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International Conference on Innovative Advancement in Engineering and Technology (IAET-2020)

Exploration of Agriculture Automation Employing IoT Gateway and

Wireless Network

Mudit Khandelwala*, Pushpendra Sonib, Sandeep Vyasc

Jaipur Engineering College & Research Center, Jaipur, 302028, India,
Jaipur Engineering College & Research Center, Jaipur, 302028, India,
Jaipur Engineering College & Research Center, Jaipur, 302028, India,


The Platform which is known as the Internet of things (IoT) is a growing technology which can connect and control IoT sensors,
appliances, home and industries. The devices which will be used are based on IoT & by using them one can enhance agriculture
production, save water and reduce the wastage. The objective of the paper is to propose automatic watering system to plants using
sensors and IoT & to simplify agricultural techniques through modern day digital methods. Also Real time monitoring of plants will
be done. Farmers can monitor live data (Humidity, Temperature, soil moisture level, Condition). By this smart IoT based farming
technology, Farmers can receive real-time data as well as past data of plant (the data will be stored in the cloud service) and they can
also receive the real-time image of the plant.

Keywords: Internet Of Things, Sensors, Real-time system


Smart farming is a new concept in agricultural management through the modernization of productivity and quality while reducing the
necessary human labor. We know that plant get the benefits if there is proper soil moisture and good care for plant. That is why we have
come up with new ideas for monitoring plants and intelligent farming through the Internet of Things. We believe that our concept will
become the benchmark for the agricultural business due to its reliability and remote monitoring. The rapid growth of population will
require more resources due to which smart farming methods will be used which will increase production and quality of agriculture. The
Digital Agricultural techniques will be needed to meet those entire requirement. The technologies like Internet of things, artificial
intelligence & remote monitoring will make agriculture processes more easy and efficient. In this time, many smart agro-tech startups are
working on to make farming smarter. From Soil monitoring to farm management (using digital techniques) and many more technologies
will grow by the end of 2030. Our idea is to digitize agriculture so that farmers can determine harvesting requirements and accurately
predict their growth [1]. IoT based agricultural technology will increase the production and in addition to this there are some merits like

 Conservation of water used in farms

 Real-time data and whole insights of production
 Precision farming
 Time-saving Method
 Remote monitoring
 Reduces labor work


This paper includes automatic water system and techniques which will monitor the growth and condition of the plant. Internet of things
(IoT) methodologies comes into play for this paper. These following 13 steps will be taken to make this project which is shown in figure

 All the hardware & components will be set up on Raspberry Pi.

 All Software will be set up for this program like controller, a telegram bot, AWS database (Amazon Web Service).

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 First, we will set up the hardware on raspberry pi & we will connect all components. The Arduino UNO & all other components
will also be connected to Raspberry Pi.
 Then We Will Setup Libraries for Arduino (Installing the library to be able to use certain imports).
 The MySQL database will be created which will store all databases taken by different sensors. The Coding Part will be done using
 A website will be set up to view real-time data and insights for this we will use HTML as a programming language.
 The user can get picture of the plant using a telegram bot anytime and telegram bot will also be used to notify the user about the
plant's condition.
 We will use a Sensor which will measure the moist level in soil known as the soil moisture sensor. It will detect/measure moisture in
the field/ farm in real-time. And the microcontroller compares this value sent by the sensor with the set value of the microcontroller.
If the specified value exceeds the moisture of the system in real-time, the motor will be turned on and water will be supplied to
plants. The user can also be notified through
 Telegram bot or website and user can turn on water supply manually also.
 An Application Will Be Created which will also have Web UI. The application also has a web interface that allows users to view
past data as well as real-time data stored in the AWS database.
 The user can also log in as an admin to control the settings of the sensor. Photos taken by Telegram bots are stored in Amazon Web
Service Database and can be viewed through the web interface of the application.

Fig.1 – methodology used in this research


The figure (2) depicts entire data transfer in our research. The various sensors collect data from soil or plant and sent that data to server-
side. The data is analyzed and collected by raspberry pi & Arduino [3].

Fig.2 – data transfer between server and client


4.1. PIR Sensor

The PIR sensors shown in figure (3) allow us to detect any kind of motion. Mainly they are used to detect/sense motion of a human if
they come in its range. They are tiny sized and they are cost effective. PIR means “Passive Infrared”. Mostly they are used in homes or

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appliances. For example, if someone enters in a room then PIR will detect its motion and it will automatically turn on lights in the room.
It usually measures IR light that came from its surrounding [4].

