The Rashidun Caliphate
The Rashidun Caliphate
The Rashidun Caliphate
English Translation of Urdu book
English Translation of Urdu book
Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications Regd. Lahore, Pakistan.
©All copyrights reserved with translator and
Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications (Regd.)
No part of this book may be used or reproduced or used in any
manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Published
in Pakistan with the permission of the copyright owner.
First Edition October 2022
ISBN 978-969-2220-24-8
through their medium. On the other hand, those who held grudge
against them fell off the cliff and started plotting schemes against
them. There are several books written describing the heart-
wrenching events that took place in the era of the Rashidun
Caliphs. Different scholars and analysts tried to give arguments
in an attempt to figure out who was at fault and what possibly
went wrong that resulted in the end of the caliphate. What makes
this book unique is the unbiased approach of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen.
His picturesque words have painted the clear picture of the
painful events that took place in the Rashidun era. The reader is
engrossed in them in such a way that he feels he himself is
witnessing those events and then can decide for himself what
went wrong to cause the downfall of the Muslims.
The Rashidun Caliphate was meant to end, this decision was
already made and sealed in the Mohammadan Assembly.
Therefore, when Husayn ibn Ali inquired Hasan of his decision
of leaving caliphate, Hasan replied to his dear brother that Allah
Almighty will not join the physical rule and spiritual leadership
under People of the Cloak. Allah has decided to give the beloved
followers of the Prophet, his real heritage, spiritualism. Thus, the
spiritual orders flourished from them which exist even to date.
These spiritual orders are the medium for the seekers of Allah to
guide them towards closeness of Allah.
Whenever I reach out to Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen to seek guidance in
any matter, be it outward or inward, he always refers to the life
of Holy Prophet, People of the Cloak and the Rashidun Caliphs.
This intrigued my interest to read the Urdu version of this book
and was over the moon when Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen blessed me
with the opportunity to translate it into English. If I were to
describe my experience of translating this book in one sentence,
I would say that the book made me spiritually live through the
incidents happened in the era of Rashidun Caliphs. There were
times when I engrossed in the words of the book so deeply that
ُ َ ۡ ُ َ ۡ ُ َّ ۤ َ ّّٰ
)3:2( الل ُہ لا ِالّٰ َہ ِالا ہوَ ۙ الح ّی الق ّیوۡ ُم
Meaning: Allah! None is worthy of worship but He, the Ever-
Living, Self-Subsisting and Sustainer (of the entire universe with
His strategy). (3:2)
َ َ ُ َ َّ ُ ۡ َ ۡ َ ََ
ّ ؕ ب َی ِدک الخیر ؕ ِانک َعلّٰی ک:ٓا
ُ ُ ُ
ۡ َ ّ َُ ََ ُّ ُ
)3:26( ق ِدیۡ ٌر:ٍ ل ش ۡیِ
ۡ َ َ
ِ و ت ِذل من تش: و ت ِعز من تشٓا
Meaning: You confer honour on whom You will, and You
dishonour whom You will. All good is in Your mighty Hand.
Surely, You have absolute authority and control over everything.
Infinite blessings and salutations upon the best among the creations,
Prophet Mohammad sall’Allahu alayhi wa’alihi wasallam, the
People of the Cloak and the Companions.
After the Prophets, the most sacred and exalted are the lovers of
the Holy Prophet, among whom Abu Bakr Siddiq, Umar ibn
Khattab, Usman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib are the leaders
of people of paradise. They gave countless sacrifices in the life
of the Prophet, were sincere, loyal and dear to him. History has
marked countless occasions that depict their honest and selfless
love to the Prophet of Allah. They not only helped to prosper
Islam in the life of the Prophet but continued their efforts as the
Caliphs of the Muslims after the Prophet passed away. They
made tireless efforts to prevail Islam in the entire world and set
such examples that elevated the glory of the Muslims. They laid
the foundation of a practical democratic Islamic state when there
was no concept of democracy and welfare state in the world.
They not only laid the foundation of the world‟s biggest Islamic
state but also established such a system of justice, parallel of
which is not seen even in the present most developed countries
of the world.
The Rashidun Caliphs hold the prestigious rank not only because
of the aforementioned but most importantly because these exalted
personalities gained direct beneficence without any medium
from the Mohammadan light attaining eternity in both the
worlds. They are the reflection of the four most notable attributes
of the Prophet. The sacred self of the Holy Prophet is the ultimate
institution while the four Caliphs are like his branches.
ؓ امثعن و
ؓ ںیہ رکںین اکی یہ لعشم یک اوبرکبؓ و رمعؓ و
The spiritual path that leads a seeker of Allah to His vision, gnosis and union under the
guidance of the perfect spiritual guide. The Holy Prophet said, “Faqr is my pride and
Faqr is from me.” See chapter one of the book Sufism-The Soul of Islam for further
details on Faqr.
The beneficence from all four Caliphs will continue till the
doomsday and the seekers of Allah of every era will keep
gaining guidance from them. If we confine the contribution of
these eminent personalities in the spread of Islam to just their
physical lives, it will be the denial of the spiritual excellence
they achieved from the company of the Holy Prophet, which is
the reason behind their exalted rank in the court of Allah and His
Prophet. The beneficence these personalities gained from the
sacred company of the Prophet is transferred and will continue to
transfer to the seekers of Allah through their medium as per
capacity of each seeker. This is the marvel of these sacred
personalities and this brilliance is eternal. This fact showcases
the excellence of the Prophet who bestowed this beneficence and
the exalted rank of these personalities who attained it.
All four Caliphs equally had basic attributes of love for the
Prophet, perseverance, loyalty, sincerity and sacrifice etc. on the
basis of which they got the status of Allah‟s beloveds. It is
impossible to grant anyone a rank higher than the other on the
basis of these attributes as to have the status of belovedness one
must have all of them upto a certain extent. All four having the
honour of the chosen Caliphs and having Hadiths in their regard
verify that their ranks were not even slightly different as far as
these basic attributes are concerned. However, they had some
such attributes regarding which they excelled the other like Abu
Bakr was the best in truthfulness, Umar was the best in justice
and self-accountability, Usman was an epitome of modesty and
humility while Ali had the best command in knowledge and
Faqr. These are the attributes which were distinct part of their
personalities since eternity and they excelled in them through the
enlightened company of the Holy Prophet. Hence, they became
the light of guidance and the medium to inculcate these attributes
in the seekers of Allah of every era. As Sultan Bahoo says:
امثعن وبد
ؓ دصقیؓ دصق و دعل رمعؓ و رُپایح
وگےئ رقفش از ربمغیپؐ اشہ رمداں یم ؓاروبد
Explanation: From the Holy Prophet, Abu Bakr Siddiq got the
attribute of truthfulness, Umar ibn Khattab got justice, Usman ibn
Affan got modesty and Ali ibn Abi Talib got Faqr. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
Therefore, without the spiritual sight and beneficence of these
four Companions, the seeker of Allah can neither attain presence
in the Mohammadan Assembly nor can have the ability to
achieve direct beneficence from the Holy Prophet. When a
seeker of Allah acquires these attributes by the benevolence and
spiritual attention of these kind personalities, only then he is
granted Faqr by the Holy Prophet. These personalities are the
fount and origin of the morals and attributes that are most liked
by Allah Almighty. Due to excellence in these attributes the
Holy Prophet has granted them the utmost authority over them
i.e. veracity, justice, modesty and knowledge. It is their favour
that they grant beneficence to the seeker of Allah and sometimes
even the seeker does not know that he is being bestowed. Their
spiritual attention eliminates spiritual diseases, evil and wrong
from the seeker‟s inward and manifests the strength of pure
virtues and morals. If a seeker of Allah has sincerity, it is because
of the spiritual favour of Abu Bakr, if he has justice then it is
because of the spiritual attention of Umar while the attributes of
obedience, modesty and generosity in the seeker of Allah are due
to the spiritual attention of Usman. Similarly, if the inward of the
seeker of Allah is enlightened with knowledge and Faqr, it is
because of Ali‟s beneficence. Although, all this beneficence
reaches the seeker of Allah by the medium and spiritual sight of
the perfect spiritual guide of the Sarwari Qadri order. He is the
bridge between the seeker of Allah and these sacred personalities.
The Rashidun Caliphs achieved remarkable accomplishments in
their lives that glorified Islam and after their death they have
kept the true spirit of Islam alive in every era through the
spiritual attention of their pure souls.
Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman and Ali‟s Lord is one, Prophet is one,
beloved is one and their order is one. They are the exquisite
flowers of Prophet‟s garden and rays of the Mohammadan moon.
The differences and divisions are created by the ones who do not
have spiritual enlightenment otherwise there is no such division
at their level of spiritual elevation and Faqr. May Allah grant
everyone the insight to understand the righteous religion and
walk on the straight path. As far as the people following Faqr
are concerned, they understand that without the beneficence and
spiritual attention of the four Caliphs they cannot attain anything
in this path.
Numerous books written on the Rashidun Caliphs do not include
Hasan ibn Ali, although he is the fifth Caliph. If the tenure of his
caliphate, which is five months and ten days, is excluded then
the caliphate era does not reach the full term of thirty years as
per the Hadith of Prophet Mohammad, “The era of caliphate will
continue for thirty years after me.”2 This proves that Imam
Hasan is definitely the rightful Caliph.
May Allah grant us the ability to understand the reality and
acknowledge the ranks of the Rashidun Caliphs. (Amin)
Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman
Abu Dawud 4646, 4647-Musnad Imam Ahmad ibn Hunbal 22264, 22274- Tirmidhi 2226
The first Caliph, Abu Bakr Siddiq razi Allah anhu is honoured
with the title of “Caliph of the Prophet‟ (Khalifa tur-Rasool). He
has such elevated rank that he is remembered as the leader of the
Mystics, superior among all pious, chief of the people of
separation (tajrid3) and isolation (tafrid4). He is the friend of
Prophet Mohammad, leader of the truthful and is titled as
superior to all humans after the Prophets. No Mystic can reach
his status. He is a guiding light for the seekers on the way to
Allah. It is must for the seeker of Allah to follow Abu Bakr with
sincerity and truthfulness as when Prophet Mohammad announced
his Prophethood, Abu Bakr believed in him with absolute faith
without asking for any miracle and when the Prophet declared
that he was blessed with Miraj, Abu Bakr affirmed him. He is
called the leader of the truthful because when Allah mentions the
four rewarded groups in the Quran, He names one of the groups
as „the truthful‟ (siddiqeen) after his title Siddiq. This group is
ranked the second after the Prophets. Allah says in the Quran:
ّ َّ َ ّّٰ ۡ َ َّ َ َ ُ َ ّّٰ ُ
الرَ ُسوۡ َل فاولٰٓ ِئک َمع ال ِذیۡ َن ان َع َم الل ُہ َعل ۡی ِہ ۡم ِّم َن الن ِب ّٖی َس َو
ّ اللہَ َو َو َم ۡن ّی ِط ِع ◄
َ ۡ ّّٰ َو:ِ ;الش َہ َدُّ َ َ ۡ ۡ ّ ّ
)4:69( الص ِل ِحیس الص ِدی ِقیس و ِ
Meaning: And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger (blessings
and peace be upon him) are the people who will be in the
company of those (spiritual dignitaries on the Last Day) whom
Tajrid (separation) is the spiritual stage where a seeker becomes separated esoterically
from each and everything and attains Divine presence.
Tafrid (isolation) is the state in which the seeker esoterically becomes alone by negating
even his ownself and engrosses totally in Lordship.
Allah has blessed with His (special) favour, the Prophets, the
truthful, the martyrs and the most pious. (4:69)
Here „the truthful‟ refers to the Mystics. Many other Companions
held the status of the truthful, but Abu Bakr is entitled „the leader
of the truthful‟ and „the prime truthful‟. Prophet Mohammad said:
َْ َ َ َ ّ َ َ َ ّ َ ْ َ َ َ ّٰ َ ّ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ
والصوْ ِم َولّٰ ِک ْن شیْ ٌی َو ق َرف ِ ْی قل ِب ّٖہ ابکثر ِۃ التلاو ِۃ
ِ مافضل ابابک ٍر ِبکثر ِۃ الصلو ِۃ ول ◄
Meaning: Excellence of Abu Bakr Siddiq is not because of
excessive prayers, recitation or fasting rather it is because of a
remarkable thing in his inward (love for the Prophet).
This proves that the ardent love for the Prophet is in fact
truthfulness, piety and faith.
This Hadith also testifies that Abu Bakr is the Imam of all the
Divine lovers and his every act verifies that.
There is another Hadith:
ْ َ َ َّ ً ّّٰ َ َ َ
اص ّب الل ُہ ش ْیئا ف ِ ْی َص ْدرِ ْی ِالا ق ْد َص ْب َتہُ ف ِ ْی َص ْد ٍر اب ِ ْی بَک ِر م ◄
Meaning: What Allah inculcated in my inward, I inculcated the
same in Abu Bakr‟s inward.
Sultan Bahoo mentions in his book Sultan-ul-Waham:
The disciple should be like Abu Bakr Siddiq who sacrificed
his each and every possession for his spiritual guide (Prophet
Mohammad) with sincerity and truthfulness. When such
spiritual guide and disciple come together (spiritually as
well) then the spiritual level of the disciple is raised day by
day and their inward connection is strengthened with every
moment. As the Holy Prophet said about Abu Bakr:
َ َّ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ ُ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ َ
اس لَرَ َجع
ِ ان الن
ِ لو وزن ِایمان اب ِی بک ٍر مع ِایم ◄
Meaning: If the faith of Abu Bakr is compared with the
combined faith of all the people then his faith will be greater
and superior.
Marifa in Arabic. It refers to the knowledge and recognition of Allah which keeps on
increasing as the seeker of Allah progresses towards His closeness. It includes Divine
vision, knowledge of His Essence and attributes, acquiring the attributes on annihilating
in Him and finally becoming one with the Essence having the ultimate gnosis.
َّ ُ ّ ۡ َ ّّٰ َ َ َّ ََۡ َّ
َو َس ُی َجن ُب َہا الۡاتقی ﴿﴾ ال ِذ ۡی یُ ۡؤت ِ ۡی َمالَہ یَتزکی ﴿ۚ﴾ َو َما لِا َح ٍد ِعن َده ِم ۡن نِ ۡعمَ ٍۃ ت ۡج ٰۤزی ﴿﴾ ِالا
ّٰ َ ۡ َ َ َ ّٰ ۡ َ ۡ ّ َ ۡ َ َ َ ۡ
)92:77-21( ﴾﴿ ف یَ ۡرضی وج ِہ ر ِب ِہ الاعلی ﴿ۚ﴾ و لسو:اب ِتغٓا
Meaning: But the most pious one shall be saved from this (fire).
Who gives his wealth away (in the cause of Allah) to attain to
purity (of his soul). And who owes no favour to anyone that he is
seeking to pay back. Rather (he spends) seeking the pleasure of
his Lord, the Most High. And soon shall he be well-pleased
(with Allah for His bestowal and Allah with him for his fidelity).
(92: 17-21)
All the exegetists agree that this verse is revealed in the favour of
Abu Bakr.
Prophet Mohammad said about Abu Bakr, “Whenever I
invited anyone to Islam, everyone in the beginning was
uncertain and indecisive but Abu Bakr in this regard is
distinct and the only one who did not have any ambivalence
in accepting Islam. Would you stop bothering my friend for
my sake!”
Prophet Mohammad recalled, “O people! When I said that I
am sent as a Messenger of Allah to you, you all denied but
only Abu Bakr believed it.” (Bukhari)
Following are some of the many Hadiths in regard of Abu Bakr
Except Prophets, the sun did not rise or set on any person
more pious than Abu Bakr.
Abu Bakr is the best of all people after the Prophets.
Allah dislikes this on heaven that Abu Bakr makes a mistake
on earth. (Tabarani)
Anas ibn Malik narrates that while he was in the court of
Prophet Mohammad, Abu Bakr and Umar were seen coming
towards them. Prophet Mohammad said, “Do not tell them
but besides Prophets these two are the leaders of all the
elders in the paradise.” (Tirmidhi 3664)
This Hadith is narrated by Ibn Umar and Abdullah ibn Abbas as
Imam Zayn al-Abidin relates from Ali ibn Abi Talib that
Prophet Mohammad said, “Among my umma, Abu Bakr is
the kindest towards all.”
Ibn Abbas, Ibn Umar, Abu Sa‟id Khudri and Jabir ibn Abdullah
also narrated this Hadith.
Prophet Mohammad said, “There is no Prophet who had two
ministers from the angels in heaven and two from the people
on earth. My two ministers from heaven are Gabriel and
Michael while those from earth are Abu Bakr and Umar.”
The lower rank people in the heaven will look upon those at
the higher ranks in such a way as you see the bright stars in
the sky. Abu Bakr and Umar are among the high ranking
people of the heaven.
Once Prophet Mohammad came to the gathering of emigrants
and the Ansar6, where Abu Bakr and Umar were also
present. Nobody in the gathering could set his eyes upon the
Prophet except these two. They would constantly look at the
Prophet and he would gaze back. At times, they smiled and
he would smile back.
Once Prophet Mohammad was going towards the Prophet‟s
Mosque from his residence in such a glorious manner that
Abu Bakr and Umar were holding his hands. Prophet
Mohammad said, “We will rise in the same manner on the
Local inhabitants of Madina.
A Hadith is said to be mutawatir if it is reported by a significant number of narrators
through multiple chains leading back to same source.
The Companion who was a poet of the court of the Holy Prophet.
the prayer because if Abu Bakr will stand at the place of the
Holy Prophet, he will keep weeping and people will not be
able to hear his recitation.‟ Hafsa then requested the Prophet
but he said, „You are like the women of Egypt (of Joseph‟s
era). Instruct Abu Bakr not Umar‟.” (Bukhari 7303, Musnad Ahmad
they did not know. Ali replied, “Abu Bakr is the most daring.
On the day of Badr we prepared a shelter for the Prophet and
asked each other who would be with him for his protection
so that disbelievers do not come that way? I swear to God!
Nobody among us came forward except Abu Bakr. He drew
a sword to protect the Prophet and whenever an infidel tried
to approach the Prophet, he attacked fearlessly. Therefore
Abu Bakr is the bravest.”
