In Flight Announcement
In Flight Announcement
In Flight Announcement
FA: Good Morning, I am __________. May I see your boarding pass?... You’re seat is this way.
Pre-flight Announcement
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on board flight 4B7 with service from Hong Kong to San Francisco.
We are currently third in line for takeoff and are expected to be in the air in approximately 7
minutes time. We ask that you please fasten your seat belts at this time and secure all baggage
underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays
are in the upright position for takeoff. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including
laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for
choosing STI Airlines. Enjoy your flight.
Captain’s Announcement
Good afternoon passengers. This is your captain speaking. First I’d like to welcome everyone on STI
Airlines flight 4B7 we are currently cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet at an airspeed of 400 miles
per hour. The time is 1: 25 PM. The weather looks good and with the tailwind on our side we are
expecting to land in San Francisco approximately 15 minutes ahead of schedule the. The weather in
San Francisco is clear and sunny, with a high of 25 degrees for this afternoon. If the weather
cooperates we should get a great view of the city as we descend. The cabin crew will be coming
around in about 20 minutes time to offer you a light snack and beverage and in-flight movie will
begin shortly after that. I’ll talk to you again before we reach our destination period until then, sit
back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight.
FA: Can I get you anything to drink? (YES NO)
(If YES: We have soda, fruit juice, beer, and water. What would you like to drink Ma’am/Sir?)
FA: Enjoy your drink, ma’am/sir.
FA: Good afternoon, would you like chicken or pork for your lunch?
FA: Enjoy your meal
FA: Let me help you have more space by bussing out your meal trays.
FA: Seatbelts on please. Kindly put your seats and folding trays in their full upright position. Thank
Before Take-Off Announcement
Welcome We care about your safety and welfare. To ensure this, we are all required to wear
Announcement our face masks and face shields throughout the flight. We can only take them off
when eating and drinking, or your cabin crew directs you during an emergency. May
we remind you to stow your baggage in the bins above or under the seats in front of
you. This is a non-smoking flight. Smoking, including e-cigarettes, is strictly prohibited.
Exit Row Briefing If you are seated in an exit row, you are required by Civil Aviation Regulations to read
the safety briefing card stowed in front of you. If you have clarifications on this
procedure or otherwise wish to be reseated, kindly inform the cabin crew now.
Before Closing Attention to any ground staff on board: Door/s will be closed shortly. Passengers, please
doors take your seat now and fasten your seat belt. Please turn off all your phones, or you
may switch them to airplane mode. Thank you.
Safety We will now show you the safety features of this aircraft. Please watch the cabin crew
Demonstration nearest you.
To fasten your seatbelt, push the end together. To tighten, pull the loose end of the
strap. To loosen, tilt the buckle and pull. To unfasten, lift the top of the buckle, pull and
If you are with an infant, fasten your seatbelt and wrap your arms around your infant’s
waist. Your life vests are found under your seats. On water landing, remove all sharp
objects from your body. Slip vests over your head. Take the tape around the waist,
push the end to buckle. Pull waist tape to tighten. When you are already outside the
aircraft, pull down sharply the inflation cord at the lower end of your vest. If it fails to
inflate, blow into the red tubes. Push the pin inwards of the tube to release air.
Only inflate your life vest OUTSIDE the aircraft.
During decompression, oxygen masks will drop from above you. Immediately grab
those aircraft oxygen mask and pull firmly towards your face. Put them over your nose
and mouth, pull elastic band for firm fit and breathe normally. Keep the mask on until
you are advised otherwise. If there is a child or other passenger who needs your help,
put on your mask first before helping them.
The Emergency Exits are clearly marked for your guidance. Locate the exits nearest you.
In case of power loss or extreme smoke in the cabin, emergency lights and path
on the floor will lead you to these exits during evacuation. For more information, please
read the safety card in front of you.
In preparation for take-off, ensure your seatbelts are fastened, seatbacks upright,
window shades are open, and tables are stowed. Thank you for listening.
Dimming of lights As a safety requirement, we will dim the cabin lights for take-off, and so you may also
enjoy the view outside. Reading lights are available above you.
Seatbelt sign off For your own safety and comfort, please keep your seatbelt fastened whenever you are
seated. This is a non-smoking flight. Tampering with smoke detectors inside the comfort
room is punishable under the law.
Fastened Seatbelt Ladies and gentlemen, the fasten seatbelt sign is now turned on. Please keep your
switched “ON.” seatbelt fastened for your own safety. We will be attending to your needs as soon as the
seatbelt sign has been turned off.
After touchdown Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to . The current time is and
the date today is . Ground temperature is .
Please remain seated with your seatbelt fastened until the aircraft comes to a complete
stop. Wait for the fasten seatbelt sign to be turned off. Check the areas around you for
any items left behind. Our crew will guide you on our order of disembarkation.
For passengers who need special assistance, please deplane last. Our crew and ground
staff will be happy to assist you.
On behalf of Captain and the rest of the crew, thank you for choosing to fly
with us.
1. Senior Cabin crew Ladies and gentlemen, this is your senior cabin crew speaking. The captain
explains emergency has just informed us that due to a technical problem, we will make an
procedure via emergency landing in mins on (land/water). Your cabin crew is
announcement system trained to handle this situation. You have to remain calm and seated and
follow our instructions for safe evacuation.
3. Collect and stow service Hand over food trays and all other service items to your cabin crew as they
items pass by.
7. Bracing positions When you hear the command “Brace for impact,” place your feet flat on the
floor. Cross your arms and hold the seatback in front of you. Place your head
down between your arms to support your head and neck.
If you can’t reach the floor or there is no seat in front of you, put your body
and head on your knees and hug your thighs tightly, or clutch your ankles to
support your body.
Keep this bracing position until the aircraft has come to a complete stop or
your cabin crew instructed you otherwise.
Optional Announcement
Looking for Able-body “If there are any airline employees, law enforcement officers, firefighters,
passengers rescue or military personnel on board, please identify yourselves to your cabin
crew. We will need your assistance for this emergency.”
Reseating Passengers “We will be asking some of you to change seats to facilitate our evacuation.
All elderly and children, please sit near the window.”
Exit locations After landing, you will hear the command: “Evacuate aircraft.” After hearing
this, unbuckle your seatbelt, leave all your belongings and go to the nearest
exit. Again, leave all your belongings for faster evacuation.
Note: The airline announcements are provided by the content expert.