Nutrition Assignment
Nutrition Assignment
Nutrition Assignment
BHHT 1113
Title: Protein
Tutorial Group : 1
Group Members :
Name Reg. No
1. 20WJR00278
Pong Zhi Qing
2. 20WJR02389
Tan Peggy
3. 20WJR05779
Tham Cai Wei
4. 20WJR04382
Lee Man Hou
Date: _______________25/08/2021_________________________________
No. Section Marking
Written Assignment
1 Table of Contents 6
2 Introduction 10
3 Content, Discussion, Information, 60
Consistency and Flow
4 Conclusion 10
5 Language 8
6 References & Appendices 6
Remarks/Comments/Suggestions: -
Low Average Excellent
Criteria 0 1 2 3 Marks
Complete information on topic Complete information with clear
Discussion, No complete information on the topic Unclear information with brief
selected as per text book and limited explanation and creatively written. /60
Information, selected. explanation.
creativity. Extraordinary effort.
Consistency and (0 mark) (1- 20 marks)
(21- 40 marks) (41- 60marks)
More than 50% Grammatical Less than 30% grammatical mistake Minimal grammatical mistake with
Grammar completely wrong /8
Language mistake. with proper sentences proper sentences.
(0 mark)
(1- 3 marks) (4 - 6marks) (7- 8 marks)
Total Points
Semester : RHT 2
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Signature(s) : Qing
Date : 25/08/2021
No. Contents Page Number
1. Cover Page 1
2. Report Evaluation 2
3. Assignment Rubrics 3
4. Coursework Declaration 4
What is Protein?
There are three macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Why has protein
been listed as a macronutrient? This is because the human body requires a substantial number
of macronutrients to remain healthy, hence the word "macro." Normally, protein can be found
in two categories which are animal products and plants. Examples of the animals' products
will be beef, chicken, and egg. Instead of eating meat for protein, humans also can get
protein from plants and nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and chickpea. Furthermore, some
categories are listed as high protein food. There are high protein meats such as lean ground
meat (protein content: 23 g per 3 oz ), pork chop (protein content: 26 g per 3 oz), and
sockeye salmon (protein content: 23 g per 3 oz). The next categories will be high protein
dairy foods such as greek yogurt (protein content: 23 g per 8 oz) and cottage cheese(protein
content: 14 g per ½ oz). The last other high-protein food will be canned food like sardines,
anchovies, and tuna average around 22 g of protein per serving. Vegans also require adequate
amounts of protein, so they can choose to have a meal that includes cereals and legumes,
such as baked beans with toast.It contains all of the necessary amino acids found in meat
foods. (Szalay 2015)
Besides that, the main difference between the animals’ protein and plants’ protein is their
amino acid profile. Amino acids are chemical molecules that contain nitrogen, carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, and a side-chain group variable. Nine essential amino acids are required
by the human body: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine,
threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Without amino acids, humans can't build muscles and
regulate immune function. On the other hand, essential amino acids can’t be produced by the
human body, hence humans need to obtain them through the diet. The majority of animal
proteins are complete proteins, which means they contain all nine essential amino acids.
