Numerical Calculation of Pump - s12206-017-0428-2
Numerical Calculation of Pump - s12206-017-0428-2
Numerical Calculation of Pump - s12206-017-0428-2
DOI 10.1007/s12206-017-0428-2
(Manuscript Received July 26, 2016; Revised December 19, 2016; Accepted January 5, 2017)
The cavitation damage in the Engine cooling water pump (ECWP) is the key factor that shortens the lifespan of automobile cooling
systems, and causes vibration and noise. To improve cavitation performance and external characteristics of ECWP, three optimized mod-
els were designed on the basis of WP7 diesel ECWP. The whole flow fields in three models and the prototype pump were numerically
simulated, employing the time averaged Navier-Stokes equation, the standard k-ε turbulent model and Zwart-Gerber-Belamri multiphase
flow model by ANSYS-CFX software. Pressure distribution, turbulent kinetic energy distribution, bubble volume fraction distribution,
external characteristics and cavitation performance of the prototype pump and optimized models were compared and analyzed. The re-
sults show that the external characteristics and cavitation performance of the optimized models are significantly better than that in the
prototype pump. Through decreasing the inlet blade angle and wrap angle, extending the blade to inlets and extending a certain inclina-
tion in the blade, shock loss in blade inlet was reduced and so, the performance of pump will be improved. The flow condition at blade
inlet will also be improved greatly, which in turn improves cavitation performance. When reducing the quantity of blades, the excretion
coefficient will drop, flow area of blade inlet becomes bigger, but head has a little drop. And the pump optimized by reducing the quan-
tity of blades has the optimal cavitation performance among three optimized models. With the decrease of impeller diameter, the absolute
pressure in the critical cavitation point becomes bigger, the inlet bubble volume fraction at the same absolute pressure increases while
cavitation performance gets worse. The obtained numerical results were compared with the experimental ones, and the outcome showed
the same tendency between the two along with acceptable error.
Keywords: Engine cooling water pump (ECWP); Cavitation performance; Experiment; Numerical simulation
Parameters Value
Flow rate (L/min) 285
Head (m) 14
Rotation speed (r/min) 3700
Outlet diameter (mm) 98
Inlet diameter (mm) 60
Outlet width (mm) 11
Blade inlet angle/° 37
Blade outlet angle (°) 30
(a) Bottom part of pump
Blade wrap angle (°) 45
Blade quantity 8
4. Numerical computation area. To make the mesh size has the smallest effect on the
calculation accuracy, a steady numerical simulation was usu-
4.1 Three-dimensional modeling
ally applied to calculate the pump head. When the cell quan-
Three numerical domains, including inlet section, outlet sec- tity of the mesh varies from 2.03 million to 2.67 million, the
tion and impeller section, were built by Pro/E software accord- change of the head remains smaller than 2 %, which indicates
ing to the given model. The domains are shown in Fig. 4. that the mesh meets the requirements of independence. The
meshes of the three regions are shown in Fig. 5. The Y-plus
value is controlled below 100 by adding the boundary layers
4.2 Meshing
on the surfaces of the walls and blades, and it meets the re-
The 3D meshes of the models were generated by using quirements for the k-ε model. The blade wall meshes are
commercial software ICEM, and the mesh sizes were set dif- shown in Fig. 6. The quantity of the meshes has little differ-
ferently according to the characteristics such as the surface ence between each other.
curvature. The mesh of the wall surface was encrypted, espe-
cially where the radius of curvature was larger. Mesh captured 4.3 Governing equations and boundary conditions
the main characteristics of the ECWP appearance, and the
cells on the boundary layers were arranged appropriately. The Three steady numerical simulations were conducted em-
domains were discretized as structured hexahedral meshes, ploying the time averaged N-S equation and the standard k-ε
and the final mesh quality of each area was higher than 0.3. turbulent model in ANSYS-CFX software. Inlet pressure was
The whole domain consisted of three parts, namely the suction set as inlet boundary condition and outlet mass flow was set as
chamber area, pressurized water chamber portion and the im- the outlet boundary condition. The critical cavitation point
peller region, which together formed the total flow passage was sought by changing the inlet pressure step by step. The
L. Wei et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31 (5) (2017) 2319~2329 2323
wall roughness was set as 10 μm, and the standard wall func- by one and head declined slightly compared with case 1. But
tion was chosen in the domain near the wall, and the wall no- with the decrease of the blade quantity, the internal impeller
slip boundary condition was set as adiabatic wall. The volume excretion coefficient decreased, and the efficiency in case 2
fraction of the water and the bubble were set as 1 and 0, re- increased. The impeller inlet shock loss in case 3 was reduced
spectively. Considering the applicability and accuracy for the while efficiency had a further rise.
