Aklilu Tadesse
Aklilu Tadesse
Aklilu Tadesse
Aklilu Tadesse
November, 2015
Effects of Earthquake in Hossana Town Selected buildings
Plagiarism Declaration
I, the undersigned, declare that this thesis is my original work and has not been presented
as a thesis for a degree in elsewhere in any other universities. All sources of materials
Signature _____________
This is to certify that the thesis prepared by Aklilu Tadesse, entitled: Effects of
Earthquake in Hosanna Town Selected buildings and submitted in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering complies with
the regulations of the university and meets the accepted standards with respect to
originality and quality.
Advisor Signature Date
External Examiner Signature Date
Internal Examiner Signature Date
School Dean Signature Date
First of all I would like to thank the almighty God, who gave me the commitment and
tolerance to pass various obstacles and come up to the accomplishment of this thesis.
I am very grateful for my research advisor; Dr. Eng Adil Zekaria Who has encouraged,
directed, and given me academic advisory throughout the research work with good heart
and patient.
Jimma University, my sponsor, also deserves thanks for its financial support to the
Last but not least, Getachew Tadesse, who is always with me, supporting and
Aklilu Tadesse
This thesis is conducted to investigate the effects of December 19, 2010 and November
24, 2011 earthquakes in Hosanna town. Due to the limitation of the available data only
seven buildings were selected for the investigation. The paper examines the five
buildings by qualitative analysis and two of buildings, both qualitative and quantitative
The qualitative method was based on the damage evaluation method using FEMA and
EMS. The results of the qualitative evaluation of buildings show that the damages were
mainly non-structural and minor structural damages. The quantitative study of the two
buildings was performed by using pushover analysis with SAP2000 software as per
ATC-40 life safety performance criteria. Results of case study 01 showed that some
structural members of building are heavily damaged, whereas the structural members of
case study 02 building are in the safe range. Therefore, in order to sustain future
Performance point
Table of Contents
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..1
1.1. General ..............................................................................................................1
1.2. Objectives .........................................................................................................2
1.3. Methodology .....................................................................................................3
1.4. Limitations of the study .....................................................................................3
1.5. Organization of the thesis ..................................................................................3
2. Literature Review……………………………………………………………………4
2.1. Seismic Evaluation Documents..........................................................................4
2.1.1. FEMA 310 –Handbook for the seismic Evaluation of Building [21]: ..........4
2.1.2. Euro Code-8 Design Provisions for Earthquake Resistance of Structures-
parts 1-4 General Rules for Strengthening and Repair of Buildings ..........................7
2.2. Summary of Evaluation procedures ...................................................................8
2.3. Damage Classification Reinforced Concrete Structure [19].............................. 10
2.4. Seismic performance assessment of buildings .................................................. 11
2.5. Pushover analysis ............................................................................................ 14
2.6. Developing Pushover Curve [21]: .................................................................. 15
2.7. Summary of literature review .......................................................................... 16
3. Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation……………………………………………17
3.1. Qualitative Evaluation Method ........................................................................ 17
3.1.1. General..................................................................................................... 17
3.1.2. Visual Inspection [24] .............................................................................. 18
3.1.3. Non-destructive test [4] ............................................................................ 20
3.2. Quantitative Evaluation Method ...................................................................... 21
3.2.1. General..................................................................................................... 21
3.2.2. Non-linear Time history analysis .............................................................. 21
3.2.3. Capacity Demand analysis ........................................................................ 21
AAIT iii
3.2.4. Pushover analysis ..................................................................................... 22
3.2.5. Quantitative Analysis of case study buildings using pushover analysis ..... 24
4. Analysis of selected buildings by Qualitative and Quantitative methods………….26
4.1. Case Study building descriptions ..................................................................... 26
4.2. Qualitative analysis of Case study buildings .................................................... 26
4.2.1. Case study 01 Building ............................................................................. 26
4.2.2. Case study 02 Building ............................................................................. 31
4.2.3. Case Study 03 Building: ........................................................................... 35
