The Secret Power of Pyramids Compress
The Secret Power of Pyramids Compress
The Secret Power of Pyramids Compress
IE X3273*$1.75
by Bill Schul and Ed Pettit
^* *fe
—The Authors
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Secret Power
of Pyramids
3 4 5 & 7 8 9 10
Preface 7
Bibliography 210
Index 215
Dedicated to INEZ and JEANN'E
The authors wish to express their appreciation to all who
have helped in the compilation of this book.
They are especially grateful to Borderland Sciences
Research Foundation which provided research information and
sources and was kind enough to make drawings and
photographs available. Our special thanks to Fred Schul and
Rebecca Mayo for their excellent sketches, and to Carl D.
Knepper for his consultation on electrical field theory.
We are grateful to the many individuals throughout the
country who passed along information, experiences, and
descriptions of their results with pyramid research and allied
The Historical Enigma 25
broke into a passage little more than three feet high and
three feet wide.
The passageway sloped at a steep angle, but the Arabs
struggled up the tunnel and discovered the original secret
entrance, which had been placed 49 feet above the base
of the Pyramid. Al-Mamum and his men made their way
down the low, treacherous Descending Passage cut deep
into the rock of the plateau, but at the bottom of what has
become known as "the Pit" they found nothing but dust
and debris. On the far side of the Pit they found an even
narrower horizontal tunnel that led 50 feet to a blank
wall. In the floor was what appeared to be a well shaft. It
was carved to a depth of 30 feet and led nowhere.
Retracing their steps to the large stone that had fallen
in the Descending Passage, Al-Mamum and his men spec-
ulated that the stone had covered a large red granite
plug, which blocked another passage sloping up into the
body of the Pyramid. The granite plug proved impregna-
ble, so they cut around it through the softer limestone.
Two more granite plugs blocked the passage and after the
granite many limestone blocks followed. Still the workers
persisted and finally emerged into an ascending passage
with a low ceiling. Crawling on their knees, the men made
their way up 150 feet of slippery rock, then into another
tunnel with an equally low ceiling. At the end of the sec-
ond tunnel they found themselves in a bare room approx-
imately 18 feet square and with a gabled ceiling. As the
Arabs placed their women in tombs with gabled ceilings,
the room became known as the "Queen's Chamber." But
nothing was to be found here but an empty niche in the
east wall.
The Arabs retraced their steps to the Ascending Pas-
sage, and, raising their torches, they discovered a void
above them. By climbing on each others' shoulders they
could reach high enough to see that they were at the bot-
tom of a narrow but high gallery. It stretched upward at
the same slope as the Ascending Passage for approxi-
mately 157 feet and was 28 feet high. At the end of their
climb they came upon a huge stone about three feet high,
which proved tobe a six-by-eight-foot platform. Beyond
the platform the floor was level but the ceiling was only
three and a half feet high. This formed a sort of entrance
to a small antechamber. Another short and low passage
followed and Al-Mamum and his men found themselves
in a large room, the walls, floor, and ceiling of polished
red granite. This room, 34 feet long, 17 feet wide, and
nineteen feet high, became known as the King's Chamber.
Frantically the Arabs searched for treasures, but all
that was to be found was an empty sarcophagus made of
highly polished, dark chocolate-colored granite.
Al-Mamum paid off his men and possibly saved his
own throat by planting gold in one of the chambers and
seeing to it that they dug it up, or so the legend goes. In
any case so ended the first attempt to make the great
structure give up its secrets.
Along came the earthquakes of 450 years later; the
were used. The idea was that cosmic rays passing through
the Pyramid would reveal any chambers that had not
been found. A cosmic particle recording device would
show less lots of energy on passage through a hidden
Mysterious Energy Fields 51
charged piece of mass whirling around in a circle at
the speed of light generates electromagnetic radiation.
From every atom there is electromagnetic radiation of
extremely short wavelengths, varying from one milli-
micrometer to 100 milli-micrometers or more. Every indi-
vidual atom of every element has its own combination of
frequencies being generated continuously.
