Erik Erikson
Erik Erikson
Erik Erikson
Erik Homburger Erikson was born Erik Salomonsen on • Ego - in contrast with Freud's concept of Ego (being a
June 15, 1902, near Frankfurt, Germany. diplomat with no power of its own), Erikson's
conception of Ego is more powerful. It is a positive force
● His mother, Karla Abrahamsen, was from a that creates a self-identity or a sense of "I"
wealthy Jewish family in Copenhagen, Denmark. • Ego helps us adapt to the various conflicts and crises
She had married a man named Valdemar of life and keeps us from losing our individuality to the
Salomonsen, but her husband left Europe within leveling forces of society
a day of their marriage and went to North • During childhood, the ego is weak, pliable, and fragile;
America; she never saw him again and he seems but by adolescence it should begin to take form and gain
to have had no further relationship with her. strength.
• Throughout our life, it unifies personality and guards
against indivisibility.
● A few years later she became pregnant, and in • He defined the ego as a person's ability to unify
order to avoid scandal, she either left or was experiences and actions in an adaptive manner
sent away from Denmark to Germany, where
she would be near relatives. She settled near
Aspects of Ego
Frankfurt, and raised Erikson alone.
Stage 6: Intimacy vs. Isolation • ADULTHOOD - that time when people begin to take
Young Adulthood/Early Adulthood (19-39y/o) their place in society and assume responsibility for
whatever society produces.
• For some people, this stage is a relatively short time, • Procreativity - refers to more than genital contact with
lasting perhaps only a few years. For others, young an intimate partner. It includes assuming responsibility
adulthood may continue for several decades. for the care of offspring that result from that sexual
• Genitality - Much of the sexual activity during contact.
adolescence is an expression of one's search for identity • Ideally, procreation should follow from the mature
and is basically self-serving. intimacy and love established during the preceding
• True genitality can develop only during young stage.
adulthood when it is distinguished by mutual trust and a • Obviously, people are physically capable of producing
stable sharing of sexual satisfactions with a loved offspring before they are psychologically ready to care
person. for the welfare of these children.