Int Comput Low Sec7

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Margaret Debbadi

Siobhan Matthewson INTERNATIONAL

Series editor:
Peter Marshman




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International Computing for Lower Secondary
Deliver an exciting computing course for ages 11-14.The course covers the requirements of the national
curriculum for England and is mapped to the Level 2 CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards and the
Cambridge Assessment International Education Digital Literacy Framework for Stages 7-9.

Available in the series:

International Computing for Lower Secondary Student's Book Stage 7 9781510481985 March 2020
International Computing for Lower Secondary Student's Book Stage 8 9781510481992 May 2020
International Computing for Lower Secondary Student's Book Stage 9 9781510482005 June 2020

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International Computing for Lower Secondary Student's Book Stage 7 Student eTextbook 9781510483538
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International Computing for Lower Secondary Student's Book Stage 8 Student eTextbook 9781510483569
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International Computing for Lower Secondary Student's Book Stage 9 Student eTextbook 9781510483606
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International Computing for Lower Secondary Student's Book Stage 7 Whiteboard eTextbook
9781510483545 March 2020
International Computing for Lower Secondary Student's Book Stage 8 Whiteboard eTextbook
9781510483552 May 2020
International Computing for Lower Secondary Student's Book Stage 9 Whiteboard eTextbook
9781510483590 June 2020

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International Computing for Lower Secondary Online Teacher's Guide Stage 7 9781510483484 April 2020
International Computing for Lower Secondary Online Teacher's Guide Stage 8 9781510483491 May 2020
International Computing for Lower Secondary Online Teacher's Guide Stage 9 9781510483507 May 2020

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7.1 The Internet of Things: Merging the physical and digital world 8

7.2 Decomposing problems: Designing an app 34

7.3 HTML: It’s all news to me 56

7.4 Block it out: Creating a game 87

7.5 Show and tell: Cloud based presentations 115

7.6 Data mining: Using spreadsheets and databases 148

7.6 Glossary 186

7.6 Index 193

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How to use this book

In each unit you will learn new skills by completing a series of tasks. Each unit starts with some
information followed by a list of the learning objectives that you will cover. These features also
appear in each unit:

Learning Outcomes
Important words are
This panel lists the things you will learn about in each unit. emboldened the first
time they appear in a
unit and are defined in
this panel. They also
This panel contains a scenario which puts the tasks into a real-world appear in the glossary.
This panel suggests a
Do you remember? simple task to check
your understanding.
This panel lists the skills you should already be able to do before
starting the unit.
These speech
bubbles provide
Learn hints and tips as
you complete
the tasks.
This panel introduces new concepts and skills.

Practice DID YOU KNOW?

This panel provides an
interesting or important
This panel contains tasks with step-by-step instructions to apply fact about the task or
the new skills and or knowledge from the ‘Learn’ panel. theme.

Computational Thinking
This panel highlights tasks in the unit which involve one of the key areas of
computational thinking:
Pattern recognition: the identification of repeating tasks or features in a larger problem
to help solve more complex problems more easily.
Decomposition: breaking larger problems down into smaller more manageable tasks.
Each smaller task is examined and solved more easily than a larger more complex problem.
Abstraction: ignoring details or elements of a problem which are not needed when trying
to solve a problem.
Algorithmic development: providing a series of instructions which include details on
how to solve an identified problem.
Generalisation: the process of creating solutions to new problems using past knowledge
and experience to adapt existing algorithms.
Evaluation: the process of ensuring that an algorithmic solution is an effective and
efficient one – that it is fit for purpose.

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Go further
This panel contains tasks to enhance and develop the skills
previously learnt in the unit.

Challenge yourself
This panel provides challenging tasks with additional instructions
to support new skills.

Final project
This panel contains the final tasks of the unit which encompass
all the skills developed. This panel can be used to support self/
peer assessment and teacher assessment.

This panel provides guidance on how to evaluate and, if
necessary, test the final project tasks.

Student resources are available at


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Unit The Internet of Things: Merging
7.1 the physical and digital world

About the Internet of Things

Advances in internet speed and connectivity have changed the way
we do things. For example, we can use video streams and encrypted
internet: an
instant messaging to communicate, we can use the internet to obtain interconnected
information or to entertain us, and we can go online to book concert network or networks
tickets and flights. Artificially intelligent chat bots can even ‘talk’ to with a global reach
us online. digital data:
computers can only
These tasks are completed using digital technology systems. The digital understand digital
data; any data to be
world includes all electronic devices and the digital data that is created processed has to be
by using the devices. Most of these devices can connect to the internet turned into digital
and can communicate in some way to provide data. Devices like this are data so that the
device can understand
called smart devices. it; this data can be one
of two values, ‘1’ or ‘0’
We use smart devices in
smart devices: an
many ways during our electronic device that
everyday lives. For example: is able to connect,
communicate and
We use smart phones to share data with other
communicate, stream devices via a network
videos and music, browse Internet of Things
(IoT): a network
the internet, and use apps. of smart devices
connected to the
Smart smoke detectors can internet
sound an alarm at home
and send an alarm to your
smart devices: What
smart phone.
smart devices do you
We can make use of artificial intelligence (AI) to speak to a virtual doctor
and gain instant access to medical advice.
Most homes have a range of smart devices designed to help manage our
daily lives.
There are billions of smart devices across the world connected to the
internet. This network of devices is called the Internet of Things (IoT).
Each device collects and processes data and sends alerts and messages
based on the data collected across the internet.
Can you imagine how much data is generated everyday by all of the
devices connected to the IoT? There are more devices connected to the
IoT than there are people on the planet. Through this data collection
and processing, our physical world is merging with the digital world.
Smart smoke detectors
can send an alarm to your
smart phone