(Kubala 2018)
In contrast, plant proteins are thought to be incomplete.. It means they are leaking in at least
one of the essential amino acids. Some vegans may consider that they are not taking enough
protein however they can supplement additional amino acids (BAAS) to increase their plant
proteins. Plant-based proteins, for example, have very low amounts of important amino acids
like lysine, methionine, and tryptophan. As a result, vegans must supplement their diet to
replicate muscle protein production. To achieve the effect of a complete protein,vegans can
consume multiple plant proteins through their diet. (Kubala 2018)
Protein is the most crucial component in the human body's construction. It is in charge of
tissue development and maintenance. While in periods of rapid development, for example,
baby, youth, and maternity, the body requires more protein. Those who have been wounded
or have had surgery have higher protein requirements. During exercise, muscle breakdown
happens on a regular basis. (Megan Ware 2017)
Protein absorption
There is really no evidence to back up the widely held assumption that only about twenty or
thirty grammes (g) of protein may be absorbed and utilised each meal.A great many people
can still meet their protein requirements by spreading protein consumption throughout the
day and enhancing their energy and blood sugar levels. A range of typical food practises that
might help people reach their goals. (Megan Ware 2017)
Every time you eat individuals may strive to use a particular quantity of protein to maximise
protein use, muscle building, and recuperation. The Recommended Dietary Allowance
(RDA) for the protein, as set out by the Institute of Medicine(IOM), is 0.8 g per kilogramme
(kg) daily. The RDA is the minimum quantity and not the maximum amount of protein
essential for satisfying dietary needs. A 6-foot, 250-pound male who lifts weights seven times
each week absorbs and uses more protein than a 5-foot lady who doesn't even exercise
Depending on the intensity of their activity, athletes of endurance may require 1.0 to 1.6 g per
kg body weight. Protein should be consumed at a rate of 1.6 to 2.0 g per kilogramme of body
weight for strength training or power athletes. According to the Institute of Medicine, protein
should make up between 10% and 35% of daily calories. Because the influence on long-term
health and illness risk varies depending on the type of protein ingested, it's unknown how
ingesting more than this might affect a person's health and long-term danger of illness.
(Megan Ware 2017)
On the other hand, people can calculate the protein they should consume per day using the
protein calculator. The Protein Calculator calculates the daily quantity of dietary protein that
adults need to stay healthy. The calculator can also be used to track the protein intake for
those who suffer from kidney disease, liver disease, and other disorders where protein intake
is a factor. As a result, people can determine how much protein they should ingest and
whether they are getting enough protein. (Protein Calculator n.d.)
Roles of Protein
At the same time, protein plays many roles in the human body. To give some ideas like
protein, maintain humans’ tissues and growth. Protein is generally broken down in the same
proportion as it is used to generate and repair tissues in the body. At times, it breaks down
more protein than it can produce, increasing your body's requirements. In general, this will
happen when you are ill, pregnant, or breastfeeding. Moreover, protein also acts as a
message. Some of the proteins are hormones, it helps to communicate with cells, tissues, and
organs. They are produced and secreted by endocrine cells or glands, and then transported
through the bloodstream to their target tissues or organs, where they attach to protein
receptors on the cell surface. Proteins and peptides, steroids, and amines are three different
types of hormones. As a result, protein and peptides are made up of different length amino
acid chains that make up numerous hormones in your body and transport information
between cells, tissues, and organs.
Furthermore, some of the proteins are fibrous, giving cells, tissues, and organs stiffness and
rigidity. Protein includes keratin, collagen, and elastin. They aid in the formation of the
connective framework and a few body structures. Like keratin protein can be found in nails,
skin, and hair. Collagen is our body's most prevalent protein. Bones, tendons, ligaments, and
skin all have it as a structural protein. In comparison to collagen, elastin will be more
flexible. Its remarkable flexibility allows many biological tissues, such as the uterus and
lungs, to return to their original shape after stretching and contracting. As a result, fibrous
protein provides structure, strength, and elasticity to numerous parts of the body.
In addition, protein provides energy for the human body. However, when the body does not
obtain enough energy from the carbohydrate or fat, protein is used as an energy source. If
they consume too much protein, the body will break the protein down and store its
component as fat. Normally carbohydrates and fat are better to supply energy for the body.
Moreover, they are digested more effectively than protein. Protein will only supply a little
amount of energy for the body. When someone has no food intake for 18 to 48 hours, amino
acids will supply energy to the body and the body will break down the skeletal muscle itself.
Moreover, humans can consume foods that provide them more energy such as bananas, sweet
potatoes, and eggs. Most athletes will eat bananas before they do exercises because bananas
could provide energy and reduce the risk of getting cramps and soreness. Therefore, protein
can be a valuable source for the human body but only in fasting, engaging in strenuous
exercise, or consuming insufficient calories. (Van De Walle 2018)
In addition, consuming too much protein can be bad for us. For example, constipation also
affects our kidneys. This is because, when they are consuming too much protein it means that
they are consuming less fiber. People are eating less fiber in their high-protein meals since
they are focused on eating animal protein which is no fiber at all. Eating fiber such as
vegetables and fruits may help them to keep their digestive health. In order to have better
bowel movement, they should eat adequate amounts of fiber instead of having too much
protein in a day. Moreover, when people are eating too much protein and lack fiber it will
also cause them diarrhea. This is because people want to hit their protein goal so that they are
neglecting to consume fiber. In order to reduce diarrhea and constipation, the only way is to
eat more fiber and cut back slightly the amount of protein each day.