Jalaluddin Suyuti in his booklet and Ibn Hajar Makki in his
book Asna al-Matalib refer that Al-Bazzaz and Abu Nuaym
in his book Fadail al-Khulafa, have quoted the narration of
Ali ibn Abi Talib, “O people! Tell me who is the bravest of
all?” They replied, “Please you tell us, we do not know.” Ali
said, “It is Abu Bakr. I witnessed that Quraish had grasped
the Prophet. One man was trying to overcome him and
another was trying to push him to the ground. They were
bawling at the Prophet that you are the one who has claimed
many gods as one. I swear to God! Nobody among us
stepped forward to protect him except Abu Bakr. While
striking one of them he pushed the other and said, “May you
all die! You are trying to martyr the honourable Prophet just
because he affirms Allah as his Lord.”
Ali then lifted his shawl and wept so bitterly that his beard
got wet. He then asked, “I question you, was a believer from
Moses‟ nation better or Abu Bakr?” People remained silent.
Ali said, “Why you do not reply? I swear to God! One
moment of Abu Bakr‟s life is better than the perfect believer
of Moses‟ nation who hid his faith while Abu Bakr
(fearlessly) announced it.”
Al-Bazzaz relates from Usaid ibn Safwan, “When Abu Bakr
passed away, his body was covered with a cloth. An
atmosphere of grief prevailed in Madina and the same state
of distress aroused in people as was when the Holy Prophet
had passed away. Ali came to the funeral while crossing the
crowd sharply and kept reciting, “Verily, we belong to Allah
and verily to Him shall we return”9. He uttered, “Today one
era of the Prophet‟s caliphate has ended!” He then eventually
stopped at the door of the house where Abu Bakr‟s body was
kept and said:
“O Abu Bakr! May Allah have mercy on you. You were the
first to believe in the Holy Prophet and adopt Islam, the most
honest in faith, strongest in belief, feared Allah the most,
bore the most pain, protected Prophet the most, fastest in the
way of Islam and trusted by all the Companions. You were
the best in companionship, excelled all in abilities and
virtues, highest in rank and the closest to the Prophet. You
had the most resemblance to the Prophet in his nature,
morals and age. In the court of the Holy Prophet, your were
the most honourable, trustworthy and respected. May Allah
grant you with the best reward on behalf of Islam, the
Prophet and his umma.”
Abu Juhaifa who was a security guard of Ali, narrates one of
his sayings, “Among Muslim umma, the most honourable
personality after Prophet Mohammad is Abu Bakr and then
Umar.” Abd Khair heard the same words from Ali while in a
mosque of Kufa and elaborated, “When he (Ali) used to say
that he could name the third person in the chain he referred
to Usman ibn Affan.”
Nireed bin Wahab states that once Suwaid bin Ghafla went
to see Ali in the era of his caliphate. Suwaid said, “O Leader
of the Believers! I have met certain people who try to belittle
Abu Bakr and Umar and deny their splendid services.” Ali
clenched his fists in anger, went to the pulpit and said:
Sura al-Baqarah, verse 156.
After Ali had won the Battle of Nahrawan, one day he said,
“The most honourable people of the umma after Prophet
Mohammad are Abu Bakr and Umar. After these two passed
away our problems have worsened to an extent that now
only Allah can take us out of them.”
Jafar narrates from a Companion named Mohammad who
heard from his father that someone from Quraish asked Ali
ibn Abi Talib, “O Leader of the Believers! Sometimes in
your sermons you pray to Allah to grant us the same qualities
as those of the Rashidun Caliphs. Who are those Caliphs?”
He says that tears started rolling out of Ali‟s eyes and he
replied, “Son, I refer to my beloved friends and your uncles
Abu Bakr and Umar. They are the leaders of righteous
guidance, Shaikhs of Islam and imams in salats after the
Abu Bakr‟s birth name was Abd al-Kaaba. After he accepted
Islam, Prophet Mohammad named him Abdullah. Abu Bakr is
his teknonym and he is mostly known by it. He belongs to Banu
Taym of Quraish tribe. His lineage joins that of Prophet
Mohammad at the sixth step. His lineage is as follows:
Abu Bakr Siddiq son of Usman Abu Quhafa son of Amir son of
Amr son of Ka‟b son of Sa‟d son of Taym son of Murrah son of
Ka‟b son of Lu‟ayy son of Ghalib.
At the sixth step, Murrah the son of Ka‟b, the lineage of Abu
Bakr joins Prophet Mohammad. The name of Abu Bakr‟s father
is Usman and his teknonym is Abu Quhafa. At the time of
conquest of Makkah, his father adopted Islam at the age of
ninety. He died in 14 AH during the caliphate of Umar. The
name of Abu Bakr‟s mother was Salma and her teknonym was
Umm al-Khair. She embraced Islam at the very early stage of its
Abu Bakr was born in 573 AD, two and a half years after „Year
of the Elephant‟10 (i.e. two and a half years after the birth of the
Holy Prophet). In the era of ignorance, Abu Bakr was among the
According to the Islamic traditions it is the year when Prophet Mohammad was born
i.e. 570-571 AD. In that year Abraha, the Christian king of Yemen, marched upon Kaaba
with a large army including war elephants. However the lead elephant stopped at the
boundary of Makkah and Allah sent swarms of birds that pelted with stones ultimately
demolishing them. This incident is mentioned in chapter al-Fil of the Quran.
It is said in the narrations that Abu Bakr had love and affection
for Prophet Mohammad since ever. At the time when Prophet
Mohammad declared his Prophethood Abu Bakr was out of
Makkah. On hearing about this announcement he immediately
returned, went to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The people of
Quraish openly mocked Abu Bakr‟s such extravagant devotion
and belief. Abu Jahl, Utbah ibn Rabi‟ah and Shaybah ibn
Rabi‟ah were the spearhead to ridicule him. In fact, Abu Bakr
was among the seekers of righteousness. He had a very sound
and clement nature. He had witnessed Prophet Mohammad‟s life
prior to his Prophethood, therefore he not only embraced Islam
without any hesitation but also used his affluence and dignified
status to serve Islam.
Jalaluddin Suyuti, the author of Tareekh al-Khulafa writes:
Prophet Mohammad said, “Whenever I invited anyone to
Islam, everyone in the beginning was uncertain and indecisive
but Abu Bakr in this regard is distinct and the only one who
did not have any ambivalence in accepting Islam.”
Abu Bakr was thirty-seven or thirty-eight years old when he
embraced Islam. Even before accepting Islam, Prophet Mohammad
and Abu Bakr had cordial relations. Abu Bakr was already aware
and inspired of the Prophet‟s great morals, truthfulness, sincerity
and piousness. Therefore, he did not hesitate to adopt Islam.
Soon after embracing Islam he started persuading his friends and
close relatives to accept Islam. He also generously spent his
Abu Bakr‟s tribe came forward to save him and took him home.
Other Companions of the Holy Prophet took him to a secure
place. In the evening, when Abu Bakr regained consciousness,
the first thing he inquired was, “How is Prophet Mohammad?”
At first his mother said that she had no knowledge about him.
Later, through Fatimah bint Khattab he found out that the
Prophet was safe and sound. Abu Bakr inquired again, “Where is
the Prophet?” He was told that the Prophet was at the house of
al-Arqam ibn Abi‟l Arqam11. Abu Bakr then insisted that he
would not eat or drink anything until he sees the Prophet. His
mother took him to Prophet Mohammad. On seeing Abu Bakr in
such a misery, Prophet Mohammad‟s eyes filled with tears and
he kissed him on forehead.
Abu Bakr‟s mother had not adopted Islam till then but that day
she herself took her son to the court of Prophet Mohammad. Abu
Bakr requested the Prophet to pray for her. He prayed for her,
hence she adopted Islam.
Abu Bakr was among the closest Companions of the Holy
Prophet and the one who could unreluctantly sacrifice his life for
him. He took part in many battles alongside the Prophet. That is
why he was considered an experienced general in the army of
Prophet Mohammad. Abu Bakr‟s love for Islam and Prophet
Mohammad can be determined by an incident. Once his son Abd
al-Rahman said that when he had not embraced Islam and they
were opponents in the Battle of Badr, his father (Abu Bakr) came
under his sword but he let him go because of the blood
relationship. On hearing that, Abu Bakr immediately replied, “I
swear to God! Had you been under my sword, I would have
killed you.”
It was a safe house to avoid harassment by the disbelievers of Makkah in the early
stages of Islam. There the Prophet of Islam would meet converts to pray and teach about
On the night of Miraj, Allah took his beloved Prophet to al-Aqsa
Mosque, the lote tree (Sidrat al-Muntaha) and wherever He
wanted. Prophet Mohammad first physically went to al-Aqsa
Mosque and then escalated to the journey of vision of Allah,
which is the most unique journey in the history of the universe.
During that journey Allah showed His beloved Prophet His signs
that exist in the universe. What were those signs? This is beyond
words, expressions and understanding of human intellect. Allah
blessed the Prophet with His vision and the distance between the
Loved and the Beloved was of two bows length (qab qausain) or
even less than that.
The devotion and endearment with which Abu Bakr verified the
event of Prophet‟s Miraj is matchless. Regarding this Prophet
Mohammad said, “When I announced that I am Prophet, Abu
Bakr believed in me and embraced Islam without asking for any
Abu Bakr is entitled as „the truthful‟. Tabarani and Hakim narrated
from Yahya ibn Sa‟id that he had seen Ali swearing to Allah that
the title of Abu Bakr descended from the heaven. Ibn Asir has
written that Abu Bakr was also called „Ateeq‟ because of his
Miraj of the Prophet brought infinite blessings and endowments
for the believers. The infidels gave ridiculous meanings to this
ultimate ascension of humanity to Allah. They did not gain any
guidance from this event rather now they were so aggravated by
the preaching of Prophet Mohammad that they made horrible
plans of taking the Prophet‟s life (I seek refuge in Allah12). In
contrast, Allah had a different plan.
Meanwhile, the message of Islam was spread in Madina (then
Yathrib), which is approximately two hundred and eighty miles
away from Makkah. Therefore, many groups of people from
Madina came to Makkah and secretly embraced Islam. Now
there were numerous devotees of Prophet Mohammad in Madina
who wished to invite him to their city. In that era, Madina was
ّ ّٰ
An Arabic expression. Nauzubillah ( )نعوذ باللہmeans „May God save us‟ or „I seek refuge
in Allah‟. Often repeated on hearing something evil and abominable.
The first pledge at al-Aqabah: In the 11th year of the declaration of Prophethood, some
people of Khazraj tribe came from Madina for pilgrimage and camped a few miles away
from Makkah at al-Aqabah. One night Prophet Mohammad visited them to preach. When
they saw Prophet Mohammad and heard from him the Divine revelations they
immediately accepted Islam and on returning to Madina, these Companions spread the
light of faith. The next year, twelve people arrived for pilgrimage. They accepted Islam
and swore allegiance to the Holy Prophet which is called the first pledge at al-Aqabah.
The second pledge at al-Aqabah: In the 13th year of declaration of Prophethood, the
second pledge at al-Aqabah took place in which there were seventy-two men and two
women from the tribes of Aws and Khazraj. They had come with the intention of inviting
the Prophet to migrate to their city, Madina.
Abu Bakr often said while reflecting about the frightful night in
the cave, “After that night, I was not worried about the matters of
religion or any other issue ever again.”
During the three days and nights that Prophet Mohammad and
Abu Bakr spent in the cave, an army of angels guarded them on
Allah‟s command. Every night Abdullah ibn Abu Bakr brought
food to the cave. On the third night, the Prophet and his beloved
Companion departed for Madina riding their camels.
During this journey these two loyal friends briefly stayed at the
house of Umm Ma‟bad in Ghadir where the Holy Prophet
showed a miracle regarding her goat14. During this journey the
Holy Prophet also met his two acquaintances, Urwah ibn Zubayr
and Barida Aslami. Barida Aslami along with seventy people of
his tribe accepted Islam on the invitation of Prophet Mohammad.
Prophet Mohammad and Abu Bakr then proceeded towards
Madina in the form of a large group which also included Barida
Aslami and seventy people of his tribe who had recently
accepted Islam. Barida Aslami was now in the front rows
holding the flag of this caravan. On the other hand, in Makkah,
infidels were in rage on failure of their plans, so they were
torturing Abu Bakr‟s family.
Abu Quhafa, father of Abu Bakr, was helpless in Makkah. He
was also financially empty handed as Abu Bakr had taken all the
cash with him. Asma, the beloved daughter of Abu Bakr was
injured by the brutal and cold-hearted Abu Jahl who slapped on
her face so hard that tore her earlobe. The family of Abu Bakr
endured all those hardships and pains in the love of the Prophet
and for Allah‟s will.
The goat was meek and could not give milk. When the Holy Prophet touched the udder
of goat, by his miracle it gave so much milk that everyone drank it till satiated.
Prophet Mohammad and Abu Bakr reached the outskirts of
Madina travelling through a shortcut along the shoreline. The
inhabitants of Madina and the emigrants from Makkah had been
eagerly waiting the arrival of Prophet Mohammad. Every
morning the Muslims of Madina gathered at Harrah to welcome
the Prophet. Then one day a Jew brought the news of his arrival
saying, “O Muslims! Your beloved Prophet has arrived for
whom you have been waiting desperately.”
Overjoyed by the news, the Muslims instantly made arrangements,
carried some simple weapons and gathered to welcome the
Prophet and his caravan. Meanwhile, the Prophet stopped at
Quba and honoured the family of Imran ibn Awf to host him.
Here also, Abu Bakr was standing next to the Prophet all the
time so off and on he used his shawl to provide him shade from
the scorching heat. Many Muslim emigrants had settled at Quba.
One after another, they were coming to see the Prophet. Ali ibn
Abi Talib who walked all the way from Makkah to Madina after
returning people‟s trusts also joined the Prophet at Quba.
A large group from the tribe of Najjar, of whom many were
armed, also came to welcome the Prophet. Now Prophet
Mohammad was leading the caravan riding his camel, followed
by Abu Bakr who was followed by the people of Najjar. It is said
that the people of Najjar celebrated the arrival of Prophet the
most. On this delightful occasion the girls of Najjar played
tambourine and recited poetry in the praise of the Prophet, its
famous lines are:
express our gratitude till there are believers who pray to Allah
(i.e. till the doomsday).
In those joyful and exuberant moments everyone had the desire
of hosting the Prophet. On seeing this love and enthusiasm, the
Holy Prophet said that at whosoever‟s house his camel will stop
on Allah‟s command, will be his host.
On Allah‟s order, the camel knelt in front of the house of Abu
Ayub Ansari and the Prophet blessed him with the honour of
hosting him.15
Prophet Mohammad along with Abu Bakr reached Madina on
Monday 12th Rabi al-Awwal. That year marks the start of the
Islamic calendar.
The people of Madina welcomed Muslims with open hearts,
love, kindness and empathy. They embraced Islam in a short
span of time and considered it mandatory upon themselves to
help the emigrants. Prophet Mohammad entitled the Muslims of
Madina as Ansar, the helpers. Ansar helped the emigrants in
every possible way and proved that a Muslim is like a brother to
the fellow Muslim. The Ansar and emigrants set an exemplary
behaviour for the society that is unprecedented.
Abu Bakr was hosted by Kharijah bin Zayd who lived in Sakh, a
town of Madina.
Earlier Madina was called Yathrib but the Holy Prophet renamed
it as Madina-tun-Nabi (City of the Prophet) and it was prohibited
to call it Yathrib. He also started the construction of the
The Divine wisdom in choosing Abu Ayub Ansari‟s house is explained in chapter two
of the book Celebration of Mawlid al-Nabi by the same author.
Throughout the life of the Prophet, Abu Bakr Siddiq was the
closest to him in the times of joy and grief. During the stay in
Madina as well, he was the most beloved Companion of the
Prophet. His opinions, suggestions and recommendations were
highly valued by the Prophet. It is said, “By the blessings of Allah,
whenever Abu Bakr used to concentrate about a certain matter,
his inward was enlightened with such inspirational knowledge
that everything regarding the matter was unveiled upon him.”
Abu Bakr also became the relative of Prophet Mohammad when
he married his beloved daughter Aisha to the Prophet.
While stay in Madina, he was at the forefront with the Prophet in
the Battle of Badr, Battle of Uhad, Battle of Trench, Pledge of
the Tree, Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, Battle of Khaybar rather in
every important moment of the Prophet‟s life. Once Prophet
Abu Bakr was with Prophet Mohammad when the Islamic forces
entered Makkah on 20th Ramadan 8th AH. Later, in the Battle of
Hunayn when other Companions of the Prophet were overwhelmed
by the intense attack of arrows from the enemies, the only two
Companions who stood steadfastly by the Prophet in addition to
the Prophet‟s family, were Abu Bakr and Umar. After the
Conquest of Makkah when Prophet Mohammad came back to
Madina, Abu Bakr also followed him. In short, he accompanied
his beloved Prophet everywhere. He performed hajj with Prophet
Mohammad in 10th AH, which later was famously called as the
Farewell Pilgrimage.
The Holy Prophet began to become feeble day by day as the time
of his death approached, still he led the prayers in the mosque.
Eventually on Thursday, 8th Rabi al-Awwal after leading the
sunset salat, the Prophet commanded Abu Bakr to lead the night
salat. Abu Bakr led seventeen salats during the life of the Holy
On Sunday, Prophet Mohammad offered one salat led by Abu
Bakr and one sitting next to him. Then on Monday as well,
Prophet Mohammad offered the noon salat led by Abu Bakr
which was his last salat. Later that evening on 12th Rabi al-Awwal
11th AH, Prophet Mohammad passed away.
َ َْ ّ َ ّ ّ ّٰ َ
)2:756( اج ُعوْن
ِ ِانا لِل ِہ و ِانا ِالی ِہ ر
Meaning: Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.
Two deaths mean that Prophet Mohammad will die only once and that is physically. He
will spiritually live forever.
Seeing the condition of Abu Bakr, the Prophet said, “O Abu Bakr!
Have mercy on yourself (keep it a secret).” Then the Prophet
addressed Muslims:
Abu Sa`id al-Khudri relates that the Holy Prophet said, “Abu
Bakr Siddiq has favoured me more than anyone else
regarding wealth and companionship. If I had to befriend
anyone other than Allah, I would have made Abu Bakr my
dearest friend. However, the relation of Islamic companionship
and brotherhood is sufficient.” (Bukhari 3654)
The next day, he went to the Prophet‟s Mosque and took oath of
allegiance from numerous other people. He was titled as Khalifa
tur-Rasool „Caliph of the Prophet‟, marking the beginning of the
Rashidun Caliphate. His first speech as a Caliph is historical. He
started with glorification and praises to Allah Almighty, then
“O people! I am made the custodian of your matters, but I am no
better than any of you. If you find me doing something good,
join me and correct me where I am wrong. Righteousness is a
trust. Weak among you are strong to me, until I get them their
right. The strong among you are weak to me, until I get people‟s
rights from them. Those who will not fight in the way of Allah,
will be humiliated. The nation whose immorality is high will be
punished by Allah. Follow me when I obey Allah and His
Prophet and when I disobey them then you must not follow me.