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g Unit 7.1 The Internet of Things: Merging the physical and digital world

Learning Outcomes
In this unit you will learn about:
➜ your place in the IoT
➜ how the IoT connects devices
➜ input, output, processing and storage on smart devices
➜ how we use the IoT at home
➜ commercial uses of the IoT.

MyBigCity has two million citizens. The city’s mayor wants to make
sure that all citizens can make use of the most modern smart devices
to make their life as enjoyable and productive as possible. The mayor
would like the city to hold the title ‘Smart City of The Year’. The school network: What
do you know about
competition will take place in six months’ time. A lot of research must
your school network?
be done to show what MyBigCity has achieved to date. Some citizens What components
need to understand the IoT and learn to make use of it. Your challenge does it have?
as an experienced user of the IoT is to help MyBigCity to win the title.
school network:
computers linked
together through
a main computer
using cables or Wi-Fi;
computers can share
printers and the main
computer will store
users’ data
cloud storage: a
Do you remember? network of remote
servers on the
Before starting this unit, you internet used to store
should be able to: and process data
✔ use the internet to do transmitted from IoT
✔ use email to communicate
cloud storage: Do you
✔ use apps on a smart phone use any cloud storage
✔ use a word processor to facilities? Which ones?
create a document, including
pictures and tables
✔ upload or share a document with other students Uploading or sharing
✔ use a simple graphics editing package, such as can be done using your
Microsoft Paint or Adobe Photoshop school network, e-mail
or a cloud storage area
✔ use a presentation package, such as Microsoft such as Google Drive.
PowerPoint, to create a presentation.

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International Computing for Lower Secondary

Your place in the IoT

infographic: a visual
Look at the infographic below. This shows a person and the representation of
different ways in which they are connected to the IoT. information or data
digital footprint: the
data that exist about
you as a result of
online interactions and

digital footprint:
Go on Google and
Google yourself.
What information did
you find?

If you use smart phones, smart watches, computers or tablets

you could be connected to the IoT. Each device that you use will
connect to the internet and data can be collected. For example, a
smart watch can transmit data about your daily exercise pattern,
your health or about where you have been. Data generated from
these devices contributes to a person’s digital footprint.

Smart phones can transmit a lot more data about you, especially
if they are used to browse the internet or buy things online.


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Unit 7.1 The Internet of Things: Merging the physical and digital world


➤ Create your own infographic showing how you are connected

to the IoT. Create the infographic
➤ Add graphics to represent each of the devices you use at using a word processor,
school and at home. graphics package,
presentation software
➤ Use arrows to link the devices to you and the other
or a large sheet of paper
devices on your infographic. and some markers.
➤ Complete the section on the infographic about your data.
Use the picture on page 10 to help you.
➤ In a team of four, discuss each of your infographics. After discussion, create a table
which lists all of the differences and similarities between each person’s infographic.
You could do this by using a table structure like the one below:

We all use the following devices Only some of us use the following devices

➤ Create a single infographic that shows the devices that you all use to connect to
the IoT.

Evaluation and generalisation

Compare infographics for different teams and suggest which
team is generating the most data.
Describe how your team infographic could be used to help the
citizens of MyBigCity.
You could think about:
✪ when using the devices you have identified in your infographic,
what personal data might be collected?
✪ if all the personal data was recorded, what sort of a picture, or
profile, of you could somebody create?
Reflect on the data that may be being collected about you.
Should you be able to prevent this happening?
How could the data help identify you online?


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International Computing for Lower Secondary

How the IoT connects devices


In order to make best use of the IoT, devices should:

➤ be able to access the internet wirelessly
➤ be able to send information easily
➤ have sensors to sense information in the physical
environment; for example, the temperature in a
➤ have their own power source; for example, a
The devices can connect to the internet or to each other using a wireless network.
The main wireless technologies are listed below.

