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MES COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING asn Department of Computer

KUTTIPURAM Science and Engineering

Project Title
IoT Based Smart Agriculture with Insight using AI

Presented by Guided by
Assistant Professor
CSE B 33 Dept. of Computer Science
> Introduction

> Objective

> Literature Survey

> Existing System and Disadvantages
Type y,msour text
> Proposed System and Advantages

> System Architecture

> Working Process

> List of Module

> System Design

> Conclusion

> Future Prospects

> Reference
Agriculture is becoming an important growing sector
throughout the world due to the increasing
population, for that we need more cultivation. So we
propose a solution to the future problems of
agriculture, it is an interactive sensing system
consisting of IoT and it ensures the continuous
growth of crops in optimum conditions daily.
The data captured by the sensors are processed
using AI to create user-friendly insights. Automated
actions reduce the water crises in the same way we
can save the resources

Iot Based Smart Agriculture with insight using AI .

IoT Based Smart Agriculture with Insight using AI agriculture field in order to collect data
instantly (soil Moister, temperature…), which will help one to monitor some environment
conditions remotely, effectively and enhance tremendously the production and therefore the
income of farmers.
The real-time monitoring and prediction systems, farmers can quickly respond to any
significant change
As it reduces the human effort then it definitely saves out time.
can collect crucial agricultural data and send it to an IoT platform called Thinkcloud in real
time where the data can be logged and analyzed.

Iot Based Smart Agriculture with insight using AI .


Iot Based Smart Agriculture with insight using AI .

Existing System & Disadvantages
Although a broad variety of individual IoT system for
agriculture but still they are not efficient. Some of them
using Drones to monitor fields but nowadays there are a
lot of legal issues for drones in almost all states. Even
though they failed to process the collected data
meaningfully. The main disadvantage of the existing
solutions are not cost-efficient thus are not affordable by
common farmers.

So far, no industry-wide standard integrating several

applications has established.

Iot Based Smart Agriculture with insight using AI .

Proposed System & Advantages
The proposed system is cost and energy-efficient. It is powered using Solar energy.
Compared to the existing system it measures more parameters like nutrients, ph value,
moisture, etc.
Using GPS and google whether Database regularly updates current weather situations in the
All the data captured is converting to pictorial representation hence it is easy to understand.

By Automation, management of field made 100% Remotely.

Upgradability is the best advantage of this system, anyone can add as many sensors
and modules to manage the field efficiently

Iot Based Smart Agriculture with insight using AI .

System Architecture Diagram

Iot Based Smart Agriculture with insight using AI .

Working process The Working process can be devided into 3 Phases
1.Capturing 2 Transmiting 3. Procesessing

In this process all data from the field such as
humidity, temperature etc are captured.
In this phase the collected data is transfered into the
3.Data Processing
In this phase the collected data is processed
efficiently using advanced technologies like AI into
visualization .Purposefully some Conditional
algorithms are also processed in this phase.

Iot Based Smart Agriculture with insight using AI .

List of Modules
Adruino Uno Rev3 Microcontroller
The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board
It has 14 digital input output pins of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs and 6 analog inputs

Solar Panel 12V

This 12V Solar Panal Powers the entire device

Solar Cell Controller Charging Lipo Cell

This Solar charger provide you with the ability to get the most possible power out of your solar
panel into a rechargable LiPo battery

Iot Based Smart Agriculture with insight using AI .

SIM7500 4G LTE + GPS Module
This 4G / LTE Modem Transmit the data captured into the cloud to process.
It's a GPS combined module so we we can track the current location of the device to collect
data from google wethear

PH Sensor Moisture Sensor

PH Sensor return the PH Value in the soil Moisture Sensor return the Moisture level in
5.5 - 7.5 ( 1 - 14 ) the soil
10 - 45%
Temperature Sensor NPK Sensor
Temperature Sensor return the Temperature NPK Sensor return the content of Nitrogen
50 to 75F Phosphorus and Potassium
N - 40 , P - 40, N - 60 ( ppm )

Iot Based Smart Agriculture with insight using AI .

System Design

Device Design System Design

Iot Based Smart Agriculture with insight using AI .

As technology advances, so does the requirement for food, which is directly related with the
increasing population. There is an immense potential in the agricultural domain for the
application of emerging technologies such as IoT, cloud computing, robotics, GIS and
remote sensing, among others.
Above mentioned list of some specific areas, which are among the most important
ones for further research work relating to ICT in agriculture.

Iot Based Smart Agriculture with insight using AI .

Future Prospects

Our government has planning to make Smart village throughout the country by this the
villages will be having wide network, this can make a drastic change on our project by the
availability of network we can make it much more efficient and accurate.
At the same time, by getting accurate insights we can share our database with the
government and help the farmers to get all the necessary things that they need as per their
In addition to the sensors that already have, anyone with base electrical knowledge
can add an image sensor to it and make it perform well in all aspects.

Iot Based Smart Agriculture with insight using AI .

Precision agriculture [Online] Available
https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Precision_agriculture
Smart Agriculture Based on IoT and Cloud Computing
Sriveni Namani School of Information Technology University of Cincinnati Ohio, USA
e-mail: namanisi@mail.uc.edu , Bilal Gonen School of Information Technology
University of Cincinnati Ohio, USA
e-mail: bilal.gonen@uc.edu978-1-7281-5?20?$31.00©2020 IEEE
A New IoT Gateway for Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
Mr. Dattatraya Shinde PG Student, SRES’s Sanjivani College of Enginnering Kopargaon, SPPU
Pune,India (M.S.) dattatraya.20061@gmail.com978-1-5386-5510-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

Iot Based Smart Agriculture with insight using AI .

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