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CPU with Embedded Ethernet Interface

June 2003 GFK-1892D

 A firmware upgrade is optional. Upgrading from versions earlier than

2.31 is recommended for applications requiring the new Modbus
CPUE05 Master feature. An upgrade can be ordered from the factory
OK (44A751470-G04), or downloaded from the technical support area
at GEFanuc.com. The firmware resides in FLASH memory, and is
FORCE upgraded by serial download from an IBM-compatible personal
IC200CPUE05 computer via CPU port 1. Port 2 cannot be used.


Size Width: 4.95” (126mm) - along DIN rail

Length: 5.04” (128mm)
Depth: 2.72” (69.1mm)
Program storage System flash, battery-backed RAM
Power Supply current consumption 5V uses 220mA 3.3V uses: 570mA
RESTART with no serial port converter or EZ
Program Store device
Power Supply current consumption 5V uses: 320mA
with serial port converter or EZ
Program Store device

Floating point yes


Boolean execution speed 0.8 ms/K (typical)
Realtime clock accuracy (for timer 100ppm (0.01%) or +/- 9sec/day
Features functions)
 Supports up to 64 modules with up to 2048 I/O points Time of day clock accuracy 23ppm (0.0023%) or +/- 2sec/day @ 30C.
 Can be either autoconfigured or configured from a programmer 100ppm (0.01%) or +/- 9sec/day @ full
using configuration software temperature range
 64KB of configurable memory for the application program, Embedded communications RS-232, RS-485, Ethernet
hardware configuration, registers (%R), analog inputs (%AI), Configurable memory 64K bytes maximum
and analog outputs (%AQ)
Ethernet Interface Specifications
 Programming in Ladder Diagram and Instruction List
 Non-volatile flash memory for program storage Ethernet data rate 10Mbps (half- or full-duplex)
 Battery backup for program, data, and time of day clock Ethernet port RJ-45, UTP
 Super capacitor provides power to memory for 1 hour Number of SRTP server 8
 Over 1 hour, backup battery protects memory contents up connections
to 6 months. Number of Ethernet Global Data 32
 Backup battery has shelf life of 5 years when not in use. (EGD) configuration-based
 Run/Stop switch exchanges
 Floating point (real) data functions EGD Exchange limits 100 data ranges per exchange
 Embedded RS-232, RS-485, and Ethernet communications
1400 bytes of data per exchange
 Supports EZ Program Store device
 70mm height when mounted on DIN rail with power supply EGD Time Synchronization NTP
(sold separately) EGD Selective Consumption yes
Load EGD configuration from PLC yes
Product Revision History to programmer
Remote Station Manager over UDP yes
Rev FW version Description/Features Local Station Manager via CPU Port 1
CPUE05-BE 2.32 Support for 32-bit register data for (RS-232)
Modbus® RTU Master
CPUE05-AD 2.31 Support for Modbus RTU Master
CPUE05-AC 2.30 Added support for Modbus RTU Master New for this Release ____________________________
CPUE05-AB 2.20 Added new serial I/O baud rates
This release adds support for 32-bit register data for Modbus RTU
CPUE05-AA 2.10 Initial Product Release Master to the serial protocols supported on serial ports 1 and 2. At the
present time, none of the GE Fanuc programming products supports
This release replaces firmware version 2.20, 2.30, and 2.31. If you hardware configurations specifying Modbus RTU Master. See the
need to determine the current firmware version of a CPU, see the document GFK-2220, Modbus RTU Master Communications, which is
steps below: available at www.GEFanuc.com (http://www.gefanuc.com/support/plc/m-
 With Cimplicity Machine Edition Logic Developer, go online to versamax.htm), for information on using Modbus RTU Master
the CPU, then select Target > Online Commands > Show communications. This document is a supplement to GFK-0582, the
Status. The Device Information Software Revision shows the Serial Communications User's Manual.
current firmware revision level.
 With a VersaPro or Control programmer, attach the CPU.
Under the PLC menu (VersaPro) or the Comm menu (Control),
select the Memory tab on the Status Information dialog.

