittivity and the electromechanical coupling factor kp in
the PZT system. (From Jaffe, B. et al., Piezoelectric Ceramics, Academic Press, New York, 1971.)
The solution provides reasonable first-order estimates of the Curie temperature, spontaneous
polarization and strain, permittivity, piezoelectric constant, and electromechanical coupling. Abe
et al. reported a good example of theoretical fitting to experimental results for the solid solution
Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3–PbTiO3.3 By expanding Equation 3.1 into the three-dimensional (3-D) expression
with P1, P2, P3, X11, X33, X44, etc. for realizing cubic, tetragonal, and rhombohedral symmetry phases,
the Gibbs energy is calculated for a certain composition x and temperature T. Then, the lowest
energy phase is taken as the stable phase at that particular point (x, T). Figures 3.2 through 3.5 show
these fittings calculated on the basis of the data presented in Table 3.1. The transition temperature
from the tetragonal to cubic phase (Curie temperature) changes linearly with the composition x, as
the reader can imagine, while the transition temperature from the rhombohedral to tetragonal phase
is calculated by comparing G1 for both phases.
Why does the morphotrophic phase boundary (MPB) composition exhibit high ε and high d coef-
ficients, in comparison with the compositions inside the phase, as shown in Figure 3.1?
Figure 3.6 illustrates the potential minimum wells around the MPB composition (Top-right), in com-
parison with a tetragonal (Bottom-left) and a rhombohedral composition (Bottom-right) of perovskite
PZTs. In the tetragonal phase, six equivalent energy minimum wells are expected at discrete positions
along [100], [1̄00], [010], [01̄0], [001], and [001̄] directions; while in the rhombohedral phase, eight
equivalent energy minimum wells are expected along [111], [111̄], [11̄1], [1̄11], [11̄1̄], [1̄11̄], [1̄1̄1], and
[1̄1̄1̄] directions. Since we expect 14 (=6 + 8) equivalent energy minimum wells rather closely located
for the MPB composition, the energy gap between each potential well is rather shallow, leading to
Coefficients for PZN (Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3) and
PT (PbTiO3) Used in Calculating the Transition
Temperature and Lattice Parameters in (1 − x)
Constants PZN PT
T0 (°C) 130 478.8
C (105 °C) 4.7 1.5
ξ11 (107 m5/FC2) −13.7 −29.0
ξ12 (108 m5/FC2) −1.0 15.0
ζ111 (108 m9/FC4) 10.3 15.6
ζ112 (108 m9/FC4) 6.8 12.2
Q11 (10−2 m4/C2) 2.4 8.9
Q12 (10−2 m4/C2) −0.86 −2.6
Q44 (10−2 m4/C2) 1.6 6.75
ac (Å) 4.058 3.957
200 Cubic
Transition temperature (ºC)
Tetragonal Tetragonal
Rhombohedral 0
–100 –100
0 0.1 0.2 0 0.1 0.2
(a) PZN x PT (b) PZN x PT
FIGURE 3.2 Phase diagram for (1 − x)Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 – xPbTiO3: (a) calculated and (b) experimental.
easy ionic shift/movement under an electric field. In other words, high permittivity (ionic polarization
induced by an electric field) and high piezoelectric d constant (ionic displacement and bulk strain
induced by an electric field) are expected. Further, we can say that the phase transition between the
tetragonal and rhomboderal phases will be easy under an electric field application. We can simply
say that the MPB composition is dielectrically and elastically “compliant” under an electric field.
4.3 4.3
rh. rh.
a= b =c a= b =c
Lattice parameters (å) 4.2 4.2
4.0 4.0
a=b a=b
3.9 3.9
Tetr. Tetr.
3.8 3.8
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(a) PT x PZN (b) PT x PZN
FIGURE 3.3 Lattice parameters for (1 − x)Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 – xPbTiO3: (a) calculated and (b) experimental.
89° a
Lattice parameters (å)
c 90°
89.9° a
Lattice parameters (å)
89.8° c
Rhombo. Tetr. Cub.
Rhombo. Tetr. Cub.
4.00 4.00
–100 0 100 200 –100 0 100 200
FIGURE 3.4 Temperature dependence of lattice parameters for 0.91 PZN – 0.09 PT: (a) calculated and
(b) experimental.
In this section we consider the “hard” and “soft” piezoelectric PZT properties. Hard or soft
property is defined by the coercive electric field of the PZT sample. Figure 3.7 depicts soft and hard
properties in the strain curve. When the coercive field is higher than 1 kV/mm, the PZT is called
“hard”; when the coercive field is less than 100 V/mm, it is called “soft.” When the coercive field is
in between, it is called “semihard.” Note that both samples have the same base composition PZT
52/48 with only 1 at.% (atomic percent) different dopants.
The difference of piezoelectric properties is compared in Table 3.2 among PMN-based elec-
trostrictor, PZT-based soft and hard piezoelectrics.
30,000 30,000
x = 1.0 0.8
x = 1.0
Dielectric constant 0.7
Dielectric constant
20,000 0.6 20,000
10,000 10,000
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
(a) Temperature (°C) (b) Temperature (°C)
FIGURE 3.5 Temperature dependence of dielectric constant for xPZN – (1 − x)PT: (a) calculated and
(b) experimental.
T = TC
T < TC
Tetragonal Rhombohedral
(001) (001)
Ps Ps
a a
(110) (110)
Tetragonal Rhombohedral
FIGURE 3.6 Illustration of potential minimum wells around the MPB composition.
Strain Strain
Electric Electric
field field
(a) (b)
FIGURE 3.7 Soft (a) and hard (b) properties of PZT samples in the strain curve.
Comparison among Electrostrictor, Soft, and Hard Piezoelectrics
Off-Resonance Resonance
d k Qm Application Application
Electrostrictor (PMN) High High Low High displacement Wideband
(Under DC bias)a No hysteresis
Soft piezo (PZT-5H) High High Low High displacement Heat generationa
(ΔL = dEL)
Hard piezo (PZT-8) Low Low High Low straina High AC displacement
(ΔL μ QmdEL)
a Demerit.
Ps –Ps Ps –Ps
Easy to move Stable
(a) E (b) E
FIGURE 3.8 Domain wall stability in consideration of Gauss’s law. (a) Without space charge, and (b) with
movable charge in the crystal.
the domain wall front is very unstable in a highly insulating material (Figure 3.8a with no space
charge), leading to quick disappearance of this domain wall, i.e., a low coercive field. However,
if the material has movable space charges (Figure 3.8b) in the crystal lattice, the head-to-head
polarization configuration is stabilized, leading to a high coercive field. This is called domain wall
pinning model.
This acceptor doping causes the easy reorientation of deficiency-related dipoles. These dipoles
are generated by an Fe3+ ion (effectively negative charge) and an oxygen vacancy site (effectively
positive charge). The deficiencies are produced at a high temperature (>1000°C) during sintering;
however, the oxygen ions are still movable even below the Curie temperature (e.g., at room tempera-
ture), because the oxygen and the vacancy are adjacent (only 2.8 Å!) and hopping occurs easily (see
Figure 3.9a). The movable oxygen ion is considered to stabilize the domain motion, i.e., “hard” PZT.
In the case of donor ions, e.g., Nb5+, Pb deficiency is introduced because of the charge neutrality
requirement in the crystal:
O vacancy A vacancy
FIGURE 3.9 Crystal deficiencies in PZT for acceptor (a) and donor (b) dopants.
Moreover, it is noteworthy that lead-containing ceramics such as PZT tend to be p-type semi-
conductors due to Pb evaporation during sintering. Hence, donor-type ion doping is considered to
compensate the original acceptor-type or p-type deficiencies. Thus, donor-doped piezoceramics
facilitate the domain wall motion, i.e., “soft” PZT, exhibiting large piezoelectric d constants, and
also easy depoling under the usage.
The above “oxygen deficiency” and “domain-wall pinning” model is popularly used to explain
the origin of “hard” PZT. However, Uchino et al. proposed a different model to explain the “harden-
ing” mechanism of PZT, i.e., “internal bias” model originated from “oxygen diffusion,” as discussed
in the next section.
The previously mentioned crystal deficiency model helps us understand various ferroelectric
property changes with doping. Hagimura and Uchino 4 studied the effect of impurity doping on
field-induced strains using a base composition of (Pb0.73Ba0.27)(Zr 0.75Ti0.25)O3 (soft piezoelectric).
Figure 3.10a shows the definitions of the maximum strain xmax, and the degree of hysteresis
Δx/xmax (%). The degree of hysteresis is calculated from the strain deviation during the rise and
Group A
9 Rare earth
Maximum strain (1kV/mm)xmax (×10–4)
5 W Ta Undoped Group B
5 Emax 4 Nb
4 Emax/2 Mg Group C
Strain (×10–4)
2 Pr Yb Cr
1 1 La Na Zn B
0 Fe
0 0.5 1.0
0 25 50
(a) Electric field (b) Hysteresis Δx/xmax (%)
FIGURE 3.10 Dopant effect on the field-induced strain. Maximum strain and hysteresis in (Pb0.73Ba0.27)
(Zr0.75Ti0.25)O3-based ceramics. (a) Definition of the maximum strain xmax and the degree of hysteresis Δx/xmax
(%), and (b) dopant effect on the actuator parameters.
fall of the field Δx at half the maximum electric field (1 kV/mm) divided by the maximum strain
xmax at 1 kV/mm. Figure 3.10b shows the dopant effect on the strain characteristics, in which the
doping concentration is fixed at 2 at.%. It is seen that materials incorporating donor-type ions
on the B site with a large valence +4 ~ +6 ion (Ta 5+, Nb5+, W6+) exhibit excellent characteris-
tics as positioning actuators; namely, enhancement of the strain magnitude and reduction of the
To the contrary, the acceptor-type ions with a small valence +1 ~ +3 suppress the strain and
increase the hysteresis and the coercive field. Although acceptor-type ions must be avoided in design-
ing actuator ceramics used for positioner applications (off-resonance applications under high electric
field), acceptor doping is very necessary for preparing “hard” piezoceramics which are particularly
suitable for ultrasonic motor applications (resonance applications under lower electric field).
In this section, we will focus on high-power piezoelectric ceramics for ultrasonic (AC drive) appli-
cations. In order to obtain a large output power, the ceramics are driven under a high vibration
level, namely under a relatively large AC electric field. This causes heat generation as well as a
drastic degradation in piezoelectric properties. Therefore, the high-power device such as an ultra-
sonic motor requires a very “hard” piezoelectric with a high mechanical quality factor Qm in order
to suppress heat generation. The Qm is defined as an inverse value of the elastic loss factor, tan φ′.
It is also notable that the actual mechanical vibration amplitude at the resonance frequency is
directly proportional to this Qm value (i.e., displacement amplification factor).
Since the measurement technique to determine the piezoelectric characteristics at high vibration
levels was not established previously, quite a few efforts were made recently initiated by Uchino
et al.5 and Hirose et al.,6 who have succeeded in developing a method for measuring the electro-
mechanical properties with higher precision and stability at high vibration levels with a constant
current circuit.
The vibration velocity dependence of the piezoelectric constant, permittivity, elastic compliance,
and electromechanical coupling factor was obtained for PZT-based samples.7 Figure 3.11 shows the
mechanical quality factor Qm and the actual temperature rise plotted as a function of the average
vibration velocity. Notice a significant decrease in Qm above a certain critical vibration level, which
is the limit of the output vibration energy. Even if the input electrical energy is increased further, the
additional energy will be converted only into heat. We define the maximum vibration velocity when
the temperature rise at the nodal point (maximum temperature point) reaches 20°C higher than
the room temperature. The temperature distribution in a rectangular plate (shown in Figure 3.11),
when the plate is driven at its first resonance frequency, is pictured in Figure 3.12. Note that the
highest temperature point corresponds to the nodal point where the maximum stress and strain
are realized. The difference between the A-type (resonance) and B-type (antiresonance) modes is
discussed in Chapter 7.
2000 QB 40
1000 2 20
Test sample
500 A-type 10
Temperature rise B-type
0 0
0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0
Vibration velocity v0 (m/s)
FIGURE 3.11 Vibration velocity (at the sample edge) dependence of the quality factor Qm and temperature
rise for both A (resonance) and B (antiresonance) type resonances of a longitudinally vibrating PZT ceramic
transducer through d31. The test sample size is shown in the figure.
23.00 62.25
FIGURE 3.12 Temperature distribution in a rectangular plate (shown in Figure 3.11), when the plate is driven
at its first resonance frequency.
Undoped Pb (Zr0.5 Ti0.4)O3
Temperature rise ΔT (°C)
0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 1.0
Vibration velocity v0 (m/s)
FIGURE 3.13 Temperature rise ΔT vs. effective vibration velocity v for PZT samples.
Figure 3.13 shows the temperature rise vs. vibration velocity for undoped, Nb-doped, and
Fe-doped PZT samples. In comparison with the sample doped with Nb (donor) ion, which gener-
ates heat just around 0.05 m/s (rms value), the suppression of heat generation is significant in the
Fe(acceptor)-doped ceramic. Note that commercially available hard PZTs exhibit 0.3 m/s as the
maximum vibration velocity, vmax.
Figure 3.14 shows mechanical Qm vs. mole fraction of Zr (x) at effective vibration velocities
v0 = 0.05 m/s and 0.5 m/s for Pb(ZrxTi1 − x )O3 doped with 2.1 at.% of Fe3+.8 The decrease in mechanical
Qm with increase in vibration level is minimum around the rhombohedral–tetragonal MPB(52/48).
In other words, the worst material at a small vibration level becomes the best at a large vibration
level, and data obtained from a conventional impedance analyzer are not relevant to search high-
power materials.
FIGURE 3.14 Mechanical quality factor Qm vs. mole fraction of Zr(x) at effective vibration velocities v0 =
0.05 and 0.5 m/s for Pb(ZrxTi1 − x)O3 + 2.1 at.% Fe3+ ceramics.
RA (directly measured)
= R d + Rm
Rd, Rm, and RA (Ω)
Rm = ωALA/QB
Rd Rd = tan δ/ωACd
0.03 0.1 0.3 1.0
(a) (b) Vibration velocity v0 (m/s)
FIGURE 3.15 (a) Equivalent electrical circuit for the piezoelectric resonance mode, and (b) vibration veloc-
ity dependence of the resistances (damped Rd and motional Rm) in the equivalent electric circuit for a piezo-
electric component. Heat generation originates from a drastic increase of Rd with vibration velocity.
Figure 3.15 highlights the key material-related factors affecting heat generation in the piezoelec-
tric material. The resistances Rd (damped) and Rm (motional) in the equivalent electrical circuit
(Figure 3.15a) are separately plotted as a function of vibration velocity (Figure 3.15b).9 Note that
motional Rm, mainly related to the “mechanical” loss, is insensitive to the average vibration veloc-
ity, while damped Rd, related to the “dielectric” loss, changes significantly around a certain critical
vibration velocity. Thus, the resonance loss Qm−1 at a small vibration velocity is mainly determined
by the intrinsic mechanical loss, and with increasing vibration velocity, the intrinsic dielectric loss
contribution significantly increases. We can conclude that heat generation is caused primarily by
dielectric loss (i.e., P–E hysteresis loss). Refer to Section 7.3.2 for the equivalent circuit.
In order to provide a measure of vibration level, the vibration amplitude may be used. Why the
vibration velocity is used in the above discussion?
When the vibration amplitude is small and proportional to the applied electric field, it should be
expressed by
( ) (
v = 8 π 2 Qmd31L E3 2π 2L ρs11 cos (ωRt ))
( )
= (8 π ) Qmd31E3 1 ρs11 cos (ωRt ).
Note that the vibration amplitude is sample-size-dependent, but the vibration velocity is not.
Because the vibration velocity is provided primarily by Qmd31 ρs11 , which is a material’s con-
stant, we use it as a measure of the vibration level.
a trigger for discovering “hard” PZT; conventionally steel (Fe) balls were used for ball milling of
PZT powders.
BaTiO3 is prepared in principle from equimolar quantities of raw powders of BaO and TiO2. In
general, BaCO3 powder is recommended instead of BaO, because high-purity BaO is expensive and
chemically less reactive.
A similar calcination process starting from PbO, MgO, Nb2O5, and TiO2 can be used for
Pb[(Mg1/3Nb2/3)1−xTi x]O3. However, this simple process generates a second phase (pyrochlore) in
addition to the perovskite phase. To suppress this second phase several mol% excess PbO doped in
the final sintering stage is effective.11 Swartz et al. reported a unique method taking account of the
chemical reaction process.12 They demonstrated that the perfect perovskite phase can be obtained
by the reaction starting from columbite MgNb2O6 and PbO:
For PMN–PT, MgO, Nb2O5, and TiO2 are mixed and fired at 1000°C initially. Then PbO is added
to the columbite, and the sample is calcined at 800°C–900°C. Several mol% excess MgO is particu-
larly effective in obtaining the perfect perovskite phase. Coprecipitation
Since practical piezoelectric/electrostrictive ceramics are from complex solid solution systems, the
compositional fluctuation among ceramic particles as well as the purity is very important. The
above method involving a combination of solid-state reaction and mechanical mixing is inevitably
accompanied by this problem. The coprecipitation method is employed to realize enhanced homo-
geneity. Adding a precipitant into the liquid solution of mixed metal salts produces a homogeneous
precipitate. Thermal dissolution makes homogeneous powders from the precipitate.
For example, BaTiO(C2H4)2 . 4H2O with the Ba/Ti ratio exactly equal to 1:1, on an atomic scale,
can be precipitated from an aqueous solution of BaCl2 and TiCl4 by dripping in oxalic acid. Thermal
dissolution of this precipitate provides fine stoichiometric BaTiO3 powders with good sintering
For PLZT, Pb(NO3)2, La(NO3)3 . 6H2O, ZrO(NO3)2 . 2H2O, and TiO(NO3)2 are used as the starting
materials.13 First, the water solutions of each nitrate are mixed in the desired proportion, then a half
volume of ethanol is added. Oxalic acid diluted with ethanol is dripped slowly into the nitric solu-
tion, leading to the precipitation of the PLZT oxalate. Thermal dissolution is carried out at 800°C.
In the above coprecipitation methods, thermal dissolution of the precipitate is finally required
to obtain the desired powder. However, the oxide powder can be obtained directly through the
precipitation process in special cases. A direct precipitation method for BaTiO3 is introduced here.
By dripping Ti(OR)4 (R: propyl) into Ba(OH)2 water solution, fine high-purity stoichiometric BT
powders with an average particle size of 10 nm can be obtained directly.
(a) Hydrolysis
H − O + M − OR → H − O − M + ROH
M − O + M − OR → M − O − M + ROH
(c) Oxolation (removal of H as water)
M − O + M − OH → M − O − M + H 2O
In order to obtain BT powders, Ba(OC3H7)2 and Ti(OC5H11)4 are diluted with isopropyl alcohol (or
benzene). Choosing an appropriate hydrolysis condition (pH), very fine stoichiometric BT powders
with good crystallinity and a particle size of 10–100 Å can be obtained (agglomerate size = 1 μm).
Also the hydrolytic process gives a specimen powder with purity more than 99.98%, leading to a
remarkable increase in the permittivity of the sintered ceramic in comparison with samples pre-
pared by oxide-mixing.14 Table 3.3 lists examples of ferroelectric ceramic powders synthesized by
alkoxide hydrolysis.
In the case of PZT preparation, Pb alkoxide is relatively difficult to obtain compared to Ti and
Zr alkoxides. Thus, one way is to employ a two-stage method for convenience: (Zr,Ti)O2 is prepared
by the alkoxide method, and PbO is added later for use in the solid-state reaction.15 A partial sol-gel
method combined with inexpensive readymade nanosize powders will be a promising direction to
achieve reduction in production costs. Of course, the other way is to use Pb alkoxide; zirconium
n-butoxide Zr(O(CH2)3CH3]4 and titanium isopropoxide Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4 are added into lead acetyl
acetonate Pb(CH3COCHCOCH3) to obtain PZT precursor.
Ferroelectric Powders Synthesized by
Hydrolysis of Alkoxides
Crystalline BaTiO3
Amorphous Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3
During sintering, the grains grow and the grain shape also changes significantly. However, it is
well recognized that the raw powder characteristics strongly affect the manufacturing conditions
and the final product characteristics. In general, the sintering is accelerated with decreasing par-
ticle size of the raw powder (i.e., with increased specific surface area), because the driving force of
sintering is related to the surface energy of the particles. Moreover, for fine powders, the necessary
diffusion length of the atoms for sintering becomes shorter, which accelerates pore diffusion. This
results in high-density ceramics.
There have been many studies on grain growth. Reference [16] is recommended for further study.
The following relationship between the grain size D and the sintering period t is generally used:
Dβ − D0β ∝ t. (3.3)
In the case of normal grain growth, β = 2, and for abnormal grain growth, β = 3. Figure 3.17 shows
the microphotographs of a PLZT 9/65/35 surface sintered at 1200°C for 1 and 16 h, starting from the
oxalic acid/ethanol method.17 Figure 3.18 shows a good linear relation between the sintering period
and the square of the grain size.
Doping must also be considered. The main role of dopants is to decrease the sintering tem-
perature, but additional effects such as suppression or enhancement of grain growth are sometimes
observed. Excess PbO or Bi2O3 in Pb-based perovskites (PZT) inhibits grain growth. Dy doping
(0.8 at.%) is very effective in suppressing the grain size to less than 1 μm in BaTiO3.18
Taking into account the charge neutrality of ABO3 = (K1+ 3+ 2+ 5+ 2–
1− x Bi x )(Zn1− y Nb y )O3 :
+1 × (1 − x ) + 3 × x + 2 × (1 − y) + 5 × y = +6. (P3.1.1)
5 μm
FIGURE 3.17 Grain growth in the PLZT ceramics 9/65/35 ceramics sintered for (a) 1 h and (b) 16 h.
D2 – 0.601 = 0.62
(Grain size D2) (μm2)
0 4 8 12 16 20
Sintering time (h)
We obtain continuous solutions for x and y, which satisfy Equation P3.1.2. A formula (K3/4 Bi1/4)
(Zn1/6 Nb5/6)O3 is one of the solutions.
PMN–PT ceramics φ 40 × t8 mm
Side view
FIGURE 3.19 Growth of PMN–PT single crystals using SSCG technique. (Courtesy of Ho-Yong Lee, http://
www.ceracomp.com. With permission.)
2000 Oriented LF4
Smax/Emax (pm/V)
1500 Oriented LF4
Strain (10–6)
1000 PZT–D Unoriented LF4
Unoriented LF4
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 50 100 150 200
(a) Electric field (V/mm) (b) Temperature (°C)
FIGURE 3.20 Strain vs. electric field curves (a), and the displacement change with temperature (b), for
textured and randomly oriented piezoceramics, (K,Na,Li)(Nb,Ta,Sb)O3. Note the significant enhancement in
the strain level in the textured ceramic, which reaches almost comparable to the PZT ceramic strain. (From
Saito, Y. et al., Nature, 432, 84, 2004. With permission.)
for epitaxy and subsequent oriented growth of the matrix, the template particles need to be single
crystal and chemically stable up to the growth temperature. Messing et al. reported that the resulting
ceramics show texture levels up to 90%, and significant enhancements in the piezoelectric proper-
ties, in comparison with randomly oriented ceramics.23 For example, the piezoelectric d coefficient
of textured PMN–32.5PT piezoelectrics was about 1150 pC/N, 2 ~ 3 times higher than randomly
oriented ceramics, and as high as 90% of the single crystal values.
Toyota Central Research Lab is using reactive-templated grain growth (RTGG) as a key pro-
cessing technique for preparing textured Pb-free piezoelectric ceramics. Bismuth layer-structured
ferroelectric ABi4Ti4O15 (A = Na0.5Bi0.5, Ca, Sr) ceramics with a highly preferred [001] orientation
were fabricated with enhanced piezoelectric properties using Bi4Ti3O12 platelets. Textured simple
perovskite-type ceramics were also prepared in Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 (BNT), BaTiO3, and K0.5Na0.5NbO3
(KNN)-based compositions with Lotgering’s factor higher than 0.8, which exhibited enhanced
electromechanical coupling coefficients and piezoelectric constants when compared with their ran-
domly oriented counterparts.24 Figure 3.20a and b shows the strain vs. electric field curves and the
displacement change with temperature for textured and randomly oriented piezoceramics, (K,Na,Li)
(Nb,Ta,Sb)O3.25 Note that significant enhancement in the strain level in the textured ceramic, which
reaches almost comparable to the PZT ceramic strain.
The above unskillful mistake is occasionally found for a beginner engineer when alcohol is used
to wipe the ceramic disk after polishing, and it is not dried completely on a hot plate (above
100°C). The engineer should be careful not to make an air gap (even submicron) during the elec-
troding process. Anyhow, let us evaluate the property from this result.
The total capacitance of a ceramic capacitor and two air gap capacitors (both top and bottom
surfaces) connected in series was measured experimentally. When we denote the capacitor area,
thickness, and the air gap by S, d, and δ, respectively, the total capacitance is given by
To achieve a low driving voltage, miniaturization and hybridization of the devices, ferroelectric
ceramic multilayer structures have been investigated intensively for capacitor, actuator, and electro-
optic applications. Key words for the future trend will be “finer” and “hybridization.” Layers thin-
ner than 3 μm, which are currently used in multilayer capacitors, can also be introduced in actuator
devices technologically instead of the present 60–80 μm thick sheets. A typical actuator with 10 mm
length exhibits 10 μm displacement (strain of 0.1%) with a fundamental resonance frequency around
100 kHz. Nonuniform configurations or heterostructures of the materials, layer thickness, or the
electrode pattern can be adopted for practical devices.
There are two techniques for making multilayered ceramic devices: the cut-and-bond method
and the tape-casting method. The tape-casting method has been widely used for multilayer capaci-
tor fabrication, and requires expensive fabrication facilities and sophisticated techniques, but is
suitable for mass production of more than 100,000 pieces per month.
As shown in Figure 3.21, a multilayer structure is composed of alternate ferroelectric ceramic and
internal electrode layers fabricated by cofiring. An adjacent pair of electrodes composes a unit dis-
placement element, which is connected in parallel by the external electrode up to hundreds of layers.
Polarization direction
Internal electrode
Calcined powder
(Slip casting)
Green sheet
(Electrode printing)
(Lamination, press, cutting)
Green chip
Multilayer device
Figure 3.22 shows a flowchart of the manufacturing process of the multilayer ceramic actuators.
Green sheets are prepared in two steps: slip preparation of the ceramic powder and a doctor blade
process. The slip is made by mixing the ceramic powder with solvent, deflocculant, binder, and plas-
ticizer. The slip is cast into a film under a special straight blade, a doctor blade, whose distance above
the carrier determines the film thickness. After drying, the film, called a green sheet, has the elastic
flexibility of synthetic leather. The volume fraction of the ceramic in the polymer matrix at this point
is about 50%. The green sheet is then cut into an appropriate size, and internal electrodes are printed
using Ni (for BT-based capacitors), silver–palladium, platinum, or Cu ink (for PZT-based transducers).
Several tens to hundreds of such layers are then laminated, and pressed using a hot press. After cutting
into small chips, the green bodies are sintered at around 1200°C in a furnace, taking special care to
control binder evaporation around 500°C. The sintered chips are then polished, externally electroded,
lead wires are attached, and finally the chips are coated with a waterproof spray.
Assume L, ΔL, and n to be the total thickness, displacement, and the number of layers of the
ceramic actuator, respectively.
(a) Piezoelectric
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Ve/A (volume mm3/area mm2)
FIGURE 3.23 Temperature rise vs. Ve/A (3 kV/mm, 300 Hz), where Ve is the effective volume generating the
heat and A is the surface area dissipating the heat.
In this case the generative displacement is amplified in proportion to the square of the number of
layers n (more effective than in a piezoelectric).
Zheng et al. reported on the heat generation from multilayer piezoelectric ceramic actuators of
various sizes.26 The temperature change was monitored in actuators driven at 3 kV/mm and 300 Hz.
Figure 3.23 shows the saturated temperature plotted as a function of Ve/A, where Ve is the effective
volume (electroded portion of the actuator) and A is the surface area. This linear relation is reason-
able because the volume Ve generates the heat and this heat is dissipated through the area A. Thus,
if you need to suppress the heat, a small Ve/A (flat and cylinder shapes are better than cube and solid
rod structures, respectively) is preferred.
Unimorph and bimorph devices are defined by the number of piezoelectric ceramic plates: only one
ceramic plate is bonded onto an elastic shim, or two ceramic plates are bonded together, respec-
tively. The bimorphs are mainly considered here. The bimorph causes bending deformation because
two piezoelectric plates are bonded together and each plate produces extension or contraction under
an electric field. This effect is employed for various speakers. The bimorph induces voltage for a
bending deformation, which can be used for accelerometers. Since the fabrication process is simple
(two ceramic plates are just bonded using a resin) and large magnification of the displacement is
easily obtained, this structure has been widely used. However, the drawbacks include a low response
speed (1 kHz) and low generative force due to the bending mode (tensile stress concentrates on the
top of the piezoplate). A metallic sheet (called the shim) is occasionally sandwiched between the two
piezoceramic plates to increase the reliability, that is, the structure is maintained even if the ceramic
fractures (Figure 3.24). Also notice the tapering of the bimorph, which increases the response fre-
quency by maintaining the tip displacement magnitude.
There have been many reports on equations describing the tip displacement and the resonance
frequency. Summaries are provided here. Figure 3.25 illustrates two bimorph designs without shims.
Two poled piezoceramic plates with t/2 in thickness (i.e., t is the total thickness) and L in length
are bonded with their polarization directions opposite to each other (a) or parallel to each other (b).
According to the configuration, the tip displacement δ under a voltage V is provided as follows when
one end is clamped (cantilever condition):
FIGURE 3.25 Two types of piezoelectric bimorphs: (a) the antiparallel polarization type and (b) the parallel
polarization type.
Notice that this difference comes from the electrode gap difference: t in (a) and t/2 in (b), leading to
the double electric field in (b). For both cases the fundamental resonance frequency is determined
by the total thickness t as27
Sensor electrode
Piezo actuator part
FIGURE 3.26 Bimorph structure for a perfectly parallel motion with a position sensing feedback function
a bimorph structure. A complex bimorph proposed by Ampex has divided electrodes electrically
connected oppositely at the tip and bottom (supporting part) parts so as to compensate the canting
angle at the bottom by the opposite bend at the tip.28 The bimorph also included a sensor function:
the sensor electrode can detect the voltage generated in proportion to the magnitude of bend.
Considering a certain low applied voltage, type (b) in Figure 3.25 is preferred to type (a) in order
to obtain a large displacement. Substituting L of Equation 3.4b with 25 mm, we get the piezo-
electric plate thickness:
t = L 3 (d31 V δ )
= 25 × 10 −3 m ) 3 ⋅ (300 × 10 −12
) (
C/N ⋅ (20 V ) 40 × 10 −6 m . )
= 530 μm (P3.4.1)
After cutting the ceramic into plates of 265 μm in thickness, 30 mm in length, and 4–6 mm in
width, the two plates are bonded together after electroding and electrical poling. The width of
the bimorph is usually chosen as w/L < 1/5 so as not to suppress the magnitude of bending. The
response time is estimated by the resonance period. From Equation 3.5
( )( )
−1 2
f = 0.161 t L2 ρs11
= 0.161 ⎡530 × 10 −6 m 25 × 10 −3 m ⎤ ) (7.9 × 10 )( )
kg/m 3 16 × 10 −12 m 2 /N
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦
This is roughly 2.6 ms. This bimorph was designed for the mechanical camera shutter
δ = (d31E )L2Yc tc /[Ym {t02 − (t0 − tm )2} + Yc {(t0 + tc )2 − t02 }], (P3.5.1)
E is the electric field applied to the piezoelectric ceramic
d31 is the piezoelectric constant
L is the length of this unimorph
Yc or Ym is Young’s modulus for the ceramic or the metal
tc or tm is the thickness of each material
In addition, t0 refers to the distance between the strain-free neutral plane and the bonding sur-
face, which is represented as
t0 = [tc tm2 (3tc + 4tm )Ym + tc4 Yc ] / [6tc tm (tc + tm )Ym ] (P3.5.2)
Suppose Yc = Ym (PZT and steel have a relationship close to this condition), calculate the opti-
mized condition of (tm /tc) to maximize the deflection δ for the following conditions:
(a) For a fixed ceramic thickness tc (this situation happens when you are a customer of the
ceramic, and need to choose from the company catalogue).
(b) For a fixed total thickness (tc + tm) [this situation happens when you are a manufacturer
of the bimorph component (such as speakers), and the customer requests you to design a
certain resonance frequency device].
Setting Yc = Ym, the equations become
Then, the function f(tm) = tmtc/(tm + tc)3 must be maximized for a fixed ceramic thickness tc (a) or
for a fixed total thickness tc + tm = ttot.
Both the metal and ceramic plate thickness should be adjusted to tm = tc = ttot/2; t0 = ttot/3.
This problem suggests that the elastic shim thickness should be adjusted around ½ ~ 1 of the
piezoceramic thickness. We can find unreasonable thickness ratio from this sense in microelectro-
mechanical system (MEMS) cantilever designs reported in many previous papers.
How can we call a bending device which has four layers of PZT plates?
The following definitions are pictured in Figure 3.27:
Monomorph—single actuator ceramic plate
Unimorph—single actuator plate and an elastic shim
Bimorph—double actuator plates bonded together with or without an elastic shim
Multimorph—multiple actuator plates bonded together with or without multiple elastic shims
A device with four layers of PZT plates is called a “multimorph.” The monomorph is classified
into two:
1. Single crystal LiNbO3 plate with a half-reversed-polarization region [see Section 3.2.3]19
2. Semiconductive BaTiO3 ceramic plate with a nonuniform electric field distribution due to
the Schottky barrier30
(a) Monomorph
(b) Unimorph
(c) Bimorph
(d) Multimorph
Neither multilayer nor bimorph actuators can satisfy the above specifications directly. A multilayer
needs a displacement amplification mechanism, while a bimorph is required to improve its force
and response speed.
Hinge-lever and flextension-type displacement amplification mechanisms are adopted for the
multilayer actuators. The most famous hinge-type design is the one utilized in a dot-matrix printer
developed by NEC, as depicted in Figure 3.28a (see Section 7.6).31 Figure 3.28b shows flextensional
type developed by Cedrat.32
A composite actuator structure called the “moonie or cymbal” has been developed to amplify the
pressure sensitivity and the small displacements induced in a piezoelectric ceramic.33 The moonie/
cymbal has intermediate characteristics between the conventional multilayer and bimorph actua-
tors; it exhibits an order of magnitude larger displacement (100 μm) than the multilayer, and much
larger generative force (10 kgf) with quicker response (100 μs) than the bimorph. The moonie device
consists of a thin multilayer ceramic element and two metal plates with a narrow moon-shaped
Ink ribbon
FIGURE 3.28 (a) A hinge lever-type displacement amplification mechanism (NEC) and (b) a flextensional
amplified piezoelectric actuator (Cedrat).
FIGURE 3.29 Structures of a moonie (a) and a modified design cymbal (b).
cavity bonded together (Figure 3.29a). The moonie with a size of 5 mm × 5 mm × 2.5 mm can gen-
erate a 20 μm displacement under 60 V, which is 8 times as large as the generative displacement of
a multilayer of the same size. By modifying the end cap design (cymbal type) as shown in Figure
3.29b, twice the displacement can be obtained.34 Also the generative displacement is rather uniform,
independent of the position from the center of the end cap. Another advantage of the cymbal to the
moonie is its easy fabrication process. One-step punching can make end caps from a metal plate.35
FIGURE 3.30 PZT:polymer composites: (a) 1-3 connectivity and (b) 0-3 connectivity.
Piezoelectric component
Sputtering has been most commonly used for ferroelectric thin films such as LiNbO3, PLZT,37 and
PbTiO3.38 Figure 3.32 shows the principle of a magnetron sputtering apparatus. Heavy Ar plasma
ions bombard the cathode (target) and eject its atoms. These atoms are deposited uniformly on
the substrate in an evacuated enclosure. Choosing a suitable substrate and deposition condition,
Gas Vacuum pump
O2 Magnetic
400 PZT(100)
0 20 40 60 80 100 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
(a) Annealing time (s) (b) Angle 2θ
FIGURE 3.33 Epitaxially grown rhombohedral (70/30) PZT films with (001) and (111) orientations: (a) opti-
mum rapid thermal annealing profiles, and (b) x-ray diffraction patterns for films grown according to these
profiles. (From Kalpat, S. et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 40, 158, 2001.)
single crystal-like epitaxially deposited films can be obtained. The sol-gel technique has also been
employed for processing PZT films.39 Applications of thin film ferroelectrics include memories,
surface acoustic wave devices, piezosensors and micromechatronic, or MEMS devices.
As we discussed in Section 2.4.5, (001) epitaxially oriented PZT rhombohedral composition
films are most suitable from the application viewpoint. Kalpat et al. demonstrated (001)- and (111)-
oriented films on the same Pt-coated Si substrate by changing the rapid thermal annealing profile.40
Figure 3.33a and b shows the PZT (70/30) films with (001) and (111) orientations.
Pt/Ti/silicon on
insulator wafer (SOI)
Bottom glass plate
PZT thin film sputtering
FIGURE 3.34 The micromachining process used to fabricate a PZT micropump. (From Kalpat, S. et al.,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 40, 158, 2001.)
Top Bottom
electrode PZT IDTs electrode
Inlet Inlet
wafer Outlet
FIGURE 3.35 A schematic diagram of the structure of a PZT micropump. Actual size: 4.5 mm × 4.5 mm ×
2 mm. (From Kalpat, S. et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 40, 158, 2001.)
1. Size constraints: Similar to a powder sample, there may exist a critical film thickness
below which the ferroelectricity would disappear. No research has been made from this
viewpoint yet. Refer to Section 3.4.
2. Stress from the substrate: Tensile or compressive stress is generated due to thermal expan-
sion mismatch between the film and the substrate, leading to sometimes a higher coercive
field for domain reorientation. Curie temperature is also modified with a rate 50°C per
1 GPa.
3. Epitaxial growth: Crystal orientation dependence should be also considered, similar to
the case in single crystals. An example can be found in a rhombohedral composition PZT,
which is supposed to exhibit the maximum performance when the Ps direction is arranged
57° cant from the film normal direction [i.e., (001) crystallographic orientation].
4. Preparation constraint: Si substrate requires low sintering temperature of the PZT film.
Typically 800°C for a short period is the maximum for preparing the PZT, which may limit
the crystallization of the film, leading to the reduction of the properties. A metal electrode
on a Si wafer such as Pt also limits the crystallinity of the PZT film.
ferroelectricity. There remains a future question to clarify the following from both experimental and
theoretical viewpoints:
1. 3-D problem: What is a critical particle size below which ferroelectricity will disappear?
2. 2-D problem (1-D connectivity): What is a critical fiber diameter below which ferroelec-
tricity will disappear?
3. 1-D problem (2-D connectivity): What is a critical film thickness below which ferroelectricity/
piezoelectricity will disappear?
1 × 10–4
Transverse strain x1
FIGURE 3.36 Electric-field-induced strain curves in Dy-doped and undoped BaTiO3 ceramic samples.
(From Yamaji, A. et al., Proc. 1st Mtg. Ferroelectric Mater. Appl., Kyoto, 269, 1977.)
coarse grained BT
Dy-doped fine-grained BT
0 50 100
Temperature (°C)
FIGURE 3.37 Temperature dependence of the piezoelectric d33 in Dy-doped and undoped BaTiO3 ceramics.
(From Yamaji, A. et al., Proc. 1st Mtg. Ferroelectr. Mater. Appl., Kyoto, 269, 1977.)
1 kHz
100 kHz
10 Temp rise
Peak permittivity (×103)
Temp fall
0 1 2 3 4 5
Grain size (μm)
FIGURE 3.38 Grain size dependence of the peak permittivity in PLZT 9/65/35. (From Uchino, K. and
Takasu, T., Inspection, 10, 29, 1986.)
Takasu et al. studied the effects of grain size on PLZT.43 They obtained PLZT (9/65/35) powders
by coprecipitation. Various grain sizes were prepared by hot-pressing and by changing sintering
periods, without using any dopants. PLZT (9/65/35) shows significant dielectric relaxation (fre-
quency dependence of the permittivity) below the Curie point of about 80°C, and the dielectric
constant tends to be higher at lower frequency. Figure 3.38 shows the dependence of the peak dielec-
tric constant on grain size. For grain size larger than 1.7 μm, the dielectric constant decreases with
decreasing grain size. Below 1.7 μm, the dielectric constant increases rapidly. Figure 3.39 shows
the dependence of the longitudinal field-induced strain on the grain size. As the grain size becomes
smaller, the maximum strain decreases monotonically. However, when the grain size becomes less
than 1.7 μm, the hysteresis is reduced. This behavior can be explained as follows: with decreas-
ing grain size, (anti)ferroelectric (ferroelastic) domain walls become difficult to form in the grain,
and the domain rotation contribution to the strain becomes smaller (multidomain–monodomain
D = 2.4 μm
FIGURE 3.39 Grain size dependence of the induced strain in PLZT ceramics. (From Uchino, K. and Takasu,
T., Inspection, 10, 29, 1986.)
transition model). The critical size is about 1.7 μm. However, note that the domain size is not con-
stant, but is dependent on the grain size, and that in general the domain size decreases with decreas-
ing grain size.
