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The year 2020 has been a remarkable period when the Philippines has on the peak of struggle
as the Covid-19 virus continues to find its way to disrupt the economy, health, culture, and
education in the country. The increasing number of infected people and the threat of the new
strains of the coronavirus has forced the government to still ban the face-to-face classes. As a
result, Modular Distance Learning becomes the widely used modality in consideration to the
learners in areas where the internet is inaccessible for online learning.

Modular learning is a form of distance learning that uses Self-Learning Modules (SLM) and is
highly convenient for most typical Filipino students. It was also the most preferred learning
system of the majority of parents/guardians for their children. The SLM is based on the most
essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by the Department of Education.

In modular distance learning, the teachers take the responsibility of monitoring the progress
of the learners. The students may ask assistance from the teacher via email, telephone, and
text message/instant messaging. For those students who experience difficulties, the teacher
will give remedial activities.

Since education takes place at home, the parents play a vital role as facilitators. Their primary
function is modular learning is to establish a connection and guide to their child. (Flip Science,


A module has clearly defined, objectives; preferably in behavioral form (Daries, 1981).

Taneja (1989) defined module as a unit of work in a course of instruction that is virtually self-contained and
a method of teaching that is based on the concept of building up skills and knowledge in discrete units. A
module is a set of learning opportunities organized around a well-defined topic that contains the elements
of instruction, specific objectives, teaching-learning activities, and evaluation using criterion-referenced
measures (UNESCO, 1988).
In the study conducted by Ali et al., (2010), entitled "modular distance learning among academically slow
learners:their story to tell", it appears that the modular learning groups perform significantly better than
the group taught by the traditional method of teaching. The Modularization also promoted positive
changes in teaching style. The result of the study was in favor of modular distance learning thus it is
recommended to use this approach in conventional classrooms at various levels of education.

Furthermore, (Sadiq and Zamir, 2014), proved that modular teaching is a more effective approach in
teaching university students of Master in Educational Planning and Management. This method can be
applied widely to other fields and subjects as well as other levels of education because this approach can
fulfill the diversified needs of learning of students of all levels.

Moreover, Sadiq (2014) states in her study that modular teaching is more effective on university students
in the teaching-learning process as compared to ordinary teaching methods. Because in this modular
approach the students learn at their own pace.


This Study aims to determine the Modular Distance Learning Among Academically Slow
Learners.Specifically,this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1.How much time do you spend each day on an average on modular distance learning?

2.Does modular distance learning encourage you to focus on your studies?

3.Is modular learning have a good impact to the slow learners?

The following are the Null Hypothesis of this research:

•There is no significant relationship between slow learners during modular classes and face to
face classes.

•There is no significant relationship between fast learners during modular classes and face to
face classes.


The result of the study will merit the following:

TEACHERS.The result of this study may serve as an eye opener to maintain their teaching skills during
modular classes and to encourage slow learners to improve their skills in studying.
PARENTS.Who are directly concerned with the education of their children considering school
performance in different discipline

STUDENTS.This will help them to develop their interest toward modular learning and
appreciate their own skills in their daily learning.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS.The result of this study can serve as basis for further study on Modular
Distance Learning.


This study will focused on students that are slow learners during the Modular
Distance Learning.

Modular Distance Learning-the use of modules made by teachers with different task and
learning activities based from the essential learning competencies.

Academically-in a way that relates to schools and to the ability to study and think.

Inaccessible-very different or impossible to reach.

Teacher-someone whose job is to teach in a school.

Covid-19 -is an infectious disease caused by the SARS COV 2 VIRUS

Pandemic-is an pandemic of an infectious disease that has a spread across a large region.

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