CPU with Embedded Ethernet Interface
June 2003 GFK-1892D

8. In very rare instances, a module being hot inserted may cause

Product Information ____________________________ analog modules in the same rack to set outputs to zero. In addition,
‘Loss of Module’, ‘System Configuration Mismatch’ or field faults
Revision: CPUE05-BE
may be generated on other modules in the same rack. If the
Power Supply Requires PWRx02 modules do not return to correct behavior momentarily, power
Firmware: Version 2.32 cycling will restore full operation.
Programmer VersaPro software version 2.0 or later, and 9. When using the VersaPro programmer connected to the CPUE05
Compatibility: Cimplicity Machine Edition Logic Developer. via Ethernet, exceptions 8/8 and 8/16 may occur when frequently
changing reference view tables to a PLC with a very long (> 300 ms)
Expansion I/O All types of I/O and communications modules scan time.
Compatibility: can be used in expansion racks. Some analog
modules require specific module revisions in 10. If the PLC Fault Table is cleared, but the I/O Fault Table is not, the
expansion racks, as listed below: Ethernet interface may not regenerate pre-existing faults.
Module Module Revision Conversely, if the I/O Fault Table is cleared, and the PLC Fault
*ALG320 B or later Table is not, faults may be duplicated in the PLC Fault Table. It is
*ALG321 B or later recommended that you clear the PLC and I/O Fault Tables at the
*ALG322 B or later same time.
*ALG430 C or later 11. The CPUE05 gives priority to servicing the user logic program
*ALG431 C or later before servicing Ethernet traffic. Therefore, a long scan time may
*ALG432 B or later impact Ethernet throughput.
12. When servicing Ethernet traffic, the CPUE05 gives priority to
Operating Notes/Restrictions __________________ servicing EGD traffic before servicing SRTP traffic, and gives
priority to servicing SRTP traffic before servicing Station Manager
1. Using an older revision non-intelligent analog module in an traffic. Therefore, a heavy load of EGD traffic can lock out SRTP
expansion rack will cause a System Configuration Mismatch operation and likewise a heavy load of EGD and/or SRTP traffic can
error to be logged. The faulted module must be replaced with a lock out Station Manager operation. For example, configuring the
newer revision before it will be scanned. The allowed revisions CPUE05 with 32 EGD exchanges at rates faster than 150 ms will
are detailed under Compatibility, in the Product Information result in frequent timeouts on SRTP operations.
section, above. 13. Do not issue multiple “ping” requests to a CPUE05 – it processes
2. If an Integral term is used in an IND or ISA PID loop, PID one incoming ping at a time.If the configured data length of a
Integral values less than 0.002 should be avoided. The consumed EGD exchange does not match the received data length,
following example characterizes the behavior when an Integral the PLC Fault Table will be filled with entries (exception 28/1d) until
value less than 0.002 is used: the condition is corrected. Use the Station Manager “Stat g”
Assume that the SP=16000, PV=16000, and CV=16000 command to determine which exchange is misconfigured.
P = 1.00, I = 1.000, D = 0.00 14. Caution to NTP users:
a) No exception reported if NTP server not available at startup.
 If you drop the Integral term to 0.002; the CV does not
change b) Station Manager startup message does not display correct time
if NTP configured.
 If the Integral term is 0.001, the CV drops to half its original c) Do not set NTP advanced user parameters nminpoll* and
value (8000) nmaxpoll* to the same value.
If the Integral term is 0.000, the CV drops to 0. At this point, d) Do not use more than one NTP server of the same stratum.
there is no Integral contribution. e) Do not specify the IP address of a CPUE05 as the time server
3. If the receiver in a local single rack is powered off while the in the configuration of a CPUE05 or other device.
CPU is powered on, erroneous “Addition of rack” faults may be
logged by the CPU. It is recommended that both the CPU and 15. If your application attempts to perform more Ethernet
the receiver be powered by a single source. communication than the CPUE05 can support, the following
behaviors may be observed:
4. Occasionally, a "Backplane Communication Fault" may be
logged on an intelligent I/O module after power-cycling the a) The Ethernet interface may restart itself and the exception log
main or expansion rack. This is a diagnostic fault that can be will contain 28/1 exceptions followed by a system error restart
cleared. 1/5.
b) Ethernet operation will stop and the Ethernet LEDs in the lower
5. In rare instances, exceptions 28/1e and/or 1/0e may occur right corner will blink indicating fatal fault 31. Push the
during powerdown of the CPUE05. These do not indicate a Ethernet restart pushbutton to recover normal Ethernet
problem and may be ignored. operation.
6. In very rare instances, when field power is lost on one module, c) Ethernet operation will stop, the Ethernet LAN LED will go off,
non-intelligent modules in the same rack may also report faults. and pushing the Ethernet restart pushbutton will have no
7. In very rare instances, the CPU may not add a module being effect. There will be no response to Station Manager
hot inserted. It will not generate an ‘Addition of Module’ fault commands. Ten seconds later, the Ethernet interface will
and will not be scanned. The situation can be corrected by restart itself. The exception log will contain a restart due to
extracting and re-inserting the module. watchdog timeout 1/0c.
d) The application may fail to receive data from one or more
nodes that are transmitting data to it. Push the Ethernet restart
pushbutton to recover normal Ethernet operation.