An excellent statement of the theory is made in Sir
William Ramsey's Physical Chemistry: "The radiation
field itself is produced in the following manner. An
electro-magnetic wave or disturbance starts out from a
vibrating electrically polar unit —an atomic or molecular
system with a special separation of unlike electrical
charges whose vibration involves a periodic fluctuation
of its electrical moment. The frequency of the radiation
emitted is identical with that of the oscillator itself; its
his Crescograph —
designed to measure and record ner-
vous impulses in animals which revealed that the plant
exhibits excitatory response to mechanical stimulation
and undergoes physiological changes identical to those in
animal tissue. Using his Resonant Recorder, which mea-
sured the speed of transmission of excitatory response,
and the Oscillating Recorder, which registered the pulsa-
tions of the Telegraph plant,Bose demonstrated the simi-
larity between plant impulses and the pulse beat of the
animal heart.
Bose showed that when a plant was pricked with a pin,
itsgrowth rate was immediately depressed to a fourth and
that it took about two hours for the plant to recover. He
demonstrated that a feeble electric stimulus caused a pos-
Pyramids 5c Plant Power 61
The question immediately becomes how a plant can re-
spond to love unless it can feel? Does the expression of
love or caring generate some yet unknown energy force to
which the plant responds? Clearly, the above experiments
demonstrate that some unknown and invisible force can
change the behavior of the plants, sometimes drastically.
The important thing is that when you look at these and
other experiments, to be mentioned later in this chapter,
Pyramids & Plant Power 63
the plant. It grew to more than nine feet tall and pro-
duced tomatoes eight feet from the ground. In the mean-
time, the remainder of the plants died.
But the results are not always consistent. As with other
types of experiments, erratic patterns occasionally devel-
oped and opposing sometimes were obtained from
identical experiments and where all variables remained
the same. For instance, seeds do not always germinate in-
side pyramids and sometimes they germinate slower than
control plants on the outside.
In one experiment we took four trays and put two
seeds each of lima beans, pinto beans, and sunflower on
folded paper napkins. One tray was moistened with ordi-
nary tap water, one with D-cell water (D-cells are dis-
cussed elsewhere in the book), one with pyramid water,
Pyramids & Plant Power 69
and one tray was moistened with tap water and placed .
ture wire in order that they could be hung inside the pyr-
amid. Each of the sprouts were watered with five grams
of tap water at the time of planting and at 8 a.m. each
day of the tests. The following table shows the growth of
the plants and Figure 1 shows their respective locations
inside the pyramid:
at 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Shape Start Day Day Day Day Day
4-sided 3/s" 15/16" 21/2 4 3/16" 5%" 1W
3-sided W VA" 2 5/s" 4 3/s" 5-11/16" W%"
Cone W 17/16"2 3/8 W 4V4" 6" 8 3/s"
Not only was the growth the greatest with the cone,
second with the three-sided pyramid, and last with the
standard pyramid, but this ranking followed in each of the
size important.
"In one case-test I hung a cone on the garden fence
and ran the wire to it, and along, under a row of radish
seeds — The seeds not over the
half the length of the row.
buried wire came up normally and grew well, but those
planted over the wire nearly all failed. The few surviving
plants soon wilted or did not develop." Again, we seem to
have an excess of energy affecting negatively the growth
of plants.Cameron had used the cones, singly, to produce
an increase in the growth rate. It might also be noted that
in Cameron's experiments with the series of cones that
aluminum material was used.
Wilhelm Reich, who worked with particular energy
fields, referred to this energy as "orgone," a cosmic ener-
gy that obeys functional rather than mechanical laws. He
constructed orgone accumulators known as "oraccus."
With these oraccus, Reich and others demonstrated the
existence and effects of orgone energy. While the work of
Reich is discussed elsewhere in the book, we might note
in this chapter on plants that experimenters have reported
growing plants rapidly and vigorously in oraccus. The
oraccu is generally a six-sided box with all sides made of
alternating layers of organic and nonorganic materials. In
his book, The Cancer Biopathy, Reich notes that "A
no protozoa, or very few, when
grass infusion develops
kept from the beginning in the orgone accumulator.
Clearly, orgone energy charges the grass tissue and pre-
vents its disintegration into protozoa."