Aside from that, eating too much protein will affect our kidneys too. The kidneys' purpose is
to assist our bodies in filtering the body waste and toxic substances and restoring amino
acids, glucose, hormones and other virtual substances into our bloodstream. However,
consuming too many high protein foods, such as red meat, dairy products, and seafood, might
lead to kidney disease. If we suffer from kidney disease and consume too many high protein
meals, the kidney may take longer to filter the body waste and toxic substances from our
kidney. They must work hard in order to digest the extra nitrogen found in protein’ amino
acids. On the other hand, consuming too much protein will also increase the risk of kidney
stones which are called uric acid stones. These stones are caused by an accumulation of uric
stones. The reason for getting uric acid stones is because they lack drinking water and have
too much high protein foods. (Greenwood 2018)
Fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant deficiencies cause plants to emit more calcium in
their urine.
Your liver may struggle to convert extra nitrogen to urea, a waste product, if you ingest more
than 200 to 400 grammes of protein each day. Nausea, diarrhoea, and may be other
uncomfortable side effects.
Some of the experts worry that with the current fad for high-protein diets, particularly protein
smoothies, is leading to excessive protein consumption.
While protein supplements can help those with high protein requirements achieve their
objectives, it typically is the best choice to obtain the majority of your protein in a balanced
diet with genuine nutrition.
A dietizer may help you figure out which diet, protein sources and overall nutritional strategy
will make you feel good and energetic while you meet your protein requirements.(Megan
Ware 2017)
It is proven that extra proteins in the diet can help to regulate weight loss or weight by
certain, particularly obese persons. Experts still have to prove that consuming extra protein
will cause the majority to lose weight.
"While higher satiety, weight reduction, fat mass loss, or lean mass preservation are often
seen in controlled feeding experiments, failure to comply with prescription diets by Free
individuals make things difficult to prove a long-term sustained protein benefit," experts
found in 2015.
In 2016, a trial of forty young boys who performed "intense workouts" for one month and
took 40% less energy. Some have also eaten more protein than is usually recommended.
People who consume a high protein diet lose more fat and weight than people who eat a low
diet of protein.
Experts advise, however, that this kind of diet is not appropriate for everybody. The
conditions were unique and the young individuals throughout this "difficult" programme were
constantly studied and monitored.
In 2016, a small survey revealed that the benefits of improved insulin regulation which
usually accompany weight reduction did not come from women who lost weight on a
protein-based diet. The topics were obesity and postmenopausal women.
Weight rebalance is an area that involves a high protein diet for weight loss when protein
consumption is reduced, as are a lack of essential antioxidants, phytochemicals and fibre
present in plants. A more expensive protein diet will make it unsustainable for many
individuals. Anyone interested in a high-protein diet should seek medical advice first. (Megan
Ware 2017)
mostly consume a little protein in their daily life. The most diseases that happen in Central
Africa and South Africa is kwashiorkor. Among the kwashiorkor, which cause delayed
growth and bloated tummies in children. We often see this situation happen in South Africa,
children having bloated tummies and walking around the streets. On the other hand, protein
deficiency will also cause fatty liver which causes their liver to become weaker and not
functionable; And also Edema which causes them swollen and puffy skin. Protein deficiency
also leads to poor wound healing means when they get hurt, their wound will be slower to
recover compared to the normal guys. This would also increase the risk of infection and cause
their wound getting more serious. Protein deficiency will also harm their immune systems,
raise the chance of bone fractures, and slow their growth, which affects over 160 million
children each year. Some major illnesses can result in death.. (OPOKU GAKPO 2020)
Covid 19 is one of the problems that lead the African people to suffer from hunger and also
make them lack protein and nutrients. The Food and Agriculture Organization said the Covid
19 report calls for a food system change to cut the cost of nutrition foods and make healthy
diets more affordable.While particular solutions differ from country to country, the overall
solution requires intervention throughout the food supply chain, the food environment, and
the political economy, which influences commerce, public spending, and investment. The
paper suggests that when governments plan agricultural expansion, they take nutrition into
account. Attempts to reduce factors that contribute to higher food prices, such as inefficiency,
food loss, and waste, in food production, storage, transportation, distribution, and marketing.
