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IE X3273*$1.75

by Bill Schul and Ed Pettit

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new discoveries about pyramids

and how they can change your life.
Read thisbook and you will join
us in our immense admiration for
the technological geniuses of the
past. Perhaps you, too, will allow
your imagination to take flight as

you muse with fond hope that the

ancients preserved for us the secret
of universal energy.

—The Authors
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Secret Power
of Pyramids



Fawcett Publications, Inc., Greenwich, Connecticut


Copyright © 1975 by Fawcett Publications, Inc.

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book

or portions thereof in any form.

Printed in the United States of America

First printing: August 1975

3 4 5 & 7 8 9 10

Preface 7

1. The Pyramid: Ancient and New

Miracle Worker 11
2. The Historical Enigma 24
3. Mysterious Energy Fields 43
4. Pyramids and Plant Power 56
5. Effects on Liquids 81
6. Effects on Solids 96
7. Healing Powers 113
8. Rejuvenation 131
9. The Voice of the Pyramid 146
10. The Pyramid and Altered States
of Consciousness 161
11. Esoteric Geometry and Energy Grids 178
12. Home Experiments 192
13. The Pyramid: Window to the Universe 202

Bibliography 210

Index 215
Dedicated to INEZ and JEANN'E

The authors wish to express their appreciation to all who
have helped in the compilation of this book.
They are especially grateful to Borderland Sciences
Research Foundation which provided research information and
sources and was kind enough to make drawings and
photographs available. Our special thanks to Fred Schul and
Rebecca Mayo for their excellent sketches, and to Carl D.
Knepper for his consultation on electrical field theory.
We are grateful to the many individuals throughout the
country who passed along information, experiences, and
descriptions of their results with pyramid research and allied

Lastly the authors are grateful to their respective

helpmates, without whose encouragement and support the
book would never have been written.

No other man-made object has claimed man's attention

and wonderment as the Great Pyramid at Gizeh. The
largest, heaviest, oldest,and most perfect structure creat-
ed by human hands continues to overwhelm the imagina-
tion, to defy explanation, and to mystify its examiners. So
ancient that its origin becomes lost in the shadows of
time, it continues to offer up ever new knowledge of man
and his environment. Curiously enough, as man's body of
scientific knowledge grows, the Great Pyramid, like an
embodied and immortal oracle, appears to anticipate the
answers. Perhaps it is this encoded and seemingly unend-
ing storehouse of wisdom, ever unfolding to those wise
enough to unlock its mysteries, that retains through the
centuries for the Great Pyramid a central position in
man's search for the hows and whys of his existence. And
perhaps it is not too poetic to imagine that hidden some-
where in its history, its mathematical perfection, its pur-
pose for being, are man's long-sought answers to his own
destiny. Surely, then, the Great Pyramid would be the
Philosopher's Stone.
But while the Great Pyramid was confounding experi-
mentation and tantalizing its investigators to construct
better technologies, it charitably offered up one of its

many secrets -its shape alone conjured up known and
unknown forms of energy affecting both animate and
inanimate objects. No sooner had the discovery been made
by the Frenchman M. Bovis, that structures built to the
exact ratio of the Great Pyramid and placed in the same
manner on the north-south magnetic axis would mummi-
fy meat, preserve food, sharpen razor blades, etc., than a
whole new set of questions was launched concerning the
nature of unexplained energy fields — to say nothing of the
fresh wonderment about the pyramid itself.
Bovis's discovery and the followup work by a Czecho-
slovakian radio engineer, Karel Drbal, were reported in
Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, by Ostrander
and Schroeder. The book, which has claimed a tremendous
following in this country and abroad, set loose a stampede
of basement tinkerers and tool-shed experimenters, along
with professional researchers. Discussion groups and ex-
perimental research clubs sprang up around the country
to share findings and ideas on the subject. Several news-
letters were established and widely circulated.
In the three years since the adventure was launched
some very interesting and thought-provoking results have
emerged. The effects on persons sitting, sleeping, medi-
. tating in pyramid structures have some implication to the
fields of physiology, psychology, and metaphysics. Short-

ened healing time, relief from headaches, better relax-

ation, weight loss for overweight people, rejuvenation,
etc., should say something to the medical profession. Re-
sults from meditating within the pyramid and heightened
psychic sensitivity should interest the metaphysician and
those interested in transcendental states. The effects on
plant growth and* seed germination should arouse the in-
Preface 9

terest of the horticulturist. And food and water purifica-

tion and preservation should claim the attention of every
concerned person.
The new adventures with pyramids offer exciting possi-

bilities to persons from all walks of life the research sci-
entist and the home-workshop buff, the philosophical
discourser and the physics student looking for a project.
The results of this involvement, however, may have some
significance in our constant search for a greater under-
standing of ourselves and our environment.
book has been written with the hobbyist,
Primarily, this
and the curious in mind. Some background
lay scientist,
on the Great Pyramid itself is offered the reader in order
that hisown experiments with pyramidal shapes can en-
velop a wider perspective. Various experiments with pyr-
amids are reported on as are our extensive investigations
in the field. Included are plans for building pyramids.
If you are successful in your experiments, we feel you

will join us in our immense admiration for the technolog-

ical geniuses of the past. Perhaps you, too, will allow your
imagination to take flight as you muse with fond hope
that the ancients preserved for us the secret of universal

It is a point of sustained delight to the mystic, of reoccur-

ring wonderment to the philosopher, and unceasing em-
barrassment to the scientist that the oldest man-made
structure on the face of the earth continues to elude com-
prehension by the most brilliant of analytic minds.
We can probe the nature of protoplasm, extract work-
able concepts of the DNA and RNA life structures, utilize
the coherent light of the laser beam, divide the atom, float
laboratories in space, and yet the most ancient technolog-
our forebears defy our examination.
ical offerings of
We would like to have our predecessors' belief that we
constantly contribute to our body of knowledge, genera-
tion after generation progressing to higher and more so-
phisticated understanding of our environment and our-
We would like to imagine that despite our political and
religious fervor and our superstitions, which drove us to
burn libraries, demolish shrines, or turn away from
knowledge, nothing of value was really lost or, if so, only
temporarily, and that contemporary man has pushed
beyond any ancient horizons of truth. We even get away
with such claims for a time — until someone asks why it is
that information now coming to light about the ancients'
understanding of consciousness, of the human nervous
and bioelectrical systems, continues to anticipate anything
we have thus far learned by way of physiology and psy-
chology; why it is we are unable to cut, drill, or match
stone as ably as our forebears, who could fit limestone
and granite boulders of the Great Pyramid together with a
precision only today matched by opticians who perform
their work on very small units; why it is, with all of our
heavy construction equipment, we cannot move those
large stones —some weighing seventy tons — into place
without ramps; why it is that our mathematics continues
to struggle for an equality with that of the ancients in the
measurement of the earth and the movement of planetary
Where does this leave us in our belief in human prog-
ress? Noone can ignore the monumental steps mankind
has taken. We have too much evidence of progress in at
least physical science to imagine that advancement is only
an illusion. Why is it then that we find ourselves at times
stumbling over some prehistoric artifacts that clearly
point to a level of human accomplishment that we can
only hope to emulate? When did such plateaus of sophis-
tication exist? Where did it come from and why was it

lost? Today, we can technologically achieve almost any-

thing more efficiently than our ancestors could — anything,
that is, we know of. The Great Pyramid is one of
those exceptions. The evidence to date, then, would seem
to indicate that the notable exceptions point to a highly
advanced civilization preceding us upon this globe some
time back in the shadows of prehistory, and that this
knowledge was somehow lost.
There is at least one other possible explanation. We
The Pyramid: Ancient & New Miracle Worker 13

can ask along with von Daniken and other questioning

writers if somewhere along the way there wasn't some
input from higher intelligences from some other place in
space.Such queries prompt us to look again within sacred
texts and mythologies for references to earthly visitations
from gods out of the heavens. And each time we pick up
a newspaper and notice an item on alleged U.F.O. sight-
ings,we cannot help but ponder.
There is a third possibility: The input of higher intelli-
gence comes from a superior mind source, with the ideas
or concepts materializing in certain men's minds in the
form of intuitive knowledge, i.e., revelation. Both religion
and metaphysics have long claimed the reality of this
form of knowledge. Such knowing is allegedly not depen-
dent upon man's ability to reason, but instead comes to
him more or less complete.
According to Dr. Robert Assagioli, the founder of psy-
chosynthesis, ". intuitive awareness comes to replace
. .

intellectual, logicaland rational consciousness, or better,

to integrate and transcend it. The intuition in fact leads to
identification with what is seen and contemplated, and to
the recognition of the intrinsic unity between object and
In Paul Brunton's Wisdom of the Overself we find the
"What we have now to grasp is that there exists a part
of the mind which seems unconscious to us but which re-
ally has an extraordinary and marvelous consciousness of
itsown. There is indeed a secondary consciousness which
underlies our ordinary and familiar consciousness. A
sound metaphysic therefore cannot limit the use of the
term 'mind' only to its particular thinking phase of 'con-
sciousness' alone. Mind is more than consciousness as we
know it. . .

That concepts can enter the human mind that appear

to originate elsewhere is told by the great 19th-century
chemist Kekule when he relates how a series of deep rev-
eries led to his theory of molecular constitution. The in-
formation that came to him in his dream state has been
called "the most brilliant piece of prediction to be found
in the whole range of organic chemistry."
Einstein contended that his ideas on relativity were not
"thought out" but came to him. Robert Louis Stevenson's
ability to dream publishable plots by commanding "the
brownies" of his mind to furnish him with a story is well
known. Well known, too, is Poincare's description of
mathematical ideas rising in clouds, dancing before him,
and colliding and combining into the first Fuschian Func-
tion as he lay in bed awaiting sleep.
Yet, whatever the source of information, the construc-
tion of the Great Pyramid demanded an ingenuity unsur-
passed in the known history of the world.
Perhaps it has been the romanticist in man that attracts
him to the mysteries of the unknown, or perhaps the
bearing of some godlike seed deep within his breast that
will not allow him rest until all the answers are contained
within. The Pyramid is there, substantially there, known
to his grandfather's grandfather as far back as can man
remember, and its existence haunts his compulsion to
know all that remains in his path. Even from the moon
and the ocean floor man glances now and then to the
stone enigma still awaiting his scientific or spiritual ma-
turity, and man still wonders which. And standing equally
silent by is the Pyramid's companion, the Sphinx, stoic
beholder of civilization's passing parades and eternal sen-
try of the secrets of the Gizeh plain. For whom do they
wait? What key must we find within our universe or with-
in ourselves?
But now that the Great Pyramid can no longer be dis-
missed as a man-made mountain of stone designed to
serve an inconsequential role as a tomb, perhaps man will
eventually knock successfully at its portals by taking
every possible purpose itmight serve seriously until prov-
en otherwise. At least such an approach will call for the

The Pyramid: Ancient & New Miracle Worker 15

best that is within us. If the fruits then prove to be un- -

worthy, we can pass on by with no need for more back-

ward glances.
One piece of recent evidence surrendered by the Great
Pyramid would appear to have — as one might expect
universal application. The pyramidal shape, with the pre-
cise ratios of the Great Pyramid and centered on the true
north-south axis, seems to reflect, generate, accumulate,
or in some manner make available certain energy fields.
Pyramid models varying in size from a few inches to a
number of feet have been constructed and used to house a
variety of both animate and inanimate objects, including
human beings. At this writing, the research would seem to
indicate that the material out of which the models are
constructed has little bearing on the results'. Small pyra-
mids have usually been made from cardboard and wood,
and the larger pyramids have been made of wood, fiber-
glass, glass, and plastic sheeting. The presence of metal in
or on the pyramid would seem to both inhibit and en-
hance the electromagnetic properties of the energy spec-
trum, depending upon the placement and relative amount
of the metal. That the material used in the construction of
the pyramid has proven significance remains the task of
additional research. What results have been determined
and some of the theories concerning the use of various
materials will be discussed in later chapters.
The length of time that objects are left in the pyramid
has been directed by the results obtained on a trial-and-
error basis.For example, food commodities have been
left inpyramids for several weeks and individuals have
remained inside larger pyramids from a few minutes to a
number of hours. The results reported include preserva-
tion of food items, purification of water, increased growth
of plants, shortened germination period for seeds, remov-
al of tarnish from metals, and for human subjects greater

relaxation, improved contemplative and meditative states,

healing, tranquility, and even rejuvenation.
The excitement over homemade pyramids was
launched with the publication of Psychic Discoveries Be-
hind the Iron Curtain, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn
Schroeder, in 1970. In the section on Czechoslovakian
research, the authors tell of coming across various small
pyramids being used as razor blade sharpeners. Through
their inquiries they learned that several years ago a
Frenchman, Monsieur Bovis, discovered that dead ani-
mals found in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid
had not decayed but instead had dehydrated and mummi-
fied. It struck him that the shape of the Pyramid might

have a significance. He built a pyramid about two-and-

a-half feet tall and placed a dead cat directly under the
apex and about one-third the distance from the base to
the apex, where the King's Chamber is located. The cat
Bovis's published reports of his research with organic
matter attracted the attention of Czechoslovakian radio
and television engineer Karel Drbal. After experiments
with several small models of the Cheops Pyramid, Drbal
told Ostrander and Schroeder, "There's a relation be-
tween the shape of the space inside the pyramid and the
physical, chemical, and biological process going on inside
that space. By using suitable forms and shapes, we should
be able to make processes occur faster or delay them."
Turning his attention to metal, Drbal wondered if the

edge of a razor blade which has a crystal structure and
becomes dull after use — couldn't be returned to its origi-

nal shape if placed within the heightened energy field of

the pyramid. It worked to the tune of 50 to 200 shaves

from a single blade. That was in the 1950s and card-
board- and styrofoam-pyramid razor blade sharpeners
are now a common thing in Czechoslovakia and parts of
Russia, and it is not too uncommon today to run into
someone in this country with a homemade sharpener.
We've yet to discover anyone who claims the pyramid
models won't jvork if made to the right dimensions and
The Pyramid: Ancient <£ New Miracle Worker 17

placed directly on the south-north axis. Our experiments'

also bear out, as Ostrander and Schroeder claimed, that
blue blades work better than stainless-steel ones.
Since the publication of Psychic Discoveries Behind the
Iron Curtain, a number of experiments have been made
by an assortment of investigators, including our own re-
search with three-dozen models of a wide range of sizes,
materials, and research objects. Although these explora-
tions will be discussed in later chapters, along with plans
for building pyramids and some suggestions for experi-
mentation, it might be worthwhile to outline some of the
investigations in order to give you an overview of the ex-
citing possibilities.
—Tarnished jewelry and coins apparently are polished
by energy forces working within the pyramid.
—Polluted water has been purified by being placed
within a pyramid for several days, according to laboratory
reports, and one wonders if blessed or holy water is not a
physical reality.
—Milk remains fresh for several days and eventually
turns into yogurt whereas milk in an identical container
immediately outside the pyramid sours. A French firm
has patented a pyramidal-shaped container for making
yogurt, and an Italian milk company uses pyramidal-
shaped cartons for its milk.

Mummifies and dehydrates meat, eggs, etc.

Flowers dehydrate but retain their form and color.

Cuts, bruises, burns, etc, apparently heal faster after
being exposed to the space within the pyramid. Tooth-
aches and migraine headaches have reportedly been elim-
inated,and several persons have claimed relief from
rheumatism and arthritis after sitting for a time in a pyra-
mid. It is, of course, much too early in the experimental
stages to make any claims. Again, we are touching base
on possibilities initiated by reports from a variety of
sources and the results received from our own experi-
— Plants grow more rapidly inside than outside the
—After using water treated in a pyramid as a face lo-
tion for five weeks, Mrs. Pettit found her friends asking
about her youthful appearance.
—Treated water seems to serve as a digestive aid, and
when used on a wound, apparently makes it heal faster.

Aluminum foil, treated for a time in a pyramid prior
to using as a wrap for baking meat, greatly reduced the
cooking time. The treated foil made into the shape of a
hat and worn on top of the head seems to get rid of head-
aches and fosters relaxation.
—The taste of coffee, wine, fruit juice, etc., is im-
proved when placed in a pyramid for a time, according to
a number of separate test subjects.
—Food stuffs placed in a garbage container in the
shape of a pyramid dehydrate without creating an odor.

Persons who have sat in pyramids for several min-
utes to several hours have reported feeling more relaxed
and vitalized. A number have claimed that meditation is
much easier within the pyramid. After one young teen-
age girl started sleeping inside a pyramid her mother re-
ported that the child was less nervous and had lost some
unneeded weight.
How many of these experiments will stand the rigors of
further exploration and rigid scientific testing only time
will tell. Yet, sufficient work has been accomplished to
date that one can safely venture that something is going
on of a nonordinary nature within the pyramid space. It
seems equally justified to say that energy fields, both
known and unknown, are at play and that a greater un-
derstanding of these forces may well have tremendous
implications for not only the scientific researcher but for
each and every one of us. As modern physics has shown,
we are energy and live in ait energy universe, all interact-
ing, and we talk less today about mind and matter and
more about le^ls, degrees, and types of energy fields. It
The Pyramid: Ancient & New Miracle Worker 19

would follow, them, that a greater understanding of the

nature of energy or energies would be an important key to
the greater knowledge of ourselves —
physically, mentally,

and spiritually and the world in which we live. If the
pyramid shape does in some manner generate or accumu-
late usable energy, it can be an exciting adventure for all

of us in seeking to unravel the mystery.

We understand how and magnetism work while
yet failing to understand what it really is and why it
works. And likely we will discover how some of the ener-
gy fields work within the pyramid long before we truly
understand their nature. We are just beginning to under-
stand some of the rules of psychic phenomena, such as
telepathy, psychometry, dowsing, and psychokinesis.
Thanks to the ingenuity of recent technology, instruments
are allowing us to objectively explore the psychic talents
of gifted persons. Research to date would indicate this

phenomena occurs through the medium of energy fre-

quencies some of which are of such a subtle nature that
they were experienced consciously only by psychic sensi-
tives until the development of instruments responsive to
these forces.
What we need bear in mind, then, in our investi-
gations is pyramid is not isolated; it exists within
that the
an environment permeated by energy fields. The task
would seem to be one of determining how these energy
fields function differently within the pyramid from outside
it. One working hypothesis would be that all containers of

space from the largest to the smallest affect energy fields

in some manner, whether to enhance, modify, or inhibit
In a book, Waves From Forms, 'written a number of
years ago by L. Turenne, a French engineer and professor
of radio, it was explained that various forms, such as
cones, pyramids, spheres, and cubes, act as different types
of resonators for the energy in the universe —cosmic rays,
solar rays, etc. The question asked by Turenne and by
many others is what effect do these various forms have
on human beings? We spend a large portion of our lives
in various containers: rooms of different shapes, cars,
trains, planes,and amphitheaters.
Ostrander and Schroeder quoted Drbal as saying that
some of the forms are healthy for human beings, that the
sphere and pyramid are two such forms. He contended
that researchers are of the opinion that if hospitals were
built in sphere or pyramid form patients would get well
quicker. It is a curious thing that some people are both-
ered with claustrophobia in certain rooms or close
quarters while others are not.
Buckminster Fuller has long contended that we should
pay much greater attention to the forms of our buildings.
His geodesic bubble would apparently be a healthy envi-
ronment. Architects in Saskatchewan, Canada, have con-
structed trapezoidal rooms and irregular corridors in a
mental hospital and discovered that the new environment
was beneficial to patients.
So, unusual energy fields are not the private property
of pyramids, but so far the pyramid has yielded the most
exciting possibilities.
Of all the shapes and forms to be found in the universe
the humanbeing is the most diverse and complex user,
modifier, and creator of energy forces. He is a universe
within himself. And since he is always vitally involved in
the experiments —planning, designing, building, handling
materials, examining, analyzing —he cannot be totally di-

vorced from the results. The question always remains as

to what effect the experimenter has on the experiment.
We have become well aware of the human being's abil-
ity tomanipulate physical matter without the use of phys-
ical Demonstrations of psychokinesis (ability to
move or alter objects by psychic means) by such individ-
uals as Nelya Kulagina, Alia Vinogravada, H. H. Rama,
Uri Geller, and others have been successfully carried out
The Pyramid: Ancient & New Miracle Worker 21

under the strictest of laboratory conditions. The phenom-

ena of mentally projecting images onto film by Ted Serios
is another example, as is the ability of healer Dr. Olga

Worrall to alter the electrical emission from plants as

shown by high-frequency photography. Other healers
have mummified meat and altered the chemical properties
of water by holding the objects in their hands. Gleve
Backster has registered the electrical patterns in plants by
means of thought messages, and Marcel Vogel has
changed the structure of microscopic life forms by means
of thought images. There are innumerable instances of
poltergeists moving physical objects by means of uncon-
scious psychic emanations of which they were not always
aware. The absence of the experimenter from the experi-
ment does not of itself eliminate him as an influencing
factor. Backster was able to affect the response of his
plants from hundreds of miles away; Dr. Robert Miller
registered profound changes in test plants during demon-
on plants although
strations of the influence of prayer
those praying were nearly a thousand miles distant.
Douglas Dean, by means of a plethysmograph, has dem-
onstrated that the blood volume of a subject changes
upon the moment of receiving a telepathic message. Gel-
ler bent spoons and forks over television waves.
Psychosomatic medicine has shown that our thoughts,
attitudes,and even unconscious motivations have effects
on our physical bodies. Anyone who has experienced a
headache during tension or become nauseated from stage
fright can confirm the reality of mind over matter. That
thoughts and feelings, although unexpressed, can influ-
ence others has been measured by monitoring energy lev-
els of subjects. .Dr. John Pierrakos, a psychiatrist, noticed
that the plants in his office wilted in the presence of de-
pressed patients.
Blind studies, where the test subject is unaware of
which object has been treated until after his reactions
have been recorded, help reduce the degree of influence
exerted by the human component. And double blind
studies, where neither the subject nor the experimenter
know which object is which until after the results are re-
corded, are even less corruptible. For example, if the re-
search is the testing of the sharpness of razor blades,
blind study would have the subject try both the treated
and the control blades without knowing which was which.
A double blind study would involve marking the two
blades in a fashion that neither the subject nor the exper-
imenter would know one set from the other until after the
results were recorded. This approach would, say, keep the
experimenter from sending a telepathic message to the
subject, even though he might not do it consciously. We
used time-lapse photography to measure the growth and
movement of plants inside and outside the pyramids and
were not present during the recording. Nevertheless, that
docs not completely eliminate our unconsciously in-
fluencing the plants from a distance.
The fact that we may minimize but are unable to re-
duce the influence of the human factor to zero in our ex-
periments should not discourage our efforts. This is the
case with all types of research, a fact that scientists are
coming more and more to accept. Former astronaut
Edgar Mitchell retired from the space program to devote
his time and energy to parapsychological studies because
he believed it carried a higher priority for the benefit of
mankind. Speaking in 1972 at the annual convention of
the American Psychiatric Association in Dallas, Captain
Mitchell stated that science had reached that point in its
growth where the experimenter could no longer eliminate
himself from his experiments. He did not view this per-
sonal involvement as a detriment to research; rather he
saw this occurrence as a higher level of scientific endeavor
through which new knowledge of the vast dimensions of
man would man him-
unfold. This greater knowledge of
self would, then, open new doors for the understanding of
The Pyramid: Ancient & New Miracle Worker 23

the universe, Mitchell believed. Mitchell, who has a doe- 5-

torate degree in science, recently founded the Institute of

Noetic Sciences (noetics — the study of consciousness).
This spirit of personal involvement and unfoldment
would seem to be the right one for us as we work with
pyramids, for the more we learn about the purpose of the
Great Pyramid the stronger become our suspicions that it
was built as an instrument for human growth. It has be-
come more and more apparent that we can uncover the
secrets of the Great Pyramid only at the rate that we
learn about our own dimensions. This would seem to
have been the intention of the great builders.

The oldest and largest standing construction of man. To

ponder that fact is to launch even the mildly curious in
search of answers to many whats, whys, and whens. The
history of pyramids and particularly the Great Pyramid is
a fascinating study; the legends are even more intriguing.
In the course of a single chapter, however, we can hardly
offer more than an outline of some of the more significant
facts and events. Hopefully a kind of overview will serve
our turn in drawing the highlights into sufficient focus to
serve as backdrops for current explorations.
The mystique that surrounds the Great Pyramid is not
diminished with familiarity. On more
the contrary, the
one learns of its and purpose the
history, construction,
more the mystery becomes compounded. Endeavors to
cover the subject adequately have been the design of
many books, and a number of these are listed in the bib-
liography for those interested in additional reading. We
would not intrude on their tasks here, for such ambition

The Historical Enigma 25

might be likened to trying to engrave a dictionary on the

head of a pin. Rather, our job will be to touch base here
and there with the past in order to set the stage for pres-
ent considerations.
Some may ask why attention is directed primarily to
the Great Pyramid of Gizeh when there are many other
pyramids. True, pyramids were discovered in many parts
of the world, including South America, China, the Hima-
layan mountains, Siberia, Mexico, Central America,
Cambodia, France, England, and the United States, along
with the 30 major and many minor pyramids in Egypt.
Why, then, all the interest in the Great Pyramid, or
Cheops Pyramid, as it is sometimes called? Primarily be-
cause it is the largest, the most perfect mathematically
and geometrically, and because of certain features missing
in other pyramids.
It is believed the Great Pyramid represents the epitome
of Egyptian knowledge and that if secrets are to be uncov-
ered it happen within or around its portal. Tradi-
tional scholarship places the Great Pyramid somewhere in
the early period of pyramid building, in the Fourth Dy-
nasty. Six major pyramids allegedly preceded it and 23
followed it, according to Egyptian scholar I. E. S. Ed-
wards, author of The Pyramids of Egypt. Some students
believe the pyramids built prior to the Great Pyramid are
indicative of a less sophisticated period and those follow-
ing represent either a deterioration or corruption of
knowledge and craftsmanship.
The Great Pyramid stands ten miles west of Cairo on
the man-leveled one-mile-square plateau of the Gizeh
Plain, overlooking from a height of 130 feet the palm
groves of the Nile valley. The Great Pyramid's base cov-
ers slightly more than 1 3 acres and it is leveled to a frac-
tion of an inch. More than 2,600,000 blocks of granite
and limestone —
weighing from two to 70 tons each rise —
to present height of over 450 feet. The perfectly hewn

blocks to within one-one hundredth of an inch are so ac-

more than
curately put together that the joints are never
one-fiftieth of an inch wide. Ithas been estimated that
the Pyramid contains more solid masonry than all the ca-
thedrals, churches, and chapels built in England since the
time of Christ.
Standing with the Great Pyramid are two other pyra-
mids, one slightly smaller and attributed to Cheops 's suc-
cessor, Kephren, and another pyramid, smaller still, attri-

buted to Kephren's successor, Mykerinos. These, along

with six smaller pyramids, allegedly built for Cheops's
wives and daughters, form what is known as the Gizeh
Originally, the Great Pyramid was covered with a
mantle or veneer of polished limestone, making the sides
smooth rather than stepped. Some time after the early
part of the thirteenth century A.D. a series of earthquakes
demolished large parts of northern Egypt. In the course
of several generations the entire 22 acres of 100-inch
thick covering of the pyramid was stripped to rebuild
The Pyramid remained sealed for centuries; alas, any
knowledge of an entrance was lost in remote antiquity.
Then in 820 A.D. the young caliph, Abdullah Al-Mamum,
son of Harun Al-Rashid, whose feats were to be cele-
brated in the Arabian Nights, heard of great treasures
and priceless documents stored within the Pyramid.
Along with a host of engineers, architects, builders, and
stone masons, Al-Mamum searched for days along the
smooth stone surface for an entrance. Failing to find one,
the caliph decided to bore straight into the solid rock of
the structure. But hammers and chisels could not scratch
the stone. Refusing to give up the venture, Al Mamum
resorted to heating the stone until it was red hot and then
poured cold vinegar on it to crack the boulders. Battering
rams were then used to chip away at the stone. After
burrowing a small tunnel for 100 feet, Al-Mamum was
prepared to Abandon the project when a workman heard
The Historical Enigma 27

what appeared tobe a large stone sliding into place

somewhere not farfrom where they were working. They
renewed their efforts, tunneled toward the sound and

broke into a passage little more than three feet high and
three feet wide.
The passageway sloped at a steep angle, but the Arabs
struggled up the tunnel and discovered the original secret
entrance, which had been placed 49 feet above the base
of the Pyramid. Al-Mamum and his men made their way
down the low, treacherous Descending Passage cut deep
into the rock of the plateau, but at the bottom of what has
become known as "the Pit" they found nothing but dust
and debris. On the far side of the Pit they found an even
narrower horizontal tunnel that led 50 feet to a blank
wall. In the floor was what appeared to be a well shaft. It
was carved to a depth of 30 feet and led nowhere.
Retracing their steps to the large stone that had fallen
in the Descending Passage, Al-Mamum and his men spec-
ulated that the stone had covered a large red granite
plug, which blocked another passage sloping up into the
body of the Pyramid. The granite plug proved impregna-
ble, so they cut around it through the softer limestone.
Two more granite plugs blocked the passage and after the
granite many limestone blocks followed. Still the workers
persisted and finally emerged into an ascending passage
with a low ceiling. Crawling on their knees, the men made
their way up 150 feet of slippery rock, then into another
tunnel with an equally low ceiling. At the end of the sec-
ond tunnel they found themselves in a bare room approx-
imately 18 feet square and with a gabled ceiling. As the
Arabs placed their women in tombs with gabled ceilings,
the room became known as the "Queen's Chamber." But
nothing was to be found here but an empty niche in the
east wall.
The Arabs retraced their steps to the Ascending Pas-
sage, and, raising their torches, they discovered a void
above them. By climbing on each others' shoulders they
could reach high enough to see that they were at the bot-
tom of a narrow but high gallery. It stretched upward at
the same slope as the Ascending Passage for approxi-
mately 157 feet and was 28 feet high. At the end of their
climb they came upon a huge stone about three feet high,
which proved tobe a six-by-eight-foot platform. Beyond
the platform the floor was level but the ceiling was only
three and a half feet high. This formed a sort of entrance
to a small antechamber. Another short and low passage
followed and Al-Mamum and his men found themselves
in a large room, the walls, floor, and ceiling of polished
red granite. This room, 34 feet long, 17 feet wide, and
nineteen feet high, became known as the King's Chamber.
Frantically the Arabs searched for treasures, but all
that was to be found was an empty sarcophagus made of
highly polished, dark chocolate-colored granite.

Al-Mamum paid off his men and possibly saved his

own throat by planting gold in one of the chambers and
seeing to it that they dug it up, or so the legend goes. In
any case so ended the first attempt to make the great
structure give up its secrets.
Along came the earthquakes of 450 years later; the

stone casing was stripped from the outside, but no one

was to enter the Pyramid again for several centuries. Su-
perstition surrounded the Pyramid. It allegedly was in-
habited by ominous spirits and was filled with vermin and

serpents. A twelfth-century adventurer, Rabbi Benjamin

ben Jonah of Navarre, claimed that the Pyramid was
constructed by witchcraft. Abd-al-Latif, a teacher of
medicine and history in Baghdad, worked up his courage
to step inside the Pyramid shortly after Benjamin's visit
but is said to have fainted from fear and later claimed
that he came out more dead than alive.
It was not until 1638 that the Great Pyramid was to

gain another visitor. John Greaves, an English math

teacher and astronomer, entered the Pyramid with hopes
of finding treasure of a sort different from Al-Mamum's.
The Historical Enigma 29

He sought the data that would establish the dimensions of

the planet. Aftersome effort Greaves made his way to the
King's Chamber where, according to Peter Tompkins in
his book Secrets of the Great Pyramid, he "was puzzled
that so incredibly imposing a structure as the
should be built around a single chamber with a single
empty coffer. He could see no apparent reason for its
portcullis entrance or for the complexity of its ante-
chamber where the walls changed mysteriously from
limestone to granite. But being a scientist by nature,
Greaves set to collecting and noting data about the build-
Greaves discovered another mysterious part of the

Pyramid a section that also served no apparent purpose.
Along the ramp of the Grand Gallery Greaves uncovered
a stone block that led to a passage straight down into the
bowels of the Pyramid. The tunnel was slightly over three
feet wide. However, notches had been dug along the side,
and Greaves lowered himself 60 feet into the "well"
where the shaft was enlarged into a small chamber or
"Grotto," as it is now called. The shaft continued for a
short way below the Grotto and ended. Greaves devoted
the remainder of his stay to mathematics, measuring
carefully everything within and without the Pyramid.
Greaves's measurements of the Pyramid gained the at-
tention of Sir Isaac Newton, who subsequently wrote a
paper entitled "A Dissertation upon the Sacred Cubit of
the Jews and the Cubits of Several Nations: In which,
from the dimensions of the Great Pyramid, as taken by
Mr. John Greaves, the ancient Cubit of Memphis is de-
"Newton's preoccupation with establishing the cubit of
the ancient Egyptians was no idle curiosity," Tompkins
states,"nor just a desire to find a universal standard of
measure; his general theory of gravitation, which he had
not yet announced, was dependent on an accurate knowl-
edge of the circumference of the earth. All he had to go
on were the old figures of Eratosthenes and his followers,
and on their figures his theory did not work out accurate-
Greaves's measurements of the exterior of the Pyramid
failed to be accurate because of the debris at the base,
and Newton's theory of gravitation was to be based a' few
years later on the findings of the French astronomer Jean
Picard. Little did Newton, his followers, and critics know
that the Sphinx could be used as a geodetic marker to in-
dicate the equinox, and that it once had between its paws
an obelisk whose shadow was used to compute the correct
circumference of the earth and the variance in the degree
of latitude.
Nathaniel Davison, later to serve as British Consul
General in Algeria, lowered himself into the well discov-
ered by Greaves and below the Grotto to the end of the
shaft where he found only debris. Tompkins writes: "To
Davison it appeared strange that anyone should go to
such an enormous amount of effort to dig a shaft almost
200 feet into the 'heart of the Pyramid and simply come to
a dead end. But there was nothing more he could do. It
was extremely close and filthy at the bottom of the 'Well,'
and his candle soon burnt up what little air was available.
Also, an immense number of huge bats made it difficult
for Davison to keep his candle lighted; so he laboriously
made his way back to the surface."
Davison did, however, discover other features of the
Pyramid. He spotted a small rectangular hole at the top
of the Grand Gallery. With some difficulty he managed to
crawl through this small hole and found a chamber as
large as the King's Chamber but with a ceiling too low to
stand under. The floor of the chamber was found to be
nine monolithic granite slabs estimated to weigh up to 70
tons each. The underside of the slabs served as the ceiling
Chamber. Further, the ceiling of this room
for the King's
above the King's Chamber was constructed of similar
The Historical Enigma 31

This chamber, as with all others, failed to yield any

treasures, artifacts of any sort, and not even an inscrip-
tion. It was be known as Davison's Chamber and later
to serve as Captain G. B. Caviglia's living quarters.
Napoleon came to conquer Egypt, and with him ar-
rived an entourage of French mathematicians and scien-
tists, including Edme'-Francois Jomard and Colonel Jean

Marie Joseph Coutelle who were to make more accurate

measurements of the Pyramid than any previously taken.
What helped them in their efforts was the clearing away
of the debris at the base. They located the esplanade on
which the Great Pyramid had been built and the large
sockets set into the base rock where the cornerstones had
been laid.
Shortly after the beginning of the nineteenth century,
Captain Caviglia, master of a Maltese vessel, whose ex-
ploits are described elsewhere in this book, cleared the
well shaft of debris and discovered that it connected with
the Descending Passage. Colonel Howard- Vyse joined
Caviglia in exploration of the Pyramid in 1836, and he
discovered three additional chambers above Davison's
and of approximately the same size. The chambers were
separated by granite slabs and the upper-most was gabled
with huge blocks of limestone. Howard- Vyse theorized
that the five superimposed chambers were designed to re-
lieve the flat ceiling of the King's Chamber from the pres-
sure of the 200 feet of solid masonry above it.
Howard-Vyse also discovered two air-vent holes run-
ning through 200 feet of rock to the King's Chamber.
When these were cleared of debris, fresh air kept the
room at an even temperature of 68 degrees throughout
the year.
As it became more and more evident that the Great
Pyramid harbored neither gold, jewels, nor artifacts, and
appeared less and less to be a tomb, scholars with a vari-
ety of interests and backgrounds speculated on the origin
and the purposes for which it was designed. While tradi-

tional Egyptologists down to this day continue to contend
that it was built as atomb for Cheops, the evidence
thanks to the scholarship of John Taylor, Sir John Hers-
chel, Piazzi Smyth, William Petrie, David Davidson,
Robert T. Ballard, Moses B. Cotsworth, Joseph. Norman
Lockyer, Richard A. Proctor, Livio Stecchini, and others
— leans strongly toward a much greater purpose or pur-
Today's accumulation of evidence would indicate that
the Great Pyramid enshrines a lost science. Is this, the
last remaining of the Seven Wonders of the World, the
creation of unknown architects who possessed a more
profound knowledge of the universe than anyone who has
followed them? Until very recently there was little proof
that the Egyptians of five thousand years ago were capa-
ble of the precise astronomical calculations and mathe-
matical solutions required to locate, orient, and build the
"It was attributed to chance that the foundations were
almost perfectly oriented to true north, that its structure
incorporated a value for pi (the constant by which the di-
ameter of a circle may be multiplied to give its true cir-
cumference) accurate to several decimals," Tompkins
states in his introduction. He points out that its main
chamber incorporated the famous Pythagorean theorem,
which Plato in his "Timaeus" claimed as the building
block of the universe. "Chance was said to be responsible
for the fact that the Pyramid's angles and slopes display
an advanced understanding of trigonometric values,"
Tompkins continued, "and that its shape quite precisely
incorporates the fundamental proportions of the 'Golden
Today's mathematicians claim that the first rough use
of pi in Egypt was not until 1700 B.C., at least a thou-
sand years after the building of the Great Pyramid. Py-
thagora's theorem was supposedly devised during the fifth
century B.C.,^nd trigonometry was attributed to Hippar-
The Historical Enigma 33

chus in the second century B.C. This is what we read in

our textbooks. But now the whole subject of who did
what when is subject to review.
"Recent studies of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and
the cuneiform mathematical tablets of the Babylonians
and Sumarians have established," Tompkins points out,
"that an advanced science did flourish in the Middle East
at least three thousand years before Christ, and that
Pythagoras, Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, and other Greeks
reputed to have originated mathematics on this planet
merely picked up fragments of an ancient science evolved
by remote and unknown predecessors. The Great. . .

Pyramid, like most of the great temples of antiquity, was

designed on the basis of a hermetic geometry known only
to a restricted group of initiates, mere traces of which
percolated to the Classical and Alexandrian Greeks."
These and many other discoveries, with the list contin-
uing to grow, are demanding a new assessment of the
Great Pyramid, a closer look at its history; actually a
whole new framework of reference points appears man-
datory. We are now in the position of seriously wondering
if the builders of the Great Pyramid accomplished and

knew a great deal more than we credit them with. The

implications of the existence of this body of knowledge is
explosive and far reaching. That the Great Pyramid was
constructed as a mountainous tomb in order to satisfy
some pharaoh's ego trip is a concept no longer tenable.
One must remember that no mummies were ever found
in the Great Pyramid. The contention by some Egyptolo-
gists that the sarcophagi and the passages were sealed in

order to protect the mummies of the pharoahs from

thieves and spoilers hardly seem defensible when the so-
called burial chamber was opened for the first time since
sealing and was found empty.
Some scholars believe the Great Pyramid was built as a
place of initiation: not only as the site of initiation by the
Mystery Schools but also as an instrument of initiation. In
other words, within this concept, the energy fields gen-
erated or enhanced by the Pyramid contribute to an ele-
vation of consciousness.
In The Secret Teaching of All Ages, Manly Palmer
Hall sees the Great Pyramid as the visible covenant be-
tween Eternal Wisdom and the world. The angles repre-
sent Silence, Profundity, Intelligence, and Truth. The tri-

angular sides are symbolic of the three-fold spiritual

power. The south side of the Pyramid represents Cold;
the north side represents Heat; the west side signifies
Darkness; and the east side, Light.
Hall considers the Great Pyramid to be the "first tem-
ple, of the Mysteries," a repository of secret truths. Men
entered the portals of the Great Pyramid and came out
the illumined of antiquity. The drama of "The Second
Death" was believed to have been enacted within the
King's Chamber where the candidate for initiation was
symbolically crucified and placed in the sarcophagus. The
initiate would then experience the transition from the
physical world to the transcendental levels of nature.
At one point during the ritual the sarcophagus was
supposedly struck, producing an unusual tone. In the
chapter, "The Voice of the Pyramid," we discuss experi-
ments with sound as to its effects on material objects,
plant growth, its use in therapy, and ancient and mod-

ern use as a tool for influencing states of consciousness.