4.2. Soil Moisture Sensor

SEN-13322 Soil is inorganic material (silica, other elements, and minerals derived from rocks), organic material, air, and, water. One of
the important, when gardening or attempting to garden, is to make sure that your plant is getting enough moisture or water. There is a
three type of depth range used in the soil 1st soil sensor-depth 20cm, 2nd soil sensor-depth 30cm, and 3rd soil sensor-depth 40cm which
directly connected to the Base station [5].

a b

Fig.3 – (a) soil moisture sensor; (b) PIR sensor

4.3. Development Board

Basically, we will use Raspberry Pi & NodeMCU with Arduino. Raspberry Pi is of low price & it is of small size which permits
everyone to program it & to use it as a small computer, and it also offers many kinds of the feature. It can do anything like a computer
do, from browsing the websites and enjoying the HD video, to create spreadsheet and enjoying the games or if you want it can do word-
processing also. [6]
The NodeMCU is a kind of development board which includes an ESP8266 wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) chip. Basically, it is a SoC Chip
means System on Chip. The ESP8266 is already built on it. Its main benefit over Arduino is that it can connect to the internet without
consuming much time or without any delay via its Wi-Fi Chip. The Arduino is basically an OSP (open source platform). It is designed to
make many interactive & interesting electronic projects. We Will Program NodeMCU on an Arduino IDE [7-8].


In figure (4) a data model is shown. The user is an experimental owner. The experiments are collection of plots which can be identified
by row, columns or a block. The nodes are mainly collection of sensors which are set up in plots, for example, soil moisture sensor. The
streams are physical sensor which is usually placed in the depth of 20cm which usually detect moisture level in soil. The row column
signs are used to detect the location of plant in a field. The Nodes act as sensor platforms which are distributed on a field at different
distances. The Soil Moisture sensors are placed at different-different depths so they can give good information about the moisture of soil
at different-different levels. [9].
The figure (4) depicts the sensor data and how it is analyzed. It basically uses an internal data structure [10].

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Fig. 4 – (a) data model; (b) sensor data analysis


The LCD displays the temperature and humidity of the system, and if the system is in good condition, the green LED is on and when
plant need attention the red led will be turn on. If the light intensity on plant is too low, the white LED also lights up. When the plant's
temperature is too high or the level of moisture is too low then a message about the condition of the plant will be sent to the user through
telegram bot. It will warn the user about the condition of the plant. The valve of the motor will automatically open and water will be sent
to plants through the pipe. The user can also check live data and all insights on the web interface.
From this paper, we will able to monitor development of the plant from any remote location, automate the watering system in fields and
we will be able to get real-time image of the plant. Additionally through this paper, we explained methods which will give every
information and bits of knowledge of plant (which we can see in our web interface) and we will be able to conserve water. Hence smart
farming has a genuine potential to convey a progressively beneficial and feasible farming production. The techniques described in this
paper will not only save labor work but it will also save money. It will make farming easy and efficient. New farms will, at last,
understand the endless dream of the humankind and feed our growing population that may touch 9.6 billion by 2050 .


[1] Gupta, A., Kumawat, S. & Garg, S. (2016). “Automatic Plant Watering System,” Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), 2 (4).
[2] Darshna, S., Sangavi, T., Mohan, S., Soundharya, A. and Desikan, S. (2015). "Smart Irrigation System,” IOSR Journal of Electronics and
Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE), 10 (3), 32-36.
[3] Abhishek, L., Rishi Barath, B. (2019). “Automation in Agriculture Using IoT and Machine Learning,” International Journal of Innovative Technology
and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)”, 8 (8).
[4] Sreekantha, D.K., Kavya, A.M. (2017). “Agricultural Crop Monitoring using IOT- A Study”, 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems
and Control, 134-139.
[7] Anushree, Krishna, M.K. (2018). “A smart farming system using Arduino based technology”, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and
Innovations in Technology, 4 (4), 850-856.

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[8] Gondchawar, N., Kawitkar, R.S., (2016). “IoT based Smart Agriculture” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication
Engineering, 5 (6), June 2016.
[9] Jayaraman, P.P., Yavari, A., Georgakopoulos D., Morshed, A. and Zaslavsky, A. (2016). “Internet of Things Platform for Smart Farming: Experiences
and Lessons Learnt,” Sensors 2016, 16 (11), 1-17.
[10] Suma, N., Samson, S. R., Saranya S., Shanmugapriya, G., Subhashri, R. (2017). “IOT Based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System”, International
Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5 (2), 177-181.

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