Mobile Technology Download speed Latency time Disadvantage

4G is fourth generation mobile phone 60 Mbps 60 milliseconds 4G networks use many antennae and
technology. It supports services such transmitters making devices larger
as video streaming and mapping and prone to damage. Also, some
services which use a lot of data and users experience poor battery life on
require fast downloading speeds. devices

Wireless Technology Range Use Disadvantage

Wi-Fi uses radio waves to connect 90 metres Provides a wireless Performance can be affected
devices to a wireless network. Wi-Fi connection to the internet by physical barriers such as
is used in most buildings to deliver in hotels and airports for thick walls, and Wi-Fi can
internet access to people. customer use. be prone to ‘black spots’
because of distance from the
Radio Frequency Identification 10–300 feet Tagging products in a RFID tags can be costly.
(RFID) uses radio waves to identify supermarket.
an object. Objects are tagged and
the tag contains data about the
object. When the object is passed
through an RFID reader it broadcasts
data via a radio wave.
Near-field Communication (NFC) is 4–5 cm Used in mobile payment Security concerns due to
compatible with RFID systems. It is a technology such as mobile phone hacking.
very short-range wireless technology. Google Wallet. It allows
two devices like a phone
and a payment device to
exchange data when they
are close together.
Bluetooth is a short range 10–100 metres Allows devices to connect Security concerns if
technology. directly to each other, for Bluetooth is constantly
example, PCs and printers switched on.
or phones, without the
need for cables.


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Unit 7.1 The Internet of Things: Merging the physical and digital world

KEYWORDS Mbps: megabits per second; a unit

range: the distance within which a of measurement for transmitting data
device must be to send and receive mapping services: a feature on the
data web which allows you to develop an
download speed: the speed at which online map
data is downloaded from the internet sensor: a device which detects and
usually measured in bits per second measures a physical property, for
latency: the delay between a request example, the temperature in a room,
being sent and the request being sound intensity or motion activity


➤ On your infographic, can you identify what wireless Motion gaming

or mobile technologies are used when you connect has changed the way we
your device to the internet? play online games. Every
➤ Yan has got a motion gaming system which movement and body gesture
connects to the IoT. She was top of the high score is detected by motion sensors
and the in-game character
board for the online game, but her position is
mirrors your actions.
slipping. She has had a number of problems with
her system including:
o the character in the game is slow to react when she
moves in front of the screen, so she is losing games online
o the game frequently freezes whilst she is using it
o updates to the game have provided more detailed
graphics but she is not able to use these as her system
becomes slow.
➤ Yan’s mum loves to listen to music in the evening. Yan’s
brother also plays games and frequently watches videos
online. Yan’s dad is a university professor and he makes use
of video calling to talk to students and other professors.
5G is fifth generation
➤ Yan’s family all make use of 4G technology to do these
super-fast mobile
things. In a group, discuss why Yan may be having the technology and is
problems she has with her game. You could think about the becoming the new
technology she uses (4G) and the latency time, download standard. It is designed
speed and disadvantages of this technology. to serve industry and
consumers. Download
➤ Now prepare a report which explains to Yan why she is times could be as
having these problems. Your report should include: fast as 1 Gbps and
o an explanation of 4G latency times as low as
o how latency might affect her game’s performance 1 millisecond.

o how the download time might affect her game’s

o an explanation about how her experience will improve if
she changes to 5G.


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International Computing for Lower Secondary

Using sensors

Sensors and other
Sensors have the ability to detect or measure and report a
devices can be used to
physical quality that is changing in the physical environment. send data to control
Sensors can communicate with electronic devices to allow data robots. The robots can
to be read. There are many different types of sensors. This table carry out particular
outlines some of the most common sensors. tasks. For example, oil
and gas companies
What does it are experimenting
Sensor name measure and report? Example of where it is used with pressure and
temperature sensors
temperature temperature in a central heating systems in buildings to
which alert robots to
sensor given space maintain a constant temperature visit hazardous areas
light sensor intensity or automated lighting systems which turn and check equipment.
brightness of light on at dusk and turn off at dawn This saves manpower
and means that human
pressure sensor pressure measurement monitoring oxygen levels in pressure
beings do not have
of gases or liquids tanks in hospitals to ensure patient health
to work in dangerous
humidity sensor moisture in the monitoring the air quality in museums areas.
(also called air and the air to prevent artefacts from moisture
hygrometers) temperature damage
motion sensor movement and body burglar alarms; when an alarm system
heat is armed, motion sensors are activated;
the sensor can detect heat and
movement in the immediate area, which
creates a protective grid; a moving
object can cause rapid changes in the
temperature and trigger the alarm

IoT devices need a gateway to Device Cloud

manage the two-way data flow
between the devices and the
internet. The gateway ensures
that devices with different wireless KEYWORDS
protocols can communicate gateway: a physical
with each other. device or software
Data Data
program that is the
connection for the
cloud, sensors and
intelligent devices
Gateway protocol: a set of
rules which govern the
way in which data is
DID YOU KNOW? transferred around a
The IoT creates a massive amount of data which needs to
cloud: a network of
be stored. The data can be stored on the cloud. Businesses
remote servers on
and individuals can access this data, analyse it and make
the internet used to
decisions based on the data. Some of these decisions are
store and process data
made automatically without human intervention.
transmitted from IoT


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Unit 7.1 The Internet of Things: Merging the physical and digital world

Pattern recognition and analysis

Analytics is the process of converting the data collected into meaningful information so
that it can be interpreted.
Consider the data that may be generated about you. Review your infographic.
In groups of four, discuss how the data collected about your class could be used to
provide information about their patterns of behaviour.
For example, location information could be used to determine the average distance
people need to travel to school.
Make a list of five patterns, about the class, that could be identified through analysis of the
data collected by your IoT devices.


