Handout 8 - Lesson Plan For "Tuko The Tenor Wannabe": Elln Digital
Handout 8 - Lesson Plan For "Tuko The Tenor Wannabe": Elln Digital
Handout 8 - Lesson Plan For "Tuko The Tenor Wannabe": Elln Digital
I. Objectives
Expressive Objectives
At the end of the lessons, the learners should be able to
a. express appreciation of uniqueness of each person
b. talk about his/her own talent
Instructional Objectives
After listening to the story, the learners should be able to
a. describe the main character by completing a character profile
b. recognizing places that events took place in the story
c. making a speech bubble about an advise for Tuko
d. role play how to apologize to a friend
e. introduce themselves as unique individuals with special talents
III. Materials
Word cards, Picture of a gecko, audio recording of a gecko, video recording of a tenor,
picture of a voice recital, picture of a piano recital, audio recording of a balitaw, audio
recording of a kundiman, picture of a conductor
Post Reading
Charts: character profile, Where did Tuko practice, Advise for Tuko
IV. Procedure
A. Pre-Reading
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
could not sing beyond Not a good singer My cousin likes watching musical shows,
two notes but he doesn’t like singing. He said he
could not sing beyond two notes, not like
the singers that he likes watching. He
sings like this… (teacher demonstrates
singing out of tune). What can you say
about that kind of singing? What does it
mean what one is not a good singer?
recital a musical My cousin also likes watching different
performance kinds of recital. This is a picture of a
voice recital, (teacher shows a picture of
voice recital), and this is a picture of a
piano recital (teacher shows a picture of a
piano recital). What do you think these
people do in a recital? Who performs in a
balitaw and kundiman Balitaw is a sad song, In the last voice recital that my cousin
kundiman is a love watched, he said that the tenor sang a
song balitaw and a kundiman. Let’s listen to a
balitaw song (teacher plays the audio
recording of a balitaw). What do you
notice with the song? How do you feel
when you listen to the song? A balitaw is
a sad song. Now let’s listen to a
kundiman (teacher plays the audio
recording of a kundiman) What do you
think is the song is about? How do you
feel when you listen to the song? A
kundiman is a love song.
tuko A Filipino term for Look at this picture. (Teacher shows a
gecko picture of a gecko.) Have you seen this
animal before? Where have you seen it?
This animal is called a gecko. In Filipino,
we call it tuko. A tuko has a very strange
sound. Listen carefully. (Teacher may
play an audio recording of a tuko, or he/
she may immitate the sound of a tuko.)
Can you all immitate the sound of a tuko?
2. Motivation
What do you want to be when you grow up? (Follow the stucture: My name is _______, when
I grow up, I want to be a _______)
3. Motive Question
Let’s find out in our story, what the main character, Tuko, wanted to be when he grows up.
B. During Reading
The teacher would read the story aloud. He/She may use the following during reading
Page 12 – Do you think practicing made Tuko a good singer?
Page 14 – How do you think people around Tuko feel?
Page 19 – What’s the name of his best friend?
Page 23 – What do you think will Tuko do?
C. Post Reading
1. Engagement Activities
For us to understand the story better, let us do the activities by groups.
Group 1
Character Profile
Complete the character profile by writing the appropriate answers on the blanks.
Group 2
Where did Tuko practice his singing? Answer the chart by matching the pictures with the
places where he practiced,
Group 3
What did the other characters tell Tuko about his singing,
What do you think did they say?
Group 4
Role play how you would apologize to Tiki to be friends again with her.
Group 5
Be happy to be different. Be proud of your talents. Each one from the group should introduce
himself / herself as a unique person with special talents.
2. Discussion Questions
1. Who is the main character in our story?
2. What did he want to be when he grows up?
3. Let’s get to know Tuko more by listening to group 1.
4. Why did he want to be a singer? Who inspired him to sing?
5. What kind of singer is Tuko?
6. Where were the places that he practiced to sing? Let’s listen to group 2.
7. Why do you think he was always practicing?
8. Did Tuko’s practice made him a better singer? Why/why not?
9. Did the other characters say something to Tuko about his singing? How do you think
they said it? Let’s listen to group group 3.
10. If you were a character in the story, what would you tell Tuko?
11. Did Tuko listen to the other characters? Why do you think he did that?
12. Who is Tiki?
13. What kind of friend is Tiki? What made you say that?
14. How do you think did Tiki tell Tuko about his singing?
15. Did Tuko accept what Tiki said? What did he tell Tiki?
16. How do you think would Tiki feel after he said that?.
17. If you were Tuko, what would you tell Tiki? Let’s listen to group 4.
18. What happened during the recital?
19. How did Tuko feel?
20. What did he de decide to do after that? Why?
21. What do you think Tuko came to realize about himself?
22. Each one of us is unique, just like Tuko. We should be proud of who we are and what we
can do. Let’s listen to group 5.
23. Did you like how the story ended?
24. If you were the author of this story? How would you choose to end the story? What
would happen to Tuko in your story?