4.2.4. Case Study 04 Building ............................................................................ 39
4.2.5. Case Study 05 Building ............................................................................ 44
4.3. Quantitative analysis of Case study buildings .................................................. 46
4.3.1. Case study buildings descriptions ............................................................. 46
4.3.2. The target displacement δt [4] .................................................................. 48
5. Results and Discussions…………………………………………………………….50
5.1. General ............................................................................................................ 50
5.2. Pushover Curves .............................................................................................. 50
5.2.1. Pushover Curves of Case Study 01 ........................................................... 51
Pushover Curve in positive X Direction Loading: .................................................. 51
Pushover Curve in negative X Direction Loading of Case Study 01: ...................... 52
Pushover Curve in negative Y Direction Loading:.................................................. 53
5.2.2. Pushover Curve (Base shear versus top displacement) of case study 02 .... 55
Pushover Curve in positive X Direction Loading: .................................................. 55
Pushover curve in positive y Direction Loading of case study 02: .......................... 56
5.3. Performance Point and Hinge State.................................................................. 57
5.3.1. Performance Point and Hinge State of Case Study 01 ............................... 57
5.3.2. Performance Point and Hinge State of Case Study 02 ............................... 64
6. Conclusions…………………………………………………………………………68
6.1. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................. 68
6.2. RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................... ……………..69
APPENDIX A-Case Study Structural Drawings………………………………………...74
Appendix B –Hinge state of Case Study Buildings……………………………………...78
Appendix C- PUSHOVER ANALYSIS STEPS………………………………………...81
List of Tables
List of Figures
1. Introduction
Hosanna town situated in Hadiya Zone in Southern regional state of Ethiopia. It is located
at 230km away from Addis Ababa. It covers about 40.7 Km2 of land. Based on 2007
census and using the regional grow rate 2.9, the population of the town is approximately
74,074 in 2009.
elevation of 2177 meters above sea level, which is found at the western margin of the
main Ethiopian Rift Valley that runs from northeast to southwest almost dissecting
Ethiopia into two parts. Seismic activity is frequent in this region. The earthquakes which
occurred in Dec.19, 2010 has a PGA of 0.35cm/s2 which is much less than a design
earthquake and Nov.24, 2011 which is not recorded, had created heavy damages and the
collapse of some buildings of Hosanna town. This damage highlights the need of giving
In the Hosanna town, starting from past 10 years there is strong growth in the number of
high rise buildings, residential houses, schools, health centers and other infrastructure
The most of buildings were not designed as per a strict earthquake resistant building
guidelines and proper quality control procedures to assure compliance with some basic
requirements of the country’s building code standards. Obviously this leads to the
question “how much damage will be sustained when a major earthquake occurred?”
existing buildings for future earthquake. The vulnerability assessment may include
qualitative and quantitative techniques with the aim of studying the level of damage
and/or predicting the expected performance and safety of existing buildings as well as for
Seismic evaluation of existing buildings after each earthquake happened is common with
other countries for the purpose of safety of occupants. In our country Ethiopia especially
in Hosanna town two major earthquakes are occurring during 2010 and 2011; however no
seismic evaluations has been done. Here in this paper qualitative and quantitative seismic
1.2. Objectives
To create awareness for the need for seismic design of buildings and
1.3. Methodology
The complete work of this thesis is divided into two stages. The first part involves
qualitative evaluation of actual damage occurred during past earthquakes using seismic
using nonlinear static analysis of buildings whose design data were available.
a) Due to the scarcity of building data only seven buildings were investigated, out of
which five qualitative and the remaining two for both qualitative and quantitative studies.
b) The unavailability of the actual acceleration time history data to evaluate the actual
The thesis has a total of six chapters. Chapter one introduction, it also includes the
objective of the thesis work, scope and limitations of the thesis, as well as organization of
the thesis. Chapter two is totally devoted to a literature review, to summarize the seismic
Analysis of Selected buildings discussed in chapter four. The results and findings are
discussed in chapter five. Chapter Six contains the conclusion and indicates points for
hinge state of the element at performance point, Appendix-C pushover analysis steps.
2. Literature Review
structures in it’s entirely would be difficult to address in this chapter. A brief review of
previous studies on the seismic evaluation using qualitative and quantitative methods is
It is probably the most advanced seismic evaluation procedure for buildings developed in
the USA in the recent years, which grew out of the earlier document NEHRP Handbook
rigorous approach to determine structural Conditions. Buildings are evaluated for certain
extent of structural damage that is expected in the building when subjected to earthquake.