➤ Open the file IoT Technologies.docx provided by your teacher. Complete the table
about wireless technologies.
➤ With a partner, use the internet to research two additional uses for each of the sensors
in the table above.
➤ Pair up with two other students and share how you think those sensors might also be
used in the future.
➤ Use and adapt the templatesensors.ppt provided by your teacher to prepare a
presentation for the mayor of MyBigCity about the new uses for each sensor. You
could think about transport, making citizens' lives more enjoyable, or helping the
environment, and so on.
Your presentation should include five slides, one for each sensor.
Each slide or page should include:
o the sensor name
o the two new uses for the sensor, with a picture of each
o an explanation of how MyBigCity could benefit from using the sensor in these
two ways.
➤ Select one of your slides and prepare a presentation (no more than two minutes long)
in which you describe how the sensor will make a positive impact on the citizens in

As you will be presenting some of your work, make sure that you include the key points
about how the sensor might be used and its impact on the citizens.
During your presentation, explain how the sensor works by breaking your explanation
into small steps.
Deliver your presentation to your whole class or a small group.


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International Computing for Lower Secondary

Functions of an IoT device


IoT devices are basically input and output devices which connect to the internet.
The user interface allows the user to interact with the IoT. For example, simple touch
panels and multicolour touch panels have replaced hard switches on many household
appliances. These act as input devices.

Device Advantage Disadvantage

Touch screens work as Do not require a lot of Expensive and can be easily
input and output devices. training to use and they damaged. Also touch screens
They are used on many can be used without adding are not always suitable for
smart phones and on a keyboard or mouse to a inputting a large amount of
control panels. device. The screen allows the data at one time.
user to zoom in and rotate
images very easily.
Voice recognition Provides a means of data Can be affected by
software takes in voice entry which does not background noise and the
commands through a require typing. This could be system must be trained to
microphone. These are suitable for individuals with recognise your voice.
processed and converted limited mobility.
to commands which are
executed on the device.
A keyboard is the main Keyboards are widely If you do not have a good
input device used to input available and relatively level of keyboard skills
text and character data cheap. Most people have data input can be very
into computers. some keyboard skills so slow. Typing errors are
should be able to make use common and keyboards
of them. are unsuitable for creating
pictures or graphics.

user interface: sometimes called the UI; it is every part of the system with
which the user can interact
voice recognition software: software which can process voice commands and
execute them on a device or computer


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Unit 7.1 The Internet of Things: Merging the physical and digital world


There are two different types of touch screen. A resistive touch screen is made up of resistive (touch
two flexible plastic sheets, with a gap between them. If you press on the top sheet, screen): is made of
it comes into contact with the bottom sheet and completes an electrical circuit. The two transparent layers
screen is pressure-sensitive. If you did not apply pressure, the touch would not be of glass or plastic;
detected. when pressure is
A capacitive touch screen works by using the electrical properties of the human body applied the top layer
to change an electrostatic field on the screen. That means you can’t select options bends and touches
if you are wearing gloves or using a pencil. However, you can buy special styluses to the bottom layer and a
control the screen. current flows between
the layers
Most smart phones use capacitive touch screens.

Which type of touch

screen is used on your


➤ Open your presentation, sensors.ppt.

➤ On each slide add:
o an input device for the sensor use
o an explanation, stating why you selected the input device
for that use.
➤ Voice recognition devices in the form of personal assistants,
such as Alexa and Siri, are used in many homes. In a group of
four, discuss how these devices are currently used in everyday
life. One example would be to request music.
➤ Create a list of uses for voice recognition devices.


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International Computing for Lower Secondary

Other hardware used on the IoT


Devices Key facts

Virtual reality devices ● Used to play games and give the gamer a more realistic experience.
● Head-mounted devices and special gloves are used to send data to the game and
receive feedback from it. The feedback comes in the form of vibration, sound or
visual activity on the screen.
● This helps the user become immersed in the game and improves their overall
Digital cameras ● Produce digital images which can be stored, edited and analysed.
● The quality of the camera will affect the quality of the images produced.
● Digital cameras are used in security systems and weather stations in the IoT.