Single crystal
Tetragonality (c/a)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Particle size (μm)
FIGURE 3.40 Particle size dependence of the tetragonality in BaTiO3 at room temperature. Note that the
tetragonal crystal distortion disappears below a critical particle size around 0.1 μm. (From Uchino, K. et al.,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 72, 1555, 1989.)
C1-30.3 μm
1.0 μm
0.22 μm
Tetragonality (c/a) C-1 0.18 μm
H-4 0.16 μm
H-3 0.14 μm
H-2 0.12 μm
0 50 100 150
Temperature (°C)
FIGURE 3.41 Temperature dependence of the tetragonality in BaTiO3 for various particle size samples.
(From Uchino, K. et al., J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 72, 1555, 1989.)
particle size and the Curie temperature, which decreases with decreasing particle size. This chapter
clearly indicated that the ferroelectricity disappears on reducing the 3-D particle size. It is interest-
ing to note that the tetragonality between 1 and 1.0025 was not observed experimentally, suggesting
that the first-order phase transition seems to be sustained regardless of the crystalline size. The
tetragonality change curve is simply shifted to lower temperature when reducing the particle size.
Though multiple recent papers discussed on the critical particle size of 0.12 μm, too small or
too large, experimentally, it is not the keypoint, because there is a big ambiguity in determining
the average particle size as Ref. [45] explicitly explained. Specific surface area, x-ray diffraction,
electron microscope, or optical microscope provides large deviation on the particle size more than
several times.
A similar critical particle size was also reported in (Ba,Sr)TiO3,45 (Ba,Pb)TiO3,46 and for antifer-
roelectric PbZrO3.45 Figure 3.42 shows the relationship between the critical particle size Dcrit and the
Curie (or Neel) temperature TC for these materials. An important empirical rule was obtained:
Although there have been various reports on the critical grain/particle size, it seems to be at least true that
there is a kind of critical size below which the ferroelectricity disappears (i.e., the crystal becomes cubic).
No satisfactory explanation has yet been presented so far. One possible explanation is based on
a hydrostatic pressure model. In general, the ferroelectric transition temperature decreases sharply
(50°C/MPa) with increasing hydrostatic pressure. Systematic data can be found in Samara’s papers,
who used external hydrostatic oil pressure.47 The effective surface tension γ on a fine particle causes
a hydrostatic pressure p intrinsically48:
5 0.1
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500
Curie/néel temperature (°C)
FIGURE 3.42 Relationship between the critical particle size Dcrit or the critical hydrostatic pressure and the
phase transition temperature.
Critical Particle Size, Critical Hydrostatic Pressure, and the Surface
Tension Energy for Various Perovskites
Material Temperature (°C) 2Rcrit (mm) Pcrit (GPa) g (N/m)
Ba0.9Sr0.1TiO3 95 0.19 1.2 57
BaTiO3 125 0.12 1.8 54
Ba0.85Pb0.15TiO3 180 0.08 2.9 58
Ba0.5Pb0.5TiO3 330 0.032 6.2 50
PbTiO3 500 0.02 10 50
Note: P = 2γ/R.
From the critical particle size Dcrit (=2Rcrit) and the critical hydrostatic pressure pcrit, above which
the cubic structure is realized at room temperature, we can calculate the effective surface tension
γ as listed in Table 3.4. The γ value is almost constant for all perovskite ferroelectrics. The γ value,
50 times larger than that of nonpolar oxides (such as MgO), may be due to the additional energy
from the surface charge contribution, and/or from a crystallographically different skin phase on the
particle surface (i.e., core-shell model).
U1 = (2/4πε0ε)[−(q 2/a)]
–q +q –q +q –q +q –q
1 3 5 7 9 n
Madelung energy
Energy U
FIGURE 3.43 1-D finite chain of two kinds of ions +q and −q.
The Coulomb potential change at the center point is shown in Figure 3.43b as a function of the
crystal size n, with a final saturating value of Madelung energy. When the energy fluctuation is so
large, a small energy imbalance between a paraelectric and a ferroelectric state may not cause a
phase transition. Supposing that the minimum crystal size (2na) is required to maintain the poten-
tial energy fluctuation less than ±10% at the center positive ion, even when adding or subtracting
a pair of ions (i.e., n + 1 or n − 1). If the basic crystal Coulomb energy is not stabilized to less
than this degree of fluctuation, we cannot expect the ferroelectric phase transition to occur as a
cooperative phenomenon.
By equating 1/n = 10%, we get n = 10. If we use a = 4 Å, 2na = 80 Å = 8 nm. According to
the study on amorphous PbTiO3,49 the soft phonon mode and the maximum permittivity which
indicate the ferroelectricity appearance started to be observed around 100 Å, on increasing the
crystalline size during annealing process. This crystalline size is in the same range as the above
theoretically estimated crystal size. The reader is requested to extend the theory to 3-D model.
Chapter Essentials
1. The MPB composition is the key to enhance the ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties.
2. Doping effects on ferroelectricity in PZT:
Acceptor ion → domain pinning → “hard” piezoelectric
Donor ion → Pb deficiency compensation → “soft” piezoelectric
3. Preparation of ceramic powders:
Oxide-mixing technique
Alkoxide hydrolysis
4. Device designs:
Single disk
Flexible composite
Thin/thick film
5. Comparison between multilayers and bimorphs:
1. The multilayer type does not exhibit large displacements, but has advantages in gen-
erative force, response speed, lifetime, and electromechanical coupling k33.
2. The bimorph type exhibits large displacements, but shows disadvantages in generative
force, response speed, lifetime, and the electromechanical coupling keff.
3. Neither multilayer nor bimorph satisfies directly the current demand for the specifica-
tions (displacement: 100 μm, force: 100 N, response: 100 μs).
6. Tip displacement δ in a bimorph under a one-end clamp condition (cantilever):
There seems to be a critical particle/grain size (submicrometer), below which the material
ceases to be ferroelectric (i.e., it becomes paraelectric).
Smaller grain → smaller polarization and strain, smaller hysteresis → larger mechanical
Check Point
1. What is the MPB composition of the PZT system at room temperature? PbZrO3:PbTiO3 =
(48:52), (50:50), (52:48), or (none of these)?
2. (T/F) The MPB composition of the PZT system exhibits the maximum electromechanical
coupling k, piezoelectric coefficient d, and the minimum permittivity ε. True or False?
3. How to make PZT ceramic “soft.” Nominate a suitable doping ion species.
4. (T/F) When Fe3+ ion is doped in PZT, oxygen deficiencies are created, resulting in “soft”
characteristics of the PZT. True or False?
5. How large displacement can we expect under a reasonably high electric field for a 10 mm
long multilayer PZT actuator? 0.1, 1, 10, or 100 μm?
6. What is the fundamental resonance frequency for a 10 mm long multilayer PZT actuator?
1, 10, 100, or 1000 kHz?
7. (T/F) There are two bimorph actuators with the same PZT composition: Type I: 40 mm
long, 1 mm thick, 6 mm wide, and Type II: 20 mm long, 0.5 mm thick, 3 mm wide. The
resonance frequencies for these two bimorphs are the same. True or False?
8. (T/F) There are two bimorph actuators with the same PZT composition: Type I: 40 mm
long, 1 mm thick, 6 mm wide, and Type II: 20 mm long, 0.5 mm thick, 3 mm wide. When
the same voltage is applied, the tip displacement under a cantilever support for these two
bimorphs are the same. True or False?
9. (T/F) On reducing the grain size of the BaTiO3 ceramic around 1 μm range, the piezoelec-
tric d constant is decreased. True or False?
10. What is the remaining item of four constraints of the ferroelectric films: (1) grain size,
thickness dependence of the properties, (2) epitaxial growth, crystallographic orientation
dependence, (3) preparation constraints such as annealing temperature, and (4) what?
100 μm
100 μm
FIGURE 3.44 PZT multilayer actuators with their layer thicknesses of (a) 280 and (b) 17 μm. (From Schuh,
C., Proc. of New Actuators 2004, Bremen, 2004. With permission.)
Chapter Problems
3.1 Using a PZT-based ceramic plate with a piezoelectric constant, d31 = −300 pC/N,
size, 25 mm × 5 mm × 0.5 mm, and a phosphor bronze plate (high-Qm material),
design a unimorph with a total active length of 25 mm which can produce the maxi-
mum tip displacement under an application of 100 V. Determine the optimized thick-
ness of a phosphor bronze plate, then calculate the maximum displacement. Here,
the density and the elastic compliance of the ceramic are ρ = 7.9 g/cm3 and s11 E =
−12 2
16 × 10 m /N, respectively. Search for the necessary data (Young’s modulus, etc.) of
phosphor bronze. (Refer to Example Problem 3.5.)
3.2 Describe the difference between “silver paste” and “silver ink.”
Silver paste includes glass particles with silver particles and used for the external elec-
trode. Annealing is required to melt the glass phase to provide the bonding strength.
On the other hand, ink does not include the glass phase, is usually used for the internal
embedded electrode, in order to cover the peeling weakness. Search further information
on the glass composition and the volume percentage.
3.3 Two types of multilayer PZT actuators were prepared with their layer thicknesses of 280
and 17 μm, as shown in Figure 3.44a and b.50
This PZT composition has tetragonal symmetry, and when the x-ray diffraction pat-
tern was taken for both samples from the top surface, Figure 3.45 was obtained. The
sample with 280 μm layer thickness seemed to have no texture by showing the x-ray
intensity ratio roughly 1:2 for the (001) and (100) reflections, while the intensity of the
(001) reflection was very high for the sample with 17 μm layer thickness.
Based on these experimental results, answer to the following questions:
(a) What sort of texture is indicated from the x-ray pattern for the multilayer actuator
with 17 μm thickness?
(b) Why was this texture created by reducing the layer thickness?
(c) Can we expect the improvement of the piezoelectric performance due to this texture?
5000 (002)t
d = 17 μm (textured)
d = 280 μm (texture free)
43.5 44.0 44.5 45.0 45.5 46.0
FIGURE 3.45 Two x-ray diffraction patterns for the multilayer actuators with 280 and 17 μm layer thick-
nesses. (From Schuh, C., Proc. of New Actuators 2004, Bremen, 2004. With permission.)
d = 280 μm d = 17 μm
FIGURE 3.46 Two domain texture models for the multilayer actuators with 280 and 17 μm layer thicknesses.
(From Schuh, C., Proc. of New Actuators 2004, Bremen, 2004. With permission.)
FIGURE 3.47 Domain texture creation model for the multilayer actuators with 17 μm layer thickness. (From
Schuh, C., Proc. of New Actuators 2004, Bremen, 2004. With permission.)
The high intensity of the (001) reflection for the sample with 17 μm layer thickness
indicates the polarization direction aligned normal to the layer plane, as schematically
shown in Figure 3.46.
If this domain texture was induced by the mechanical stress through the manufac-
turing process, the thermal expansion difference between the PZT and metal electrode
may be the origin. Because the metal electrode shrinkage is larger than the PZT during
the cooling-down process, the PZT layer will experience compressive stress (the thinner
layer sample will experience larger compressive stress), leading to the domain align-
ment normal to the layer surface (Figure 3.47).
1. B. Jaffe, W. R. Cook, and H. Jaffe: Piezoelectric Ceramics, p. 142, Academic Press, New York (1971).
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Figure 4.1 summarizes the various capacitor types, highlighting their sizes and operating frequency
ranges.1 Ceramic capacitors with a single parallel plate design are still popular, while multilayer
ceramic capacitors are 1/30−1/50 the size of the single parallel plate-type. Semiconductor capaci-
tors exhibit large capacitances using very thin dielectric layers in a semiconductor-based ceramic
(see Section 9.3). Microchip capacitors are ultrasmall capacitors for high-frequency applications.
The basic specifications required for capacitors are
Taking account of c = 3.0 × 108 m/s in air and n = c/ 30 in the dielectric,
Satellite 30 GHz
commun. Micro
Automobile 3 GHz chip
commun. Semi capacitor
UHF TV 300 MHz conductor
Ceramic Multilayer capacitor
VHF TV 30 MHz capacitor ceramic
FM radio capacitor
3 MHz
AM radio
300 kHz
30 kHz
1 cm
FIGURE 4.1 Various capacitor types classified according to their sizes and operating frequency ranges.
C = nε 0 εS (T n ) = ε 0 ε (S T )n2 (4.1)
ε is the relative permittivity of the dielectric material
n is the number of layers
S is the electrode area
T is the total thickness of the capacitor
Area S External
T Electric field
Internal electrode
Dimensions of the MMCs
Capacitance at (mm) Green Sheet
Room Volume Relative Thickness
Temperature (mF) L W T (mm3) Volume (%) (mm)
Present ceramic 1 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.22 (100) 3
capacitor 10 1.6 0.8 0.8 1.02 100 3
Conventional 1 3.3 1.7 1.2 6.7 (3100) 25
ceramic capacitor 10 7.0 4.2 2.4 70.0 6900 30
Tantalum electrolytic 1 3.2 1.6 1.6 8.2 (3700) —
capacitor 10 4.7 2.6 2.1 25.7 2500 —
Note that the capacitance increases in proportion to the square of the number of layers (i.e., n2),
when the total size is fixed. Table 4.1 summarizes the specifications for several MLCs. The con-
ventional capacitor of 10 μF with a 30 μm layer thickness has a volume of 70 mm3. By decreasing
the layer thickness down to 3 μm, the device volume can be reduced to 1 mm3. Note that by reduc-
ing the layer thickness by 1/n, the total volume is reduced by a factor of (1/n)2 to sustain the same
The state-of-the-art for MLC developed by Taiyo Yuden, Japan, in 2005 is shown in Figure 4.3,
which is a Ni-electrode MLC (3216-type, B-type, 100 μF) with 700 layers of 1.1 μm each layer.3
10 mm
1 μm
FIGURE 4.3 Ni-electrode MLC (3216-type, B-type, 100 μF with 700 layers of 1.1 μm each). (a) Optical cross-
sectional view and (b) SEM image (after thermal etch). (From Kishi, H., Mater. Integr., 19, 47, 2006. With
T (°C)
1400 1200 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400
–5 1ppm
0.0006 0.0008 0.0010 0.0012 0.0014 0.0016
–1/T (1/K)
X7R (10 μm)
10,000 X7R (5 μm)
Life time (s) Y5V (10 μm)
1,000 Y5V (5 μm)
La Nd Sm Gd Dy Ho Er
(a) Rare earth
FIGURE 4.5 (a) Rare-earth ion (Dy, Ho) doping effect on the lifetimes of MLCs with Ni internal elec-
trode. (b) Cross-sectional view of an X7R capacitor with Ni internal electrodes (dielectric constant K ≈ 2800;
10 μF/1206; 300 total layers of 3 μm each). (From Kishi, H., Mater. Integr., 19, 47, 2006.)
(a) Ni and (b) Cu electrodes. When Ni is used as an electrode, 15% of it becomes NiO at the sintering
temperature of 1000°C (1300 K). On the contrary, when Cu is used as an electrode, only 0.2% of Cu
becomes Cu2O. This calculation clearly indicates that Cu should be used for the internal electrode
of lead zirconate titanate (PZT)–based capacitor materials. The reader is requested to try similar
thermodynamic calculations on the stability of Ni and Cu for BaTiO3. The results should indicate
the suitability of Ni for BT.
Ni TiO2 Cu TiO2
Pb NiO PbTiO3 Cu2O
NiTiO3 1
0.01 0.001
50 100 150 50 100 150
(a) Temperature (K) (b) Temperature (K)
FIGURE 4.6 Thermodynamic calculation on (a) PbTiO3 + Ni: closed volume and (b) PbTiO3 + Cu: closed volume.
1 M Tco layer
Resistor 3R
Glass-ceramic layer
(low K) 6C
Dielectric ceramic layer
(high K)
N layers
9 M bottom layer
FIGURE 4.7 Cross-sectional view of a monolithic multicomponent ceramic substrate for a voltage-
controlled oscillator.
voltage-controlled oscillator,4 where resistors and capacitors are included in the substrate using
a tape casting technique. Using this MMC substrate, the voltage-controlled oscillator has been
reduced by 1/10 in size (volume).
By spreading out the integration technology, thin-film capacitors will be widely used. Figure 4.8
shows an example with BaSrTiO3 with permittivity ε = 500.5 Figure 4.8a shows a cross-sectional
SEM image, and Figure 4.8b is a high-resolution TEM image of the interface between BaSrTiO3
and the Pt electrode.
Cu BaSrTiO3
500 nm Pt 6 nm
(a) (b)
FIGURE 4.8 Thin-film capacitor with BaSrTiO3 with permittivity ε = 500. (a) Cross-sectional SEM image
and (b) high-resolution TEM image of the interface between BaSrTiO3 and the Pt electrode. (From Suzuki, T.
et al., ISIF 2005 Proceedings, 2006. With permission.)
However, the relaxors exhibit a problem, namely, dielectric relaxation (frequency dependence of
permittivity), a characteristic highlighted by their name.
(a) (b)
FIGURE 4.9 Crystal structure models of the A(BI,1/2BII,1/2)O3–type perovskite: (a) the ordered structure with
a small rattling space and (b) the disordered structure with a large rattling space [open circle = BI (lower
valence cation) and solid circle = BII (higher valence cation)].
When an electric field is applied to a disordered perovskite, the B ions (usually high valence
ions) with a large rattling space can shift easily without distorting the oxygen framework. A larger
polarization can be expected for unit magnitude of electric field; in other words, larger dielectric
constants and larger Curie–Weiss constants should be typical in this case. On the other hand, in
ordered perovskites with a very small rattling space, the B ions cannot move easily without distort-
ing the octahedron. A smaller permittivity and a Curie–Weiss constant are expected.
Number of regions
FIGURE 4.10 Computer simulation of the composition fluctuation in an A(BI,1/2BII,1/2)O3–type crystal cal-
culated for various degrees of ionic ordering (Känzig region size in the simulation: 4 × 4). (From Uchino, K.
et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 20, 171, 1981.)
H 2.86 Å
FIGURE 4.11 High-resolution electron-microscope image of a Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 single crystal sample with
(110) plane. Note ion-ordered islands in the range of 2–5 nm. (From Krause, H.B. et al., Acta Cryst. A, 35,
1015, 1979.)
1 ε = 1 ε 0 + (T − TC ) C*
1 ε = (T − TC ) C (4.3)
In order to improve the temperature coefficient of permittivity by promoting a more diffused phase
transition, the following techniques are applied:9
10000 2
Permittivity ε
6000 6
tan δ
0.20 4000
0.15 2000
5 4
–200 –150 –100 –50 0 50 100 150
Temperature (°C)
FIGURE 4.12 The temperature dependence of the permittivity and tan δ in Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 for various
measuring frequencies (kHz): (1) 0.4, (2) 1, (3) 45, (4) 450, (5) 1500, and (6) 4500.
(a) Skanavi-type
(b) Ferroelectric
FIGURE 4.13 Multipotential well model for (a) the Skanavi-type and (b) the ferroelectric relaxors. Note the
difference in the cooperative phenomenon, represented by springs.
– +
ΔU μ
1. Using a mathematical representation, derive the Debye dispersion relation for a monodis-
persive case:
ε (ω ) = ε S (1 + jωτ ). (P4.2.1)
2. Also discuss how the above dispersion obeys the so-called Cole–Cole relation (i.e., the real
and imaginary parts of permittivity trace a half circle on a complex permittivity plane).
When an external electric field E is applied, the local field F in the crystal is described by
F = E + γP. (P4.2.2)
The transition probability for an ion from the − to the + in Figure 4.14, α +, and the opposite tran-
sition probability α−, are expressed as
respectively. Here, ΔU is the barrier height between the two potential minima, μ is the dipole
moment, and Γ is a constant for normalizing the probability.
If we introduce the number of + (or −) direction dipoles per unit volume N+ (or N−), the total
dipole number is given by N = N+ + N−, and the polarization (per unit volume) is represented as
P = (N + − N − )μ. (P4.2.5)
dN + dt = N − α + − N +α − (P4.2.6)
dN − dt = N + α − − N − α + . (P4.2.7)
dP /dt = μ(dN + /dt − dN − /dt )
= 2μ( N − α + − N +α − ), (P4.2.8)
N + = (1/2)(N + P /μ), (P4.2.9)
Suppose that the external electric field E = E 0ejωt is small (PS >> ε0εE) and that the polarization
is given by
Left-side = (jω)ε 0 εE
Taking into account PS >> ε0εE and exp(x) ≈ 1 + x (for X >> 1), the above calculation is trans-
formed into
(jω)ε 0 εE
(jω)ε 0 εE
μNμ(1 + γε 0 εS )(E /kT ) cosh(μγPS /kT ) − PSμ (1 + γε 0 ε S )(E /kT ) sinh(μγPS /kT )
ε (ω ) = ε S (1 + jωτ ), (P4.2.15)
The subscript s of εS stands for a static value (ω = 0), and in the paraelectric phase, it should fol-
low the Curie–Weiss law:
ε s = C (T − TC ). (P4.2.18)
ε ′ (ω ) = ε s ⎢⎡1+ (ωτ ) ⎥⎤ ,
⎣ ⎦
Τhe so-called Cole–Cole relation is obtained from Equation P4.2.19, which is a half circle with
the following formula (see Figure 4.15):
ω=∞ ω=0
0 εS/2 εS ε˝
6 × 104 Depoled
5 × 104
f Increasing 0.24
Dielectric constant
4 × 104
0.18 15 μm
tan δ
3 × 10
2 × 104 f Increasing
1 × 104
0 0
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
(a) Temperature (°C)
4 0.3
6 × 10 Poled
5 × 104
f Increasing
Dielectric constant
4 × 104
15 μm
0.18 tan δ
3 × 104
2 × 104
f Increasing 0.06
1 × 104
0 0
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
(b) Temperature (°C)
FIGURE 4.16 Dielectric constant and loss vs. temperature measured for (a) an unpoled and (b) a poled
Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 single crystal sample [rhombohedral (111) plates]. The domain configurations are also pic-
tured on the right-hand side. When the macrodomains were induced by an external electric field, the dielectric
dispersion disappeared and the loss became very small. Microdomains seem to be the origin for the dielectric
relaxation and the dielectric loss. (From Mulvihill, M.L. et al., Proc. 8th European Mtg. Ferroelectricity,
Nijmegen, 1995.)
It is notable that there is an alternative explanation for the dielectric relaxation, which has been
proposed by Mulvihill et al. for Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 single crystals.13 Figure 4.16a and b shows the
dielectric constant and loss vs. temperature for an unpoled and a poled PZN single crystal sam-
ple, respectively. The domain configurations are also pictured. The macroscopic domains were not
observed in an unpoled sample even at room temperature (Figure 4.16a right), only in that state large
dielectric relaxation and loss were observed below the Curie temperature range. Once the macrodo-
mains were induced by an external electric field (Figure 4.16b right), the dielectric dispersion disap-
peared and the loss became very small (i.e., the dielectric behavior became rather normal) below
100°C. As the temperature is increased, the macroscopic domains disappear in the poled sample
at 100°C, then immediately above this temperature both large dielectric dispersion and loss appear
(Figure 4.16b left). Therefore, the dielectric relaxation appears to be associated with the microdo-
mains generated in this material. This model suggests the relaxation origin from the microdomain
clusters, rather than each lattice dipole fluctuation. Mathematical treatment of the relaxor behavior
originating from the presence of microdomains has not yet been conducted.
Chapter Essentials
C = n2 (ε0εS /L ).
1 ε = 1 ε0 + (T − TC )2 C*.
5. Dielectric relaxation is explained conventionally by the Debye dispersion model based on
the double potential minima on each crystal lattice.
6. Dielectric relaxation in some relaxor ferroelectrics is attributed to the presence of microdo-
mains. Once macrodomains are induced by an external electric field, the dielectric disper-
sion disappears and the loss becomes very small.
Chapter Problems
4.1 An MLC (100 layers) is made from a 3 μm thick sheet with a dielectric material ε =
3000. Assuming a 90% ratio of overlapped electrode area over the chip surface area,
calculate the chip area to obtain a total capacitance of 10 μF.
4.2 When the relaxation time is distributed, the permittivity dispersion follows as
⎣ ⎦
where β < 1. Discuss the Cole–Cole plot change in comparison with the case β = 1 in
Figure 4.15 (monodispersion model).
Check Point
1. (T/F) X7R-labeled capacitors are composed of the high dielectric constant K (>10,000)
with the capacitance deviation less than ±15% in a standard operation temperature range
(from −30°C up to 120°C). True of False?
2. (T/F) There are 1-layer and 10-layer capacitors with the same total thickness and the area.
The 10-layer capacitor has 10 times higher capacitance in comparison with the single-layer
capacitor. True or False?
3. (T/F) Cu internal electrode is suitable for BT-based multilayer chips (MLCs), while Ni is
suitable for PMN-based MLCs. True or False?
(a) (b)
FIGURE 4.17 Crystal structure models of the A(BI,1/2BII,1/2) O3-type perovskite: (a) the ordered structure
with a small rattling space and (b) the disordered structure with a large rattling space [=BI (lower valence
cation) and =BII (higher valence cation)].
1. Murata Catalog: Miracle Stones.
2. K. Utsumi: Private communication at 4th US–Japan Seminar on Dielectrics & Piezoelectric Ceramics
3. H. Kishi: Mater. Integr., 19(3), 47–51 (2006).
4. K. Utsumi, Y. Shimada, T. Ikeda, and H. Takamizawa: Ferroelectrics, 68, 157 (1986).
5. T. Suzuki, K. Morito, and Y. Iwazaki: ISIF 2005 Proceedings (2006).
6. K. Uchino, L. E. Cross, R. E. Newnham, and S. Nomura: J. Phase Transit., 1, 333 (1980).
7. W. Känzig: Helv. Phys. Acta, 24, 175 (1951).
8. B. N. Rolov: Fiz.Tverdogo Tela, 6, 2128 (1963).
9. K. Uchino, J. Kuwata, S. Nomura, L. E. Cross, and R. E. Newnham: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 20(Suppl. 20–4),
171 (1981).
10. H. B. Krause, J. M. Cowley, and J. Wheatley: Acta Cryst. A, 35, 1015 (1979).
11. G. A. Smolensky, V. A. Isupov, A. I. Agranovskaya, and S. N. Popov: Sov. Phys. Solid State, 2, 2584
12. G. I. Skanavi, I. M. Ksendzov, V. A. Trigubenko, and V. G. Prokhvatilov: Sov. Phys. JETP 6, 250
13. M. L. Mulvihill, L. E. Cross, and K. Uchino: Proc. 8th European Mtg. Ferroelectricity, Nijmegen
5.1 DRAM
There are volatile and nonvolatile memory devices in erasable semiconductor memories. Dynamic
random access memory (DRAM), which is widely used because of its high integration capability,
is an example of volatile memory. Data stored in these memories are lost when the electric power
is shut off. On the contrary, nonvolatile memories include a circuit-latch multiple field effect tran-
sistors (FETs) and Si-surface-potential control metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) FET channel.
However, both types, in general, have problems in integration density and writing time.
Figure 5.1 shows the fundamental structure of a DRAM composed of a transistor and a capacitor;
a SiO2 film capacitor is connected to the source of a MOSFET. Figure 5.2 shows a realistic structure
of the DRAM. During the writing process, one DRAM element is chosen by x–y addressing; that
is, voltage is applied on both the gate and the drain electrodes simultaneously, thus accumulating
charge on the SiO2 film capacitor (memorizing). Since the accumulated charge leaks, the capacitor
must be recharged repeatedly (refreshing).
The electron–hole pair generation around the FET by the IC package or natural radiation changes
the amount of charge on the capacitor, and sometimes destroys the memory (soft error). In order to
retain memory, the capacitance of the memory capacitor must be higher than 30 fF (remember f =
10 −15 and called “femto”).
Figure 5.4 shows the energy band change of a MOS structure (with a p-type semiconductor)
under an applied voltage.
(a) When the gate is forward-biased, holes will accumulate in the semiconductor region near
the oxide.
(b) When the gate is reverse-biased, a depletion layer (i.e., a region depleted of holes) is
(c) When the applied voltage exceeds a certain threshold voltage (VT), an inversion layer
(an electron-rich region) is generated. This condition is given by: semiconductor surface
voltage ψs > ψB, where ψB is the difference between the intrinsic Fermi level (Ei) and the
Fermi level (EF) [ψB = (kT/q) ln(Na /ni)].
Word line
Source Drain
Fixed voltage
Bit line
n+ n+
Capacitor MOSFET
Poly-Si p-type Si
fixed voltage
Conduction band
Based on Example Problem 5.1 we learned how to generate the inversion layer, now we will learn
how we can address the memories (only when both the gate and drain is biased, the drain current
flows) by the following example, which is the basic principle to understand Figure 5.1.
A positive gate voltage induces the electron inversion layer, which then connects the n-type
source and drain regions. The source terminal is the source of carriers that flow through the
channel to the drain terminal. In such an n-channel device, electrons travel from the source to
the drain so that the conventional current flows from the drain to the source.
E1 0
EF Hole
Metallic electrode
E2 0 EF
Depletion layer
p-type semiconductor
E3 > E2
E3 > 0 Inversion layer
FIGURE 5.4 Energy band change of a MOS structure (with a p-type semiconductor) under an applied
SiO2 film
Source n+ Drain n+
p-type semiconductor
FIGURE 5.5 MOSFET fabricated with a p-type semiconductor (n-channel enhancement-mode MOSFET).
Remember that the depletion layer has low conductivity, which is analogous to a shielded cable,
a lead wire (the inversion layer) covered by an insulating coat (the depletion layer). This is analo-
gous to water flowing in a tube, where the water (the electron) flows in a tube (the inversion layer)
surrounded by rubber material (the depletion layer). When the tube is pinched off, the water flow
is restricted.
Making the assumption that the flat band voltage is close to zero, the application of the gate
voltage EG easily creates the inversion layer (Figure 5.6a). When a small drain voltage (EDS <
EG) is applied, the electrons in the inversion layer will flow from the source to the positive drain
terminal. Since for small EDS, the channel region has the characteristics of a conducting lead,
we expect
I D = gd EDS . (P.5.2.1)
Source n+ Drain n+
Inversion layer
Electron flow Depletion layer
(a) Drain voltage ED < gate voltage EG
Source n+ Drain n+
Source n+ Drain n+
Depletion layer
Electron flow Inversion layer
(c) Drain voltage ED > gate voltage EG
FIGURE 5.6 Change in the n-channel with the drain/source voltage for an n-channel enhancement mode
When EDS is increased to the point where the potential drop across the oxide at the drain terminal
is equal to zero (precisely speaking, equal to the threshold voltage VT), the induced inversion
charge density is zero at the drain terminal. This effect is schematically shown in Figure 5.6b. At
this point (EDS = EG), the incremental conductance at the drain becomes zero. The slope of the
ID vs. EDS curve becomes zero.
When EDS becomes larger than the above value (EG), the point in the channel at which the
inversion charge is just zero shifts toward the source terminal (Figure 5.6c). In this case, elec-
trons enter the channel at the source, travel through the channel toward the drain, and then, at
the pinch-off point the electrons are injected into the space charge region (depletion layer) where
they are swept by the E-field to the drain contact. If we assume that the change in channel length
is small compared to the original length, the drain current becomes constant for EDS > EG. This
region is referred to as the saturation region. Figure 5.7 shows the ID vs. EDS curves.
EG1 > VT
Drain/source voltage ED
(a) Calculate the size of the square-shaped capacitor for 30 fF with a 50 nm thick SiO2 film
(ε = 3.9).
(b) Calculate the size of the square-shaped capacitor with the same thickness SrTiO3 film
(ε = 220).
10 kHz
(b) Similarly
6.6 μm L square for SiO2 can be reduced to 0.88 μm L square, when SrTiO3 is adopted, replac-
ing the conventional SiO2 capacitor. This considerable decrease in size accelerated “extremely
large-scale integration.”
The solid solution Ba xSr1−xTiO3 [BST] between SrTiO3 and BaTiO3 has also been investigated
because of its larger dielectric constants at room temperature, which can further improve the capaci-
tor integration. The SiO2 equivalent thickness of 0.47 nm was reported using BST films.4
The DRAM capacitor films must have high resistivity in order not to leak the accumulated charge
during the refreshing cycle. A leakage current less than 10 −7 A/cm2 has been obtained for SrTiO3 and
Ba xSr1−xTiO3 films, which satisfies the capacitance requirement for 256 Mb level devices. General
requirements for DRAM capacitor thin films are
The dry etching technique has been successfully applied for micromachining of ferroelectric films,
and diffusion and contamination problems have been solved by decreasing the film fabrication
temperature and by carrying out the ferroelectric fabrication as late as possible in all the processes.
Thus, compatibility with the semiconductor process has been established, and prototype 256 Mb
level DRAMs have been fabricated and their functions were verified.
Polarization P
Electric field
FIGURE 5.9 Polarization vs. electric field curve for a ferroelectric film.
PZT (Ti = 60%)
Film = 282 nm
Current density (A/cm )
2400 Ipost
20 × 20 μm2
Idown Ppost Pup
Pnega Pdown
0 15 30 45 60 75
Time (ns)
FIGURE 5.10 Current responses to a series of pulses (two positive pulses followed by two negative pulses)
on a PZT film with 20 × 20 μm2 electrodes.
pulses followed by two negative pulses) on a lead zirconate titanate (PZT) film with 20 × 20 μm2
electrodes.5 When a positive pulse is applied just after the negative pulses, a large current Iposi is
observed, which includes the polarization reversal. However, the second positive pulse generates
only a small current Iup. Thus, the observed current amount for a positive pulse can indicate the ini-
tial polarization state; that is, an on or off state, or 1 or 0 state. In this memory device, after reading
the initial state by applying the positive voltage, the minimum polarization state becomes A for all
the times; that is, the reading process is destructive. Hence, in order to retain the memory state, a
writing process similar to the case of DRAM is required every time.
Because a large electric field is applied on a ferroelectric film at every reading process in the fer-
roelectric RAM (FeRAM), as discussed above, the polarization hysteresis characteristic degrades
with increasing cycles. This problem of ferroelectric films needs to be overcome for nonvolatile
memory applications. From a practical point of view, a lifetime (i.e., the time until the polarization
degradation is observed) of more than 1015 cycles is required.
There are three categories of the origin of characteristic degradation: “fatigue,” degradation in
PS, and “in-print,” which are schematically illustrated in Figure 5.11. Fatigue is characterized by the
Polarization P
Polarization P
Polarization P
1 1 1
FIGURE 5.11 Three categories of the origin of characteristic degradation: (a) “fatigue,” (b) degradation in
PS, and (c) “in print.”
degradation in the polarization magnitude in a dynamic cycle. “Degradation in PS” is the PS reduc-
tion in a static situation. To the contrary, “in-print” is characterized by the polarization curve shift
along the horizontal axis due the internal bias field creation.
The possible origins for the characteristic degradation are related to the ferroelectric film mate-
rial quality (such as crystallinity, generation of oxygen vacancies, and the diffusion of ions) and
interface/junction between the piezofilm and electrode. Much effort has been made to remedy these
problems. The proposed ideas can be categorized as follows:
Recent thin film materials include layer-structure ferroelectrics. The so-called Y1 material
patented by Symetrix, which has a basic composition of BiSr2Ta2O9, shows superior antifatigue
properties. Figure 5.12 shows the fatigue characteristics for rewriting the remanent polarization
in Y1 and PZT films.6 The magnitude of the remanent polarization does not change significantly
in Y1 even after testing for 1012 cycles, an improvement as compared to the lifetime of 107 cycles
for PZT.
New electrode materials RuO2 and Ir have been found to exhibit improvement in fatigue in com-
parison with the conventional Pt electrode. Furthermore, new drive modes such as a combination of
the DRAM operation during the switch-on stage and the memory mode during the switch-off stage
have been proposed.
Remanent polarization
102 104 106 108 1010 1012 1014
Number of pulse repetition
FIGURE 5.12 Fatigue characteristics for rewriting the remanent polarization in Y1 and PZT films.
5.2.2 MFSFET
Figure 5.13 shows a structure of an metal-ferroelectric-semiconductor (MFS) FET, in which a
ferroelectric film replaces a conventional gate oxide (SiO2 insulator) film. The surface potential of
the channel changes, according to the polarization hysteresis of the ferroelectric film, leading to a
change in the carrier amount and in the current.
Historically, the prototype was designed on a bulk ferroelectric, on which a semiconductor film
was deposited and a FET fabricated. Then, the structure was modified to one similar to the present
type, that is, the ferroelectric film is deposited after making a FET on a silicon crystal. Figure 5.14
shows the drain current vs. gate voltage relation in an MFSFET with a PbTiO3 film fabricated on a
SiO2/Si substrate.7 Due to the polarization hysteresis, the drain current exhibits two states, on and
off. Note that because a p-channel is generated on an n-type semiconductor, a negative gate voltage
provides a drain current (on state).
Though the original devices had problems in fatigue and bistability characteristics, this MFSFET
structure is one of the ideal types, because no large electric field is applied on the ferroelectric film
during the reading process, nor is a rewriting process required after reading, in contrast to the con-
ventional FeRAM. In addition, the polarization density required to control the Si surface potential
is relatively small. Thus, in general, the requirements for the ferroelectric film are greatly reduced
in this design.
However, further investigations are required to fabricate a high-quality, nicely oriented ferro-
electric film on a semiconducting Si or a SiO2 film. Recent studies include PbTiO3 and PZT film
applications prepared by laser ablation or MOCVD, a CaF2, SrF2, or CeO2 film on a Si substrate,
and a metal-ferroelectric-MOS (MFMOS) structure with a ferroelectric film deposited on an Ir film
on SiO2/Si.
Gate SiO2
Ferroelectric film
Source p+ Drain p+
n-type silicon
FIGURE 5.14 Drain current vs. gate voltage relation in an MFSFET with a PbTiO3 film fabricated on a SiO2/
Si substrate. (From Matsui, Y. et al., Proc. 2nd Mtg. Ferroelectric Mater. Appl., Kyoto, Japan, 239, 1979.)
The development of the ferroelectric memory started with DRAMs, then moved into FeRAMs,
and is now focused on MFSFETs. Development of FeRAM began in the late 1980s. Work was
done in 1991 at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory on improving methods of readout, including a
novel method of nondestructive readout using pulses of UV radiation. FeRAM volume production
at Fujitsu began in 1999. FeRAMs at 1 Mbit density were available in high volume in 2006 from
both Fujitsu and Ramtron.8 Texas Instruments has collaborated with Ramtron to develop FeRAM
test chips in a modified 130 nm process. Fujitsu and Seiko-Epson were in 2005 collaborating in the
development of a 180 nm FeRAM process.
“Flash memory” sticks are widely used nowadays. What are the merits/demerits of FeRAM, in
comparison with Flash?
FeRAM is one of the alternative nonvolatile memory technologies that offer the same functionality
as Flash memory.
As schematically shown in Figure 5.15, the principle of Flash is the usage of a floating gate. Zero
charge state (a) in the floating gate corresponds to “1” state, and negative charge state (b) corre-
sponds to “0” state. Applying a high voltage (12–18 V) on the control gate and injecting or extrud-
ing the electrons in the floating gate via the tunneling current. Due to this operation principle, the
speed is slow. On the contrary, Figure 5.16 shows the FeRAM operation principle. Applying a volt-
age (1–5 V) on the ferroelectric film and changing the polarization direction. Since the polarization
reversal can be induced by lower voltage drive, quicker response can be attained.
Advantages of FeRAM over Flash and DRAM include: (1) lower power usage, (2) faster write
speed, and (3) a much greater maximum number (exceeding 1016 for 3.3 V devices) of write–erase
cycles. FeRAM’s disadvantages are (4) much lower storage densities than Flash devices, (5) storage
capacity limitations, and (6) higher cost. Table 5.1 summarizes these comparisons.
Flash memory represented 93% of the total nonvolatile memory market, $28.2 billion in the
world in 2007. However, FeRAM market will gradually increase because of their superior perfor-
mance in comparison with the Flash memory in principle.
CG + + + CG + + +
FG FG – – –
n n n n
On Off
p p
(a) (b)
CG + + +
e e
n n
FIGURE 5.15 Flash memory: (a) “1 State,” (b) “0 State,” and (c) writing/erasing process.
+ + + – – –
P + + +
– – –
(a) (b)
Comparison of FeRAM Performances with
Flash and DRAM
Memory character Nonvolatile Nonvolatile Volatile
Writing time 100 ns 15 μs 100 ns
(Erase 10 ms)
Reading time 100 ns 120 ms 100 ns
Writing voltage 1–5 V 12 V 1–5 V
Rewriting lifetime 1012–1016 105 1016
Chapter Essentials
Check Point
1. (T/F) A DRAM is composed of a MOSFET and a capacitor. The states “0” and “1”
correspond to “zero charge” or “charged” capacitor states. True or False?
2. (T/F) An n-channel enhancement mode MOSFET becomes “on” only when positive
voltage is applied to both word and bit lines. True or False?
3. Provide three advantages of FeRAM over Flash memory.
4. (T/F) Pt is one of the best electrode materials for a ferroelectric PZT film in FeRAM
devices. True or False?
5. (T/F) Flash memory requires larger energy in writing, in comparison with a FeRAM. True
or False?
60 PZT(100)
40 PZT(111)
Polarization μC/cm2
–400 –200 0 200 400
Electric field kV/cm
FIGURE 5.17 Polarization vs. electric field curves for [100]- and [111]-oriented films of PZT 70/30. Notice
smaller EC and sharper square curve shape for the [100]-oriented PZT film.