Providing assistance to local small-scale farmers in their attempts to develop and sell
healthful foods while also acquiring market access. The category most in need is children's
nutrition. Incorporating nutrition into national social protection systems and investment plans,
as well as encouraging behaviour change through education and influence. As a result, we
believe that all of our efforts will benefit Africans, particularly children, by allowing them to
maintain a healthy body and providing them with adequate protein to avoid disorders such as
kwashiorkor. ( 2021)
Satiety and Protein
The phrases satiation and satiation are commonly interchanged when referring to "satisfied
hunger." Satiety, on the other hand, refers to the sense of fullness that allows us to stop eating
for a period of time, satiation refers to an unwillingness to consume the dish again.
Protein, especially for women, is the satiated macronutrient that explains why high protein
diets assist people to lower weight and retain it. But what is it about protein that makes it so
Three intestinal hormones have received special attention, however a number of hormones
affect appetite: cholecystokinin (CCK), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), and YY-peptide
(PYY). Yet neither of the three research showed a strong predictor for the effect that intake of
more or less protein would have on overall food consumption, according to a meta-analysis
of nine studies including 117 healthy males who are normal. Other variables may explain the
satiating impact of high-protein meals, such as the high-thermal effect of protein intake.
There has been an increased 24-hour thermal effect in slim women, which corresponds to
increased satiety.
Despite the fact that only 8 of the 111 participants had eaten meals with more than 20%
protein, a meta-analysis of data from 5 randomised food tests by individual participants found
no significant link between satiety and protein consumption. Protein, on the other hand, tends
to boost satiety when 25–81 percent of the calories of a meal are produced. As a result, the
lack of a link between satiety and protein consumption discovered in the above meta-analysis
meals with normal protein content may be applicable only (about 15 percent of calories). To
put it another way, the thermic impact of food, satiety only increases when a high protein
meal is included
Satiation can also be promoted by intestinal glycogenesis (IGNG) or by the rate of glucose
synthesis in intestinal cells. Only rat studies have demonstrated that IGNG is a crucial energy
balancing message to the brain. However, significant gluconeogenesis enzymes have been
discovered in the small intestines of men and indicate that IGNG may exist in humans.
Amino acids can ultimately promote satiety via directly influencing the brain. The leucine of
branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) appears to be very satiating by direct injections into the
brains of rats and can lower the intake of food. Protein improves satiety over glucose and fat
because it stimulates thermogenesis of the brain and its direct effects, as an amino acid
component (particularly leucine). (D'Alessio D 2008)
To get all the essential amino acids (EAAs) needed to operate correctly, you must regularly
eat protein in your body:
-The various quantities of each EAA are required for your body.
Combining the three variables makes it simple for you not to obtain sufficient protein from
all EAAs. Vegetarian populations are especially vulnerable as most plant proteins are lacking
in one or more EAAs, contrary to most animal-based proteins.
The two fatty acids that your body does not make – two important fatty acids - linoleic acid
(LA) and alpha linolenic acid (ALA). But it takes 50 years to find out its importance in the
face of challenges in creating adult deficiencies. Due to our low EFA and such large EFAs in
our food, dietary fat consumption must be nearly zero for a long time before a deficit occurs.
