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Good teamwork plays a crucial role in implementing and fulfilling common goal quicker and
better in a team project. Every team member plays his or her particular role and takes on

different responsibilities which combined together can make the team function well and achieve
common goal. In different stages of teamwork, conflicts or arguments may occur as members

have different standpoints which need be harmonized within the team. The key to effective
teamwork is to exploit each team role’s unique abilities to motivate them play up strengths and

avoid their weaknesses with a proper balance. Through teamwork, I clearly recognize my role
characteristics, learn to develop my strong points and circumvent weaknesses in the team, and

draw lessons and reflections on how to deal with emergencies happened in teamwork.


 I prefer to work independently or with a single partner. In my opinion, there are too many
factors that can be missed when people congregate together in groups of three or more.
Also, if I am going to be held accountable for the final result of a project or assignment, I
want to be sure that the work is done well and that it meets my standards. While this may
sound egocentric, I see it as taking pride in my work and having a desire to excel. 
 I've worked both in groups and independently, and I've found that I can focus much better
on the task at hand when I work independently. I've always been someone who needs
peace and quiet in order to concentrate and perform well. If it's too noisy or there's too
much going on around me, I can't formulate my thoughts well. My teachers have told me
that I work best aerobically. That means that I work hard and fast (and solo), like a runner
working out on a treadmill. 


Personal reflection is vital to learning, teaching, personal identity and one’s research. I have
learnt and explored my experience on this group project which includes a number of elements
such as analysing articles and writing annotated bibliography of different articles. I also had
access to learning tools like online resources, textbook material and library resources which
helped me improve my writing skills as well as my ability to understand materials effectively.
Sharing and discussing different ideas and amount of knowledge amongst the group also gave
me a brief insight on how to deal with problems and come up with an applicable solution. I also
experienced how to confront difficulties in a team work and how to resolve any sort of argument
or problem and come up with something which is agreeable by everyone. While working on
assignment such as this, I exercised a great opportunity of developing and enhancing my writing
skills effectively and efficiently with the help of other people’s ideas which was an advantage to



Standard features of this dimension include high levels of thoughtfulness, good impulse control,
and goal-directed behaviors.1 Highly conscientious people tend to be organized and mindful of
details. They plan ahead, think about how their behavior affects others, and are mindful of

 Spends time preparing
 Finishes important tasks right away
 Pays attention to detail
 Enjoys having a set schedule
 Dislikes structure and schedules
 Makes messes and doesn't take care of things
 Fails to return things or put them back where they belong
 Procrastinates important tasks
 Fails to complete necessary or assigned tasks



 Money - I suppose this is the main reason or having a job, otherwise I might as
well start my own projects and at my own pace and rules. This is currently a
career with pretty good pay and conditions and many opportunities. Because of
what I earn I can have a decent life quality and provide for my family. I don’t
need to stress too much about money and bills, and spending a bit more is not
something that would overly stress me.
 Building stuffs - once I was asked about what I like about programming but I
didn’t know how to explain. How can I? Just like drawing, somehow I enjoy
grabbing the pencil and doodle and see stuff materialize. Somehow I like
typing some stuff, structuring stuff, doing the mental planning and organizing
stuff into systems and architectures and then see stuff materializing.
 Improves stuffs - seeing what you did contributing to improvement of
something is satisfying.


Maslow’s Hierarchy And Everyday Life:

So, we have read and discussed about Abraham Maslow’s theory in detail, but the question remains,
how can we really link it to everyday life? Following are some real-life examples, revolving around
Maslow’s Theory.

Physiological Needs basically means that a person should have enough or the satisfactory amount of
food, water, shelter, sleep, etc. Most homeless persons, or those denied of their rights are the subjects
stuck in this level. For example: During the Holocaust, the people in Auschwitz were barely given any
food or water and neither did the women have much place for any bodily excretions. They settled for
eating and drinking anything that they could find, regardless of it being clean or unclean, and even
excreted their bodily wastes into their food bowls.

In Safety Needs stage, after the person has their basic needs fulfilled, they look for a secure place to
stay. For example: A victim of abuse running off and hiding at a safe place, well away from their abuser.

An example for Social Needs is: A well-fed and well-settled person now looks for people to connect with
for feeling of belonging. They search for friends in order to be “a part of” something.

An Esteem Needs example: A person, well satisfied in all their previous need stages, now looks for a
positive reputation and respect from others as well as from their own-self.

Lastly, an example for Self-actualization Needs: A person satisfied in all his previous levels, now looks to
improve his own self and his ways of thinking.



Like many people, he finds exams super-stressful, so he’s developed some ways of looking after
himself during the busy exam period. Here’s his four-step guide on how to cope with exam
Exam time is a stressful time for many young people around Australia. Personally, I struggle
with the pressures of today's education system. I’ve failed to perform to the best of my ability
numerous times, due to the pressure that’s placed on us around examinations.