This level of damage (or performance level) is determined by the design professional
FEMA 310 Considers two levels of performance defined as Life Safety and Immediate
Occupancy during design earthquake. For Life Safety performance, the building can
sustain significant damage to both structures non structural components with the margin
against either partial or total structural collapse such that the level of risk for life –treating
injury and getting trapped is low. Immediate occupancy building performance means
very limited damage to both structures non structural components during the design
Yes Mark building
Tier 1: Screening Phase
Global Level Analysis
Complete the structural and Non-
structural Checklists
Foundation Checklists
No Deficiencies
No Deficiencies
2.1.2. Euro Code-8 Design Provisions for Earthquake Resistance of
The scope of this document is to provide criteria for the evaluation of seismic
necessary corrective measures and to set forth criteria for the design of the
repair/strengthening measures.
data Collection
Identification of Structural System
Analysis using:
Standard Method
Time-domine Dynamic Nonlinear
Approximate static Nonlinear
2.2. Summary of Evaluation procedures
All Evaluation Procedures follow similar assessment steps which can be broadly grouped
into two categories: (a) Configuration- related and (b) strength-related checks
Effective mass There shall be no change in There should not be abrupt
effective mass more than changes in the mass of the
50% from one store to next individual storey
2.3. Damage Classification Reinforced Concrete Structure [19]
The way in which a building deforms under earthquake loading depends on the building
type. As a broad categorization one can group together types of masonry buildings as
2.4. Seismic performance assessment of buildings
The seismic performance of buildings [4] is measured by the state of damage under a
certain level of seismic hazard. The state of damage is quantified by the drift of the roof
and the displacement of the structural elements. Initially, gravity push is carried out
using the force control method. It is followed by a lateral push with displacement control
using SAP2000 [6]. For carrying out displacement based pushover analysis, target
condition which may be considered satisfactory for a given building with specific ground
significant portion of its original stiffness and most if not all of its strength.
Life safety level (LS): substantial damage has occurred to the structure, and it
may have lost a significant amount of its original stiffness. However, a substantial
margin remains for additional lateral deformation before collapse would occur.
Collapse prevention (CP): at this level the building has experienced extreme
damage, if laterally deformed beyond this point; the structure can experience instability
and collapse.
Figure 2:3: performance levels described by a pushover curve [8]
Whittaker A summarizes the next (second) generation tools and procedures for
which is described in detail in the draft Guidelines for the Seismic Performance
were developed in the ATC-33 project in the mid 1990s and in ASCE Standard:
treatment of the large uncertainties in the prediction of losses due to earthquakes. This
performance based engineering and a significant departure from the first generation
deterministic procedures. Fig.2-4: identifies the five basic steps proposed for a next-
performance are proposed in the guidelines: 1) direct economic loss (repair cost),
potential loss. Section 2 of the paper introduces the three types of performance
assessment that can be performed using the draft Guidelines and identifies the
basic procedure for each. Section 3 describes the five steps for seismic performance
Assess Building Compute
Damage 4 Building Losses
Simulation 3
The procedures set forth in these guidelines represent a substantial departure from the
deterministic tools and procedures used at this time because uncertainty and randomness
damage states and building-level consequence functions, are used in the proposed
2.5. Pushover analysis
Pushover Analysis option will allow engineers to perform pushover analysis as per ATC
40 and FEMA 356. Pushover analysis is a static, nonlinear procedure using the simplified
the structure and plotting the total applied shear force and associated lateral
displacement at each increment, until the structure or collapse condition. [21] Pushover
load of a certain shape (i.e., inverted triangular or uniform). The intensity of the lateral
load is slowly increasing and the sequence of cracks, yielding, plastic hinge
analysis can provide a significant insight into the weak links in seismic
which, the structural deficiencies observed in one iteration, are rectified and
followed by another. This iterative analysis and design process continues until the
pushover analysis is generally established as the desired state of the building given
2.6. Developing Pushover Curve [21]:
As per FEMA 310 after assigning all properties of the models, the displacement
controlled pushover analysis of the models is carried out. The models are pushed in the
equilibrium which occurs first. For this purpose, target displacement at roof level and the
number of steps in which this displacement must be defined. In this study, target
displacement takes 4% of building height. Pushover curve is the base shear force versus a
roof displacement curve. The peak of this curve represents the maximum lateral load
carrying capacity of the structure. The initial stiffness of the structure are obtained from
the tangent at pushover at zero level. The collapse is assumed when the structure loses
Displacement.” It is plot drawn between base shear and roof displacement. Performance
point and location of hinges in various stages can be obtained from pushover curve. The
reaches appoint C on its force displacement curve that hinge must begin to drop a load.