With the completion of the secret rites, the initiate was
allegedly reborn, had experienced the second birth, and
become a dweller of two worlds. He was then illumined or
enlightened and possessed the knowledge of the world.
According to Yoga philosophy, the human possesses
three levels of perception or experience: the physical, the
psychic, and the noetic or spiritual. As the evolutionary
processes unfold in man, he responds to himself and the
world through not only his physical senses but also
through the psychic perceptors. This is made possible by
energy activating the chakras or vortices of energy within
The Historical Enigma 35

the etheric or electric envelope of the body. The height-'

ened chakras or centers allows the individ-
activity of the
ual to respond to not only physical stimuli but also psychi-
cal phenomena. Growing awareness and a heightened
level of functioning then eventually lead to the simultane-
ous activation of all the chakras, a coursing of energy
through the body and carrying consciousness to its highest
level or spiritual awakening. This state is viewed as en-
lightenment, brought about by the higher tuning of man's
psychophysiological mechanisms and expanding use of
energy resources. With the activation of all seven chakras,
amount of light or halo. En-
the subject radiates a greater
ergy flows up through the centers from its seat at the base
of the spine and awareness becomes focused in the higher
centers by means of an interaction between the pituitary
gland and the pineal body in the brain. The flow of pranic
energy through the centers is viewed by Yoga philosophy
as the arousal of the Serpent Power, the rising of the
Kundalini, or the Baptism by Fire.
Spiritual awakening can be brought about by several
methods, according to this system, although none act in
isolation or entirely apart from the other methods: 1.
through the natural unfoldment of higher and higher lev-
els of functioning brought about through the evolutionary
processes and which can be retarded or quickened by the
acts of the individual; 2. through the special assistance of
a guru or teacher who is himself in control of this ener-
gy and can thereby direct it in such a fashion that it
works upon the subject; and 3. through the use of special
exercises, disciplines, and techniques designed to activate
the chakras and raise the Kundalini power.
We are entertaining the hypothesis that the Great Pyr-
amid was designed to serve as a device for activating
higher energy levels and elevate consciousness. Our expe-
riences, and those of others, with psychic ability being in-
creased as a result of time spent within pyramids, might
point to this being one of the design plans of the builders
of the Great Pyramid. This subject is given additional at-
tention in the chapteron altered states of consciousness.
Although the Arabs had long contended that the Great
Pyramid was constructed as an astronomical observatory,
it was not until the turn of the century that a reasonable

solution was put forth as to how the polished sides and

interior passages were used for observations.
British astronomer Richard Anthony Proctor came
upon an old Roman document suggesting that the Great
Pyramid would have served well as an observatory when
constructed to the level of the Grand Gallery. This would
have provided a large square platform where the ancient
astronomers could have recorded the movements of the
stars. They would have needed a true meridian across the

heavenly vault in order to detect the moment when the

stars, sun^and moon transited this meridian.
Proctor reasoned that the builders first constructed a
huge graduated slot aligned on the meridian. From
various levels along this slot they could observe the
movement of the stars and their several transits.
In his book, The Great Pyramid, Observatory, Tomb,
and Temple, Proctor describes how the would architects
have proceeded to build such an observatory. In order to
obtain a true north-south axis for their terrestrial meridi-
an, theywould have used the tops of a couple of pillars to
focus on whatever star was nearest to the celestial north
pole and find the top and bottom of its circular path. A
line through the two points —
easily measured with a

plumb line would be true north.
Once the ancient architects transferred a true meridian
from the sky to the ground, they could have consolidated
the line by digging into a descending passage through the
rock, using their chosen star to guide the tunnel down-
ward at exactly the angles of its rays. This tunnel, Proctor
reasoned, would have provided perfect stability to the
directional line and the longer the passage, the truer its

The Historical Enigma 37

Proctor's theory provides an explanation for the perfect

straightness of the walls of the Descending Passage. With
the length of the Descending Passage and its angle of de-
scent measured, the architects could have used elementary
trigonometry to locate a central point immediately above
the end of the Descending Passage as a center for the
building of the Pyramid. Having a central point and a
true meridian, the builders could have laid the socket
holes for a square base and begun laying the stone
courses on a leveled platform. Proctor believed that the
architects could have obtained true levels by using water
troughs in conjunction with the light rays from the star.

The tunnel could have been continued up through the

lower tiers of stone, in order to maintain a precise direc-
tion for the lower tiers, until the tunnel reached the exte-
rior of the Pyramid. In order to continue the accurate
laying of the remaining tiers, Proctor reasoned that the

builders created an ascending passage at exactly the same

(26 degrees and 17 minutes) as the De-
reflecting angle
scending Passage. They filled the Descending Passage
with water and thereby could reflect the polar star back
up the Ascending Passage, keeping the passage truly
aligned and the Pyramid level.
Proctor notes that in order for the Descending Passage
to hold water, themasonry would have to be of hard rock
and carefully joined. Interestingly enough, the stones at
this particular point aremuch harder than the rest of the
passage and more finely joined.
But then the Ascending Passage suddenly changes to
an overlapping gallery 28 feet wide. It serves no apparent
role as an orientation for the construction of the stone
courses, but must have served some significant purpose,
Proctor reasoned, so outstanding was the architectural
design and so carefully had it been constructed.
Proctor decided that an ancient astronomer wished

for a large observation slot exactly bisected

by a meridian
through the north pole in order to observe the transit of
the heavenly bodies, he would have requested of an ar-
chitect an extremely high slit with vertical walls —a gal-
lerywhose aperture, using the reflection of the polar star,
would be designed to be bisected by a true meridian.
Peering through such a slot, the observer could watch the
passage of the panoply of the zodiac and note the transit
of each star across a perfect meridian. This is exactly
what today's astronomer does when he sets his transit cir-
cle to the vertical meridians.
Proctor hypothesizes that someone in the Queen's
Chamber could keep time by an hourglass or water clock
in coordination with other observers in the Grand Gallery
and signal either the beginning or the end of the transit
across the Gallery's field of view. Looking down the De-
scending Passage into a reflecting water pool, the astron-
omer could have determined the precise moment of a
star's transit as that is the only instant its rays will be re-
flected. Tompkins reminds us that thisis the very same

system used today at the U.S. Naval Observatory in

Washington, D.C., where the daily transit of stars is noted
to a split second by their reflection in a pool of mercury.
Tompkins quotes George Sarton, professor of the his-
tory of science at Harvard, as stating that the astronomi-
cal ability of the early Egyptians "is proved not only by
their calendars, tables of star culminations, and tables of
star risings, but also by some of their instruments such as
ingenious sundials or the combination of a plumb line
with a forked rod that enabled them to determine the azi-
muth of a star."
Shortly after the turn of the century a succession of
pyramidologists attempted to prove the Great Pyramid
contained a 6,000-year prophetic history of the world,
startingin 4000 B.C. and going to 2045 A.D. These
prophecies were compared to the Bible. They envisioned
an allegory in stone in which the Descending Passage
represented humanity on its way down toward ignorance
The Historical Enigma 39

and evil. Where the Descending Passage and the Ascend-

ing Passage joined, the evil spirits continued on to the Pit,
while the rest of humanity, saved by the Christian Dis-
pensation, moved upward along the Ascending Passage
toward the Light of the Grand Gallery. Having passed
beyond the Great Step, humanity must continue bent in
submission through the Antechamber of Chaos before it
could emerge in the King's Chamber and the glory of the
Second Coming.
According to Tompkins, the Prophetic chronology was
supposedly marked out along the passages and chambers,
with one year corresponding to one Pyramid inch, starting
with the first created man and ending with the Day of
In his book, The Source of Measure, J. Ralston Skin-
ner contends that the Great Pyramid was a temple of ini-
tiation. He linked the Pyramid to the Jewish cabala, a
system of allegorical symbolism that allegedly sets forth
the secret teachings of the Bible and reveals the great
cosmic principles of man's origin.
When one considers today's wide following of the me-
dieval prophet Nostradamus and such modern prophets
as Edgar Cayce and Jeane Dixon, it is not difficult for
many individuals to consider that ancient prophets left a
record in stone. However, with current research into the
nature of prophecy and studies in altered states of con-
sciousness, most of the interest is now focused on the
Great Pyramid and particularly its small imitations as in-
struments for inducing states of awareness with prophetic
It has never been determined who built the Great Pyr-

amid and when. No record has ever been found as to its

construction. Egyptologists are not in complete accord
but generally agree that it was built during the Fourth
Dynasty, 2720 to 2560 B.C. The time of construction is
usually given between 30 and 56 years.
But there are many dissenters. One thing that con-
founds scholars is that the construction of the pyramids,
particularly the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, demonstrates a
fully developed grasp of mathematics, astronomy, geog-
raphy, navigation, engineering, architecture, etc., at the
time of construction without a demonstrable period for
learnings these sciences.
A number have proposed that the builders were from
the advanced civilization of Atlantis who constructed the
Pyramid as a means of preserving all the known sciences,
as well as providing atemple of initiation and a device for
generating powerful energy fields.
This version has gained support from the readings of
Edgar Cayce. According to Cayce, a group of nine
hundred people entered Egypt from an advanced civiliza-
tion around 12,000 B.C. With them was a young priest,
Ra-Ta, who was a channel for the Creative Forces. Why
had they chosen Egypt? Reading 281-42 states: 'This
had been determined by that leader or teacher (not physi-
cal leader, but spiritual interpreter or guide) as the center
of the universal activities of nature, as well as the spiritual
forces,and where there might be the least disturbance by
the convulsivemovements Which came about in the earth
through the destruction of Lemuria, Atlantis, and in —
later periods — the flood."
Paramount of Ra-Ta's endeavors was the construction
of the Great Pyramid, which would be an archtype
through the ages. As such it was designed to incorpo-
rate — within the structure of its passageways and
chambers, and in its mathematical and geometric rela-
tionships — the knowledge gained by those peoples, as
well as the prophecies of the centuries yet to pass. This
monumental structure also served, according to Cayce
reading 5748-5, as a temple of initiation "of that some-
times referred to as the White Brotherhood," and was
built by means other than pure physical labor, for the At-
lanteans assisted in the construction. How was the Great
The Historical Enigma 41

Pyramid built? "By the use of those forces in nature as

make for iron to swim, stone floats in the air in the same
manner." (5748-6)
Some scholars such as Piazzi Smyth and Joseph A.
Seiss believed that the building of the Great Pyramid was
made possible by the revelations of God. Erich von Dani-
ken, et al., propose that the Great Pyramid, along with a
number of other ancient structures, were designed by in-
telligences from outer space who visited this planet many
thousands of years ago. Recent Russian authors postulate
that the builders came from Indonesia some ten to twelve
thousand years ago after their advanced civilization was
destroyed by a natural catastrophe. The Russians claim to
have found several objects to support this theory, includ-
ing astronomical maps, and crystal lenses of such a nature
that they can only be ground by an electrical process. In
Meetings With Remarkable Men George Ivanovich
Gurdjieff relates that he once obtained a map of pre-sand
Egypt complete with pyramids and Sphinx.
One of the oldest dates for the Great Pyramid has been
given by an Arab writer, Abu Zeyd el Balkhy, who claims
to quote an ancient inscription to the effect that the Pyra-
mid was built at a time when the Lyre was in the Con-
stellation of Cancer, which has been interpreted as mean-
ing "twice 36 thousand years before the Hegira," or
around 73,000 years ago. This vintage would seem to
correspond to some carbon- 14 readings on the structure
that would date it around 71,000 B.C., except that there is
some questioning now as to the reliability of carbon- 14 in
measuring age.
As to the actual construction of the pyramids, contro-
versy reigns here also. It is believed that most of the
limestone blocks for the construction of the Great Pyra-
mid were brought from the Mokattam quarries a few
miles across the Nile, although some blocks would seem
to come from the Gizeh hills. The nearest source for the
70-ton granite blocks used in the King's Chamber is. the
Aswan quarry located near Syene, which is 500 miles up
the Nile.
Some scholarsseem satisfied that the 2,600,000 stone
blocks, weighing from two to 70 tons, were quarried and
finely tooled with copper instruments, then dragged on
sleds or over rollers to barges, unloaded and dragged
again to the construction site, and hoisted in place by
ropes, pullies, slides, and wooden cranes.
Other writers find it hard to believe that primitive tools
could have accomplished the task when today's architects
and engineers with all their technical resources could not
duplicate the feat.
Toth and Nielsen stat in Pyramid Power: "The engi-
neering feats performed by the Egyptians in transporting
and unloading rivals those performed today with the use
of themodern techniques and equipment of our experts.
This became evident in the 1960's when the Aswan Dam
was nearing completion. A united effort was made by
some engineers, using sophisticated equipment from all
over the world, to save as many temples, palaces and
statues as possible before the Aswan damming would in-
undate those colossal masterpieces forever. But all the
modern equipment and expertise of the highly trained and
skilled engineers could not lift many of the single mono-
liths. The stones actually had to be broken into smaller

pieces in order to make the relocation attempt a reality.

Because the experts needed to cut up the blocks of stone,
which the Egyptians obviously had been able to handle
intact, a very small percentage of the actual targeted edi-
fices could be saved from the inundating waters of the
Aswan Dam."
Study the Great Pyramid from any approach, in any of
itsmany aspects, and one seems to wind up with several
questions for every apparent answer. Though many have
crawled over and through it with measuring tape, slide
rule, chemicals,and instruments of all descriptions, the
Great Pyramid lfemains an enigma.

The word "pyramid" comes from the Greek "pyro,"

meaning and "amid," which means being at the

center. Fire was one of the four properties of the universe

in ancient cosmology, the others being earth, water, and
air. As it was used in the ancient teachings, fire was de-
fined as the universal energy, the vitality permeating all of

In a pamphlet entitled The Pyramid and Its Relation-

ship to Biocosmic Energy, G. Patrick Flanagan, Ph.D.,
stated, "The major secret of the Great Pyramid of Giza,
the Seventh Wonder of the World, is so obvious that it is

hidden with the word pyramid. We shall attempt to dem-

onstrate that biocosmic energy is the fire in the middle
which has eluded scientists for thousands of years."
Current research of the "new" form of energy may
supply the long-awaited clues to a host of happenings,
from mental telepathy to ESP to spiritual healing.
Study of the mysterious energy is underway in a
number of laboratories. It is believed that an under-
standing of the laws governing this force will provide
practical explanations to various psychic phenomena that
to date have eluded the "hard data" scientists.
Newton's Law of Gravitation and Einstein's Theory of
Relativity provided the explanations for understanding
universal application of certain physical forces. So, too,
the unveiling of the special "X" force is expected to pro-
vide the common denominator behind such phenomena as
psychokinesis (PK) — the effect of thought on material
objects — and the sending of telepathic messages over dis-
tances such as astronaut Edgar Mitchell's efforts to com-
municate from the moon.
"As we continue to unravel the qualities of this energy
field and are able to define its laws, it would seem reason-
able to propose that various kinds of so-called psychic
phenomena occur as a result of this force and are not iso-
lated and unrelated occurrences," said Dr. Stanley
Krippner, director of the Dream Laboratory at the Mai-
monides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York.
Study of the energy field has been the focal point of
Soviet scientist Dr. Genady Sergeyev's tests of Nelya
Mikhailova, the Leningrad housewife who has created an
international sensation with her ability to move anything
from teacups to cigarettes with her mind. Using a force-
field detector, Dr. Sergeyev recorded intense radiation of
electrostatic and electromagnetic fields four yards from
Mrs. Mikhailova during a performance in an insulated
electroencephalographic chamber, according to reports
received in this country. Similar equipment has been used
to measure and confirm the powerful PK power of Uri
Drs. Hoffer and Harold Kelm at the University
of Saskatchewan in Canada have researched the measure-
ment of human force fields at a distance by using a detec-

tor consisting of two capacitor plates, a pre-amplifier,

and a line recorder similar to an electrocardiograph. The
Mysterious Energy Fields 45

detector charts the body's invisible energy field or electri-

cal aura at a distance.
"In the world systems of occult physics is a concept of
energy (and a related field theory) remarkably similar to
that of modern physics. Namely, there is one primary
form of energy from which everything else is construct-
ed," Dr. Elmer Green, director of the Psycho-physiologi-
cal Laboratory at the Menninger Foundation in Topeka,
Kansas, stated. He added, "In occult physics, however, it

is postulated that the elaborated structure of the one basic

energy includes not just physical substance, but emotional
substance, mental substance, and other more rarefied ma-
terials, and that in the human being all these materials are
brought together."
Manly Palmer Hall, president of the Philosophical Re-
search Association, Los Angeles, California, commenting
on this, said, "The early Greeks explained that this union
of the substances —symbolized by earth, water, fire, and
air —was what made man the microcosm. In him, they
said, were found all the materials of the macrocosm, the
Aurobindo, the Indian philosopher and teacher,
wrote, "One can think of the universe as all spirit, with
matter being the densest form; or one can think of the
universe as all substance, with spirit being its most rar-
efied form."
The idea of bioenergy is not a new one. The ancient
Chinese said that man is linked to the cosmos through
vital energy that fills the universe. In India they refer to
this force as "prana," in which everything is enveloped.
Mesmer calledanimal magnetism. Reichenbach re-

ferred to it as odic force. Blondot called it N-rays. Soviet

scientists have entitled it bioplasmic energy; and Czech
scientists call it psychotronic energy. While different
names are used, there appears to be general agreement as
to the characteristics of this energy.
Czech scientists Zdenek Rejdak and Karel Drbal have
written: "Human beings and all living things are filled
with a kind of energy that until recently hasn't been
known to Western science. This bioenergy, which we call
psycho tronic energy, seems to be behind PK; it may be
the basis of dowsing. It may prove to be involved in all
psychic happenings."
The Czechs have demonstrated to scientists from this
country psychotronic generators, sometimes referred to as
Pavlita generators after their inventor, Robert Pavlita.
Charged with energy directed from human psychic force,
the generators —
constructed of various shapes from a va-
riety of materials — reportedly move physical objects of
either metallic or nonmetallic nature. The research is

backed by the Czech Academy of Science.

In working with this energy, the Soviet scientists claim
their "new discovery" of bioplasmic energy can be seen
by anyone in photographs and electron microscopes,
thanks to Kirlian photography. Semyon Kirlian invented a
new process of photography, comprising some fourteen
patents, which uses high-frequency electrical fields in-
volving a generator that generates 75,000 to 200,000
electrical oscillations per second.
The Kirlian photographic process has now been devel-
oped in this country by a number of scientists, including
Dr. Thelma Moss of U.C.L.A. and Henry Monteith of the
University of New Mexico. As the teslacoil equipment for
producing the aura is relatively inexpensive,
many home experimenters —
including ourselves have —
constructed the units and are studying the results.
Olga Worral, the internationally recognized healer, re-
cently showed us a number of high frequency photo-
graphs taken at U.C.L.A. showing the aura around a torn
leaf before and after she treated the leaf with healing en-
ergy. The photographs revealed a considerable increase in
the size and activity of the aura following her administra-
tion of energy.
The Kirlian photographic process allegedly takes pho-
Mysterious Energy Fields 47

tos of the bioplasmic or.etheric energy field surrounding

and penetrating the human body and other living things.
This field is likened by the scientists to the concept of the
human aura, a radiating luminous cloud surrounding the
body. Art from Egypt, Greece, and India revealed holy
figures in a luminous aura before the artists of the Chris-
tian era painted saints with halos.
In her book, Awareness, the late famous psychic Eileen
Garrett, and former president of the Parapsychology
Foundation of New York, stated "I've always seen every
plant, animal and person encircled by a misty surround."
She also has reported seeing spirals of this same energy
leaving the bodies of the recently dead up to three days
after death.
Elsewhere in Awareness, Mrs. Garrett stated: "Through-
out my whole life I have been aware of the fact that every-

one possesses a second body a double. The double is a
distinct fact in Eastern and Theosophical teaching and as
such it is said to be an energy body, a magnetic area asso-
ciated with the physical human corpus, an area in which
the immaterial forces of the cosmos, the solar system, the
planet, and one's more immediate environment are normal-
ly transformed in the life and belied of the individual."
She adds, "The double is the medium of telepathic and
clairvoyant projection."
Dr. Wilden Penfield of McGill University in Montreal,
Canada, has done a number of operations in which large
segments of patients' brains have been removed. Dr. Pen-
field stated that the mind carried on as before. He ven-
tured, "Perhaps we will always be forced to visualize a
spiritual element — a spiritual essence that is capable of
controlling the
Swami H. H. Rama, during his recent visit to the Men-
ninger Foundation, said, —
"The energy body sometimes
referred to as the astral —
body can be used by a trained
yogi for traveling by the consciousness apart from the
physical body. At death, the individual leaves his flesh
body and continues his life in the energy body." In all of
his mind-over-matter experiments, Swami Rama referred
to his ability to control his body and mind and to exhibit
psychic insights as being in tune with pranic energy.
The projection of the energy body is currently under
study by Dr. Charles Tart at the University of California
at Davis, and by Harold Sherman, director of the ESP
Research Associates Foundation in Arkansas. This is also
the subject of a book issued by Doubleday entitled Jour-
neys Out of the Body, authored by Charlottesville, Vir-
ginia, businessman Robert A. Monroe. He tells of some
nine hundred trips outside his physical body. When we
visited with him at the Interdisciplinary Conference on
the Voluntary Control of Internal States, held at Council
Grove, Kansas, and sponsored by the Menninger Foun-
dation, he told us that when he left his physical body he
seemed to enter or become an energy body.
Projection of this "X" energy has been reported by Dr.
Bernard Grad of McGill University. He had a psychic
healer hold a flask of water and then pour it on barley
seed. The seed significantly outgrew the untreated seed,
according to Dr. Grad. He further stated that this pre-
viously unacknowledged energy has the widest implica-
tions for medical science, from healing to lab tests. ,

In their book Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron

Curtain, authors Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder
relate that Jacque Errera, Councillor on Nuclear Matters
to the Belgian Government, recently became involved in
work with a healer who held his hands over a piece of
fresh meat. After this "treatment" by the healer the meat
apparently was preserved and did not deteriorate for a
month even though it was not refrigerated.
Some scientists believe there is a link between the en-
ergy body and the Chinese practice of acupuncture, a sys-
tem of medication that effects cures with needles. Ac-
cording to the theories accompanying acupuncture, the
vital energy circulates through the body on specific routes.
Mysterious Energy Fields 49

It can be tapped at several hundred places on the

skin, and the Chinese insert fine needles at these points to
correct imbalances in the energy flow. John Hersey in his
book Hiroshima reported that acupuncture can cure the
effects of radiation. A large number of American medical
doctors, osteopaths, and chiropractors are now using acu-
puncture and under intensive study by medical socie-
it is

ties, associations, and academies.

The energy flow from a telepathic message affects the

blood volume of the receiver, according to research con-
ducted by Dr. Douglas Dean at the Newark College of
Engineering, New Jersey. The investigation was made
with a plethysmograph which unerringly measures the
blood volume in the thumb. And research at Rosary Hill
College in Buffalo, New York, by Sister Justa Smith re-
veals that the mind can affect enzymes.
Projection of an energy force also is revealed in the
strange ability of Ted Serios of Chicago, Illinois, to pro-
ject an image of his thoughts on Polaroid film. In carefully
controlled experiments by Dr. Jule Eisenbud, associate
clinical professor of Psychiatry at the University of Colo-
rado Medical School, Serios has produced hundreds of
pictures on film by strenuous concentration of his mind.
The force he directs toward the film is believed to be the
same controlled energy used by Mrs. Mikhailova, Geller,
et al, in the movement of physical objects.
The universal nature of the energy field, indicating that
it is shared by all living born out by the unusu-
things, is

al experiments of Cleve Backster, founder of the Backster

Research Foundation in New York. A recognized expert

with the polygraph, Backster demonstrated with a number
of carefully planned experiments that plants respond to
the thoughts, emotions, and actions of people and animals
around them. Death of living things, such as shrimp or
fish, occurring in the vicinity of the plants produced an

intensive reaction on the polygraph. "It seems to indicate

some sort of primary perception or consciousness in every
living cell," Backster reported. Backster's experiments
have now been duplicated and confirmed by Dr. Marcel
Vogel, senior chemist at IBM in San Jose, California, and
by a host of home experimenters, including ourselves.
The experiments with plants will be more fully described
in Chapter Four, "Pyramids & Plant Power."
A summary of reports reveals the "new" energy can be
refracted, reflected, polarized, and combined with other
energies, and produces effects similar to electricity, mag-
netism, heat, and luminous radiations and, yet, is in itself
none of these.
Pyramid research to date reveals some evidence that
the space within the Great Pyramid and its smaller repli-
cas enhances, intensifies, and/or generates energy of the
electromagnetic spectrum and other forms or degrees of
the so-called universal energy. As we will describe in fol-
lowing chapters, the activity within the pyramid form ap-
parently parallels a wide range of paranormal phenome-
na: the treatment of water by healers and the subsequent
effects on treated plants; water treated by the Brown cells
— isolated cells containing light-sensitive pigments, parti-
cles of crystallized light —and given to plants and animals,
and also showing a purification process according to lab-
oratory tests; healing and increase of body energy similar
to claims made for Eeman screens, wet- and dry-cell ap-
pliances, multiwave oscillator, orgone energy accumula-
tors, etc.; psychic healing and enhancement of transcen-
dental states as described in metaphysical literature as
occurring when a guru or teacher raises the energy level
of a student.
In the scientific research conducted by Dr. Luis Al-
varez, who won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1968, of the
Great Pyramid energy fields, standard scientific principles

were used. The idea was that cosmic rays passing through
the Pyramid would reveal any chambers that had not
been found. A cosmic particle recording device would
show less lots of energy on passage through a hidden
Mysterious Energy Fields 51

room than it would through solid stone. This research in-

volved several institutions as well as governmental agree-

ment between both the United States and Egypt.
Magnetic tapes, which recorded the data, were run
through the most modern computer to analyze the results.
According to one of Dr. Alvarez's colleagues, the tapes
revealed that a pattern could not be established from
which to determine a stable zero point of reference, and
every time the tapes were re-run, they gave a different
pattern of readings. Not only were the particles different,
but certain data disappeared from the tapes. The final
conclusion was that what was occurring was not only im-
possible, but some energy was being registered that does
not conform to the laws of science.
According to George W. Van Tassel, director of the
Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc., the maximum energy
to be generated requires28 days or one magnetic month.
Van Tassel claims that a quartz crystal peak on the top,
where the capstone would be on the Gizeh pyramid, will
produce enhanced effects, and that a laminated quartz
condenser, with germanium separating the quartz sheets,
on top of the pyramid will produce energy readings on
existing scientific equipment.
The stones in the Great Pyramid weigh as much as
seventy tons. -Granite was used to encase the King's
Chamber reputedly because granite produces a piezo-
electric effect due to the matrix of quartz crystals, mica,
and The bulk of the pyramid of Gizeh is lime-
stone,which has no electrical properties. The granite
chambers above the King's Chamber are believed by
some to form a granite air condenser for energy storage.
"Orgone energy" was the name given by Dr. Wilhelm
Reich to what he believed was the primordial, mass-free
cosmic life energy in which we and everything on our
planet are immersed. The "oraccu" was invented by
Reich to allegedly collect and accumulate the life energy
in the atmosphere and make it usable for scientific and
medical purposes. Reich claimed that orgone energy is

able to penetrate everything, but at varying speeds, and

while present everywhere, it varies considerably in con-
centration and quality.
Reich discovered that organic matter (wood, cotton,
wool, etc.) readily absorbs orgone energy, whereas me-
tallic matter first absorbs but then repels the energy rap-
idly. Thus was born the fundamental principle governing
the construction of the oraccu devices.
The basic oraccu is a simple six-sided box, all walls of
which are constructed in exactly the same manner. The
outermost layer of each wall is constructed of organic
material, such as wood or pressed composition board.
The inner, metallic layer can be made of sheet iron or
iron wire mesh (screening). Attention should be paid to
both the absorbing (organic) and repelling (metallic)
layers, as to the amount and type of materials to be used.
For medical and scientific purposes, R.eich recommended
iron as the best metallic material. Other metals, for ex-
ample aluminum, he considered harmful for medical pur-
poses. Organic materials vary also in their ability to ab-
sorb energy as well as moisture.
The specific layering of organic outer wall and metallic
inner wall constitutes a "one-fold" oraccu. Some experi-
menters have built and used oraccu devices up to ten
folds for experimental purposes on plants; however,
Reich warned against using an oraccu stronger than
three-folds for medical purposes without proper medical
The layering of organic and metallic walls allegedly es-
tablishes a direction of flow of orgone energy from the
outside to the inside of the oraccu, where the orgone is

concentrated above the level in the surrounding atmo-

sphere. Orgone energy flows from the weaker potential to
the stronger potential (just the opposite of electrical
Mysterious Energy Fields 53

flow). Thus the human being within the oraccu attracts

the energy to his own orgonotic system, which is higher in
potential than the oraccu.
Science has shown that the nucleus of every atom is

surrounded by negatively charged particles called elec-

trons, and there may be as few as one and as many as 92
electrons. The electrons whirl around the positively
charged nucleus at 186,300 miles per second.

charged piece of mass whirling around in a circle at
the speed of light generates electromagnetic radiation.
From every atom there is electromagnetic radiation of
extremely short wavelengths, varying from one milli-
micrometer to 100 milli-micrometers or more. Every indi-
vidual atom of every element has its own combination of
frequencies being generated continuously.
An excellent statement of the theory is made in Sir
William Ramsey's Physical Chemistry: "The radiation
field itself is produced in the following manner. An
electro-magnetic wave or disturbance starts out from a
vibrating electrically polar unit —an atomic or molecular
system with a special separation of unlike electrical

charges whose vibration involves a periodic fluctuation
of its electrical moment. The frequency of the radiation
emitted is identical with that of the oscillator itself; its

phase, intensity, and state of polarization of the oscillator.

If on the other hand, an electrically polar unit is placed in
a radiation field the frequency of which approximates to
the natural frequency of vibration of the polar unit, the
latter will be induced to vibrate in sympathy with the
and energy will be continuously
electric vector of the field
absorbed from the field."
Dr. Robert A. Millikan, former president of the Cali-
fornia Institute of Technology and Nobel Prize winner in
physics for his work of weighing the electron, speaking
before a joint meeting of the technical societies in Kansas
City, Missouri, made the following statement: "Some day
we will find that each of the elements of material matter
vibrates at a frequency, each different from the other."
Dr. I. I. Rabi of Columbia University won the Ameri-
can Association for the Advancement of Science Prize for
hiswork on nuclear resonance. From the Science News
Letter of January 6, 1940, we find him stating, "Atoms
can act like little radio transmitters broadcasting on ultra
short waves."
In an interview with the Associated Press, on .De-
cember 30, 1939, Dr. Rabi said: "Man himself as well as
all kinds of supposedly inert matter constantly emit rays.
Every atom and every molecule in nature is a continuous
radio broadcasting station. Those who believe in telepa-
thy, second sight, and clairvoyance, have in today's an-
nouncement the first scientific proof of the existence of
invisible rays which really travel from one person to an-
Dr. Flanagan, in the pamphlet mentioned earlier, stat-
ed: "The Pyramid of Gizeh generates millimicrowave or
nanowave radiation by the simple fact that you have five
corners. We have the four base corners and the apex.
These corners are in effect a type of nanowave radiator.
The radiation from the molecules or the atoms of matter
in the Pyramid combine by the angles of the corners into
a beam which bisects the angles of the corners and trans-
mits a beam of this radiation towards the center of the
Dr. Flanagan added: "These energies all combine in
the center or King's Chamber area of the Pyramid. The
molecules or atoms in this area absorb these energies by
resonance. As the energy increases, the electron orbits
start to expand. As more energy is absorbed, more ex-
pansion occurs. There would be a point at which, if there
were too much energy absorbed, that the atoms would
disintegrate and the electrons would fly off, but the energy
required would be far more than the Pyramid could con-

Mysterious Energy Fields 55

centrate. As the energy increases, there an increase in


circulation and finally we have a highly saturated energy

atmosphere in the wave bands around ten nanometers.
These energies also radiate outwards from the corners of
the Pyramid."
This energy, known and unknown, would appear to be
the matrix of all living things, linking man with man, and
man to the cosmos. That the ancient builders of the Great
Pyramid understood the nature of this energy and how to
use it, remains to be proved perhaps, but the evidence
continues to grow that the Great Pyramid (and its minia-
ture progeny being bom in home and laboratory) is by
either design or by accident — amongst other things —
multi-force field generator.

He knelt at the edge of an old buffalo wallow where the

small prairie flowers grew half-hidden in the bluestem
grass of the Kansas Flinthill cattle country. He carefully
ran his fingers over the white petals. "These little brothers
can mirror your soul. They watch you pass and tell the
Great Spirit how your foot falls upon the earth."
"You know of Cleve Backster's experiments with
plants, his measurement of their emotional reactions?"
Shul asked.
He shook his head but for several moments did not an-
swer as his eyes appeared to contemplate a clump of
sumac a short distance away. "Yes," he finally said. "The
white man has his ways and it has taken him a long time
to discover what the Indian has always known life is —
one and you cannot separate it. Form means nothing.
Man begins to communicate' with himself and others the
day he learns that plants, too, share the universal con-
Pyramids & Plant Power 57

The occasion was the 1971 Interdisciplinary Confer-

ence on the Voluntary Control of Internal States of
Awareness sponsored by the Menninger Foundation. Sev-
eral of us had taken a break from the sessions to follow
Rolling Thunder, chief medicine man of the Shoshone In-
dian Nation, on a walk through the surrounding meadow.
He had been invited to the conference to share with sci-
entists from several countries some of the great and an-
cient traditions of the Indian medicine man. How often 1
have thought of him since in our work with plants and
when I read of some discovery in man's newfound rela-
tionship with plants. I imagine, then, Rolling Thunder
reading of the same breakthroughs and a quiet enigmatic-
al smile reflecting a trace of patient amusement.
Perhaps it is the unexpected contact with someone like
Rolling Thunder — a voice out of the past and the keeper
of an ancient body of knowledge —
but we are reminded
that we only discover what is already known to at least
one intelligence greater than our own. If the Indian medi-
cine man could know, how far back in the chronology of
his teachers could one trace this wisdom? These thoughts
have a way of creeping in particularly when we search for
insights within a structure long known to man. Watching
our plants perform what to us was a new ritual within
their pyramid confines, we struggled to read in these
movements the clues to the ancient knowledge of energy

Considerable evidence is now pointing to plants as one

of the keys. Few occurrences in the scientific arenas of
recent years have created greater excitement, awe, and an
elevation of consciousness than have the experiments with
plants.Our examinations of plants growing in pyramids
offeredsome thought-provoking phenomena. What really
launched the use of plants as subjects for the new study of
energy fields and even consciousness in recent years,
however, was a piece of innocent enough research on the
morning of February 2, 1966, that completely turned
around our concepts of life forms. On that day CI eve
Backster, a polygraph expert and former interrogation
expert with the CIA, discovered that plants demonstrate
an emotional response similar to that in humans.
Endeavoring to measure the rate at which water rose in
a plant from the root into the leaf, Backster attached the
electrodes of a modified polygraph to the leaves of a dra-
caena house plant. The polygraph, or lie detector, mea-
sures the change in people's breathing, blood pressure,
pulse activity, and perspiration caused by emotional stim-
uli. The change in perspiration is known as galvanic skin

response or psychogalvanic reflex (PGR). The results are

revealed on the poly graph's' strip chart by a pen that
makes lines on paper according to the electrical activity of
the subject.
Backster reasoned that when the water arrived in the
plant's leaf, the resistance would go down and the tracing
would go up. The opposite occurred. A study of the chart
revealed a tracing typical of a human emotionally
aroused. How
can a plant have emotional responses? In-
trigued, Backster decided to try the threat-to-well-being
principle by burning the leaf of the plant with a match. At
the instant he thought of lighting the match, there was a
dramatic change in the PGR tracing. He was several feet
away from the plant and had not even lighted the match
and yet the pen was dancing all over the strip chart.
Following up on the threat-to-well-being approach,
Backster dropped some brine shrimp into boiling water.
Once again the plant showed great agitation. He won-
dered if cells are able to broadcast some kind of distress
signals to other living cells. A carefully planned scientific
approach was called for.
Backster determined that he could avoid the possibility
of human error by automating his experiments. He con-
structed machinery that Was programmed to kill the
shrimp on a random basis, with the timing precisely re-
corded by the* machines. No human remained on the
Pyramids & Plant Power 59

premises. Top scientists agreed that the system could not

be faulted.
Electrodes were attached to three separate plants in
separate rooms and away from the area where the shrimp
would be killed by automatically being dumped in scald-
ing water. The polygraph readings revealed that the emo-
tional response from the plants occurred at the exact in-
stant of the shrimps' death. This experiment has since
been repeated many times by Backster and others, all
using sophisticated randomizers, programmers, mecha-
nized devices, and the results have always been the same.
Equal results have been obtained by damaging or de-
stroying other life forms while monitoring plant reactions
to the events. We informally confirmed the threat-to-
well-being tests at the Menninger Foundation, and later
with a modified polygraph in our garage laboratory.
Backster found that the undefined sensory system or
perception capability in cell life could not be blocked by a
Faraday screen (which prevents electric penetration) or
by lead shields. The signal continued, initiated, it seemed,
by a force beyond our electrodynamic spectrum.
Serving with Backster on the advisory council of the
Ernest Holmes Research Foundation, we had the oppor-
tunity to visit with him recently. He told us that the force
appeared to be an unsuspected fife signal that quite possi-
bly might connect all His working hypothesis is
that all life forms are connected through consciousness
at the cellular level —
that plants as well as people and ani-
mals can communicate with each other on a much higher
level than any form of telepathy now known.
Distance is apparently no barrier. A friend's house

plant was left with Backster and he discovered that the

plant became highly excited when its owner was placed
under stress during the landing of her plane in Cincinnati.
Backster has since kept an accurate log with a stopwatch
whenever heis absent from his laboratory in New York.

His moments of excitement, stress, etc., coincide with the

polygraph tracings of his plants. Regardless of how far
away he is, when he thinks of returning to his office, the
plants respond with excitement. It is interesting to note
that plants not only show fondness for those who care for
them but also fear of strangers and those who have dam-
aged them. Backster tested this point a number of times
by playing the role of the "good guy" and having his as-
sistant, Bob Henson, play the role of the yillian. Whenev-

er Backster cut his finger or otherwise hurt himself while

working in his laboratory, his plants would respond with
great sympathy.
In short, Backster's experiments have provided evi-
dence that plants —though believed to be without nerves
— register fear, apprehension, relief, and pleasure. But
nearly three-quarters of a century ago India's foremost
physical scientist, Sir Jagadis Chandra Bose, stated,
"Love, hate, joy, fear, pleasure, pain, excitability, stupor,
and countless other appropriate responses to stimuli are
as universal in plants as in animals."
Dr. Bose's statement was not one of idle speculation.
The first Indian to win international distinction in physics,
psychology, and physiology, he demonstrated that the
plant kingdomis alive with sensibility through the use of

his Crescograph —
designed to measure and record ner-

vous impulses in animals which revealed that the plant
exhibits excitatory response to mechanical stimulation
and undergoes physiological changes identical to those in
animal tissue. Using his Resonant Recorder, which mea-
sured the speed of transmission of excitatory response,
and the Oscillating Recorder, which registered the pulsa-
tions of the Telegraph plant,Bose demonstrated the simi-
larity between plant impulses and the pulse beat of the
animal heart.
Bose showed that when a plant was pricked with a pin,
itsgrowth rate was immediately depressed to a fourth and
that it took about two hours for the plant to recover. He
demonstrated that a feeble electric stimulus caused a pos-
Pyramids 5c Plant Power 61

itive change in the pulvinus (it behaves much like a. con-

tractile muscle in an animal) of a plant and that a strong
stimulus induced a negative electric change. He consid-
ered the positive tone to be pleasant to the plant and the
negative to be unpleasant or painful.
In his Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogan-
anda relates how he watched Bose jab a sharp instrument
through a section of a fern. Looking at the fern shadow
on the Crescograph's screen, which could magnify im-
saw the fern tremble spasmod-
pulses 10 million times, he
ically at the injury and then saw it die,
instant of
trembling violently, as Bose sliced through the stem.
According to Yogananda, the death contraction in the
plant appeared to be similar in every respect to the death
contraction in the animal.

