On The Strike Note of Bells

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G. M. Swallowe*, R. Perrin+,
Department of Physics, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK
Also at the Institute of Fundamental Sciences, Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ

A strike note, characteristic of the particular bell, is heard when a bell is struck. It is observed that the pitch of
this note sometimes does not correspond to the frequency of any one of the bell’s normal modes. The origin of
this strike note has been a subject of controversy for over 100 years. Previous empirical investigations have
mainly made use of musically trained listeners and real or recorded bell sounds. The short duration of the actual
strike note and possible influence of musical training on observations may invalidate the conclusions of previous
investigators. In this work use has been made of computer generated simulated bell sounds and untrained
listeners. It is demonstrated that a strike note may be isolated by beating with a pure test tone and this technique
is used to investigate 28 bell-like sounds using a total of 60 listeners. It is concluded that virtual pitch theory
provides the best method of predicting the presence or absence of a strike note and its frequency, but that it does
not work in every case.


When a bell is struck the sound emitted consists of a number of simultaneously produced single frequency
components or “partial tones” generated by the excitation of normal modes of the particular bell. The normal
modes of a bell do not in general form a harmonic series although the five lowest, and most prominent, partials
are tuned by bellfounders for the production of large church and carillon bells. Higher partials are not usually
tuned. After a bell is struck the first sound heard is an inharmonic one of metal striking on metal. This is due to
high frequency partials and rapidly dies away leaving an audible “strike note” of definite musical pitch. This in
turn decays, giving way to the more slowly decaying Hum tone. A strike note is heard whether the bell is tuned
or not. Its musical pitch sometimes does not correspond to the frequency of any one of the bell’s normal modes,
especially in untuned cases, and its origin has been a subject of controversy for many years.

Lord Rayleigh [1] concluded that the strike note was at the frequency of the octave below the fifth partial tone
(Nominal) in both tuned and untuned bells. In a tuned bell this corresponds to the Fundamental but an untuned
one often has no mode at this frequency. Work by Jones [2] on a number of American carillons generally
supported Rayleigh’s conclusion but also concluded that the difference tone between the fifth and seventh
partials may be of importance. Meyer and Klaes [3] showed that the strike note was not physically present in the
sound produced by the bell but corresponded to a frequency close to the difference between the fifth and seventh
partials and attributed this to a physiological effect in the ear. Arts [4], who carried out measurements on dozens
of bells, concluded that an octave below the fifth partial corresponded much more closely to the strike note than
did the difference between fifth and seventh partials. Later work by Schouten and ‘t Hart [5] and Pfundner [6]
attributes the strike note to “the residue”; a tone generated by the perception of a number of frequencies in
harmonic or close to harmonic relationship whose combination produces the perception of a fundamental
frequency which is not physically present. Rossing [7] applied this theory to chimes, in which the strike note
phenomenon is also observed, and concluded that the residue theory provided a satisfactory explanation for the
strike notes. Schad and Frik [8] attribute the strike note to the combination of missing fundamentals of several
harmonic series in the bell’s physical frequency spectrum. However, this work is essentially theoretical and does
not report on actual listener observations of strike note frequencies. Terhardt [9] has developed a version of the
theory of virtual pitch and used it to attempt to explain the strike note (Terhardt and Seewann [10]). It leads to
the prediction of one or more virtual pitches from a complex tonal sound which may or may not correspond to
physically present frequencies. The experiments described below seek to make definite measurements of strike
note frequencies and hence differentiate between the competing theories of the strike note.


In previous work most of the observers were musically trained so that their perception may well have been
influenced by the tradition of musical harmonic scales and they may therefore not be considered as objective
observers. This work revisits the strike note phenomenon using computer and oscillator generated tones, which
could essentially generate a “strike note” of indefinite duration, and uses non musically trained listeners to
determine the existence and frequency of the strike note. Two sets of experiments carried out using different sets
of listeners are described. These are classified as Series 1 and Series 2. The volunteer listeners were mainly
students of ages 18-22 but did also include approximately 20% of older volunteers spanning the age range 28-65.

