Skittles Lesson Plan
Skittles Lesson Plan
Skittles Lesson Plan
- Given a pack of colored skittles, TSWBAT sort based on color, count the amount of each color,
- 2.2 K.A.1 Extend the concepts of putting together and taking apart to add and subtract within 10.
1. Anticipatory set
Have students sit at their desks and pay attention to the front of the classroom
Show the students the bag of skittles and ask what the think we will be doing? How do
2. Development
3. Guided practice
Ask students to take out all the red skittles in their bag and place them in the first square.
Say that it is okay if they do not have any red skittles (they would just put a zero)
Once all students have grouped all the red skittles, they will count how many there are
and write the number down in the circle within the square.
Have students put their pencils down and put both hands on their head when they are
Repeat all these same steps with each of the colors until the bag is empty.
4. Independent practice
The students will be grouped with their partner sitting next to them.
They will work together to add each of their colors, starting with red and them repeating
5. Review
Ask the students to put their thumbs up, down, or in the middle depending on how much
- Skittles
- Plastic bags
- Pencils
- The teacher will give one-on-one attention to students who need extra help.
Formative: The teacher will walk around the room to make sure that all the students are counting
and sorting correctly. Once the students are grouped up into partners to add their skittles together,
the teacher will make sure that both partners are equally doing as much work.
Summative: None
1. Student mastery/performance: The students were engaged and understood the directions that were
given. The students needed little to no help with sorting and counting. (It is expected that they
2. Teacher success and changes for future lessons: The teacher was able to keep the student on task