MCE 06 Module
MCE 06 Module
MCE 06 Module
ME 3rd
Mechanical EngINEERING Dept. Year
Compilation of
ME 3rd
Module Introductio
A consider the cooling of a hot steal rod which is place in a cold water.
Thermodynamics may be used to predict the final equilibrium temperature of the rod-water
combination. It will not tell us how long it takes to reach this equilibrium condition.
Heat Transfer may be used to predict the temperature of the rod and the water as a function of
1.1 Definition:
Heat: is the energy transit as a result of the temperature difference.
Heat transfer: is that science which seeks to predict the energy transfer that may take
place between material bodes as a result of a temperature difference.
Thermodynamics: is the state science of energy, the transformation of energy and the
change in the state of matter. (Thermodynamics can be able to determination of heat and
work requirements for chemical and physical process and the equilibrium conditions).
Heat flux: heat transfer flow in the direction per unit area (q”).
Steady state: Temperature is very does not very with time (dT/dt) =0.
Unsteady state: temperature is depending on time.
ME 3rd
Experimental constant for the medium involved, and it may depend upon other properties, such as
temperature and pressure. 𝑑𝑇 Is the temperature gradient in the direction normal to the area A.
Figure 1.1 Temperature distributions for steady state conduction. Through a plate wall
The minus sign in Fourier's Law (1.1) is required by the second law of thermodynamics:
thermal energy transfer resulting from a thermal gradient must be from a warmer to a colder
region. If the temperature profile within the medium is linear Fig. 1.1 it is permissible to replace
the temperature gradient (partial derivative) with
T 2−T 1
The quantity (L/kA) is equivalent to a thermal resistance Rk (K/W) which is equal to the
reciprocal of the conductance. As:
Such linearity always exists in a homogeneous medium of fixed k during steady state heat
transfer occurs whenever the temperature at every point within the body, including the surfaces, is
independent of time.
Figure 1.2 Association of conduction heat transfer with diffusion of energy due to
molecular activity.
ME 3rd
If the temperature changes with time , energy is either being stored in or removed from the
body. This storage rate is,
q stored=mc p
The thermal conductivity of a material is a measure of the ability of the material to conduct heat.
III. Thermal Conductivity of Gases: The thermal conductivity of a gas increases with
increasing temperature, but is essentially independent of pressure for pressures close to
atmospheric. For high pressure (i.e., pressure of the order of the critical pressure or
greater), the effect of pressure may be significant.
1.4 Convection Heat Transfer ME 3rd
Whenever a solid body is exposed to a moving fluid having a temperature different from
that of the body, energy is carried or convected from or to the body by the fluid If the upstream
temperature of the fluid is T, and the surface temperature of the solid is Ts the heat transfer per
unit time is given by Newton s Law of cooling:
The third mode of heat transmission is due to electromagnetic wave propagation, which
can occur in a total vacuum as well as in a medium. Experimental evidence indicates that radiant
heat transfer is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature, where as conduction
and convection are proportional to a linear temperature difference. The fundamental Stefan-
Boltzmann Law is:
𝑞 = 𝜎ε 𝑇4 (1.8)
𝑞 = 𝜎ε 𝐴(𝑇s4 − 𝑇sur4 )
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Where ε, the emissivity of the surface, ranges (0-1). The ideal emitter or blackbody is one. All
other surfaces emit some what less than one. Ts and Tsur, the temperature of surface and
surroundings respectively. Similarly, the thermal resistance to radiation heat transfer Rr, as:
ME 3rd
1. Calculate the rate of heat transfer by natural convection between a shed roof of area 20 m x 20 m
and ambient air, if the roof surface temperature is 27°C, the air temperature 3°C, and the average
convection heat transfer coefficient 10 W/m2 K.
Assume that steady state exists and the direction of heat flow is
from the air to the roof. The rate of heat transfer by convection
from the air to the roof is then given by Eq:
Note we initially assumed that the heat transfer would be from the air to the roof. But since the
heat flow under this assumption turns out to be a negative quantity the direction of heat flow is
actually from the roof to the air.