The way load is dropped from a hinge that has reached point C is that pushover force
(base shear) is reduced until the force in that hinge is consistent with force at point D. As
the force is dropped, all elements unloaded, and the displacement is reduced. Once the
yielded hinge reaches the point D force level, the pushover force is again increased and
the displacement begins to increase again. If all the hinges are within the CP limit, then
the structure is said to be safe. However, depending upon the importance of the structure
b B
B a C CP
A Displacement
Slope of BC percentage (0-10%) of elastic slope which represents a strain hardening and
Many qualitative and analytical works have been done by many researchers in the
from the above review of seismic evaluations. Firstly, pushover analysis is becoming a
standard seismic assessment and design tools for quantitative evaluations. Secondly,
different countries evaluation guidelines are used for the purpose of qualitative
evaluations. This research is concerned with the pushover analysis of the selected
3. Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation
3.1.1. General
The qualitative evaluation is based on the inspection of the building as a whole and in
the plotting of the building, its members and details considered significant in
the assessment of the protection level, whenever the original design is not
available or when the building of the structure fails to comply with the design,
or when the building has suffered structural transformations during its service
considerations related to the norms on which the design of the building was
based or, if necessary, related to the date practices compared with the present
specifications in force;
The object of the qualitative assessment is the structural system as well as the non-
structural internal or external members that are likely to cause accidents during seismic
The qualitative methods are generally analyzed by two methods: visual inspection and
nondestructive tests.
Visual inspection provides the most valuable information, as it can be used to identify
any configuration issues, and it allows the measurement of component dimensions, and
the determination of whether the degradation is present. The basic procedure of visual
Identifying the lateral-load resisting system and
documenting the related basic score
Fifteen building type FEMA specified
Identifying the lateral-force resisting system
An interior inspection
Screening building with more than one
lateral force resisting system
Comment section
3.1.3. Non-destructive test [4]
The physical conditions of components dictate the need for certain destructive and
nondestructive test methods. Such methods may be used to determine the degree of
Guidelines and procedures for destructive and nondestructive tests that may be used in
examination (NDE) methods having the greatest use and applied to condition assessment.
hardness measurement, and crack mapping. These methods may be used to find surface
Structural condition and performance may be assessed through on-line monitoring using
acoustic emissions and strain gauges, and in-place static or dynamic load tests.
3.2.Quantitative Evaluation Method
3.2.1. General
Determining the conventional capacity to bear the seismic loads of the inspected
The seismic action is directly applied, by means of accelerograms, at the base of the
structure. The use of at least 3 significant accelerograms consistent with the site
conditions of the building is needed. Although it is the most rigorous method from the
theoretical point of view, this approach has important limitations due especially to the
large amount of time required. For the analysis in the case of big structures, as well as the
Capacity/Demand (C/D) method: The method has been initially presented by Applied
analysis for design earthquake are called demand. These are compared with the capacity
of different members to resist these forces and displacements. A (C/D) ratio less than one
indicates member failure and thus needs retrofitting. The seriousness of the deficiencies
order. The C/D procedures have been subjected to more detailed examination in the light
of recent advances in earthquake response studies. The main difficulty encountered in
using this method: there is no relationship between member and structure ductility factor
because of nonlinear behavior and the demand involves gravity effects, the ratio of
vertical loads and gradually increasing lateral loads. The equivalent static lateral loads
approximately represent earthquake induced forces. A plot of the total base shear versus
top displacement in a structure is obtained by this analysis that would indicate any
premature failure or weakness. The analysis is carried out up to failure, thus it enables
determination of collapse load and ductility capacity. On a building frame, and plastic
rotation is monitored, and lateral inelastic forces versus displacement response for
the complete structure is analytically computed. This type of analysis enables weakness
in the structure to be identified. The decision to retrofit can be taken in such studies.
Push over procedure is gaining popularity during the last few years as appropriate
Pushover analysis is of two types, (i) force controlled or (ii) displacement controlled. In
the force control, the total lateral force is applied to the structure in small increments. In
the displacement control, the displacement of the top storey of the structure is
incremented step by step, such that the required horizontal force pushes the structure
laterally. The distance through which the structure is pushed, is proportional to the
analysis, for each increment of the load or displacement, the stiffness matrix of the e
structure may have to be changed, once the structure passes from the elastic state to the
over the force controlled one because the analysis could be carried out up to the desired
The use of pushover analysis is simple and realistic. The elastic analysis does not have
history analysis (NRHA) is certainly viable, but is very time consuming. Also, it may
produce a very wide range of responses for a system subjected to a suite of appropriately
scaled ground motions. Computed deformation demands can easily range by an order of
magnitude (or more) making it difficult to make engineering decisions. Hence, I left with
Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis (NSPA) as a reasonable alternative for this thesis
computer program which can model the nonlinear behavior of lateral load resisting
members of a structure. Due to lack of design data two buildings were selected for
quantitative analysis.