Get up and offer salat. May Allah‟s mercy be upon you.”
In his first sermon, Abu Bakr devised the action plan of his goals
and obligations to it. The Islamic reign of Rashidun Caliphs is
called the „rightly guided caliphate‟ because in their reign all the
matters of government and leadership were in accordance to the
era of Prophet Mohammad. The Companions appointed as the
Caliphs had the capability to completely follow the set morals of
the Prophet.
Abu Bakr had to face many difficulties and problems during his
caliphate. When he took over the position, many wealthy Muslims
refused to pay zakat. This problem became so crucial and
momentous that even a reliable and trustworthy person like
Umar had to say, “O Abu Bakr these people must be handled
politely, you should approach them differently.”
Abu Bakr replied, “O Umar! You are very strict in Islam, how
come you are so infirm now! Allah has fulfilled His promise and
His will has been implemented. Now you cannot change it. I
Swear to God! I will not hesitate to fight if I need to get zakat
equivalent to even a small piece of rope.” It is a fact that Abu
Bakr stayed true to his words for the rest of his life.
clearly states that in the reign of the first Caliph, most of the area
of Iraq was conquered by Muslims. The Persian leaders who
misunderstood Muslims as weak had gained bitter experiences of
battling with Muslims. Later, more decisive battles against Iraq
took place in the era of Caliph Umar.
The king of Byzantine empire, Heraclius was ruling most of the
areas of Syria and Palestine. He often teamed up with other
enemies of Muslims, involved in conspiracies against them and
never let go any opportunity to harm them. Under his evil and
hostile rule, many Arab and surrounding tribes were a constant
threat to the Muslims.
In 9th AH, Prophet Mohammad took part in an expedition against
the Romans. In addition to that, he had appointed Usama ibn
Zayd as commander-in-chief to deal with them. Abu Bakr also
sensed the wicked intentions of the Romans and arranged an
army consisting of competent and trustworthy soldiers. For this,
he divided the Islamic force into four parts and gave their
command to Ubaidah ibn Jarrah, Shurahbil ibn Hasana, Yazid
ibn Abi Sufyan and Amr ibn al-As. After organizing the army,
Abu Bakr sent these forces to different battlefronts to Syria.
Abu Bakr was very simple, honest, humble and a polite person.
These splendid attributes made him an absolute nobleman. His
contribution in generosity and sacrifice was the most. He was an
affluent businessman of his time. When he accepted Islam, he
had over forty-thousand dirhams, but he had no wealth when he
passed away. He bequeathed nothing despite being a Caliph of
the Islamic Empire.
out of utmost respect he said, “O Abu Bakr! You have set the bar
so high that it has put people following you into a trial.”
Allah has mentioned four rewarded groups in the Quran17 which
are the Prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and the most pious.
The second group following the Prophets is of the truthful people.
The truthful are the Mystics who pray Allah while beholding
Him. This group is named after the title of Abu Bakr. He was the
first person to give the invocation (dhikr) to the seekers of Allah
for the purity of self and purgation of inward. Junayd of Baghdad
narrates that the best word regarding Oneness of Allah (tawhid)
is Abu Bakr‟s quote:
“Glory to the Lord, Who opened the way for His creation
towards Him by only being humble in His court.”
It is written in Kashf-ul-Mahjub18 that Abu Bakr is the leader of
Sufis and the truthful.
Abu Bakr was perfect in the love of Prophet Mohammad, free
from the filthy love of the material world and he proved it on
many occasions specially the Expedition of Tabuk. When the
Prophet asked him, “What did you leave for family?” He replied,
“Love of Allah and His Prophet is enough for them.”
Shah Waliullah states that Abu Bakr possessed all the qualities
that make base of Sufism like, trust on Allah alone, being careful
in one‟s deeds, submission to Allah, fear from Allah‟s wrath,
truthfulness, best morals etc. There is an incident about Abu
Bakr‟s fear of Allah that once he saw a sparrow on a tree and
said in a wishful manner, “O sparrow how lucky you are! You
eat fruit and spend life in the shade of a tree and you are not
Sura an-Nisa, verse 69.
Author Ali bin Usman al-Hajveri commonly known as Data Ganj Bakhsh.
On 7th Jumada ath-thani 13 AH cold wind blew in the evening.
Abu Bakr took a bath and caught cold because of the weather.
He got sicker day by day. Some Companions suggested to call
the doctor, but Abu Bakr answered, “He knows.” They asked,
“What?” He replied, Allah says:
ُ ۡ َ ّّٰ َ ّ
ُ ِان الل َہ یف َع
)22:74( ل َما یُرِیۡد
Meaning: Surely Allah does what He will. (22:14)
The Companion‟s got the gist of his words and kept quiet. Abu
Bakr could not make it to the mosque for almost fifteen days
Umar ibn Khattab was purely an Arab, he practised all traditions
of Arabs and portrayed their attributes. He was from Quraish.
His genealogy is as follows:
Umar son of Khattab son of Nufayl son of Abdul Uzza son of
Riyah son of Abdullah son of Qurut son of Razah son of Adiy
son of Ka‟b son of Lu‟ayy son of Ghalib son of Fihr son of
Umar ibn Khattab belonged to the Adi tribe. There were two
brothers in this tribe; Adiy and Murrah. Murrah was from the
ancestors of the Holy Prophet. In this way, Umar‟s genealogy
meets that of Prophet Mohammad in the eighth generation. The
teknonym of Umar ibn Khattab was Abu Hafs and al-Farooq was
Umar ibn Khattab was the beloved of Allah among the two.
Thus, Allah accepted the prayer of Prophet Mohammad in his
favour and he adopted Islam. The incident of Umar‟s conversion
goes as:
One day Umar left his home in sheer exasperation with a sword
in his hand. On his way an individual from the Zuhrah tribe
inquired, “Where are you headed to?” He replied, “I intend to
kill Mohammad.” The man replied, “Then Hashim and Zuhrah
Harb al-Fijar means the sacrilegious wars. These were the series of wars fought during
the four sacred months (Dhul al-Qadah, Dhul al-Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab) in which
war was forbidden. These wars were fought in late 6th century.
tribes will not spare you.” Umar said, “Seems like you have also
renounced the religion of our ancestors.” The man provoked him
and said, “To your surprise, your sister Fatimah bint Khattab and
brother-in-law Sa‟id ibn Zayd have accepted Islam.” On hearing
this Umar became furious and went to his sister‟s house. The
minute he walked in the house he furiously shouted, “What are
these whispers I am hearing?” At that time Khabbab ibn al-Aratt
was reciting the verses of sura Taha. Umar‟s sister and brother-
in-law immediately hid him and the pages of the sura and said
that they were just having a conversation. Umar in a very
intimidating tone hollered, “Probably you have been misled.”
His brother-in-law, Sa‟id ibn Zayd replied, “What if your
religion is misleading (instead of ours)?” Umar got furious and
attacked him. Fatimah bint Khattab tried to save her husband but
Umar slapped her so hard that her face started bleeding. After all
she was the sister of Umar ibn Khattab, injured yet fearless, she
shouted, “O Umar! I believe in Allah and Prophethood of
On hearing this, Umar was disappointed and appeared to relent.
So he asked his sister to show him the verses they were reciting.
His sister refused and added that there are certain etiquettes to
recite them, that is, the reader must be pure and clean. Out of
curiosity, Umar agreed to her terms. After shower and ablution
he started going through the pages of Holy Quran, the Book of
gnosis. He had hardly read the following verse when an immense
desire to see Prophet Mohammad aroused in his inward;
ۡ َ َ
ۡ الص ّٰلوۃ ل ِذکر َ ۡ َ َ َ ۤ َّ ۤ َ ّّٰ َ َ ۤ َ ّ
ۡ ِانن ۡی انا الل ُہ لا ِال ّٰ َہ ِالا انا ف
ّ اع ُبدن ۡی ۙ َو اقِم
)20:74 )﴾﴿ ی ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ
Meaning: Verily, I am Allah. There is no God other than Me. So
always worship Me and establish prayer for the sake of My
remembrance. (20:14)
Instantly, Umar yearned to see the Holy Prophet and requested,
“Take me to Prophet Mohammad.” Khabbab ibn al-Aratt, who
was still hiding, came out and said, “Umar I had faith that the
Holy Prophet‟s prayer in your favour will certainly be granted.”
Umar then went to the house of al-Arqam where Prophet
Mohammad was staying at that time. He met the Prophet, recited
shahada and embraced Islam.
Abdullah ibn Abbas narrates that when Umar accepted Islam,
Angel Gabriel came and said, “O Prophet Mohammad!
Indeed, the dwellers of the heavens have celebrated and sent
felicitations on Umar‟s acceptance of Islam.” (Mustadrak 4491,
Ibn Hibban)
After accepting Islam, Umar spent the rest of his life in the
slavery of Prophet Mohammad and for the cause of Islam. His
companionship to the Holy Prophet after adopting Islam
continued till the last breath of the Prophet. During that time, he
did not miss even a single important event, be it migration to
Madina, Battle of Badr, Battle of Uhud, Battle of Trench, Pledge
of the Tree, Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, Battle of Khaybar, Conquest
of Makkah or Battle of Hunayn. In short, Umar was always on
the forefront in all major events. Moreover, he was one of the
two main advisers of the Holy Prophet. Egyptian historian and
writer Mohammad Hussein Heikal writes:
Prophet Mohammad used to consult his Companions. In this
regard, of all the Companions, Abu Bakr and Umar were the
death of Prophet Mohammad. No! He (is still alive and) has gone
to meet Allah like Prophet Moses did. People had spread the
news of death of Prophet Moses but he returned to the children
of Israel after forty days. Similarly, Prophet Mohammad will
also come back.”
It is also said that due to the emotional outburst, Umar even
declared to kill the person who would call the Prophet dead.
Shibli Nomani writes in his book Al-Farooq, “Circumstantial
evidences do not verify this tradition. I think there was a wisdom
behind this action of Umar. He wisely tried to stop the spread of
news of the Prophet‟s death to prevent the hypocrites from
creating dissension who were waiting for this moment to carry
out their plans.”
Mohammad Hussein Heikal writes about the state of Umar:
Umar‟s belief that the death of Prophet Mohammad is not
possible is acceptable keeping in view the fact that in terms of
the attributes of Prophet Mohammad, he is alive now and was
alive then. In fact, he will stay alive forever, and death cannot
approach him. That is why, Umar was denying the news of
the Holy Prophet‟s death.
Mohammad Hussein‟s theory is verified by the fact that according
to the lovers of Prophet Mohammad, he is eternally alive. As
Sultan Bahoo says:
How can such a person be considered faithful, Muslim or
follower of the Holy Prophet who does not believe that the
Holy Prophet is alive! No doubt, such a person is lair,
faithless and a hypocrite, whoever is he apparently. The Holy
Prophet said, “A lair does not belong to my nation.” (Kaleed-ul-
Tauheed Kalan)
Umar has been titled „al-Farooq‟ which means the distinguisher
between the right and wrong. Once Abdullah ibn Abbas asked
Umar the logic behind his title, to which Umar repeated the
words of Usama ibn Zayd. The last part of his statement is;
“Then Prophet Mohammad divided us in two categories similar
to the folds of millstone. Meanwhile, we entered the Mosque.
That was the occasion when I was granted the title of al-Farooq.”
Ayub ibn Musa related the saying of Prophet Mohammad,
“Righteousness resides in the inward and sight of Umar and
he is the one who distinguishes between right and wrong (al-
Mohammad ibn Sa‟d narrated the saying of Abu Umar ibn
Dhakwan that he asked Aisha, “Who was the first to call
Umar by his title al-Farooq?” She said, “The Holy Prophet
was the first one to call him al-Farooq.”
Nazal bin Sabza-tul-Hilali says that once he with some
fellows went to see Ali ibn Abi Talib and they started talking
about Umar. Ali said, “Umar has such an exalted status that
Allah granted him the title al-Farooq and his sacred self
became the boundary between righteousness and evil. I have
23rd Jumada ath-Thani 13 AH till 1st Muharram 24 AH
(23rd August 634 AD – 3rd November 644 AD)
Abu Bakr got sick in Jumada ath-thani 13 AH. During this
ailment, he became so weak and feeble that he could not get up
without assistance. Hence, he ordered Umar to lead the prayers.
Umar followed the order and continued to lead the prayers till
Abu Bakr passed away. Regarding his caliphate Ali ibn Abi
Talib said, “Indeed (as death approached) Abu Bakr indirectly
appointed Umar as the next Caliph and he did not make any
mistake in this regard. Hence, along with other Muslims I also
took oath of allegiance to Umar ibn Khattab.”
Abu Bakr passed away on 22nd Jumada ath-thani 13 AH and the
next day Umar took over the position and responsibilities of
caliphate. He then delivered his first sermon which is as follows:
“O people! I am being tested through you and vice versa. I have
been appointed your Caliph after Abu Bakr. I will be residing
among you and resolve your matters myself while appoint strong
and trustworthy governors (true believers according to another
tradition) over the ones who are far away from here. The person
who will perform his duties well will be close to me while the
negligent will be punished and penalized. May Allah forgive
On the appointment of Umar as Caliph some Companions were
concerned about his stern attitude, therefore Umar prayed in his
sermon “O Allah! I am stern, make me polite. I am weak, grant
me strength. I am not generous, make me one.”
The prayer offered at night in Ramadan before keeping the next day fast. Before the era
of Umar, the Muslims offered it individually. He initiated congregational Taravih prayer
led by an imam.
Takbir means to say “Allahu Akbar-Allah is the Greatest” while raising hands to the
ears in the beginning of the salat.
Prophet Mohammad announced abstinence from all wives temporarily. This continued
for a month, thus some hypocrites spread the news that the Prophet had divorced his
wives. When Umar asked the Prophet about it he said, “My wives are demanding to
increase the amount of their personal expenses, which I cannot do.” The wives soon
ۡ ُّ َ ّٰ َ ۡ َ ۡ ُ َّ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ َ َ ۡ َ ّ ۡ ُ ُّ َّ َ ُّ َ ٰۤ
realized that they were at fault. The following verses were revealed in this regard:
ُ ُ ُ ُ َ َ
الدن َیا َو زِیۡن َت َہا ف َت َعالَی ۡ َس ا َم ّت ِۡعک َّن َو ا َس ّ ِر ۡحک َّن َس َر ًاحا اجک ِان کنـتس ت ِردن الحیوۃِ یایہا الن ِبی قل لِازو
َ َ ۡ ُ ّٰ ۡ َ َ ّ َّٰ َ َ َ ّٰ
ّٰ ّ َ َ ۡ ُ َ َ َ ّ َ ۡ ُ َّ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ َ ً ۡ َ
﴾﴿ الد َار الۡا ِخ َرۃ ف ِا ّن الل َہ ا َع ّد ل ِلمُ ۡح ِسن ِت ِمنک ّن ا ۡج ًرا َعظ ِۡی ًما ج ِمیلا﴿﴾ و ِان کنـتس ت ِردن اللہ و رسولہ و
Meaning: O (Esteemed) Prophet! Say to your wives, “If you long for the world and its
glitter, then come! I shall make a provision for you and set you free in a handsome
manner. But if you long for Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) and the abode
of the hereafter, then surely Allah has prepared for the pious amongst you a tremendous
reward.” (33: 28,29)
Futuh al-Buldan is a renowned book on the conquest of the countries, written in Arabic
by a Middle Eastern historian, Ahmad ibn Yahya al-Baladhuri. This book includes
geographical and political history along with events of the caliphate.
Amr ibn al-As called his son and inquired, “Son! Did
something happen or did you commit a sin? Why Umar has
mentioned your name (in the letter)?”
Anyways, both father and son rushed to Madina. Anas ibn
Malik relates, “We were in the company of Umar when Amr
ibn al-As arrived. We witnessed that Umar‟s eyes were
looking for his son, Mohammad ibn Amr. He was behind his
father. Umar asked, „Where is that Egyptian?‟ The Egyptian
responded, „I am here.‟ Umar then ordered him, „Grab the
whip and strike this spoiled brat.‟ The Egyptian started
striking the son of Amr ibn al-As. He groaned in pain but
Umar commanded to continue to beat him until he started
bleeding. Then Umar said:
“You went through this (pain) because of your father. Had
he not gotten the incumbency, you would not have struck the
On this the spoiled brat said, “O Leader of the Believers!
What if he struck me, I have already hit him.” On this Umar
was outraged and said, “Regardless, if you beat him again, I
will take strict action against you and ultimately you shall
have to surrender to him.”
This is the conversation Umar had with the son, while the
conversation with the father made history. Umar addressed
the governor and said, “O Amr! Since when you started
treating humans like slaves. Humans are born independent
from the womb of their mothers.”
Then Umar addressed the Egyptian and said, “You can return
home with the peace of mind that you are safe and let me
know right away if you are assaulted again.”
Umar always did justice. In this regard he was strict and fair
not only with public but also with his family. Ismail narrates
from Mohammad ibn Abi Waqas:
Umar used to meet people and hear out their concerns during the
day while at night he patrolled around to watch their condition
himself. Umar often said, “I am scared that Allah will hold me
accountable on the day of judgement even if a dog dies hungry at
the bank of river Euphrates.”
Anas ibn Malik says that one night Umar was patrolling
around to witness the condition of his people. He happened
to pass by a bedouin who was sitting outside his camp. Umar
could hear someone sobbing in pain inside the camp. He
stopped and asked the man what was the matter? The man
replied that his wife was in labour. On hearing this, Umar
immediately went to his wife Umm Kulthum and said,
“There is a pious deed awaiting! If you like to be a part of it
then take the essential items and come along, a traveller‟s
wife is in labour pain.” Umar‟s wife gladly agreed to go with
him to help that woman. He took her to the camp and asked
the man, “Do you permit this woman to go to your wife and
comfort her?” He allowed her in. Meanwhile, Umar stayed
with the bedouin and chatted. After some time, they heard
the voice of Umar‟s wife from inside uttering, “O Leader of
the Believers! Give the good news of birth of a baby boy to
your companion.” The bedouin got nervous on knowing that
he was with the Caliph so he drew back. Umar comforted the
man and said, “Brother! Keep sitting at your place.” Then he
advised the man to see him the next morning. When the man
went to see Umar in the morning, he issued allowance for
the child and sent him home with a lot of commodities.