The study of energy fields partaking of but also lying
outside of the electromagnetic spectrum —whether we
refer to them as cosmic, pranic, odic, psychotropic, or
orgonic —have brought us to a place where we are faced
with consciousness below the cellular The examina-
tion of plants has played an integral role in the investi-
gation of these unknown energies and their expression
through emotional and mental channels. There would ap-
pear to be a close affiliation between plants and human
beings, a relationship that goes far beyond the sharing of
chemical substances.
The transfer of energy and the communication between
humans and plants has been under close scrutiny by Dr.
Marcel Vogel ever since he read of the Backster experi-
ments. Vogel is a senior research chemist with Interna-
tional Business Machines and the recipient of a number
of scientific awards. He proved to himself that energy
directed by the mind can affect the energy fields of plants
by keeping a picked elm leaf alive and green for four
weeks by sending it mental energy while a control leaf
dehydrated and turned brown in a few days.
Vogel is of the opinion that crystals are brought into a
solid state of existence by pre-forms, or ghost images of
pure energy that anticipate the solids. As it has been
demonstrated that plants pick up intentions from human
beings, Vogel concluded that intent produced some kind
of energy field.
pher what is occurring to any other form mineral, plant,
animal with the human component dismissed from the
observation. Within this model, man is an integral part of
all natural phenomena. Investigations that fail to include
espouse from the pulpits a better and cleaner way of life
the oats before feeding the grain to the hen. After the
grain was eaten, he analyzed the amount of lime excreted
through the eggs and fecal matter and discovered that the
hen excreted five times more lime than it had eaten in the
In 1822 an Englishman by the name of Prout was the
first to clearly define the nature of the transmutation of
elements, according to Abehsera. Prout systematically
examined the increase of limestone inside an incubating
chicken egg, proving that limestone is not contributed by
the shell.
In 1831 a Frenchman by the name of Cheubard ger-
minated watercress seeds in an insoluble dish with dis-
tilled water and verified that the young plants contained
minerals that had not existed in the seeds.
Apparently this research went unnoticed for more than
120 years. Kervran's unveiling, however, has drawn at-
tention in Europe where chemists and other scientists are
divided over his findings.
Kervran cites many cases in his book. He contends that
the problems of decalcification and the strengthening of
bones must be re-investigated, and he points to the rapid
healing of bones by means of organic silica. The chief
surgeon of a hospital requested Kervran's help when he
found himself confronted with a delicate case: a young
man with bones broken very badly in an accident. The
classical treatment of vitamin D plus phospho-calcic salt
Effects on Liquids 85
become B, then we are faced with the need for greater in-
sights as to the nature of chemical substances. Substitu-
tion has, then, become part of the chemical ballgame.
The implications of biological transmutations did not
miss Abehsera's attention. He stated: "Of special impor-
tance is the place they (biological transmutations) will
occupy between the scientist and the metaphysician. So
far there has never been a direct dialogue between the
two, because of the differences in language. Now I believe
their meeting is possible, for the biological transmutations
teach us about the movement of life. From
this movement
the scientiest will see that science can no longer limit itself
to the study of the physical alone, form movement implies
elevation toward the metaphysical, not entrophy. From
this same movement, animating the invisible elements, the
metaphysician will learn that life is worth studying in the
most singular aspects. He will discover in the minute that
which he always knew, that life is a continual renewal of
self and cell."
Prior to our experiments in the treatment of water we
had had some experience with other liquids. Our interest
in testing milk was initiated upon learning that two sepa-
rate milk firms, one in France and the other in Italy, were
using cartons in the shape of pyramids after discovering
that unrefrigerated milk kept fresher longer than in rec-
tangular-shaped containers.
We obtained a quantity of fresh homogenized milk and
filled two containers, with loosely crumpled
paper placed over the top to reduce the contamination
from airborne bacteria. One container was placed inside a
pyramid and the other outside with similar light, heat,
and air circulation.
Six days later the milk in the pyramid had separated
solids with stratified layers of curds or watery liquid, and
with a percipitate of what appeared to be powdered calci-
um. The milk on the outside of the pyramid had separat-
ed somewhat, though not to such a noticeable extent, and
mold was forming around the top of the milk.
