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Rashad PDF
Project Title
IoT Based Smart Agriculture with Insight using AI
Presented by Guided by
Assistant Professor
CSE B 33 Dept. of Computer Science
> Introduction
> Objective
> Conclusion
> Reference
Agriculture is becoming an important growing sector
throughout the world due to the increasing
population, for that we need more cultivation. So we
propose a solution to the future problems of
agriculture, it is an interactive sensing system
consisting of IoT and it ensures the continuous
growth of crops in optimum conditions daily.
The data captured by the sensors are processed
using AI to create user-friendly insights. Automated
actions reduce the water crises in the same way we
can save the resources
Upgradability is the best advantage of this system, anyone can add as many sensors
and modules to manage the field efficiently
In this process all data from the field such as
humidity, temperature etc are captured.
In this phase the collected data is transfered into the
3.Data Processing
In this phase the collected data is processed
efficiently using advanced technologies like AI into
visualization .Purposefully some Conditional
algorithms are also processed in this phase.
Our government has planning to make Smart village throughout the country by this the
villages will be having wide network, this can make a drastic change on our project by the
availability of network we can make it much more efficient and accurate.
At the same time, by getting accurate insights we can share our database with the
government and help the farmers to get all the necessary things that they need as per their
In addition to the sensors that already have, anyone with base electrical knowledge
can add an image sensor to it and make it perform well in all aspects.