Internship Log

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Week 1 Task outcomes
Days Dates (evaluated by the student)
- Shadow and learn the working - Have knowledge about the
process of the company. formation, development, functions,
- Handle work and tasks under the tasks and working activities of the
Sat 26/2 supervision of the mentor. company.
- Learn how to apply the skills about - Understand the work that needs to
computer software, practice typing be done
skills and use computer.
- Support the staff to welcome - Acquire knowledge about office
students to the class. work.
- Learn how to use the photocopier, - Familiarize with the work area.
Sun 27/2 color printer, office computer system
and administrative software.
- Assist to classify teaching
equipment and learning objects.
Week 2 Task outcomes
Days Dates (evaluated by the student)
- Making sample tests for students. - Understand the organization of a
- Arrang and help to schedule course class and how to teach children in an
outlines. effective way.
- Conduct the lesson. - Gain teaching experience
Sat 5/3 - Write a report about the result of
the lessons and the attitude of
- Mak crafts to prepare for the
students' project.
- Conduct the lesson. - Have knowledge about how to
- Write a report about the result of organize an event for a lot of
the lessons and the attitude of children.
Sun 6/3 students. - Absorb experience of leading a class
- Organize a new project about the and impart knowledge to young
International Women’s Day for learners.
Week 3 Task outcomes
Days Dates (evaluated by the student)
- Review learned vocabulary for - Practice office skills such as using
students. Excel, Microsoft and the company’s
- Conduct the lesson. software
- Report the performance of the
Sat 19/3
- Put data of students and their
parents into the administrative
- Take students’ attendance in all - Learn about how to get into
classes and report absences. communication effectively with
- Conduct the lesson. customers.
- Report the performance of the
Sun 20/3 class.
- Make announcements to students'
parents about their children's
academic performance, tuition fees
and curriculum.
Week 4 Task outcomes
Days Dates (evaluated by the student)
- Make an inventory the number of - Strengthen my translating skills.
books and teaching equipment. - Know how to select appropriate
- Conduct the lesson. terms for translations about
- Write a report about the teaching/educating.
Sat 26/3
performance of students.
- Translate draft boards and some
teaching documents from
Vietnamese into English.
- Conduct the lesson. - Acknowledge my mistakes and
- Write a report about the result of weaknesses from the translations,
the lesson and the attitude of what I need to improve in order to
students. better my translation skills.
- Input the information about new - Learn how to organize and mange a
Sun 27/3
students into the administrative huge amount of data.
- Meet with the supervisor to review
the performance of translating.
Week 5 Task outcomes
Days Dates (evaluated by the student)
- Mark the exams. - Understand the work using the
- Conduct the lesson. tracking feature on Microsoft Word
- Write a report about the result of to edit others’ translating drafts.
the lesson and the attitude of - Acquire knowledge about
students. translating events.
Sat 2/4
- Check messages, and supporting
photocopying teaching materials.
- Review and proofreading some
drafts related to annual events at
- Conduct the lesson. - Learn about the way of
- Write a report about the result of proofreading properly.
the lesson and the attitude of - Recognize and improve the time
students. management skills by trying to meet
- Prepare and arranging gifts for the deadlines.
Sun 3/4
- Support taking attendance of
classes and recording absences.
- Meet with the supervisor to review
the performance of proofreading.
Week 6 Task outcomes
Days Dates (evaluated by the student)
- Support responding to the inquiries - Understand how to work with
of customers. others effectively, how to listen to
- Write profiles for students to others’ opinions, and making the
attend Pre A1 Starters Examination. final decision that satisfies all
- Conduct the lesson members.
Sat 9/4
- Write a report about the result of
the lesson and the attitude of
- Support other interns to proofread
the translations of news.
- Take responsibility for office - Improve the teamwork skills.
stationery such as refilling pen inkr, - Recognize the importance of
buying paper, and preserving working in a group.
- Conduct the lesson.
Sun 10/4
- Write a report about the result of
the lessons and the attitude of
- Meet with other interns to discuss
the performance of proofreading.
Week 7 Task outcomes
Days Dates (evaluated by the student)
- Greet guests. - Have a general understanding of
- Conduct the lesson. teaching materials.
- Write a report about the result of - Improve the work management skill
the lesson and the attitude of by taking many duties at the same
Sat 16/4 students. time.
- Input the staff's profiles into the
administrative software.
- Receive the company’s documents
and translate them into English.
- Conduct the lesson. - Gain experience in dealing with
- Write a report about the result of children.
the lesson and the attitude of - Strengthen the ability of working
students. independently.
- Take care of students’ academic
Sun 17/4
results and their behavioral
- Study to find information and
suitable terms for the translation of
company's documents.
Week 8 Task outcomes
Days Dates (evaluated by the student)
- Conduct the lesson. - Gain more teaching experience day-
- Write a report about the result of by-day
the lesson and the attitude of - Improve the office skills such as
students. using computer, the company’s
Sat 23/4 - Continue to conduct the software and equipment.
administrative job that has been
assigned to me.
- Submit all documents to the
- Conduct the lesson. - Acknowledge my own strengths
- Write a report about the result of and weaknesses about the
the lesson and the attitude of stranslating competence and
Sun 24/4
students. solutions to improve them.
- Listen to the supervisor’s comments
and advice about the translation.
Week 9 Task outcomes
Days Dates (evaluated by the student)
- Conduct the lesson. - Improve the communication skills
- Write a report about the result of with customers.
the lesson and the attitude of
Mon 7/5 students.
- Support the staff to manage
students and deal with their parents'
- Conduct the lesson - Know how to summarize the work
- Write a report about the result of done for the internship report, as
the lesson and the attitude of well as actively ask for opinions and
Tue 8/5
students. assessments of the company about
- Summarize of work done during the my internship.
internship period
Week 10 Task outcomes
Days Dates (evaluated by the student)
- Conduct the lesson - Recognize valuable knowledge and
- Write a report about the result of experience gained from the intership
the lesson and the attitude of and continue to enhance them for
students. the future career.
- Support the staff to control and
Sat 14/5
check students' homework students
before and after the class.
- Make a list of what I have gained
and have not gained over 2 months
working at RIO.
- Conduct the lesson. - Recognize the obstacles facing
- Write a report about the result of during the internship and know how
the lesson and the attitude of to overcome them in order to better
students. perform work in the future.
Sun 15/5
- Acknowledge the difficulties during
the internship
- Finish the internship at the



Intern’s mentor
(Signature and full name)
Note: Please affix organization’s seal on the cover of this internship log

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