Aday later the milk on the outside of the pyramid had
a much heavier growth of mold while the milk within the
pyramid had even more pronounced stratification of
layers. At this time the milk outside was discarded but the
mHk inside the pyramid was kept in place. Six weeks later
the experiment was concluded: the milk had settled into a
solid, creamy, smooth substance of what appeared and
tasted like yogurt. No mold was apparent; stratification of
the layers of solids had combined and were no longer no-
This experiment has been done a number of times since
Effects on Liquids 87
Effects on Liquids 93
Effects on Solids 97
Number of
Initial Days in Final
Weight Pyramid Weight
Fresh egg with shell 51 grams 60 days 19 grams
Fresh egg
without shell 34 grams 19 days 18 grams
Fresh calf liver 45 grams 20 days 16 grams
Fresh fish 45 grams 15 days 14 grams
Sirloin steak 245 grams 40 days 97 grams
ing for the most part in one direction. The edge of a blade
could be conceivably destroyed when left in the light of
the moon and, actually, this seems to happen. This does
not explain, however, the sharpening action of the pyra-
mid. One can only guess that pyramids act as lenses that
focus energy, or as resonators that collect energy, thereby
encouraging crystal growth.
It is interesting to note that the direction in which a
crystal is placed seems to determine the amount of vibra-
tory activity. In his paper, "The Energy Field in Man and
Nature," John C. Pierrakos stated that crystals pulsate at
different rates, depending on their orientation to the geo-
graphic cardinal points. "For instance," he stated, "when
the leading edge of a quartz crystal is pointed to the south
the pulsatory rate is approximately 9 per minute, when
pointed to the west its rate is 6 per minute. It is 4 per
minute when pointed north and increases to 14 per min-
ute when pointed east."
To explore this further, it is known that the earth rotates
from west to east, and a western stream of force might
conceivably, upon contacting the earth's atmosphere, fol-
low it around thus causing the flow of energy to move from
the west to the east.
For several years science has known that the air sur-
rounding the earth is slightly ionized. It was at first
thought that this ionization was caused by a very pene-
trating radiation. It was found that the deeper into the
ocean that a unit was lowered, the fewer the ionized par-
ticles to be found. It appeared that the mass of water ab-
morning the brass strip was once again repelled and try as
I might I could not change the polarity.
There are reasons for believing that the King's
Chamber of the Great Pyramid was specifically designed
as a place in which unusual energy fields were generated.
The ceiling of the King's Chamber is constructed of nine
beams of granite running north and south. Above the
King's Chamber there are a total of five chambers, each
separated by several feet of air space and alternating
layers of nine and then eight granite beams. The final
ceiling iscomposed of huge limestone blocks, which are
sloped like a gable roof. The forty-three granite beams
are believed to weigh about seventy tons each. The King's
Chamber itself is constructed entirely of granite, the floor,
all four walls and the ceiling.
Granite is, composed of quartz crystals, mica and feld-
spar and is known to produce a piezo-electric field, par-
ticularly when it is under pressure. In this case, the gran-
ite is under the pressure of 200 feet of solid limestone
above it. The Egyptians referred to granite as "spiritual
rock," allegedly because of its electric field. It has been
postulated that the Egyptians constructed the King's
Chamber in this -fashion because the granite under great
pressure emitted into the chamber a highly charged field,
and that the various layers of granite and air chambers
formed a capacitor of permanent charge.
Some scientists have speculated that the Great Pyramid
is not only an accumulator of energies but also serves to
each box with his rod and the rod reacted only over the
box with the pyramid.
Thelate Verne Cameron invented what he referred to
as an aurameter, a device that allegedly measured the
force field of persons and objects. He claimed that from a
small pyramid he measured a vortex of energy that
reached the ceiling. Cameron also claimed that if a pyra-
mid was removed from a spot in which it had stood, it left
behind a measurable charge that remained for a number
of days.
a vortex of energy does emanate from the apex of
miniature pyramids, we are faced with the question as to
the nature of the apex of the Great Pyramid. History does
not record any apex on the Great Pyramid nor have signs
of one ever been found. Manly Palmer Hall, in The Secret
Teaching of All Ages, claims that none was intended:
"The size of the capstone of the Great Pyramid cannot
be accurately determined, for, while most investigators
have assumed that it was once in place, no vestige of it
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Detail of King's Chamber. The room is 34 feet long, 17 feet
wide, and 19 feet high. The walls, floor, and ceiling are of
polished red glranite, which may generate electrical qualities.