Table 1: Frequencies (Hz) and frequency ratios relative to the strike note of bell-like sounds derived from
the modified Chladni Law. Conventional partial numbers are listed in the first row. The observed strike
notes listed in the final column have an accuracy of ±3 Hz
1st 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th
Sound Frequency (Hz) and frequency ratios (in brackets) relative to strike note Strike
1 103 (0.52) 249 (1.25) 297 (1.49) 399 (2.00) 597 (2.99) 816 (4.08) 200
2 87 (0.44) 235 (1.19) 282 (1.43) 384 (1.95) 626 (3.18) 765 (3.88) 197
3 90 202 275 455 562 809
4 141 (0.47) 373 (1.24) 453 (1.51) 597 (1.99) 915 (3.05) 1197 (3.99) 300
5 154 (0.51) 384 (1.27) 440 (1.46) 626 (2.07) 915 (3.03) 1161 (3.84) 302
6 141 360 455 562 950 1265
7 204 (0.51) 481 (1.19) 597 (1.48) 816 (2.02) 1197 (2.97) 1614 (4.00) 403
8 193 (0.49) 499 (1.26) 626 (1.58) 765 (1.93) 1161 (2.93) 1621 (4.09) 396
9 202 (0.50) 455 (1.13) 562 (1.39) 809 (2.00) 1265 (3.13) 1624 (4.02) 404
10 249 (0.50) 597 (1.20) 751 (1.51) 1018 (2.04) 1497 (3.00) 1982 (3.97) 499
11 235 (0.46) 626 (1.23) 765 (1.50) 994 (1.95) 1524 (2.99) 2034 (3.99) 510
12 275 562 809 950 1439 2029
13 297 (0.49) 719 (1.19) 915 (1.52) 1197 (1.99) 1816 (3.01) 2415 (4.00) 603
14 282 (0.48) 694 (1.18) 915 (1.55) 1161 (1.97) 1823 (3.09) 2369 (4.02) 590
15 275 680 950 1265 1821 2478
16 347 (0.50) 848 (1.22) 1052 (1.51) 1381 (1.99) 2109 (3.03) 2778 (4.00) 695
17 331 (0.46) 839 (1.18) 1076 (1.51) 1430 (2.00) 2144 (3.00) 2848 (3.99) 714
18 360 (0.52) 809 (1.17) 1102 (1.60) 1439 (2.09) 2029 (2.94) 2720 (3.94) 690

Series 1
Previous work (Swallowe et al [11], Perrin et al [12]) has shown that the frequency spectra of bell-like sounds
can be approximately described by a modified Chladni law of the form

f m.n = c(m + bn) p

where m and n are non negative integers while b, c and p are constants such that 1≤ b ≤ 2 and 1.4 ≤ p ≤ 2.4.
Eighteen groups of six partials which approximated to frequency ratios in a bell were produced using this
formula. The frequencies and frequency ratios of these tones are set out in Table 1. The partials were of equal
intensity. A combination of an AMIGA 500 computer (which can generate 4 simultaneous tones) and two Bruel
and Kjaer type 1022 signal generators were used to produce the tones. They were mixed in an audio mixer and
fed to speakers via an audio amplifier. Since the strike note is observed in the region of the second partial this
frequency was not produced and the 6 frequencies in the sounds can be approximated to 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, and
8th partials of a conventional bell enabling both the octave below the fifth and the difference tone between 5th and
7th to be investigated. The conventional 6th partial was not used because it is relatively unimportant in the sound
of a conventional bell (Schad and Warlimont [13]). All of the eighteen groups investigated produced pleasant
bell-like sounds. An additional test frequency produced by a further Bruel and Kjaer type 1022 oscillator was fed
into the sound mixer together with the tones listed in Table 1 and an observer in a sound proof booth scanned the
test frequency between 100 Hz and the upper frequency of the sound under investigation, and listened for beats.
When beats were found the frequency was noted. All of the tones present in the sounds were readily identified
by prominent beats with the test tone. Weak but audible beats due to difference tones between most of the pairs
on tones in each sound were also detected. In addition to these, other beats of a different character, could be
prominently heard in 14 of the 18 sounds and they are indicated as strike notes in Table 1. A total of 12 volunteer
listeners took part in these tests and all but 2 could identify the strike note. The data showed that the strike note is
different in character and much more easily observed than difference tones. Difference tones were weak, occured
in all the sounds and required only the presence of the two relevant tones to be detected. The strike note was not
consistently found at either the Rayleigh criterion frequency of an octave below the fifth or close to the
difference tone between the fifth and seventh of a conventional bell. Removal of any of the other frequencies
either diminished or removed the strike note. The strike note appears therefore to be produced by the totality of
the physically present tones.