You will be able to remove the EFAs you need from your fat stocks if you fast for several
days. Clinical experiments finally needed two weeks to feed patients with very sophisticated,
null-fat diets
On the other hand, the protein that is just a pragmatically essential macronutrient is highly
This concept is exemplary for protein sparing fast modified (PSMF), a semi-hunger diet
aimed to quickly reduce fat, and with little muscular loss and appetite. The PSMF is a protein
that is consumed with little or no fat or carbohydrate. The PSMF trial feeds individuals twice
or three times daily with a total of 1.5 g of protein per kilogramme ideal body weight.
Therefore, 102 g protein daily is sufficient to weigh 150 lb optimally. Fluid intake is not
limited, but vitamins, minerals, minerals and electrolytes are taken daily with the help of salt,
potassium, calcium and a multivitamin.
Is an effective diet for obesity in people who in less than 18 weeks drop 21.4 kg (47 lb). The
average weight decrease each week was 1,2 kg (2.7 lb). Another study shows that participants
dropped 12.3 kg (27 lb) after three months and that fat represented 84 percent of total weight
loss. Preliminary study has also shown that a PSMF leads to considerable weight loss without
harmful side effects, even in obese teens.
Even those with sufficient caloric intake might suffer from dietary protein insufficiency. A
quickly changed protein-saving process, which only consumes protein, was especially
developed to simulate hunger and rapid loss of fat without creating health issues and losses of
muscle mass. (Alex, L. 2020)
Protein is necessary for the formation of bones and other body tissues, such as muscles, but
it also performs other functions. Protein is involved in almost every cellular process. Protein
is involved in immune responses, supplies energy, metabolic reactions, helps to create blood
cells, aids in cellular repair, and furthermore. Moreover,People who have surgery, or easily
break down their muscles when they workout. and have injuries, need more protein to heal
and recover faster. Besides that, the body needs more protein when growing, such as,
pregnancy, babyhood and pre-teen.
Proteins are the fundamental components of cells. They tend to be biologically active in
combination with many other proteins rather than as isolated entities. Many vital processes in
our bodies depend on protein complexes like this. Proteins are useful in medicine for a
variety of purposes, including as the antibodies for development of vaccines.Developing
effective cancer vaccines is one of today's greatest challenging tasks of protein development.
Professor Stefan Bräse and his team from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) , who
is a worldwide group of researchers, have created MultiBacTAG, a new platform for
engineering recombinant proteins with custom functionalities for pharmaceutical and
biotechnological applications .
DNA is found in the cells of all living organisms. All of the genetic instructions essential for
an organism's efficient development and functioning are stored in DNA. Protein complexes
are the "equipment" that usually translates the genetic information retained in DNA into
proteins, While certain DNA components consist the instructions for making specific
proteins.The outcoming proteins perform a range of uses, including pumping ions across
membranes,catalysing essential cellular processes and transporting substances, recognising
signalling molecules, and converting or degrading compounds. Protein complexes play a
critical role in the formation of new cells and the repair of existing ones. (Simone Giesler
As mentioned above, keratin is a protective form of protein that our hair, skin, and nails are
the examples of where we can find it, as well as our internal organs and glands. It is obtained
from some of the animal’s feathers, horns, and wool and is used in cosmetics for the hair as
an ingredient. Keratin is the fundamental primary structural component of our hair, some
people believe that keratin supplements, products, and treatments can genuinely help build up
and improve the appearance of your hair. Keratin can not only help with hair's health but also
can increase the growth of the nails and improve our skin texture. (Watson K 2018)
People usually visit the salon for their treatments and one of the most popular treatments will
be keratin treatment. In addition to keratin treatment, salons will advise their customers to
purchase keratin serums, shampoos, and conditioners for home usage if they are unable to
have their keratin treatment. For example, during this pandemic, everyone is forced to stay at
home and is unable to visit a salon for treatment, therefore they must learn how to take good
care of their own hair.
Keratin allows people's hair to become smoother on a higher level, and it is extremely simple
to preserve the effect. As long as they use the products frequently to help absorb the
substances that the hair needs. The effects change their form widely due to how healthy their
hair is to begin with, how thick their hair is naturally and which type of keratin treatment that
they apply on. Keratin also soothes the cells that overlap to produce the hair strands. The hair
cuticle, which is made up of layers of cells, is thought to absorb keratin, resulting in full,
glossy hair. Lastly, keratin has been demonstrated to make curly hair simpler to style, less
frizzy and also straighter as shown.