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Sunflower germinated inside pyramid and showing greater
hairroot development than control plant germinated outside
of pyramid.
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man have hopes that the process will provide monitor-'
ing of diseases at earlier stages of development.
In The Kirlian Aura, edited by Dr. Stanley Krippner, it
is stated: "An adolescent boy's congenitally defective
tibia was stimulated to heal by direct electric current,
newly formed bone in the region was produced within two
months of electrical treatment. This electric enhance-
. . .
completely normal.
In Pyramid Power Max Toth and Greg Nielsen state
that they have received reports of persons who have felt
better even by being near a pyramid model. They state:
"Other reports, even more difficult to substantiate, come
from people who claim that when they placed a model
pyramid near their beds or chairs, after several nights of
sleep, or several days of sitting near the pyramid, a spe-
cific pain or symptom of illness either disappeared or was
greatly alleviated."
If the energy field within the pyramid is greater than
that outside and this field tends to produce healthier or
healing states, then it can be assumed that the frequencies
remains unchanged.
The dependence of life forms on the electrical dimen-
sions is discussed by the eminent astronomer Gustaf
Stromberg in Spiritual Healing. He states in part: "In
order that an organ in our body shall 'become flesh' or
become 'incarnated,' certain chemical substances must be
present, and they must be assimilated in the immaterial
electric finestrueture, now known to exist in all living
structures. These 'living fields' guide the motions of spe-
cial types of molecules in such a way that ultimately a
complete organ is formed, which itself is an essential part
of a living system of a higher order."
The bridge between the chemical and electrical proper-
ties of the physical body may reside in the oolloidal sys-
tem. "Colloid" comes from the Greek word for "glue."
From atom to molecule to colloid, we are dealing with
energy vortexes. A small speck seen under a microscope
is many times larger than a colloid, which, like the atom,
is not so much a "thing" as it is a unit of energy. The
millions upon millions of sensitive colloids holding the
body together can bestirred by the smallest vibration. But
while colloids are an energy system, when conditions
cause them to condense, they pass into a crystaloid state
that becomes form. In other words, the energy pattern
can be transposed to physical substance, and it well may
be that it is at the colloidal level — the stage between vi-
bration and matter — that electromagnetic forces such as
those enhanced or generated by the pyramid influence
The use of magnetism to treat the physical body goes
back to very ancient times; how far back it is not known
but the early Greeks spoke of the use of magnetism in
medicine as though the knowledge had been around for a
very long time.
The Arabian physician Avicenna used magnets to treat
disease of the liver about 1000 a.d., and Ali Abbas, a
famous Persian physician in the 10th century, wrote in his
Perfect Book of the Art of Medicine that magnetism
would cure gout and spasms. During the early 1500s the
Swiss physician and alchemist Paracelsus used magnets in
the treatment of dropsy, jaundice, and a number of dis-
eases. Ambroise Pare in the 16th century reported that
some physicians used filings of loadstone and iron to help
heal surgical incisions. William Gilbert, Queen Elizabeth's
personal physician, disclaimed the effectiveness of mag-
netism in the art of healing. On the other hand, the
American physician Elisha Perkins in 1776 patented Per-
kin's metallic tractors to cure illnessand pain. George
Washington was reportedly one of his customers. Later
Gaylord Wilshire patented his Ionico, a magnetic collar
that allegedly magnetized blood and cured many ailments.
A glance at some of the patents granted in the last
hundred years the continuing role of magnetism
atttests to
as a medical tool. In 1869 a patent was granted for a de-
vice which included an elliptical coil for producing magnet-
ic fields in the human body. Shortly thereafter several
patents were granted for articles of clothing containing
curative magnets.