2. Determine the steady state rate of heat transfer per unit area
through a 4.0cm thick homogeneous slab with its two faces
maintained at uniform temperatures of 38o C and 21 oC. The
thermal conductivity of the material is 0.19 W/m K.
3. After sunset, radiant energy can be sensed by a person standing near a brick wall. Such
walls frequently have surface temperatures around 44 oC, and typical brick emissivity
values are on the order of 0.92. What would be the radiant thermal flux per square foot
from a brick wall at this temperature?
𝑞 = 𝜎ε𝑇4 = 0.92 × 5.6697 × 10−8 × (44 + 273)
q = 527 W/m2
ME 3rd
1. The forced convective heat transfer coefficient for a hot fluid x1 x2 flowing over a cool
surface is 225 W/m2-oC for a particular problem. The fluid temperature upstream of the
cool surface is 120 oC, and the surface is held at 10 oC. Determine the heat transfer rate per
unit surface area from the fluid to the surface. (ans. 24750 W/m2)
3. The air inside an electronics package housing has a temperature of 50°C. A "chip" in this
housing has internal thermal power generation (heating)
rate of 3 X 10 -3 W. This chip is subjected to an air flow
resulting in a convective coefficient h of 9 W/m2.oC over
its two main surfaces which are 0.5 cm X 1.0 cm.
Determine the chip surface temperature neglecting
radiation and heat transfer from the edges. (ans. 53.33 oC)
ME 3rd
Summarizes the basic relations for the rate equation of each of the three basic heat transfer
mechanisms to aid in setting up the thermal circuits for solving combined heat transfer
In the figure, for a three-layer system, the temperature gradients in the layers are different.
The rate of heat conduction through each layer is qk, and from Eq. (1.1) we get
Eliminating the intermediate temperatures T2 and T3 in Eq. qk can be expressed in the form
where T1 is the outer-surface temperature of layer 1 and TN+1 is the outer- surface temperature
of layer N. and ∆T is the overall temperature difference, often called the temperature potential.
ME 3rd
Conduction can occur in a section with two different materials in parallel between the same
potential. Fig. 1.18 shows a slab with two different materials of areas AA and AB in parallel. If the
temperatures over the left and right faces are uniform at T1 and T2, the total rate of heat flow is the
sum of the flows through AA and AB:
Note that the total heat transfer area is the sum of AA and AB and that the total resistance equals
ME the
product of the individual resistances divided by their sum, as in any parallel circuit. A more Year
complex application of the thermal network approach is illustrated in Fig. 1.19, where heat is
transferred through a composite structure involving thermal resistances in series and in parallel.
For this system the resistance of the middle layer, R2 becomes and the rate of heat flow is
Figure 1.13 Conduction Through a Wall Consisting of Series and Parallel Thermal Paths.
1. Calculate the rate of heat loss from a furnace wall per unit area. The wall is constructed
from an inner layer of 0.5 cm thick steel (k : 40 W/m K) and an outer layer of 10 cm
zirconium brick (k = 2.5 W/m K) as shown in Fig. The inner-surface temperature is 900 K
and the outside surface temperature is 460 K. What is the temperature at the interface?
Figure 1.10 Schematic Diagram of Furnace Wall. ME 3rd
• Assume that steady state exists,
• neglect effects at the corners and edges of the wall,
• the surface temperatures are uniform.
The rate of heat loss per unit area can be calculated from Eq:
Note that the temperature drop across the steel interior wall is only 1.4 K because the thermal
resistance of the wall is small compared to the resistance of the brick.
ME 3rd
2. A 0.1 m thick brick wall (k = 0.7 W/m K) is exposed to a cold wind at 270 K through a
convection heat transfer coefficient of 40 W/m K. On the other side is air at 330 K, with a
natural convection heat transfer coefficient of 10 W/m2 K. Calculate the rate of heat
transfer per unit area.