The first time I completed a high-school exam was in year 7. At the tender age of 12, our year
group took part in an imitation of the HSC exams. With 100 other students, we had to sit in
complete silence and write an essay and an extended response, and answer a series of
comprehension questions, all in just 60 minutes. That test was the beginning of my fear of
examinations and of failure.

Now, at 16, I’m about to begin the last leg of high school and, finally, the HSC, the dreaded
exam that teachers believe they have been ‘preparing’ us for since the age of 12. The pressure
put on students by the exam system is intense, so it’s super-important to have a good coping
strategy in place. Here are some techniques I’ve developed for how to look after yourself during
exam time.


1. Practice good sleep hygiene. Yes, there IS such a thing as sleep hygiene, which includes
techniques having a consistent sleep and wake up time (if you don’t, you wind up
functioning in a state of “jet lag”), avoiding caffeinated and alcoholic drinks close to
bedtime, practicing getting into a relaxed state when you go to bed, and shutting off
electronic devices.
2. Give yourself regular breaks. Take a walk, stop working and eat a good dinner (not from
the vending machine!) or talk with a friend. Give your mind a moment to rest and
reorganize. Contrary to many people’s first instincts when they are stressed, taking breaks
actually makes you more efficient, more energetic, and better able to tackle the
challenges in front of you.
3. Regularly practice self-soothing techniques. Think about the 5 senses, and this will give
you clues as to how you can give yourself comfort. What works for you? Listening to
music, taking a bath, watching a movie, getting a massage, relaxation, yoga are all on the
long list of possible ways to self-soothe. Make efforts to include these strategies in your
daily routine as they will help you cope with stress and prevent becoming more stressed.
4. Exercise regularly. Ironically, exercise is one of the first things to fall by the wayside yet
is one of the most important coping techniques in terms of reducing tension and
increasing energy! No matter how stressed and frantic you are feeling, remember that a
brisk 20 minute walk will likely help.
5. Maintain a healthy diet. When your mind is full of worries and pressures, many people
find that they slip into “mindless eating” (eating whatever is immediately available…”the
vending machine phenomena” or cravings carbs and sweets for a quick, but
unsustainable, burst of energy). Maintaining a balanced diet of foods that provide a more
constant source of energy (instead of that sugar spike) can be a great first line of defense
against the adverse effects of stress. Even more importantly it will help you maintain a
connection to your long term goals.
Limit your consumption of alcohol and other mood altering substances (including sleeping aids).
While a couple of glasses of wine at night can take the tension out of your shoulders for the
moment, it can cause sleep disruptions and an increase in depressed mood, which, in turn, keeps
your stress levels high, and increases your tension for the next day.


Small business owners and their employees face many challenges in the workplace. While a
company owner can strive to make a working environment as ideal as possible, there are still
many examples of challenges at the workplace that may affect their employees. By being aware
of these challenges, company owners can set up policies to handle different issues as they occur.

Dealing with Employee Interactions

Whenever you have different personalities working together under the same roof, there is bound
to be friction from time to time. Teams working under deadline and under pressure may be more
apt to have flare-ups of tempers and other issues. While in theory it is possible for everyone to
get along, it rarely happens. Introducing training to help employees learn how to manage work
stress and get along with other people can be very beneficial in handling this challenge.
Handling Challenging Customers

Customers bring another level of challenge into the mix. While the vast majority of customers
and clients that you deal with on a daily basis will be polite and understanding, there is generally
an element that is belligerent and hard to handle. This can create frustration among employees as
well as managers and company owners. While the idea that the customer is always right is an
important credo to follow, it is also necessary to train employees and managers in handling
difficult customers and clients.

Motivation and Productivity

Workforce motivation directly impacts the productivity of a company. If employees are lacking
in motivation, chances are they are not doing their jobs effectively and, as such, the company is
suffering. It is important to find ways to motivate your employees and this can be a challenge
simply because everyone has different motivating factors. What works for one employee may not
work for another. In order to surmount this challenge, managers and company owners need to
find several different motivators that appeal to a wide variety of employees — such as monetary
rewards, paid time off or even free food rewards.

Engaging Regular Communication

Talking through issues in the workplace with employees is imperative if you want to foster an
open environment at work. When changes are coming, whether they be the implementation of
new technology or declining sales, discussing what is happening and potential impacts on the
workplace keeps speculation down and morale up. Proactive communication policies also extend
to creating resource documents for common problems and setting up a formalized review process
with verbal and written feedback for workers. Consistent communication will make your
workers feel more invested in their jobs and help everyone understand the larger vision behind
your business.

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