Meter Bridge Theory Sheet

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Experiment Name: To Determine the specific resistance of a wire using a metre bridge.

Theory: A meter bridge is the practical application of Wheatstone’s bridge arrangement as

shown in Fig. 01. A Wheatstone’s bridge is a circuit consisting of four resistors. It is used for
finding the value of an unknown resistance by comparing it with a known one. If X and R be the
unknown and known resistances respectively and 𝒍 be the distance of the null point measured
from the left end A. By the principle of the Wheatstone’s network, we get
𝑿 𝒍+𝒙
= (𝟏𝟎𝟎−𝒍)+
𝑹 𝒚
Or, X= …………………………(1)
(𝟏𝟎𝟎−𝒍)+ 𝒚
Where x and y are end-errors.

When the resistances X and R are interchanged, we get

𝑹 𝒍´+𝒙
= (𝟏𝟎𝟎−𝒍´)+
𝑿 𝒚
𝑹(𝟏𝟎𝟎−𝒍´)+ 𝒚
Or, X= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(2) Fig. 01. Circuit diagram of meter bridge
The mean of equations (1) and (2) , after end-corrections , give the value of the unknown
If now L be the length of the experimental wire in centimetres then
Or, ρ= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)
Where ρ is the specific resistance of the material of the wire and r is the radius of the cross-
section of the wire.
Thus ρ may be determined from equation (3) after measuring X , r and L.

Apparatus :
(i). Metre bridge
(ii).Leclanche’s cell (E)
(iii).Zero-centre galvanometer (G)
(iv).Commutator (K)
(v). Jockey (J)
(vi). Specimen wire (X)
(vii). Resistance box (R)
(ix). Connecting wires etc.
Procedure :
(i). We made connections as shown in fig. (01).Before putting in, fold one centimeter of the
specimen wire at each end at right angles to the rest of it and put the folded portion within the
binding screws of the left gap. We inserted 100 ohm resistance box in the right gap. With 100
ohms or higher resistance are connected, move the sliding contact first to the left end and then to
the right end of the bridge wire. If the deflections are on the opposite directions, the connections
have been correctly made.
(ii). We moved the jockey along the bridge wire until the galvanometer deflection is almost zero.
Null point is being approached.
(iii). If the balance/null point seems to be far from the middle of the bridge wire, change the
value of the resistance (R) in the right gap until the null point is brought very near the middle of
the wire. We keep the galvanometer deflection in positive (direct) position at first and find the
null point accurately and note it. We reversed the current thus negative galvanometer deflection
by changing the commutator plug K and note the null point again. We take the mean of the two
readings, thus eliminating thermo-electric effects. From equation (1) we calculate the value of X.
(iv). Then we interchanged the positions of X and R with R in the left gap. We find out the null
point and reverse the current and again find out the null point. We calculate the value of X from
equation (02).
(v). With two more known resistances, we repeated the operations, every time reversing the
current. Then we calculated the mean value of X. (If end-errors are ignored, we take care to see
that the null points are within 40 to 60 cm).
(vi). We carefully determined the L of the wire between the two bends with a meter scale.
(vii). We measured the diameter (d) of the wire with a screw gauge at several places with
mutually perpendicular readings at each place.

Data Collection:
(A). Length of the wire,
L= cm
Calculation of the least count.
The distance moved by plane of the disc along vertical scale
Pitch ( P ) = Number of full rotations given to the circular scale

1 𝑚𝑚
= = 1 mm

Number of total divisions in the circular scale, n = 100

pitch 1 𝑚𝑚
Least count (L.C) = =
Number of divisions of circular scale 100

= 0.01 mm

= 0.001 cm
(B) . Radius of the wire ( r ).
Linear Circular Least
No. Mean Mean
Scale Scale Diameter
of Count Radius
Reading Divisions Diameter
obs. d = x + (C.D × L.C)
(d) r = d/2
(x) ( C.D ) (L.C)

cm cm cm cm cm

(C). Readings for the balance point.

Positions of the Resistance Balance point Mean

Direct Reverse Mean 𝑹𝒍

Unknown Known X =
Known Length 100- 𝒍 Mean
Length Length Unknown
Resistance resistance Resistance (Left)
𝒍 𝒍 𝒍
X= X
R 𝒍´
X R 𝒍´ 𝒍´ 𝒍´ 100- 𝒍´

Ω cm cm cm cm Ω Ω

Left Right

Left Right

Left Right

Right Left

Right Left

Right Left
Calculation: From the table
L= cm, X= Ω, r= cm , 𝜋=

We get, From equation (3)

= Ω-cm

= Ω-cm
Result: The specific resistance of a wire is =_________________ Ω-cm

Precautions & Discussions:

(i). The connections should be neat, clean and tight.
(ii). The connecting wire used should be thick copper wires and the insulation near their ends
should be removed and rubbed with sand paper.
(iii). Appropriate range of voltmeter and ammeter should be taken.
(iv). If there is any zero error in voltmeter or ammeter it should be corrected with the help of a
(v). The key should be inserted only while taking observations to avoid heating of resistance
(otherwise its resistance will increase).
(vi). The unknown resistance chosen should have high values in comparison with internal
resistances of the cells used.

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