Dr. E. H. Frei, Benjamin Abrams Professor of Elec-
tronicsand head of the Weizmann Institute's Department
of Electronic^, in his article, "Medical Applications of
Magnetism," printed in the October 1972 Bulletin of the
Healing Powers 121
that some energy field does enter and is stored in the hu-
man b°dy using the rods, we will still need to demonstrate
the connection, based primarily on the similarity between
the results obtained in both areas of investigation. One of
these interesting parallels concerns the variation in results
obtained by different individuals. Whether using the car-
bon rod or the pyramid, most subjects have reported ben-
A few have claimed the carbon rod overstim-
eficial results.
"The woman didn't open her eyes. She mumbled 'I
want to be free of this sickness and whatever caused it.' I
opened my hands and held them, palms out toward her.
She convulsed in the chair as though she had received an
electric shock. She sat up and asked, 'What happened?'
"We could not answer. We stood with our mouths
open, too surprised to speak. One thing that I had been
taught was never to let fear in, no matter what you are
doing. If we could have, we would have been frightened,
but we just The woman sat up straight,
stood watching.
twisted her head from side to side freely, amazed 'It's
free; no pain. What has happened? I feel wonderful.'
Then she stood up, walked about the room, and kept say-
ing, T feel wonderful. I can't believe it! I don't believe in
miracles. This can't have happened, but I feel wonderful,
I never felt better. And I'm hungry.'
"The young woman said she felt as though she was
walking on air. We drove her to the airport and, while we
waited for her plane, she ordered a large lunch and ate it
with relish. She told us later she retained that exalted
feeling for the rest of the day and even into the next day,
when, after working office, she felt normal again.
at her
All symptoms of the illness were gone."
It has been suggested by some that if one toned, reso-
on toning, —
Toning The Creative Power of the Voice,
published by DeVorss & Company. "Relax the jaws so
the teeth are slightly parted. Let sound come up from it;
not down upon it, but up, from your feet. Let the body
groan. Encourage it to be vocal. Always start with low
"Let the body groan as long as it likes. You may think
you have nothing to groan about, but you'll be surprised.
All the hurts you have received are buried in your sub-
conscious, and groaning offers them release. Once the
door is opened, repressed feelings begin to flow out. The
groan may burst into protests, or the voice may soar off
into birdlike singing or spontaneous outbursts of worship
or prayer.
"Whatever happens, don't let the mind influence it,"
Mrs. Keyes cautions. "Make the sound obedient; be still.
Watch, learn something of the host of this body in which
you, as consciousness, are only a guest.
"The session may last only ten minutes but, when the
body feels cleansed, a sigh will be released and you will
know the body-voice is satisfied. The involuntary sigh is
It was Dr. Singh's contention that music stimulates a
higher production of oxygen, as much as 60 to 100 per-
cent. As the plant's output of oxygen is directiy propor-
tional to the food manufactured by it, the stimulated
plants are able*to synthesize a larger amount of nourish-
The Voice of the Pyramid 159
dogs, gusts of wind breathing heavily through the leaves
of the elms.
Once collected, I found I could release the items and
settle within myself again. The stillness came back but
this time to share rather than demand and a great, per-
meating sense of contentment seemed to envelope me. I
was and would remain; no other source for the peaceful-
ness than this.
After a while I became aware that I had moved. I was
standing and directly in front of me, my feet touching the
base, was the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. This realization
did not seem strange to me
I was nearly overcome,
however, by the immensity of the mountain. I stood in
awe for some time, looking up at its apex. Quite suddenly,
I was inside the pyramid. It was not a room or passage-
way in which I found myself and yet I did not seem en-
cased in stone and while definitely within the structure I
could still look up and see the apex. Just as quickly, that
scene changed and I was inside the King's Chamber. I
When the first figure was gone, the second figure moved
closer. "My son," he said, "the mighty lords of the secret
powers have taken thee into their hands. Thou art to be
led into the Hall of Learning tonight." He was told to
stretch out upon body became
the stone sarcophagus; his
numb as an from his feet throughout his
iciness passed
body. When all awareness seemed to rest in the head, he
seemed to be caught up in a whirlwind, and passing up-
ward through a narrow hole, "I lept into the unknown —
was Free!"