Keratin fortifies and strengthens the nails, making them more resistant to injury. It has the
same effect on the hair as it did on the nails. Keratin is a type of protein that forms long
strands inside cells, hence the name filament. The filaments connect the cells, preventing
them from separating. So, it appears that keratin serves two functions in our skin: holding
skin cells together to form a barrier and forming the outermost layer of the skin, which
protects us from the environment.
Last but not least, determining the number of certain keratins in the blood allows people to
plan cancer treatment, evaluate treatment outcomes, and determine whether the cancer has
relapsed. Aside from keratin, which is used to aid individuals with their hair, protein is used
to help people with their workouts. We often hear the words "protein" and "workout" or
"gym" in the same phrase and can practically imagine bodybuilders eating their favourite
food, chicken breasts, and sipping protein shakes to maximize their gains.
Actually, protein is vital for everyone who goes to the gym, plays sports, jogs, or does other
types of exercise, not just the pros. It makes no difference how you look at protein; it is just
necessary for sports activities, which increases its impact. People who undertake any type of
exercise routine definitely need more protein than those who do not. Because exercise will
effectively tear and break our muscle fibres apart, so that the body needs to repair protein.
Mix it with carbohydrates to assist the body absorb the protein and convert it into greater
muscular mass.
People receive adequate protein on a daily basis by eating foods like beans, soy protein
products, almonds, and other similar items, according to dietary guidelines. During your
workout regimen, it is very advantageous to augment your typical protein consumption with
additional food products such as protein bars, powders, or smoothies.
We know that protein drink producers may claim that their products help people lose weight
by decreasing body fat or increasing weight loss, but protein shakes are not the greatest
strategy to help consumers lose weight. Even though substituting meals with protein can help
people lower their daily calories, which implies it can help them lose weight, it actually does
not assist them permanently because resuming solid food consumption may result in the
reintroduction of extra weight if the wrong option is made. Protein contains calories, so
ingesting too much might make losing weight even more difficult, especially if you consume
protein drinks in addition to your regular diet and do not exercise. The quantity of protein that
an average adult requires each day ranges from 46 to 56 grams, depending on weight and
overall health. So, it is not necessary for a person who follows a healthy diet to supplement
his or her protein by intaking with protein shakes or other sources.
Protein and amino acids are the fundamental components of life. As components of blood,
muscle, enzymes, hormones, and hormone receptors, they perform an important function.
Proteins serve key roles in foods by giving taste, texture, and flavour, which are crucial
characteristics for food selection, in addition to their biological purpose in sustaining the
functioning of living creatures. Protein is also used in industry, such as enzymes that catalyse
food processing and the creation of cellulosic biofuels.
Not only that, but antibodies and other binding proteins employed in the purification and
cleaning of industrial product streams are examples of significant industrial protein
applications. Plant-based industrial enzyme production has the potential for large-scale,
low-cost production, especially if a co-product, such as seed oil or starch, subsidizes the core
crop production expenses. (Herman, E.M. and Schmid 2010) Protein-rich seeds using
changed compositions to create industrial proteins could be a cost-effective approach to
producing industrial proteins. There are technological and regulatory challenges that must be
addressed before plants and seeds may be used as industrial protein production platforms, and
many of these issues may be more easily addressed by creating non-food crops specifically
for use as industrial protein production platforms.
There is an act called protein engineering which refers to a new specialty that has emerged
from the study of genetic engineering. It is because of the readily available knowledge about
the structure or functions, tools, software, bioinformatics database, available cloned gene,
vectors, recombinant strains, and other materials that may result in modifications in the
protein backbone. (Kapoor, Rafiq and Sharma 2017) The adequately created protein from the
genetic engineering method refers to a protein that can perform a specific function effectively
or fold correctly after being subjected to engineering procedures. Proteins are altered either
chemically or genetically.
