Quantum Chemistry
Quantum Chemistry
Quantum Chemistry
Classical mechanics is the study of the motion of bodies including the special
case in which bodies remain at rest.
Photoelectric Effect
According to this theory, light of fixed frequency ν consists of a collection of indivisible
discrete packages, called quanta, whose energy is E = hν
Quantum tunneling
Quantum tunneling is a phenomenon where particles may "tunnel through" a barrier
which they have insufficient kinetic energy to overcome according to classical mechanics.
Tunneling is a result of the wavelike nature of quantum particles.
Black Body Radiation
Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that the position and the velocity of an
object cannot both be measured exactly, at the same time.
Δx.Δp ≥ h/4π
De Broglie proposed that electron (or matter) also has a dual character as a wave
and as a particle.
λ = h/mv
Quantum Mechanics
To explain the physical properties of nature at the scale of atomic and subatomic level,
physicist introduced the fundamental theory of Quantum Mechanics.
Plank’s quantum theory is the basis of quantum mechanics. According to this theory
energy absorbed or emitted discontinuously in the form of packets i.e. quantum.
E = hv
Where E = total energy of the electron i.e. Kinetic energy + potential energy
V = potential energy of the electron
m = mass of the electron
h = Plank’s constant
ψ = wave function and is amplitude of electromagnetic wave
The Schrodinger wave equation can also be expressed as
Schrodinger wave equation can be derived from de-Broglei idea of dual nature
of the matter applied to an electron.
……….. (1)
or ……….. (2)
Where m is the mass of electron, v is the velocity of electron and h is Plank’s constant.
Derivation of Schrodinger Wave Equation
Substituting the value of mv from equation (2) to equation (1)
or ……….. (3)
……….. (4)
……….. (5)
……….. (6)
Substituting the value of from equation (4) in equation (6), we get
……….. (7)
……….. (8)
When the electron moves in three dimensions i.e. x,y,z , then the equation (8) will become
……….. (9)
Equation (9) is a Schrodinger wave equation. This equation describes the relation
between wave function (ψ) and energy (E) of the electron. It is second order differential
Equation and can be solved for certain definite values of energy of the electron under
Eigen Value
Equation (7) represents the Schrödinger wave equation which shows the motion of a
stationary wave in one direction .
It is clear from the above equation that a stationary wave in the stretched string
with amplitude function (ψ) can have significance only for a certain definite values of
wavelength (λ). The wavelength is related to total energy (E) as
Energy (E) is the function of wavelength i.e. each wave having definite wavelength
with definite value of energy.
Eigen Value
Being a second order differential equation, the Schrodinger wave equation
can have number of solutions, many of them without any significance. But some
definite values of total energy (E) , the solution will certainly have significant
The values of total energy (E) for which the wave equation can have significant
solution are called eigen values.
These eigen values corresponds to the discrete energy levels as postulated by Bhor.
The existence of atomic energy levels in an atom has been directly proved by
Schrodinger wave equation , which has given rise to the wave mechanical concept
of the atom.
The various value of (ψ) which have been derived from the wave equation
corresponding to definite values of energy (eigen values) are called eigen
Only those wave functions which satisfy certain conditions are acceptable. These
conditions are imposed on the wave equation as boundary conditions and can be
summarised as follows
(i) Ψ must be single valued and finite.
(ii) Ψ must be continuous.
(iii) Ψ must become zero at infinity.
Physical significance of ψ and ψ2
The wave function (ψ) does not have any physical significance but it has only
mathematical significance. Normally the amplitude of any wave represents the
displacement of some property. for example amplitude in case of sound waves
corresponds to increase or decrease of air pressure relative to static pressure. But in case
of electron no such property is associated with the wave, as such amplitude of electron
wave have no physical significance..
In case of light or sound, the square of the amplitude of the wave at any point gives the
intensity of light or sound at that point. Similarly the square of the amplitude of the
electron (ψ2) at any point gives the intensity of the electron wave at that point. According
to Heisenberg uncertainty principle The intensity of electron at any point is interpreted
as probability of finding the electron at that point. So the ψ2 gives the probability of the
electron existing within small volume or space. This space is called atomic orbital.
The zero value of ψ2 at a fixed point means the probability of finding an electron at that
point is zero.
As the probability is directly related to the density of electron cloud, ψ2 gives the
electron density at any given point.
Characteristics of the wave function ψ
The two wave function are orthogonal if they are different over the entire space.
In other words their description must be unique.
If there are two wave function ψ1 and ψ2 with complex conjugates ψ1* and ψ2*
respectively then the two wave function will be orthogonal to each other.
Radial probability distribution Curves
r + dr
Required Volume = [volume of sphere with radius r + dr]− [volume of sphere with radius r]
= 4π/3(r +dr)3 − 4π/3r3
= 4π/3( r3 + 3r2 + 3rdr2 + dr3) − 4π/3r3
= 4π/3 (3r2dr) = 4πr2dr
It is more useful to study the radial probability at different distances from the
nucleus. The plots of radial probability versus distance from the nucleus are called radial
probability distribution curves.
dP(r) = g(r) dr (radial distribution function)
Ques 1.
For 1s hydrogen like
Calculate r max. and also show that if z increases, rmax. decreases i.e. rmax. is proprtional
to 1/z
for maxima
Hydrogen Atom
−e Hψ = E ψ
H = K.E. + P.E.
Polar Coordinate x +ꝏ to − ꝏ r 0 to − ꝏ
z y +ꝏ to − ꝏ θ 0 to π
P(r, θ, φ)
z +ꝏ to − ꝏ φ 0 to 2π
O y r OP
θ Angle of OP with z axis
φ Angle of (projection of OP in xy plane)
with x axis
z 0
x= rsinθcosφ
0 to 2π y= rsinθsinφ
y z= rcosθ
For 1 D
For 3 D
Radial equation
Φ dependent equation
By differentiating twice above equation
Θ dependent equation
Where n = 1,2,3…
0 ≤ l ≤ n−1
It means that energy of the electron in hydrogen atom or hydrogen like ion will
be restricted to the values
Θ Equation
1 0 pz √3/4π cosθ
1 1 px √3/4π sinθcosφ
1 −1 py √3/4π sinθsinφ
2 0 dz 2 √5/16π (3cos2θ−1)
2 1 dxz √15/4π sinθcosθcosφ
2 −1 dyz √15/4π sinθcosθsinφ
Ψ210 2 1 0 E2
Ψ21-1 2 1 -1 E2
2S Ψ200 2 0 0 E2
For any n, there will be n2 wave function and all are degenerate. n2 is degeneracy.
p orbitals
l m
0 0 Y00 (θ,φ)= 1/√4π No angular
1 0 Y01(θ,φ)= √3/4π cosθ Independent
of φ
1 ±1 Y±11(θ,φ)= √3/8π sinθ e±iφ complex
l m
2 0 Y02 (θ,φ)= √5/16π (3cos2θ−1)
2 ±1 Y±12(θ,φ)= √3/4π sinθcosθe±iφ