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RULES OF THE BALL GAME so long as they are behind their team mate who


is participating in the “slap ball” (in other words,

on their side of the court).
Pitz is played by 2 teams of 4 players
each, though it may be played by more in some
The use of magic, weapons and racial magical
scenarios as long as both teams have even
abilities (like misty step) are strictly forbidden in
numbers. The game is played with a 6 inch
the ball game. Participants may also not use any
diameter solid rubber ball made from native
other form of movement such as flying or
rubber trees.
burrowing while playing.
The first team to 3 points wins the game. The GAME MECHANICS DURING PLAY

best out of 3 wins a match.

Start by rolling initiative.
Throwing the ball into your opponent's goal
earns you one point. Throwing the ball through a Note that every check in this section that is
vertical ring earns your team 3 points - an given an unassigned DC Ability check, is the
automatic victory for that game. Shots can player’s choice of either Strength (Athletics) or
only be attempted from inside the associated Dexterity (Acrobatics) as some player’s use
zones (i.e. from within 20 feet of a goal, or 10 finesse, while others try to muscle their way to
feet of a vertical ring). victory.


The game begins with one player from each side Each team picks one player to go to center court
coming to center court at the cross mark. A to participate in the “slap ball.” Each player
referee holds the ball at the game’s start within makes a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, the
the palm of his hand. On his whistle, each player player with the higher score successfully knocks
attempts to smack the ball out of his hand, the ball back to a team mate of their choice.
backwards towards one of their team-mates.
This “slap ball” procedure is repeated to get the ACTIONS
ball back into play after a goal, or if it is ever Actions are basically the same rules as in
knocked into the grandstands. This is the only combat. Players can move, dash, disengage,
time a player may touch the ball with his hand attack (though the only attack allowed is a
on offense. shove/check), steal, block, pass, dribble and
The ball can be advanced by touching it with DRIBBLE
any part of your body except feet and hands. The A player must succeed on a DC 7 check to get
ball can be advanced by “dribbling” it on one's the ball under control to dribble it with their
knees in sort of a high-stepping motion, or with knees or elbows. If successful the player can
their elbows by bouncing it off the court. The then move, but their movement is slowed by 5
ball is more commonly advanced via passing. feet (dribbling a hard rubber ball is tougher than
Opponents may use any part of their body, just running straight ahead).
including feet and hands, to intercept a pass or A player can choose to move more carefully
block a shot. However, they may not grasp the when dribbling which negates the DC 7 check.
ball at any point. In this case, the player takes a penalty of ½ of
Shoving or “checking” is totally legal, and a their movement
fan favorite part of the game.
POSITIONING As in combat, the same rules apply.
Players may begin the game wherever they like,
PASS loose ball
A player must succeed on a DC 10 check to pass
the ball. The ball can be passed 30 feet. For RING SHOT
every increment of 5 feet beyond 30, add 2 to Players may attempt to score on either vertical
the DC. On a failed check, the ball is fumbled ring. Any player within the 10 foot strike/attack
and is now a loose ball in that player’s square. zone of a vertical ring can attempt a shot. Given
Any other player within reach can obtain the ball the circular nature of the attack zone, players
as a bonus action. only need to be standing partially in the circle
Passes can be bent up to 45 degrees at a cost of (representing at least one foot in the attack
½ the travel distance. Passes can also be zone). A successful DC 25 check or a natural 20 is
bounced off the sidewalls and ricochet in a required to put the ball through the ring and score.
direction the passer intends at a cost of ½ the A failed check results in the ball being fumbled, it
passes travel distance. which case it is now a loose ball in that player’s
square and any other player within reach can
RECEIVE A PASS obtain the ball as a bonus action.
Receiving a pass is done as a reaction to a ball Missed shots on a ring result in the ball being
coming into a player's zone, and thus doesn’t fumbled in front of the ring and it becomes a
take an action or movement. To receive a pass a loose ball
player must succeed on a DC 7 check to
successfully receive and control a pass. On a BLOCKING A SHOT
failed check the ball is fumbled and is now a As a reaction, any player within reach of a
loose ball in that player’s square, any other player shooting, or within reach of a player’s
player within reach can obtain the ball as a target, can attempt to block with a DC 17 check.
bonus action. On a successful block the player who blocked
the ball can deflect the ball 10 feet in any
INTERCEPTING A PASS direction or gain its possession. On a failed
As a reaction, a player can intercept a pass with check, it may be blocked by another defender
a DC 17 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check when within reach, or it reaches its intended target –
the ball goes through a square within their reach. possibly resulting in a score.
If the ball actually passes through the square the
player is occupying, they have advantage on the SHOVING/CHECKING
roll. Players may shove opposing players as they
would in combat. The shoving player must use
STEALING THE BALL Strength (Athletics) versus the “victim’s”
Any player within reach of the player possessing Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
the ball can attempt to steal it. Each player save (victim’s choice). If the shove succeeds the
makes a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, the player who was shoved is knocked prone.
winner now possesses the ball. On a steal
attempt the player who started with the ball has
advantage on the check. HELP
Much as it is in combat, players can help one
GOAL SHOT another. If a player is within reach of a
Any player within the 20 foot strike/attack zone teammate they can help them on their next
may attempt a shot on goal. It is a DC 12 check action, providing advantage to that player’s
to shoot accurately on goal which is slightly check. This assistance is thematically something
more difficult than simply advancing the ball. A like setting a pick or perhaps lifting a teammate
failed check results in the ball being fumbled, it up into the air to help them get a shot off over
is now a loose ball in that player’s square and the other contestants.
any other player within reach can obtain the ball
as a bonus action. DELAY
Missed shots on goal result in the ball being As in combat, a player can delay their turn in
fumbled in front of the goal and it becomes a initiative and trigger it as a specified time.
well worth paying if you’ve just scored a Ring
Players can run up the side walls, up to ½ their A tactical move that often leads to a Ring Shot
speed, with a DC17 Dexterity (Acrobatics) is if Player A possesses the ball, while Player B
check. This has multiple uses - a player can wall attempts the Wall Run. Player A delays their
run to be out of the reach of an opponent's action until Player B is in position. Player A
opportunity attack. More notably though wall then fires a pass to Player B who can still
runs are often used to help score Ring Shots. A receive the pass and attempt to shoot it through
player can attempt to wall run, receive a pass the ring.
and then shoot a ring shot. A Ring Shot
attempted from a position on the wall is at OPPORTUNITY ATTACKS
advantage unless of an opponent has also done a As in combat, be careful crossing through your
successful wall run and is within reach. A player opponent's reach, he may shove you over!
who finishes their turn on the side of the wall
falls prone, which is often considered a price
Dream mechanics:
 Dream points (cost; DC):
o 4 + cha modifier per level (minimum 1)
o Prof in lucid dreaming: +2 pr. level
o +5 point og -2 DC hvis man er skaberen af drømmen
o Mimic skill (4): Prof i en skill i en runde. DC 12 for en skill man kunne have valgt, DC 15 for
alle andre
o Mimic feat (4): DC 17
o Mimic spell effect (2 per spell level, 1 for cantrip): 12+spell level for class spell, 15+spell
level for alle andre spells
o Vågne op (3): DC 12
o Modify reality (speciel; Speciel)
 Mindre personlig ændring (hårfarve, ændring i tøj) (5); DC 10
 Større personlig ændring (Få en rustning til at forsvinde) (10); DC 15
 Mindre ændring i miljøet (Skabe en dør i en mur) (15); DC 20
 Større ændring i miljøet (Skabe en mur til at forsejle en gårdsplads) (20); DC 25
Team Gnome!

