ReadyToCustomized MV-Switchgear NRJBRO19822EN 151220
ReadyToCustomized MV-Switchgear NRJBRO19822EN 151220
ReadyToCustomized MV-Switchgear NRJBRO19822EN 151220
Grow your expertise,
opportunities, and revenues
Low-voltage (LV) panel builders and OEMs With our Ready-To-Customize MV Switchgear,
continue to face market and competitive you’ll receive a complete, pre-assembled,
pressures around the globe. Growing business pre-tested, and certified MV switchgear.
is top of mind for executives and managers. The switchgear will include a LV cabinet, ready
But maximizing profits also requires keeping to be customized by your team to meet the
costs under control while maximizing unique requirements of your customer.
efficiency. Your business needs to capture
new opportunities with enhanced, high-value Strengthen your competitive position in your
solutions that your customers want, delivered marketplace by:
quickly and cost effectively.
• Expanding your expertise with new technical
Schneider Electric now offers to its selected • Offering high quality MV switchgear that
panel builder and OEM partners an easy, fast, complies with all regulations
and secure way to access our world-class • Delivering complete MV and LV solutions
Medium Voltage (MV) technology. Expand your quickly
business to serve MV applications in mid- and
large-sized commercial and industrial buildings.
Simply place your order online for Ready-To-Customize MV Switchgear, using digital tools that
make it easy to specify your requirements.
MV circuit breaker
Earthing switch, shutters, bushings
Busbars and insulators
Current and voltage transformers
LV cabinet metalwork or drawing (according to range)
Testing of full cubicle and MV parts (power distribution, power frequency, resistance measurement, etc.)
according to applicable standards (IEC or ANSI), with provision of test reports
From time of order confirmation, complete MV switchgear can be manufactured and delivered to
you within only a few weeks.
Your team will then complete the integrated LV cabinet, which is a flexible design, ready for full
customization of protection, metering and control. Typical steps, as shown in Figure 1, will include:
Once completed, the MV + LV cabinet is ready for you to pack and ship to your customer.
© 2019 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. Life Is On Schneider Electric is a trademark and the property of Schneider Electric SE, its subsidiaries and affiliated companies.
• NRJBRO19822EN_151220