Out of his body, a "phantom showing up the wall-
. . .
paper. The paper sheets are of four colors: yellow for in-
tuition; orange for mental clarity; blue for healing; and
green for love. The experimenter chooses one of the col-
ors, appropriate for his designs, and writes on the trian-
gular sheet a specific request or goal.
The paper is then held between the hands while a chant
— one's own or one given by the organization is repeat- —
ed twice. The apex is then folded down to the base and
the bottom folded over to make a triangle. The hands are
then held above the triangle and the chant repeated again.
This last step should be done with the paper lying on the
base of the pyramid. The pyramid is then placed back on
its base —always aligned on the north-south axis — and
the incubation period has begun. Manning suggests that it
reduce the actual area of a face to the correct size for the
projection. This is the Pyramid's cross section. What one
actually sees is the correct triangle.
The Greek Merodotus was told by the Egyp-
tian priests that the Pyramid was planned in such a way
that the area of each of its faces was equal to the square
of its height. It is now evident that this was the key to the
Pyramid's geometrical and mathematical secret. This in-
formation reveals that the Pyramid was designed to in-
corporate not only the Pi proportion but the constant
proportion known during the Rennaissance as the Golden
Section, or Phi, or 1.618.
Phi is an unending ratio. This mystical formula is as
old as history and is a fascinating system of numers. It is
to discover the correct site for a church were the same as'
The Pyramid: Window to the Universe 203
Bibliography 21
59 32, 179-180
Piccardi, Giorgie, of the Insti-
Napoleon, 31; experience in the tute for Physical Chemistry,
Great Pyramid, 163-164 Florence, 89-90
Newton, Sir Isaac, 29, 44, 182 Pierrakos, Dr. John C, 21, 76-
Nielsen, Greg, 42, 67, 117, 168- 77, 80, 103, 123, 151
169, 174 Plants, 21-22, 57-80; healers'
Nuclear Evolution, By Chris- effects on, 62, 66; magnetic
topher Hill, 94 effects on, 64-65, 106; move-
ment in pyramids, 63-66;
Odic force, 44, 123, 138
multiwave oscillators used
Oesterbro, Rev. Ron, 169
on, 60-70; placement in pyra-
Old Straight Track, The, by
mids, 71-73; sound's effects
Alfred Watkins, 185
on, 156-159; time-lapse pho-
"Oraccu" device, 51-53, 124;
tography used on, 64-65; use
see also Wilhelm Reich
of cones on, 71-72
"Oranur Experiment, The," by
Plapp, Gary, of Huma-Tech In-
Wilhelm Reich, 184
dustries, 200
"Orgone energy," 51-52, 125-
Polygraph, as used in experi-
126, 151, 168; see also Wil-
ments on plants, 49-50, 58-
helm Reich
60, 78
"Origin and Problem of Life,
The," by A. E. Baines, 137
Power of Prayer on Plants, The,
by Franklin Loehr, 61
Ostrander, Sheila, 20,' 174; see
"Pranic energy," 44-45, 74; see
also Psychic Discoveries Be-
also bioenergy
hind the Iron Curtain
Proctor, Richard Anthony, 36-
Paracelsus, 66, 120 39; see also The Great Pyra-
Paar, Jack, 132 mid, Observatory, Tomb and
Patents on healing apparatus, Temple
120-121 Psychic Discoveries Behind the
Pavlita, Robert, 46; Pavlita gen- Iron Curtain, by Sheila Os-
erator, 46 trander and Lynn Schroeder,
Penheld, Dr. Wilder, of McGill 8, 16-17, 48, 174
University, 47 Psychic effects in pyramid mod-
Perfect Book of the Art of els, 8, 161-162; in the Great
Medicine, by Ali Abbas Pyramid, 163-166
Perkins, Elisha, 120 Psychic experiments, 20-21, 45-
Perry, W. J., 189; see also Chil- 46, 49-50