There are several typical instruments utilized to achieve a specific goal. Protein engineering
has resulted in more active industrial and pharmaceutical-based proteins that can perform
more activities while also modifying their interaction with their surroundings. Protein
engineering applications have been documented in the literature in a wide variety of ways.
These applications include biocatalysts for food and industry, as well as environmental,
medical, and nanobiotechnology applications. Some successful combinations of diverse
protein engineering approaches have resulted in successful results in the food industry,
opening up the possibility of maintaining the quality of the completed product following
As we all know, the best way to consume protein is through meat dishes. The meat dishes
that contain high protein include beef, fish, turkey, pork and more. However, there are many
methods to cook the meat dishes that may ensure the minimum loss of protein content while
maintaining the delicious taste.
First of all, roasting can be one of the perfect ways to cook protein. Every kind of protein
can be baked or roasted In the oven. A whole chicken, pig shoulder, beef rib roast , as well as
fish or turkey, can be cooked using this technique. Dietician Susan Kraus, of Hackensack
University Medical Center in New Jersey ,recommends using a cut of meat with rather more
fat.because roasting aims to dehydrate meat. We may cover the roasting pan to retain the
sauces or juices so the food tastes juicy and stays moist.
Next, grilling is also a cooking method that is highly loved by most people. Grilling is most
commonly associated with an outdoor smoker or barbeque, but it can also refer to any process
that applies radiant cooking from below the food to make the surface of the food become
crispy . Same as the process of roasting in a stove or an oven, the chef must take care to
ensure that the food does not dehydrate and is grilled gently so that it does not burn.To
achieve the barbecue taste, pre-cook the poultry in the microwave or shielded in the oven
before placing it on the grill. To keep fish pieces delicate and avoid them from breaking apart,
we may place them in a grill rack. The lean pieces of meat are tastiest grilled since the fat
drips off. We may marinate the poultry, fish or chicken first, then baste or massage them on a
frequent basis. This may help to keep the taste of the meat. In addition, keep an eye on the
braze of the grilling process to avoid over-cook and manage the cooking speed. The purpose
is to cook the inside of the meat or fish steadily and avoid the outside from burning.
The third way is stir-frying. Stir-frying is a technique when we prepare food in an open
cooking pan. We may use a small amount of oil when we want to stir-fry the food. The
recommended types of cooking oil are sunflower, peanut and olive because these are the
healthy unsaturated types compared to the common cooking oils. This method made easy
cleanup because we are using only one pan to stir-fry the protein and vegetables together.
Remember to dice or slice the ingredients so the nutrients all keep in the vegetables and
protein. Another advantage of this cooking method is we do not need or may minimize the
seasoning of the food because the various types of vegetables that are added in the dishes are
useful to rich the food's flavor. One of the popular chinese dishes that are made by stir-frying
method is sweet and sour fish. It’s ingredients include fish, cucumber, ginger and pineapple.
Last but not least, stewing is also a good choice for cooking protein. This slow-cooking
procedure requires putting all of the materials in fluid, however it contrasts from poaching
because the fluid is usually used as part of the completed dish or as a light sauce. Fill the pot
with a variety of vegetables and a protein. As this is moist cooking and it can soften the food,
it is better to use lean cuts of shellfish, chicken or meat. If we use an oilier or fattier type of
meat, you can cook it first, then remove the fat before adding the rest of the ingredients. (Julie
Davis Canter 2010)
1. Szalay, J., 2015. “What Is Protein?”. viewed 5 July 2021
2. Protein Calculator, n.d. Protein Calculator. Viewed 5 July 2021
3. Van De Walle, G., 2018. 9 Important Functions of Protein in Your Body. Viewed 5
July 2021
4. 2021. As more go hungry and malnutrition persists, achieving Zero Hunger
by 2030 in doubt, UN report warns. Viewed 10 July 2021
5. Greenwood, C., 2018. 11 things that can happen to your body when you eat too much
protein. Viewed 10 July 2021
6. OPOKU GAKPO, J., 2020. FAO predicts global shortage of protein-rich foods -
Alliance for Science. Viewed 8 July 2021
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