Zayd ibn Aslam narrates that per his routine, Umar was
patrolling one night. He saw a lady in her shack who was
surrounded by children bawling and crying. A pot filled with
water was boiling on the stove. Umar went in front of her
shack and asked, “O woman! Why are the children crying?”
better off being an infidel.” Umar did not bother about him since
religion was above some big-headed chief.
Jizya is an Arabic term which refers to the yearly tax (instead of zakat) historically
levied on the non-Muslims, permanently residing in Muslim lands governed by Islamic
Mehr is a mandatory payment, in the form of money or possessions paid by the groom
to the bride at the time of marriage, that legally becomes her property.
Once Umar was addressing while on the pulpit and said, “O
people listen to what I am telling you and obey me.” He had
just finished his first sentence, meanwhile a bedouin stood
up and said in a very daring tone, “We will neither listen to
you nor obey you.” Umar quickly stepped down from his
pulpit and reached him to inquire, “What happened? Why do
you neither want to listen to me nor obey me?” The bedouin
once again replied boldly, “You espoused worldliness. You
distributed one Yemeni shawl per head to everyone else, but
you kept two for yourself.” Some narrations say it was a
shirt stitched out of two shawls because Umar was very tall.
On hearing this Umar asked, “Where is my son Abdullah?”
“I am here!” Said Abdullah present in the crowd. Umar said,
“Tell the people especially the complaining person about
these shawls.” Abdullah replied, “One shawl belongs to the
A large piece of cloth tied around the waist and extending to cover most of the legs.
There are many miracles of Umar ibn Khattab that are found in
the traditions:
Umar appointed Sariyah to lead an army. While the army
laid siege to the gate of Nahavand, he faced great difficulty.
Muslims were outnumbered and were about to face defeat.
Mohammad ibn Sa‟d relates from his father Sa‟d ibn Abi
Waqqas that Umar took permission from the Prophet to enter
his house while some women of Quraish were talking to the
Prophet in loud voices. However, when they saw Umar they
went behind the curtain. The Prophet gently smiled. Umar
said, “O Prophet Mohammad! May Allah keep you smiling
all your life.” The Prophet said, “I am astonished at these
women. They were talking to me but disappeared behind the
curtain as soon as they heard your voice.” Umar replied, “O
Prophet! You deserve that they must fear you more than
anyone else.” Then Umar said to the women, “O the enemies
of yourselves! You fear from me but not the Prophet?” They
said, “You are stricter than the Prophet.” Then Prophet
Mohammad said, “O Umar! I swear by Allah Who has my
life, if Satan would come across you, undoubtedly, he would
change his path.” (Muslim 6202)
Buraida relates a tradition that the Prophet came back from
one of his expeditions. A black slave girl came to the Prophet
and said, “O Prophet! I vowed to beat the tambourine and sing
on your safe return.” He said, “Beat it if you have vowed
otherwise do not.” She started beating tambourine.
Meanwhile Abu Bakr Siddiq came. Afterwards Ali ibn Abi
Talib came while she was beating it, then Usman ibn Affan
came and she kept beating it. As soon as Umar came she
stopped beating and sat on the tambourine. The Prophet said,
“O Umar! Certainly, Satan is afraid of you (let alone this
Sadisa, maid of Hafsa bint Umar, relates that the Holy Prophet
said, “Indeed, Satan passes by Umar with his head down
since the day Umar has accepted Islam.” (Tabarani, Nisai)
Abd al-Rahman ibn Hameed relates from his father who
heard it from Sa'id ibn Zayd that the Holy Prophet said, “Ten
Companions are promised paradise. Abu Bakr is granted
paradise, Umar is granted paradise, Usman is granted paradise,
Ali is granted paradise.” (This Hadith proceeds with names
of rest of the Companions.) (Tirmidhi 3748, Nisai)
Sa'id ibn Zayd said, “I testify for nine men who are granted
paradise. I will not be sinful if I name the tenth one as well.”
Someone inquired, “Who are they?” He told that he was
accompanying the Prophet at Mount Hira. The Prophet said,
“Be firm, Hira! There is no one upon you other than the
Prophet, the truthful or the martyrs.” Then someone asked,
“Who were they?” He replied, “The Prophet, Abu Bakr
Siddiq, Umar ibn Khattab, Usman ibn Affan, Ali ibn Abi
Talib, Talhah ibn Ubaydullah, Zubayr ibn al-Awam, Sa'd ibn
ۡ َ ۡ ۤ ُ ۡ َۡ َ َ ُ
)2:279( ل فِ ۡی ِہمَا ِاث ٌم ک ِبی ٌر
ۡ یَ ۡسـَلوۡنک َعن الخ ۡمر َو المَ ۡی ِس ِرؕ ق
ِ ِ
Meaning: They ask you about alcohol and gambling. Say,
“Major sin lies in both of them.” (2:219)
Then Umar was called. The verse was recited in front of
him. He again said, “O Allah! Guide us clearly regarding
wine.” Then the following verse was revealed:
ّٰ َُۡ َ َ َۡ َ ُ َّ ُ َ
ّ ٰۤیا ّی َہا ال ِذیۡ َن ّٰا َمنوۡا لا تق َربُوا
)4:43( الص ّٰلوۃ َو انت ۡم ُسک ّٰری
Meaning: O believers! Do not go near prayer in a drunken
state. (4:43)
Then again Umar was called. The verse was recited in front
of him. He again said, “O Allah! Guide us your ultimate
decision regarding wine.” So the verse was revealed:
ۡ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ َ َ َ َ ۡ ُ ُ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ ُ ّ ۡ َ ُ ّٰ ۡ َ ّ ُ ۡ ُ َ َ ّ
فِی الخ ۡمرِ َو المَ ۡی ِس ِر َو:ٓا ِانما یرِید الشیطن ان یوقِع بینکم العداوۃ و البغض
ۡ ُ ُ ۡ َ ۡ َ َ ّٰ َ ّ َ َ ّّٰ ۡ ۡ َ ۡ ُ َ ّ ُ َ
)5:97( ﴾﴿ ل انت ۡم ّمن َت ُہوۡ َن یصدکم عن ِذک ِر الل ِہ و ع ِن الصلو ِۃ فہ
Meaning: Satan seeks only to breed enmity and spite
amongst you by means of wine and gambling and hinder you
from the invocation of Allah and observing prayer. Will you
abstain (from these evil-generating temptations)? (5:91)
Umar said, “We abstained.” (Abu Dawud 3670, Tirmidhi, Nisai,
Jabir ibn Abdullah relates that Ali ibn Abi Talib came to
Umar ibn Khattab who was wearing a shawl. Ali ibn Abi
Talib said to him, “May Allah bless you.” Then he added,
“There is no one dearer to me than the one in the shawl.
Allah reveals His verses considering his opinion.” (Mustadrak,
Ibn Abi Shaybah)
Anas ibn Malik relates that Umar ibn Khattab said, “Allah
Almighty revealed verses regarding four things conforming
with my opinion. One of them is when the verse was
ۡ َ ۡ ۡ َََۡ ََ
َ َو لق ۡد خلقنا الاِن َس
)23:12( ان ِم ۡن ُس ّٰلل ٍۃ ِّم ۡن ِطی ٍس
Meaning: And indeed, We originated (the genesis of) man
from the extract of (chemical ingredients of) clay. (23:12).
I said, „Indeed Allah is the most Beneficent and the best
Creator.‟ Then correspondingly this verse was revealed:
ۡ ّٰ ۡ َ ّّٰ َ َ
)23:14( ف َت ّٰب َرک اللہُ ا ۡح َس ُن الخ ِل ِقی َس
Meaning: Allah, (the most Beneficent) is the Best of creators.”
(23:14) (Ibn Abi Hatim, Ibn Kathir, Qurtubi)
hearts‟ content but also watered their animals and took them
to their destination.” (Bukhari 3682)
Abdullah ibn Umar narrates that the Prophet said, “In a dream
I drank so much milk that its freshness started exuding from
my nails. I gave rest of the milk to Umar.” The Companions
of the Prophet asked, “O Prophet! What do you interpret from
it?” He replied, “It depicts (esoteric and exoteric) knowledge.”
(Bukhari 82)
Just like the beneficence of Abu Bakr‟s traits i.e. truthfulness and
veracity continues in all mystic orders similarly beneficence of
Umar‟s traits, justice and self-accountability, is continued in all
In the path of Faqr, the seekers of Allah gain beneficence of
Umar by attaining his strength of justice and self-accountability.
These strengths are essential to cross the levels of closeness and
gnosis of Allah and progress on the way of Faqr. Until any
person in general and a seeker of Allah in particular develops the
strength of self-accountability, he cannot take even a single step
towards Allah. As the greatest veil between Allah and man is the
self. When the seeker of Allah abstains from sins and renounces
everything other than Allah with the spiritual attention and sight
of Umar, only then he is set on his journey on the path of Faqr.
Self-accountability is obligatory on the seeker till the last breath
so that he does not stray from the path of Allah by the distracting
desires of self. The seeker attains the strength of continuous self-
accountability from the spiritual sight of Umar.
Umar was specifically chosen by Allah to spread Islam fastly in
the world. This is why he spent most of his time in conquering
new lands and spreading Islam there. He provided the great
service of spreading Islam worldwide, due to which orders of
Faqr and Sufism could not emerge from him. Just the Uwaisi
order initiated from him, he passed the trust and succession of
this order to Uwais al-Qarani27, the lover of Prophet Mohammad.
From him the trust was passed to Abu Musa Raee from whom
the order continued. (Tawarikh Aina-e-Tasawwuf page 8)
There are two kinds of the Uwaisi way. One, in which the
follower does not have to hold the throne of guidance and
persuasion but is destined to perform some important responsibility
related to the religion or umma. For example, Allama Iqbal got
the spiritual beneficence from the soul of Jalaluddin Mohammad
Rumi through the Uwaisi way. Although Allama Iqbal had taken
oath of allegiance in the Qadri order when he was young but he
never mentioned the name of his spiritual guide in his poetry.
Rather he considers Rumi his actual spiritual guide.
Second Uwaisi way is that whereby a seeker is given the
preliminary spiritual guidance at the beginning of his journey
towards Allah and then he is sent to the spiritual guide for further
guidance. The seeker may or may not know it.
According to some traditions, Ali ibn Abi Talib also blessed Uwais al-Qarani with
succession of one of his orders.
According to the narrations, Umar went to the Prophet‟s Mosque
for dawn salat on 26th Dhul al-Hijjah 23 AH. He had just started
the prayer that an infidel Abu Lu‟lu‟a Firuz attacked him with a
Usman ibn Affan razi Allah Anhu is the third righteous Caliph.
He was born in Makkah. His genealogy meets Prophet Mohammad
in the fifth generation. It is as follows:
Usman son of Affan son of Abu al-As son of Umayyah son of
Abd Shams son of Abd Manaf.
The title of Usman is Ghani (rich and generous) as he was an
affluent man who after accepting Islam, generously donated his
wealth for the cause of Allah and His Prophet. Another title of
Usman is Du an-Nurayn (the possessor of two lights) as he
married two daughters of the Holy Prophet, Ruqayyah bint
Mohammad and Umm Kulthum bint Mohammad. He married
Umm Kulthum after the death of Ruqayyah. Since no one else
ever had the honour of marrying two daughters of a Prophet thus
this title became famous.
Usman embraced Islam at very early stage of spread of Islam
when Prophet Mohammad had not yet taken refuge in the house
of al-Arqam. At the time of embracing Islam Usman was above
thirty years old. Abu Bakr gave him the invitation to embrace
Islam, which he accepted happily. In this regard the following
dialogue occurred between the two:
Abu Bakr: Usman! You are a prudent and sagacious man and
have the ability to differentiate between the right and wrong.
Alas! Don‟t you see how your people are inclined towards
idolatry! Are these idols not blind and deaf which can neither
harm nor benefit anyone?
A number of Hadiths are narrated regarding Usman‟s honour of
marrying two daughters of the Holy Prophet due to which he was
titled as Du an-Nurayn. Some of them are as follows:
Abdullah ibn Umar ibn Abaan al-Jafi says, “My uncle Husayn
al-Jafi asked me, „O son! Do you know why Usman is titled
Du an-Nurayn?‟ I replied, „No!‟ He said, „It is because, since
the creation of Adam till the doomsday, Allah has and never
will command to marry two daughters of any Prophet to one
person, except Usman ibn Affan. That is why he is called
„Du an-Nurayn’.” (Bayhaqi)
Ubaidullah ibn Adi ibn al-Khiyar has narrated a long
tradition in which Usman ibn Affan said, “Indeed Allah has
sent the Prophet with truth. I was among the foremost who
accepted the invitation of Allah and His Prophet. I established
faith in what was sent to the Prophet, I have the honour of
two migrations and became the son-in-law of the Prophet. I
pledged allegiance to the Prophet. I swear neither I disobeyed
the Prophet nor deceived him till the time he died.” (Musnad
Ahmad ibn Hanbal 480, Bukhari 3696)
Usman is also titled as Sahib al-Hijratain (one who did two
migrations). His first migration was towards the Ethiopian Empire
(formerly known as Abyssinia) along with his wife, Ruqayyah
bint Mohammad, and the second migration was towards Madina.
A Hadith regarding the migrations of Usman is as follows:
Anas ibn Malik narrates that Usman ibn Affan set out
towards the Ethiopian Empire for migration along with his
wife Ruqayyah. For a long time the Prophet got no news
about them. Therefore, he went out of the city every day to
inquire about their safety. Finally, one day a woman brought
the good news of their well-being. Upon this the Prophet
said, “Verily! Usman is the first person after Lut who has
migrated along with his wife in the way of Allah.” (Tabarani
The greatest virtue of Usman is his modesty. Even the angels
regarded him for this virtue.
Sultan Bahoo says that a seeker of Allah should be modest like
Usman. He was such a perfection of modesty that he never
undressed even in privacy. There are several Hadiths about the
modesty of Usman. Some of them are as follows:
Abu Musa al-Ash‟ari narrates, “The Prophet was sitting at a
wet place, one or both of his knees were uncovered (because
his legs were immersed in water). When Usman came, the
Prophet covered them.” (Bukhari)
Mohammad ibn Abi Harmala relates from Abu Salama ibn
Abd al-Rahman that Aisha bint Abi Bakr said, “The Prophet
Anas ibn Malik narrates that the Prophet said, “Usman ibn
Affan is the modest of all.” (Tirmidhi 3790)
Badr ibn Khalid narrates, “On the day Usman‟s house was
besieged, Zayd ibn Thabit stood near us and said, „Are you
not shy of the man from whom even the angels are?‟ We
inquired, „Who is he?‟ He said that he had heard the Prophet
saying, „One of the angels was with me. Meanwhile Usman
passed by. The angel said that this person is a martyr, his
people will assassinate him and we the angels are also shy of
him‟.” Badr (the narrator) says, that afterwards they saved
Usman from a group (of kharijites28). (Tabarani)
Derived from Arabic term Khawarij ( ) وخاارجliterally meaning „to go out, leave or set
apart‟. This was the first sect that separated itself from the Muslims on the issue of
caliphate. Anyone who does not love the People of Cloak is considered a kharijite i.e.
„out of Islam‟.
me.” This is the matter between the lover and the beloved and a
Divine sign for the seeker of Allah.
The title of Usman is Ghani, which means rich and generous. He
was a wealthy man but he spent all his wealth in the way of
Allah and His Prophet. Whenever Muslims or Islam faced tough
time and needed financial help, Usman stepped forward and
donated generously in the name of Allah.
At the occasion of the Expedition of Tabuk, the Prophet
urged his Companions to spend their wealth for this cause.
Abu Bakr Siddiq brought everything that was present in his
house while Umar ibn Khattab brought half of what he
owned. At that time Usman said, “I present a hundred laden
camels.” When the Prophet persuaded more, Usman again
got up and said, “I present another two hundred camels.”
The Prophet again persuaded upon which Usman said, “I
give an additional three hundred camels.” The Prophet urged
yet again for spending wealth for jihad in the way of Allah
and for the fourth time Usman said, “I present another two
hundred camels and a thousand gold coins.” On hearing this,
the Prophet came down from his pedestal and was so pleased
with Usman‟s unparalleled generosity that while rolling the
coins in his hand, he said:
ْ َ ّٰ َ
)3747ؓ ل ب ْع َد ہذا ال َیوْ ِم (رتذمی
ُ ْ ََ
َ َ َما ض ّك ُعثمَان َما َعم
Meaning: “From today onwards, no action of Usman can
harm him.” (Tirmidhi 3701)
He then added, “O Usman! Allah has forgiven all your sins.
The ones which you have already committed and the ones
that you will commit.”
Anas ibn Malik narrates an incident describing the insight of
Usman that one day he went to see him and on his way he gazed
at the beauty of a woman. When he reached Usman he said,
“Some of you have come to me in such a state that your eyes
have clear signs of adultery.” Anas ibn Malik says that he asked
Usman, “Is the revelation still continued even after Prophet
Mohammad.” He said, “No! But insight, intuition and wisdom
still exist.”
Usman could not participate in the battle because his wife Ruqayyah, the daughter of
Prophet Mohammad was ill and he was looking after her.
enter. The Prophet said, „Open the door and give him glad
tidings of paradise along with the trials and hardships which
he will have to face (in world).‟ He was Usman ibn Affan.
When I told him the Prophet‟s words, he praised Allah and
said, „Only Allah is the Helper‟.” (Bukhari 3693)
Talhah narrates that the Holy Prophet said, “Every Prophet
has a friend and my friend in paradise is Usman.” (Tirmidhi
Sahl ibn Sa‟d narrates that once a man asked the Prophet of
Allah, “Will there be sky lightning in paradise?” The Prophet
said, “Yes! I swear to the Lord Who is the possessor of my
life! Indeed, the paradise in which Usman will enter will be
illuminated (with the light of his face).” (Mustadrak)
Abdullah ibn Umar narrates, “I was with the Holy Prophet
while a man came to him and shook hands. The Prophet did
not withdraw his hand till the man himself released his hand.