CPU with Embedded Ethernet Interface
June 2003 GFK-1892D

e) The exception log will contain 28/1b and/or 28/1d

exceptions. For each such exception, data for one EGD Installing the CPU on the DIN Rail
consumption sample will not be delivered into reference
The CPU snaps easily onto the DIN rail. No tools are required for
mounting or grounding to the DIN rail.
NOTE: If your application experiences these symptoms of
overload, you must reduce the number/frequency/size of EGD
exchanges and/or number/frequency/size of SRTP channels.
16. EGD group number to UDP port number assignment cannot be
changed by setting the g*_udp advanced user parameters.
17. The CPUE05 does not support “supernetting”, a technique of
configuring the subnet mask in such a way to allow
communication to multiple subnets. Before joining module carriers to the CPU, remove the connector cover
on the right-hand side of the CPU. Do not discard this cover, you will
18. Sustained heavy SRTP Server operation with very large data
need to install it on the last carrier, to protect the connector pins from
transfers (>32Kbytes) can cause loss of an internal resource
contamination and damage during use.
called message buffers. This can result in reduced network
performance and possible loss of message received from the
Panel-Mounting ________________________________
19. The CPUE05 does not reject a configuration containing a If excessive vibration is a factor the CPU should also be screwed down to
broadcast or multicast value for the module’s IP Address. Do the mounting panel.
not configure broadcast or multicast values for an individual IP Note 1. Tolerances are +/- 0.13mm (0.005in) non-cumulative.
address. Avoid addresses of the following forms: Note 2. 1.1-1.4Nm (10-12 in/lbs) of torque should be applied to M3.5 (#6-
 x.y.z.255 32) steel screw threaded into material containing internal threads
 >223.x.y.z and having a minimum thickness of 2.4mm (0.093in).
 x.y.z.0 SEE NOTE 2.

 x.y.z.1 4.3mm M3.5 (#6) SCREW

Such addresses may result in erratic communications behavior. 0.170in

Preinstallation Check _________________________ FLAT W ASHER

Carefully inspect all shipping containers for damage. If any 4.3mm

0.170in 15.9mm
equipment is damaged, notify the delivery service immediately. Save 0.62in REF
the damaged shipping container for inspection by the delivery
service. After unpacking the equipment, record all serial numbers. 0.200in
Save the shipping containers and packing material in case it is HOLE IN CPU
necessary to transport or ship any part of the system. PANEL

Module Installation ___________________________ Removing the CPU from the DIN Rail ______________
This equipment may be mounted on a horizontal or vertical DIN rail. 1. Turn off power to the power supply.
If mounted on a vertical DIN rail, the CPU module must be located at 2. (If the CPU is attached to the panel with a screw) remove the power
the bottom. The CPU and connecting carriers must be installed on supply module. Remove the panel-mount screw.
the same section of 35mm x 7.5mm DIN rail, 1mm thick. Steel DIN 3. Slide the CPU away from the other modules until the connector on
rail is recommended. The DIN rail must be electrically grounded to the right side disengages from the next carrier.
provide EMC protection. The rail must have a conductive (unpainted) 4. With a small flathead screwdriver, pull the DIN rail latch outward
corrosion-resistant finish. DIN rails compliant with DIN EN50022 are while tilting the other end of the module down to disengage it from
preferred. For vibration resistance, the DIN rail should be installed the DIN rail.
on a panel using screws spaced approximately 15.24cm (6 inches)
Activating or Replacing the Backup Battery _________
Rated thermal specifications for the CPU module are based on a
clearance of 2” above and below the equipment and 1” to the left of The CPU is shipped with a battery already installed. The battery holder is
the CPU module. located in the top side of the CPU module. Before the first use, activate
the battery by pulling and removing the insulator tab.
1. Allow sufficient finger clearance for opening CPU door.
2. Allow adequate clearance for serial port and Ethernet cables.
3. Allow adequate space for power wiring.
The CPU with power supply attached fits into a 70mm deep
To replace the battery, use a small screwdriver to gently pry open the
battery holder. Replace battery only with*ACC001 from your PLC
supplier, or with Panasonic battery: BR2032. Use of another battery may
present a risk of fire or explosion.
Battery may explode if mistreated.
Do not recharge, disassemble, heat above 100 deg.C (212 deg.F) or