Chapter Problems
5.1 Surveying the recent publications and patents, discuss and summarize the studies on
ferroelectric thin films from the following viewpoints.
(1) List the papers (minimum 5) which report on epitaxially grown PZT films.
(2) Tabulate the experimentally obtained physical parameters of the PZT films, and
compare with the data for bulk ceramics.
(3) Discuss the above deviation briefly with reference to the papers’ results and
(4) Discuss the crystal orientation dependence of the physical parameters of the PZT
films by referring to the paper, Du, X. H., U. Belegundu, and K. Uchino, “Crystal
orientation dependence of piezoelectric properties in PZT: Theoretical expectation
for thin films,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 36[9A], 5580–5587, 1997. Referring to the P vs.
E curves shown in Figure 5.17 for [100]- and [111]-oriented films of PZT 70/30,
discuss which film should be more suitable to the FeRAM applications.
5.2 We learned in Chapter 4 that lead magnesium niobate (PMN)-based ceramics exhibit
very high dielectric constants. If we can fabricate a high-quality thin film of PMN, is it
applicable to the DRAM for microcomputer applications? Discuss the feasibility of this
proposal, taking into account the operation frequency of the microcomputer.
1. D. A. Neamen: Semiconductor Physics and Devices, 2nd edn., Irwin, Boston, MA (1997).
2. M. Okuyama: Ferroelectric memory, Bull. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 30(6), 504 (1995).
3. S. Yamamichi, T. Sakuma, K. Takemura, and Y. Miyasaka: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 30, 2193 (1991).
4. T. Sakaemori, Y. Ohno, H. Ito, T. Nishimura, T. Horikawa, T. Shibano, K. Sato, and T. Namba: Nikkei
Micro Devices, (2), 99 (1994).
5. T. Mihara, H. Watanabe, C. A. Pas de Araujo, J. Cuchiaro, M. Scott, and L. D. McMillan: Proc. 4th Int.
Symp. Integrated Ferroelectrics, Monterey, CA, p. 137, March (1992).
6. H. Fujii, T. Ohtsuki, Y. Uemoto, and K. Shimada: Jpn. Appl. Phys. Mtg. Appl. Phys. Electron., 456, AP
942235, 32 (1994).
7. Y. Matsui, H. Nakano, M. Okuyama, T. Nakagawa, and Y. Yamakawa: Proc. 2nd Mtg. Ferroelectric
Mater. Appl., Kyoto, Japan, p. 239 (1979).
8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferroelectric_RAM
The principle on which the pyroelectric effect is based concerns the charge generation associated
with the spontaneous polarization change with temperature:
Here p (=|∂PS/∂T|) is denoted as the pyroelectric coefficient. The negative sign (-) comes from the
fact (∂PS/∂T) < 0 to define p as positive. The phenomenon is illustrated schematically in Figure
6.2. Two typical electrode arrangements for pyrosensors are illustrated in Figure 6.3a and b. The
former type has higher efficiency because of a wide charge collecting area, but requires a sophis-
ticated fabrication process for applying uniform transparent electrodes for the IR light. Note that
common transparent materials are transparent to the human visible light, but not necessarily to
IR light.
77 K Ideal photovoltaic 2π FOV
InAs 300 K background
1 93 K InAs (PV) 193 K
PbS HgCdTe (PC) 77 K Ideal photoconductor
C) 77 K Ideal thermal detector
1011 PbS (P
5 K HgCdTe (PV) 77 K
) 29
(PC 193 K )77 K
(PC) e (PV
D* (cm Hz½ W–1)
) 77 PbSnT
(PV PbSe
b ) 28 K
InS K g (PC K
) 77 77 K Ge:H ) 4.2
1010 (PC PC) 4.2 K (PC
b e ( ( PC) Zn
InS PbS e:Cu G e :
Si:As (PC) 4.2 K
Golay cell
V ) 29
s (P Radiation thermocouple
109 InA ) 295
K TGS Pyro
PbS 77 K
InSb (PEM) 295 K Ge:Au (PC)77 K
Thermistor bolometer
1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 30 40
Wavelength (μm)
FIGURE 6.1 Comparison of D * of various commercially available IR detectors when operated at the indi-
cated temperature. Each detector is assumed to view a hemispherical surround at a temperature of 300 K.
(From Rogalski, A., Sens. Mater., 12, 233, 2000. With permission.)
Heat sensor
Infrared irradiation
– – – –
+ + + +
– – – – +
+ + +
FIGURE 6.2 Principle of a pyroelectric sensor: a temperature increase due to the IR irradiation (such as
human body) → spontaneous polarization decrease → variation in electric charge (or current).
area Electrode
(a) a (b)
FIGURE 6.3 Typical geometric configurations for pyroelectric detectors: (a) face electrodes with the polar-
ization direction parallel to the IR irradiation, and (b) edge electrodes with the polarization direction perpen-
dicular to the irradiation.
Light intensity
Temperature rise
Pyroelectric current
When an IR beam is incident on a pyroelectric material, the temperature of the sample will be
increased exponentially according to (1 − e−t/τ). Since the pyroelectric current j is proportional to
(∂T/∂t) (see Equation 6.1)
j ∝ e −t / τ . (P6.1.1)
It is evident from this relation that one pulse of IR light will provide only one pulse of current.
Because the current becomes zero after a certain time, we cannot distinguish whether the IR
beam is coming or not. Therefore, to measure the temperature of an IR irradiating object (such as
meat in a microwave oven), the IR beam from the object needs to be chopped periodically.
When the illumination is periodic, a periodic variation in the temperature of a pyroelectric
sensor will induce a periodic variation in the pyroelectric current, as illustrated in Figure
6.4. Since the current is alternating, rectification is necessary to obtain the light intensity (or
the object temperature). Higher the object temperature, higher the pyrocurrent amplitude.
However, special attention is required for determining the chopping frequency, which is
directly related with the temperature rise time constant τ (a function of the device configura-
tion, as well as the specific heat). When the chopping period is much longer than τ, the current
increases with chopping frequency ω, since the current maximum is already maintained. On
the contrary, when the chopping period is much shorter than τ, the current will not reach to the
ideal maximum value, and the current will decrease on increasing the frequency ω. Therefore,
we can expect the maximum current or sensitivity at a certain chopping frequency, which
is related with the time constant τ. Chopping frequency for regular pyrosensors is around
1~100 Hz.
1. Prepare a pyroelectric component such as a lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ceramic disk, a
multilayer, etc. If you do not have them, you may find a bimorph speaker in your old elec-
tronic equipment (a mobile phone or a laptop computer). Then, prepare a voltage/current
meter and a hair dryer (heater) (Figure 6.5).
2. Connect a positive (red color) and a negative (white/black color) lead wire of the piezo-
component to a positive/negative connector of the voltage meter. The lead wire color
corresponds to the original poling direction of the PZT ceramic.
FIGURE 6.5 Pyroelectric effect demonstration with a pyroelectric component, a hair dryer, and a voltage/
current meter.
3. Using the hair dryer, increase/decrease the temperature of the piezocomponent, and dem-
onstrate positive/negative voltage/current, respectively.
4. Using an unidentified (no information on the polarization direction) piezocomponent, ask
the students how to identify the polarization direction.
When the incident light power flux is W exp(jωt) (i.e., chopped IR irradiation with a frequency ω),
the amplitude of the temperature variation is provided by2
( )
ΔT = ηWA γ 2A2 + ω2K 2 , (6.2)
η is the transmittance of the incident radiation
A is the detecting/illumination area
γ is the coefficient corresponding to the loss of heat per unit area of the detector to its surround-
ings due to its increase in temperature
K is the illumination energy for obtaining 1°C temperature rise given by
ρ is the density of the pyroelectricmaterial
cp is the specific heat
h is the thickness of the detector (refer to Figure 6.3a)
Equation 6.2 indicates that the temperature oscillation is obtained from the energy balance between
the irradiation and heat dissipation.
The current responsivity, ri, is defined by
q = pAΔT , (6.5)
( )
ri = ηpωA γ 2A2 + ω2K 2 . (6.6)
Introducing a thermal time constant by the ratio of heat generation (absorption) K over heat radia-
tion (dissipation) γA as
τD = K γ A, (6.7)
we obtain finally
( )
−1 2
ri = ηpωγ −1 1 + ω2 τD2 . (6.8)
When ωτD >> 1, ri = (ηp/ρcph). In order to increase ri, neglecting the size or surface effect, the value
(p/ρcp) should be increased.
Figure 6.6 shows an amplifier circuit for measuring a pyroelectric voltage signal. The resistance
R is relatively high and is inserted to remove the charge after it is thermally induced on the pyro-
electric (CD). The transistor must have high impedance (e.g., FET).
Next, the voltage responsivity for such an amplifier is expressed as
rv = (1 WA )(dV dt ) = ri Z , (6.9)
( )
−1 2
Z = R 1 + ω2 τ 2E (6.10)
where τE = R(CD + CA), and CD and CA are the capacitances of the detector and the amplifier.
Therefore, Equation 6.9 may be written as
( ) (1 + ω τ )
−1 2 −1 2
rv = ηpωR γ −1 1 + ω2 τD2 2 2
E . (6.11)
rv = ηp ρcpεAω , (6.12)
assuming that CD > CA. In order to increase rv, neglecting again size or surface effects, the value
(p/ρcpε) should increase. Note that rv differs from ri by a factor of (1/ε). The rv decreases with fre-
quency at high frequencies, but is relatively independent of frequency between 1/τD (0.1–10 Hz) and
1/τE (0.01 Hz).3 Thus, in practice, the irradiation chopping frequency is chosen just between 1/τD
and 1/τE.
α = (T − T0 ) ε 0 C , (P6.2.2)
formulate the temperature dependence of the following three FOMs for a pyroelectric detector:
p, (p/cp), and (p/cpε0ε). Here p is the pyroelectric coefficient, cp is the specific heat, and ε is the
relative permittivity.
Figures of Merit for Pyroelectric Materials
FOM Application
p/cp Low-impedance amplifier
p/(cpε) High-impedance amplifier
p/(cpαε) Thermal imaging device (vidicon)
p/cp(ε tan δ)1/2 High-impedance amplifier when the pyroelectric
element is the main noise source
Room-Temperature Properties of Various Pyroelectric Detector Materials and Some
FOMs for Their Detector Operation
p/cp (n A p/(cpe¢) p/(cpe≤)
Material p (n C/cm2/K) e¢/e0 cp (J/cm3/K) cm/W) (V/cm2/J) (cm3/J)1/2
TGS 30 50 1.7 17.8 4000 0.149
LiTaO3 19 46 3.19 6.0 1470 0.050
Sr1/2Ba1/2Nb2O6 60 400 2.34 25.6 720 0.030
PLZT(6/80/20) 76 1000 2.57 29.9 340 0.034
PVDF 3 11 2.4 1.3 1290 0.009
The polarization for zero applied field is obtained from
For a ferroelectric/pyroelectric phase, T < T0, the minimum of the Landau free energy is obtained at
PS = (T0 − T βε 0C ). (P6.2.4)
1 ε = ε 0 (∂P ∂E ) = ε 0 α + 3β P 2 , ) (P6.2.5)
we obtain
Concerning the specific heat, modulation around the phase transition range from the Debye spe-
cific heat cp0 (we consider this almost constant) is neglected (cp = cp0).
From the above relations, we can calculate the FOMs:
−3 2
(ε0C ) (T0 − T ) ,
−1 2 −1 12
p cp ε 0 ε = β cp0 (P6.2.9)
Thus, p and (p/cp) μ (T0 − T)−1/2, while (p/cpε0ε) μ (T0 − T)1/2, meaning that the former FOMs
are large around the Curie temperature, while the last FOM is small around TC. Refer to Chapter
Problem 6.1 for the first-order phase transition. Actual experimental results for a barium titanate-
based sample (first-order phase transition) are shown in Figure 6.7.
Improvement of the sensing characteristics has been attempted by using composites of
pyroceramics and polymers.5 These composites have additional benefits, on top of the primary
Bias = 1 kV/cm
Figure of merit p/cpε
Figure of merit p/cpε
600 2 kV/cm
3 kV/cm 200
400 4 kV/cm
18 20 22 24 0 5 10
(a) Temperature (°C) (b) Bias field (kV/cm)
FIGURE 6.7 FOM (p/cpε) change with temperature (a) and bias field (b) for the Ba0.67Sr0.33TiO3-based
ceramic. The poling voltage is the same as the biasing voltage. (a) Note that the bias field stabilizes the tem-
perature characteristics significantly. (b) Maximum black body (490°C) response of a 50 μm thick sample
of BST at a chopper frequency of 40 Hz. (From Kulwicki, B.M. et al., Proc. Int’l Symp. Appl. Ferroelectr.,
Greenville, SC, IEEE, p. 1, 1992.)
pyroelectric effect, a secondary effect enhances the sensing capability. Stress due to thermal
expansion difference between the ceramic and polymer generates additional electric charge through
the piezoelectric effect, increasing sensitivity.
There are also examples of enhancements of FOMs by driving conditions. For instance, Texas
Instruments used a bias voltage on a pyroelectric (Ba,Sr)TiO3 ceramic during detection, and reported
a remarkable enhancement of the FOM p/cpε.6 Figure 6.7 shows the FOM (p/cpε) change with tem-
perature (a) and bias field (b) for the Ba0.67Sr0.33TiO3-based ceramic. The poling voltage is the same
as the biasing voltage. Note that the bias field stabilizes the temperature characteristics significantly
in (a). Measurement was done with maximum black body (490°C) response of a 50 μm thick sample
of BST at a chopper frequency of 40 Hz.6
Cushion ring
Silicon window
Pyro film ring
ø 8.3
Slit Piezoelectric
Piezoelectric bimorph
FIGURE 6.9 Swing-type pyroelectric temperature sensor (by Sanyo). (From Shibata, K. et al., Jpn. J. Appl.
Phys., 24, 181, 1985.)
Signal lead
Electron beam
(a) Germanium window First anode
FIGURE 6.10 Structure of a pyrovidicon tube (a) and its equivalent circuit (b).
which is focused onto the pyroelectric target through an optical chopper. The temperature distribu-
tion of the object is represented on the target as a shrunk image, leading to a pyroelectric voltage
distribution. This is monitored from the back surface of the target by electron-beam scanning using
a conventional TV tube. Figure 6.10b shows the equivalent circuit for the pyrovidicon.
One of the disadvantages of the pyrovidicon is the degradation of the image over a long period
of usage due to thermal diffusion on the target. From this sense, the FOM p/(cpαε) is essential,
including the thermal diffusivity α. The thermal diffusivity can also be improved by modifying
the structure. Pedder et al. proposed a segmented target design to solve the diffusion problem.9
Figure 6.11 shows the microscopic structure of a D-TGS [deuterated triglycine sulphate, (ND2CD2
FIGURE 6.11 IR image target of a D-TGS crystal with divided fine segments (19 μm width, 16 μm depth,
and 25 μm pitch).
COOD)3D2SO4] target, in which TGS crystal target was divided into fine segments (19 μm width,
16 μm depth, and 25 μm pitch). Figure 6.12 shows two example still images taken by a pyrovidicon
on a dark night.
Figure 6.13a introduces one of the most recent thermal IR cameras. With this camera, Figure 6.13b
demonstrates heat generation monitoring on a PZT rectangular plate under its first resonance mode,
and Figure 6.13c is its corresponding thermograph on a numerical chart. We can observe significant
heat generation around the nodal line area on this resonator, where the maximum stress and strain
generate the heat via the elastic loss. The physical background is discussed in detail in Section 3.1.3.
From S = − (∂F ∂T )P = −b1, and that a constant entropy is meaningless, we take b1 = 0. The term b2T 2
is a higher order term to be neglected. Thus we adopt only c1TP2. It is important to understand that
the product TP2 of the two parameters (P2 and T) explain the coupling effect; that is, T change causes
23.00 62.25
(a) (b)
Temperature (°C)
0 10 20 30 40
(c) Length (mm)
FIGURE 6.13 (a) Thermal IR camera, (b) heat generation monitoring on a PZT rectangular plate under its
first resonance mode, and (c) thermograph on a numerical chart.
P change to keep the same free energy (this effect is called “pyroelectric” effect), or E application
causes T change (this is called “electrocaloric” effect). By combining a2P2 and c1TP2, we introduce
⎛ T − T0 ⎞
(1 2 )α = a2 P 2 + c1TP 2 = (1 2 )⎜ ⎟
⎝ ε0C ⎠
We also introduce the following notations: (1/4)β = a4, (1/6)γ = a6, and we define the Landau free
energy as
where cp is the specific heat. Note that T dS (=dQ) is the heat flow into this crystal. When the
crystal is set thermally isolated (i.e., adiabatic condition), the temperature change of the crystal is
expressed by an electric field change as
Equation 6.17 is an essential relation for considering the electrocaloric effect; in an adiabatic condi-
tion, temperature change occurs in this crystal that is directly proportional to the applied electric
field. In a regular ferroelectric material with p > 0 (PS decreases with T increase), total proportional
constant is positive, leading to cooling function with negative electric field on the crystal (E is in
opposite direction to PS). Higher p and smaller cp materials are preferred. Note also that the higher
T enhances the temperature change ΔT.
ΔT (°C)
under an electric field of 1 kV/mm, which exhibited reasonably large temperature decrease in a bulk
samples. This research motivated various researchers and device prototypes.
A. S. Mischenko et al. reported that thin films of PZT showed the strongest electrocaloric response
yet reported, with the materials cooling down by up to 12°C at 25 V.11 Figure 6.15a shows the tem-
perature changes ΔT due to applied electric field ΔE. By fixing E2 = 776 kV/cm, ΔE = E2 − E1 was
changed. The peak value of ΔT = 12 K occurred in ΔE = 480 kV/cm at T = 226°C, where p = |∂PS/∂T|
is maximized (see the inset figure). They demonstrated 0.48 K/V electrocaloric effect in 350 nm thick
PbZr0.95Ti0.05O3 films near the Curie temperature of 222°C (Figure 6.15b). Q. Zhang et al. at the
Pennsylvania State University developed a ferroelectric polymer that can achieve 12°C of cooling.12
ΔE (kV/cm)
12 E (kV cm–1)
70 776
P (μC cm–2)
60 429
50 295
30 380
8 0 100 200 300
ΔT (°C)
4 180
2 80
50 100 150 200 250 300
(a) T (°C)
FIGURE 6.15 (a) Temperature changes ΔT due to applied electric field ΔE. By fixing E2 = 776 kV/cm, ΔE =
E2 − E1 was changed. The peak value of ΔT = 12 K occurred in ΔE = 480 kV/cm at T = 226°C, where p =
|∂PS/∂T| is maximized (see the Inset figure). (b) Thin film-type electrocaloric demo kit. (From Mischenko,
A.S. et al., Science, 311, 1270, 2006. With permission.)
Chapter Essentials
FOM Application
p/cp Low-impedance amplifier
p/(cpε) High-impedance amplifier
p/(cpαε) Thermal imaging device (vidicon)
p/cp(ε tan δ)
1/2 High-impedance amplifier when the pyroelectric element
is the main noise source
Note: p, pyroelectric coefficient; cp, specific heat; ε, absolute permittivity; α, ther-
mal diffusivity; tan δ, dielectric loss.
3. Thick film structure is essential for quick responsivity, and a light-chopper mechanism
(e.g., piezoelectric bimorphs) is the key to miniaturization.
4. Electrocaloric effect under an adiabatic condition
ΔT = p (T cp )ΔE
p is the pyroelectric coefficient (p = |∂PS/∂T|)
cp is the specific heat
Check Point
1. (T/F) The Curie temperature of a pyroelectric sensor material should be 200°C higher than
room temperature. True or False?
2. Provide the FOM for pyroelectric materials for thermal imaging device applications. Use the nota-
tions: p, pyroelectric coefficient; cp, specific heat; ε0ε, permittivity; and α, thermal diffusivity.
3. (T/F) When the IR beam chopping frequency is reasonably high (such as 100 Hz) the cur-
rent responsivity is frequency-independent. True or False?
4. (T/F) When the IR beam chopping frequency is reasonably high (such as 100 Hz) the cur-
rent responsivity is directly proportional to the pyromaterial film thickness. True or False?
5. Though the pyroelectric coefficient p is not large, PVDF is popularly used for a pyrosensor.
What is the key reason?
Chapter Problems
6.1 Assuming the first-order phase transition for the Landau free energy, calculate the tem-
perature dependence of the FOMs for a pyroelectric detector: p, p/cp, and p/cpε0ε.
6.2 There is a PLZT (6/80/20) ceramic disk with 1 cm2 in area and 100 μm in thickness elec-
trically poled along the thickness with transparent electrodes. When the sample is illu-
minated with a laser light (power: 10 mW/cm2) for 0.1 s, calculate the following values:
(a) The temperature rise of the sample
(b) The charge generated on the surface transparent electrode
(c) The open-circuit voltage generated
Spontaneous polarization
(c) RT Temperature
FIGURE 6.16 Spontaneous polarization vs. temperature relations: (a) sharp phase transition, (b) diffuse
phase transition, and (c) successive phase transition materials.
Assume that all the light energy passes the electrode, and is absorbed by the sample,
and that neither heat loss nor electric loss is taken into account. Refer to Table 6.2 for
the necessary data.
Total heat energy: 10 (mW/cm2) × 1 (cm2) × 0.1 (s) = 1 (mJ)
Sample volume v: 1 (cm2) × 0.01 (cm) = 0.01 (cm3)
Temperature rise ΔT: 1 (mJ)/[2.57 (J/cm3/K1) × 0.01 (cm3)] = 0.039 (K)
6.3 Consider three materials: (a) sharp phase transition, (b) diffuse phase transition, and (c)
successive phase transition materials, respectively, with the spontaneous polarization vs.
temperature relations as illustrated in Figure 6.16a through c. Discuss the merits and demer-
its of each from a pyrodetector application viewpoint with respect to the following:
(1) Magnitude of p
(2) Relative permittivity
(3) Temperature stability
(4) Aging
1. A. Rogalski: Sensor. Mater., 12(5), 233 (2000).
2. J. M. Herbert: Ferroelectric Transducers and Sensors, p. 267, Gordon & Breach, New York (1982).
3. S. G. Porter: Pyroelectricity and Its Use in Infrared Detectors, Plessey Optoelectronics and Microwave
Ltd., Towcester, U.K. (1980).
4. M. E. Lines and A. M. Glass: Principles and Applications of Ferroelectrics and Related Materials,
Clarendon Press, Oxford (1977).
5. A. S. Bhalla, R. E. Newnham, L. E. Cross, W. A. Schulze, J. P. Dougherty, and W. A. Smith: Ferroelectrics,
33, 139 (1981).
6. B. M. Kulwicki, A. Amin, H. R. Beratan, and C. M. Hanson: Proc. Int’l Symp. Appl. Ferroelectr.,
Greenville, SC, IEEE, p. 1 (1992).
7. K. Shibata, K. Takeuchi, T. Tanaka, S. Yokoo, S. Nakano, and Y. Kuwano: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 24(Suppl.
24-3), 181 (1985).
8. R. G. F. Taylor and H. A. H. Boot: Contemp. Phys., 14, 55 (1973).
9. D. J. Warner, D. J. Pedder, I. S. Moody, and J. Burrage: Ferroelectrics, 33, 249 (1981).
10. S. Priya and K. Uchino: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 42, 5158–5164 (2003).
11. A. S. Mischenko, Q. Zhang, J. F. Scott, R. W. Whatmore, and N. D. Mathur: Science 311, 1270 (2006).
12. Science 8 August (2008).
x = dE. (7.1)
E = gX . (7.2)
Taking into account the relation, P = dX, we obtain an important relation between g and d:
From the fundamental piezoelectric equations
x = s E X + dE, (P7.1.1)
P = dX + ε0 ε X E, (P7.1.2)
the actuator figure of merit d (external X = 0) is given by Equation P7.1.1: x = dE, and the sensor
figure of merit d (external E = 0) is given by Equation P7.1.2: P = dX. Here, P is polarization and
sE is elastic compliance under constant electric field. The polarization P induced in a material
with ε0ε results in an electric field (under an open-circuit condition) of
E = P ε0ε
= dX ε 0 ε X . ) (P7.1.3)
g = d/ε 0 ε X . (P7.1.4)
Let us calculate Equation 7.4, when an electric field E is applied to a piezoelectric material. See
Figure 7.1a left. Since the input electrical energy is (1/2) ε0εE2 per unit volume and the stored
mechanical energy per unit volume under zero external stress is given by (1/2)x2/s = (1/2)
(dE)2/s, k2 can be calculated as
k 2 = [(1/2)(dE )2 /s]/[(1/2)ε0εE 2 ]
= d 2 /ε0εs. (7.6)
or equivalently
The difference between Equations 7.4 and 7.5 with Equations 7.7 and 7.8 is whether the energy is
“stored” or “spent.”
Let us consider the case where an electric field E is applied to a piezoelectric under constant exter-
nal stress X (<0, because a compressive stress is necessary to work to the outside). This corresponds
E dE
Ps Ps
0 E
Piezo actuator
(a) (b)
x P Input
Output energy
ε0ε E + dX
dE + sX
–dE/s E
X 0 X 0 E
(c) (d)
FIGURE 7.1 Calculation of the input electrical and output mechanical energy: (a) load mass model for the
calculation, (b) electric field vs. induced strain curve, (c) stress vs. strain curve, and (d) electric field vs. polar-
ization curve.
to the situation that a mass is put suddenly on the actuator, as shown in Figure 7.1a. Figure 7.1b shows
two electric field versus induced-strain curves, corresponding to two conditions; under the mass load
and no mass. Because the area on the field-strain domain does not mean the energy, we should use the
stress–strain and field-polarization domains in order to discuss the mechanical and electrical energy,
respectively. Figure 7.1c illustrates how to calculate the mechanical energy. Note that the mass shrinks
the actuator initially by sX (s: piezomaterial’s compliance and X < 0). The mechanical energy sX2 is
a sort of “loan” of the actuator credited from the mass, which should be subtracted later. This energy
corresponds to the hatched area in Figure 7.1c. By applying the step electric field, the actuator expands
by the strain level dE under a constant stress condition. This is the mechanical energy provided from
the actuator to the mass, which corresponds to |dEX|. Like paying back the initial “loan,” the output
work (from the actuator to the mass) can be calculated as the area subtraction (shown by the dotted
area in Figure 7.1c):
Figure 7.1d illustrates how to calculate the electrical energy. The mass load X generates the “loan”
electrical energy by inducing P = dX (see the hatched area in Figure 7.1d). By applying a sudden
electric field E, the actuator (like a capacitor) receives the electrical energy of ε0εE2. Thus, the total
energy is given by the area subtraction (shown by the dotted area in Figure 7.1d):
∫ (E )dP = (ε ε E + dX )E.
0 (7.10)
We need to choose a proper load to maximize the energy transmission coefficient. From the maxi-
mum condition of
λ = − (dE + sX ) X/(ε 0 εE + dX )E, (7.11)
we can obtain
(1 k ) − 1 ⎥⎦⎤ (1 k ) − 1 ⎤⎥⎦
λ max = ⎡(1 k ) − 2
= ⎡(1 k ) + 2
. (7.12)
⎢⎣ ⎢⎣
depending on the k value. For a small k, λmax = k2/4, and for a large k, λmax = k2/2.
It is also worth noting that the maximum condition stated above does not agree with the condi-
tion which provides the maximum output mechanical energy. The maximum output energy can
be obtained when the dotted area in Figure 7.1c becomes maximum under the constraint of the
rectangular corner point tracing on the line (from dE on the vertical axis to −dE/s on the horizontal
axis). Therefore, the load should be a half of the maximum generative stress and the mechanical
energy: −[dE − s(dE/2s)](−dE/2s) = (dE)2/4s. In this case, since the input electrical energy is given by
[ε0εE + d (−dE/2s)]E
which is close to the value λmax when k is small, but has a different value when k is large, that is
predicted theoretically.
c. The efficiency η
The difference of the efficiency definition from Equations 7.7 and 7.8 is “input” energy and “con-
sumed” energy in the denominators. In a work cycle (e.g., an electric field cycle), the input electri-
cal energy is transformed partially into mechanical energy and the remaining is stored as electrical
energy (electrostatic energy like a capacitor) in an actuator. In this way, the ineffective electrostatic
energy can be returned to the power source, leading to near 100% efficiency, if the loss is small.
Typical values of dielectric loss in lead zirconate titanate (PZT) are about 1%–3%.
(1 k )− 1 ⎤⎥⎦ .
λ max = ⎡(1 k )− 2
The energy transmission coefficient is defined by
Considering the case where an electric field E is applied to a piezoelectric under a constant exter-
nal stress X, λ can be calculated as
λ = − xX PE
= − (dE + sX )X (ε 0 ε E + dX )E
= − ⎡⎢ d (X E )+ s (X E ) ⎤⎥ ⎡⎣ ε 0 ε + d (X E )⎤⎦ .
⎣ ⎦
= 0. (P7.2.4)
y0 = (ε 0 ε d )⎡ −1 +
⎢⎣ (1 − k )⎤⎥⎦ .
( )
Here, k2 = d 2/(sε0ε). Note that only y0 =(ε 0 ε /d ) ⎡⎢ −1 + 1 − k 2 ⎤⎥ is valid for realizing the mean-
⎣ ⎦
ingful maximum point, since y0 = (ε 0 ε / d ) −1 − 1 − k
2 ⎤
and y0 = (ε 0 ε/d ) ⎡−1+ 1 − k 2 ⎤
provided (d2λ/dy2) > 0 and < 0, respectively.
By putting y = y0 into λ(y), we can get the maximum value of λ:
( )
= ⎡ dy0 2 k 2 − 1 + ε 0 ε ⎤ (dy0 + ε 0 ε )
⎣ ⎦
= ⎨ ⎡ −1 +
⎩ ⎢⎣
(1 − k )⎥⎦⎤ (2 k
2 2
) ⎫ ⎧
− 1 + 1⎬ ⎨ ⎡ −1 +
⎭ ⎩ ⎢⎣
(1 − k )⎥⎦⎤ + 1⎭⎬⎫ .
⎡ ⎛ 1⎞ ⎤
= ⎢(1 k )− ⎜ 2 ⎟ − 1 ⎥ . (P7.2.6)
⎢⎣ ⎝k ⎠ ⎥⎦
An elastic material with strain x under stress X stores mechanical energy (1/2)xX per unit volume.
Similarly, a dielectric material with polarization P under electric field E stores electrical energy
(1/2)PE per unit volume. However, in Figure 7.1a model, the mechanical and electrical energies
were calculated by xX and PE, respectively, without putting (1/2). Why?
When the stress is gradually applied to the material, the strain also is induced gradually, following
the Hook’s Law: x = sX. Thus, the total mechanical energy is calculated by
UM = ∫ x dX = ∫ sX dX = (1 2)sX 2 = (1 2)xX .
To the contrary, when the constant stress is applied suddenly, e.g., a mass is put on the actuator,
as in this case, the mechanical energy is calculated by
UM = ∫ X dx = X ⋅ ∫ dx = X ⋅ x. (Q7.1.2)
Similarly, when the electric field is gradually applied to the material, the polarization is induced in
proportion to E, and the total electrical energy is
UE = ∫ E dP = E ⋅ ∫ dP = EP. (Q7.1.4)
Also note that Q M−1 is equal to the mechanical loss (tan δm). When we define a complex elastic com-
pliance, sE = sE′ – jsE″, the mechanical loss tangent is provided by tan δm = sE″/sE′. The Q M value is
very important in evaluating the magnitude of the resonant displacement and strain. The vibration
amplitude at an off-resonance frequency (dEL, L: length of the sample) is amplified by a factor
proportional to Q M at the resonance frequency. For example, a longitudinally vibrating rectangular
plate through the transverse piezoelectric effect d31 generates the maximum displacement given by
(8/π2)Q M d31EL. Refer to Frequently Asked Question 3.1.
Acoustic impedance Z
The acoustic impedance Z is a parameter used for evaluating the acoustic energy transfer between
two materials. It is defined, in general, by
Z = ρc , (7.19)
ρ is the density
c is the elastic stiffness of the material
In more advanced discussions, there are three kinds of impedances; specific acoustic impedance
(pressure/particle speed), acoustic impedance (pressure/volume speed), and radiation impedance
(force/speed). See Ref. [6] for the details.
Why is acoustic impedance (or mechanical impedance) matching necessary for the transfer of
mechanical energy from one material to the other? Explain the reason conceptually.
Easy !
Work W = F × ΔL
ΔL = 0
The mechanical work done by one material on the other is evaluated by the product of the applied
force F and the displacement ΔL:
W = F × ΔL.
Figure 7.2 shows a conceptual cartoon illustrating two extreme cases. If the material is very soft,
the force F can be very small, leading to very small W (practically no work). This corresponds
to “pushing a curtain,” exemplified by the case when the acoustic wave is generated in water
directly by a hard PZT transducer. Most of the acoustic energy generated in the PZT is reflected
at the interface, and only a small portion of acoustic energy is transferred into water. On the other
hand, if the material is very hard, the displacement will be very small, again leading to very small
W. This corresponds to “pushing a wall.” Polymer piezoelectric polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF)
cannot drive a hard steel part efficiently. Therefore, the acoustic impedance must be adjusted to
maximize the output mechanical power:
ρ1c1 = ρ2c2 ,
ρ is the density
c is the elastic stiffness
The subscripts 1 and 2 denote the two adjacent materials
In practice, acoustic impedance matching layers (Elastically intermediate materials between PZT
and water, such as a polymer. More precisely the acoustic impedance Z should be Z1 . Z2 ) are
fabricated on the PZT transducer to optimize the transfer of mechanical energy to water.
Piezoelectric Properties of Representative Piezoelectric Materials
Parameter Quartz BaTiO3 PZT 4 PZT 5 H (Pb,Sm)TiO3 PVDF-TrFE
d33 (pC/N) 2.3 190 289 593 65 33
g33 (10−3Vm/N) 57.8 12.6 26.1 19.7 42 380
kt 0.09 0.38 0.51 0.50 0.50 0.30
kp 0.33 0.58 0.65 0.03
ε3X/ε0 5 1700 1300 3400 175 6
QM >105 500 65 900 3–10
TC (°C) 120 328 193 355
Sources: Ito, Y. and Uchino, K., Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley
& Sons, New York, 1999; Smith, W.A., Proc. SPIE—The Int’l Society for Optical Engineering,
1733, 1992.
by dopants entering onto the A or B site in solid solution. Modified BaTiO3 ceramics with dopants
such as Pb or Ca ions have been developed to stabilize the tetragonal phase over a wider temperature
range and are used as commercial piezoelectric materials. The initial application was for Langevin-
type piezoelectric vibrators.
Piezoelectric Pb(Ti,Zr)O3 solid solutions (PZT) ceramics discovered in the United States in 1950s
have been widely used because of their superior piezoelectric properties. The phase diagram for the
PZT system (PbZrxTi1−xO3) is shown in Figure 7.3. The crystalline symmetry of this solid-solution
system is determined by the Zr content. Lead titanate also has a tetragonal ferroelectric phase
of perovskite structure. With increasing Zr content, x, the tetragonal distortion decreases and at
x > 0.52 the structure changes from the tetragonal 4mm phase to another ferroelectric phase of
rhombohedral 3m symmetry. The line dividing these two phases is called the morphotropic phase
boundary (MPB). The boundary composition is considered to have both tetragonal and rhombohe-
dral phases coexisting. Figure 7.4 shows the dependence of several piezoelectric d constants on com-
position near the MPB. The d constants have their highest values near the MPB. This enhancement
400 a
Temperature (ºC)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
PbTiO3 PbZrO3
Mole % PbZrO3
dij (×10–12 C/N)
48 50 52 54 56 58 60
Mole % PbZrO3
FIGURE 7.4 Dependence of several d constants on composition near the MPB in the PZT system.
in piezoelectric effect is attributed to the increased ease of reorientation of the polarization under
an applied electric field. The theoretical background is illustrated in Frequently Asked Question 3.1
and Figure 3.6.
Doping the PZT material with donor or acceptor ions changes its properties dramatically. Donor
doping with ions such as Nb5+ or Ta5+ provides “soft” PZTs, like PZT-5, because of the easing of
domain motion due to the resulting Pb-vacancies. On the other hand, acceptor doping with Fe3+ or
Sc3+ leads to “hard” PZTs, such as PZT-8, because the oxygen vacancies will pin the domain wall
motion. Refer to Section 3.1.3 for the detailed description.
Since the PZT was protected by the patent of Clevite, United States, subsequently, PZT in ternary
solid solution with other perovskite phase has been investigated intensively by Japanese ceramic
companies. Examples of these ternary compositions are: PZTs in solid solution with Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)
O3 (Panasonic), Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 (Toshiba), Pb(Mn1/3Sb2/3)O3, Pb(Co1/3Nb2/3)O3, Pb(Mn1/3Nb2/3)O3,
Pb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3 (NEC), Pb(Sb1/2Sn1/2)O3, Pb(Co1/2W1/2)O3, Pb(Mg1/2W1/2)O3 (Du Pont), all of which
were patented by different companies (almost all composition patents have already expired).
The end member of PZT, lead titanate has a large crystal distortion. PbTiO3 has a tetragonal
structure at room temperature with its tetragonality c/a = 1.063. The Curie temperature is 490°C.
Densely sintered PbTiO3 ceramics cannot be obtained easily, because they break up into a powder
when cooled through the Curie temperature as a result of the large spontaneous strain. Lead titanate
ceramics modified by adding a small amount of additives exhibit a high piezoelectric anisotropy.
Either (Pb,Sm)TiO39 or (Pb,Ca)TiO310 exhibits an extremely low planar coupling, that is, a large kt/kp
ratio. Here, kt and kp are thickness-extensional and planar electromechanical coupling factors, respec-
tively. Since these transducers can generate purely longitudinal waves through kt associated with no
transverse waves through k31, clear ultrasonic imaging is expected without the appearance of “ghost”
caused by the transverse wave. (Pb,Nd)(Ti,Mn,In)O3 ceramics with a zero temperature coefficient of
SAW delay have been developed as superior substrate materials for SAW device applications.11
a. From the values of piezoelectric d constant and permittivity ε, calculate the piezoelectric
g constants, and compare these calculations with the values provided in Table 7.2.
b. From the values of piezoelectric d constant, permittivity ε, and elastic compliance sE,
calculate the electromechanical coupling factors k, and compare these calculations with
the values provided in Table 7.2.
E /s E |, and piezoelectric Poisson’s ratio, |d /d | for
c. Calculate the elastic Poisson’s ratio, |s13 33 31 33
the above three PZTs, then, compare the similarity.
d. From the Q M values, calculate the elastic loss tan φ for these PZTs. Then, compare with
the dielectric loss tan δ for these three PZTs.
e. We apply 100 W electric energy on a k33-type PZT-4 rod. How much of electric energy
convert to mechanical energy stored in the PZT rod? Among that stored mechanical
energy, how much can we spend maximum for the outside work? In this procedure, how
much energy will be lost as heat?
g33 = d33 / ε 0 ε 33
= 285 × 10 −12 /8.854 × 10 −12 × 1300 = 24.8 × 10 −3 [Vm/N].
Calculate similarly for g31 and g15, and for other PZTs.
Piezoelectric, Dielectric, and Elastic Properties of Typical PZTs
Soft PZT-5 H Semihard PZT-4 Hard PZT-8
EM coupling factor
kp 0.65 0.58 0.51
k31 0.39 0.33 0.30
k33 0.75 0.70 0.64
k15 0.68 0.71 0.55
Piezoelectric coefficient
d31 (10−12 m/V) −274 −122 −97
d33 593 285 225
d15 741 495 330
g31 (10−3 Vm/N) −9.1 −10.6 −11.0
g33 19.7 24.9 25.4
g15 26.8 38.0 28.9
X /ε
3400 1300 1000
X /ε
3130 1475 1290
Dielectric loss (tan δ) (%) 2.00 0.40 0.40
Elastic compliance
E (10−12m2/N)
s11 16.4 12.2 11.5
s12 −4.7 −4.1 −3.7
s13 −7.2 −5.3 −4.8
s33 20.8 15.2 13.5
s44 43.5 38.5 32.3
Mechanical QM 65 500 1000
Density ρ (103 kg/m3) 7.5 7.5 7.6
Curie temperature (°C) 193 325 300
k33 = d33 E
s33 ε 0 ε 33
= 285 × 10 −12 15.2 × 10 −12 × 8.854 × 10 −12 × 1300
= 0.68.
Calculate similarly for k31 and k15, and for other PZTs.
c. PZT-5H: |s13
E /sE | = 7.2 × 10 −12/20.8 × 10 −12 = 0.35
FIGURE 7.5 Energy conversion rate in a typical piezoelectric ceramic (PZT-4). From the input electrical
energy of 100 W, 50 W will be converted to mechanical energy stored in the piezocomponent. The remain-
ing energy is stored as electrical energy in the piezocapacitor. The loss (dissipated as heat) is 1% ∼ 2%.
The mechanical work from this actuator to the outside object is limited to only 1/3 ∼ 1/4 of the stored mechanical
Both Poisson’s ratios are close in the number, but |d31/d33| seems to be a little larger than
E /sE |.
d. PZT-5H: tan φ = 1/Q M = 1/65 = 0.015 « tan δ = 0.02.