software to handle the ECWP simulation, the temperature of To analyze effect of the optimization, the internal flow
the water and bubbles were both set as 25 °C, and the cavita- fields of four models were analyzed. The cross section z = 0
tion performance at 85 °C was estimated according to the (in cross-section of blade and the whole impeller pump) was
cavitation performance curve. taken as the research object to analyze the distribution of the
flow field under the design conditions.
Fig. 7 shows the static pressure distribution in the impeller
5. Prediction of external characteristics and analysis
cross section under the designed conditions; the inlet absolute
of internal flow field
pressure was standard atmospheric pressure (101 kPa). It can
The external characteristic numerical simulation of the de- be found that the impeller internal pressure is increasing from
sign operating points in prototype pump and other three cases the inlet to the outlet and reaches the maximum at the blade
were conducted. The results are shown in Table 3. outlet, the pressure at the pressure side is higher than that at
As shown in Table 3, compared with the prototype pump it the suction side, the static pressure reaches the minimum value
is found that head in three optimized models increased about at the position closed to the inlet of the suction side; due to the
34 %, 31 %, 23 % respectively, and efficiency in three opti- asymmetric structure of the pump chamber, the pressure dis-
mized models increased 3.7 %, 5.2 %, 5.6 %, respectively. All tribution in the impeller passage is asymmetric as well. Obvi-
three cases had improved hydraulic characteristics perform- ous low pressure area is found at the blade inlet of the proto-
ance. Particularly, the quantity of blades in case 2 was reduced type impeller and the cavitation is more prone to appear in the
low pressure area, which indicates that the cavitation perform-
Table 3. Comparison of external characteristics. ance of the optimized models is superior to that of the proto-
type pump, and case 3 is the best one among three models.
Flow rate Rotation speed Head Efficiency
(L/min) (r/min) (m) (%)
Fig. 8 shows the turbulent energy distribution in the cross
section of pump under the designed conditions when the inlet
Prototype 285 3700 13.417 55.8
absolute pressure is standard atmospheric pressure (101 kPa).
Case 1 285 3700 18.001 59.5
In all models, the turbulent kinetic energy is relatively larger
Case 2 285 3700 17.690 61.1 in the inlet area, which indicates that there is some fluid shock
Case 3 285 3700 16.572 61.4 loss at the inlet vane; by comparing the results of four models
18 case 1
the inlet turbulent kinetic energy in the prototype pump is case 2
significantly higher than in the other three optimized models,
case 3
indicating that extending the blade toward the inlet and in- 16
creasing the inclination can dramatically improve the flow
Head H/m
Fig. 10. Bubble volume concentration distribution in the cross section of four models with 40 kPa inlet absolute pressure.
Fig. 11. Bubble volume concentration distribution in the cross section of four models with 30 kPa inlet absolute pressure.
optimized cases are reduced by 1.786 m, 1.997 m and 2.223 m, cavitation is more likely to occur; for case 1, the bubble vol-
respectively. It can be inferred from the numerical simulation ume concentration increases with the increase of the inlet
results that, under the condition of 85 °C relatively severe pressure; the bubble volume concentration at blade inlet in the
cavitation has already occurred in the prototype pump when prototype model is much larger than the other optimized mod-
the gauge pressure is zero, which further indicates that cavita- els. While in case 3, the bubble volume concentration at blade
tion damage is the main reason for damage of the pump dur- inlet is the smallest one, which indicates that the cavitation
ing the durability experiment. In other three optimized models, performance in case 3 has been improved significantly. Con-
the operating points are far from the critical points of the cavi- sidering Figs. 9-11 together and compared to prototype pump,
tation at zero gauge pressure. it can be found that case 3 has the best cavitation performance
among three optimized models; moreover, the efficiency of
the model 3 is improved obviously. Comprehensively, the
6.2 Distribution of bubble volume fraction
optimization in case 3 is the optimal one.