Then the man said, „O Prophet of Allah! Usman has come.‟
The Prophet said, „He is amongst those who are destined to
be in the heaven‟.” (Tabarani)
Abdullah ibn Sehr says, “Verily a man came to Sa'id bin
Zayd and said to him, „I have grudge against Usman to the
extent that I never had such a grudge against any other
person.‟ Upon this Sa'id bin Zayd said, „Indeed you have
said evil words. You foster grudge towards such a person
who is one of those promised heaven‟.” (Musnad Ahmad ibn
I had to do this but when they called me with the title Amir
al-Mu’minin, I was anguished. I prayed: O Allah grant me
the power to accept the responsibility of taking revenge of
the assassination of Usman and grant me the ability to
perform this duty in a way that You are pleased with me.”
1st Muharram 24 AH till 18th Dhul al-Hijjah 35 AH
(3rd November 644 AD – 17th June 656 AD)
On 1st Muharram 24 AH, after the martyrdom of Umar and his
funeral and burial, Usman ibn Affan took the oath of caliphate.
According to the Gregorian calendar he was sixty-eight years old
and per Islamic calendar he was seventy years old at the time of
acceding to the throne of caliphate.
When Umar ibn Khattab had a life-threatening attack, he made a
will to choose one from Usman ibn Affan, Ali ibn Abi Talib,
Talhah ibn Ubaydullah, Zubayr ibn al-Awam, Abd al-Rahman
ibn Awf and Sa‟d ibn Abi Waqqas as the next Caliph of
Muslims. He added that to select the Caliph, these prestigious
Companions should gather in a separate room and choose one of
them, this must be done no later than three days. Talhah was not
present on the occasion. Thus the rest of five Companions called
a meeting. Abd al-Rahman withdrew his name from the
candidates of caliphate so the rest gave him the authority to
The fact is that after the martyrdom of Umar ibn Khattab, a large
number of Muslims wanted Usman ibn Affan to be the next
Caliph because he was mellow, kind towards his relatives and
friends and also donated generously for the welfare of people.
When people had pledged allegiance to Usman, he decided to
deliver a speech but lost words. Thus after praising Allah, he just
said, “In the beginning the journey seems difficult. If I remain
Right after assuming the duties of caliphate, Usman had to face
unfavourable situations. The revolts started at several places to
bring down the Islamic rule. Rebellion initiated in Iran as well.
Yazdegerd often instigated the rebels as he wanted to reinstate
the ancient Sasanian Empire. Miscreants were causing commotions
all over in Khorasan, Tabaristan, Fars, Kerman, Armenia and
Azerbaijan. The deputies of Usman crushed these revolts and
conquered the mountainous areas of Iran which were not conquered
by the Muslims till then.
The victories of Muslims continued in the reign of Usman and
the Islamic Empire expanded further. Because of the conquest of
Kabul and Makran, the Islamic state extended to the borders of
China and India. In the east, the conquest of North Africa stretched
the Islamic state to the Atlantic Ocean.
The states of Turks were between the old Iranian and Chinese
kingdoms. When Muslims conquered the province of Khorasan
in Iran, the Islamic state enjoined the Turkish border. Now Turks
had fear of Muslim invasion, therefore, they joined Iranians in
the Khorasan‟s upheavals to confront Muslims. Muslim General,
Ahnaf ibn Qais who was appointed to crush rebellion in
Ameer Muawiya felt the need to establish the navy to stop the
Roman invaders. The enemy had the warships with the help of
which they easily attacked the coastal areas. This is why, Ameer
Muawiya with the permission of Caliph Usman established the
marine base which could compete the warships of the Romans.
In 31 AH, when the marine forces of Constantinople (now
Istanbul), attacked the Syrian coast, the Syrian and Egyptian
naval forces surrounded them and destructed them terribly.
Eventually they had to run for their lives. After the establishment
of the Muslim naval forces, Cyprus was also conquered.
5. The officials are like the guardians. They are not the masters
of the public therefore they must be polite and affectionate
towards them.
Several steps were taken for public welfare during the caliphate
of Usman. Many government buildings, travel lodges and bridges
were constructed and wells were dug. He also constructed a dam
to protect Madina from the flood.
Usman used to seek advice from the great Companions and
important officials in all the government matters. Although the
consultation committee (Majlis-e-Shura) no longer existed as
was in the era of Umar. The division of provinces was the same
except Syria which previously was divided into multiple
provinces but in the reign of Usman it was declared as one
province and Ameer Muawiya was made its governor. This was
quite beneficial in Muslim victories. The countries that were
conquered in the era of Usman were made new provinces.
Although Usman was polite, but he took strict action against
those who broke the Islamic laws. If something had a bad impact
on government policies or was against the Islamic morals, he
would immediately dismiss the responsible person. Therefore, he
Islamic tax. The soldiers and other officials got raises in their
salary and the stipends were also increased. Due to the progression
in agriculture and trade, the country was prosperous. However,
this provoked envy amongst people, the worldly desires sprouted
and people wanted to gather more and more money through fair
or unfair means. Resultantly, a rebellious group initiated sedition
against Usman which created disorder in the system of caliphate.
There were several causes behind this rebellion. Firstly, the
prestigious Companions who truly served Islam had gradually
begun to age and pass away. Many Companions could not
practically serve now because they were elderly. The new
generation had the lust of wealth. They had differences and
envied one another which developed animosity among them.
The second reason of mutiny was that in the era of Umar, the
people of Quraish were not allowed to go out of Madina. Usman
had taken off this restriction due to which the people of Madina
were making large properties outside Madina. This nurtured lust
for power in them. People who had embraced Islam just as a
strategy keeping in view the need of time, were now openly
opposing caliphate and involving in sedition.
The biggest reason of rebellion was leniency and kindness of
Usman. He often forgave the mistakes and blunders of people.
Hence they started to take advantage of his leniency and under
such circumstances Jews and Zoroastrians got the opportunity to
take revenge from the Muslims.
The rebels however were not ready to hear any explanation. They
said, “We will kill you if you do not resign from the post of
caliphate and will fight whoever tries to stop us.” Usman said, “I
would rather prefer to be killed than resigning from the post of
caliphate which Allah has bestowed upon me.” He added, “You
do not need to fight with anyone because I will not permit
anyone to fight with you. Whoever does so, will be doing it
against my will. Had I wanted to fight, I could have gathered the
army from everywhere or I would have fled to a safe place.”
“O people! Why do you want to kill me? I have heard from the
Prophet of Allah that other than three conditions it is unlawful to
shed blood of your fellow Muslim. The conditions are; a Muslim
after accepting Islam becomes an apostate, indulges in adultery
after being purified or kills someone and then is killed as a
compensation. I am clear of all three accusations. By God! Ever
since Allah has guided me to righteousness, I have not liked any
religion in comparison to my religion Islam. I did not indulge in
any wrong deed even when I was ignorant and neither have I
killed anyone. Then why do you want to kill me?”
Regardless of these reminders, when the rebels did not back off,
then Usman‟s sincere supporters stepped forward. Zayd ibn
Harithah went to Usman with a group of Ansar and said, “Ansar
are here.” Usman said, “If they are here with the intention to start
a war then I do not grant permission of it at all.”
Abdullah ibn Zubayr said, “We are present in a large number
outside your house, if you allow we will sacrifice our lives to
guard you.” Usman said, “I order you in the name of Allah!
Abstain from shedding blood for me.”
Al-Mughira ibn Shu‟ba said, “You are the leader and Caliph of
Muslims and right now surrounded by danger. In this situation
you must adopt one of the three ways; you have sufficient force,
come out with us and fight as you are the righteous and they are
the wrongdoers. The second option is that let us break open the
back door for you since the front door is besieged, and go to
Makkah where people will not fight against you. Third option is
to go to Syria, people there are loyal to you and Ameer Muawiya
will guard you.” Usman refused the suggestions saying, “I do not
want to fight back and be such a successor of the Holy Prophet
because of whom the blood of Muslim umma is shed. I refuse to
go to Makkah as these miscreants will go there as well and
continue to work upon their agenda. I also refuse to go to Syria
because in that case I will be far from the land of the Prophet
which is unacceptable for me.”
In short, Usman did not allow anyone to take out weapons
against the rebels and shed blood. Rather he said, “At this time,
whoever abstains from taking out weapons, will be my biggest
well-wisher.” He did not accept to part himself from the holy
land of his beloved Prophet.
Prophet Mohammad had foretold Usman that he would be
martyred. He had firm belief that it would become true one day
so he was patiently waiting for it. On seeing the intensifying
anger of the rebels, his belief further strengthened so he started
preparing for the martyrdom. He fasted on Friday. Then he wore
trousers which he had never worn before, he always wore
tehmad30 (on the day of martyrdom, Usman, the epitome of
modesty, wore trousers instead of tehmad so that during
martyrdom any of his private body parts may not be accidently
exposed). He also released twenty slaves and engrossed himself
in the recitation of the Holy Quran. Up till now Husayn ibn Ali,
Abdullah ibn Zubayr, Mohammad ibn Talhah and sons of many
other Companions had stopped the rebels at the door of the
house of Usman, which resulted in a minor fight. When the
rebels could not find any other way to enter his house, they set
the door on fire. A few of them climbed the surrounding houses
and made their way into Usman‟s house. Usman was reciting the
Quran at the time and he did not stop it. The rebels were furious,
one of them kicked the holy book. Another man Kinana ibn
Bishr struck Usman‟s forehead with an iron rod which made him
light-headed and he fell down. His blood fell on the holy pages
of Quran. A man named Amr ibn al-Hamiq then climbed on his
An unstitched piece of cloth wrapped around waist to cover the lower half of the body.
chest and stabbed him with dagger several times. On seeing this,
Usman‟s wife Naila ran towards him to save him but a cruel
rebel attacked her with sword that cut her three fingers. Then
another brutal man Sudan ibn Hamran attacked Usman and
martyred him.
This incident took place on Friday, 18th Dhul al-Hijjah 35 AH.
Most of the Companions had gone to Makkah for hajj and
because of their absence the rebels could take over Madina. For
two days the dead body of Usman kept lying there unattended. A
few Companions who were in Madina, were powerless and could
not do anything due to the outraged rebels. Eventually, Ali ibn
Abi Talib bashed the agitators and with the help of other
Companions made arrangements of the burial of Usman. On the
third day, a group comprising of only seventeen people secretly
offered the funeral prayer of Usman and buried him near Jannat
al-Baqi. Due to the fear of rioters they had to even conceal the
traces of his grave. At the time of martyrdom, Usman was eighty-
two years old and had been a Caliph a little less than twelve
The heart-wrenching martyrdom of Usman marred the Muslim
unity. Indeed this incident had dreadful impact on the future of
Ali ibn Abi Talib was born in 30th Year of the Elephant.
According to a tradition, he was born on Friday, 12th or 13th
Rajab. The Holy Prophet was thirty years old when Ali ibn Abi
Talib was born. His genealogy meets the genealogy of Holy
Prophet through Abd al-Muttalib. It is as follows:
Ali son of Abu Talib son of Abd al-Muttalib son of Hashim.
The mother of Ali also belonged to the Hashim clan. Her
genealogy is: Fatimah daughter of Asad son of Hashim. Thus he
was a noble Hashemite from both sides.
Ali‟s father Abu Talib was the brother of Prophet Mohammads‟
father, Abdullah. Abd al-Muttalib loved Abu Talib a lot after
Abdullah. After the death of Abd al-Muttalib, Abu Talib brought
up his nephew Mohammad with love and affection. He adored
Prophet Mohammad and always kept him along even when
travelling for the purpose of trade. He also spent the three tough
years of boycott by the Quraish with Prophet Mohammad in the
valley of Shi‟b Abi Talib and never left him alone.
One of the titles of Ali ibn Abi Talib is Mawlid-e-Kaaba which
means „the one who was born inside Kaaba‟. It is said in the
traditions that his mother, Fatimah bint Asad was circumambulating
Kaaba when she went in labour pain. On the very moment, the
wall of Kaaba split opened which no one else could witness
except her. She then entered Kaaba where Ali ibn Abi Talib was
born. Fatimah bint Asad was blessed with the light of faith, died
in Madina and is buried in Jannat al-Baqi. When she died,
Prophet Mohammad gave his shirt as her shroud and said these
words standing by her dead body:
“O my mother! May Allah have mercy upon you. After the death
of my mother, you gave me a mother‟s love. You needed clothes
but you bought clothes for me. You were hungry but you fed me
The titles of Ali are: Asadullah (Lion of God), Haidar (the
ferocious lion) and Murtaza (the chosen one). His taknonym is
Abu al-Hasan and Abu Turab. The Arabic word Turab means
soil or dust and Abu Turab means „father of soil‟. Ali was really
fond of this teknonym. The reason behind this teknonym was
that once he was sleeping on the ground of Prophet‟s Mosque
and his whole body was covered by soil. Prophet Mohammad
arrived there and upon seeing Ali said, “Wake up O father of soil
(Abu Turab).” From that day onwards, Ali was known with this
Abu Talib had a big family and was financially not sound.
Prophet Mohammad was blessed with stability after marrying
Khadija bint Khuwaylid. He suggested his uncle Abbas that
since Abu Talib was not financially stable, they should help him
out and share his burden. Thus it was decided that Abbas would
bring up his son Jaffar and Prophet Mohammad took the
responsibility of Ali. Ali was exceptionally fortunate to relish the
affection of Prophet Mohammad from a very young age.
Prophet Mohammad came to the world as a blessing for the
whole universe. How could he deprive Abu Talib from his
blessings knowing his financial issues. Abu Talib had taken the
responsibility of Prophet Mohammad‟s brought up after the
death of his mother Aminah and grandfather Abd al-Muttalib. He
had always prioritized his nephew Mohammad‟s needs upon the
needs of his own children.
On the birth of Ali ibn Abi Talib, Prophet Mohammad put his
sacred saliva in his mouth, let him suck his tongue and named
him as well.
One day, when Ali came home, he was surprised to see Prophet
Mohammad and his wife Khadija bint Khuwaylid offering salat.
When they completed the salat, Ali asked, “What were you
doing?” The Prophet of Allah replied, “We were worshiping.”
Ali asked, “What kind of worship is this?”
Prophet Mohammad said, “This is the religion of Allah. He
chose it for Himself and sent His Messengers for its preaching. I
invite you to have faith in Allah- The One Who has no partners.”
On hearing this, Ali accepted Islam right away. At the time he
was only ten years old.
In the beginning he kept his faith a secret. Ultimately, this secret
was disclosed when one day Abu Talib saw his son offering salat
in one of the valleys of Makkah along with the Prophet. At first
he kept gazing at them in shock, then he asked the Prophet, “My
dear nephew! What religion is it that you have adopted?” Prophet
Mohammad replied, “Respected uncle! This is the religion of
Allah, His angels and His Messengers. This is the religion of our
forefather Prophet Abraham. Allah has sent me as His Messenger.
My uncle! You deserve it more than anyone else that I invite you
to this religion and it is your right that you accept it before
others. Please accept this religion and also help me.”
Abu Talib replied, “Dear nephew! I cannot leave the religion of
my forefathers. But I swear to God! Until I am alive no one can
harm you.”
Then Abu Talib looked at his son and said, “O Ali! He has
invited you towards righteousness, stick to him.”
Now Ali embarked on the journey of Islam with the peace of
mind as he was not worried about his father‟s reaction anymore.
When Allah Almighty ordered His beloved Prophet to migrate
from Makkah to Madina, the polytheists of Makkah had already
decided in a secret meeting that young men from all clans will
siege the house of Prophet, attack him simultaneously and kill
him (God forbid). The night Prophet Mohammad was going to
set for migration along with Abu Bakr, he left Ali at his house
that was besieged by the infidels. Prophet Mohammad had some
valuables of the people of Makkah which they had deposited to
him as a trust. He wanted to return them to their owners
therefore he asked Ali to sleep on his bed and instructed him to
migrate to Madina after returning the trusts. Ali agreed to it
without any hesitation, although he knew that after Prophet
Mohammad would leave, the infidels might kill him. To assess
the inner state of Ali, Prophet Mohammad asked him:
“O Ali! Do you agree on the fact that the enemies find you
instead while looking for me? Ignorants may run towards you in
haste and kill you.”
The lover of the Prophet said, “Yes! O Prophet of Allah! I am
happy to sacrifice my life for your life and myself for you. I
value my life only if it is spent in your service, following your
commands, loving your Companions and battling against your
enemies. Had I not been able to do this, I would have chosen not
to live in this world even for a moment.”
On hearing this Prophet Mohammad said, “The angels appointed
at the Guarded Tablet have verified the veracity of your words
and they have also confirmed the matchless reward that Allah
has prepared for you. It is such a reward that no one has ever
heard, seen or imagined.”
blessed Harithah with prayers. Ali along with his wife Fatimah
shifted to that house. Prophet Mohammad settled the fortunate
newly-weds in the new house under the shelter of his blessings.
On 1st Dhul al-Qadah 6 AH, Prophet Mohammad along with a
caravan of fourteen hundred Muslims peacefully headed towards
Makkah with an intention to perform umrah. However, the
residents of Makkah did not allow Muslims to enter Makkah on
any condition. Prophet Mohammad and his followers camped at
Hudaybiyyah which is almost ten miles from Makkah. After
negotiations both parties decided to resolve the matter through
diplomacy rather than warfare. A treaty was drawn and Ali ibn
Abi Talib had the honour to write it. The Makkan delegation sent
to conclude the treaty was led by Suhayl ibn Amr.
Ali started writing the treaty as: “This is the treaty on which
Mohammad, the Prophet of Allah, agreed.” Suhayl ibn Amr was
enraged to see this and said, “The whole issue is that the Quraish
of Makkah do not accept Mohammad as Prophet of Allah.” He
demanded to write „Mohammad son of Abdullah‟ instead. Whereas
Muslims insisted on writing „Mohammad, the Prophet of Allah‟.
However, Suhayl was adamant to cancel the treaty if „Prophet of
Allah‟ was written on it. Prophet Mohammad told both parties to
calm down and asked Ali to erase „Prophet of Allah‟ from the
treaty. On hearing this order, Ali got worried. His inward was
screaming that Mohammad is the Prophet of Allah. Erasing those
words of the treaty was like denying this fact. When he hesitated
Valley of villages located north of Madina.
“Tomorrow I will give this flag to the man who with the help of
Allah will conquer this fort. That man will not run away. He is
the lover of Allah and His Prophet. He with his strength will
conquer the fort.”
On hearing this, all Companions of the Prophet wished to have
the honour of conquering the fort. The night went by in this state.
The next morning all the Companions were eager to hear the name
of the blessed commander. It was Friday. Prophet Mohammad
offered the Friday salat and ordered to bring him the flag. He
first delivered a sermon to the Muslims and instructed them to
remain steadfast. Then he asked, “Where is Ali?” He was told,
“He is sick, his eyes hurt.”