PZT-4: tan φ = 1/Q M = 1/500 = 0.002 « tan δ = 0.004.
PZT-5H: tan φ = 1/Q M = 1/1000 = 0.001 « tan δ = 0.004.
Dielectric loss tan δ seems to be a little larger than the elastic loss tan φ.
e. Mechanically converted and stored energy = 100 W × k332 = 49 W
Among the stored mechanical energy, 1/3 ∼ 1/4 is usually spent out. Maximum output
mechanical energy is 1/2 of the stored energy = 25 W.
When this procedure is made quasistatically (off-resonance), the loss is the dielectric loss
portion (0.4%) = 0.4 W. When this procedure is made at this PZT rod’s resonance, the heat is
originated from the elastic loss, because the applied field is small, but the strain/stress excited in
the sample is large. This situation is illustrated in Figure 7.5. Polymers
PVDF or PVF2 is piezoelectric when stretched during fabrication. Thin sheets of the cast polymer
are then drawn and stretched in the plane of the sheet, in at least one direction, and frequently
also in the perpendicular direction, to transform the material to its microscopically polar phase.
Crystallization from the melt forms the nonpolar α-phase, which can be converted into the polar
β-phase by a uniaxial or biaxial drawing operation; the resulting dipoles are then reoriented through
electric poling (see Figure 7.6).
Large sheets can be manufactured and afterward thermally formed into complex shapes. The
copolymerization of vinilydene difluoride with trifluoroethylene (TrFE) results in a random copo-
lymer (PVDF-TrFE) with a stable, polar β-phase. This polymer does not need to be stretched; it
can be poled directly as formed. A thickness-mode coupling coefficient of 0.30 has been reported.
Piezoelectric polymers have the following characteristics: (a) small piezoelectric d constants (for
actuators) and large g constants (for sensors), due to small permittivity, (b) lightweight and soft
elasticity, leading to good acoustic impedance matching with water or the human body, (c) a low
mechanical quality factor Q M, allowing for a broad resonance band width. Such piezoelectric poly-
mers are used for directional microphones and ultrasonic hydrophones. Composites
Piezocomposites comprised of a piezoelectric ceramic and a polymer phase are promising materials
because of their excellent and readily tailored properties. The geometry for two-phase composites
can be classified according to the dimensional connectivity of each phase into 10 structures; 0-0,
0-1, 0-2, 0-3, 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-2, 2-3, and 3-3.15 A 1-3 piezocomposite, such as the PZT-rod/polymer
composite is the most promising candidate. The advantages of this composite are high coupling
factors, low acoustic impedance, good matching to water or human tissue, mechanical flexibility,
broad bandwidth in combination with a low mechanical quality factor, and the possibility of mak-
ing undiced arrays by structuring the electrodes. The thickness-mode electromechanical coupling
of the composite can exceed the kt (0.40 ∼ 0.50) of the constituent ceramic, approaching almost the
value of the rod-mode electromechanical coupling, k33 (0.70 ∼ 0.80) of that ceramic.16 The electro-
mechanical coupling factor of the composites is much better than polymer piezoelectrics. Acoustic
impedance is the square root of the product of its density and elastic stiffness. The acoustic match to
tissue or water (1.5 Mrayl) of the typical piezoceramics (20 ∼ 30 Mrayl) is significantly improved by
forming a composite structure, that is, by replacing some of the heavy, stiff ceramic with a light, soft
polymer. Piezoelectric composite materials are especially useful for underwater sonar and medical
diagnostic ultrasonic transducer applications. The details of these applications are described in
Chapter 10.
low piezoelectric coupling (20% ∼ 30%). PZT thin films are expected to exhibit higher piezoelectric
properties. At present the growth of PZT thin films is being carried out for use in microtransducers
and microactuators. Refer to Section 3.3.6 for the thin film preparation techniques.
If you know the relationship between the length L and the mechanical resonance frequency fr:
fr μ 1/L, and that 10 mm roughly corresponds to 100 kHz in PZT, you can estimate the rod length.
From the output voltage ringing, the resonance period is roughly estimated to be 30 μs, or a reso-
nance frequency of about 33 kHz, leading to a length L = 30 mm.
Piezoelectric ceramics can be employed as stress sensors and acceleration sensors, because of
the direct piezoelectric effect. Figure 7.8 shows a three-dimensional (3-D) stress sensor designed
by Kistler. By combining an appropriate number of quartz crystal plates (extensional and shear
types), the multilayer (ML) device can detect 3-D stresses.17
Output voltage (kV)
A 10
L 5
0 20 40 60
(a) (b) Time (μs)
± ± ± ± ± 2
Z Y ± ± ± ± X
± ± ± ± ± 3
± ± ± ± Z
± ± ± ± ± 4
1 ± ± ± ±
FIGURE 7.8 3-D stress sensor (by Kistler). (From Kistler, Stress Sensor, Production Catalog, Switzerland).
Displacement D = D 0 sin ωt provides the acceleration:
Figure 7.10 shows a cylindrical gyroscope commercialized by NEC-Tokin (Japan).18 The cylinder
has six divided electrodes, one pair of which are used to excite the fundamental bending vibration
mode, while the other two pairs are used to detect the acceleration. When the rotational acceleration
is applied about the axis of this gyro, the voltage generated on the electrodes is modulated by the
Coriolis force. By subtracting the signals between the two sensor electrode pairs, a voltage directly
proportional to the acceleration can be obtained.
Mass M
Piezoelectric disk
D0 sin ωt Base
Lead Holder
25 mm
PMN Bimorph
Brass box
C2 C1
Acrylic base
Oscillator +
1 kHz
R2 Peak/voltmeter
Differential amplifier
The converse electrostrictive effect—the stress dependence of the permittivity—is also used in
stress sensors.19 A bimorph structure provides superior stress sensitivity and temperature stabil-
ity. Figure 7.11 shows one such measuring system, which subtracts the static capacitances of two
dielectric ceramic plates. The capacitance changes of the top and bottom plates have opposite signs
for uniaxial (up-down) stress and the same sign for temperature deviation. The response speed
is limited by the capacitance measuring frequency to about 1 kHz. Unlike piezoelectric sensors
(which is superior for high-frequency measurement), electrostrictive sensors are effective in the
low-frequency range, especially near DC.
1. Prepare a piezoelectric component such as a PZT ceramic disk, a ML, etc. If you do not
have them, you may find a bimorph speaker in your old electronic equipment (a mobile
phone or a laptop computer). Then, prepare a voltage/current meter.
2. Connect a positive (red color) and a negative lead wire (white/black color) of the piezo-
component to a positive/negative connector of the voltage meter. The lead wire color
corresponds to the original poling direction of the PZT ceramic.
3. Using your fingers, increase/decrease the compression on the piezocomponent, and
demonstrate positive/negative voltage/current, respectively.
4. Using an unidentified (no information on the polarization direction) piezocomponent, ask
the students to identify the polarization direction.
FIGURE 7.12 Direct piezoelectric effect demonstration with a piezocomponent and a voltage/current meter.
Dm = dmi Xi + ε Ek .
mk (7.21)
These are called the piezoelectric equations. The number of independent parameters for the low-
est symmetry trigonal crystal is 21 for sijE, 18 for dmi, and 6 for εmk X . The number of independent
U = UM + UE
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
= ⎢(1 2 )
∑ i ,j
sijE X j Xi + (1 2 ) ∑ m ,i
dmi Em Xi ⎥ + ⎢ (1 2 )
⎦ ⎢⎣
∑ m ,i
dmi Xi Em + (1 2 )
k ,m
ε mk
Ek Em ⎥
= U MM + 2U ME + U EE
= (1 2 )∑s i ,j
ij X j Xi + 2 ⋅ (1 2 )∑d m ,i
mi Em Xi + (1 2 ) ∑εk ,m
mk Ek Em . (7.22)
The s and ε terms represent purely mechanical and electrical energies (UMM and UEE), respectively,
and the d term denotes the energy transduced from electrical to mechanical energy or vice versa
through the piezoelectric effect (UME). The electromechanical coupling factor k is defined by
k = U ME U MM ⋅ U EE . (7.23)
Note that this definition is equivalent to the definition provided in Section 7.1.1:
The k value varies with the vibration mode (even in the same ceramic sample), and can have a posi-
tive or negative value (see Table 7.3). Referring to Table 7.2, k31/k33 ratio around 0.47 originates from
the d31/d33 ratio around 0.43. The k value is primarily governed by the contributing piezoelectric d
constant for that vibration mode.
Using the expression
U = U MM + 2U ME + U EE
= (1 2 )
i ,j
ij ∑d
X j Xi + 2 ⋅(1 2 )
m ,i
mi ∑ε
Em Xi + (1 2 )
k ,m
mk Ek Em , (P7.6.1)
k = U ME U MM ⋅ U EE . (P7.6.2)
(a) (b)
FIGURE 7.13 (a) Longitudinal length extension and (b) planar extensional vibration modes of piezoelectric
Several Shapes of the Piezoelectric Resonator and their EM Coupling Factors
Coupling Elastic Boundary
Factor Conditions Resonator Shape Definition
A k31 X1 ≠ 0, X2 = X3 = 0 3 d31
x1 ≠ 0, x2 ≠ 0, x3 ≠ 0 1
s11E ε 33
B k33 X1 = X2 = 0, X3 ≠ 0 3 d33
x1 = x2 ≠ 0, x3 ≠ 0
s 33E ε 33
Fundamental Mode
C kp X1 = X2 ≠ 0, X3 = 0
x1 = x2 ≠ 0, x3 ≠ 0 k31
1− σ
Fundamental Mode
D kt X1 = X2 ≠ 0, X3 ≠ 0
ε 33
x1 = x2 = 0, x3 ≠ 0 k33 D
Thickness Mode
E k′p X1 = X2 ≠ 0, X3 ≠ 0 3 kp − Ak33
x1 = x2 ≠ 0, x3 = 0
1 − A2 1 − k33
Radial Mode
F k′31 X1 ≠ 0, X2 ≠ 0, X3 = 0 3 2 k31 1+ σ
x1 ≠ 0, x2 = 0, x3 ≠ 0 1
1 − k31
2 1− σ
Width Mode
G k″31 X1 ≠ 0, X2 = 0, X3 ≠ 0 3 k31 − Bk33
x1 ≠ 0, x2 ≠ 0, x3 = 0 1
2 1 − k33
Width Mode
H k33″′ X1 ≠ 0, X2 ≠ 0, X3 ≠ 0 1
2 (kp − Ak33 )2
x1 ≠ 0, x2 = 0, x3 = 0 − (k31 − Bk33 )2
1 − A2
Thickness Mode 1 − k33
− (k31 − Bk33 )2
2 s13 s13
Here: A = , B=
s33 E
(s11 + s12
) E E
s11 s33
x3 = s33
X3 + d33 E3
D3 = d33 X3 + ε 33
→UME comes from the d33 term as (1/2)d33E3X3, UMM comes from the sE33term as (1/2)sE33 X23,
and UEE comes from the ε33
X term as (1/2) ε X E2. Thus
33 3
⎛ 1⎞ E 2 ⎛ 1⎞ X 2
k33 = (1 2 )d33 E3 X3 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ s33 X3 ⋅ ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ ε 33 E3
= d33 E
s33 ⋅ ε 33
. (P7.6.3)
b. The relating equations for the kp mode are following three, including 2-D x1 and x2
x2 = s12E X1 + s22
X 2 + d32 E3
D3 = d31 X1 + d32 X 2 + ε 33
E3 .
Assuming axial symmetry, s11 E = s E , d = d , and X = X (=X ), the above equations are
22 31 32 1 2 p
transformed to the following two equations:
D3 = 2d31 X p + ε 33
E3 .
→UME comes from the d31 term as (1/2) . 2d31E3Xp, UMM comes from the 2(s11 E + s E ) term as
(1/2) . 2(s11
E + s E ) X2 , and U
12 p EE comes from the εX term as (1/2) εX E2. Thus
33 33 3
k33 = 2d31 (E
2 s11 + s12
⋅ ε 33
= ⎡⎢ d31 X ⎤ 2 2
s11 ⋅ ε 33 ⋅ = k31 ⋅ , (P7.6.4)
⎣ ⎦⎥ 1 − σ 1− σ
σ = − s12
/ s11 . (P7.6.5)
z y
b Pz x
FIGURE 7.14 Longitudinal vibration through the transverse piezoelectric effect (d31) in a rectangular plate
(L >> w >> b).
where u is the displacement of the small volume element in the ceramic plate in the x-direction. The
relations between stress, electric field (only Ez exists), and the induced strain are given by
x1 = s11
X1 + s12
X 2 + s13
X3 + d31E3 ,
x2 = s12
X1 + s11
X 2 + s13
X3 + d31E3 ,
x3 = s13
X1 + s13
X 2 + s33
X3 + d33 E3 ,
x4 = s44
X4 ,
x5 = s44
x6 = 2(s11
− s12
) X6 . (7.25)
When the plate is very long and thin, X2 and X3 may be set equal to zero through the plate. Since
shear stress will not be generated by the electric field Ez (=E3), Equation 7.25 is reduced to only one
X1 = x1 /s11
− (d31 /s11
)Ez . (7.26)
Introducing Equation 7.26 into Equation 7.24, and allowing for x1 = ∂u/∂x (nonsuffix x corresponds
to the Cartesian coordinate, and x1 is the strain along the 1 (x) direction) and ∂Ez /∂x = 0 (due to the
equal potential on each electrode), leads to a harmonic vibration equation:
−ω 2ρs11
u = ∂ 2u/∂x 2, (7.27)
ω is the angular frequency of the drive field
ρ is the density
Substituting a general solution u = u1 (x)ejω t + u2 (x)e−jω t into Equation 7.26, and with the boundary
condition X1 = 0 at x = 0 and L (sample length) (due to the mechanically free condition at the plate
end), the following solution can be obtained:
⎛ ⎡ ω (L − 2 x )⎤ ⎞
⎜ cos ⎢ ⎥⎟
⎣ 2v ⎦⎟ ,
= d31Ez ⎜ (7.28)
⎜ ⎛ ωL ⎞ ⎟
⎜ cos ⎜ ⎟ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ 2v ⎠ ⎠
where, v is the sound velocity in the piezoceramic along x direction, which is given by
v =1 ρs11
. (7.29)
When the specimen is utilized as an electrical component such as a filter or a vibrator, the electrical
impedance [(applied voltage/induced current) ratio] plays an important role. The current flow into
the specimen is described by the surface charge increment, ∂D3/∂t, and the total current is given by
i = jωw D3 dx = jωw
∫ (d
31 X1 + ε 33
Ez dx
⎣ ∫ {
= jωw ⎡ d31 x1 s11
− d31 s11
Ez( ) }+ ε X
33 Ez ⎤ dx.
Using Equation 7.28, the admittance for the mechanically free sample is calculated to be
(1 Z ) = (i v ) = (i Ezt )
⎡ ⎛ ⎡ ω (L − 2 x )⎤ ⎞ ⎤
L⎢ ⎜ cos ⎢ ⎥⎟ ⎥
⎦ ⎟ E + ⎡ ε X − ⎛ d31 ⎞ ⎤ E ⎥ dx,
∫( )
⎢ 2 E ⎣ 2v 2
= ( j ωw Ez t ) ⎢ d31 s11 ⎜ ⎢ E ⎟⎥ z⎥
⎜ ⎛ ωL ⎞ ⎟ z ⎣⎢ 33 ⎜⎝ s11 ⎠ ⎦⎥ ⎥
0 ⎢ ⎜ cos ⎜⎝ 2v ⎟⎠ ⎟
⎢ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
= ( jωwL t )ε 33
LC ⎡
1 + d31
ε 33
s11 tan (ωL 2v) (ωL 2v)⎤ ,
w is the width
L is the length
t is the thickness of the rectangular piezosample
V is the applied voltage
33 is the permittivity in a longitudinally clamped sample, which is given by
ε 33
= ε 33
X 2
− d31 E
s11 . ) (7.32)
The piezoelectric resonance is achieved where the admittance becomes infinite or the impedance is
zero. The resonance frequency f R is calculated from Equation 7.31 (by putting ωL/2v = π/2), and the
fundamental frequency is given by
fR = ω R 2π = v 2 L = 1 2 L ρs11
. ) (7.33)
On the other hand, the antiresonance state is generated for zero admittance or infinite impedance:
k31 = d31 E
s11 ⋅ ε 33
. (7.35)
Resonance Antiresonance
Low coupling High coupling
m=1 m=1
m=2 m=2
The resonance and antiresonance states are both mechanical resonance states with amplified strain/
displacement states, but they are very different from the electrical/driving viewpoints. The mode
difference is described by the following intuitive model. In a high electromechanical coupling mate-
rial with k almost equal to 1, the resonance or antiresonance states appear for tan(ωL/2v) = ∞ or 0
[i.e., ωL/2v = (m − 1/2)π or mπ (m: integer)], respectively. The strain amplitude x1 distribution for
each state (calculated using Equation 7.28) is illustrated in Figure 7.15. In the resonance state, large
strain and capacitance changes (called motional capacitance) are induced, and the current can
easily flow into the device. To the contrary, at the antiresonance, the strain induced in the device
compensates completely, resulting in no capacitance change, and the current cannot flow easily into
the sample. Thus, for a high-k material the first antiresonance frequency fA should be twice as large
as the first resonance frequency f R.
It is notable that both resonance and antiresonance states are in the mechanical resonance, which
can create large strain in the sample under minimum input electrical energy. The stress X1 at the
plate ends (x = 0 and L) is supposed to be zero in both cases. However, though the strain x1 at the
plate ends is zero for the resonance, the strain x1 is not zero for the antiresonance. This means that
there is only one vibration node at the plate center for the resonance (top-left in Figure 7.15), and
there are additional two nodes at both plate ends for the antiresonance (top-right in Figure 7.15). The
reason is from the antiresonance drive, i.e., high voltage/low current drive due to the high imped-
ance. The converse piezoeffect strain under E via d31 (uniform strain in the sample) superposes
on the mechanical resonance strain distribution (distributed strain with nodes in the sample), two
strains of which have exactly the same level theoretically at the antiresonance for k31 = 1.
In a typical case, where k31 = 0.3, the antiresonance state varies from the previously mentioned
mode and becomes closer to the resonance mode (top-center in Figure 7.15). The low-coupling mate-
rial exhibits an antiresonance mode where the capacitance change due to the size change (motional
capacitance) is compensated partially by the current required to charge up the static capacitance
(called damped capacitance). Thus, the antiresonance frequency fA will approach the resonance
frequency f R. You may also consider that the two additional nodes at the plate ends (top right in
Figure 7.15) are now outside of the plates.
The general procedure for calculating the electromechanical parameters (k31, d31, s11 E , and ε X )
from the impedance spectrum measurement is described below:
1. The sound velocity v in the specimen is obtained from the resonance frequency f R (refer to
Figure 7.16), using Equation 7.33: f R = v/2L.
2. Knowing the density ρ, the elastic compliance s11E can be calculated from the sound veloc-
ity v: v = 1 ρs11 .
3. The electromechanical coupling factor k31 is calculated from the v value and the antireso-
nance frequency fA through Equation 7.34. Especially in low-coupling piezoelectric mate-
rials, the following approximate equation is useful:
k31 /(1 − k31
) = (π 2 /4)( Δf / fR ) ( Δf = fA − fR ). (7.36)
fR = 360 kHz
(a) Frequency
k33 = 0.90
fA = 584 kHz
= 2 fR
fR = 295 kHz
(b) Frequency
FIGURE 7.16 Impedance curves for (a) a reasonable k material (PZT 5 H, k33 = 0.70), and (b) a high-k
material (PZN–PT single crystal, k33 = 0.90).
4. Knowing the permittivity ε33 X from the independent measurement under an off-resonance
k31 = d31 E
s11 ⋅ ε 33
Figure 7.16a and b compares observed impedance curves of rod-shaped samples for a typical k
material (PZT 5 H, k33 = 0.70) and a high-k material (PZN–PT single crystal, k33 = 0.90). Note a
large separation between the resonance and antiresonance peaks in the high-k material, leading to
the condition almost fA = 2f R. To the contrary, a regular PZT sample exhibits fA = 1.3f R. The band-
width of the piezo-transducer is defined by (Δ f /f R), leading to 100% for the PZN–PT rod sample
and only 30% for PZT 5 H.
Table 7.4
Equivalency between a Mechanical and an Electrical System, Composed
of M, c, z; L, C, and R
Mechanical Electrical
Displacement u Charge Q
Force F Voltage V L
c Mass M Inductance L
Damping ζ Resistance R
Spring constant c Inverse Capacitance 1/C C
On the other hand, the dynamic equation for an electrical circuit composed of an inductance L,
a capacitance C, and a resistance R illustrated in Table 7.4 (right) is expressed by
Q is the charge
V is the voltage
Using the duality as summarized in Table 7.4, equivalent circuits of piezoelectric vibrators can be
generated easily by mechanical and electrical engineers through mechanical or electrical point of
Now, the equivalent circuit for the piezoelectric transducer is represented by a combination of
L, C, and R. Figure 7.17a shows an equivalent circuit for the resonance state, which has very low
impedance. Cd (damped capacitance) corresponds to the electrostatic capacitance, and the compo-
nents LA and CA in a series resonance circuit are related to the piezoelectric motion. The subscript A
and the B below denote “A-type” and “B-type” resonance modes, which mean equally “resonance”
Gd Cf
(a) (b)
FIGURE 7.17 Equivalent circuit of a piezoelectric device for (a) the resonance and (b) the antiresonance
and “antiresonance” modes. For example, in the case of the longitudinal vibration of the above
rectangular plate through d31, these components are represented by
LA = (ρ/8)( Lb/w)(s11
E2 2
/d31 ), (7.39)
CA = (8/π2 )( Lw/b)(d31
2 E
/s11). (7.40)
Note that the inductance LA is directly proportional to the density ρ, the inverse capacitance CA is
directly proportional to the elastic compliance s11E (i.e., spring constant), while the component RA
corresponds to the mechanical loss [more precisely, a combination of dielectric loss (imaginary
permittivity constant), elastic loss (imaginary elastic compliance), and piezoelectric loss (imaginary
d constant)].
In contrast, the equivalent circuit for the antiresonance state of the same actuator, which has high
impedance is shown in Figure 7.17b.
FIGURE 7.18 Basic structure of a piezoelectric buzzer (a) and a state-of-art ML ceramic speaker (b).
(From Watabe, Y., Bull. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 42, 396, 2007. With permission.)
Piezoelectric element
Backing Matching layer
Polarization direction
Piezoelectric vibrator
There are various types of transducers used in ultrasonic imaging. The first type of transduc-
ers are mechanical sector transducers consist of single, relatively large resonators and can provide
images by mechanical scanning such as wobbling. The second type of transducers are multiple ele-
ment array transducers permit discrete elements to be individually accessed by the imaging system
and enable electronic focusing in the scanning plane to various adjustable penetration depths through
the use of phase delays. Two basic types of array transducers are linear and phased (or sector). A
linear array is a collection of elements arranged in one direction, producing a rectangular display
(see Figure 7.20). A curved linear (or convex) array is a modified linear array whose elements are
arranged along an arc to permit an enlarged trapezoidal field of view. The elements of these linear-
type array transducers are excited sequentially group by group with the sweep of the beam in one
direction. These linear array transducers are used for radiological and obstetrical examinations. On
the other hand, in a phased array transducer the acoustic beam is steered by signals that are applied
to the elements with delays, creating a sector display. This transducer is useful for cardiology appli-
cations where positioning between the ribs is necessary.
Figure 7.21 demonstrates the superiority of the PZN–PT single crystal to the PZT ceramic for the
medical imaging transducer application, developed by Toshiba Corporation.24 Conventionally, the
medical doctor is required to use two different frequency PZT probes, one at 2.5 MHz for checking
wider and deeper area, and a second one at 3.75 MHz for monitoring the specified area with a bet-
ter resolution. The PZN–PT single crystal (with very high k33 and kt) probe provides two additional
merits: (1) wide bandwidth—without changing the probe, the doctor can just switch the drive fre-
quency from 2.5 to 3.75 MHz, (2) strong signal—because of the high electromechanical coupling,
the receiving signal level is enhanced more than twice compared with the PZT probe. Sonochemistry
Fundamental research on “Sonochemistry” is now rapidly ongoing. Using “cavitation” effect, toxic
materials such as dioxin and trichloroethylene can be easily transformed into innocuous materials at
room temperature. Ultrasonic distillation is also possible at room temperature for obtaining highly
concentrated Japanese “Sake.” Different from the regular boiling distillation, this new method
makes Sake at much higher alcoholic concentration while keeping gorgeous taste and fragrance.
Figure 7.22a shows the alcoholic concentration in the base solution and mist. This high-quality Sake
product is now commercially available.25
Higher resolution
(the wall of heart)
Greater penetration
(blood flow in the pulmonary vein)
3.75-MHz PZT 2.5-MHz PZT PZNT 91/9
ceramic probe ceramic probe single-crystal probe
PZNT probe’s performance includes both penetration of 2.5 MHz PZT
probe and resolution of 3.75 MHz PZT probe Toshiba
FIGURE 7.21 Ultrasonic imaging with the two PZT ceramic probes (left) and with the PZN–PT single
crystal probe (right). (Yamashita, Y., Private communication; Courtesy of Toshiba, 2004. With permission.)
High-power ultrasonics are also applicable to transdermal drug delivery. The Penn State
researchers are working with commercialization of this “needle-free” injection system of insulin by
using cymbal piezoactuators (see Figure 7.22b).26
When a piezoelectric body vibrates at its resonant frequency it absorbs considerably more energy
than at other frequencies resulting in a dramatic decrease in the impedance. This phenomenon
enables piezoelectric materials to be used as a wave filter. A filter is required to pass a certain
selected frequency band or to block a given band. The bandwidth of a filter fabricated from a piezo-
electric material is determined by the square of the coupling coefficient k, that is, it is nearly pro-
2 /(1 − k 2 ) = (π2/4)(Δ f /f ), where Δf = f − f ,
portional to k2. The background is from the relation: k31 31 R A R
and the bandwidth is provided by Δf. Quartz crystals with a very low k value of about 0.1 can pass
very narrow frequency bands of approximately 1% of the center resonance frequency. On the other
hand, PZT ceramics with a planar coupling coefficient of about 0.5 can easily pass a band of 10%
of the center resonance frequency. The sharpness of the passband is dependent on the mechanical
quality factor Q M of the materials. Quartz also has a very high Q M of about 106 which results in a
sharp cutoff to the passband and a well-defined oscillation frequency.
A simple resonator is a thin piezo-disk, electroded on its plane faces and vibrating radially for
filter applications with a center frequency ranging from 200 kHz to 1 MHz and with a bandwidth of
several percent of the center frequency. For a frequency of 455 kHz the disk diameter needs to be
about 5.6 mm. However, if the required frequency is higher than 10 MHz, other modes of vibration
such as the thickness extensional mode are exploited, because of its smaller size. The trapped-energy-
type filters made from PZT ceramics have been widely used in the intermediate frequency range
for applications such as the 10.7 MHz FM radio receiver and transmitter. When the trapped-energy
phenomena are utilized, the overtone frequencies are suppressed. The plate is partly covered with
0 50 100
Ethanol mol concentration in solution (mol %)
FIGURE 7.22 (a) Room temperature distillation with high-power ultrasonic (From http://www.shumurie.
co.jp, Popular Mechanics, 180, 20, 2003. With permission.) and (b) transdermal insulin drug delivery system
using cymbal transducers. (Courtesy of Matsuura Brewer.)
electrodes of a specific area and thickness. The fundamental frequency of the thickness mode of
the ceramic beneath the electrode is less than that of the unelectroded portion, because of the extra
inertia of the electrode mass. The lower-frequency wave of the electroded region cannot propagate
into the unelectroded region. The higher-frequency overtones, however, can propagate away into
the unelectroded region. This is called the trapped-energy principle. Figure 7.23 shows a schematic
drawing of a trapped-energy filter. In this structure the top electrode is split so that coupling between
Ceramic plate
Top Bottom
the two parts will only be efficient at resonance. More stable filters suitable for telecommunication
systems have been made from single crystals such as quartz or LiTaO3.
1. The wave can be electroacoustically accessed and tapped at the substrate surface and its
velocity is approximately 104 times slower than an electromagnetic wave
2. The SAW wavelength is on the same order of magnitude as line dimensions produced by
photolithography and the lengths for both short and long delays are achievable on reason-
ably sized substrates
There is a very broad range of commercial system applications which include front-end and inter-
mediate frequency (IF) filters, community antenna television (CATV) and video cassette recorder
(VCR) components, synthesizers, analyzers, and navigators. In SAW transducers, finger (interdigi-
tal) electrodes provide the ability to sample or tap the wave and the electrode gap gives the relative
delay. A SAW filter is composed of a minimum of two transducers. A schematic of a simple SAW
bidirectional filter is shown in Figure 7.24. A bidirectional transducer radiates energy equally from
each side of the transducer. Energy which is not associated with the received signal is absorbed to
eliminate spurious reflection.
Various materials are currently being used for SAW devices. The most popular single-crystal
SAW materials are lithium niobate and lithium tantalate. The materials have different properties
depending on the cut of the material and the direction of propagation. The fundamental parameters
considered when choosing a material for a given device applications are SAW velocity, temperature
coefficients of delay (TCD), electromechanical coupling factor, and propagation loss. SAWs can be
Input Output
Interdigital electrode
Piezoelectric substrate
generated and detected by spatially periodic, interdigital electrodes on the plane surface of a piezo-
electric plate. A periodic electric field is produced when an RF source is connected to the electrode,
thus permitting piezoelectric coupling to a traveling surface wave. If an RF source with a frequency,
f, is applied to the electrode having periodicity, d, energy conversion from an electrical to mechani-
cal form will be maximum when
f = f0 = vs /d, (7.41)
vs is the SAW velocity
f0 is the center frequency of the device
The SAW velocity is an important parameter determining the center frequency. Another important
parameter for many applications is temperature sensitivity. For example, the temperature stability
of the center frequency of SAW band-pass filters is a direct function of the temperature coefficient
for the velocity and the delay for the material used. The first-order temperature coefficient of delay
is given by
(1/τ) ⋅ (dτ /dT) = (1/L) ⋅ (dL /dT) − (1/vs ) ⋅ (dvs /dT ), (7.42)
τ = L/vs is the delay time
L is the SAW propagation length
The surface wave coupling factor, k2s , is defined in terms of the change in SAW velocity which
occurs when the wave passes across a surface coated with a thin massless conductor, so that the
piezoelectric field associated with the wave is effectively short-circuited. The coupling factor, ks2,
is expressed by
vf is the free surface wave velocity
vm is the velocity on the metallized surface
In actual SAW applications, the value of k2s relates to the maximum bandwidth obtainable and the
amount of signal loss between input and output, which determines the fractional bandwidth as a
function of minimum insertion loss for a given material and filter. Propagation loss is one of the
major factors that determines the insertion loss of a device and is caused by wave scattering at
crystalline defects and surface irregularities. Materials which show high electromechanical cou-
pling factors combined with small temperature coefficients of delay are generally preferred.
The free surface velocity, vf, of the material is a function of cut angle and propagation direction.
The TCD is an indication of the frequency shift expected for a transducer due to a temperature
change and is also a function of cut angle and propagation direction. The substrate is chosen based
on the device design specifications which include operating temperature, fractional bandwidth, and
insertion loss.
Piezoelectric single crystals such as 128°Y-X (128°-rotated-Y-cut and X-propagation)—LiNbO3
and X-112°Y (X-cut and 112°-rotated-Y-propagation)—LiTaO3 have been extensively employed as
SAW substrates for applications in video intermediate frequency (VIF) filters. A c-axis-oriented ZnO
thin film deposited on a fused quartz, glass, or sapphire substrate has also been commercialized for
SAW devices. Table 7.5 summarizes some important material parameters for these SAW materials.
SAW Material Properties
Cut-Propagation TCD
Material Direction k2 (%) (ppm/C) V0 (m/s) er
Single crystal Quartz ST–X 0.16 0 3158 4.5
LiNbO3 128°Y–X 5.5 −74 3960 35
LiTaO3 X112°–Y 0.75 −18 3290 42
Li2B4O7 (110)–<001> 0.8 0 3467 9.5
Ceramic PZT-In(Li3/5W2/5)O3 1.0 10 2270 690
(Pb,Nd) (Ti,Mn,In)O3 2.6 <1 2554 225
Thin film ZnO/glass 0.64 −15 3150 8.5
ZnO/sapphire 1.0 −30 5000 8.5
A delay line can be formed from a slice of glass such as PbO- or K2O-doped SiO2 glass in
which the velocity of sound is nearly independent of temperature. PZT ceramic transducers are
soldered on two metallized edges of the slice of glass. The input transducer converts the electrical
signal to a shear acoustic wave which travels through the slice. At the output transducer the wave is
reconverted into an electrical signal delayed by the length of time taken to travel around the slice.
Such delay lines are used in color TV sets to introduce a delay of approximately 64 μs and are also
employed in videotape recorders.
Recent development on SAW actuator applications is interesting. A liquid transportation system
was developed by using a standing wave–type SAW device.29 A liquid droplet can be transported
by controlling the SAW wave.
The fundamental resonance frequency is given by
fR = 1 2 L ρs11
. (P7.8.1)
Antibody/phage: Antibodies
Selectivity Gold
Bacteria Quartz
Substrate Antibodies/phages
(a) (b)
FIGURE 7.25 (a) Principle of a biosensor, where antibody/phage is coated on a single crystal quartz oscil-
lator. Once particular bacteria are captured selectively by the antibodies (b), the surface mass of the oscilla-
tor is increased. (From Cheng, Z.-Y., Private communication, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, 2003. With
Now, Δs11
E /s E = 0 and Δf /f = 10 −6 lead to Δρ/ρ = ΔM/M = 2 × 10 −6.
11 R R
Since M = 8 (g/cm3) × 5 × 1 × 0.2 × 10 −3 = 8 × 10 −3 (g), the detection resolution of the water
weight ΔM will be
ΔM = 8 × 10 −3 × 2 × 10 −6 = 16 × 10 −9 (g) = 16(ng).
This micromass sensor can be utilized for a biosensor for detecting bacteria, such as Escherichia
Coli and Salmonella; 104~107 cells/mL is already critical to humans for Salmonella’s case. Quartz
oscillators can be used to detect this small amount of salmonella bacteria. Figure 7.25a shows the
principle of this biosensor, where antibody/phage is coated on a single crystal quartz oscillator.
Once particular bacteria are captured selectively by the antibodies, the surface mass of the oscillator
is increased (see the SEM photo of captured bacteria in Figure 7.25b). The sensitivity 104 cells/mL
can be obtained.30
L1 L2
input w
t High-voltage
FIGURE 7.26 Piezoelectric transformer proposed by Rosen. (From Rosen, C.A., Proc. Electr. Component
Symp., 205, 1957.)
P Output
FIGURE 7.27 ML-type transformer by NEC. (From Kawashima, S. et al., Proc. IEEE Int’l Ultrasonic
Symp. ‘94, France, Nov. 1994.)
sample length is excited, a half wavelength existing on both the input (L1) and output (L2) parts. The
voltage rise ratio r (step-up ratio) is given for the unloaded condition (open circuit) by
( )
r = 4 π 2 k31k33QM (L2 t )⎡2 s33
s11 1 + s33
D E ⎤
⎥⎦(. ) (7.44)
A complete equivalent circuit for a length expander bar (top and bottom surface electroded) with
electric field perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation is provided in Figure 7.28a,
– V +
e1 Z1 Z1 e2 e1 Z1 Z1 e2
Z2 Z2
F1 1:N F1 –C0 N:1
F2 F2
(a) (b)
FIGURE 7.28 Mason’s equivalent circuits for length expander bars: (a) surface electroded and (b) end
L, w, and t are the length, width, and thickness of the sample, vEb is the wave velocity given by
vbE = 1 ρs11
. (P7.9.3)
The characteristic mechanical impedance Z 0 and the clamped capacitance C0 are provided by
Z 0i = ρwtvbE = wt E
, (P7.9.4)
C0i = Lwε 33
(1 − k31
)/t, (P7.9.5)
N i = wd31 /s11
= w(ε 33
X E 1/ 2
/s11 ) k31. (P7.9.6)
In a similar fashion, the necessary parameters for a length expander bar (end electroded) in
Figure 7.28b with electric field parallel to direction of wave propagation are given by
vbD = l ρs33
, (P7.9.9)
Z 0 o = ρ wt vbD = wt D
, (P7.9.10)
C0o = Lwε 33
(1 − k33
)/L, (P7.9.11)
C0 C0 Z1
V Z1 V
(a) (b)
l1 1:Ni Zi2 Zi1 Zo1 Zo2 N0:1 –C00 l2
FIGURE 7.29 Equivalent circuits for (a) one-end free length expander bar (surface electroded), (b) one-end
free length expander bar (end electroded), and (c) the Rosen-type transformer.
N o = wtd33 /Ls33
= (wt /L )(ε 33
X D 1/ 2
/s33 ) k33 . (P7.9.12)
When one end of the piezoelectric element is free (F1 = 0), the above two equivalent circuits
become Figure 7.29a and b. Thus, connecting the F2 sides of the two circuits, we obtain the
equivalent circuit for the Rosen-type transformer (1st mode application) as shown in Figure
7.29c. Note that L in all the equations, Equations. P7.9.1 through P7.9.12 must be replaced by L1
and L2 for the transformer configuration shown in Figure 7.26.
The step-up voltage ratio for an open-circuit condition can be estimated by
r = 2 N i N o /ωC0o R, (P7.9.13)
C0o = wt ε 33
(1 − k33
)/L2 , (P7.9.14)
R = πZ 0o /QM , (P7.9.15)
ω = 2π vbD 2L2 = π L2 ) ρ
. (P7.9.16)
s33 E
/s33 = 1 − k33
, (P7.9.17)
r = 2 ⎡ w ε 33( ) (
k31 ⎤ ⎡(wt L2 ) ε 33 ) k33 ⎤
12 12
s11 s11
⎣⎢ ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ ⎦⎥
⎡ ρ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
( ) ρ
⎢ π L2 D ⎥ ⎡⎣ wt ε 33 1 − k33 L2 ⎤⎦ ⎢ π wt D QM ⎥
X 2
⎣⎢ s33 ⎥
⎦ ⎢⎣ s33 ⎥⎦
( )
= 4 π 2 k31k33QM (L2 t )⎡2 s33
s11 (1 + D
s33 E ⎤
s11 )
. (P7.9.18)
Step-down transformers for adaptor applications for portable equipment such as laptop comput-
ers and mobile phones have also been developed. Figure 7.30 shows a credit-card size 35 W
adaptor for a laptop computer, developed by Face Electronics, Taiheiyo Cement, in collaboration
with The Penn State University.34
FIGURE 7.30 Credit-card size laptop computer adaptor (35 W) using a piezoelectric step-down transformer
(below), in comparison with a commercial adaptor with an electromagnetic transformer (top).
piezoelectric applications. The PLZT [(Pb,La)(Zr,Ti)O3] 7/62/38 compound is one such composi-
tion.39 The strain curve is shown in Figure 7.31a left. When the applied field is small, the induced
strain x is nearly proportional to the field E (x = dE, where d is called the piezoelectric constant). As
the field becomes larger (i.e., greater than about 1 kV/cm), however, the strain curve deviates from
this linear trend and significant hysteresis is observed due to polarization reorientation. This some-
times limits the use of such materials for actuator applications that require nonhysteretic response.
An interesting new family of actuators has been fabricated in Germany from the barium stannate
titanate system [Ba(Sn,Ti)O3].40 The useful property of Ba(Sn0.15Ti0.85)O3 is its unusual strain curve,
in which the domain reorientation occurs only at low fields, and there is then a long linear range at
higher fields [Figure 7.31a right]; that is, the coercive field is unusually small. Moreover, this system
is particularly intriguing since it contains no Pb ions, an essential feature as ecological concerns
grow nowadays.
The second category of actuators is based on electrostriction as exhibited by PMN [Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)
O3]-based ceramics. Although it is a second-order phenomenon of electromechanical coupling
(x = ME2, where M is called the electrostrictive coefficient), the induced strain can be extraordinarily
large (more than 0.1%).41 An attractive feature of these materials is the near absence of hysteresis
(Figure 7.31b). The superiority of PMN to PZT was demonstrated in a scanning tunneling micro-
scope (STM).42 The STM probe was scanned mechanically by a PMN actuator, which produces
only extremely small distortion of the image, even when the probe was scanned in the opposite
direction due to a negligibly small hysteresis.
The third category is based on phase-change-related strains, that is, polarization induced by
switching from an antiferroelectric to a ferroelectric state.43 Figure 7.31c shows the field-induced
strain curves taken for the lead zirconate stannate-based system [Pb0.99Nb0.02( (ZrxSn1−x)1−yTiy)0.98O3].
The longitudinally induced strain reaches more than 0.3%, which is much larger than that exhibited
Piezostrictor Electrostrictor
4 ×10–4 1 ×10–3
3 5 0.75
2 0.5
–15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 –20 –10 0 10 20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15
(a) Electric field (kV/cm) Electric field (kV/cm) (b) Electric field (kV/cm)
Phase-change material
Strain (×10–3)
3 3
Strain (×10–3)
2 2
1 1
FIGURE 7.31 Electric field-induced strains in various ceramics: (a) piezoelectric (Pb,La)(Zr,Ti)O3, Ba(Sn,Ti)
O3, (b) electrostrictive Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3, and (c) phase-change materials Pb(Zr,Sn,Ti)O3.
