SCR Brochure - 2012 11 28
SCR Brochure - 2012 11 28
SCR Brochure - 2012 11 28
Noise Reduction up to 52 dB(A)
U.S.-Based Service & Support
Selective Catalyst
Reduction System
Global Experience
SCR Installation
Advanced Technology
20 to 20,000+ hp Range
EMISSIONS: CONTROLLED Ammonia, whether injected directly or
MIRATECH's SCR catalytic converters formed from urea, reacts with NOx at the RICE NESHAP Compliant
reduce regulated exhaust pollutants for SCR catalyst to form harmless water and
Turnkey Projects
stationary reciprocating diesel, dual-fuel nitrogen. The Oxidation Stage uses oxidation
and lean-burn natural gas engines. catalyst elements, with surface coatings Best Experience & Expertise
These pollutants include oxides of nitrogen impregnated with precious metals, to reduce
(NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and CO, HAPs, and VOCs— oxidizing these Fast, Responsive Support
unburned hydrocarbons (HC) comprising pollutants to form water and carbon dioxide. Skilled On-site Services
Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) and
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). COMPLIANCE AND MORE Supervision & training
The MIRATECH SCR systems work in two Most important of all, MIRATECH’s SCR Technical services
efficient stages: the NOx Reduction Stage solutions give you assured compliance with
and the Oxidation Stage for CO and HC less cost, less disruption of your operation Project Management
reduction. Both stages work together, and full support you can count on over the
long haul. Using MIRATECH's SCR system, Replacement Parts
drastically reducing harmful emissions to
satisfy the strictest regulatory requirements. with microprocessor-controlled hardware in Catalysts
In the mixing section, either ammonia or the control panels, you won't have to deal
with complex control panel assembly. Available off the shelf in
aqueous urea is injected into the exhaust many sizes
stream. Urea is often used instead of MIRATECH’s SCR systems give you a
ammonia, as urea is less toxic, easier to choice of reactant, ammonia or urea, for Can be custom engineered
transport and store, and allows easier efficient atomization. And MIRATECH’s to fit any size
permitting. Urea in this system is hydrolyzed SCR gives you a level of operations control Types
and breaks down in the exhaust stream to that’s simply unique to the industry. yy 3-way, HAPs, SCR, DPF,
form ammonia. Urea hydrolysis, Oxidation
(natural gas & diesel)
PROCESS DIAGRAM Catalyst Repairs & Washes
Free washes for life on NEXT™
& VORTEX™ substrates
NX Series™
Silencer combinations
yy VX Series™
yy RX Series™
yy ZX Series™
yy Ground Access™
Active DPF
Air fuel ratio
(rich & lean burn)
Learn More: Phone • Email • Web • “The Emissions Monitor” Monitors
NSCR • SCR • DPF • Silencers • AFRC • NESHAP CPMS • Field Service • Training • Turnkey RICE NESHAP
420 South 145th East Avenue • Drop Box A
Tulsa, OK 74108 • USA • +1 918 794 0341 •
©2012 MIRATECH MIR-SCR 11/12