CPU with Embedded Ethernet Interface
June 2003 GFK-1892D

Switching the PLC Operating Mode ________________ Observing the Module LEDs _____________________
The CPU contains two sets of LEDs, one in the upper left corner and one
The CPU Run/Stop mode switch is located behind the module door. in the lower right corner.
This switch can be used to place the CPU in Stop or Run mode. It
can also be used to block accidental writing to CPU memory and PWR The LEDs in the upper left corner indicate the presence
forcing or overriding discrete data. Use of this feature is OK
of power and show the operating mode and status of the
configurable. The default configuration enables Run/Stop mode CPU.
selection and disables memory protection. FAULT

ON when the CPU is receiving 5V power from the power supply.

POWER Does not indicate the status of the 3.3V power output.
ON indicates the CPU has passed its powerup diagnostics and is
functioning properly. OFF indicates a CPU problem. Fast blinking
If Run/Stop mode switch operation is enabled, the switch can be indicates that the CPU is running its powerup diagnostics. Slow
OK blinking indicates the CPU is configuring I/O modules.
used to place the CPU in Run mode.
(Simultaneous blinking of this LED and the green Run LED
If the CPU has non-fatal faults and is not in Stop/Fault mode, placing indicates that the CPU is in boot mode and is waiting for a firmware
the switch in Run position causes the CPU to go to Run mode. update through Port 1.)
Faults are NOT cleared.
Green when the CPU is in Run mode. Amber when the CPU is in
If the CPU has fatal faults and is in Stop/Fault mode, placing the Stop/IO Scan mode. If this LED is OFF but OK is ON, the CPU is in
switch in Run position causes the Run LED to blink for 5 seconds. Stop/No IO Scan mode. If this LED is flashing green and the Fault
While the Run LED is blinking, the CPU switch can be used to clear LED is ON, the module switch was moved from Stop to Run mode
the fault table and put the CPU in Run mode. After the switch has while a fatal fault existed. Toggling the switch will continue to Run
been in Run position for at least ½ second, move it to Stop position mode.
for at least ½ second. Then move it back to Run position. The faults ON if the CPU is in Stop/Faulted mode because a fatal fault has
are cleared and the CPU goes to Run mode. The LED stops occurred. To turn off the Fault LED, clear both the I/O Fault Table
blinking and stays on. This can be repeated if necessary. FAULT and the PLC Fault Table. If this LED is blinking and the OK LED is
If the switch is not toggled, after 5 seconds the Run LED goes off OFF a fatal fault was detected during PLC powerup diagnostics.
and the CPU remains in Stop/Fault mode. Faults stay in the fault Contact PLC Field Service.
table. FORCE ON if an override is active on a bit reference.
Ethernet Restart Pushbutton _______________________ PORT 1 Blinking indicates activity on that port. (Note: does not blink to
PORT 2 indicate local Station Manager activity, see PORT 1 LED below.)
The Ethernet Restart pushbutton is located on the right side of the
LAN The LEDs in the lower right corner show the operating
STAT mode and status of the Ethernet port. The Ethernet
Ethernet Restart
LEDs turn ON briefly, first amber then green, whenever
RESTART Pushbutton a restart is performed in the Operational state by
pressing and releasing the Restart pushbutton (see
below). This allows you to verify that the Ethernet
LEDs are operational. All three LEDs blink green in
unison when a software load is in progress.
Indicates the status and activity of the Ethernet network connection.
LAN ON/flickering green indicates Ethernet interface is online. ON amber
indicates Ethernet interface is offline.
The Ethernet Restart pushbutton has two functions: Indicates the general status of the Ethernet interface. ON green
 When pressed for less than 5 seconds, it resets the Ethernet STAT indicates no “exception” detected. ON amber indicates an exception.
hardware, tests the Ethernet LEDs, and restarts the Ethernet Blinking amber indicates error code. Blinking green indicates waiting
firmware. This disrupts any Ethernet communications that are for configuration or waiting for IP address.
presently underway. ON amber indicates Port 1 is available for local Station Manager
PORT 1 use (either by configuration or forced). OFF indicates PLC CPU is
 When pressed for at least 5 seconds, it toggles the function of
controlling Port 1.
Port 1 between its configured operation and forced local Station
Manager operation.