The buildings designated by case study 01 (Hosanna condominium) and case study 02
(Sawo building).In this study, pushover analyses were performed using SAP2000
(iv) The super structure is analyzed independently from foundation and soil
(v) Pushover hinges are assigned to all the member ends. In case of Columns
PMM hinges (i.e. Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Hinge) are provided
while in case of beams M3 hinges (i.e. Bending Moment hinge) are provided
(vi) The maximum target displacement of the structure is calculated in
f. Locate the pushover hinges on the model by selecting one or more frame
members and assigning them one or more hinge properties and hinge locations.
g. A predefined lateral load pattern which is distributed along the building height is
then applied..
j. Review the pushover displaced shape and sequence of hinge formed on a step-
by-step basis.
4. Analysis of selected buildings by Qualitative and Quantitative
4.1.Case Study building descriptions
All buildings are analyzed as per EMS-98 and FEMA -154 guidelines as follows:
It is a two storey reinforced concrete residential building which is built in 2008 and has a
Table 4.2:Visual inspection chart for case study 01
Building type C1
Basic score 3
Mid Rise (4 to 7 stories) 0.2
High Rise (>7 stories) 0.5
Vertical Irregularity -2
plan Irregularity -0.5
pre-code -1
Post-Bench mark 1.2
Soil type C -0.6
Soil type D -1
Soil type E -1.6
By adding the highlighted numbers, final score of 2.6 was determined. Hence a final score is
greater than cutoff score 2.0. Hence, detailed evaluation of the building is not required
Figure 4:2: Case study 01 actual damage photo
Damage incurred: Diagonal cracks on the wall between axis B and C in the exterior wall
of the ground floor, which is on the longer direction. The damages are large and
extensive, but not all of them penetrate the whole wall thickness of the wall. Moderate
Figure 4:3: Case study01 damage view photo
Damage incurred: damage of window glass on the ground floor. Slight non structural
Figure 4:4: Case Study 01 actual damage photo
Damage incurred: removal of clear cover from floor beam and bulging of window frame.
Visual inspections by damage photo indicate that the building has suffered minor
4.2.2. Case study 02 Building
Building Description
It is a three storey reinforced concrete mixed use building which is built in 2009 and has
a floor of 380m2 .This structure is occupied by the commercial units at ground story and
Table 4.2: Visual Inspection chart for Case study 02
Building type C1
Basic score 3
Mid Rise (4 to 7 stories) 0.2
High Rise (>7 stories) 0.5
Vertical Irregularity -2
plan Irregularity -0.5
pre-code -1
Soil type D -1
By adding the highlighted numbers, final score of 3.2 was determined. Hence a final score is
greater than cutoff score 2.0. Hence detailed evaluation of the building is not required
Recorded typical damage photo of Case Study 02 Mixed use building
Damage incurred: from the ground to third floor cracks on infill wall and partial removal
of clear cover on floor beam. Slight non -structural damage categorized grade1 as per
Figure 4:7: Case study02 actual damage view photo
Damage incurred: from the ground to third floor slight cracks between infill wall and
Visual inspections indicate the building has suffered slight earthquake damage.
4.2.3. Case Study 03 Building:
Case study 03 building is office building which is two stories reinforced concrete frame
building. It is L-shaped in plan but has construction joint between two parts and located
in zone 4. It is the one of the building which is affected by Hosanna earthquake 2010.
Table 4.3: Visual inspection chart for Case study 03 building
Stories Three
Earthquake/site Screener Aklilu T
2010/ Total Floor Area
Occupancy Soil Type
Building type C1
Basic score 3
Mid Rise (4 to 7 stories) 0.2
High Rise (>7 stories) 0.5
Vertical Irregularity -2
plan Irregularity -0.5
pre-code -1
Post-Bench mark 1.2
Soil type D -1
Soil type E -1.6
By adding the highlighted numbers, final score of 3.2 was determined. Hence a final
score is greater than cutoff score 2.0. Hence, detailed evaluation of the building is not
Recorded damage photo of Case study 03 office building
Damage incurred: from the ground to third floor, cracking at the beam and wall interface
Figure 4:10: Actual damage view photo of case study 03 building
Damage incurred: Large cracks in partition walls. Damage categorized grade2 as per
Visual inspections indicate the building has suffered minor earthquake damage.