Prophet Mohammad said, “Bring him to me.”
Mohammad ibn Muslamah went and brought Ali holding his
Prophet Mohammad asked, “Ali! What is the matter?”
Ali replied, “O my master! My eyes hurt and I am not able to see
Prophet Mohammad said, “Come near me.”
When Ali glided near the Holy Prophet, he rubbed his saliva on
Ali‟s eyes. Immediately, his eyes recovered. It seemed like he
never had any eye problem. Then Prophet Mohammad granted
him the Islamic flag and ordered him to attack fort Na‟im. When
Ali landed the flag in front of the fort, a Jew looked from the
wall of fort and asked, “Who are you?” Ali answered, “I am Ali
ibn Abi Talib.” Jew said in loud voice, “Swear to Lord who
granted Prophethood and Torah to Moses, you will definitely
defeat the Jews.”
Marhab‟s brother, Harith, first came out of the fort and challenged
Muslims to fight. Some Jews came along with him, but he
ordained them to stay away and bragged of his bravery. Ali came
Muslim troops had to face great resistance from the Jews and
fight back with full force for several days.
The conquest of Fort Na‟im led to the victory of Khaybar as it
was the strongest fort.
ُ َ َ َۡ َ َ َ َ َۡ ُ ۡ َ َۡ َ َ ۡ ُ َ
)3:67( ک ۡم:ٓا نا و ابن: فقل تعالوا ندع ابنٓا
Meaning: Say! „Come, let us call our sons and your sons.‟
The Holy Prophet called Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn
and said, „O Allah! They are my People of the Cloak‟.”
(Muslim 6220, Tirmidhi 3724)
Jamih ibn Umair Tamimi says that once he visited Aisha bint
Abi Bakr with his aunt and asked her, “Who was the dearest
to the Holy Prophet?” Aisha replied, “Fatimah.” He then
asked, “Who among men?” She replied, “Her husband (Ali).
As far as I know, he is the man who keeps fasts excessively
and offers devotional prayers during night.” (Mustadrak 4744)
Umm Salama says, “I swear by Allah, Ali was the closest to
the Holy Prophet among all as far as his status was
concerned.” She relates that once they visited the Holy Prophet
when he was not well. The Prophet asked, “Has Ali
arrived?” He asked it several times, it seemed he had sent
Ali for some important task. Afterwards Ali arrived and all
others left the room because they assumed that he had
Abu Ishaq relates that Sa‟id ibn Wahab said, “Ali took
witness from people that Prophet Mohammad had said, „To
Ghadir Khumm is located near al-Juhfah (now Rabigh) between Makkah and Madina.
The Holy Prophet delivered a sermon at this place on his return from Hajjatul Wida
(Farewell hajj).
Sa‟d ibn Abi Waqqas says, “The Holy Prophet narrated three
such qualities of Ali that if I could possess even one of them,
I would have loved it more than keeping red camels. The
Holy Prophet said on one of the occasions, „Ali holds the
same status for me which Aaron held for Moses but there is
no Prophet after me.‟ He also said, „Today I shall hand over
the flag to the individual who loves Allah and His Prophet,
and Allah and His Prophet love him too.‟ I also heard the
Holy Prophet saying, „To whoever I am the master, Ali is his
master‟.” (Nisai)
Sa‟d ibn Abi Waqqas relates, “I heard the Holy Prophet
while he was saying, „For whomever I am the guardian
(Wali), Ali is his guardian (Wali).‟ I also heard when the
Holy Prophet said to Ali, „You hold the same status for me
which Aaron held for Moses but there is no Prophet after
me.‟ I also heard when the Holy Prophet was saying, „Today
I shall hand over the flag to the individual who loves Allah
and His Prophet, and Allah and His Prophet love him too‟.”
(Nisai, Ibn Majah)
Referring to verse 6, sura al-Ahzab.
the hereafter?” Narrators say that at the time young Ali ibn
Abi Talib was sitting next to the Holy Prophet. Everyone
refused, then Ali said, “I will be friends with you in this
world and the hereafter.” On this the Prophet said, “O Ali!
You are my friend in this world and the hereafter.” Then
Prophet Mohammad addressed a man sitting next to Ali and
asked, “Would you want to be my friend in this world and
the hereafter?” The man refused, upon which Ali again
proclaimed to be the Prophet‟s friend. The Holy Prophet
again said, “Ali you will be my friend in this world and the
hereafter.” (Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Ibn Abi Asim, Mustadrak)
Ibn Buraida relates a long tradition from his father, “The
Holy Prophet said, „Doomed are the people who blaspheme
Ali. Whoever humiliates Ali, he humiliates me and whoever
is away from Ali, he is away from me. Undoubtedly Ali
belongs to me and I belong to Ali. He is created from my
soil and I am created from the soil of Prophet Abraham but I
am superior to Prophet Abraham. Some of us (Prophets) are
the progeny of other Prophets. Allah Almighty hears and
knows everything. He (Ali) is the guardian of all of you after
me.‟ I requested, „O Holy Prophet! Please spare some time
for me and give me your hand as I want to renew my oath of
allegiance.‟ I did not detach myself from the Holy Prophet
until I renewed my oath of allegiance.” (Tabarani)
Ammar ibn Yasir relates that the Holy Prophet said, “Whoever
believes in me and verifies my Prophethood, I exhort him to
believe in Ali‟s highest rank. One who considers him the
guardian, he considers me the guardian and who considers me
his guardian, in fact considers Allah his Guardian. Whoever
loves Ali, in fact loves me and he who loves me, in fact
loves Allah. Similarly, whoever keeps enmity against Ali, in
fact holds it for me and whoever keeps enmity against me
actually keeps it against Allah.” (Daylami, Ibn Asakir, Muttaqi al-
Salman the Persian relates that the Holy Prophet said to Ali,
“Whoever loves you, in fact loves me and whoever keeps
malice against you, in fact keeps it for me.” (Tabarani 5973)
Abdullah ibn Abbas relates that the Holy Prophet ordered to
close doors of all the houses that opened in the Prophet‟s
Mosque except that of Ali‟s house. (Tirmidhi, Mustadrak)
Abdullah ibn Umar relates, “We the Companions of the
Holy Prophet used to say during his life that he is superior to
all the mankind. After him, Abu Bakr is superior, then comes
Umar. Ali is blessed with three magnificent virtues. If I had
even one of them, I would have loved it more than keeping
high breed red camels. First is that the Holy Prophet married
his beloved daughter to him. Second, the Holy Prophet
ordered to close doors of all houses that opened in the
Prophet‟s Mosque except Ali‟s house and third is that the
Aisha bint Abi Bakr relates that the Holy Prophet said to her,
“Bring the master of Arab to me.” She asked, “O Holy
Prophet! Are you not the master of Arab?” He replied, “I am
the master of all mankind and Ali is the master of Arab.”
(Mustadrak, Abu Nu’aym)
Umm Salama narrates that the Holy Prophet said, “Ali and
the Quran are inextricably linked together. They will never
separate from each other until they come to me on the pond
of al-Kawther.” (Mustadrak, Tabarani)
Jabir ibn Abdullah reports that the Holy Prophet said,
“People belong to different genealogies but I and Ali belong
to the same genealogy.” (Tabarani)
Abdullah ibn Abbas relates that the Holy Prophet said, “The
foremost ones are three; for Moses, Joshua is the one, for
Jesus it is Habib al-Najjar34 (the believer from the People of
Yasin) and for me it is Ali ibn Abi Talib.” (Tabarani)
Abdullah ibn Abbas relates that the Holy Prophet said to
Umm Salama, “This is Ali ibn Abi Talib, his body is my
body and his blood is my blood and he holds the same status
for me as Aaron held for Moses but there is no Prophet after
me.” (Tabarani)
Abdullah ibn Hakim says that the Holy Prophet said, “On the
night of Miraj Allah told me three qualities of Ali through
revelation, He is the master of all true believers, head of the
pious and leader of the people with radiant faces (the people
of Faqr).” (Tabarani)
Habib al-Najjar is mentioned in the Quran in sura Yasin verses 20-27. He lived in the
time of Christ in Antioch and believed in the message of Christ sent to the People of
Yasin (mentioned in the Quran as the people of the city). Habib persuaded his people to
believe in Christ‟s message and was martyred for his faith.
Abdullah ibn As‟ad ibn Zurarah relates from his father that
the Holy Prophet said, “Allah Almighty has revealed upon
me the three titles of Ali;
1. He is the lord of Muslims.
2. He is the leader of the pious.
3. He is the leader of those with enlightened forehead.”
(Mustadrak 4668)
Since Ali was the closest relative, he along with Fadl ibn Abbas
and Usama ibn Zayd had the honour of bathing the sacred body
of the Prophet. While Ali was bathing him, he was uttering,
“May my parents be sacrificed on you. You were pure and
immaculate in your life as well as after (physical) death.”
Historical importance of Saqifah of Saida clan is that it is the place where Abu Bakr
took oath of allegiance from Muslims after the death of Holy Prophet.
I went there to resolve the dispute among the Ansar and the
emigrants. Ansar wanted to choose the leader from their
community while emigrants wanted a leader from themselves.
Both parties were ready to fight with each other on this
matter. I did not ask people to pledge on my hand, rather
they unanimously decided it. As far as the question is
concerned that why I did not call and consult you regarding
the matter, gauge the situation and decide for yourself
whether I did the right thing or not? You were busy in the
funeral rites of the Holy Prophet, how could I call you just to
consult about this matter! Had I not taken oath of allegiance
immediately on the request of these people, a conflict might
have occurred which could have been beyond control.”
On hearing this, Ali ibn Abi Talib pondered for a few moments
then pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr. (Tareekh Ibn Khaldun Vol.1)
This narration of Ibn Khaldun does not state when did Ali pledge
allegiance to Abu Bakr. However, this fact is crystal clear that
Ali was satisfied with the explanation of Abu Bakr, therefore he
took oath of allegiance willingly and without any hesitation.
Syed Ameer Ali, the famous jurist, belonged to the Shia sect. He
writes in his renowned English book The Spirit of Islam:
Ali pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr instantly to demonstrate
his true affinity and determination towards the religion and
to save the followers of his master, Prophet Mohammad,
from disintegration. He was overlooked thrice but he pure-
heartedly accepted the decision of the electors. He never
proposed himself as a candidate for caliphate. He supported
the chosen Caliphs in every way and gave useful suggestions.
The Caliphs also regarded him and acknowledged the
explanations of Hadiths given by him. (The Spirit of Islam)
Location of war against the false claimant of Prophethood, Tulayha.
hasted towards the house where the sacred dead body of Abu
Bakr was kept and presented him accolade in the following
“O Abu Bakr! May Allah have mercy upon you. You were the
first to believe in the Holy Prophet and adopt Islam. Your faith
was sheer sincerity. Your belief was the strongest of all. You
were incomparable in generosity and the fastest in the matters of
Islam. You were the firmest in your love for the Holy Prophet
and careful in the matters regarding him. You were the guardian
of the Companions of the Prophet. You were the best as a friend.
Your virtues were the greatest and best of all. You had the
utmost rank and were the closest to the Holy Prophet. You had
the most resemblance with the Holy Prophet. You had ultimate
splendour and glory in the court of the Holy Prophet and were
the most trustworthy in his eyes.
O Abu Bakr! May Allah grant you the best reward on behalf of
His religion Islam, His Prophet and all the Muslims.
You validated the message of Prophet Mohammad when people
demurred it. Thus, the Holy Prophet entitled you as „the truthful‟.”
The sermon of Ali ibn Abi Talib was a like a roaring ocean
which depicted his emotions for Abu Bakr. I have shortened it to
avoid prolongation.
In Battle of the Trench, when Ali cut the head of the chief
warrior of Arab, Amr ibn Abd al-Wud and presented it in
front of the Holy Prophet, both Abu Bakr and Umar stood up
in joy and kissed the head of Ali. Such ardent love and
devotion is for the dear ones only. (Kashf al-Ghumma Vol. I)
Before death, Abu Bakr appointed Umar as his successor
Caliph. The people of Islam pledged allegiance to him and
so did Ali ibn Abi Talib.
Ali ibn Abi Talib was member of the consultation committee
(Majlis-e-Shura) during Umar‟s caliphate. All the political,
jurisprudential and military affairs were decided only after
consulting him. Umar often preferred Ali‟s advice over others‟
Umar had established an advisory department Dar-ul-Ifta in
which free advice was provided on the legal matters. Several
prestigious Companions having prudence about legal matters
were associated with this department who would give their
valuable suggestions free or on stipend. Ali was also part of
this department. No one in the Islamic state was allowed to
pass fatwa37 except Ali.
In the Battle of Nahavand, lakhs of Persian troops were
fighting against Muslims. When their famous and experienced
Legal verdict on point of Islamic law.
solider Firuzan called for duel, the Caliph, Umar ibn Khattab
himself wanted to fight with him. Several Companions
appreciated the decision but when Ali was consulted, he
“The base of victory in Islam is not on the number of
warriors, rather Islam is the religion of Allah which He has
made dominant. These are the soldiers of Allah, He has
prepared and aided them Himself, that is why they have
achieved success and progression. Allah has promised us, He
will fulfil His promise and grant victory to the Muslim army.
Although the Arab Muslims are smaller in number but they
are significant due to the beneficence of Islam. They have
strength and dominance because of their harmony and unity.
O Leader of the Believers! You become the pivot of your
army and direct them from here. Crush the non-believers and
send them to hell. (Tareekh al-Khulafa, Vol. II)
When Umar allocated allowance for the Companions from
treasury, he deemed the rank of the Companions. The highest
ranked group was allocated the stipend of five thousand
dirhams annually and Ali ibn Abi Talib was also included in
it. Ali received the allowance in the caliphate of Umar which
depicts two things. Firstly, Ali considered the caliphate of
Umar rightful. Secondly, Umar had extreme regard and
devotion for Ali.
Umar asked Ali for his daughter Umm Kulthum‟s hand in
marriage to which Ali agreed. The couple was wedded in
Dhul al-Qadah 17 AH. All the authentic historians have
mentioned about this wedding in their books.
Ibn al-Athir mentions in his book Al-Kamil fit-Tareekh (The
Complete History):
Umar married Umm Kulthum bint Ali who was the daughter
of Ali and Fatimah bint Mohammad. She was given forty
thousand dirhams in mehr.”
If a man loves someone only then he names his children after that person‟s name. Ali
also named his three sons after the names of the three Caliphs. Description of which is as
1- Ali‟s wife Umm al-Banin birthed four sons; Abbas Alamdar, Jaffar, Abdullah and
Usman. All four brothers were martyred in the Battle of Karbala. Among them
Usman was named after the third Caliph.
2- Ali‟s wife Layla bint Mas‟ud bore two sons. Ali named one of the sons as Abu
Bakr. Although Abu Bakr is a teknonym and not a name but since he loved the first
Caliph thus he named his son Abu Bakr. He named his second son as Ubaidullah.
Both these sons were also martyred in the Battle of Karbala.
3- According to the books on genealogy and the books of history, the progeny of Ali
progressed from his five sons, Hasan, Husayn, Mohammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah,
Abbas Alamdar and Umar al-Atraf. His son Umar was named after the second Caliph.
rioters were agitating even during funeral and burial but Ali
strictly reproached them.
After the martyrdom of Usman ibn Affan, a group of Ansar and
emigrants went to Ali with the intention of pledging allegiance to
him but Ali refused by saying, “I would rather be a vizier than
the ruler, I will vote for whoever you will chose.”
Continuous plea and request of people could not change his mind.
After the martyrdom of Usman, the rioters had to face a lot of
trouble. They knew that the Muslims will not agree upon caliphate
of anyone else except the Quraish. They tried to convince
Talhah, Zubayr, Sa‟d, Abdullah ibn Umar and Ali to take the
seat of Caliph but all of them refused. People from Kufa were
inclined towards Zubayr while the people from Basra wanted
Talhah to be the next Caliph. People from Egypt were
pressurizing Ali to accept caliphate.
When none of the Companions accepted the seat of caliphate, the
miscreants got worried. The ignorant and the malicious ones
among them wanted to go back leaving Madina in such an
indecisive situation but the ones with a little wisdom could see
polarizing situation arising in Madina, therefore, they did not
want to leave without selecting a Caliph. Majority of them were
from Egypt. Finally, they assembled the people of Madina and
said, “You are the members of consultation committee (Majlis-e-
Shura). Your ordain is implemented on the whole Mohammadan
umma. Choose a Caliph from amongst you within two days. We
will leave after pledging allegiance to whoever you choose. If
you fail to do this, we will leave after killing so and so person.”
This was a difficult situation for the residents of Madina. They
had seen what insurgents had done to the innocent Caliph Usman.
Therefore, they went to Ali ibn Abi Talib and insisted him to
accept caliphate. Initially, Ali refused but when the people of
Madina were persistent, he asked them to give him a day to think
over it. Next day the Companions went to him to persuade him
A waystation on the way form Makkah to Kufa, located 92 kilometers northeast of
their own will. They were tricked and pushed into the flames of
war through betrayal and deception. Both parties had already
reconciled, they had agreed on the formula of “first unity and
reformation then retribution.” However, the evildoers and the
enemies of Islam never wanted harmony among the Muslims.
The followers of Abdullah ibn Saba and the murderers of Usman
put their heads together in the darkness of night and concluded
that reconciliation between Ali and Aisha would make their lives
miserable. In that case they would be severely punished and
beheaded for sure. How could they bear this! Thus, in order to
protect themselves, they wove a web to trap the believers which
resulted in the loss of thousands of Muslim lives.
After being exhausted for months, both parties were sound asleep
in the joy of reconciliation when the rebellious insurgents attacked
both sides simultaneously. Disrupted from sleep, they got up and
haphazardly held their swords and were forced into killing each
other. The army of Aisha thought that Ali had breached the
settlement and vice versa. When Talhah and Zubayr heard the
screams and saw the storm of arrows, they inquired the reason
and were told that the people of Kufa had attacked without
waiting for the morning. Both simultaneously hollered, “Alas!
Ali is adamant to shed blood.”
On the other hand, when Ali came out of his camp, a person
assigned by the evildoers cried that the people of Basra had
attacked and their troops were marching forward while shooting
arrows. On hearing this Ali said, “Alas! Talhah and Zubayr are
adamant to shed blood.”
Ali rode his horse to the battlefield and directed his troops to
take position. Then the battle initiated and got so horrendous that
no one had the time to comprehend the actual situation.