Series 2
The Series 1 experiment used theoretically predicted bell-like sounds generated from 6 physical frequencies. It
could be argued that the strike note phenomenon produced was artificial in that it was not generated from a set of
partial frequencies and amplitudes present in a real bell. In this set of experiments two AMIGA computers were
used to generate a total of 8 tones (4 from each computer) which were mixed and fed to a speaker via an audio
amplifier. The output amplitude at each frequency was adjusted so that it contributed a sound intensity
approximately equal to the measured relative intensities of the bells in Schad and Warlimont [13] whose
published values of the frequencies of ideal and experimentally determined bell partials were used to simulate 10
bells as listed in Table 2. The simulated bell sounds were played to ten volunteer listeners. A Bruel and Kjaer
type 1022 oscillator connected to another speaker was provided to the volunteers and they were asked to identify
all the tones that they could find in the sound by slowly scanning in the frequency range ±100 Hz around the
octave below the fifth partial and listening for beats. The listeners found all the frequencies in the range tested
that were physically present in the sound. In addition some observers found an additional frequency in the
expected region of the strike note and this is recorded in Table 2 as the strike note. Where no additional
frequency was observed the 2nd partial is recorded, in brackets in Table 2, as the strike note. All of the simulated
bell sounds were fed to a PC running a Fourier analysis programme. This, as expected, identified all the partials
in the sounds and showed that none of the additional frequencies recorded as a strike note were physically
present in the sounds.

Table 2: Partial frequencies and strike note of simulated bells.

Partial Frequencies (Hz) Strike

Bell First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth

1 293 586 693 883 1172 1200 1394 1470 (585)
2 145 290 360 432 580 690 766 854 (290)
3 102 202 240 323 403 479 538 603 (201)
4 208 392 494 623 832 989 1111 1245 416
5 220 365 462 660 779 1093 1173 1296 390
6 135 262 343 392 535 548 637 671 268
7 127 254 302 381 508 640 678 761 (253)
8 142 284 338 425 568 716 758 851 (284)
9 266 543 643 856 1142 1322 1418 1500 571
10 276 531 647 856 1134 1314 1410 1471 568


Sounds 1,4,7,9,10,11,13,16,17 of Series 1 have two or more harmonics of the reported strike note in their
spectrum so the strike note can be explained as a missing fundamental. Additionally sounds 5,8,14,and 18 have
two or more frequency components whose ratios to the recorded strike are close to integer ratios and could
therefore be explained as beats of mistuned consonances. However, sounds 6,12 and 15 also have such ratios but
no strike note was observed which suggests that beats of mistuned consonances cannot offer an explanation for
the strike note.

Bells 1,2,3,7 and 8 of Series 2 have a second partial which coincides with an octave below the 5th and therefore
the strike note is expected to be at the same frequency as the second partial and thus not be independently
detectable. In bells 4 and 5 the octave below the 5th differs significantly from the second partial but second and
third harmonics of this frequency are present in the physical spectrum so strike notes at this frequency are
expected as a missing fundamental. In bells 9 and 10 the octave below the 5th again differs greatly from the
second partial but only the second harmonic of this frequency is physically present so it cannot correspond to a
missing fundamental.