CPU with Embedded Ethernet Interface
June 2003 GFK-1892D

Using the CPU Serial Ports ___________________ Cable Diagram for Attachment to a PC
The CPU’s two serial ports are software-configurable for SNP slave,
RTU slave, Serial I/O operation, or local Station Manager operation PC 9-Pin CPU
(Port 1 only). If a port is being used for RTU, it automatically 1 1
Serial Port Port 1
switches to SNP slave mode if necessary. Both ports’ default 6 9-pin female 9-pin male
2 2 (2) RXD (2) TXD
configuration is SNP slave mode. If configured for Serial I/O, a port (3) TXD (3) RXD
7 7
automatically reverts to SNP slave when the CPU is in Stop mode. 3 3 (5) GND (5) GND
An external device can obtain power from Port 2 if it requires 100mA 8 8 (7) RTS (7) CTS
4 4 (8) CTS (8) RTS
or less at 5VDC. 9 9
5 5
The shield must attach to shell of
Port 1 is an RS-232 port with a 9-pin female D-sub connectors on both ends of the cable.
PORT 1 connector. The pinout of Port 1 allows a simple, straight-
through cable to connect with a standard AT-style RS-
232 port. Cable shielding attaches to the shell. Port 1 Connector and Cable Specifications for Port 1
screw locks are threaded #4-40. Port 1 can be Vendor Part numbers below are provided for reference only. Any part
configured for either CPU serial communications (SNP, that meets the same specification can be used.
5 RTU, Serial I/O), or local Station Manager use. If Port 1
has been configured for CPU use, it can be forced to Cable: Computer cable, overall braid over foil shield
local Station Manager operation using the Ethernet Belden 5 conductor †
Restart pushbutton. Port 1 remains in that mode until 9610 30 Volt / 80°C (176°F)
the PLC is power cycled, or the Ethernet Restart 24 AWG tinned copper, 7x32 stranding
pushbutton is pressed. 9 Pin Male Type: Vendor: Plug: Pin:
1 If Port 1 is configured as a local Station Manager, it Connector: Crimp ITT/Cannon DEA9PK87F0 030-2487-017
cannot be used for CPU serial communications and the AMP 205204-1 66506-9
Ethernet Restart pushbutton will NOT toggle it to the Solder ITT/Cannon ZDE9P --
CPU serial protocols.
AMP 747904-2 --
8 Port 2 is an RS-485 port with a 15-pin female D-sub Connector Kit* – ITT Cannon DE121073-54 [9-pin size backshell kit]:
connector. This can be attached directly to an RS-485 to Shell: Metal-Plated Plastic (Plastic with Nickel over Copper) †
RS-232 adapter (IC690ACC901). Port 2 can be used for Cable Grounding Clamp (included)
program, configuration, and table updates with the EZ 40° cable exit design to maintain low-profile installation
Program Store module. Port 2 screw locks are threaded Plus – ITT Cannon 250-8501-010 [Extended Jackscrew]:
(metric) M3x0.5). Threaded with #4-40 for secure attachment to port †
Order Qty 2 for each cable shell ordered

Pin Assignments for Port 1

† Critical Information – any other part selected should meet or exceed this criteria.
Pin Signal Direction Function * Use of this kit maintains the 70mm installed depth.

1 n/c -- Pin Assignments for Port 2

2 TXD Output Transmit Data output Pin Signal Direction Function
3 RXD Input Receive Data input 1 SHLD -- Cable Shield Drain wire connection
4 n/c -- 2, 3, 4 n/c --
5 GND -- 0V/GND signal reference 5 P5V Output +5.1VDC to power external level
6 n/c -- converters (100mA max.)
7 CTS Input Clear to Send input 6 RTSA Output Request to Send (A) output
8 RTS Output Request to Send output 7 GND -- 0V/GND reference signal
9 n/c -- 8 CTSB’ Input Clear to Send (B’) input
Shell SHLD -- Cable Shield wire connection / 100% 9 RT -- Resistor Termination (120 ohm) for RDA’
(Continuous) shielding cable shield connection 10 RDA’ Input Receive Data (A’) input
11 RDB’ Input Receive Data (B’) input
12 SDA Output Transmit Data (A) output
13 SDB Output Transmit Data (B) output
14 RTSB Output Request to Send (B) output
15 CTSA’ Input Clear to Send (A’) input
Shell SHLD -- Cable Shield wire connection / 100%
(Continuous) shielding cable shield