Bose's Resonant Cardiograph measured infinitesimal

pulsations in plants, animals, and humans at the rate of
one-hundreth part of a second. According to Patrick
Geddes, a professor of botany who wrote The Life and
Work of Sir Jagadis C. Bose, Dr. Bose developed the car-
diograph in the hope that the instrument would lead to
vivisection on plants instead of animals.
The power of prayer in plants has been demonstrated
many times. Perhaps the most complete research in this
area has been accomplished by Reverend Franklin Loehr
who founded the Religious Research Foundation of
America for this purpose. His three-year experiment in
which 150 persons did over 700 unit experiments and
made more than 100,000 measurements, demonstrated
that prayer can affect the health and growth of plants. His
results were published in the bestseller, The Power of
Prayer on Plants.
Having read of the Loehr experiments, Dr. Robert
Miller,an Atlanta chemical engineer and former profes-
sor at Georgia Institute of Technology, determined to ex-
amine the power of long-distance prayer on plants. He
used a rotary electro-mechanical transducer and strip
chart recorder in order to measure plant growth. Drs.
Ambrose and Olga Worrall, well-known healers, were
asked to pray for the plants from their home in Balti-
more, some six hundred miles away. During an 11-hour
period, the plants grew at the rate of 52.5 mils per hour
—over 800 percent the normal rate.
Dr. Bernard Grad, biochemist and professor of psychi-
atry at McGill University in Montreal, has become inter-
nationally known for his experiments with the effects of
"laying on of hands," and particularly the telekinetic ef-
fect on plant growth. Having found a highly skilled healer
in the person of Oskar Estebany, a former colonel in the
Hungarian army, Grad spent seven years investigating the
nature of Estebany's power. Experiments included having
the healer hold seeds in his hands for several minutes
prior to planting and holding a container of water that
was then poured on experimental groups of seeds. In each
case the "treated" seeds had a higher rate of germination
and outgrew the untreated seeds.
These experiments would s$em to bear out the old
adage of the "green thumb" that some people seem to
have a knack of growing plants. Luther Burbank stated a
half century ago, "... one person will plant a flower, at-
tend it carefully, and it will wither. But under identical
physical care, a second person may develop the same
flower into a healthy thriving plant. The secret ... is

The question immediately becomes how a plant can re-
spond to love unless it can feel? Does the expression of
love or caring generate some yet unknown energy force to
which the plant responds? Clearly, the above experiments
demonstrate that some unknown and invisible force can
change the behavior of the plants, sometimes drastically.
The important thing is that when you look at these and
other experiments, to be mentioned later in this chapter,
Pyramids & Plant Power 63

in relationship to pyramid research some interesting par-

allelscan be seen. Seeds and plants placed inside pyramid
space behave differently than those outside this space.
In our early experiments with plants inside pyramid
models, we noticed a significant difference in the growth
rate of the experimental plants and the control plants
placed outside the pyramids. These observations led us to
believe that an energy force captured or generated by the
pyramid was affecting the plants. We wondered if this ef-
fectcould be observed by the use of time-lapse photogra-
What we saw —
and subsequently showed to a number of

and lay observers were plants gyrating in a
symphonic dance as though orchestrated by an unseen
Our firstshowed a sunflower approximately six
inches tall, two well-formed leaves placed at
slender, with
the center of a glass pyramid at the level of the King's
Chamber, one-third the distance from the base to the
apex. The plant followed an east-west cyclic movement.
It bowed to the east nearly touching the base, swept a
semicircle to the south and back to the west and finally
straightened to the vertical before starting the dance once
more. The movement was repeated every two hours ac-
cording to a block placed beside the plant. Time-lapse
photography has since been used a number of times over
a period of two years.
For more than two years the east-west movement
never changed; always the pattern was the same. Then
suddenly in July 1974, the east-west movement stopped
and the plants started moving in a north-south arc. We
hypothesized that the change might be caused by varia-
tions in sunspots or solar flares. Checks with meteorolo-
gists and space agencies, which measure these phenome-

na, failed to provide any clues, however. At this writing,

November 1974, the north-south movement continues.
We feel certain that the radical change is of some signifi-
cance and we have even speculated that the plants are
monitoring some modification in our environment. We
are, of course, continuing our investigation.
Plants outside the pyramids fail to show the gyrations
of those inside. photography reveals the
plants to be "wallflowers" avoiding the dance of their ap-
parently charged-up peers within the pyramids.
Our experiments seem to indicate that there is some
sort of cosmic wind blowing in from the west. When an
aluminum screen is placed on the west side of the plant
inside the pyramid space, the plants hesitate in their gyra-
tions and then stop moving entirely until the screen is re-
moved or until they grow above the screen. Only that part
above the screen moves, however, with the blocked part
seemingly inhibited. As long as the screen remains verti-
cally suspended on the west side of the plant, the plant
does not wilt and stays healthy yet strangely suspended in
Apparently the energy field captured, enhanced, or
generated by the pyramid includes some part of the elec-
tromagnetic spectrum inasmuch as the presence of the
aluminum screen seems to block a force field and sus-
pends plant movement. According to our investigations,
aluminum is the only metal that serves as an inhibitor.
Aluminum is made by an electrical process and might be
thought of as having an electrical substance. Perhaps the
aluminum produces a negative field or else serves to block
the positive field. Seeds placed in saucers on aluminum
foil did not germinate in four days although seeds in
identical saucers without the aluminum foil germinated in
two days. Once the foil or screen has been left in the pyr-
amid for two weeks or so, it apparently becomes saturat-
ed with pyramid energy and no longer serves as an inhi-
bitor. Left outside a pyramid for any length of time, how-
ever, the aluminum loses its charge and reverts to its role
as an inhibitor.
When a magnet is introduced inside a pyramid, small
Pyramids & Plant Power 65

plants stop their movement. A magnet placed beside a

sunflower six inches tall stopped the plant's gyrations at
the base level, although the top of the plant continued to
move. When the magnet was removed, the plant resumed
the movements from the base of the stem. Mysteriously,
when plants are placed under plastic domes, permanent
magnets appear to inhibit plant movement anywhere in
the pyramid except those directly under the apex. In
other words, it would seem that the energy is sufficiently
strong at that location to overcome a counter force
directed by the magnet.

Remembering Dr. Bose's experience that plants

nourished with feeble electrical impulses were healthy and
happy whereas plants given higher levels of electrical
charge deteriorated, we might hypothesize that the alumi-
num screens and magnets tend to generate an overdose of
electricalcharges within the pyramid space already
charged by its own field activity. It would seem to be a
matter of excess leading to abuse for experiments with
magnets placed near plants not contained in pyramid
space show an increase in plant growth. Also, we might
note that in the case of electro-therapy, recipients are
warned that low doses of electricity can be beneficial but
high doses can be detrimental.
As regards the generating of known electrical fields, the
five open spaces or chambers above the King's Chamber
in the Great Pyramid might provide the King's Chamber
with a capacitor-like effect and the electrical qualities
that go with a capacitor. The granite used in many parts
of the pyramid came from Aswan, and has a piezo-electric
quality much like quartz.
The behavior of a sunflower —observed by means of
time-lapse photography —appeared be very human
to in
its attraction to gold. A roll of 22-carat gold foil was
placed inside the pyramid, and the plant reached way
over in order to curl around the foil. It finally swayed
back in the opposite direction but not nearly as far as
usual and quickly returned to embrace the foil.

Anton Mesmer, greatly influenced by the writing of the

sixteenth century physician Paracelsus, believed the plants
and stars off a subtle and invisible magnetic fluid
that influenced man's health and well-being. He referred
to this force as "animal magnetism." Following Mesmer's
death in 1815, his followers called themselves magneti-
zers. In 1841 a French scientist and magnetizer, Charles
Lafontaine, launched a series of plant experiments in
order to determine whether the body magnetism that
Mesmer believed he could generate and use for healing
could have an effect on lower life forms.
Lafontaine made passes over a dying geranium. Not
only did the plant regain grew larger and
life, but it

bloomed more profusely than other nearby geraniums.

Excited by the success of Lafontaine, one of his asso-
ciates, Dr. Picard, obtained similar results with a peach
tree. Other experimenters working with Lafontaine also
produced healing of a startling nature with fruit trees and
obtained more fruit than from control trees in the same

At the present time Sister Justa Smith, enzymologist and

chairperson of the chemistry department of Rosary Hill
College in Buffalo, New York, has become deeply in-
volved in studying the effect of the force emanating from
a healer's hands on enzymes.
Dr. Smith has demonstrated that magnetic fields in-
crease enzyme activity while ultraviolet light damages it.

She is now working with Estebany in the examination of

his force field and its effects as compared to a high mag-
Using four -containers of enzymes, the untreat-
netic field.
ed control vial remains at the same temperature as Es-
tebany's hands; the second vial is held by Estebany for
seventy-five minutes; the third vial contains enzymes
damaged by ultraviolet light, and Estebany treats this vial

Pyramids & Plant Power 67

the same as the second. The fourth container of enzymes

is exposed to a high magnetic field of 8,000 to 13,000
gauss. The magnetic field of the earth has been measured
at less than one gauss.
One such experiment was conducted daily for a month,
and Dr. Smith discovered a significant increase in the en-
zyme compared to the con-
activity of the treated vials as
trols. The enzymes damaged by and then
ultraviolet light
treated by Estebany were found to be "healed" and
brought back to normal activity. And of considerable sig-
nificance was Dr. Smith's discovery that the activity of the
enzymes in the vial treated by Estebany was the same as
the vials subjected to a magnetic field of 13,000 gauss.
The question that Sister Justa Smith is asking is wheth-
er the force radiated by Estebany —and similar healers
and the magnetically charged field is the same force that
normally promotes healing. She is also serving as director
of the Human Dimensions Institute at Rosary Hill that is
involved in scientific research of the unknown dimensions
of man's potential. One of the projects of the institute is

to measure the effects of ESP on plants. It is being con-

ducted by Dr. Douglas Dean, on loan from the Newark
College of Engineering. Subjects concentrate on making
barley seeds grow, and Dr. Dean has found that students
who demonstrate the highest ESP scores are able to grow
the largest plants.
That growth and healing are initiated by the same force
fieldscomes as no surprise to anyone, but the question
raised by pyramid research is whether the energy ap-
parently available within pyramid space is of the same
nature. There is some evidence to indicate that it has sim-
ilar properties: plant growth, bacterial and enzyme activi-
ty, and indications of enhanced healing qualities, de-
scribed elsewhere in this book.
Most of the literature on pyramids suggests that seeds
germinate faster and plants grow faster when placed
within pyramids. Max Toth and Greg Nielsen state in
their book, Pyramid Power, "Horticulturists have found
that seeds which were placed inside a pyramid before
planting germinate more quickly and produce a stronger,
healthier plant in a shorter period of time than did seeds
which had not been processed in a pyramid."
Oregon psychosensitive Tenny Hale claims that she left
a plant cutting out of water in a pyramid for five days and
it remained alive. Taken out of the pyramid and placed in

water to root, the cutting died in half an hour.

SeveraT experimenters have reported increased plant
growth by treating water in a pyramid for a week or more
before using it to water house plants.
We have had excellent results with tomatoes by grow-
ing them in the pyramid for two weeks before planting
outside. These particular tomatoes far outproduced an
equal number of control plants. One plant in fact had
more than 100 tomatoes on it at one time. Another group
of tomatoes did well for a time after being started in a
pyramid. Later bugs attacked them, so we placed a flat
frame covered with galvanized screen on top of a metal
pole and drove it ground near one of the plants in
into the
the hopes that would generate a magnetic field around

the plant. It grew to more than nine feet tall and pro-
duced tomatoes eight feet from the ground. In the mean-
time, the remainder of the plants died.
But the results are not always consistent. As with other
types of experiments, erratic patterns occasionally devel-
oped and opposing sometimes were obtained from
identical experiments and where all variables remained
the same. For instance, seeds do not always germinate in-
side pyramids and sometimes they germinate slower than
control plants on the outside.
In one experiment we took four trays and put two
seeds each of lima beans, pinto beans, and sunflower on
folded paper napkins. One tray was moistened with ordi-
nary tap water, one with D-cell water (D-cells are dis-
cussed elsewhere in the book), one with pyramid water,
Pyramids & Plant Power 69

and one tray was moistened with tap water and placed .

within the field of the multiwave oscillator for one minute.

The seeds treated by the MWO
germinated and grew
three times faster than the seeds in the other trays. There
was little variation in the germination and growth rate of
the seeds in the other trays.
Several people have asked us about the advisability of
building greenhouses in the pyramid shape. We have sug-
gested that additional research should be done before they
invest. While plants often thrive inside pyramids, some-
times they do not. Several verbinias placed in pyramids at
various times quickly expired in each case. We have
found that toadstools last but a very short time. Tomatoes
placed in ground which formerly served as bases for out-
side pyramids always died. Now and then a plant within a
pyramid will stop growing and remain that way for days
as though suspended in time.
It might be hypothesized that the reason plants some-

times do much better and occasionally worse inside pyra-

mids or when treated by pyramid water depends upon the
amount of beneficial energy present or generated. When
plants are retarded or die, it may be the result of too great
an electrical charge due to the presence of
or, possibly,
negative energy of nature. It has been shown that a
feeble electrical current will enhance growth and a strong
charge inhibit growth as mentioned, and our experiment
with germinating seeds treated by the MWO
would seem
to confirm this.

Nor are all locations within the pyramid equal. While

we anticipated that the growth might occur maximally
when the plant was placed at the location of the King's
Chamber, this did not prove to be the case. In every in-
stance, the plant closest to the apex of the pyramid had
the fastest growth rate. These observations seemed to
strengthen existing theories that energy flows up and out
the apex of the pyramid.
The literature of the Great Pyramid abounds with ref-
erences to feelings of electrical charge or the presence of
a high energy field while standing on top of the huge
structure. Those who have had this experience have re-
corded their reactions in a variety of ways, from feeling
"so highly charged that I imagined myself to be a beacon
of light," to "I felt so consumed by the energy field that I
had to climb down or lose my senses." Yet, there have
been those who have made the climb and mentioned only
the view from the top. Occasionally there are references
to seeing an aura around the top of the Great Pyramid or
an illumination at the summit. Several clairvoyants have
reported feeling a flow of energy from the apex of pyra-
mid models. One evening while aligning a pyramid on the
north-south axis with a compass, we found that when the
compass was held above the apex the needle swung in
wild erratic ways. Steadying the compass on top of the
structure failed to quiet the needle. But attempts to dupli-
cate this behavior have produced only minor movements
of the needle or not at all.

Planes have been warned not to fly over the pyramids

because of the upward flowing rays from the apex. It has

been reported by pilots flying over the structures that in-
struments go awry.
If the Great Pyramid was constructed to produce an

energy flow to and beyond the apex, one wonders toward

what object the energy was directed. How does the quali-
ty and quantity of this energy differ from that produced in
the King's Chamber or other parts of the Pyramid? The
answers to these and many other questions that come to
mind must rest with investigations yet to be carried out.
The late Verne L. Cameron of Riverside, California
researched pyramid shapes more than twenty years ago.
One of the drawings in his personal notebook showed a
flow of energy through the pyramid upward through the
In order to measure the differences, if any, of plant
growth in various locations of the pyramid, we decided to
Pyramids & Plant Power 71

run a series of experiments. Each experiment was started

by placing 50 sunflower seeds on folded blotting paper.
The paper was moistened and placed inside widemouth
jars. Moistened paper was placed over the mouth of the

jars to admit oxygen. Seeds were allowed to germinate

and grow to three-eighths of an inch. The sprouts were
then transplanted to one and a quarter inch plastic pots
filled with potting soil. The pots were fixed with iron pic-

ture wire in order that they could be hung inside the pyr-
amid. Each of the sprouts were watered with five grams
of tap water at the time of planting and at 8 a.m. each
day of the tests. The following table shows the growth of
the plants and Figure 1 shows their respective locations
inside the pyramid:

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

4Start Day Day Day Day Day
A 3/8" 11/2" 23/8
4-1/16" 5-9/16" 7 J/4"
B 3/8" 15/16" 1" VA" VA" 2>/2"
C 3/8" 1-5/16" 13/8 1%" 2-3/16" 3-3/16"
D 3/8" 15/16" %" 1-1/16" l38

E 3/8" 1" 1-1/16" 1-3/16" 13/8" 1-7/16"

F 3/8" 5/16" ?4" VA" VA' VA" *

G 3/8" 7/16" VA" 134" 1W 2%"

H 3/8" V2" 5/8" 1-3/16" 2V4* 3-1/16"

It is interesting to note that while the plants at the top

grew the fastest, the plants suspended half between the
apex and the King's Chamber level grew less than either.
The least growth was shown by the plants placed on the
floor of the pyramid and placed as close as possible to the
sides as the slant would permit.
All plants were placed in a plane extending across the
pyramid from the center of the south side. So that there
would be less possibility of humidity or temperature
changes in the various locations in the pyramid, an 18-
inch circulating fan was placed ten feet west of the pyra-


mid and another similar fan was placed ten feet east of
the pyramid. a four-inch-square vent hole was
made at the apex of the pyramid.

It well may be that the pyramid is not the best of all

possible shapes in which to grow plants. We had talked
with two experimenters who claimed high rates of plant
growth with the use of cones. We decided to test the pyr-
amid against two other shapes. We
one constructed
three-sided with sides slanted at the same degree as the
standard pyramid. The base was nine and three-eighths-
inches square; the sides eight and seven-eighths inches and
an apex height of slightly over six inches. One and a half
inches was removed from the apex to allow a small plastic
pot to be suspended from the top. A cone was construct-
ed of the same material with a base diameter of ten inches
and height of ten inches. Two inches was cut from the top
in order to suspend a pot. The standard pyramid had an
apex height of six inches and one and a half inches was
removed from the top.
Five tests were run on plant growth. The averages were
as follows:

at 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Shape Start Day Day Day Day Day
4-sided 3/s" 15/16" 21/2 4 3/16" 5%" 1W
3-sided W VA" 2 5/s" 4 3/s" 5-11/16" W%"
Cone W 17/16"2 3/8 W 4V4" 6" 8 3/s"

Not only was the growth the greatest with the cone,
second with the three-sided pyramid, and last with the
standard pyramid, but this ranking followed in each of the

In his notebook, Cameron relates his experiences with

the effects of cones on plant growth.
"Eventually I hung six aluminum closed-base twenty-
Pyramids & Plant Power 73

two inch cones in a big tree behind my home. A single

wire bled the energy off the apex of each attached to the
base of the next one. This kept the energy in a circuitous
route, as each one gathered more energy and fed it into
the circuit. surplus energy was then led down another
wire to a common copper mesh kitchen scouring pad.
"At first I used the cones with the bottoms open, but
later I discovered that one cone with a thin aluminum
sheet covering the bottom was approximately as powerful
as the three with open bases. I also found the cone need
not be out of doors but could be hung fairly high up on
the wall, inside the house.
"The length of the conducting wire is not important
(the current is not anxious to leave it). Neither is the wire

size important.
"In one case-test I hung a cone on the garden fence
and ran the wire to it, and along, under a row of radish
seeds — The seeds not over the
half the length of the row.
buried wire came up normally and grew well, but those
planted over the wire nearly all failed. The few surviving
plants soon wilted or did not develop." Again, we seem to
have an excess of energy affecting negatively the growth
of plants.Cameron had used the cones, singly, to produce
an increase in the growth rate. It might also be noted that
in Cameron's experiments with the series of cones that
aluminum material was used.
Wilhelm Reich, who worked with particular energy
fields, referred to this energy as "orgone," a cosmic ener-
gy that obeys functional rather than mechanical laws. He
constructed orgone accumulators known as "oraccus."
With these oraccus, Reich and others demonstrated the
existence and effects of orgone energy. While the work of
Reich is discussed elsewhere in the book, we might note
in this chapter on plants that experimenters have reported
growing plants rapidly and vigorously in oraccus. The
oraccu is generally a six-sided box with all sides made of
alternating layers of organic and nonorganic materials. In
his book, The Cancer Biopathy, Reich notes that "A
no protozoa, or very few, when
grass infusion develops
kept from the beginning in the orgone accumulator.
Clearly, orgone energy charges the grass tissue and pre-
vents its disintegration into protozoa."
The study of energy fields partaking of but also lying
outside of the electromagnetic spectrum —whether we
refer to them as cosmic, pranic, odic, psychotropic, or
orgonic —have brought us to a place where we are faced
with consciousness below the cellular The examina-
tion of plants has played an integral role in the investi-
gation of these unknown energies and their expression
through emotional and mental channels. There would ap-
pear to be a close affiliation between plants and human
beings, a relationship that goes far beyond the sharing of
chemical substances.
The transfer of energy and the communication between
humans and plants has been under close scrutiny by Dr.
Marcel Vogel ever since he read of the Backster experi-
ments. Vogel is a senior research chemist with Interna-
tional Business Machines and the recipient of a number
of scientific awards. He proved to himself that energy
directed by the mind can affect the energy fields of plants
by keeping a picked elm leaf alive and green for four
weeks by sending it mental energy while a control leaf
dehydrated and turned brown in a few days.
Vogel is of the opinion that crystals are brought into a
solid state of existence by pre-forms, or ghost images of
pure energy that anticipate the solids. As it has been
demonstrated that plants pick up intentions from human
beings, Vogel concluded that intent produced some kind
of energy field.

In the spring of 1971, Vogel initiated experiments in

order to establish the exact moment when a plant entered
into recordablecommunication with a human subject. He
attached a galvanometer, which produced a straight base
line, to a philod^idron. He stood in front of the plant, re-
Pyramids & Plant Power 75

laxed, breathed deeply, and and loving

sent affectionate
thoughts toward the plant, much as one might do toward
a friend. Each time that Vogel conducted this experiment,
a series of ascending oscillations was described on the
chart by the pen holder. Vogel stated that during these
times he could feel, on the palms of his hands, an out-
pouring of energy from the plant.
It may be of some significance to note the parallels be-

tween the occasional erratic behavior of plants placed

within pyramids and the fact that Vogel discovered that
some philodendrons responded faster than others, some
more distinctly, and that not only plants but individual
leaves demonstrated their own unique behavior. He found
that plants go through phases of activity and inactivity,
appearing highly energized or excited at times and slug-
moody at other times.
gish or
"From his own experiences, Vogel knew that masters
of the art of Yoga, and teachers of other forms of deep
meditation such as Zen, are unaware of disturbing influ-
ences around them when in meditative states," Peter
Tompkins and Christopher Bird state in The Secret Life
of Plants. "An electroencephalograph picks up from them
quite a different set of brain waves than when the same
persons are alert to the everyday world around them. It
became clearer to Vogel that a certain focused state of
consciousness on his part seemed to become an integral
and balancing part of the circuitry required to monitor his
plants. A plant could be awakened from somnolence to
sensitivity by his giving up his normally conscious state
and focusing a seemingly extra-conscious part of his
mind on the exact notion that the plant be happy and feel
loved, that it be blessed with healthy growth. In this way,
man and plant seemed to interact, and, as a unit, pick up
sensationsfrom events, or third parties, which became re-
cordable through the plant. The process of sensitizing
both himself and the plant, Vogel found, could take only
a few minutes or up to a half hour.
"Asked to describe the process in detail, Vogel said
that he quiets the sensory responses of his body or-

gans, then he becomes aware of an energetic relationship

between the plant and himself. When a state of balance
between the bioelectrical potential of both the plant and
himself is achieved, the plant is no longer sensitive to
noise, temperature, the normal electrical fields surround-
ing it, or other plants. It responds only to Vogel, who has
effectively tuned himself to it —
or perhaps simply hypno-
tized it."
Serving with Vogel on the Advisory Committee of the
Ernest Holmes Research Foundation (the same commit-
teeon which Backster serves), I (Schul) had the oppor-
him one evening about his experiments.
tunity to visit with
"I believe we have demonstrated that man can com-
municate with plant life," he told me. "Plants are sensi-
tive, living objects.While they may not see or hear in the
human sense, they are sensitive instruments for measuring
man's emotions. Plants radiate energy which is beneficial
to man, and vice versa."
The above statement would agree with Rolling
Thunder's contention that the Indian understands the en-
ergy fields of various plants and trees. When in need of a
physical or energy lift, the Indian would either embrace
the pine tree or place his back against the tree for several
minutes in order to replenish his power. It is interesting fo
note that New York John C. Pierrakos, who
has tabulated the energy pulsations of humans and plants,
states that the pulsatory energy field around spruce and
pine trees is between 18 and 22 times a minute and par-
alleling closely the 15 to 25 pulsations per minute of the
average person.
Explaining the pulsatory movements in a monograph
entitled, "The Energy Field in Man and Nature," Pierra-
kos stated:
". . . But what are those inner pulsatory movements?
They are the suA total of the processes of life; of all the
Pyramids <S Plant Power 77

energies of the metabolism of life within this body. This

sum total of energies within this body, also flows out of
this body, in the same manner as a heat wave travels out
of an incandescent metal object. They create an energy
field made up of lines of force in the periphery of his or-
ganism. Man's body lives within this energy field which
extends several feet away in the immediate vicinity, and
at times can be seen traveling several dozen feet out of
himself. . .Living organisms are able to emit light

through the entire surface of their bodies; they have not

lost their ability to luminate. This phenomena constitutes
the energy field, or Aura, which is, in effect, a reflection
of the energies of life processes."
In the section, "The Energy Field of Plants and Crys-
tals," Dr. Pierrakos explained:
"As for its nature, it is very sensitive and responds to
emotional and physical states and has specific character-
istics in illness and health. People affect each other's en-
ergy field since the field constantly surrounds us and con-
tacts the field of the neighboring person or groups of peo-
ple. We are living in each other's field when we are in
close proximity. The from 15-25 times a
field pulsates
minute in man at rest, and extends several feet away from
the periphery of the body. The physical body mirrors
what is happening in the energy field. The physical body
seems to reflect the state of the energy field which shows,
many times, the pathological changes which become
structural at a later date in the organs and tissues."
Later on in the same section he states:
"From my observations of the energy field of leaves, I
noticed that the orientation of the plant to the geographic
cardinal points is related to the number of pulsations that
each leaf emits. For example, in a white snowball plant,
the leaves pointing to the south pulsate 28 times a minute,
those to the north 32 times a minute, and those pointing
and east also pulsate approximately 28 times a
to the west
minute. Changing the position of the plant disturbs this
pattern of pulsation. This was first pointed out in the
work done by George and Marjorie de la Warr. Follow-
ing their work, I positioned plants in different directions
and found it to be true. The plant will orient itself to-
wards the geographic cardinal points and, depending on
the species of the plant, there is a different pulsatory rate
of the parts of the plants that point in these directions.
After a period of time, the leaves rotate and the plant ac-
quires a new orientation, commensurate with its nature
and needs, in order to exchange its energy with the atmo-
sphere. The energy field pulsates outwardly, into the sur-
rounding air, for approximately 2 to 4 seconds. Following
this, there is a reversal of movement and the energy of the
surrounding air streams into the plant. I believe that this
may play an important part in the process of photosyn-
These observations by Pierrakos raise some interesting
questions as regards experiments with plants in pyramids.
It would appear that the energy field within the pyramid
alters in some fashion the natural movement of the plants,
judging from the accentuated gyrations. This being the
case; it would seem to follow that the pulsations of the
different parts of the plant would also be altered. The
question then becomes are the movements of the plants
within the pyramid efforts to orient themselves on cardi-
nal points? Would monitoring the plants by means of the
polygraph reveal "confusion" or "distress" on the part of
the plants in their efforts to "find themselves" in this new
energy field? Pierrako's findings were based on observa-
tions of the pulsations of the plant's aura. Would Kirlian
photography, taking pictures of the plant's aura or elec-
trical field while inside the pyramid, reveal an increased
or enhanced energy field? Would the difference between
the normal field and the increased field provide us with
one way of measuring the energy captured or generated
by the pyramid? Further, following Pierrakos's lead that
different plants have different pulsatory rates, if the above
Pyramids <£ Plant Power 79

measurement could be made of a plant with the same

pulsation as a human, could we assume that a human
subject would experience the same energy increase? While .

one might raise the question as why not simply measure

the electrical output of a human subject inside and out-
side a pyramid, the problem might be in eliminating such
variables as expectation, anxiety, etc. A sufficient number
of measurements, however, should allow the experi-
menters to deal with these variables. For that matter, in
view of the Backster and Vogel investigations, the research-
er cannot ignore these emotions in plants, either indig-
enous to the plant or due to monitoring of human re-
sponses. In any case, if something is going on inside the

pyramid which is not going on outside it, either clairvoy-

ant observations or Kirlian photographic measurements of
plant or human auras might be a step toward a greater
understanding of the pyramid's energy force field. Aside
from the above questions, since plants evidently endeavor
to orient themselves on the cardinal points and since it is

important to align pyramids along the north-south and

east-west axis, would radical changes in the movements
of the plants indicate changes in the cosmic rays reaching
our atmosphere, sunspot and solar flare activities, possi-
bly even movements of the earth's axis?
Vogel would lead us to believe that it would be ex-
tremely difficult to measure the behavior of plants without
taking into consideration the human equation. Tompkins
and Bird quote Vogel as saying: "It seems that I act as a
filtering system which limits the response of a plant to the
outside environment. I can turn it off or on, so that peo-
ple and plant become mutually responsive. By charging
the plant with some energy within me, I can cause the
plant to build up a sensitivity for this kind of work. It is
extremely important that one understand that the plant's
response is, in my opinion, not that of an intelligence in
plant form, but that the plant becomes an extension of
oneself. One can then interact with the bioelectric field of
the plant, or through it, with the thought processes and
emotions in a third person.
"Vogel concluded that a Life Force, or Cosmic Energy,
surrounding all living things is sharable among plants, an-
imals, and humans. Through such sharing, a person and a
plant become one. This oneness is what makes possible a
mutual sensitivity allowing plant and man not only to in-
tercommunicate, but to record these communications via
the plant on a recording chart.'
Pierrakos uses plants to monitor the physical and men-
tal health conditions of his patients. Without calling at-
tention to his observations, the psychiatrist watches the
responses of his house plants, the pulsations of their
auras, to help determine his diagnostic evaluations. The
plants, it seems, pick up the pulsations of the patients, in-
creasing or decreasing their pulsations accordingly.
Vogel and Backster seem to be saying that the human
being is at the heart of the universe, that we cannot deci-

pher what is occurring to any other form mineral, plant,

animal with the human component dismissed from the
observation. Within this model, man is an integral part of
all natural phenomena. Investigations that fail to include

the human integral cannot be other than incomplete or

To what extent, then, are plants monitoring the world
beyond their immediate selves and, further, how and to
what extent does the human play in this patterning?
Could it be that the very act of placing a plant within a
pyramid, this paying of attention, is in itself a request of
the plant to mirror certain conditions that are primarily
applicable to the human construct? Was this the intent of
the builders of the Great Pyramid? Are plants endeavor-
ing somehow to deliver this message?

When Ponce de Leon searched for the fountain of youth,

it was evidentthat he believed that somewhere in those
Florida pines was a quality of water different from the
stuff he was getting back home.
Was Ponce de Leon considered peculiar or senile by
his contemporaries? Not at all. Whereas not everyone be-
lieved as he did, it was not unusual for 16th century Eu-
ropeans to believe that there were secrets of nature which
if discovered could maintain and prolong life. They were

steeped in the legends of antiquity that told them that

greater races in the past had once held these secrets.
Their religions — —
taught them that
including Christianity
man had once lived to several hundred years but had be-
come corrupt and contaminated. The alchemists amongst
them searched diligently for the formulas and no doubt
perennially told their financial backers that breakthroughs
were imminent.
And today? The legends live on; the theologians still

espouse from the pulpits a better and cleaner way of life

and the alchemists in our laboratories throughout the land

are still searching for the nectar, in liquid, pill, or capsule,
which our youth and renew our vigor.
will refresh
A quixotic syndrone? An empty, impossible dream?
Who can answer beyond an opinion? The point really is
that man believes that there are answers to be found and
he gives expression to that faith each time he peers into a
microscope or strains for another piece of space with his
telescope. Man is a believer and perhaps, in the final
analysis, he himself creates the world he believes in.
So, the dream is current.Today excitement is being
generated by some unusual phenomena created by putting
containers of water, as well as other liquids, within pyra-
mid replicas and watching the results. We have provoked
some of the excitement by getting some interesting results
from our experiments, by publicizing them, via newspa-
per, radio, and television, and encouraging others to con-
duct their own experiments. Other experiments with the
B-cells and the multiwave oscillator have contributed
their share of excitement. They will be described briefly in
this chapter and at greater length in later chapters.
Briefly, water and other liquids have been treated in
pyramids, as well as by other methods, and results have
either been detected in the liquid itself or in the recipients
of the liquid. These results as measured by us or as re-
ported by others include the purification of water, body
changes as subjectively monitored and as observed by
others, increased plant growth, enhanced healing of
wounds, remission of disease symptoms, preservation of
milk, fruit juice, etc., without chemical additives or re-
frigeration, and the rapid maturing of wine.
Before describing this research, the specific experi-
ments, and relating the results, we would like to call the
reader's attention to what well may be an important yet
Effects on Liquids 83

little known area of research in the field of chemistry. It

needs to be mentioned here because it seems to establish

in part a scientific basis for the phenomena to be de-
The theory of biological transmutations contends that
certain chemical substances can be changed into other
substances. This disputes chemical laws as now generally
understood. Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry,
established the principle that nothing is lost, nothing is

created, everything is transformed. The atom was consid-

ered the smallest particle of matter, a constant in nature,
and it was assumed that no element could be created. The
atom could not disappear. If it separated from a molecule
of two or more atoms, it would be found unchanged in
another molecule.
The Lavoisier principle could not be refuted, nor was it

even open to debate. It was the basis for the science of

the 19th century. It was not until this century that this
principle was to experience its first officially recognized
contradiction. This was Marie Curie's discovery of natural
radioactivity, revealing that some substances can be
transmuted into different substances, a concept for which
the alchemists of the Middle Ages were to be later ridi-
culed. An atom of radium was transformed into a non-
radioactive and stable atom of lead.
In 1959 a French chemist, Louis C. Kervran startled
the field of chemistry with publication of his book, Bio-
logical Transmutations. In his epilogue, Kervran stated:
"The preceding pages have demonstrated that the biolog-
ical transmutations of the elements do not in any way op-
pose the laws of chemistry. Chemistry is the science of the
displacement of the electrons situated in the peripheral
layers of the atoms. It is the science of the molecule, not
of the nucleus of the atoms. . . . The phenomenon that I
have unveiled exists at the level of the atom's nucleus.
Thus it is a new science, quite different from chemistry
which is simply the end result of the transmutation phe-
nomenon and therefore possesses certain limitations."
In the foreword to Kervran's book, Michel Abehsera
provides us with some background on the sub-
ject. He relates that in 1799 the French chemist Vauque-
lin became curious of the quantity of lime excreted every
day by hens and decided to put a hen in a cage and feed
it only oats. He measured the amount of lime present in

the oats before feeding the grain to the hen. After the
grain was eaten, he analyzed the amount of lime excreted
through the eggs and fecal matter and discovered that the
hen excreted five times more lime than it had eaten in the
In 1822 an Englishman by the name of Prout was the
first to clearly define the nature of the transmutation of
elements, according to Abehsera. Prout systematically
examined the increase of limestone inside an incubating
chicken egg, proving that limestone is not contributed by
the shell.
In 1831 a Frenchman by the name of Cheubard ger-
minated watercress seeds in an insoluble dish with dis-
tilled water and verified that the young plants contained
minerals that had not existed in the seeds.
Apparently this research went unnoticed for more than
120 years. Kervran's unveiling, however, has drawn at-
tention in Europe where chemists and other scientists are
divided over his findings.
Kervran cites many cases in his book. He contends that
the problems of decalcification and the strengthening of
bones must be re-investigated, and he points to the rapid
healing of bones by means of organic silica. The chief
surgeon of a hospital requested Kervran's help when he
found himself confronted with a delicate case: a young
man with bones broken very badly in an accident. The
classical treatment of vitamin D plus phospho-calcic salt
Effects on Liquids 85

formula failed to bring about improvement. Kervran ad-

ministered organic silica and the bones rapidly healed.
By way of another example, Kervran states that under
certain conditions the sodium in the blood can become
potassium, and that magnesium and silicon are two of
man's principal sources of limestone.
"I remind the reader of the experiments made in the
Sahara Desert where for six months petroleum workers
excreted an average of 320 milligrams more calcium
every day than they ingested, and this without decalcifi-
cation," Kervran asserts. "All that has been written on the
metabolism of calcium which does not take into account
the biological transmutations must be studied all over
again, as there are important facts medicine must begin to
Of Kervran's presentation of his findings, Abehsera
stated in the foreword: "Having waited for years, wit-
nessing thousands of convergent analyses, he succeeded in
demonstrating that not only molecules but atoms them-
selves can be transformed. He verified that there is trans-
mutation of matter from one single body to another, from
one atom to another. ..."
If, indeed, A does not always remain A but instead can

become B, then we are faced with the need for greater in-
sights as to the nature of chemical substances. Substitu-
tion has, then, become part of the chemical ballgame.
The implications of biological transmutations did not
miss Abehsera's attention. He stated: "Of special impor-
tance is the place they (biological transmutations) will
occupy between the scientist and the metaphysician. So
far there has never been a direct dialogue between the
two, because of the differences in language. Now I believe
their meeting is possible, for the biological transmutations
teach us about the movement of life. From
this movement
the scientiest will see that science can no longer limit itself
to the study of the physical alone, form movement implies
elevation toward the metaphysical, not entrophy. From
this same movement, animating the invisible elements, the
metaphysician will learn that life is worth studying in the
most singular aspects. He will discover in the minute that
which he always knew, that life is a continual renewal of
self and cell."
Prior to our experiments in the treatment of water we
had had some experience with other liquids. Our interest
in testing milk was initiated upon learning that two sepa-
rate milk firms, one in France and the other in Italy, were
using cartons in the shape of pyramids after discovering
that unrefrigerated milk kept fresher longer than in rec-
tangular-shaped containers.
We obtained a quantity of fresh homogenized milk and
filled two containers, with loosely crumpled
paper placed over the top to reduce the contamination
from airborne bacteria. One container was placed inside a
pyramid and the other outside with similar light, heat,
and air circulation.
Six days later the milk in the pyramid had separated
solids with stratified layers of curds or watery liquid, and
with a percipitate of what appeared to be powdered calci-
um. The milk on the outside of the pyramid had separat-
ed somewhat, though not to such a noticeable extent, and
mold was forming around the top of the milk.
Aday later the milk on the outside of the pyramid had
a much heavier growth of mold while the milk within the
pyramid had even more pronounced stratification of
layers. At this time the milk outside was discarded but the
mHk inside the pyramid was kept in place. Six weeks later
the experiment was concluded: the milk had settled into a
solid, creamy, smooth substance of what appeared and
tasted like yogurt. No mold was apparent; stratification of
the layers of solids had combined and were no longer no-
This experiment has been done a number of times since
Effects on Liquids 87

and with slightly varying results. At times the milk will-

not change to yogurt but will simply stratify, separating
the components of the milk into layers. However, as long
as the milk is inside the pyramid it will not develop mold.
We have not been able to determine exactly what the dif-
ference is between the times when the milk turns to yo-
gurt and when it stratifies. We believe that variations in
temperature and humidity have a bearing, although we
have tried to keep these constant. Also, we speculate that
the seasons, phases of the moon, varying degrees of cos-
mic radiation, and so on, likely have a bearing on the ex-
periments. Judging from Dr. Alvarez's experiences in
measuring cosmic radiation, the energy fields within the
pyramid vacillate from time to time for reasons yet un-
A chemist in an Oklahoma state agency became inter-
ested in the effects of pyramid space on liquids. He attend-
ed one of our lectures and after visiting with us on two
occasions decided to test the milk.
He made his first test in the agency's laboratory and
found no change in the two milk samples. We suggested
that perhaps the metal deck roof on the building, and the
presence of high frequency currents, 120 and 220 volt
equipment, fluorescent lighting, etc., might inhibit the
forces within the pyramid.
The chemist then duplicated the test in a frame build-
ing, wellaway from the laboratory, and after ten days
found that bacteria had been reduced by 16 percent in the
milk placed within the pyramid. He said that had the test
period been extended it would no doubt have resulted in a
higher figure of bacteria destroyed.
In a letter to the editors of The Pyramid Guide, Irwin
Trent of Tustin, California reported:
"Once upon a time Mr. Cameron told me about the
only cheese experiment he ever made in a pyramid. It
lasted 35 days. So I placed some raw milk in glasses
under two different size pyramids made of posterboard
without bases. In about a week a one-sixteenth inch thick
surface developed with a light brownish color on top.
"In two weeks, cheese accumulated underneath it, and
a heavy cheese odor was apparent at all times thereafter.
After sixty days there were one half inch residues. I

dowsed them and then ate the cheeses. They

for fitness
were delicious! The brown surfaces might have been from
the sugar in the milk.
"On another occasion, I placed raw milk, powdered
goat's milk solution,and a small glass of raw cream under
various pyramids. Up
to two weeks, everything was the
same as above. Then different colored areas appeared on
the surfaces except that of the cream. Gray cobwebs with
a gauzy appearance grew upwards. I scraped growths
away and tested the cheese underneath. It was okay, so I
let the process continue. The different colored areas ap-
peared again. I repeated the scraping. By this time, the
natural processes had been ruined. The glass of raw
cream was next to another glass with growths which de-
veloped normally into rich cream cheese."
Anyone experimenting with liquids should bear in mind
that they are not constant from day to day, or even hour
to hour. This was explained very well by Michel Gauque-
lin in hisbook, Cosmic Clocks:
"Only recently has it been understood how constantly
present the influences of space are around and within us.
A few years ago, no one had any idea why chemical or
biological reactions could vary from day to day despite all
precautions to the contrary. The fact is, as far as liquids
are concerned, there are never any constant conditions.
Of course identical laboratory experiments with solids
would not give similar results, since the organization of
solid systems is almost unmodifiable; weak influences
have no effect on it. But solid»are not life.

