English 4 - Q1 - Week 2

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: CATHYLEE P. GARCIA Learning Area: ENGLISH

Teaching Dates: (WEEK 2) Checked by: POCHOLO N. CASTANEDA, EdD


I. OBJECTIVES Use resources such as a dictionary, thesaurus, online sources to find the meaning of words
(Weekly Objective)

A. Content Standards
B. Performance Objective
C. Learning Competencies Locate meaning of words from Locate meaning of words from Use a thesaurus to find Use a thesaurus to find Use online sources to find the
(Write the LC code for the dictionary the dictionary synonyms and antonyms synonyms and antonyms meaning of words
each) EN4SS-IId-8 EN4SS-IId-8 EN4SS-IIIi-14 EN4SS-IIIi-14

II. CONTENT Getting the meaning of words Getting the meaning of words Getting the meaning of words Getting the meaning of words Getting the meaning of words
(Subject Matter) using dictionary, thesaurus using dictionary, thesaurus using dictionary, thesaurus using dictionary, thesaurus using dictionary, thesaurus
and/or online resources and/or online resources and/or online resources and/or online resources and/or online resources
III. LEARNING RESOURCES CG page 90 CG page 90 CG page 93 CG page 93 English – Quarter 1 – Module 2
A. References Get to Know It!
1. Teachers Guide pages 248-250 190 221-223
2. Learners Material Pages 263-265 265 232-234
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials English – Quarter 1 – Module 2 English – Quarter 1 – Module 2 English – Quarter 1 – Module 2 English – Quarter 1 – Module 2
from LRDMS Get to Know It! Get to Know It! Get to Know It! Get to Know It!
B. Other Learning Laptop, TV, LED projector Laptop, TV, LED projector Laptop, TV, LED projector Laptop, TV, LED projector Laptop, TV, LED projector
IV. PROCEDURES Say: Before we begin our new Ask: Do you know the legend of Ask: What is a dictionary? Ask: What is a thesaurus? What is a thesaurus?
A. Reviewing the past lesson lesson, let us check your a dictionary? Before we read it, What are the parts of a What are antonyms?
or Presenting the new understanding about our lesson below are unfamiliar words dictionary? What are synonyms?
lesson by doing this activity. that you will encounter. Let us
unlock them first.
Directions: Read the questions
carefully. Write your answers ACROSS
on your answer sheet. 2. story about the beginning of
1. Which of the following can something
be used in getting the meaning 3. a book that contains words
of unfamiliar words? and their meaning
a. dictionary 7. a feeling of excitement to do
b. notebook something
c. diary 8. strong desire
2. Why do we use a dictionary?
a. It helps us remember DOWN
numbers. 1. a person who moves from
b. It tells us what the words one place to another
mean. 4. a person who knows a lot
c. It provides solutions to a 5. to look or find
problem. 6. waiting calmly for however
3. Use the dictionary below. long is needed
What is the meaning of the
word complacent?

complacent com.pla.cent
adj. 1. marked by self-
satisfaction especially by
unawareness of actual
dangers or deficiencies:
marked by complacency:

a. marked by self-satisfaction
especially by unawareness of
actual dangers or deficiencies
b. in the process of receiving or
giving systematic instruction,
especially at a school or
c. facts provided or learned
about something or someone
4. Use the dictionary below.
1.Migrant, 2. Legend, 3.
righteous righ.teous adj. 1. Dictionary, 4. Intelligent,
acting in accord with divine or 5.search, 6. Patient,
moral law: free from guilt or 7.enthusiasm, 8. passion
sin 2. a. morally right or
justifiable b. arising from an
outraged sense of justice or
morality 3. GENUINE,
vigorous vig.or.ous adj. 1.
Done with vigor: carried out
forcefully and energetically 2.
possessing vigor: full of
physical or mental strength or
active force: STRONG
What is the meaning of the
word vigorous?
a. acting in accord with divine
or moral law
b. morally right or justifiable
c. Full of physical or mental
strength or active force:
5. Using the dictionary in
number 4, what word means
morally right or justifiable?
a. complacent
b. righteous
c. vigorous
B. Establishing a purpose of Ask: What resource material is Ask: How did a dictionary begin Engage the pupils to join a Aside from a dictionary you Do you have access to the
the new lesson shown in the picture? to exist? Let us read the legend. simple contest. can also use thesaurus if you internet? Do you know how to
(Motivation) The contest is about giving want to know the synonyms search information in search
words that will describe some
The Legend of Dictionary and antonyms of words. engines like Google? If yes, you
by: Ruel B. Diaz Are you familiar with a can use online resources in
Objects: ball (round, circle)
A long time ago, people thesaurus? getting meaning of words.
pebble (small, tiny)
have no idea about words and picture of an elephant (big,
their meanings. huge)
Dicson Nary, a migrant who flower (fragrant, sweet)
loved traveling the world, saw a
small group of people talking
© Mega Pixel, Shutterstock with each other. He wondered
what they were talking about.
Clue: It contains a lot of words His curiosity started then. He
and meanings. You can find it in began listening to others’
the word hunt puzzle. conversations, and day by day,
new words were being added
Answer: Dictionary on his list. He was very patient
searching for new words. He
went to the different parts of
the world looking for words
that can be added on his word
list. He continued searching for
words. One day, he visited
Merriam Webster, the most
intelligent man in the world to
ask for help.
“I have listed words but
how could this be used by the
people easily?’’, asked by
Dicson. The two great men
arrived into the idea of listing
words in a way the alphabet is
ordered. Dicson never stopped
looking for words. He didn’t
notice that the number of
words on his list are becoming
more and more. People used to
visit his house for one reason.
All of them asked the same
question, “Dicson what is the
meaning of this word?” Days
went on, Dicson had become
known in the world as a man of
In honor of his great work
and passion for words, the
book that contains thousands
of words and meanings was
named after him. It was called
dictionary. “For him, words
were already part of human
lives. You just have to discover
its meaning by understanding
how they were being used by
us. All of us can make a
dictionary. But not all can.
Because patience had pushed
me going forward to do my
C. Presenting Examples/ Present a dialog. Directions: Answer the Say: Many descriptive words Study the thesaurus entries
instances of the new Say: Let’s read the dialog. We following questions based on have similar meanings. They below.
lesson (Presentation) will find out how Jan helped his the legend that you have read. also have corresponding
opposite words.
sister with
Can you identify the difference
her assignment. 1. Describe the people a long between a dictionary and
Refer to LM, Read and Learn, p. time ago. thesaurus?
263 2. Who is the migrant in the
3. What made him curious
Refer to LM - Talk About It, p.
264 about the meaning of words?
1. Why is Christine asking for 4. What did he do to the words
help? gotten from the conversation of
2. What helps you find the other people?
meaning of words? 5. Where did he ask for help?
3. How are the words arranged 6. Describe Merriam Webster.
in a dictionary?
7. How are words arranged in
4. What words in the dictionary
help us locate the words on a Dicson’s list after asking help to
page faster? Merriam Webster?