dren of the Sun Psychokinesis (PK), 20, 44; ex-
Petric, William Flanders, 182 periments in, 46
Pettit, Mrs. Inez, 18, 93, 113, Psychological effects in pyra-
171-172 mids, 113-114, 127, 161-162,
Phi ratio, 180; see also Fibonaci 164
series Pyramid and Its Relationship
Philosophical Research Associ- to Biocosmic Energy, The, by
ation, 45 G. Patrick Flanagan, 43
Pyramid Guide, The, by Irwin Secret Power of Plants, The, by
Trent, 87, 200 Brett L. Bolten, 159
Pyramid Models, construction Secret Teaching of All Ages,
of, 15, 105, 195-198; effects The, by Manley Palmer Hall,
from, see Effects of pyramids 34, 110
Pyramid Power, by Max Toth Secrets of the Great Pyramid,
and Greg Nielsen, 42, 67, by Peter Tompkins, 29-30,
117, 169, 182 166-167
Pyrameditation, 200 Seiss, Joseph, A., 41
Pyramids of Egypt, The, by Sergeyev, Dr. Genady, 44
I.E.S.Edwards, 24 Serios, Ted, 21, 49
Pyramids throughout the world, Sherman, Harold, 48
25 Siemens, Sir W., 146
Pythagoras, 32-33, 147 Sinclair, David, 143
Singh, Dr. T. C. N., of Anna-
Queen's Chamber, 27, 38 malai University, 158-159
Skinner, J. Ralston, 39; see also
Ra, Egyptian sun god, 174 The Source of Measure
Rabi, Dr. I. I., 54 -Smith, George E., of Mengels-
Rama, Swami H. H., 47, 132 dorf Seed Company, 159
Ramsey, Sir William, 53 Smith, Sister Justa, of Rosary
Rankin, Rev. John D., of Unity Hill College, 49, 66-67, 115,
Church of Christianity, 122
Houston, 196 Smyth, Piazzi, on origins of
Ra-Ta, Priest of Creative pyramids, 41
Forces, 40 Sound resonation in pyramids,
Reich, Dr. Wilhelm, 51-52, 73- 146-147
74, 124, 126, 151, 184 Sounds associated with pyra-
Reinhart,' Dr. Philip B., of mids, 148, 156, 191; effects
Agnes Scott College, 115-116 on plants, 156-159
Rejdak, Zdenek, 45-46 Source of Measure, The, by J.
Resonant cardiograph, as used Ralston Skinner, 39
on plants, 60-61 Sparks, seen rising from the
Retallack, Mrs. Dorothy, 157- Great Pyramid, 146
158 Sphinx, as geodetic marker, 30
Rhoades, Charles, 106 Spiritual Healing, by G. Strom-
Roberts, Jane, 175 berg, 119
Robertson, Dr. White, 139, 141 Stanford Research Institute
Rolling Thunder, Shoshone Ain Shams University Expe-
medicine man, 56-57, 76 dition, 1974, 203-204
Stecchini, Dr. Livio C, 32, 179
Schroeder, Lynn, 20, 174; see
Steinberg, Dr. Aaron H., 134-
also Psychic Discoveries Be-
hind the Iron Curtain
Search in Sacred Egypt, A, by Stephens, Mrs. Rose, 169-170
Dr. Paul Brunton, 163 Stevenson, Robert Louis, on
Secret Life of Plants, The, by "brownies" as plot sources,
Peter Tompkins and Christo- 14
pher Bird, 75 Stonehenge, 189
INDEX 223,
Straight Track Club, 186 Van Tassel, George, 51, 111
Stromberg, Gustaf, 119. Vern, Dr. Boris, Director of the
Supernature, by Lyall Watson, Pyramid Research Project for
101 Mankind, 101
Swanson, Gloria, on pyramids, View Over Atlantis, The, by
168 John Michell, 185
Syene, Egypt, source of granite Vinogravada, Alia, psychokinet-
for the King's Chamber, 41 ic powers, 20
System of Caucasian Yoga, A,
Vogel, Dr. Marcel, of I.B.M.,
by Count S. C. Walewski, 143
50, 74-76, 79-80, 194
by Suzanne Ebel
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The Pyramid has always held a strange
fascination for man. For centuries we have
marveled at its tales, its mystery and
intrigue^ts history, its size, its engineering,
and most important, its reason for being.
But then came the discovery that the shape
of the Pyramid itself had unusual powers.
And a whole new adventure opened for
all of us.
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