However, Ka‟b ibn Sur went to Aisha and said:
Ali: O Zubayr! Do you remember the day when the Holy Prophet
told you, “Indeed! You will rise up in a fight against a man with
whom you will have done wrong.”
Zubayr: Yes! I have recalled these words of the Prophet of
Allah! I wish, I had recalled them before. Now I will not fight
with you at all.
After this conversation, both armies backed off and path of
conciliation was paved. Zubayr announced his separation from
the army. Although some people of his group taunted him but he
did not care because he had remembered the words of the Holy
Prophet and could not disobey him. He parted from his army and
went towards as-Siba valley. On his way, he came across the
army of Ahnaf ibn Qays but no one questioned him. However,
one vile and malign provoking man, Amr ibn Jarmouz started
chasing him. When Zubayr noticed him, he asked him the reason
of his chase. He made an excuse that he was chasing him so he
could ask him a question. Salat time had approached, therefore
Zubayr prepared to offer salat. While Zubayr was offering salat,
Amr ibn Jarmouz attacked and martyred him. He then escaped
from there, stealing Zubayr‟s horse, weapons and ring. When he
proudly told Ahnaf ibn Qays about what he had done, Ahnaf
said, “Allah knows better whether you did the right thing or
wrong.” Then Amr went to the camp of Ali and told the guard to
relay his message to Ali that the murderer of Zubayr would like
to meet him.
Ali said to the guard, “Allow him to come in, giving the news of
his place in hell.”
During the war, an arrow hit Talhah‟s foot, piercing his vein so
deep that he was bleeding terribly. Due to excessive blood loss,
he was feeling very feeble and was in acute pain. His servant
took him to Basra but on the way he fainted and soon passed
away due to excessive bleeding.
Ka‟b ibn Sur who had taken Aisha to the battlefield out of
sincerity to restrain Muslims from shedding blood, stopped her
camel at a prominent place in the battlefield. On seeing her, the
rebellious group that had mingled in Ali‟s army turned their
arrows towards her. Seeing this, the people of Basra who had
backed off earlier, returned to the battlefield. This instigated
horrendous war which resulted in thousands of fatalities.
The Mother of the Believers told Ka‟b, “Leave the camel! Go to
the centre of battlefield with Quran and invite them towards the
ordainment of Book of Allah.”
Ka‟b followed her order, raised the Holy Book of Allah with
respect and went to the battlefield. Why would the rebels want
the decision following the command of Quran because then they
would certainly be punished. Therefore, they started shooting
spears at Ka‟b and martyred the Companion of the Prophet who
was the well-wisher of his umma.
Ali sincerely wanted to end the battle. He thought that as long as
the Mother of Believers was in the battlefield on her camel, the
battle would not stop. He could see that the people were giving
their lives crazily in front of her camel like moths plunge into the
flames. Ali appointed a group to make the camel sit down in any
condition even if they had to hamstring the camel.
On Ali‟s ordain some people attacked the camel and cut off its
hamstrings. As soon as the camel fell screaming, the war slowly
began to end.
It is also said that on the ordain of Qa‟qa, a man named Bajir ibn
Waljah cut the hamstrings of the camel. Anyways, this action
was not based on hostility rather it was done prudently as the
intention behind it was to stop the war. When the camel fell, the
brother of Aisha, Mohammad ibn Abu Bakr and Ammar ibn
Yasir carried her howdah to a safe place where there was no one.
Ali then went to her and had a dialogue:
Ali ibn Abi Talib gave this answer to Abu Salama Doulani when
they were having a conversation about reconciliation and there
was quite a possibility of it.
Jafar al-Sadiq narrates that Ali said the following about the ones
who fought against him:
“We did not fight because they called us infidel. They thought
that they were right and so did we.” (Qurb al-Isnad)
possession of the water of river Euphrates. Ali also set his army
in the field of Siffin in front of the Syrian army. They faced
difficulty in obtaining water from the river since the Syrian army
had seized it. Ali sent a message to let them have access to
water. When Ameer Muawiya agreed to give them access, Walid
ibn Uqba and Ibn Abi Sarh opposed and said:
“Torment them by keeping them thirsty the way they tormented
When Syrians did not agree to give access to water, this provoked
a fight between the Syrian and Iraqi troops. The Syrians were
defeated and Ali captured the river and then made it accessible
for both armies. Hence, both the troops equally quenched their
Both forces were encamped opposite to one another, but the
battle did not start. Both armies were taking water from the same
place which led to their meetings. This continued for over two
months. Ali sent Bashir ibn Amr and Shabath ibn Ribi at-Tamimi
as his envoys to invite Ameer Muawiya towards obedience and to
pledge allegiance. Bashir ibn Amr after praising Allah, said, “In
the name of Allah, I request you to refrain from dividing Muslims.
Abstain from shedding blood.”
Muawiya: Did you advise the same to your friend Ali as well?
Bashir: He is not like you?
Muawiya: What do you mean?
Bashir: I mean, he is more eligible for caliphate because of his
early acceptance of Islam and kinship to the Prophet of Allah.
Muawiya: Then what do you suggest?
Bashir: Adopt the path of truth towards which he is calling you.
After arbitration, the Islamic caliphate was practically divided
among two sections. When Amr ibn al-As reached Syria, Muawiya
took pledge of allegiance from people. He ruled Syria, Palestine
and the conquered areas of Rome. Later on, he also conquered
On the other side, Ali was the elected Caliph and his capital was
Kufa. He also ruled Basra, Hijaz and the conquered areas of Iran.
The division of the caliphate terribly harmed the dignity and
honour of the Muslims. The Iranians took advantage of the
situation and instigated anarchy. Under such circumstances, Ali
and Muawiya were forced to agree on the term that both will
restrict their military movements to their own areas. After this
agreement, Ali crushed the revolts arising from the Iranians.
People who parted from Ali ibn Abi Talib after the Battle of
Siffin are called the kharijites in history. This was the first sect
or group who seceded from umma.
In the previous pages you have read that when the Syrians raised
the Holy Quran on their spears and appealed to obey the order of
Quran as their strategy to stop war so as to save themselves from
defeat, Ali opposed it and ordered his army to remain steadfast
and continue to combat. However, the soldiers contravened the
order and stopped the battle. Though Ashtar insisted to continue
but Ashath ibn Qays and his fellows, Masar bin al-Fadki Tamimi
and Zayd ibn Hassain at-Tai started threatening. Therefore, Ali
had to cease the battle and agree upon arbitration. Later on, these
people insisted to annul the arbitration and call off the truce.
However, Ali refused to breach the agreement. At that point, the
people who seceded from Ali were called the kharijites. Initially,
twelve thousand people parted from Ali and went to Harura
where they pledged allegiance to Shabath ibn Ribi at-Tamimi.
Some historians believe, they pledged allegiance to Abdullah ibn
Wahb. Most of the kharijites belonged to the clans of Tamim,
Bakr and Hamdan.
In the matters of religion, considering humans as arbitrators
is infidelity. Those who do so and accept the decisions of
arbitrators are infidels.
Ali and Muawiya, both are excluded from Islam (God forbid).
It is lawful to combat against them.
All Muslims are equal in rank.
Caliphate is not essential. An elected group of governors
must run the government.
The ultimate ruler is only Allah.
Abu Bakr and Umar were the righteous Caliphs.
Revolt against Usman was lawful.
women were with him. When the kharijites recognized him, they
seized him and asked:
Kharijites: What do you say about Abu Bakr?
Abdullah: He was the Companion of the Holy Prophet, truthful
and the rightful Caliph.
Kharijites: How was Umar?
Abdullah: He was the successor of Abu Bakr, Companion of the
Prophet and the rightful Caliph.
Kharijites: What are your thoughts about Usman?
Abdullah: He was Du an-Nurayn and the rightful Caliph.
Kharijites: What do you say about his last era. Was it lawful or
unlawful to revolt against him?
Abdullah: It was a cruel act against the rightful Caliph.
Kharijites: What are your thoughts about Ali?
Abdullah: He is the son-in-law of the Holy Prophet. He is the
rightful Caliph and among the first people to adopt Islam.
Kharijites: Do you know about his decision of accepting the
arbitration of Abu Musa and Amr ibn al-As?
Abdullah: The decision of the Leader of Believers was right in
every way.
On hearing this, the kharijites were outraged. They attacked
Abdullah and slaughtered him. They also slashed the abdomens
of the women who were with him. When this news reached Ali,
he was busy in preparations to attack Syria. His heart bled in
tears especially when he heard how kharijites tortured Abdullah.
Immediately, he sent Harith ibn Marah al-Abdi to investigate the
matter but the kharijites martyred him as well.
Ali postponed his attack on Syria and advanced towards
kharijites. On reaching Nahrawan, he demanded kharijites to
Ali said, “Neither do I ordain about it nor stop you from doing
When Ali felt that he had reached his last moments, he called his
children and advised them such words of wisdom that are truly
like the foundation of sacred religion Islam. He said:
I advise you to always fear from Allah.
Do not fall for the world even if it comes to you fully
adorned with wealth and riches.
Do not get upset at not being able to attain a worldly object.
Always say and support the truth.
Be kind towards orphans.
Help the needy.
Always oppose the cruel and help the oppressed.
Practise upon the teachings of the Holy Quran and do not be
afraid of those who reproach on following the orders of Allah.
In his last moments on 21st Ramadan 40 AH, he advised Hasan
and Husayn to be kind towards their younger brother Mohammad
ibn al-Hanafiyyah and advised him to obey and respect the elder
brothers. After that he remained silent for some time. Then he
opened his eyes, recited the shahada and passed away.
َ ۤ َّ ّّٰ َ ّ
)2:756( ﴾﴿ ِانا لِل ِہ َو ِانا ِال ۡی ِہ ّٰر ِج ُعوۡ َن
Meaning: Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.
رسہمریمیآوھکنںاکےہاخکدمہنی وفجن
Explanation: I adorn my eyes with the dust of Madina and Najaf
(the resting places of Prophet Mohammad and Ali ibn Abi Talib
Ali ibn Abi Talib was brought up and trained under the affection
of the Holy Prophet. Naturally, he adopted the best attributes
from the Holy Prophet and was the embodiment of greatest
morals, as is the Persian phrase:
Undoubtedly, Ali was extremely valiant and the man of action.
However, he is ranked very high as regards excellence in
knowledge as well. He was an unfathomed ocean of knowledge.
Following Hadith is sufficient to prove his eminence in knowledge:
ٌ ْ ْ َُ ََ
)7364،7365،7366 انا َم ِدیْنۃ ال ِعل ِم َو َع ِل ّی بَابُ َہا (ادتسملارک
Meaning: I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its door.
(Mustadrak 4637, 4638, 4639)
He had not only learnt the Holy Quran by heart but also had full
command on its exegesis. He had an incomparable eloquence in
made contentment and asceticism the basic part of his life. Being
oblivious of the comfort of soft bedding, Ali once was sleeping
on the ground and dust covered his body. Prophet Mohammad
saw him in this state and blessed him the with title of Abu Turab
(Father of Soil).
When Prophet Mohammad accepted Ali‟s proposal to marry his
beloved daughter Fatimah tuz-Zahra, Ali did not have any cash
to carry out the expenses of marriage. Thus, Ali sold his armour
to Usman ibn Affan to give mehr. He did not own a house either
so a well-off Companion, Harithah ibn al-Nu‟man who had
several houses, pleasingly gifted a house to Ali. His financial
conditions were so bad that sometimes he could not provide food
for the family. Fatimah tuz-Zahra, the Lady of Paradise, used to
do all house chores herself. She did not have a maid. Ali himself
carried water from the well and his beloved wife ground wheat
in the millstone herself. She would get blisters in her hand
because of such strenuous work. When they had financially good
times, even then they often survived only on barley bread. One
of Ali‟s guests was astonished to see that he presented him lavish
food but himself ate dry chunks of barley bread dipped in water.
Surviving on barley bread has become eternally associated with
Ali. Iqbal, grieved about the deteriorating condition of Muslims,
asks Allah in his poetry to grant them the strength similar to that
of Ali. He says:
left to find work. In the suburbs of Madina an old lady hired him
to water her fields in exchange of just a handful of dates. The
king of Faqr and such modesty! Indeed, his inward was repleted
with the treasure of piety, abstinence, contentment and patience.
The lifestyle of Ali ibn Abi Talib was very simple. Every aspect
of his life was a sample of simplicity, be it dressing, food or
living style. He took very less and simple food. Often he was
satiated with a few chunks of barley bread. Sometimes he
consumed dry pieces of bread dipping them in water and was
often seen eating barley bread with salt only. Once his daughter
brought him barley bread, a bowl of milk and salt. Ali returned
the bowl of milk saying that barley bread and salt were
sufficient. Sometimes eating merely a few dates was enough for
Ali. Once someone presented him with a bowl of Faluda40, Ali
gazed at it for a few moments and then said:
“You smell good, look appealing and taste delicious but I do not
want to become habituated to you.”
During his caliphate, a bedouin once came to his house for
financial aid. Ali was not home so Hasan welcomed him and
presented lavish food. Meanwhile, Ali also arrived and started
eating his meal in the courtyard of the mosque. The bedouin
witnessed that a man was eating dry pieces of bread dipping
them in water. He said to Hasan, “I do not like that I consume
lavish food while the man over there eats dry bread dipped in
water. Please invite him to have meal with me.” Hasan replied
with teary eyes, “Please you have the meal, he will not join you.
He is my father Ali, Leader of the Believers.” After meal when
the bedouin was sent to meet Ali, he aided him fully and the man
left pleased.
A sweet creamy beverage with vermicelli.
Ali not only consumed simple food but also donned simple
clothes. He had only one shawl which was not even big enough
to cover his whole body. If he covered his head with the shawl,
the toes were exposed and if he covered toes, his head was
exposed. He had a very ordinary house in Madina. He was
content with it and never wished for a better house. He hated
luxurious mansions. During his caliphate, when he moved from
Madina to Kufa, he preferred to camp in an open field instead of
residing in the Caliph House. When people expressed their
astonishment, he said, “Umar ibn Khattab also looked down
upon grand mansions and I also do not need them.”
He was a very simple and down to earth man and avoided
formalities. When tired, he did not hesitate to sleep on the earthen
The world is full of attractions and man is naturally drawn
towards them. The world traps man in its deception and forces
him to follow its directions. However, the people whose inward
is filled with Divine love do not pay any head to the attractions
of the world. Love of the world can never sustain in their inward.
Ali ibn Abi Talib is among such chosen men of Allah who remain
uninclined towards worldly attractions. They cannot affect them
even a little bit. In the solitude of night, several times Ali was
heard addressing the world in these words:
“Do you come to me adorned with attractions and try to allure
me? I have separated you forever. You are short lived. Your
company is despicable. You are easy to kill. Alas! Provisions for
the journey are less. It is a long journey ahead and the path is
As per the saying of the Holy Prophet, Ali also called the world
carrion. Just like it is unlawful to consume carrion, it is unlawful
for a believer to seek the world freeing himself from the worry of
the hereafter and abandoning Divine love. Since the dogs pounce
at the carrion, therefore Ali compared the lovers of the world to
the dogs. Regarding the world, Ali‟s following great words of
wisdom are famous:
“World is a carrion. Whoever wants to attain world should get
prepared to be in the company of dogs.”
Ali was so indifferent to the world that even after several years
of his marriage to Fatimah, there was no addition in the basic
household items that Fatimah had brought with her as dowry.
The dowry of the beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet only
consisted of:
A charpoy, a leather mattress stuffed with the date leaves,
waterskin, a spouted leather bottle, two millstones, two clay pots
and that‟s it!
Ali ibn Abi Talib used to spend his nights staying up for
adorations. Worshiping Allah was the purpose of his life. He got
this devotion from his master, Prophet Mohammad. While
standing before his Creator to offer salat, he became so oblivious
to the world that he did not remain aware of even himself. Once
an arrow pierced so deep in his body that it got difficult to take it
out. He suggested to take it out while he was offering salat.
Hence, the same was done and when the arrow was taken out he
did not mutter even once in pain. Zubayr ibn Sa‟id relates that
amongst the people of Hashim tribe no one worshipped more
than Ali. When he adorned the seat of Caliph, there was no
lessening in his devotions. He stayed busy in resolving the
matters of state throughout the day and stayed up all night in
prostrating his Holy Lord.
Ali was very much devoted to fasting as well. He not only fasted
during the month of Ramadan but also in other days. Sometimes
he did not have any food for breaking the fast so he would break
his fast merely with water or dates and thank Almighty Allah.
Aisha bint Abi Bakr says, “Ali was very devoted to prayers and
fasting. He was the hafiz of Quran.” It is said that he would
recite the whole Quran while riding the horse.
His state of humility and fear of Allah was such that when the
salat time approached, he would become restless, his face
expressions changed and he would shiver in the fear of standing
before Allah. Once a fellow asked him about this state, he
replied, “Salat is the time to return the Trust of Allah. The Trust
that skies, earth and mountains refused to bear. My inward is
perturbed with the fear whether I would be able to justify bearing
the Trust or not.”
that time, Ali was only nine years old, he was feeble and sick but
his inward was enlightened with the light of love for the Prophet.
He fearlessly got up and declared his support for the Prophet.
At the time of migration, Prophet Mohammad asked Ali to sleep
on his bed and questioned him, “The infidels are outside with
their unsheathed sharp swords, waiting for the sun to rise, what if
they mistakenly kill you?”
Just listen to the answer of the lover of the Prophet! He said:
“O Prophet of Allah! I am happy to sacrifice my life for your life
and my soul for your soul. I value my life only if it is spent in
your service.”
Imagine the depth of Ali‟s love for the Prophet! His love is not
limited to the boundaries of the physical world rather he is happy
to sacrifice his soul for the soul of his beloved.
In the battle of Uhad when this sincere lover of the Prophet could
not find him and heard the rumour of his martyrdom, he was
struck with extreme dismay. His life became worthless to him.
Thus, he jumped among the non-believers swirling his Dhu al-
Fiqar in the air. He continued to advance recklessly piling up
dead bodies on his way. He then saw his master surrounded by
the infidels. Seeing this, he attacked the infidels like a lion and
compelled them to go away from the Prophet. The Apostle of
Allah smiled at his unique style of devotion and said, “Ali is
from me and I am from Ali.”
At the time of writing the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, Suhayl ibn
Amr objected on writing „Prophet of Allah‟ with the name of the
Holy Prophet. The Prophet asked Ali to erase the title, to which he
said, “O master! How can my pen dare to do such impudence!”