Moving piece
Leaf spring
10 mm
FIGURE 7.32 Latching relay using a shape memory ceramic unimorph. The drive requires a 4 ms pulse volt-
age, not a continuous voltage, which produces a 150 μm unimorph tip displacement.
FIGURE 7.33 Typical designs for ceramic actuators: ML, moonie, and bimorph.
FIGURE 7.34 3-D positioning ML actuator. Notice that the x- and y-stacks are using shear mode with the
spontaneous polarization perpendicular to the applied electric field direction.
Servo displacement
E Feedback x transducer
drive Electrostrictive material
Rigid t Eb E
strain Em Pulse x
E ON Pules drive motor
drive Soft piezoelectric
t OFF Em E (Low permittivity)
E x
Ultrasonic motor
Resonant AC Sine
strain drive Hard piezoelectric
t E material
(High Q)
is excited by an AC field at the mechanical resonance frequency (USMs). The first can be further
divided into two types: servo displacement transducers (positioners) controlled by a feedback system
through a position-detection signal, and pulse-drive motors operated in a simple on/off switching
mode, exemplified by ink-jet printers.
The material requirements for these classes of devices are somewhat different, and certain com-
pounds will be better suited to particular applications. The USM, for instance, requires a very hard
piezoelectric with a high mechanical quality factor Q M, to suppress heat generation. Note that the
resonating strain/displacement is amplified by a factor of Q M, in comparison with the off-resonance
strain/displacement (i.e., dEL).50 Driving the motor at the antiresonance frequency, rather than at
resonance, is also an intriguing technique to reduce the load on the piezoceramic and the power sup-
ply.51 The servo displacement transducer suffers most from strain hysteresis and, therefore, a PMN
electrostrictor is used for this purpose. The pulse-drive motor requires a low permittivity material
aimed at quick response with a certain power supply (a high-power supply is expensive from the
practical device application viewpoint) rather than a small hysteresis, so soft PZT piezoelectrics are
preferred rather than the high-permittivity PMN for this application.
Pulse-drive techniques for ceramic actuators are very important for improving the response of
the device.52,53 Figure 7.36 shows transient vibrations of a bimorph excited after a pseudostep volt-
age is applied. The rise time is varied around the resonance period (n is the timescale with a unit of
T0/2, where T0 stands for the resonance period). It is concluded that the overshoot and ringing of the
tip displacement is completely suppressed when the rise time is precisely adjusted to the resonance
period of the piezodevice (i.e., for n = 2).52 A flight actuator was developed using a pulse-drive
piezoelectric element and a steel ball. A 5 μm rapid displacement induced in a ML actuator can hit a
2 mm steel ball up to 20 mm in height. A dot-matrix printer head has been developed using a flight
actuator as shown in Figure 7.37.54 By changing the drive voltage pulse width, the movement of the
armature was easily controlled to realize no vibrational ringing or double hitting.
Electric field
(a) n = 1
Electric field
10 ms
(b) n = 2
Electric field
(c) n = 3
FIGURE 7.36 Transient vibration of a bimorph excited after a pseudostep voltage applied. Here, n is a
timescale with a unit of half of the resonance period (i.e., 2n = the resonance period).
Ink ribbon
Steel plate
Piezoelectric Wire
10 mm
where u is the displacement of a small volume element in the ceramic plate in the x-direction.
When the plate is very long and thin, the longitudinal stresses, X2 and X3 may be set equal to
zero throughout the plate, and shear stress is not generated by the electric field Ez, the necessary
piezoelectric equation is reduced to
X1 = x1 /s11
− (d31 /s11
)Ez (P7.10.2)
Thus, we obtain the following dynamic equation (note that this equation does not include a loss
during vibration):
ρ (∂ 2u /∂t 2 ) = (1/s11
) (∂ 2u /∂x 2 ). (P7.10.3)
Let us solve the differential equation (Equation P7.10.3), using the Laplace transform. Denoting
the Laplace transforms of u(t, x) and Ez(t) as U(s, x) and E(s), respectively, Equation P7.10.3 is
transformed to
= 1/v 2 , (v: sound velocity in the piezoceramic) (P7.10.6)
The constants A and B can be determined by the boundary conditions X1 = 0 at x = 0 and L. Note
that the strain x1 at x = 0 and L may not need to be zero:
X1 = ( x1 − d31Ez )/s11
= 0. (P7.10.8)
A (s /v ) − B (s /v ) = d31E,
Thus, we obtain
A = d31E 1 − e ( )
− sL /v
) (s /v)(e (sL /v )
− e − (sL /v ) , (P7.10.11)
B = d31E 1 − e(sL /v ) ) (s /v)(e (sL /v )
− e − (sL /v ) , (P7.10.12)
U (s,x ) = d31E(v /s) ⎡ e − s (L − x )/v + e − s (L + x )/v − e − sx /v − e − s ( 2L − x )/v
⎣ ) (1 − e −2sL /v
)⎤⎦ , (P7.10.13)
L[x1 ] = d31E ⎡ e − s (L − x )/v − e − s (L + x )/v + e − sx /v − e − s (2L − x )/v
⎣ ) (1 − e −2sL /v
)⎤⎦ . (P7.10.14)
The inverse Laplace transforms of Equations P7.10.13 and P7.10.14 now provide the displace-
ment u(t, x) and strain x1(t, x). Since u(t, x = L/2) = 0 [from U(s, x = L/2) = 0] and u(t, x = 0) = −u(t,
x = L) [from U(s, x = 0) = −U(s, x = L)], the total displacement of the plate device ΔL becomes
equal to 2u(t, x = L).
U (s,x = L ) = d31E(v /s) 1 − e − (sL /v ) ) (1 + e − (sL /v )
= d31E(v /s)tanh(sL /2v). (P7.10.15)
When E includes the term (1 + e−(sL/v)), the denominator of Equation P7.10.15 disappears and the
displacement u(t, x) is not accompanied by the vibration ringing. However, when E does not include
the term of (1 + e−(sL/v)), taking into account the expansion series
the strain along the x direction, x1(t, x) will be obtained by superimposing the d31Ez(t) curves with
a specific time delay, and the ringing of the displacement will continue forever.
Let us consider the displacement response to a pseudostep voltage shown in Figure 7.38).
1. n = 1:
Note that the base function of U(s, L), 1/s3, gives the base function of u(t, L) as t2/2 (parabolic
curve). Thus, considering that the exponential term in the Laplace s domain corresponds to the
ΔL n=1
E(t) Resonance period:
T = 2I/v (3/2)d31E0L
0 nI/v t
0 T 2T t
ΔL n=2 ΔL n=3
d31E0L d31E0L
0 T 2T t 0 T 2T t
FIGURE 7.38 Transient displacement induced in a rectangular plate for a pseudostep voltage. The time scale
n is based on half of the resonance period T.
time shift in the real time domain [for example, e−2sL/v in Equation P7.10.18 corresponds to the
time shift of 2L/v of the base u(t, L) curve t2, that is, (t −2L/v)2]
u(t, L ) = (d31E0 v 2 /2 L )[t 2 − 3(t − L /v)2 + 4(t − 2 L /v)2 − 4(t − 3L /v)2 ] [3L /v < t < 4 L /v].
Figure 7.38a shows the change of ΔL (=2u(t, L) ) with time, which exhibits continuous ringing.
Notice that this curve is a combination of parabolic curves, not a sinusoidal curve. The height of
the overshoot is 1/2 of d31E 0 L.
2. n = 2:
3. n = 3:
U(s, L) is again expanded as an infinite series:
FIGURE 7.39 “Hubble” telescope using three PMN electrostrictive ML actuators for optical image correction.
Lag pin
FIGURE 7.40 Bearingless rotor flexbeam with attached piezoelectric strips. A slight change in the blade
angle provides enhanced controllability.
Tape direction
25.35 mm
FIGURE 7.41 Locus of the video head and the function of the piezoactuator.
velocity difference. Thus the head traces on the guard band, generating guard band noise.59 The
autotracking scan system by Ampex operates with a piezoelectric actuator so that the head follows
the recording track. The piezoelectric device generates no magnetic noise.
Bimorph structures are commonly used for this tracking actuator because of their large displace-
ment. However, special care has been taken not to produce a spacing angle between the head and
the tape, because a single bimorph exhibits deflection with slight rotation. Figure 7.42 summarizes
various designs proposed to produce a completely parallel motion of the bimorphs.
Figure 7.42a is the Ampex’s S-shape mode bimorph, in which the tip of the bimorph bends oppo-
sitely to cancel the rotation angle. In order to detect the tape track, the head is vibrated slightly at
450 Hz, and this modulation signal is monitored to be fed-back to the actuator. The sensor electrode
is for monitoring the head position, as well as for electrical damping.
Figure 7.42b shows a parallel spring type developed by SONY.60 This actuator was installed on a
broadcasting VCR, BVH-1000 (Figure 7.41b). Since the track width is wide (130 μm) for obtaining
high-resolution images, a large displacement is required for the actuator.
Figure 7.42c shows a ring-type bimorph developed for consumer use by Matsushita Electric.61,62
Using this compact movable head, noiseless picture search has become possible both in quick scan
(up to 8 times) and still/slow mode. Autotracking using a piezoelectric actuator was considered as a
standard device in 8 mm VCRs. The reader can adopt the above three mechanisms in order to obtain
the perfect parallel motion with bimorphs.
Mother bimorph
Head holder
Sensor electrode
L2 Head chip
L L3
Actuator electrode
(a) (b)
Video head D
Piezoelectric device
Video head C
Video head B
Video head A
Rotary cylinder
FIGURE 7.42 VCR head tracking actuators: (a) complex bimorph by Ampex, (b) parallel bimorph by SONY,
and (c) ring bimorph by Matsushita Electric.
Ink ribbon
(a) (b)
FIGURE 7.43 (a) Structure of a dot-matrix printer head (NEC), and (b) a differential-type piezoelectric printer-
head element. A sophisticated monolithic hinge lever mechanism amplifies the actuator displacement by 30 times.
ML Chips
Upper electrode
Lower electrode 0.5 mm
Vibration plate
Chamber plate
Communication plate
FIGURE 7.44 MACH ink-jet printer head developed by Seiko Epson. (From Kurashima, N., Proc. Machine
Tech. Inst. Seminar, MITI, Tsukuba, Japan, 1999. With permission.)
Toyota developed a Piezo Toyota Electronic Modulated Suspension (TEMS), which responds to
each protrusion on the road by adjusting the damping condition. TEMS was installed on a “Celcio”
(equivalent to Lexus, internationally) in 1989.65 In general, as the damping force of a shock absorber
in an automobile is increased (i.e., “hard” damper), the controllability and stability of a vehicle are
improved. However, comfort is sacrificed because the road roughness is easily transferred to the
passengers. The purpose of the electronically controlled shock absorber is to obtain both controlla-
bility and comfort simultaneously. Usually the system is set to provide a low damping force (“soft”)
so as to improve comfort and the damping force is changed to a high position according to the road
condition and the car speed to improve the controllability. In order to respond to a road protrusion,
a very high response of the sensor and actuator combination is required.
Figure 7.45 shows the structure of the electronically controlled shock absorber. The sensor is
composed of five layers of 0.5 mm thick PZT disks. The detecting speed of the road roughness
is about 2 ms and the resolution of the up-down deviation is 2 mm. The actuator is made of 88
layers of 0.5 mm thick disks. Applying 500 V generates a displacement of about 50 μm, which
Piezoelectric sensor
Piezoelectric multilayer
Damping change
Automatic control
Up-down acceleration 0.1 m/s2
Pitching rate
Pitching rate
FIGURE 7.46 Function of the TEMS-adaptive suspension system. Note that both up-down acceleration and
pitching rate are minimized under the TEMS system.
is magnified by 40 times through a piston and plunger pin combination. This stroke pushes the
change valve of the damping force down, then opens the bypass oil route, leading to the decrease
of the flow resistance (i.e., “soft”).
Figure 7.46 illustrates the operation of the suspension system. The up-down acceleration and
pitching rate were monitored when the vehicle was driven on a rough road. When the TEMS system
was used (top figure), the up-down acceleration was suppressed to as small as the condition fixed at
soft, providing comfort. At the same time, the pitching rate was also suppressed to as small as the
condition fixed at “hard,” leading to better controllability.
In order to increase the diesel engine efficiency, high-pressure fuel and quick injection control
are required. Figure 7.47 shows an example of diesel fuel injection timing chart. In this one cycle
(typically 60 Hz), the multiple injections should be realized in a very sharp shape. For this pur-
pose, piezoelectric actuators, specifically ML types, were adopted. The highest reliability of these
devices at an elevated temperature (150°C) for a long period (10 years) has been achieved. So-called
common-rail-type injection valves have been widely commercialized by Siemens, Bosch, and Denso
Corporation (Figure 7.48).66
Figure 7.49 shows a walking piezomotor with four ML actuators developed by Philips.67 Two
shorter actuators function as clamps and the longer two provide the movement by an inchworm
mechanism. A major drawback of this inchworm design is the mechanical noise created by the
on–off drive (audible frequency due to the requirement lower than the mechanical resonance of the
Pilot Pre After Post
Injection interval
FIGURE 7.47 Diesel fuel injection timing chart in one cycle (about 60 Hz cycle). (From Fujii, A., Proc.
JTTAS Meeting on Dec. 2, Tokyo, 2005. With permission.)
Piezoelectric actuator
Control valve
amplification unit
Injector body
FIGURE 7.48 Common rail-type diesel injector with a piezoelectric ML actuator. (From Fujii, A., Proc.
JTTAS Meeting on Dec. 2, Tokyo, 2005. With permission.)
Multilayer piezo actuator Fv
30 4
Fo d33
Multilayer piezo actuator
FIGURE 7.49 Walking piezomotor using an inchworm mechanism with four ML piezoelectric actuators by
input Mechanical
power supply
Friction Elastic sliding
cost piece
Rotor Horn 2
Horn 1
Piezo vibrator 2
Piezo vibrator 1
FIGURE 7.51 USM by Barth. (From Barth, H.V., IBM Techn. Discl. Bull., 16, 2263, 1973.)
Although there had been some earlier attempts, the first practical USM was proposed by H. V.
Barth of IBM in 1973.68 As shown in Figure 7.51, the rotor was pressed against two horns placed
at different locations. By exciting one of the horns, the rotor was driven in one direction, and by
exciting the other horn, the rotation direction was reversed. Various mechanisms based on virtually
the same principle were proposed by V. V. Lavrinenko69 and P. E. Vasiliev70 in the former USSR.
Because of difficulty in maintaining constant vibration amplitude with temperature rise, wear, and
tear, the motors were not of much practical use at that time.
In the 1980s, with increasing chip pattern density, the semiconductor industry began to demand
much more precise and sophisticated positioners which would not generate magnetic field noise.
This urgent need accelerated the development of USMs. Another advantage of USMs over conven-
tional electromagnetic motors with expensive copper coils is the improved availability of piezo-
electric ceramics at reasonable cost. Japanese manufacturers are currently producing piezoelectric
buzzers at about ¢30–¢40 per unit.
Let us summarize the merits and demerits of the USM:
1. Low speed and high torque—Direct drive
2. Quick response, wide velocity range, hard brake, and no backlash
–Excellent controllability
–Fine position resolution
up ( x, t ) = A cos(kx − ωt ). (7.46)
This leads to an important notion: a propagating wave can be generated by superimposing two
standing waves whose phases differ by 90° both in time and in space. This principle is necessary to
generate a propagating wave on a limited volume/size substance, because only standing waves can
be excited stably in a solid medium of finite size.
is excited at the piezoelectric vibrator, the vibratory piece generates bending because of restriction
by the rotor, so that the tip moves along the rotor face between A → B, and freely between B → A.
If the vibratory piece and the piezovibrator are tuned properly, they form a resonating structure, and
if the bending deformation is sufficiently small compared with the length, the tip locus during the
free vibration (B → A) is represented by
y y
Oscillator Vibratory V0
~ piece M
Rotor B Uk
θ x
x P O FA θ Fr
γ A
U0 Δ
(a) Piezoelectric vibrator (b)
FIGURE 7.52 Vibratory coupler-type motor (a) and its tip locus (b).
which composes an elliptical locus. Therefore, only the duration A → B provides a unidirectional
force to the rotor through friction, which leads to an intermittent rotational torque or thrust.
However, because of the inertia of the rotor, the rotation speed ripple is not observed to be large.
The standing-wave type, in general, is low in cost (one vibration source) and has high efficiency
(up to 98% theoretically), but lacks control in both the clockwise and counterclockwise directions,
in general.
Moving direction
A A'
w Propagation direction
Elastic body
Suppose that the slider is pressed on the motor stator with the force N, we can calculate the
maximum friction force (without slip on the surface) by
F = μN , (P7.11.1)
where μ is the static friction constant, and around 0.2 for the metal–metal contact, and 0.4 for
the metal–polymer contact. For example, when N = 10 N (almost equivalent to 1 kg weight of the
slider), 2 N thrust can be expected. When the load is higher than this level, the USM slider will
start to slip, and occasionally causes audible sound noise.
Suppose the elliptic locus of a point on the stator surface is expressed by
The maximum slider speed after reaching the steady motion is close to ω0 u 0. General remarks
for the speed: (1) if a higher order harmonic mode such as 3ω0 is used, higher speed is measured.
However, since using a higher order harmonic usually decreases the displacement u, too much
higher order harmonic modes again decrease the speed. (2) when the pressing force N is small,
the maximum displacement u is obtained, leading to the maximum speed. With increasing N, the
displacement u and the speed are reduced, contrary to the thrust increase.
Torsion coupler
A1 horn
Al cylinder
(a) (b)
FIGURE 7.54 Torsion coupler USM (a) and the motion of the torsion coupler (b).
Elastic hollow
X' Plate X
Plate Y
FIGURE 7.55 “Metal tube motor” using a metal tube and two rectangular PZT plates. (a) Schematic struc-
ture and (b) photo of the world’s smallest motor (1.5 mmφ).
bending mode is excited with some phase lag along y'-axis, leading to an elliptical locus in a clock-
wise direction, like a Hula-Hoop motion. In order to obtain a counterclockwise rotation, Plate Y is
now driven. The rotor of this motor is a cylindrical rod with a pair of stainless ferrule pressed with
a spring. The assembly is shown in Figure 7.55b. The metal cylinder motor 2.4 mm in diameter and
12 mm in length was driven at 62.1 kHz in both rotation directions. A no-load speed of 1800 rpm and
an output torque up to 1.8 N m were obtained for rotation in both directions under an applied rms
voltage of 80 V. Rather high maximum efficiency of about 28% for this small motor is a noteworthy
The world’s smallest camera with both optical zooming and autofocusing mechanisms for a cel-
lular phone application developed in 2003 is shown in Figure 7.56.75 Two micro-USMs with 2.4 mm
diameter and 14 mm length were installed to control zooming and focusing lenses independently in
conjunction with screw mechanisms.
NEC-Tokin developed a piezoelectric ceramic cylinder for a torsion vibrator (Figure 7.57).76 Using
an interdigital-type electrode pattern printed with a 45° cant angle on the cylinder surface, torsion
vibration was generated, which is applicable for a simple USM (refer to Example Problem 2.3).
FIGURE 7.56 Camera auto zooming/focusing mechanism with two metal tube USMs in a Samsung cellular
t 45°
(a) (b)
FIGURE 7.57 Piezoelectric cylinder torsion vibrator (a) and its electrode pattern (b).
bearing Spring
Ueha proposed a two-vibration-mode coupled type motor (Figure 7.58). In this design, a tor-
sional Langevin vibrator was combined with three ML actuators to generate larger longitudinal
and transverse surface displacements of the stator, as well as to control their phase difference.77
The phase change can change the rotation direction.
To oscillator 90˚
Adhesion actuator 1/4 T
Leg 2/4 T
3/4 T
(a) (b)
FIGURE 7.59 π-shaped linear USM. (a) Construction and (b) walking principle. Note the 90° phase differ-
ence of two legs similar to that associated with human walking.
Velocity v (cm/s)
Efficiency p (%)
10 5
m m
0 50 100 0 50 100
Load m(gf) Load m(gf)
in dimension, exhibits a maximum speed of 20 cm/s and a maximum thrust of 0.2 kgf (=2 N) with a
maximum efficiency of 20%, when driven at 98 kHz at 6 V (actual power = 0.7 W). Figure 7.60 shows
the characteristics of the linear motor. This motor has been employed in a precision X–Y stage.
3 × 6 mm
Transmission rod l
6 cm
28 kHz
20 ø
vibrator. Taking into account the wave phase, the vibration source should be fixed at a distance
corresponding to one wavelength λ (i.e., 26.8 mm) from the rod end.
The slider, made of a steel clamper 60 mm in length, which theoretically covers two waves, was
driven at a speed of 20 cm/s with a thrust of 50 N at 28 kHz. A major problem with this type of motor
is found in its low efficiency (around 3%), because the whole rod must be excited even when only a
small portion is utilized for the output. To overcome this dilemma, ring-type motors were invented,
where the whole rod can be utilized, because the lengths of the stator and rotor are the same.
Since the traveling wave can be expressed as a superimposition of two standing waves as
we can derive an important principle: a propagating wave can be generated by superimposing two
standing waves whose phases differ by 90° to each other both in time and in space. More generally,
the phase difference can be chosen arbitrarily (except 0, −π, π), as long as the phase difference is
maintained in space and time. The vibration source positions for generating a propagating wave on
cos ωt
sω ωt
co cos
sin ωt
sin ωt sin ωt
u u u
θ θ θ
FIGURE 7.62 Vibration source positions for generating a propagating wave in a ring.
a ring are illustrated in Figure 7.62. In principle, excitation at only two parts of the ring is sufficient
to generate a traveling wave. However, in practice, the number of vibration sources is increased to
as many as possible to increase the mechanical output. The symmetry of the electrode structure also
needs to be considered.
Figure 7.63 shows the famous Sashida motor.82 By means of the traveling elastic wave (up-down
motion) induced by a thin piezoelectric ring (i.e., unimorph type), a ring-type slider in contact with
the “rippled” surface of the elastic body bonded onto the piezoelectric is driven in both directions by
exchanging the sine and cosine voltage inputs. Another advantage is its thin design, which makes it
suitable for installation in cameras as an automatic focusing device. Eighty percent of the exchange
lenses in Canon’s “EOS” camera series have already been replaced by the USM mechanism.
The PZT piezoelectric ring is divided into 16 positively and negatively poled regions and two
asymmetric electrode gap regions so as to generate a 9th-mode propagating wave at 44 kHz. [Two
comments: (1) In order to escape from the audible frequency range, a large size motor should be
operated at a high-order harmonic mode. (2) Since too high-order harmonics reduce the speed and
torque, choose a reasonable mode]. A prototype was composed of a brass ring of 60 mm in outer
diameter, 45 mm in inner diameter, and 2.5 mm in thickness, bonded onto a PZT ceramic ring of
0.5 mm in thickness with divided electrodes on the backside. The rotor was made of polymer coated
with hard rubber or polyurethane. Figure 7.64 shows Sashida’s motor characteristics.82
Canon utilized the Sashida’s “surfing” motor for a camera automatic focusing mechanism,
installing the ring motor compactly in the lens frame. It is noteworthy that the stator elastic ring has
many teeth, which can magnify the transverse elliptical displacement and improve the speed. The
lens position can be shifted back and forth with a screw mechanism. The advantages of this motor
over the conventional electromagnetic motor are
1. Silent drive due to the ultrasonic frequency drive and no gear mechanism (i.e., more suit-
able for video cameras with microphones)
2. Thin motor design and no speed reduction mechanism such as gears, leading to space saving
3. Energy saving
φ 45
φ 60
+ –
– + B
A + (1/4)λ –
– + V0 sin ωt
V0 cos ωt + –
3 0.5 λ
0.5 2.5
Elastic ring
Bearing Felt
FIGURE 7.63 Stator structure of Sashida’s motor. (From Sashida, T., Mech. Automat. Jpn., 15, 31, 1983.)
1 gf = 9.8×10–3N A
40 V0 sin ωt
B 1.5 mH
V0 cos ωt
Applied voltage
Revolution (rpm)
0 =1
0.3 Ground
0 =6 f = 44 khz
20 .5V
0 =4
A general problem encountered for these traveling wave–type motors is the support mechanism of
the stator. In the case of a standing wave motor, the nodal points or lines are generally supported;
this causes minimum effects on the resonance vibration. A traveling wave, however, does not have
such steady nodal points or lines. Thus, special considerations are necessary. In Figure 7.63, the
Spring for
Rotor pressure
FIGURE 7.65 (a) Construction of Seiko’s motor and (b) a photo of 10 mm and 4 mmφ motors.
stator is basically supported very gently along the axial direction or felt so as not to suppress the
bending vibration. It is important to note that the stop-pins which latch onto the stator teeth only
provide high rigidity against the rotation. Matsushita Electric proposed a nodal line support method
using a higher order vibration mode, where a wide ring is supported at the nodal circular line and
“teeth” are arranged on the maximum amplitude circle to get larger revolution.83
Seiko Instruments miniaturized the USM to dimensions of 10 mm and 4 mmφ in diameter using
basically the same principle.84 Figure 7.65a shows the construction of one of these small motors with
a 10 mm diameter and a 4.5 mm thickness. A driving voltage of 3 V and a current of 60 mA pro-
duces 6000 rev/min (no-load) with a torque of 0.1 mN.m. A 10 mm motor in Figure 7.65b has been
installed in a wristwatch for silent alarm function, while a 4 mm motor is used for perpetual func-
tion (i.e., date plate change). AlliedSignal developed USMs similar to Shinsei’s, which are utilized
as mechanical switches for launching missiles.85
It is important to note that the unimorph (a piezoceramic plate and a metal plate bonded together)
bending actuation cannot provide high efficiency theoretically, because the electromechanical cou-
pling factor k is usually less than 10%. Therefore, instead of the unimorph structure, a simple disk
was directly used to make motors.86,87 Figure 7.66 shows (1, 1), (2, 1) and (3, 1) modes of a simple
disk, which are axial-asymmetric modes. Both the inner and outer circumferences can provide a
rotation like a “hula hoop.”
(a) ((1, 1)) mode (b) ((2, 1)) mode (c) ((2, 2)) mode (d) ((3, 1)) mode
(a´) ((1, 1)) mode (b´) ((2, 1)) mode (d´) ((3, 1)) mode
(c´) ((2, 2)) mode
FIGURE 7.67 Illustration of the SIDM developed by Konica-Minolta for phone camera zooming applica-
tions. (From Okamoto, Y. et al., Konica Minolta Tech. Rep., 1, 23, 2004. With permission.)
FIGURE 7.68 Displacements of the piezoelement and the slider to show the “stick & slick” motion. (From
Okamoto, Y. et al., Konica Minolta Tech. Rep., 1, 23, 2004. With permission.)
generate one propagating wave, leading to low efficiency (not more than 50%), but it is controllable
in both rotational directions.
Short 13 KΩ
1 KΩ 54 KΩ
Displacement (μm)
6.6 KΩ Open
0 40 80 120 160 0 40 80 120 160
Time (ms) Time (ms)
FIGURE 7.69 Resistive shunt piezoelectric patch for vibration damping test. The fundamental resonance
frequency of this vibration system is around 200 Hz. Note that the resistance 6.6 kΩ exhibits the quickest
resonance frequency around 200 Hz. Figure 7.69 shows the fact that there is an optimal resistance
6.6 kΩ to be connected to the piezoelectric damping device in order to obtain the quickest damping;
that is, the resistance should be chosen equal to the piezodamper impedance Z = 1/ωC (impedance
matching).89 The piezo-shunt methodologies have now been extended to a combination of resistive,
capacitive, and inductive components.
Consuming the converted electric energy in Joule heat seemed to be useless. Thus, Uchino
et al. started to accumulate the electric energy in batteries in the 1990s. Unused power exists in vari-
ous forms such as vibrations, water flow, wind, human motion, and shock waves. In recent years,
industrial and academic research units have focused attention on harvesting energy from vibrations
using piezoelectric transducers. These efforts have provided the initial research guidelines and have
brought in light the problems and limitations of implementing the piezoelectric transducer. There
are three major steps associated with piezoelectric energy harvesting90:
Bolt to support
T the engine
Change output
FIGURE 7.70 High power energy harvesting (1 W at 100 Hz) with “Cymbal” piezoelectric flexible
a “Cymbal” piezoelectric transducer.91–93 The targeted mechanical vibration from an engine lies
in the range of 50 ~ 150 Hz with force amplitude of the order of 1 kN. It was found that under such
severe stress conditions the metal–ceramic composite transducer “Cymbal” is a promising rigid
structure keeping a relatively high electromechanical transduction rate. The metal cap enhances
the endurance of the ceramic to sustain high loads along with stress amplification. In our study, the
experiments were performed under force of 7 ~ 70 N at the frequency of 100 Hz on a cymbal with
29 mm diameter and 1 mm thickness. At this frequency and force level, 60 mW power was generated
from a cymbal measured across a 400 kΩ resistor. Figure 7.70 illustrates the final cymbal energy
harvesting composites, in which three cymbals are embedded in a triangular shape rubber sheet.
These composite sheets are inserted as mats below the engine. Since each cymbal can generates
close to 100 mW continuously, 1 W can be obtained in total. Note that the optimal conditions for
obtaining the maximum vibration damping and the maximum energy harvesting are exactly the
same; that is, we can chase two “rabbits” at the same time.
Usually the output impedance of the harvested electrical energy with a piezoelectric transducer
is extremely high, so that the electrical impedance mismatch provides significant reduction of effi-
ciency for accumulating the electric charge into a rechargeable battery, which has typically low
impedance around 10 ~ 100 Ω. To overcome this problem, so-called switch-shunt is most popularly
used for the energy harvesting purpose. A DC–DC buck converter in Figure 7.71 was designed for
the above cymbal system which allows transfer of 50 mW power out of 60 mW from the Cymbal
(82% efficiency) to a low impedance load of 5 kΩ with a 2% duty cycle and at a switching frequency
of 1 kHz.93
Gate drive
RG154 33 mH
R load
C1 10 μF C2
100 μF
IN914 battery)
Cymbal transducer
FIGURE 7.71 Piezoelectric energy harvesting circuit with a switch shunt, DC–DC buck converter.
Charging the
Flexible energy
harvest circuit
Another unique circuit design may be with a piezoelectric transformer. The piezoelectric trans-
former used in the circuit has low output impedance around 50 Ω, and the efficiency of the piezo-
electric transformer in the resonance shows over than 95%. This low output impedance is suitable
for an impedance matching to the load (rechargeable battery).94
Energy Flow/Conversion Analysis in the Cymbal Energy Harvesting Process
Source Æ Transducer Æ Transducer Æ Circuit-in Æ Battery
Mechanical Mechanical Electrical Electrical Electrical
Energy ¨ Energy ¨ Energy ¨ Energy ¨ Energy
9.48 J 8.22 J 0.74 J 0.42 J 0.34 J
(too mechanical-soft or hard), the mechanical energy will not transfer efficiently, and
large amount will be reflected at the contact point.
2. Transduction in the transducer: Electromechanical coupling
Transduction rate is evaluated by k2. Since the keff = 0.25 ~ 0.30 in the cymbal, the energy
conversion rate will be 9% maximum. The remaining portion will remain as the original
mechanical vibration energy. 0.74 J/8.22 J = 9.0%.
3. Transducer to harvesting circuit: Electrical impedance matching
0.42 J/0.74 J = 57% is related to the electrical impedance mismatch between the cymbal
output and the circuit input.
4. Harvesting circuit to rechargeable battery:
0.34 J/0.42 J = 81%. This reduction partially originates from the energy consumption in the
circuit, and partially from the electrical impedance mismatch between the circuit output
(still around 5 kΩ) and the rechargeable battery impedance (around 10–20 Ω).
In summary, 0.34 J/9.48 J = 3.6% is the current energy harvesting rate in the battery in com-
parison with the initial source vibration energy. The key to dramatic enhancement is to use a
high-k mode; that is, k33, kt, or k15.
Chapter Essentials
xi = sijE X j + dmi Em ,
3. The resonance and antiresonance modes are both mechanical resonances. Electrical admit-
tance maximum and minimum correspond to resonance and antiresonance, respectively.
The resonance frequencies are ω0, 3ω0, 5ω0, … (odd number multiplication of the funda-
mental mode frequency).
Check Point
1. (T/F) PMN electrostrictive ceramic is the most suitable actuator material for an ink-jet
printer head application. True or False?
2. (T/F) When 1 W electric energy is input to a piezoelectric material with an electrome-
chanical coupling factor k = 0.71 (71%), we can expect 0.5 W mechanical energy converted
in this piezoelectric material. Thus, supposing that no loss is considered in this actuator
system, we can conclude that the efficiency of this device is 50%. True or False?
3. (T/F) When a piezoelectric actuator is driven by a rectangular pulse voltage, the mechani-
cal ringing is completely suppressed when the pulse width is adjusted exactly to half of the
resonance period of the sample. True or False?
4. (T/F) The resonance point of a piezoelectric sample can be identified by an impedance
maximum peak of the V vs. I relation. True or False?
5. Fill in the blank (a) in the following equation, which is a key to designing the USM:
Chapter Problems
7.1 Calculate the electromechanical coupling factor kij of a piezoelectric ceramic vibrator
for the following vibration mode:
a. Length extension mode through d31 (⊥ E): d31
b. Shear mode on the plate: k15
Necessary equations are
(a) x1 = s11
X1 + d31E3,
D3 = d31 X1 + ε33
E3 .
(b) x5 = s55
X 5 + d15 E1,
D1 = d15 X 5 + ε11
7.2 Using a rectangular piezoceramic plate (length: L; width: w; and thickness: b; poled
along the thickness. Figure 7.14), determine the electromechanical coupling parameters
k31, d31, and Q M. Explain the processes for both the resonance and pulse-drive methods.
The density ρ and permittivity ε33 X of the ceramic must be known prior to the following
a. Using an impedance analyzer, the admittance for the mechanically free sample
(supported at the nodal point, i.e., at the center of the plate) was measured as a func-
tion of the drive frequency ω and the admittance curve was obtained. Explain how
to determine the k31, d31, and Q M values from the experimental data. Also verify that
the following approximate equation can be used for a low-coupling piezoelectric
material (refer to Equation 7.33):
k31/(1 − k31
) = (π 2/4)( Δf /fR ) ( Δf = fA − fR ).
Refer to Section 7.3.1 for the first part. The pulse-drive method is an alternative method
for measuring high voltage piezoelectric characteristics. By applying a step electric field
to a piezoelectric sample, the transient vibration corresponding to the desired mode
(extensional, bending, etc.) is measured. The resonance period, stabilized displacement
Applied voltage
Resonance period
and damping constant are obtained experimentally, from which the elastic compliance,
piezoelectric constant, mechanical quality factor [use the relation: Q M = (1/2)ω0τ] and elec-
tromechanical coupling factor can be calculated. Although the experimental accuracy is
not high, the simple setup is attractive especially for its low cost. Moreover, unlike the
resonance/antiresonance methods, this technique requires only one voltage pulse, and thus
does not generate heat. Thus, the electric field dependence of piezoelectricity can be mea-
sured. The background theory of this technique is in Example Problem 7.10.
7.3 Using a rectangular piezoelectric plate and the transverse d31 mode, design a flight actu-
ator (pinball machine).
a. When a rectangular negative pulse (−E0) is applied to a plate sample installed nor-
mally and fixed rigidly at one end, verify that the velocity at the other end is given
by 2|d31|E 0v (v: sound velocity in the ceramic), and is independent of the length.
b. Suppose that this velocity is acquired through a small steel ball (mass: M) without
loss. Calculate the maximum height of the steel ball, when the ball is hit exactly
7.4 From the strain distribution x1(x) for a low electromechanical coupling material pictured
in Figure 7.14, draw the displacement distribution u(x) for both the resonance and anti-
resonance states, and discuss the difference between the two states.
7.5 For the equivalent circuit of a piezoelectric transducer at the antiresonance state (Figure
7.17b), derive the relations of L and C to the intrinsic physical parameters such as ρ, d,
sE, and the dimensions of the transducer.
7.6 A piezotransformer (2nd resonance mode usage) is held on a circuit board as shown in
the photo below (Figure 7.74a). Two ring materials are surrounded on the transformer
and the bottom of these two rings are adhered on the board. Consider the transformer
installed in the following sequence:
a. What kind of material should be chosen for the rings? Why?
b. Where should the rings be placed? Why?
c. What kind of lead wire (metal species, size, etc.) should be used? Why (from both
electrical and mechanical viewpoints)?
d. The lead wires in this backlight inverter product are connected on both edges of the
PZT rectangular plate (White-resin-drop portions). Is the present lead wire position
recommended? Otherwise, where should the lead wire be installed? Why?
For your reference, Figure 7.74b shows the configuration of this piezoelectric transformer
and the second resonance mode.
A piezotransformer (2nd resonance mode usage) has two nodal lines; one is ¼ of the full
length from the left edge, the other ¼ from the right edge, as shown in Figure 7.74a. The
nodal point does not displace, but the maximum strain and stress are concentrated.
FIGURE 7.74 (a) Configuration of a backlight inverter with a modified Rosen-type piezoelectric transformer,
and (b) polarization direction and displacement distribution contour for the 2nd resonance mode.
a. Two rings should be made of a soft material, because the mechanical mismatch
with PZT is essential not to dissipate the vibration energy. What will be the material
b. The rings should be placed around the nodal lines, because clamping at the nodal
point shows the minimum disturbance of the resonating vibration, not to suppress
the vibration displacement.
c. Electrical viewpoint
Because the electric impedance of the transformer at the resonance point is very
small, the resistance of the lead wire should also be minimized. The wire material
should have high conductivity. What will be practical wire candidates?
Mechanical viewpoint
Because the mass of the lead wire affects also drastically the vibration mode, we
should minimize the wire thickness. However, too thin wire decreases the conduc-
tance, we need to compromise the thickness.
d. Similar to (b), the lead wires should be placed around the nodal lines, because
mass/load at the nodal point shows the minimum disturbance of the resonating
vibration, not to suppress the vibration displacement. From this reason, is the pres-
ent position recommended?
7.7 Describe the general principle for generating a traveling wave on an elastic ring using a
unimorph structure, like in Figure 7.63. Then, taking the second-order vibration mode
u(θ, t) = A cos(2θ − ωt), describe practical poling and electrode configurations to be
applied to the piezoceramic ring for generating this mode of vibration. (There will be
at least two different configurations.)
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R is the quadratic EO coefficient
n is the original refractive index of the crystal
When this sample is placed between crossed polarizers arranged at the 45° direction with respect to
the E direction, and light is transmitted through the system, as shown in Figure 8.1, the output light
intensity is represented by
I0 is the incident light intensity
A is an equipment constant (including the surface reflection and absorption effects)
L is the optical pathlength (i.e., the sample length)
λ is the wavelength of the light (typically 400 ~ 1600 μm)
The voltage required for the first intensity maximum is an essential device parameter called the
half-wave voltage (see Figure 8.1b). The light intensity output changes sinusoidally with the square
of E; the intensity modulation occurs more quickly with increasing electric field E.
Half-wave voltage
–45° Imax
FIGURE 8.1 (a) Fundamental construction of an EO light shutter. (b) Light intensity change with applied
voltage. Imax = I0 A.
remain in preparing high grade optically homogeneous single crystals and, hence, manufacturing
costs are generally high.
The polycrystalline microstructure of a ferroelectric ceramic can also exhibit the EO effect if it
is sintered to a pore-free state to make it transparent. Relaxor ferroelectrics are of special interest
for nonlinear optic applications because an extraordinarily large apparent EO Kerr effect can be
observed even when the material is in its so-called paraelectric state. This section describes the
fundamental EO properties of perovskite-type polycrystalline and single crystal ferroelectrics.
8.2.1 (PB,LA)(ZR,TI)O3
The most useful ferroelectric EO materials have traditionally come from the (Pb,La)(Zr,Ti)O3
system; they generally have good transparency in a wavelength range extending from the visible to
infrared, and exhibit optical anisotropy with an applied electric voltage. Figure 8.2 shows the phase
diagram of the (Pb1−xLa x)(Zr1−y Tiy)1−x/4O3 system, on which are indicated the EO effects manifested
for various phase regions. Notice that the valence of lanthanum ion (3+) in the A-site (2+) generates
the vacancy of the B-site, as expressed in the composition formula. This atomic vacancy accelerates
the atomic diffusion during sintering, leading to high density (higher than 99%) and good transpar-
ency. However, it is important to understand that this transparency is for human visible wavelength
range, not for ultraviolet range. The hatched area, so-called Pen-ferroelectic region (because the
area shape looks like a “pen nib”), exhibits enhanced secondary EO effect, including the most popu-
lar composition PLZT (9/65/35), which is located in between the ferroelectric rhombohedral and
tetragonal, paraelectric cubic, and antiferroelectric phases (i.e., morphotropic phase boundary).
10 1st EO effect 10
(mol%) La
20 effe 20
PE, Cub ct
30 30
FIGURE 8.2 Relation between PLZT composition, crystal structure, ferroelectricity, and the resulting
EO effect.
Δn (×10–3) 10
FIGURE 8.3 Polarization P and birefringence Δn as a function of electric field E for PLZT (9/65/35)
(Kerr effect) and (7/62/38) (Pockels effect) ceramics.