4.2.4. Case Study 04 Building
Screener T
Total Floor
2010/ Area
Occupancy Soil Type
Building type C1
Basic score 3
Mid Rise (4 to 7 stories) 0.2
High Rise (>7 stories) 0.5
Vertical Irregularity -2
plan Irregularity -0.5
pre-code -1
Post-Bench mark 1.2
Soil type D -1
Soil type E -1.6
By adding the highlighted numbers, final score of 3.2 was determined. Hence a final
score is greater than cutoff score 2.0. Hence ,detailed evaluation of the building is not
Recorded damage photo of Case study 04 Building
Damage incurred: from ground floor to third floor cracks on walls and junction of frame.
Figure 4:13 : Damage photo of Case study 04 Building
Damage incurred: from ground floor to third floor partial removal of the plastering from
Figure 4:14: Damage photo of Case Study 04 Building
Damage incurred: from ground floor to third floor cracks on walls and junction of frame
Visual inspections indicate the building has suffered minor earthquake damage.
4.2.5. Case Study 05 Building
The Case Study 05 School is located 9km away from Hosanna Town.
Stories 0
Earthquake/site Screener Aklilu T
2010/ Total Floor Area
Occupancy Soil Type
Building type W1
Soil type C 0
Soil type D 0
Soil type E 0
By adding the highlighted numbers, final score of 4.4 was determined. Hence a final score is
greater than cutoff score 2.0. Hence detailed evaluation of the building is not required
Figure 4:15: Damage photo of case study 05
Damage incurred partial collapse of building. Damage categorized grade3 as per EMS98
Visual inspections indicate the building has suffered minor earthquake damage.
4.3.Quantitative analysis of Case study buildings
Due to lack of design data only case study 01 and 02 buildings analyzed by quantitative
Steel: Φ6, Φ8, Φ10, Φ12 Φ6, Φ8, Φ10, Φ12 S-300
Quality: Steel: Φ14, Φ16, Φ20 Φ14, Φ16, Φ20 S-400
Typical For first and second 300X250mm
floor: Sec A-A Bottom bar:2 Φ16
400X200mm Top bar: 3Φ16
Bottom bar:3 Φ14 Stirrup: Φ6c/c150
Top bar: 3Φ14
Stirrup: Φ8c/c200
Description Remark
Case Study
Beam Typical Sec B-B
Bottom bar:4 Φ14
Top bar: 3Φ14
Stirrup: Φ8c/c190
Lateral Load profile [25]
F b Ft W i h i
Fi n
…………………………………… Equation 4-1
j 1
j hj
Under the Non-linear Static Procedure, a model directly incorporating inelastic material
response is displaced to a target displacement, and resulting internal deformations and
forces are determined. The mathematical model of the building is subjected to
monotonically increasing lateral forces or displacements until either a target displacement
is exceeded, or the building collapses. The target displacement is intended to represent
the maximum displacement likely to be experienced during the design earthquake.
Te 2
t C 0 C1 C 2 C 3 S a g …………………………………… Equation 4-3
4 2
where Te is the effective fundamental period (in seconds) of the building in the
direction under consideration, Sa is the response spectrum acceleration (in g) at the
effective fundamental period and damping ratio of the building in the direction under
consideration; and g is the gravity acceleration.
C2=1.10, C3=1.00 and Te= 0.320 Sec. For the design level earthquake, the target
displacement computed for this structure δt =0.05m and the coefficients of target
displacements for Case study 02 taken as C0=1.30, C1=1.0, C2=1.10, C3=1.00 and Te=0. 50
Sec. For the design level earthquake, the target displacement computed for this structure
δt = 0. 10m.
5. Results and Discussions
5.1. General
This chapter presents the results of pushover analysis of case study 01 and 02 using
SAP2000 software.
Pushover Curves (Base shear versus top displacement) of case study 01 and case study
02. Pushover analysis was carried out separately in the X and Y directions. The resulting
pushover curves, in terms of Base Shear – Roof Displacement (V-Δ). The slope of the
pushover curves is gradually changed to increase the lateral displacement of the building.
