Viability Gap Funding
Viability Gap Funding
Viability Gap Funding
Infrastructure companies have long gestation periods and, in most of the cases, are not financially viable on their own. It may not be possible to fund the very large investment requirements of these projects fully from the budgetary resources of the Government of India alone. In order to remove this shortcoming and to bring in private sector resources and technomanagerial efficiencies, the Government is promoting Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in infrastructure development through a special facility envisaging support to PPP projects through viability gap funding. Primarily, this facility is meant to reduce capital cost of the projects by credit enhancement, and to make them viable and attractive for private investments through supplementary grant funding. Provisions for this facility are made on a year to year basis.
The criteria for eligibility for funding are: i. The project must be implemented, i.e., constructed, maintained and operated during the project term, by an entity with at least 40 percent private equity. ii. The projects should belong to one of the following sectors: a. Railways, roads, seaports, airports; b. Power; c. Water supply, sewerage and solid waste disposal in Urban areas and, d. International convention centers. The project should have been vetted/ endorsed by the concerned ministries in the Government of India. All central projects should have received requisite Government approval at the appropriate level. The total Government support required by the project, including support from the Government of India under this facility, or any other sources of the Government of India and its agencies, must not exceed twenty percent of total project cost as estimated in the preliminary project appraisal, or the actual project cost, whichever is lower. The implementing agency must be selected through a transparent and open competitive process. The main criterion for selection will be the extent of viability gap funding required by the private partner to successfully implement the project. The extent of viability gap funding shall be determined on the basis of the net present value of the actual viability gap funding required. For this purpose and for all calculations under these guidelines, the rate of discount shall be the rate of interest on 10-year gilts on the date of submission of the bid.
Viability gap funding can take various forms, including but not limited to capital grant, subordinated loans, O&M support grants or interest subsidy. A mix of capital and revenue support may also be considered. a. The funding is to be disbursed contingent on agreed milestones, preferably physical, and performance levels being achieved, as detailed in funding agreements. b. The funding is to be provided in installments, preferably in the form of annuities, and with at least 15 per cent of the funding to be disbursed only after the project is fully functional. c. In the first year of the facility, funding is to be allocated to projects on a first come, first served basis subject to meeting the eligibility criteria.