"Life is the unstable equilibrium of the liquid element.

Effects on Liquids 89

No amount of precaution can shield the unstable structure

of liquids from the effects of outside forces. It is not
chance but a permanent law of nature that makes experi-
ments with liquids difficult to reproduce from one hour to
the next."
Gauquelin tells us of the research done by Professor
Giorgie Piccardi, director of the Institute for Physical
Chemistry in Florence, into the erratic behavior of water.
Piccardi knew that water leaves calcareous deposits in-
side containers such as cooking pots and industrial boil-
ers. These chemical deposits act as nearly perfect insula-
tors that greatly reduce the efficiency of the unit. One
process has been developed to remove the deposits — the
adding of specially treated water to the boiler at regular
Piccardi prepared the water by stirring a glass contain-
ing a drop of mercury and low pressure neon and pouring
it in the water to be treated. As the glass container is

moved about, an electrical current is created by the mer-

cury rubbing the sides of the container, and this slight
charge is such as to cause a red luminescent discharge
through the neon gas. When this "activated" water was
introduced into the tubes of the boiler, the scales and de-
posits of chemical coatingwere magically softened and
could be drawn from the tubes as a muddy sludge.
However, Piccardi discovered that this treatment did
not work the same at all times. One day the results would
be remarkable and on other days the action of the acti-

vated water had no more effect than ordinary water. The
activiated water was by every means possible, but
no difference could be found from plain tap water. How
could the movement of the neon and mercury effect a
change in an unknown manner in the water to which it
was subjected?
Piccardi wrestled with the problem of the renegade
water for some time, and then came to the conclusion that
the water was influenced by some cosmic force. He found
that by covering the vials of activated water with metal
screens the effect of the water was modified, keeping some
forces from entering from the outside. He determined that
the behavior of the activated water depended on some-
thing happening in the space surrounding the vials.
Piccardi developed a metfrod of testing water so that he
could scientifically determine the cause of the errant be-
havior of water in chemical reactions. He chose, as the
chemical reaction portion of the an inorganic celloid,

bismuth exychloride. Pouring trichloride of bismuth into

distilled water, the chemical dissolves in the water and
setties to the bottom of the container.
Making 20 tests daily for nine years, Piccardi con-
firmed that the chemical reaction time coincided precisely
with sunspot activity, reacting quickly when sunspot ac-
tivity was at a peak, and reacting slowfy when sunspot
activity was ebbing.
We tested a jar of instant coffee and a bottle of the
cheapest wine we could find. An aluminum plate 10
inches in diameter was placed in a pyramid for five weeks.
The plate was then removed and the coffee and wine was
set on it. The wine was allowed to remain on the plate for
two weeks before opening.
We started using the coffee immediately. The longer it

remained on the plate the more mellow the coffee tasted.

The wine, when opened, was smooth, mellow, and tasted
like much more expensive wine. A distinct difference
could be noted between and the untreated bottle of the

same wine. Of course, these are subjective tests and one

could easily argue that imagination is a factor. However,
we tested several subjects on the wine. They were not told
they were taking part in an experiment but were simply
asked to distinguish between the qualities of the wine. In
each instance, they chose the "treated" wine and a re-
Effects on Liquids 91

mark of one young man was typical: "It doesn't take

much of a wine fancier to tell the difference."
It has been known for some time that drops of plain
water can act as independent flowing objects. When
dropped to the surface of clean water, some of the drops
will form perfect spheres and float or roll on the surface
of the water subject to the slightest wisp of air.
Experiments were made using plain water and pyramid
water, which had been in the force zone of the pyramid
for four weeks. Droplets of water were obtained by
punching a hole in the bottom of a small metal container.
The container was first filled with plain water and held
over a pan of plain, clear water. This pan had been filled
to the point that the water formed a convex shape, and a
meniscus had formed at the rim. When the drops from the
can struck the surface of the water in the pan, small
spheres were formed. Some remained on the surface and
some would flow to the edge and off the surface of the
However, when pyramid water was placed in the can,
the drops were less consistent in forming small spheres.
This seemed to indicate that the molecules of the pyramid
water had actually been spread somewhat apart by the
pyramid force, thus having the effect of somewhat lessen-
ing the surface tension of the water droplet.
Tenny Hale, an Oregon psychic-sensitive, reported
that in her experience the water left inside a pyramid
somehow retains its oxygen. If the water is frequently re-
moved from the pyramid, there are fewer oxygen bubbles.
Water treated for four weeks inside the pyramid evap-
orates faster than plain water, according to our measure-
ments. Several tests were run with 250 grams each of
pyramid water and plain water and on each occasion the
pyramid water lost 21 more grams in a 15-day period
than the plain water.
molecular structure of the hydrogen and the ox-
If the
ygen of the water has been changed in some fashion by
the pyramid forces, it would seem that there would be a
difference in the surface tension of the water. This would
account for the differences in evaporation.
We conducted several experiments in the germination
of seeds with B-cell water, pyramid water, water treated
in a multiwave oscillator, and plain water. B-cells are de-
veloped from a culture with the alleged ability to radiate
solar energy of very high frequencies. The cells are held
in a small matrix of concrete. The multiwave oscillator
develops radio waves of varying frequency and when the
electromotive force is induced in the cell's nucleus, it al-
legedly raises the cell's metabolic rate.
Equal units of water were treated separately by B-cells,
by the multiwave oscillator, and by the pyramid. Two
seeds each of lima beans, pinto beans, and sunflowers
were placed on paper napkins in metal trays and mois-
tened with the various water samples. The seeds by the
water treated by the multiwave oscillator germinated and
grew three times faster than the seeds in the other trays.
It has been our experience that while pyramid water

helps a plant afterit is growing, it tends to slow down

germination time. These experiments are described more

fully in the chapter on plants.
It is note a paragraph in an article,
interesting to-
"Medical Applications of Magnetism," (Bulletin of the
Atomic Scientists, October 1972) by Dr. E. H. Frei,
Head of the Department of Electronics at Weizmann In-

"It has been suggested by Labes that magnetic fields

can influence life processes through liquid crystals,
which are intermediate phases between the solid and liq-
uid states occurring in many organic compounds. They
exhibit appreciable orientatfon in some directions but also
freedom of movement. It is well known that many liquid
crystals orient In fields on the order of 1,000 gauss, and it

Effects on Liquids 93

had been shown by Svedberg that in such oriented liquid

crystal systems there can be a marked change in diffusion
and in rates of chemical reactions in magnetic fields. Liq-
uid crystals and materials that are near to liquid crystals
exist in living bodies, and through these materials the rate
of life processes could be influenced."
We took a piece of decayed meat and divided it into
two equal parts and placed the parts in plain water and
pyramid water. After a week, the meat, in the untreated
water had continued to decay and the odor was quite
noxious, and the water was discolored. But the odor from
the container of pyramid water was gone, the sediment in
the water had precipitated and the water was clear.
We have tried using pyramid water on cuts and burns
and believe the healing time is somewhat shortened. For
example, a friend's four-year-old daughter mashed her
hand and thumb in a slamming door. He started to take
her to a doctor but thought of the pyramid water he had
kept in his refrigerator. He placed his daughter's hand in
the water and after a minute she stopped crying and ex-
claimed, "Daddy, that feels good." The hand was kept in
the water for 30 minutes. The following morning the torn
flesh was already starting to grow back together, the
swelling was gone, as was most of the discoloration. Two
days later there was no sign of the injury.
Mrs. Pettit used pyramid water on her face as a lotion.
She found that it stood in beads on her face until ab-
sorbed by the skin or until evaporated while untreated
water tended to run off in streaks. After bathing her face
for some four to five weeks, friends started commenting
on her complexion saying, "My, Inez, your complexion is
so youthful and clear. What have you been doing?"
We find that a daily glass of pyramid water acts as an
aid to the digestive system. An upset stomach will quickly
reorganize and elimination seems to be improved.
There are a number of so-called miracle springs in the
world with alleged curative powers. When you hear their
devotees proclaim the benefits to be gained by bathing
and drinking these waters, one cannot help but compare
these claims with the results seemingly derived from using
pyramid water, as well as water treated by B-cells, multi-
wave oscillators, and so on.
In Health Secrets From Europe Paavo O. Airola dis-
cusses the use of water in treatment and mentions a water
treatment clinic in Germany:
"The modern inquiry in balneology (medical science
of curing and preventing sickness by bathing) and the
medicinal value of mineral waters is recent and as yet in-
complete. But what is already known indicates that min-
eral waters do indeed have curative powers. And they
should, inasmuch as disordered mineral metabolism and
biochemical derangement are at the root of many diseases.
But what is even more important is the fact that these
waters here in Bad Pyrment have been used for healing
purposes for almost two thousand years; and millions of
sick people have been benefited by them — patients and
doctors see examples of it every day!"
And the question one finds himself asking is: "Is water,
which is so essential to life, the agent for the transference
of not only minerals but also known and unknown energy
forces to cellular life? Can certain conditions enhance this
transference of energy?"
In Christopher Hills's book, Nuclear Evolution, we
find the following paragraph on the nature of water:
"No movement of electrical energy can take place in
living organic life without hydrolysis of water. Life began
in water and appears that the function of the body as a

vehicle for the spirit (consciousness) is to make water

and hold water for all the protoplasm and its exchange of
nutrients. Without this water in each cell there could be
no ionisation of the membranes and no activity in the
electron pumps, these energy generating wet-cell batteries
which we call mitroehendria. As Christ put it, 'Nothing
can be born again without spirit and water.'
Effects on Liquids 95

Maybe one day soon we will discover that holy water

does in actuality possess qualities superior to those of or-
dinary water. Perhaps water that has been blessed by a
nonordinary person takes on additional fields of energy of
benefit to its Perhaps the religious rite of bap-
tism offers more than a symbol of acceptance of purifica-
tion to the initiate. And just maybe Ponce de Leon was a
man ahead of his time.

Gold from base metals, the frantic pursuit of the ancient

and medieval alchemist, is not one of the accomplish-
ments we can claim for the pyramid. Or is it?
There is something strangely fascinating about alche-
my. The better part of its art has been said to be not the
Midas touch but the changing of the baseness of man into
a god. Some historians believe that the alchemists were
master metaphysicians hiding their true purpose of bring-
ing a metamorphosis about in man behind chemical pur-
suits in order to avoid persecution by religious fanatics. A
number of alchemists were subsidized by wealthy patrons
who clung to the age-old belief that an elixir produced at
the moment of transmutation brought immortality to
those who drank it. But whatever the desired goal, alchemy
would unveil some deep secret of life. Man cannot help
but search for the Philosopher's Stone.
Today's alchemist knows that he is dealing with energy
fields and that matter is simply a configuration of energy

Effects on Solids 97

particles. Ifhe can uncover the secret of nuclear particles,

metal can be reconstructed in any fashion desired. While
it may have been greed that drove some alchemists, his

dreams may not have been as far removed from reality as

it might once have seemed. Recent scientific

breakthroughs in the investigation of atomic structures

have led us to the threshold of understanding the energy
matrix in which everything exists. Perhaps the ancients
understood this and the alchemist was trying to unravel a
forgotten knowledge. Exploration of the effects of the un-
usual energy fields within pyramids is keeping with this
tradition. Today we know that transmutation does occur;
a substance can change into another substance.
Lavoisier, a scholar of the 18th century, has been con-
sidered the father of modern chemistry. The general prin-
ciple with which he worked and from which he derived
his new science is that nothing is lost, nothing is created,
everything is transformed. As the atom was considered
and a constant in nature, it
the smallest particle of matter
was assumed no element could be created. The atom
simply could not disappear. If it separated from a mole-
cule of two or more atoms, it could be found unchanged
in another molecule.
This principle of Lavoisier could in no way be refuted;
it was not even open to debate. It was the basis for the
science of the 19th century. Those who studied it gave it
a general extension and applied it to every science corre-
sponding to chemistry. It was not until this century that
this principle, which had not been discussed for more
than 100 years, was to experience its first officially recog-
nized contradiction. This was the discovery of natural ra-
dioactivity, revealing thatsome substances can be trans-
muted An atom of radium was
into different substances.
transformed into a non-radioactive and stable atom of
lead as one learned in reading of the work of Marie Curie
and her discovery of radium.
Contentions that transmutation is possible only through
the use of tremendous nuclear energy are no longer de-
fensible. Efforts by the French biologist Louise C. Kervran
have shown that spontaneous transmutation is a natural
occurrence in organic matter.It now seems evident that

the relation between a nucleus and its electrons is dif-

ferent in organic substances than in mineral substances.
Some interesting experiments have been carried out with
chickens. Hens need calcium to construct the shells of
number of hens were
their eggs but in these experiments a
fed on diets containingno calcium. Their feed was sup-
plemented with mica, a silicate of aluminum and potash.
It was discovered that the hens produced the necessary

calcium for their egg shells, revealing that potassium to-

gether with an ion of hydrogen was transmuted into calci-
There is a new theory in Russia that is called the
Theory of Magic Number which postulates that beyond
uranium there are super heavy elements that are stable. It
has been the general belief, that all elements beyond ura-
nium were radioactive and unstable. So there is current
speculation of an element with a weight of 310 and the
atomic number of 135. It is being referred to as eka-lead
or superlead and small traces of it are said to be naturally
present in ordinary lead. An examination of the pro-
perties of eka-lead, theoretical at present, reveals that if

transmutation were induced, it would likely produce a

stable isotope of gold.
As it is now known that essentially atoms are trans-
formed by electric environments, the presence of unusual
electromagnetic forces within pyramid space raises the
question as to whether transmutation of elements can be
occurring therein.The answer at this point in time is not
known. What is evident, however, is the phenomena of

change change that is different from that occurring out-
side the pyramid or in non-pyramidal shaped containers.
When one looks at charts of the electromagnetic spec-
trum, one learns that the part of the spectrum with waves
Effects on Solids 99

longer than radiowaves is marked as unknown, as is the

other end of the spectrum with waves shorter than cosmic
rays. At the pyramid is
least part of the force within
probably end of the electromagnetic spec-
at the short
trum. This can be assumed as it has been shown that pyr-
amid force will destroy negative bacteria. Tests run for us
by a state laboratory revealed that much of the bacteria of
contaminated milk was killed in samples placed with pyr-
In our experiments with meat we discovered that meats
will not decay but will rapidly lose moisture and become
inert as far as bacteria is concerned. After being in a pyra-
mid for three weeks meat will lose more than 66 percent
of its weight but it will not spoil. Compare this with the
common use of ultraviolet light to kill harmful bacteria in
meat and prevent the formation of other bacteria. Meat
can thus be stored at a higher temperature without threat
of deterioration.
Wishing to make a comparison test of various edibles,
we prepared five identical cardboard pyramids of six-ply
posterboard. Each pyramid had a base size of nine and
three-eighths inches and stood six inches high. Ventila-
tion was provided for all the pyramids by cutting three-
quarter-inch holes from the apex on all sides of the pyra-
One portion of each food was placed in the King's
Chamber area of each of the five pyramids and similar
specimens were placed on the table outside the pyramid.
We selected four eggs, each weighing 51 grams. Two eggs
were left in the shells, one inside and one outside the pyr-
amid, and two eggs were removed from the shells and
placed in identical saucers, one inside and one outside.
Experiment and control samples were obtained of fresh
calf liver, as were two specimens of fish and two samples
of sirloin steak. The sirloin steaks were trimmed so that
each piece would have what appeared to be the same
amount of fat and similar texture. The sirloin steak sam-
pieswere too large for the small pyramid and were sus-
pended by a nylon cord from the apex of our indoor six-
foot pyramid.
All of the foods outside the pyramids each went bad,
molded or rotted within the first week. The egg not in the
shell was the last to deteriorate by showing mold. None of
the food samples inside the pyramids deteriorated;
shrinkage and weight loss being the only apparent change.
The foods inside the pyramids were weighed as follows:

Number of
Initial Days in Final
Weight Pyramid Weight
Fresh egg with shell 51 grams 60 days 19 grams
Fresh egg
without shell 34 grams 19 days 18 grams
Fresh calf liver 45 grams 20 days 16 grams
Fresh fish 45 grams 15 days 14 grams
Sirloin steak 245 grams 40 days 97 grams

In another test we selected two ripe tomatoes of the

same size, each weighing slightly more than seven ounces.

One tomato was placed in the King's Chamber area of the

six-foot pyramid and the control tomato was placed on a
styrofoam block at the side of the pyramid. The tomato
outside the pyramid was rotted and had to be discarded
by the twelfth day. The tomato inside the pyramid dehy-
drated but retained its red color and showed no signs of
deterioration. The only change noted was the pronounced
shriveling of the skin. It was removed after 60 days and
when sliced the inside was found to be as firm as when
fresh. No deterioration was noted. It weighed slightly
more than three ounces.
A bunch of Concord grapes were divided evenly
into thirds.One third was placed at the level of the King's
Chamber inside the large pyramid; one third was placed
inside a Plexiglass cubicle box outside the pyramid, and
Effects on Solids 101

the other third was placed on a shelf near the pyramid.

Although ventilation was provided for the grapes inside
the box, heavy mold developed and nearly filled the box
within 10 days. The grapes placed on the shelf started
developing mold on the fourteenth day. The grapes inside
the pyramid started drying in two weeks time. By the end
of five weeks their weight had dropped from the original
seven and three-fourths ounces to three and one-fourth
ounces. Their minimal weight of two and seven-eighths
ounces was reaphed at the end of seven weeks. They were
dry, wrinkled, appearing much like raisins, but had not in
any manner deteriorated or developed mold.
In his book, Supernature, author Lyall Watson relates
that he experimented with pyramids and three items:
eggs, rump roast, and dead mice. The control samples
were placed in a cardboard shoe box. The ones in the
pyramid were preserved and the ones in the shoe box
soon smelled and had to be thrown away. He commented,
"I am forced to conclude that a cardboard replica of the
Cheops pyramid is not just a raijdom arrangement of
pieces of paper, but does have special properties."
Dr. Boris Vern, director of the Pyramid Research
Project for Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc., Washing-
ton, D.C., carried out several experiments with plastic
pyramids ten inches high and plastic cubes of equal vol-
ume. He reported that raw eggs in the pyramids hardened
and dried in less than three weeks. Molds placed on the
eggs would not grow. The control eggs remained moist
and were receptive to mold growth.
A number of years ago a California researcher, the
late Verne Cameron, set a small pyramid in his bathroom,
the hottest and wettest room in his house, conditions not
very conducive to food preservation. He placed a piece of
fatty pork inside the pyramid. After three days he noticed
a faint odor but after six more days the smell had van-
ished and the pork was mummified. The piece of meat
remained in the pyramid in the bathroom for several
months, and Cameron claimed that it was perfectly edi-

The food preservation aspect, the mummification, and

the enhanced dehydration rate, then, gives some indica-
pyramid is at the short end
tion that the force inside the
of the electromagnetic spectrum. But there are magnetic
qualities as well, to wit the sharpening effect of razor
blades with reports of upwards of 200 shaves from a sin-
gle blade. The success rate seems to depend on the quality
of the blades, those being high-grade steel producing the
best results. It would appear that the more non-ferrous
material there isin the blade the less effect the pyramid
force has on the molecules of the metal. If the force is of
the electromagnetic spectrum, as it appears to be, then it

would follow that there is a possibility that the force will

act in a similar manner to some of the known portions of
the spectrum, such as visible light. Visible light is still a
puzzle to science; there are theories that appear to answer
most of the needed to fit the observable actions
of light, but these remain theory. At present it is as-

sumed that light is an electromagnetic wave, or procession

of photons —
particles having no mass but possessing en-
ergy. Due to this property of light, it is bent or refracted
when it passes from one medium to another. For exam-
ple, when the ray meets a glass surface at an angle, there
will be a bending of the ray. Let us assume that the ray
penetrates the angled side of the pyramid and in doing so
it is bent, perhaps in ratio to the energy particles making
up the ray. Assuming coming from the west,
that the ray is

then the force will travel by reflection inside the pyramid

shape, passing periodically by the central point in the pyra-
mid, beneath the apex. This is where all the action is.
The edge of a razor blade has a crystal structure, and
crystals grow by reproducing themselves. As the blade
becomes blunted, some of the crystals on the edge are
rubbed off. Theoretically, the crystals should be able to
Effects on Solids 103

replace themselves. It is known that sunlight has a field

pointing in all directions, and yet sunlight reflected from
an object such as the moon is partly polarized and vibrat-

ing for the most part in one direction. The edge of a blade
could be conceivably destroyed when left in the light of
the moon and, actually, this seems to happen. This does
not explain, however, the sharpening action of the pyra-
mid. One can only guess that pyramids act as lenses that
focus energy, or as resonators that collect energy, thereby
encouraging crystal growth.
It is interesting to note that the direction in which a
crystal is placed seems to determine the amount of vibra-
tory activity. In his paper, "The Energy Field in Man and
Nature," John C. Pierrakos stated that crystals pulsate at
different rates, depending on their orientation to the geo-
graphic cardinal points. "For instance," he stated, "when
the leading edge of a quartz crystal is pointed to the south
the pulsatory rate is approximately 9 per minute, when
pointed to the west its rate is 6 per minute. It is 4 per
minute when pointed north and increases to 14 per min-
ute when pointed east."
To explore this further, it is known that the earth rotates
from west to east, and a western stream of force might
conceivably, upon contacting the earth's atmosphere, fol-
low it around thus causing the flow of energy to move from
the west to the east.
For several years science has known that the air sur-
rounding the earth is slightly ionized. It was at first
thought that this ionization was caused by a very pene-
trating radiation. It was found that the deeper into the
ocean that a unit was lowered, the fewer the ionized par-
ticles to be found. It appeared that the mass of water ab-

sorbed some of the radiation. At first it was believed that

the radiationscame from radioactivity in the earth itself.
But when ion sensing units were sent into the upper at-
mosphere it was found that the higher the units were sent,
the greater the ionization. This indicated that the radia-
tion came from outer space and so the name of "cosmic
rays" was given to this force.
The source of this radiation is unknown, except that it
comes from somewhere outside the solar system. The
force appears to come from all parts of the sky. The dis-
tribution of intensities for different latitudes of the earth
indicates that the rays are deflectedby the earth's magnetic
field. Radiation that enters the earth's atmosphere from
the cosmos is known as primary radiation, which distin-
guishes it from radiation that originates inside the atmo-

spheric envelope, such as radiation given off by radium.

Further observations now indicate that this radiation,
although coming from all directions, appears to come
more from the west than any other direction. The theory
is that the rays are caught up in the earth's magnetic field
and deflected to the east. This might help explain why our
plants inside pyramids move from the west to the east,
arch to the south, and repeat the pattern, as described in
the chapter, "Pyramids and Plant Power." This also
might help explain why razor blades are sharpened inside
pyramids only when placed on the north-south axis. This
places one edge of a double-edge blade toward the west
and the other toward the east. We have found, and others
have reported, that on some days a razor blade seems
sharper than on other days. Could it be that we are using
the edge that has been facing east in the pyramid on one
day and possibly the edge facing west on another day?
If water tends to absorb ionized particles, as described

above, then the dehydrating effect of the pyramid might

also help explain why razor blades stay sharp inside pyra-
mid space.
It is known that water can reduce the firmness of steel

by more than 20 percent. The pyramid or other appro-—

priate resonant cavity —would seem to be the only de-
vice that can help the crystal gaps in the razor blade edge
by driving out the dipole water molecules by resonant
action on the dipole, it has been explained by Karel Drbal,
Effects on Solids 105

the Czechoslovakia!! radio engineer who discovered the -

razor sharpening abilities of pyramids.. It can be said,

then, that the pyramid dehydrates the edge of the razor
The German scientists Born and Lertes demonstrated
that theabove action on the dipole-molecules of water is
possible in a resonant cavity such as a pyramid when it is
fed with appropriate microwave energy. Borns and Lertes
found that the microwaves of centimeter-wavelength and
their harmonics can produce an accelerated rotation of
the water dipole-molecules. This in effect results in a de-
hydration process, or a driving out of the water dipole-
molecules. This would seem to be a process of electro-
magnetic dehydration.
Why is it then that pyramids constructed of dielectric,
or nonconducting material, seem to work better than
those constructed of conducting materials? The answer
would seem to lie in the fact that microwaves can pene-
trate the material and feed the resonant cavity of the pyr-
Pyramids covered with aluminum screen or foil do not
seem to exhibit the same qualities as those covered with
plastic, wood, canvas, etc. A sheet of aluminum foil or
screen placed inside of the pyramid and to the west of a
plant inhibits the plant's gyrations; in fact, the plants be-
come totally immobile, according to our time-lapse pho-
tography. In the chapter on plants we describe our exper-
iments with metals and plants, but it might be repeated
here that aluminum is the only material that seems to
present the inhibiting properties. Aluminum is an alloy
made by an electrical process and we initially speculated
that it acts in a negative or blocking fashion to the energy
field entering the pyramid from without. However, we
wondered if it might not be providing an additional
charge that combined with other electromagnetic forces
resulting inan overdose. The fact that magnets placed in
side the pyramid also inhibited the gyrations of plants
tended to support the latter theory. However, to com-
pound our problem, seeds placed on aluminum foil failed
to germinate or germinated slower than seeds placed on
other materials. An answer seemed to reside in the evi-
dence that aluminum appeared to hinder enzyme activity.
Healers who have been able to improve seed germination
and increase plant growth with energy radiating from
their hands also are able to increase enzyme activity. A
friend of ours, Charles Rhoades, has been quite successful
as a healer. Knowing of our experiments with razor
blades, he challenged us by proposing to sharpen razor
blades by "treating" them with his hands. Some 700
shaves later he is still using the same razor blade with
which he started the experiment. Evidently, the qualified
healer is able to radiate somewhat the same energy from
his hands as that to be found in pyramids. We reasoned
that if this energy was somehow blocked by aluminum
and inhibited enzyme activity, it would follow that it did
the same thing to plants. If this was the case, then a par-
allel could not be drawn between the effects of aluminum

and magnets on plants. Aluminum seemed to serve as a

barrier whereas magnets seemed to produce an overdose.
Then we discovered that the apparent blocking action
of aluminum was overcome when the material was left
inside a pyramid long enough for it to become saturated
with pyramid energy. We discovered that aluminum left
inside a pyramid for two weeks no longer demonstrated
an inhibiting factor to plants. They behaved as though the
aluminum were not present. And foil treated in this man-
ner served as a substitute pyramid. The atoms in the alu-
minum apparently absorbed energy by resonance. When
the foil was removed from the pyramid, the atoms were
no longer receiving outside energy and the electron orbits
started a slow process of decay. As this happened, it re-
leased energy and could be used in the same manner as the
pyramid itself.

Seeds placed on the treated aluminum germinated as

Effects on Solids 107

quickly as those placed inside pyramids, and plants pre-

sented similar gyrations as their enclosed peers. We tried
an experiment with beef roast. We
wrapped two similar
pieces from the same roast in treated and untreated alu-
minum foil. The roast cooked in the treated foil was done
in one-third the time required for cooking the roast
wrapped in the untreated foil.
In the final analysis, then, we decided that what is ap-
parently happening with the aluminum is that its electrical
qualities are such that rather than acting as a blocking
mechanism to pyramid energy, as it would at first seem, it

absorbs the energy within the pyramid and prevents the

energy from otherwise acting on plants, enzymes, etc.
Once it is saturated with the energy, it no longer depletes
the field and can, then, itself, serve as a resonator of the
energy field.

Early in this chapter we mentioned man's affinity for

gold and the alchemist's effort to meet the demand for
man's most prized possession. The fascination went
beyond wealth for in its nature and creation it represented
man's most valued states — immortality and spiritual en-
lightenment. The ancient myths spoke of men of various
substances such as iron and silver, and to become the
gold man was to reach the highest state and to realize the
true purpose of life. Back in the days of pre-history and

even to the present day some have believed that certain

metals and gems awarded their bearers unusual physical
or spiritual gifts. Medicine men of many cultures have
worn bracelets and anklets of gold in the faith of their
magical qualities. In their original meaning, gold crowns
not only represented sovereignty but could endow their
owners with strength and wisdom.
Perhaps man's attraction to gold is something buried
deep in his unconscious, a long forgotten inherent rela-
tionship. We are just beginning to learn from the bio-
chemists the need for small amounts of some metals in
our physical bodies. The need for iron and copper is well
known and current research indicates that zinc is ex-
tremely important to the proper function of the brain.
Perhaps we will learn that gold has an even more impor-
tant role. Edgar Cayce recommended gold in more than
forty medical cases. Most of the cases had to do with
glandular imbalances.
The need for gold may exist at the cellular level of life
for, as described in chapter on plants, a plant
stretched itself almost horizontally in order to wrap itself
around gold foil placed near it within a pyramid. Howev-
er, something must happen to gold foil left in a pyramid

for several days. A plant was not attracted to untreated

gold foil. The plant continued its usual pattern of move-
ment and growth when untreated gold foil was placed be-
side it in the pyramids. But when the gold foil was treated
inside a pyramid for several days and then placed in a
pyramid with the plant, the plant heartily embraced it.
An interesting footnote to the experiment with gold is
an experience we had with the movement of a plant.
When it was a few inches tall, we placed a young sun-
flower plant inside a pyramid. It started the west-east
movement we had come to expect of plants. Untreat-
ed gold was then placed inside the pyramid and when

it was removed a short time later, the plant immediately

started moving north and south. We do not have an an-

swer as to why the plant would suddenly change direc-
tions but we plan to experiment further.
Another experience we have failed to duplicate had to
do with brass. We were experimenting with a small strip
of thin brass and had placed it on a sharp point in the
center of a pyramid. We suddenly noticed that the brass
strip was being repelled whenever we brought a hand
close to it. Assuming that it was some kind of static
charge, we played with it for some time. I (Pettit)
thought, "Now my body has perhaps a negative charge
and the brass a negative charge," and I wondered if there
was any way I could change the polarity of either myself
Effects on Solids 109

or the strip of brass. And just as I thought this, the strip

of brass was drawn to my finger. I continued to play with
it and it remained attracted to my finger. But the next

morning the brass strip was once again repelled and try as
I might I could not change the polarity.
There are reasons for believing that the King's
Chamber of the Great Pyramid was specifically designed
as a place in which unusual energy fields were generated.
The ceiling of the King's Chamber is constructed of nine
beams of granite running north and south. Above the
King's Chamber there are a total of five chambers, each
separated by several feet of air space and alternating
layers of nine and then eight granite beams. The final
ceiling iscomposed of huge limestone blocks, which are
sloped like a gable roof. The forty-three granite beams
are believed to weigh about seventy tons each. The King's
Chamber itself is constructed entirely of granite, the floor,
all four walls and the ceiling.
Granite is, composed of quartz crystals, mica and feld-
spar and is known to produce a piezo-electric field, par-
ticularly when it is under pressure. In this case, the gran-
ite is under the pressure of 200 feet of solid limestone
above it. The Egyptians referred to granite as "spiritual
rock," allegedly because of its electric field. It has been
postulated that the Egyptians constructed the King's
Chamber in this -fashion because the granite under great
pressure emitted into the chamber a highly charged field,
and that the various layers of granite and air chambers
formed a capacitor of permanent charge.
Some scientists have speculated that the Great Pyramid
is not only an accumulator of energies but also serves to

modify these energies. It has been scientifically shown

that any object in which energy vibrates acts as a reso-
nating cavity, and that the energy within the object is fo-
cused at a certain point. This applies whether the object is
solid or hollow. Therefore, some believe the Great Pyra-
mid may act as a huge resonating cavity able to focus
cosmic energy like a giant lens.The highly focused energy
would affect the crystals or molecules of any object in the
path of the focused beam.
Toth and Nielsen explain that through the use of ra-
diesthesia, or dowsing rods, experimenters have been able
to demonstrate that there is a vortex of energy emanating
from the apex of the pyramid, which expands in diameter
as it rises. Dowsers claimed to have measured a vortex of
nearly eight feet in height and with a diameter of six feet
above a cardboard pyramid only four inches high. In one
experiment, a small pyramid was placed beneath a box
and three identical boxes were placed beside it. The dow-
ser, not knowing which box covered the pyramid, tested

each box with his rod and the rod reacted only over the
box with the pyramid.
Thelate Verne Cameron invented what he referred to
as an aurameter, a device that allegedly measured the
force field of persons and objects. He claimed that from a
small pyramid he measured a vortex of energy that
reached the ceiling. Cameron also claimed that if a pyra-
mid was removed from a spot in which it had stood, it left
behind a measurable charge that remained for a number
of days.
a vortex of energy does emanate from the apex of
miniature pyramids, we are faced with the question as to
the nature of the apex of the Great Pyramid. History does
not record any apex on the Great Pyramid nor have signs
of one ever been found. Manly Palmer Hall, in The Secret
Teaching of All Ages, claims that none was intended:
"The size of the capstone of the Great Pyramid cannot
be accurately determined, for, while most investigators
have assumed that it was once in place, no vestige of it

now remains. There is a curious tendency among the

builders of great religious edifices to leave their creations
unfinished, thereby signifying that God alone is com-
plete. The cajjstone — if it existed —was itself a miniature
Effects on Solids 111

pyramid, the apex of which again would be capped by a

smaller block of similar shape, and so on ad infinitum.
The capstone therefore is the epitome of the entire struc-
ture.Thus, the Pyramid may be likened to the universe
and the capstone to man. Following the chain of analogy,
the mind is the capstone of man, the spirit the capstone of
the mind, and God—the epitome of the whole — the cap-
stone of the spirit. As a rough and unfinished block, man
is taken from the quarry and by the secret culture of the
Mysteries gradually transformed into a trued and perfect
pyramidal capstone. The temple is complete only when
the initiate himself becomes the living apex through which
the divine power is focused into the diverging structure
Others are not so sure there wasn't an apex on the
Great Pyramid. Cayce stated that the Pyramid was topped
with a capstone of unusual crystal that radiated tremen-
dous energy fields. Some believe the capstone was com-
posed of various materials, starting with gold at the lower
level and working upward through crystal and finally a
diamond or ruby at the very point. George W. Van Tas-
sel, California inventor and director of the College of

Universal Wisdom at Yucca Valley, claims that his ex-

periments reveal that a quartz crystal apex on a pyramid
model enhances the energy field of the pyramid. He pro-
posed that an apex constructed of laminated quartz, with
germanium separating the quartz sheets, would increase
the energy fields within a pyramid. There have been spec-
ulations that a crystal apex atop the Great Pyramid was
used to slow down light rays and thereby extract the
magnetic properties of the energy fields. Cayce stated that
a person could be rejuvenated by light when it is slowed
Whatever the builders of the Great Pyramid gained
from its construction may never be entirely known. How-
ever, experiments with its small progeny have been suffi-
ciently successful to launch a host of possible future roles
for the miniatures. Those not mentioned elsewhere in-
clude homes constructed in pyramidal shape; attic air
purifiers, raised swimming pools beneath a pyramid cano-

py, thus creating a large baptismal fount; garbage dispose

als made feasible by the pyramid's dehydration action on
organic materials and the destruction of harmful bacteria;
storage for pharmaceutical supplies; sections or even en-
tire supermarkets built in the pyramid shape; pyramid

shape living quarters in spacecraft to slow down the me-

tabolic rate of astronauts on long flights; storage units for
solar energy; study booths in high schools and colleges;
and cells for physical and mental therapy, to name only a
The new age of pyramid building may soon be under-

0) ^ Si
O) U) E w CO
(0 (B co a) co

0) C 0- co
co O e ,? £ c
E (D
CO E a>
C E « 75 <5 O .E ° £
o </)
CO £ S> co ? = CC o 0J
o O ^ = £
0) "D
D)> C N §
O g
c ft-
2 CO
oi2 § S 2
2<<O <Z OOh
< CO O Q UJ It CD — "9 ¥ O 8-S^
Detail of King's Chamber. The room is 34 feet long, 17 feet
wide, and 19 feet high. The walls, floor, and ceiling are of
polished red glranite, which may generate electrical qualities.
72 c

58 c

60 c 78 c

Diagram indicating how a ray of light entering the pyramid

at the upper right, for example, is reflected back and forth
across the area of the King's Chamber.
Oh a



O *w
U <D .

V rjj <D
° ~ ca
c 5
o c3 g
° c S
•£ e u
2 *o *-•

^ ° >^

« oS
8 2
S2 >>]
1 1 \

U II 1

Tone experiment with two plexiglass boxes, one inverted

over the other, and small PMspeaker inside pyramid sound-
ing tones of continuous sustained frequency. Note effect on
f A

T b

c H

Diagram showing plant location for experiments in growth

rates. (See "Pyramids and Plant Power")






Sunflower germinated inside pyramid and showing greater
hairroot development than control plant germinated outside
of pyramid.
iiiii!l»; :;

Sunflower germinated outside of pyramid.

Milk sample which has turned to yogurt inside pyramid.

Milk sample >vhich has stratified and is turning to mold

(bottom) outside of pyramid.
Experimental grapes in pyramid for five weeks and showing
dehydration, but no mold.

Control group of grapes, five weeks outside pyramid, show-

ing mold and deterioration.
Laurel Keyes toning for a patient. (See Chapter, "The Voice
of the Pyramid")
; fe^*^r
Artist's conception of futuristic pyramid construction. Hos-
pitals, office buildings, and schools might benefit from such

The pyramid house of the future.


The tooth had abscessed and was causing considerable

pain. Since it was Sunday morning, no dentist was avail-
able. Common pain killers had" been to no avail. Finally,
in desperation, Inez Pettit went inside a wooden pyramid
model and sat down, praying for miracles.
What happened she is not sure, but after ten minutes
the pain simply faded away. It has not returned to this
day. Later inspection by Mrs. Pettit's dentist revealed
nothing wrong with the tooth.
We have had a number of people, either using our pyr-
amids or their own, claim relief from a variety of ail-
ments. In cases of sprains, cuts, bruises, strains, infec-
tions, etc., healing has apparently occurred in amazing
short periods of time.
A friend, Judy Fuller, called one day and said that she
was facing dental surgery, was a "bundle of nerves," and
wondered if she could sit in one of the pyramids for a
while in order to calm herself.
She sat in the pyramid for half and hour and then went
directly to the dentist. He injected her gums to deaden the
tissue and discovered that the medication wouldn't take.
After the fifth injection, he started taking her pulse. He

finally resorted to nine injections before obtaining results.

