HiBob Guide To HR Metrics That Matter
HiBob Guide To HR Metrics That Matter
HiBob Guide To HR Metrics That Matter
Recruitment 6
Retention 19
Why should HR use a streamline processes more efficiently. The two functions work
on several areas across the business, most notably benefits
data-driven approach? and rewards, business and growth strategy, and compensation
In today’s world of work, HR professionals are involved in
strategic decisions about their company’s growth and success—
Employee data provides the facts and figures to support these
what is working, what isn’t, and where to invest future efforts.
conversations, helping HR to have a deep understanding of their
But HR leaders don’t gather all their insights or make these
companies and locate any problem areas before they cost the
decisions in a bubble. They are working with other departments,
company money or talent. But that data isn’t always easy to get
especially finance—and that collaboration goes both ways.
(or make sense of).
1 2 3
Recruitment DEI&B Retention
Hire better talent faster Create a culture of fairness Keep your best people
time to fill, time to hire, quality of pay gap, salary range penetration, eNPS, career path ratio, salary
hire, professional growth salary average, gender diversity ratio change, absenteeism rates, L&D
Creating a smooth recruitment process involving all 37%
2 Quality-of-hire
Your formula to calculate time-to-hire is:
The number of days between the starting point (when the Quality-of-hire, which gauges the value a new hire adds to an
new hire starts the recruitment process) and the endpoint organization, is considered the “holy grail” of HR metrics. In a
(the date the candidate accepts the job). LinkedIn study, 88 percent of recruiting professionals said this
data would be helpful. However, less than half (48 percent) said
Industry Today cites the benchmark for time-to-fill at 42 days, they currently use it.
while the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) sets
the average cost per hire at $4,683. A healthy quality-of-hire score shows that recruiters bring in
good people, managers support retention efforts, and new hires
Time-to-fill can be measured company-wide or by department or thrive in their new roles. You can measure the score by taking
role. Recruiting costs are high, and the more time you spend on a few key HR metrics into consideration, based on a company’s
interviews, the more expensive the process becomes. goals and priorities.
Diving into these two metrics can help HR find lags in both
the recruitment processes (such as posting jobs on the wrong
The LinkedIn study found that the top three metrics for quality-
of-hire are employee retention, employee engagement, and
performance appraisal score. The list of measurable metrics is
long and varied.
Quality-of-hire can be measured continuously throughout a
person’s time at the company—and even before.
To calculate the growth rate in your company, compare the Other HR KPIs associated with company growth include
number of employees at two different points in time and divide headcount, which refers to the number of employees in your
that number by the number of employees at the second time company, the number of new hires over a specified timeframe,
interval. The growth rate is usually expressed as a percentage. and the number of terminated employees over a specified
Step 1:
In the United States, the gender pay gap between men and
women currently stands at 18 percent—meaning women earn
about 82 cents for every dollar. But the pay gap also varies by
race and ethnicity. Total women's salaries
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, white women women's salary
earned 82.3 percent as much as white men, Black women earned Number of women
85 percent as much as Black men, Asian women earned just 79
percent as much as Asian men, and Hispanic women earned 85.7
percent as much as Hispanic men.
These gaps represented by percentage can help HR and prevents future missteps.
As you look at the gender pay gap, also take a close look at
intersectionality—when people may have multiple identities that
put them at a disadvantage in society.
For example, Black and Hispanic women face a gender pay gap
because they earn less than men and a racial pay gap, because
Pay in USD
Examining differences in salary range penetration can help Salary average is a vital HR metric for understanding diversity,
reveal pay gap issues. It’s good practice to conduct regular equity, inclusion, and belonging in your organization. By
compensation audits and compare compensation for team breaking down your salary averages by demographic (age,
members in similar roles with similar amounts of experience. race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.), you’ll be able
to identify any existing inequities in your organization that go
beyond roles and their differences.
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4 Gender diversity ratio
To understand the gender breakdown of your teams, it’s easiest
#men employees : #women employees :
to measure in ratio form. Using ratios will help you know how
diverse your organization is as a whole, within teams, and other #non-binary employees : #other employees
To calculate your company’s gender diversity ratio, you’ll need For a company to show that it cares about DEI&B, it must put its
to divide your people into groups based on declared gender and money where its mouth is: It must foster an inclusive culture that
then divide them down to the smallest numbers. celebrates diversity and gives people from underrepresented
populations a chance to succeed.
% of all applicants
The Bradford Factor doesn’t just measure the number of days off
but focuses on the number of absences. It is based on the theory
that shorter, more frequent absences are more detrimental to the
organization than longer, less frequent ones.
When you use the Bradford Factor, a higher score reflects a more
significant negative impact on the business. A score of less than
50 should not merit concern. This is the one HR metric where a
lower score is better.
40 10 52
Number of
hours lost
hour work week percent time lost weeks per year
With an HRIS, they can collect data from multiple sources, reducing
silos. Advanced analytics are there to help you understand the data
clearly so you can make better and more informed decisions quickly.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100