The PLZT solid solution exhibits both the Pockels (primary) and Kerr (secondary) EO effects,
depending on the composition. Examples of typical birefringence Δn vs. electric field E curves, in
comparison with the polarization P vs. E, are shown in Figure 8.3 for PLZT (9/65/35) and (7/62/38)
compositions. The EO coefficients of the PLZT system are much larger than the values in conven-
tional crystals such as LiNbO3 and (Sr,Br)Nb2O6 (SBN) (see Table 8.1), which means that the voltage
required for the EO shutter is much less for the PLZT.
Among the various PLZT compositions, (9/65/35) is of particular interest, because it exhibits the
largest EO effect (R = 9.1 × 10 −16 m2/V2) and is thus applicable for light shutters and optical displays.
However, care must be taken to control grain size. Figure 8.4 shows the grain size dependence of
Pockels (1st) and Kerr (2nd) EO Coefficients for
Various Materials
Material r (×10−10 m/V)
Primary EO coefficient LiNbO3 0.17
Ba2(K0.9Na0.1)Nb5O15 0.52
KH2PO4 0.52
(Sr0.5Ba0.5)Nb2O6 2.10
PLZT 8/65/35 (GS = 10 μm) 5.23
PLZT 8/65/35 (GS = 3 μm) 6.12
R (×10−16 m2/V2)
Secondary EO coefficient KTa0.65Nb0.35O3 5.30
PLZT 9/65/35 (GS = 2 μm) 9.12
PLZT 10/65/35 (GS = 2 μm) 1.07
1.7 μm
R-coefficient (×10–16m2/V2)
g-coefficient (×10–2m4/C2)
10 0.2
R-coefficient 0.1
4 g-coefficient
By G. H. Heartling
FIGURE 8.4 Grain size dependence of the EO coefficients, R and g, for PLZT 9/65/35.
the EO coefficients, R and g (defined as Δn = −(1/2)Rn3P2 and −(1/2)gn3P2, respectively) for PLZT
9/65/35.1 The samples were prepared by hot-press sintering, starting from coprecipitated PLZT
powders. The EO response is drastically decreased for samples with grain sizes below 2 μm, which
corresponds approximately to the critical grain size below which the sample loses ferroelectric
properties (maybe antiferroelectric state).2 Therefore, relatively large grain size is necessary to pro-
duce a reasonable EO effect. On the other hand, a significant decrease in fracture toughness or
durability occurs for particularly large grain size samples, probably due to the B-site vacancies in
the crystal structure. A normally sintered transparent PLZT ceramic, with an average grain size of
more than 6 μm, has a fracture toughness (mode I for tensile stress) of KIC = 0.9 M N m−3/2, which
corresponds roughly to durability for 108 cycles of repeated operation.2 This translates to about only
2 months when the PLZT is used for an image display (TV) driven at 30 Hz.
8.2.2 PMN–PT
The development of new ceramic EO materials with higher fracture toughness and larger EO coef-
ficients suitable for image display applications is still necessary due to some problems in PLZT as
discussed in Section 8.2.1. The following conditions should be considered:
1. Ceramic transparency requires almost zero birefringence in the zero-field state (i.e., a
pseudocubic structure) to suppress light scattering
2. Large fracture toughness may be obtained in a sufficiently dense structure (i.e., ion vacan-
cies are not suitable)
3. A large EO effect is manifested by relaxor ferroelectrics because of large electrostriction
Transmittance (%)
0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16
Composition x
FIGURE 8.5 Transmittance of a 0.5 mm thick sample of (1 − x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3−xPbTiO3 (for λ = 633 nm).
Refractive index n
(1–x) PMN–xPT
Electro-optic coefficient l (m2/V2)
0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16
(a) Composition x
Hysteresis (V/m)
0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16
(b) Composition x
FIGURE 8.7 Changes in the EO coefficient R (a) and the corresponding hysteresis (b) in (1 − x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)
T (°C)
× 10–3
1 145
3 2 151
3 157
4 165
1 2
3 5 170
6 184
5 7 205
Birefringence Δn
2 8 212
0 5 10 15 × 105
Electric field (V/m)
FIGURE 8.8 Birefringence Δn vs. electric field E response in the paraelectric phase (elevated temperatures)
of a Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 single crystal.
The data indicate that the 0.88 Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3−0.12 PbTiO3 has the potential to be a better EO
ceramic than PLZT with high mechanical toughness. However, higher optical transmittance must
be achieved by optimizing the fabrication process.
8.2.3 PB(ZN1/3NB2/3)O3
Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 is a relaxor ferroelectric which can be used in single crystal form. In order to under-
stand the enhancement mechanism in the EO effect in relaxor ferroelectrics, this single crystal was
studied.4 Figure 8.8 shows the birefringence Δn vs. electric field E relation for a Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3
single crystal in the paraelectric phase (i.e., at elevated temperatures above TC).4 The single crystal
sample was made by a flux method using excess PbO. The parabolic curve in the low field region
becomes a straight line in the high field region.
A possible phenomenological analysis of this peculiar phenomenon is based on the model that the
crystal is composed of coexisting ferroelectric and paraelectric phases.4 Suppose that the volume frac-
tion of the paraelectric phase x(T) is given by an accumulated Gaussian distribution with respect to tem-
perature, the birefringence Δn is estimated by the summation of the linear and quadratic EO effects5:
Δn = [1 − x(T )]n3 (r33 − r13 )E/2 + x(T )n3 R44 E/2, (8.3)
n is the refractive index
r and R represent the EO Pockels (primary effect) and Kerr (secondary effect) coefficients,
E=0 E // <111>
E = E1
E = E2
FIGURE 8.9 Domain reversal mechanism in Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 at room temperature. The spindle-like rhom-
bohedral up-down domains with the stripe period around 5 μm exhibit dynamic reversal under an electric field
cycle, by changing the color from “black” to “white,” and vice versa. Note that the domain wall motions are
not independent, but are synchronous, indicating a strong cooperative interaction between microdomains.
Even if the experimental data can be represented phenomenologically, the actual situation may
not be so simple as this model predicts as x(T) is also a function of the applied electric field E.
A more realistic description is found in terms of a microscopic domain reversal mechanism.
Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 has very small spindle-like domains (5 μm) with ambiguous boundaries arranged
perpendicular to the external electric field. When a field greater than 0.5 kV/mm is applied, the
domain walls within a certain region of the sample move together or synchronously, such that the
microdomains respond to the applied field in a cooperative manner (see Figure 8.9).6 It is noteworthy
that the stripe period of the dark and bright domains (corresponding to up and down polarizations)
will not be changed by domain reversal, and that each domain area changes under an AC external
field with zero net polarization at zero field. The relaxor crystal can be electrically poled easily when
an electric field is applied around the transition temperature, and depoled completely without any
remanent polarization. This is the basis of the large “apparent” secondary nonlinear effects such
as electrostrictive and EO Kerr phenomena, which occur without any hysteresis. This phenomenon
is analogous to so-called super-paramagnetic effect observed in ultrafine ferromagnetic particle
samples, and thus is called “super-paraelectric” effect.
Poling electrodes Photoconductive
Incident Ceramic
light plate
Poling electrode
+ voltage
+ –
Ceramic SW
plate High-contrast SW
(a) (b)
light source
Polarizer Ferpic Analyzer
FIGURE 8.10 Principle of Ferpic and manufacturing process: (a) Initial DC poling on the PLZT plate (paral-
lel to the plate). This process also corresponds to erasing process. (b) Writing process using a photoconductive
film (realignment of the polarization normal to the plate). (c) Reading process using a pair of parallel polar-
izers. The normal polarization regions create bright image.
TV Cameras
Left Right
PLZT glasses
FIGURE 8.11 A stereo TV system using a pair of PLZT glasses. (From Kumada, A. et al., Proc. Ferroelectr.
Mater. Appl., 2, 205, 1977.)
camera is mixed alternately to make a frame for the right and left eyes. When viewing, the right and
left PLZT shutters are triggered synchronously to each image frame, resulting in a stereo image.
0 [V]
V [V]
(a) (b)
FIGURE 8.12 A 2-D PLZT optical display: (a) a matrix segment and (b) detail of an activated portion of the
PLZT CP Organic
Binder solvent
Doctor blade casting (horizontal)
Electrode printing
Al2O3 crucible
O2 gas
Multilayer PLZT
FIGURE 8.13 Fabrication process for the 2-D PLZT optical display.
Transmittance (%)
FIGURE 8.14 Transmittance of the PLZT. Yellowish color was eliminated by an improved process.
The laminated body was sintered in an oxygen-controlled atmosphere, and the bulk was cut and pol-
ished. Finally the external electrodes were applied for vertical and horizontal addressing for indi-
vidual pixels on the display. The PLZT ceramic is transparent with slight yellowish color, as shown
in Figure 8.14. By optimizing the sintering condition (oxygen, Pb atmosphere, and temperature),
more square-like (dashed line in Figure 8.14) transmission curve was realized.
10 mm
1 mm
20 mm
1.0 mm
(a) Front view Side view
10 mm
FIGURE 8.15 (a) Schematic electrode configuration of a (10 × 10) matrix PLZT light valve. (b) Top view
photograph of a PLZT light valve array with external electrodes.
Figure 8.15a shows the electrode configuration of a (10 × 10) matrix light valve. The shaded
portion of the device in the figure represents one image unit (pixel). The separated internal elec-
trodes are connected by external electrodes printed on the surface of the device. The continuous
(plate-through) electrodes are embedded 100 μm below the optical surface to avoid shorting with
the surface electrodes connecting the separated internal electrodes. Figure 8.15b shows a picture of
an actual display. Note that the layer thickness is about 0.35 mm.
200 Red
Brightness (cd/m2)
FIGURE 8.16 Brightness on a screen vs. applied voltage for red, green, or blue light. Note that the half-wave
voltage differs for these three lights.
Memory FET
H–1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Counter Decorder FET H–6 light valve
(a) H–9
1 ms
H-1 10 ms –80 V
+80 V
(b) V-
FIGURE 8.17 (a) Driving circuit for the 2-D display. (b) The driving signal waveforms of the driving signal.
(c) An image of “F” on a screen illuminated through the PLZT projector.
Lens 2
Lens 1
Xenon lamp
FIGURE 8.18 Cross talk test system. The light through a slit focused on the screen is measured.
F 530
Ground 690
Signal F 590
Cross talk F
0 0 V 0 0
690 720
F 470 400
1610 1290
G 650 590
690 700
F 520 470
(b) 0 V V 0 0
690 780
F 600 570
1210 1900 980
G 590 560 610
890 720
F 430 480
(c) 0 V V V 0
FIGURE 8.19 Cross talk patterns for three different input combinations: (a) vertical type, (b) oblique type,
and (c) complex type.
Red Screen
PLZT light
Dichroic mirror
(green ref.)
Dichroic mirror
(blue ref.)
Blue Projection lens
Dichroic mirror
Xenon lamp (red ref.)
Current applied voltage
135 V
0.4 mA
Light intensity
10 μs
(b) Time
FIGURE 8.20 (a) Projection-type color TV system with using three PLZT light valves for red, green, and
blue. (b) Response time of the light valve.
The half-wave voltage is calculated from
= π. (P8.2.1)
1. Since the half-wave voltage is provided by Equation P8.2.1, according to the illumination
light wavelength, the required voltage differs, as formulated in Equation P8.2.2:
2. Taking into account the electrode gap of 0.45 mm, E3 = 3.55, 3.33, and 2.89 × 105 [V/m] for
R, G, and B, respectively, and a pathlength L given by (1.0–0.1) mm (note that the surface
depth 0.1 mm is an inactive layer):
1 mm
FIGURE 8.21 Low cleavage of a single crystal of K(Ta,Nb)O3, which makes it easy to prepare balls/lenses
by polishing. (From Fujiura, K., Bull. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 41, 678, 2006. With permission.)
FIGURE 8.22 KTN optical switch module. (From Fujiura, K., Bull. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 41, 678, 2006. With
Bar Cross
Attenuation (dB)
FIGURE 8.23 Performance of the optical switch module in C-band (1530–1570 nm) made of K(Ta,Nb)O3.
(From Fujiura, K., Bull. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 41, 678, 2006. With permission.)
y z
Image plane
z x
FIGURE 8.24 Layout of hybrid scanner geometry. Deflection in the x-direction is due to the EO scanner
and deflection in the z-direction is due to the piezoelectric scanner. (From Scrymgeour, D.A. et al., J. Lightw.
Technol., 23, 2772, 2005. With permission.)
(b) 0°
x 1°
(c) 0°
0° 0.5° 1°
FIGURE 8.25 The hybrid device in operation. (a) Seven spots of the EO scanner for voltages of −300 to
300 V in steps of 100 V. (b) Combination scanning with the EO scanner for the seven spots in (a) with piezo-
electric scanner at 50 V scanning at 25.6 kHz. (c) 2-D scanning with the EO scanner at 50 Hz and piezoelectric
at 25.6 kHz. (From Scrymgeour, D.A. et al., J. Lightw. Technol., 23, 2772, 2005. With permission.)
n3 Superstrate
n1 Film
Distance x
(a) n2 Substrate
n3 n2 n1
FIGURE 8.26 Diagrams of (a) slab and (b) graded-index waveguides. The wave functions for the TE0 and
TE1 modes are shown in the refractive index profiles. (From Lines, M.E. and Glass, A.M., Principles and
Applications of Ferroelectrics and Related Materials, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1977.)
commonly used. Note that the higher atomic number ion should have the higher electron
density and refractive index. Two diagrams of (a) slab and (b) graded-index waveguide are shown
in Figure 8.26. Wave functions for the TE0 and TE1 mode are also shown in the refractive index
Figure 8.27a and b are typical planar and ridge-type EO waveguides.15 Although fabrication of
a planar type is easy, the nonuniform distribution of the applied electric field is a problem. On the
other hand, as you can imagine, the ridge type requires a sophisticated manufacturing technology,
but the device function is close to the ideal. The transmitted light intensity is easily modulated by
applying a relatively low voltage. Phase modulation by 1 rad can be achieved by applying a voltage
of 0.3 V with power consumption of several microwatts per megahertz (μW/MHz).
Guided light
(a) Substrate beam
c -axis
FIGURE 8.27 EO waveguides: (a) planar type and (b) ridge type. (From Lines, M.E. and Glass, A.M.,
Principles and Applications of Ferroelectrics and Related Materials, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1977.)
(a) (b)
FIGURE 8.28 (a) Fundamental structure of an optical waveguide fabricated on a semiconductor substrate.
(b) SEM picture of the ridge-type PLZT thin film optical waveguide. (From Nashimoto, K., J. Ceram. Jpn.,
37, 538, 2002. With permission.)
3.0 mm
R = 8 mm
5 mm
127 mm
y = –0.0139x –3.7327
R2 = 0.0167
Intensity (dB)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
(b) Propagation distance (cm)
FIGURE 8.29 (a) Y-type 1 × 2 optical switch using a PLZT thin film waveguide. (b) Optical transmission
loss characteristics of a slub-type PLZT thin film optical waveguide. (From Nashimoto, K., J. Ceram. Jpn.,
37, 538, 2002. With permission.)
By applying electric voltage, the refractive index below is decreased, leading to the laser beam
channel selection to a higher refractive index channel. Y separation length is one-half of the digital
switch using LiNbO3, because the EO coefficient is larger in PLZT. Figure 8.29b shows its optical
transmission loss of a slub-type PLZT thin film optical waveguide, demonstrating its high opti-
cal quality. Figure 8.30 demonstrates the voltage response of the optical switch. Under an applied
voltage of 10 V, −22 dB cross talk (contrast ratio) can be obtained, which is compared with several
tens volts in the conventional LN switch. The response speed (20 ns) shown in Figure 8.30b cor-
responds to the RC time constant.
Chapter Essentials
1. Relaxor ferroelectrics exemplified by PLZTs are widely applicable for EO light valve/
display applications. The superior characteristics of these materials are attributed primar-
ily to the easy poling of the ferroelectric microdomains (i.e., super-paraelectric effect).
2. An EO ceramic 0.88 Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3−0.12PbTiO3 with high mechanical toughness is one
of the promising new materials for long lifetime display applications.
On state path
0 5 10 15 20
Response = 20 ns
FIGURE 8.30 (a) Voltage response of the Y-type 1 × 2 optical switch. Under an applied voltage of 10 V, −22
dB cross talk (contrast ratio) can be obtained. (b) Response speed demonstration. (From Nashimoto, K., J.
Ceram. Jpn., 37, 538, 2002. With permission.)
3. A PLZT 2-D light valve, fabricated by a tape-casting technique, is one excellent example
of a design well-suited to mass production at a low manufacturing cost.
4. A single crystal KTN optical switch is a recent development.
5. Light waveguides can be fabricated by depositing a high refractive index layer on a sub-
strate such as LiNbO3, or by using a PZT/PLZT thin film.
Check Point
1. (T/F) The refractive index is roughly determined by the electron density (per volume) of
the material. True or False?
2. We apply the electric field on cubic PLZT 9/65/35 along 3-axis direction. Does the refrac-
tive index for the polarized light along the 3-axis (i.e., extraordinary light) increase or
decrease with the electric field?
3. The randomly oriented light passed through a polarizer. When we neglect the light absorp-
tion by the polarizer, what percentage of the light intensity can we obtain from the polar-
izer, in comparison with the input intensity.
4. (T/F) The definition of Pockels EO coefficient r1jk is given by an expansion expression:
1/nij ( E ) − 1/nij (0) = Σrijk Ek . True or False?
5. Which PLZT composition is most popularly used for making a Kerr EO device, 7/62/38,
7/65/35, 8/65/35, or 9/65/35?
6. (T/F) The EO coefficient is increased by reducing the grain size below 1 μm. True or
7. Let us consider PLZT transparent polycrystalline ceramic samples with almost 100% den-
sity (i.e., zero porosity) by a hot-press technique. When we prepare PLZT 9/65/35 (cubic)
and 9/40/60 (tetragonal), which will exhibit better transparency for the visible range?
8. Which color light has the lowest half-wave voltage, red, green, or blue, supposing that the
EO coefficient is almost the same for all three colors?
9. (T/F) A lower refractive index layer is fabricated on the LN single crystal substrate in order
to trap the light in this low index thin layer. True or False?
10. We fabricate two optical switches by using KTN 65/35 and PLZT 9/65/35, respec-
tively. The Kerr EO coefficients (R11 − R12) for KTN and PLZT are 5.3 × 10 −16 m 2/V2
and 9.1 × 10 −16 m 2/V2. Suppose that the same electric field is applied for both optical
switches, which device can reduce the optical pathlength (i.e., device thickness), KTN
or PLZT?
Chapter Problems
8.1 Let us consider a PLZT thin film (1 μm in thickness) deposited on a semiconductive
SrTiO3 substrate with the following two electrode configurations: (a) surface electrode
for lateral electric field and (b) surface electrode for normal electric field. Refer to
Figure 8.31.
Light direction
PLZT film
Light direction
FIGURE 8.31 Two electrode configurations for PLZT thin film optical waveguides: (a) surface electrode for
lateral electric field, and (b) surface electrode for normal electric field.
1. Consider the birefringence and the shape of the optical indicatrix induced by the
electric field. Uniform electric field distribution is essential for precise control of
the light beam.
2. Consider the following retardation equation:
1. The EO coefficient matrix is given as
Polarizer Analyzer
45° –45°
Electric field
FIGURE 8.33 Refractive indicatrix change of a cubic crystal under an applied electric field (Kerr effect).
1. K. Tokiwa and K. Uchino: Ferroelectrics, 94, 87 (1989).
2. K. Uchino and T. Takasu: Inspection, 10, 29 (1986).
3. K. Uchino: Ceram. Int., 21, 309 (1995).
4. F. Kojima, J. Kuwata, and S. Nomura: Proc. 1st. Mtg. Ferroelectr. Mater. Appl. (Kyoto), p. 155 (1977).
5. J. Kuwata, K. Uchino, and S. Nomura: Ferroelectrics, 22, 863 (1979).
6. R. Ujiie and K. Uchino: Proc. IEEE Ultrasonic Symp. (Hawaii), p. 725 (1990).
7. L. M. Levinson ed.: Electronic Ceramics, Marcel Dekker, New York, Chap. 7, p. 371 (1988).
8. J. T. Cutchen: Proc. 49th Annu. Sci. Mtg. Aerosp. Med. Assoc., New Orleans, LA, May (1978).
9. A. Kumada, K. Kitta, K. Kato, and T. Komata: Proc. Ferroelectr. Mater. Appl., 2, 205 (1977).
10. K. Murano: Ceram. Trans. Electro-Opt. Nonlinear Opt. Mater., 14, 283 (1990).
11. K. Uchino, K. Tokiwa, J. Giniewicz, Y. Murai, and K. Ohmura: Ceram. Trans. Electro-Opt. Nonlinear
Opt. Mater., 14, 297 (1990).
12. K. Fujiura: Bull. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 41(9), 678–682 (2006).
13. D. A. Scrymgeour, B. Koc, L. Tian, M. W. Gentzel, K. Uchino, and V. Gopalan: J. Lightw. Technol.,
23(9), 2772–2777 (2005).
14. M. E. Lines and A. M. Glass: Principles and Applications of Ferroelectrics and Related Materials, p.
604, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1977).
15. I. P. Kaminov: Trans. IEEE, M. T. T., 23, 57 (1975).
16. K. Nashimoto: J. Ceram. Jpn., 37, 538 (2002).
The conduction takes place via transfer of electrons between titanium ions according to
Ti 4 + + e - ↔ Ti3+ .
Thus, the BaTiO3 grains in the ceramic are semiconducting, and remain semiconducting even on
cooling down to room temperature.
However, the grain boundary region changes during cooling. Oxygen is absorbed on the surface
of the ceramic, and diffuses to grain boundary sites, altering the defect structure along the grain
boundaries. The added oxygen ions attract electrons from nearby Ti3+ ions, thereby creating an insu-
lating barrier between grains. If excess oxygen ions are added per formula unit, the composition of
the grain boundary region can be described as follows:
100 M Mn 0.127
10 M
Resistivity (Ω cm)
Cr 0.37
100 K
No addition
10 K
1K Si 1.0
100 200 300
Temperature (°C)
FIGURE 9.1 Resistivity as a function of temperature for several doped BaTiO3 PTCR ceramics. Dopant
concentrations are indicated near each curve.
+ 60%S
×10 3
+ 50%S
ρ (Ω cm)
+ 40%S
+ 20 Sr
×10 3
+ 10%Pb
+ 5%Pb
+ 20
+ 15
–150 –100 0 + 100 + 200 + 300 + 400 + 450
FIGURE 9.2 Resistivity vs. temperature curves for BaTiO3 PTCR thermistors containing isovalent substitu-
tion of Sr or Pb for Ba.
This situation is illustrated schematically in Figure 9.3. Remember that the PTCR ceramics may
seem to be a composite consisting of semiconducting grains and highly resistive grain boundaries
in a 1:3 composite type.
Barium titanate grain boundary
Ba O Ba O Ba O
O Ti O Ti O Ti O O
Ba O Ba O La O
O Ti O Ti O Ti O
Ba O La O Ba O
FIGURE 9.3 Schematic illustration of the Ba1−xLa xTiO3 structure near the surface of a grain boundary.
Atmospheric oxygen dissociates and diffuses along a grain boundary, where the atoms attract electrons and
form insulating layers. (From Newnham, R.E., J. Mater. Educ., 6(5), 806, 1984.)
Fermi level
Grain boundary
FIGURE 9.4 Energy-level diagram near a grain boundary of the PTCR BaTiO3.
φ = eN S2/2ε0εN D , (9.1)
ND is the concentration of donor atoms
NS is the surface density of negatively charged acceptors (here assumed to be confined to the
surface due to Ba vacancies)
ε = C/(T − T0 ) (9.2)
above TC. The low resistance at TC is thus accounted for by the lowering of the potential barrier due
to the increase in permittivity, as the temperature falls from an elevated temperature down to TC.
Below TC, the permittivity falls, but the spontaneous polarization appears and controls the electron
concentration to reduce the barrier height. This keeps the resistivity in a rather low range.
ρ( x ) = eN D 0 < x < L ; ) ρ( x ) = 0 ( x > L) (P9.1.1)
(a) Describe the potential φ(x) by using the donor density ND, the barrier thickness L, the per-
mittivity ε0ε, and electronic charge e. Suppose that the change in φ occurs within a region
0 < |x| < L.
(b) Describe the barrier thickness L generated by the donor density ND and the surface accep-
tor density NS. You may use the charge neutralization condition.
(c) In semiconductive BaTiO3, the permittivity is decreased significantly above the Curie
temperature (=130°C). Explain the resistivity change by considering the barrier height
+ + + + + +
–L L x
FIGURE 9.5 Charge density distribution near the grain boundary between n-type semiconductive grains.
The grain boundary region has a highly resistive property.
( )
φ( x ) = φ(∞) − (eN D /2ε 0 ε) x − L . (P9.1.4)
2eN D L = eN S . (P9.1.6)
L = N S /2 N D . (P9.1.7)
−eφ0 = e2 N D L2 /2ε 0 ε
= e2 N S2/8ε 0 εN D . (P9.1.8)
ε = C/(T − T0 ). (P9.1.9)
we obtain
The barrier height increases in proportion to temperature. Since the resistivity is proportional to
exp(−eφ0/kT), it increases drastically with temperature (μexp(1 − T0/T)) for T > TC.
When we consider the situation below TC, the permittivity falls, but the spontaneous polariza-
tion appears and controls the electron concentration to reduce the barrier height. This keeps the
resistivity in a rather low range. For a temperature region much higher than TC, the resistivity
falls because of the very high thermal energy (kT) of electron, which tunnels through the energy
log R (Ω cm)
20 μm 0 100 200
(a) (b) Temperature (°C)
FIGURE 9.6 (a) Demonstration of the PTCR effect between only two large grains of a BT ceramic sample.
(b) Various PTCR performances (A, B, and C) are related with the crystal orientation difference between these
two grains. (From Niimi, H., Mater. Integr., 19, 72, 2006. With permission.)
1. Ceramic heater
2. Demagnetization for a color TV (vacuum tube type)
3. Motor starter for a refrigerator compressor
4. Protector for excess current/voltage
“Ceramic heaters” have been widely commercialized in panel heaters, electronic thermos bot-
tles, and hair dryers. Figure 9.7 shows a PTC honeycomb air heater for hair dryers and automotive
chokes, manufactured by NGK, Japan.
FIGURE 9.7 PTC honeycomb air heater for a hair dryer. (Photo courtesy of NGK.)
106 1 V/mm
ρ (Ω-cm)
104 magnitude
ρ0 A
1. At the initial stage, the current–voltage relation obeys Ohm’s law (i.e., ρ is almost con-
stant), and power is dissipated via the Joule heating (V2/R) (Figure 9.9).
2. Around the point A (around Curie temperature 110°C), where a dramatic increase in ρ is
observed), the current becomes maximized, beyond which it decreases with increasing
applied voltage (see Figure 9.9).
3. Between the points B and C, the temperature of the device is almost stabilized, leading
to the relation V × I = constant. Notice that this is called “negative resistance or (∂I/∂V)”
meaning the current decreases with increasing the applied voltage.
4. Much above the point C (or above the resistivity peak, 200°C), a dramatic increase in cur-
rent is anticipated, because the saturation of the resistivity and the subsequent NTC (nega-
tive temperature coefficient) effect occur in this temperature range. Thus, to realize a stable
temperature in the PTC thermistor, the applied voltage must be adjusted between B and C.
Though the PTCR thermistor exhibits the 4 ~ 6 orders of magnitude change in the resistance, and
is applicable to many places, the minimum resistivity 50 Ω cm, or the actual resistance 50 Ω is still
a major problem. For improving the efficiency of the electronic equipment, this range of resistance
seems to be too high for the switch application viewpoint. Recently, a multilayer (ML)-type PTCR
thermistor was developed in order to reduce the minimum resistance down to 0.2 Ω.5 The technol-
ogy includes two key points: (1) grain size reduction and (2) thin layer thickness between a pair of
electrodes. Figure 9.10 shows grain size difference between the conventional PTCR ceramic and the
ML thermistor. Compared with a grain size larger than 5 μm in the conventional process, the ML
process dramatically suppressed the grain growth much less than 1 μm, which improved the PTCR
performance, as well as the performance reproducibility in the ML structure.
The actual difference between the conventional bulk PTCR ceramic and the ML thermistor is
shown in Figure 9.11.5 Notice that the resistance observed in ML type is 100 times lower than the
bulk type.
Vs VMax
FIGURE 9.9 Current vs. voltage relationship for a BT PTC ceramic. Notice the negative resistance region
between B and C points.
(a) 5 μm (b) 5 μm
FIGURE 9.10 Grain size difference between the conventional PTCR ceramic (a), and the ML thermistor (b).
(From Niimi, H., Mater. Integr., 19, 72, 2006. With permission.)
Resistance (Ω)
100 ML type
0 100 200
Temperature (°C)
FIGURE 9.11 PTCR effect difference in the conventional bulk ceramic and the ML thermistor. (From
Niimi, H., Mater. Integr., 19, 72, 2006. With permission.)
As shown in Figure 9.13, let us divide the sample into two regions: C1 and C2.
Area S
C1 C2
(Conductor included) (εS)
FIGURE 9.13 Core-shell model of a GBL capacitor. Inside core (dotted part) has zero resistance and outside
shell is a capacitor.
Since the area and the thickness are provided by [S − (D − 2δ)2(S/D 2)] and d, respectively,
Ctotal = C1 + C2
The apparent dielectric constant is provided by εS(D/2δ), in which the enhancement factor is pro-
vided by (D/2δ). This value will reach 100, when D = 5 μm and 2δ = 0.05 μm (see Figure 9.10a).
Chapter Essentials
1. When BaTiO3 is doped with lanthanum at levels less than 0.3 atom %, the ceramic becomes
semiconducting with a resistivity in the range of 10 ~ 103 Ω . cm.
2. PTC effect: the resistivity is drastically increased, by 3 ~ 5 orders of magnitude, with
increasing temperature around the Curie point.
3. The Curie temperature (PTCR onset point) can be modified by substituting Ba with Sr
(lower temperature) or Pb (higher temperature).
4. Applications of PTC ceramics:
(1) Thermistors: over-current/voltage protectors, starting switches for motors, automatic
demagnetization circuits for color TVs
(2) Ceramic heaters: panel heaters, electronic thermos bottles, hair dryers, automotive
5. GBL capacitors: capacitors made of semiconductive BaTiO3 ceramics with highly resistive
grain boundaries.
Check Point
3. (T/F) The PTCR effect creates negative resistance (i.e., voltage increase gives current
reduction). True or False?
4. (T/F) GBL capacitors are composed of two phases: resistive BT cores and semiconductive
grain boundary shells. True or False?
5. (T/F) The positive slope in the PTCR effect in BaTiO3 can be observed in the ferroelectric
phase, but not in the paraelectric phase. True or False?
Chapter Problems
9.1 Explain the current vs. voltage relationship for ZnO varistors, and describe their
applications in comparison with the PTCR material.
9.2 Let us consider the mechanism of the PTCR thermistor applications for over-current/
voltage protectors, starting switches for motors, and demagnetization circuits for color
(a) When we apply a high AC voltage on the PTCR ceramic suddenly (step-like), the
current response is monitored as shown in Figure 9.14. Explain this current change
in terms of the PTCR phenomenon.
(b) When this PTCR thermistor is connected in parallel with the inductor/motor as in
Figure 9.15, explain how this circuit protects over-current problem in the inductor/
(a) Immediately after the AC voltage application, the resistance of the PTCR ceramic
becomes low. Thus, high AC current is observed. However, this current generates
self-heating in the ceramic, and the resistance will increase drastically after some
time, leading to the reduction of current.
(b) The impedance of the inductor/motor is given by jωL. Compared to this value,
the resistance of the PTCR ceramic is small at room temperature and large at an
elevated temperature. Thus, immediately after the AC voltage application, most of
the current will pass through the PTCR device. The current in the inductor/motor
will increase gradually with the temperature rise of PTCR.
1. W. Heywang: J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 47, 484 (1964).
2. E. Andrich: Electr. Appl., 26, 123 (1965–1966).
3. R. E. Newnham: J. Mater. Educ., 6(5), 806 (1984).
4. S. Nomura and K. Doi: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 9, 716 (1970).
5. H. Niimi: Mater. Integr., 19(3), 72–76 (2006).
6. Murata Mfg. Comp. Catalog: Mysterious Stones.
Newnham et al. introduced the concept of “connectivity” for classifying the various PZT:polymer
composite structures.1 When considering a two-phase composite, the connectivity of each phase is
identified; e.g., if a phase is self-connected in all x-, y-, and z-directions, it is called “3”; if a phase
is self-connected only in z-direction, it is called “1.” A diphasic composite is identified with this
notation with two numbers “m–n,” where m stands for the connectivity of an active phase (such
as PZT) and n for an inactive phase (such as a polymer). In general, there are 10 types of diphasic
composites: 0-0, 1-0, 2-0, …, 3-2, 3-3, as illustrated in Figure 10.1 (Note that there are two different
configurations for 3-2 and 3-3).
A 0-0 composite, for example, is depicted as two alternating hatched and unhatched cubes, while
a 1-0 composite has Phase 1 connected along the z-direction. A 1-3 composite has a structure in
which PZT rods (1-dimensionally connected) are arranged in a 3-dimensionally connected polymer
matrix, and in a 3-1 composite, a honeycomb-shaped PZT contains the 1-dimensionally connected
polymer phase. A 2-2 composite indicates a structure in which ceramic and polymer sheets are
stacked alternately, and a 3-3 composite is composed of a jungle-gym-like PZT frame embedded in
a 3-dimensionally connecting polymer.
Try Example Problem 10.1 to familiarize the connectivity concept.
FIGURE 10.1 Classification of two-phase composites with respect to connectivity. Two configurations are
shown for 3-2 and 3-3. (From Newnham R.E. et al., Mater. Res. Bull., 13, 525, 1978.)
(a) 2-2
(b) 3-1
(c) 0-3 (boundaries are connected 3-dimensionally)
(d) 3-1
TABLE 10.1
Composite Effects: Sum, Combination, and Product Effect
Phase 1 Phase 2
Phase 1 Phase 2
Phase 1 : X ---> Y
Phase 2 : Y ---> Z ] X ---> Z New function
An example is a fishing rod, i.e., a lightweight/tough material, where carbon fibers are mixed
in a polymer matrix (between 3-1 and 3-0). The density of a composite should be an average value
with respect to volume fraction, if no chemical reaction occurs at the interface between the carbon
fibers and the polymer, following the linear trend depicted in Table 10.1a. A dramatic enhancement
in the mechanical strength of the rod is achieved by adding carbon fibers in a special orientation,
i.e., along a rod (showing a concave relation as depicted in Table 10.1a).
Another interesting example is an negative temperature coefficient (NTC)–PTC material.2 V2O3
powders are mixed in epoxy with a relatively high packing rate (3-3), as illustrated in Figure 10.2.
Since V2O3 exhibits a semiconductor–metal phase transition at 160 K, a drastic resistivity change is
observed with increasing temperature. A further increase in temperature results in a larger thermal
expansion for epoxy than for the ceramic, leading to a separation of each particle, and the structure
becomes a 0-3 composite. The V2O3 particle separation increases the resistivity significantly at
around 100°C. Thus, the conductivity of this composite is rather high only over a limited tempera-
ture range (around −100°C to 100°C), which is sometimes called the “conductivity window.”
Resistivity (Ω·cm)
FIGURE 10.2 NTC–PTC effect observed in a V2O3:epoxy composite. (From Uchino, K., Solid State Phys.,
21, 27, 1986.)
FIGURE 10.3 Micrograph of a transverse section of a unidirectionally solidified rod of mixture of magne-
tostrictive CoFe2O4 and piezoelectric BaTiO3, with an excess of TiO2 (1.5 wt.%).
Hmax Hdc
FIGURE 10.4 Magnetic field dependence of the magnetoelectric effect in a CoFe2O4:BaTiO3 composite
(arbitrary unit measured at room temperature).
elevated temperature can be produced from these composite materials. The recent development will
be discussed in Section 10.5.
TABLE 10.2
Piezoceramic Composite Development History
Year Researchers Piezocomposite
1971 Kitayama (NTT, Japan) PZT powder:PVDF
1973 Powell (Gould) PZT powder:polyurethane
1976 Furukawa (Riken, Japan) Spherical Model
1978 Newnham (Penn State) Coral replica PZT:silicone rubber and
connectivity concept
1978 Seo (Mitsubishi Chemical, Japan) PZT powder:polyacetal
1980 Harrison (Honeywell) PZT powder:silicone rubber
1980 Newnham (Penn State) 1:3, 3:1, 3:2 types
1983 Banno (NTK, Japan) PT:polymer 0-3 type
1990 Uchino (Sophia Univ, Japan) PZT:carbon:polymer piezodamper
1990 Newnham (Penn State) Moonie/cymbal
2000 Uchino (Penn State) PZT:terfenol magnetoelectric composites
2004 Uchino (Penn State) Composite piezoenergy harvesting
TABLE 10.3
Comparison of the Piezoelectric Response of PZT:Polymer Composites, with the
Single-Phase Materials, PVDF and PZT
Piezoelectric Constants
Elastic Dielectric
Density Constant Constant d33 (10−12 g33 (10−3 gh (10−3m
Connectivity Material r (103kg m−3) c33 (GPa) e3 C N−1) mV N−1) V N−1)
— PZT(501A) 7.9 81 2000 400 20 3
Single phase
3-1 PZT:epoxy 3.0 19 400 300 75 40
3-3 PZT:silicone 3.3 3 40 110 280 80
rubber (replica
PZT:silicone 4.5 19 400 250 60 —
rubber (ladder
3-0 PZT:PVDF 5.5 2.6 120 90 85 —
PZT:rubber 6.2 0.08 73 52 140 30
PZT:chloroprene — — 40 — — 90
— Extended PVDF 1.8 3 13 20 160 80
Single phase
smaller than that of PZT, however, because of its small dielectric constant, the piezoelectric g
constant of PVDF, which indicates the voltage per unit stress (sensor applications), is 10 times
larger than that of PZT. PZT:polymer composites exhibit a wide range of piezoelectric response,
but in general d is slightly smaller than PZT and g is slightly smaller than PVDF. Thus, particu-
larly for underwater transducers, which perform both actuation and sensing and have a figure of
merit of d hgh, the composite materials are found to be far superior to single phase materials, like
FIGURE 10.5 A 1-3 composite of PZT rods and polymer. The top and bottom planes are rigid electrodes.
The effective piezoelectric coefficients d* and g* of the composite can be interpreted as follows:
When an electric field E3 is applied to this composite, the piezoceramic rods extend easily because
the polymer is elastically very soft (assuming the electrode plates which are bonded to its top and
* is almost the same as 1d of the PZT itself
bottom are rigid enough). Thus, d 33 33
d33 = 1d33 . (10.1)
d33 = 1V 1d33 , (10.2)
where 1V is the volume fraction of phase 1 (piezoelectric). On the other hand, when an external stress
is applied to the composite, the elastically stiff piezoceramic rods will support most of the load, and
the effective stress is drastically enhanced and inversely proportional to the volume fraction. Thus,
larger induced electric fields and larger g* constants are expected:
g33 = d33
ε0ε*3 = 1d33 1V ε01 ε3
= 1 g33 1V . (10.3)
Figure 10.6 shows the piezoelectric coefficients for a PZT–Spurrs epoxy composite with 1-3 con-
nectivity, measured with a Berlincourt d33 meter. As predicted by the model for this composite,
the measured d 33* values are almost independent of volume fraction, but are only about 75% of
the d33 value of the PZT 501A ceramic. This discrepancy may be due to incomplete poling of the
rods. A linear relation between the permittivity and the volume fraction 1V is satisfied, resulting in
* with decreasing fraction of PZT. The piezoelectric coefficients for the
a dramatic increase in g 33
1-3 composite are listed in Table 10.3, together with those of a PZT–silicone composite with 3-3
connectivity. In conclusion, for the composites, the piezoelectric g coefficient can be enhanced by
two orders of magnitude with decreasing volume fraction of PZT, while the d coefficient remains
The advantages of this composite are high coupling factors, low acoustic impedance, good
matching to water or human tissue (more than 90% of a human body is water!), mechanical flex-
ibility, broad bandwidth in combination with a low mechanical quality factor, and the possibility of
making undiced arrays by simply patterning the electrodes. The thickness-mode electromechanical
400 2000
g33 80
300 1500 d33
d33 (×10–12 C/N)
200 1000
100 500
ε 20
0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
PZT volume fraction (%)
FIGURE 10.6 Volume fraction dependence of the permittivity ε and the piezoelectric constants d33 and g33
in a 1-3 PZT:polymer composite.
coupling of the composite can exceed the kt (0.40 ∼ 0.50) of the constituent ceramic, approaching
almost the value of the rod-mode electromechanical coupling, k33 (0.70 ∼ 0.80) of that ceramic.7 The
acoustic match to tissue or water (1.5 Mrayl) of the typical piezoceramics (20 ∼ 30 Mrayl) is signifi-
cantly improved when they are incorporated in forming a composite structure, that is, by replacing
the dense, stiff ceramic with a low density, soft polymer. Piezoelectric composite materials are espe-
cially useful for underwater sonar and medical diagnostic ultrasonic transducer applications.