The dentist told Judy's husband, Jerry, that he couldn't
understand her pulse, that it should be jumping but had
shown absolutely no fluctuation. The incision was made,
the surgery done on the jaw bone, and sutures taken.
When Judy returned the following day for a checkup,
the dentist found her gums a healthy pink and healing
definitely in progress. On this occasion and the checkup
three days later he simply couldn't understand the fast
rate at which healing was taking place.
An understanding of this shortened length of time for
the healing process would seem to exist outside the physi-
cian's repertoire. But while explanations are absent from
medical journals, we find references to this phenomena in
the reports on multiwave oscillators or other devices pro-
ducing electromagnetic waves, and in the literature on
spiritual healing. What apparently is occurring is the ap-
plication of some form of energy that enhances nature's
healing process.
Mystics have long claimed that ailments first become
manifest within the etheric or electrical envelope of the
body and from there are transposed on the physical. This
concept has been demonstrated with other life forms.
The United States Forestry Department now uses infrared
photography to pick up certain types of diseases in

trees. It seems that the disease surrounds the trees before

it actually enters the material substance of the trees. The
infrared reveals the field of the disease before entrance is

gained and measures can be taken at an earlier stage.

Along this same line of research, those working with Kir-
lian photography — a high frequency process that photo-
graphs the electrical field surrounding plants, animals, and
Healing Powers 115

man have hopes that the process will provide monitor-'
ing of diseases at earlier stages of development.
In The Kirlian Aura, edited by Dr. Stanley Krippner, it
is stated: "An adolescent boy's congenitally defective
tibia was stimulated to heal by direct electric current,
newly formed bone in the region was produced within two
months of electrical treatment. This electric enhance-
. . .

ment of bone healing resembles certain types of acupunc-

ture treatment and may provide clues as to the mecha-
nism involved." Also: "There is considerable evidence -

that both natural and artificial magnetic fields can exert

important effects on living organisms."
Our time-lapse films showing plant movement inside
pyramids provide evidence that a magnetic field inside a
pyramid shape will alter existing forces. Since it is a well-
known fact that one magnetic field can disrupt an electron
flow, or alter an existing magnetic field, it would seem to
follow that we are dealing with some sort of electromag-
netic field with the pyramids.
In the chapter on "Pyramids and Plant Power" it was
mentioned that the healer Oskar Estebany demonstrated
under the supervision of scientist Sister Justa Smith an
ability to "generate" a magnetic field equivalent of 13,000
gauss. The energy field generated by Estebany increased
seed germination, plant growth, and enzyme activity the —
same field, apparently, that makes possible Estebany's
successful healing.
An exciting demonstration of the unusual energy gen-
erated by skilled healers was conducted in 1974 which is

being heralded by science as a breakthrough in producing

objective proof of the existence of the healer's power.
Using a laboratory device, a cloud chamber that traces
the path of sub-atomic particles through gas, Dr. Robert
Miller, professor of chemical engineering atGeorgia In-
stitute ofTechnology for 15 years and now in private in-
dustry, and Dr. Philip B. Reinhart, head of the physics
department at Agnes Scott College in Atlanta, developed
a project to determine if the force exercised by healers
* could influence the path of the high-energy nuclear parti-
The well-known healer Dr. Olga Worrall, who con-
ducts spiritual healing services in Baltimore, was asked to
participate in the experiment, conducted at Agnes Scott
College. Prior to Dr. WorraH's involvement, Drs. Miller
and Reinhart and a number of others put their hands
around the seven-inch chamber. Nothing happened. Then
Dr. Worrall placed her hands around the chamber but did
not touch it. She concentrated as she does in her healing
services and suddenly a dark wave pattern developed in
the chamber. "We were looking at energy flowing be-
tween her hands. After several minutes, she shifted her
position to another point around the chamber. The pat-
tern inside also shifted," Dr. Miller stated. Several pro-
fessorsand graduate students witnessed the experiment
and agreed they had seen a true demonstration of the
healer's energy manifesting itself.
The two scientists decided to test further. On March
12, from her home 600 miles from Atlanta,
in Baltimore,
Dr. Worrall concentrated on the cloud chamber and again
the unusual pattern appeared. To confirm their findings,
the scientists called Dr. Worrall and asked her to repeat
her efforts. The result was the same.
"Both times," Dr. Worrall stated, "I could sense the
energy flowing out of me. I'm very excited about the re-
sults of the test."
Dr. Reinhart commented, "The really amazing thing is
when she produced the same effect from 600 miles away.
There's absolutely no way she could have done anything
to cause that except by mentally transferring her energy."
The Kirlian photographic process has been used by Dr.
Thelma Moss at UCLA, to exhibit the energy being ra-
diatedfrom the hands and fingertips of Dr. Worrall. Dr.
Worrall showed us a number of the photos taken and it
could be clearly seen that there was a considerable dif-
Healing Powers 117

ference in the brightness and magnitude of the energy

field when she was in a normal state and when concen-
trating on healing.
We talked with Dr. Worrall about her ability to heal
and she told us she has never doubted her abilities but
feels that it is important that she demonstrates this force
to the satisfaction of science in order for spiritual healing
to gain wide acceptance. As Dr. Worrall described some
of her cases we were struck once again by the apparent
between the case
parallels histories of spiritual healing
and pyramid healing.
One of the corresponding observations is that water
held in a healer's hands was studied under an electron
microscope and it was discovered that the hydrogen mo-

lecules had moved farther apart the sort of phenom-

. . .

ena that would explain the faster evaporation and dehy-

dration produced inside a pyramid.
A year ago I (Pettit) was convinced that I had all the
symptoms of prostate trouble and that surgery was just a
matter of time. Then I started sleeping in the pyramid two
or three nights a week and drinking pyramid water regu-
larly. Six months passed and one day it suddenly came to

me that I hadn't experienced any prostate trouble in a

long time. A recent checkup revealed that my prostate is

completely normal.
In Pyramid Power Max Toth and Greg Nielsen state
that they have received reports of persons who have felt
better even by being near a pyramid model. They state:
"Other reports, even more difficult to substantiate, come
from people who claim that when they placed a model
pyramid near their beds or chairs, after several nights of
sleep, or several days of sitting near the pyramid, a spe-
cific pain or symptom of illness either disappeared or was
greatly alleviated."
If the energy field within the pyramid is greater than
that outside and this field tends to produce healthier or
healing states, then it can be assumed that the frequencies


generated raise the resonant level of cells, tissues, organs,
etc., closer to their optimal level of functioning.
"A basic idea in radionics is that each individual orga-
nism or material radiates and absorbs energy via a
unique wave field which exhibits certain geometrical, fre-
quency and radiation-type characteristics," Dr. W. A.
Tiller, head of the Materials Science Department at Stan-
ford University, stated in a paper presented at the Sympo-
sium on the Varieties of Healing, sponsored by the
American Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine.
"This is an extended force field that exists around all
forms of matter whether animate or inanimate," Dr. Tiller
stated, and continued, "A useful analogy here is the
physical atom that is continually radiating electromagnetic
energy in the form of waves because of its oscillating
electric development and its thermal vibrations. The more
complex the materials, the more complex the wave
form. . .

"The fundamental carrier wave is thought to be po-

larized with a rotating polarization vector. . . . The infor-
mation concerning the glands, body systems, etc., ripples
the carrier wave and seems to be associated with a specif-
ic phase modulation of the wave for a specific gland. Re-

gions of space associated with a given phase angle of the

wave constitutes a three-dimensional network of points
extending throughout space. To be in resonance with any
one of these points is to be in resonance with the particu-
lar gland of the entity. The capability ef scanning the
waveform of the gland exists for the detection of any ab-
normalities. energy having the normal or
Likewise, if

healthy waveform of the gland is pumped into any of

these specific network points, the gland will be driven in
the normal or healthy mode. This produces a tendency for
its structure to reorganize itself in close alignment with
the normal structure,^ i.e., healing of the gland occurs.
Cells born in the presence, of this polarizing field tend to
grow in a healthier configuration, which weakens the
Healing Powers 119

original field of the abnormal or diseased structure and

strengthens the field of the normal or healthy structure.
Continued treatment eventually molds the healthy organ
structure and the condiion is healed.
"All illness has its origin in a disharmony between the
mind and spirit levels of the entity and that of the univer-
sal pattern for the entity. This disharmony works its way
to the physical level via the ratchet effect. Permanent
healing and wholeness require that harmony with the uni-
versal pattern exist at the mind and spirit levels. Thus,
healing at the physical or even the etheric level is only
temporary if the basic pattern at the mind and spirit level

remains unchanged.
The dependence of life forms on the electrical dimen-
sions is discussed by the eminent astronomer Gustaf
Stromberg in Spiritual Healing. He states in part: "In
order that an organ in our body shall 'become flesh' or
become 'incarnated,' certain chemical substances must be
present, and they must be assimilated in the immaterial
electric finestrueture, now known to exist in all living
structures. These 'living fields' guide the motions of spe-
cial types of molecules in such a way that ultimately a
complete organ is formed, which itself is an essential part
of a living system of a higher order."
The bridge between the chemical and electrical proper-
ties of the physical body may reside in the oolloidal sys-
tem. "Colloid" comes from the Greek word for "glue."
From atom to molecule to colloid, we are dealing with
energy vortexes. A small speck seen under a microscope
is many times larger than a colloid, which, like the atom,
is not so much a "thing" as it is a unit of energy. The
millions upon millions of sensitive colloids holding the
body together can bestirred by the smallest vibration. But
while colloids are an energy system, when conditions
cause them to condense, they pass into a crystaloid state
that becomes form. In other words, the energy pattern
can be transposed to physical substance, and it well may
be that it is at the colloidal level — the stage between vi-
bration and matter — that electromagnetic forces such as
those enhanced or generated by the pyramid influence
The use of magnetism to treat the physical body goes
back to very ancient times; how far back it is not known
but the early Greeks spoke of the use of magnetism in
medicine as though the knowledge had been around for a
very long time.
The Arabian physician Avicenna used magnets to treat
disease of the liver about 1000 a.d., and Ali Abbas, a
famous Persian physician in the 10th century, wrote in his
Perfect Book of the Art of Medicine that magnetism
would cure gout and spasms. During the early 1500s the
Swiss physician and alchemist Paracelsus used magnets in
the treatment of dropsy, jaundice, and a number of dis-
eases. Ambroise Pare in the 16th century reported that
some physicians used filings of loadstone and iron to help
heal surgical incisions. William Gilbert, Queen Elizabeth's
personal physician, disclaimed the effectiveness of mag-
netism in the art of healing. On the other hand, the
American physician Elisha Perkins in 1776 patented Per-
kin's metallic tractors to cure illnessand pain. George
Washington was reportedly one of his customers. Later
Gaylord Wilshire patented his Ionico, a magnetic collar
that allegedly magnetized blood and cured many ailments.
A glance at some of the patents granted in the last
hundred years the continuing role of magnetism
atttests to
as a medical tool. In 1869 a patent was granted for a de-
vice which included an elliptical coil for producing magnet-
ic fields in the human body. Shortly thereafter several
patents were granted for articles of clothing containing
curative magnets.
Dr. E. H. Frei, Benjamin Abrams Professor of Elec-
tronicsand head of the Weizmann Institute's Department
of Electronic^, in his article, "Medical Applications of
Magnetism," printed in the October 1972 Bulletin of the
Healing Powers 121

Atomic Scientists, quotes the description of a patent is-

sued for a magnetic corset:

The purpose of this invention, the result of long

continued experiments and physiological study, is to
conveniently apply to the human form magnetic and
electric curative appliances, the efficacy of which is

now conceded in chest, cardiac, and cerebral affections,

especially manifest in persons of nervous temperament

and sedentary habits.

Toward the end of the 19th century there were a

number of diverse objects patented for medical treatment,
including a magnetic chair, hatband, couch, and medal-
lion. In 1904 two patents were granted for machines to
treat patients suffering from nervous disorders by produc-
ing a magnetic field. A number of other magnetothera-
peutic devices were subsequently patented. S. Maeshima
of Tokyo received a U.S. patent for an apparatus . . .

". . . for transmitting magnetism into the human body,

which, giving a slight stimulus to the nerve periphery
and tissue cells, accelerates blood circulation and skin
excretion and regulates the metabolism, thereby pro-
moting health and keeping off diseases or assisting re-
covery therefrom."

This patent was issued in 1922, according to Dr. Frei.

He also noted that several countries have issued patents
for a magnetic shield to protect the hand of the physician
from the magnetic field when he applied a small alnico
magnet to the heart of his patients.
In 1967 a patent was granted for a machine that pro-
duced controllable magnetic fields for medical purposes.
It is claimed by this patent that the machine is based on

work previously done in the field and also cites work

claiming that magnetic fields were able to retard the aging
A number of scientific experiments on the influence of
magnetic were performed in Thomas Edison's labo-
ratory in 1892. Dogs and experimenters themselves were
exposed to several thousand gauss without experiencing
any ill effects. However, even the weak geomagnetic field,
which has a field strength of not more than one gauss, is
considered by some scientists to play a role in biological
organisms. Some have suggested that birds and sea turtles
use the geomagnetic field for navigation and homing, and
disturbances of the field in time have been reported to
correspond in some way with the statistics of admissions
to mental hospitals.
Dr. Frei believes that the equilibrium of chemical
processes could be shifted in a magnetic field because of
different susceptibilities in the end products. "Any process
involving movement of ions could be influenced because
of the path of an ion will change in a magnetic field, and

this might be an important factor as ions pass through bi-

ological membranes,'' he stated. Mentioned earlier was
Sister Justa Smith's work with the influence of magnetic
fields on enzyme activity and Dr. Frei notes, "There are
indications that the action of enzymes is modified in a
field. No rigorous theories exist to explain these magnetic

effects although rough analyses show that they should be

very small in fields up to several thousand gauss. Howev-
er, one can assume that in biological systems even very

small effects could accumulate and cause significant

Reports from Russia indicate that magnetism has been
used in the healing of wounds (Estebany, who was tested
by Sister Justa Smith as producing a magnetic field of
several thousand gauss, first discovered his healing powers
when he found he could treat wounded soldiers) and the
growth of tumors, while another work describes that
blood-coagulation times may be affected by magnetic

It is known* that time-varying magnetic fields produce

Healing Powers 123

electric potentials and known phenomena can be under-

stood in terms of currents derived from such potentials.
This includes the so-called magnetic phosphenes. These
have been investigated and the effect has been compared
to other light-producing stimuli, such as pressure and
electric impulses. (The granite slabs around the King's
Chamber in the Great Pyramid may produce a piezo-
electric effect as a result of the tremendous pressure of the
stone above.) Magnetic phosphenes are sometimes said to
be tinted light blue shimmering luminosites appearing in
the borders of visual fields and are produced by applying
10 to 100 Hz alternating fields to the human head. Some
scientists explain this phenomenon by means of electro-
magnetic induction as a result of the changing magnetic
fields. Still this theory does not take into account the un-
derlying phenomenon and does not explain how the light
is physically produced. While most researchers contend
that the effect is only seen in the light, other evidence

would indicate that it has also been observed as occurring

in darkness. Staring at a specific object increases the ef-

It is one of the metaphysical

interesting to note that
exercises for the ability to read auras is the development

of peripheral vision. This electrical envelope around both

animate and inanimate objects, but particularly humans,
is sometimes seen as a thin blue light. Dr. Pierrakos,

whose work is described elsewhere in this book, devel-

oped a type of blue glass in order to better see the aura or
etheric field around plants, animals, and humans. Follow-
ing this line of thought, reports that sometimes the Great
Pyramid radiates a pale blue light would support theories
of its magnetic qualities.
While testing some of the concepts developed by Baron
Reichenbach concerning the nature of Odic force, Prof.
D. Enlicher of Vienna observed that electromagnetic
flames sometimes reach 40 inches and exhibit a rich play
of colors ending in a luminous smoke of pale blue color.
Along these lines some attention should be given to the
bibliography appearing in the second quarter issue of the
Electronic Medical Digest, in 1959, under the title "Does

Alternating Low Frequency Magnetic Energy Affect Liv-

ing Tissue?" This bibliography covers some of the scien-
tific experiments conducted in an effort to find the answer
to this question. According to a two-year study carried
out at the American Institute of Radiation at Belmont,
California, the answer would be yes. The bibliography
lists 27 writers, with references to numerous technical
magazines. The articles are not confined to the effect of
alternating low-frequency fields, but in many instances
are concerned with the therapeutic effects of permanent
magnets, on tissues, cellular growth, relief of pain and of
nervous conditions, tumors, growth reactions in plants,
etc.A great deal of relevant material is to be noted in the
development of radiesthesis, particularly in Europe, in the
expanding studies of the nature of the aura and the
etheric body and in the whole field of medical electronics.
The appearance of the blue color is sometimes men-
tioned by persons who have sat or meditated in pyramids.
Wilhelm Reich claimed that the color of orgone energy,
the mass-free cosmic life energy, was blue. The orgone
energy accumulator is a six-sided box known as an
"oraccu." The sides are made of alternating layers of or-
ganic and inorganic materials. The inner wall is lined with
a thin sheet of sheet iron. This arrangement allegedly
makes possible a concentration of atmospheric orgone
energy much greater than normal.
Subjects tested after a short period of time in oraccus
produce blood samples revealing orgonotic charge of red
blood cells. "The charge reveals itself, after autoclavation,
in the blue bions," Wilhelm Reich stated in The Cancer
Biopathy. He added, "The lack of orgonotic charge man-
ifests itself, after autoclavation, in the absence of the blue
bions and in the presence of T-bacilli, which result from
the degeneratiorf of the red corpuscles (T-reaction).
Healing Powers 125

"The T-reaction is advanced cancer

typical for oases of
in which the orgone content of the blood has been totally
consumed in the organism's struggle against the systemat-
ic disease (cancer biopathy) and the local tumor. This T-
reaction is usually present before any symptoms of ane-
mia and often reveals the cancer process long before a
perceptible tumor has formed. On the other hand, red
. . .

corpuscles weak in orgone energy absorb it greedily when

it is supplied to the organism by the orgone accumulator.

Subsequent autoclavation tests yield a shift from the T-

reaction to the B-reaction, i.e., the red blood corpuscles

have become more resistant to autoclavation; they contain

more orgone. ... The red corpuscle can be charged by
atmospheric orgone energy."
Dinshah P. Ghadiali, an Indian scientist greatly in-
fluenced by the research of Dr. Jagadis Bose, whose work
is discussed in the chapter on plants, founded a system of

treatment by the use of colored lights, which he called

"Spectro-Chrome Metry." According to Ghadiali, blue
light radiation soothes inflammations, does away with in-
fections, and brings about healing through balancing the
electrochemical properties of the body.
Blue light neutralizes the hydrogen of red, according to
Dinshah Ghadiali, and "As the affinity of hydrogen, this
attuned color wave represents the oxygen. Water, H 2 is

the outcome of the chemical combination of hydrogen

and oxygen and is another proof of the mathematical
precision with which spectrochrome is built. It is the most
neutral compound. . . . The diaphoretic effect is the result
of the hydrogen in febrile and inflammatory processes
being conquered by the oxygen. Hence, in reality the re-
frigerant or cooling effect of the blue depends upon the
production of the perspiration, because, under a law of
chemistry, evaporation always evolves cold owing to an
expansion in the composing molecules, parting with
heat," he states in Volume 3 of his Spectro-Chrome
Metry Encyclopedia.
More light on the phenomena is shed by Reich in The
Cancer Biopathy: "The red corpuscle is an orgonotic sys-
tem in miniature, containing a small quantity of orgone
energy inside its membranes. At 4000x magnification, the
red blood corpuscles show a deep blue glimmer and lively
vibration of their contents. They expand and contract and
are therefore not rigid, as is usually thought. They carry
atmospheric orgone energy from the lungs to the tissues.

The nature of the relationship between atmospheric oxy-

gen and orgone energy can only be surmised at this time.
Whether orgone is identical with the chemical particles of
the air or fundamentally different from them is unknown.
. . The orgonotic charge is also revealed in the shape

and structure of the red blood corpuscles. Cells with a

weak charge are more or less shrunken and have a nar-
row blue margin which glimmers feebly. Once the orga-
nism is charged, the red blood cells swell, while the blue
margin intensifies and widens, sometimes including the
entire cell. No pathogenic microorganism can survive in
the vicinity of these orgonotically highly charged red
blood cells."
The research of Reich and Ghadiali would indicate that
some kind of energy field exists in the atmosphere that
can be accumulated and directed toward the electrochem-
ical properties of the physical body in beneficial ways.
References to the blue light or auras would seem to point
to the presence of electromagnetic qualities in the energy
field being generated. Observations of blue light around
pyramids or reported by persons sitting or meditating
within pyramids provide some evidence that the pyramid
shares in the phenomena of producing identical or similar
electromagnetic forces. These observations, along with
the similarities between the descriptions of treatment of
diseases and afflictions by blue light, orgone energy, and
various forms of electromagnetic therapy and those re-
portedly produced by the pyramid, would seem to point
to common denominators.
Healing Powers 127

In any case, our experiments and those of others re-

vealed every indication of some healing phenomena oc-
curring as the result of pyramid power. We have repeat-
edly healed cuts, bruises, sprains, etc., in less than the ex-
pected time, and following are a few statements by indi-
viduals representative of the many we have received in
regard to healing experiments:
Florence Hill: "Several teeth were aching and after a
while in the pyramid my teeth stopped aching but I could
still feel a force going to my teeth. I felt a tingling sensa-
tion all over my extremities. I think my heart slowed
down and I seemed to see a lot of blue color."
Effie Jorgensen, experience in pyramid meditation
tent: "Went in with sinus congestion, aching throughout
body. In for one hour and head felt much better. I had a
buzzing sensation while I was 30 minutes.
in for the first
Sinus drainage was good; after one hour joints were not
Mary Stoldt: "My husband had a chronic backache
and got relief." And on another occasion: "Extremely
bad headache. Sat for only 20 minutes and head im-
Dave Wilcox: "I have a large pyramid in my bedroom
under which I sleep. My energy level is higher than before
and I feel healthier than I ever have."
J. M.: "I had had an accident and sitting in the pyra-

mid has helped me gain great mobility of my limbs."

One woman had a wartlike growth on her thumb for
eleven years and the more she picked at it the larger it
became. She placed the thumb under a small pyramid for
two 15-minute periods on the same day and the wart was
gone on the following day.
A man told us that he had been suffering from poison-
ivy infection for a number of days but that the infection
completely cleared the day following treatment by sitting
in a pyramid. Another man reported that after working
with pyramids for a time that his pulse dropped from the
80s to the 60s.
We placed a gerbel inside a small pyramid. As long as
she lived inside the pyramid structure, her housekeeping
was neat and her nest orderly. When her cage was moved
outside the pyramid, she scattered litter everywhere. On
one occasion she cut her face badly on the cage and we
even thought she would lose one of her eyes. No medica-
tion was used on either the cut or the eye, but after being
placed beneath the pyramid once more her eye complete-
ly healed, the scar disappeared, and the fur grew back as
As regards the medical use of electromagnetic fields,
Dr. Frei in the article mentioned earlier states that muscle
stimulation is an area where some research has recently

been conducted and that results show that practically all

muscles will contract as the magnetic field on them is al-
tered. "It is widely assumed that the stimulation is of an
electrical nature caused by electromagnetic induction," he
states. "An electric field produced by a changing magnetic
field can send a current through a cell and in this way
stimulate all kinds of muscles. . The importance of
. .

muscle study lies in the possibility of stimulating the heart

muscle which could be of prime importance in emergency
pacemaking before electrodes can be inserted internally."
In other areas of medical application Frei points out:
"A further application of such stimulation might lie in the
possible stimulation of the cortex. There is hope that by
employing properly designed time varying magnetic fields
one could stimulate phenomena in the brain which other-
wise can only be produced by inserting electrodes below
the skull."
A well known and highly successful chiropractor told
us that he charged a small metal plate by placing it on top
of a series of miniature pyramids. The metal pyramids
are joined at thjir bases in a rectangular shape, five units
Healing Powers 129

by .three units, fifteen in all. He uses the charged plate in

order to raise the biorhythm of afflicted parts of the body
and claims that it is quite successful.
According to an article several years ago in Fate mag-
azine by Joseph F. Goodavage, a New York City gynecol-
ogist and cytologist, Dr. K. E. MacLean, used an elec-
tromagnetic activator in the treatment of advanced cases
of cancer. Goodavage quoted MacLean as saying, "Can-
cer cannot exist in a strong magnetic field."
According to Goodavage, a side effect of the treatment
was the restoration of pigmentation in the hair, "in most
cases from a silvery white to its former natural color. Dr.
MacLean's full head of hair is dark brown; he has been
exposing himself to a 3600 gauss magnetic field daily for
about five years. He is tall and athletic-appearing and
looks to be about 45 years old. He is 64."
The particular shape of the pyramid aligned on the
north-south axis is what produces the unusual energy
field, according to what we've learned from our experi-

ments. While the traditional pyramid shape may not be

the only one that generates or enhances energy fields— as
we discovered in testing the cone shape on plants our —
investigations revealed that cubes do not produce the
same results.
Yet we spend most of our lives inside cube-shaped
structures. Unwisely, according to Buckminster Fuller,
scientist, mathematician, author, architect, and inventor
of the geodesic dome. Fuller believes that homes, office
buildings, churches, or any type of building for that mat-
ter, should be other than cube shape, and explains that

this is particularly true of hospitals or other places of

Perhaps the "cubes" in which we live distort or some-
how inhibit energy fields in such a manner that we are ei-
ther cut off from their beneficial influence or are nega-
tively bombarded by altered wave forms. It well might be
that preventive medicine of the future will be practiced by
the engineers and architects. Homes may then be promot-
ed for their therapeutic qualities.

Today it is vitamin E, zinc tablets, and rose hips that are

being bantered as balms for staying young, but today's
tonic may be tomorrow's old wives' tale. Still the search
goes on, in the latest formula of cucumber oil or peach
soap it goes on, through Formula X, face lifts, salt spring
baths, the latest isometrics, dosages of pantothenic acid
and bee pollen, and yoga breathing, it goes on.
All the approaches are not equal, of course, and some
of the above undoubtedly have their merits. Certainly,
some strong cases can be built around the youth-giving
qualities of vitamins and few will argue the value of cor-
rect breathing and proper exercise. Yet, man is not en-
tirely satisfied with these results; somehow he thinks he
can do better.
Some believe there are precedents for extending our
three-score and ten upon this earth. They point to Old
Testament personages who allegedly lived several
hundred years, and the legends surrounding Atlantis
where the residents did equally well. For those seeking
more current material, references are made to certain
holy men and Tibet who reportedly push their
of India
time well into the second century or even beyond.
Several years ago, our teacher, Swami H. H. Rama, a
highly trained Indian scientist, told us that his guru was
nearly 150 years old and that this could be proven. When
we asked him how he was able to live that long, we were
told, "Because he has learned to use certain energy fields
for that purpose." We have no reason to dispute Ms word,
particularly since such stories are not uncommon. A
friend of ours spent some time Himalayas and
in the
claimed to have had contact with several holy men, living
in seclusion, whose memories stretched far back into the
nineteenth century.
Jack Parr, an Englishman, lived to- be 175 years old.
He became quite a celebrity and died, apparently, of
overindulgence during a party thrown for him at the royal
court. An autopsy revealed that there was nothing partic-
ularly wrong with him beyond an excess of wine, food,
and song.
And magazines and newspapers of late have carried a
number of articles on Russia's centurians, some still

working 130 and 140 years of age. So

at our elder . . .

citizens may not necessarily be dreaming the impossible

dream. Perhaps some secrets are hiding out there some-
where. But where? Ah, that's the rub. But well-credited
and intended scientists are now trying to isolate the im-
portant components of perpetuating youth. The more vis-
ible factors —diet, environment, life-styles — are believed
to play contributory roles. Probing deeper, however, there
seems to be a general concensus that the retention of
health and youth must be examined at the cellular level,
where all the action takes place. Within this focus, ques-
tions are being asked as to why cells deteriorate and die,
and why the c^jfference in the rate of cell birth versus cell
Rejuvenation 133

According to more than a few leading scientists, the

newest and most promising field of medicine is bioelec-
trics, the study of the electromagnetic nature of the body.
do not deny the importance of
Bioelectrical approaches
mechanical and chemical factors in the maintenance of
the physical body. However, they do contend that to
overlook the role played by electromagnetic or other en-
ergy fields is to settle for a partialand distorted view.
The energy field of the body apparently is not entirely
limited to the physical structure but radiates through and
somewhat beyond these confines. This energy field ap-
pears to be the same as that referred to by mystics and
clairvoyants as the aura, and, according to them, deterio-
ration of cells, tissues, organs, etc., occur first within the
aura. Itcan then become manifest within the physical
body, or it can possibly be cured or controlled at the
bioelectrical level.

One energy field theory contends that all cells capable

of reproduction contain in their nuclei filaments of highly
conductive material surrounded by insulating media. This
filament,which some believe to be the DNA-RNA com-
plex, is always in the form of a spiral or helix; in other
words, a coil. Therefore, each cell and its filament may
react as a tuned circuit if its resonant frequency can be
approximated by an external oscillating source. It has
been proposed by Lakhovsky, developer of the multiwave
oscillator, and by others that by exciting the nuclei with
electromagnetic energy a change can be induced by the
long established principle of electromagnetic induction.
This allegedly raises the energy level and perhaps the vi-
tality of every cell simultaneously.
Now, the interesting thing is that, according to research
to date with pyramids, there are some indications that
these electromagnetic fields, and additional unnamed en-
ergy fields, described as being used in various kinds of
electrotherapy, are likewise being produced in pyramid
structures. Itmay be that electromotive forces produced
or enhanced by the pyramid shape can raise the cell's
metabolic rate by electrolysis, and perhaps jog the DNA-
RNA "memory" and reproductive capabilities to their
level at an earlier, younger age, thus rejuvenation.
One of the uncovered factors seemingly contributing to
the longevity of Russia's centurians is the use of electro-
magnetic therapy. We have heard little about this partic-

ular component in this country for it is suspect in most

medical circles. But in parts of Europe and Asia where a
new look is being taken of the works of Mesmer, Reich,
Reichenbach, et al, bioelectrical medicine is being pio-
neered within the framework of the new technologies.
Scientists investigating these fields of endeavor are coming
back to tell us that we should wake up to a whole "new"
field of exciting exploration with proven results.
Aaron H. Steinberg, Ph.D., undertook such a mission
and wrote a thought-provoking article, "Upgrading Cel-
lular Activity With Electromagnetism," for the Journal of
Borderland Research.
"For too many years now the scientific knowledge of
electromagnetics and its on cell life has
positive effects
been collecting dust and cobwebs on the shelves of igno-
rance, brought on by those special interests who fear the
Truth. We are now seeing a rebirth, if you will, with sci-
entists both professional and amateur, who are reviewing
the work of their predecessors and making improvements
in the mechanical application of magnetic fields,"
Steinberg writes.
He went to Russia in 1969 to gain a firsthand look at
the work being done there with electromagnetism. "In
several country homes for retirees," he said, "I was most
pleasantly surprised to see electromagnetism used daily
on most of the old should say young folks since
folks. I
many who claimed be over 100 years young, looked
and acted like fnost people at 50! The main object of the
Rejuvenation 135

E-M (electromagnetism) was to reverse the aging proc-

ess by altering the cellular structure. I was most anxious
to purchase a piece of equipment, but alas no sale.
"Seek and you shall find has always been one of my
dominant characteristics. So when I learned that Japan
was truly advanced in this field, having been using such
equipment since 1936, I decided to go there in 1970. I
sought out the one company that had been most produc-
tive in this field. They were most kind and cooperative. I
was introduced to several scientists who had done much
useful research. Their claims were backed up by scientific
facts and I was convinced that they had a well construct-
ed instrument, simple to use by anyone so desirous. They
named their equipment The Magnetizer."
Steinberg purchased a magnetizer and brought it back
to the United States where he immediately initiated re-
search with the device. "I can report that the results ob-
tained to date have been most favorable," he states, "after
nine months of experimentation. The magnetic flux gen-
erated by the coils can be measured accurately over any
part of the body, thus determining those areas where the
flux is penetrating as well as those where it is weak.
"Chemicals and pollution are surely contributing to an
unhealthy alteration in our cellular activity and human
magnetic field. It will be many years, if at all, before this
mess can be rectified and controlled. But in the meantime,
those who are aware and see the danger signals, will not
sit by and wait for the clean up, which may never happen.

Instead they will seek to upgrade their cellular activity so

that the body's natural resistance may be at peak ohms.
There is some indication that the aura force centers
known as chakras or vortexes are stimulated by electro-
According to Steinberg, he spent some time discussing
theory with the Japanese scientists and learned that the
magnetic flux is different from ordinary electric current,
which only flows along the surface of physical matter. It is
also different from X-rays that do not penetrate the
bones. On the other hand, the magnetic flux of ultra-long
waves generated by the magnetizer penetrates deeply in
muscles, fat, and bones and has an intensive effect on the
"Magnetic flux never causes unpleasant sensations on
the body, such as pain or shock, but instead produces
comfortable warm sensations," Steinberg claims. "These
sensations are also known as which
Joule's heat,
strengthens the function of the cell, and
corrects spasms
inflammations. When magnetic flux passes through tis-
sues, a secondary electric current called the eddy current
is created around the magnetic lines of force in the tissue

cells, which ionizes the protoplasm and rejuvenates the

tissues as a result of activating metabolism. Furthermore,

magnetic flux, in the process of penetrating the tissues,
works to increase hormone secretions. These maintain
youth by providing energy as a result of normalizing
function of the internal organs. Flux strongly stimu-
. . .

lates magnetic substances in the blood, like iron. Accord-

ingly, the hemoglobin in the blood vessels moves actively,
accompanying the lymph circulation, when the Magneti-
zer is turned on. The therapeutic effect is not singular but
collective, thus eliminating constitutional weakness."
Researchers in the field contend that electromagnetic
forces "must" influence the tissue rate of vibration. Drs.
Abrams and Drown postulated that tissues and organs
when vibrating at their optimum rate were healthy. If the
vibratory rate decreased, then disease occurred. Abrams
and Drown believed that if one could "beam in" with the
correct rate of electromagnetic vibration, the diseased tis-

sue or organs would use the force to increase its rate of

vibration and regeneration could take place. Some scien-
tists today, however, believe that Abrams and Drown
were too narrow with their concept inasmuch as with
their model it was necessary to learn the individual's rate
of vibration, or an organ's rate of vibration, before treat-
Rejuvenation 137

ment could take place. On the other hand, if a wide spec-

trum of vibrations is used, such as with the multiwave
oscillator, then one of the waves being produced will cor-
respond to that of the tissue or organ and treatment can
ensue. That is the theory, anyway, and a growing number
of case studies would indicate confirmation.
Considerable research will be necessary before any
conclusion can be reached as to the value of the pyramid
in the field of bioelectrics. We would not wish to indicate
otherwise. Nevertheless, the superficial and informal ex-
ploration of pyramid forces to date give us some reason
to believe that we are dealing with a structure producing
energy fields similar or identical to those produced by
other electromagnetic devices; the ncmdeterioration of or-
ganic materials; the youthful appearance of skin treated
with pyramid water; the healing properties, the unusual
subjective states of awareness, etc. Our hypothesis is that
the more we learn about energy fields, the more we will
understand pyramids, and the greater our understanding
of the forces at work within the pyramid, the more we can
contribute to energy field theories.
More than 50 years ago an English scientist, A. E.
Baines, stated in a paper entitled "The Origin and Prob-
lem of Life" that there are at least three things that mili-
tate against a continuance of vigorous life for prolonged
periods. One is physical deterioration; another is gradual
failure of generation of nerve force; and the third a falling
off in the production of certain glands that vitalize body
and brain.
"We have then, to deal with deficiencies, deficient
nerve force and, it may be, deficient insulation, the latter
with special regard to the effective functioning of certain
glands, which may receive a normal supply of energy but
by reason of defective insulation fail to retain or fully uti-
lize it," Baines stated, and continued, "Nor is that all.

The impulses which stimulate and activate our glands

pass from the brain through the secretory and if they are
not retained or utilized fresh demands are made upon the
brain to replace the wastage.
"First of all, we require a means of generating nerve
force in order to be able to supply For years we have

heard of a new force called Odic and Psychic by Sergeant

Fox and Sir William Crooks, respectively. It has been as-
sociated in the minds of most people with the occult,
probably because no one has yet been able to demon-
strate satisfactorily its nature, its value tohumanity, or
even to evolve it. The ancient Egyptians could, there is
reason to believe, do so and, but for the burning of the li-
brary in Alexandria, might have been disclosed before the
Christian era. My knowledge of the new force, which I
have called Vitic, came about in a curious way. Years of
residence in Egypt had created an interest in Egyptology,
an interest which, upon my returning to England, drew
me not infrequently to the galleries of the British Muse-
"In the bygone days of Egypt's greatness, scientific at-
tainment was confined to the priestly communities, and
they kept it from the outer and unlearned world under the

veil of an elaborate symbolism. Even then it appears like-

ly that the search for the Elixir of Life had begun. When,
one of the priests was
therefore, I noticed that a statue of
shown holding a cylinder one hand, my curiosity was
aroused and I determined upon an investigation. That the
reigning Pharoah was similarly equipped merely suggested
reasonable concession on the part of the priesthood, and
in no way negated the supposition that the cylinders or
short rods had some purpose or function of an important
nature of which they were symbolical in the statutory.
"The most prominent statue, a painted limestone por-
trait, dates back to about 3700 B.C., and is a royal per-

sonage named An-Kheft-Ka, who is shown holding a rod

in each hand, much in the manner that a runner holds
corks. In my belief, as I have said, these rods were sym-
bolical; but of what? Surely not of power; for that on the
Rejuvenation 139'

would have been

part of priestly communities to court di-
hands of a jealous and incensed Pharoah.
saster at the
What was the keynote of ancient Egyptian character?
Sensuality, perhaps; virility in greater probability; for
sensuality would not so freely advertise itself. That was
the conclusion to which I finally came. Diligent inquiry of
the authorities at the Museum elicited the astonishing fact
that nothing was known of the purpose or meaning of the
rods. They had no information whatever.
"Years of experiment followed in the effort to discover
something which when held in the hand would beneficial-
ly affect thenervous system. Finally it was found, by ac-
cident, in carbon. Hard carbon such as is used in arc
lamps will give out a certain amount of force which, ex-
perience has taught us, is not to be distinguished from
nerve force. But if the carbon is treated in such a manner
as to cause a violent disturbance of its molecules and then
specially hardened, the force evolved by it is greatly aug-
mented, and the rod becomes a real source of power, a
power that is so readily absorbed and stored by the uni-
polar ganglion cells that a five-minutes' charge remains
effective for at least twelve hours."
Writing of Baines's hypothesis that an electric wave is

not simple but compound, Dr. White Robertson stated in

his book, Electro-Pathology, published in 1918: "That
the second alternative is not far-fetched is suggested by a
recent discovery of Baines, that by a special hardening
process applied to ordinary arc-carbon, a 'new force' has
been found to reside in the altered carbon which can be
conveyed to and stored in the body for a period of several
hours by simply holding these in the hand, with the result
that subnormal galvanometric deflections are enormously
enhanced; and already we have been able to observe
gratifying changes in cases of nervous breakdown ap-
parently by increasing the nerve charge through these
carbons. What this force is we do not as yet know, nor is
it known to the eminent physicists and physiologists to
whom we have demonstrated it. It is not magnetic. And if
it differs from an electric charge in that it is not readily
diffused, but is, as registered by the galvanometer over a
period of twelve hours, stored probably in the unipolar
ganglia of the nervous system."
The Practitioner, June 1914,
In an article published in
Dr. J. Home
Wilson wrote of Baines's discovery "In this
connection (nerve deafness), I may mention that a rod of
carbon, which has its molecular condition altered in a
similar way to that of iron when it is converted into a
magnet, has a most remarkable effect on the body deflec-
tions. If held in the right hand, it produces an off-scale
positive deflection (on the galvanometer), and an off-
scale negative if held in the left hand. If held in contact
with the right side of the body for five or ten minutes, it

makes the hand-to-hand deflections strongly positive,

and has exactly the opposite effect if held on the left side

of the body. What this force is I do not at present pretend

to say, but it has a marked influence on the electrical
conditions of the body, though no direct influence upon
the terminals of the galvanometer. It evidently charges the
body with a force akin to nerve energy, as it is retained
for a much longer period than electricity is."