The concept of the strike note being due to the ‘residue’ of higher frequencies is not supported by these results.
Only the lower partials of simulated bells were used in this study but the strike note was clearly perceived in the
expected region. Pfundner’s [6] conclusion of the strike note being due to a missing fundamental of frequencies
starting with the fifth or higher partials therefore cannot be correct. Schlad and Frik’s [8] concept of a strike note
being due to a combination of several missing fundamentals also does not explain the results of these

An application of a simplified form of Terhardt’s virtual pitch theory [9] based on matching subharmonics to the
sounds and taking into account the most significant virtual pitches leads to the correct prediction of the strike
note, or lack of one, in 15 of the 18 sounds of Series 1 and 7 of the 10 sounds of Series 2. In addition it predicts
strike notes in bells 3 and 6 of Series 2 where none was found. However, weak beating was heard at these
predicted frequencies so the theory could be said to have worked. In bells 9 and 10 of Series 2 this approach
failed to predict the strong strike notes heard. It also predicted a strike note for sound 12 of Series 2 but none was
heard. The virtual pitch theory could be said to have worked in 86% of the tests. The possibility that the
unpredicted strike notes were due to a superposition of several difference tones at almost the same frequency was
considered. A calculation of the possible difference tones note of Series 2 bells 9 and 10 shows that only one
difference tone has a frequency close to the observed strike of bell 9 and none of bell 10. Superposition of
several difference tones does not therefore offer an explanation for these strike notes.


The results of these investigations can be summarised as

a) Strike notes can be detected by beating with a test frequency.
b) A strike note can be produced even in the absence of overtones to generate a missing fundamental.
c) The Rayleigh rule provides a good estimate of the frequency of a strike note, when one exists, but cannot
predict the absence of one.
d) Virtual pitch theory is the best method of predicting the presence or absence of a strike note as well as its
frequency. However, it does not work in every case.


[1] Rayleigh, Lord “On bells”, Phil. Mag., 29, pp. 1-17, 1890
[2] Jones, A. T.,“ The Strike Note of Bells”, J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., 1, pp. 373-381, 1930
[3] Meyer, E. and J. Klaes, J. “On the Strike note of Bells”, Naturwissenschaften, 39, pp. 697-701, 1933
[4] Arts, J. “The Sound of Bells ….” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., 9, pp. 344-347, 1938
[5] Schouten, J. F. and t’Hart, J. “The Strike Note of Bells”, Neth. Acoust Soc. Pub. No. 7, pp. 8-19, 1965
[6] Pfundner, J. “On the Strike Note of Bells”, Acustica, 12, pp. 153-157, 1962
[7] Rossing, T. D. “Acoustics of Percussion Instruments”, Phys. Teach., 14, pp. 546-556, 1976
[8] Schad, C.R. and Frik, G. “On the Strike Note of Bells”, Acustica, 80, pp. 232-237, 1994
[9] Terhardt, E. “Calculating Virtual Pitch”, Hearing Research, 1, pp. 155-182, 1979
[10] Terhardt, E. and Seewann, M. “Aural and Objective determination of the Strike Note of historical Church
Bells”, Acustica, 54, pp. 129, 1984
[11] Swallowe, G.M., Charnley T.,and Perrin, R. “New Musical Scales”, J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., 94, pp. 1166-
1167, 1993
[12] Perrin, R., Charnley, T., Banu H., and Rossing T.D., “Chladni’s law and the Modern English Church Bell”,
J. Sound Vib., 102, pp. 11-19, 1985.
[13] Schad, C.R. and Warlimont, H. “Acoustical Investigations of the influence of the Material on the Sound of
Bells”, Acustica, 29, pp. 1-14, 1973.

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