5. What information does one 8. What is the contribution of
get from a dictionary? Dicson to the world?
9. What can you say to Dicson?
Is Dicson worthy to idolize?
Support your answer.
D. Discussing new concepts Show a dictionary. Have the Ask: What do you use in order Say: Read the following short A dictionary explains the Using the internet to search for
and practicing new skills pupils observe and tell what are to understand the meaning of a sentences. meaning of a word and shows meaning of words is easier
no.1 written in it. word? Do you know how to 1. There are tiny pebbles in the how it is spelled and used. On compared to the printed
Say: “This is a dictionary. What locate words in the dictionary? garden. the other hand, thesaurus
(Modeling) dictionary and thesaurus.
can be found in a dictionary?” 2. An elephant is a big animal. contains words that can be
Note that you can only access
Present a sample page of a 3. The sampaguita flower smells used in place of another word
dictionary. fragrant. (synonyms). This also contains this if you have an internet
This time, replace the opposite words (antonyms) of connection like the mobile data
underlined words with the an entry word. of your smartphone.
following words. Based on the given Try to search for the meaning
1. small thesaurus, what are the words of unfamiliar words using online
2. huge that you can use instead of the
resources. This is easier
Questions: 3. sweet word ability? Did you get skill,
A dictionary has the following Words like: round and circle, capability, or talent? If yes, you compared to the printed
1. What is the first entry parts: dictionary and thesaurus. There
small and tiny, big and huge, are right, learner. These words
word on this page? 1. guide words are also online dictionaries and
and fragrant have the same meaning with
2. How many definitions 2. entry words and sweet have the same the word ability. thesauri that you can you use
3. pronunciation
are there in the word 4. parts of speech meaning. These are called Remember that the for free.
cloud? 5. definition synonyms. dictionary and thesaurus are
3. What is the definition Now, try replacing the very similar to one another. The
Guide words are found at the underlined words with the parts are the same. The
of condensation?
top of each page in a dictionary. following. purpose is the same. But if you
4. What word means
These words help find words 1. big wish to avoid overuse of words
“the center or easily because it tells you the 2. small then refer to a thesaurus.
innermost part of a first and last entry words on a 3. foul
thing”/ page. Guide words can be When we use these words, the
5. What is the last entry placed together like in the meaning of the sentence is
word on this page? example above. It can also be changed.
placed on the left and right. These words mean the opposite
Teaching Chart Guide word on the left is the of the underlined words. They
A dictionary is made up of entry first entry word in a page while are called antonyms.
words listed in alphabetical guide word on the right is the
order. last entry word on a page. A book called thesaurus
Each entry states how a word is Entry words are words in a supplies the synonyms and
pronounced and what the word dictionary arranged in antonyms of words.
means. Since words are alphabetical order. These are Take a look at the sample
arranged alphabetically, written in bold. thesaurus entry.
locating words is Each entry word has the Refer to LM - Learn Some More
easy. following information: p. 232
Two guidewords are printed at Pronunciation - This is
the top of each dictionary page. separated into syllables and Again, what pieces of
Guidewords help us find words tells you how to pronounce the information are shown in the
on that page faster. entry word; sample thesaurus
The guidewords are printed at Parts of Speech - This entry?
the top of each dictionary page. abbreviation tells you what part  A thesaurus is a book
while of speech the defined word is; that gives the
the guide word on the right is and synonyms and
the last and on the page. Definition - This explains the
antonyms of a word.
meaning of the entry word. If
there is more than one  Aside from synonyms
meaning, the definition is and antonyms, a
divided by numbers. Also, an thesaurus also gives
example sentence is often used the meaning and part
to make the meaning clearer. of speech of a word. It
also tells what part of
speech a word is.