And Wilson wrote in the July 25, 1914 issue of The

Medical Times: "This form of energy will raise the nerve
currents to normal. The rod held in the right hand acts as
a stimulant without any depressing after-effect, and in the
left hand a sedative. Under its stimulating influence the

nervous system is generally benefited; mental fatigue rap-

idly disappears, and morbid conditions such as neuras-
thenia, insomnia, and feeble action of the heart readily
yield to it.

"The second cylinder shown in the left hand of An-

Kheft-Ka was probably of minor importance and was
not of the nature of carbon, as that would have neutral-
ized the charge^ It was, I have little doubt, fashioned from
Rejuvenation 14T

a piece of magnetic iron ore. Magnetism applied to the

left side of the body stimulates the heart action, but only
so long as the body remains within the magnetic field. The
properties of magnetic iron ore —and perhaps these prop-
erties —were known to the Chinese in olden times, and
also to the earlier Greeks who, as likely as not, gained
their knowledge from the Egyptians.
"If two rods are held, the carbon in the right hand and
the permanent magnet in the left, the effect is accentu-
ated; but while the charge imparted by the carbon en-
dures for some twelve hours, that exerted by the magnet
ceases to be operative upon relinquishment."
The account by A. E. Baines leaves much to be de-
sired. It would help if we had some knowledge of what his
"years of experiment" were more specifically devoted to,
and by what "accident" the force was found in carbon,
and how it was that he determined that arc-carbon gives
out "a certain amount of force not to be distinguished
from nerve force." It would also help to know what the
preliminary treatment of carbon should be, and what is
meant by the "special hardening" process. We are offered
no insights as to how he knows that this force is then
greatly augmented and that it is stored by the unipolar
ganglion cells. It would seem that Dr. Robertson accepted
the statements as factual, although he provides no further
information. He did offer, however, several conclusions
gleaned from his own research. The information provided
by Dr. Wilson in his two articles apparently is provided
from his own study and research.
The objective evidence seems to be limited to readings
on the galvanometer. A number of reports of beneficial
results from having used the rods have been collected
over the years by the Borderland Sciences Research
Foundation. Yet, we cannot overlook the possibility that
suggestionmay play an important part. Efforts have been
made with most of the experiments to reduce or even
eliminate suggestion as having an influence, but common
sense tells us that definite conclusions cannot be drawn. It

would seem necessary to seek further verification that

both normal and subnormal galvanometric deflections are
increased by use of the carbon rods. Also, there is a need
to determine whether the effects are forthcoming only
from carbon or whether similar results can be ob-

tained from using rods made of other metals, and with

and without the magnet. Further, there is a need to verify
the claim that the force or energy can be stored in the
body for several hours after the rods are used.
If these experiments are verified and it is determined

that some energy field does enter and is stored in the hu-
man b°dy using the rods, we will still need to demonstrate
the connection, based primarily on the similarity between
the results obtained in both areas of investigation. One of
these interesting parallels concerns the variation in results
obtained by different individuals. Whether using the car-
bon rod or the pyramid, most subjects have reported ben-
A few have claimed the carbon rod overstim-
eficial results.

them even to the extent that they cannot sleep.

And a small number of subjects have claimed they can
stay in the pyramids for a very short time without getting
headaches or feeling in some manner upset. In both cases,
the "charge" is apparently too much for them.
On the other hand, quite a large number of people
have told us that they feel vitalized and "more alive" after
spending some time inside a pyramid. Not only are their
perceptions sharpened but senations seem enlivened.
One interesting story was told us by a man's wife. In
his early fifties, he built a pyramid after hearing one of
our lectures and started treating water in it. He used the
water on his house plants but also started drinking it reg-
ularly. A few weeks later, his wife said to us, "I think
I'm going to have to cut Henry's water off or start drink-
ing it with him," When we queried her, she confessed,
Rejuvenation 143'

"Well, I think he must be regressing to his twenties or

thirties. He hasn't been this sexually aroused for years!"

Al Manning, director of E.S.P. Laboratory, Los

Angeles, relates that author David Sinclair spent several
minutes in a pyramid and had to step out as he became
dizzy. The strange feeling remained with him after he re-
turned home. He canceled out on a party and instead
took a nap. Yet, when he awakened three hours later, ac-
cording to Manning, Sinclair felt like he had slept for
It should be remembered that, according to our experi-

ments with germination and plant growth, the energy field

within a pyramid was not always the same. In the carbon
rod experiments, the magnet allegedly is the acting force
upon the cells of the body and attracts the carbon. Mag-
nefts placed near plants have reportedly increased their

growth, while magnets placed inside pyramids seem to re-

tard growth —
again, an apparent matter of too great a
charge, or perhaps, a negation of one energy field by an-
Another source that credits the ancient Egyptians with
a knowledge of energy fields and their effects on rejuve-
nation of the human body is the strange journal of Count
Stefan Colonna Walewski, A System of Caucasian Yoga,
This was the first and probably the only edition of the
Count's journal and it was published by the Falcon's
Wing Press in 1955.
The editor's preface to the journal states: "Count Ste-
fan Colonna Walewski's outer life was that of a well-
known collector and dealer and antiquities
in oriental art
and in anthropological curios.
His shop, Esoterica, was
not only a famous New York connoisseur's landmark but
the gateway of another world, in which magic, demons
and talismans were as real as subways and neon signs.
The Count firmly believed that he attracted these strange
objects to him by a sort of higher magnetism of which he
knew the workings; and his unrivaled collection seemed to
prove his point.
"Few knew, however, that behind Count Walewski's
constant kindnesses to his fellow man and his expert

knowledge the two main faces of his external life there—
lay an intense inner life and search for life's hidden se-
crets. Few knew that before the 1920s, in the Caucasus
mountains (between the Black and Caspian seas, on the
border between Turkey and Russia) he had been vouch-
safed some of those secrets by two initiates of a rarely
encountered secret society, which combined indigenous
doctrines and those of yoga with teachings stemming from
a mystical tradition of ancient Zoroastrianism. Walewski
never saw his teachers again, and he himself assumed no
personal credit for their teachings, which were merely
handed on to him under oath not to reveal the source.
Their instructions, received in Persian and Russian, were
transcribed in a manuscript notebook from his own note-
book, by the Count, when he later arrived in America,
coming first with a Polish diplomatic commission. The
English of the transcription is halting and the orthography
often incorrect as Count Walewski possessed but an im-
perfect knowledge of English at that time."
In this journal is found the following: "IX L Arcane.
Recharging nervous energy. A way used in ancient Egypt
for strengthening of currents of energy within the body. It
was shown in the figures, using the second Master Arcane
exercise. Two
rods clasped in the hands of standing fig-
ures, were the grips of tremendous power, akin to elec-
tricity (secondary electricity), which when the grips were
held in the hand released this energy into the body, to be
stored in unipolar ganglias, and spinal fluid, raising the
potential of energy 100%, and lasting for a day and a
night, 24 hours."
Again, the importance of this information to pyramid
research seems to rest with the question as to what extent
the ancient Egyptians understood the nature of energy
Rejuvenation 14J

fields. If they knew how to produce and make use of these

forces, then it is. not unreasonable to assume that in their
greatest accomplishment — the Great Pyramid — they
made use of this knowledge.

Sir W. Siemens, a British inventor, stood in amazement

atop the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, watching sparks issue
from the raised fingers of his Arab guide. He claimed the
phenomena produced a distinct ringing sound. Over 200
years ago, Nathaniel Davidson, the British consul-genera]
in Algeria, stood in theGrand Gallery of the Great Pyra-
mid and noted the strange resonance in echoes reverbera-
ting from his voice.
The presence of sound apparently is not limited to the
great stone pyramid. A number of individuals have told
us they heard unusual sounds while inside pyramid mod-
els. The reports vary as the experiences affect persons

differently, but most mentioned a "kind of distant ring-

ing" or "echoing." The sound seemed to correspond to im-
pressions of "tingling" or "vibrations from within." We
discovered that other pyramid experimenters had similar
Evidence that the pyramid shape acts as a sound reso-
The Voice of the Pyramid 147

nator and apparently produces beneficial vibrations can'

be drawn from the parallel effects from experiments with
sound and with pyramid replicas. Musical tones have
been used to seemingly affect healing, change material
substances, and influence plant growth, and subjects and
objects subjected to pyramid power experience similar
metamorphoses. Apparently sound waves are a form of
energy and energy affects cells.

Sound was thought to be the principle tool of healing

by the ancients, including the Egyptians, who used chants
and sounding instruments to manipulate energy fields and
bring about balance in the body. Pythagoras taught that
sound was a creative force and that music held therapeu-
tic benefits to the body. He claimed that he had learned
this in the mystery schools of Egypt. If sound was held in
high regard by the Egyptians it seems reasonable to as-
sume that they would have incorporated this principle in
their most impressive structure, the Great Pyramid.
Sound vibrations apparently were associated with crea-
tion, whether of the world or individual life patterns. "In
the beginning was the Word." "Word" has been translat-
ed in various ways from "Logos," as law, archetypal pat-
terns, etc. Philo wrote: "His image is the Word, a form
more brilliant than fire. . The Logos is the vehicle by
. .

which God acts on the universe, and may be compared to

the speech of man." The translations would seem to indi-
cate the importance of vibration rather than the meaning
of words.
A study of ancient cultures reveals that Chinese healers
used "singing stones" in their rituals. These were thin, flat
plates of jade which, when struck, gave off musical tones.
They called the Great Tone of Nature, "Kung," which
corresponds to our musical note of F. The Sufis consider
"Hu" to be the creative sound. Tibetans consider the
notes of A, F sharp, and G
to be powerful sacred sounds.
The sound of "AUM" is familiar to those persons ac-
quainted with chants used in meditation. Our Christian
"Amen," was derived from the older "AUM," which rep-
resented all of the sounds that the human voice was capa-
ble of expressing and was, therefore, associated with the
creative principle of the universe.
The ancient mystery schools associated rhythm with
.the body, melody with the emotions, and harmony lifted
consciousness to spiritual awareness. It is interesting to

note that persons hearing a sound or feeling a vibration

while inside a pyramid have done so after directing their
attention inward in efforts to elevate consciousness.
The woman, who many years ago introduced me
(Schul) to metaphysical pursuits, has become the fore-
most exponent of the use of sound for therapeutic pur-
poses. Laurel Elizabeth Keyes, a Denver author and lec-
turer,has developed a system of using the voices to bring
balance to the body. Called "toning," she refers to it as
the "lostword" once used by ancient healers.
While we were recently visiting her retreat in the Colo-
rado mountains, she told us, "We create with words and
with sound. Nearly all our actions and reactions result
from words. It is generally accepted that we cannot think
without words or symbols, and that our thinking is limited .

to them. Words are tools. It is important to have a good

selection at our command. Beneath these words are the
vibrations of the tone upon which they travel. Tone is the
underlying force operating in our lives. To understand
this,enhances our ability to create what we wish and to
give form and substance to the ideas in our minds. Sound,
I believe, is the meeting place of the abstract and the
manifested idea."
The began for Mrs. Keyes one day
practice of toning
after a study group hadand she was standing alone in

the room, enjoying the stillness that remains after such a

meeting. "I noticed a sensation in my chest and throat, as
though a force was rising/ wanting to be released in
sound. It was the feeling that might cause one to burst
into song — for •no known reason." (It is interesting to
The Voice of the Pyramid 149

note that a number of persons have reported these same

sensations while sitting in pyramids.)
"The feeling roseand subsided, but I was doing noth-
ing to cause Mrs. Keyes continued. "It had a volition

of its own and an apparent desire for expression. It was

an odd experience to watch and feel, without making any
effort to direct or control it. I found my lips parting, my
mouth opening in an easy, relaxed manner. Unexpectedly,
a sound bubbled up and a single syllable emerged: 'Ra.' I
couldn't have beenmore astonished. I did not use Egyp-
tian termsand we had not been discussing that culture in
our study group. Why the sound took that form was as
bewildering to me as if a foreign language might have
sprung from my throat. I would liken it to a bird that had
been caged all its life and suddenly found the cage door
"I did not take a deep breath, as a singer, but the note
was sustained, as though supplied by a limitless source.
And it went into heights I couldn't have reached normally
since my voice is rather low.
"I decided I must have been in some phase of medita-
tive state, so Itaped the sound to evaluate it later in a
more rational mood. When I listened to the recording the
next day, I was amazed. It was not my voice. It belonged
to my body, but I had never been able to use it in this
manner before."
Mrs. Keyes, who has studied under a number of East-
ern and Western teachers, found that toning burst through
mental restrictions and released tensions. However, she
soon discovered it provided more than that. Each time
she toned, her body felt exhilarated; there was a feeling of
wholeness and extreme well being.
Curious about the results, Mrs. Keyes turned to a
friend with clairvoyant vision who had correctly diag-
nosed a number of ailments and asked her to watch the
body- voice in expression. The woman saw the tone as a
force with a swirling movement. It appeared to draw
magnetic currents up from the earth through the feet and
limbs, and rose in a spiral of light to the throat area.
"When I let the sound pass out, with no attempt to
control it, it seemed to cleanse the entire body, releasing
tensions in congested areas. Afterward, thebody had a
feeling of balance, like an engine that has been over-
hauled or a violin that has been tuned. The clairvoyant
friend noticed that if, at first, I decided to direct the tone
before was free, the force collapsed back into the solar

plexus area, where it tightened into feelings I might inter-

pret as frustration, anxiety, and annoyance."
Following her newly discovered sound-idea through
other cultures, Grecian, Egyptian, Persian, Indian, Amer-
ican Indian, and other primitive peoples, Mrs. Keyes
found it was related to the oldest methods of healing,
where two things prevailed in most ancient healing ritu-
als: sound or chanting, and rhythmic body movements,

either in dance or stomping.

Recent scientific theories developed along the lines of
field theory have substantiated Mrs. Keyes's concept that

every living thing has a field containing a pattern of per-

fection for manifestation. The pattern for a flower is in
the seed, of the bird within the egg. Interference with the
field will change the pattern, and illness or malformations
will result.
She explains that as tone goes out, it collects substance
from the world around it, forming a very tangible mani-
festation such as that seen by the cobweblike dust parti-
cles that collect in the pattern made by air currents from
a furnace or window. When fine sand or sugar is sprin-
kled on a drumhead and put in contact with vibrations
coming from a violin or piano, the granules take on
various geometric patterns, evidence that sound can move
matter and vibrations can cause changes in the molecular
"Voice is vibrations," Mrs.Keyes stated. "It follows
that the mannei*in which we use our voice is perhaps the
The Voice of the Pyramid 151

most important factor in affecting the molecular structure

of our body. Whining voices attract negative conditions. I
found that people who speak in that manner are seldom
free of problems. A person who has a hostile, condemning
voice seems to attract violence, accidents, strokes, and
heart attacks. By getting a person to change his tone of
voice, he begins to change his life. I came to the conclu-
sion that, if the willpower is controlled by the subcon-
scious mind, the conscious use of the voice bypasses its

hold and frees the will to be used however the mind

By releasing tension and stimulating circulation and
nerve energy in the body, Mrs. Keyes says she finds ton-
ing a natural way of healing. It releases a pattern of per-
fection within each person. These concepts parallel close-
ly those proposed by Reich as regards orgone energy,
ideas surrounding the multiwave oscillator, the Eeman
screens, Edgar Cayce's wet-cell battery ideas, the theories
of Dr. John Pierrakos, and reports of influence of pyra-
mid power.
In order to better understand why thoughts and emo-
tions affect the body, Mrs. Keyes refers to the colloidal
structure* (described in the chapter on healing). From
atom, to molecule, to colloid, she points out that we are
dealing with an energy form, easily influenced by vibra-
tion.She believes that toning, chanting, verbal prayer,
electrotherapy,and the conscious use of the voice in calm
and confidence give a needed positive charge to the miles
of colloidal surface in the person.
One notable example of the effectiveness of toning
deals with a woman who suffered from mononucleosis
and had been sent home, in her own conviction, to die.
"She was bedridden and so weak it was difficult for her to
speak on the telephone," Mrs. Keyes said. She explained
the toning idea to the woman and asked her to repeat
simple sentences such as "I am going to get out of bed
and do things I want to do," in a thrusting, positive way.
"Give it more thrust," Mrs. Keyes told her and finally,

with some indignation, the woman responded, "I am

thrusting my
words out."
From that moment, Mrs. Keyes recalls, it seemed the
force was reversed from negative to positive polarity. The
next day, the woman was not only out of bed, but doing
housework, and on the third day she drove to a nearby
town to hear a lecture. There was no return of the illness.
Apparently, changing her voice pattern began the change
of her health.
But the problem may not always lie in the area of pain.
One demonstration Mrs. Keyes remembers was a man
who volunteered to have a headache relieved. "He had
been suffering increasing and intensifying headaches," she
recalls."I started toning at his feet, and as the sound
moved up, I traced it up to the inside of his leg, around
the hip and to the back, up the back to. his neck, and fi-
nally to his head. But I could not hold the sound in the
head area because it couldn't get past a 'sticky' place in
his foot.
" 'I'm sorry,' I told him, 'but the trouble seems to be in
your left foot'
" 'Nothing is wrong with my feet,' he insisted.
" 'Would you please sit and press the" inside of your
foot arch. This is puzzling me very much.'
"He sat down. He was wearing flat, hard-soled sandals.
He began probing the area of the arch and he let out a
yell. 'Wow! That is sore.'

"He was a heavy man and wearing that type of sandal

gave no support to his arch. Having found the source of
the pain, we worked the sound all the way up, and he
found the headache eased and, in a short time, was gone.
"When I demonstrate this technique," Mrs. Keyes
added, "it is in no manner to imply I am a healer. It's
only to convince people that sound they produce can have
an effect upon their bodies."
One of Mrs. Keyes's first demonstrations was for a
The Voice of the Pyramid 153,

young woman who stopped off in Denver feeling too ill to

continue her flight to New
York. According to Mrs.
Keyes, she had the flu, a very stiff neck, and was very
weak and unable to eat for several days. She also had a
violent headache.
"Two of us toned for her for about fifteen minutes. I
had been standing with my hands together, as in a prayer
position, just under my chin. I felt a power build up in my
hands as I toned, and I said to the woman, 'Ask what you
will, but be sure you want it. I feel it will be released to

"The woman didn't open her eyes. She mumbled 'I
want to be free of this sickness and whatever caused it.' I
opened my hands and held them, palms out toward her.
She convulsed in the chair as though she had received an
electric shock. She sat up and asked, 'What happened?'
"We could not answer. We stood with our mouths
open, too surprised to speak. One thing that I had been
taught was never to let fear in, no matter what you are
doing. If we could have, we would have been frightened,
but we just The woman sat up straight,
stood watching.
twisted her head from side to side freely, amazed 'It's
free; no pain. What has happened? I feel wonderful.'
Then she stood up, walked about the room, and kept say-
ing, T feel wonderful. I can't believe it! I don't believe in
miracles. This can't have happened, but I feel wonderful,
I never felt better. And I'm hungry.'
"The young woman said she felt as though she was
walking on air. We drove her to the airport and, while we
waited for her plane, she ordered a large lunch and ate it
with relish. She told us later she retained that exalted
feeling for the rest of the day and even into the next day,
when, after working office, she felt normal again.
at her
All symptoms of the illness were gone."
It has been suggested by some that if one toned, reso-

nating the sound in a particular part of the brain that con-

trolled the afflicted area of the body, correction might be
made through that means, a kind of sona-acupuncture of
the brain.
When one has a pain in the body, Mrs. Keyes believes,
one begins toning as low as the voice can reach, and
slowly raises the pitch, as a siren sound rises.
"One will find there is a tone which resonates with pain
and relieves tension," Mrs. Keyes stated. "This is all done
with sensitivity to feeling. To get the idea, place your fin-
ger against your nose and hum, directing the sound to
that spot. Notice the sensation. While this is not as defi-
nite in other parts of the body, it can be determined, and
that is the tone that will relieve pain. Every pain has a

companion tone and by pulsating the tone softly for a

time the pain will be relieved or eliminated. It is an
escape valve for the pain because it is breaking up the
tension we label 'pain' and it brings new life energy to
that place. It is an inner sonar message.
"Many times during public lectures I have asked some-
one in the audience who has a pain to oome up and let
this technique be demonstrated. As I stand facing the
person, eyes closed and concentrating on the feeling of
the sound, I start toning very low and slowly, letting the
sound scan the body. When the sound returns to me from
the afflicted area, I know it. It is an indescribable sensa-
tion —sticky and thick. There is no proper word for it,
but it is noticeable. To help the person concentrate upon
the exact area of distress, I ask him if the sound would
seem more comfortable a little higher or lower. Then I
pulsate the sound in a rhythmic manner until my body
sighs. Then
reach a high note with the feeling of ener-

own source of energy and let the

gizing the person's
sound sweep down, flushing through the body perhaps
two or three times."
To Keyes advices, stand erect,
practice toning, Mrs.
feet several inches apart. Stretch the arms high and let
them drop back, shoulders swinging on the spine in per-
fect balance. The eyes must be closed. Then begin to look
The Voice of the Pyramid 155 -

inward and feel. To counteract the usual tendency to cave

in and bend forward, the torso must ride on the pelvic
structure, with the hip bones protruding a little. Standing
erect should cause no strain but give an easy, relaxed
"It is natural for the body to be held in a rigid posi-
tion," Mrs. Keyes stated. "Let it sway slightly to get the
feeling of life's pulsations within it."
"Feeling this magical process of aliveness within and
around you, let your body speak," she states in her book

on toning, —
Toning The Creative Power of the Voice,
published by DeVorss & Company. "Relax the jaws so
the teeth are slightly parted. Let sound come up from it;
not down upon it, but up, from your feet. Let the body
groan. Encourage it to be vocal. Always start with low
"Let the body groan as long as it likes. You may think
you have nothing to groan about, but you'll be surprised.
All the hurts you have received are buried in your sub-
conscious, and groaning offers them release. Once the
door is opened, repressed feelings begin to flow out. The
groan may burst into protests, or the voice may soar off
into birdlike singing or spontaneous outbursts of worship
or prayer.
"Whatever happens, don't let the mind influence it,"
Mrs. Keyes cautions. "Make the sound obedient; be still.
Watch, learn something of the host of this body in which
you, as consciousness, are only a guest.
"The session may last only ten minutes but, when the
body feels cleansed, a sigh will be released and you will
know the body-voice is satisfied. The involuntary sigh is

the signal. You

good, as though something has been
accomplished and you have brought yourself together into
a harmonious whole.
"As soon as the sigh is released and cleansing for that
time is complete, something must be offered to fill the
emptied cup. If possible, sit down for a few moments and

enjoy a book of inspiration. Whatever you do afterward,
you will be aware that you have 'fastened the light' in
yourself for the day."
Laurel Keyes's suggestion of swaying "to get the feeling
of life's may be a natural movement of
various forms responding to energy vibrations or to

what some scientists have referred to as the "music of the

We experimented with the influence of musical tones
on plants inside pyramids. Mrs. Keyes pointed out that
sound can be either constructive or destructive. This con-
cept would correspond to experiments with energy field
intensities where —
as described elsewhere in this book
forces can be beneficial or detrimental depending upon
the intensity. This seemed to occur when we placed an
oscillator inside a pyramid with the capacitor plate next
to a plant. Producing 7,000 cycles per second, the plant
next to the plate stopped the swaying movement. Another
plant not in line with the capacitor plate but still inside
the pyramid continued to gyrate but at a reduced rate.
When the tone was reduced to 500 cycles per second, the
plant next to the plate still remained motionless but the
second plant started gyrating at twice the amplitude as
before the sound was produced. The rate was then raised
to 1,000 cycles per second and while the first plant still
maintained suspended animation the second plant reached
its optimum movement, according to our time-lapse
films. Apparently, the 1,000 cycle rate was the "right"
one for the second plant. However, rather than the musi-
cal tone being too intense for the motionless plant, as we
first surmised, later experiments led us to believe that the

inhibiting factors were the aluminum in the capacitor

plate and, possibly, the permanenf^magnet in the speaker.
For those interested in trying this experiment we would
suggest that they place the speaker outside the pyramid
but against the ^ide in order to vibrate the pyramid with-
The Voice of the Pyramid 157

out aluminum, magnets or electrical circuitry inside to in-

hibit or overload the energy field.
One of the more exciting experiments with the influ-
ence of sound on forms was conducted by Mrs.

Dorothy Retallack, a professional mezzo-soprano and the

wife of a Denver physician. While completing some stud-
ies at Temple Buell College in Denver, Mrs. Retallack
wanted to test her theory that music has an important in-
fluence on life forms. She chose plants as the medium for
study and working with biology professor Francis F. Bro-
man, Mrs. Retallack subjected a number of plants to rock
music played by a local radio station and another group
of experimental plants to classical music played by an-
other station.
The plants leaned away from the rock music, some at
80-degree angles. Their root structures were shallow and
also grew away from the music. The plant stems and
leaves were small, fragile, and some died within a few
days after the "treatment" started. Petunias refused to
bloom. On the other hand, squash vines wrapped them-
selves around the radio playing harmonious classical and
religious music. Six lovely blossoms appeared on the pe-
tunia plants. Roots of all plants were vigorous and the
plants large and sturdy.
Excited about the results, Mrs. Retallack continued her
experiments for another year. She enlarged the scope of
her researoh, was careful to check all possible variables
between experimental and control plants. The results
were the same. Photographers from Empire magazine of
the Denver Post photographed the growth of the plants
and verified the findings.
We visited with Mrs. Retallack during a trip to Denver.
"I just can't help but believe," she told us, "that my ex-
periments have greater significance than just a study of
plant growth. This is just another piece of evidence point-
ing to the interrelationships of all life forms. What is hap-
pening to plants cannot be isolated and this phenomena
has application, I believe, to all life forms. I strongly feel
that future investigations will reveal that some combina-
tion of harmonic sounds will improve human growth and
heal illness. My research will find its place in the current
investigations of energy fields. We
have reason to believe
the ancients possessed this knowledge; our task is to re-
discover it."

Dr. Dale Kretchman, professor of horticulture at the

Ohio Agriculture Experimental station, explains research
such as that of Mrs. Retallack as indicative of high-
frequency sounds altering the cells of growth regulators.
Dr. George Milstein, retired dentist and lecturer on botan-
ical subjects, tested Dr. Kretchman's theory under labora-
tory conditions and found that musically treated plants
grow faster than control plants. Using his record album,
"Music to Grow Plants By," released by Pickwick Interna-
tional, Dr. Milstein said that one plant bloomed in six
months when it usually takes two years.
Indian literature abounds with references to plants re-
sponding to music and to test such legends Dr. T.C.N.
Singh of Annamalai University in southern India initiated
a series of experiments in the 1950s. He discovered that
seeds germinated in one-third the normal time. In ex-
ploringmeans of increasing plant growth of seedlings, Dr.
Singh found that overdoses of sound waves withered
plants, but a particular tune was played during a par-

ticular time each day, the plants responded with faster

and healthier growth; also a high yield. Flutes or violins
playing Indian classical music was the most effective, and
it was also found that each plant had its own choice of

It was Dr. Singh's contention that music stimulates a
higher production of oxygen, as much as 60 to 100 per-
cent. As the plant's output of oxygen is directiy propor-
tional to the food manufactured by it, the stimulated
plants are able*to synthesize a larger amount of nourish-
The Voice of the Pyramid 159

ment than the control plants. After many years of experi-

mentation, Dr. Singh concluded that repeated musical
stimulation brings about. positive changes in the chromo-
some arrangement of certain plant cells.
Brett L. Bolton quotes Dr. Singh in The Secret Power
of Plants as saying, "After all, not a myth; it is a
sound is

definite, measurable, physical phenomena charged with

energy, like the light and heat that so abundantly affect
plant metabolism and growth."
The Department of Agriculture of the Indian state of
Pondicherry started experimenting with Dr. Singh's con-
cepts in 1958 in efforts to improve crops. Tests of rice,
sugar, and tapioca revealed an astonishing increase of be-
tween 28 and 61 percent of the experimental crops over
the control ones. The yield of straw was increased as
much 75 percent.
Hearing of Dr. Singh's work, George E. Smith, a re-
search scientist with the Mangelsdorf Seed Company of
St. Louis, decided to test the Indian's theories in his
company's greenhouses. He planted several flats of corn
and soybeans. The control plants were placed in a green-
house without the benefit of music and the experimental
plants were placed in a separate greenhouse in which a
phonograph played Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" 24
hours a day for 20 days. The Gershwin plants sprouted
earlier and grew larger than the control plants. The next
experiment Smith performed in the fields. "Rhapsody in
Blue," along with several other songs were played to the
experimental plants via a loudspeaker on top of a tall
pole. Once again, germination occurred earlier, plant
growth was larger and the treated corn outyielded the
control corn by 20 bushels to the acre. Subsequent exper-
iments have confirmed the results.
"Experiments have shown that a short burst of light
energy can 'wake up' a plant and make it grow even in
darkness," Bolton quoted Smith as saying. He added,
"This, of course, has no bearing on my experiments, but
itdoes indicate that bursts of energy in various forms may
touch off unique effects of which we aren't aware."
Sound, of course, is one division or portion of a known
spectrum of energy among which there may well be a vast
range of spectrums yet undiscovered. While the Bible and
other ancient literature refers to the use of sound, and the
ancient Greeks felt it was necessary to make music in
their gymnasiums to balance and temper, the mind and
soul, centuries have slipped by without sound being taken
seriously except by way of pleasure and verbal com-
munication. But Indian fakirs still play tunes to control
their captured cobras, weightlifters still grunt before they
lift, a practitioner of mantram yoga continues to repeat
his chant over and over again, and a karate expert still
gives a sharp cry before he strikes, all releasing and giving
direction to an energy force. Likely they use sound not
because they have a theory but because they have discov-
ered it works for them. Maybe the rest of us, demon-
strating that sound works with our plants and pyramids,,
will continue to ask why long enough that someday we
will understand the reason the Egyptian-trained Pytha-
goras insisted that in -his schools various kinds of music
were to be used for various activities. More pieces of the
puzzle are being collected every day.

Stillness built ominous walls around me; I (Schul) was

cut off, separated from my reality checks, and I touched
my face, my legs, the floor on which I sat, to orient my-
self in space. It retreated and came back to press upon
me. The stillness grew, became heavier, and finally shout-
ed at me from its anti-sound existence. I listened. My
whole being became the verb listen. And then I wasn't.
How long I sat there, curled yoga style, in the darkness
I do not know. All was suspended, but from somewhere
there slipped in a fragment of time and some small rent in
space and I was again. It was me, I knew that, remem-
bered that, and I constructed me again me on a con-
. . .

crete floor, inside a plastic pyramid, inside a wooden

building, inside a garden, inside a universe. A car passed
in the street outside and not too distant two dogs in-
formed one another of certain territorial rights. I collected
reality items from outside, the car and then another, the

dogs, gusts of wind breathing heavily through the leaves
of the elms.
Once collected, I found I could release the items and
settle within myself again. The stillness came back but
this time to share rather than demand and a great, per-
meating sense of contentment seemed to envelope me. I
was and would remain; no other source for the peaceful-
ness than this.
After a while I became aware that I had moved. I was
standing and directly in front of me, my feet touching the
base, was the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. This realization
did not seem strange to me
I was nearly overcome,
however, by the immensity of the mountain. I stood in
awe for some time, looking up at its apex. Quite suddenly,
I was inside the pyramid. It was not a room or passage-
way in which I found myself and yet I did not seem en-
cased in stone and while definitely within the structure I

could still look up and see the apex. Just as quickly, that
scene changed and I was inside the King's Chamber. I

went forward to the stone sarcophagus and lay down

within it, seemingly as a matter of course, closed my eyes,
breathed deeply, and waited. Without opening my eyes, I
became aware that there were several entities in atten-
dance. They were sending silent messages to me. I lifted
out of my body and hovered about the chamber and saw
my body in the coffer but was disinterested in it. I seemed
to be moving out of the chamber and toward another sec-
tion of the pyramid, but just as suddenly as before the
scene changed. It was no longer the Great Pyramid; it was
a nine-foot plastic model. This metamorphosis startled
me; the other had seemed so real.

I struggled for several minutes with my disappoint-

ment. As I was planning on spending the night inside the
pyramid, I lay down on the cot. Yet I could not sleep as I
tried to understand what had happened to me. Clearly, I
had not been ^sleep and dreaming, for the physical signs
The Pyramid & Altered States of Consciousness 163,

of entering and coming out of sleep were not present. I

was equally sure it had not been a matter of fantasizing,
for I had not gone through the usual mental constructs. I
had been meditating at the time and the most plausible
explanation seemed to be an experience of mental projec-
tion. If it was an out-of-the-body experience, it was as
real on one level as an actual physical experience.
Paul Brunton's account of his night alone in the Great
Pyramid kept coming back to me. In the early 1930s
writer-philosopher Dr. Paul Brunton was granted the
highly unprecedented privilege of spending the night in-
side the Pyramid. He tells of the experience in A Search
in Secret Egypt. As far as is known no one had stayed
overnight in the Pyramid for a hundred years, nor has
anyone since Brunton. He was told that it was not al-
lowed and only gained permission after great persistence.
It is a commonly held belief of the natives of the area, as
well as many others, that the Pyramid is haunted. Strange
tales have been told through the ages of beings within
who come alive at night and stalk the passageways. Those
daring to stay after sunset invite the curse of the pharoahs
and if they should by chance live through the ordeal they
would be hopelessly insane.
It is the custom to lock the iron gate of the entrance at

sundown and Brunton was told that no exception could

be made. Once inside, he was virtually a prisoner during
the hours of darkness. He moved through the narrow
passageways, confronted by large bats and looming unex-
pected shadows of himself cast by his flashlight beam. He
arrived in the King's Chamber, sat down beside the cof-
finlike sarcophagus, turned and waited.
off the light,
He achieved a passive, receptive state of mind and de-
termined to hold the contemplative state throughout the
long night.
The atmosphere of the room became very real to him,
and the feeling grew that he was not alone, "that some-


thing animate and living was throbbing into existence. . . .

Quickly found that the sensing of invisible life around


me rapidly rose into complete certainty." .

Brunton struggled with his feelings of fear and the

"nameless dread" that flickered into his heart, and tried to
maintain his meditative position on the floor. "Shadows
began to flit to and fro in the shadowless room; gradually
these took more definite shape, and malevolent counte-
nances appeared suddenly quite close to my own face.
Sinister images rose plainly before my mind's eye. Then a
dark apparition advanced, looked at me with fixed sinister
regard and raised its hands in a gesture of menace, as
though seeking to inspire me with awe. ." . .

Every effort seemed to be made to drive him from his

vigil. "At last the climax came. Monstrous elemental cre-

ations, evil horrors of the underworld, forms of grotesque,

insane, uncouth and fiendish aspect gathered around me
and afflicted me with unimaginable repulsion. In a few
minutes I lived through something which will leave a re-
membered record behind for all time. That incredible
scene remains vividly photographed upon my mem-
ory. ..
But the end came with "startling suddenness." All be-
came quiet within the stone vault. Then a new presence
made known. The atmosphere changed from one of

foreboding and evil to one of pureness and sanity. Brun-

ton experienced the entrance of a friendly and benevolent
being and then another. They approached him and were
seen as tall, white-robed figures. "Indeed, they looked
more than men, bearing the bright mien of demi-gods;
for their faces were set in unique cloistral calm."
After he was observed for some time, Brunton was told
that he should nothave come, that he should "follow the
path appointed for mortal feet." When he stated that he
had to follow the path he had chosen and could not be
persuaded to leave, the being whom he likened to an
Egyptian high priest spoke to him. "So be it. Thou hast

The Pyramid 5c Altered States of Consciousness 165

chosen. Abide by thy choice for there is now no recall.

When the first figure was gone, the second figure moved
closer. "My son," he said, "the mighty lords of the secret
powers have taken thee into their hands. Thou art to be
led into the Hall of Learning tonight." He was told to
stretch out upon body became
the stone sarcophagus; his
numb as an from his feet throughout his
iciness passed
body. When all awareness seemed to rest in the head, he
seemed to be caught up in a whirlwind, and passing up-
ward through a narrow hole, "I lept into the unknown —
was Free!"
Out of his body, a "phantom showing up the wall-
. . .

stones in a soft moonbeamlike light," Brunton was then al-

legedly taken to other parts of the Pyramid where he was
instructed by his host. While fragments of the teachings
were offered the reader, one has the distinct impression
that there were many secret insights that Brunton either
chose not to divulge or was so instructed. Reading Brun-
ton's later books, particularly The Wisdom of the Over-
self,one cannot help but be stirred by the profundity of
his message. One wonders, then, if the messages of this
strange night are being offered. Brunton never says. Yet,
one of the instructions given him, which he does share,
may in a very real way sum up all instructions: ". The . .

mystery of the Great Pyramid is the mystery of thine own

self. The secret chambers and ancient records are all con-

tained in thine own nature. . .


Sitting there in my own small darkness, the setting

much romantic than Brunton's, I kept telling myself
that I was harboring some grandiose hallucination, that it
was dramatic of me to compare in any manner my expe-
rience with his. But there it was. I could not erase the viv-
idness ofwhat to me had seemed utterly real at the time
itwas being experienced. I, too, had gone within myself
and where* I asked, does any experience occur but within
oneself? Brunton's experience did not occur to the stone,
but within himself; could mine be denied because it hap-

pened at another place on earth and within a structure of

different materials?
In the gloomy vault directly above the King's Chamber
in the Great Pyramid one man in recent history actually
lived. Captain G. B. Caviglia was a man of mystery. In
the 1830s Caviglia saw the pyramids on the Gizeh plain
and became enamoured of their mystique. Master of a
Maltese merchant vessel, he gave up the sea and the
Great Pyramid became his new mistress. He cleaned out
Chamber (named after
the bat excrement from Davison's
Nathaniel Davison who discovered the room around
1765) and set up housekeeping in the three-foot high
Alexander William Crawford (Lord Lindsay), who
knew Caviglia in Cairo, described the Italian as deeply
religious but a very strange man. Crawford wrote: "Ca-
viglia told mehe had pushed his studies in magic,
animal magnetism, etc., to an extent which nearly killed
him ... to the very verge, he said of what is forbidden
man to know, and it was only the purity of his intentions
which saved him." Crawford offers us no further elabora-
tion on this, and Caviglia, who died years later in Paris,
left no written record of his experiences.
One other encounter with the mind-altering properties
of the King's Chamber should be mentioned. It was brief,
but itmay have altered history; so great was its impact on
the mind of a man who held for a time control of several
nations. In1798 Napoleon Bonaparte conquered Egypt.
He Great Pyramid, and upon entering the
visited the
King's Chamber asked to be left alone for a time.
Peter Tompkins tells of the incident in Secrets of the
Great Pyramid. "Coming out, the general is said to have
been very pale and impressed. When an aide asked him in
a jocular tone if he had witnessed anything mysterious,
Bonaparte replied abruptly that he had no comment, ad-
The Pyramid & Altered States of Consciousness 167

ding in a gentler voice that he never wanted the incident

mentioned again.
"Many years later, when he was emperor, Napoleon
continued to refuse to speak of this strange occurrence in
the Pyramid, merely hinting that he had received some
presage of his destiny. AtSt. Helena, just before the end,

he seems to have been on the point of confiding to Las

Cases, but instead shook his head, saying, 'No. What's the
use.You'd never believe me.'
There are other strange tales to be told of experiences
within the Great Pyramid. But of greater significance to
most of us are the personal accounts of those who have
experienced something different or unusual within the
space of pyramid replicas. These experiences are to be
easily obtained by anyone willing to build or borrow a
large enough pyramid to sit, stand, or lie down in. These
experiences, of course, will be of a subjective nature. En-
deavoring to unravel their source, it can be said that the
observer is imagining, fantasizing, hallucinating, fabricat-
ing the experience. True, and the same can be said for
Brunton's experience, or for that matter, any personal ex-
perience. We can become deeply involved in philoso-
phical discourses on the nature of reality and nonordinary
realities. But, in the final analysis, those experiences to
which we give the greatest credence are those that we
share in some fashion with others.
We are not devoid of these commonly shared experi-
ences when we turn to the reports of those who have
spent brief and extended periods within pyramid models.
We have visited with a number of these individuals and
discovered that their experiences were related, without
their having any previous knowledge of the experiences of
others. A
number of persons, who had no acquaintance
with pyramids, were asked to meditate or just to sit for a
time inside a pyramid and to tell us what they felt or
thought afterward.
The common denominators were feelings of solitude,
peace, and greater detachment from the world and less
concern over physical matters. Because of these feelings,
those familiar with meditation stated they felt less dis-

tracted, more removed, and could more easily center

within themselves. While there were those who said they
felt no difference inside than outside the pyramid, they
were the exceptions. Most experienced something if it was
nothing more than a sense of calmness or mild euphoria.
Relaxation was a commonly reported phenomena, as
were feelings of renewed energy or "being charged."
"When I meditated inside the pyramid, I felt a weight
or force beingmoved through my body, starting at the top
of the head and moving down through the shoulders, the
body, and into the legs," Carl Waldon told us. "The next
day there was a particular clearness of thought, much
more energy, and an ability to know and understand."
"There was a keen awareness of a strong heart beat
and seemingly a movement inside. My head seemed to be
pulled toward the apex and there was a desire to place my
hands together in a prayer poise," Lora Lee Camp stated.
Anna Maye Ingram, unaware of Camp's reaction, told
us, "The first impression was peaceful silence. After some
minutes there seemed to be a heavy pressure around me,
holding or pushing me deep into the chair. There seemed
to be an enlargement of the heart and I was very aware of
my heart. There was a power of some kind going to the
heart, or coming from the heart. The entire body seemed
to take on a vibration —
a tingle —
as if one had been
holding onto a machine that was vibrating very fast."
Movie actress Gloria Swanson has stated that she feels
a "tingling" when she sleeps with a small pyramid be-
neath her bed. In Pyramid Power Max Toth and Greg
Nielsen state: "Another interesting observation made by
many of the participants ifl these experiments was when
they raised their hands into the apex, they experienced a
The Pyramid & Altered States of Consciousness 169

prickling sensation, as if tiny needles were being stuck ,

into the extremity."