Although the PZT composites are very useful for acoustic transducer applications, care must be
taken when using them in actuator applications. Under an applied DC field, the field-induced strain
exhibits large hysteresis and creep due to the viscoelastic property of the polymer matrix. More
serious problems are found when they are driven under a high AC field, related to the generation of
heat. The heat generated by ferroelectric hysteresis in the piezoceramic cannot be dissipated easily
due to the very low thermal conductivity of the polymer matrix, which results in rapid degradation
of piezoelectricity.
Use the parameters D3, E3, X3, x3, and s E33 which are the dielectric displacement, electric field,
stress, strain, and the elastic compliance along the 3-axis (poling direction), respectively.
(a) Since the electrodes are common and E3 is common to Phases 1 and 2
D3 = 1V 1ε 3ε 3 + 2V 2 ε 3ε 0 E3
= ε*3ε 0 E3 . (P10.2.1)
ε*3 = 1V 1ε 3 + 2V 2 ε 3 . (P10.2.2)
FIGURE 10.7 Diphasic composites arranged in (a) parallel and (b) series configurations.
However, when we assume that the top and bottom electrodes are rigid, the strain x3 must be
common to both Phases 1 and 2, and the average strain x *3 is given by the following equation:
V 1x3 − x3* ( ) 1
s33 = 2V x3* − 2 x3 ) 2
s33. (P10.2.5)
⎣ (
x3* ⎡ 1V 2s 331d33 + 2V 1s 332 d33 ) (V s 1 2
⎦ )
+ 2V 1s 33 ⎤ E3 , (P10.2.6)
d3* (V s 1 2 1
33 33d + 2V 1s 332 d33 ) (V s 1 2
33 + 2V 1s 33 . ) (P10.2.7)
* = d * /ε ε*
(c) Since g 33 33 0 3
g33 = (V s
1 2
d + 2V 1s 332 d33
33 33 ) ⎣⎡( V s1 2
33 + 2V 1s 33 ε 0 ) (Vε 1 1
3 )
+ 2 V 2 ε3 ⎤ .
Parallel model
Relative permittivity ε33/ε0
Cube model
Sphere model
100 Measured
Series model
0 20 40 60 80 100
Volume fraction of PZT 1V (%)
FIGURE 10.8 Relative permittivity plotted as a function of volume fraction of PZT in PZT powder:
polyurethane rubber composites. Comparisons were made for the cube model, sphere model, and parallel and
series models.
Phase 2 Phase 1
(1– a)m
(1– a)n
(b) (1– a)1 a
FIGURE 10.9 Unit cell configuration for a 0-3 composite, according to Banno’s modified cubes model.
(spherical PZT particles), and the parallel and series models. Note that none of the models provided
a close fit to the experimental data.
Then, Banno proposed a “modified cubes model,” which took into account the anisotropic distri-
bution of cubes in x-, y-, and z-directions.9 The unit cell of this model is shown in Figure 10.9. The
following formulas can be derived for a uniaxially anisotropic case (i.e., l = m = 1, n ≠ 1):
( )
ε*33 = ⎡ a 2 a + (1 − a )n ⋅ 1ε 33 ⋅ 2ε 33 ⎤ ⎡⎣ a ⋅ 2ε 33 + (1 − a )n ⋅ 1ε 33 ⎤⎦
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦
( )
+ ⎡⎣1 − a 2 a + (1 − a )n ⋅ 2 ε 33 ⎤⎦ (10.4)
⎣ ( )
= 1d33 ⎡ a 3 a + (1 − a )n ⎤ ⎡ a + (1 − a )n 1 ε33
⎦ ⎣ ( 2
) ( )
ε33 ⎤ ⎡(1 − a )n a + (1 − a )n + a 3 ⎤ ,
⎦ ⎣ ⎦
( )
= 1d31 ⎡ a 2 a + (1 − a )n ⎤ ⎡ a + (1 − a )n 1 ε33 ( ) (
ε33 ⎤ ⋅ a ⎡1 − a a + (1 − a )n ) + a3 ⎤ .
* 2 12
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦
The volume fraction of Phase 1 is given by
V = a 3 a + (1 − a )n . ) (10.7)
The case n = 1 corresponds to the cubes model, and a general case 0 < n < 1 corresponds to a
configuration more dense along the z-direction. Figure 10.10 shows the experimentally determined
permittivity and piezoelectric d*h (=d*33 + 2d*31) coefficient for PbTiO3:chloroprene rubber compos-
ites, with the theoretical curves.10 When the volume fraction of PbTiO3 (1V) is small, n seems to be
less than 1 (i.e., the rubber thickness around a PbTiO3 ceramic cube is thinner along the z-direction
and thicker along the x- and y-directions) and with increasing the volume fraction, n approaches 1
(i.e., the rubber thickness becomes equal in all three dimensions). This configuration change may be
caused by the method of fabrication, which typically involves rolling and calendering.
n=1 m=0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(a) PZT volume fraction 1V
Piezoelectric dh (´10 –12 C/m)
n = 0.1
n = 0.2
n = 0.3
n=1 m=0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(b) PZT volume fraction 1V
FIGURE 10.10 Experimental values of the permittivity (a) and the piezoelectric d*h (=d*33 + 2d*31) coefficient
(b) for PbTiO3:chloroprene rubber 0-3 composites, shown with theoretical curves based on the Banno’s modi-
fied cubes model.
FIGURE 10.11 Structure of piezoelectric–rubber composite coaxial cables developed by NTK/NGK, Japan.
(a) (b)
FIGURE 10.12 3-s1 composites with (a) parallel and (b) series electrode configurations.
3-1 and 3-2 composites can be fabricated by drilling holes in a PZT block, and backfilled with
epoxy. In addition to this drilling method, an extrusion method has also been used to fabricate a PZT
honeycomb. The 3-1 and 3-2 composites show large dh and gh values.14 As shown in Figure 10.12,
there are two types of electrode configurations commonly applied to these composites: parallel [P]
and series [S]. In general, S types exhibit larger dh and gh values than P types do.
Materials Systems Inc. developed mass-production process for the 1-3 piezocomposites by using
injection molding, as schematically illustrated in Figure 10.13a and b.6 The photo of the piezocom-
posites is shown in Figure 10.14, compared with the U.S. quarter coin size.
(high temp.)
Preform array
Voided PUR
Cast polyurethane
FIGURE 10.13 (a) Manufacturing process of the ceramic preform and (b) 1-3 composite fabrication steps,
developed by Materials Systems Inc. (From http://www.matsysinc.com/. With permission.)
UE = UM × k 2. (10.8)
The piezoelectric damper transforms electrical energy into heat energy when a resistor is con-
nected, and the transforming rate of the damper can be raised to a level of up to 50% (under the
electrical impedance matching condition). Accordingly, the vibration energy is decreased at a rate
of (1 − k2/2) times for a vibration cycle, since k2/2 multiplied by the amount of mechanical vibration
energy is dissipated as heat energy. As the square of the amplitude is equivalent to the amount of
vibration energy, the amplitude decreases at a rate of (1 − k2/2)1/2 times with every vibration cycle.
If the resonance period is taken to be T0, the number of vibrations for t s is 2t/T0. Consequently,
the amplitude in ts is (1 − k2/2)t/T . Thus, the damping in the amplitude of vibration in ts can be
expressed as follows:
FIGURE 10.14 1-3 piezocomposites developed by Materials Systems Inc. (From http://www.matsysinc.
com/. With permission.)
Short 13 kΩ
1 kΩ 54 kΩ
Displacement (μm)
6.6 kΩ Open
0 40 80 120 160 0 40 80 120 160
Time (ms) Time (ms)
(a) (b)
FIGURE 10.15 Mechanical damping difference for a unimorph-type beam. (a) Unimorph beam structure,
and (b) damping performance under various resistive shunt conditions.
In conclusion, the higher the k value is, the quicker the vibration suppression is.
Being brittle and hard, ceramics are difficult to assemble directly into a mechanical system.
Hence, flexible composites can be useful in practice. When a composite of polymer, piezoceramic
FIGURE 10.16 Piezoelectric damper patch (6.62 × 1.66 × 0.07 in.) with piezoelectric wafers, energy dissi-
pating resistive shunt, and an LED function indicator, developed by ACX and K2. (From ACX Company
catalogue: Passive Damping Ski. With permission.)
powder, and carbon black is fabricated (Figure 10.17), the electrical conductivity of the composite
is greatly changed by the addition of small amounts of carbon black.17 Figure 10.18 illustrates the
fabrication process of the damper composite. By properly selecting the electrical conductivity of the
composite (i.e., electrical impedance matching), the ceramic powder effectively forms a series cir-
cuit with the carbon black, so that the vibration energy is dissipated effectively. The conductivity of
the composite changes by more than 10 orders of magnitude around a certain carbon fraction called
the “percolation threshold,” where the carbon powder link starts to be generated. This eliminates the
use of external resistors. Note that the damper material exhibits a selective damping performance
for a certain vibration frequency, depending on the selected resistivity of the composite, which can
be derived from the electrical impedance matching between the permittivity and resistivity.
Figure 10.19 shows the relation between the damping time constant and the volume percentage
of carbon black in the PLZT:PVDF and PZT:PVDF composites. A volume percentage of about 7%
carbon black exhibited the minimum damping time constant, and therefore, the most rapid vibration
damping. Note that the PLZT with a higher electromechanical coupling k shows a larger dip (more
effective) in the damping time constant curve, which can be expected from Equation 10.10.
Adding CB
and PLZT
100 PZT
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Volume percentage of CB
FIGURE 10.19 Damping time constant vs. volume percentage of carbon black in the PLZT:PVDF com-
posite. The minimum time constant (i.e., quickest damping) is obtained at the “percolation threshold.” (From
Suzuki, Y. et al., J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., Int’l Edition 99, 1096, 1991.)
to the small force vibration sources where flexibility was necessary. The flexibility of PZT element
can generate the mechanical stress easily. In addition, it is easy to handle and shape the PZT ele-
ment. Previously, a PVDF film was used for implantable physiological power supply18 and inserted
for recovering some of the power in the process of walking.19 For the alternative, the advanced piezo
fiber composite (PFC) was experimentally demonstrated and confirmed for the energy conversion
component by the Penn State group recently.
Several flexible PZT composites such as active fiber composite (AFC) and MFC (Figure 10.20) are
commercially available, and used in high displacement actuator and transducer for energy conver-
sion. Major advantages of those fiber composites over conventional piezoelectric elements are their
flexibility and toughness, both far superior compared with monolithic PZT wafers. Furthermore,
due to their thin, planar geometry the fiber composites can be easily integrated into composite
The MFC is a revolutionary actuator which was developed at the NASA Langley Research
Center. The piezoelectric fibers manufactured by computer-controlled dicing saw and embedded in
the matrix were sandwiched between two layers of polyimide film that had a conductive interdigi-
tated electrode pattern printed on the inner surface. There are two types of MFC depending on the
polling direction. The poling direction of d33 type is parallel along fiber length and each segment has
opposite polling direction by interdigitated electrodes as shown in Figure 10.20. For the d31 type,
the poling direction is from the top to the bottom along the fiber thickness. The MFC is extremely
flexible, durable, and has the advantage of higher electromechanical coupling coefficients granted
through the interdigitated electrodes.
Previously, the d33 mode type of the MFC was tested to charge battery, but Sodano et al.21
claimed that the MFC did not produce high current because of the construction of the MFC.
The interdigitated electrodes of the d33 type made the small segments connect in series. Therefore
the voltage was added to generate high value but the current was not sufficient. Uchino et al. tested
the d31 mode type of MFC under small mechanical vibration source to generate enough current for
battery charging.22
The d31 mode type of MFC (M8528 P2) was fabricated by Smart Material Corp. The piezo-
ceramic fibers in the MFC are cut by 350 μm width and 170 μm thickness from piezoelectric
wafer by computer-controlled dicing saw. The total dimensions of MFC are 85 mm length,
28 mm width, and 0.3 mm thickness. Figure 10.21 shows the stress distribution of MFC when
the mechanical force is applied. As shown in Figure 10.21a, without any substrate, the exten-
sive stress and compressive stress occurred on the top and the bottom of MFC. In this case, the
MFC Substrate
Compression Compression
Extension Extension
(a) (b)
FIGURE 10.21 Stress distribution in the MFC: (a) without a substrate and (b) with an aluminum foil sub-
strate (0.17 mm in thickness).
neutral line of the stress distribution is in the middle of the MFC. For this reason the electrical
output will be very small. But in Figure 10.21b, when the additional substrate is bonded to the
bottom of the MFC, the neutral line will move down in the substrate. Therefore, the electrical
output will be increased because the MFC will have only a compressive stress or extensive stress
in whole volume. In addition, the thickness and material of the substrate should be carefully con-
sidered to keep the flexibility of the MFC. The minimum thickness of the substrate can be cal-
culated by the finite element method (FEM) simulation software, depending on the material to
escape the neutral line from the MFC. For this calculation, the dimensions of MFC are 85 mm ×
28 mm × 0.17 mm, and the thickness of a substrate is 0.17 mm. The aluminum foil was selected
to be used for the substrate in the experiment, even though the neutral line is located slightly
above the adjacent line.
The MFC was excited to generate a big bending motion by small force at the frequency of
1 ~ 5 Hz. Note that the small mechanical force used in the experiment means the minimum force
which can generate maximum strain in the flexible element without crack. The voltage signal of
the MFC is shown in Figure 10.22a. The voltage of MFC is considerably increased by bonding an
aluminum substrate. This signal was generated by a small mechanical force with a frequency of
5 Hz, and monitored by oscilloscope (TDS 420A). The aluminum substrate gave a lower flexibility
to the MFC, but the output voltage from MFC with small bending showed the much higher voltage
signal. The output voltage signal from the MFC was passed through the rectifier and charged to
the capacitor, and successively discharged through a resistive load. The rectified voltage and output
power was shown in Figure 10.22b. The generated electric power from a small mechanical force at
5 Hz was around 1.5 mW at 200 kΩ.
The MFC shows the possibility of the intelligent clothing (IC) with flexible piezoelectric energy
harvesting system, aiming at a general power source for charging up portable equipment such as
cellular phones, health monitoring units, or medical drug delivery devices.
Without substrate
With aluminum substrate
Output voltage (V)
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2
(a) Time (s)
24 1.8
20 1.6
Rectified voltage (Vrec) 1.2
Output power (mW)
10 1.0
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
(b) Load (kΩ)
FIGURE 10.22 Output of the MFC by around 5 Hz. (a) Output voltage signal of the MFC and (b) recti-
fied voltage and output power with a resistive load. (From Uchino, K., Proc. 9th Jpn. Int’l SAMPE Symp.,
pp. 11–14, Nov. 18–21, Tokyo, 2005.)
g constant material (APC 840) exhibits the largest performance. The key of this device is highly
effective for a low frequency.
Chapter Essentials
1. Composite effects: (1) sum effect, (2) combination effect, (3) product effect.
2. PZT:polymer composites:
(a) High dhgh constant
(b) Good acoustic impedance matching with water and human tissue
(c) Mechanical flexibility
Terfenol-D PZT
FIGURE 10.23 Schematic structure of the magnetoelectric device, in which a PZT disk is sandwiched by
two Terfenol-D (magnetostrictor) disks.
APC 840
4000 PZT–5A
APC 841
dE/dH (mV/cm Oe)
FIGURE 10.24 Comparison of the magnetic field monitoring performance of the electromagnetic devices
with different PZT materials.
3. 1-3 composites:
The effective piezoelectric coefficients d* and g* are provided by
d33 = 1d33
d31 = 1V 1d31
g33 = d33
/ε 0 ε *3 = 1d33 /1V ε 01 ε *3 = 1 g33 /1V ,
5. Elastically soft (flexible) piezoelectric composites such as MFCs are suitable to harvest low
electrical energy from human motion.
6. The principle of magnetoelectric composites with a combination of magnetostrictor
(Terfenol) and piezoelectric (PZT):
(1) Magnetic field (even low frequency) generates strain in Terfenol.
(2) Strain induced in Terfenol is transferred to PZT laminated as stress.
(3) PZT generates electric field via direct piezoelectricity.
(4) A high-g constant PZT is preferred for high sensitivity.
Check Point
1. Identify the connectivity (x–y) of a steel-reinforced concrete composite (concrete with steel
2. Which type of composite effect do you expect from a steel-reinforced concrete composite,
sum effect, combination effect, or product effect?
3. Which connectivity of PZT–polymer composites provide larger piezoelectric g constant,
parallel connectivity or series connectivity?
4. (T/F) In the 1-3 PZT:polymer composite, the effective permittivity of the composite ε*3
decreases on increasing the volume fraction of the PZT phase 1V. True or False?
5. (T/F) In the 1-3 PZT:polymer composite, the effective piezoelectric d constant of the
composite d*33 decreases on increasing the volume fraction of the PZT phase 1V. True or
6. (T/F) In the 1-3 PZT:polymer composite, the effective piezoelectric g constant of the
composite g*33 decreases on increasing the volume fraction of the PZT phase 1V. True or
7. Nominate three single materials to make an elastically flexible damping composite
(based on the piezoelectric passive damping principle) to be used for engine vibration
8. (T/F) Because the human tissue is elastically soft, its motion energy is rather easily trans-
ferred to a soft piezoelectric material, in comparison with the case of a hard PZT. True or
9. (T/F) Because the piezoelectric energy harvesting device has relatively small output elec-
trical impedance, it is easy to charge up a rechargeable battery just by connecting them.
True or False?
10. Nominate two single materials to make a two-phase composite, in order to create a mag-
netoelectric sensor at room temperature.
Chapter Problems
10.1 Two kinds of piezoelectric materials, 1 and 2, poled along the 3-axis compose a com-
posite in a series configuration as shown in Figure 10.7b. The volume fraction is 1V:2V
(1V + 2V = 1). Assuming that the top and bottom electrodes are soft enough not to prevent
surface extension, and that the transverse piezoelectric coupling between Phases 1 and 2
is considered to be just connected elastically, calculate the following physical properties
of this composite:
(a) Effective dielectric constant ε*3
(b) Effective piezoelectric d*33 coefficient
(c) Effective piezoelectric voltage coefficient g*33
Use the parameters D3, E3, X3, x3, s33 which are the dielectric displacement, the elec-
tric field, the stress, the strain, and the elastic compliance, respectively. Note that the
voltage/electric field applied on the piezoelectric phase will be drastically reduced with
sandwiching low permittivity polymer layers in series.
10.2 Derive the following equations from the “modified cubes model,” which takes into
account the anisotropic distribution of cubes with respect to the x-, y-, and z-directions,
as illustrated in Figure 10.9 (l = m = 1, n ≠ 1), where the volume fraction of Phase 1 is
given by
V = a 3/(a + (1 − a)n)
( )
+ ⎡⎣1 − a 2 a + (1 − a )n . 2 ε 33⎤⎦
d33 = 1d33[ a 3 (a + (1 − a)n)]/[ a + (1 − a)n(1 ε33 / 2ε33 )]
⋅ a / [1 − a(a + (1 − a)n)1/2 + a 3 ].
10.3 We will consider PZT:polymer composites as a pyroelectric sensor, rather than a piezo-
electric device. In addition to the primary pyroelectric coefficient α (=−(∂P/∂T)),
a secondary pyroelectric effect is anticipated in a composite structure due to a large differ-
ence in thermal expansion coefficients between PZT and a polymer. Discuss this secondary
pyroelectric effect for both parallel and series connections, as illustrated in Figure 10.25.
Assume that
1. In the parallel connection, the top and bottom electrodes are rigid enough to prevent
surface bending (constrained just along the up-down z-direction, but free along the
lateral direction), and that the transverse stress between Phases 1 and 2 is negligibly
2. In the series connection, the top and bottom electrodes are negligibly soft, in com-
parison with Phases 1 and 2.
The volume fraction is 1V : 2V (1V + 2V = 1). Use the parameters T, αT, X3, x3, and s33
which are temperature, the thermal expansion coefficient, the stress, the strain, and the
elastic compliance, respectively.
(a) (b)
FIGURE 10.25 Composite structures for a pyroelectric material. (a) Parallel connectivity. (b) Series
ceramics CFRP
t 0.3
CFRP Piezoelectric
Clamp Clamp
0.65 15 0.65 15
FIGURE 10.26 Two configurations of CFRP/PZT cantilever beams; (a) a pair of PZT plates are bonded on
the tip part of the CFRP plate and (b) on the bottom part of the CFRP with a bimorph configuration. (From
Tanimoto, T. et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 36, 6110, 1997. With permission.)
Consider that the mechanical energy concentrated at the nodal range should overlap
with the bimorph part to effectively damp the vibration. Refer to Figure 10.27 with three
initial bending modes of the beam.
FIGURE 10.27 Three initial bending modes of the beam. (From Tanimoto, T. et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 36,
6110, 1997. With permission.)
1. R. E. Newnham et al.: Mater. Res. Bull., 13, 525 (1978).
2. K. Uchino: Solid State Phys., 21, 27 (1986).
3. T. Kitayama and S. Sugawara: Study Comm. Electron. Circuit Compon. Mater., Ref. no. CPM72-17
4. K. Uchino, S. Nomura, and R. E. Newnham: Sensor Technol., 2, 81 (1982).
5. K. A. Klicker, J. V. Biggers, and R. E. Newnham: J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 64, 5 (1981).
6. http://www.matsysinc.com/, U.S. Patent 5,340,510.
7. W. A. Smith: Proc. IEEE Ultrasonic Symp. 89, p. 755 (1989).
8. L. A. Pauer: IEEE Int’l Convention Record, 1–5 (1973).
9. H. Banno: Proc. 6th Int’l Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF-6, Kobe, 1985); Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 24(Suppl.
24–2), 445 (1985).
10. H. Banno and T. Tsunooka: Ceramic Data Book ‘87, Industrial Product Technology Soc., Tokyo, p. 328
11. D. P. Skinner, R. E. Newnham, and L. E. Cross: Mater. Res. Bull., 13, 599 (1978).
12. T. R. Shrout, W. A. Schulze, and J. V. Biggers: Mater. Res. Bull., 14, 1553 (1979).
13. M. Miyashita et al.: Ferroelectrics, 27, 397 (1980).
14. A. Safari, R. E. Newnham, L. E. Cross, and W. A. Schulze: Ferroelectrics, 41, 197 (1982).
15. K. Uchino and T. Ishii: J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 96, 863 (1988).
16. ACX Company catalogue: Passive Damping Ski.
17. Y. Suzuki, K. Uchino, H. Gouda, M. Sumita, R. E. Newnham, and A. R. Ramachandran: J. Ceram. Soc.
Jpn., Int’l Edition 99, 1096 (1991).
18. E. Hausler, L. Stein, and G Harbauer: Ferroelectrics, 60, 277 (1984).
19. J. Kymissis, C. Kendall, J. Paradiso, and N. Gershenfield: Digest of Papers, Second IEEE International
Symposium on Wearable Computers, Pittsburgh, PA, p. 132 (1998).
20. L. J. Nelson: Mater. Sci. Technol., 18, 1245 (2002).
21. H. A. Sodano, G. Park, D. J. Leo, and D. J. Inman: Smart structure and materials: Smart sensor technol-
ogy and measurement systems, Proc. of SPIE, 5050, 101 (2003).
22. K. Uchino: Proc. 9th Jpn. Int’l SAMPE Symp., pp. 11–14, Nov. 18–21, Tokyo (2005).
23. J. Ryu, A. Vazquez Carazo, K. Uchino, and H. E. Kim: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 40, 4948–4951 (2001).
24. T. Tanimoto, K. Horiuchi, and K. Uchino: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 36 Part I (No. 9B), 6110 (1997).
1. High-permittivity dielectrics
2. Ferroelectric memories
3. Pyroelectric devices
4. Piezoelectric devices
5. Electro-optic devices
6. PTC materials
7. Composite materials
Of course, this is not meant to discount the other areas of potential development. However, it is
anticipated that the other fields of application will require a higher investment in time, money, and
expertise and a much longer development period than the areas identified as the most promising.
1.14 1.18
(1983) (1991)
1.0 Cylinder
Sales amount (unit $1 billion)
0.8 ctor (8%)
0.35 0.61
(1983) (1991)
0.6 Multilayer
(35%) U.S. device (3%)
High-voltage 0.1 0.3
0.4 device (12%) (1983) (1991)
FIGURE 11.1 Actual sales amount of ferroelectric devices (with respect to device type) for 1983 and 1991
fiscal years in Japan.
factor of 1.2–1.3, because Japanese industries produce about 80% of these commercial products,
especially the piezoelectric devices. Note that the chart does not include products for military use.
No noticeable change is expected after 1992 due to the following two reasons:
1. Though the sales amount increases yearly, the sales revenue seems to be saturating because
of the price reduction in ferroelectric components.
2. The growth in the new device areas has been suppressed since 1992 due to the worldwide
economical deceleration.
Figure 11.2 shows the ratio of sales by various Japanese manufacturing companies. Note the three
biggest companies which produce a large portion of the ferroelectric-related products: Murata, TDK,
and Matsushita Electronic Components. These three industries share 2/3 of the total production: 3/4
in capacitors, and more than 90% in thermistors. The share ratio is less than 50% only in piezoelectric
devices. Except for products like inexpensive filters, buzzers, etc., the big-three share portion is not
very high in piezoelectric devices, an area which presents much promise for growth in the future.
1. Active vibration control by army and NASA, using relatively large actuators (>30 cm)
2. Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) for medical applications and energy
KCK (12%) Others Murata
(7%) Murata (21%) (30%)
Matsushita- TDK (3%)
elec. compo. Toko (5%) Matsushita-
(11%) elec. compo.
Taiyo- Sanyo (5%) (17%)
(28%) (7%) (9%)
(a) (b)
(9%) Others
Matsushita- Murata
Murata KCK (5%) (30%)
elec. compo.
(19%) (42%)
Kyocer (5%)
(30%) Taiyo-yuden
(c) Matsushita- (22%)
elec. compo.
FIGURE 11.2 Market share of ferroelectric devices by Japanese manufacturing companies (1983). (a)
Capacitor $1.14 B. (b) Pizoelectric device $0.35 B. (c) Thermister $0.1 B. (d) Total $1.6 B.
TABLE 11.1
Summary of Piezoelectric Actuator Developments, Comparing the United States,
Japan, and Europe
United States Japan Europe
Target Military-oriented product Mass-consumer product Laboratory-equipment product
Category Vibration suppressor Micromotor positioner Micromotor positioner
Vibration suppressor
Application field Space structure Office equipment Laboratory stage/stepper
Military vehicle Camera Airplane
Precision machine Automobile
Automobile Hydraulic system
Actuator Up-sizing Down-sizing Intermediate size
Size 30 cm 1 cm 10 cm
Major AVX/Kyocera NEC-Tokin EPCOS
Manufacturers Morgan Electroceramics Nihon Ceratec Hitachi Metal Siemens Ceram Tec
Micromechatronics Mitsui Chemical Noliac
AlliedSignal Canon Physik Instrumente
Newscale Tech Seiko Instruments Cedrat
The markets in the United States are limited to military and defense applications, and it is dif-
ficult to estimate the commercial sales amount, because the developments are accelerated through
the government research funds. Among the current needs of the Navy are smart submarine skins,
hydrophone actuators, propeller noise cancellation devices; the Air Force requires smart aircraft
skins; and the Army requires helicopter rotor twisting, aeroservoelastic control, and cabin noise/seat
vibration cancellation devices. Piezoelectric energy harvesting for the ammunition application was
highly accelerated during the new Middle-East War period, but the research focus may be gradually
replaced by medical applications for the treatment of the wounded soldiers.
The piezoactuators and USMs have been developed largely by private industries in Japan, aiming
primarily at applications involving precision positioners and compact motors with tiny actuators of
less than 1 cm for portable electronic equipment. Research and development (R&D) in Japan are
mostly consumer-oriented without being supported by the government. Exceptional national proj-
ects related to this area include “micromechanisms,” which mainly involves the micromachining-
related actuators but with so-called aerosol deposition method from the economical fabrication
In Japan, piezoelectric camera shutters (Minolta Camera) and automatic focusing mechanisms
in cameras (Canon), dot-matrix printers (NEC), and part-feeders (Sanki) were commercialized and
mass-produced on the order of tens of thousands of pieces per month. Piezoelectric ink-jet print-
ers (Epson), zoom/focus camera modules for mobile phones with an impact mechanism (Konica-
Minolta), and piezoelectric transformers (PTs) (NEC-Tokin, Nihon Ceratec, etc.) are increasing the
sales amount dramatically. A number of patents have been disclosed particularly by NEC, TOTO
Corporation, Matsushita Electric, Brother Industry, Toyota Motors, Tokin, Hitachi Metal, and
Toshiba. The annual sales of ceramic actuator units, camera-related devices, and USMs in Japan
reached $500 million, $300 million, and $150 million, respectively in 2005.4 The total sales may
become equivalent to those of the capacitor industry. If these are installed in final actuator-related
products, sales are projected to reach $10 billion. Thus, a bright future is anticipated in many fields
of application.
European companies started the piezoelectric actuator production about 15 years after Japan and
the United States, and they seemed to have been searching for a variety of possible applications.
The device sizes at the trial manufacturing stage range were generally around 10 cm. However,
during the Japanese Recession and the U.S. War period, European technologies were catching the
Japanese and American levels. Multilayer (ML) piezoactuators by EPCOS and precision stages by
PI (Germany) and Cedrat (France) are some of the most remarkable products.
long as it is not more than 6%. The tip deflection of a unimorph made from lead magnesium niobate
(PMN)-based material does not change for porosities less than 8%.5 Doping, donor- or acceptor-type,
produces remarkable changes in piezoelectricity. Since “donor” doping (e.g., Nb5+) provides “soft”
characteristics in lead zirconate titanate (PZT), the sample exhibits larger strains and less hysteresis
when driven under a high electric field (1 kV/mm). On the other hand, “acceptor” doping (e.g., Fe3+)
provides “hard” characteristics, leading to a very small hysteretic loss and a large mechanical quality
factor when driven under a small AC electric field (i.e., USM applications).
For most practical devices, the temperature dependence of the characteristics must be stabilized
using either composite or solid solution techniques. The recent trends are in developing extreme
(high or low) temperature sensors and actuators for automobile engines and cryogenic applications
for laboratory equipment and space structures. Systematic studies on the high electric field and
stress dependences of ferroelectric devices as well as the composition dependence of mechani-
cal strength are also eagerly awaited. Other parameters to be considered include “humidity” and
“air pressure,” which is practically essential for the automobile diesel injection valve application.
Electrode silver migration seems to be accelerated with increasing humidity and air pressure, in
addition to the electric field level.
Investigations on aging are also important. The aging effect arises from two factors: depoling
and mechanical destruction. Creep (a gradual change in induced displacements under an applied
voltage) and zero-point drift (zero-field property changes with a cyclic application of voltage) of the
electromechanical characteristics are caused by the depoling of the ferroelectric ceramic with time
lapse. Another serious property degradation is produced by a very high electric field at elevated
temperature, humidity, and mechanical stress, where atomic/ionic migration occasionally occurs.
This may be related either with microcrack propagation or with Ag electrode migration. Nagata
reported that the change in lifetime of a ferroelectric device, such as a ML piezoelectric actuator,
with temperature T and DC bias voltage E obeys an empirical rule6:
WDC is a sort of activation energy
n is a characteristic parameter
Feedback (2)
Breakdown detection
Piezoelectric sensor
Feedback (1)
Strain sensor
voltage Signal (1)
Signal (2)
power supply
FIGURE 11.3 Intelligent actuator system with both position feedback and breakdown detection feedback
configurations have been proposed: plate-through type, slit-insert type, and float-electrode-
insert type. The reason why the lifetime is extended with decreasing layer thickness has not yet
been clarified.
Lifetime prediction or health monitoring systems using failure detection techniques are also
important for some devices.7 Figure 11.3 shows such an “intelligent” actuator system with acoustic
emission (AE) monitoring. The actuator is controlled by two feedback mechanisms: position feed-
back, which can compensate the position drift and the hysteresis, and breakdown detection feedback
which can stop the actuator system safely without causing any serious damage to the work (e.g.,
in a lathe machine). AE measurement of a piezoactuator under a cyclic electric field is an effective
means of predicting the lifetime of a device. AE is detected primarily when a crack propagates in
the ceramic actuator at maximum speed. Under normal drive conditions of a 100-layer piezoelectric
actuator, the number of AE was counted and a drastic increase, by three orders of magnitude, was
detected just before complete failure. Note that part of the piezodevice can be utilized as an AE
A special internal electrode configuration with a strain gauge configuration has been proposed
to increase the reliability of ML piezoelectric actuators.8 As shown in Figure 11.4, strain gauge
FIGURE 11.4 Strain gauge configuration of the internal electrode for an intelligent actuator.
configured electrode patterns are inserted at every 10 internal layers of a multilayer actuator (MLA).
In an electric field cycle normally applied to the device, the resistance change corresponds to the
transverse piezoelectric strain induced in the device. However, if crack or delamination occurs in
the actuator, an abnormally large resistance change is monitored. Thus, this electrode configuration
can be used for both feedback detectors (1) and (2) shown in Figure 11.3.
TABLE 11.2
Three Types of Creativity in R&D
1. Technological creativity New functions
High performance
2. Product planning creativity Specification (sensitivity,
size, power)
3. Marketing creativity Price
FIGURE 11.5 Flying kite experiment in a thunderstorm by Ben Franklin (1752). (From http://www.
ushistory.org/franklin/essays/hoffman.htm. With permission.)
storm. The lightning hit the kite, and he collected electric charge, as illustrated in Figure 11.5. Two
other scientists conducting similar experiments one month before and after Franklin were both
electrocuted. Franklin was one lucky person. Franklin became President of Pennsylvania (equiva-
lent to Governor today) and the state organization for financially supporting incubator companies in
Pennsylvania is named “Ben Franklin Technology Partners.”
“Ivory” soap by P&G was created also by serendipity. William Procter and James Gamble
started a candle shop, but because of Thomas Edison’s light bulbs, their business declined. In 1879,
an employee in their Cincinnati candle factory forgot to turn off a machine when he went to lunch.
On returning, he found a frothing mass of lather filled with air bubbles. He almost threw the stuff
away, but instead decided to make it into soap. They sold the soap as a “floating” soap with a lot of
bubbles. Why was floating soap such a hot item back then? Because clothes were washed in ponds
and rivers at that time. A dropped bar of soap would sink and often be unrecoverable. Floating soap
had a convenience factor.
PVDF, a piezoelectric polymer was discovered accidentally in early 1970s by Dr. Kawai, and a
high-temperature superconducting ceramic was discovered by Dr. Bednortz and Dr. Muller in 1980.
Both are good examples of serendipity in the related field of ferroelectric materials.
A traditional Japanese proverb tells us every researcher has three lucky chances in his/her life
to discover new things. However, most people do not even recognize these chances and lose them.
Only people ready to accept these chances can really find new phenomenon. A Japanese company
executive mentioned that a person who develops “one” widely commercialized product has the
chance to become a general manager; a person who develops “two” products for the company is
guaranteed to be a vice president; and a person who contributes more than “three” can become
president. You can see how difficult it is to develop actual bestselling products.
Suppose that you are an engineering student, or a young researcher in a manufacturing company,
are you confident to continue your career path? Or, are you feeling a slump in your R&D activity,
and are you more likely to be comfortable in a management position? Example Problem 11.1 will
help in assessing your creative aptitude.
1. First, familiarize yourself with the contents and picture of the academic article below
(Figure 11.6) for 60 s. Do not peek at the following page, which includes the Questions and
Answers. Remember that this is your own personality check before reading this textbook
After checking your wristwatch, you may start NOW. Move to the next page after 60 s.
FIGURE 11.6 Test picture. (Note that this article was randomly cited from an academic journal.)
2. Second, answer True or False for the following sentences without seeing the previous
a. His name is Ohuchi.
b. His article is printed on p. 15 of an academic journal.
c. He has moustache.
d. He wears a dotted-design tie.
3. Third, score 1 point for each correct answer according to the solution box lower on the
People with engineering aptitude generally remember the written content first. If you have
failed to answer questions (a) and (b) correctly, then your aptitude in this direction is lacking.
Recognizing the “moustache” is also expected of engineering types, because it directly belongs
to the person. However, remembering the tie is relatively rare. You can see it only when you
try to. This attention to detail is one of the most important aptitudes to cultivate for innovative
This can be used to think up unconventional questions for a job interviewee. The following
are two questions I have used:
a. You climbed up a staircase a couple of minutes ago. How many stairs did you climb?
b. You must have seen the pedestrian traffic signal just before entering the company entrance.
Do you remember an illustration of a walking man lit up in blue? Is he walking toward the
left or toward the right?
For the second question, most of the interviewees recognize the illustration, but the answers
differ remarkably. When the answer is “I don’t remember,” we usually find the candidate unsuit-
able. Even when the answer is correct, “left,” it may be a guess with a probability of 50%. This
candidate may be hired for a management position. Only when the correct answer arises from
a confident memory, will we hire the candidate as a professional engineer. I occasionally use a
similar test for hiring suitable people for the university research center and/or the company. Once
you become a corporate officer or a manager of your new venture who is responsible for hiring
research and engineering employees, you may need to create similar test questions.
If you have missed your “three chances,” what should you do? Quit being a researcher? The fol-
lowing example is dedicated to an unlucky reader, who, like the author, missed those lucky chances.
We can still research using a more systematic approach, for example, by using our intuition: Making
use of (a) secondary effects and (b) scientific analogy.
a. Secondary effect
Every phenomenon has primary and secondary effects, which are sometimes recognized
as linear and quadratic phenomena, respectively. In electro-optic devices, the Pockels and
Kerr effects correspond to the primary and secondary effects. In actuator materials, these
correspond to the piezoelectric and electrostrictive effects.
When the author started actuator research in the mid-1970s, precise “displacement trans-
ducers” (we initially used this terminology) were required in the Space Shuttle program,
(a) (b)
FIGURE 11.7 (a) Primary effect (piezoelectric effect) and (b) secondary effect (electrostrictive effect).
particularly for “deformable mirrors,” for controlling the optical pathlengths over several
wavelengths (0.1 μm). Conventional piezoelectric PZT ceramics were plagued by hyster-
esis and aging effects under large electric fields; this was a serious problem for an optical
positioner. Electrostriction, which is the secondary electromechanical coupling observed
in centrosymmetric crystals, is not affected by hysteresis or aging (see Figure 11.7). Its
response should be much faster than the time required for domain reorientation in piezo-
electrics/ferroelectrics. In addition, electric poling is not required.
However, at that time, most of the people believed that the secondary effect would be
minor, and could not provide a larger contribution than the primary effect. Of course, this
may be true in most cases, but, the author’s group actually discovered that relaxor ferro-
electrics, such as the PMN-based solid solutions exhibit enormous electrostriction.
b. Scientific analogy
Probably most readers are familiar with shape memory alloys, which can revert rather
quickly back to their initial shape when subjected to the heat of a cigarette lighter or a hair
dryer. The basic principle is a “stress or temperature-induced” phase transformation from
the austenite to martensite phase. The author tried to consider an analogous case among
the ferroelectrics (Figure 11.8). Yes, we have an “electric-field-induced” phase transition
from an antiferroelectric to ferroelectric phase. This type of phase transition should be
much quicker in response and more energy efficient theoretically. After this speculation,
we started to investigate lead zirconate-based antiferroelectrics intensively, and discovered
the “shape memory effect” in ceramic actuator materials.
a. Combination effect
In certain cases, the averaged value of the output, Y*, of a composite does exceed Y1 and
Y2. This enhanced output refers to an effect Y/Z which depends on two parameters Y and Z.
Suppose that Y and Z follow convex- and concave-type sum effects, respectively, as illus-
trated in Figure 11.9, the combination value Y/Z will exhibit a maximum at an intermediate
ratio of phases. This is called a combination effect. Certain piezoelectric ceramic/polymer
Cool Heat
Martensitic Deformed
phase martensitic
(a) Shape memory alloy
Cool Heat
and removed
Antiferroelectric and removed
(b) Shape memory ceramic
FIGURE 11.8 Phase transition analogy between (a) shape memory alloy and (b) shape memory ceramic.
b. Product effects
When Phase 1 exhibits an output Y with an input X, and Phase 2 exhibits an output Z with
an input Y, we can expect for the composite an output Z with an input X. A completely new
function is created for the composite structure, called a product effect.
TABLE 11.3
Various Effects in Materials
Input Output
Phase 1 : X Y1/Z1
X (Y/Z)*
Phase 2 : X Y2/Z2
Phase 1 Phase 2
Y1/Z1 Y2/Z2
Phase 1 Phase 2
Phase 1 Phase 2
FIGURE 11.9 Basic concept of the performance improvement in a composite via a combination effect.
The author introduces his Functionality Matrix concept here. If one material has “piezo-
magnetic effect” and its converse effect “magnetostrictive effect,” the functionality matrix
of this material can be expressed by
⎛0 0 0 0 0⎞
⎜0 0 Magnetostriction 0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜0 Piezomagnetic effect 0 0 0⎟ .
⎜0 0 0 0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜⎝ 0 0 0 0 0⎟⎠
On the other hand, a piezoelectric has a functionality matrix of the following form:
⎛ 0 0 Converse piezoeffect 0 0⎞
⎜ 0 0 0 0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ Piezoelectric effect 0 0 0 0⎟ .
