Viability Gap Funding For Infrastructure
Viability Gap Funding For Infrastructure
Viability Gap Funding For Infrastructure
Infrastructure 219
website : http:/
private agency, with sponsorship from the open competitive bidding indicating the extent
relevant central or state government agency. of viability gap funding that is actually
Project proposals must be accompanied by required. The lead financial institution will
a preliminary project appraisal (covering (a) present its detailed appraisal of the technical
techno-economic viability of the project, (b) and economic viability of the project as
financial appraisal and project financing proposed by the successful bidder, for the
arrangements, and (c) extent and nature of consideration of the Committee. The transfer
viability gap funding proposed) and a of viability gap funds and the schedule of
commitment letter on behalf of the lending such transfers will be approved by the
institutions. After approval of the project by Committee. The lead financial institution will
the Committee within 30 days of submission, undertake regular monitoring and evaluation
the project will be put to bid by the public of project compliance with agreed milestones
agency concerned through transparent and and performance levels.
website : http:/