Bubbles are the most intuitive phenomenon of cavitation,
and the larger the volume fraction of bubbles is, the serious
7. Analysis of cavitation performance under three
the cavitation is. Figs. 10 and 11 illustrate the bubble volume
different impeller diameters
concentration distribution in the cross section of four models
with 40 kPa and 30 kPa inlet absolute pressures. As can be The optimal model was selected by comparing three opti-
seen, due to the asymmetry in the pumping chamber, the pres- mized models, in which the efficiency and cavitation perform-
sure distribution in impeller passages is asymmetric at differ- ance were improved significantly. According to the custom-
ent positions of the same radius, and the bubble distribution ers’ requirements, the head under design conditions is 14 m,
inside the impeller is also asymmetric; the bubble volume and the simulated head in three models increased from
concentration on the blade suction side near the inlet reached 13.417 m to 16.572 m after the optimization. In external char-
the maximum value, indicating that in this low pressure area acteristic experiment, the actual head under design conditions
2326 L. Wei et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31 (5) (2017) 2319~2329
of the optimal model was 15.2 m, slightly higher than ex- Fig. 13 shows 10 % bubble volume concentration distribu-
pected. In engineering, it is common to meet the requirements tion in the impeller with 98 mm diameter under different inlet
of design parameters by cutting the impeller. If impeller is cut, pressures. As can be seen, when the inlet absolute pressure is
it will have a great impact on cavitation performance of the 58.7 kPa, small bubbles appear in the low pressure area at the
ECWP; cavitation performance of impellers with different impeller inlet, and inception cavitation happens. When inlet
diameters was studied. Based on the optimized model in case absolute pressure is decreased, NPSH will decrease, bubble
3, the impeller diameter (which is 98 in case 3) was reduced distribution area expands and extends gradually from the back
by 2 mm and 4 mm, respectively, while keeping other pa- to working side of the blade, so the cavitation has developed.
rameters constant. Then the cavitation performance under When inlet absolute pressure decreases until below the critical
rated conditions (Qopt = 285 L/min, n = 3700 r/min) of the point of cavitation (absolute pressure about 34.7 kPa), a sig-
impellers with three different diameters was compared. nificant increase in the quantity of bubbles occurs and low
Cavitation performance among different impeller diameters pressure area in the pump expands gradually, bubbles begin to
at the design conditions was numerically simulated, respec- block the entire passage of impeller. The impeller is struck
tively, and is shown in Fig. 12. In the figure, impeller outer intensively by the bubble impulsion, and cavitation damage
diameters are, respectively, 98 mm, 96 mm, 94 mm, the criti- occurs, causing significant decline in external characteristic
cal cavitation pressure, are, respectively, about 29.04 kPa, curves [20].
32.96 kPa, 34.35 kPa (absolute pressure), and the critical cavi- Fig. 14 shows 10 % bubble volume concentration distribu-
tation pressure is the smallest when impeller diameter is 98 tion of three different impeller diameters. Research shows that
mm. According to the simulation and analysis results of cavi- the bubble distributions in impellers with different diameters
tation performance, a preliminary view suggests that with the have the same tendency. However, with the reduction of the
decrease of ECWP impeller diameter, the critical NPSH in- impeller diameter, the 10 % bubble volume concentration
creases and the cavitation performance deteriorates. distribution area expands gradually under the same inlet pres-
sure. Furthermore, the bubble area inside the impeller with 98
16.5 d2 = 98 mm mm diameter appears in the latest time under the same inlet
total pressure, which implies that the impeller with 98 mm
diameter has the best cavitation performance. And these
15.5 analysis results are also consistent with the cavitation per-
d2 = 96 mm
Head H/m
d = 98 mm d = 96 mm d = 94 mm
100 20
90 18
80 16
70 14
Efficiency h/%
60 12 Head H/m
50 10
40 8
30 Simulation head 6
Experimental head
20 4
Simulation efficiency
10 Experimental efficiency 2
0 0
100 150 200 250 300 350 (a) Prototype pump
Flow Q/(L/min)
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