Then Prophet Mohammad took pen from him and erased those
words himself.
Hospitality was considered a virtue of the Arabs even in the days
of ignorance. The Prophet of Allah promoted it even more
through his good morals. Ali who was brought up under the kind
attention of the Holy Prophet, had cultivated this virtue to the
level of excellence just like other virtues of the Holy Prophet.
Whenever a guest visited Ali‟s home, he always served him
wholeheartedly. He considered guests as the blessing of Allah
and was saddened when there were no guests.
One day Ali was weeping, when someone asked the reason, he
“I am weeping because it has been seven days since I have no
Ali ibn Abi Talib donated in the way of Allah very generously
and never returned any beggar empty handed. He always helped
others regardless of his own needs. Once he was fasting. It was
almost time to break the fast when someone knocked at his door.
On answering the door, he found out that there was a beggar at
the door who was hungry. He gave the meal that was prepared
for him to break the fast to the beggar. He then broke his fast by
drinking water only and thanked Allah.
One can understand the extent of Ali‟s generosity from the
incident that once someone praised the generosity of Hatim al-
Tai and shared an instance that a mendicant begged at the door
of Hatim al-Tai, he granted him alms but then the beggar went to
other door where Hatim al-Tai gave him more. The beggar then
went to his third and fourth door and Hatim al-Tai granted him at
every door. On hearing this, Ali said, “This is not a big deal.
Excellence is to grant the beggar so much on the very first time
that his desire is fulfilled and he has no need to ask anymore.”
Once his wife Fatimah bint Mohammad, the Lady of Paradise,
had an acute illness. She had the craving to eat pomegranate. Ali
was coming home after buying the pomegranate when a beggar
beseeched him. Ali gave him the pomegranate and walked home
empty handed. After a little while, someone knocked at the door.
When Ali answered, a man was standing at the door who
presented him some pomegranates. Ali counted, there were nine
pomegranates. Ali returned them to the man saying they were
not for him. The man said, “At first you took the pomegranates
but why have you returned them after counting?” Ali replied, “I
donated one pomegranate. I have faith in the promise of Allah
that he will grant me ten in return of one.”
The man smiled and said, “You are right! I had ten pomegranates
but I took one out to test you.”
ruler then the rule is also a trust of the nation. If you have
knowledge then that is also a trust in your possession. As far as
the standard to judge the trustworthiness of a trustee is
concerned, it is that if someone holds power then he must use it
for the welfare of the people who have elected him or for
whosoever he is appointed over. If one holds someone‟s secret
then he should not reveal it. If a man is entrusted someone‟s
wealth or property then he should not be dishonest in keeping it.
Just like other virtues of the Prophet, the virtues of
trustworthiness and honesty were also embedded in Ali‟s nature.
Because of these qualities, at the time of migration, Prophet
Mohammad made Ali the trustee to return the valuables of the
people of Quraish on his behalf. Ali guarded them all night and
despite the fact that the infidels of Makkah were not just the
enemies of Prophet Mohammad but had animosity against him
as well, he ensured to safely return all the valuables and then
headed towards Madina.
During his caliphate, Ali was extremely careful in using the
money from the treasury. Once, because of the poor financial
state of Ali, his servant Qanbar took some expensive utensils
from the treasury to use in Ali‟s house. When Ali found about it,
he reproached the servant and said, “Return the utensils. Do you
want to push me towards destruction?”
Meaning: Allah only intends to remove rijs from you, O
People of the Cloak (of the Prophet, [even a doubt]) and
make you absolutely pure and clean by blessing you with
(perfect) purity and wholesomeness. (33:33)
Ali ibn Abi Talib, Fatimah bint Mohammad, Hasan ibn Ali
and Husayn ibn Ali came. The Prophet covered all of them
with his cloak and looked towards the sky and prayed twice,
The Arabic word rijs ( )ارسجis interpreted by different exegetists as:
Abu Zayd relates that in the verse rijs means Satan.
Ibn Atyah says, “Rijs refers to sin, torment, impurities and weaknesses. Allah has
saved People of the Cloak from all such things.”
Ibn Arabi has written in nineteenth chapter of al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya, “Since the
Prophet is pure in his essence therefore Allah kept him and People of the Cloak pure in
every respect and made them impeccable. In Arab every impure, flawed and undesirable
thing is referred to as rijs.”
Ismail relates from his father Abdullah ibn Jafar that when
the Holy Prophet was blessed with revelation of the verse 33
of sura al-Ahzab, he said, “Call them! Call them!” Safiyya
asked, “Whom should I call O Prophet?” He said, “My
family; Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn.” Hence they were
called and the Prophet placed his cloak upon them, raised his
hands and prayed, “O Allah! This is my progeny. Bless
Mohammad and his progeny.” (Mustadrak 4709)
Sa‟d ibn Abi Waqqas relates that when the verse 33 of sura
al-Ahzab was revealed, the Holy Prophet covered Ali ibn
Abi Talib, Fatimah-tuz-Zahra, Hasan and Husayn under his
cloak and said, “O Allah! They are People of the Cloak and
are from me.” (Mustadrak 4708)
First of all, Ali ibn Abi Talib sought from the Holy Prophet
the easiest and the quickest way of reaching Allah. The
Prophet waited for the revelation so Angel Gabriel came and
taught shahada thrice. The Holy Prophet repeated after him
in the same way. Then Prophet Mohammad taught shahada
to Ali ibn Abi Talib and then to all of his Companions and
said, “We return towards the greater jihad from the minor
one.” Greater jihad is a fight against one‟s self. Once the
Holy Prophet said to some of his Companions, “Your biggest
enemy is your own self (nafs42) which lies between your two
sides.” One cannot win love of Allah unless he defeats his
esoteric enemies that are inciting self, repenting self and the
inspiring self. (Moreover, one cannot achieve closeness of
Allah) unless he is purified of all the undesirable traits like
gluttony, undue sleep, absurd talk and bestial habits like
fighting, abusing, aggression, and satanic attributes like
ignorance, vanity, jealousy, enmity and other such exoteric
and esoteric evils. When a person gets rid of all these vices
then roots of sin are eliminated from his being and he is
counted among the purified and sanctified ones as Allah
َ ُ َ ُ ّ ّ َُّ ّ ّٰ َ
(2:222)﴾﴿الت ّوَ ِابی ۡ َس َو یُ ِح ّب الۡمُ َتط ِّہرِیۡ َن ِان اللہ ی ِحب
Meaning: Undoubtedly, Allah loves those who repent much
and He loves those who keep themselves thoroughly pure
and clean. (2:222)
Self is for the Quranic word an-nafs and it has four layers or levels. Each layer
annihilates and is elevated to the next level upon its purgation. The first layer incites man
towards sin therefore it is called „inciting self‟ (an-nafs al-ammarah). On purification it
elevates to the next layer which blames and repents on committing sin. It is called
„repenting self‟ (an-nafs al-lawwamah). The third layer inspires before sin hence the
name „inspiring self‟ (an-nafs al-mulhimah). Whereas fourth layer is pure of sins and is at
peace. It is called „self at peace‟ (an-nafs al-mutmainnah). The self is an abode of worldly
and heavenly desires and is a veil between Allah and His slave. The seeker is blessed
with the vision of Allah only when this veil is removed on the purgation of self.
The person who repents only from the exoteric sins is not
counted among the thoroughly clean and pure ones mentioned
in the verse. He is repentant but not truly because perfect
repentance is the attribute of chosen ones only (who sincerely
repent from all the exoteric and esoteric sins). Such chosen
ones are completely forgiven. The person who only repents
from exoteric sins is like a person who cuts only the stems of
the wild growing grass instead of uprooting it. Such cutting
results in more vigorous growth. On the contrary, the one
who repents from all his exoteric and esoteric sins as well as
all the satanic and undesirable behaviours is like a person
who cuts the wild grass from root which rarely grows again.
After a complete and perfect repentance, the source of
persuasion (Ism-e-Allah Zaat) removes everything other than
Allah from the inward of the seeker. Certainly! The person
who has not removed the bitter plant can never replace it with
the sweet one. O seeker of the Divine vision! Learn lesson
from it so you achieve success and reach the destination. (Sirr
al-Asrar Chapter 5)
It is related that first of all Ali ibn Abi Talib sought Faqr
from the Holy Prophet. He said to him, “O Messenger of
Allah! Please tell the quickest and the easiest path to Allah?”
The Holy Prophet said, “Invoke Allah‟s name continuously in
solitude.” Ali ibn Abi Talib asked, “How should it be
invoked?” The Holy Prophet said, “Close your eyes and
listen to me invoking thrice and then repeat it.” The Holy
Prophet closed his eyes and recited shahada thrice in a loud
voice. Ali ibn Abi Talib closed his eyes and heard then
repeated it in the same way three times. Since then this
invocation continued among Mystics. (Rehan-ul-Quloob, Sharif-
This proves that the Holy Prophet granted the esoteric persuasion
of shahada to Ali ibn Abi Talib before everyone else and took
him to the station of Oneness of Allah.
This shows that the turban was handed over to Ali ibn Abi Talib
as a trust and it was meant to be transferred to umma through him,
by his will and order.
Jabir ibn Abdullah relates that when the following verse was
َ ُ ۡ ۡ ۤ َّ
(13:7)﴾﴿ِانمَا اَن َت ُمن ِذ ٌر ّ َو ل ِک ِ ّل قوۡ ٍم َہا ٍد
Meaning: (O Mohammad)! You are the warner (to the
disobedient) and the guide to every community. (13:7)
Prophet Mohammad put his hand on his own chest and said,
“I am the warner.” Then pointing towards Ali ibn Abi Talib
he said, “You are the guide. The seekers of the right path
will gain guidance from you.”
Ibad bin Abdullah Al-Asadi relates that Ali ibn Abi Talib said
while explaining the verse “(O Mohammad)! You are the
warner (to the disobedient) and the guide to every community”
that “In this verse, „the warner‟ is the Holy Prophet and I am
„the guide‟.” (Mustadrak 4646)
Hasan of Basra is the famous successor of Ali from whom all his
mystic orders started and continued. There were many
successors of Hasan of Basra, among them two are more
prominent, Shaikh Abdul Wahid ibn Zayd and Shaikh Habib
Ajmi. Because of their spiritual beneficence, fourteen mystic
orders were formed, five from Abdul Wahid and nine from
Shaikh Habib Ajmi. All of these orders now collectively exist in
Qadri order, Suhrawardi order and Chishti order. The Qadri
order is ranked above all the orders because of Faqr.
Hasan ibn Ali is the last and the fifth Rashidun Caliph. He was
the eldest son of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fatimah bint Mohammad
and the grandson of Prophet Mohammad sall’Allahu alayhi
wa’alihi wasallam. The virtues of Hasan ibn Ali are so many that
it is hard to confine them in a description. Hasan ibn Ali and
Husayn ibn Ali, whom Prophet Mohammad called the two
flowers of his garden, were by no means less than one another in
their proximity to the Holy Prophet. The Hadiths of the Holy
Prophet express his equal love for both of them. He named them
and fed both with his sacred saliva at the time of their birth,
performed their aqiqah43 and expressed equal joy on their births.
They were fortunate to be the riders of Prophet Mohammad‟s
shoulders and played in his lap. He concentrated equally on their
brought up and training. He expressed about them, “Hasan and
Husayn are from me.” The Holy Prophet also said, “O Allah I
love them, so You also love them.”
The Holy Prophet called them both the leaders of youth of the
In physical appearance both Hasan and Husayn bore
resemblance to the Holy Prophet. According to the traditions of
the Companions of the Holy Prophet, Hasan ibn Ali‟s face
resembled the sacred countenance of the Holy Prophet while
Husayn ibn Ali resembled the Prophet from chest to feet. After
Prophet Mohammad passed away, when Companions used to
become restless for his vision, they beheld Hasan and Husayn
making them stand side by side. In their vision, they gained the
An Islamic tradition of sacrificing animal (sheep or goat) on the occasion of a child‟s
Umar ibn Khattab relates that the Holy Prophet said, “Hasan
and Husayn are the leaders of the youth in paradise.”
(Tabarani 2534)
Hasan ibn Ali was born on the night of first Ramadan 3 AH in
Madina. Yusuf bin Ismail Nabhani writes his date of birth as
15th Ramadan 3AH.
After his birth, the Holy Prophet asked Ali ibn Abi Talib what
had he named his son. Ali responded that he named him Harab.
Prophet Mohammad said, “No! He is Hasan.” According to
some traditions, Prophet Mohammad remained silent, then Angel
Gabriel came and said, “Salutations of Allah for you and a
message from Him to name him Hasan.” Thus, the Holy Prophet
named him Hasan.
Hasan ibn Ali spent six years and four months under the kind
attention of the Holy Prophet and was trained by sacred mother
Fatimah bint Mohammad for seven years. His father Ali ibn Abi
Talib graced him with beneficence for thirty-seven years. It is
obvious that getting nurtured in the shadow of these sacred
personalities ingrained same virtues in Hasan ibn Ali as these
personalities themselves had.
Several traditions verify the Holy Prophet‟s extreme love and
affection for Hasan ibn Ali.
Abu Hurairah narrates, “Hasan ibn Ali is beloved to me
since the time I saw him putting his fingers in the Holy
Prophet‟s beard and the Holy Prophet was putting his tongue
in Hasan‟s mouth and was saying, „O Allah I keep him
beloved, You also make him Your beloved‟.”
not ride them. So much so, his feet would swell due to walking.
He used to say, “I feel embarrassed to go in Allah‟s majestic
court on a ride.”
The people who accompanied him would dismount their rides
out of his respect, but he would tell them, “You do not have to
do this as many among you are weak.” When they hesitated,
Hasan insisted them to change their route so that they would not
hesitate to travel to Makkah on their rides.
Al-Suyuti says that Marwan was an arch-enemy of Hasan ibn Ali
and used to torture him in different ways. He even used insolent
words against him but in response Hasan always remained silent
and let go of it. When Hasan ibn Ali passed away, Marwan wept
bitterly. Husayn ibn Ali asked him, “You used to cause him pain
with your oppression, why do you cry now?” He replied, “I
oppressed the one whose forbearance was as strong as the
Once Hasan ibn Ali was having a meal with some friends, a
slave brought a bowl of curry. The bowl dropped from his hands
and curry fell on Hasan. Seeing this the slave got nervous and
recited the first part of verse 134 of sura aal-Imran:
َ َْ ْ َْ
َوالکا ِظ ِمی َس الغ ْیظ
Meaning: The ones who sublimate their anger.
Listening to it, Hasan ibn Ali said, “I have sublimated my anger.”
The slave then recited the next part of the verse:
َّ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ
ِ والعافِیس ع ِن الن
Meaning: And tolerate (the faults of the) people.
Hasan ibn Ali said, “I forgave you.”
Traditions are the witness that Hasan ibn Ali never returned
anyone empty-handed from his court and the door of his generosity
always remained open. Ali ibn Usman al-Hajveri writes in Kashf-
Hasan ibn Ali performed many heroic deeds in Ali ibn Abi
Talib‟s era of caliphate. The victory in Battle of the Camel owes
to his swordsmanship. He also showed war skills in the Battle of
Siffin. Hasan was one among the people who guarded the house
of Usman ibn Affan for many days to protect him from the
rioters. He supplied food and water to Usman‟s house carrying
them on his back.
them pure.” Hasan ibn Ali repeated these words to the point that
everyone began to cry.
When Muawiya came to Kufa, he requested Hasan ibn Ali to
inform people of what settled between them. At this, Hasan ibn
Ali delivered an extempore sermon. After the praise of Allah, he
“O people! Allah guided you to the right path through our
predecessors and will forgive you through our successors. Wise
is the one who fears Allah while the evildoer is helpless. The
issue of caliphate regarding which I and Muawiya had differences,
either he is more deserving or I am. I withdraw from my right for
Allah‟s will as well as to reform the umma of Prophet Mohammad
and to protect your blood.” Then Hasan turned towards Muawiya
and said:
“I am not aware but maybe it is a trial for you and an advantage
for a certain time.”
When Hasan ibn Ali separated himself from physical caliphate
for Allah‟s will, Allah blessed him and his family with the
spiritual caliphate (Faqr). This way physical caliphate (governance)
and spiritual caliphate separated from each other and never
became one till date.
After withdrawing from the caliphate, Hasan ibn Ali came to
Madina and involved himself in religious activities. According to
a tradition, Muawiya fixed Hasan‟s annual allowance as one lakh
dirham. He spent major part of it in the way of Allah and himself
led a simple life with contentment.
Hasan ibn Ali had so much regard for the words of the Holy
Prophet (my son will end the conflict between two Muslim
groups) that when he was poisoned, which led to his death, he
did not reveal the name of the assassin to avoid starting a conflict
again between Muslims on the issue of retribution of his murder.
When Husayn ibn Ali asked him the name of the assassin, Hasan
said, “What would you do after knowing the name?” Husayn
replied, “I shall punish the criminal.” Hasan ibn Ali said, “If my
suspicion is correct, Allah will punish the criminal Himself and
if it is incorrect then I do not find it suitable to arrest anyone for
a sin he has not committed.” Hence, he did not reveal the name
of his murderer. People made different speculations. At times
they blamed Hasan‟s wife Ja‟da bint al-Ash‟at and other times
suspected that it happened on the consent of Muawiya. Allah
knows the truth! If Hasan ibn Ali himself avoided to mention the
name of the murderer, there must be a reason behind it. Hence
umma must also avoid speculations.
Hasan ibn Ali died in 49 AH. There are different opinions
regarding the month of his death, some books mention Rabi al-
Awwal while others state Safar . However, most historians agree
on Safar. Even, there are contradictions regarding the date of
death, either it is 7th Safar or 28th Safar. According to Tehzeeb-
ul-Tehzeeb, entire Madina mourned the sorrowful death of Hasan
ibn Ali. The streets were silent. Abu Hurairah was grieving in
the Prophet‟s Mosque and saying:
“O people! Cry your eyes out today as the beloved of Prophet
Mohammad left the world.”
He is buried in Jannat al-Baqi.
Hasan ibn Ali named his two sons after the first two Rashidun Caliphs which shows
his love and respect for them.
ؓ دل ںیم ےہ ھجم ےب لمع ےک داغ قشع الہ
دیحار ےھجم
ؓ ڈوھڈنات رھپات ےہ لظ دانم
Explanation: Though I have no good deed but my inward is
blessed with ardent love for People of the Cloak. That is why,
Ali ibn Abi Talib himself protects me.