Webcams ● A digital camera connected to a computer or other device. It can send live pictures
from its location using the internet.
● The quality of images sent by the webcam is affected by the frame rate of the
webcam. This is the number of pictures a webcam takes and transfers to the
computer in a second. Typical frame rates are 30 frames per second (fps) although
high end webcams can take as many as 60 fps.
● The resolution of the camera is also important. Many webcams now have
high-definition capabilities and can deliver high quality video images.
● Webcams are used throughout the IoT to deliver live images of homes in security
systems and for monitoring purposes.
3D Printers ● Provide physical outputs in 3D format made from plastic or another material.
● Used to make tools and equipment that have been designed on a computer. This
type of equipment can be used to ‘print’ bones for replacement surgery.

Speakers ● Devices that connect to a computer and produce sound.

● The sound generated comes from the computer’s sound card.
● Most smart phones have a built-in speaker.
● Wireless speakers can be linked to the smart phone; this is common in many


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Unit 7.1 The Internet of Things: Merging the physical and digital world


Smart phones have rear and front digital resolution: a measure
cameras. An important feature of the camera of the quality of an
is the resolution, which is measured in pixels image (or the amount
(or megapixels). The higher the resolution, of detail a camera can
the higher the number of megapixels, and the capture); relates to
better quality the picture will be. A typical the number of pixels
resolution is 40 MP. These cameras have many used to create an
features. For example, they allow the user to image – the greater
zoom in on the subject, apply effects and use the number of pixels,
a flash. They also generate a lot of data about the better the quality
the photograph. A digital photo stores data of the image
about the location, date and time the photo pixel: short for picture
was taken. element; refers to the
individual dots used to
make up an image or
display on a computer
megapixel: one mega–
pixel is one million

Find two versions of
➤ Copy and complete the following table for the devices named. the same image using
Google images. One
Device Photograph version should have a
name of device Features Uses Advantages Disadvantages higher resolution than
the other. Open them,
touch enlarge them. Do you
screen see any differences in
webcam image quality?

3D printer

➤ A local engineering business in MyBigCity needs to buy a 3D

printer. You must research 3D printers online and recommend
a printer to the company.
Your research should include reading reviews for the printer,
considering the price of the printer and what it can do, and
researching what engineering companies do.
o Ahmed works as a jeweller. He produces personalised
3D printed wedding rings. He uses 3D computer-aided
design (CAD) software to create the unique designs before
printing them onto wedding rings.
How could he make use of technologies such as touch
screens and cloud storage to have a better service for
Discuss your ideas with a partner – did you come up with
the same or completely different ideas? How could your
ideas make people’s lives better and more enjoyable?


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International Computing for Lower Secondary

Data storage KEYWORDS

read only memory (ROM):
Learn a non-volatile storage
medium; does not
require a constant source
Many devices need to be able to store data. There are a number of of power to retain the
different types of data storage. Each one has a different purpose. information stored on it
non-volatile: data in
Internal storage memory is retained
When a device such as a computer is switched on, it needs when the computer is
to know what task to carry out to start the device. Read only switched off
memory (ROM) holds a set of instructions that will enable the random access memory
(RAM): a volatile
device to start up. ROM cannot be modified as it is read only. storage medium; loses
ROM is non-volatile; this means that the data or instructions any information it is
stored in ROM are not lost when the device is switched off. If the holding when the power
data in the ROM were to be lost when the device was switched is turned off
off, then the device would never start up again. volatile: data in
memory is lost when the
When the device is being used it needs memory to hold the computer is switched off
data and instructions that it is working on to carry out a range hard disk drive (HDD):
of tasks. Random access memory (RAM) holds this data and a form of external
enables processing to take place. RAM is volatile; this means memory which
permanently stores data
that the data or instructions stored
solid state drive (SSD):
in RAM are lost when the device is
a form of permanent
switched off. storage which has
External storage no moving parts and
operates much faster than
In order to store data permanently,
hard disc drive solid state drive a traditional hard drive
devices have hard disk drives (HDD) and universal serial bus
solid state drives (SSD). Universal serial (USB): a technology for
bus (USB) sticks and flash memory connecting peripherals to
cards can also be used to store data a computer
when the device is switched off. USB stick flash memory card flash memory cards: a
storage device that uses
non-volatile electronic
Device name Description Capacity Advantage Disadvantage memory to store data;
cameras, for example,
Hard disk Magnetic storage device Up to 10 Much Because of the
use these devices
drive (HDD) which stores a high terabytes cheaper continuous
terabytes: 1000 gigabytes
volume of data on tracks. than the rotation to access
It rotates to allow data to equivalent data, the HDD
ROM: What is the
be accessed on the disks. SSD. can wear out
ROM size of your
Read write heads are more quickly
home computer?
used to access the data. than the SSD.
USB: What devices
Solid state A storage device which Up to 4 They are They are do you normally plug
drive (SSD) has no moving parts. terabytes much faster expensive and into the USB in your
It uses semiconductors than HDDs, can increase the computer?
which store information and have a price of a device.
by changing the lower failure
electrical state of small rate when
capacitors. This is called reading Flash memory is used
flash memory. data. in SSDs, USB memory
sticks, digital cameras
and many more devices.