The "tingling" sensations are reminiscent of statements
made by persons subjected to the energy force of the
multiwave oscillator or the Reich orgone accumulator.
Occasionally one hears of someone making a similar
comment about acupuncture.
Regarding reports of unusual sensations in the heart,
Toth and Nielson comment: "Allegedly, the most benefi-
cient energies inside the pyramid are focused within the
so-called heart center. This is the spot which is probably
the 'safest' for the incubation of thought-forms. However,
it has been suggested that different thought-forms might

best be incubated at different spots in order for the person

inside the pyramid to receive the energy most advanta-
geous in fulfilling the specific thought-form."
Persons using pyramid structures in which to meditate
on a regular basis have claimed they experience serenity
and an integration with cosmic forces. Several have re-
ported that they receive spiritual impressions while inside
the pyramid and upon leaving psychic perceptions seem
to flood their consciousness.
Tenny Hale, an Oregon psychic-sensitive, claims that
during heightened awareness, brought on by a seven-day
fast and intense meditation, she was instructed to use a
pyramid for achieving beneficial altered states of con-
sciousness and to improve her already existing powers of
extrasensory perception. Upon leaving her pyramid fol-
lowing meditation exercises, she claims that psychic im-
pressions fill her mind. On one occasion she went to her
typewriter and typed 100 different prophecies. According
to newspaper and magazine reports, Mrs. Hale has been
accurate on a number of psychic revelations.
Two psychic researchers lived for a time in a large
wooden pyramid in Florida. Rev. Ron Oesterbro and
Mrs. Rose Stephens subsisted mainly on fruit juices and
spent a great deal of time in meditation. After a month
the couple reported receiving messages on physical cures,
the origin and purpose of man, and information of a pro-
phetic nature.
For the past year I (Pettit) have slept two nights a
week in one of our pyramids. I sincerely believe that this
experience has contributed to my good health and an in-
crease in energy. I look forward to sleeping in the pyra-
mid because of the serenity and peaceful solitude I have
found there. It is very difficult to maintain a state of ten-
sion while inside the pyramid, and this feeling of greater
ease has been increasingly extended throughout the day.
Dreaming, of course, is one state of awareness, and I
have noticed that in recent months my dreams have be-
come clearer and more vivid. A number have taken on
qualities of reality of the normal waking state. Recently a
dream in which a small baby was laughing seemed to un-
fold a panorama of man's evolution. The laughing infant
appeared to be a graphic way of illustrating the nature of
man's sojourn on this planet; the baby was quite an old
soul but had appeared once again in the form of a child.
On another occasion, while lying on the cot in the pyr-
amid, in the twilight zone between sleep and wakefulness,
I saw a wide, white ribbon of road lined with stately trees

winding through lush farmland. I seemed to be driving

some sort of blue and white vehicle. It pulled into what I
knew to be the sanitation department's garbage and refuse
area, but it was beautifully landscaped, approximately
one-half mile wide and one mile long.
In front of me were eight gleaming pyramids, each
painted a different color of distinct pastel. I seemed to
know that the pyramids were around 250 feet tall and
with bases 375-foot square.
Narrower roads branched off the main road and served
as access routes to the pyramids. Each of the roads were
of colored concrete matching the hue of the pyramid to

The Pyramid & Altered States of Consciousness 171

which they led. The pyramid

in use at this time was
number from the east. I turned onto the
three, counting
salmon-colored road and drove toward the pyramid of
that color. I could smell the delightful scent of growing
plants and flowers lining the road, but there was no un-
pleasant odor of garbage.
I backed the vehicle pyramid and
to the base of the
dumped my load onto an extended conveyor belt, which
carried the refuse into the pyramid. Refuse was piled in a
160-foot square within the pyramid and would remain
there for seven weeks to be dehydrated and cleaned of
harmful bacteria. It would then be carried by an under-
ground conveyor-belt system to nearby plants for final
processing where various materials would be separated,
some for building uses, some for use in road construction,
and the organic matter for fertilizer.
The vision was very real to me, and I can still see it in
some detail.
My experience of vivid visual imagery apparently is not
uncommon to those who have spent any time at all inside
pyramids. They have reported increased memory recall
and, allegedly, views of past incarnations.
Inez Pettit has spent considerable time inside a pyra-
mid, relaxing on a chaise lounge for one to two hours at a
time. There she seems to pass into a half-sleep state, still
conscious of the world about her while the subjective
world within takes on its own reality.
On one of these occasions she found herself floating
•above a large city. It was beautifully planned, she said,
and it seemed to rainbow light. On each of the
glow in a
four sides of the city were huge pyramids of polished
stone. The cap-stones of the pyramids appeared to be of
crystal from which came a soft but brilliant glow. She said
she knew the pyramids served to produce the energy
power for the city.
The people of the city wore long robes of caftan type;
the men in solids and stripes and the women in flowered
robes. They appeared quite tall, from 10 to 15 feet. All
seemed particularly alive, cheerful, laughing.
"I could see no ground-level vehicles. Instead there
were wide moving walks crisscrossing throughout the
city," Inez said. "The walks were green in color and soft
to the feet like grass. They moved slowly so that the peo-
ple could enjoy the scenery, and there were quite a large
number of gardens about the size of city blocks. The
moving walks had stone benches at intervals.
"I could hear the conversations, which was typical of
most groups today, talk of children, homes, different in-
terests and pursuits. I heard one woman remark to anoth-
er that this was her birthday and she was not too happy at
being middle-aged at 492 years. The other woman re-
marked, 'Just wait until you reach 900 or so and then you
can start feeling old.'
"The houses were all the same size, looking like square
cubicles built of some kind of translucent material. There
were buildings other than houses, none of them very tall,
not more than three or four stories. I went into one of the
houses. All I saw was one huge room with stone uphol-
stered couches and benches. One wall of the room was
definitely an entertainment and communications center.
When they wanted to see what we call movies, they would
somehow cause the whole wall to go opaque and the en-
tertainment would start, or if they wanted to com-
municate with someone, the person would appear on the
wall and talk with them. I really don't know how they ac-
complished these things. I didn't see any buttons or knobs
to push or turn. Perhaps they just mentally willed these
activities into existence.
"It kept worrying me
no one seemed to be work-
ing. Some hobby centers
of the buildings must have been
for arts and crafts. Another thing, I saw no washers or
dryers or any type of washroom; no kitchens, baths, or
tables and chains, or anything like that. I saw no one eat-
The Pyramid & Altered States of Consciousness 173

ing anything. They were all perfectly clean and their

clothing was immaculate. There were all sorts of ques-
tions in my mind to which there seemed no answers.
"There was a form of vehicle traffic for the city, all of
it in the air, tear-shaped translucent ships that darted
about over the city with incredible speed. When they
landed they came straight down and sat on the roofs. The
ships seemed to have no visible means of locomotion and
made no sound. It seemed that when they were in the
city, they automatically received energy from the pyra-

mids. However, there were times when they needed to re-

plenish the power. This was when they wanted to travel
to another city or out into space. Then the ships would
hover above one of the pyramids at the apex for a rela-
tively short period of time to acquire the extra power for
their journey. The time of recharging depended on the
distance they were to travel.
"After seeing several of the ships leaving the pyramid
power-zones and dart out into space, I slowly came out
of my half-sleep. The vision was particularly clear and I
feel certain that I will remember it for a long time. But
though I have returned to the pyramid many times since,
and have had other interesting experiences, I have never
returned to the rainbow city."
As regards dreams, it is interesting to note that Mark
Lehner, in an article, "Egypt — Reflections on a Tour,"
written for a recent issue of the A.R.E. Journal, tells of
visiting with a very old Arab guide who told him that he
had gone many times to a hole in the head of the Sphinx
to dream. When Lehner asked him what he dreamed
about, the guide replied, "I dream about the old people."
"The old people?" Lehner asked. "What do you see
them doing?"
"Running about, working, building," and he imitated
persons working with hammer and chisel. "The Sphinx is
the best place for dreams."
People have reported that a daily dose of pyramid
power improves concentration. It apparently worked in
one case at least. A college student of our acquaintance
was having difficulty concentrating on his studies. We
made a pyramid for his bedroom large enough for him to
sit in. He started meditating in it each evening and told us

that his grades had vastly improved. The student, Dave

Wilcox, stated that he had found new security and confi-
dence in himself. "There is great harmony inside the pyr-
amid," he said. "I feel a oneness and closeness with the
source. My yoga teacher has tried meditating in the pyra-
mid and gets high in a very short time."
The National Enquirer, January 13, 1974, quoted
Hollywood star James Coburn: "I firmly believe in pyra-
mid power. I crawl inside my pyramid tent, sit in a yoga
position, and does it work! It gives off a definite feeling
and sensation. It creates an atmosphere that makes it
. . .

easier to meditate. It closes out all interference. I medi-

tate in there every day, between fifteen minutes to an
Pyramid hats worn to obtain altered states of con-
sciousness have^ been suggested by Karel Drbal. Drbal
was the Czechoslovakian radio engineer who launched the
new pyramidia when his research with pyramid models
was discussed in the Schroeder and Ostrander bestseller,
Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain.
Drbal wondered why the hats of sorcerers and witches
were cone-shaped, and he tried a few experiments with
pyramid-shaped hats. Several of his subjects reported
feeling an influx of spiraling energy coming down from
the top of the hat. "Apparently," Drbal was quoted as
saying, "the pyramid acts like a "kind of cosmic antenna
tuning into sources of energy of vaster intensity and then
focusing it into its center."
Toth and Nielsen suggest that the ancient Egyptian
priests may have worn their pyramid-shaped hats when
worshipping their sun god, Ra, because the hats may have
focused electromagnetic energy from the sun or from
The Pyramid & Altered Slates of Consciousness 175

some higher metaphysical plane. Such a possibility is also

suggested by J. Furlong in Rivers of Life.
Perhaps the old practice of putting a dunce hat on a
student who wasn't shaping up too well wasn't so much a
matter of holding him out to ridicule as it was to send
him some mental energy. We might hypothesize that the
practicewas viewed as a means of helping the child to get
back into focus, re-centered, to concentrate, re-aligned
with the source.
Jane Roberts, author of the Seth series, doesn't use a
dunce hat of physical materials, but she writes that under
certain conditions, "I got the feeling that a cone came
down just over my head. I didn't think that an actual
physical cone was there, but the idea of shape was defi-
nite. The wide end was about the size of my head, with

the narrow part on top like a pyramid."

The E.S.P. Laboratory, Los Angeles, has been con-
ducting experiments with the pyramid shape being used as
an incubator for thought-forms. It is hypothesized that
the pyramid form serves as a geometric amplifier which
strengthens the request or desire of the individual making
the thought-form.
According to the laboratory's director, Al Manning, a
small pyramid is used along with triangular pieces of

paper. The paper sheets are of four colors: yellow for in-
tuition; orange for mental clarity; blue for healing; and
green for love. The experimenter chooses one of the col-
ors, appropriate for his designs, and writes on the trian-
gular sheet a specific request or goal.
The paper is then held between the hands while a chant
— one's own or one given by the organization is repeat- —
ed twice. The apex is then folded down to the base and
the bottom folded over to make a triangle. The hands are
then held above the triangle and the chant repeated again.
This last step should be done with the paper lying on the
base of the pyramid. The pyramid is then placed back on
its base —always aligned on the north-south axis — and
the incubation period has begun. Manning suggests that it

takes between three and nine days for the thought-form

to complete its "gestation period." During this period of
time, the process is strengthened by chanting and holding
the thought-form mentally. One should focus on the
thought-form through the north side of the pyramid once
Manning states.
a day,
The experimenter removes the pyramid from its base
and takes out the triangular sheet of paper when he feels
that the incubation period has been completed. The paper
is unfolded; a lower corner of the paper is grasped and

the triangle is set on fire. The completely devoured ashes

are placed in a fireproof receptacle kept at hand during
the proceedings.
It is believed that the procedure of burning the paper is

for the purpose of releasing the thought-form in order

that it may accomplish its mission. Once the thought-
form is liberated, the experimenter awaits the results be-
lieving that the fire has released a fully charged thought-
form that will become manifest.
The exercise sounds magical and bizarre, but members
of the organization throughout the world claim that their
requests have been fulfilled.
The E.S.P. Laboratory has constructed" several large
pyramids to research the effects of pyramid energy on en-
ergy centers in the human body. They draw parallels be-
tween the locations of energy centers in the pyramid
structure and those in the body. Their research would in-
dicate that the energy in the higher parts of the pyramid is
of a higher frequency, whereas the lower regions produce
a warm and somewhat soothing feeling.
These experimenters have reported that there are some
spots within the pyramids that are not beneficial, that sit-
ting or lying at particular spots may cause headaches.
Apparently, such experiences have been recorded by per-
sons unaware of the reactions of other experimenters.
Talk of goo3 spots and bad spots reminds one of Car-
The Pyramid & Altered States of Consciousness 177

los Castaneda's counsel by Don Juan. He is told that

there are places of personal power, an individual's own
special piece of earth where he can be strong and im-
mune. Then, there are other spots that can destroy.
Animals seem to be aware of these special places. They
search until they find them and return again and again.
Regardless of how much one tries, for example, to make
a dog comfortable, if the place is not right, he will not rest
there. He will drag the bedding, or whatever, to a dif-
ferent spot.
Our experiments with plants would seem to indicate
that all locations within the pyramid are not equal. And
we have found that subjects asked to relax or meditate
within a pyramid will usually shift around somewhat until
they feel comfortable. would seem that the atmosphere

or field within the pyramid is more intense than on the

outside. When the "spot" is right, it is more pleasurable,
calming, and enhancing than one might experience other-
wise, but when it is wrong, it is really wrong.
We have been told that there are special energy vor-
tices on earth, that these were known and used by the an-
cients. Some were healing places, some holy places. One
wonders, then, if a device or structure so designed as to
gather or amplify these special energy fields wouldn't
create a miniature universe within themselves? If so, per-
haps the pyramids are offering us more answers than we
have thus far suspected.

The science and philosophy of the ancient world was

based on numbers and geometry, and it is difficult to be-
lieve that the greatest monument of the ages, whose de-
sign is of all the most carefully executed and most geo-
metrically conceived, wouldn't illustrate the highest
knowledge of its age.
It is exciting to speculate that the Great Pyramid was
constructed as a highly sophisticated scientific instrument,
an exact scale model of the world, by an Egyptian culture
— or possibly pre-Egyptian —
far more advanced than has
generally been believed. This theory demonstrates that the
Pyramid incorporated the basic formula of the universe
and was designed to help man orient himself in the cos-
mos and to apply definitive measurements to time and
Dr. Livio C. Stecchini, a specialist in the history of
measurement and quantitative science and presently serv-
ing as professor of ancient history at William Patterson
Esoteric Geometry & Energy Grids 179

College in New Jersey, has been able to demonstrate that

at least as early as 2800 Egyptians could measure
B.C. the
latitude and longitude quite accurately, an ability not du-
plicated in our era until the eighteenth century. These an-
cient scientists knew the circumference of the earth pre-
cisely and the length of their own country to the cubit,
along with the geographical coordinates of all the major
points in their realm from the Mediterranean to the equa-
tor. In order to accomplish this, according to Stecchini,
the Egyptians were able to make astronomical observa-
tions with the kind of exactness provided by the modern
telescope and chronometer.
Stecchini, who wrote an extensive and informative ap-
pendix entitled "Notes on the Relation of Ancient Mea-
sures to the Great Pyramid," for Tompkins's book, Se-
crets of the Great Pyramid, did a twenty-year study of
the mathematical and astronomical data contained in the
cuneiform tablets of the ancient Sumerians and Babylon-
ians. As a result of his studies of the stepped ziggurats of
the Middle East and the pyramids, he was able to show
that these structures incorporated the basic techniques for
mapping the structure and design of the heavens and for
mapping the terrestial hemisphere. The structures also re-
veal a high level of mathematics, capable of resolving
problems of trigonometry, according to Stecchini.
The apex of the Great Pyramid corresponds to the
pole, and the perimeter to the equator, with both in exact
scale. It is apparent that each side of the Pyramid was
designed to correspond to one curved quarter of the
northern hemisphere, or a spherical quadrant of 90 de-
In order to project a spherical quadrant onto a flat tri-
angle correctly, the arc of the quadrant must be the same
length as the base of the triangle, and both must have the
same happens to be the case, Tompkins ex-
height. This
plains, only with a cross section or
meridian bisection of
the Great Pyramid. Its slope angle gives the Pi relation
between height and base. When viewed from the side, the
Pyramid's projection is such that the laws of perspection

reduce the actual area of a face to the correct size for the
projection. This is the Pyramid's cross section. What one
actually sees is the correct triangle.
The Greek Merodotus was told by the Egyp-
tian priests that the Pyramid was planned in such a way
that the area of each of its faces was equal to the square
of its height. It is now evident that this was the key to the
Pyramid's geometrical and mathematical secret. This in-
formation reveals that the Pyramid was designed to in-
corporate not only the Pi proportion but the constant
proportion known during the Rennaissance as the Golden
Section, or Phi, or 1.618.
Phi is an unending ratio. This mystical formula is as
old as history and is a fascinating system of numers. It is

a summation series and has been called the Fibonaci

series. Succeeding terms beginning with one are obtained

by adding together the two preceding terms, as follows: 1,

2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, and so on. Phi, or
1.618, is obtained by dividing any one term of the sum-
mation series by its predecessor. The terms move closer
to Phi when the numbers are larger. Thus three divided
by two is 1.5; thirteen divided by eight is 1.625; 233 di-
vided by 144 is 1.6.180555.
Phi has also been called the Sacred Cut because it is
the exact ratio in which a line AC can be divided by B in
such a way that AC/AB equals 1.618 and is the same as
AB/BC equals 1.618. This ratio was used by Renaissance
artists as it was considered the most aesthetic proportion.

It is said that these proportions occur throughout nature.

The body of man is said to be divided by this ratio, and
the sacred five-pointed star's diagonals divide each other
by this same ratio. The Great Pyramid, using the Golden
Section, becomes an effective system for translating
spherical areas into flat areas.
The Egyptians used a measuring unit known as a cubit.
Esoteric Geometry & Energy Grids 181

Evidently the Egyptian cubit was formulated by taking

one- thousandth of the distance the earth travels at the
equator in one second. The designers of the Great Pyra-
mid made the base length the distance the earth travels in
one-half a second. The cubit was equal to one-thousandth
of a second of time, and the foot was equal to one-
thousandth of a second of arc.

It now seems evident that the ancient scientists com-

puted the polar circumference of the earth by using the
sun and the shadows cast by obelisks. In order to deter-
mine the circumference of the earth at the equator, the
builders observed the passage of stars across fixed points
of the obelisks. To figure the polar circumference all they
needed do was measure the distance between two obelisks
several miles apart and the difference in the shadows cast
by the obelisks.
There was no need to measure vast distances. The
fraction of arc separating any two meridian obelisks,
hence the difference in latitude, could be determined by
the comparison of the obelisk's shadow to its height when
measured at the moment of the solstice or equinox.
In order to determine the circumference of the earth at
the equator, Tompkins explains that an observer at the
base of an obelisk at the thirtieth parallel could signal the
appearance of a zenith star on the eastern horizon to an-
other observer at a measured distance away where the tip
of the obelisk would be on the horizon. Determining the
interval of timebetween the appearance of the star to the
two observers, and knowing that the earth rotates through
1,296,000 seconds of arc in 86,400 seconds (24 hours)
of time, the equatorial circumference of the earth could
be computed.
The evidence that the Great Pyramid was constructed
in such a manner to imply squaring the circle and cubing
the sphere would seem to indicate that the builders were
saying that the static geometry of angles could be shifted
to the dynamic geometry of curves. The Pyramid can be
seen as a cone and the cube can be seen as a sphere. Ac-
cording to Henry Monteith, who contributed an essay,
"Geometry of the Great Pyramid," to Pyramid Power, the
cone is a perfect representation of the dynamic concen-
tration of energy. This would seem to imply that the
shape of the cone is connected with creation in some
In the chapter describing our experiments with plants
inside pyramids, mention is made of testing the growth of
seedlings inside several different goemetrical structures.
We found that plants grow faster inside cone-shaped
containers than inside pyramids. Plants also grew faster at
the apex of the pyramid than at the level of the King's
Chamber, which is one-third the distance from the base
to the apex.
Newton explained that for every action there is an equal
and opposite reaction. As it is assumed that the universe
must always be in perfect balance, it can also be assumed
that there must be a reaction or counterpart to all per-
ceived forces and bodies. In the above mentioned paper,
Monteith points out that in physics it is understood that if
there is a positive charge located at some distance above
ground, one can determine the field between the charge
and ground by assuming there is another charge, which is
negative, located at equal distance below ground. In other
words, according to Monteith, when a positive charge is

present, a negative charge is also implicitly present, al-

though it is not physically present. He speculates that
there is implicitly present toe or more anti-pyramids to
the Great Pyramid.
It should be remembered that the Great Pyramid is not
symmetrical. The sides do not form equilateral triangles.
Further, the sides of the stone structure are slightly in-
dented. This has been noted by William Flinders Petric in
hismeasurements, even though the indention is not visible
to the human eye. This was confirmed by an aerial pho-
tograph taken by British Brigadia P.R.C. Groves.
Esoteric Geometry <£ Energy Grids 183

The slight hollowing of the sides inasmuch

is significant

as it accounts for what appeared to be small errors by the

Egyptians in mathematical and geometrical determina-
tions. However, of perhaps greater importance, the in-
dentions may have been required in order for the Great
Pyramid to serve as an energy field resonator or genera-
tor. Our experiments with pyramid models, including

ones with mirrored sides, indicate that if the sides are

slightly indented to throw an entering energy field off the
straight line upon striking the opposite side and, thus, was
reflected, the lines of force tend to be directed toward the
center of the pyramid. The behavior of visible light rays
were used as a model in our experiments.
The nonsymmetrical design of the Pyramid would seem
to imply two directions of thought projection, one toward
the apex, which Monteith views as representing material
creation, and the other toward the base and destruction.
The anti-construction pyramid is an invested pyramid lo-
cated above the apex of the physical pyramid and brings
about creation. The anti-destruction pyramid is base-to- ,

base with its physical pyramid and is located below the

ground. It effects expansion and death of that which has
been created. Construction and destruction interact cycli-
cally with each other, according to Monteith.
It is believed that one of the primary purposes of
asymmetry in nature is to establish the necessary condi-
tions to initiate motion. In a
paper entitled "Possibility of
Experimental Study of the Properties of Time," Nikolai
Kozyrev proposes that time has the ability to decrease the
entropy of a system, although the change usually goes
unnoticed. However, in the Great Pyramid the action of
time has been amplified as a result of its shape, and this
allows it to preserve organic matter. "Time-flow and
Bioplasma are just different terms used to describe the
same mysterious force which is responsible for the crea-
tion and maintenance of all material systems," Kozyrev
states. He adds, "Bioplasma has the ability to increase the
energy of a system but is unable to affect the momentum
of a system."
It is believed that bioplasma may have properties

which are opposite those of nuclear energy. Dr. Wilhelm

Reich experimented with this concept and refers to it as
"The Oranur Experiment" in his book, Cosmic Superim-
position. He discovered that bioplasma responded vio-
lently with radioactive materials and produced a by-
product that was dangerous to life for a short period of
time. It was learned, however, that radioactivity was re-
duced by its action of the bioplasma. This experiment
would seem to demonstrate that bioplasma is a creative
force and acts opposite to nuclear force. Kozyrev states,
"If mechanics enables us some day to deter and control
vital processes outside organic life, operating machines
will renovate (and not only exhaust) the world's poten-
tialities. Thus, a genuine harmony between man and na-

ture may be established. Abstract as this dream sounds,

it has a realistic basis."
In analyzing these considerations, Monteith speculates
that time is simply the geometrical aspect of bioplasma
and is expressed as static geometry, while concentration
or the focusing of energy is its dynamic aspect as ex-
pressed through dynamic geometry. The reciprocal action
between static and dynamic geometry affects the processes
of construction and life along with the processes of decay
and death, Monteith maintains. He adds that all causes in
the universe are inherent in static geometry and the ef-
fects aregrounded in dynamic geometry.
"Before these ideas can be fully accepted and utilized
by modern science they must be put in detailed analytical
form," Monteith states. "This requires a deep under-
standing of the laws governing the creative processes of
nature. Thus far, the necessary understanding has not
been obtained by those, like myself, who are investigating
its subject. It is my belief that the next revolution in
science will be along these lines and that it is necessary
Esoteric Geometry 5c Energy Grids 185

that the energy responsible for creating the universe be ,

incorporated into modern science before the unsolved

problems which science faces today can be solved. For
example, there can be no Unified Field Theory until the
nature of the bioplasma has been comprehended. A com-
plete and detailed study of the Great Pyramid, by compe-
tent scientists with bioplasma in mind, may help to throw
more light upon our ignorance."
That the Great Pyramid was located at a specific place
for geodetic and geographical reasons seems evident, and
the location of many ancient buildings apparently was de-
termined by an alignment with stars. Alfred Watkins, in
his book The Old Straight Track, points out that many
churches in England were established, in this manner. Lyle
B. Borst, professor of astronomy and physics at State
University of New York, Buffalo, notes in an article in
Science that the axes of many early Christian churches in
Britain were laid out on top of ancient foundations origi-
nally determined by an alignment with stars.
However, there may have been reasons other than
those of a geodetic and geographical nature for, the loca-
tion of the Great Pyramid and a number of other ancient
structures, including pyramids in other parts of the world.
In The View Over Atlantis, John Michell proposes that
the entire surface of the earth is marked with the traces of
a gigantic work of prehistoric engineering, the remains of
a once universal system of natural magic, involving the
use of polar magnetism together with another positive
force related to solar energy. "Perhaps we all live within
the ruins of an ancient structure, whose vast size has hith-
erto rendered it invisible," Michell states. In other words,
the Great Pyramid, et al, were constructed at specific
spots because of the natures of the energy force-fields at
these locations. Michell discusses the work of Watkins
and his studies of these ancient locations and paths,
known as leys:
"It was as if some flow of current followed the course
of these manmade alignments. Members of the Straight
Track Club reported instances of birds and animals mi-
grating along certain fixed lines, described the dead
straight antelope paths of the Himalayas, and wrote pa-
pers on the regular systems of tracks and landmarks in
Norway, Palestine, Africa, >and America. Watkins himself,
an expert bee-keeper and photographer, noticed how
bees, taken away and released at some distance from their
hives, first describe hesitant circles in the air, and then, as
if tuning in to some invisible current, make a 'bee-line'
for home. While making a study of he became inter-
ested in the little hills these insects throw up. His deep
love of the countryside and knowledge of its ways, partic-
ularly since its hidden structure had been revealed in the
discovery of leys, had given him a true understanding of
the conformity of all aspects of life and growth, both
large and small, to certain basic patterns. With the eye of
a natural philosopher he perceived the correspondences
throughout nature. Ant hills, he observed, fall into certain
patterns and alignments. Like the sighting mounds upon
leys, they are conical and flat topped, covered with turf.
"Evidently stone circles were originally sited according
to some principle which we have yet to rediscover. By an
act of divination, perhaps by the invocation of some now
unrecognized force, the true sacred centres of the country
became known. Remarkable confirmation of the former
existence of some such system can be found in a legend
which occurs all over the British Isles. According to this
legend, the holy places, the sites of ancient and traditional
sanctity, were first revealed in the performance of a magi-
cal rite, through some divine omen, in dreams or visions.
There can be no doubt that the early Chritians looked for
a sign from heaven to guide them to the spot where a
church or cathedral was to be built. The fact that in al-
most every case the chosen site was already one of tradi-
tional sanctity indicates that their practice of divin>ation
was inherited fipm their predecessors. The methods used
Esoteric Geometry & Energy Grids 187

to discover the correct site for a church were the same as'

those by which the sites of stone circles and astronomical

mounds had been located thousands of years earlier. Evi-
dently they had much in common with the methods used
by modern dowsers.
"According to all tradition the most important stage in
the construction of a sacred building is the location of a
suitable site, one where the spiritual forces of the locality
combine Whereas today it is con-
to the best advantage.
sidered in no way incongruous to determine the site of a
new church by purely secular considerations, the priest of
former times would as soon have built a water mill in the
desert as place a church on a spot where the sacred influ-
ences were absent. The practice of divination, by which
the true holy centres can be located has now lapsed so
that, while our older churches are still capable of use as
precise instruments for spiritual invocation, many of those
built inmodern times are nothing more than empty halls.
"From the numerous accounts of churches whose sites
were discovered by some form of magic, it is evident that
a traditional system of geomancy was practised all over
the British Isles up to a few hundred years ago. Almost
every cathedral and many parish churches are said to
have been founded with divine guidance, revealed in
dreams, through portents or by some supernatural event.
These stories, which can be found in the pages of every
volume of country folklore, are so numerous that only a
few typical examples can be given, but these few show
something of the methods by which the centres of inher-
ent sanctity were formerly made known, and why it is that
so many churches still stand directly upon prehistoric
"Behind the accumulation of brick and mortar, sited
for temporary utilitarian reasons, which now smothers
much of the landscape, there is still visible another layer,
a network of lines and centres, arranged according to a
system quite unknown today. All we have to explain the
existence of this remarkable patternis the legend that in

former times there was a way of locating auspicious sites

by magic. The stories themselves relate to some outward
practice by which the diviner was led to the correct spot.
The Druids had certain ways of achieving the ecstasy of
direct communication with nature and the spirit. Like
Alfred Watkins thousands of years later, they acquired a
microscopic knowledge of the countryside. . . .

"A hundred years ago the practice of Chinese geoman-

cy first became generally known in the West through the
complaints of European businessmen, who found inexpli-
cable resistance to their rational plans for exploiting the
country. Continually they were informed that their rail-
ways and factories could not take certain routes or occu-

py certain positions. The reasons given were impossible to

understand, for they had no relevance, economic, social
or political, to the problem of laying out an industrial
network. The Europeans were told that a certain range of
hills was no cutting could be
a terrestrial dragon and that
made through Tunnels through dragon hills were
its tail.

forbidden, and a proposed railway to run straight across

low, flat country was rejected on the grounds that the line
would spoil the view from the hills. All this was laid down
by practitioners of the science of fmig-shui, 'wind and
water,' obscurely explained as 'that which can not be seen
and can not be grasped.'
"It has been suggested by modern Chinese nationalist
writers that fung-shui was in effect a kind of town and
country planning measure, an attempt at preserving the
harmony of the countryside. Certainly the practice of
fung-shui gave the landscape a quality of beauty and
order totally beyond the achievement of any modern
Western planner. This was because it was based not on
merely secular considerations, but on a sublime meta-
physical system in which scientific and poetic truth har-
moniously united.
"Geomancera, exponents of fung-shui, were consulted
Esoteric Geometry <S Energy Grids 189

over the erection and siting of any building or tomb any-

where in China, and over the placing of any tree, post or
stone which might affect the appearance and nature of the
countryside. It was recognizedthat certain powerful cur-
rents, lines of magnetism, run invisible over the whole
surface of the earth. The task of the geomancer was to
detect these currents and interpret their influence on the
land over which they passed."
According to Michell, there is a great scientific instru-
ment sprawled over the globe. "At some periods, perhaps
it was about 4,000 years ago, almost every corner of the

world was visited by a group of men who came with a

particular task to accomplish," he states. "With the help
of some remarkable power, by which they could cut and
raise enormous blocks of stone, these men erected vast
astronomical instruments, circles of erect pillars, pyra-
mids, underground tunnels, cyclopean stone platforms, all

linked together by a network of tracks and alignments,

whose course from horizon to horizon was marked by
stones, mounds and earthworks. W. J. Perry in Children
of the Sun traces the progress of these people across the
Pacific,pointing out as an example of their amazing
achievements the number of remote, uninhabitable islands
bearing the ruins of great laborious pyramids and mega-
lithic structures. Whether this enormous surge of energy,
which within a few hundred years covered the whole
earth with stone circles and earthworks, was released
from one group or race, or whether it flowed spontane-
ously as a wave of universal inspiration is not yet clear. It
appears to some that while the stone circles of northern
Europe were by the native inhabitants, those of Po-
lynesia were the work
of prehistoric missionaries. Yet
Stonehenge, the latest and most perfect circle in Britian,
has more in common with Crete than the native tradition,
while local variations in the design and operation of as-
tronomical structures indicates that every race made its

own contribution towards a universal civilization.

"No one knows how the world-wide task was achieved,
still less why. And this, of course, is the ultimate question.
If we know why these people outside the range of written
history devoted their entire skill and resources to the con-
struction of a terrestrial pattern that measured both the
earth and the heavens, we would know the secret of their
universal civilization, a state which now seems hopelessly
Michell wonders if many of the prehistoric structures
weren't constructed to measure the earth's magnetic
fields. He states, "Of all the astronomical events that in-
fluence the earth's magnetic field the most dramatic
is an

eclipse of thesun or moon. When this takes place, the

magnetic activity, normally stimulated by the eclipsed
body greatly diminishes with considerable effect on the
regular flow of terrestrial current. It is therefore highly
significant that the ultimate purpose of many of the pre-
historic stone observatories of Britian and elsewhere was
the accurate prediction of lunar eclipses. An eclipse of the
moon has no apparent physical influence on the earth
other than in the effect it produces on the level of terres-
trial magnetism."
Later in the book Miehell states: "There are many
stories from Hawaii and Polynesia of the foolishness of
the first Christian priests who insisted on building their
chuches at random instead of on their appropriate sites
and thereby brought misfortune to themselves and their
cause. The lines of dragon current refers to some natural
flow of force, related to the earth's magnetic field and
only rediscovered in modern times by the late Wilhelm
Reich who called it orgone energy. ...
"If we accept the evidence for the former existence of a
universal civilization, it must be assumed that the cata-
clysm that engulfed it, one of those recurring events by
which the shape of continents is suddenly altered, dis-
turbed the existing pattern of magnetic current and creat-
ed a new terrestrial centre. With the former capital de~
Esoteric Geometry & Energy Grids 191

stroyed, perhaps submerged, the survivors of the disaster

would have first located this place, and would have erect-
ed a new powerful instrument as the first stage in re-
establishing control over the earth's magnetic field. And
here at the very centre of all the continents of the world
we find the Great Pyramid."
The Great Pyramid has always been the scene of mys-
terious events and strange happenings. As with the
Sphinx, whose early morning cry might remind one of the
twang of the bow string at the close of Chekov's Cherry
Orchard, the Great Pyramid has been said to vibrate at
times with a weird sound. Tourist guides claim to repro-
duce this sound by striking the>coffer in the King's Chamber
with a stick. And
Arabs have reported at times see-
ing the Great Pyramid bathed in a peculiar light. A
number of years ago William Groff, along with members
of the Institut Egyptien, reported seeing a light or what
they described as a flame rising from the Pyramid. Other
reports tell of unusual circular lights near the stone struc-
ture and recently even flying objects of some nature hov-
ering near the apex. Yet, whatever the nature of the ener-
gy fields in and around the Great Pyramid, and whatever
forces of nature and the cosmos the ancient builders set
out to control through its construction, these forces are
still present and capable of being reinvoked when we
come to recognize their function.

The new awe in an ancient wonder launched by the dis-

covery that miniature pyramids constructed on the scale
of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh have within them unusual
energy fields has a certain contagious quality about it.

Persons from walks of life seem to be intrigued by the


promise of pyramid power. Each time we give a talk or

appear on radio or television we are deluged by telephone
calls and They seek more information; they want
to initiate some experiments. The appeal is not difficult to
understand for pyramid research to date holds out to
every explorer a promise as seductive as drilling an oil
well, panning for gold, or -digging for ancient artifacts.
The gamble is likely better, the investment considerably
less,and the goal substantially more far-reaching.
What is so peculiarly attractive about pyramid research

is the possibility of gain on so many different fronts. It

relates to our physical bodies, our states of mind, our en-

vironment, our food, water, and air, our energy needs; it
Home Experiments 193

touches base with nearly all aspects of life. Such an offer-

ing speaks to high adventure of heroic proportions.

This chapter is who wish to carry out
directed to those
some experiments on own, with pyramids and with
several other devices. For those who wish to read more
on the subjects mentioned in this book, we have included
a bibliography at the end of the book. However, it is in
the field of experiment that the greatest adventure is to be
experienced. Pyramid research or, for that matter, re-
search of energy force-fields in general, is still in its in-
fancy and the home experimenter can feel the thrill of ex-
ploring new territory. When the breakthroughs occur, as
they surely will, he can feel a part of this pioneering ef-
fort, and it is quite possible that he can make a real con-
tribution to the growing body of knowledge. What is
needed at this stage of the game are experimenters whose
greatest talents reside in the patience to keep working and
watching, who have an insatiable curiosity, and are will-
ing to exercise their creativity in finding new ways of
looking at old observations. Money is not required for
these experiments. Most of the materials are those to be
found in the usual home workshop, or they can be pur-
chased for a few dollars at local lumberyards and hard-
ware stores.

The plans and schematics included in this chapter are

ones we have used. Some we have designed ourselves and
others have been passed along to us by experimenters
whose only interest was what they have learned
to share
with others. We are passing them to the reader in this
same spirit. This kind of sharing needs to be continued
and expanded. Good communication between experi-
menters will go a long way in furthering the body of
knowledge in this field. In this manner, we can learn from
each other and avoid unnecessary duplication. We would
be pleased to learn the results of any experiments in this
field, as would various research groups mentioned
throughout this book.
The experimenter should bear in mind that we are
working in an area of sensitive energy fields. The evidence
to date would indicate that these energy fields are shared
by all life forms. As such, neither objects nor individuals
can be considered as isolated from one another. We have
learned from Backster, Vogel, Tiller, Mitchell, et al, that
even such subtle forces as thoughts and emotions are
constructed of energy, influenced by and influencing ev-
erything else. The extent of this "everything else" is im-
possible to determine at this point in time. It obviously
means the immediate environment; how far extended and
under what conditions is not known. What this means to
the experimenter, in home workshop or large laboratory,
is he cannot divorce himself from the experiment. He
is one of the unknowns to be found.