The three resistances are the rate of heat transfer per unit area is :
ME 3rd
1. Two large aluminum plates (k = 240 W/m K), each 1 cm thick, with 10 µm surface
roughness the contact resistance Ri = 2.75 x 10-4 m2 K/W. The temperatures at the
outside surfaces are 395°C and 405°C. Calculate (a) the heat flux (b) the temperature drop
due to the contact resistance.
2. A layer of 2 in thick firebrick (kb = 1.0 Btu/hr ft °F) is placed between two ¼ in.-thick
steel plates (ks = 30 Btu/hr ft °F). The faces of the brick adjacent to the plates are rough,
having solid-to-solid contact over only 30 % of the total area, with the average height of
asperities being L2=1/32 in. If the surface temperatures of the steel plates are 200° and
800°F, respectively. The conductivity of air ka is 0.02 Btu/hr ft°F, determine the rate of
heat flow per unit area.
Conduction Rate Equation: Steady State ME 3rd
Module Year
Conduction Through Pipe and Composite Pipe
Figure 2-6 depicts a single-layer cylindrical wall of a homogeneous material with constant
thermal conductivity and uniform inner and outer surface temperatures. At a given radius the area
normal to radial heat flow by conduction is 2 πrL where L is the cylinder length. Substituting this
into (1.1) and integrating with q constant gives,
ME 3rd
1. A steel pipe (k = 45.0 W/m. K) having a 5.0 cm o.d. is covered with a 4.2cm thick layer of
magnesia (k = 0.07 W/m.K) which is in turn covered with a 2.4 cm layer of fiberglass
insulation (k = 0.048 W/m.K). The pipe wall outside temperature is 370 K and the outside
surface temperature of the fiberglass is 305 K. What is the interfacial temperature between
the magnesia and the fiberglass?
ME 3rd
In this section we will consider problems wherein values of h are known or specified, and
we will direct our attention to the solution of combined conductive-convective problems.
where the overbar on h denotes an average value for the entire surface.
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In agreement with the electrical analogy of Section 2.3, can be thought of as a thermal
resistance due to the convective boundary. Thus, the electrical analog to this problem is that of
three resistances in series, Fig. 2-9(b). Here, Ra = La/kaA is the conductive resistance due to the
homogeneous material a. Since the conductive heat flow within the solid must exactly equal the
convective heat flow at the boundaries, (2.12) gives,
ME 3rd
In these expressions L is the length of the cylindrical system. Summing the thermal
Now by definition U = l/(AΣRth),and for A it is customary to use the outer surface area, Ao,
= 2πr2L, so that,
where the subscript o denotes that U, is based on the outside surface area of the cylinder. For a
multilayered cylindrical system having rz -1material layers,
where the subscripts on k denotes the bounding radii of a layer (e.g. for a two-layered system
the outer layer of material b, kb = k2.3). Year
1. A 6-in thick concrete wall, having thermal conductivity k = 0.50 Btu/hr.ft.0F, is exposed
to air at 700F on one side and air at 200F on the opposite side. The heat transfer
coefficients are hi = 2.0 Btu/h.ft2.0F on the 700F side and ho = 10 Btu/h.ft2.0F on the 200F
side. Determine the heat transfer rate and the two surface temperatures of the wall.
2. Steam at 250 OF flows in an insulated pipe. The pipe is 1% carbon steel and has an inside
radius of 2.0 in and an outside radius of 2.25 in. The pipe is covered with a one-inch layer
of 85% magnesia. The inside heat transfer coefficient, hi,is 15 Btu/h.ft2-OF, and the outside
coefficient, ho,, is 2.2 Btu/h.ft2.oF. Determine the overall heat transfer coefficient U, and
the heat transfer rate from the steam per foot of pipe length, if the surrounding air
temperature is 65 oF.
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ME 3rd
ME 3rd