E. Discussing new concepts Directions: Use the dictionary Have a contest in getting the Guided Practice Refer to LM, Have a contest in getting the Have a contest in getting the
and practicing new skills below then answer the meaning of words. (Teacher Try and Learn, pp. 232-233 synonyms and antonyms of meaning, synonyms and
questions that follow. may give as many words.) The Activity 1: Study the thesaurus words. (Teacher may give as antonyms of words using online
no.2 first group that can post the entry and answer the questions many words.) The first group resources. (Teacher may give as
(Guided Practice) meaning on the board wins. that follow. that can post the meaning on many words.) The first group
(Refer to TG p. 190) Activity 2: Using a thesaurus, the board wins. that can post the meaning on
give the synonym and antonym
the board wins.
of each
underlined word.

Photo via Merriam-Webster’s

Intermediate Thesaurus

1. Which of the following words

means a large body of men and
women organized for land
a. legerdemain
b. legion
c. legendary
2. Which of the words has the
same meaning to the word
a. legendary
b. legerdemain
c. legion
3. What part of speech is the
word legendary?
a. noun (n.)
b. verb (v.)
c. adjective (adj.)
F. Developing Mastery Directions: Study the dictionary Refer to LM, Learn Some More Refer to LM, Try and Learn, pp Directions: Rewrite each word
(Leads to Formative entries below. p. 285 233-234 Directions: Study the given in alphabetical order. Then,
Assessment 3.) Write the meaning of the thesaurus and answer the choose one word on each
(Independent Practice) underlined word in each Exercise 3: following questions. number and give its meaning,
Replace the underlined word
sentence. Use the dictionary. synonyms and antonyms. 1.
with a synonym. Be guided by
1. I did not finish solving the context clues and the use of a skunk, skyline, skiing,
Directions: Using the dictionary
puzzle. It is so complicated. thesaurus. skyscraper
entries above, find the meaning Which of the following words
of the words in Column A from 2. My grandmother has a Exercise 4: ______, ______, ______,
has the same meaning with the
the choices in Column B. delicate ear for music. On the blank, write the word legend? _____, _____
3. The panel between the office antonym of each word. Get a. chase 2. rainbow, reindeer, raindrop,
and the clinic is newly painted. your answer from the b. immigrant railroad, raincoat
box. c. myth
4. The PTA president should ______, ______, ______,
conduct the meeting tomorrow. 2. Which of the following is _____, _____
5. The dancers got a big hand correct? 3. craftsman, crank, cranky,
from the audience after their a. legend [ lej-uhnd] Syn. fable, craft, crawl
performance. fiction, folklore, lore, myth, ______, ______, ______,
mythology Ant. non-fiction,
_____, _____
b. migrant [ mahy-gruh nt] Ant.
traveler, native, mover,
vagrant, wanderer Syn. native,
c. search [ surch] Ant. hunt,
inquiry, investigate, chase,
quest Syn. ignorance, finding
3. What is the antonym or
opposite word of the word
a. mover
b. native
c. vagrant
4. What word is the same as
the following words: hunt,
inquiry, investigate?
a. legend
b. migrant
c. search
5. Hunt, inquiry, investigate,
chase, and quest are ________
of the word search.
a. antonyms b. pronunciation c.
G. Finding practical Ask: Why do we need to learn Ask: Why do we need to learn Ask: Why do we need to learn Ask: Why do we need to learn Ask: Why do we need to learn
application of concepts how to get the meaning of how to get the meaning of how to get meaning of words how to get meaning of words how to use online resources in
and skills in daily living words using dictionary? words using dictionary? using thesaurus? using thesaurus? getting the meaning, antonyms
and synonyms of a word?
H. Making Generalization Ask: What is a dictionary? Ask: What is a dictionary? Ask: What is a thesaurus? Ask: What is a thesaurus? Ask: How do we use online
and abstraction about What are the parts of a What are the parts of a resources in getting the
the lesson dictionary? dictionary? meaning, antonyms and
synonyms of a word?
I. Evaluating learning Study the sample page of a Directions: Study the dictionary Directions: Use the thesaurus to Directions: Use the thesaurus Choose in the box the word
dictionary and answer the entries below. replace the underlined words. below to complete the table that will complete the
questions. with the information needed. sentence.
Refer to LM, Try and Learn, p.
1. A ___________________ is a
reference book that contains
words with their meanings,
pronunciations, parts of speech,
Directions: Using the dictionary spellings ad definitions.
1. Ramon was excited about the Word Similar Opposite
entries above, find the meaning Meaning Meaning 2. The words in a dictionary and
first day of school.
of the words in Column A from Remote thesaurus are arranged
2. All things inside my bag got
the choices in Column B. wet in the rain. Ready __________.
3. We crossed the busy street Relaxed 3. ____________ serve as help
with care. Resist in finding the words easily.
Reliable 4. A __________ is a book like a
dictionary that contains the
synonyms and antonyms of the
5. All words in a dictionary and
thesaurus are called
6. I can use ___________, or
even ______________ to get
the meaning of words.
7. A ___________________ is a
reference book that contains
words with their meanings,
pronunciations, parts of speech,
spellings ad definitions.
8. The words in a dictionary ad
thesaurus are arranged
9. ____________ serve as help
in finding the words easily.
10. A __________ is a book like
a dictionary that contains the
synonyms and antonyms of the
11. All words in a dictionary and
thesaurus are called
12. I can use ___________, or
even ______________ to get
the meaning of words.
J. Additional activities for Bring a dictionary.
application and remediation


A. No. of learners earned

80%in the evaluation.

B . No. of learners who

required additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%

C. Did the remedial lesson

work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learner who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

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