481985_01_Int_Comput_Low_Sec_SB_i-033.indd 20 2/18/20 8:22 PM

Unit 7.1 The Internet of Things: Merging the physical and digital world

Cloud storage is an important

component used in the IoT.
The cloud has a huge number and services
of computers connected to the
internet. Data can be uploaded
to the cloud and then it can be
accessed from any location.
Companies such as Google and
Microsoft offer cloud storage
accounts to users.
To use cloud storage you
must set up an account and
access it using a username and
password. This helps keep the
data safe.
The advantage of cloud storage is that the data can be accessed anywhere on any
device that can connect to the internet. Data is always there and can be recovered
even if you have lost it from your device. Cloud storage is vital for the IoT as all of the
data generated from the devices must be stored before it is analysed. The data can be
accessed from anywhere allowing interconnection between devices.


➤ Primary storage (RAM and ROM) and secondary storage (hard drives, SD cards, USB flash
drives, and so on) can be compared to your school locker (or bedroom at home) and your
school bag.
Your locker is like your secondary storage – you might store everything you may need
for a school day, such as your textbooks for all subjects. Your school bag has all those
things you need close by, such as your textbook for your current lesson, a pen and
some paper.
With a partner, note down all the things you keep in your school bag and what things
for school you keep in your locker.
➤ Amy lives in MyBigCity. She is a wedding photographer. She takes photos using her
phone or camera. As the images need to be detailed and high resolution, she needs
lots of space to share the photos. From the following list, decide which input method,
input device and storage device might be best for her to use and why.
Touch screen/voice
Cloud storage or SSD
➤ Work with a partner to create a document which contains a list of uses, advantages
and disadvantages for cloud storage. You should only prepare one document. You
could share the document on a cloud sharing application or complete the document
together on your school network.


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International Computing for Lower Secondary

How we use the IoT at home


Smart phones
We have already seen the role that smart phones play
in the IoT. We use them to communicate through voice
calls, text messaging, email and video calls.
We use apps to monitor health and fitness. In the future,
this data could be analysed in the cloud and sent to
a doctor if it suggested that we were unwell. Then an
appointment could be made if necessary.
With the use of NFC technology, phones can become
actuators where they control the start of a process; for
example, when you use your phone to pay for items.

Central heating control systems

Many homes are equipped with a smart
thermostat that is connected to the
Wouldn’t it be great
if this app could send a internet. The thermostat monitors
message to the maintenance a family’s activities and learns
company to tell them that about their habits and routines.
there is a problem and It then automatically adjusts the
schedule a home temperature when people are at
visit for the repair? home or away, awake or asleep.
Overall this makes the heating more efficient and may save the family
money on heating and air conditioning. The mobile app allows people
to change switch-on times and temperatures remotely. It can also send a
message to notify you if things have gone wrong with the heating system.

Care for the elderly

IoT devices can help keep elderly people
independent in their communities. Simple devices
such as a motion sensor can be installed so that
an alert is sent to a carer if no movement has been
detected for a long time. A smart watch has been
designed which has a single button that can
be pressed if a person has a fall. The message is
received and processed by a company monitoring
the device. The company will call a family member
to let them know about the accident. Using these
devices means that help will arrive quickly, potentially saving lives.
IoT devices can also track changes in air quality, temperature, humidity, or carbon monoxide
levels, notifying the homeowner or care giver if levels fall below an acceptable level.


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Unit 7.1 The Internet of Things: Merging the physical and digital world

Medication management
Smart pill boxes help make sure that elderly patients are taking their medication as
prescribed. The pill box has sensors that can detect if a dose has been missed. The app will
send an alert to the patient and the carer. Or a diabetic patient could use a smart watch to
monitor their glucose levels and automatically log them online, no finger prick required.
These devices may help seniors live with more independence and peace of mind.

Home security
Home security can be improved through the use of smart
locks, cameras, and sensors. Alerts can be sent to home-
owners when the doorbell rings. This means that they can see
who is at the door even if they are not at home. They can also
sense movement outside a property and send an alert if there
is unusual activity near a property or if an alarm has been
triggered. Homeowners using this technology can lock and
open doors, see live video of the house or garden, and turn
lights on or off from their smart phone.

DID YOU KNOW? actuator: a part
Wearable technologies are used of a system that
across professional sports to track players’ health is responsible for
and fitness. Players wear smart vests which can moving; for example, a
monitor many aspects of their training and match robotic arm
play statistics. Youth players can be monitored motion sensor: a
remotely to see if they are good enough to be device that detects
signed to a major team. moving objects
humidity: the amount
of water vapour
present in air
carbon monoxide: a
poisonous gas which
humidity: What is the humidity in your present location? Look on the Internet
is odourless and
to find out.
carbon monoxide: Name something that emits carbon monoxide.