Obviously, there is no way to block or eliminate the

various influences. What we can do is take into consider-
ation those factors in the immediate vicinity of the exper-
iment that might influence the results —
electrical currents,
presence of plants, animals, humans, radio and television
waves, lights, metal roofing, siding or insulation inhibiting
or enhancing electromagnetic fields, etc. If the experi-
mental and control objects are subjected to the same in-
fluences, at least any differences in results between the
two will be meaningful. We need to keep the variables as
identical as possible.
It is more difficult to control ourselves as a component
of the experiment. We be sure to what extent our
energy fields, our emotional reactions, and thoughts will
have an influence We may overtly treat the experimental
object exactly the same as the control object, but our atti-
tudes and feelings remain as uncontrolled factors. For ex-
ample, we likely will want a plant within a pyramid to
behave differently from one outside. Will this desire be
communicated to the plant and affect its reactions? It has
been demonstrated that humans unconsciously send tele-
pathic message*. If so, these are another uncontrollable
Home Experiments 195

factor. This is not to discourage the experimenter. Quite

the contrary, for we may learn something about ourselves.
What it does mean, however, is that we use double-blind
approaches when we can. This would be difficult with
plants placed inside pyramids. It will work on such ex-
periments as treatment of water which is then used for
watering plants. We
can mark the containers, mix them
up, and not know which is which until the end of the ex-
periment. We can use plates or foil treated inside pyra-
mids and then used as psychotronic generators in the
above manner by marking them and hiding this informa-
tion from ourselves. Treated razor blades can be marked
by ourselves, then shuffled so that we do not know which
is which, and then given to a second party for testing,
who also does not know which blade he is using.
It is also a great help in confirming our results if we
can enlist the interest of associates or friends and have
them duplicate our experiments. We then have a way of
checking our results. The more people involved in the ex-
periments, the better. Also by way of validating efforts,
recruit family members, friends, and neighbors to witness
as many phases of your projects as possible.
It is wise to mark experimental and control objects
clearly so there is no question as to their identity. It is

also useful tokeep a regular log on experiments, jotting

down dates, measurements, results, etc., daily or on
whatever schedule that is appropriate. Make your mea-
surements as accurate as possible and where appropriate
carefully weigh materials or objects, such as food items
and liquids. Take careful notice of any differences in
moisture, air currents, light, etc., affecting experimental
and control objects.
The above considerations apply to research projects in
general. We can now direct our attention to the construc-
tion and use of various devices.
Pyramids can be made from most any kind of material
as research to date points to the effectiveness resulting
from the shape rather than to the material used in its
construction. Metal, however, does appear to block some
of the electro-magnetic forces (although not all forces),
but wood, plastics, canvas, and fiberglass all seem to work
equally well. Although it probably is you
unnecessary, if

want to be a real purist, you can avoid any metal in your

pyramid by using wooden dowels and glue instead of nails.
Pyramids can be any size, from one inch tall to build-
ing size. At this writing, the Unity Church of Christianity
in Houston, Texas, has under construction a church built
on the exact scale of the Great Pyramid. The idea origi-
nated with the church's minister, John D. Rankin, but
has reportedly caught the imagination of the entire con-
gregation. The church have an 89-foot square base,
will stand over 63 feet and cover an area of 9,206

square feet. A staff member of the Burde Baker Planetar-

ium in Houston helped align the building on the north-
south axis. A friend of ours in Mexico has informed us
that he plans to build a warehouse in the shape of a pyra-
mid for storage of eggs, and we have been told that there
are plans for building a large pyramid-shaped restaurant
in Denver.
The size of the pyramid is largely determined by its in-
tended use. Razor blades have been effectively sharpened
in four-inch pyramids. However, if the plan is to place an
object at a particular level of the pyramid, such as the
King's Chamber, the pyramid has to be large enough to
accommodate it at that level. If the object takes up too
much of the inner space, the experiment will be less ef-
fective. For example, a pyramid should be about 18
inches tall for experiments with plant seedlings. A pyra-
mid large enough to accommodate a gallon of water
should be three to four feet tall. The pyramids we have
used for meditation, where the person is sitting or lying
down, have been six feet tall.
A base is not required for the pyramid. It is sometimes
difficult, howefer, to stabilize the pyramid and keep it
Home Experiments 197

squared without a base, particularly when it is made of

lightweight material. If you find a base necessary, it is
preferable to anchor permanently to the pyramid. This

will necessitate an opening or door through which to

place objects. This can be accomplished by using one side
as the opening. Tape one edge securely and fasten the
other edge with just enough tape to hold it in place. With
large pyramids, you can either make one side so it will
open on hinges or construct a door. If the pyramid is to
be made of rigid materials such as boards or plywood,
you can simply cut the door in one side and hinge this
same piece. If the pyramid is to be made of wood frame
and covered with plastic, it will be necessary to run a
frame board from one side to the other at the height of
the door, and two frame boards on each side of the door
from the top frame board to the base. You will then want
to build a rectangular frame the size of the door opening
and cover it with plastic.
There are several ways to determine the correct di-
mensions for the pyramid. One way is to figure that for
every one foot of height you will need 1.5708 feet of base
and 1.4945 feet of side, that is from the corner to the
apex. For example, if you wanted a pyramid six feet tall,
then each side of your square base would be 9.4248 feet
and each upright triangular side would be 8.9674 feet.
You might find the following scale useful in construct-
ing smaller pyramids:

'eight Base Side

3" 4..71" 4.48"
4" 6.28" 5.98"
5" 7.85" 7.47"
6" 9.42" 8.98"
8" 12.57" 11.96"
10" 15.70" 14.95"
12" 18.85" 17.93"
Another way to figure the dimensions is to take the
length of the base and subtract five percent for the sides,
although this method is not quite as accurate as the above
scale. Still a third method is to take a protractor and draw
the sides at 61 degrees to the base. This method can be
used for any size pyramid and eliminates the need for fig-

uring the dimensions.

When the sides of the pyramid are in place they will
form an angle to the base of 51 degrees and 51 minutes, a
miniature replica of the Great Pyramid.
It is room away from ra-
best to place the pyramid in a
dios, television sets, and other electrical appliances. Ac-
tually it would be even better to locate the pyramid out-
side or in a room away from any metal sheeting or elec-
trical wiring, but this may be difficult to do. The pyramid

should be placed on the floor or on a stable pedestal or

table to keep it from being bumped and knocked out of
The pyramid must be aligned on* the four cardinal
points — north, and west. This means that
east, south,
each of the four sides face one of the cardinal points. You
can draw a straight line through the center of the pyramid
or simply use one of the sides as your north-south axis. A
compass can be used to align the pyramid on magnetic
north. True north would be more accurate, but according
to all reports magnetic north appears to work as well.
True north varies from magnetic north by several degrees
of declination, depending on the latitude where you live.
The declination for your area can be learned by consult-
ing a local almanac or calling a local airport.
Much of the research to date has focused on the area
of the King's Chamber. In placing research objects in this
location, measure a distance vertically one-third of the
distance from the base to the apex and directly below the
apex. Objects can be placed on nonconductive boxes,
blocks, or pedestals at this level. However, the pedestal
should be no larger than necessary.
Home Experiments 199

When placing an item in the pyramid, orient it so that

the longest portion is in the direction of the north-south
axis. When running tests with experimental and control
objects, you may wish to place the control specimen
under a box with the same volume as the pyramid. In the
case of plants, ventilation should be provided for either at
the bottom of the pyramid and control box or in the sides.
When sharpening razor blades, after a blade has been
used several times place it at the one-third level in the
pyramid, edges facing east and west, and leave it there for
at least aweek. The blade can then be used for shaving
and replaced immediately afterward in the pyramid. Dull
blades, knives, and scissors can be sharpened in the pyra-
mid but must remain there unmoved for a period of four
If you wish to test your pyramid for the amount of en-
ergy being emanated through the apex, use either a pen-
dulum or a dowsing rod. A pendulum can be made with
any small heavy object, such as a roller bearing or metal
nut attached to a string. Slowly move toward the pyramid
while suspending the pendulum from your hand and
slightly above the apex. The pendulum will likely move
when you get within a half foot of the apex of the pyra-
mid. Try suspending the pendulum directly above the
apex and you will probably find that the pendulum weight
moves slightly away in one direction or another or it may
make a slow circle around the apex.
Dowsing rods can be made from two metal rods
around three feet long. Coat hangers can be used by
straightening them out. Turn down about seven inches of
each rod at 90-degree angles for the handles. Grasp the
rods so that they are parallel to each other and pointing
away from you. Move toward the pyramid so that the
rods will bracket the pyramid above the level of the apex.
As the tips of the rods approach the apex, the rods will
cross each other or swing away from each other. You will
find that the energy field radiating from the apex is cone
shaped and has a widening diameter as it rises.
We have found when using a pyramid for meditation
that sitting on a pillow and facing north seems to work
better than facing other directions. When lying down, we
use a cot and lie with our head to the north. In recent
tests conducted by Gary Plapp of Huma-Tech Industries,
manufacturers of biofeedback equipment, George Cooper,
president of Pyrameditation, Inc., and Bill Cox, editor of
Pyramid Guide, the brainwave activity of subjects medi-
tating inside a pyramid showed marked increase in ampli-
tude regularity, and alpha and theta brainwave production,
A comparison was made with the same meditating sub-
jects first tested outside the pyramid a few minutes prior
to entering the pyramid.
A number of people have asked us about constructing
houses in the pyramid shape. We have cautioned them on
using aluminum siding or aluminum-faced insulation due
to apparent blocking or absorbing quality of electro-

magnetic forces. It well may be, as mentioned in the

chapter, "Effects On once the aluminum has
Solids," that
become saturated with pyramid energy
it no longer serves

as a barrier to the force and can even be used as a psy-

chotronic generator. It should be remembered, however,
that while aluminum foil will absorb the energy it also
loses it within a few days. Also, the aluminum was treated
inside the pyramid. Aluminum siding would be on the
outside of the pyramid and our tests, though far from ex-
haustive, show no
indication that aluminum can be effec-
tively treatedon the outside of the pyramid. Until more
research is done on this matter our suggestions would be
for an individual thinking of using aluminum siding on a
pyramid-shaped building to first construct an exact pro-
totype of the structure and run a series of tests over a
period of time.
The pyramid shape does not readily lend itself to space
economy but c*i the sides where the walls meet the deck
Home Experiments 201

storage space could be provided. We believe the doors

should be positioned so that when closed no hindrance to
the interior pyramid shape will result. In other words, we
believe that the dormer-type windows should not be used
unless glass is installed to conform to the slope of the
walls,where the dormer meets the edge of the roof slope.
Probably electrical wiring should be placed near the base,
with leads running upward to wall outlets. This will elim-
inate electric currents circling thepyramid shape.
We have noticed and others have commented on the
freshness of the air in our shop where there are a number
of pyramids. There also seems to be an absence of odor.
It might be that a series of pyramids placed in the attic of

a house might work as purifiers if aligned on the north-

south axis. The pyramids might reduce stale air odors,
and alleviate tobacco and cooking odors.
The artists' renditions in the photo section show some
of the dazzling possibilities of pyramid house construc-

"So above, so below; so below, so above" is a philosoph-

ical adage of some vintage, but it has been gaining in
scientific favor the more we probe the infinity of space
and the finiteness of subnuclear particles. The atomic
structure of the universe seems to repeat itself whether we
view the solar system or ponder electrons spinning about
their nucleus. And now our solar system in the immense
stretch of space inhabited by immeasurable galaxies is so
overwhelmed by comparison that it appears but a whirl-
ing electron itself. Yet, peering into an electron micro-
scope, one could just as easily imagine the display as
something seen through the most powerful of telescopes.
The pattern remains the same; only the point of reference
has changed.
One might justifiably theorize that somewhere below
our level of measuring subnuclear particles some inhabi-
tant viewsone of these particles as his planet, or that
somewhere out in space some intelligence announces that

The Pyramid: Window to the Universe 203

ithas just discovered a more minute atomic unit little

knowing that he refers to our earth. It really doesn't seem
to matter in which direction we travel, we soon pass
beyond the threshold of our perceptions and infinity
overcomes us. We have now learned that space and time
have only the limited reality of points of reference. Solids
have long disappeared, replaced by vortices of energy and
energy, in turn, quickly loses its identity in consciousness.
Having lost the trail, we making chalk marks
start over,

on thought-forms hoping to find our way home again. Of

all the rocks we have peered beneath and written laws

unto, one has escaped our scrutiny and refused to pamper

us with the delusion of truth. Knowledge of the Pyramid
has been particularly frustrating because it is man-made.
It is one thing for God to have secrets, but to be unable to

decipher an artifact of a fellow creature is more than a

little embarrassing. It is a sobering experience to brilliant
One finds it difficult not to speak in mysterious tones
when referring to the Great Pyramid for something rather
peculiar has been going on there for as long as man can
remember. Everything about it is shrouded in mystery: its
age, designers, builders, construction, purpose. Other
things we have taken apart —
molecules, protoplasms,
radio waves —
toyed with, and duplicated. The Great Pyr-
amid has not allowed this. Everytime that we have paused
on the edge of an answer, it eludes us. A variable
changes, a second glance reveals a different picture, data
is missing, or new information suddenly comes to light. It

happened three years ago with efforts to measure cosmic

ray penetration, and everything went well enough until a
replay of the tapes revealed that the patterns were not the
same from day to day. It happened again as late as De-
cember 1974, when the Stanford Research Institute- Ain
Shams University expedition abruptly halted operations.
The American and Egyptian scientists used short-range
radio waves in hopes of seeing through the pyramid's
sides and spot hidden chambers. The mission was aban-
doned before it reached the halfway point after the radar
signals, transmitted by a 30,000-volt sounder, disap-
peared after traveling only a few feet because of the pyr-
amid's unexpectedly high moisture content. The latest
report was that physicists have gone back to the drawing
board. What will it be next time? Unusual crystal forma-

tions serving as blocking mechanisms? Erratic electro-

magnetic currents altering instrument readouts?
Those of us with our wooden and plastic pyramid min-
iatures have come up with some extremely interesting
data, but we, too, have been confronted with mysteries,
with the unexpected, with turnabouts, and these excep-
tions to the rule neatly put down theories: a plant sud-
denly alters its behavior; metal reverses its polarity; a
razor blade still stays sharp but has days of dullness or
acts differently than a companion blade; sound comes and
goes; one sample of milk turns to yogurt and a second
simply dehydrates; a compass held over the pyramid's
apex swings to and fro one day and lies dormant the next.
While we can always truthfully say in reference to our
pyramids that something is going on in there that is not
happening on the outside, we cannot always be sure what
that something is. Working with models has a distinct ad-
vantage, however. We can re-tool, reassess, make adjust-
ments, and run tests with many pyramids.
Somewhere in the long history of pyramid exploration
there is a punch line, a moral to the story. Let's assume
for the moment that the builders of the Great Pyramid
knew exactly what they were doing, that they were in
possession of some valuable knowledge and that they in-
corporated this information within the Pyramid. If so,
why would they take such great pains to keep the knowl-
edge hidden? Can we assume that they would do so for
the same reason that anyone imparts or withholds infor-
mation —
that the would-be recipient would understand or
would fail to understand and possibly use the information
The Pyramid: Window to the Universe 205

unwisely? The great religious teachers have always pre-

sented their messages on both the exoteric and esoteric
levels. Those who had ears could hear and those who had
eyes could see, meaning the possession of insights greater
than some of their peers. In fact, so multi-level were the
teachings that their truths would unfold as the student de-
veloped greater and greater insights. The teachings could
sustain him at whatever intellectual and spiritual level he
happened to be. This, at least, was the practice of the an-
cient Mystery Schools, and the early inhabitants of Egypt
were the pioneers in this field. If this was their style for
portioning out knowledge at a safe rate, it seems reason-
able to assume that they would not alter this plan as re-
gards the Pyramid. Somehow they must have known that
it would take centuries before man would be ready to

handle the knowledge contained in the Great Pyramid, so

they built it to last for centuries, to remain undaunted by
earthquakes and the winds of time, invulnerable to chisel
and hammer, to radar and physics, stoically awaiting until
man himself became the tool that could open its doors.
"Open Sesame" still depends on hidden knowledge. What
better sentry before the portals of wisdom than the enig-
matical Sphinx — strange hybrid of beast and man and
god — smiling faintly perhaps at man's bewilderment to
gain entrances sealed only by himself.
The truths have been scattered along the passageways
and tunnels of the Great Pyramid. This Mount Olympus
has offered up its secrets not begrudgingly but in a fash-
ion that men had to work for them and in so doing had to
grow, had to reach, had to sharpen more his perceptors
than his chisels. If the task had been easy, what follies
would men have committed in his infancy and adoles-
cence? Would the knowledge have been ignored, trampled
in the dust and forgotten, abused? In what century of re-
corded history would the information contained therein
have been used wisely? Is this now the century, the sea-
son, the hour, for its unveiling? Certainly, we stand in
desperate need of a greater knowledge — of feeding a
world, of new energy sources, of inner awareness and
control. Is need alone the key? Not likely, it would seem,
unless accompanied by understanding. Perhaps the cur-
rent interest in pyramidsis witness to a widespread effort

to learn more. Pyramidia is no longer limited to a handful

of scientists storming a stone mountain. Awareness of
"pyramid power" has brought expeditions into the base-
ment laboratory, and those who can not journey to Gizeh
are paraphrasing the Islamic tenet that if Mohammed
can't go to the hill, then the hill must come to Mo-
Strangely enough, if information gleaned from the pyr-
amid had been complete in itself, man would have sur-
mised that he had uncovered the secret and that would
have likely been the extent of the search. But pieces of
information were uncovered, occasionally startling, more
than likely controversial, but at no juncture complete. Al-
ways the material either depended upron additional data
or hinted at other knowledge. Man has never been able to
say, "Well, we know all there is to know about the pyra-
mid and now we can go on to other things." Fragments of
truth have served as a carrot on a string.
Some of these fragments have indicated that the pyra-
mid is a microcosm of the universe: its schematics unfold
a map of the world and the heavens; its shape represents
the geometrical constructs of nature; its interior and exte-
rior measurements depict the mathematical relationships
of universal truths; its construction incorporates archety-
pal symbols; and purpose has been to not only provide

an indestructable encyclopedia of man and his world but

a receptical or generator of cosmic energy. It has been
proposed that the energy within the pyramid incorporates
the entire spectrum of energy fields, known and unknown.
This energy is viewed as the total energy complex, re-
ferred to in ancient literature as Prana or Chi, and in
contemporary ^studies as biocosmic and psychotronic.
The Pyramid: Window to the Universe 207

Mystics are now saying that science is beginning to con-

firm their conceptions of a singular energy field, and the
oneness of all things.

Certainly, at least, the energy force-field within pyra-

mid space appears singular and yet manifold as to its in-
volvement in and effect upon a range of substances or
states from dense crystallizations to nonmaterial con-
sciousness. The bridging from the material to the imma-
terial by a medium that apparently is both does not pres-
ent a dilemma to those scientists who consider mind and
matter as the extremities of a singular substance. Such a
concept is not contradictory in the Indian cosmological
system in which it really matters very little whether we

view existence as being material with spirit being its more

rarifiedform or whether we consider existence as spiritual
with matter being its most densified form.

In the Tibetan Buddhist model of substance, mineral is

primarily dense physical with a slight expansion of etheric
physical; plants are dense physical, etheric physical, with
a slight expansion of emotional substance; animals are
dense physical, etheric physical, emotional, and with a
slight expansion of mental substance; and man incorpo-
rates all of these and has a slight expansion of spiritual
matter. Thus all life is linked together in an evolutionary
movement toward pure spirit. Certainly, satisfactory ex-
planations for mind over matter are hard to come by
when we persist in a separation of the nature of each, and
are much easier with which to cope when we consider all
life forms, including thought-forms, as fields and vortices
of energy existing somewhere along a single continuum.
The whole field of phenomena appears more via-
ble within such a scheme. And the increasing amount of
evidence that pyramid power can effect changes of both a
material and immaterial nature appears more substantial
within this cosmological model.
In the final analysis, perhaps, energy escapes into con-
sciousness and the world becomes a thought. And therein

may reside a clue to the sometimes erratic behavior of
pyramid power. We can control all the variables light, —
heat, air, moisture, etc. —
but there is one variable of
which we know little and over which we have gained only
superficial control: ourselves. This it would appear is one
unstable component of our experiments. Former astro-
naut Edgar Mitchell told us this when he said that we are
reaching the outer limits of our ability to probe the un-
known. In order to go further in our observations, he
said, we would need to examine the observer; no longer
can the experimenter be isolated from the experiment.
Man is integrally involved in everything that he examines,
Mitchell stated.
As with all other research, then, with our pyramid in-
vestigations we are faced with the ultimate unknown
man himself. If all roads lead to consciousness, in the end
we must understand it or the journey is ended before the
goal is won.
Is this the mandate from the Great Pyramid? Is its

greatest service as a mirror to reflect ourselves? If so, it

would agree with the counsel of the Delphic Oracle

"Man, know thyself." If this message carries the highest
priority of the ancients, might not this be their proudest
What is the future role of the Great Pyramid and its
progeny? Will the structure itself reveal chambers of
knowledge? Will our research provide answers to new en-
ergy sources? Will the pyramid shape elevate our con-
sciousness in order that new knowledge can be gained?
Perhaps all three questions can be answered in the affir-
mative, but the path seems clear: We must find as Paul —
Brunton's white-robed host explained the pyramid —
within in order to comprehend the pyramid without.
The venture appears not only worthwhile but even
mandatory. The gravest problems facing mankind today,
we are told, are food shortages, pollution, a depletion of
energy source^, and war. And the pyramid offers some

The Pyramid: Window to the Universe 209

promise of meeting these needs: 1) Food shortages

through seed germination, increased plant growth, and

food preservation; 2) pollution early tests reveal that
pyramid space can purify water, air, and soil; 3) energy

sources —through generation or enhancement of known

and unknown energy fields; 4) war the alternative, of
course, is peace and world thinkers would lead us to be-
lieve that peace is dependent upon man's greater under-
standing and elevation of consciousness. The pyramid
shows promise of serving as an initiator of higher levels of
Life, indeed, does move in mysterious circles, and ex-
perience has a way remembering itself. It may be that
the historians have been right all along, that knowing the
past is imperative to understanding the present and pro-
jecting the future. Perhaps the pyramid is a window to
both the past and the future.

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Abd-al-Latif, 28 Ben Jonah of Navarre, Rabbi
Abehsera, Michel, 84-85 Benjamin, 28
Acupuncture, 48-49, 169 Bioenergy, 44-45; see also ener-
Al-Mamum, Abdullah, 26-28 gy fields
Alvarez, Dr. Luis, 50-51, 87 Biological Transmutations, by
"Animal magnetism," 66 Louis C. Kervran, 83
Ascending passage, 28, 37-39 Bioplasma, properties of, 184-
Assagiolo, Dr. Robert, founder 85
of psychosyn thesis, 13 Bird, Christopher, 75, 79
Aswan Dam, 41-42 Blondot, 44
Atlantis, 40 Bolton, Brett L., 159; see also
Auras, 46, 77, 123 The Secret Power of Plants
Aurobindo, Sri, 44 Bonaparte, see Napoleon
Autobiography of a Yogi, by, Borderland Sciences Research
Paramahansa Yogananda, 61 Foundation, 141
Avicenna, Arabian physician, Borst, Professor Lyle B., of
120 New York State University,
Awareness, by Eileen Garrett, Buffalo, 185
47 Bose, Dr. Jagadis Chandra, 60-
61, 125
Backster, Cleve, of the Backster Bovis, Monsieur, 8, 16
Research Foundation, 49-50, Brainwave activity in pyramid
58-60, 73, 80, 194 model, 200
Baines, A.E., 137, 139-141; see Brunton, Paul, 13, 163-167,
also "The Origin and Prob- 208; see also Wisdom of the
lem of Life" O verse If
Cameron, Verne L., 70-73, 87, Descending passage, 27-29, 31,
101-102, 110 37-38
Carbon rods as energy sources, Dixon, Jean, 39
139-143 Dowsing rods, 199
Camp, Lora Lee, 168 Drbal, Karel, 8, 16, 20, 45-46,
Cancer Biopathy, The, by Wil- 104, 174
helm Reich, 74, 124, 126 Dream Laboratory, Maimonides
Caviglia, Captain G. B., 31, 166 Medical Center, Brooklyn, 44
Cayce, Edgar, 39-40, 108, 111, Dreams in pyramid models, 170
151 Druid culture, 188
Chakras, see Energy fields and
vortices Edwards, I. E. S., 25; see also
Children of the Sun, by W. J. The Pyramids of Egypt
Perry, 189 Effects of pyramids, 8, 12, 200;
Coburn, James, on pyramids, on cheese, 87-88; on dead
174 animals, 101; on food, 8, 17-
Colloids as energy systems, 119- 18, 21, 99-101; on hair, 129;
120, 151 on injuries, 17-18, 93, 127;
Consciousness elevation, 32, 35- on meat, 8, 17-18, 21, 93,
36, 161-177 99-101; on milk, 86-87; on
Construction of pyramid mod- plants, 21-22, 57-80; on razor
els, 15, 105, 195-198 blades, 8, 16, 22, 102-104,
Cooking aids, 18 199; on seeds, 21, 63, 68-69,
Cooper, George, of Pyramedi- 71-72; on tarnished jewelry,
tation, Inc., 200 17; on 114, 127; on
Cosmic rays, 50-51, 87, 203 water, 81-85, 88-89; on
Cosmic resonators, 19 wine and coffee, 90-91; with
Cosmic Superimposition, by treated water, 92
Wilhelm Reich, 184 Einstein, Dr. Albert, 14, 44
Coutelle, Col. Jean Marie Jo- El Balkhy, Abu Zeyd, 41
seph, 31
Electromagnetic energy, 14,
Cox, Bill, editor of Pyramid
133-136; used in healing,
Guide, 200
128-29; used to slow aging
Crawford, William (Lord Lind-
aging process, 134-135; with-
say), 166
in pyramids, 49, 53
Crescograph, 60
Electro-Pathology, by Dr. White
Crooks, Sir William, on Odic
Robertson, 139
Force, 138
Curative powers of pyramid-
Energy and
fields vortices
(chakras), 18-20, 34, 43-55,
treated water, 93-94
110, 177, 207; in pyramids,
Curie, Madam Eve, 83, 97
117-118, 143; of people, 44-
45, 133; of plants, 76-78
Davison, Nathaniel, British
Consul in Algiers, .30-31, 166 Ernest Holmes Research Foun-
Davison's chamber, 166 dation, 59
Dean, Dr. Douglas, of Newark* Errera, Jacques, on treatment of
College of Engineering, 49 meat by a "healer," 48
De la Warre, George and Mar- Esoteric sources of knowledge,
jorie, 78 13, 204-205
INDEX 219 ^

E.S.P. Laboratory of Los An- Grad, Dr. Bernard, of McGill

geles, 143, 175-176 University, 48, 62
Estebany, Oskar, 62, 66-67, 115, Grand Gallery in Great Pyra-
122 mid, 28-30, 37-39, 146
Experiments in pyramids with: Great Pyramid at Gizeh, as as-
brass, 108; colors, 175-76; tronomical observatory, 36-
cosmic rays, 50-51; electro- 38; computing earth's cir-
magnetism, 133-136; gold, cumference, 178-182; con-
107-108; radar, 204; short struction alignments 186-187;
wave radio, 203; sound, 34; date of construction, 39-41;
see also Effects of pyramids destruction by earthquake,
Experiments with plants, 21, 41, 28; historical background,
57-80, 156-159; communica- 24-33; initiation rituals, 33;
tion with, 74-76; enzyme ac- investigation by Caviglia, 31,
tivity of, 67-68; movement in 166; investigation by Davi-
pyramids, 63-66; placement son, 30-31, 166; investigation
in pyramids, 70-73; use of by Greaves, 29-30; measure-
cones, 71-72; see also Effects ments by Greaves, 29-30;
on plants precision of construction, 12,
Extraterrestrial Intelligence, 13, 25-26; prophetic calendar,
41 38-39; psychic effects within,
8, 163-166; sounds associated

Fibonaci series, 180; see also with, 146-147, 191

Phi ratio Great Pyramid, Observatory,
Flanagan, G. Patrick 43, 54; Tomb and Temple, The, by
see also The Pyramid and Its Richard Anthony Proctor, 32
Relationship to Biocosmic Greaves, John, 29-30
Energy Green, Dr. Elmer, of the
Flying objects seen near the Psycho-physiological Labora-
Great Pyramid, 191 tory of Menninger Clinic, 44
Fox, Sergeant, on Odic Force, Groff, William, 191
Groves, P. R. C., aerial photos
Frei, Dr. E. H. of Weizmann
of the Great Pyramid, 182
Institute, 92-93, 120-122
Gurdjieff, George Ivanovich, 41
Fuller, Buckminster, 20, 129
Fuller, Judy, 113-114
Hale, Mrs. Tenny, 68, 92, 169
Hall, Manley Palmer, 34, 45,
Garbage disposal by pyramids,
110; see also The Secret
18; dream by author, 170
Teaching af All Ages
Garrett, Eileen, 47
Hats, effects of pyramid-shapes,
Geddis, Patrick, 61
Geller, Uri, psychokinetic abili-
Healers, 48, 62; effects on
ties, 20, 44
plants, 62, 66
"Geometry of the Great Pyra- Healing effects, from energy
mid," by Henry Monteith,
118-120; from magne-
tism, 120-121, 129; from
Ghadiali, Dinshah P., 125-126 pyramids, 113-114, 127-128;
Goodavage, Joseph, 129 from sounds, 150-155; from
"toning," 148-155; patents for Knlagina, Nelva, psychokinetic
healing devices, 121 abilities, 20
Health Secrets from Europe, by Kundalini, power of 35; see also
Paavo O. Airola, 94 Yoga
Hersey, John, 49
Hill, Christopher, 94 Lafontaine, Charles, 66
Hipparchus, 32-33 Lavoisier, Antoine, 83, 97
Hiroshima, by John Hersey, 49 Lehner, Mark, 173
Hoffer, Dr. Abram, of the Uni- Lemuria, 40
versity of Saskatchewan, 44 Life and Work of Sir Jagadis
Howard-Vyse, Colonel, 31 C. Bose, by Patrick Geddis,
Infrared photography used to Loehr, Franklin, 61; see also
detect diseases in trees, 114 The Power of Prayer on
Initiation rites, 33-34 Plants

Jomard, M. Edme'-Francois, 32 MacLean, Dr. K. E., 129

Journey Out of the Body, by Magnetic Fields, 120-124; used
Robert A. Monroe, 48 in healing, 120-122, 124, 141
Manning, Al, Director of the
Kekule, 19th-century chemist, E.S.P. Laboratory, Los An-
13 geles, 143, 175-176
Kelm, Dr. Harold, of the Uni- Meetings With Remarkable
versity of Saskatchewan, 44 Men, by George Ivanovich
Kervran, Louis C, 83-85, 98 Gurdjieff, 41
Keyes, Laurel Elizabeth, 148- Menninger Clinic, 45, 47-48,
156 59; conference on Control of
King's Chamber of the Great Awareness, 1971, 57
Pyramid, 16, 38-39, 51, 54, Merodotus, 180
162-163; discovery by Al- Mesmer, Anton, 45, 66
Mumum, 820 A.D., 28; inves- Michell, John, 185, 189; see
tigation by Caviglia and also The View Over Atlantis
Howard-Vyse, 3 1 investiga-
; Miller, Dr. Robert, 115-116
tion by Davison, 30-31; in- Millikan, Dr. Robert A., 53-54
vestigation by Greaves, 29- Milstein, Dr. George, 158
30; placement of test objects Mitchell, Capt. Edgar, 21-22,
in, 198-99; source of granite 44, 208; American Psychiat-
blocks for, 41; used for ini- ric Association address, Dal-
tiation rites, 33-34; visited by las, 1972, 21; Founder of the
Napoleon, 166-167 Institute of Noetic Sciences,
Kirlian Aura, The, by Dr. 22
Stanley Kripner, 114 Mokattam quarries, as source
Kirlian photography, 46, 78, for granite in the Great Pyra-
113-114, 116 mid, 41
Kirlian, Semyon, 46 Monroe, Robert A., 48; see also
Kozyrez, Nikolai, 183-184 Journey Out of the Body
Krippner, Dr. Stanley, Director Monteith, Henry, of the Uni-
of the Drearn Laboratory, versity of New Mexico, 40,
Brooklyn, 44, 115 182-184
Moss, Dr. Thelma, of U.C.L.A., Physical Chemistry, by Sir Wil-
46, 116 liam Ramsey, 53
Music, effects on plants, 156- Pi, used in the Great Pyramid,

59 32, 179-180
Piccardi, Giorgie, of the Insti-
Napoleon, 31; experience in the tute for Physical Chemistry,
Great Pyramid, 163-164 Florence, 89-90
Newton, Sir Isaac, 29, 44, 182 Pierrakos, Dr. John C, 21, 76-
Nielsen, Greg, 42, 67, 117, 168- 77, 80, 103, 123, 151
169, 174 Plants, 21-22, 57-80; healers'
Nuclear Evolution, By Chris- effects on, 62, 66; magnetic
topher Hill, 94 effects on, 64-65, 106; move-
ment in pyramids, 63-66;
Odic force, 44, 123, 138
multiwave oscillators used
Oesterbro, Rev. Ron, 169
on, 60-70; placement in pyra-
Old Straight Track, The, by
mids, 71-73; sound's effects
Alfred Watkins, 185
on, 156-159; time-lapse pho-
"Oraccu" device, 51-53, 124;
tography used on, 64-65; use
see also Wilhelm Reich
of cones on, 71-72
"Oranur Experiment, The," by
Plapp, Gary, of Huma-Tech In-
Wilhelm Reich, 184
dustries, 200
"Orgone energy," 51-52, 125-
Polygraph, as used in experi-
126, 151, 168; see also Wil-
ments on plants, 49-50, 58-
helm Reich
60, 78
"Origin and Problem of Life,
The," by A. E. Baines, 137
Power of Prayer on Plants, The,
by Franklin Loehr, 61
Ostrander, Sheila, 20,' 174; see
"Pranic energy," 44-45, 74; see
also Psychic Discoveries Be-
also bioenergy
hind the Iron Curtain
Proctor, Richard Anthony, 36-
Paracelsus, 66, 120 39; see also The Great Pyra-
Paar, Jack, 132 mid, Observatory, Tomb and
Patents on healing apparatus, Temple
120-121 Psychic Discoveries Behind the
Pavlita, Robert, 46; Pavlita gen- Iron Curtain, by Sheila Os-
erator, 46 trander and Lynn Schroeder,
Penheld, Dr. Wilder, of McGill 8, 16-17, 48, 174
University, 47 Psychic effects in pyramid mod-
Perfect Book of the Art of els, 8, 161-162; in the Great
Medicine, by Ali Abbas Pyramid, 163-166
Perkins, Elisha, 120 Psychic experiments, 20-21, 45-
Perry, W. J., 189; see also Chil- 46, 49-50
dren of the Sun Psychokinesis (PK), 20, 44; ex-
Petric, William Flanders, 182 periments in, 46
Pettit, Mrs. Inez, 18, 93, 113, Psychological effects in pyra-
171-172 mids, 113-114, 127, 161-162,
Phi ratio, 180; see also Fibonaci 164
series Pyramid and Its Relationship
Philosophical Research Associ- to Biocosmic Energy, The, by
ation, 45 G. Patrick Flanagan, 43

Pyramid Guide, The, by Irwin Secret Power of Plants, The, by
Trent, 87, 200 Brett L. Bolten, 159
Pyramid Models, construction Secret Teaching of All Ages,
of, 15, 105, 195-198; effects The, by Manley Palmer Hall,
from, see Effects of pyramids 34, 110
Pyramid Power, by Max Toth Secrets of the Great Pyramid,
and Greg Nielsen, 42, 67, by Peter Tompkins, 29-30,
117, 169, 182 166-167
Pyrameditation, 200 Seiss, Joseph, A., 41
Pyramids of Egypt, The, by Sergeyev, Dr. Genady, 44
I.E.S.Edwards, 24 Serios, Ted, 21, 49
Pyramids throughout the world, Sherman, Harold, 48
25 Siemens, Sir W., 146
Pythagoras, 32-33, 147 Sinclair, David, 143
Singh, Dr. T. C. N., of Anna-
Queen's Chamber, 27, 38 malai University, 158-159
Skinner, J. Ralston, 39; see also
Ra, Egyptian sun god, 174 The Source of Measure
Rabi, Dr. I. I., 54 -Smith, George E., of Mengels-
Rama, Swami H. H., 47, 132 dorf Seed Company, 159
Ramsey, Sir William, 53 Smith, Sister Justa, of Rosary
Rankin, Rev. John D., of Unity Hill College, 49, 66-67, 115,
Church of Christianity, 122
Houston, 196 Smyth, Piazzi, on origins of
Ra-Ta, Priest of Creative pyramids, 41
Forces, 40 Sound resonation in pyramids,
Reich, Dr. Wilhelm, 51-52, 73- 146-147
74, 124, 126, 151, 184 Sounds associated with pyra-
Reinhart,' Dr. Philip B., of mids, 148, 156, 191; effects
Agnes Scott College, 115-116 on plants, 156-159
Rejdak, Zdenek, 45-46 Source of Measure, The, by J.
Resonant cardiograph, as used Ralston Skinner, 39
on plants, 60-61 Sparks, seen rising from the
Retallack, Mrs. Dorothy, 157- Great Pyramid, 146
158 Sphinx, as geodetic marker, 30
Rhoades, Charles, 106 Spiritual Healing, by G. Strom-
Roberts, Jane, 175 berg, 119
Robertson, Dr. White, 139, 141 Stanford Research Institute
Rolling Thunder, Shoshone Ain Shams University Expe-
medicine man, 56-57, 76 dition, 1974, 203-204
Stecchini, Dr. Livio C, 32, 179
Schroeder, Lynn, 20, 174; see
Steinberg, Dr. Aaron H., 134-
also Psychic Discoveries Be-
hind the Iron Curtain
Search in Sacred Egypt, A, by Stephens, Mrs. Rose, 169-170
Dr. Paul Brunton, 163 Stevenson, Robert Louis, on
Secret Life of Plants, The, by "brownies" as plot sources,
Peter Tompkins and Christo- 14
pher Bird, 75 Stonehenge, 189
INDEX 223,
Straight Track Club, 186 Van Tassel, George, 51, 111
Stromberg, Gustaf, 119. Vern, Dr. Boris, Director of the
Supernature, by Lyall Watson, Pyramid Research Project for
101 Mankind, 101
Swanson, Gloria, on pyramids, View Over Atlantis, The, by
168 John Michell, 185
Syene, Egypt, source of granite Vinogravada, Alia, psychokinet-
for the King's Chamber, 41 ic powers, 20
System of Caucasian Yoga, A,
Vogel, Dr. Marcel, of I.B.M.,
by Count S. C. Walewski, 143
50, 74-76, 79-80, 194

Tart, Dr. Charles, of University

Von Daniken, Erich, 13, 41
of California at Davis, 48
Walden, Carl, 168
Telepathy, 43-44; experiments
in, 21-22
Walewski, Count Stefan Colon-
Tiller, Dr. W. A., of Stanford
na, 143-144
University, 118, 194 Watkins, Alfred, 185, 188; see
Tompkins, Peter, 29-30, 32-33, also The Old Straight Track
75, 77, 166, 181; see also Waves From Forms, by L. Tu-
Secrets of the Great Pyramid renne, 19
and The Secret Life of Plants Wilcox, Dave, 174
"Toning," as therapeutic aid, Wilson, Dr. J. Home, 140-141
148-155 Wisdom of the Overself, The,
Toning — The Creative Power of by Paul Brunton, 13, 165
the Voice, by Mrs. L. E. Worrall, Dr. Olga, 44, 62, 116-
Keyes, 155 117
Toth, Max, 42, 67, 117, 168-
169, 174; see also Pyramid Yoga philosophy, 34, 36, 48-
Power 49, 131; as applied to plants,
Trent, Irwin, 87-88 75
Turenne, L., 19; see also Cos- Yogananda, Paramahansa, 61
mic resonators
Zoroastrianism, 144; see also
U.F.O.'s, 13, 191 Count S. C. Walewski
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The Pyramid has always held a strange
fascination for man. For centuries we have
marveled at its tales, its mystery and
intrigue^ts history, its size, its engineering,
and most important, its reason for being.
But then came the discovery that the shape
of the Pyramid itself had unusual powers.
And a whole new adventure opened for
all of us.

Here are amazing facts about:

How living plants thrive within the
pyramid shape. . .

How water can be purified within the

pyramid. . .

How certain foods are enriched by

pyramids. . .

How the energy found within the pyramid

space influences such things as razor
blades, metal screens, aluminum foil
How the possibility of rejuvenation
through the pyramid has been
How the pyramid may improve your
sex life. . ..

How the pyramid helps to heal and

control pain. ... #

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