Spd.: 25

Player Dex str Sleight of hand Acrobatics Athletics

1 15 10 +4 +4 +0
2 16 12 +3 +5 +1
3 14 10 +2 +4 +0
4 13 9 +1 +3 -1

Player 1 går efter bolden i starten

Gnomerne ved, at de ikke står mange chancer. Der går derefter et mirakel og forsøger at skyde bolden
igennem ringen for en hurtig sejr.

Team Human!

Spd.: 30

Player Dex Str Sleight of hand Acrobatics Athletics

1 16 12 +5 +5 +1
2 11 18 +0 +0 +6
3 15 11 +4 +4 +2
4 17 9 +3 +5 -1

Player 1 går efter bolden i starten

Player 2 elsker at shove modstanderne

Holdet går efter at skyde i ringen hvis modstanderne når 2 point, og de selv ikke har 2 point.

Spiller 3 har en d8 inspiration die

Team Moar Humans!

Spd.: 30

Player Dex Str Sleight of hand Acrobatics Athletics

1 20 10 +7 +7 +0
2 14 15 +2 +2 +4
3 12 15 +1 +1 +4
4 13 16 +1 +1 +5

Player 1 går efter bolden i starten. Player 1 er en tabaxi. Holdets navn er blot for at narre fjenden

De andre spillere er mere fysiske, og går gerne efter at nedlægge spillere, så player 1 kan løbe i mål

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