➤ Actuators are used in medical equipment, production

machinery and in the transportation industry.
➤ Imagine how they could help in the working
environment. With a partner, discuss the different ways
in which a robotic arm could be used in a factory. You
might consider:
o how the arm can help speed up the process
o how the arm can help to lift heavy objects
o how many rest breaks the arm will need.


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International Computing for Lower Secondary

➤ Create a list of advantages of using a robotic arm in the work place.

➤ Imagine a robotic arm that can set off the fire alarm if there is a fire in the chemistry
laboratory (by breaking the glass in the fire alarm on the wall), and then operate a fire
extinguisher to extinguish the fire. You have been asked to program the arm so that it
will work.
Describe the sensors that would be required to send information to the robotic arm.
List, in logical steps, the different things that would occur when a fire is started.
Think about the sensors used, what data is captured by the sensors, how the data is
processed, the action taken by the arm, any outside communication that would be
sent as a result of the fire.
➤ Coaches and managers at soccer and rugby matches make decisions based on player
effort and performance. Players wear special devices that send information about their
breathing, distance covered on the field and other performance data. The coaches
analyse this data to decide whether or not to keep a player on the field.
Research how wearable technology is used in rugby or soccer and make a list of six
items of data that is collected about a player.
You could use this website to help you:
As a manager of a sports team playing a game on the field, what data would you like
to see collected about the player?
Write a short report using a word processor showing how you would use data to make
a decision about substituting a player.
With a partner, discuss whether this is a fair way to make the decision. Then add the
result of your discussion to the report.

Decomposition and algorithmic thinking

For this task you will need to think logically. What will need to happen first? What will
happen as a result of something else happening? What might happen last?
An elderly patient who lives in MyBigCity has purchased a smart pill box. However, the pill box
is not working as it should. If a dose of pills is missed, no alert is sent to the carer or the patient.
You must review the checklist of actions listed below. These will help you to find the source
of the problem. Re-order the checklist, if necessary, and add any additional steps that you
think are important. You might add steps to check the carer’s technology as well. Remember
that the IoT works with sensors, wireless networks, data analysis, smart devices and apps.
✪ Is the date and time on the box set correctly?
✪ Is the alarm on the box enabled or disabled?
✪ Is the pill box battery charged?
✪ Is the Wi-Fi in the patient’s home turned on?
✪ Are there pills in the box?
Compare your checklist with another student. Do you have the same solutions? If not,
what differences do you have and what were your reasons for your own design?


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Unit 7.1 The Internet of Things: Merging the physical and digital world

Commercial uses of the IoT


Businesses use the IoT to try and achieve a competitive edge.

It would be useful to receive a notification when things are
wearing out or are not working properly. For example, instead
of waiting until there is a leak in the kitchen, you could receive a
notification that a pipe connector was deteriorating. Or, instead
of your washing machine breaking down and leaving you with
nothing to wash your clothes in, you could receive a notification
that a part will need replacing after 10 more cycles.
Or imagine you had one pen that was running out of ink – wouldn’t
it be good if there was a device that could let you know it was
running out, so you could replace the ink or get a new pen?
Well, in business it’s just as important, as it makes customers
happier and means they can be less wasteful and more
environmentally friendly.
This approach to keeping things working is called predictive
maintenance. It aims to prevent the failure by monitoring data
sent from the equipment regarding its performance. If the parts maintenance:
of the equipment are deteriorating, action can be taken to continuously
repair or replace these parts. So, the device won't fail and the monitoring equipment
equipment will keep running. to ensure that it is
repaired before it
Retail businesses across the world use IoT to improve customer breaks down
satisfaction and store efficiency.

Just walk out shopping predictive

Amazon has set up a maintenance: What
number of shops without type of equipment
cashiers. In the shop, in your home or
school would benefit
a system is set up to from predictive
read tags on each item maintenance?
when a customer leaves
the shop. The checkout
system calculates the total
amount spent on the items
and automatically takes
the payment from the
customer via their mobile
payment app.
Creating an automated checkout system like this may reduce
long queues and lead to greater customer satisfaction.


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International Computing for Lower Secondary

Smart shelves
All shops need to keep their shelves
stocked with products for people to
buy. Staff have to do this by looking at
the shelves and replacing items. Smart
shelves use RFID tags and readers to
monitor products on display. They have
weight sensors which send alerts when
items are running low or have been
placed on the wrong shelf. This saves
money for the shop as checking stock
and re-filling the shelves takes a lot of employee time.
Some shops use robots to monitor the shelves and note if items
are in the wrong place or running low in stock. This allows human
workers to spend more time with customers.


Create a Venn diagram with three sections: A, B, and A and B (the overlap). In five
minutes, list as many things as you can under each of the three sections.
➤ What are robots really good at, and why?
➤ What are humans really good at, and why?
➤ What are both robots and humans good at, and why?