CPU with Embedded Ethernet Interface
June 2003 GFK-1892D

Using the Ethernet Port __________________________

Connector and Cable Specifications for Port 2
The built-in Ethernet interface makes it possible to communicate on a
Vendor Part numbers below are provided for reference only. Any 10BaseT network. The CPUE05 supports half-duplex and full-duplex
part that meets the same specification can be used. operation; operation is automatically sensed without user configuration.
Using 10/100 hubs allows communication on a network containing
Cable: Low Capacitance Computer cable, overall braid over foil shield 100Mb devices.
Belden 5 Twisted-pairs † Host Computer or
8105 Shield Drain Wire † Control Device Running
a Host Communications

30 Volt / 80°C (176°F)

Toolkit Application
Series 90-70 PLC with Programmer Software
Ethernet Interface runninng on a PC

24 AWG tinned copper, 7x32 stranding

Velocity of Propagation = 78%
VersaMax PLC with VersaMax PLC with Series 90-30
Nominal Impedance = 100Ω † CPUE05 CPUE05 CPU364 PLC

15 Pin Male Type: Vendor: Plug: Pin:

Connector: Crimp ITT/Cannon DAA15PK87F0 030-2487-017
AMP 205206-1 66506-9 Ethernet Cable

Solder ITT/Cannon ZDA15P --


AMP 747908-2 --
The Ethernet interface can be used to:
Connector Kit*– ITT Cannon DA121073-50 [15-pin size backshell kit]:
Shell:  Send and receive Ethernet Global Data. Ethernet Global Data can
Metal-Plated Plastic (Plastic with Nickel over Copper) †
Cable Grounding Clamp (included)
be used for highly efficient periodic data transfer on the LAN. The
40° cable exit design to maintain low-profile installation CPU supports up to 32 simultaneous Ethernet Global Data
Plus – ITT Cannon 250-8501-009 [Extended Jackscrew]:
exchanges. Global Data exchanges are configured using the PLC
Threaded with (metric) M3x0.5 for secure attachment † programming software, then stored to the PLC. Both Produced and
Order Qty 2 for each cable shell ordered Consumed exchanges may be configured. Supports up to 1200
data ranges across all Ethernet Global Data exchanges, and
† Critical Information – any other part selected should meet or exceed this supports selective consumption of Ethernet Global Data exchanges.
criteria.  Access CPU data from a host computer or other GE Fanuc PLCs.
* Use of this kit maintains the 70mm installed depth. CPU supports up to eight simultaneous SRTP Server connections
Cable Lengths for use by other SRTP client devices on the Ethernet network.
 Communicate simultaneously to multiple devices. The multiplexing
Maximum cable lengths the total number of feet from the CPU to the
capabilities of the Ethernet interface, along with the Ethernet
last device attached to the cable are:
network’s high capacity, allow the CPU to communicate with
Port 1 (RS-232) = 15 meters (50 ft.) several other devices at the same time.
Port 2 (RS-485) = 1200 meters (4000 ft.)  Indirectly attach to other Local Area Networks and/or wide area
Serial Port Baud Rates networks via third party IP routers. Communicate with remote PLCs
and other nodes via an IP Router.
Port 1 Port 2  Communicate with remote computers via PPP (Point-to-Point
Protocol) or SLIP (Serial Line Protocol) using modems and/or serial
RTU protocol 1200, 2400, 4800, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, lines. Using third party PPP or SLIP devices, a remote host
9600, 19.2K, 38.4*K, 19.2K, 38.4*K, 57.6*K computer can be attached to a TCP/IP network.
Ethernet LAN Port
Serial I/O protocol 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, The 10BaseT twisted pair cable must meet applicable IEEE 802
19.2K, 38.4K*, 57.6K* 19.2K, 38.4K*, 57.6K* standards. Category 5 is recommended.
SNP protocol 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K* Ethernet
LAN Port
38.4K* 10BaseT ETHERNET
Local Station Manager 1200, 2400, 4800, na
(this is independent of 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K,
serial protocol baud rate) 57.6K, 115.2K

* Only available on one port at a time. 10 MBPS BASE T


Station Manager Functionality

Built-in Station Manager functionality permits on-line diagnostic and
supervisory access through either Port 1 or via Ethernet. Station
Manager services include:
 An interactive set of commands for interrogating and controlling the
 Unrestricted access to observe internal statistics, an exception log,
and configuration parameters.
 Password security for commands that change station parameters or
 Use of the Station Manager function requires a separate computer
terminal or terminal emulator.

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