This is due to the progressive formation of plastic hinges in beams and columns
throughout the structure. The pushover curves reach a maximum which corresponds to
the failure of the building. There are many plastic hinges formed with big plastic
5.2.1. Pushover Curves of Case Study 01
Figure 5:1: The pushover curve positive X direction loading of case study 01
The maximum base shear (V) of the structure in positive X direction is 1850 KN and
ultimate roof displacement (Δ) of 0.059 m and linear range up to base shear at 760KN
and roof displacement (∆) of 0.015m.Building with in linear range the hinge state is
Pushover Curve in negative X Direction Loading of Case Study 01:
The maximum base shear (V) of the structure in negative X direction is 2340 KN and
ultimate roof displacement (Δ) of 0.086 m and linear range up to base shear at 1200KN
and roof displacement (∆) of 0.017m. Building with in linear range the hinge state is
Pushover Curve in negative Y Direction Loading:
The maximum base shear (V) of the structure in negative y direction is 1520 KN and roof
displacement (Δ) 0f (-1.26x10^-3 m). Building with in linear range the hinge state is
Final it is observed from the pushover curve of case study 01:
The pushover curves in y direction (longer direction) are being stiffer than the pushover
This is explained by the fact that in the Y direction more number of moment resisting
frames (MRF) exists than X direction. The building at y direction receives similar forces
with smaller displacement. Therefore the structure in Y direction has more stiffness as
Hence, the results of SAP 2000 output matches with actual damage occurred, most
nonstructural damage like diagonal cracks in walls, damage of the window is occurring
5.2.2. Pushover Curve (Base shear versus top displacement) of case
study 02
Figure 5:4: The pushover curve) for positive X direction of case study 02
The maximum base shear (V) of the structure in positive X direction is 2450 KN and
ultimate roof displacement (Δ) of 0.051 m and linear range up to base shear at 1820KN
and roof displacement (∆) of 0.012m. Building with in linear range the hinge state is
Figure 5:5: The pushover curve) for positive y direction of case study 02
The maximum base shear (V) of the structure in positive y direction is 30000 KN and
ultimate roof displacement (Δ) of 0.047 m and linear range up to base shear at 15000KN
and roof displacement (∆) of 0.012m. Building with in linear range the hinge state is
Finally, it is observed from the pushover curve in case study 02, the pushover curve y
direction is being stiffer than the pushover curve in x direction. This is explained by the
fact that in the y direction has more number of MRF than X direction.
The building in the Y direction receives larger forces with smaller displacement.
SAP2000 result confirms, actual damage occurred which is mostly shorter direction.
The performance point is the point where the capacity curve crosses the demand curve
according to [4]. Based on this performance point location the damage intensity will be
calculated. If this point located in the immediate occupancy the damage intensity is light.
If this point lies in the life safety the damage intensity is moderate. Similarly, if
performance point lies in collapse prevention then damage intensity is severe. The next
figures show the performance point for all pushover curves. With red color is the elastic
spectrum of EC8 and a series of reduced responses to ADRS format. The green curve
represents the spectrum resistance of the equivalent SDOF system as shown by the
resistance curve. With the orange line defined as the locus of points as defined by [4].
Performance point in Positive X direction loading:
The performance point of case study 01 building occurred at Step 3 of the analysis.
The curve shows spectral displacement and spectral acceleration. The performance point
for a given set of values is defined by the intersection of the capacity curve (green) and
From Figure 4:5, Observed Capacity spectrum and a demand spectrum curve intersection
- Performance point of this structure is occurring at base shear force (V) of 1672.429KN
Figure 5:7: Presents the overall yielding pattern of the structure at the Performance
Table 5.1: Plastic hinge Pattern for pushover analysis at different damage level of
The sequence of plastic hinge formation and state of hinge at various levels of building
performance can be obtained from SAP2000 output. This gives the information about the
weakest member and so the one which is to be strengthened in case of a building need to
be retrofitted.
Shear A to B to IO to LS to CP to C to Beyond
From the table 5.1: can be concluded that most elements have entered in the plastic zone
(blue color). Six elements of the building are in the Collapse prevention (CP-C) limit
state and 24 elements of building are in collapse limit state (C to D). This means that the
building of almost thirty elements requires Strengthening. This also confirms less number
Performance point Due to Positive Y direction loading of case study 01
This analysis was completed in 34 steps and performance point was set Steps 22 of the
From 4:7 Observed Capacity spectrum and demand spectrum curve intersection point of
Performance point for this structure is occurred at base shear force of 951.604KN and
Figure 5:9: presents the overall yielding pattern of the structure at the Performance
Table 5.2: Elements States at Performance Step and other Steps of case study 01 Y
direction loading:
Shear IO to LS to CP to C to D to Beyond
From the above can be concluded that most elements have entered in the plastic zone
(blue color). Two elements of the building are in the Collapse prevention (CP-C) limit
state and 4 elements of building are in collapse limit state (C to D). This means that the
building of almost six elements requires Strengthening. This means that the building
almost safe.
