Reviewer - AC 7
Reviewer - AC 7
Reviewer - AC 7
Week 1 Week 3
Strategic Cost Management – involves the Accounting – recording
development of cost management,
Budgeting – basis from historical data
information to facilitate the principle
management function which is strategic Capital Budgeting – long range planning
Master Budget – short range planning
Strategic management –
development of a sustainable competitive Kinds of Budgets:
position. 1. Master Budget – overall financial
Users of Cost Management Information: and operating plan for a period
(quarterly or annual); comprehensive
Business Firms budget for a specific period
Governmental Units 2. Capital Budget – long range
Not-for-Profit Organization budgets for major expenditures or
addition of new product lines
Uses of Cost Management Information: 3. Responsibility Budget – segments
1. Strategic Management of the master budget relating to the
2. Planning and Decision-making aspect of the business that is the
3. Management and Operational responsibility of a particular manager
Control are often prepared monthly
4. Reportorial and Compliance to Legal 4. Cash Budget – may be prepared on
Requirements a day-to-day or monthly basis
5. Continuous Budget – budgets are
Management Accountants – accounting constantly reviewed and updated
professionals who develop and analyze cost
management information and other Steps in Developing a Master Budget
accounting information. They are concerned 1. Establish goals and long-range plans
with providing information to the people 2. Prepare a sales forecast
inside an organization who direct and 3. Estimate the COGS and OE
control the operations. 4. Determine the effect on A, L, E
Three important guidelines to help 5. Projected IS, BS, and CFS
management accountants provide the most Master Budget
Budget – detailed plan, expressed in
1. Employ a cost-benefit approach quantitative terms, about business operations
2. Recognize behavioral as well as for a specific period.
technical considerations
3. Use appropriate cost concepts for Master Budget – can also be called as
different purpose proforma budget, planning budget, forecast
budget, master profit plan
Week 2
- It is a comprehensive budget that
Strategic Focus of Cost Management consolidates the overall plan of the
- A competitive firm incorporates the organization for a specific period.
emerging and expected change in the Master Budget is mainly composed of:
contemporary environment of
business into its business planning 1. Operating Budget:
and practices. - Sales Budget
- Guided by strategic or long-term - Production Budget
thinking DM budget
- Should focus not on the DL budget
measurement per – but on the OH budget
identification of those measures that - Budgeted COGS
are critical to the firm’s success. - Budgeted OPEX
- Budgeted NI
(Dami ng week 2 tinamad na ako)
- Budgeted IS (Expected beg. FG)
2. Financial Budget: Budgeted Materials Purchases
- Cash budget
Budgeted prod
- Budgeted BS
- Budgeted CFS x qty. of materials req./unit of product
- Capital Expenditure budget
- WC Budget Total materials to be used
Computational Formats
Budgeted Production
Budgeted sales
+ Desired end. FG
(Expected beg. FG)
Budgeted Merchandise Purchases
Budgeted Sales
+ Desired end. FG