A Venn diagram should look like this:

Robot Both Human


Decomposition means to break a problem down into smaller parts. Take one statement
from what a robot is good at and one statement from what a human is good at, and
break your statements down further into:
✪ what makes them good at that task?
✪ why would that (robot/human) task not be easy to do if you were a (human/robot)?


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Unit 7.1 The Internet of Things: Merging the physical and digital world

Transport and the IoT


Driverless cars LiDAR –

light detecting and ranging
Driverless cars are vehicles sensors bounce pulses of light
the global positioning
to help keep the car in the
which can drive themselves correct lane
system provides
accurate details on
from one location to another Video Camera – used to
the location of the car
without a driver. monitor other cars, look
out for pedestrians and
This complex technology is obstacles and detect
traffic lights
currently being developed.
These cars have to make
many quick decisions on the
road. For example, the car
needs to react if a pedestrian Ultrasonic sensors –
help measure the proximity
steps out onto the road, or of kerbs so that the
work out how close to the car can park accurately
Central computer –
pavement it should park. Radar sensors – holds all data and transmits
monitor the position information about the car. It
Therefore, driverless cars of vehicles that also controls the steering,
need many different types are close by brakes and accelerator
of sensor systems which
monitor different aspects of the car’s activity.
Driverless cars could improve safety as they have a lower
accident rate than human driven cars. Since they are
connected to the internet they can select the shortest and
best route for a journey. This could mean that there is less
traffic congestion on major roads.

Traffic control
Traffic management is a major challenge for any big city
because of the volume of traffic passing through and the
traffic jams it causes.
Smart cities use the IoT and data to control traffic flow
around their roads. These cities are managing congestion by
getting data from closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras
and sending data to traffic management centres. This allows
the re-routing of traffic to settle the congestion. A well
organised traffic system will allow more free-flowing traffic. There will also be less pollution,
as pollution from cars is highest when cars are stopped but their engines are still running (at
traffic lights, for example).
Smart traffic lights use real-time data to distribute traffic load. Sensors mounted at key
places in the city use IoT technology to gather data about congested areas. Analysis of
this data will help generate different routes to avoid congestion. These alerts can be sent
to travellers through the in-car communication system or to smart phones. The timing
and sequence of traffic signals can be changed as a result of the data obtained. This will
also help ease congestion.


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International Computing for Lower Secondary


In-car navigation was invented in 1909, when an engineer named J.W. Jones invented radar sensor: a system
the Jones Live-Map in-car navigation system. which uses radio
waves to determine
range or distance
ultrasonic sensor:
a device that can
measure the distance
to an object by using
sound waves
LiDAR: works on the
same principle as
radar but uses lasers
real-time data: data
which is processed
immediately after
video cameras:
keep track of the
vehicles and look out
Practice for pedestrians and
obstacles on the road;
they are also used to
➤ Imagine you are travelling in a self-driving car. You have a cliff
detect traffic lights
face that drops to the sea on your right and the mountains to
external aerials:
your left. Another car comes around the bend in the opposite receive information
direction with failing brakes. about the car’s current
How will your car react? location so that routes
can be followed
It could turn inward and slam on the brakes to avoid a head-
on collision, but this may cause the other car to go over the
cliff. Or prepare for an impact which may keep both cars on
the road but injure you and any passengers in your car. video cameras: How
could video cameras
Humans act on instinct but, for a computer, a split second is be useful at home or
enough time to make a logical decision. The outcome would school?
be based on the way in which the car is programmed.
In a group of four, discuss what the car should do. Copy and
complete the table below. DID YOU KNOW?
By 2040, 65 percent of
Answer Reason
the world’s population
Should the car put its will be living in cities.
own passengers’ safety 1.3 million people move
first? into cities every day.
What if the other vehicle This is why governments
is causing the crash? are working on smart
city initiatives.
What if one car has more
passengers than another?
Should the driver be
able to influence these
decisions before getting
into the car?


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Unit 7.1 The Internet of Things: Merging the physical and digital world

Go further

Sustainability Efficiency

Efficient energy use Smart street lighting

Smart water treatment plants Traffic management

People Security

Monitoring the elderly CCTV

Smart home Biometrically controlled locks

◆ Look at the infographic about a smart city. There

are many different ways in which a city can be
connected to the IoT to help its citizens. Research Stockholm is one of
the term ‘smart city’ and write two sentences which the top smart cities in the world.
explain what a smart city is. Its citizens, businesses and
services are connected through
◆ Create a presentation or movie which will promote a complex network. Using
Stockholm as a tourist destination because of its the internet, read about how
smart technology. You should use three headings; Stockholm has become one
the first two have been started for you: of the top smart cities in
1 Stockholm is an environmentally friendly city the world.
because …
2 Stockholm is a safe city because …
3 Stockholm …
◆ Answer the following questions:
o Why do we need smart cities? Justify your response.
o Are smart cities safe? What evidence have you found to suggest that they are?
◆ In groups of four, reflect on the question:
In a smart city, does technology serve people or do people serve technology?


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