5.3.2. Performance Point and Hinge State of Case Study 02
The performance point of case study 02 building occurred at Step 3 of the analysis.
From figure 5.10: Observed Capacity spectrum and demand spectrum curve intersection
Figure 5:11: presents the overall yielding pattern of the structure at the
Table 5.3: Computed limit states for the case 02 studied building in +X direction case
study 02.
Shear B to IO to LS to CP to C to D to Beyond
Step Displa(m) force(KN) A to B IO LS CP C D E E
1 0.0056 -1172.002 210.5 1
2 0.0082 -1645.848 201.5 9.5
3 0.0117 -1951.269 192 18.5
4 0.016 -2144.685 182.5 27 3
5 0.0262 -2354.102 171 25.5 14.5
6 0.0378 -2449.407 166 15 30
7 0.0499 -2513.364 165 7.5 30 14
From the above can be concluded that most elements have entered in the plastic zone
(blue color). All elements are within the immediate occupant level.
Performance point Due to Positive y direction loading of case study 02
The performance point of case study 01 building occurred at Step 3 of the analysis.
Figure 5:13: presents the overall yield pattern of the structure at the Performance
Shear B to IO to LS to CP to C to D to Beyond
Step Displa(m) force(KN) A to B IO LS CP C D E E
1 -0.0307 -8067.663 210.5 1
2 -0.0131 14799.745 199 12
3 -0.0496 29750.064 177.5 29 5 1
From the above can be concluded that most elements have entered in the plastic zone
6. Conclusions
using both qualitative and quantitative method. The qualitative and quantitative is based
on the FEMA and EMS while the quantitative method is nonlinear static (pushover)
analysis performed using SAP2000 software as per ATC 40 life performance criteria.
The main conclusions drawn from the study can be summarized as:
Case study 02 building has suffered only minor non structural damage from the
actual earthquake .Both qualitative and quantitative analysis results also confirm
with observation.
Case study 01 building has relatively more damages than case study 02. The
damages were mainly on the infill walls located in the longer direction. This
observation was also confirmed the quantitative analysis with formation of more
The pushover analysis indicates the case study 01 should not satisfy life safety
level. It can be concluded that the building may not withstand further earthquake
Finally the author suggests that such a study shall further be conducted on a large
number of buildings located in Hosanna town and other towns, in order to get a
ashuraim@gmail.com. (2007)
Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures
8. Saiidi M.and Sözen M.A., 1981, Simple Nonlinear Seismic Response of R/C
9. Albanesi, T., Nuti, C and Vanzi, I. (2002), "State of the Art Review for the
11. Fajfar, P. (2000), "A Nonlinear Analysis Method For Performance Based
12. Fajfar, P. and Fischinger, M. (1988), “N2-A Method for Nonlinear Seismic
College, London.
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16. Sasaki, K.K., Freeman, S.A. and Paret, T.F. (1998), “Multimode Pushover
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 491-514
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Technical University
23. X.-K. Zou, C.-M. Chan. Optimal seismic performance-based design of reinforced
24. FEMA 154 “Federal Emergency Management Agency”, Rapid Visual Screening
25. Ethiopian Building Code Standard: EBCS-8 Design of Structures for Earthquake
APPENDIX A-Case Study Structural Drawings
Case Study 01
Appendix B –Hinge state of Case Study Buildings
Case Study 01
X direction loading
Case Study 01 Y-Direction Loading
SAP 2000 Hinge state of case study 02
Design the building as per linear analysis using expected strength and modified
After completing the model of the building Unlock the model as shown in Figure
Step-3 Assignment of Hinges to Frame Elements
Select all the beams in the model. Go to Assign > Frame > Hinges
The hinges should be assigned at both the ends which means at the relative
Carried out for beams the only difference is that column should be assigned P-
Go to Define > Load Case> Add New Load Case >PUSH consisting of load in
Select Load Case Type> Static, Analysis Type> Nonlinear and Geometric Non-
This load case should be started from a previous load case Gravity since gravity
Step-5 RUN Analysis
While running the analysis it is important to Run the Modal and Gravity analysis
with pushover load case since Pushover load case takes stiffness from gravity load
To see the pushover curve Go to > Display > Show Static Pushover Curve, the
The Static Pushover Curve Go to > File > Display Tables it will show the results