⎜ 0 0 0 0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0 0 0 0 0⎠
When the magnetic field is input first, the expected phenomenon is expressed by the matrix product:
⎛0 0 0 0 0⎞
⎜0 0 Magnetostriction 0 0⎟⎟
⎜0 Piezomagnetic effect 0 0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜0 0 0 0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝0 0 0 0 0⎠
⎛ 0 0 Converse piezoeffect 0 0⎞ ⎛ 0 0 0 0 0⎞
⎜ 0 0 0 0 0⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ Mag.-elect.effect 0 0 0 0⎟⎟
⊗ ⎜ Piezoelectric effect 0 0 0 0⎟ = ⎜ 0 0 0 0 0⎟ .
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0 0 0 0⎟ ⎜ 0 0 0 0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0 0 0 0 0⎠ ⎝ 0 0 0 0 0⎠
If we start from the electric field input first, the expected phenomenon will be
⎛ 0 0 Converse piezoeffect 0 0⎞
⎜ 0 0 0 0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ Piezoelectric effect 0 0 0 0⎟
⎜ 0 0 0 0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0 0 0 0 0⎠
⎛0 0 0 0 0⎞ ⎛0 Elect.-mag. effect 0 0 0⎞
⎜0 0 Magnetostriction 0 0⎟ ⎜0 0 0 0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⊗⎜0 Piezomagnetic effect 0 0 0⎟ = ⎜0 0 0 0 0⎟ .
⎜0 0 0 0 0⎟ ⎜0 0 0 0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝0 0 0 0 0⎠ ⎝0 0 0 0 0⎠
Note that the resulting product matrixes include only one component each; magnetoelectric effect
or electromagnetic (EM) effect component.
Philips developed a magnetoelectric material based on this concept.13 This material is composed
of magnetostrictive CoFe2O4 and piezoelectric BaTiO3 mixed and sintered together. Figure 11.10a
shows a micrograph of a transverse section of a unidirectionally solidified rod of materials with
an excess of TiO2 (1.5 wt.%). Four finned spinel dendrites CoFe2O4 are observed in cells (×100).
Figure 11.10b shows the magnetic field dependence of the magnetoelectric effect in an arbitrary unit
measured at room temperature. When a magnetic field is applied on this composite, cobalt ferrite
generates magnetostriction, which is transferred to barium titanate as stress, finally leading to the
generation of a charge/voltage via the piezoelectric effect in BaTiO3.
Hmax Hdc
FIGURE 11.10 (a) Micrograph of a transverse section of a unidirectionally solidified rod of mixture of mag-
netostrictive CoFe2O4 and piezoelectric BaTiO3 with an excess of TiO2. (b) Magnetic field dependence of the
magnetoelectric effect in a CoFe2O4:BaTiO3 composite (at room temperature).
The author’s photostrictive materials were also discovered along a similar line of reasoning;
functionality matrices of photovoltatic and piezoelectric effects. The following is an anecdote from
The R&D Innovator.14
I’ve made a breakthrough that could lead to photophones–devices without electrical connections that
convert light energy directly into sound. Perhaps this discovery will help commercialize optical tele-
phone networks. It also could allow robots to respond directly to light; again, without a need for wire
Where did I come up with the idea for this light conversion? Not with the sunlight shining through my
office window, and not outside feeling the warmth of the sun, but in a dimly lit Karaoke bar.
I’ve been working on ceramic actuators–a kind of transducer that converts electrical energy to mechan-
ical energy–at the Tokyo Institute of Technology when the trigger for “the light-controlled actuator”
was initiated. In 1980, one of my friends, a precision-machine expert, and I were drinking together
at a Karaoke bar, where many Japanese go to enjoy drinks and our own singing. We call this activity
our “after-5-o’clock meeting.” My friend studied micro-mechanisms such as millimeter-size walking
robots. He explained that, as electrically controlled walking mechanisms become very small (on the
order of a millimeter), they don’t walk smoothly because the frictional force drops drastically and the
weight of the electric lead becomes more significant.
After a few drinks, it becomes easier to play “what if?” games. That‘s when he asked, “What if you, an
expert on actuators, could produce a remote-controlled actuator? One that would bypass the electrical
lead?” To many people, “remote control” equals control by radio waves, light waves, or sound. Light-
controlled actuators require that light energy be transduced twice: first from light energy to electrical
energy, and second from electrical energy to mechanical energy. These are “photovoltaic” and “piezo-
electric” effects.
A solar cell is a well-known photovoltaic device, but it doesn’t generate sufficient voltage to drive a
piezoelectric device. So my friend’s actuator needed another way to achieve a photovoltaic effect. Along
with the drinking and singing, we enjoyed these intellectual challenges. I must have had a bit too much
that night since I promised I’d make such a machine for him. But I had no idea how to do it!
While my work is applied research, I usually come home from scientific meetings about basic research
with all kinds of ideas. At one of these meetings, about six months after my promise, a Russian physicist
reported that a single crystal of lithium niobate produced a high electomotive force (10 kV/mm) under
purple light. His talk got me excited. Could this material make the power supply for the piezoelectric
actuator? Could it directly produce a mechanical force under purple light?
I returned to the lab and placed a small lithium niobate plate onto a plate of piezoelectric lead zircon-
ate titanate. Then I turned on the purple light and watched for the piezoelectric effect (mechanical
deformation). But it was too slow, taking an hour for the voltage to get high enough to make a
discernable shape change.
Then the idea hit me: what about making a single material that could be used for the sensor and the
actuator? Could I place the photovoltaic and piezoelectric effects in a single asymmetric crystal? After
lots of trial and error, I came up with a tungstate-doped material made of lead lanthanum zirconate
titanate (PLZT) that responded well to purple light. It has a large piezoelectric effect and has properties
that would make it relatively easy to fabricate.
To make a device out of this material, I pasted two PLZT plates back to back, but placed them in oppo-
site polarization, then connected the edges. I shined a purple light to one side, which generated a pho-
tovoltaic voltage of 7 kV across the length. This caused the PLZT plate on that side to expand by nearly
0.1% of its length, while the plate on the other (unlit) side contracted due to the piezoelectric effect
through the photovoltage. The whole device bent away from the light. For this 20 mm long, 0.4 mm
thick bi-plate, the displacement at the edge was 150 μm, and the response speed was 1 second. This fast
and significant response was pretty exciting.
Remembering the promise to my friend, I fabricated a simple “light-driven micro walking machine,”
with two bi-plate legs attached to a plastic board, as shown in Figure 11.11. When light alternately irra-
diated each leg, the legs bent one at a time, and the machine moved like an inchworm. It moved without
electric leads or circuits! That was in 1987, seven years after my promise.
I got busy with my “toy”; but not too busy to attend “after-5-o’clock meetings” in Tokyo’s night-club
area. In 1989, at my favorite Karaoke bar, I was talking about my device to another friend who worked
for a telephone company. He wanted to know if the material could make a photo-acoustic device–
perhaps as a solution to a major barrier in optical-fiber communication. The technology to transmit
voice data–a phone call–at the speed of light through lasers and fiber optics has been advancing rapidly.
But the end of the line–the ear speaker–limits the technology, since optical phone signals must be con-
verted from light energy to mechanical movement via electrical energy.
I thought my material could convert light flashes directly into sound. I chopped two light beams to make
a 180-degree phase difference, and applied each beam to one side of the bi-plate. The resonance point,
monitored by the tip displacement, was 75 Hz, just at the edge of the audible range for people! We’re
now working to fabricate real photo-speakers (I call them “photophones”), and have ideas that may
increase the vibration frequency several-fold to reproduce human speech correctly. Photophones could
provide a breakthrough in optical communication.
Well, what’s my message for you, dear reader? To find a noisy Karaoke bar? Perhaps that’s not neces-
sary; but what is necessary is listening to others outside your particular research area: for instance,
basic researchers or people with specific, applied objectives.
The above anecdote indicates another important issue; discovery was motivated by strong cus-
tomer demand. This is a good example of a “Need-Pull” development. The situation of discover-
ing “monomorphs” (semiconductive piezoelectric bending actuators) is also similar to the above.15
When attending a basic conference of the Physical Society of Japan, I learned about a surface
layer generated on a ferroelectric single crystal due to the formation of a Schottky barrier. It was
not difficult to replace some of the technical terminologies with our words. First, polycrystalline
piezoelectric samples were used, with reduction processes to expand the Schottky barrier thick-
ness. We succeeded in developing a monolithic bending actuator. The “Rainbow” structure, further
developed by Aura Ceramics, is one of the monomorph modifications.
0 5 10 15 20 25
FIGURE 11.12 Number of yearly patent disclosure relating to PTs from 1972 till 1999.
for the commercial product at that time. The second commercialization peak occurred due to three
key factors: strong social demand for a laptop computer backlight screen, matured powder technol-
ogy to provide mechanically strong piezoceramics, and advanced design technology such as finite
element method software to simulate electromechanical vibrations. The author is proud to say that
his 35 years of contribution is mostly dedicated to enhance the piezoceramic reliabilities. Note also
that once one device development fails, a similar development may not restart in 25–30 years, which
is known as the R&D cycle and will be discussed again in the next section.
Tracking future technologies is also important in finding “seeds” for new products. Battelle
reports regularly on future technologies. Their 1995 top 10 predictions for 2005 are16
1. Human genome mapping. Genetic-based personal identification and diagnostics will lead
to preventive treatments of disease and cures for specific cancers.
2. Super materials. Computer-based design and manufacturing of new materials at the molec-
ular level will mean new, high-performance materials for use in transportation, computers,
energy, and communications.
3. Compact, long-lasting, highly portable energy sources, including fuel cells and batteries,
will power electronic devices of the future, such as portable personal computers.
4. Digital, high-definition TV. A major breakthrough for American television
manufacturers—and a major source of revenue—that will lead to better advanced com-
puter modeling and imaging.
5. Electronics miniaturization for personal use. Interactive, wireless data centers in a pocket-
size unit will provide users with a fax machine, telephone, and computer that contains a
hard drive capable of storing all the volumes found in their local library.
6. Cost-effective “smart systems” will integrate power, sensors, and controls. These systems
will eventually control the manufacturing process from beginning to end.
7. Antiaging products—that rely on genetic information to slow the aging process—will
include antiaging creams that really work.
8. Medical treatments that will use highly accurate sensors to locate problems, and drug-
delivery systems that will precisely target parts of the body, such as chemotherapy targeted
specifically to cancer cells to reduce the side effects of nausea and hair loss.
9. Hybrid-fuel vehicles. Smart vehicles, equipped to operate on a variety of fuels, will be able
to select the most appropriate one based on driving conditions.
10. “Edutainment.” Educational games and computerized simulations will meet the sophisti-
cated tastes of computer-literate students.
As of today (2009), the reader can understand that Battelle’s prediction hit rate is very high (90%).
Thus, you can use Battelle’s predictions as a surrogate if you do not have the resources for doing
this yourself.
In general, microactuators will be required for medical diagnostic applications such as blood test
kits and surgical catheters. Though silicon MEMS are developing rapidly, pure electrostatic forces
are, generally, too weak to move something mechanically with reasonable efficiency. These practi-
cal actuators need to generate the mechanical energy to fight with human finger force. Piezoelectric
thin films compatible with silicon technology will be much more useful for MEMS because the
energy density can be enhanced by a factor of 100. An ultrasonic rotary motor as tiny as 2 mm in
diameter, fabricated on a silicon membrane, is a good example (see Figure 11.13).17 Even this proto-
type motor can generate a torque three to four orders of magnitude higher than an equivalent size
silicon motor.
As the size of miniature robots and actuators decrease, the weight of the electric lead wire con-
necting the power supply becomes significant, and remote control will definitely be required for
submillimeter devices. The photo-driven actuator described in the previous section is a promising
candidate for microrobots in the future.
Silicon nitride
FIGURE 11.13 Ultrasonic rotary motor as tiny as 2 mm in diameter fabricated on a silicon membrane. (From
Flyn, A.M. et al., J. Microelectromech., Syst., 1, 44, 1992.)
1. If you are a manager, try not to suppress redevelopment of previously failed devices.
2. If you are a young researcher, reexamine 10-year-old research (a half of a generation
period). If your boss is a “fossil” type, you had better spin off from that institute, and start
your own company. Specifications
Some engineers believe that lowering the drive voltage of a piezoelectric actuator is essential.
However, this is not really true for portable equipment if one considers the available battery volt-
ages. Does the reader know the available battery voltages and voltage suppliers? The answers are
1.5, 3, 6, 12 (automobile applications), 24, and 250 V. For example, when I collaborated with COPAL
to develop piezoelectric camera shutters using a bimorph structure, we initially used conventional
bimorphs driven at around 100 V (see Figure 11.14). But, when we tried to commercialize it, we
recognized that we needed an additional 100 V power supply in each camera, which would cost sev-
eral dollars. Instead we changed the bimorph design, by thickening the piezoelectric ceramic layer,
so that it could be driven by 250 V (this voltage is generated in a camera by a cheap power supply
conventionally used for a stroboscopic lamp). Remember that even one resistor cannot be employed
additionally for a cheap camera application.
Product development needs to collect the necessary information on the specifications:
• Sensitivity
• Size
• Lifetime
• Available power supply
Bimorph support
Wing B
Shutter opening
Wing A
FIGURE 11.14 Piezoelectric bimorph camera shutter by COPAL, where the PZT layer was intentionally
thickened to adapt to a 250 V voltage supply.
If we extend the above consideration, a device for automobiles should be driven under 12 V (car
battery). However, actual piezoelectric actuators for diesel injection valves applications are driven
with 160 V for 80 μm PZT layer thickness (Figure 11.15a). The key restriction not to allow the drive
voltage below 12 V per 10 μm PZT layer is not from technological difficulties, but merely from the
cost minimization. Figure 11.15b shows prices for both the piezoelectric stack actuator and its drive/
control circuit, plotted as a function of drive voltage. While decreasing the drive voltage, the PZT
layer thickness should be decreased dramatically, leading to an increase in the Ag/Pd electrode
cost and manufacturing costs increase exponentially. On the other hand, the driving circuit cost
increases with the required voltage. Accordingly, the total system cost has a minimum around 160 V
and a layer thickness around 80 μm. Note that even 10 μm layer actuators are not difficult to manu-
facture today. The present specification for thickness is merely determined by economics!
Piezo injector
High energy (high
current capacitance)
Thin layer ML
Discrete and EDU cost
Piezo stack price
10 V 100 V 1000 V
(a) (b)
FIGURE 11.15 (a) Piezoelectric diesel injection valve by Siemens, (b) cost evaluation for the piezostack and
drive circuit as a function of drive voltage. (From Siemens News Release; Fujii, A., Proc. JTTAS Meeting
Dec. 2, Tokyo, 2005. With permission.)
TABLE 11.4
Difference in Development Concepts between
the United States and Japan
United States Japan
Best device Good device
For military For civil consumers
With top technology With improved technology
At expensive cost At cheap cost
(Reliability) (Newness, timing)
Higher function
Add components
Material/system (Ultrasonic motor)
Reduce components (Combine sensors and
Smaller size, lower cost
FIGURE 11.16 Development concept for smart systems, using USMs as an example.
a. There is a traffic system difference between the two countries: left-hand side in Japan
and right-hand side in the United States. While the Japanese auto manufacturers tried
to make left-hand side steering wheel cars, the U.S. manufacturers did not; this pres-
ents a serious inconvenience to driving an American car in Japan. So, why do not the
U.S. auto manufacturers make the right-hand side steering wheel cars? Is it technologi-
cally difficult for them? No, not at all. It is merely the U.S. auto manufacturers’ attitude
(not the customer-oriented, or arrogant to insist) that the customer should use their
b. The Japanese toilet facility does not always have a shower set, thus a special personal
hygiene system such as this is convenient. When the restroom possesses bath shower and
toilet facilities together like in American homes, “Washlet” may not be necessary.
From the above examples, it becomes clear that, in order to expand business into a foreign country,
we need to learn the culture of that country or find a partner in that country.
By the way, TOTO “Washlet” is a sophisticated system using a smart material, a shape memory
alloy. The nozzle part of the water jet mechanism is composed of a heater and a nozzle angle control
mechanism made of a shape memory alloy. Only when the water is within a suitable temperature
range, the shape memory alloy will redirect the nozzle to the appropriate angle. When the water is
cold, the water jet is angled downwards into the flush pot.
b. Military or civilian?
Product development is sometimes supported by the government for military applications.
The researcher must understand the various differences between military and civilian
commercialization philosophies. For military applications, production quantities are rela-
tively small (several hundreds to thousands of pieces), manual fabrication processes are
generally utilized, leading to high prices. The strategy of targeting military customers may
be adopted by a small venture company as it is starting up.
The difference between required specifications and quality control is also very interesting.
Figure 11.17 shows the basic trends in quality control for military use and mass-consumer
products. Due to manual production, the production quality distribution is wider for mili-
tary products. However, all the products need to be checked for military products. No
check is required for mass-consumer products, keeping prices low. To do this, the standard
deviation of the production quality must be very small. The reader should notice that too
high a quality of the products is also “NG (not good).”
Let us consider Toshiba light bulbs. Toshiba is one of the largest light bulb suppliers in
Japan, where some of my former graduate students are working. Light bulbs typically have
an average lifetime of around 2000 h. Their quality control curve has a standard devia-
tion of ±10% (1800 ∼ 2200). If some of the production lots happen to be of a little better
quality lifetime of 2400 h, what will happen? A company executive might say bank-
ruptcy of the division. For this kind of mature industrial field, total sales amount is almost
saturated, and this 10% longer lifetime translates directly to a 10% decrease in annual
Production Production
NG OK Quality NG OK NG Quality
“All check for military use” “No check for mass-production”
—United States —Japan
FIGURE 11.17 Difference between basic trends in quality control for military use and mass-consumer
income. Therefore, “too high quality” must be eliminated for mass-consumer products.
The researcher needs to understand that just seeking high quality is not the only goal of
manufacturing company. Of course, Toshiba has the technological capability to extend
bulbs’ lifetime. Toshiba does sell 2400 h lifetime bulbs. However, the price is exactly
10% higher than the usual 2000 h bulbs.
A final comment: sometimes, even famous Japanese consumer-product companies may
contribute to military/governmental applications such as the NASA Space Shuttle pro-
gram. The main reason is to obtain an aura of high quality for the company’s products,
leading to very effective advertisements, although the development effort will not bring
significant profit directly.
To tell the truth, the situation is not actually simple. Toyota, Honda reached six sigma
quality control in their automobile production, while GM and Ford are still struggling
around 3–4 sigma quality production. The key reason exists in the loyalty of the line work-
ers to the company; that is, the bottom-up employment relationship between the manage-
ment and the workers in Japan.
c. Catch the general social trends
The market also exhibits trends reflecting cultural characteristics; hence it may gradually
or drastically change with time. We consider here changes in the Japanese market trends,
which must be fully understood before an industry can expand its market globally. A sum-
mary is shown in Table 11.5. Japanese people use four Chinese character words to express
these trends, as inserted in Table 11.5.18
When the author was a university student in the 1960s, the most popular departments
at my university were metallurgy (for manufacturing steel plates and ships) and electri-
cal engineering (for building power plants), aimed at producing bigger products (heavier,
thicker, longer, and larger). However, in the 1980s, most Japanese industries became
primarily involved in electronics and computer hardware seeking device miniaturization.
My specialty, piezoelectric actuators, positioners, and USMs have been utilized to realize
the highest degree of fabrication accuracy. So, the 1980s keywords were lighter, thinner,
shorter, and smaller, all of which are completely opposite to the 1960s keywords.
In the 2000s, the keywords for new products seem to be beautiful, amusing, tasteful,
and creative, according to Dr. Hirashima. A good example is the Nintendo Game Boy,
which was initially a video game system for TVs. It has become popular worldwide among
kids (even among Japanese adults below 50 years old). Nintendo used to be a company that
supplied Japanese traditional playing cards. At the beginning of the 1970s, when most of
the Japanese electronic industries were chasing the U.S. technologies in semiconductor
devices, a major semiconductor company had a large number of imperfect 8-bit chips (the
Japanese technology at that time had such low quality). Since most of the basic functions
of those chips were active, Nintendo decided to purchase them at a very low price, and
used them (only living part of the chip) to develop computer-aided toys. The prototype
TABLE 11.5
Japanese Market Trends Over Time
1960s Heavier−Ship manufacturing
Thicker−Steel industry
Longer−Building construction
Larger−Power plant (dam)
Game Boy did not utilize any advanced technologies, but utilized cheap 8-bit chips with
well-known technologies. The key to this big hit was its ability to fit a social trend, “amuse-
ment,” and to firmly attract the kids’ attention. Since these kids are now adults around 50
years old now, they are introducing these toys to their kids. Nintendo is now working for
two generation amusement, using the leading edge information technologies. Nintendo is
a “trend catcher,” rather than a “high-technology” company.
Table 11.6 illustrates the above-mentioned trend with the 1998 “Best Hit (Top Ten)
Products” in Japan. Except for the “flat screen TV” which is a technology-oriented (thin-
ner) product, most of others are related with “beautiful,” “amusing,” “tasteful,” and “cre-
ative” goods. In 1998, SONY was not a computer company. It was technologically a second
rank manufacturer. However, these big hits are mainly due to additional factors such as
sophisticated design. Similarly, the iMac, is a totally different product concept than the
IBM PC. SONY’s “Play Station” and Apple’s iPod, iPhone are the extensions of their suc-
cessful products. We can emphasize again that the business success does not rise merely
from the technology, but from the “trend catching” capability. These companies already
caught the new century’s consumer trend in the end of the last century.
Can you identify the development “pecking order” among these application areas? The
author will introduce so-called strategic or managerial decision making procedure in the
simplest way, using this practical example.
TABLE 11.6
Best Hit Products in 1998 in Japan
1. VAIO Note 505 (SONY) (Thinner, beautiful)
Silver-metallic personal
2. iMac (Apple) (Tasteful)
Inexpensive, sophisticated designed computer
3. Pocket Board (NTT Docomo) (Amusing)
Mobile telephone designed for ladies
4. Pocket “Pikachu” (Amusing)
“Tamagochi” (computer pet) and walking distance
5. New Compact Car (Smaller)
Further compact size due to the Japanese automobile
regulation change
6. Draft Beer (Kirin) (Amusing)
New taste
7. Fine Pix 700 (Fuji) (Creative)
Better resolution
8. Foreign Banks
9. Flat Tube TV (Thinner)
Less depth
10. Viagra (Amusing)
TABLE 11.7
Scoring Table for Devices
Device A Device B
1. Raw materials cost 0 1 2 0 1 2
2. Fabrication cost 0 1 2 0 1 2
3. Labor cost (special skill) 0 1 2 0 1 2
4. FOM 0 1 2 0 1 2
5. Lifetime 0 1 2 0 1 2
6. Design 0 1 2 0 1 2
7. Production quantity 0 1 2 0 1 2
8. Maintenance service 0 1 2 0 1 2
severe specs. The standard durability is not 5 × 104 cycles anymore, because users started to
take 10 times more pictures. The cyclic lifetime specs automatically increased by a factor
of 10 with digital cameras.
Selection criteria for scoring are summarized in Table 11.8: (a) ML structures need large amounts
of expensive electrode materials, and the tape casting requires equipment investment. On the
other hand, fabrication is almost automatic. (b) Quick speed, high force and longer lifetime, which
are essential to dot-matrix printers, are possible with ML devices. (c) The fabrication process
of MLAs (tape casting) is most suitable for mass production. We adopted the ML piezoelectric
actuator (score 9 in comparison with 7 for Bimorph) for this printer development (Figure 11.19).
TABLE 11.8
Example of the Scoring Table for Bimorph and MLAs
(Printer Application)
Bimorph ML
Cheap costs
1. Raw materials cost 0 √1 2 √0 1 2
2. Fabrication cost 0 √1 2 √0 1 2
3. Labor cost (special skill) 0 √1 2 0 1 √2
High performance
4. FOM 0 √1 2 0 √1 2
5. Lifetime √0 1 2 0 1 √2
Good market
6. Design 0 √1 2 0 √1 2
7. Production quantity 0 √1 2 0 1 √2
8. Maintenance service 0 √1 2 0 √1 2
Total score 7 9
FIGURE 11.19 Dot-matrix printer head using 24 ML piezoelectric actuators (1986, NEC). (From Uchino, K.
and Giniewicz, J.R., Micromechatronics, Dekker/CRC, New York, 2003.)
If the application is for cheaper devices such as ink-jet printers or cellular phones,
cost should be emphasized. Thus, the weighted score method will be applied. Suppose
that cost:performance:market weights are 4:1:1, the total scores for bimorph and ML are:
4 × 3 + 1 + 3:4 × 2 + 3 + 4 = 16:15. Hence, the bimorph actuator is recommended.
When a company is thinking about starting MLA production, they need to consider whether a
tape-casting system really needs to be installed or not. The author usually recommends the installa-
tion of a tape-casting system if the production amount exceeds 1 million pieces per year. Otherwise,
the conventional cut-and-bond method should be used by hiring several manufacturing technicians.
Also, when a company considers purchasing a new robot for automation production, consider the
price. A typical one-task robot costs $30,000, which can be used for 2 years without high main-
tenance fee. On the other hand, an annual salary of $3000 is enough to hire one worker in some
countries such as Thailand and Turkey. A manufacturing line having 10 workers corresponds to a
robot. So, an alternative solution to purchasing a robot is to start a factory in one of these countries.
The keys to be learned for this business expansion include break-even analysis, fixed cost, variable
cost, and linear programming knowledge.
TABLE 11.9
Price Calculation Sample in the Piezoactuator Area
Commercial/retail price 100
(must be comparable to competitive things)
Manufacturer’s price 50
(varies depending on the distribution channel)
Direct materials (raw materials) 10
Direct labor (engineers) 10
Manufacturing Overhead 20
Gross profit 10
Total cost
Slope = raw material cost
cost Slope = raw material cost
+ labor fee
Production quantity
FIGURE 11.20 Total cost calculation comparison for the ML product among a tape-cast equipment auto-
matic production and a cut-and-paste manual production.
Figure 11.20 illustrates the manufacturing cost calculation processes for the ML actuators with
tape-cast automatic equipment and with a cut-and-bond manual production process. For the tape-
casting equipment, the initial investment (fi xed cost of equipment = $300K) is expensive, with a
low slope of variable cost (just raw materials cost) as a function of production quantity. On the other
hand, the cut-and-bond process requires a steep slope of variable cost provided by the labor fee
in addition to raw materials cost. We can find an intersection between these two lines (point T in
Figure 11.20). This product quantity is the threshold above which the equipment installation starts
to provide a better profit.
Because the labor fee is expensive in a developed country, introduction of a tape-casting facility
is usually recommended, when the production quantity exceeds only 0.1 million pieces per year.
However, due to the lower labor cost in a developing country such as Thailand and China, this
production threshold quantity is dramatically high, about 2 million pieces in the MLA production.
If the production quantity is 1 million pieces, the manual production process in these countries with
line-worker’s labor is actually cheaper. This is the globalization motivation for a corporation to set
their factory or find an OEM partner in a foreign country.
of the industries “Offensive”
developing the desired business
technology in this in this territory
territory business
Weaknesses Strengths
of the firm of the firm
how to overcome
Threats various product
the business in
of the industries lines, customers
this territory
Development of
substitute products
Entry of new
Actuator part
Electrode 0.5 mm
Vibration plate
Cavity plate
Plate through hole
Adhesive layer Ink supply hole
Stainless plate
Ink chamber
Ink pass
Ink Inlet
Ink chamber
Nozzle opening
FIGURE 11.23 Piezoelectric ink-jet printer heads: (a) conventional unimorph-type and (b) new ML-type.
(From Kurashima, N., Proc. Machine Tech. Inst. Seminar, MITI, Tsukuba, Japan, 1999. With permission.)
FIGURE 11.24 Comparison between the piezo-USM (1.5 mm) and the EM motor, with a similar power
The most competitive substitute of the piezoelectric actuator is the EM motors. Figure
11.24 compares the Pennsylvania State’s micro-USM (1.5 mm × 4 mm long) with an EM
motor (used in a cellular phone) with a similar output power level (50 mW). Note the signif-
icant difference in volume and weight by a factor of ×20. Also 10 times higher torque and
the efficiency of the USM are superior to the conventional EM motor. Though the USM is
a “Threat” to the EM motors in terms of performance at present, historically lower price
of the EM type is a big “Threat” to the piezoactuator.
$ per ounce
Jan 92
Dec 92
Dec 93
Dec 94
Dec 95
Dec 96
Dec 97
Dec 98
Dec 99
Dec 00
Dec 01
Dec 02
Dec 03
Dec 04
Dec 05
Dec 06
Dec 07
Dec 08
FIGURE 11.25 Palladium price change with year.
with line-worker’s labor is actually cheaper. This is the globalization motivation for a cor-
poration to set their factory or find an OEM partner in a foreign country.
However, the United States is now facing another serious dilemma; that is, the weakest
U.S. dollar currency exchange rate, originated from the excess expenses with the war and
the bailout to financial companies. The import cost of the products manufactured in the
global outsourcing factories has increased, and the necessary profit cannot be created easily.
Small business corporations may need to concentrate on the Federal Research Funds tem-
porarily, restricting the R&D and manufacture of domestic products during the economi-
cal recession.
b. Political/legal forces
The twenty-first century is called “The Century of Environmental Management.” We are
facing serious global problems such as the accumulation of toxic wastes, the “Greenhouse
Effect of Earth,” contamination of rivers and seas, lack of energy sources, oil, natural gas,
etc. In 2006, the European Community started RoHS (restrictions on the use of certain
hazardous substances), which explicitly limits the usage of lead (Pb) in electronic equip-
ments. Basically, we may need to regulate the usage of PZT, the most famous piezoelectric
ceramic, in the future. Japanese and European community may experience governmental
regulation on the PZT usage in these 10 years. Pb (lead)-free piezoceramics have started to
be developed after 1999. We discussed on bismuth compounds (bismuth-layered type and
(Bi,Na)TiO3 type) and perovskite (K,Na,Li) (Nb,Ta,Sb)O3 ceramics in Section 3.2.4. RoHS
seems to be a significant threat to piezoelectric companies, who have only PZT piezocer-
amics. However, this is an opportunity for the company which is preparing alternative
piezoceramics to exchange the piezoelectric device share.
Diesel engines are recommended because by replacing the regular engine cars the puri-
fication energy can be saved, which was contributing to global warming problem. However,
the conventional diesel engine generates toxic exhaust gases such as SOx and NOx. In order
to solve this problem, new diesel injection valves were developed by Siemens with piezo-
electric ML actuators. Figure 11.26 shows a common rail-type diesel injection valve.27
c. Technological forces
Some researchers are working to reduce the drive voltage by reducing the layer thickness
of piezoelectric MLAs. However, it is not recommended for the large ML actuators for
diesel injection valve control applications in diesel automobiles. As we discussed in Figure
11.15 in Section 11.3.3, the ML actuator price increases on reducing its drive voltage (i.e.,
reducing its each layer thickness), while the driver cost increases with increasing the volt-
age. The minimum total cost is thus obtained around 160 V, leading the layer thickness of
Piezoelectric actuator
Control valve
amplification unit
Injector body
FIGURE 11.26 Common rail-type diesel injection valve with a piezoelectric MLA. (From Fujii, A., Proc.
JTTAS Meeting on Dec. 2, Tokyo, 2005. With permission.)
80 μm. This “sort-of standard” thickness can be derived from the cost minimization prin-
ciple, but not from the technology. Note that 10 μm layer thickness is not difficult techno-
logically in ML actuators nowadays.
We are approaching the Optical Communication era. However, compared with electric
components, optical components such as fiber couplers, optical switches are expensive.
Targeting 1/10 lower price, The Penn State Univ is developing simplest, inexpensive optical
couplers, by adopting linear USMs.28 The idea is to adopt the cofiring technique for whole
optical switch, including a base package (low temperature cofiring ceramic, LTCC) and a
linear motor (low temperature cofire PZT). Two optical fibers are inserted into this pack-
age, and the fiber position is aligned by using a Δ-shape linear motor (see Figure 11.27).
Note again that “the necessity creates the technology”; the technology which can reduce
the manufacturing cost drastically is an important research topic in these days.
d. Social/cultural forces
Though piezoelectric transformers were used on trial in the color TVs in 1970s, serious
problems were found in the mechanical strength (collapse happened in the device) and in
heat generation in color TVs, leading to the termination of production for two decades.
However, recent laptop computers with a liquid crystal display requiring a very thin, and
EM-noise free transformer to start the glow of a fluorescent back-lamp have accelerated the
development after 1990s. This is a good example how the social demand creates the technol-
ogy development (needs-push).
The best technology device does not mean the bestselling device. Bestselling is related
with the consumer attitude and social trends. Table 11.5 tabulates the Japanese consumer
attitude changes with time. Compared to the technological trends in 1980s, lighter, thinner,
shorter and smaller, we can say that beautiful, amusing, tasteful and creative will be the
keywords in 2000s.18 The present bestselling cellular phones are based on their sophisti-
cated function and artistic design, rather than the technology. Artistic sense should be added
in the device development (Sci-Art 29) in the twenty-first Engineering Renaissance era.
Competitive strategy
It is important to understand Mr. Akio Morita’s comment; “The U.S. people are focusing only on
technological creativity. But there are two more creativities; product planning creativity and mar-
keting creativity, which are equally important for commercial success.”
Last two comments from the author:
Market Research—From the market research result for 80 Japanese component industries in
1992, tiny motors in the range of 5–8 mm are highly required in these 10 years for office and factory
automation equipment, and the conventional EM motors are rather difficult to produce with suffi-
cient energy efficiency. USMs whose efficiency is insensitive to size are superior in this micromotor
area. Regarding the linear actuators, the customers’ demands are simple: 100 μm stroke, 100 N force
with 100 μs response.
Michael Porter’s Competitive Strategy—Porter’s competitive strategies24 include (1) cost leader,
(2) differentiation, and (3) focus, categorizing successful companies into four domains illustrated
in Table 11.10. NEC-Tokin is still one of the leading companies in the piezoactuator area. They are
targeting small ML actuators for cellular phone applications (focus) with mass-production facility
at the lowest cost (cost-leader). EPCOS and Denso are targeting large ML actuators for the diesel
injection valve application. These are “cost leaders.” On the contrary, Physik Instrumente is taking
a “differentiation” strategy with customer-oriented prestige price setting. Their product lines are
rather wide based on a reasonably large company size. Cedrat and Noliac are taking also differentia-
tion strategy, but keeping relatively concise product lines, with focused applications and customers.
The competitive strategies are also different depending on the application areas. “Cost-leader”
is definitively required in the information, office equipment, and the robotics area. On the con-
trary, the strategy of “differentiated product” with prestigious price is the norm in the bio- and
FIGURE 11.27 (a) 8 mm long Δ-shape linear motor stator fabricated by the LTCC compatible method at
900°C. (b) Assembled Integrated Fiber Alignment Package (IFAP™). (Courtesy by PSU; From Park, S.-H.
et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 47, 313, 2008.)
medical engineering field. The development of a focused target product is now essential in eco-
logical and energy applications. It is now your company’s choice on which development strategy
should be taken.
Chapter Essentials
1. Applications of ferroelectrics:
1. High-permittivity dielectrics
2. Ferroelectric memories
TABLE 11.10
Porter’s Competitive Strategies, and the Example Corporations,
Corresponding to the Categories
General Target Focused Target
Cost leader Murata NEC-Tokin EPCOS, Denso Nihon
Differentiation Physik Instrumente Cedrat
3. Pyroelectric devices
4. Piezoelectric devices
5. Electro-optic devices
6. PTC materials
7. Composite materials
2. Present market shares of ferroelectric devices—$2 billion
1. Capacitors
2. Piezoelectric devices
3. Thermistors
3. Reliability issues of ferroelectric devices:
a. Reliability of ceramics: Reproducibility of ceramics, temperature characteristics, elec-
tric field and stress dependence of properties, aging effect
b. Reliability of devices: Electrode materials, electrode designs, layer thickness depen-
dence, failure detection techniques
c. Drive techniques: Pulse drive method, heat generation mechanism, high-power drive
4. Bestselling devices:
a. Business strategy: Technology, product planning, and marketing creativities (after
A. Morita)
b. Technological creativity: Serendipity, analogy, product effect
c. Product planning creativity: Seeds and needs, developing speed, specifications
d. Marketing creativity: Choose your customers, narrow your focus, and dominate your
e. Analysis tools—Strength–Weakness–Opportunities–Threats (SWOT) analysis:
Internal environment analysis—Michael Porter’s Five Force model
External environment analysis—STEP (social/cultural, technological, economic, and
political/legal forces)
5. Directions of smart systems:
a. Adding components for higher function
b. Reducing components for miniaturization and lower cost
Check Point
1. (T/F) PTC thermistor may be one of the most promising research areas of ferroelectric
devices at present. True or False?
2. (T/F) Developing an efficient manufacturing process requires less creativity than discover-
ing a new material. True or False?
3. (T/F) Marketing does not require any creativity of the engineer, and should be transferred
merely to the sales expert. True or False?
4. (T/F) The drive voltage of piezoelectric MLAs should be reduced as low as 12 V for auto-
mobile applications, because the car battery is 12 V. True or False?
5. (T/F) Once one device development fails, a similar development may not restart in 25–30
years, which is known as the R&D cycle. True or False?
6. A prosthetic arm company started to manufacture piezoelectric USMs in their factory.
What is this situation categorized among the Michael Porter’s Five Force model?
7. What are four words abbreviated as “STEP” in the external environment analysis of the
8. (T/F) When Lexmark develops slightly modified piezoelectric inkjet printers against
Epson’s piezoelectric printers, this is called “development of substitute products.” True or
9. (T/F) When Canon develops bubble-jet printers against Epson’s piezoelectric ink-jet print-
ers, this is called “development of substitute products”. True or False?
10. Why may the most famous PZT be legally restricted in the future?
Chapter Problems
11.1 Your company is requested to manufacture 1000 pieces of prestigious price ML actua-
tors ($1000 each) per year. How will you manage this request? (1) manufacturing
manually by hiring manpower in the United States, (2) purchasing a manufacturing
equipment (tape-cast robot) in the United States, or (3) manufacturing manually by hir-
ing manpower in Thailand through a partner company, or else?
11.2 Your company ordered 1000 pieces of ML actuators to a Japanese manufacturer for
Japanese Yen 10,000 each piece on October 1st (currency exchange rate: $1 = JY100).
You received the products on November 1st (currency exchange rate: $1 = JY90), and
need to pay immediately this invoice. How much did your company obtain or lose
the money during this 1 month in the U.S. dollar amount, regarding this international
11.3 Discuss the superiority of your product, such as cost, performance, and market,
in comparison with the competitive products? Use a “scoring table” and discuss it
Suppose your company developed a micro-USM called “metal tube type,” consisting of a metal
hollow cylinder and two PZT rectangular plates actuators. Raw materials cost is lower than
the conventional EM motor’s thin copper wire. The metal cylinder motor 2.4 mm in diameter
and 12 mm in length was driven at 62.1 kHz in both rotation directions. A no-load speed of
1800 rpm and an output torque up to 1.8 mN m were obtained for rotation in both directions
under an applied rms voltage of 80 V. Higher maximum efficiency of about 28% and torque
for this small size compared with the EM type is a noteworthy feature. The key features of
this micromotors are (1) world-smallest motors with human finger fighting torque level (much
superior to the EM motors) and (2) low manufacturing cost competitive with the lowest EM
motors. Table 11.11 compares the superiority scores for the metal-tube and EM motors for cel-
lular phone camera applications. Miniature size, high torque, and low cost are essential factors
for the choice. The metal-tube type has advantages in FOM and small size, in comparison with
the EM micromotors.
11.4 “Don’t read papers?”—My PhD advisor was Professor Shoiichiro Nomura at Tokyo
Institute of Technology, Japan. He taught me first “Don’t read papers,” when I joined his
laboratory. I also use it when I teach my graduate students. What is the real meaning of
TABLE 11.11
Scoring Table for Comparing Metal-Tube USM and EM Motors
(Cellular Phone Application)
Metal Tube EM
1. Raw materials cost 0 1 √2 0 √1 2
2. Fabrication cost 0 √1 2 0 1 √2
3. Labor cost (special skill) 0 √1 2 0 √1 2
4. FOM 0 1 √2 √0 1 2
5. Lifetime 0 1 √2 0 1 √2
6. Design (small size) 0 1 √2 √0 1 2
7. Production quantity 0 √1 2 0 1 √2
8. Maintenance service 0 √1 2 0 √1 2
Total score 12 9
I had top academic grades during my undergraduate period. I read many textbooks and academic
journals. Accordingly, whenever Professor Nomura suggested that I study a new research topic,
I said things such as “that research was done already by Dr. XYZ, and the result was not promis-
ing …” After having a dozen of these sort of negative conversations, partially angrily, partially dis-
appointedly, Professor Nomura ordered “Hey, Kenji! You are not allowed to read academic papers
for a half year. You should concentrate on the following experiment without having any biased
knowledge. Having a strong bias, you cannot discover new things. After finishing the experiment
and summarizing your results, you are allowed to approach the published papers in order to find
whether your result is reasonable, or is explainable by some theory.” Initially, I was really fearful
of getting totally wrong results. However, I finished it. That led to my first discovery: PMN–PT
electrostrictive materials.
Remember that knowing too much suppresses innovative work. A real discovery is usually made
by a young less-experienced engineer. Once he/she becomes an expert professor, unfortunately
he/she loses some creativity.
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